[Bast-commits] r3159 -
blblack at dev.catalyst.perl.org
blblack at dev.catalyst.perl.org
Fri Mar 30 16:42:17 GMT 2007
Author: blblack
Date: 2007-03-30 16:42:17 +0100 (Fri, 30 Mar 2007)
New Revision: 3159
refactoring top-level loading code with an eye towards the ability to add new tables at runtime
Modified: branches/DBIx-Class-Schema-Loader/current/lib/DBIx/Class/Schema/Loader/Base.pm
--- branches/DBIx-Class-Schema-Loader/current/lib/DBIx/Class/Schema/Loader/Base.pm 2007-03-30 06:09:38 UTC (rev 3158)
+++ branches/DBIx-Class-Schema-Loader/current/lib/DBIx/Class/Schema/Loader/Base.pm 2007-03-30 15:42:17 UTC (rev 3159)
@@ -241,60 +241,58 @@
sub _load_external {
- my $self = shift;
+ my ($self, $class) = @_;
- foreach my $class ($self->schema_class, values %{$self->classes}) {
- my $class_path = $class;
- $class_path =~ s{::}{/}g;
- $class_path .= '.pm';
+ my $class_path = $class;
+ $class_path =~ s{::}{/}g;
+ $class_path .= '.pm';
- my $inc_path = $self->_find_file_in_inc($class_path);
+ my $inc_path = $self->_find_file_in_inc($class_path);
- next if !$inc_path;
+ return if !$inc_path;
- my $real_dump_path = $self->dump_directory
- ? Cwd::abs_path(
- File::Spec->catfile($self->dump_directory, $class_path)
- )
- : '';
- my $real_inc_path = Cwd::abs_path($inc_path);
- next if $real_inc_path eq $real_dump_path;
+ my $real_dump_path = $self->dump_directory
+ ? Cwd::abs_path(
+ File::Spec->catfile($self->dump_directory, $class_path)
+ )
+ : '';
+ my $real_inc_path = Cwd::abs_path($inc_path);
+ return if $real_inc_path eq $real_dump_path;
- $class->require;
- croak "Failed to load external class definition"
- . " for '$class': $@"
- if $@;
+ $class->require;
+ croak "Failed to load external class definition"
+ . " for '$class': $@"
+ if $@;
- # If we make it to here, we loaded an external definition
- warn qq/# Loaded external class definition for '$class'\n/
- if $self->debug;
+ # If we make it to here, we loaded an external definition
+ warn qq/# Loaded external class definition for '$class'\n/
+ if $self->debug;
- # The rest is only relevant when dumping
- next if !$self->dump_directory;
+ # The rest is only relevant when dumping
+ return if !$self->dump_directory;
- croak 'Failed to locate actual external module file for '
- . "'$class'"
- if !$real_inc_path;
- open(my $fh, '<', $real_inc_path)
- or croak "Failed to open '$real_inc_path' for reading: $!";
- $self->_ext_stmt($class,
- qq|# These lines were loaded from '$real_inc_path' found in \@INC.|
- .q|# They are now part of the custom portion of this file|
- .q|# for you to hand-edit. If you do not either delete|
- .q|# this section or remove that file from @INC, this section|
- .q|# will be repeated redundantly when you re-create this|
- .q|# file again via Loader!|
- );
- while(<$fh>) {
- chomp;
- $self->_ext_stmt($class, $_);
- }
- $self->_ext_stmt($class,
- q|# End of lines loaded from '$real_inc_path' |
- );
- close($fh)
- or croak "Failed to close $real_inc_path: $!";
+ croak 'Failed to locate actual external module file for '
+ . "'$class'"
+ if !$real_inc_path;
+ open(my $fh, '<', $real_inc_path)
+ or croak "Failed to open '$real_inc_path' for reading: $!";
+ $self->_ext_stmt($class,
+ qq|# These lines were loaded from '$real_inc_path' found in \@INC.|
+ .q|# They are now part of the custom portion of this file|
+ .q|# for you to hand-edit. If you do not either delete|
+ .q|# this section or remove that file from @INC, this section|
+ .q|# will be repeated redundantly when you re-create this|
+ .q|# file again via Loader!|
+ );
+ while(<$fh>) {
+ chomp;
+ $self->_ext_stmt($class, $_);
+ $self->_ext_stmt($class,
+ q|# End of lines loaded from '$real_inc_path' |
+ );
+ close($fh)
+ or croak "Failed to close $real_inc_path: $!";
=head2 load
@@ -306,9 +304,44 @@
sub load {
my $self = shift;
- $self->_load_classes;
+ # First, use _tables_list with constraint and exclude
+ # to get a list of tables to operate on
+ my $constraint = $self->constraint;
+ my $exclude = $self->exclude;
+ my @tables = sort $self->_tables_list;
+ if(!@tables) {
+ warn "No tables found in database, nothing to load";
+ }
+ else {
+ @tables = grep { /$constraint/ } @tables if $constraint;
+ @tables = grep { ! /$exclude/ } @tables if $exclude;
+ warn "All tables excluded by constraint/exclude, nothing to load"
+ if !@tables;
+ }
+ # Save the tables list
+ $self->{_tables} = \@tables;
+ # Set up classes/monikers
+ {
+ no warnings 'redefine';
+ local *Class::C3::reinitialize = sub { };
+ use warnings;
+ $self->_make_src_class($_) for @tables;
+ }
+ Class::C3::reinitialize;
+ $self->_setup_src_meta($_) for @tables;
$self->_load_relationships if ! $self->skip_relationships;
- $self->_load_external;
+ $self->_load_external($_)
+ for ($self->schema_class, values %{$self->classes});
$self->_dump_to_dir if $self->dump_directory;
# Drop temporary cache
@@ -476,87 +509,70 @@
-# Load and setup classes
-sub _load_classes {
- my $self = shift;
+# Create class with applicable bases, setup monikers, etc
+sub _make_src_class {
+ my ($self, $table) = @_;
my $schema = $self->schema;
my $schema_class = $self->schema_class;
- my $constraint = $self->constraint;
- my $exclude = $self->exclude;
- my @tables = sort $self->_tables_list;
- warn "No tables found in database, nothing to load" if !@tables;
+ my $table_moniker = $self->_table2moniker($table);
+ my $table_class = $schema_class . q{::} . $table_moniker;
- if(@tables) {
- @tables = grep { /$constraint/ } @tables if $constraint;
- @tables = grep { ! /$exclude/ } @tables if $exclude;
+ my $table_normalized = lc $table;
+ $self->classes->{$table} = $table_class;
+ $self->classes->{$table_normalized} = $table_class;
+ $self->monikers->{$table} = $table_moniker;
+ $self->monikers->{$table_normalized} = $table_moniker;
- warn "All tables excluded by constraint/exclude, nothing to load"
- if !@tables;
- }
+ { no strict 'refs'; @{"${table_class}::ISA"} = qw/DBIx::Class/ }
- $self->{_tables} = \@tables;
+ $self->_use ($table_class, @{$self->additional_classes});
+ $self->_inject($table_class, @{$self->additional_base_classes});
- foreach my $table (@tables) {
- my $table_moniker = $self->_table2moniker($table);
- my $table_class = $schema_class . q{::} . $table_moniker;
+ $self->_dbic_stmt($table_class, 'load_components', @{$self->components}, qw/PK::Auto Core/);
- my $table_normalized = lc $table;
- $self->classes->{$table} = $table_class;
- $self->classes->{$table_normalized} = $table_class;
- $self->monikers->{$table} = $table_moniker;
- $self->monikers->{$table_normalized} = $table_moniker;
+ $self->_dbic_stmt($table_class, 'load_resultset_components', @{$self->resultset_components})
+ if @{$self->resultset_components};
+ $self->_inject($table_class, @{$self->left_base_classes});
- no warnings 'redefine';
- local *Class::C3::reinitialize = sub { };
- use warnings;
+# Set up metadata (cols, pks, etc) and register the class with the schema
+sub _setup_src_meta {
+ my ($self, $table) = @_;
- { no strict 'refs'; @{"${table_class}::ISA"} = qw/DBIx::Class/ }
+ my $schema = $self->schema;
+ my $schema_class = $self->schema_class;
- $self->_use ($table_class, @{$self->additional_classes});
- $self->_inject($table_class, @{$self->additional_base_classes});
+ my $table_class = $self->classes->{$table};
+ my $table_moniker = $self->monikers->{$table};
- $self->_dbic_stmt($table_class, 'load_components', @{$self->components}, qw/PK::Auto Core/);
+ $self->_dbic_stmt($table_class,'table',$table);
- $self->_dbic_stmt($table_class, 'load_resultset_components', @{$self->resultset_components})
- if @{$self->resultset_components};
- $self->_inject($table_class, @{$self->left_base_classes});
+ my $cols = $self->_table_columns($table);
+ my $col_info;
+ eval { $col_info = $self->_columns_info_for($table) };
+ if($@) {
+ $self->_dbic_stmt($table_class,'add_columns',@$cols);
+ else {
+ my %col_info_lc = map { lc($_), $col_info->{$_} } keys %$col_info;
+ $self->_dbic_stmt(
+ $table_class,
+ 'add_columns',
+ map { $_, ($col_info_lc{$_}||{}) } @$cols
+ );
+ }
- Class::C3::reinitialize;
+ my $pks = $self->_table_pk_info($table) || [];
+ @$pks ? $self->_dbic_stmt($table_class,'set_primary_key',@$pks)
+ : carp("$table has no primary key");
- foreach my $table (@tables) {
- my $table_class = $self->classes->{$table};
- my $table_moniker = $self->monikers->{$table};
+ my $uniqs = $self->_table_uniq_info($table) || [];
+ $self->_dbic_stmt($table_class,'add_unique_constraint',@$_) for (@$uniqs);
- $self->_dbic_stmt($table_class,'table',$table);
- my $cols = $self->_table_columns($table);
- my $col_info;
- eval { $col_info = $self->_columns_info_for($table) };
- if($@) {
- $self->_dbic_stmt($table_class,'add_columns',@$cols);
- }
- else {
- my %col_info_lc = map { lc($_), $col_info->{$_} } keys %$col_info;
- $self->_dbic_stmt(
- $table_class,
- 'add_columns',
- map { $_, ($col_info_lc{$_}||{}) } @$cols
- );
- }
- my $pks = $self->_table_pk_info($table) || [];
- @$pks ? $self->_dbic_stmt($table_class,'set_primary_key',@$pks)
- : carp("$table has no primary key");
- my $uniqs = $self->_table_uniq_info($table) || [];
- $self->_dbic_stmt($table_class,'add_unique_constraint',@$_) for (@$uniqs);
- $schema_class->register_class($table_moniker, $table_class);
- $schema->register_class($table_moniker, $table_class) if $schema ne $schema_class;
- }
+ $schema_class->register_class($table_moniker, $table_class);
+ $schema->register_class($table_moniker, $table_class) if $schema ne $schema_class;
=head2 tables
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