[Bast-commits] r3264 - in trunk: . Infobot-DBIC Infobot-DBIC/brains
Infobot-DBIC/docs Infobot-DBIC/graveyard Infobot-DBIC/lib
Infobot-DBIC/lib/Infobot Infobot-DBIC/lib/Infobot/Plugin
Infobot-DBIC/scripts Infobot-DBIC/t
Infobot-DBIC/t/config_files Infobot-DBIC/t/lib
jshirley at dev.catalyst.perl.org
jshirley at dev.catalyst.perl.org
Tue May 8 19:01:45 GMT 2007
Author: jshirley
Date: 2007-05-08 19:01:37 +0100 (Tue, 08 May 2007)
New Revision: 3264
Initial checkin of Infobot w/ the DBIC backend.
Added: trunk/Infobot-DBIC/INFOBOT_BUGS
--- trunk/Infobot-DBIC/INFOBOT_BUGS (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Infobot-DBIC/INFOBOT_BUGS 2007-05-08 18:01:37 UTC (rev 3264)
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+Things that are bugs in infobot that we're replicating but should probably be fixed
+20:13 < sheriff> purl, foobar
+20:13 < purl> foobar is Friend's Of O'Reilly's bar or a bad spelling of FUBAR
+20:13 < sheriff> purl, foo what bar
+20:13 < purl> foobar is Friend's Of O'Reilly's bar or a bad spelling of FUBAR
+ IN: It's unpleasant without being even slightly titillating, and there's only so much WTF I can take.
+OUT: It's unpleasant without being even slightly titillating, and there's only so much
+21:50 < sheriff> purl, what country .in?
+21:50 < purl> .in is, like, india
+21:50 < mmlj4-work> purl, .in?
+21:50 < purl> i guess .in is india
+21:50 < sheriff> purl, what country .in
+21:50 < purl> .in is india
+11:26 < sheriff> purl, metasyntactic variables are my arse
+11:26 < purl> ...but metasyntactic variables is foo, bar, baz, barf, quux,
+ garbleflux or moo baa oink quack cluck warn die...
+11:26 < purl> ...but metasyntactic variables are foo, bar, baz, barf, quux,
+ garbleflux or moo baa oink quack cluck warn die...
+10:41 < hex> purl, computers are also our tin masters
+10:41 < purl> okay, hex.
+10:41 < purl> OK, hex.
Added: trunk/Infobot-DBIC/MILESTONES
--- trunk/Infobot-DBIC/MILESTONES (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Infobot-DBIC/MILESTONES 2007-05-08 18:01:37 UTC (rev 3264)
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+Milestone 1:
+ Milestone Goals:
+ * Provide developers with a platform they can hack on
+ Core:
+ - 100% code coverage
+ - 100% docs coverage
+ - Plugin writing tutorial
+ - Log writing tutorial
+ - Conduit writing tutorial
+ - Data source writing tutorial
+ * SVN repository
+ Plugins
+ Logs
+ - File
+ * ANSI Log
+ Conduits
+ * IRC
+ - Email
+ - Console
+ DataSources
+ * HTTP client
+ * DBIxClass
+ Queries
+ * Greeting
+ - Factoids
+ * RSS
+ - Karma
+Milestone 2:
+ Milestone Goals:
+ * Support purl on Magnet
+ Development Goals:
+ * Add in decent support for help functions
+ Plugins:
+ * Port all plugins
Added: trunk/Infobot-DBIC/Makefile.PL
--- trunk/Infobot-DBIC/Makefile.PL (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Infobot-DBIC/Makefile.PL 2007-05-08 18:01:37 UTC (rev 3264)
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+ use strict;
+ use warnings;
+ use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
+ my %config = (
+ NAME => 'Infobot',
+ );
+ my %prerequisites = map { $_ => '' } qw(
+ POE::Component::Client::HTTP
+ POE::Component::IRC
+ POE::Wheel::ReadLine
+ File::Basename
+ DBIx::Class
+ DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader
+ DBD::SQLite
+ HTTP::Request
+ UNIVERSAL::require
+ YAML::Syck
+ );
+ WriteMakefile(
+ %config,
+ PREREQ_PM => \%prerequisites
+ );
Added: trunk/Infobot-DBIC/TODO
--- trunk/Infobot-DBIC/TODO (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Infobot-DBIC/TODO 2007-05-08 18:01:37 UTC (rev 3264)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ - Get Factoid coverage to 100%
+ - Get Infobot.pm to 100% coverage
+ - Move everything to Daemon::Class
+- Statement Parsing
+- Refactor Factoids.pm
+- Put continuity in conduit
+- Fix karma implementation
+- Make joining the network a little more robust
Added: trunk/Infobot-DBIC/brains/factoids.db
(Binary files differ)
Property changes on: trunk/Infobot-DBIC/brains/factoids.db
Name: svn:mime-type
+ application/octet-stream
Added: trunk/Infobot-DBIC/docs/TODO
--- trunk/Infobot-DBIC/docs/TODO (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Infobot-DBIC/docs/TODO 2007-05-08 18:01:37 UTC (rev 3264)
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+* Every plugin should have information about how to configure it in POD
+* Every base class should have a pointer to the 'How to write an x' docs
+* Infobot::Base should document the stash, and what lives in it
+* Infobot::Log should briefly explain how the multiplexer works, and how to write a log
+* Infobot::Pipeline should really point to how to write a query
Added: trunk/Infobot-DBIC/docs/developer_overview.pod
--- trunk/Infobot-DBIC/docs/developer_overview.pod (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Infobot-DBIC/docs/developer_overview.pod 2007-05-08 18:01:37 UTC (rev 3264)
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+=head1 NAME
+Infobot - Developer's Overview
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+This document provides an overview for a developer interested in getting
+involved with Infobot development. It describes the main application startup
+process, and considerations that apply to the application as a whole.
+=head1 INFOBOT.PM
+The application is started by calling L<Infobot>'s C<start> method with a
+filename relating to a config file. The config file essentially lists which
+plugins should be loaded, and any configuration options for them.
+=head2 Loading process
+Several steps are taken loading a plugin. The process is slightly different
+depending on the plugin class (C<log>, C<database>, C<conduit>, C<datasource>,
+C<query>), but basically consists of:
+=head3 require
+We attempt to load the class in to C<perl> using L<UNIVERSAL::require> -
+it's very similar to the process of saying C<use Infobot::YourModule> - we
+throw a fatal error if the module can't be loaded in this way.
+=head3 load
+Every class in the application should inherit from L<Infobot::Base>, which
+provides some useful tools.
+=head2 load
+Every class which is loaded via the configuration file (which is probably any
+class you're likely to write) will be tested to see if it can be included - the
+result of C<load>
+=head2 new
+So that any errors or issues can be related to a specific object, the object
+instantiator is intended to be as lightweight as possible. L<Infobot::Base>
+provides a very lightweight instantiator, which you really don't need to
+override - any setup should be done in C<init>, which brings us to...
+=head2 init
+C<init> is where object setup which might normally be placed
+Plugin division
+How logging work
+How the pipeline works
+How the config works
+How POE fites in
\ No newline at end of file
Added: trunk/Infobot-DBIC/docs/how_to_write_a_conduit.pm
--- trunk/Infobot-DBIC/docs/how_to_write_a_conduit.pm (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Infobot-DBIC/docs/how_to_write_a_conduit.pm 2007-05-08 18:01:37 UTC (rev 3264)
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+=head1 NAME
+How to write a conduit
+A conduit is a method for getting queries in to the C<infobot>,
+and spitting out replies. The most obvious is an IRC server,
+but there's no reason that any two way data source can't be
+turned in to a conduit.
+C<infobot> uses L<POE> to avoid blocking between various IO
+requests. While the code is written in such a way as to hide
+L<POE> as far as possible from developers building simple plugins,
+building a conduit will definitely require it, so some familiarity
+with L<POE> is required for this tutorial.
+=head1 A BAD IDEA
+Wouldn't it be great to be able to interact with infobot via email?
+C<infobot> makes some assumptions about your components. The first
+of these is that you have a C<load()> method which returns true or
+false depending on if the system is capable of running your
+component. In almost every case, this involves checking for the
+availability of modules.
+We're going to be using L<Email::Folder>, L<Email::Delete>, L<Email::Address> and
+L<Email::Send>. Luckily, L<Infobot::Base> has a method to make
+it very easy to check for required modules, and what's more, it'll
+autmoatically check your package for an array containing these
+modules. Even better, it's called C<load()>, so you don't even
+need to define C<load()> in most modules.
+FINALLY, L<POE> is definitely available to you, and will
+export some useful stuff in to our namepace, so we C<use>
+it explicitly.
+ package Infobot::Conduit::Mail;
+ use strict;
+ use warnings;
+ # Import new() and a useful load()
+ use base qw( Infobot::Conduit ); # Specialised subclass of Infobot::Base
+ # Modules we'll be needing
+ our @required_modules = qw(Email::Folder Email::Delete Email::Send Email::Address);
+ # Load POE explicitly
+ use POE;
+Our conduit is going to need some external data to set up properly -
+an email address and name to send from, a subject line to use, an
+incoming mailbox to monitor, AND a frequency for monitoring. And
+we're going to want this from the configuration file that runs
+The convention for adding modules in to the configuration file is
+nice and simple. This is a C<conduit>, so it sits under the conduit
+section. We need to define a C<class> for it, and any C<extras> we
+like. An example will make this clear:
+ conduit:
+ 'Bad Idea Email':
+ class : Infobot::Conduit::Mail
+ extras:
+ server : localhost
+ from : 'infobot <infobot at clueball.com>'
+ subject : Infobot Reply
+ mailbox : /home/sheriff/Maildir/infobot/
+ frequency : 10
+This is L<YAML>. It's a bitch with whitespace being non-perfect, so
+be careful. C<Bad Idea Email> is how we talk about the component,
+C<class> is the package which provides it, and you freestyle the
+C<extras> to whatever you want.
+At this point, we almost have a working component. All that's left
+is ...
+=head1 INIT
+Components are given a chance to do any set up once they're loaded
+in their C<init> method. The C<init> method is passed the name of
+the component (so: C<Bad Idea Email> in this case), and is expected
+to return 1 on success.
+You can use this name, to access the configuration values you set.
+There's a long way and an easy way. We're interested in the easy
+ $self->set_name( shift() );
+This sets C<<$self->{name}>> appropriately, and makes everything
+from C<extras> available in C<<$self->{config}>>.
+So to make this a workable module, let's add a very simple C<init()>
+method which doesn't do anything... So that we get some output, we're
+going to write to the log. The log is available through any subclass
+of C<Infobot::Base> as C<log>. Pass it a priority and a message -
+you can find a list of priorities in L<Infobot::Log>. We're going to
+set our priority to 2 - a serious error - just so it shows up:
+ # Setup
+ sub init {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->set_name( shift() );
+ $self->log( 2, "We will be reply to mail as $self->{config}->{from}" );
+ return 1;
+ }
+Add it in, fire up C<infobot>! Amongst other lines, I get:
+ [Infobot] 4. Loading conduit [Bad Idea Email] [Infobot::Conduit::Mail]
+ [<::Base] 2. We will be reply to mail as Infobot <infobot at clueball.com>
+=head1 INPUTS
+How to get email in to the C<infobot>? We're going to go with polling
+a mailbox every so often, and using the subject lines of any mail we
+find as queries, and then delete the email.
+To do this nicely, every x seconds, without blocking, we're going to
+use L<POE>. As this tutorial requires a good knowledge B<of> L<POE>,
+we'll be skipping over how it works... What we do need, is to set up
+a session in our C<init> block, and post our first event to it...
+ # Setup
+ sub init {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->set_name( shift() );
+ POE::Session->create(
+ object_states => [
+ $self => [qw( poll _start )],
+ ]
+ );
+ return 1;
+ }
+So far so good. We're now going to need to define a C<_start> method,
+and a C<poll> method - the method that we're going to set up to run
+periodically. C<_start> just needs to call poll for the first time:
+ sub _start {
+ # We'll give everything 15 seconds to load... Remember $poe_kernel
+ # has been provided by the POE module automatically...
+ $poe_kernel->delay_set( poll => 15 );
+ }
+The C<poll> method is a little more complicated, so let's just make
+it print a message for the time being...
+ sub poll {
+ my ( $self ) = $_[ OBJECT ];
+ $self->log( 2, "Polling" );
+ $poe_kernel->delay_set( poll => $self->{config}->{frequency} );
+ }
+And let's set it to run! I get the output:
+ [<::Base] 2. Polling
+ [<::Base] 2. Polling
+ [<::Base] 2. Polling
+Great news!
+This document isn't about using the Email modules, so you'll just
+have to trust the following routine rewrite of C<poll()>that you
+need to add, blindly. B<This will delete all mail it finds in the
+target mailbox>.
+ sub poll {
+ my ( $self ) = $_[ OBJECT ];
+ my $folder = Email::Folder->new( $self->{config}->{mailbox} );
+ for my $email ( $folder->messages ) {
+ my ($address) = Email::Address->parse( $email->header('from') );
+ $self->process(
+ name => $address->phrase,
+ email => $address->address,
+ text => $email->header('subject')
+ );
+ my $message_id = $email->header('Message-ID');
+ Email::Delete::delete_message(
+ from => $self->{config}->{mailbox},
+ matching => sub {
+ my $message = shift;
+ $message->header('Message-ID') =~ $message_id;
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ $poe_kernel->delay_set( poll => $self->{config}->{frequency} );
+ }
+Let's write a light-weight C<process> method at this point so we
+can see this code in action.
+ sub process {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %options = @_;
+ $self->log( 2, "$options->{name} from $options->{email} said $options->{text}" );
+ }
+And run it! You'll need to arrange for some mail to find its way in to your infobot mail store for this to happen tho...
+=head1 SAY
Added: trunk/Infobot-DBIC/graveyard/Catchup.pm
--- trunk/Infobot-DBIC/graveyard/Catchup.pm (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Infobot-DBIC/graveyard/Catchup.pm 2007-05-08 18:01:37 UTC (rev 3264)
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+package Infobot::Plugin::Core::Catchup;
+ use strict;
+ use warnings;
+ use base (qw(Infobot::Plugin));
+ use HTTP::Request::Common;
+ use Infobot::Stash; my $stash = Infobot::Stash->new();
+ use Infobot::Clients::HTTP;
+ use POE;
+ sub init {
+ my $self = shift;
+ POE::Session->create(
+ object_states => [ $self => [qw(response _start make_request)] ],
+ );
+ }
+ sub _start {
+ my $kernel = $_[ KERNEL ];
+ $kernel->alias_set('plugin_core_catchup_session');
+ }
+ sub make_request {
+ my $kernel = $_[ KERNEL ];
+ $kernel->post( @{ $_[ARG0] } );
+ }
+ sub process {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $message = shift;
+ # We don't care if this isn't public
+ return undef unless $message->{public};
+ if ( $message->{message} =~ m/^catchup/ ) {
+ if ( $stash->{irc_conduit}->{log}->{$message->context->{location}} ) {
+ # Get the data
+ my $catchup = join "\n", @{ $stash->{irc_conduit}->{log}->{$message->context->{location}} };
+ # Create the HTTP request
+ my $request = POST 'http://paste.husk.org/paste', [ channel => '', summary => $message->context->{location}, nick => $message->{who}, paste => $catchup ];
+ $poe_kernel->post( 'plugin_core_catchup_session' => 'make_request',
+ [
+ 'poe_component_client_http',
+ 'request',
+ 'response',
+ $request,
+ $message
+ ]
+ );
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return undef;
+ }
+ sub response {
+ my ( $request_object, $response_object ) = @_[ ARG0, ARG1 ];
+ my $message = $request_object->[1];
+ my $response = $response_object->[0];
+ # Private response
+ $message->{public} = 0;
+ my $content = $response->content;
+ unless ( $response->is_success ) {
+ $message->say("Interaction with paste.husk.org failed :-(" );
+ return undef;
+ }
+ unless ($content =~ m!["'](http://paste.husk.org/\d+)["']!) {
+ $message->say("Can't find a URL in paste.husk.org's response" );
+ return undef;
+ }
+ $message->say("Catch up available at: $1?tx=on");
+ return undef;
+ }
Added: trunk/Infobot-DBIC/graveyard/Fetch.pm
--- trunk/Infobot-DBIC/graveyard/Fetch.pm (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Infobot-DBIC/graveyard/Fetch.pm 2007-05-08 18:01:37 UTC (rev 3264)
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+package Infobot::Plugin::Query::Fetch;
+ use strict;
+ use warnings;
+ use base (qw(Infobot::Plugin::Query::Base::HTTP));
+ sub process {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $message = shift;
+ if ( $message->{message} =~ m/^fetch (\S+)\s*$/ ) {
+ $self->request( HTTP::Request->new(GET => $1 ) );
+ return 1;
+ } else {
+ return undef;
+ }
+ }
+ sub response {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $message, $response ) = @_;
+ my $content = $response->content;
+ my ($title) = $content =~ m!<title>(.+)</title>!igm;
+ unless ( $response->is_success ) {
+ warn("$content");
+ }
+ $message->say( 'Title: ' . $title );
+ }
Added: trunk/Infobot-DBIC/graveyard/Gender.pm
--- trunk/Infobot-DBIC/graveyard/Gender.pm (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Infobot-DBIC/graveyard/Gender.pm 2007-05-08 18:01:37 UTC (rev 3264)
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+package Infobot::Plugin::Query::Gender;
+ use strict;
+ use warnings;
+ use base qw( Infobot::Plugin::Query::Base::DBIxClass );
+ our @columns = qw( name male female );
+ sub process {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $message = shift;
+ my $text = $message->message;
+ if ( $text =~ m/^gender (?:for )?(.+)/ ) {
+ my $name = $1;
+ my $stats = $self->dbi->find( $name );
+ if ( $stats ) {
+ $message->say( $stats->name . ' is ' . $stats->male .'/'. $stats->female );
+ } else {
+ $message->say( $name . 'not found' );
+ }
+ return 1;
+ } else {
+ return undef;
+ }
+ }
Added: trunk/Infobot-DBIC/graveyard/README
--- trunk/Infobot-DBIC/graveyard/README (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Infobot-DBIC/graveyard/README 2007-05-08 18:01:37 UTC (rev 3264)
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+The code in here is code that was hacked together for development,
+but isn't finished yet, and not meant to be in Milestone 1, so rather
+than delete it, we're putting it out of the way here...
Added: trunk/Infobot-DBIC/graveyard/infobot.conf
--- trunk/Infobot-DBIC/graveyard/infobot.conf (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Infobot-DBIC/graveyard/infobot.conf 2007-05-08 18:01:37 UTC (rev 3264)
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+alias : surl
+ 'Pretty Terminal Colours':
+ class : Infobot::Plugin::Log::PrettyConsole
+ level : 9
+# 'File':
+# class : Infobot::Plugin::Log::File
+# level : 9
+# extras:
+# filename : logfile
+ 'DBIxClass':
+ class : Infobot::Plugin::Query::Client::DBIxClass
+ alias : dbix
+ extras:
+ dsn : dbi:SQLite:dbname=infobot.db
+ user : infobot
+ pass : infobot
+# 'HTTP':
+# class : Infobot::Plugin::Query::Client::HTTP
+# alias : poe_http
+# extras:
+# Agent : Infobot v1.0
+# Timeout : 15
+# 'Testing Conduit':
+# class : t::conduit001
+# 'Bad Idea Email':
+# class : Infobot::Plugin::Conduit::Mail
+# extras:
+# server : localhost
+# from : 'surl <surl at clueball.com>'
+# subject : Infobot Reply
+# mailbox : /home/sheriff/Maildir/infobot/
+# frequency : 10
+# 'Freenode':
+# class : Infobot::Plugin::Conduit::IRC
+# extras:
+# server : irc.efnet.net
+# nick : surl
+# port : 6667
+# ircname : New Now Know How
+# channels :
+# '#surl' :
+# addressing : 1
+# 'MagNET IRC':
+# class : Infobot::Plugin::Conduit::IRC
+# extras:
+# server : cou.ch
+# nick : surl
+# port : 6667
+# ircname : sheriff's infobot replacement
+# channels :
+# '#surl' :
+# addressing : 0
+# '#pvoice' :
+# addressing : 0
+# '#perl' :
+# addressing : 1
+# ignore :
+# - 'purl.*'
+# - 'buubot.*'
+# - 'dipsy.*'
+# - 'CPAN.*'
+ 'Console':
+ class : Infobot::Plugin::Conduit::Console
+# 'Gender':
+# class : Infobot::Plugin::Query::Gender
+# priority : 1000
+# extras :
+# table : gender
+# db : dbix
+# 'Greeting':
+# class : Infobot::Plugin::Query::Greeting
+# priority : 1000
+# 'RSS':
+# class : Infobot::Plugin::Query::RSS
+# priority : 1000
+# extras :
+# http_client : poe_http
+# 'Karma':
+# class : Infobot::Plugin::Query::Karma
+# priority : 2000
+# 'Fetch':
+# class : Infobot::Plugin::Query::Fetch
+# priority : 2000
+# extras :
+# http_client : poe_http
+# 'Catchup':
+# class : Infobot::Plugin::Query::Catchup
+# priority : 2000
+ 'Factoids':
+ class : Infobot::Plugin::Query::Factoids
+ priority : 0
+ extras :
+ table : facts
+ db : dbix
Added: trunk/Infobot-DBIC/infobot
--- trunk/Infobot-DBIC/infobot (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Infobot-DBIC/infobot 2007-05-08 18:01:37 UTC (rev 3264)
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+ use strict;
+ use warnings;
+ use lib 'lib';
+ use Infobot;
+ my $config_file = $ARGV[0];
+ unless ( $config_file ) {
+ print "USAGE: ./infobot config_file\n";
+ exit;
+ }
+ Infobot->start( $config_file );
Property changes on: trunk/Infobot-DBIC/infobot
Name: svn:executable
+ *
Added: trunk/Infobot-DBIC/lib/Infobot/Base.pm
--- trunk/Infobot-DBIC/lib/Infobot/Base.pm (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Infobot-DBIC/lib/Infobot/Base.pm 2007-05-08 18:01:37 UTC (rev 3264)
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+=head1 NAME
+Infobot::Base - Useful methods for Infobot modules
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ package Infobot::YourModule;
+ use base qw( Infobot::Base );
+ our @required_modules = qw( Your::Deps::Here );
+ package main;
+ die unless Infobot::YourModule->load();
+ my $object = Infobot::YourModule->new();
+This module provides some useful tools that are required by most
+of the other Infobot components.
+package Infobot::Base;
+ use strict;
+ use warnings;
+ use UNIVERSAL::require;
+ no strict 'refs';
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 mk_accessor et al
+Inherits from L<Class::Accessor>.
+ use base qw(Class::Accessor);
+ our $stash = {};
+=head2 new
+This application has been designed with the idea that a new
+method should be as lightweight as possible, with all
+initialisation done explicitly with an C<init()> method.
+This implementation of C<new()> is about as simple as it gets -
+will return a hashref blessed in to your class.
+ sub new {
+ my $package = shift;
+ return bless {}, $package;
+ }
+=head2 load
+C<infobot> calls the C<load()> method on all packages it
+would like to use. This allows a module to check for module
+dependencies, and anything else it would like. It should
+return 1 if the plugin can be used, and 0 if not.
+The default C<load> module here simply returns the result
+of an empty call to C<require_modules> (so allows you to
+set module dependencies in C<@modules_dependencies>.
+ sub load { my $self = shift; return $self->require_modules }
+=head2 require_modules
+Accepts a list of modules, and attempts to load them using
+L<UNIVERSAL::Require>. Returns 1 if all load, 0 if any fail.
+This method will short-circuit on the first error, and will
+write to the application L<log|Infobot::Log> multiplexer
+(priority 2).
+If you don't provide a list of modules, the existance of
+C<@required_modules> is checked for in your package, and
+=head2 require_base
+Accepts a single module, and attempts to require it using
+C<require_modules>). Adds it to the calling package's C<ISA>.
+ sub require_base {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $base = shift;
+ return 0 unless $self->require_modules( $base );
+ my $package = $self->_get_package_name . '::ISA';
+ push( @$package, $base );
+ return 1;
+ }
+ sub require_modules {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my @modules = @_;
+ unless ( @modules ) {
+ my $package = $self->_get_package_name();
+ my $array_name = $package . '::required_modules';
+ if ( @$array_name ) {
+ @modules = @$array_name;
+ }
+ }
+ for my $module ( @modules ) {
+ unless ( $module->require ) {
+ $self->log( 2, "$module can't be loaded: $@" );
+ return undef;
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+ }
+=head2 log
+Shortcut to C<Infobot::Stash->new->log()>, the log multiplexer
+object from C<Infobot::Log>.
+ sub _get_package_name {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $name = ref( $self );
+ $name = $self unless $name;
+ return $name;
+ }
+ sub log {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $name = $self->_get_package_name;
+ $stash->{log}->write( $name, @_ );
+ }
+=head2 set_name
+Accepts an object type (such as 'log', 'conduit', or 'query'), and
+a name, sets C<$self->{name}> to that name, and sets C<<$self->{config}>>
+to C<<$stash->{config}->{$type}->{$name}->{extras}>>.
+ sub set_name {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $type = shift;
+ my $name = shift;
+ $self->{name} = $name;
+ $self->{config} = $stash->{config}->{$type}->{$name}->{extras};
+ return 1;
+ }
+=head2 stash
+Application-wide stash. Accepts either a key (for lookups) or
+a key + value (for storage).
+ sub stash {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $key, $value ) = @_;
+ if ( defined( $value ) ) {
+ $stash->{$key} = $value;
+ return 1;
+ } else {
+ return $stash->{$key};
+ }
+ }
Added: trunk/Infobot-DBIC/lib/Infobot/Config.pm
--- trunk/Infobot-DBIC/lib/Infobot/Config.pm (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Infobot-DBIC/lib/Infobot/Config.pm 2007-05-08 18:01:37 UTC (rev 3264)
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+=head1 NAME
+Infobot::Config - Read in a YAML config file
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use Infobot::Config;
+ my $object = Infobot::Config->new();
+ $object->stash( config_file => '/tmp/whatever' );
+ $object->init;
+ print $object->stash( config )->{config values};
+package Infobot::Config;
+ use strict;
+ use warnings;
+ our $name = 'config';
+ use base (qw(Infobot::Service));
+ use YAML::Syck;
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 init
+Searches the stash for a value called C<config_file>, and tries to load
+a YAML file found there, placing if in C<stash( 'config' )>. Will cause
+a fatal error if it fails at any point.
+ sub init {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $file = $self->stash('config_file');
+ die "No filename placed in 'config_file' in the stash" unless $file;
+ die "No file found for [$file]" unless -f $file;
+ my $data = LoadFile( $file ); # Dies anyway if it's malformed
+ # This is a little nasty, replace our entry in the stash with
+ # our data (where it was $self)
+ $self->stash( $name => $data );
+ return 1;
+ }
Added: trunk/Infobot-DBIC/lib/Infobot/Log.pm
--- trunk/Infobot-DBIC/lib/Infobot/Log.pm (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Infobot-DBIC/lib/Infobot/Log.pm 2007-05-08 18:01:37 UTC (rev 3264)
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+=head1 NAME
+Infobot::Log - Log multiplexer
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ Infobot::Log->register( YourLoggingModule->new() );
+ Infobot::Base->Log( 5, 'whatever' );
+=head1 Log levels
+ 0. Fatal errors
+ 1. Critical errors
+ 2. Non-critical warnings and complaints
+ 3. Plugin tick over - any plugins that are hit say they're hit
+ 4.
+ 5. All messages incoming - whether addressed or not - [default]
+ 6. Plugin important - plugins describe what they're doing
+ 7. Plugin detailed - plugins describe in detail what they're doing
+ 8. All incoming events - _default et al
+ 9. All possible information
+=head1 METHODS
+# Log multiplexer...
+package Infobot::Log;
+ use strict;
+ use warnings;
+ use base (qw(Infobot::Service));
+ our $name = 'log';
+=head2 init
+Makes sure we have a holder for our log objects to go in
+ sub init {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->{outputs} = [];
+ }
+=head2 register
+Add a new log object to our multiplex
+ sub register {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $log = shift;
+ push( @{ $self->{outputs} }, $log );
+ return 1;
+ }
+=head2 write
+Write a line to our log objects. This should almost always be called via
+ sub write {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $package = shift;
+ if ( ref($self->{outputs}) && @{ $self->{outputs} } ) {
+ for my $log ( @{ $self->{outputs} } ) {
+ $log->write( $package, @_ );
+ }
+ return 1;
+ } else {
+ print STDERR ( $package . ':' . $_[1] ) . "\n";
+ return undef;
+ }
+ }
Added: trunk/Infobot-DBIC/lib/Infobot/Message.pm
--- trunk/Infobot-DBIC/lib/Infobot/Message.pm (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Infobot-DBIC/lib/Infobot/Message.pm 2007-05-08 18:01:37 UTC (rev 3264)
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+=head1 NAME
+Infobot::Message - Encapsulate incoming queries
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use Infobot::Message;
+ my $message = Infobot::Message->new();
+ # These all become available as accessors
+ $message->init(
+ addressed => 1,
+ conduit => $irc_conduit,
+ context => { channel => '#perl' },
+ name => 'sheriff',
+ message => 'Hey purl!',
+ public => 1,
+ nick => 'purl',
+ printable => '[#perl/sheriff] purl: Hey purl!',
+ );
+ my $id = $message->id;
+ $message->say( "Right back at ya, ", $message->name );
+ $self->stash('pipeline')->process( $message );
+package Infobot::Message;
+ use strict;
+ use warnings;
+ use base ( qw( Infobot::Base ) );
+# We want a unified interface, and don't want people messing around
+# in our object itself, so produce accessors to all the bits people
+# might need.
+ my @required_attributes = (
+ 'id', # Our unique-ish base35(!) message id
+ 'addressed', # If we were specifically being spoken to
+ 'conduit', # A copy of the conduit object we were created frmo
+ 'context', # Conduit-specific data store
+ 'message', # The text of the message sent to us
+ 'name', # The username of the person addressing us
+ 'nick', # Our name
+ 'printable', # A loggable, text-representation of the message and info
+ 'public', # If the message was said publically
+ );
+These are the attributes a conduit must pass to init, and which
+other plugins that use L<Infobot::Message> can rely on being set.
+=head2 addressed
+If we were specifically spoken to by the user. In situations where
+the bot is the only possible recipient (say a console conduit), then
+this should be set to one regardless.
+=head2 conduit
+The conduit object which created the message.
+=head2 context
+Any conduit-specific information (hashref). This should not be relied upon
+in any place other than the conduit itself - the default for any
+value you put in should be 0/undef. So, the IRC conduit uses an
+'addressing' value in here, which specifies if the current channel
+requires addressing (set up in the config). It defaults to 0, so
+any plugin that doesn't deal with IRC doesn't need to care about
+C<channel> and C<addressing> are the only keys that are currently
+suggested for use outside of the conduit itself, but PLEASE programme
+defensively here, and don't rely on ANY value being here...
+=head2 message
+The text of the message itself
+=head2 name
+The name (human-readable) of the user talking to us
+=head2 nick
+Our name - please default to the value of C<$self->stash('config')->{alias}>
+if your conduit doesn't have this concept.
+=head2 printable
+A nice, loggable text representation of the message text plus some
+context - for IRC, we use channel name and nick and the message,
+nicely formatted in one string.
+=head2 public
+If the comment was made in a 'public' place (IRC channel, for example).
+ Infobot::Message->mk_ro_accessors( @required_attributes );
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 id
+Returns a unique(ish) ID for the message
+=head2 ATTRIBUTES...
+All the above attributes are also read-only accessors...
+=head2 init
+Accepts a list of the attributes as described above. Returns 1
+on success.
+ sub init {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %options = @_;
+ $options{id} = $self->_counter();
+ # Copy the options over to our object's data store, checking for
+ # defined-ness en-route.
+ for my $attribute ( @required_attributes ) {
+ unless ( defined( $options{$attribute} ) ) {
+ $self->log( 2, "Message creation without [$attribute] defined fails" );
+ return undef;
+ }
+ $self->{$attribute} = $options{$attribute};
+ }
+ $self->log( 5, "'" . $self->id . "' " . $self->name . ' -> ' . $self->printable );
+ return 1;
+ }
+=head2 say
+Prints the message in the appropriate conduit, having checked addressing
+and done some logging
+ sub say {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $message = shift;
+ # Deal with addressing
+ unless ( $self->addressed || !$self->context->{addressing} ) { return 1 }
+ my $output = $self->conduit->say( $self, $message );
+ if ( $output ) {
+ $self->log( 5, "'" . $self->id . "' " . $self->name . ' <- ' . $output );
+ } else {
+ return undef;
+ }
+ return 1;
+ }
+# This is /not/ Base64. It's Base 35! This is so that you have easily
+# readable/grokkable identifiers for messages, where each digit counts
+# up from 0. Also, this pads. We never use a capital O as these are
+# meant to be for HUMAN EYES, and it could get confused with a 0.
+ my @counter_digits = (0 .. 9, 'a' .. 'z', 'A' .. 'N', 'P' .. 'Z');
+ my $counter_base = scalar( @counter_digits );
+ sub _counter {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $number = ( $self->stash('message_counter') || 0 ) + 1;
+ $self->stash( message_counter => $number );
+ my $digits = '';
+ while( $number > 0 ) {
+ my $whole = int( $number / $counter_base );
+ my $remainder = ($number % $counter_base) || 0;
+ $digits = $counter_digits[ $remainder ] . $digits;
+ $number = $whole;
+ }
+ return ( '0' x ( 3 - length( $digits ) ) . $digits );
+ };
Added: trunk/Infobot-DBIC/lib/Infobot/Pipeline.pm
--- trunk/Infobot-DBIC/lib/Infobot/Pipeline.pm (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Infobot-DBIC/lib/Infobot/Pipeline.pm 2007-05-08 18:01:37 UTC (rev 3264)
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+=head1 NAME
+Infobot::Pipeline - Main application pipeline
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ $self->stash('pipeline')->add( 10, Plugin->new );
+ $self->stash('pipeline')->process( $message_object );
+=head1 METHODS
+package Infobot::Pipeline;
+ use strict;
+ use warnings;
+ our $name = 'pipeline';
+ use base (qw(Infobot::Service));
+=head2 init
+Basic setup
+ sub init {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->{pipeline} = [];
+ return 1;
+ }
+=head2 add
+Accepts a priority, and an object. Higher the priority, the earlier the C<process>
+method of your object is called. It should return 1 to derail the pipeline (and
+basically say "I'm handling this, and I alone am handling this!"), or 0 to keep
+trying the other things in the pipeline.
+ sub add {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $priority = shift;
+ my $package = shift;
+ @{ $self->{pipeline} } = sort {
+ $b->[0] <=> $a->[0]
+ } @{ $self->{pipeline} }, [ $priority, $package ];
+ }
+=head2 process
+Accepts a message object, and feeds it to each of the query objects, until one turns
+true, or until we've tried them all.
+ sub process {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $message = shift;
+ for ( @{ $self->{pipeline} } ) {
+ if ( $_->[1]->process( $message ) ) { last }
+ }
+ return 1;
+ }
Added: trunk/Infobot-DBIC/lib/Infobot/Plugin/Conduit/.Console.pm.swp
(Binary files differ)
Property changes on: trunk/Infobot-DBIC/lib/Infobot/Plugin/Conduit/.Console.pm.swp
Name: svn:mime-type
+ application/octet-stream
Added: trunk/Infobot-DBIC/lib/Infobot/Plugin/Conduit/Base.pm
--- trunk/Infobot-DBIC/lib/Infobot/Plugin/Conduit/Base.pm (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Infobot-DBIC/lib/Infobot/Plugin/Conduit/Base.pm 2007-05-08 18:01:37 UTC (rev 3264)
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+=head1 NAME
+Infobot::Plugin::Conduit::Base - Base class for conduits
+=head1 METHODS
+package Infobot::Plugin::Conduit::Base;
+ use strict;
+ use warnings;
+ use base (qw(Infobot::Base));
+ use Infobot::Message;
+=head2 set_name
+As with C<Infobot::Base>, but explicitly sets category to C<conduit>.
+ sub set_name {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $name = shift;
+ return $self->SUPER::set_name( 'conduit', $name );
+ }
+=head2 pipeline
+Helper method around calling C<$self->stash('pipeline')->process( $message );>
+ sub pipeline {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $message = shift;
+ return $self->stash('pipeline')->process( $message );
+ }
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+The included tutorial on writing your own conduit
Added: trunk/Infobot-DBIC/lib/Infobot/Plugin/Conduit/Console.pm
--- trunk/Infobot-DBIC/lib/Infobot/Plugin/Conduit/Console.pm (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Infobot-DBIC/lib/Infobot/Plugin/Conduit/Console.pm 2007-05-08 18:01:37 UTC (rev 3264)
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+package Infobot::Plugin::Conduit::Console;
+ use strict;
+ use warnings;
+ use base (qw(Infobot::Plugin::Conduit::Base));
+ use POE;
+ our @required_modules = (qw(POE::Wheel::ReadLine));
+ sub init {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $session = POE::Session->create(
+ args => [ $self ],
+ object_states => [
+ $self => [qw( _start got_input _stop )],
+ ]
+ );
+ }
+sub _start {
+ my ($heap) = $_[ HEAP ];
+ $heap->{readline_wheel} =
+ POE::Wheel::ReadLine->new( InputEvent => 'got_input' );
+ $heap->{readline_wheel}->get("Say Something: ");
+sub _stop {
+ delete $_[HEAP]->{readline_wheel};
+sub say {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $message = shift;
+ my $reply = shift;
+ my $heap = $message->context->{heap};
+ $heap->{readline_wheel}->put( $reply );
+ return 1;
+sub got_input {
+ my ( $self, $heap, $kernel, $session ) = @_[ OBJECT, HEAP, KERNEL, SESSION ];
+ my $input = $_[ ARG0 ];
+ my $exception = $_[ ARG1 ];
+ if ( defined $input ) {
+ my $message = Infobot::Message->new();
+ unless ( $message->init(
+ conduit => $self,
+ context => { heap => $heap },
+ name => 'console user',
+ message => $input,
+ public => 0,
+ addressed => 1,
+ nick => $self->stash('config')->{alias},
+ printable => $input,
+ ) ) {
+ $self->log( 2, "Failed to initialise the message" );
+ die;
+ }
+ # Give to the pipeline
+ $self->pipeline($message);
+ $heap->{readline_wheel}->get("Say Something Else: ");
+ } elsif ( $exception eq 'interrupt' ) {
+ $heap->{readline_wheel}->put("Goodbye.");
+ delete $heap->{readline_wheel};
+ return;
+ } else {
+ $heap->{readline_wheel}->put("Goodbye.");
+ delete $heap->{readline_wheel};
+ return;
+ }
Added: trunk/Infobot-DBIC/lib/Infobot/Plugin/Conduit/IRC.pm
--- trunk/Infobot-DBIC/lib/Infobot/Plugin/Conduit/IRC.pm (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Infobot-DBIC/lib/Infobot/Plugin/Conduit/IRC.pm 2007-05-08 18:01:37 UTC (rev 3264)
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+package Infobot::Plugin::Conduit::IRC;
+ use strict;
+ use warnings;
+ use base (qw(Infobot::Plugin::Conduit::Base));
+ use POE;
+ our @required_modules = qw(
+ Infobot::Message
+ POE::Component::IRC
+ POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::Connector
+ );
+ sub init {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $name = shift;
+ $self->set_name( $name );
+ # Compile our ignore list early...
+ my $ignore_regex = '';
+ $ignore_regex = '^(' . ( join '|', @{ $self->{config}->{ignore} } ) . ')$' if ref( $self->{config}->{ignore} );
+ $ignore_regex = qr/$ignore_regex/o;
+ $self->log( 8, "Ignore regex is $ignore_regex" );
+ $self->{config}->{ignore_regex} = $ignore_regex;
+ # Spawn the session
+ my $irc = POE::Component::IRC->spawn(
+ nick => $self->{config}->{nick},
+ server => $self->{config}->{server},
+ port => $self->{config}->{port},
+ ircname => $self->{config}->{ircname},
+ ) or die $!;
+ POE::Session->create(
+ object_states => [ $self => [ qw(_start irc_ctcp_action irc_ctcp_ping irc_ctcp_version irc_msg irc_001 irc_public broadcast _default ) ] ],
+ heap => { irc => $irc },
+ );
+ }
+ sub _default {
+ my ($self, $event, $args) = @_[OBJECT, ARG0 .. $#_];
+ my @output = ( "$event: " );
+ foreach my $arg ( @$args ) {
+ if ( ref($arg) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
+ push( @output, "[" . join(" ,", @$arg ) . "]" );
+ } else {
+ push ( @output, "'$arg'" );
+ }
+ }
+ $self->log(9, ( join ' ', @output ) );
+ }
+ sub _start {
+ my ( $kernel, $heap ) = @_[ KERNEL, HEAP ];
+ $kernel->alias_set('irc');
+ $heap->{irc}->yield( register => 'all' );
+ $heap->{connector} = POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::Connector->new();
+ $heap->{irc}->plugin_add( 'Connector' => $heap->{connector} );
+ $heap->{irc}->yield ( connect => { } );
+ undef;
+ }
+ sub irc_001 {
+ my ( $kernel, $sender, $self ) = @_[ KERNEL, SENDER, OBJECT ];
+ $self->{irc_sender} = $sender;
+ $kernel->post( $sender => join => $_ ) for keys %{ ${self}->{config}->{channels} };
+ undef;
+ }
+ sub irc_ctcp_version {
+ my ( $kernel, $heap, $sender, $who, $what ) = @_[ KERNEL, HEAP, SENDER, ARG0, ARG2 ];
+ $who =~ s/^(.+?)!.+/$1/;
+ $kernel->post( $sender => ctcpreply => $who, "VERSION Infobot v1.0");
+ }
+ sub irc_ctcp_ping {
+ my ( $kernel, $heap, $sender, $who, $what ) = @_[ KERNEL, HEAP, SENDER, ARG0, ARG2 ];
+ $who =~ s/^(.+?)!.+/$1/;
+ $kernel->post( $sender => ctcpreply => $who, 'PING ' . $what );
+ }
+ sub broadcast {
+ my ( $self, $kernel, $heap, $sender, $what ) = @_[OBJECT, KERNEL, HEAP, SENDER, ARG0];
+ $self->log( 8, "$_: $what")
+ for keys %{ ${self}->{config}->{channels} };
+ $kernel->post( $self->{irc_sender} => privmsg => $_ => $what )
+ for keys %{ ${self}->{config}->{channels} };
+ }
+ sub irc_public { &incoming }
+ sub irc_msg { &incoming }
+ sub irc_ctcp_action { &incoming }
+ sub incoming {
+ my ( $kernel, $self, $sender, $who, $where, $what ) = @_[ KERNEL, OBJECT, SENDER, ARG0, ARG1, ARG2 ];
+ # Some people we ignore...
+ if ( $who =~ $self->{config}->{ignore_regex} ) {
+ $self->log( 8, "$who is ignored." );
+ return 1;
+ }
+ # Strip control characters
+ if ( $what eq 'exittest' ) { exit }
+ my $original = $what;
+ $what =~ s/[\cA-\c_]//ig;
+ # Get the user's nick
+ $who =~ s/^(.+?)!.+/$1/;
+ # Are we on a channel?
+ $where = $where->[0];
+ my $public = ( $where =~ m/^([&#])/g );
+ my $printable;
+ # Log if needs be...
+ if ( $public ) {
+ $self->{log}->{$where} = [] unless $self->{log}->{$where};
+ push( @{ $self->{log}->{$where} }, "<$who> $what" );
+ while ( scalar @{ $self->{log}->{$where} } > 200 ) {
+ shift( @{ $self->{log}->{$where} } );
+ }
+ $printable = "[$where/$who] $what";
+ } else {
+ $printable = "[priv/$who] $what";
+ }
+ # Are we being addressed?
+ my $addressed = 0;
+ my $self_nick = $self->{config}->{nick};
+ if (
+ ( $what =~ s/^\s*$self_nick\s*([\,\:\> ]+) *//i ) ||
+ ( $what =~ s/^\s*$self_nick\s*([\,\:\> ]+)\s*(?!is )//i ) ||
+ ( $what =~ s/, ?$self_nick(\W*)$//i )
+ ) {
+ $addressed = 1;
+ }
+ # Force addressing if we're private
+ $addressed = 1 if !$public;
+ # Process the message
+ my $message = Infobot::Message->new();
+ my $addressing = 0;
+ if ( $public ) {
+ $addressing = $self->{config}->{channels}->{$where}->{addressing};
+ }
+ $message->init(
+ conduit => $self,
+ context => { location => $where, sender => $sender, addressing => $addressing },
+ name => $who,
+ nick => $self->{config}->{nick},
+ message => $what,
+ public => $public,
+ addressed => $addressed,
+ printable => $printable,
+ ) or die ( $message->error );
+ # Give to the pipeline
+ $self->pipeline($message);
+ }
+ sub say {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $message = shift;
+ my $reply = shift;
+# Addressing checking...
+ $self->log( 9, 'Was I addressed? [ ' . $message->addressed . ']' );
+ $self->log( 9, 'Is addressing on? [' . $message->context->{addressing} . "]" );
+ if ( $message->context->{addressing} && !$message->addressed ) {
+ $self->log( 8, "Addressing is on and I wasn't addressed" );
+ $self->log( 8, $reply );
+ return "[Nothing. We weren't addressed]";
+ }
+ if ( $message->public ) {
+ $poe_kernel->post( $message->context->{sender}, privmsg => $message->context->{location}, $reply );
+ return "[" . $message->context->{location} . "/" . $message->name . "] $reply";
+ } else {
+ $poe_kernel->post( $message->context->{sender}, privmsg => $message->name, $reply );
+ return "[priv/" . $message->name . "] $reply";
+ }
Added: trunk/Infobot-DBIC/lib/Infobot/Plugin/Conduit/Mail.pm
--- trunk/Infobot-DBIC/lib/Infobot/Plugin/Conduit/Mail.pm (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Infobot-DBIC/lib/Infobot/Plugin/Conduit/Mail.pm 2007-05-08 18:01:37 UTC (rev 3264)
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+package Infobot::Plugin::Conduit::Mail;
+ use strict;
+ use warnings;
+# Import new() and a useful load()
+ use base qw( Infobot::Plugin::Conduit::Base );
+# Modules we'll be needing
+ our @required_modules = qw(Email::Folder Email::Delete Email::Send Email::Address);
+# Load POE explicitly
+ use POE;
+# Setup
+ sub init {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->set_name( shift() );
+ POE::Session->create(
+ object_states => [
+ $self => [qw( poll _start )],
+ ]
+ );
+ return 1;
+ }
+ sub _start {
+ # We'll give everything 15 seconds to load... Remember $poe_kernel
+ # has been provided by the POE module automatically...
+ $poe_kernel->delay_set( poll => 5 );
+ }
+# Check for new mail
+ sub poll {
+ my ( $self ) = $_[ OBJECT ];
+ my $folder = Email::Folder->new( $self->{config}->{mailbox} );
+ for my $email ( $folder->messages ) {
+ my ($address) = Email::Address->parse( $email->header('from') );
+ $self->process(
+ name => $address->phrase,
+ email => $address->address,
+ text => $email->header('subject')
+ );
+ my $message_id = $email->header('Message-ID');
+ Email::Delete::delete_message(
+ from => $self->{config}->{mailbox},
+ matching => sub {
+ my $message = shift;
+ $message->header('Message-ID') =~ $message_id;
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ $poe_kernel->delay_set( poll => $self->{config}->{frequency} );
+ }
+ sub process {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %options = @_;
+ $self->log( 2, "$options{name} from $options{email} said $options{text}" );
+ }
Added: trunk/Infobot-DBIC/lib/Infobot/Plugin/Conduit/Notify.pm
--- trunk/Infobot-DBIC/lib/Infobot/Plugin/Conduit/Notify.pm (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Infobot-DBIC/lib/Infobot/Plugin/Conduit/Notify.pm 2007-05-08 18:01:37 UTC (rev 3264)
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+package Infobot::Plugin::Conduit::Notify;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+# Import new() and a useful load()
+use base qw( Infobot::Plugin::Conduit::Base );
+# Modules we'll be needing
+our @required_modules = qw(Filter::Template POE::Filter::XML::Node);
+use POE;
+use POE::Component::IKC::Server;
+use POE::Filter::XML::Node;
+use POE::Filter::XML::NS qw/ :JABBER :IQ /;
+use POE::Filter::XML::Utils;
+=head1 NAME
+Infobot::Plugin::Conduit::Notify - POE IKC Notification Conduit
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+Setup an IKC notification system. Look at C<scripts/notify.pl> for a command
+line tool to send broadcast messages over other conduits.
+Currently supports:
+=item host - localhost
+Address to listen on. Can be a doted-quad ('') or a host name ('localhost' or 'foo.com'). Defaults to 'localhost'.
+=item port
+Port to listen on. Defaults to 9990
+=head2 TODO
+It sets the publish alias explicitly. Need to add this in the config options.
+And, the bigger issue...
+Right now it binds directly to the IRC alias, which is stupid and lame. This is
+because I was hacking this together hastily and I'm still a POE-dumbass.
+It should bind to a configured alias and broadcast messages that way. I
+couldn't figure out how to get the sender right, so I did it this way.
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 init
+Setup this conduit. It spawns an IKC server listening on the default port of
+9990. It will then listen for any incoming event
+sub init {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->set_name( shift );
+ my $ikc = POE::Component::IKC::Server->spawn(
+ ip => $self->{config}->{host} || 'localhost',
+ port => $self->{config}->{port} || 9990,
+ name => 'NotifyInfobot'
+ );
+ POE::Session->create(
+ object_states => [
+ $self => [ qw( _start update ) ],
+ ],
+ heap => { ikc => $ikc },
+ );
+sub _start {
+ my ( $kernel, $heap ) = @_[ KERNEL, HEAP ];
+ $kernel->alias_set('Infobot');
+ $kernel->call( IKC => publish => 'Infobot' => [ 'update' ] );
+=head2 update
+Receives the update event, with the first argument being the message to
+sub update {
+ my ( $self, $sender, $heap, $kernel, $session, $msg ) =
+ if ( $msg ) {
+ # TODO - fix the publishing here.
+ $kernel->post( 'irc', broadcast => $msg );
+ }
+# ->say, process messages in a better fashion here. This doesn't actually
+# work right now, just some thoughts. If we can construct a real message
+# packet, and then stuff it into the processing then it may be more sane.
+sub say {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $message = shift;
+ my $reply = shift;
+ $poe_kernel->post( 'irc', privmsg => '###', $reply );
+ return "[privmsg/#pt] $reply";
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+=head1 AUTHOR
+J. Shirley <jshirley at gmail.com> # send hatemail here.
Added: trunk/Infobot-DBIC/lib/Infobot/Plugin/Log/Base.pm
--- trunk/Infobot-DBIC/lib/Infobot/Plugin/Log/Base.pm (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Infobot-DBIC/lib/Infobot/Plugin/Log/Base.pm 2007-05-08 18:01:37 UTC (rev 3264)
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+=head1 NAME
+Infobot::Plugin::Log::Base - Logger base class
+=head1 LOG LEVELS
+0. Fatal errors
+1. Critical errors
+2. Non-critical warnings and complaints
+3. Plugin tick over - any plugins that are hit say they're hit
+5. All messages incoming - whether addressed or not - [default]
+6. Plugin important - plugins describe what they're doing
+7. Plugin detailed - plugins describe in detail what they're doing
+8. All incoming events - _default et al
+9. All possible information
+package Infobot::Plugin::Log::Base;
+ use strict;
+ use warnings;
+ use base (qw(Infobot::Base));
+=head2 init
+Calls C<set_name>, and C<register>
+ sub init {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $name = shift;
+ $self->log(5, "Initializing log: " . ref($self ) );
+ $self->set_name( $name );
+ $self->register();
+ return 1;
+ }
+=head2 set_name
+Safetly stashes the log level and reads in values from the config file.
+ sub set_name {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $name = shift;
+ $self->{_level} = $self->stash('config')->{log}->{$name}->{level};
+ return $self->SUPER::set_name( 'log', $name );
+ }
+=head2 register
+Adds the log to the multiplexer's store
+ sub register {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->stash('log')->register( $self );
+ }
+=head2 write
+Checks that the log level is appropriate, and if it is, passes the message
+through to the C<output> method.
+ sub write {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $package = shift;
+ my $level = shift;
+ return unless $level <= $self->level;
+ my $message = shift;
+ return $self->output( $level, $package, $message );
+ }
+=head2 level
+Accessor to logging level
+ sub level {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->{_level};
+ }
Added: trunk/Infobot-DBIC/lib/Infobot/Plugin/Log/File.pm
--- trunk/Infobot-DBIC/lib/Infobot/Plugin/Log/File.pm (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Infobot-DBIC/lib/Infobot/Plugin/Log/File.pm 2007-05-08 18:01:37 UTC (rev 3264)
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+package Infobot::Plugin::Log::File;
+ use strict;
+ use warnings;
+ our @required_modules = (qw(IO::File));
+ use base (qw(Infobot::Plugin::Log::Base));
+ my $fh;
+ sub output {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $level = shift;
+ my $package = shift;
+ my $message = shift;
+ $self->_open_file unless ( $self->{filehandle} && -w $self->{filehandle} );
+ $fh->print( "[$level] [$package] $message\n" ) || die $!;
+ warn("Printing to $fh");
+ }
+ sub _open_file {
+ my $self = shift;
+ die "Can't log to a blank filename" unless $self->{config}->{filename};
+ $fh = new IO::File;
+ warn("Opening $self->{config}->{filename}");
+ $fh->open(">> $self->{config}->{filename}" ) || die "[ $self->{config}->{filename} ] $!";
+ $self->{filehandle} = $fh; # This line stops it working
+ }
Added: trunk/Infobot-DBIC/lib/Infobot/Plugin/Log/PrettyConsole.pm
--- trunk/Infobot-DBIC/lib/Infobot/Plugin/Log/PrettyConsole.pm (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Infobot-DBIC/lib/Infobot/Plugin/Log/PrettyConsole.pm 2007-05-08 18:01:37 UTC (rev 3264)
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+package Infobot::Plugin::Log::PrettyConsole;
+ use strict;
+ use warnings;
+ use base (qw(Infobot::Plugin::Log::Base));
+ our @required_modules = qw( Term::ANSIColor );
+ sub color {
+ &Term::ANSIColor::color;
+ }
+ sub output {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $level = shift;
+ my $package = shift;
+ my $message = shift;
+ $package =~ s/..+(......)$/<$1/g; # hee!
+ my $color;
+ if ( $level < 2 ) {
+ $color = color 'bold red';
+ } elsif ( $level < 3 ) {
+ $color = color 'bold yellow';
+ } elsif ( $level < 5 ) {
+ $color = color 'bold white';
+ } else {
+ $color = color 'white';
+ }
+ print STDOUT (color 'bold white') . '[' . (color 'reset') .
+ (color 'cyan ' ) . $package .
+ (color 'bold white') . "] " . (color 'reset');
+ print "$color$level. $message" . ( color 'reset' ) . "\n";
+ return 1;
+ }
Added: trunk/Infobot-DBIC/lib/Infobot/Plugin/Log/STDERR.pm
--- trunk/Infobot-DBIC/lib/Infobot/Plugin/Log/STDERR.pm (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Infobot-DBIC/lib/Infobot/Plugin/Log/STDERR.pm 2007-05-08 18:01:37 UTC (rev 3264)
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+package Infobot::Plugin::Log::STDERR;
+ use strict;
+ use warnings;
+ use base (qw(Infobot::Log));
+ sub output {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $level = shift;
+ my $package = shift;
+ my $message = shift;
+ print STDERR "[$level] [$package] $message\n";
+ }
Added: trunk/Infobot-DBIC/lib/Infobot/Plugin/Query/Base.pm
--- trunk/Infobot-DBIC/lib/Infobot/Plugin/Query/Base.pm (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Infobot-DBIC/lib/Infobot/Plugin/Query/Base.pm 2007-05-08 18:01:37 UTC (rev 3264)
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+=head1 NAME
+Infobot::Plugin::Query::Base - Base class for plugins
+package Infobot::Plugin::Query::Base;
+ use strict;
+ use warnings;
+ use base (qw(Infobot::Base));
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 init
+Calls C<set_name>
+ sub init {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $name = shift;
+ return $self->set_name( $name );
+ } # Any other setup stuff in here...
+=head2 set_name
+Grabs the priority from the config, and puts it somewhere safe. Then calls
+L<Infobot::Base>'s C<set_name> with C<query> as the category.
+ sub set_name {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $name = shift;
+ $self->{_priority} = $self->stash('config')->{query}->{$name}->{priority};
+ return $self->SUPER::set_name( 'query', $name );
+ }
+=head2 priority
+Read-only accessor for the plugin's priority, set during C<set_name>
+ sub priority {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->{_priority};
+ }
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+The tutorial on writing Query plugins
Added: trunk/Infobot-DBIC/lib/Infobot/Plugin/Query/Client/Base.pm
--- trunk/Infobot-DBIC/lib/Infobot/Plugin/Query/Client/Base.pm (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Infobot-DBIC/lib/Infobot/Plugin/Query/Client/Base.pm 2007-05-08 18:01:37 UTC (rev 3264)
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+=head1 NAME
+package Infobot::Plugin::Query::Client::Base;
+ use strict;
+ use warnings;
+ use base (qw( Infobot::Plugin::Query::Base ));
+ #sub load { 0 } # You definitely need to over-ride this with deps
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 set_name
+Grabs the alias from the config, and puts it somewhere safe. Then calls
+L<Infobot::Base>'s C<set_name> with C<datasource> as the category.
+ sub set_name {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $name = shift;
+ $self->{_alias} = $self->stash('config')->{datasource}->{$name}->{alias};
+ return $self->Infobot::Base::set_name( 'datasource', $name );
+ }
+=head2 alias
+Read-only accessor for the client's alias.
+ sub alias {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->{_alias};
+ }
Added: trunk/Infobot-DBIC/lib/Infobot/Plugin/Query/Client/DBIxClass.pm
--- trunk/Infobot-DBIC/lib/Infobot/Plugin/Query/Client/DBIxClass.pm (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Infobot-DBIC/lib/Infobot/Plugin/Query/Client/DBIxClass.pm 2007-05-08 18:01:37 UTC (rev 3264)
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+# Also provides ::Base::DBIxClass later on...
+package Infobot::Plugin::Query::Client::DBIxClass;
+ use base qw/Infobot::Plugin::Query::Client::Base/;
+ sub load {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->require_base( qw/DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader/ );
+ }
+# Connect to the database...
+ sub init {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $name = shift;
+ $self->set_name( $name );
+ # Options for DBIx..Loader
+ $self->loader_options(
+ relationships => 1,
+ constraint => $self->{config}->{constraint},
+ debug => 0,
+ );
+ $self->log( 6, "Attempting connection to $self->{config}->{dsn}" );
+ $self->connection(
+ $self->{config}->{dsn},
+ $self->{config}->{user},
+ $self->{config}->{pass},
+ );
+ # Try to actually connect...
+ $self->storage->ensure_connected();# Dies on failure
+ # Put ourselves in a sensible place in the stash...
+ $self->stash( $self->alias => $self );
+ return 1;
+ }
+package Infobot::Plugin::Query::Base::DBIxClass;
+ use strict;
+ use warnings;
+ use base qw( Infobot::Plugin::Query::Base );
+ sub init {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $name = shift;
+ # Set our name, and grab in the values from the config file
+ $self->set_name( $name );
+ # Check the appropriate table exists...
+ my $dbh = $self->stash( $self->{config}->{db} );
+ unless ( $dbh ) { die "Where did my DB go? $self->{config}->{db}" }
+ my $table_name = $self->tablename;
+ my $resultset = eval { $dbh->resultset( $table_name ) };
+ unless ( $resultset ) {
+ $self->log( 2, "Table $table_name not found" );
+ $self->log( 2, $@ );
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 1;
+ }
+ sub tablename { my $self = shift; return ucfirst( $self->{config}->{table} ) }
+ sub dbi {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $dbh = $self->stash( $self->{config}->{db} );
+ return $dbh->resultset( $self->tablename );
+ }
Added: trunk/Infobot-DBIC/lib/Infobot/Plugin/Query/Client/HTTP.pm
--- trunk/Infobot-DBIC/lib/Infobot/Plugin/Query/Client/HTTP.pm (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Infobot-DBIC/lib/Infobot/Plugin/Query/Client/HTTP.pm 2007-05-08 18:01:37 UTC (rev 3264)
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+# Also provides ::Base::HTTP later on...
+ use POE;
+ use POE::Component::Client::HTTP;
+package Infobot::Plugin::Query::Client::HTTP;
+ use base qw/Infobot::Plugin::Query::Client::Base/;
+ our @required_modules = ( qw( HTTP::Request POE::Component::Client::HTTP ) );
+# Spawn our client...
+ sub init {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $name = shift;
+ $self->set_name( $name );
+ POE::Component::Client::HTTP->spawn( %{$self->{config}}, Alias => $self->alias );
+ # Put ourselves in a sensible place in the stash...
+ $self->stash( $self->alias => $self );
+ return 1;
+ }
+package Infobot::Plugin::Query::Base::HTTP;
+ use strict;
+ use warnings;
+ use POE;
+ use base qw( Infobot::Plugin::Query::Base );
+ sub init {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $name = shift;
+ $self->set_name( $name );
+ $self->{session} = POE::Session->create(
+ object_states => [ $self => [qw( _stop _start _base_request _base_response )] ],
+ )->ID;
+ }
+ sub _stop { }
+ sub request {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $message = shift;
+ my $request = shift;
+ die "[$self->{config}->{'http_client'}] not found in the stash" unless $self->stash( $self->{config}->{'http_client'} );
+ $self->log(9, "Posting a _base_request item to session " . $self->{session} );
+ $self->log(9, "[$self->{session}] resolves to [" . $poe_kernel->_resolve_session( $self->{session} ) . ']' );
+ $poe_kernel->post(
+ $self->{session} => '_base_request',
+ [
+ $self->stash( $self->{config}->{'http_client'} )->alias,
+ 'request',
+ '_base_response',
+ $request,
+ $message
+ ]
+ );
+ }
+ sub _start {
+ my ( $self, $session ) = @_[ OBJECT, SESSION ];
+ $poe_kernel->alias_set( \$self );
+ return 1;
+ }
+ sub _base_request {
+ my ($self, $kernel) = @_[ OBJECT, KERNEL ];
+ $self->log( 9, "_base_request called - calling $_[ARG0]->[1] on $_[ARG0]->[0]" );
+ $self->log( 9, '[' . $_[ARG0]->[0] . '] resolves to [' . $poe_kernel->_resolve_session( $_[ARG0]->[0] ) . ']' );
+ #$self->log( 9, "ARG$_ = " . $_[ARG0]->[$_]) for ( 0 .. 5);
+ $kernel->post( @{ $_[ARG0] } );
+ }
+ sub _base_response {
+ my ( $self, $request_object, $response_object ) = @_[ OBJECT, ARG0, ARG1 ];
+ my $message = $request_object->[1];
+ my $response = $response_object->[0];
+ $self->response( $message , $response );
+ }
Added: trunk/Infobot-DBIC/lib/Infobot/Plugin/Query/Factoids.pm
--- trunk/Infobot-DBIC/lib/Infobot/Plugin/Query/Factoids.pm (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Infobot-DBIC/lib/Infobot/Plugin/Query/Factoids.pm 2007-05-08 18:01:37 UTC (rev 3264)
@@ -0,0 +1,1263 @@
+# A lot (most) of this code has been lifted from 0.43 with only
+# minor modifications. As a result, it's pretty shoddy. But what
+# it /does/ do is work, for the most part.
+# There are a bunch of tests for various bits of this, based on
+# a large corpus of logs from #perl. Please ensure these tests
+# pass before and after you hack on this code. They don't ensure
+# that the code is correct - they ensure that any functionality
+# changes you make are flagged - if your change breaks tests, it's
+# possible the test is incorrectly testing for a bug in infobot.
+package Infobot::Plugin::Query::Factoids;
+ use strict;
+ use warnings;
+ use base (qw( Infobot::Plugin::Query::Base::DBIxClass ));
+# Statements to use when I'm specifically being asked a question,
+# but don't know the answer.
+ my @dunno = (
+ 'i don\'t know',
+ 'wish i knew',
+ 'i haven\'t a clue',
+ 'no idea',
+ 'bugger all, i dunno'
+ );
+ my $coverage;
+# Verbs we currently use
+ my @verb = qw(is are);
+# Database lookups
+ sub set {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($verb, $key, $fact) = @_;
+ my ($object) = $self->dbi->search( thing => $key, verb => $verb );
+ $self->log( 8, "Setting [$key] $verb [$fact]" );
+ if ( $object ) {
+ $object->content( $fact );
+ $object->update;
+ } else {
+ $object = $self->dbi->create({ thing => $key, verb => $verb, content => $fact });
+ $object->update;
+ }
+ return 1;
+ }
+ sub get {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $key, $verb ) = @_;
+ unless ( $verb ) {
+ ( $verb, $key ) = split( /\s+/, $key );
+ }
+ $self->log( 8, "Looking up [$key] in [$verb]" );
+ my ($object) = $self->dbi->search( thing => $key, verb => $verb );
+ if ( $object ) {
+ $self->log( 8, "Found something!" );
+ return $object->content || '';
+ } else {
+ $self->log( 8, "Not found" );
+ return '';
+ }
+ }
+# The magic happens here...
+ sub process {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $message = shift;
+ # First things first, let's create a factoid package
+ # so we don't need to stash anything, and so we can
+ # easily pass around data we've already had to work
+ # to retrieve.
+ my $factoid = {
+ # These bits we start with
+ message => $message,
+ who => $message->name,
+ nick => $message->nick,
+ text => $message->message,
+ addressed => $message->addressed,
+ # These bits we get as we go along
+ filter => '',
+ correction_plausible => 0,
+ continuity => 0,
+ question_mark => 0,
+ question_word => '',
+ };
+ my $nick = $factoid->{nick}; # Used in regex's a lot, so alias
+ # Remove control characters
+ $factoid->{'text'} =~ s/[\cA-\c_]//ig;
+ # Look for, then remove, message filters. The filter below is
+ # able to match things like '=~ /(?:(toot!))/' for historical
+ # reasons.
+ $factoid->{'filter'} = ($1 || $2)
+ if $factoid->{'text'} =~ s,
+ \s+ (?:=~)? \s? # Allow an =~ part
+ / # Literal /
+ (?: # Non-assigned OR group
+ \( # Literal (
+ (?: \?: )? # Optional literal ?:
+ ([^)]*) # Any stuff that isn't a closing bracket
+ \) # Literal }
+ | # OR
+ ([^()]*) # Any stuff that isn't brackets
+ ) # End of OR group
+ / # Literal /
+ i? # Allow people to specify an 'i' if they like
+ \s* $ # Any whitespace they fancy then string end
+ ,,x; # Strip it!
+ if ( $factoid->{'filter'} ) {
+ $self->log( 7, "Message filter found: [$factoid->{'filter'}]" );
+ }
+ # We try and work out elsewhere if we're addressed, but we're
+ # keeping in the further context here so that we can do less
+ # refactoring right now :-) The original code set $addressed
+ # to be zero here, but we set it a little further up the file...
+ # Flag, and substitute out possible corrections
+ if (
+ ($factoid->{'text'} =~ s/^(no,?\s+$nick,?\s*)//i) ||
+ ($factoid->{'addressed'} and $factoid->{'text'} =~ s/^(no,?\s+)//i)
+ ) {
+ $factoid->{'correction_plausible'} = 1;
+ } else {
+ $factoid->{'correction_plausible'} = 0;
+ }
+ # Handle 'feedback addressing' - that is, someone saying 'infobot?'
+ if (
+ $factoid->{'text'} =~ /^\s*$nick\s*\?*$/i ||
+ ($factoid->{'text'} =~ /^\s*\s*\?*$/ && $factoid->{addressed} )
+ ) {
+ if (rand() > 0.5) {
+ $factoid->{message}->say( "yes, " . $factoid->{who} . '?' );
+ return 1;
+ } else {
+ $factoid->{message}->say( $factoid->{who} . '?' );
+ return 1;
+ }
+ # FIX - last addressing
+ }
+ # Redo addressing stuff, for now. This needs to be reworked,
+ # obviously, as we're duplicating it here... FIX
+ if (
+ ($factoid->{'text'} =~ /^\s*$nick\s*(?:[\,\:\> ]+) *(.+)$/i) ||
+ ($factoid->{'text'} =~ /^\s*$nick\s*-+ *\??(.+)$/i)
+ ) {
+ # Perform a check here that it isn't, in fact, a statement
+ my $trail = $1;
+ if ($trail !~ /^\s*is/i) {
+ #$message = $trail;
+ $factoid->{'addressed'} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($factoid->{'text'} =~ m/^(.+)(, ?$nick(\W+)?)$/i) { # i have been addressed!
+ my $query_part = $1;
+ my $addressed_part = $2;
+ if ($query_part !~ /^\s*i?s\s*$/i) {
+ $query_part = quotemeta($query_part);
+ $factoid->{'text'} =~ s/$query_part//;
+ $factoid->{'addressed'} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ # FIX - removed 'showmode' functionality
+ # FIX - removed 'continuity' functionality...
+ # FIX - removed taking a ref to message length in to $message_input_length
+ # One of /many/ points at which we take off some type of whitespace!
+ $factoid->{'text'} =~ s/^\s+//;
+ $factoid->{'text'} =~ s/^\s*hey,*\s+where/where/i && $coverage++;
+ $factoid->{'text'} =~ s/whois/who is/ig && $coverage++;
+ $factoid->{'text'} =~ s/where can i find/where is/i && $coverage++;
+ $factoid->{'text'} =~ s/how about/where is/i && $coverage++;
+ $factoid->{'text'} =~ s/^(gee|boy|golly|gosh),? //i && $coverage++;
+ $factoid->{'text'} =~ s/^(well|and|but|or|yes),? //i && $coverage++;
+ $factoid->{'text'} =~ s/^(does )?(any|ne)(1|one|body) know // && $coverage++;
+ $factoid->{'text'} =~ s/ da / the /ig && $coverage++;
+ $factoid->{'text'} =~ s/^heya*,*( folks)?,*\.* *//i && $coverage++; # clear initial filled pauses & stuff
+ $factoid->{'text'} =~ s/^[uh]+m*[,\.]* +//i && $coverage++;
+ $factoid->{'text'} =~ s/^o+[hk]+(a+y+)?,*\.* +//i && $coverage++;
+ $factoid->{'text'} =~ s/^g(eez|osh|olly)+,*\.* +(.+)/$2/i && $coverage++;
+ $factoid->{'text'} =~ s/^w(ow|hee|o+ho+)+,*\.* +(.+)/$2/i && $coverage++;
+ $factoid->{'text'} =~ s/^still,* +//i && $coverage++;
+ $factoid->{'text'} =~ s/^well,* +//i && $coverage++;
+ $factoid->{'text'} =~ s/^\s*(stupid )?q(uestion)?:\s+// && $coverage++;
+ # FIX - removed all ability to tell someone anything...
+ # FIX - removed all 'target' stuff
+ my $check_minimum_volunteer_length;
+ if (
+ $factoid->{'continuity'} or # These count as explicit
+ $factoid->{'addressed'} or # " "
+ ( # Flag it if we're entering this loop only because
+ # addressing is off...
+ !$factoid->{message}->context->{addressing} &&
+ ++$check_minimum_volunteer_length
+ )
+ ) {
+ # FIX - this is the point, originally, where we checked against plugins
+ # Check if it's a question, as long as it meets our 'volunteering'
+ # criteria
+ $self->log( 9, "We've been addressed, or continuity, or addressing isn't on");
+ $self->{config}->{minimum_volunteer_length} = 0 unless $self->{config}->{minimum_volunteer_length};
+ unless (
+ $check_minimum_volunteer_length &&
+ ( length( $factoid->{text} ) < $self->{config}->{minimum_volunteer_length} )
+ ) {
+ $self->log(9, "Now we're going to check to see if [$factoid->{text}] is found");
+ if ( $self->is_question( $factoid ) ) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ # FIX - karma stuff used to be here, but we've moved that forward
+ # in the processing queue...
+ # FIX - Removed min volunteer length stuff - didn't seem to do anything?
+ # FIX - removed question count stuff - add back in elsewhere...
+ # FIX - removed replies to statements - add that back in the is_statement
+ if ( $self->is_statement( $factoid ) ) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ # If we're sure it's a question...
+ if ( $factoid->{addressed} ) {
+ my $reply = $dunno[int(rand(@dunno))];
+ if (rand() > 0.5) {
+ $factoid->{message}->say( $factoid->{who} . ": $reply" );
+ return 1;
+ } else {
+ $factoid->{message}->say( "$reply, " . $factoid->{who} );
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # If we're here, and we were addressed, we're confused...
+ # FIX - Confused message should be final part on the message chain
+ return undef;
+ }
+# Work out if we're a query, and perform other munging...
+ sub is_question {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $factoid = shift;
+ # Remove the trailing question mark, but record it...
+ $factoid->{question_mark} = $factoid->{text} =~ s/\?+\s*$//;
+ # Convert to canonical reference form
+ $self->normquery( $factoid );
+ $self->switchPerson( $factoid );
+ # Where is x at?
+ $factoid->{text} =~ s/\s+at\s*(\?*)$/$1/;
+ # Find the question word
+ $factoid->{text} = " $factoid->{text} ";
+ my $qregex = join '|', qw( who what where );
+ $factoid->{text} =~ s/ ($qregex)\'?s / $1 is / && $coverage++;
+ if ($factoid->{text} =~ s/\s+($qregex)\s+//i) { # check for question word
+ $factoid->{question_word} = lc($1);
+ }
+ $factoid->{text} =~ s/^\s+//;
+ $factoid->{text} =~ s/\s+$//;
+ # Presence of a question_word used for making decision elsewhere,
+ # so force one if we're sure it's a question
+ if (
+ ( $factoid->{question_word} eq "" ) &&
+ ( $factoid->{question_mark} ) &&
+ ( $factoid->{addressed} || $factoid->{continuity} )
+ ) {
+ $factoid->{question_word} = "where";
+ }
+ # ok, here's where we try to actually get it
+ my $answer = $self->lookup( $factoid );
+ # If we got a reply, it's already been sent, to represent that
+ return 1 if $answer;
+ return undef;
+ }
+# Yet More language parsing stuff...
+ sub normquery {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $factoid = shift;
+ $factoid->{text} = ' ' . $factoid->{text} . ' ';
+ # where blah is -> where is blah
+ $factoid->{text} =~ s/ (where|what|who)\s+(\S+)\s+(is|are) / $1 $3 $2 /i && $coverage++;
+ # where blah is -> where is blah
+ $factoid->{text} =~ s/ (where|what|who)\s+(.*)\s+(is|are) / $1 $3 $2 /i && $coverage++;
+ $factoid->{text} =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*/$1/ && $coverage++;
+ $factoid->{text} =~ s/be tellin\'?g?/tell/i && $coverage++;
+ $factoid->{text} =~ s/ \'?bout/ about/i && $coverage++;
+ $factoid->{text} =~ s/,? any(hoo?w?|ways?)/ /ig && $coverage++;
+ $factoid->{text} =~ s/,?\s*(pretty )*please\??\s*$/\?/i && $coverage++;
+ # what country is ...
+ if (
+ $factoid->{text} =~
+ s/wh(at|ich)\s+(add?res?s|country|place|net (suffix|domain))/wh$1 /ig
+ ) {
+ if ((length($factoid->{text}) == 2) && ($factoid->{text} !~ /^\./)) {
+ $factoid->{text} = '.'.$factoid->{text};
+ }
+ $factoid->{text} .= '?';
+ }
+ # profanity filters. just delete it
+ $factoid->{text} =~ s/th(e|at|is) (((m(o|u)th(a|er) ?)?fuck(in\'?g?)?|hell|heck|(god-?)?damn?(ed)?) ?)+//ig && $coverage++;
+ $factoid->{text} =~ s/wtf/where/gi && $coverage++;
+ $factoid->{text} =~ s/this (.*) thingy?/ $1/gi && $coverage++;
+ $factoid->{text} =~ s/this thingy? (called )?//gi && $coverage++;
+ $factoid->{text} =~ s/ha(s|ve) (an?y?|some|ne) (idea|clue|guess|seen) /know /ig && $coverage++;
+ $factoid->{text} =~ s/does (any|ne|some) ?(1|one|body) know //ig && $coverage++;
+ $factoid->{text} =~ s/do you know //ig && $coverage++;
+ $factoid->{text} =~ s/can (you|u|((any|ne|some) ?(1|one|body)))( please)? tell (me|us|him|her)//ig && $coverage++;
+ $factoid->{text} =~ s/where (\S+) can \S+ (a|an|the)?//ig && $coverage++;
+ $factoid->{text} =~ s/(can|do) (i|you|one|we|he|she) (find|get)( this)?/is/i && $coverage++; # where can i find
+ $factoid->{text} =~ s/(i|one|we|he|she) can (find|get)/is/gi && $coverage++; # where i can find
+ $factoid->{text} =~ s/(the )?(address|url) (for|to) //i && $coverage++; # this should be more specific
+ $factoid->{text} =~ s/(where is )+/where is /ig && $coverage++;
+ $factoid->{text} =~ s/\s+/ /g && $coverage++;
+ $factoid->{text} =~ s/^\s+// && $coverage++;
+ if ($factoid->{text} =~ s/\s*[\/?!]*\?+\s*$//) {
+ $factoid->{question_mark} = 1;
+ }
+ # $factoid->{text} =~ s/\b(the|an?)\s+/ /i; # handle first article in query
+ $factoid->{text} =~ s/\s+/ /g && $coverage++;
+ $factoid->{text} =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/ && $coverage++;
+ }
+ # for be-verbs
+ sub switchPerson {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $factoid = shift;
+ my $in = $factoid->{text};
+ my $who = $factoid->{who};
+ my $nick = $factoid->{nick};
+ my $addressed = $factoid->{addressed};
+ my $safeWho = purifyNick($who);
+ # $safeWho will cause trouble in nicks with deleted \W's
+ $in =~ s/(^|\W)${safeWho}s\s+/$1${who}\'s /ig && $coverage++; # fix genitives
+ $in =~ s/(^|\W)${safeWho}s$/$1${who}\'s/ig && $coverage++; # fix genitives
+ $in =~ s/(^|\W)${safeWho}\'(\s|$)/$1${who}\'s$2/ig && $coverage++; # fix genitives
+ $in =~ s/(^|\s)i\'m(\W|$)/$1$who is$2/ig && $coverage++;
+ $in =~ s/(^|\s)i\'ve(\W|$)/$1$who has$2/ig && $coverage++;
+ $in =~ s/(^|\s)i have(\W|$)/$1$who has$2/ig && $coverage++;
+ $in =~ s/(^|\s)i haven\'?t(\W|$)/$1$who has not$2/ig && $coverage++;
+ $in =~ s/(^|\s)i(\W|$)/$1$who$2/ig && $coverage++;
+ $in =~ s/ am\b/ is/i && $coverage++;
+ $in =~ s/\bam /is/i && $coverage++;
+ $in =~ s/yourself/$nick/i if ($addressed) && $coverage++;
+ $in =~ s/(^|\s)(me|myself)(\W|$)/$1$who$3/ig && $coverage++;
+ $in =~ s/(^|\s)my(\W|$)/$1${who}\'s$2/ig && $coverage++; # turn 'my' into name's
+ $in =~ s/(^|\W)you\'?re(\W|$)/$1you are$2/ig && $coverage++;
+ if ($addressed > 0) {
+ $in =~ s/(^|\W)are you(\W|$)/$1is $nick$2/ig && $coverage++;
+ $in =~ s/(^|\W)you are(\W|$)/$1$nick is$2/ig && $coverage++;
+ $in =~ s/(^|\W)you(\W|$)/$1$nick$2/ig && $coverage++;
+ $in =~ s/(^|\W)your(\W|$)/$1$nick\'s$2/ig && $coverage++;
+ }
+ $factoid->{text} = $in;
+ }
+# Function, not a method...
+ sub purifyNick {
+ my $safeWho = $_[0];
+ $safeWho =~ s/\*//g && $coverage++;
+ $safeWho =~ s/\\/\\\\/g && $coverage++;
+ $safeWho =~ s/\[/\\\[/g && $coverage++;
+ $safeWho =~ s/\]/\\\]/g && $coverage++;
+ $safeWho =~ s/\|/\\\|/g && $coverage++;
+ $safeWho =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/ && $coverage++;
+ $safeWho = substr($safeWho, 0, 9);
+ $safeWho =~ s/\s+.*// && $coverage++;
+ return $safeWho;
+ }
+ sub lookup {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $factoid = shift;
+ $self->log(8, "Query parsed to: " . $factoid->{text} );
+ my $msgType = $factoid->{public} ? 'public' : 'private';
+ my $message = $factoid->{text};
+ my $msgFilter = $factoid->{filter};
+ my $addressed = $factoid->{addressed};
+ my $finalQMark = $factoid->{question_mark};
+ my $who = $factoid->{who};
+ my $crop = 0;
+ my $nick = $factoid->{nick};
+ my $questionWord = $factoid->{question_word};
+ my($theMsg) = "";
+ my($locMsg) = $message;
+ my $shortReply = 0;
+ # x is y
+ # x is the lhs (left hand side)
+ # 'is' is the mhs ("middle hand side".. the "head", or verb)
+ # y is the Y (right hand side)
+ my($X, $V, $Y, $result);
+ my ($theVerb, $orig_Y);
+ $locMsg =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
+ my $literal = ($locMsg =~ s/^literal //);
+ if ($result = $self->get($locMsg, 'is')) {
+ # &status("exact: $message =is=> $result");
+ $theVerb = "is";
+ $X = $message;
+ $V = $theVerb;
+ $Y = $result;
+ $orig_Y = $X;
+ } elsif ($result = $self->get($locMsg, 'are')) {
+ # &status("exact: $message =is=> $result");
+ $theVerb = "are";
+ $X = $message;
+ $V = $theVerb;
+ $Y = $result;
+ $orig_Y = $X;
+ } else { # no verb
+ my $y_determiner = '';
+ my $verbs = join '|', @verb;
+ $message = " $message ";
+ if ($message =~ / ($verbs) /i) {
+ $X = $`;
+ $V = $1;
+ $Y = $';
+ $X =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/ && $coverage++;
+ $Y =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/ && $coverage++;
+ $orig_Y = $Y;
+ $Y =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/ && $coverage++;
+ $V =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/;
+ if ($Y =~ s/^(an?|the)\s+//) {
+ $y_determiner = $1;
+ } else {
+ $y_determiner = '';
+ }
+ if ($questionWord !~ /^\s*$/) {
+ if ($V eq "is") {
+ $result = $self->get($Y, 'is');
+ } else {
+ if ($V eq "are") {
+ $result = $self->get($Y, 'are');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $theVerb = $V;
+ }
+# my $debugstring = "\tmsgType:\t$msgType\n";
+# $debugstring .= "\tquestionWord:\t$questionWord\n";
+# $debugstring .= "\taddressed:\t$addressed\n";
+# $debugstring .= "\tfinalQMark:\t$finalQMark\n";
+# $debugstring .= "\tX[$X] verb[$theVerb] det[$y_determiner] Y[$Y]\n";
+# $debugstring .= "\tresult:\t$result\n";
+# $self->log( 9, $debugstring );
+ if ($y_determiner) {
+ # put the det back on
+ $Y = "$y_determiner $Y";
+ }
+ # check "is" tables anyway for lhs alone
+ if (!defined($V)) { # no explicit head had been found
+ my $det;
+ if ($locMsg =~ s/^\s*(an?|the)\s+//) {
+ $det = $1;
+ }
+ $locMsg =~ s/[.!?]+\s*$// && $coverage++;
+ my($check) = "";
+ $check = $self->get($locMsg, 'is') || '';
+ if ($check ne "") {
+ $result = $check;
+ $orig_Y = $locMsg;
+ $theVerb = "is";
+ $V = "is"; # artificially set the head to is
+ } else {
+ $check = $self->get($locMsg, 'are') || '';
+ if ($check ne "") {
+ $result = $check;
+ $V = "are"; # artificially set the head to are
+ $orig_Y = $locMsg;
+ $theVerb = "are";
+ }
+ }
+ if ($det) {
+ $orig_Y = "$det $orig_Y";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $result = '' unless $result;
+ $V = '' unless $V;
+ PickMsg: {
+ last if $V eq ''; # can't do without a head
+ if ($literal) {
+ $theMsg = $result;
+ last;
+ }
+ my(@poss) = split(/(?<!\\)\|/, $result);
+ if ($msgFilter) {
+ @poss = grep /\Q$msgFilter\E/, @poss;
+ if (!@poss) {
+ $theMsg = q!<reply>Hmm. No matches for that, $who.!;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ # Reponses which start with <\d+> indicated weighted probability.
+ # Such a response is N times more likely to be chosen.
+ my $tot_weight = 0;
+ for (@poss) {
+ my $weight = s/^\s*<(\d+)>// && $1 > 0 ? $1 : 1;
+ $tot_weight += $weight;
+ $theMsg = $_ if int(rand $tot_weight) < $weight;
+ }
+ $theMsg =~ s/^\s+// && $coverage++;
+ $theMsg =~ s/\s+$// && $coverage++;
+ $theMsg =~ s/\\\|/\|/g && $coverage++;
+ }
+ my $skipReply = 0;
+ if ($theMsg ne "") {
+# if ($msgType =~ /public/) {
+# FIX - removing this functionality for now
+# my $interval = time() - $prevTime;
+# if ( 1
+# && getparam('repeatIgnoreInterval')
+# && ($theMsg eq $prevMsg)
+# && ((time()-$prevTime) < getparam('repeatIgnoreInterval'))) {
+# &status("repeat ignored ($interval secs < ".getparam('repeatIgnoreInterval').")");
+# $skipReply = 1;
+# $theMsg = "NOREPLY";
+# $prevTime = time();
+# } else {
+# $skipReply = 0;
+# $prevTime = time() unless ($theMsg eq $prevMsg);
+# $prevMsg = $theMsg;
+# }
+# }
+ # by now $theMsg should contain the result, or null
+ # this global is nto a great idea
+ my $shortReply = 0;
+ my $noReply = 0;
+### This be b0rked, I guess, since it was sorta commented out.
+# Now it has a real comment. This is it. 'if (0 and'--
+# if ($theMsg =~ s/^\s*<noreply>\s*//i) {
+# # specially defined type. No reply. Experimental.
+# $noReply = 1;
+# return 'NOREPLY';
+# }
+ if (!$msgType) {
+ $msgType = 'private';
+ &status("NO MSG TYPE / set to private\n");
+ }
+# Made case-sensitive go bye-bye.
+ if ($literal) {
+ $orig_Y =~ s/^literal //i;
+ $theMsg = "$who: $orig_Y =$theVerb= $theMsg";
+ return $theMsg;
+ }
+# We really should tokenize outbound factoids - this would allow us to
+# see in a single pass that a factoid was <priv><req><reply> without
+# requiring them to be in any specific order.
+# <priv> forthcoming.
+ if ($theMsg =~ s/^\s*<req>\s*//i and not $addressed) {
+ $skipReply = 1;
+ } elsif ($msgType !~ /private/ and $theMsg =~ s/^\s*<reply>\s*//i) {
+# specially defined type. only remove '<reply>'
+ $shortReply = 1;
+ } elsif (1 and $theMsg =~ m/(<(?:rss|rdf)\s*=\s*(\S+)>)/i) {
+ my $result = '[RSS not yet implemented]';
+# specially defined type. get and process an RSS (RDF Site Summary)
+ my ($replace, $rdf_loc) = ($1,$2);
+# $shortReply = 1;
+# $rdf_loc =~ s/^\"+// && $coverage++;
+# $rdf_loc =~ s/\"+$// && $coverage++;
+# if ($rdf_loc !~ /^(ht|f)tp:/) {
+# &msg($who, "$orig_Y: bad RSS [$rdf_loc] (not an HTTP or FTP location)");
+# } else {
+# my $result = ''; #&get_headlines($rdf_loc);
+# if ($result =~ s/^error: //) {
+# $theMsg = "couldn't get the headlines: $result";
+# } else {
+ $theMsg =~ s/\Q$replace\E/$result/;
+ $theMsg = "$who: $theMsg";
+# }
+# }
+ } elsif ($msgType !~ /private/ and
+ $theMsg =~ s/^\s*<action>\s*(.*)/\cAACTION $1\cA/i) {
+ # specially defined type. only remove '<action>' and make it an action
+ $shortReply = 1;
+ } else { # not a short reply
+ if ($theVerb =~ /is/) {
+ my($x) = int(rand(16));
+ # oh this could be done much better
+ if ($x <= 5) {
+ $theMsg= "$orig_Y is $theMsg";
+ }
+ if ($x == 6) {
+ $theMsg= "i think $orig_Y is $theMsg";
+ }
+ if ($x == 7) {
+ $theMsg= "hmmm... $orig_Y is $theMsg";
+ }
+ if ($x == 8) {
+ $theMsg= "it has been said that $orig_Y is $theMsg";
+ }
+ if ($x == 9) {
+ $theMsg= "$orig_Y is probably $theMsg";
+ }
+ if ($x == 10) {
+$theMsg =~ s/[.!?]+$//;
+$theMsg= "rumour has it $orig_Y is $theMsg";
+# $theMsg .= " dumbass";
+if ($x == 11) {
+$theMsg= "i heard $orig_Y was $theMsg";
+if ($x == 12) {
+$theMsg= "somebody said $orig_Y was $theMsg";
+if ($x == 13) {
+$theMsg= "i guess $orig_Y is $theMsg";
+if ($x == 14) {
+$theMsg= "well, $orig_Y is $theMsg";
+if ($x == 15) {
+$theMsg =~ s/[.!?]+$//;
+$theMsg= "$orig_Y is, like, $theMsg";
+} else {
+$theMsg = "$orig_Y $theVerb $theMsg" if ($theMsg !~ /^\s*$/);
+my $safeWho = &purifyNick($who);
+if (!$shortReply) {
+# shouldn't this be in switchPerson?
+# this is fixing the person for going back out
+# /^onz!lenzo at lenzo.pc.cs.cmu.edu privmsg rurl :*** noctcp: omega42 is/: nested *?+ in regexp at /usr/users/infobot/infobot-current/src/Reply.pl line 266, <FH> chunk 176.
+if ($theMsg =~ s/^$safeWho is/you are/i) { # fix the person
+} else {
+$theMsg =~ s/^$nick is /i am /ig;
+$theMsg =~ s/ $nick is / i am /ig;
+$theMsg =~ s/^$nick was /i was /ig;
+$theMsg =~ s/ $nick was / i was /ig;
+if ($addressed) {
+$theMsg =~ s/^you are (\.*)/i am $1/ig;
+$theMsg =~ s/ you are (\.*)/ i am $1/ig;
+} else {
+if ($theMsg =~ /^you are / or $theMsg =~ / you are /) {
+$theMsg = 'NOREPLY';
+$theMsg =~ s/ $nick\'?s / my /ig;
+$theMsg =~ s/^$safeWho\'?s /$safeWho, your /i;
+$theMsg =~ s/ $safeWho\'?s / your /ig;
+if (1) { # $date, $time
+my $curDate = scalar(localtime());
+chomp $curDate;
+$curDate =~ s/\:\d+(\s+\w+)\s+\d+$/$1/;
+$theMsg =~ s/\$date/$curDate/gi;
+$curDate =~ s/\w+\s+\w+\s+\d+\s+//;
+$theMsg =~ s/\$time/$curDate/gi;
+$theMsg =~ s/\$who/$who/gi;
+if (1) { # variables. like $me or \me
+$theMsg =~ s/(\\){1,}([^\s\\]+)/$1/g;
+$theMsg =~ s/^\s*//;
+$theMsg =~ s/\s+$//;
+#if (getparam('filter')) {
+#require "src/filter.pl";
+#$theMsg = &filter($theMsg);
+# If we have non-space content in our reply, we return it...
+if ($theMsg =~ /\S/) {
+# But first we check to see if we should be crop it
+if ($crop) {
+# If we're here, guess there's a chance we should be,
+# so we check that we weren't addressed and that the
+# reply will be longer than our 'crop' value
+unless (($addressed)||(length($theMsg)<$crop)) {
+# Grab the first 'crop' chars of the return message
+my $temp_msg = substr($theMsg, 0, $crop);
+# Find a nice white-space delimiter
+1 while(chop($temp_msg) =~ /\S/);
+# Work out how much we chopped for our status message
+my $discarded = length($theMsg) - length($temp_msg);
+# Overwrite the return var ($theMsg) with out new one
+$theMsg = $temp_msg . "... [$discarded chars more]";
+return 1;
+} else {
+return undef;
+sub is_statement {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $factoid = shift;
+ my $msgType = $factoid->{public} ? 'public' : 'private';
+ my $in = $factoid->{text};
+ my $msgFilter = $factoid->{filter};
+ my $addressed = $factoid->{addressed};
+ my $finalQMark = $factoid->{question_mark};
+ my $who = $factoid->{who};
+ my $crop = 0;
+ my $nick = $factoid->{nick};
+ my $public = $factoid->{public};
+$self->log(9, "Entering the is_statment loop");
+$in =~ s/\\(\S+)/\#$1\#/g;
+# switch person
+$in =~ s/(^|\s)i am /$1$who is /i;
+$in =~ s/(^|\s)my /$1$who\'s /ig;
+$in =~ s/(^|\s)your /$1$nick\'s /ig;
+if ($addressed) {
+$in =~ s/(^|\s)you are /$1$nick is /i;
+# don't want to complain if it's new but negative
+$factoid->{'correction_plausible'} = 1 if($in =~ s/^no,\s+//i);
+my($lhs, $mhs, $rhs); # left hand side, uh.. middlehand side...
+# check if we need to be addressed and if we are
+if ($factoid->{message}->context->{addressing} && !$addressed) {
+# prefix www with http:// and ftp with ftp://
+$in =~ s/ www\./ http:\/\/www\./ig;
+$in =~ s/ ftp\./ ftp:\/\/ftp\./ig;
+# look for a "type nugget". this should be externalized.
+$theType = "";
+$theType = "mailto" if ($in =~ /\bmailto:.+\@.+\..{2,}/i);
+$theType = "mailto" if ($in =~ s/\b(\S+\@\S+\.\S{2,})/mailto:$1/gi);
+$in =~ s/(mailto:)+/mailto:/g;
+$theType = "about" if ($in =~ /\babout:/i);
+$theType = 'afp' if ($in =~ /\bafp:/);
+$theType = 'file' if ($in =~ /\bfile:/);
+$theType = 'palace' if ($in =~ /\bpalace:/);
+$theType = 'phoneto' if ($in =~ /\bphone(to)?:/);
+if ($in =~ /\b(news|http|ftp|gopher|telnet):\s*\/\/[\-\w]+(\.[\-\w]+)+/) {
+$theType = $1;
+# FIX - removed a bunch of URL accepting stuff
+foreach my $item (qw(is are)) { # check for verb
+if ($in =~ /(^|\s)$item(\s|$)/i) {
+my ($lhs, $mhs, $rhs) = ($`, $&, $');
+$lhs =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
+$lhs =~ s/^\s*(the|da|an?)\s+//i; # discard article
+$lhs =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/;
+$mhs =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/;
+$rhs =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/;
+# note : prevent access to globals in the eval
+return '' unless ($lhs and $rhs);
+my $maxkey = 50;
+return "The key is too long (> $maxkey chars)."
+if (length($lhs) > $maxkey);
+if (length($rhs) > 410) {
+if ($public) {
+if ($addressed) {
+if (rand() > 0.5) {
+$factoid->{message}->say("that entry is too long, ".$who);
+} else {
+$factoid->{message}->say("i'm sorry, but that entry is too long, $who");
+} else {
+$factoid->{message}->say($who, "The text is too long");
+return '';
+return undef if ($lhs eq 'NOREPLY');
+my $failed = 0;
+$lhs =~ /^(who|what|when|where|why|how)$/ and $failed++;
+if (!$failed and !$addressed) {
+# the arsenal of things to ignore if we aren't addressed directly
+$lhs =~ /^(who|what|when|where|why|how|it) /i and $failed++;
+$lhs =~ /^(this|that|these|those|they|you) /i and $failed++;
+$lhs =~ /^(every(one|body)|we) /i and $failed++;
+$lhs =~ /^\s*\*/ and $failed++; # server message
+$lhs =~ /^\s*<+[-=]+/ and $failed++; # <--- arrows
+$lhs =~ /^[\[<\(]\w+[\]>\)]/ and $failed++; # [nick] from bots
+$lhs =~ /^heya?,? / and $failed++; # greetings
+$lhs =~ /^\s*th(is|at|ere|ese|ose|ey)/i and $failed++; # contextless
+$lhs =~ /^\s*it\'?s?\W/i and $failed++; # contextless clitic
+$lhs =~ /^\s*if /i and $failed++; # hypothetical
+$lhs =~ /^\s*how\W/i and $failed++; # too much trouble for now
+$lhs =~ /^\s*why\W/i and $failed++; # too much trouble for now
+$lhs =~ /^\s*h(is|er) /i and $failed++; # her name is
+$lhs =~ /^\s*\D[\d\w]*\.{2,}/ and $failed++; # x...
+$lhs =~ /^\s*so is/i and $failed++; # so is (no referent)
+$lhs =~ /^\s*s+o+r+[ye]+\b/i and $failed++; # sorry
+$lhs =~ /^\s*supposedly/i and $failed++;
+$lhs =~ /^all / and $failed++; # all you have to do, all you guys...
+} elsif (!$failed and $addressed) {
+# things to skip if we ARE addressed
+if ($failed) {
+$self->log(9, "Ignoring $in as ambiguous when unaddressed");
+return 0;
+#&status("statement: <$who> $message");
+$lhs =~ s/\#(\S+)\#/$1/g;
+# Avi++
+$rhs =~ s/\#\|\#/\\\|/g;
+$rhs =~ s/\#(\S+)\#/$1/g;
+$lhs =~ s/\?+\s*$//; # strip the ? off the key
+return $self->update($factoid, $lhs, $mhs, $rhs);
+#return 0 if ($lhs eq 'NOREPLY');
+sub update {
+ my($self, $factoid, $lhs, $verb, $rhs) = @_;
+ my($reply) = $lhs;
+ my $msgType = $factoid->{public} ? 'public' : 'private';
+ my $in = $factoid->{text};
+ my $msgFilter = $factoid->{filter};
+ my $addressed = $factoid->{addressed};
+ my $finalQMark = $factoid->{question_mark};
+ my $who = $factoid->{who};
+ my $crop = 0;
+ my $nick = $factoid->{nick};
+ my $public = $factoid->{public};
+ my $correction_plausible = $factoid->{'correction_plausible'};
+ my $exists = 0;
+ my $also = 0;
+ $lhs =~ s/^\s*=?//; # handle dcc =oznoid and stuff
+ $lhs =~ s/^i (heard|think) //i;
+ $lhs =~ s/^some(one|1|body) said //i;
+ $lhs =~ s/ +/ /g;
+ # this really needs cleaning up
+ if ($verb eq "is") {
+ $also = ($rhs =~ s/^also //i);
+ my $also_or = ($also and $rhs =~ s/\s*\|\s*//);
+ if ($exists = $self->get( $lhs, "is" )) {
+ chomp $exists;
+ if ($exists eq $rhs and not $main::googling) {
+ $factoid->{message}->say("I already had it that way, $who");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ my $skipReply = 0;
+ if ($also) {
+ if ($also_or) {
+ $rhs = $exists . '|'.$rhs;
+ } else {
+ if ($exists ne $rhs) {
+ $rhs = $exists .' or '.$rhs;
+ }
+ }
+ if (length($rhs) > 410) {
+ if ($msgType =~ /public/) {
+ if ($addressed) {
+ if (rand() > 0.5) {
+ &performSay("that is too long, ".$who);
+ } else {
+ &performSay("i'm sorry, but that's too long, $who");
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ &msg($who, "The text is too long");
+ }
+ return 'NOREPLY';
+ }
+ if ($msgType =~ /public/) {
+ $factoid->{message}->say("okay, $who.");
+ } else {
+ $factoid->{message}->say("okay.");
+ }
+ &status("update: <$who> \'$lhs =is=> $rhs\'; was \'$exists\'");
+ $self->set("is", $lhs, $rhs);
+ } else { # not "also"
+ if (($correction_plausible == 0) && ($exists ne $rhs)) {
+ if ($addressed) {
+ if (not $main::googling) {
+ if ($msgType =~ /public/) {
+ &performSay("...but $lhs is $exists...");
+ } else {
+ &msg($who, "...but $lhs is $exists..");
+ }
+ &status("FAILED update: <$who> \'$lhs =$verb=> $rhs\'");
+ }
+ } else {
+ &status("FAILED update: <$who> \'$lhs =$verb=> $rhs\' (not addressed, no reply)");
+ # we were not addressed, so just
+ # ignore it.
+ return 'NOREPLY';
+ }
+ } else {
+# if (IsFlag("m") ne "m") {
+# performReply("You have no access to change factoids");
+# return 'NOREPLY';
+# }
+ if ($msgType =~ /public/) {
+ $factoid->{message}->say("okay, $who.");
+ } else {
+ $factoid->{message}->say("okay.");
+ }
+ &status("update: <$who> '$lhs =is=> $rhs\'; was \'$exists\'");
+ $self->set("is", $lhs, $rhs);
+ }
+ }
+ $reply = 'NOREPLY';
+ } else {
+ &status("enter: <$who> $lhs =$verb=> $rhs");
+ $self->set("is", $lhs, $rhs);
+ }
+ } else { # 'is' failed
+ if ($verb eq "are") {
+ $also = ($rhs =~ s/^also //i);
+ if ($exists = $self->get($lhs, 'are')) {
+ if ($also) {
+ if ($exists ne $rhs) {
+ $rhs = $exists .' or '.$rhs;
+ }
+ if ($msgType =~ /public/) {
+ &performSay("okay, $who.") unless $rhs eq $exists;
+ } else {
+ &msg($who, "okay.");
+ }
+ &status("update: <$who> \'$lhs =are=> $rhs\'; was \'$exists\'");
+ $self->set("are", $lhs, $rhs);
+ } else { # not 'also'
+ if (($correction_plausible == 0) && ($exists ne $rhs)) {
+ if ($addressed) {
+ &status("FAILED update: \'$lhs =$verb=> $rhs\'");
+ if ($msgType =~ /public/) {
+ &performSay("...but $lhs is $exists...");
+ } else {
+ &msg($who, "...but $lhs is $exists..");
+ }
+ } else {
+ &status("FAILED update: $lhs $verb $rhs (not addressed, no reply)");
+ # we were not addressed, so just
+ # ignore it.
+ return 'NOREPLY';
+ }
+ if ($msgType =~ /public/) {
+ &performSay("...but $lhs are $exists...");
+ } else {
+ &msg($who, "...but $lhs are $exists...");
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ($msgType =~ /public/) {
+ &performSay("okay, $who.") unless $rhs eq $exists;
+ } else {
+ &msg($who, "okay.")
+ #unless grep $_ eq $who, split /\s+/, $param{friendlyBots};
+ }
+ &status("update: <$who> \'$lhs =are=> $rhs\'; was \'$exists\'");
+ $self->set("are", $lhs, $rhs);
+ }
+ $reply = 'NOREPLY';
+ }
+ } else {
+ &status("enter: <$who> $lhs =are=> $rhs");
+ $self->set("are", $lhs, $rhs);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $lhs .= " $verb $rhs";
+ if ($reply ne 'NOREPLY') {
+ $reply = $lhs;
+ }
+ return $reply;
+sub status {}
Added: trunk/Infobot-DBIC/lib/Infobot/Plugin/Query/Greeting.pm
--- trunk/Infobot-DBIC/lib/Infobot/Plugin/Query/Greeting.pm (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Infobot-DBIC/lib/Infobot/Plugin/Query/Greeting.pm 2007-05-08 18:01:37 UTC (rev 3264)
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+package Infobot::Plugin::Query::Greeting;
+ use strict;
+ use base (qw(Infobot::Plugin::Query::Base));
+# ways to say hello
+my @hello = ('hello',
+ 'hi',
+ 'hey',
+ 'niihau',
+ 'bonjour',
+ 'hola',
+ 'salut',
+ 'que tal',
+ 'privet',
+ "what's up");
+ sub process {
+ my $package = shift;
+ my $message = shift;
+ if ($message->{message} =~ /^\s*(h(ello|i(\s+there)?|owdy|ey|ola)|
+ salut|bonjour|niihau|que\s*tal)
+ (\s+$::param{nick})?\s*$/xi) {
+ if ( $message->{public} && (! $message->{addressed} ) && rand() > 0.35) {
+ # 65% chance of replying to a random greeting when not
+ # addressed
+ return 1;
+ }
+ $message->say( $hello[int(rand(@hello))] . ', ' . $message->name );
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return undef;
Added: trunk/Infobot-DBIC/lib/Infobot/Plugin/Query/Karma.pm
--- trunk/Infobot-DBIC/lib/Infobot/Plugin/Query/Karma.pm (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Infobot-DBIC/lib/Infobot/Plugin/Query/Karma.pm 2007-05-08 18:01:37 UTC (rev 3264)
@@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
+package Infobot::Plugin::Query::Karma;
+ use strict;
+ use base (qw( Infobot::Plugin::Query::Base::DBIxClass ));
+ sub process {
+ my $package = shift;
+ my $message = shift;
+ my $text = $message->{message};
+ # Reverse back-to-front karma
+ $text =~ s/\W(--|\+\+)(\(.*?\)|[^(++)(--)\s]+)/$2$1/;
+ # Retrieving karma
+ if ( $message->{message} =~ m/^topten karma??$/) {
+ $message->say( 'Best karma: ' . Infobot::Plugin::Core::Karma::DB::topten( $package, 'desc' ) );
+ return 1;
+ } elsif ( $message->{message} =~ m/^bottomten karma??$/) {
+ $message->say( 'Worst karma: ' . Infobot::Plugin::Core::Karma::DB::topten( $package, 'asc' ) );
+ } elsif ( $message->{message} =~ m/^(?:karma|score)\s+(?:for\s+)?(.*?)[?\s]*$/ ) {
+ my $score = Infobot::Plugin::Query::Karma::DB::get_score( $package, $1 );
+ if ( $score == 0 ) {
+ $message->say( $1 . ' has neutral karma' );
+ } else {
+ $message->say( $1 . ' has karma of ' . $score );
+ }
+ return 1;
+ } elsif ( $message->{message} =~ m/^explain\s+(?:karma|score)\s+(?:for\s+)?(.*?)[?\s]*$/ ) {
+ $message->say( Infobot::Plugin::Query::Karma::DB::Explain::get_explanation( $package, $1) );
+ return 1;
+ } elsif ( $text =~ m/(\(.*?\)|[^(++)(--)\s]+)(\+\+|--)/ ) {
+ # One message per item changed...
+ my %karma_limit;
+ $text =~ s/#\s*(.+)//;
+ my $reason = $1;
+ while ($text =~ s/(\(.*?\)|[^(++)(--)\s]+)(\+\+|--)//) {
+ my ( $noun, $verb ) = ( $1, $2 );
+ # Try and normalise this a little...
+ $noun = lc( $noun );
+ $noun =~ s/^\((.*)\)$/$1/; # Remove brackets
+ $noun =~ s/\s+/ /g;
+ $noun =~ s/^ ?(.+?) ?$/$1/;
+ next unless $noun;
+ next if $karma_limit{ $noun }++;
+ # Stop people being silly...
+ if (! $message->{public} ) {
+ $message->say("karma must be done in public!");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if ( lc( $message->{name} ) =~ m/^$noun[\d_]*$/ ) {
+ $message->{public} = 0;
+ $message->say("Please don't karma yourself");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if ( $verb eq '++' ) {
+ Infobot::Plugin::Query::Karma::DB::increment( $package, $noun );
+ if ( $reason ) {
+ Infobot::Plugin::Query::Karma::DB::Explain::add_explanation(
+ $package,
+ $noun,
+ $message->{name},
+ 1,
+ $reason
+ );
+ }
+ } else {
+ Infobot::Plugin::Query::Karma::DB::decrement( $package, $noun );
+ if ( $reason ) {
+ Infobot::Plugin::Query::Karma::DB::Explain::add_explanation(
+ $package,
+ $noun,
+ $message->{name},
+ 0,
+ $reason
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return undef;
+ }
+package Infobot::Plugin::Query::Karma::DB;
+ use base qw/DBIx::Class/;
+ __PACKAGE__->load_components(qw/PK::Auto Core/);
+ __PACKAGE__->table('karma');
+ __PACKAGE__->add_columns( qw/ id score / );
+ __PACKAGE__->set_primary_key( 'id' );
+ #Infobot::DBI->register_class( Karma => __PACKAGE__ );
+ sub increment {
+ my ( $package, $noun ) = @_;
+ _change_score( $package, $noun, 1 );
+ }
+ sub decrement {
+ my ( $package, $noun ) = @_;
+ _change_score( $package, $noun, -1 );
+ }
+ sub get_score {
+ my $package = shift;
+ my $noun = shift;
+ my $object = $package->dbi->find( $noun );
+ return 0 unless $object;
+ return $object->score;
+ }
+ sub topten {
+ my $package = shift;
+ my $order = shift;
+ my $count = 1;
+ return
+ join '; ',
+ map { $count++ . '. ' . $_->id . ' (' . $_->score . ')' }
+ $package->dbi->search_literal('LENGTH(id) > 1 ORDER BY score ' . $order );
+ }
+ sub _change_score {
+ my $package = shift;
+ my $noun = shift;
+ my $score = shift;
+ my $object = $package->dbi->find_or_create( { id => $noun } );
+ $object->score( $object->score + $score );
+ $object->update;
+ }
+package Infobot::Plugin::Query::Karma::DB::Explain;
+ use base qw/DBIx::Class/;
+ __PACKAGE__->load_components(qw/PK::Auto Core/);
+ __PACKAGE__->table('karma_explain');
+ __PACKAGE__->add_columns( qw/ id noun name type explanation / );
+ __PACKAGE__->set_primary_key( 'id' );
+ #Infobot::DBI->register_class( KarmaExplain => __PACKAGE__ );
+ sub add_explanation {
+ my $package = shift;
+ my $noun = shift;
+ my $name = shift;
+ my $score = shift;
+ my $explanation = shift;
+ return if length( $explanation ) > 20;
+ return if length( $explanation ) < 2;
+ $score = $score ? 'positive' : 'negative';
+# XXX - Broke
+ #$package->dbi->create_related(
+ # 'KarmaExplain',
+ # {
+ # noun => $noun,
+ # name => $name,
+ # type => $score,
+ # explanation => $explanation,
+ # });
+ }
+ sub get_explanation {
+ my $package = shift;
+ my $noun = shift;
+ my %return_strings;
+ for my $type ( qw( positive negative ) ) {
+ my $count;
+ $return_strings{ $type } =
+ join ', ',
+ # Read these from the bottom up, obviously
+ map { $_->explanation . ' (' . $_->name . ')' } # Decorate
+ grep { (! $count++ < 2 ) } # Limit to three
+ map { $_->[0] } # Remove the dec
+ sort { $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] } # Sort using that element
+ map { [ $_, rand(1) ] } # Assign a random dec to each element
+ # Get the results from the DB
+ #$package->dbi->search_related(
+ # 'explain',
+ # {
+ # noun => $noun,
+ # type => $type,
+ # });
+ $return_strings{ $type } = "No explanations" unless $return_strings{ $type };
+ }
+ my $overall = Infobot::Plugin::Query::Karma::DB::get_score( $package, $noun );
+ $overall = 'neutral' unless $overall;
+ return "Positive: $return_strings{'positive'}; Negative: $return_strings{'negative'}; Overall: $overall";
+ }
Added: trunk/Infobot-DBIC/lib/Infobot/Plugin/Query/RSS.pm
--- trunk/Infobot-DBIC/lib/Infobot/Plugin/Query/RSS.pm (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Infobot-DBIC/lib/Infobot/Plugin/Query/RSS.pm 2007-05-08 18:01:37 UTC (rev 3264)
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+package Infobot::Plugin::Query::RSS;
+ use strict;
+ use warnings;
+ use base (qw(Infobot::Plugin::Query::Base::HTTP));
+ our @required_modules = qw( XML::RSS HTTP::Request::Common );
+ sub process {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $message = shift;
+ if ( $message->{message} =~ m/^headlines (https?:\/\/(\S+))\s*$/ ) {
+ $self->get_rss( $message, $1 );
+ return 1;
+ } else {
+ return undef;
+ }
+ }
+ sub get_rss {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $message = shift;
+ my $rss = shift;
+ $self->log( 5, "Requesting $rss" );
+ $self->request( $message, HTTP::Request::Common::GET $rss );
+ }
+ sub response {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $message, $response ) = @_;
+ $self->log( 5, "Response received" );
+ unless ( $response->is_success ) {
+ $message->say("RSS fetch unsuccessful");
+ $self->log( 5, "Request unsuccessful" );
+ return;
+ }
+ $self->log( 7, "Successful response received" );
+ my $data = $response->content;
+ my $rss = XML::RSS->new;
+ eval { $rss->parse( $data ) };
+ if ( $@ ) {
+ $message->say("RSS unparseable");
+ $self->log( 5, "RSS unparseable: $@" );
+ return
+ }
+ my $headlines;
+ foreach my $item ( @{$rss->{"items"}} ) {
+ $headlines .= $item->{"title"} . "; ";
+ if (
+ $self->{config}->{max_length} &&
+ length( $headlines ) > $self->{config}->{max_length}
+ ) {
+ last
+ }
+ }
+ $headlines =~ s/; $//;
+ $headlines =~ s/\s+/ /sg;
+ $message->say( $headlines );
+ }
Added: trunk/Infobot-DBIC/lib/Infobot/Service.pm
--- trunk/Infobot-DBIC/lib/Infobot/Service.pm (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Infobot-DBIC/lib/Infobot/Service.pm 2007-05-08 18:01:37 UTC (rev 3264)
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+=head1 NAME
+Infobot::Service - Base class for core services
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ package Infobot::SomethingImportant;
+ our $name = 'impo';
+Is a L<Infobot::Base>.
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 key
+Returns the value of the package variable 'name'. Used for
+setting internal aliases in core services.
+package Infobot::Service;
+ use strict;
+ no strict 'refs';
+ use warnings;
+ use base qw( Infobot::Base );
+ our $name = 'Service';
+ sub key {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $package = $self->_get_package_name;
+ my $keyname = $package . '::name';
+ return $$keyname;
+ }
Added: trunk/Infobot-DBIC/lib/Infobot.pm
--- trunk/Infobot-DBIC/lib/Infobot.pm (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Infobot-DBIC/lib/Infobot.pm 2007-05-08 18:01:37 UTC (rev 3264)
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+package Infobot;
+=head1 NAME
+Infobot - Popular IRC bot
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ ./infobot infobot.conf &
+C<infobot> is an IRC bot which implements a sort of artificial
+intelligence by learning information ("factoids") from channel
+discussions and then responding intelligently to queries about this
+accumulated information. Through plug-ins, the C<infobot> can also
+interactively query all sorts of other data sources.
+The C<1.00> release of C<infobot> offers a new and improved back-end -
+100% test and documentation coverage, a simple and stable plugin system,
+while maintaining feature (and bug!) parity with C<0.43> were the
+priorities in this release.
+The rest of the documentation in this file is meant for C<infobot>
+developers. Please view the docs/ directory for information for
+ use strict;
+ use warnings;
+ use base ( qw( Infobot::Base ) );
+ use POE;
+ require UNIVERSAL::require;
+ my @services = (qw(
+ Infobot::Log
+ Infobot::Config
+ Infobot::Pipeline
+ ));
+# This makes the whole thing run... infobot.pl is a very thin
+# wrapper on top of this.
+The application is put together in such a way that almost everything should
+use L<Infobot::Base> as its subclass. Methods should return 0 on failure, and
+1 on success. An object's C<new> method should B<just> instantiate, nothing else
+- leave any setup for C<init>.
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 start
+ Infobot->start( 'config_file_location' );
+Loads all the specified components specified in the configuration file
+and starts the L<POE> kernel. Returns on shutdown.
+ sub start {
+ my $package = shift;
+ my $config_file = shift;
+ $package->stash( config_file => $config_file );
+ # Set up our essential services
+ for my $service ( @services ) {
+ # Try and load up the service
+ $service->require || die "Couldn't load $service: $@";
+ # Get its key - what we call it in the stash...
+ my $key = $service->key;
+ # Create an object, init, stash
+ my $class = $service->new || die $@;
+ $package->stash( $key => $class );
+ $package->stash( $key )->init || die $!;
+ }
+ # Load up the components we need...
+ # Config Section, Required, Pipeline
+ $package->_load_module_type('log', 1, 0 );
+ $package->_load_module_type('datasource', 1, 0 );
+ $package->_load_module_type('conduit', 0, 0 );
+ $package->_load_module_type('query', 0, 1 );
+ $poe_kernel->run();
+ return 1;
+ }
+# Searches the config for modules to load of a specific
+# type, and loads them if so
+ sub _load_module_type {
+ my $package = shift;
+ my $type = shift;
+ my $required = shift;
+ my $pipeline = shift;
+ return 1 unless $package->stash('config')->{$type};
+ # Iterate through entries in the config file for 'type'
+ for my $name ( keys %{ $package->stash('config')->{$type} } ) {
+ # Get the name of the class the module lives in, then load it
+ next unless $name; # Stop yaml being weird
+ my $classname = $package->stash('config')->{$type}->{$name}->{class};
+ $package->log( 4, "Loading $type [$name] [$classname]" );
+ unless ( $classname->require ) {
+ $package->log( 1, "Failed to require() $classname: $@" );
+ die;
+ }
+ # Test if the module thinks it can be loaded. If it can,
+ # then it should definitely init(), and we'll treat it as
+ # fatal if it can't
+ if ( $classname->load ) {
+ my $class = $classname->new;
+ unless ( $class->init( $name ) ) {
+ $package->log( 1, "$name: $classname didn't initialise! $@" );
+ die;
+ }
+ # Add to the pipeline if required
+ if ( $pipeline ) {
+ my $priority = $class->priority;
+ $package->stash('pipeline')->add( $priority, $class );
+ }
+ # If it can't be loaded, then check if it's required that
+ # we can load it, and die if we can't, otherwise just
+ # shoot an error
+ } else {
+ if ( $required ) {
+ $package->log( 1, "Failed to load() $type: $name $@" );
+ die;
+ } else {
+ $package->log( 2, "Failed to load() $type: $name $@" );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
Added: trunk/Infobot-DBIC/scripts/create_database.pl
--- trunk/Infobot-DBIC/scripts/create_database.pl (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Infobot-DBIC/scripts/create_database.pl 2007-05-08 18:01:37 UTC (rev 3264)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ use strict;
+ use warnings;
+ use DBI;
+ die "You must specify a database!" unless $ARGV[0];
+ my $dbh = DBI->connect( 'dbi:SQLite:dbname=' . $ARGV[0] );
+ $dbh->do("CREATE TABLE facts ( thing char(50) primary key, verb char(5), content varchar(410) )");
Added: trunk/Infobot-DBIC/scripts/notify.pl
--- trunk/Infobot-DBIC/scripts/notify.pl (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Infobot-DBIC/scripts/notify.pl 2007-05-08 18:01:37 UTC (rev 3264)
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+#!env perl
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+use POE;
+use POE::Component::IKC::ClientLite;
+die "Usage $0 <messages>\n" unless @ARGV;
+my $remote = POE::Component::IKC::ClientLite::create_ikc_client(
+ port => 9990,
+ name => "Client$$",
+ timeout => 5,
+$remote->post( "Infobot/update", join(" ", @ARGV) );
Added: trunk/Infobot-DBIC/surl.conf
--- trunk/Infobot-DBIC/surl.conf (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Infobot-DBIC/surl.conf 2007-05-08 18:01:37 UTC (rev 3264)
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+alias : surl
+ 'Pretty Terminal Colours':
+ class : Infobot::Plugin::Log::PrettyConsole
+ level : 9
+ 'DBIxClass':
+ class : Infobot::Plugin::Query::Client::DBIxClass
+ alias : dbix
+ extras:
+ dsn : dbi:SQLite:brains/factoids.db
+# 'HTTP':
+# class : Infobot::Plugin::Query::Client::HTTP
+# alias : poe_http
+# extras:
+# Agent : Infobot v1.0
+# Timeout : 15
+ 'MagNET IRC':
+ class : Infobot::Plugin::Conduit::IRC
+ extras:
+ server : cou.ch
+ nick : surl
+ port : 6667
+ ircname : sheriff's infobot replacement
+ channels :
+ '#surl' :
+ addressing : 0
+# '#pvoice' :
+# addressing : 0
+# '#perl' :
+# addressing : 1
+ ignore :
+ - 'purl.*'
+ - 'buubot.*'
+ - 'dipsy.*'
+ - 'CPAN.*'
+# 'Console':
+# class : Infobot::Conduit::Console
+# 'Gender':
+# class : Infobot::Plugin::Query::Gender
+# priority : 1000
+# extras :
+# table : gender
+# db : dbix
+ 'Greeting':
+ class : Infobot::Plugin::Query::Greeting
+ priority : 1000
+# 'RSS':
+# class : Infobot::Plugin::Query::RSS
+# priority : 1000
+# extras :
+# http_client : poe_http
+# # 'Karma':
+# class : Infobot::Plugin::Query::Karma
+# priority : 2000
+# 'Fetch':
+# class : Infobot::Plugin::Query::Fetch
+# priority : 2000
+# extras :
+# http_client : poe_http
+# 'Catchup':
+# class : Infobot::Plugin::Query::Catchup
+# priority : 2000
+ 'Factoids':
+ class : Infobot::Plugin::Query::Factoids
+ priority : 0
+ extras :
+ table : facts
+ db : dbix
Added: trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/000_integrity_010_pod.t
--- trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/000_integrity_010_pod.t (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/000_integrity_010_pod.t 2007-05-08 18:01:37 UTC (rev 3264)
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+=head2 000_integrity_010_pod
+Uses L<Test::Pod> to check for POD errors in all modules in the build
+ use strict;
+ use warnings;
+ use Test::More;
+# First we check if we have everything we need...
+ eval "use Test::Pod 1.00";
+ plan skip_all => "Test::Pod 1.00 required for testing POD" if $@;
+# We do, so let's go!
+ all_pod_files_ok();
Added: trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/000_integrity_020_pod_coverage.t.broken
--- trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/000_integrity_020_pod_coverage.t.broken (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/000_integrity_020_pod_coverage.t.broken 2007-05-08 18:01:37 UTC (rev 3264)
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+=head2 000_integrity_020_pod_coverage
+Uses L<Pod::Coverage> to check that we have full POD coverage for all public functions
+in our libraries.
+ use strict;
+ use warnings;
+ use Pod::Coverage;
+ use Infobot;
+ use Infobot::Base;
+ use Infobot::Log;
+ use Test::More;
+ use t::lib::Util;
+# Modules in the blib path to check
+ my @modules = t::lib::Util::find_packages();
+# Calculate correct number of tests we intend to run
+ plan tests => ( scalar @modules ) * 2;
+# Scan through the modules
+ for my $module_name ( @modules ) {
+ # Can we 'use' the module ok, first of all...
+ use_ok( $module_name );
+ # Test for POD coverage
+ my $pod = Pod::Coverage->new(package => $module_name );
+ my $score = $pod->coverage;
+ ok( ( $score == 1 ), "Full POD coverage for $module_name" );
+ # Spit out some useful information if anything isn't covered...
+ if ( !$score ) {
+ diag( $pod->why_unrated )
+ } elsif ( $score != 1 ) {
+ for ( $pod->naked ) {
+ diag("$_ not covered");
+ }
+ }
+ }
Added: trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/010_base_010_basic.t
--- trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/010_base_010_basic.t (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/010_base_010_basic.t 2007-05-08 18:01:37 UTC (rev 3264)
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+# 010_base_010_basic.t - Tests that work around the basic functionality of
+# the project's base class, Infobot::Base.
+ use strict;
+ use warnings;
+ use Test::More tests => 19;
+ use t::lib::NullLog;
+# Set 'main::' to be a base class of Infobot::Base
+ use base qw(Infobot::Base);
+ use_ok( 'Infobot::Log' );
+# First of all, we're going to test the basic functionality of load(), by trying
+# to load Infobot::Config explicitly. We check for the presence of loaded
+# modules by looking in %INC.
+ ok( main->load, "Blank load() returns true" );
+ ok( !$INC{'Infobot/Config.pm'}, "Infobot::Config not loaded (control check)" );
+ ok( main->require_modules('Infobot::Config'), "require_modules() returns true" );
+ ok( $INC{'Infobot/Config.pm'}, "Infobot::Log loaded via explicit required_modules" );
+# Some of the calls we're about to make will try and write to the log
+# multiplexer, so we intialize that right now...
+ main->stash( log => Infobot::Log->new() );
+# load() can also read from SELF::required_modules, so let's try and do that to
+# load up a copy of Infobot::Pipeline, the incoming data controller.
+ our @required_modules = (qw(Infobot::Pipeline));
+ ok( !$INC{'Infobot/Pipeline.pm'}, "Infobot::Pipeline not loaded (control check)" );
+ ok( main->load, "load() returns true" );
+ ok( $INC{'Infobot/Pipeline.pm'}, "Infobot::Pipeline loaded via @required_modules" );
+# We provide a private 'get_package_name' function which is used when we're
+# reading package variables. It should return the name of the calling package
+# either when called as a package method or an object method...
+ my $object = main->new();
+ is( main->_get_package_name, "main", "Correct package name on unblessed package" );
+ is( $object->_get_package_name, "main", "Correct package name from object" );
+# The stash is an application-persistent data store, accesible through the stash
+# method. We check we can get and put data in it...
+ my $value = rand(100);
+ $object->stash( foo => $value );
+ is ( $object->stash( 'foo' ), $value, "Stash is working" );
+# require_base is a bit like load() (and in fact, calls it internally), but it
+# also makes the package on which you call it a subclass of another. So we turn
+# main:: (the current package) in to an Infobot::Message too, and then also
+# an Infobot::Config, and check that we can sensibly handle multiple inheritance
+# through it!
+ ok( $object->require_base('Infobot::Message'), "Loading Infobot::Message as base returns true" );
+ ok( $object->require_base('Infobot::Config' ), "Loading Infobot::Config as base returns true" );
+ isa_ok( $object, 'Infobot::Config' );
+ isa_ok( $object, 'Infobot::Message' );
+ isa_ok( $object, 'Infobot::Base' );
+# Now check that that mechanism doesn't work (but also doesn't die) when using a
+# non-existant module.
+ ok(! $object->require_base('Infobot::NOTFOUND'), "Loading Infobot::NOTFOUND as base returns false" );
+# Set name should set an object's internal 'name' attribute, and also load the
+# correct part of the config file in to its 'config' attribute. It works
+# slightly differently in Infobot::Base than in its subclasses, in that you pass
+# a category (like 'log' or 'conduit') and its alias. So we check this all works
+ $object->stash( config => { foo => { bar => { extras => 'bang' } } } );
+ $object->set_name( foo => 'bar' );
+ is( $object->{config}, 'bang', "set_name gets config values correctly" );
+ is( $object->{name}, 'bar', "set_name sets 'name' correctly");
+ exit 0;
Added: trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/010_base_020_start.t
--- trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/010_base_020_start.t (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/010_base_020_start.t 2007-05-08 18:01:37 UTC (rev 3264)
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+ for (qw(
+ Infobot/Config.pm
+ Infobot/Pipeline.pm
+ Infobot/Log.pm
+ )) {
+ $INC{$_}++
+ }
+package Infobot::Config; use base 'Infobot::Base'; sub init { 1 } sub key {'config'}
+package Infobot::Pipeline; use base 'Infobot::Base'; sub init { 1 } sub key {'pipeline'}
+package Infobot::Log; use base 'Infobot::Base'; sub init { 1 } sub key {'log'}
+package main;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Infobot;
+use Test::More tests => 1;
+ ok( Infobot->start(), "start returns true" );
Added: trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/020_message_010_basic.t
--- trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/020_message_010_basic.t (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/020_message_010_basic.t 2007-05-08 18:01:37 UTC (rev 3264)
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+# 020_message_010_simple.t - Tests that deal with our message encapsulation
+# layer...
+ use strict;
+ use warnings;
+ use Test::More tests => 17;
+# $buffer here is a file-scoped variable, and we're going to use it to easily
+# and non-invasively pass data back from our faked up conduit object (below)
+ my $buffer;
+# Some calls get a bit needy if they don't have a logging object
+ use Infobot::Log;
+ Infobot::Log->stash( log => Infobot::Log->new() );
+# Check that there are no compile-time errors with Infobot::Message...
+ use_ok( 'Infobot::Message' );
+# Create our message. Infobot::Message's init() method takes a whole bunch
+# of attributes - we're going to start off calling it with none to check
+# we get a 0 back (a convention in this app for the method failing)
+ my $message = Infobot::Message->new();
+ ok(! $message->init(), "init() without required attributes fails" );
+# Now we set a bunch of attributes, attempt to set them in the message using
+# init(), and check we get them all back again...
+ my %attributes = (
+ addressed => 1,
+ conduit => { name => rand(100) },
+ context => { name => rand(100) },
+ message => rand(100),
+ name => rand(100),
+ nick => rand(100),
+ printable => rand(100),
+ public => 0,
+ # id => 'TestMessage'
+ );
+ ok( $message->init(
+ %attributes
+ ), "Message creation succeeded" );
+ for( keys %attributes ) {
+ is( $message->$_, $attributes{$_}, "$_ set correctly" );
+ }
+# Now we're going to use a faked-up conduit, to check the addressing fail-safe
+# features when say() is called on a message. 'addressed' is a required field
+# for a message object, specifying if we consider that someone was deliberately
+# trying to talk to us. The option 'addressing' field in the context attribute
+# is a way of saying that the conduit requires the application to have been
+# addressed for a response (so 1 if that's the case, 0 or undef otherwise)
+ $message->{conduit} = TestConduit->new();
+ $message->{conduit}->{name} = 'Test Conduit';
+ for my $testcase (
+ # Addressed, Addressing, Value?
+ [ 0, 1, 0],
+ [ 1, 1, 1],
+ [ 0, 0, 1],
+ [ 1, 0, 1],
+ ) {
+ $message->{addressed} = $testcase->[0];
+ $message->{context}->{addressing} = $testcase->[1];
+ $buffer = '';
+ my $value = rand(100);
+ $message->say( $value );
+ if ( $testcase->[2] ) {
+ is( $buffer, $value, "Value correctly transmitted" );
+ } else {
+ ok(! $buffer, "Value correctly withheld" );
+ }
+ }
+# Check nothing untoward happens if the conduit's 'say' message returned undef...
+ $message->{conduit} = FalseConduit->new();
+ ok(! $message->say( 'foo' ), "Undef propogated up through say()" );
+# Check we get some sensibly values back from the message counter...
+ $message->_counter for 1 .. 100;
+ is( $message->_counter, "01G", "Message counter at 102 is correct" );
+package TestConduit;
+ use base qw(Infobot::Base);
+ sub say {
+ my $conduit = shift;
+ my $messobj = shift;
+ my $reply = shift;
+ $buffer = $reply;
+ return 1;
+ }
+package FalseConduit;
+ use base qw(Infobot::Base);
+ sub say { return undef }
Added: trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/030_service_010_basic.t
--- trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/030_service_010_basic.t (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/030_service_010_basic.t 2007-05-08 18:01:37 UTC (rev 3264)
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# 030_service_010_basic.t - Tests that deal with our core service base class
+ use strict;
+ use warnings;
+ use Test::More tests => 1;
+ use base qw(Infobot::Service);
+ our $name = rand(100);
+ is( main->key, $name, "key() returns correctly" );
\ No newline at end of file
Added: trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/040_config_010_basic.t
--- trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/040_config_010_basic.t (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/040_config_010_basic.t 2007-05-08 18:01:37 UTC (rev 3264)
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+# 040_config_010_basic.t - Tests for our config class
+ use strict;
+ use warnings;
+ use Test::More tests => 9;
+ use Test::Exception;
+ use_ok( 'Infobot::Config' );
+ my $object = Infobot::Config->new();
+# Errors with config /have/ to be fatal, as it's so important, and the whole
+# thing basically can't run without a config file. The three error cases are
+# no filename, the filename provided doesn't map to something that passed -f,
+# and YAML::Syck doesn't like the data...
+ for (
+ # Problem, Error regex, file
+ [ 'Blank filename', qr/No filename/, '' ],
+ [ 'Missing file', qr/No file found/, '/asdf/asdfasdfas/fsa/df' ],
+ [ 'Malformed file', qr/Syck parser/, 't/config_files/malformed.yaml' ]
+ ) {
+ my ( $problem, $regex, $file ) = @$_;
+ $object->stash( config_file => $file );
+ dies_ok { $object->init() } $problem . " causes fatal exception";
+ like $@, $regex, $problem . " error message correct";
+ }
+ $object->stash( config_file => 't/config_files/very_basic.yaml' );
+ ok( $object->init(), "init() working fine for real file" );
+ is( $object->stash( 'config' )->{foo}, "bar", "Config accessible" );
\ No newline at end of file
Added: trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/050_log_010_basic.t
--- trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/050_log_010_basic.t (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/050_log_010_basic.t 2007-05-08 18:01:37 UTC (rev 3264)
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+# 050_config_010_basic.t - Tests for our log multiplexer
+ use strict;
+ use warnings;
+ use Test::More tests => 8;
+ use_ok( 'Infobot::Log' );
+ my $object = Infobot::Log->new();
+# write() without an init() should cause our backup STDERR logging to fire, and
+# also return undef...
+ ok(! $object->write("#", 1, "Ignore this message!"), "write returns undef if uninitialised" );
+# Init with no object should do the same...
+ $object->init();
+ ok(! $object->write("#", 1, "Ignore this message!"), "write returns undef if defaulting to STDERR" );
+# Let's add a couple of fake log objects, and see if they both get hit...
+ my $log1;
+ my $log2;
+ ok( $object->register( FakeLog1->new ), "First log registration returns true" );
+ ok( $object->register( FakeLog2->new ), "Second log registration returns true" );
+ my $value = rand(100);
+ ok( $object->write( "#", 1, $value ), "write() returns true if there are log objects" );
+ is( $log1, $value, "Log 1 hit properly" );
+ is( $log2, $value, "Log 2 hit properly" );
+package FakeLog1;
+ use base 'Infobot::Base';
+ sub write { $log1 = $_[3]; return 1 }
+package FakeLog2;
+ use base 'Infobot::Base';
+ sub write { $log2 = $_[3]; return 1 }
\ No newline at end of file
Added: trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/060_pipeline_010_basic.t
--- trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/060_pipeline_010_basic.t (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/060_pipeline_010_basic.t 2007-05-08 18:01:37 UTC (rev 3264)
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+# 060_pipeline_010_basic.t - Tests for our pipeline
+ use strict;
+ use warnings;
+ my $response = '';
+ use Test::More tests => 4;
+ use_ok( 'Infobot::Pipeline' );
+ my $object = Infobot::Pipeline->new();
+ $object->init();
+# First let's check that they get priority right...
+ $object->add( 40, PipCFoo->new() );
+ $object->add( 20, PipAFoo->new() );
+# Now check that we do conditional pass-through
+ ok(! $response, "\$response is empty (control)" );
+ $object->process( "foo" );
+ is( $response, 'foo', "Conditional handler worked" );
+ $object->process( "bar" );
+ is( $response, 'afoo', "Pass-through handler worked" );
+package PipCFoo; use base 'Infobot::Base';
+ sub process { my $self = shift; my $message = shift; if ( $message =~ m/foo/ ) { $response = 'foo'; return 1 } else { return undef } }
+package PipAFoo; use base 'Infobot::Base'; sub process { $response = 'afoo'; return 1 }
Added: trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/070_conduit_base_010_basic.t
--- trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/070_conduit_base_010_basic.t (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/070_conduit_base_010_basic.t 2007-05-08 18:01:37 UTC (rev 3264)
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# 070_conduit_base_010_basic.t - Tests around the base class for conduits
+ use strict;
+ use warnings;
+ use Test::More tests => 4;
+ use_ok( 'Infobot::Plugin::Conduit::Base' );
+# Set name should set an object's internal 'name' attribute, and also load the
+# correct part of the config file in to its 'config' attribute. It should be
+# explicitly tryin to retrieve the 'conduit' category here...
+ my $object = Infobot::Plugin::Conduit::Base->new();
+ $object->stash( config => { conduit => { bar => { extras => 'bang' } } } );
+ $object->set_name( 'bar' );
+ is( $object->{config}, 'bang', "set_name gets config values correctly" );
+ is( $object->{name}, 'bar', "set_name sets 'name' correctly");
+# Check that our process method is the shortcut we think it is...
+ $object->stash( pipeline => FakeClass->new() );
+ is( $object->pipeline, 3, "pipeline method works as an alias to the pipeline" );
+package FakeClass;
+ use base 'Infobot::Base';
+ sub process { return 3 }
\ No newline at end of file
Added: trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/080_query_base_010_basic.t
--- trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/080_query_base_010_basic.t (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/080_query_base_010_basic.t 2007-05-08 18:01:37 UTC (rev 3264)
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# 080_conduit_base_010_basic.t - Tests around the base class for query plugins
+ use strict;
+ use warnings;
+ use Test::More tests => 4;
+ use_ok( 'Infobot::Plugin::Query::Base' );
+# Set name should set an object's internal 'name' attribute, and also load the
+# correct part of the config file in to its 'config' attribute. It should be
+# explicitly tryin to retrieve the 'conduit' category here... set_name is called
+# via init()
+ my $object = Infobot::Plugin::Query::Base->new();
+ $object->stash( config => { query => { bar => { extras => 'bang', priority => 11 } } } );
+ $object->init( 'bar' );
+ is( $object->{config}, 'bang', "set_name gets config values correctly" );
+ is( $object->{name}, 'bar', "set_name sets 'name' correctly");
+# Check the priority was set approriately...
+ is( $object->priority, 11, "Priority correctly set" );
Added: trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/090_query_client_base_010_basic.t
--- trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/090_query_client_base_010_basic.t (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/090_query_client_base_010_basic.t 2007-05-08 18:01:37 UTC (rev 3264)
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# 080_conduit_base_010_basic.t - Tests around the base class for query plugins
+ use strict;
+ use warnings;
+ use Test::More tests => 4;
+ use_ok( 'Infobot::Plugin::Query::Client::Base' );
+# Set name should set an object's internal 'name' attribute, and also load the
+# correct part of the config file in to its 'config' attribute. It should be
+# explicitly tryin to retrieve the 'conduit' category here... set_name is called
+# via init()
+ my $object = Infobot::Plugin::Query::Client::Base->new();
+ $object->stash( config => { datasource => { bar => { extras => 'bang', alias => 11 } } } );
+ $object->init( 'bar' );
+ is( $object->{config}, 'bang', "set_name gets config values correctly" );
+ is( $object->{name}, 'bar', "set_name sets 'name' correctly");
+# Check the priority was set approriately...
+ is( $object->alias, 11, "Alias correctly set" );
Added: trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/100_log_base_010_basic.t
--- trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/100_log_base_010_basic.t (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/100_log_base_010_basic.t 2007-05-08 18:01:37 UTC (rev 3264)
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+# 100_log_base_010_basic.t -- Log base class
+ use strict;
+ use warnings;
+ use Test::More tests => 7;
+ use_ok( 'Infobot::Plugin::Log::Base' );
+ my $multiplex = 0;
+# Set name should set an object's internal 'name' attribute, and also load the
+# correct part of the config file in to its 'config' attribute. It should be
+# explicitly tryin to retrieve the 'conduit' category here... set_name is called
+# via init()
+ my $object = FakeLogger->new();
+ $object->stash( log => FakeMultiplex->new() );
+ $object->stash( config => { log => { bar => { extras => 'bang', level => 4 } } } );
+ $object->init( 'bar' );
+ ok( $multiplex, "Logger registered" );
+ is( $object->{config}, 'bang', "set_name gets config values correctly" );
+ is( $object->{name}, 'bar', "set_name sets 'name' correctly");
+# Check the priority was set approriately...
+ is( $object->level, 4, "Level correctly set" );
+ ok(! $object->write( 'Package', 9, "Bad" ), "Lower level message returns 0" );
+ ok( $object->write( 'Package', 1, "Good" ), "Higher level message returns 1" );
+package FakeLogger;
+ use base 'Infobot::Plugin::Log::Base';
+ sub output { return 1 }
+package FakeMultiplex;
+ use base 'Infobot::Plugin::Log::Base';
+ sub register {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $obj = shift;
+ if ( ref( $obj ) eq 'FakeLogger' ) {
+ $multiplex = 1;
+ } else {
+ $multiplex = 0;
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
Added: trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/110_client_http_010_basic.t
--- trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/110_client_http_010_basic.t (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/110_client_http_010_basic.t 2007-05-08 18:01:37 UTC (rev 3264)
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+# 080_conduit_base_010_basic.t - Tests around the base class for query plugins
+ use strict;
+ use warnings;
+ use Test::More tests => 1;
+ use POE;
+ use HTTP::Request::Common;
+ use Infobot::Log;
+ use Infobot::Plugin::Query::Client::HTTP;
+ my @sites = (
+ [ Google => 'http://www.google.com/' => qr/^Google.*/ ],
+# [ Yahoo => 'http://www.yahoo.com/' => qr/^Yahoo.*/ ],
+# [ Dilbert => 'http://www.dilbert.com/' => qr/^Dilbert.*/ ],
+ );
+ my $object = Infobot::Plugin::Query::Client::HTTP->new();
+# Add some fake logging in...
+ $object->stash( log => Infobot::Log->new );
+# First, let's set up some fake config data, and init the client...
+ $object->stash( config => {
+ datasource => { foo => { extras => { FollowRedirects => 2 }, alias => 'http_client' } } ,
+ query => { bar => { extras => { http_client => 'http_client' } } }
+ } );
+ $object->init( 'foo' );
+# Now let's fire off our requests...
+ my $tester = TestModule->new();
+ $tester->init('bar');
+ POE::Session->create(
+ package_states => [ main => [qw( _start )] ],
+ );
+ $poe_kernel->run();
+ sub _start {
+ for my $site ( @sites ) {
+ my ( $name, $url, $regex ) = @$site;
+ my $request = GET $url;
+ diag("Trying $name");
+ $tester->request( $site, $request );
+ }
+ }
+package TestModule;
+ use strict;
+ use warnings;
+ use Test::More;
+ use base 'Infobot::Plugin::Query::Base::HTTP';
+ sub response {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $message = shift;
+ my $response = shift;
+ my $content = $response->content;
+ my ($title) = $content =~ m!<title>(.+?)</title>!sgi;
+ like( $title, $message->[2], $message->[0] . "'s title correct" );
+ }
Added: trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/120_client_dbixclass_010_basic.t
--- trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/120_client_dbixclass_010_basic.t (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/120_client_dbixclass_010_basic.t 2007-05-08 18:01:37 UTC (rev 3264)
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+# 080_conduit_base_010_basic.t - Tests around the base class for query plugins
+ use strict;
+ use warnings;
+ use Test::More tests => 4;
+ use Test::Exception;
+ use DBI;
+ use Infobot::Log;
+ use Infobot::Plugin::Query::Client::DBIxClass;
+ my $log = Infobot::Log->new();
+ $log->init;
+ $log->stash( log => $log );
+ die "YIKES: $!" unless Infobot::Plugin::Query::Client::DBIxClass->load();
+ {
+ # Create a simple database, using DBI...
+ unlink 't/databases/test.db';
+ my $dbh = DBI->connect( 'dbi:SQLite:dbname=t/databases/test.db' );
+ $dbh->prepare("create table foo ( id int not null, kk char(10), vv int, primary key( id ) )")->execute();
+ }
+ my $object = Infobot::Plugin::Query::Client::DBIxClass->new();
+ $object->stash( config => {
+ datasource => { foo => { alias => 'dbixclass', extras => {
+ dsn => 'dbi:SQLite:dbname=t/databases/test.db',
+ } } } ,
+ query => {
+ bar => { extras => { db => 'dbixclass', table => 'foo' } },
+ baz => { extras => { db => 'dbixclass', table => 'baz' } }
+ }
+ } );
+ $object->init( 'foo' );
+ my $test = TestModule->new();
+ $test->init('bar');
+ my $value = int(rand(1) * 100);
+ $test->dbi->create( { id => 1, kk => 'abc', vv => $value } );
+ my $row = $test->dbi->find( 1 );
+ is( $row->vv, $value, "Row value matches" );
+ my $test2 = TestModule->new();
+ ok(! $test2->init('baz'), "No such table" );
+# Remove the DB from the stash, and try and do a ->dbi - this should
+# upset it a little >:)
+ $test->stash( 'dbixclass' => '' );
+ dies_ok { $test->init('foo') } 'Removal of dbi causes a DIE';
+ like $@, qr/Where di/, "Error message matches";
+ END { unlink 't/databases/test.db' }
+package TestModule;
+ use strict;
+ use warnings;
+ use Test::More;
+ use base 'Infobot::Plugin::Query::Base::DBIxClass';
Added: trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/130_plugin_query_factoids_010_parse_query.t
--- trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/130_plugin_query_factoids_010_parse_query.t (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/130_plugin_query_factoids_010_parse_query.t 2007-05-08 18:01:37 UTC (rev 3264)
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+ my @phrases = (
+ [ is => ' hey, where is foo?' ], # s/^\s*hey,*\s+where/where/i
+ [ is => 'whois foo?' ], # s/whois/who is/gi
+ [ is => 'where can I find foo?' ], # s/where can i find/where is/i
+ [ is => 'how about foo?' ], # s/how about/where is/i
+ [ is => 'gee, where is foo?' ], # s/^(gee|boy|golly|gosh),? //i
+ [ is => 'boy, what is foo?' ], # s/^(gee|boy|golly|gosh),? //i
+ [ is => 'golly, whois foo?' ], # s/^(gee|boy|golly|gosh),? //i
+ [ is => 'gosh, how about foo?' ], # s/^(gee|boy|golly|gosh),? //i
+ [ is => 'well whois foo?' ], # s/^(well|and|but|or|yes),? //i
+ [ is => 'aNd, how about foo?' ], # s/^(well|and|but|or|yes),? //i
+ [ is => 'golly, bUT, foo?' ], # s/^(well|and|but|or|yes),? //i
+ [ is => 'gee, OR whois foo?' ], # s/^(well|and|but|or|yes),? //i
+ [ is => 'yes foo?' ], # s/^(well|and|but|or|yes),? //i
+ [ is => 'does ne1 know foo?' ],
+ [ is => 'heya folks, foo?' ],
+ [ is => 'uhm, foo?' ],
+ [ is => 'okay, foo?' ],
+ );
+# Holy. Mother. Of. God. That is all.
+ use strict;
+ use warnings;
+ use Test::More tests => 15;
+ use t::lib::FakeDBIxClass; # Just stop stuff complaining for now
+ use t::lib::NullLog;
+ use Infobot::Log;
+ use Infobot::Message;
+ use Infobot::Plugin::Query::Factoids;
+ my $log = t::lib::NullLog->new();
+ $log->stash( log => Infobot::Log->new() );
+ $log->register();
+ my $brain = Infobot::Plugin::Query::Factoids->new();
+ $brain->init();
+ my ( $get_verb, $get_key );
+ {
+ no strict 'refs';
+ *{"Infobot::Plugin::Query::Factoids::get"} = sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $get_key = shift;
+ $get_verb = shift;
+ unless ( $get_verb ) {
+ ( $get_verb, $get_key ) = split( /\s+/, $get_key );
+ }
+ return 1 if $get_key eq 'foo';
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+package FakeConduit;
+ my $result;
+ use base 'Infobot::Base';
+ sub say { $result = $_[1] }
+package main;
+# First attempt
+ for ( @phrases ) {
+ my ($verb, $phrase) = @$_;
+ ($get_verb, $get_key) = (undef,undef);
+ # Set that in our fake database
+ # Create an object
+ my $message = Infobot::Message->new();
+ $message->init(
+ addressed => 1,
+ conduit => FakeConduit->new(),
+ context => { channel => '#perl' },
+ name => 'sheriff',
+ message => $phrase,
+ public => 1,
+ nick => 'purl',
+ printable => $phrase,
+ );
+ # See if we get it back
+ $brain->process( $message );
+ is( $get_key, 'foo', "$phrase" );
+ }
Added: trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/999_force_coverage.t
--- trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/999_force_coverage.t (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/999_force_coverage.t 2007-05-08 18:01:37 UTC (rev 3264)
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+ use Test::More tests => 1;
+ use Infobot;
+ use Infobot::Base;
+ use Infobot::Config;
+ use Infobot::Log;
+ use Infobot::Message;
+ use Infobot::Pipeline;
+ use Infobot::Plugin::Conduit::Base;
+ use Infobot::Plugin::Log::Base;
+ use Infobot::Plugin::Query::Base;
+ use Infobot::Plugin::Query::Client::Base;
+ use Infobot::Plugin::Query::Client::HTTP;
+ use Infobot::Plugin::Query::Client::DBIxClass;
+ use Infobot::Service;
+ ok(1, "Placeholder");
Added: trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/conduit001.pm
--- trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/conduit001.pm (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/conduit001.pm 2007-05-08 18:01:37 UTC (rev 3264)
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+package t::conduit001;
+ use strict;
+ use warnings;
+ use Infobot::Message;
+ use base qw( t::lib::Conduit );
+ my @data = ('hi');
+ sub process {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $message = shift;
+ die( $message );
+ }
+ sub get_message {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $data = pop( @data );
+ my $message = Infobot::Message->new();
+ if ( $data ) {
+ $message->init(
+ name => 'testuser',
+ nick => 'testbot',
+ message => $data,
+ printable => $data,
+ conduit => $self,
+ addressed => 0,
+ context => { callback => sub { $self->process(shift()) } },
+ public => 0,
+ );
+ return $message;
+ } else {
+ return undef;
+ }
+ }
Added: trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/config_files/malformed.yaml
--- trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/config_files/malformed.yaml (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/config_files/malformed.yaml 2007-05-08 18:01:37 UTC (rev 3264)
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ foo: bar
+ boo : baz
Added: trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/config_files/very_basic.yaml
--- trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/config_files/very_basic.yaml (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/config_files/very_basic.yaml 2007-05-08 18:01:37 UTC (rev 3264)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+foo : bar
Added: trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/harness.pl
--- trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/harness.pl (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/harness.pl 2007-05-08 18:01:37 UTC (rev 3264)
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# Find all sample conduit files
+# Tear up infobot, using them as the sole conduit
+# The rest should happen by itself...
Added: trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/lib/Conduit.pm
--- trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/lib/Conduit.pm (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/lib/Conduit.pm 2007-05-08 18:01:37 UTC (rev 3264)
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+package t::lib::Conduit;
+ use strict;
+ use warnings;
+ use base (qw(Infobot::Plugin::Conduit::Base));
+ use POE;
+ sub init {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $session = POE::Session->create(
+ args => [ $self ],
+ object_states => [
+ $self => [qw( _start input )],
+ ],
+ heap => { self => $self }
+ );
+ $self->stash( 'test_conduit', $session );
+ }
+sub _start {
+ my ($heap, $session) = @_[ HEAP, SESSION ];
+ my $self = $heap->{self};
+ while ( my $message = $self->get_message ) {
+ $poe_kernel->post( $session => input => $message );
+ }
+sub say {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $message = shift;
+ my $reply = shift;
+ my $callback = $message->context->{callback};
+ $callback->( $message, $reply );
+ return 1;
+sub input {
+ my ( $self, $input ) = @_[ OBJECT, ARG0 ];
+ $self->pipeline($input);
+ return 1;
Added: trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/lib/FakeDBIxClass.pm
--- trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/lib/FakeDBIxClass.pm (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/lib/FakeDBIxClass.pm 2007-05-08 18:01:37 UTC (rev 3264)
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+package t::lib::FakeDBIxClass;
+ sub new {
+ my $class = shift;
+ return bless {}, $class;
+ }
+package Infobot::Plugin::Query::Client::DBIxClass;
+ use base qw/Infobot::Plugin::Query::Client::Base/;
+ sub load { 1 };
+ sub init { 1 };
+package Infobot::Plugin::Query::Base::DBIxClass;
+ use base qw( Infobot::Plugin::Query::Base );
+ sub init { 1 };
+ sub dbi { return t::lib::FakeDBIxClass->new(); };
Added: trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/lib/NullLog.pm
--- trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/lib/NullLog.pm (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/lib/NullLog.pm 2007-05-08 18:01:37 UTC (rev 3264)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+package t::lib::NullLog;
+ use strict;
+ use warnings;
+ use Test::More;
+ use base (qw(Infobot::Plugin::Log::Base));
+sub write { 1 }
+# sub write { my $message = $_[3]; diag( $message ) }
Added: trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/lib/Util.pm
--- trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/lib/Util.pm (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/lib/Util.pm 2007-05-08 18:01:37 UTC (rev 3264)
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+package t::lib::Util;
+ use strict;
+ use warnings;
+ use Infobot::Base;
+ use File::Basename;
+# This is a naive way of finding all packages in blib...
+# Naive because it assumes each file contains one package only, and that that
+# package is determinable from the filename alone...
+ sub find_packages {
+ # Find any loaded modules in this path...
+ my %seen;
+ my $class = 'blib/lib/';
+ my @found_paths =
+ # Read the following in reverse, obviously :-)
+ grep { !$seen{$_}++, } # We only want each path once ...
+ map { s!/!::!g; $_ } # Make it look like a package name...
+ map { s!\.pm$!!g; $_ } # Remove trailing .pm
+ map { s/.*$class//g; $_ } # Remove any nasty path stuff
+ map { s/\s+$//g; $_ } # That adds newlines to the end, so kill 'em
+ `find blib -name '*\.pm'`; # Look for files...
+ return @found_paths;
+ }
Added: trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/process_data/Misc.pl
--- trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/process_data/Misc.pl (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/process_data/Misc.pl 2007-05-08 18:01:37 UTC (rev 3264)
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+# infobot :: Kevin Lenzo (c) 1997
+# with thanks to Patrick Cole
+use Socket;
+# send info to devnull
+sub devnull {
+ return '';
+# ask frendly bots
+sub askFriendlyBots {
+ my $request = $_[0];
+ return if ($request =~ /^no\,?\s+/);
+ foreach $bot (split /\s+/, $param{'friendlyBots'}) {
+ $request =~ s/^(is|are) //i;
+ &msg($bot, ":INFOBOT:QUERY <$who> $request");
+ }
+# format a public message
+sub FormatText {
+ my($nick, $msg) = @_;
+ undef @ret;
+ undef %str;
+ my $msgLen = length($msg);
+ my $nickLen = length($nick);
+ my $tot = 0;
+ my $cnt = 0;
+ foreach (split //, $msg) {
+ if ($cnt == (80 - $nickLen - 3)) {
+ $tot++;
+ $cnt=0;
+ }
+ $str{$tot} .= $_;
+ $cnt++;
+ }
+ foreach (keys %str) {
+ push(@ret, $str{$_}."\n");
+ }
+ return @ret;
+sub status {
+ return;
+ $statcount++;
+ my($input) = @_;
+ if ($param{'VERBOSITY'} > 0) {
+ if ($param{ansi_control}) {
+ printf $_green."[%5d] ".$ob, $statcount;
+ $input =~ s/[\cA-\c_]//ig; # (Derek Moeller)++
+ my $printable = $input;
+ if ($printable =~ s/^(<\/\S+>) //) {
+ # it's me saying something on a channel
+ my $name = $1;
+ print "$b_yellow$name $printable$ob\n";
+ } elsif ($printable =~ s/^(<\S+>) //) {
+ my $name = $1;
+ if ($addressed) {
+ print "$b_red$name $printable$ob\n";
+ } else {
+ print "$b_cyan$name$ob $printable\n";
+ }
+ } elsif ($printable =~ s/^(-\S+-) //) {
+ # notice
+ print "$_green$1 $printable$ob\n";
+ } elsif ($printable =~ s/^(\[\S+\]) //) {
+ # message from someone
+ print "$b_red$1 $printable$ob\n";
+ } elsif ($printable =~ s/^(>\S+<) //) {
+ # i'm messaging someone
+ print "$b_magenta$1 $printable$ob\n";
+ } elsif ($printable =~ s/^(!\S+!) //) {
+ # i'm messaging someone
+ print "$_red$1 $printable$ob\n";
+ } elsif ($printable =~ s/^(enter:|update:|forget:) //) {
+ # something that should be SEEN
+ print "$b_green$1 $printable$ob\n";
+ } else {
+ print "$printable\n";
+ }
+ } else {
+ printf ("[%5d] $input\n", $statcount) if ($input !~ /^\s*$/);
+ }
+ }
+ &log_line("[$statcount] ".$input);
+sub performSay {
+ my($in) = @_;
+ if (!defined($prevIn)) { $prevIn = ""; };
+ if (($skipReply == 0) && ($in !~ 'NOREPLY')) {
+ $prevIn = $in;
+ if (0) { # for mac speech manager niceties
+ $in =~ s/ at (ht|f)/ $1/ig;
+ $in =~ s/((ht|f)tp:\S+)/here [[cmnt $1 ]]/ig;
+ }
+ &say($in);
+ }
+ # this could echo everything to somewhere
+ # &msg('somebody', ".say $in");
+ return '';
+sub performReply {
+ if ($msgType eq 'private') {
+ &msg($who, $_[0]);
+ } else {
+ &say("$_[0]");
+ }
+sub log_line {
+ my($line) = @_;
+ my($logwrite) = 0;
+ my $s = time();
+ if ($param{'logfile'} ne '') {
+ $line =~ s/\n*$/\n/;
+ open(TRACK, ">>$param{logfile}");
+ $loglines++;
+ $total_loglines++;
+ print TRACK "$s $line";
+ close(TRACK); # if (TRACK);
+ }
+sub getAllKeys {
+ @myIsKeys = getDBMKeys("is");
+ @myAreKeys = getDBMKeys("are");
+ $factoidCount = $#myIsKeys + $#myAreKeys + 2;
+ $updateCount = 0;
+sub purifyNick {
+ my $safeWho = $_[0];
+ $safeWho =~ s/\*//g;
+ $safeWho =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
+ $safeWho =~ s/\[/\\\[/g;
+ $safeWho =~ s/\]/\\\]/g;
+ $safeWho =~ s/\|/\\\|/g;
+ $safeWho =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
+ $safeWho = substr($safeWho, 0, 9);
+ $safeWho =~ s/\s+.*//;
+ return $safeWho;
+/dimer\[0\/: trailing \ in regexp at /usr/users/infobot/infobot-current/src/Misc.pl line 164, <FH> chunk 98.
Added: trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/process_data/Norm.pl
--- trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/process_data/Norm.pl (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/process_data/Norm.pl 2007-05-08 18:01:37 UTC (rev 3264)
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+# infobot :: Kevin Lenzo (c) 1997
+sub normquery {
+ my ($in) = @_;
+ $in = " $in ";
+ # where blah is -> where is blah
+ $in =~ s/ (where|what|who)\s+(\S+)\s+(is|are) / $1 $3 $2 /i;
+ # where blah is -> where is blah
+ $in =~ s/ (where|what|who)\s+(.*)\s+(is|are) / $1 $3 $2 /i;
+ $in =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*/$1/;
+ $in =~ s/be tellin\'?g?/tell/i;
+ $in =~ s/ \'?bout/ about/i;
+ $in =~ s/,? any(hoo?w?|ways?)/ /ig;
+ $in =~ s/,?\s*(pretty )*please\??\s*$/\?/i;
+ # what country is ...
+ if ($in =~
+ s/wh(at|ich)\s+(add?res?s|country|place|net (suffix|domain))/wh$1 /ig) {
+ if ((length($in) == 2) && ($in !~ /^\./)) {
+ $in = '.'.$in;
+ }
+ $in .= '?';
+ }
+ # profanity filters. just delete it
+ $in =~ s/th(e|at|is) (((m(o|u)th(a|er) ?)?fuck(in\'?g?)?|hell|heck|(god-?)?damn?(ed)?) ?)+//ig;
+ $in =~ s/wtf/where/gi;
+ $in =~ s/this (.*) thingy?/ $1/gi;
+ $in =~ s/this thingy? (called )?//gi;
+ $in =~ s/ha(s|ve) (an?y?|some|ne) (idea|clue|guess|seen) /know /ig;
+ $in =~ s/does (any|ne|some) ?(1|one|body) know //ig;
+ $in =~ s/do you know //ig;
+ $in =~ s/can (you|u|((any|ne|some) ?(1|one|body)))( please)? tell (me|us|him|her)//ig;
+ $in =~ s/where (\S+) can \S+ (a|an|the)?//ig;
+ $in =~ s/(can|do) (i|you|one|we|he|she) (find|get)( this)?/is/i; # where can i find
+ $in =~ s/(i|one|we|he|she) can (find|get)/is/gi; # where i can find
+ $in =~ s/(the )?(address|url) (for|to) //i; # this should be more specific
+ $in =~ s/(where is )+/where is /ig;
+ $in =~ s/\s+/ /g;
+ $in =~ s/^\s+//;
+ if ($in =~ s/\s*[\/?!]*\?+\s*$//) {
+ $finalQMark = 1;
+ }
+# $in =~ s/\b(the|an?)\s+/ /i; # handle first article in query
+ $in =~ s/\s+/ /g;
+ $in =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/;
+ $in;
+# for be-verbs
+sub switchPerson {
+ my($in) = @_;
+ my $safeWho;
+ if ($target) {
+ $safeWho = &purifyNick($target);
+ } else {
+ $safeWho = &purifyNick($who);
+ }
+ # $safeWho will cause trouble in nicks with deleted \W's
+ $in =~ s/(^|\W)${safeWho}s\s+/$1${who}\'s /ig; # fix genitives
+ $in =~ s/(^|\W)${safeWho}s$/$1${who}\'s/ig; # fix genitives
+ $in =~ s/(^|\W)${safeWho}\'(\s|$)/$1${who}\'s$2/ig; # fix genitives
+ $in =~ s/(^|\s)i\'m(\W|$)/$1$who is$2/ig;
+ $in =~ s/(^|\s)i\'ve(\W|$)/$1$who has$2/ig;
+ $in =~ s/(^|\s)i have(\W|$)/$1$who has$2/ig;
+ $in =~ s/(^|\s)i haven\'?t(\W|$)/$1$who has not$2/ig;
+ $in =~ s/(^|\s)i(\W|$)/$1$who$2/ig;
+ $in =~ s/ am\b/ is/i;
+ $in =~ s/\bam /is/i;
+ $in =~ s/yourself/$param{'ident'}/i if ($addressed);
+ $in =~ s/(^|\s)(me|myself)(\W|$)/$1$who$3/ig;
+ $in =~ s/(^|\s)my(\W|$)/$1${who}\'s$2/ig; # turn 'my' into name's
+ $in =~ s/(^|\W)you\'?re(\W|$)/$1you are$2/ig;
+ if ($addressed > 0) {
+ $in =~ s/(^|\W)are you(\W|$)/$1is $param{'nick'}$2/ig;
+ $in =~ s/(^|\W)you are(\W|$)/$1$param{'nick'} is$2/ig;
+ $in =~ s/(^|\W)you(\W|$)/$1$param{'nick'}$2/ig;
+ $in =~ s/(^|\W)your(\W|$)/$1$param{'nick'}\'s$2/ig;
+ }
+ $in;
+# ---
Added: trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/process_data/Process.pl
--- trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/process_data/Process.pl (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/process_data/Process.pl 2007-05-08 18:01:37 UTC (rev 3264)
@@ -0,0 +1,431 @@
+# infobot :: Kevin Lenzo 1997-1999
+# process the incoming message
+$SIG{'ALRM'} = 'TimerAlarm';
+sub process {
+ ($who, $msgType, $message) = @_;
+ my ($result, $caughtBy);
+ $origMessage = $message; # intentionally global
+ return 'SELF' if (lc($who) eq lc($param{'nick'}));
+ $message =~ s/[\cA-\c_]//ig; # strip control characters
+ $msgFilter = "NOFILTER"; # 26Jun19100 - Masque
+# $msgFilter = $1 if $message =~ s/\s+(?:=~)\s?\/\(\?:(.*?)\)\/i?\s*//;
+# STILL doesn't match '=~ /(?:(toot!))/'! Grah. Could make this simpler, but this is fun. 29Jun2K - Masque.
+ $msgFilter = ($1 || $2) if $message =~ s!\s+(?:=~)?\s?/(?:\((?:\?:)?([^)]*)\)|([^()]*))/i?\s*$!!;
+ $addressed = 0;
+ $karma = 0; # 12Apr2k - Masque
+ return 'ANTIHELP' if $instance =~ /antihelp/;
+ my ($n, $uh) = ($nuh =~ /^([^!]+)!(.*)/);
+ if ($param{'VERBOSITY'} > 3) { # murrayb++
+ &status("Splitting incoming address into $n and $uh");
+ }
+ if ($msgType =~ /private/ and $message =~ /^hey, what is/) {
+ $infobots{$nuh} = $who;
+ &msg($who, "inter-infobot communication now requires version 0.43 or higher.");
+ return 'INTERBOT';
+ }
+ return 'INTERBOT' if $message =~ /^...but/;
+ return 'INTERBOT' if $message =~ /^.* already had it that way/;
+ return 'INTERBOT' if $message =~ /^told /; # reply from friendly infobot
+ return 'INTERBOT' if $message =~ /^told /; # reply from friendly infobot
+ return 'INTERBOT' if ($message =~ /^[!\*]/);
+ return 'INTERBOT' if ($message =~ /^gotcha/i);
+ # this assumes that the ignore list will be fairly small, as we
+ # loop through each key rather than doing a straight lookup
+ # -- this should be moved and made more efficient -- kl
+ if (&get(ignore => $uh) or &get(ignore => $who)) {
+ &status("IGNORE <$who> $message");
+ return 'IGNORE';
+ }
+ foreach (&getDBMKeys('ignore')) {
+ my $ignoreRE = $_;
+ my @parts = split /\*/, "a${ignoreRE}a";
+ my $recast = join '\S*', map quotemeta($_), @parts;
+ $recast =~ s/^a(.*)a$/$1/;
+ if ($nuh =~ /^$recast$/) {
+ &status("IGNORE <$who> $message");
+ return 'IGNORE';
+ }
+ }
+ # -- --
+ if ($msgType =~ /private/ and $message =~ s/^:INFOBOT://) {
+ &status("infobot <$nuh> identified") unless $infobots{$nuh};
+ $infobots{$nuh} = $who;
+ }
+ if ($infobots{$nuh}) {
+ if ($msgType =~ /private/) {
+ if ($message =~ /^QUERY (<.*?>) (.*)/) {
+ my $r;
+ my $target = $1;
+ my $item = $2;
+ $item =~ s/[.\?]$//;
+ &status(":INFOBOT:QUERY $who: $message");
+ if ($r = &get("is", $item)) {
+ &msg($who, ":INFOBOT:REPLY $target $item =is=> $r");
+ }
+ if ($r = &get("are", $item)) {
+ &msg($who, ":INFOBOT:REPLY $target $item =are=> $r");
+ }
+ } elsif ($message =~ /^REPLY <(.*?)> (.*)/) {
+ my $r;
+ my $target = $1;
+ my $item = $2;
+ &status(":INFOBOT:REPLY $who: $message");
+ my ($X, $V, $Y) = $item =~ /^(.*?) =(.*?)=> (.*)/;
+ if ((getparam('acceptUrl') !~ /REQUIRE/) or ($Y =~ /(http|ftp|mailto|telnet|file):/)) {
+ &set($V, $X, $Y);
+ &msg($target, "$who knew: $X $V $Y");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 'INFOBOT';
+ }
+ $VerifWho = &verifyUser($nuh);
+ if ($VerifWho) {
+ if (IsFlag("i") eq "i") {
+ &status("Ignoring $who: $VerifWho");
+ return 'IGNORED';
+ }
+ if ($msgType =~ /private/) {
+ # it's a private message
+ my ($potentialPass) = $message =~ /^\s*(\S+)/;
+ if (exists($verified{$VerifWho})) {
+ # aging. you need to keep talking to it re-verify
+ if (time() - $verified{$VerifWho} < 60*60) { # 1 hour decay
+ $verified{$VerifWho} = $now;
+ } else {
+ &status("verification for $VerifWho expired");
+ delete $verified{$VerifWho};
+ }
+ }
+ if ($uPasswd eq "NONE_NEEDED") {
+ &status("no password needed for $VerifWho");
+ $verified{$VerifWho} = $now;
+ }
+ if (&ckpasswd($potentialPass, $uPasswd)) {
+ $message =~ s/^\s*\S+\s*//;
+ $origMessage =~ s/^\s*\S+\s*/<PASSWORD> /;
+ &status("password verified for $VerifWho");
+ $verified{$VerifWho} = $now;
+ if ($message =~ /^\s*$/) {
+ &msg($who, "i recognize you there");
+ return 'PASSWD';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # see User.pl for the "special" user commands
+ return 'NOREPLY' if &userProcessing() eq 'NOREPLY';
+ if ($msgType !~ /public/) { $addressed = 1; }
+ if (($message =~ s/^(no,?\s+$param{'nick'},?\s*)//i)
+ or ($addressed and $message =~ s/^(no,?\s+)//i)) {
+ # clear initial negative
+ # an initial negative may signify a correction
+ $correction_plausible = 1;
+ &status("correction is plausible, initial negative and nick deleted ($1)") if ($param{VERBOSITY} > 2);
+ } else {
+ $correction_plausible = 0;
+ }
+ if ($message =~ /^\s*$param{'nick'}\s*\?*$/i) {
+ &status("feedback addressing from $who");
+ $addressed = 1;
+ $blocked = 0;
+ if ($msgType =~ /public/) {
+ if (rand() > 0.5) {
+ &performSay("yes, $who?");
+ } else {
+ &performSay("$who?");
+ }
+ } else {
+ &msg($who, "yes?");
+ }
+ $lastaddressedby = $who;
+ $lastaddressedtime = time();
+ return "FEEDBACK";
+ }
+ if (($message =~ /^\s*$param{'nick'}\s*([\,\:\> ]+) */i)
+ or ($message =~ /^\s*$param{'nick'}\s*-+ *\??/i)) {
+ # i have been addressed!
+ my($it) = $&;
+ if ($' !~ /^\s*is/i) {
+ $message = $';
+ $addressed = 1;
+ $blocked = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($message =~ /, ?$param{nick}(\W+)?$/i) { # i have been addressed!
+ my($it) = $&;
+ if ($` !~ /^\s*i?s\s*$/i) {
+ $xxx = quotemeta($it);
+ $message =~ s/$xxx//;
+ $addressed = 1;
+ $blocked = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($addressed) {
+ &status("$who is addressing me");
+ $lastaddressedby = $who;
+ $lastaddressedtime = time();
+ if ($message =~ /^showmode/i ) {
+ if ($msgType =~ /public/) {
+ if ((getparam('addressing') ne 'REQUIRE') or $addressed) {
+ &performSay ($who.", addressing is currently ".getparam('addressing'));
+ }
+ } else {
+ &msg($who, "addressing is currently ".getparam('addressing'));
+ }
+ return "SHOWMODE";
+ }
+ my $channel = &channel();
+ $continuity = 0;
+ } else { # apparently not addressed
+ my ($now, $diff);
+ if (getparam('continuity') and $who eq $lastaddressedby) {
+ $now = time();
+ $diff = $now - $lastaddressedtime;
+ if ($diff < getparam('continuity')) {
+ # assume we're talking to the same person even if we're
+ # not addressed, if we've been addressed in x seconds
+ &status("assuming continuity of address by $who ($diff seconds elapsed)");
+ $continuity = 1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $continuity = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ $skipReply = 0;
+ $message_input_length = length($message);
+# this was here to help stop bots from just triggering
+# "confused" messages to each other, but should be done
+# more systematically. took it out to cut overhead. --kl
+# $confusedRE = join '|', map quotemeta($_), @confused unless defined $confusedRE;
+# return 'CONFUSED' if $message =~ /$confusedRE/;
+ return if ($who eq $param{'nick'});
+ $message =~ s/^\s+//; # strip any dodgey spaces off
+ # Half finished thought here - "^Pudge - it's there" looks like math but is
+ # often nick completion or similar.
+ # if (($message =~ s/^\S+\s*:\s+//) or ($message =~ s/^\S+\s+--?\s+[.\d]//)) {
+ if (($message =~ s/^\S+\s*:\s+//) or ($message =~ s/^\S+\s+--+\s+//)) {
+ # stripped the addressee ("^Pudge: it's there")
+ $reallyTalkingTo = $1;
+ } else {
+ $reallyTalkingTo = '';
+ if ($addressed) {
+ $reallyTalkingTo = $param{'nick'};
+ }
+ }
+ $message =~ s/^\s*hey,*\s+where/where/i;
+ $message =~ s/whois/who is/ig;
+ $message =~ s/where can i find/where is/i;
+ $message =~ s/how about/where is/i;
+ $message =~ s/^(gee|boy|golly|gosh),? //i;
+ $message =~ s/^(well|and|but|or|yes),? //i;
+ $message =~ s/^(does )?(any|ne)(1|one|body) know //i;
+ $message =~ s/ da / the /ig;
+ $message =~ s/^heya*,*( folks)?,*\.* *//i; # clear initial filled pauses & stuff
+ $message =~ s/^[uh]+m*[,\.]* +//i;
+ $message =~ s/^o+[hk]+(a+y+)?,*\.* +//i;
+ $message =~ s/^g(eez|osh|olly)+,*\.* +(.+)/$2/i;
+ $message =~ s/^w(ow|hee|o+ho+)+,*\.* +(.+)/$2/i;
+ $message =~ s/^still,* +//i;
+ $message =~ s/^well,* +//i;
+ $message =~ s/^\s*(stupid )?q(uestion)?:\s+//i;
+ my $holdMessage = $message;
+ # the thing to tell someone about ($tell_obj). Yes i know these are evil globals. --kl
+ ($tell_obj, $target) = (undef,undef,undef);
+ # i'm telling!
+ if (getparam('allowTelling')) {
+ # this one catches most of them
+ if ($message =~ /^tell\s+(\S+)\s+about\s+(.*)/i) {
+ ($target, $tell_obj) = ($1, $2);
+ } elsif ($message =~ /tell\s+(\S+)\s+where\s+(\S+)\s+can\s+(\S+)\s+(.*)/i) {
+ # i'm sure this could all be nicely collapsed
+ ($target, $tell_obj) = ($1, $4);
+ } elsif ($message =~ /tell\s+(\S+)\s+(what|where)\s+(.*?)\s+(is|are)[.?!]*$/i) {
+ ($target, $qWord, $tell_obj, $verb) = ($1, $2, $3, $4);
+ $tell_obj = "$qWord $verb $tell_obj";
+ }
+ if (($target =~/^\s*[\&\#]/) or ($target =~ /\,/)) {
+ $result = "No, ".$who.", i won\'t";
+ $target = $who;
+ $caughtBy = "tell";
+ }
+ if ($target eq $param{'nick'}) {
+ $result = "Isn\'t that a bit silly, ".$who."?";
+ $target = $who;
+ $caughtBy = "tell";
+ }
+ $tell_obj =~ s/[\.\?!]+$// if defined $tell_obj;
+ }
+ if (not defined $result) {
+ $target = $who unless defined $target;
+ $target = $who if $target eq 'me';
+ $target = undef if $target eq 'us';
+ # here's where the external routines get called.
+ # if they return anything but null, that's the "answer".
+ $message = $tell_obj if $tell_obj;
+ if ($continuity or $addressed or
+ (getparam('addressing') ne "REQUIRE")) {
+ if (defined ($result = &myRoutines())) {
+ $caughtBy = "myRoutines";
+ } elsif (defined($result = &Extras())) {
+ $caughtBy = "Extras";
+# BEEP BEEP - TODO ALERT: Change the karma lookup to do a doQuestion
+# before returning a karma query to catch factoids that should return
+# instead of reporting karma. Assigned to boojum at the moment.
+ } elsif (defined($result = &doQuestion($msgType, $message, $msgFilter))) {
+ $caughtBy = "Question";
+ }
+ if (($result eq 'NOREPLY') or ($who eq 'NOREPLY')) {
+ return '';
+ }
+ # This fixes the problem of short karma strings (masque++ for
+ # example) being ignored. -- Masque, 12Apr2K
+ if ($message =~ /(?:\+\+|--)/) { $karma = 1; }
+ if (!$finalQMark and !$addressed and !$tell_obj and
+ !$karma and
+ ($input_message_length < getparam('minVolunteerLength'))) {
+ $in = '';
+ return 'NOREPLY';
+ }
+ }
+ if ($caughtBy) {
+ if ($tell_obj) {
+ $message = $tell_obj;
+ &status("$caughtBy: <$who>->$target< [$message] -> $result");
+ } else {
+ &status("$caughtBy: <$who> $message");
+ }
+ $questionCount++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (defined $result) {
+ if ($msgType =~ /public/) {
+ if ($target eq $who) {
+ &performSay($result) if ($result and not $blocked);
+ } else {
+ my $r = "$who wants you to know: $result";
+ &msg($target, $r);
+ if ($who ne $target) {
+ &msg($who, "told $target about $tell_obj ($r)");
+ }
+ return 'NOREPLY';
+ }
+ } else { # not public
+ if ($who eq $target) { # to self
+ &msg($who, $result);
+ } else { # to someone else
+ my $r;
+ if (lc($who) eq lc($target)) {
+ &msg($target, $result);
+ } else {
+ $r = "$who wants you to know: $result";
+ &msg($target, $r);
+ &msg($who, "told $target about $tell_obj ($r)");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else { # not $caughtBy
+ return "No authorization to teach" unless (IsFlag("t") eq "t");
+ if (!getparam('allowUpdate')) {
+ return '';
+ }
+ $result = &doStatement($msgType, $holdMessage);
+ if (($who eq 'NOREPLY')||($result eq 'NOREPLY')) { return ''; };
+ return 'NOREPLY' if grep $_ eq $who, split /\s+/, $param{friendlyBots};
+ if (defined $result) {
+ $caughtBy = "Statement";
+ if ($msgType =~ /public/) {
+ &say("OK, $who.") if $addressed;
+ } else {
+ &msg($who, "gotcha.");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($addressed and not $caughtBy) {
+# &status("unparseable: $message");
+ if ($msgType =~ /public/) {
+ &say("$who: ".$confused[int(rand(@confused))]) if $addressed;
+ } else {
+ &msg($who, $confused[int(rand(@confused))]);
+ }
+ return "NOPARSE";
+ }
Added: trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/process_data/Question.pl
--- trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/process_data/Question.pl (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/process_data/Question.pl 2007-05-08 18:01:37 UTC (rev 3264)
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+# infobot :: Kevin Lenzo (c) 1997
+## doQuestion --
+## decide if $in is a query, and if so, return its value.
+## otherwise return null.
+sub doQuestion {
+ local ($msgType, $qmsg, $msgFilter) = @_;
+ chomp $qmsg;
+ $finalQMark = $qmsg =~ s/\?+\s*$//;
+ $questionWord = ""; # this is shared for a reason
+ $input_message_length = length($qmsg);
+ my($locWho) = $who;
+ $locWho =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
+ $locWho =~ s/^=//;
+ my ($origIn) = $qmsg;
+ $finalQMark += $qmsg =~ s/\?\s*$//;
+ # convert to canonical reference form
+ $qmsg = &normquery($qmsg);
+ $qmsg = &switchPerson($qmsg);
+ # where is x at?
+ $qmsg =~ s/\s+at\s*(\?*)$/$1/;
+ $qmsg = " $qmsg ";
+ my $qregex = join '|', @qWord;
+ # what's whats => what is; who'?s => who is, etc
+ $qmsg =~ s/ ($qregex)\'?s / $1 is /i;
+ if ($qmsg =~ s/\s+($qregex)\s+//i) { # check for question word
+ $questionWord = lc($1);
+ }
+ $qmsg =~ s/^\s+//;
+ $qmsg =~ s/\s+$//;
+ if (($questionWord eq "") && ($finalQMark > 0)
+ && ($addressed or $continuity)) {
+ $questionWord = "where";
+ }
+ # ok, here's where we try to actually get it
+ $answer = &getReply($msgType, $qmsg, $msgFilter);
+ return 'NOREPLY' if ($answer eq 'NOREPLY');
+ if (($param{'addressing'} eq 'REQUIRE') && not ($addressed or $continuity)) {
+ return 'NOREPLY';
+ }
+ if (not defined $answer) {
+ $answer = &math($qmsg); # clean up the argument syntax for this later
+ }
+ if ($questionWord ne "" or $finalQMark) {
+ # if it has not been explicitly marked as a question
+ if ($addressed && (not defined $answer)) {
+ # and we're addressed and so far the result is null
+ &status("notfound: <$who> $origIn :: $qmsg");
+ return 'NOREPLY' if $infobots{$nuh};
+ my $reply;
+ # generate some random i-don't-know reply.
+ if ($target ne $who and $target ne $talkchannel) {
+ $target = $who; # set the target back to the originator
+ $reply = "I don't know about '$qmsg'";
+ } else {
+ $reply = $dunno[int(rand(@dunno))];
+ }
+ if (rand() > 0.5) {
+ $reply = "$locWho: $reply";
+ } else {
+ $reply = "$reply, $locWho";
+ }
+ &askFriendlyBots($qmsg);
+ # and set the result
+ $answer = $reply;
+ } else {
+ # the item was found
+ if ($answer ne "") {
+ &status("match: $qmsg => $answer");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $answer;
+sub timeToString {
+ my $upTime = $_[0];
+ $upTime = (time()-$startTime);
+ my $upDays = int($upTime / (60*60*24));
+ my $upString = "";
+ if ($upDays > 0) {
+ $upString .= $upDays." day";
+ $upString .= "s" if ($upDays > 1);
+ $upString .=", ";
+ }
+ $upTime -= $upDays * 60*60*24;
+ my $upHours = int($upTime / (60*60));
+ if ($upHours > 0) {
+ $upString .= $upHours." hour";
+ $upString .= "s" if ($upHours > 1);
+ $upString .=", ";
+ }
+ $upTime -= $upHours *60*60;
+ my $upMinutes = int($upTime / 60);
+ if ($upMinutes > 0) {
+ $upString .= $upMinutes." minute";
+ $upString .= "s" if ($upMinutes > 1);
+ $upString .=", ";
+ }
+ $upTime -= $upMinutes * 60;
+ my $upSeconds = $upTime;
+ $upString .= $upSeconds." second";
+ $upString .= "s" if ($upSeconds != 1);
+ $upString;
Added: trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/process_data/Reply.pl
--- trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/process_data/Reply.pl (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/process_data/Reply.pl 2007-05-08 18:01:37 UTC (rev 3264)
@@ -0,0 +1,336 @@
+# infobot :: Kevin Lenzo (c) 1997
+sub getReply {
+ my($msgType, $message, $msgFilter) = @_;
+ my($theMsg) = "";
+ my($locMsg) = $message;
+ # x is y
+ # x is the lhs (left hand side)
+ # 'is' is the mhs ("middle hand side".. the "head", or verb)
+ # y is the Y (right hand side)
+ my($X, $V, $Y, $result);
+ my ($theVerb, $orig_Y);
+ $locMsg =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
+ my $literal = ($locMsg =~ s/^literal //);
+ if (getparam('rss') and $message =~ m/^perlfaq\'\s+(.*?)\?*$/) {
+ # specially defined type. get and process an RSS (RDF Site Summary)
+ eval "use URI::Escape";
+ not ($@) and do {
+ my $q = uri_escape($1, '\W');
+ my $result = &get_headlines("http://www.perlfaq.com/cgi-bin/rss/kw?q=$q");
+ if ($result =~ s/^error: //) {
+ return "$who: couldn't get the perlfaq: $result";
+ } else {
+ return "$who: $result";
+ }
+ }
+ } elsif ($result = get("is", $locMsg)) {
+# &status("exact: $message =is=> $result");
+ $theVerb = "is";
+ $X = $message;
+ $V = $theVerb;
+ $Y = $result;
+ $orig_Y = $X;
+ } elsif ($result = get("are", $locMsg)) {
+# &status("exact: $message =is=> $result");
+ $theVerb = "are";
+ $X = $message;
+ $V = $theVerb;
+ $Y = $result;
+ $orig_Y = $X;
+ } else { # no verb
+ $y_determiner = '';
+ $verbs = join '|', @verb;
+ $message = " $message ";
+ if ($message =~ / ($verbs) /i) {
+ $X = $`;
+ $V = $1;
+ $Y = $';
+ $X =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/;
+ $Y =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/;
+ $orig_Y = $Y;
+ $Y =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
+ $V =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/;
+ if ($Y =~ s/^(an?|the)\s+//) {
+ $y_determiner = $1;
+ } else {
+ $y_determiner = '';
+ }
+ if ($questionWord !~ /^\s*$/) {
+ if ($V eq "is") {
+ $result = &get("is", $Y);
+ } else {
+ if ($V eq "are") {
+ $result = &get("are", $Y);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $theVerb = $V;
+ }
+ if ($param{'VERBOSITY'} > 1) {
+ my $debugstring = "\tmsgType:\t$msgType\n";
+ $debugstring .= "\tquestionWord:\t$questionWord\n";
+ $debugstring .= "\taddressed:\t$addressed\n";
+ $debugstring .= "\tfinalQMark:\t$finalQMark\n";
+ $debugstring .= "\tX[$X] verb[$theVerb] det[$y_determiner] Y[$Y]\n";
+ $debugstring .= "\tresult:\t$result\n";
+ &status($debugstring);
+ }
+ if ($y_determiner) {
+ # put the det back on
+ $Y = "$y_determiner $Y";
+ }
+# check "is" tables anyway for lhs alone
+ if (!defined($V)) { # no explicit head had been found
+ my $det;
+ if ($locMsg =~ s/^\s*(an?|the)\s+//) {
+ $det = $1;
+ }
+ $locMsg =~ s/[.!?]+\s*$//;
+ my($check) = "";
+ $check = &get("is", $locMsg);
+ if ($check ne "") {
+ $result = $check;
+ $orig_Y = $locMsg;
+ $theVerb = "is";
+ $V = "is"; # artificially set the head to is
+ } else {
+ $check = &get("are", $locMsg);
+ if ($check ne "") {
+ $result = $check;
+ $V = "are"; # artificially set the head to are
+ $orig_Y = $locMsg;
+ $theVerb = "are";
+ }
+ }
+ if ($det) {
+ $orig_Y = "$det $orig_Y";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($V ne "") { # if there was a head...
+ if (not $literal) { # Changed to cope with $msgFilter - 26Jun19100, Masque
+ my(@poss) = split(/(?<!\\)\|/, $result);
+ $poss[0] =~ s/^\s//;
+ $poss[$#poss] =~ s/\s$//;
+ my @filtered = grep /\Q$msgFilter\E/, @poss unless $msgFilter eq "NOFILTER";
+ if (@filtered) {
+ $theMsg = $filtered[int(rand(@filtered))];
+ $theMsg =~ s/^\s*//;
+ } elsif (@poss > 1 && $msgFilter eq "NOFILTER") {
+ $theMsg = $poss[int(rand(@poss))];
+ $theMsg =~ s/^\s*//;
+ } else {
+ if ($msgFilter eq "NOFILTER" || $result =~ /\Q$msgFilter\E/) {
+ $theMsg = $result;
+ } else {
+ $theMsg = q!<reply>Hmm. No matches for that, $who.!;
+ }
+ }
+ $theMsg =~ s/\\\|/\|/g;
+ } else {
+ $theMsg = $result;
+ }
+ }
+ $skipReply = 0;
+ if ($theMsg ne "") {
+ if ($msgType =~ /public/) {
+ my $interval = time() - $prevTime;
+ if ( ($param{'mode'} eq 'IRC' )
+ && getparam('repeatIgnoreInterval')
+ && ($theMsg eq $prevMsg)
+ && ((time()-$prevTime) < getparam('repeatIgnoreInterval'))) {
+ &status("repeat ignored ($interval secs < ".getparam('repeatIgnoreInterval').")");
+ $skipReply = 1;
+ $theMsg = "NOREPLY";
+ $prevTime = time();
+ } else {
+ $skipReply = 0;
+ $prevTime = time() unless ($theMsg eq $prevMsg);
+ $prevMsg = $theMsg;
+ }
+ }
+ # by now $theMsg should contain the result, or null
+ # this global is nto a great idea
+ $shortReply = 0;
+ $noReply = 0;
+ if (0 and $theMsg =~ s/^\s*<noreply>\s*//i) {
+ # specially defined type. No reply. Experimental.
+ $noReply = 1;
+ return 'NOREPLY';
+ }
+ if (!$msgType) {
+ $msgType = 'private';
+ &status("NO MSG TYPE / set to private\n");
+ }
+ if ($literal) {
+ $orig_Y =~ s/^literal //;
+ $theMsg = "$who: $orig_Y =$theVerb= $theMsg";
+ return $theMsg;
+ }
+ if ($msgType !~ /private/ and $theMsg =~ s/^\s*<reply>\s*//i) {
+ # specially defined type. only remove '<reply>'
+ $shortReply = 1;
+ } elsif (getparam('rss') and $theMsg =~ m/(<(?:rss|rdf)\s*=\s*(\S+)>)/i) {
+ # specially defined type. get and process an RSS (RDF Site Summary)
+ my ($replace, $rdf_loc) = ($1,$2);
+ $shortReply = 1;
+ $rdf_loc =~ s/^\"+//;
+ $rdf_loc =~ s/\"+$//;
+ if ($rdf_loc !~ /^(ht|f)tp:/) {
+ &msg($who, "$orig_Y: bad RSS [$rdf_loc] (not an HTTP or FTP location)");
+ } else {
+ my $result = &get_headlines($rdf_loc);
+ if ($result =~ s/^error: //) {
+ $theMsg = "couldn't get the headlines: $result";
+ } else {
+ $theMsg =~ s/\Q$replace\E/$result/;
+ $theMsg = "$who: $theMsg";
+ }
+ }
+ } elsif ($msgType !~ /private/ and
+ $theMsg =~ s/^\s*<action>\s*(.*)/\cAACTION $1\cA/i) {
+ # specially defined type. only remove '<action>' and make it an action
+ $shortReply = 1;
+ } else { # not a short reply
+ if (!$infobots{$nuh} and $theVerb =~ /is/) {
+ my($x) = int(rand(16));
+ # oh this could be done much better
+ if ($x <= 5) {
+ $theMsg= "$orig_Y is $theMsg";
+ }
+ if ($x == 6) {
+ $theMsg= "i think $orig_Y is $theMsg";
+ }
+ if ($x == 7) {
+ $theMsg= "hmmm... $orig_Y is $theMsg";
+ }
+ if ($x == 8) {
+ $theMsg= "it has been said that $orig_Y is $theMsg";
+ }
+ if ($x == 9) {
+ $theMsg= "$orig_Y is probably $theMsg";
+ }
+ if ($x == 10) {
+ $theMsg =~ s/[.!?]+$//;
+ $theMsg= "rumour has it $orig_Y is $theMsg";
+ # $theMsg .= " dumbass";
+ }
+ if ($x == 11) {
+ $theMsg= "i heard $orig_Y was $theMsg";
+ }
+ if ($x == 12) {
+ $theMsg= "somebody said $orig_Y was $theMsg";
+ }
+ if ($x == 13) {
+ $theMsg= "i guess $orig_Y is $theMsg";
+ }
+ if ($x == 14) {
+ $theMsg= "well, $orig_Y is $theMsg";
+ }
+ if ($x == 15) {
+ $theMsg =~ s/[.!?]+$//;
+ $theMsg= "$orig_Y is, like, $theMsg";
+ }
+ } else {
+ $theMsg = "$orig_Y $theVerb $theMsg" if ($theMsg !~ /^\s*$/);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ my $safeWho = &purifyNick($who);
+ if (!$shortReply) {
+ # shouldn't this be in switchPerson?
+ # this is fixing the person for going back out
+# /^onz!lenzo at lenzo.pc.cs.cmu.edu privmsg rurl :*** noctcp: omega42 is/: nested *?+ in regexp at /usr/users/infobot/infobot-current/src/Reply.pl line 266, <FH> chunk 176.
+ if ($theMsg =~ s/^$safeWho is/you are/i) { # fix the person
+ } else {
+ $theMsg =~ s/^$param{'nick'} is /i am /ig;
+ $theMsg =~ s/ $param{'nick'} is / i am /ig;
+ $theMsg =~ s/^$param{'nick'} was /i was /ig;
+ $theMsg =~ s/ $param{'nick'} was / i was /ig;
+ if ($addressed) {
+ $theMsg =~ s/^you are (\.*)/i am $1/ig;
+ $theMsg =~ s/ you are (\.*)/ i am $1/ig;
+ } else {
+ if ($theMsg =~ /^you are / or $theMsg =~ / you are /) {
+ $theMsg = 'NOREPLY';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $theMsg =~ s/ $param{'ident'}\'?s / my /ig;
+ $theMsg =~ s/^$safeWho\'?s /$safeWho, your /i;
+ $theMsg =~ s/ $safeWho\'?s / your /ig;
+ }
+ if (1) { # $date, $time
+ $curDate = scalar(localtime());
+ chomp $curDate;
+ $curDate =~ s/\:\d+(\s+\w+)\s+\d+$/$1/;
+ $theMsg =~ s/\$date/$curDate/gi;
+ $curDate =~ s/\w+\s+\w+\s+\d+\s+//;
+ $theMsg =~ s/\$time/$curDate/gi;
+ }
+ $theMsg =~ s/\$who/$who/gi;
+ if (1) { # variables. like $me or \me
+ $theMsg =~ s/(\\){1,}([^\s\\]+)/$1/g;
+ }
+ $theMsg =~ s/^\s*//;
+ $theMsg =~ s/\s+$//;
+ if (getparam('filter')) {
+ require "src/filter.pl";
+ $theMsg = &filter($theMsg);
+ }
+ if ($theMsg =~ /\S/) {
+ return $theMsg;
+ } else {
+ return undef;
+ }
Added: trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/process_data/Statement.pl
--- trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/process_data/Statement.pl (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/process_data/Statement.pl 2007-05-08 18:01:37 UTC (rev 3264)
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+# infobot :: Kevin Lenzo (c) 1997
+## doStatement --
+## decide if $in is a statement, and if so,
+## - update the dbm
+## - return feedback statement
+## otherwise return null.
+sub doStatement {
+ return '' if (lc($who) eq lc($param{'nick'}));
+ my($msgType, $in) = @_;
+ $in =~ s/\\(\S+)/\#$1\#/g;
+ # switch person
+ $in =~ s/(^|\s)i am /$1$who is /i;
+ $in =~ s/(^|\s)my /$1$who\'s /ig;
+ $in =~ s/(^|\s)your /$1$param{'ident'}\'s /ig;
+ if ($addressed) {
+ $in =~ s/(^|\s)you are /$1$param{'ident'} is /i;
+ }
+ $in =~ s/^no,\s+//i; # don't want to complain if it's new but negative
+ if (getparam('plusplus')) {
+ $in =~ s/\W(--|\+\+)(\(.*?\)|[^(++)(--)\s]+)/$2$1/;
+ # Hacked to allow multiple karma per line and to fix
+ # related issues. foo++foo++ no longer becomes
+ # foofoo++++. - Masque, 12Apr2K
+ # ...and to allow only one karma point per item
+ # per line. - Masque, 13Apr2K
+ my %k_limit;
+ while ($in =~ s/(\(.*?\)|[^(++)(--)\s]+)(\+\+|--)//) {
+ my($term,$inc) = ($1,$2);
+ $term = lc($term);
+ next if exists $k_limit{$term};
+ $k_limit{$term} = 1;
+ # try to normalize phrases
+ $term =~ s/^\((.*)\)$/$1/;
+ $term =~ s/\s+/ /g;
+ if ($msgType !~ /public/i) {
+ &msg($who, "karma must be done in public!");
+ return "NOREPLY";
+ }
+ if (lc($term) eq lc($who)) {
+ &msg($who, "please don't karma yourself");
+ return 'NOREPLY';
+ }
+ # Whoops! Better make sure that we're adding karma to something existant.
+ next if $term eq "";
+ if ($inc eq '++') {
+ &postInc(plusplus => $term);
+ } elsif ($inc eq '--') {
+ &postDec(plusplus => $term);
+ }
+ }
+ return 'NOREPLY' if $karma;
+ }
+ my($theType);
+ my($lhs, $mhs, $rhs); # left hand side, uh.. middlehand side...
+ # the unignore hack...
+ # if we see this word, unignore all
+ my $magicword=getparam('unignoreWord');
+ if ($in =~ /$magicword/i) {
+ &clearAll('ignore');
+ &status("unignoring all ($who said the word)");
+ }
+ # check if we need to be addressed and if we are
+ if ((getparam('addressing') eq 'REQUIRE') && !$addressed) {
+ return 'NOREPLY';
+ }
+ # prefix www with http:// and ftp with ftp://
+ $in =~ s/ www\./ http:\/\/www\./ig;
+ $in =~ s/ ftp\./ ftp:\/\/ftp\./ig;
+ # look for a "type nugget". this should be externalized.
+ $theType = "";
+ $theType = "mailto" if ($in =~ /\bmailto:.+\@.+\..{2,}/i);
+ $theType = "mailto" if ($in =~ s/\b(\S+\@\S+\.\S{2,})/mailto:$1/gi);
+ $in =~ s/(mailto:)+/mailto:/g;
+ $theType = "about" if ($in =~ /\babout:/i);
+ $theType = 'afp' if ($in =~ /\bafp:/);
+ $theType = 'file' if ($in =~ /\bfile:/);
+ $theType = 'palace' if ($in =~ /\bpalace:/);
+ $theType = 'phoneto' if ($in =~ /\bphone(to)?:/);
+ if ($in =~ /\b(news|http|ftp|gopher|telnet):\s*\/\/[\-\w]+(\.[\-\w]+)+/) {
+ $theType = $1;
+ }
+ # here's where you set the behaviour.
+ if ((getparam('acceptUrl') =~ /\d+/) && $addressed
+ && (getparam('acceptUrl') < $theUserLevel)) {
+ } else {
+ if (getparam('acceptUrl') eq 'REQUIRE') {
+ # require url type.
+# &status("REJECTED non-URL entry") if ($param{VERBOSITY});
+ return 'NOREPLY' if ($theType eq "");
+ } elsif (getparam('acceptUrl') eq 'REJECT') {
+ &status("REJECTED URL entry") if ($param{VERBOSITY});
+ return 'NOREPLY' unless ($theType eq "");
+ } else {
+ # you could put another filter here
+ }
+ }
+ # report status somewhere is we're doing that
+ &status("type $theType: $in") if $theType;
+ foreach $item (@verb) { # check for verb
+ if ($in =~ /(^|\s)$item(\s|$)/i) {
+ ($lhs, $mhs, $rhs) = ($`, $&, $');
+ $lhs =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
+ $lhs =~ s/^\s*(the|da|an?)\s+//i; # discard article
+ $lhs =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/;
+ $mhs =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/;
+ $rhs =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/;
+ # note : prevent access to globals in the eval
+ return '' unless ($lhs and $rhs);
+ my $maxkey = getparam("maxKeySize");
+ return "The key is too long (> $maxkey chars)."
+ if (length($lhs) > $maxkey);
+ if (length($message) > getparam('maxDataSize')) {
+ if ($msgType =~ /public/) {
+ if ($addressed) {
+ if (rand() > 0.5) {
+ &performSay("that entry is too long, ".$who);
+ } else {
+ &performSay("i'm sorry, but that entry is too long, $who");
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ &msg($who, "The text is too long");
+ }
+ return '';
+ }
+ return 'NOREPLY' if ($lhs eq 'NOREPLY');
+ my $failed = 0;
+ $lhs =~ /^(who|what|when|where|why|how)$/ and $failed++;
+ if (!$failed and !$addressed) {
+ # the arsenal of things to ignore if we aren't addressed directly
+ $lhs =~ /^(who|what|when|where|why|how|it) /i and $failed++;
+ $lhs =~ /^(this|that|these|those|they|you) /i and $failed++;
+ $lhs =~ /^(every(one|body)|we) /i and $failed++;
+ $lhs =~ /^\s*\*/ and $failed++; # server message
+ $lhs =~ /^\s*<+[-=]+/ and $failed++; # <--- arrows
+ $lhs =~ /^[\[<\(]\w+[\]>\)]/ and $failed++; # [nick] from bots
+ $lhs =~ /^heya?,? / and $failed++; # greetings
+ $lhs =~ /^\s*th(is|at|ere|ese|ose|ey)/i and $failed++; # contextless
+ $lhs =~ /^\s*it\'?s?\W/i and $failed++; # contextless clitic
+ $lhs =~ /^\s*if /i and $failed++; # hypothetical
+ $lhs =~ /^\s*how\W/i and $failed++; # too much trouble for now
+ $lhs =~ /^\s*why\W/i and $failed++; # too much trouble for now
+ $lhs =~ /^\s*h(is|er) /i and $failed++; # her name is
+ $lhs =~ /^\s*\D[\d\w]*\.{2,}/ and $failed++; # x...
+ $lhs =~ /^\s*so is/i and $failed++; # so is (no referent)
+ $lhs =~ /^\s*s+o+r+[ye]+\b/i and $failed++; # sorry
+ $lhs =~ /^\s*supposedly/i and $failed++;
+ $lhs =~ /^all / and $failed++; # all you have to do, all you guys...
+ } elsif (!$failed and $addressed) {
+ # things to skip if we ARE addressed
+ }
+ if ($failed) {
+ &status("statement: IGNORED <$who> $message");
+ return 'NOREPLY';
+ }
+ &status("statement: <$who> $message");
+ $lhs =~ s/\#(\S+)\#/$1/g;
+ # Avi++
+ $rhs =~ s/\#\|\#/\\\|/g;
+ $rhs =~ s/\#(\S+)\#/$1/g;
+ $lhs =~ s/\?+\s*$//; # strip the ? off the key
+ $lhs = &update($lhs, $mhs, $rhs);
+ return 'NOREPLY' if ($lhs eq 'NOREPLY');
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ $lhs;
+ }
+ 1;
Added: trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/process_data/Update.pl
--- trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/process_data/Update.pl (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/process_data/Update.pl 2007-05-08 18:01:37 UTC (rev 3264)
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+# infobot :: Kevin Lenzo (c) 1997
+sub update {
+ my($lhs, $verb, $rhs) = @_;
+ my($reply) = $lhs;
+ $lhs =~ s/^\s*=?//; # handle dcc =oznoid and stuff
+ $lhs =~ s/^i (heard|think) //i;
+ $lhs =~ s/^some(one|1|body) said //i;
+ $lhs =~ s/ +/ /g;
+ # this really needs cleaning up
+ if ($verb eq "is") {
+ $also = ($rhs =~ s/^also //i);
+ my $also_or = ($also and $rhs =~ s/\s*\|\s*//);
+ if ($exists = &get("is", $lhs)) {
+ chomp $exists;
+ if ($exists eq $rhs and not $main::googling) {
+ if ($msgType =~ /public/) {
+ &performSay("i already had it that way, $who.");
+ } else {
+ &msg($who, "it already was $rhs");
+ }
+ return 'NOREPLY';
+ }
+ $skipReply = 0;
+ if ($also) {
+ if ($also_or) {
+ $rhs = $exists . '|'.$rhs;
+ } else {
+ if ($exists ne $rhs) {
+ $rhs = $exists .' or '.$rhs;
+ }
+ }
+ if (length($rhs) > getparam('maxDataSize')) {
+ if ($msgType =~ /public/) {
+ if ($addressed) {
+ if (rand() > 0.5) {
+ &performSay("that is too long, ".$who);
+ } else {
+ &performSay("i'm sorry, but that's too long, $who");
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ &msg($who, "The text is too long");
+ }
+ return 'NOREPLY';
+ }
+ if ($msgType =~ /public/) {
+ &performSay("okay, $who.");
+ } else {
+ &msg($who, "okay.");
+ }
+ $updateCount++;
+ &status("update: <$who> \'$lhs =is=> $rhs\'; was \'$exists\'");
+ &set("is", $lhs, $rhs);
+ } else { # not "also"
+ if (($correction_plausible == 0) && ($exists ne $rhs)) {
+ if ($addressed) {
+ if (not $main::googling) {
+ if ($msgType =~ /public/) {
+ &performSay("...but $lhs is $exists...");
+ } else {
+ &msg($who, "...but $lhs is $exists..");
+ }
+ &status("FAILED update: <$who> \'$lhs =$verb=> $rhs\'");
+ }
+ } else {
+ &status("FAILED update: <$who> \'$lhs =$verb=> $rhs\' (not addressed, no reply)");
+ # we were not addressed, so just
+ # ignore it.
+ return 'NOREPLY';
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (IsFlag("m") ne "m") {
+ performReply("You have no access to change factoids");
+ return 'NOREPLY';
+ }
+ if ($msgType =~ /public/) {
+ &performSay("okay, $who.");
+ } else {
+ &msg($who, "okay.");
+ }
+ $updateCount++;
+ &status("update: <$who> '$lhs =is=> $rhs\'; was \'$exists\'");
+ &set("is", $lhs, $rhs);
+ }
+ }
+ $reply = 'NOREPLY';
+ } else {
+ &status("enter: <$who> $lhs =$verb=> $rhs");
+ $updateCount++; $factoidCount++;
+ if ($factoidCount == 31337) { # particular count
+ $mySaveChannel = &channel();
+ &say("That would be factoid $factoidCount given on $mySaveChannel by $who.");
+ &status("FACTOID NUMBER $factoidCount on channel $mySaveChannel by $who.");
+ &say("woohoo!");
+ &channel($mySaveChannel);
+ }
+ &set("is", $lhs, $rhs);
+ $is{"theCount"}++;
+ }
+ } else { # 'is' failed
+ if ($verb eq "are") {
+ $also = ($rhs =~ s/^also //i);
+ if ($exists = &get("are", $lhs)) {
+ if ($also) {
+ if ($exists ne $rhs) {
+ $rhs = $exists .' or '.$rhs;
+ }
+ if ($msgType =~ /public/) {
+ &performSay("okay, $who.") unless $rhs eq $exists;
+ } else {
+ &msg($who, "okay.");
+ }
+ $updateCount++;
+ &status("update: <$who> \'$lhs =are=> $rhs\'; was \'$exists\'");
+ &set("are", $lhs, $rhs);
+ } else { # not 'also'
+ if (($correction_plausible == 0) && ($exists ne $rhs)) {
+ if ($addressed) {
+ &status("FAILED update: \'$lhs =$verb=> $rhs\'");
+ if ($msgType =~ /public/) {
+ &performSay("...but $lhs is $exists...");
+ } else {
+ &msg($who, "...but $lhs is $exists..");
+ }
+ } else {
+ &status("FAILED update: $lhs $verb $rhs (not addressed, no reply)");
+ # we were not addressed, so just
+ # ignore it.
+ return 'NOREPLY';
+ }
+ if ($msgType =~ /public/) {
+ &performSay("...but $lhs are $exists...");
+ } else {
+ &msg($who, "...but $lhs are $exists...");
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ($msgType =~ /public/) {
+ &performSay("okay, $who.") unless $rhs eq $exists;
+ } else {
+ &msg($who, "okay.")
+ unless grep $_ eq $who, split /\s+/, $param{friendlyBots};
+ }
+ $updateCount++;
+ &status("update: <$who> \'$lhs =are=> $rhs\'; was \'$exists\'");
+ &set("are", $lhs, $rhs);
+ }
+ $reply = 'NOREPLY';
+ }
+ } else {
+ &status("enter: <$who> $lhs =are=> $rhs");
+ $updateCount++;
+ &set("are", $lhs, $rhs);
+ $are{"theCount"}++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $lhs .= " $verb $rhs";
+ if ($reply ne 'NOREPLY') {
+ $reply = $lhs;
+ }
+ return $reply;
+# ---
Added: trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/process_data/harness_new_infobot.pl
--- trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/process_data/harness_new_infobot.pl (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/process_data/harness_new_infobot.pl 2007-05-08 18:01:37 UTC (rev 3264)
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+# new-infobot harness -- push messages through Factoid.pm, and collect some
+# output data
+ use strict;
+ use warnings;
+ no warnings 'redefine';
+ no warnings 'once';
+ use Test::More tests => 6680;
+ use Term::ANSIColor;
+ use Infobot::Base;
+ my $base = Infobot::Base->new();
+ $base->stash( config => { log => { Console => { level => -1 } } } );
+ use Infobot::Log;
+ my $log = Infobot::Log->new();
+ $log->init;
+ $log->stash( log => $log );
+ use Infobot::Plugin::Log::PrettyConsole;
+ my $nulllog = Infobot::Plugin::Log::PrettyConsole->new();
+ $nulllog->init('Console');
+ $nulllog->register();
+ use Infobot::Message;
+ my $buffer;
+ require UNIVERSAL::require;
+ Infobot::Plugin::Query::Client::DBIxClass->require || die $@;
+ Infobot::Plugin::Query::Factoids->require || die $@;
+ Infobot::Plugin::Query::Karma->require || die $@;
+ my $factoid = Infobot::Plugin::Query::Factoids->new();
+ my $karma = Infobot::Plugin::Query::Karma->new();
+ *Infobot::Plugin::Query::Karma::DB::topten = sub {};
+ *Infobot::Plugin::Query::Karma::DB::get_score = sub {};
+ *Infobot::Plugin::Query::Karma::DB::Explain::get_explanation = sub {};
+ *Infobot::Plugin::Query::Karma::DB::Explain::add_explanation = sub {};
+ *Infobot::Plugin::Query::Karma::DB::increment = sub {
+ my $item = $_[0];
+ $buffer .= "++;;$item\n";
+ };
+ *Infobot::Plugin::Query::Karma::DB::decrement = sub {
+ my $item = $_[0];
+ $buffer .= "--;;$item\n";
+ };
+ *Infobot::Plugin::Query::Factoids::get = sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $key = shift;
+ my $db = shift;
+ return undef if $db eq 'ignore';
+ $buffer .= "Searching $db for $key\n";
+ return undef;
+ };
+ *Infobot::Plugin::Query::Factoids::set = sub {
+ my ( $thing, $verb, $content ) = @_;
+ $buffer .= "set;;$thing;;$verb;;$content\n";
+ };
+package FakeConduit;
+ use base 'Infobot::Base';
+ sub say { $buffer .= $_[2] }
+package main;
+# Parameters...
+ my $nick = 'purl';
+ while (<STDIN>) {
+ my $divider = $_;
+ chomp( $divider );
+ next if $divider eq "---DIVIDER---";
+ my @lines = ($divider);
+ while(<STDIN>) {
+ my $in = $_;
+ chomp( $in );
+ (last && next) if $in eq "---DIVIDER---";
+ # print "-> $in\n";
+ push( @lines, $in );
+ }
+ #my @lines = split(/\n/, $data);
+ #print "**" . ( join "\n", @lines ) . "**\n";
+ #next;
+ my $ref = shift(@lines);
+ my ( $waste, $user, $line ) = split(/\|\|\|\|/, $ref );
+# print "---DIVIDER---\n";
+# print "||||$user||||$line||||\n";
+ $buffer = '';
+ my $addressed = 0;
+ if (
+ ( $line =~ s/^\s*$nick\s*([\,\:\> ]+) *//i ) ||
+ ( $line =~ s/^\s*$nick\s*([\,\:\> ]+)\s*(?!is )//i ) ||
+ ( $line =~ s/, ?$nick(\W*)$//i )
+ ) {
+ $addressed = 1;
+ }
+ my $target = '';
+if (($line =~ s/^\S+\s*:\s+//) or ($line =~ s/^\S+\s+--+\s+//)) {
+ # stripped the addressee ("^Pudge: it's there")
+ $target = $1;
+ } elsif ( $addressed ) {
+ $target = $nick;
+ }
+ my $message = Infobot::Message->new();
+ $message->init(
+ name => $user,
+ nick => $nick,
+ message => $line,
+ printable => $line,
+ context => {},
+ conduit => FakeConduit->new(),
+ addressed => 0,
+ public => 1,
+ ) || die;
+ $factoid->process( $message ) ||
+ $karma->process( $message );
+ chomp( $buffer );
+ is( $buffer, ( join "\n", @lines ), "<$user> $line" ) || die;
+ }
Added: trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/process_data/harness_old_infobot.pl
--- trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/process_data/harness_old_infobot.pl (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/process_data/harness_old_infobot.pl 2007-05-08 18:01:37 UTC (rev 3264)
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+# old-infobot harness -- push messages through 0.43's core and turn them in to
+# outgoing events, for use in a testing environment.
+ require 'src/Process.pl';
+ require 'src/Question.pl';
+ require 'src/Norm.pl';
+ require 'src/Misc.pl';
+ require 'src/Reply.pl';
+ require 'src/Statement.pl';
+ require 'src/Update.pl';
+# Parameters...
+ @verb = qw(is are);
+ @qWord = qw(what who where);
+ @dunno = qw(dunno);
+ %param = (
+ nick => 'purl',
+ acceptUrl => 1,
+ continuity => 0,
+ allowTelling => 1,
+ channel => '#perl',
+ addressing => 0,
+ VERBOSITY => 20,
+ rss => 0,
+ allowUpdate => 1,
+ unignoreWord => 'gooblebrains',
+ plusplus => 1,
+ minVolunteerLength => 20,
+ maxKeySize => 40,
+ maxDataSize => 410,
+ );
+ while (<STDIN>) {
+ my $line = $_;
+ next unless ( $line =~ s/^\d\d:\d\d\s\<\s*([^\s\>]+)\> // );
+ my $user = $1;
+ next if $user eq $param{'nick'};
+ chomp($line);
+ print "---DIVIDER---\n";
+ print "||||$user||||$line||||\n";
+ process($user, 'public', $line);
+ }
+ sub postInc {
+ my $item = $_[1];
+ print "++;;$item\n";
+ }
+ sub postDec {
+ my $item = $_[1];
+ print "--;;$item\n";
+ }
+# These routines fake functionality offered elsewhere in the infobot code...
+ sub set {
+ my ( $thing, $verb, $content ) = @_;
+ print "set;;$thing;;$verb;;$content\n";
+ }
+ sub get {
+ my $db = shift;
+ my $key = shift;
+ return undef if $db eq 'ignore';
+ print "Searching $db for $key\n";
+ return undef;
+ }
+ sub getDBMKeys { 0 } # Also apparently for ignores
+ sub verifyUser { 0 } # Used for user auth...
+ sub userProcessing { 0 } # Used for user auth...
+ sub math { return undef }# Maths subsystems
+ sub myRoutines { return undef; } # Basically the pipeline
+ sub Extras { return undef; } # " " " " "
+ sub IsFlag {
+ my $flag = shift;
+ return $flag;
+ }
+ sub channel { getparam('channel') }
+ sub status {
+ my $self = shift;
+ #warn( $self );
+ }
+ sub msg {
+ my $who = shift;
+ my $what = shift;
+ print "$who;;$what\n";
+ }
+ sub say {
+ my $msg = shift;
+ print "print;;$msg\n";
+ }
+ sub performSay {
+ my $msg = shift;
+ print "print;;$msg\n";
+ }
+ sub getparam {
+ my $key = shift;
+ my $value = $param{ $key };
+ unless ( defined $value || $key eq 'filter' ) { warn $key }
+ return $value;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
Added: trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/process_data.txt
--- trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/process_data.txt (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Infobot-DBIC/t/process_data.txt 2007-05-08 18:01:37 UTC (rev 3264)
@@ -0,0 +1,39542 @@
+Searching is for haha
+Searching are for haha
+Searching is for haha
+Searching are for haha
+||||CanyonMan||||^5 coke||||
+Searching is for ^5 coke
+Searching are for ^5 coke
+Searching is for ^5 coke
+Searching are for ^5 coke
+Searching is for kroy-sant.
+Searching are for kroy-sant.
+Searching is for kroy-sant
+Searching are for kroy-sant
+Searching is for khruh.
+Searching are for khruh.
+Searching is for khruh
+Searching are for khruh
+||||Masque||||rot13 croissaint||||
+Searching is for rot13 croissaint
+Searching are for rot13 croissaint
+Searching is for rot13 croissaint
+Searching are for rot13 croissaint
+||||Masque||||teach me to type accurately. Without extra vowels.||||
+Searching is for teach masque to type accurately. without extra vowels.
+Searching are for teach masque to type accurately. without extra vowels.
+Searching is for teach masque to type accurately. without extra vowels
+Searching are for teach masque to type accurately. without extra vowels
+Searching is for [kÊwa'sÉ]
+Searching are for [kÊwa'sÉ]
+Searching is for [kÊwa'sÉ]
+Searching are for [kÊwa'sÉ]
+||||cfedde||||if u cn rd ths thn u cn mk gud mny as an adm astnt||||
+Searching is for if u cn rd ths thn u cn mk gud mny as an adm astnt
+Searching are for if u cn rd ths thn u cn mk gud mny as an adm astnt
+Searching is for if u cn rd ths thn u cn mk gud mny as an adm astnt
+Searching are for if u cn rd ths thn u cn mk gud mny as an adm astnt
+||||mendel||||r as n chtrm mdrtr||||
+Searching is for r as n chtrm mdrtr
+Searching are for r as n chtrm mdrtr
+Searching is for r as n chtrm mdrtr
+Searching are for r as n chtrm mdrtr
+||||dha||||f u cn rd ths thn fck ff||||
+Searching is for f u cn rd ths thn fck ff
+Searching are for f u cn rd ths thn fck ff
+Searching is for f u cn rd ths thn fck ff
+Searching are for f u cn rd ths thn fck ff
+Searching is for croissandwich
+Searching are for croissandwich
+Searching is for croissandwich
+Searching are for croissandwich
+||||DrForr||||f u cn rd ths y t can wrt Hfmn cds.||||
+Searching is for f u cn rd ths y t can wrt hfmn cds.
+Searching are for f u cn rd ths y t can wrt hfmn cds.
+Searching is for f u cn rd ths y t can wrt hfmn cds
+Searching are for f u cn rd ths y t can wrt hfmn cds
+||||dha||||walt - I was tempted, but resisted. thanks for taking care of that forme||||
+Searching is for walt - dha was tempted, but resisted. thanks for taking care of that forme
+Searching are for walt - dha was tempted, but resisted. thanks for taking care of that forme
+Searching is for walt - dha was tempted, but resisted. thanks for taking care of that forme
+Searching are for walt - dha was tempted, but resisted. thanks for taking care of that forme
+||||waltman||||any time||||
+Searching is for any time
+Searching are for any time
+Searching is for any time
+Searching are for any time
+||||marnanel||||or text messages.||||
+Searching is for text messages.
+Searching are for text messages.
+Searching is for text messages
+Searching are for text messages
+||||crab||||is it a real croissant, or just a crescent-shaped piece of bread?||||
+Searching is for is it a real croissant, or just a crescent-shaped piece of bread
+Searching are for is it a real croissant, or just a crescent-shaped piece of bread
+||||cfedde||||pop and fresh rolls?||||
+Searching is for pop and fresh rolls
+Searching are for pop and fresh rolls
+Searching is for pop and fresh rolls
+Searching are for pop and fresh rolls
+||||waltman||||You just slice a croissant in half lengthwise and stuff inside.||||
+Searching is for you just slice a croissant in half lengthwise and stuff inside.
+Searching are for you just slice a croissant in half lengthwise and stuff inside.
+Searching is for you just slice a croissant in half lengthwise and stuff inside
+Searching are for you just slice a croissant in half lengthwise and stuff inside
+||||dha||||well, pain au chocolat are croissant-y. and they're straight.||||
+Searching is for pain au chocolat are croissant-y. and they're straight.
+Searching are for pain au chocolat are croissant-y. and they're straight.
+Searching are for pain au chocolat
+set;;are;;pain au chocolat;;croissant-y. and they're straight.
+||||waltman||||these are generally plain croissants, of course||||
+Searching is for these are generally plain croissants, of course
+Searching are for these are generally plain croissants, of course
+||||cfedde||||puff pastry with fudge||||
+Searching is for puff pastry with fudge
+Searching are for puff pastry with fudge
+Searching is for puff pastry with fudge
+Searching are for puff pastry with fudge
+||||DrForr||||The local bakery offers both pain au chocolat and croissants.||||
+Searching is for the local bakery offers both pain au chocolat and croissants.
+Searching are for the local bakery offers both pain au chocolat and croissants.
+Searching is for local bakery offers both pain au chocolat and croissants
+Searching are for local bakery offers both pain au chocolat and croissants
+||||dha||||I have a friend called "Toes". We're still not sure why||||
+Searching is for dha has a friend called "toes". we're still not sure why
+Searching are for dha has a friend called "toes". we're still not sure why
+Searching is for dha has a friend called "toes". we're still not sure why
+Searching are for dha has a friend called "toes". we're still not sure why
+||||mendel||||On the subject of French patisseries, I love how foreigner-terms sort of migrate as they become local.||||
+Searching is for on the subject of french patisseries, mendel love how foreigner-terms sort of migrate as they become local.
+Searching are for on the subject of french patisseries, mendel love how foreigner-terms sort of migrate as they become local.
+Searching is for on the subject of french patisseries, mendel love how foreigner-terms sort of migrate as they become local
+Searching are for on the subject of french patisseries, mendel love how foreigner-terms sort of migrate as they become local
+||||mendel||||French pastries, in France, are viennoisseries.||||
+Searching is for french pastries, in france, are viennoisseries.
+Searching are for french pastries, in france, are viennoisseries.
+Searching are for french pastries, in france,
+set;;are;;french pastries, in france,;;viennoisseries.
+||||mendel||||In Vienna they're probably Danishes or something.||||
+Searching is for in vienna they're probably danishes or something.
+Searching are for in vienna they're probably danishes or something.
+Searching is for in vienna they're probably danishes or something
+Searching are for in vienna they're probably danishes or something
+Searching is for stop shoving your honeymoon in our faces
+Searching are for stop shoving your honeymoon in our faces
+Searching is for stop shoving your honeymoon in our faces
+Searching are for stop shoving your honeymoon in our faces
+||||mendel||||When you don't understand something and you're speaking in Greek, you say "It's all Chinese to me".||||
+Searching is for when you don't understand something and you are speaking in greek, you say "it's all chinese to mendel".
+Searching are for when you don't understand something and you are speaking in greek, you say "it's all chinese to mendel".
+||||rdice||||dha, where would you like him to shove it then?||||
+Searching is for dha,would you like him to shove it then
+Searching are for dha,would you like him to shove it then
+Searching is for dha,would you like him to shove it then
+Searching are for dha,would you like him to shove it then
+||||dha||||I refuse to answer that on the grounds that I have no answer that is both original and amusing||||
+Searching is for dha refuse to answer that on the grounds that dha has no answer that is both original and amusing
+Searching are for dha refuse to answer that on the grounds that dha has no answer that is both original and amusing
+||||rdice||||Good call.||||
+Searching is for good call.
+Searching are for good call.
+Searching is for good call
+Searching are for good call
+||||dha||||(joe jackson)++||||
+Searching is for (joe jackson)++
+Searching are for (joe jackson)++
+Searching is for (joe jackson)++
+Searching are for (joe jackson)++
+++;;joe jackson
+||||dha||||Hey, inaction would be my middle name if I didn't have to actively change it to be so.||||
+Searching is for inaction would be dha's middle name if dha didn't have to actively change it to be so.
+Searching are for inaction would be dha's middle name if dha didn't have to actively change it to be so.
+Searching is for inaction would be dha's middle name if dha didn't have to actively change it to be so
+Searching are for inaction would be dha's middle name if dha didn't have to actively change it to be so
+||||mendel||||The Greek example is my favorite of that though.||||
+Searching is for the greek example is mendel's favorite of that though.
+Searching are for the greek example is mendel's favorite of that though.
+Searching is for greek example
+set;;is;;greek example;;mendel's favorite of that though.
+||||dngor||||seen inferno||||
+Searching is for seen inferno
+Searching are for seen inferno
+Searching is for seen inferno
+Searching are for seen inferno
+||||dha||||Yes, I've seen inferno. In fact, I think it's coming out on dvd soon.||||
+Searching is for dha has seen inferno. in fact, dha think it's coming out on dvd soon.
+Searching are for dha has seen inferno. in fact, dha think it's coming out on dvd soon.
+Searching is for dha has seen inferno. in fact, dha think it's coming out on dvd soon
+Searching are for dha has seen inferno. in fact, dha think it's coming out on dvd soon
+Searching is for \o/
+Searching are for \o/
+Searching is for \o/
+Searching are for \o/
+||||dngor||||Does osx support arbitrary key remapping? I have an extra "windows" key that's not showing up in the keyboard viewer.||||
+Searching is for does osx support arbitrary key remapping? dngor has an extra "windows" key that's not showing up in the keyboard viewer.
+Searching are for does osx support arbitrary key remapping? dngor has an extra "windows" key that's not showing up in the keyboard viewer.
+Searching is for does osx support arbitrary key remapping? dngor has an extra "windows" key that's not showing up in the keyboard viewer
+Searching are for does osx support arbitrary key remapping? dngor has an extra "windows" key that's not showing up in the keyboard viewer
+||||waltman||||You could use xmodmap, but that would only work in X11.app||||
+Searching is for you could use xmodmap, but that would only work in x11.app
+Searching are for you could use xmodmap, but that would only work in x11.app
+Searching is for you could use xmodmap, but that would only work in x11.app
+Searching are for you could use xmodmap, but that would only work in x11.app
+||||sungo||||that was the worst part of taking Greek in college.||||
+Searching is for that was the worst part of taking greek in college.
+Searching are for that was the worst part of taking greek in college.
+Searching is for that was the worst part of taking greek in college
+Searching are for that was the worst part of taking greek in college
+||||sungo||||people kept saying "Well, it's all greek to me!". I nearly killed something.||||
+Searching is for people kept saying "well, it's all greek to sungo!". sungo nearly killed something.
+Searching are for people kept saying "well, it's all greek to sungo!". sungo nearly killed something.
+Searching is for people kept saying "well, it's all greek to sungo!". sungo nearly killed something
+Searching are for people kept saying "well, it's all greek to sungo!". sungo nearly killed something
+||||waltman||||Could've been worse. It could have been a Greek text on rocket science or brain surgery.||||
+Searching is for could've been worse. it could have been a greek text on rocket science or brain surgery.
+Searching are for could've been worse. it could have been a greek text on rocket science or brain surgery.
+Searching is for could've been worse. it could have been a greek text on rocket science or brain surgery
+Searching are for could've been worse. it could have been a greek text on rocket science or brain surgery
+||||mendel||||See, if you were taking Latin, that'd never have stopped being funny.||||
+Searching is for see, if you were taking latin, that'd never have stopped being funny.
+Searching are for see, if you were taking latin, that'd never have stopped being funny.
+Searching is for see, if you were taking latin, that'd never have stopped being funny
+Searching are for see, if you were taking latin, that'd never have stopped being funny
+||||waltman||||I think it might have, actually||||
+Searching is for waltman think it might have, actually
+Searching are for waltman think it might have, actually
+Searching is for waltman think it might have, actually
+Searching are for waltman think it might have, actually
+||||mendel||||No way. "It's all Greek to me" but it's really Latin? Come on.||||
+Searching is for no way. "it's all greek to mendel" but it's really latin? come on.
+Searching are for no way. "it's all greek to mendel" but it's really latin? come on.
+Searching is for no way. "it's all greek to mendel" but it's really latin? come on
+Searching are for no way. "it's all greek to mendel" but it's really latin? come on
+||||waltman||||NOT FUNNY||||
+Searching is for not funny
+Searching are for not funny
+Searching is for not funny
+Searching are for not funny
+||||sungo||||that's a lot more straight forward.||||
+Searching is for that's a lot more straight forward.
+Searching are for that's a lot more straight forward.
+Searching is for that's a lot more straight forward
+Searching are for that's a lot more straight forward
+||||mendel||||Hey, who are you calling an idiom?||||
+Searching is for are you calling an idiom
+Searching are for are you calling an idiom
+Searching are for you calling an idiom
+||||sungo||||your mom||||
+Searching is for your mom
+Searching are for your mom
+Searching is for your mom
+Searching are for your mom
+||||waltman||||God wasn't a real consistent writer||||
+Searching is for god wasn't a real consistent writer
+Searching are for god wasn't a real consistent writer
+Searching is for god wasn't a real consistent writer
+Searching are for god wasn't a real consistent writer
+Searching is for apparenly.
+Searching are for apparenly.
+Searching is for apparenly
+Searching are for apparenly
+||||sungo||||Apparently even||||
+Searching is for apparently even
+Searching are for apparently even
+Searching is for apparently even
+Searching are for apparently even
+||||waltman||||Makes sense, I guess. God's omnipresent, so his writing's naturally all over the place.||||
+Searching is for makes sense, waltman guess. god's omnipresent, so his writing's naturally all over the place.
+Searching are for makes sense, waltman guess. god's omnipresent, so his writing's naturally all over the place.
+Searching is for makes sense, waltman guess. god's omnipresent, so his writing's naturally all over the place
+Searching are for makes sense, waltman guess. god's omnipresent, so his writing's naturally all over the place
+||||mako132||||seen pudge||||
+Searching is for seen pudge
+Searching are for seen pudge
+Searching is for seen pudge
+Searching are for seen pudge
+Searching is for du!!1!
+Searching are for du!!1!
+Searching is for du!!1
+Searching are for du!!1
+Searching is for du!
+Searching are for du!
+Searching is for du
+Searching are for du
+||||dha||||seen schwern?||||
+Searching is for seen schwern
+Searching are for seen schwern
+Searching is for seen schwern
+Searching are for seen schwern
+Searching is for bah
+Searching are for bah
+Searching is for bah
+Searching are for bah
+||||dha||||You poisoned their food, right?||||
+Searching is for you poisoned their food, right
+Searching are for you poisoned their food, right
+Searching is for you poisoned their food, right
+Searching are for you poisoned their food, right
+||||DrForr||||o/' The egg salad went bad o/'||||
+Searching is for o/' the egg salad went bad o/'
+Searching are for o/' the egg salad went bad o/'
+Searching is for o/' the egg salad went bad o/'
+Searching are for o/' the egg salad went bad o/'
+||||dha||||"It was... THE SALMON MOUSSE"||||
+Searching is for "it was... the salmon mousse"
+Searching are for "it was... the salmon mousse"
+Searching is for "it was... the salmon mousse"
+Searching are for "it was... the salmon mousse"
+Searching is for moose
+Searching are for moose
+Searching is for moose
+Searching are for moose
+Searching is for m??se
+Searching are for m??se
+Searching is for m??se
+Searching are for m??se
+||||mako132||||can cheetos go bad? something's causing a fair amount of rumbling...||||
+Searching is for can cheetos go bad? something's causing a fair amount of rumbling...
+Searching are for can cheetos go bad? something's causing a fair amount of rumbling...
+Searching is for can cheetos go bad? something's causing a fair amount of rumbling
+Searching are for can cheetos go bad? something's causing a fair amount of rumbling
+||||dha||||some might argue that cheetos start out bad.||||
+Searching is for some might argue that cheetos start out bad.
+Searching are for some might argue that cheetos start out bad.
+Searching is for some might argue that cheetos start out bad
+Searching are for some might argue that cheetos start out bad
+||||mako132||||not me||||
+Searching is for not mako132
+Searching are for not mako132
+Searching is for not mako132
+Searching are for not mako132
+||||DrForr||||When Cheetos Go Bad, tonight on Fox.||||
+Searching is for when cheetos go bad, tonight on fox.
+Searching are for when cheetos go bad, tonight on fox.
+Searching is for when cheetos go bad, tonight on fox
+Searching are for when cheetos go bad, tonight on fox
+||||dha||||When Snack Foods Attack||||
+Searching is for when snack foods attack
+Searching are for when snack foods attack
+Searching is for when snack foods attack
+Searching are for when snack foods attack
+||||dha||||yep, still there.||||
+Searching is for yep, still there.
+Searching are for yep, still there.
+Searching is for yep, still there
+Searching are for yep, still there
+||||DrForr||||Any "cheese" product that is DAY-GLO ORANGE...||||
+Searching is for any "cheese" product that is day-glo orange...
+Searching are for any "cheese" product that is day-glo orange...
+Searching is for any "cheese" product that
+set;;is;;any "cheese" product that;;DAY-GLO ORANGE...
+||||dha||||You know what the difference between orange and white american cheese is, right?||||
+Searching is for you knowthe difference between orange and white american cheese is, right
+Searching are for you knowthe difference between orange and white american cheese is, right
+Searching is for you knowthe difference between orange and white american cheese is, right
+Searching are for you knowthe difference between orange and white american cheese is, right
+Searching is for semen
+Searching are for semen
+Searching is for semen
+Searching are for semen
+||||dha||||sadly, no. the color of dye they use.||||
+Searching is for sadly, no. the color of dye they use.
+Searching are for sadly, no. the color of dye they use.
+Searching is for sadly, no. the color of dye they use
+Searching are for sadly, no. the color of dye they use
+||||DrForr||||Right, and if it weren't dyed at all it'd be gray.||||
+Searching is for right, and if it weren't dyed at all it'd be gray.
+Searching are for right, and if it weren't dyed at all it'd be gray.
+Searching is for right, and if it weren't dyed at all it'd be gray
+Searching are for right, and if it weren't dyed at all it'd be gray
+Searching is for ew
+Searching are for ew
+Searching is for ew
+Searching are for ew
+||||sungo||||see? semen||||
+Searching is for see? semen
+Searching are for see? semen
+Searching is for see? semen
+Searching are for see? semen
+||||dha||||in that case I see why they dye it. the ORANGE I'm still confused about||||
+Searching is for in that case dha see why they dye it. the orange dha is still confused about
+Searching are for in that case dha see why they dye it. the orange dha is still confused about
+||||DrForr||||. o ( "Hold on, let me check..." )||||
+Searching is for . o ( "hold on, let drforr check..." )
+Searching are for . o ( "hold on, let drforr check..." )
+Searching is for . o ( "hold on, let drforr check..." )
+Searching are for . o ( "hold on, let drforr check..." )
+||||sungo||||so you don't confuse it with cheddar.||||
+Searching is for so you don't confuse it with cheddar.
+Searching are for so you don't confuse it with cheddar.
+Searching is for so you don't confuse it with cheddar
+Searching are for so you don't confuse it with cheddar
+||||DrForr||||"At my previous job I was tasked with tar'ing up old customer data and rm'ing it." Not "backing up *then* rm'ing it, just rm'ing it.||||
+Searching is for "at drforr's previous job drforr was tasked with tar'ing up old customer data and rm'ing it." not "backing up *then* rm'ing it, just rm'ing it.
+Searching are for "at drforr's previous job drforr was tasked with tar'ing up old customer data and rm'ing it." not "backing up *then* rm'ing it, just rm'ing it.
+Searching is for "at drforr's previous job drforr was tasked with tar'ing up old customer data and rm'ing it." not "backing up *then* rm'ing it, just rm'ing it
+Searching are for "at drforr's previous job drforr was tasked with tar'ing up old customer data and rm'ing it." not "backing up *then* rm'ing it, just rm'ing it
+||||DrForr||||Hrm. Penny Arcade: The videogame.||||
+Searching is for hrm. penny arcade: the videogame.
+Searching are for hrm. penny arcade: the videogame.
+Searching is for hrm. penny arcade: the videogame
+Searching are for hrm. penny arcade: the videogame
+Searching is for compugation. it's crumbtacular
+Searching are for compugation. it's crumbtacular
+Searching is for compugation. it's crumbtacular
+Searching are for compugation. it's crumbtacular
+||||DrForr||||Of course, for clarity's sake I probably should have said 'gzip' rather than 'tar' but most of the time I use tar it's with the 'j' or 'g' flag anyway...||||
+Searching is for of course, for clarity's sake drforr probably should have said 'gzip' rather than 'tar' but most of the time drforr use tar it's with the 'j' or 'g' flag ...
+Searching are for of course, for clarity's sake drforr probably should have said 'gzip' rather than 'tar' but most of the time drforr use tar it's with the 'j' or 'g' flag ...
+Searching is for of course, for clarity's sake drforr probably should have said 'gzip' rather than 'tar' but most of the time drforr use tar it's with the 'j' or 'g' flag
+Searching are for of course, for clarity's sake drforr probably should have said 'gzip' rather than 'tar' but most of the time drforr use tar it's with the 'j' or 'g' flag
+||||mako132||||that was listed as one of her skills in a Data Coordinator position||||
+Searching is for that was listed as one of her skills in a data coordinator position
+Searching are for that was listed as one of her skills in a data coordinator position
+Searching is for that was listed as one of her skills in a data coordinator position
+Searching are for that was listed as one of her skills in a data coordinator position
+Searching is for 'g'
+Searching are for 'g'
+Searching is for 'g'
+Searching are for 'g'
+||||dha||||not 'z'?||||
+Searching is for not 'z'
+Searching are for not 'z'
+Searching is for not 'z'
+Searching are for not 'z'
+Searching is for crack++
+Searching are for crack++
+Searching is for crack++
+Searching are for crack++
+||||DrForr||||'z', yes.||||
+Searching is for 'z', yes.
+Searching are for 'z', yes.
+Searching is for 'z', yes
+Searching are for 'z', yes
+||||mako132||||(kraft mac'n cheese)++ # it's like crack for kids!||||
+Searching is for (kraft mac'n cheese)++ # it's like crack for kids!
+Searching are for (kraft mac'n cheese)++ # it's like crack for kids!
+Searching is for (kraft mac'n cheese)++ # it's like crack for kids
+Searching are for (kraft mac'n cheese)++ # it's like crack for kids
+++;;kraft mac'n cheese
+||||DrForr||||You mean... teenagers?||||
+Searching is for you mean... teenagers
+Searching are for you mean... teenagers
+Searching is for you mean... teenagers
+Searching are for you mean... teenagers
+||||dha||||no, he said "lifeforms"||||
+Searching is for no, he said "lifeforms"
+Searching are for no, he said "lifeforms"
+Searching is for no, he said "lifeforms"
+Searching are for no, he said "lifeforms"
+||||mako132||||sad to say, I've been known to eat a whole box of kraft mac 'n cheese straight from the pot over the stove||||
+Searching is for sad to say, mako132 has been known to eat a whole box of kraft mac 'n cheese straight from the pot over the stove
+Searching are for sad to say, mako132 has been known to eat a whole box of kraft mac 'n cheese straight from the pot over the stove
+Searching is for sad to say, mako132 has been known to eat a whole box of kraft mac 'n cheese straight from the pot over the stove
+Searching are for sad to say, mako132 has been known to eat a whole box of kraft mac 'n cheese straight from the pot over the stove
+||||Frakkle||||RIP Pluto!||||
+Searching is for rip pluto!
+Searching are for rip pluto!
+Searching is for rip pluto
+Searching are for rip pluto
+||||waltman||||when i have mac 'n cheese these days, i at least try to make it a little healthy by adding some spinach or brocolli.||||
+Searching is for when waltman has mac 'n cheese these days, waltman at least try to make it a little healthy by adding some spinach or brocolli.
+Searching are for when waltman has mac 'n cheese these days, waltman at least try to make it a little healthy by adding some spinach or brocolli.
+Searching is for when waltman has mac 'n cheese these days, waltman at least try to make it a little healthy by adding some spinach or brocolli
+Searching are for when waltman has mac 'n cheese these days, waltman at least try to make it a little healthy by adding some spinach or brocolli
+||||Frakkle||||or arsenic||||
+Searching is for arsenic
+Searching are for arsenic
+Searching is for arsenic
+Searching are for arsenic
+||||mendel||||I just make sure that my mac and cheese has a rabbit of approval.||||
+Searching is for mendel just make sure that mendel's mac and cheese has a rabbit of approval.
+Searching are for mendel just make sure that mendel's mac and cheese has a rabbit of approval.
+Searching is for mendel just make sure that mendel's mac and cheese has a rabbit of approval
+Searching are for mendel just make sure that mendel's mac and cheese has a rabbit of approval
+||||mako132||||sometimes I add a lot of salsa||||
+Searching is for sometimes mako132 add a lot of salsa
+Searching are for sometimes mako132 add a lot of salsa
+Searching is for sometimes mako132 add a lot of salsa
+Searching are for sometimes mako132 add a lot of salsa
+||||mako132||||usually to the local store brand mac 'n cheese||||
+Searching is for usually to the local store brand mac 'n cheese
+Searching are for usually to the local store brand mac 'n cheese
+Searching is for usually to the local store brand mac 'n cheese
+Searching are for usually to the local store brand mac 'n cheese
+||||mako132||||but Kraft - STRAIGHT||||
+Searching is for kraft - straight
+Searching are for kraft - straight
+Searching is for kraft - straight
+Searching are for kraft - straight
+Searching is for http://www.annies.com/products/macaroni_cheese.html
+Searching are for http://www.annies.com/products/macaroni_cheese.html
+Searching is for http://www.annies.com/products/macaroni_cheese.html
+Searching are for http://www.annies.com/products/macaroni_cheese.html
+||||dha||||I let my mom make the mac & cheese for me||||
+Searching is for dha let dha's mom make the mac & cheese for dha
+Searching are for dha let dha's mom make the mac & cheese for dha
+Searching is for dha let dha's mom make the mac & cheese for dha
+Searching are for dha let dha's mom make the mac & cheese for dha
+Searching is for awwww...
+Searching are for awwww...
+Searching is for awwww
+Searching are for awwww
+||||mako132||||annies doesn't cut it||||
+Searching is for annies doesn't cut it
+Searching are for annies doesn't cut it
+Searching is for annies doesn't cut it
+Searching are for annies doesn't cut it
+||||dha||||mom makes a good M&C||||
+Searching is for mom makes a good m&c
+Searching are for mom makes a good m&c
+Searching is for mom makes a good m&c
+Searching are for mom makes a good m&c
+||||dha||||I am not actually stupid, you know. :-)||||
+Searching is for dha is not actually stupid, you know. :-)
+Searching are for dha is not actually stupid, you know. :-)
+Searching is for dha
+set;;is;;dha;;not actually stupid, you know. :-)
+||||DrForr||||But you play one on IRC :0||||
+Searching is for you play one on irc :0
+Searching are for you play one on irc :0
+Searching is for you play one on irc :0
+Searching are for you play one on irc :0
+Searching is for s/.$/)
+Searching are for s/.$/)
+Searching is for s/.$/)
+Searching are for s/.$/)
+||||mako132||||My wife tries to foist Annie's M&C on me and the kids,||||
+Searching is for mako132's wife tries to foist annie's m&c on mako132 and the kids,
+Searching are for mako132's wife tries to foist annie's m&c on mako132 and the kids,
+Searching is for mako132's wife tries to foist annie's m&c on mako132 and the kids,
+Searching are for mako132's wife tries to foist annie's m&c on mako132 and the kids,
+||||mako132||||WE DON'T LIKE IT||||
+Searching is for we don't like it
+Searching are for we don't like it
+Searching is for we don't like it
+Searching are for we don't like it
+||||jibsheet||||I make baked mac and cheese, which I find to be a new englandism||||
+Searching is for jibsheet make baked mac and cheese, which jibsheet find to be a new englandism
+Searching are for jibsheet make baked mac and cheese, which jibsheet find to be a new englandism
+Searching is for jibsheet make baked mac and cheese, which jibsheet find to be a new englandism
+Searching are for jibsheet make baked mac and cheese, which jibsheet find to be a new englandism
+||||dha||||seen pudge?||||
+Searching is for seen pudge
+Searching are for seen pudge
+Searching is for seen pudge
+Searching are for seen pudge
+||||mendel||||The Wisconsin Cheddar one is gooooood||||
+Searching is for the wisconsin cheddar one is gooooood
+Searching are for the wisconsin cheddar one is gooooood
+Searching is for wisconsin cheddar one
+set;;is;;wisconsin cheddar one;;gooooood
+||||waltman||||I don't taste much difference between M&C's, so I just get whatever's on sale.||||
+Searching is for waltman don't taste much difference between m&c's, so waltman just get whatever's on sale.
+Searching are for waltman don't taste much difference between m&c's, so waltman just get whatever's on sale.
+Searching is for waltman don't taste much difference between m&c's, so waltman just get whatever's on sale
+Searching are for waltman don't taste much difference between m&c's, so waltman just get whatever's on sale
+||||mendel||||How can you doubt the rabbit of approval?||||
+Searching is for how can you doubt the rabbit of approval
+Searching are for how can you doubt the rabbit of approval
+Searching is for how can you doubt the rabbit of approval
+Searching are for how can you doubt the rabbit of approval
+||||dha||||mom bakes hers||||
+Searching is for mom bakes hers
+Searching are for mom bakes hers
+Searching is for mom bakes hers
+Searching are for mom bakes hers
+||||mendel||||He even has a myspace.||||
+Searching is for he even has a myspace.
+Searching are for he even has a myspace.
+Searching is for he even has a myspace
+Searching are for he even has a myspace
+||||DrForr||||We just had hotdish :)||||
+Searching is for we just had hotdish :)
+Searching are for we just had hotdish :)
+Searching is for we just had hotdish :)
+Searching are for we just had hotdish :)
+Searching is for rabbit++
+Searching are for rabbit++
+Searching is for rabbit++
+Searching are for rabbit++
+||||mako132||||only if you add 1/4 cup butter to it||||
+Searching is for only if you add 1/4 cup butter to it
+Searching are for only if you add 1/4 cup butter to it
+Searching is for only if you add 1/4 cup butter to it
+Searching are for only if you add 1/4 cup butter to it
+||||waltman||||(moose & squirrel)++||||
+Searching is for (moose & squirrel)++
+Searching are for (moose & squirrel)++
+Searching is for (moose & squirrel)++
+Searching are for (moose & squirrel)++
+++;;moose & squirrel
+||||waltman||||you say that like it's a bad thing||||
+Searching is for you say that like it's a bad thing
+Searching are for you say that like it's a bad thing
+Searching is for you say that like it's a bad thing
+Searching are for you say that like it's a bad thing
+||||mako132||||See also: Bacon||||
+Searching is for see also: bacon
+Searching are for see also: bacon
+Searching is for see also: bacon
+Searching are for see also: bacon
+Searching is for :(
+Searching are for :(
+Searching is for :(
+Searching are for :(
+||||mako132||||Disappointing kids everywhere for the last 10 years||||
+Searching is for disappointing kids everywhere for the last 10 years
+Searching are for disappointing kids everywhere for the last 10 years
+Searching is for disappointing kids everywhere for the last 10 years
+Searching are for disappointing kids everywhere for the last 10 years
+||||mendel||||Oh, I don't have kids. ||||
+Searching is for mendel don't have kids.
+Searching are for mendel don't have kids.
+Searching is for mendel don't have kids
+Searching are for mendel don't have kids
+||||mako132||||you serve this wholesome good-for-you stuff to kids and what their face fall. Like getting socks for christmas.||||
+Searching is for you serve this wholesome good-for-you stuff to kids andtheir face fall. like getting socks for christmas.
+Searching are for you serve this wholesome good-for-you stuff to kids andtheir face fall. like getting socks for christmas.
+Searching is for you serve this wholesome good-for-you stuff to kids andtheir face fall. like getting socks for christmas
+Searching are for you serve this wholesome good-for-you stuff to kids andtheir face fall. like getting socks for christmas
+Searching is for s/what/watch/
+Searching are for s/what/watch/
+Searching is for s/what/watch/
+Searching are for s/what/watch/
+||||mendel||||Yeah, I just meant that I like it myself.||||
+Searching is for yeah, mendel just meant that mendel like it mendel.
+Searching are for yeah, mendel just meant that mendel like it mendel.
+Searching is for yeah, mendel just meant that mendel like it mendel
+Searching are for yeah, mendel just meant that mendel like it mendel
+||||PerlJam||||heh, Annie's claims to be the 2nd largest mac and cheese brand. I've never heard of them (see how Kraft has a lock on the market?)||||
+Searching is for heh, annie's claims to be the 2nd largest mac and cheese brand. perljam has never heard of them (see how kraft has a lock on the market?)
+Searching are for heh, annie's claims to be the 2nd largest mac and cheese brand. perljam has never heard of them (see how kraft has a lock on the market?)
+Searching is for heh, annie's claims to be the 2nd largest mac and cheese brand. perljam has never heard of them (see how kraft has a lock on the market?)
+Searching are for heh, annie's claims to be the 2nd largest mac and cheese brand. perljam has never heard of them (see how kraft has a lock on the market?)
+||||mako132||||I had to choke down some whole wheat and potato-based annie's pasta last week. It took a whole lot of Big Papi's Salsa to wash that gruel down||||
+Searching is for mako132 had to choke down some whole wheat and potato-based annie's pasta last week. it took a whole lot of big papi's salsa to wash that gruel down
+Searching are for mako132 had to choke down some whole wheat and potato-based annie's pasta last week. it took a whole lot of big papi's salsa to wash that gruel down
+Searching is for mako132 had to choke down some whole wheat and potato-based annie's pasta last week. it took a whole lot of big papi's salsa to wash that gruel down
+Searching are for mako132 had to choke down some whole wheat and potato-based annie's pasta last week. it took a whole lot of big papi's salsa to wash that gruel down
+||||mako132||||T WIFE QUIT FEEDING ME THIS SHIT||||
+Searching is for t wife quit feeding mako132 this shit
+Searching are for t wife quit feeding mako132 this shit
+Searching is for t wife quit feeding mako132 this shit
+Searching are for t wife quit feeding mako132 this shit
+||||Frakkle||||Wow, that's awesome.||||
+Searching is for that's awesome.
+Searching are for that's awesome.
+Searching is for that's awesome
+Searching are for that's awesome
+||||PerlJam||||does their pasta have no flavor or it's just icky?||||
+Searching is for does their pasta have no flavor or it's just icky
+Searching are for does their pasta have no flavor or it's just icky
+Searching is for does their pasta have no flavor or it's just icky
+Searching are for does their pasta have no flavor or it's just icky
+||||mako132||||icky gluey goo||||
+Searching is for icky gluey goo
+Searching are for icky gluey goo
+Searching is for icky gluey goo
+Searching are for icky gluey goo
+||||cfedde||||driving home, burning a CD, driving back, unpacking the CD is faster than xfering up from my DSL.||||
+Searching is for driving home, burning a cd, driving back, unpacking the cd is faster than xfering up from cfedde's dsl.
+Searching are for driving home, burning a cd, driving back, unpacking the cd is faster than xfering up from cfedde's dsl.
+||||Masque||||Your have good tire bandwidth!||||
+Searching is for your have good tire bandwidth!
+Searching are for your have good tire bandwidth!
+Searching is for your have good tire bandwidth
+Searching are for your have good tire bandwidth
+Searching is for adsl--
+Searching are for adsl--
+Searching is for adsl--
+Searching are for adsl--
+||||buu||||literal sungo it||||
+Searching is for sungo it
+Searching are for sungo it
+Searching is for sungo it
+Searching are for sungo it
+||||cfedde||||good idea||||
+Searching is for good idea
+Searching are for good idea
+Searching is for good idea
+Searching are for good idea
+||||buu||||Yeah, but how much faster?||||
+Searching is for yeah, but how much faster
+Searching are for yeah, but how much faster
+Searching is for yeah, but how much faster
+Searching are for yeah, but how much faster
+||||dngor||||cube it||||
+Searching is for cube it
+Searching are for cube it
+Searching is for cube it
+Searching are for cube it
+||||workbench||||surely you could simulate it by paying yourself $50 for a lap dance and then summarily rejecting your own clumsy advances||||
+Searching is for surely you could simulate it by paying yourself $50 for a lap dance and then summarily rejecting your own clumsy advances
+Searching are for surely you could simulate it by paying yourself $50 for a lap dance and then summarily rejecting your own clumsy advances
+Searching is for surely you could simulate it by paying yourself $50 for a lap dance and then summarily rejecting your own clumsy advances
+Searching are for surely you could simulate it by paying yourself $50 for a lap dance and then summarily rejecting your own clumsy advances
+||||cfedde||||Never underestemate the bandwidth of a minivan filled with CDs||||
+Searching is for never underestemate the bandwidth of a minivan filled with cds
+Searching are for never underestemate the bandwidth of a minivan filled with cds
+Searching is for never underestemate the bandwidth of a minivan filled with cds
+Searching are for never underestemate the bandwidth of a minivan filled with cds
+||||buu||||Well, yeah, filled.||||
+Searching is for yeah, filled.
+Searching are for yeah, filled.
+Searching is for yeah, filled
+Searching are for yeah, filled
+||||dha||||(Phil Collins)++||||
+Searching is for (phil collins)++
+Searching are for (phil collins)++
+Searching is for (phil collins)++
+Searching are for (phil collins)++
+++;;phil collins
+||||dha||||(Bill Bruford)++||||
+Searching is for (bill bruford)++
+Searching are for (bill bruford)++
+Searching is for (bill bruford)++
+Searching are for (bill bruford)++
+++;;bill bruford
+||||cfedde||||my round trip is about 30 minutes, ||||
+Searching is for cfedde's round trip is about 30 minutes,
+Searching are for cfedde's round trip is about 30 minutes,
+Searching is for cfedde's round trip
+set;;is;;cfedde's round trip;;about 30 minutes,
+||||waltman||||Everything for you penis at low prices||||
+Searching is for everything for you penis at low prices
+Searching are for everything for you penis at low prices
+Searching is for everything for you penis at low prices
+Searching are for everything for you penis at low prices
+Searching is for 1.5*10**9/1800
+Searching are for 1.5*10**9/1800
+Searching is for 1.5*10**9/1800
+Searching are for 1.5*10**9/1800
+||||buu||||Yeah, but how many cds can you fit in a minivan?||||
+Searching is for yeah, but how many cds can you fit in a minivan
+Searching are for yeah, but how many cds can you fit in a minivan
+Searching is for yeah, but how many cds can you fit in a minivan
+Searching are for yeah, but how many cds can you fit in a minivan
+||||aevil||||dha...phil collins?||||
+Searching is for dha...phil collins
+Searching are for dha...phil collins
+Searching is for dha...phil collins
+Searching are for dha...phil collins
+||||dha||||aevil - was just listening to teh version of Dance On A Volcano on Seconds Out.||||
+Searching is for aevil - was just listening to teh version of dance on a volcano on seconds out.
+Searching are for aevil - was just listening to teh version of dance on a volcano on seconds out.
+Searching is for aevil - was just listening to teh version of dance on a volcano on seconds out
+Searching are for aevil - was just listening to teh version of dance on a volcano on seconds out
+||||waltman||||You got a problem with Phil?||||
+Searching is for you got a problem with phil
+Searching are for you got a problem with phil
+Searching is for you got a problem with phil
+Searching are for you got a problem with phil
+||||waltman||||i.e. pre-sellout Phil||||
+Searching is for waltman.e. pre-sellout phil
+Searching are for waltman.e. pre-sellout phil
+Searching is for waltman.e. pre-sellout phil
+Searching are for waltman.e. pre-sellout phil
+||||dha||||walt - bingo||||
+Searching is for walt - bingo
+Searching are for walt - bingo
+Searching is for walt - bingo
+Searching are for walt - bingo
+||||buu||||PHIL COLLINS||||
+Searching is for phil collins
+Searching are for phil collins
+Searching is for phil collins
+Searching are for phil collins
+||||PerlJam||||phil collins? Isn't he a rapper or something?||||
+Searching is for phil collins? isn't he a rapper or something
+Searching are for phil collins? isn't he a rapper or something
+Searching is for phil collins? isn't he a rapper or something
+Searching are for phil collins? isn't he a rapper or something
+||||dha||||actually, I think he less sold out than bought in...||||
+Searching is for actually, dha think he less sold out than bought in...
+Searching are for actually, dha think he less sold out than bought in...
+Searching is for actually, dha think he less sold out than bought in
+Searching are for actually, dha think he less sold out than bought in
+Searching is for ;)
+Searching are for ;)
+Searching is for ;)
+Searching are for ;)
+||||dha||||PJ - hee||||
+Searching is for pj - hee
+Searching are for pj - hee
+Searching is for pj - hee
+Searching are for pj - hee
+||||dha||||I've seen phil both with genesis and early solo. he's actually quite talented.||||
+Searching is for dha has seen phil both with genesis and early solo. he's actually quite talented.
+Searching are for dha has seen phil both with genesis and early solo. he's actually quite talented.
+Searching is for dha has seen phil both with genesis and early solo. he's actually quite talented
+Searching are for dha has seen phil both with genesis and early solo. he's actually quite talented
+Searching is for too bad he's tossed all that in the crapper for the last two decades
+Searching are for too bad he's tossed all that in the crapper for the last two decades
+Searching is for too bad he's tossed all that in the crapper for the last two decades
+Searching are for too bad he's tossed all that in the crapper for the last two decades
+||||PerlJam||||All of genesis' stuff is old these days :)||||
+Searching is for all of genesis' stuff is old these days :)
+Searching are for all of genesis' stuff is old these days :)
+||||cfedde||||171 cu ft behind the driver in a honda odyssey||||
+Searching is for 171 cu ft behind the driver in a honda odyssey
+Searching are for 171 cu ft behind the driver in a honda odyssey
+Searching is for 171 cu ft behind the driver in a honda odyssey
+Searching are for 171 cu ft behind the driver in a honda odyssey
+||||PerlJam||||old genesis is "In the beginning, there was nothing ..."||||
+Searching is for old genesis is "in the beginning, there was nothing ..."
+Searching are for old genesis is "in the beginning, there was nothing ..."
+Searching is for old genesis
+set;;is;;old genesis;;"In the beginning, there was nothing ..."
+||||dha||||well, "In the beginning..." anyway. :-)||||
+Searching is for "in the beginning..." . :-)
+Searching are for "in the beginning..." . :-)
+Searching is for "in the beginning..." . :-)
+Searching are for "in the beginning..." . :-)
+||||jibsheet||||we don't all need ear horns to hear our vinyl genesis collections||||
+Searching is for we don't all need ear horns to hear our vinyl genesis collections
+Searching are for we don't all need ear horns to hear our vinyl genesis collections
+Searching is for we don't all need ear horns to hear our vinyl genesis collections
+Searching are for we don't all need ear horns to hear our vinyl genesis collections
+||||dha||||dude. that's not even mid-period genesis||||
+Searching is for dude. that's not even mid-period genesis
+Searching are for dude. that's not even mid-period genesis
+Searching is for dude. that's not even mid-period genesis
+Searching are for dude. that's not even mid-period genesis
+||||dha||||And, it just so happens, I have a lot of older genesis on cd, thank you very much.||||
+Searching is for it just so happens, dha has a lot of older genesis on cd, thank you very much.
+Searching are for it just so happens, dha has a lot of older genesis on cd, thank you very much.
+Searching is for it just so happens, dha has a lot of older genesis on cd, thank you very much
+Searching are for it just so happens, dha has a lot of older genesis on cd, thank you very much
+||||DrForr||||Genesis had a period? Eeew.||||
+Searching is for genesis had a period? eeew.
+Searching are for genesis had a period? eeew.
+Searching is for genesis had a period? eeew
+Searching are for genesis had a period? eeew
+||||dha||||drforr - NOT HELPING||||
+Searching is for drforr - not helping
+Searching are for drforr - not helping
+Searching is for drforr - not helping
+Searching are for drforr - not helping
+||||waltman||||genesis changes a LOT||||
+Searching is for genesis changes a lot
+Searching are for genesis changes a lot
+Searching is for genesis changes a lot
+Searching are for genesis changes a lot
+Searching is for :-)
+Searching are for :-)
+Searching is for :-)
+Searching are for :-)
+Searching is for changed
+Searching are for changed
+Searching is for changed
+Searching are for changed
+||||joel||||I have a PDF which has been generated by computer. It's openable in any PDF reader I try but some of the text (the stuff added by computer to the pro-forma template) is only viewable in gv||||
+Searching is for joel has a pdf which has been generated by computer. it's openable in any pdf reader joel try but some of the text (the stuff added by computer to the pro-forma template) is only viewable in gv
+Searching are for joel has a pdf which has been generated by computer. it's openable in any pdf reader joel try but some of the text (the stuff added by computer to the pro-forma template) is only viewable in gv
+||||dha||||walt - there are basically three main phases. Gabriel, Post-Gabriel, but still with Steve Hackett, Post-Hackett||||
+Searching is for walt - there are basically three main phases. gabriel, post-gabriel, but still with steve hackett, post-hackett
+Searching are for walt - there are basically three main phases. gabriel, post-gabriel, but still with steve hackett, post-hackett
+Searching are for walt - there
+set;;are;;walt - there;;basically three main phases. Gabriel, Post-Gabriel, but still with Steve Hackett, Post-Hackett
+Searching is for (ghostview)
+Searching are for (ghostview)
+Searching is for (ghostview)
+Searching are for (ghostview)
+||||joel||||gv won't print it, though||||
+Searching is for gv won't print it, though
+Searching are for gv won't print it, though
+Searching is for gv won't print it, though
+Searching are for gv won't print it, though
+||||joel||||what can I do to convert it to ps to hand to lpr?||||
+Searching is for can joel do to convert it to ps to hand to lpr
+Searching are for can joel do to convert it to ps to hand to lpr
+Searching is for can joel do to convert it to ps to hand to lpr
+Searching are for can joel do to convert it to ps to hand to lpr
+||||dha||||does gv print? I thought gs did that||||
+Searching is for does gv print? dha thought gs did that
+Searching are for does gv print? dha thought gs did that
+Searching is for does gv print? dha thought gs did that
+Searching are for does gv print? dha thought gs did that
+||||waltman||||even post-hackett when from abacab (which was still a wee bit arty) to miami vice pop||||
+Searching is for even post-hackett when from abacab (which was still a wee bit arty) to miami vice pop
+Searching are for even post-hackett when from abacab (which was still a wee bit arty) to miami vice pop
+Searching is for even post-hackett when from abacab (which was still a wee bit arty) to miami vice pop
+Searching are for even post-hackett when from abacab (which was still a wee bit arty) to miami vice pop
+||||waltman||||ok, i think i need to put some genesis on. i wonder if my turntable even works anymore.||||
+Searching is for waltman think waltman need to put some genesis on. waltman wonder if waltman's turntable even works anymore.
+Searching are for waltman think waltman need to put some genesis on. waltman wonder if waltman's turntable even works anymore.
+Searching is for waltman think waltman need to put some genesis on. waltman wonder if waltman's turntable even works anymore
+Searching are for waltman think waltman need to put some genesis on. waltman wonder if waltman's turntable even works anymore
+||||dha||||true. I guess post hackett can be divided into "good" and "Invisible Touch"||||
+Searching is for true. dha guess post hackett can be divided into "good" and "invisible touch"
+Searching are for true. dha guess post hackett can be divided into "good" and "invisible touch"
+Searching is for true. dha guess post hackett can be divided into "good" and "invisible touch"
+Searching are for true. dha guess post hackett can be divided into "good" and "invisible touch"
+Searching is for :-)
+Searching are for :-)
+Searching is for :-)
+Searching are for :-)
+||||jibsheet||||I'd have to find the CD I own||||
+Searching is for jibsheet'd have to find the cd jibsheet own
+Searching are for jibsheet'd have to find the cd jibsheet own
+Searching is for jibsheet'd have to find the cd jibsheet own
+Searching are for jibsheet'd have to find the cd jibsheet own
+||||joel||||any ideas?||||
+Searching is for any ideas
+Searching are for any ideas
+Searching is for any ideas
+Searching are for any ideas
+||||jibsheet||||some live album, with phil.||||
+Searching is for some live album, with phil.
+Searching are for some live album, with phil.
+Searching is for some live album, with phil
+Searching are for some live album, with phil
+||||dha||||jib - either Seconds Out or Three sides Live, I'd guess||||
+Searching is for jib - either seconds out or three sides live, dha'd guess
+Searching are for jib - either seconds out or three sides live, dha'd guess
+Searching is for jib - either seconds out or three sides live, dha'd guess
+Searching are for jib - either seconds out or three sides live, dha'd guess
+||||dha||||Black or white cover?||||
+Searching is for black or white cover
+Searching are for black or white cover
+Searching is for black or white cover
+Searching are for black or white cover
+Searching is for white
+Searching are for white
+Searching is for white
+Searching are for white
+||||dha||||joel - sorry, you've used up my knowledge already. :-)||||
+Searching is for joel - sorry, you've used up dha's knowledge already. :-)
+Searching are for joel - sorry, you've used up dha's knowledge already. :-)
+Searching is for joel - sorry, you've used up dha's knowledge already. :-)
+Searching are for joel - sorry, you've used up dha's knowledge already. :-)
+||||DrForr||||o/' It's black / It's white o/' # MAKE UP YOUR MIND ALREADY.||||
+Searching is for o/' it's black / it's white o/' # make up your mind already.
+Searching are for o/' it's black / it's white o/' # make up your mind already.
+Searching is for o/' it's black / it's white o/' # make up your mind already
+Searching are for o/' it's black / it's white o/' # make up your mind already
+Searching is for christ.
+Searching are for christ.
+Searching is for christ
+Searching are for christ
+||||dha||||jib - this one? http://images.google.com/images?q=tbn:vg_NRunrcbDoEM:http://web.tiscali.it/_genesis/immagini/Copertine/three%2520sides%2520live.jpg||||
+Searching is for jib - this one? http://images.google.com/images?q=tbn:vg_nrunrcbdoem:http://web.tiscali.it/_genesis/immagini/copertine/three%2520sides%2520live.jpg
+Searching are for jib - this one? http://images.google.com/images?q=tbn:vg_nrunrcbdoem:http://web.tiscali.it/_genesis/immagini/copertine/three%2520sides%2520live.jpg
+Searching is for jib - this one? http://images.google.com/images?q=tbn:vg_nrunrcbdoem:http://web.tiscali.it/_genesis/immagini/copertine/three%2520sides%2520live.jpg
+Searching are for jib - this one? http://images.google.com/images?q=tbn:vg_nrunrcbdoem:http://web.tiscali.it/_genesis/immagini/copertine/three%2520sides%2520live.jpg
+||||jibsheet||||hmm, I thought it had a piano keyboard on the cover||||
+Searching is for jibsheet thought it had a piano keyboard on the cover
+Searching are for jibsheet thought it had a piano keyboard on the cover
+Searching is for jibsheet thought it had a piano keyboard on the cover
+Searching are for jibsheet thought it had a piano keyboard on the cover
+Searching is for hrm.
+Searching are for hrm.
+Searching is for hrm
+Searching are for hrm
+||||jibsheet||||oh, wait it might be the "the way we walk" stuff||||
+Searching is for wait it might be the "the way we walk" stuff
+Searching are for wait it might be the "the way we walk" stuff
+Searching is for wait it might be the "the way we walk" stuff
+Searching are for wait it might be the "the way we walk" stuff
+||||dha||||oh. no keyboards there, but I don't have them anyway. any good?||||
+Searching is for no keyboards there, but dha don't have them . any good
+Searching are for no keyboards there, but dha don't have them . any good
+Searching is for no keyboards there, but dha don't have them . any good
+Searching are for no keyboards there, but dha don't have them . any good
+||||waltman||||ok, turntable was quite dusty, but still seems to work!||||
+Searching is for turntable was quite dusty, but still seems to work!
+Searching are for turntable was quite dusty, but still seems to work!
+Searching is for turntable was quite dusty, but still seems to work
+Searching are for turntable was quite dusty, but still seems to work
+||||dha||||hm. I completely forgot about Calling All Stations. Probably with good reason...||||
+Searching is for dha completely forgot about calling all stations. probably with good reason...
+Searching are for dha completely forgot about calling all stations. probably with good reason...
+Searching is for dha completely forgot about calling all stations. probably with good reason
+Searching are for dha completely forgot about calling all stations. probably with good reason
+||||jibsheet||||I probably haven't listened to that CD in 12 years. At 15 I thought it was great, I can't give you an informed opinion of it these days.||||
+Searching is for jibsheet probably haven't listened to that cd in 12 years. at 15 jibsheet thought it was great, jibsheet can't give you an informed opinion of it these days.
+Searching are for jibsheet probably haven't listened to that cd in 12 years. at 15 jibsheet thought it was great, jibsheet can't give you an informed opinion of it these days.
+Searching is for jibsheet probably haven't listened to that cd in 12 years. at 15 jibsheet thought it was great, jibsheet can't give you an informed opinion of it these days
+Searching are for jibsheet probably haven't listened to that cd in 12 years. at 15 jibsheet thought it was great, jibsheet can't give you an informed opinion of it these days
+||||dha||||so noted.||||
+Searching is for so noted.
+Searching are for so noted.
+Searching is for so noted
+Searching are for so noted
+||||waltman||||hmm, maybe it was Duke that i really wanted to be listening to||||
+Searching is for maybe it was duke that waltman really wanted to be listening to
+Searching are for maybe it was duke that waltman really wanted to be listening to
+Searching is for maybe it was duke that waltman really wanted to be listening to
+Searching are for maybe it was duke that waltman really wanted to be listening to
+||||dha||||Seconds Out, however, is great.||||
+Searching is for seconds out, however, is great.
+Searching are for seconds out, however, is great.
+Searching is for seconds out, however,
+set;;is;;seconds out, however,;;great.
+||||waltman||||Perhaps, but Nursery Crime has the best cover art||||
+Searching is for perhaps, but nursery crime has the best cover art
+Searching are for perhaps, but nursery crime has the best cover art
+Searching is for perhaps, but nursery crime has the best cover art
+Searching are for perhaps, but nursery crime has the best cover art
+||||dha||||Really? I've always been partial to Selling England By The Pound||||
+Searching is for really? dha has always been partial to selling england by the pound
+Searching are for really? dha has always been partial to selling england by the pound
+Searching is for really? dha has always been partial to selling england by the pound
+Searching are for really? dha has always been partial to selling england by the pound
+||||waltman||||there's something about crazed croquet players that I find strangely appealing||||
+Searching is for there's something about crazed croquet players that waltman find strangely appealing
+Searching are for there's something about crazed croquet players that waltman find strangely appealing
+Searching is for there's something about crazed croquet players that waltman find strangely appealing
+Searching are for there's something about crazed croquet players that waltman find strangely appealing
+||||dha||||hey, whatever works for you...||||
+Searching is for whatever works for you...
+Searching are for whatever works for you...
+Searching is for whatever works for you
+Searching are for whatever works for you
+||||jibsheet||||my, what a large mallet you have||||
+Searching is for jibsheet's,a large mallet you have
+Searching are for jibsheet's,a large mallet you have
+Searching is for jibsheet's,a large mallet you have
+Searching are for jibsheet's,a large mallet you have
+||||cfedde||||Have wicket will travel.||||
+Searching is for have wicket will travel.
+Searching are for have wicket will travel.
+Searching is for have wicket will travel
+Searching are for have wicket will travel
+||||dha||||My, how sticky a wicket you have. Is that because of all the SEMEN?||||
+Searching is for dha's, how sticky a wicket you have. is that because of all the semen
+Searching are for dha's, how sticky a wicket you have. is that because of all the semen
+||||Masque||||The navy has a cricket team?||||
+Searching is for the navy has a cricket team
+Searching are for the navy has a cricket team
+Searching is for navy has a cricket team
+Searching are for navy has a cricket team
+Searching is for 2**20
+Searching are for 2**20
+Searching is for 2**20
+Searching are for 2**20
+Searching is for 8675309**-1
+Searching are for 8675309**-1
+Searching is for 8675309**-1
+Searching are for 8675309**-1
+||||dha||||masque++ # I was at a loss how to get there||||
+Searching is for masque++ # dha was at a loss how to get there
+Searching are for masque++ # dha was at a loss how to get there
+Searching is for masque++ # dha was at a loss how to get there
+Searching are for masque++ # dha was at a loss how to get there
+||||dha||||hm. I wish I could figure out something appropriate to do with the domain whore-wizard.com||||
+Searching is for dha wish dha could figure out something appropriate to do with the domain whore-wizard.com
+Searching are for dha wish dha could figure out something appropriate to do with the domain whore-wizard.com
+Searching is for dha wish dha could figure out something appropriate to do with the domain whore-wizard.com
+Searching are for dha wish dha could figure out something appropriate to do with the domain whore-wizard.com
+||||dngor||||You could start selling Perl programmers.||||
+Searching is for you could start selling perl programmers.
+Searching are for you could start selling perl programmers.
+Searching is for you could start selling perl programmers
+Searching are for you could start selling perl programmers
+||||jibsheet||||I know *what* to do with hamstraw.com, I just haven't had time||||
+Searching is for jibsheet know *what* to do with hamstraw.com, jibsheet just haven't had time
+Searching are for jibsheet know *what* to do with hamstraw.com, jibsheet just haven't had time
+Searching is for jibsheet know *what* to do with hamstraw.com, jibsheet just haven't had time
+Searching are for jibsheet know *what* to do with hamstraw.com, jibsheet just haven't had time
+||||Masque||||What was the plan before? I forget!||||
+Searching is for was the plan before? masque forget!
+Searching are for was the plan before? masque forget!
+Searching is for was the plan before? masque forget
+Searching are for was the plan before? masque forget
+||||DrForr||||Oif. /me tries to remember how to create a branch in CVS...||||
+Searching is for oif. /me tries to remember how to create a branch in cvs...
+Searching are for oif. /me tries to remember how to create a branch in cvs...
+Searching is for oif. /me tries to remember how to create a branch in cvs
+Searching are for oif. /me tries to remember how to create a branch in cvs
+||||Masque||||I need to buy this place a recliner.||||
+Searching is for masque need to buy this place a recliner.
+Searching are for masque need to buy this place a recliner.
+Searching is for masque need to buy this place a recliner
+Searching are for masque need to buy this place a recliner
+||||vh||||get one of dem expensive massagin' chairs||||
+Searching is for get one of dem expensive massagin' chairs
+Searching are for get one of dem expensive massagin' chairs
+Searching is for get one of dem expensive massagin' chairs
+Searching are for get one of dem expensive massagin' chairs
+||||vh||||I don't know a single person who owns one of those things||||
+Searching is for vh don't know a single personowns one of those things
+Searching are for vh don't know a single personowns one of those things
+Searching is for vh don't know a single personowns one of those things
+Searching are for vh don't know a single personowns one of those things
+||||Masque||||All the people you know who own one are married?||||
+Searching is for all the people you knoware own one married
+Searching are for all the people you knoware own one married
+Searching is for all the people you knoware own one married
+Searching are for all the people you knoware own one married
+||||vh||||I had a feeling that somebody would make such a comment.||||
+Searching is for vh had a feeling that somebody would make such a comment.
+Searching are for vh had a feeling that somebody would make such a comment.
+Searching is for vh had a feeling that somebody would make such a comment
+Searching are for vh had a feeling that somebody would make such a comment
+||||Masque||||Or all the single folks you know own zero or two or more?||||
+Searching is for all the single folks you know own zero or two or more
+Searching are for all the single folks you know own zero or two or more
+Searching is for all the single folks you know own zero or two or more
+Searching are for all the single folks you know own zero or two or more
+||||Masque||||Yep, welcome to #perl.||||
+Searching is for yep, welcome to #perl.
+Searching are for yep, welcome to #perl.
+Searching is for yep, welcome to #perl
+Searching are for yep, welcome to #perl
+||||Masque||||Usually, though, that level of trivial linguistic pedantry is left to me.||||
+Searching is for usually, though, that level of trivial linguistic pedantry is left to masque.
+Searching are for usually, though, that level of trivial linguistic pedantry is left to masque.
+Searching is for 8.
+Searching are for 8.
+Searching is for 8
+Searching are for 8
+||||Masque||||mmm quicksilver++||||
+Searching is for mmm quicksilver++
+Searching are for mmm quicksilver++
+Searching is for mmm quicksilver++
+Searching are for mmm quicksilver++
+||||buu||||I think we're all obviously ignoring you.||||
+Searching is for buu think we're all obviously ignoring you.
+Searching are for buu think we're all obviously ignoring you.
+Searching is for buu think we're all obviously ignoring you
+Searching are for buu think we're all obviously ignoring you
+||||Masque||||frakkle++ # The man with the answers.||||
+Searching is for frakkle++ # the man with the answers.
+Searching are for frakkle++ # the man with the answers.
+Searching is for frakkle++ # the man with the answers
+Searching are for frakkle++ # the man with the answers
+||||Masque||||Probably wise.||||
+Searching is for probably wise.
+Searching are for probably wise.
+Searching is for probably wise
+Searching are for probably wise
+||||Frakkle||||My father has one of those fancy massage chairs.||||
+Searching is for frakkle's father has one of those fancy massage chairs.
+Searching are for frakkle's father has one of those fancy massage chairs.
+Searching is for frakkle's father has one of those fancy massage chairs
+Searching are for frakkle's father has one of those fancy massage chairs
+||||Frakkle||||But he's retired||||
+Searching is for he's retired
+Searching are for he's retired
+Searching is for he's retired
+Searching are for he's retired
+||||vh||||the answer is.. yes.. I know a lot of married people who several, and I once knew a single man to own one for every day within a fortnight, for it was in that interval between individual chair usages that it would dry out from the effects of his excessive and pervasive perspirations||||
+Searching is for the answer is.. yes.. vh know a lot of married peopleseveral, and vh once knew a single man to own one for every day within a fortnight, for it was in that interval between individual chair usages that it would dry out from the effects of his excessive and pervasive perspirations
+Searching are for the answer is.. yes.. vh know a lot of married peopleseveral, and vh once knew a single man to own one for every day within a fortnight, for it was in that interval between individual chair usages that it would dry out from the effects of his excessive and pervasive perspirations
+Searching is for answer is.. yes.. vh know a lot of married peopleseveral, and vh once knew a single man to own one for every day within a fortnight, for it was in that interval between individual chair usages that it would dry out from the effects of his excessive and pervasive perspirations
+Searching are for answer is.. yes.. vh know a lot of married peopleseveral, and vh once knew a single man to own one for every day within a fortnight, for it was in that interval between individual chair usages that it would dry out from the effects of his excessive and pervasive perspirations
+||||vh||||(who own several)||||
+Searching is for (who own several)
+Searching are for (who own several)
+Searching is for (who own several)
+Searching are for (who own several)
+Searching is for omg
+Searching are for omg
+Searching is for omg
+Searching are for omg
+||||cfedde||||but not at any joke here.||||
+Searching is for not at any joke here.
+Searching are for not at any joke here.
+Searching is for not at any joke here
+Searching are for not at any joke here
+||||dha||||masque - no plan. it was just funny||||
+Searching is for masque - no plan. it was just funny
+Searching are for masque - no plan. it was just funny
+Searching is for masque - no plan. it was just funny
+Searching are for masque - no plan. it was just funny
+||||Masque||||I thought we'd talked about a use for it.||||
+Searching is for masque thought we'd talked about a use for it.
+Searching are for masque thought we'd talked about a use for it.
+Searching is for masque thought we'd talked about a use for it
+Searching are for masque thought we'd talked about a use for it
+||||Masque||||Ah well.||||
+Searching is for ah well.
+Searching are for ah well.
+Searching is for ah well
+Searching are for ah well
+||||Masque||||The important part of that night was the onion rings.||||
+Searching is for the important part of that night was the onion rings.
+Searching are for the important part of that night was the onion rings.
+Searching is for important part of that night was the onion rings
+Searching are for important part of that night was the onion rings
+||||Masque||||And the bread pudding. Oh, and tea.||||
+Searching is for the bread pudding. oh, and tea.
+Searching are for the bread pudding. oh, and tea.
+Searching is for bread pudding. oh, and tea
+Searching are for bread pudding. oh, and tea
+||||Masque||||And making with the funny. Oh, the funny. How it was.||||
+Searching is for making with the funny. oh, the funny. how it was.
+Searching are for making with the funny. oh, the funny. how it was.
+Searching is for making with the funny. oh, the funny. how it was
+Searching are for making with the funny. oh, the funny. how it was
+||||Masque||||seen pudge||||
+Searching is for seen pudge
+Searching are for seen pudge
+Searching is for seen pudge
+Searching are for seen pudge
+Searching is for hahahahaha
+Searching are for hahahahaha
+Searching is for hahahahaha
+Searching are for hahahahaha
+||||Frakkle||||That's awesome||||
+Searching is for that's awesome
+Searching are for that's awesome
+Searching is for that's awesome
+Searching are for that's awesome
+||||Frakkle||||"Last seen making a seen request"||||
+Searching is for "last seen making a seen request"
+Searching are for "last seen making a seen request"
+Searching is for "last seen making a seen request"
+Searching are for "last seen making a seen request"
+||||Masque||||Pretty common.||||
+Searching is for pretty common.
+Searching are for pretty common.
+Searching is for pretty common
+Searching are for pretty common
+||||Masque||||Hm. I wonder if this works.||||
+Searching is for masque wonder if this works.
+Searching are for masque wonder if this works.
+Searching is for masque wonder if this works
+Searching are for masque wonder if this works
+||||Masque||||Okay, not so good. Let's see.||||
+Searching is for not so good. let's see.
+Searching are for not so good. let's see.
+Searching is for not so good. let's see
+Searching are for not so good. let's see
+||||Masque||||seen calmstorm||||
+Searching is for seen calmstorm
+Searching are for seen calmstorm
+Searching is for seen calmstorm
+Searching are for seen calmstorm
+||||Calmstorm||||seen $who||||
+Searching is for seen $who
+Searching are for seen $who
+Searching is for seen $who
+Searching are for seen $who
+||||Masque||||seen calmstorm||||
+Searching is for seen calmstorm
+Searching are for seen calmstorm
+Searching is for seen calmstorm
+Searching are for seen calmstorm
+||||Masque||||Hrm. It'd be so much better if that interpolated.||||
+Searching is for hrm. it'd be so much better if that interpolated.
+Searching are for hrm. it'd be so much better if that interpolated.
+Searching is for hrm. it'd be so much better if that interpolated
+Searching are for hrm. it'd be so much better if that interpolated
+||||Masque||||Too bad I have a job. Moving on!||||
+Searching is for too bad masque has a job. moving on!
+Searching are for too bad masque has a job. moving on!
+Searching is for too bad masque has a job. moving on
+Searching are for too bad masque has a job. moving on
+||||dha||||YOU HAVE A JOB???||||
+Searching is for you have a job
+Searching are for you have a job
+Searching is for you have a job
+Searching are for you have a job
+||||dha||||SOMEONE HIRED YOU???||||
+Searching is for someone hired you
+Searching are for someone hired you
+Searching is for someone hired you
+Searching are for someone hired you
+||||dha||||seen schwern?||||
+Searching is for seen schwern
+Searching are for seen schwern
+Searching is for seen schwern
+Searching are for seen schwern
+||||dha||||so. has any particularly good, basic, perl-based blog software popped up recently?||||
+Searching is for so. has any particularly good, basic, perl-based blog software popped up recently
+Searching are for so. has any particularly good, basic, perl-based blog software popped up recently
+Searching is for so. has any particularly good, basic, perl-based blog software popped up recently
+Searching are for so. has any particularly good, basic, perl-based blog software popped up recently
+Searching is for rubric!
+Searching are for rubric!
+Searching is for rubric
+Searching are for rubric
+Searching is for rubric++
+Searching are for rubric++
+Searching is for rubric++
+Searching are for rubric++
+Searching is for rubric++
+Searching are for rubric++
+Searching is for rubric++
+Searching are for rubric++
+Searching is for rubric
+Searching are for rubric
+Searching is for rubric
+Searching are for rubric
+||||dha||||I... didn't think fo rubric as a blog...||||
+Searching is for dha... didn't think fo rubric as a blog...
+Searching are for dha... didn't think fo rubric as a blog...
+Searching is for dha... didn't think fo rubric as a blog
+Searching are for dha... didn't think fo rubric as a blog
+||||jcap||||dha, yeah, but it's amazingly bloggable||||
+Searching is for dha, yeah, but it's amazingly bloggable
+Searching are for dha, yeah, but it's amazingly bloggable
+Searching is for dha, yeah, but it's amazingly bloggable
+Searching are for dha, yeah, but it's amazingly bloggable
+||||mako132||||YOU THOUGHT WRONG||||
+Searching is for you thought wrong
+Searching are for you thought wrong
+Searching is for you thought wrong
+Searching are for you thought wrong
+||||jcap||||it depends on what you want out of it though||||
+Searching is for it depends onyou want out of it though
+Searching are for it depends onyou want out of it though
+Searching is for it depends onyou want out of it though
+Searching are for it depends onyou want out of it though
+||||Penguin||||agave and ego "exist", but dunno about being good :-P||||
+Searching is for agave and ego "exist", but dunno about being good :-p
+Searching are for agave and ego "exist", but dunno about being good :-p
+Searching is for agave and ego "exist", but dunno about being good :-p
+Searching are for agave and ego "exist", but dunno about being good :-p
+||||jcap||||dha, also, it can now use a postgersql backend, so you know, it's all hawt and bothered||||
+Searching is for dha, also, it can now use a postgersql backend, so you know, it's all hawt and bothered
+Searching are for dha, also, it can now use a postgersql backend, so you know, it's all hawt and bothered
+Searching is for dha, also, it can now use a postgersql backend, so you know, it's all hawt and bothered
+Searching are for dha, also, it can now use a postgersql backend, so you know, it's all hawt and bothered
+||||mako132||||although I don't use it for blogging :P||||
+Searching is for although mako132 don't use it for blogging :p
+Searching are for although mako132 don't use it for blogging :p
+Searching is for although mako132 don't use it for blogging :p
+Searching are for although mako132 don't use it for blogging :p
+||||dha||||NO. READ AGAIN. I *DIDN'T* THINK THAT.||||
+Searching is for no. read again. dha *didn't* think that.
+Searching are for no. read again. dha *didn't* think that.
+Searching is for no. read again. dha *didn't* think that
+Searching are for no. read again. dha *didn't* think that
+Searching is for hm.
+Searching are for hm.
+Searching is for hm
+Searching are for hm
+||||jcap||||ok, I have 2||||
+Searching is for jcap has 2
+Searching are for jcap has 2
+Searching is for jcap has 2
+Searching are for jcap has 2
+||||rjbs||||who wants to rub ric?||||
+Searching is for wants to rub ric
+Searching are for wants to rub ric
+Searching is for wants to rub ric
+Searching are for wants to rub ric
+||||jcap||||we all know that's why you called it that||||
+Searching is for we all know that's why you called it that
+Searching are for we all know that's why you called it that
+Searching is for we all know that's why you called it that
+Searching are for we all know that's why you called it that
+||||dha||||I always wondered why you called it that...||||
+Searching is for dha always wondered why you called it that...
+Searching are for dha always wondered why you called it that...
+Searching is for dha always wondered why you called it that
+Searching are for dha always wondered why you called it that
+Searching is for ha
+Searching are for ha
+Searching is for ha
+Searching are for ha
+||||rjbs||||no, actually, that's not why :)||||
+Searching is for no, actually, that's not why :)
+Searching are for no, actually, that's not why :)
+Searching is for no, actually, that's not why :)
+Searching are for no, actually, that's not why :)
+||||rjbs||||it's because it's a system for classification of data||||
+Searching is for it's because it's a system for classification of data
+Searching are for it's because it's a system for classification of data
+Searching is for it's because it's a system for classification of data
+Searching are for it's because it's a system for classification of data
+||||Masque||||ddr++ # I need to get my pad into this state, pronto.||||
+Searching is for ddr++ # masque need to get masque's pad into this state, pronto.
+Searching are for ddr++ # masque need to get masque's pad into this state, pronto.
+Searching is for ddr++ # masque need to get masque's pad into this state, pronto
+Searching are for ddr++ # masque need to get masque's pad into this state, pronto
+Searching is for suure
+Searching are for suure
+Searching is for suure
+Searching are for suure
+Searching is for riiiiight
+Searching are for riiiiight
+Searching is for riiiiight
+Searching are for riiiiight
+||||jcap||||dha, each entry supports a body||||
+Searching is for dha, each entry supports a body
+Searching are for dha, each entry supports a body
+Searching is for dha, each entry supports a body
+Searching are for dha, each entry supports a body
+Searching is for done
+Searching are for done
+Searching is for done
+Searching are for done
+||||jcap||||by default, the entries are displayed cronologically||||
+Searching is for by default, the entries are displayed cronologically
+Searching are for by default, the entries are displayed cronologically
+Searching are for by default, the entries
+set;;are;;by default, the entries;;displayed cronologically
+Searching is for hm.
+Searching are for hm.
+Searching is for hm
+Searching are for hm
+||||jcap||||dha, I personally tag all blog entries, blog||||
+Searching is for dha, jcap personally tag all blog entries, blog
+Searching are for dha, jcap personally tag all blog entries, blog
+Searching is for dha, jcap personally tag all blog entries, blog
+Searching are for dha, jcap personally tag all blog entries, blog
+||||jcap||||as well as other things||||
+Searching is for as well as other things
+Searching are for as well as other things
+Searching is for as well as other things
+Searching are for as well as other things
+Searching is for http://rjbs.manxome.org/journal
+Searching are for http://rjbs.manxome.org/journal
+Searching is for http://rjbs.manxome.org/journal
+Searching are for http://rjbs.manxome.org/journal
+||||jcap||||and then my blog link goes to some subset of my entries||||
+Searching is for then jcap's blog link goes to some subset of jcap's entries
+Searching are for then jcap's blog link goes to some subset of jcap's entries
+Searching is for then jcap's blog link goes to some subset of jcap's entries
+Searching are for then jcap's blog link goes to some subset of jcap's entries
+Searching is for zappa++
+Searching are for zappa++
+Searching is for zappa++
+Searching are for zappa++
+Searching is for frnk
+Searching are for frnk
+Searching is for frnk
+Searching are for frnk
+Searching is for frank
+Searching are for frank
+Searching is for frank
+Searching are for frank
+||||srl||||seen mendel||||
+Searching is for seen mendel
+Searching are for seen mendel
+Searching is for seen mendel
+Searching are for seen mendel
+||||dha||||and how many thousands of prereqs does it have? :-)||||
+Searching is for how many thousands of prereqs does it have? :-)
+Searching are for how many thousands of prereqs does it have? :-)
+Searching is for how many thousands of prereqs does it have? :-)
+Searching are for how many thousands of prereqs does it have? :-)
+||||dha||||hey srl||||
+Searching is for srl
+Searching are for srl
+Searching is for srl
+Searching are for srl
+||||rjbs||||a bunch||||
+Searching is for a bunch
+Searching are for a bunch
+Searching is for bunch
+Searching are for bunch
+||||jcap||||a bunch of thousands||||
+Searching is for a bunch of thousands
+Searching are for a bunch of thousands
+Searching is for bunch of thousands
+Searching are for bunch of thousands
+||||dha||||ah. that may be an issue||||
+Searching is for ah. that may be an issue
+Searching are for ah. that may be an issue
+Searching is for ah. that may be an issue
+Searching are for ah. that may be an issue
+||||jcap||||it does not however use moose yet||||
+Searching is for it does not however use moose yet
+Searching are for it does not however use moose yet
+Searching is for it does not however use moose yet
+Searching are for it does not however use moose yet
+||||mako132||||I had to get another drive just to install it||||
+Searching is for mako132 had to get another drive just to install it
+Searching are for mako132 had to get another drive just to install it
+Searching is for mako132 had to get another drive just to install it
+Searching are for mako132 had to get another drive just to install it
+||||jcap||||I had to get two!||||
+Searching is for jcap had to get two!
+Searching are for jcap had to get two!
+Searching is for jcap had to get two
+Searching are for jcap had to get two
+||||srl||||d h a||||
+Searching is for d h a
+Searching are for d h a
+Searching is for d h a
+Searching are for d h a
+||||dha||||?H THANK G?D!||||
+Searching is for ?h thank g?d!
+Searching are for ?h thank g?d!
+Searching is for ?h thank g?d
+Searching are for ?h thank g?d
+||||jcap||||but they were 40mb and about 4 inches tall||||
+Searching is for they were 40mb and about 4 inches tall
+Searching are for they were 40mb and about 4 inches tall
+Searching is for they were 40mb and about 4 inches tall
+Searching are for they were 40mb and about 4 inches tall
+Searching is for lacie
+Searching are for lacie
+Searching is for lacie
+Searching are for lacie
+||||dha||||so, the "basic" part of my query just went right past you guys...||||
+Searching is for so, the "basic" part of dha's query just went right past you guys...
+Searching are for so, the "basic" part of dha's query just went right past you guys...
+Searching is for so, the "basic" part of dha's query just went right past you guys
+Searching are for so, the "basic" part of dha's query just went right past you guys
+||||jcap||||mako132, yeah, lacie makes 4 inch tall 40mb drives :P||||
+Searching is for mako132, yeah, lacie makes 4 inch tall 40mb drives :p
+Searching are for mako132, yeah, lacie makes 4 inch tall 40mb drives :p
+Searching is for mako132, yeah, lacie makes 4 inch tall 40mb drives :p
+Searching are for mako132, yeah, lacie makes 4 inch tall 40mb drives :p
+||||jcap||||they're all pretty and white too||||
+Searching is for they're all pretty and white too
+Searching are for they're all pretty and white too
+Searching is for they're all pretty and white too
+Searching are for they're all pretty and white too
+||||mako132||||I use rubric as my internal delicious (for all my behind-the-firewall stuff)||||
+Searching is for mako132 use rubric as mako132's internal delicious (for all mako132's behind-the-firewall stuff)
+Searching are for mako132 use rubric as mako132's internal delicious (for all mako132's behind-the-firewall stuff)
+Searching is for mako132 use rubric as mako132's internal delicious (for all mako132's behind-the-firewall stuff)
+Searching are for mako132 use rubric as mako132's internal delicious (for all mako132's behind-the-firewall stuff)
+||||mako132||||got some nuggets of other data in it too. It's good for nuggeting your data||||
+Searching is for got some nuggets of other data in it too. it's good for nuggeting your data
+Searching are for got some nuggets of other data in it too. it's good for nuggeting your data
+Searching is for got some nuggets of other data in it too. it's good for nuggeting your data
+Searching are for got some nuggets of other data in it too. it's good for nuggeting your data
+||||Masque||||AUGH LAME.||||
+Searching is for augh lame.
+Searching are for augh lame.
+Searching is for augh lame
+Searching are for augh lame
+Searching is for .
+Searching are for .
+Searching is for
+Searching are for
+||||jcap||||(refactoring the wrong code)++||||
+Searching is for (refactoring the wrong code)++
+Searching are for (refactoring the wrong code)++
+Searching is for (refactoring the wrong code)++
+Searching are for (refactoring the wrong code)++
+++;;refactoring the wrong code
+||||mako132||||I killed two hours comparing the tests on two machines wondering why the results were always the same||||
+Searching is for mako132 killed two hours comparing the tests on two machines wondering why the results were always the same
+Searching are for mako132 killed two hours comparing the tests on two machines wondering why the results were always the same
+Searching is for mako132 killed two hours comparing the tests on two machines wondering why the results were always the same
+Searching are for mako132 killed two hours comparing the tests on two machines wondering why the results were always the same
+||||mako132||||yup, I was testing the same machine twice||||
+Searching is for yup, mako132 was testing the same machine twice
+Searching are for yup, mako132 was testing the same machine twice
+Searching is for yup, mako132 was testing the same machine twice
+Searching are for yup, mako132 was testing the same machine twice
+Searching is for ha
+Searching are for ha
+Searching is for ha
+Searching are for ha
+||||mako132||||<-- shithead||||
+Searching is for <-- shithead
+Searching are for <-- shithead
+Searching is for <-- shithead
+Searching are for <-- shithead
+||||rjbs||||played with App::Cmd at all?||||
+Searching is for played with app::cmd at all
+Searching are for played with app::cmd at all
+Searching is for played with app::cmd at all
+Searching are for played with app::cmd at all
+||||mako132||||no, not other than digging through the rubric code trying to figure out how the scheme update command worked :)||||
+Searching is for no, not other than digging through the rubric code trying to figure out how the scheme update command worked :)
+Searching are for no, not other than digging through the rubric code trying to figure out how the scheme update command worked :)
+Searching is for no, not other than digging through the rubric code trying to figure out how the scheme update command worked :)
+Searching are for no, not other than digging through the rubric code trying to figure out how the scheme update command worked :)
+Searching is for haha
+Searching are for haha
+Searching is for haha
+Searching are for haha
+||||rjbs||||much of that code was written at a grocery store.||||
+Searching is for much of that code was written at a grocery store.
+Searching are for much of that code was written at a grocery store.
+Searching is for much of that code was written at a grocery store
+Searching are for much of that code was written at a grocery store
+||||rjbs||||so you know it's good||||
+Searching is for so you know it's good
+Searching are for so you know it's good
+Searching is for so you know it's good
+Searching are for so you know it's good
+||||dha||||That depends. what part of the store were you in?||||
+Searching is for that depends.part of the store were you in
+Searching are for that depends.part of the store were you in
+Searching is for that depends.part of the store were you in
+Searching are for that depends.part of the store were you in
+||||rjbs||||the cafe||||
+Searching is for the cafe
+Searching are for the cafe
+Searching is for cafe
+Searching are for cafe
+||||Masque||||I like you.||||
+Searching is for masque like you.
+Searching are for masque like you.
+Searching is for masque like you
+Searching are for masque like you
+||||Masque||||I like you, too!||||
+Searching is for masque like you, too!
+Searching are for masque like you, too!
+Searching is for masque like you, too
+Searching are for masque like you, too
+Searching is for :-d
+Searching are for :-d
+Searching is for :-d
+Searching are for :-d
+||||dha||||why do you bring this up?||||
+Searching is for why do you bring this up
+Searching are for why do you bring this up
+Searching is for why do you bring this up
+Searching are for why do you bring this up
+||||dha||||don't you need any more groceries?||||
+Searching is for don't you need any more groceries
+Searching are for don't you need any more groceries
+Searching is for don't you need any more groceries
+Searching are for don't you need any more groceries
+||||rjbs||||hasn't gotten a lot of attention lately||||
+Searching is for hasn't gotten a lot of attention lately
+Searching are for hasn't gotten a lot of attention lately
+Searching is for hasn't gotten a lot of attention lately
+Searching are for hasn't gotten a lot of attention lately
+||||rjbs||||I need to give away more commits.||||
+Searching is for rjbs need to give away more commits.
+Searching are for rjbs need to give away more commits.
+Searching is for rjbs need to give away more commits
+Searching are for rjbs need to give away more commits
+||||mako132||||Refactor in aisle 9!||||
+Searching is for refactor in aisle 9!
+Searching are for refactor in aisle 9!
+Searching is for refactor in aisle 9
+Searching are for refactor in aisle 9
+||||dha||||hm. can rubric be used as a blog that somone can actually comment on?||||
+Searching is for can rubric be used as a blog that somone can actually comment on
+Searching are for can rubric be used as a blog that somone can actually comment on
+Searching is for can rubric be used as a blog that somone can actually comment on
+Searching are for can rubric be used as a blog that somone can actually comment on
+||||rjbs||||in theory||||
+Searching is for in theory
+Searching are for in theory
+Searching is for in theory
+Searching are for in theory
+||||rjbs||||People can make entries that link to the original entry.||||
+Searching is for people can make entries that link to the original entry.
+Searching are for people can make entries that link to the original entry.
+Searching is for people can make entries that link to the original entry
+Searching are for people can make entries that link to the original entry
+||||rjbs||||In practice, I've never seen it done.||||
+Searching is for in practice, rjbs has never seen it done.
+Searching are for in practice, rjbs has never seen it done.
+Searching is for in practice, rjbs has never seen it done
+Searching are for in practice, rjbs has never seen it done
+||||jcap||||dha, yeah, we've been talking about that||||
+Searching is for dha, yeah, we've been talking about that
+Searching are for dha, yeah, we've been talking about that
+Searching is for dha, yeah, we've been talking about that
+Searching are for dha, yeah, we've been talking about that
+||||dha||||see, it's funny, I actually was hoping for something I could use OUTSIDE OF MY BRANE.||||
+Searching is for see, it's funny, dha actually was hoping for something dha could use outside of dha's brane.
+Searching are for see, it's funny, dha actually was hoping for something dha could use outside of dha's brane.
+Searching is for see, it's funny, dha actually was hoping for something dha could use outside of dha's brane
+Searching are for see, it's funny, dha actually was hoping for something dha could use outside of dha's brane
+||||rjbs||||patches welcome||||
+Searching is for patches welcome
+Searching are for patches welcome
+Searching is for patches welcome
+Searching are for patches welcome
+Searching is for botsnack
+Searching are for botsnack
+Searching is for botsnack
+Searching are for botsnack
+Searching is for haha
+Searching are for haha
+Searching is for haha
+Searching are for haha
+||||dha||||Just out of curiosity, what part of "particularly good, basic, perl-based blog software" did you guys not understand? :-)||||
+Searching is for just out of curiosity,part of "particularly good, basic, perl-based blog software" did you guys not understand? :-)
+Searching are for just out of curiosity,part of "particularly good, basic, perl-based blog software" did you guys not understand? :-)
+Searching is for just out of curiosity,part of "particularly good, basic, perl-based blog software" did you guys not understand? :-)
+Searching are for just out of curiosity,part of "particularly good, basic, perl-based blog software" did you guys not understand? :-)
+Searching is for hehe
+Searching are for hehe
+Searching is for hehe
+Searching are for hehe
+||||jcap||||I blame rjbs for making rubric and subliminally suggesting I suggest it||||
+Searching is for jcap blame rjbs for making rubric and subliminally suggesting jcap suggest it
+Searching are for jcap blame rjbs for making rubric and subliminally suggesting jcap suggest it
+Searching is for jcap blame rjbs for making rubric and subliminally suggesting jcap suggest it
+Searching are for jcap blame rjbs for making rubric and subliminally suggesting jcap suggest it
+||||rjbs||||What part of that does Rubric not meet?||||
+Searching is for part of that does rubric not meet
+Searching are for part of that does rubric not meet
+Searching is for part of that does rubric not meet
+Searching are for part of that does rubric not meet
+||||Masque||||'cause it's true? DO I NEED A REASON TO LOVE?||||
+Searching is for 'cause it's true? do masque need a reason to love
+Searching are for 'cause it's true? do masque need a reason to love
+Searching is for 'cause it's true? do masque need a reason to love
+Searching are for 'cause it's true? do masque need a reason to love
+||||Masque||||Actually, I'd love a copy of Reason.||||
+Searching is for actually, masque'd love a copy of reason.
+Searching are for actually, masque'd love a copy of reason.
+Searching is for actually, masque'd love a copy of reason
+Searching are for actually, masque'd love a copy of reason
+||||rjbs||||(btw, isn't the stock answer here 'Bloxsom'?)||||
+Searching is for (btw, isn't the stock answer here 'bloxsom'?)
+Searching are for (btw, isn't the stock answer here 'bloxsom'?)
+Searching is for (btw, isn't the stock answer here 'bloxsom'?)
+Searching are for (btw, isn't the stock answer here 'bloxsom'?)
+||||rjbs||||CRAZY JUMP||||
+Searching is for crazy jump
+Searching are for crazy jump
+Searching is for crazy jump
+Searching are for crazy jump
+||||rjbs||||CRAZY JUMP||||
+Searching is for crazy jump
+Searching are for crazy jump
+Searching is for crazy jump
+Searching are for crazy jump
+||||dha||||iirc, blosxom hasn't been updated in a while||||
+Searching is for iirc, blosxom hasn't been updated in a while
+Searching are for iirc, blosxom hasn't been updated in a while
+Searching is for iirc, blosxom hasn't been updated in a while
+Searching are for iirc, blosxom hasn't been updated in a while
+||||dha||||I was wondering if there was a better, more recent solution I was unaware of.||||
+Searching is for dha was wondering if there was a better, more recent solution dha was unaware of.
+Searching are for dha was wondering if there was a better, more recent solution dha was unaware of.
+Searching is for dha was wondering if there was a better, more recent solution dha was unaware of
+Searching are for dha was wondering if there was a better, more recent solution dha was unaware of
+||||dha||||You people suck. teasing me with rubric like that...||||
+Searching is for you people suck. teasing dha with rubric like that...
+Searching are for you people suck. teasing dha with rubric like that...
+Searching is for you people suck. teasing dha with rubric like that
+Searching are for you people suck. teasing dha with rubric like that
+||||jibsheet||||just broadcast your blog using the power of your MIND||||
+Searching is for just broadcast your blog using the power of your mind
+Searching are for just broadcast your blog using the power of your mind
+Searching is for just broadcast your blog using the power of your mind
+Searching are for just broadcast your blog using the power of your mind
+||||dha||||jibsheet - tempting||||
+Searching is for jibsheet - tempting
+Searching are for jibsheet - tempting
+Searching is for jibsheet - tempting
+Searching are for jibsheet - tempting
+||||dha||||unfortunately, this is a blog with a purpose||||
+Searching is for unfortunately, this is a blog with a purpose
+Searching are for unfortunately, this is a blog with a purpose
+Searching is for unfortunately, this
+set;;is;;unfortunately, this;;a blog with a purpose
+||||inferno||||yay, I won Apple's battery recall bingo!||||
+Searching is for yay, inferno won apple's battery recall bingo!
+Searching are for yay, inferno won apple's battery recall bingo!
+Searching is for yay, inferno won apple's battery recall bingo
+Searching are for yay, inferno won apple's battery recall bingo
+Searching is for inferno++
+Searching are for inferno++
+Searching is for inferno++
+Searching are for inferno++
+||||jcap||||dha, you want perl blogging? ||||
+Searching is for dha, you want perl blogging
+Searching are for dha, you want perl blogging
+Searching is for dha, you want perl blogging
+Searching are for dha, you want perl blogging
+||||jcap||||movable type||||
+Searching is for movable type
+Searching are for movable type
+Searching is for movable type
+Searching are for movable type
+||||dha||||I suppose it need not be perl. I just like perl. *pout*||||
+Searching is for dha suppose it need not be perl. dha just like perl. *pout*
+Searching are for dha suppose it need not be perl. dha just like perl. *pout*
+Searching is for dha suppose it need not be perl. dha just like perl. *pout*
+Searching are for dha suppose it need not be perl. dha just like perl. *pout*
+||||jcap||||wow, a kuro5hin link!||||
+Searching is for a kuro5hin link!
+Searching are for a kuro5hin link!
+Searching is for kuro5hin link
+Searching are for kuro5hin link
+||||rjbs||||What's the module I'm thinking of...||||
+Searching is for is the module rjbs is thinking of...
+Searching are for is the module rjbs is thinking of...
+Searching is for module rjbs is thinking of...
+||||rjbs||||FormValidator::Simple or something.||||
+Searching is for formvalidator::simple or something.
+Searching are for formvalidator::simple or something.
+Searching is for formvalidator::simple or something
+Searching are for formvalidator::simple or something
+||||inferno||||seen lucs ||||
+Searching is for seen lucs
+Searching are for seen lucs
+Searching is for seen lucs
+Searching are for seen lucs
+||||geoffeg||||MONKEY NUTS||||
+Searching is for monkey nuts
+Searching are for monkey nuts
+Searching is for monkey nuts
+Searching are for monkey nuts
+Searching is for ping
+Searching are for ping
+Searching is for ping
+Searching are for ping
+Searching is for s
+Searching are for s
+Searching is for s
+Searching are for s
+Searching is for pong!
+Searching are for pong!
+Searching is for pong
+Searching are for pong
+Searching is for yo!
+Searching are for yo!
+Searching is for yo
+Searching are for yo
+Searching is for salut
+Searching are for salut
+Searching is for salut
+Searching are for salut
+||||yrlnry||||According to Google News, not only was the Pluto vote "hijacked", but Venus has withdrawn from the U.S. Open.||||
+Searching is for according to google news, not only was the pluto vote "hijacked", but venus has withdrawn from the u.s. open.
+Searching are for according to google news, not only was the pluto vote "hijacked", but venus has withdrawn from the u.s. open.
+Searching is for according to google news, not only was the pluto vote "hijacked", but venus has withdrawn from the u.s. open
+Searching are for according to google news, not only was the pluto vote "hijacked", but venus has withdrawn from the u.s. open
+||||lucs||||Oh, the wife is here today. Next time! :/||||
+Searching is for the wife is here today. next time! :/
+Searching are for the wife is here today. next time! :/
+Searching is for wife
+set;;is;;wife;;here today. Next time! :/
+Searching is for doh!
+Searching are for doh!
+Searching is for doh
+Searching are for doh
+||||mako132||||yrlnry++ # lol||||
+Searching is for yrlnry++ # lol
+Searching are for yrlnry++ # lol
+Searching is for yrlnry++ # lol
+Searching are for yrlnry++ # lol
+||||inferno||||maybe we'll try for something next week?||||
+Searching is for maybe we'll try for something next week
+Searching are for maybe we'll try for something next week
+Searching is for maybe we'll try for something next week
+Searching are for maybe we'll try for something next week
+||||Schwern||||xchat can search backwards somehow, right?||||
+Searching is for xchat can search backwards somehow, right
+Searching are for xchat can search backwards somehow, right
+Searching is for xchat can search backwards somehow, right
+Searching are for xchat can search backwards somehow, right
+||||yrlnry||||Hi, Michael.||||
+Searching is for hi, michael.
+Searching are for hi, michael.
+Searching is for hi, michael
+Searching are for hi, michael
+||||lucs||||I'll be a bit busy evenings next week, but maybe the week after?||||
+Searching is for lucs'll be a bit busy evenings next week, but maybe the week after
+Searching are for lucs'll be a bit busy evenings next week, but maybe the week after
+Searching is for lucs'll be a bit busy evenings next week, but maybe the week after
+Searching are for lucs'll be a bit busy evenings next week, but maybe the week after
+Searching is for sure
+Searching are for sure
+Searching is for sure
+Searching are for sure
+||||Schwern||||DJ EM||||
+Searching is for dj em
+Searching are for dj em
+Searching is for dj em
+Searching are for dj em
+||||Schwern||||It smells TOASTY||||
+Searching is for it smells toasty
+Searching are for it smells toasty
+Searching is for it smells toasty
+Searching are for it smells toasty
+Searching is for uhhh
+Searching are for uhhh
+Searching is for uhhh
+Searching are for uhhh
+||||Schwern||||Oh. Well you can use Sub::Uplevel OR that thing Carp has...||||
+Searching is for you can use sub::uplevel or that thing carp has...
+Searching are for you can use sub::uplevel or that thing carp has...
+Searching is for you can use sub::uplevel or that thing carp has
+Searching are for you can use sub::uplevel or that thing carp has
+||||Schwern||||No, it won't||||
+Searching is for no, it won't
+Searching are for no, it won't
+Searching is for no, it won't
+Searching are for no, it won't
+Searching is for $carp::carplevel
+Searching are for $carp::carplevel
+Searching is for $carp::carplevel
+Searching are for $carp::carplevel
+||||Schwern||||OR just store the top calling context and roll your own error message.||||
+Searching is for just store the top calling context and roll your own error message.
+Searching are for just store the top calling context and roll your own error message.
+Searching is for just store the top calling context and roll your own error message
+Searching are for just store the top calling context and roll your own error message
+||||Schwern||||Unless the rule is "go up until you hit another package"||||
+Searching is for unless the rule is "go up until you hit another package"
+Searching are for unless the rule is "go up until you hit another package"
+Searching is for unless the rule
+set;;is;;unless the rule;;"go up until you hit another package"
+||||dha||||oh, schwern - You pointed out how to test Semi::Semicolons with the terminator in quotes, but I'm unclear on how to test that the desired behavior happens outside of quotes.||||
+Searching is for schwern - you pointed out how to test semi::semicolons with the terminator in quotes, but dha is unclear on how to test that the desired behavior happens outside of quotes.
+Searching are for schwern - you pointed out how to test semi::semicolons with the terminator in quotes, but dha is unclear on how to test that the desired behavior happens outside of quotes.
+||||Schwern||||is ";", "peterbuilt"||||
+Searching is for is ";", "peterbuilt"
+Searching are for is ";", "peterbuilt"
+||||Schwern||||rather, is "peterbuilt", ";"||||
+Searching is for rather, is "peterbuilt", ";"
+Searching are for rather, is "peterbuilt", ";"
+Searching is for rather,
+set;;is;;rather,;;"peterbuilt", ";"
+||||dha||||ok. that's what I thought, but I wasn't fully convinced. (I admit to not being that up on source filters).||||
+Searching is for that'sdha thought, but dha wasn't fully convinced. (i admit to not being that up on source filters).
+Searching are for that'sdha thought, but dha wasn't fully convinced. (i admit to not being that up on source filters).
+Searching is for that'sdha thought, but dha wasn't fully convinced. (i admit to not being that up on source filters)
+Searching are for that'sdha thought, but dha wasn't fully convinced. (i admit to not being that up on source filters)
+Searching is for heh
+Searching are for heh
+Searching is for heh
+Searching are for heh
+||||DrForr||||Or unroll the recursion and break out of the loop at that point, but that's probably more hassle than it's worth.||||
+Searching is for unroll the recursion and break out of the loop at that point, but that's probably more hassle than it's worth.
+Searching are for unroll the recursion and break out of the loop at that point, but that's probably more hassle than it's worth.
+Searching is for unroll the recursion and break out of the loop at that point, but that's probably more hassle than it's worth
+Searching are for unroll the recursion and break out of the loop at that point, but that's probably more hassle than it's worth
+||||DrForr||||It's at points like this that continuations come in hand.||||
+Searching is for it's at points like this that continuations come in hand.
+Searching are for it's at points like this that continuations come in hand.
+Searching is for it's at points like this that continuations come in hand
+Searching are for it's at points like this that continuations come in hand
+Searching is for s/.$/y./;
+Searching are for s/.$/y./;
+Searching is for s/.$/y./;
+Searching are for s/.$/y./;
+||||DrForr||||Obviously importing environments :)||||
+Searching is for obviously importing environments :)
+Searching are for obviously importing environments :)
+Searching is for obviously importing environments :)
+Searching are for obviously importing environments :)
+Searching is for duh
+Searching are for duh
+Searching is for duh
+Searching are for duh
+||||dorian||||SUP NWIGER!!||||
+Searching is for sup nwiger!!
+Searching are for sup nwiger!!
+Searching is for sup nwiger
+Searching are for sup nwiger
+Searching is for ghlaubahlg
+Searching are for ghlaubahlg
+Searching is for ghlaubahlg
+Searching are for ghlaubahlg
+||||dha||||Top 5 sequels to Snakes on a Plane (pt ii): 3> "Trouser Snakes on a Plane": In this documentary, Joey Heatherton recalls a very odd USO tour with Milton Berle and Harry Reems.||||
+Searching is for top 5 sequels to snakes on a plane (pt ii): 3> "trouser snakes on a plane": in this documentary, joey heatherton recalls a very odd uso tour with milton berle and harry reems.
+Searching are for top 5 sequels to snakes on a plane (pt ii): 3> "trouser snakes on a plane": in this documentary, joey heatherton recalls a very odd uso tour with milton berle and harry reems.
+Searching is for top 5 sequels to snakes on a plane (pt ii): 3> "trouser snakes on a plane": in this documentary, joey heatherton recalls a very odd uso tour with milton berle and harry reems
+Searching are for top 5 sequels to snakes on a plane (pt ii): 3> "trouser snakes on a plane": in this documentary, joey heatherton recalls a very odd uso tour with milton berle and harry reems
+Searching is for heehee.
+Searching are for heehee.
+Searching is for heehee
+Searching are for heehee
+||||Schwern||||(home cooked scotch oats)++ Fuck yeah||||
+Searching is for (home cooked scotch oats)++ fuck yeah
+Searching are for (home cooked scotch oats)++ fuck yeah
+Searching is for (home cooked scotch oats)++ fuck yeah
+Searching are for (home cooked scotch oats)++ fuck yeah
+++;;home cooked scotch oats
+||||Schwern||||Even when I thought I'd ruined them. Damn, this is tasty||||
+Searching is for even when schwern thought schwern'd ruined them. damn, this is tasty
+Searching are for even when schwern thought schwern'd ruined them. damn, this is tasty
+||||dha||||no, taht would be AMERICAN OATS||||
+Searching is for no, taht would be american oats
+Searching are for no, taht would be american oats
+Searching is for no, taht would be american oats
+Searching are for no, taht would be american oats
+||||gefilte||||what is that? A recipie for oats with Whiskey in it?||||
+Searching is for is that? a recipie for oats with whiskey in it
+Searching are for is that? a recipie for oats with whiskey in it
+Searching is for that? a recipie for oats with whiskey in it
+||||DrForr||||"Planes, Trains and MOTHERFUCKING SNAKES"||||
+Searching is for "planes, trains and motherfucking snakes"
+Searching are for "planes, trains and motherfucking snakes"
+Searching is for "planes, trains and motherfucking snakes"
+Searching are for "planes, trains and motherfucking snakes"
+||||gefilte||||or oats imported from Scotchland.||||
+Searching is for oats imported from scotchland.
+Searching are for oats imported from scotchland.
+Searching is for oats imported from scotchland
+Searching are for oats imported from scotchland
+||||DrForr||||Mm, Scotch.||||
+Searching is for mm, scotch.
+Searching are for mm, scotch.
+Searching is for mm, scotch
+Searching are for mm, scotch
+||||Schwern||||Its just steel cut oats.||||
+Searching is for its just steel cut oats.
+Searching are for its just steel cut oats.
+Searching is for its just steel cut oats
+Searching are for its just steel cut oats
+||||gefilte||||that good, eh?||||
+Searching is for that good, eh
+Searching are for that good, eh
+Searching is for that good, eh
+Searching are for that good, eh
+||||Schwern||||Cooked right, yes.||||
+Searching is for cooked right, yes.
+Searching are for cooked right, yes.
+Searching is for cooked right, yes
+Searching are for cooked right, yes
+Searching is for schwern++
+Searching are for schwern++
+Searching is for schwern++
+Searching are for schwern++
+||||Schwern||||The batch I cooked wrong was not so good.||||
+Searching is for the batch schwern cooked wrong was not so good.
+Searching are for the batch schwern cooked wrong was not so good.
+Searching is for batch schwern cooked wrong was not so good
+Searching are for batch schwern cooked wrong was not so good
+||||gefilte||||or "Snakes on a Plane: the Mile High Club"||||
+Searching is for "snakes on a plane: the mile high club"
+Searching are for "snakes on a plane: the mile high club"
+Searching is for "snakes on a plane: the mile high club"
+Searching are for "snakes on a plane: the mile high club"
+||||gefilte||||that stands to reason...and can probably apply to any baked product.3||||
+Searching is for that stands to reason...and can probably apply to any baked product.3
+Searching are for that stands to reason...and can probably apply to any baked product.3
+Searching is for that stands to reason...and can probably apply to any baked product.3
+Searching are for that stands to reason...and can probably apply to any baked product.3
+||||dha||||Snakes On A Plane, and by Snakes, I Mean MY COCK||||
+Searching is for snakes on a plane, and by snakes, dha mean dha's cock
+Searching are for snakes on a plane, and by snakes, dha mean dha's cock
+Searching is for snakes on a plane, and by snakes, dha mean dha's cock
+Searching are for snakes on a plane, and by snakes, dha mean dha's cock
+||||Schwern||||Then you have the ethnic porn. "Snakes on a Plane: Black Mambo"||||
+Searching is for then you have the ethnic porn. "snakes on a plane: black mambo"
+Searching are for then you have the ethnic porn. "snakes on a plane: black mambo"
+Searching is for then you have the ethnic porn. "snakes on a plane: black mambo"
+Searching are for then you have the ethnic porn. "snakes on a plane: black mambo"
+Searching is for baked?!
+Searching are for baked?!
+Searching is for baked
+Searching are for baked
+Searching is for baked?!?!
+Searching are for baked?!?!
+Searching is for baked
+Searching are for baked
+||||gefilte||||"Snakes on a Plane: Constrictor Edition"||||
+Searching is for "snakes on a plane: constrictor edition"
+Searching are for "snakes on a plane: constrictor edition"
+Searching is for "snakes on a plane: constrictor edition"
+Searching are for "snakes on a plane: constrictor edition"
+||||gefilte||||sorry, cooked||||
+Searching is for sorry, cooked
+Searching are for sorry, cooked
+Searching is for sorry, cooked
+Searching are for sorry, cooked
+Searching is for http://www.foodnetwork.com/food/recipes/recipe/0,1977,food_9936_17140,00.html
+Searching are for http://www.foodnetwork.com/food/recipes/recipe/0,1977,food_9936_17140,00.html
+Searching is for http://www.foodnetwork.com/food/recipes/recipe/0,1977,food_9936_17140,00.html
+Searching are for http://www.foodnetwork.com/food/recipes/recipe/0,1977,food_9936_17140,00.html
+||||gefilte||||ah yes. Our slightly-more-well-known-fellow-Scripps-subsidiary||||
+Searching is for ah yes. our slightly-more-well-known-fellow-scripps-subsidiary
+Searching are for ah yes. our slightly-more-well-known-fellow-scripps-subsidiary
+Searching is for ah yes. our slightly-more-well-known-fellow-scripps-subsidiary
+Searching are for ah yes. our slightly-more-well-known-fellow-scripps-subsidiary
+||||dha||||schwern - at least you have the good taste to point at alton's recipe||||
+Searching is for schwern - at least you have the good taste to point at alton's recipe
+Searching are for schwern - at least you have the good taste to point at alton's recipe
+Searching is for schwern - at least you have the good taste to point at alton's recipe
+Searching are for schwern - at least you have the good taste to point at alton's recipe
+||||dha||||I was thinking of you on wednesday night!||||
+Searching is for dha was thinking of you on wednesday night!
+Searching are for dha was thinking of you on wednesday night!
+Searching is for dha was thinking of you on wednesday night
+Searching are for dha was thinking of you on wednesday night
+||||mauke||||snooker on a plane||||
+Searching is for snooker on a plane
+Searching are for snooker on a plane
+Searching is for snooker on a plane
+Searching are for snooker on a plane
+Searching is for bender++
+Searching are for bender++
+Searching is for bender++
+Searching are for bender++
+||||dha||||I saw CSNY on wednesday. You would have HATED IT||||
+Searching is for dha saw csny on wednesday. you would have hated it
+Searching are for dha saw csny on wednesday. you would have hated it
+Searching is for dha saw csny on wednesday. you would have hated it
+Searching are for dha saw csny on wednesday. you would have hated it
+Searching is for :-)
+Searching are for :-)
+Searching is for :-)
+Searching are for :-)
+||||dha||||no! it was REALLY REALLY LEFT WING||||
+Searching is for no! it was really really left wing
+Searching are for no! it was really really left wing
+Searching is for no! it was really really left wing
+Searching are for no! it was really really left wing
+||||dha||||hell *I* thought it was heavy handed!||||
+Searching is for hell *i* thought it was heavy handed!
+Searching are for hell *i* thought it was heavy handed!
+Searching is for hell *i* thought it was heavy handed
+Searching are for hell *i* thought it was heavy handed
+||||dha||||COCKS would have made me think of sungo, frankly||||
+Searching is for cocks would have made dha think of sungo, frankly
+Searching are for cocks would have made dha think of sungo, frankly
+Searching is for cocks would have made dha think of sungo, frankly
+Searching are for cocks would have made dha think of sungo, frankly
+||||dha||||well, they showed footage about George Bush not paying his respects to the dead soldiers TWICE!||||
+Searching is for they showed footage about george bush not paying his respects to the dead soldiers twice!
+Searching are for they showed footage about george bush not paying his respects to the dead soldiers twice!
+Searching is for they showed footage about george bush not paying his respects to the dead soldiers twice
+Searching are for they showed footage about george bush not paying his respects to the dead soldiers twice
+||||dorian||||damnit i forgot the no-cooking-bacon-naked rule||||
+Searching is for damnit dorian forgot the no-cooking-bacon-naked rule
+Searching are for damnit dorian forgot the no-cooking-bacon-naked rule
+Searching is for damnit dorian forgot the no-cooking-bacon-naked rule
+Searching are for damnit dorian forgot the no-cooking-bacon-naked rule
+Searching is for :(
+Searching are for :(
+Searching is for :(
+Searching are for :(
+||||dha||||And "Impeach the President" was about the 10th song calling for an overthrow of the administration!||||
+Searching is for "impeach the president" was about the 10th song calling for an overthrow of the administration!
+Searching are for "impeach the president" was about the 10th song calling for an overthrow of the administration!
+Searching is for "impeach the president" was about the 10th song calling for an overthrow of the administration
+Searching are for "impeach the president" was about the 10th song calling for an overthrow of the administration
+Searching is for yes.
+Searching are for yes.
+Searching is for yes
+Searching are for yes
+||||dha||||going by the titles on the footage, he has not attended a single funeral or something like that.||||
+Searching is for going by the titles on the footage, he has not attended a single funeral or something like that.
+Searching are for going by the titles on the footage, he has not attended a single funeral or something like that.
+Searching is for going by the titles on the footage, he has not attended a single funeral or something like that
+Searching are for going by the titles on the footage, he has not attended a single funeral or something like that
+||||dha||||I offer no opinion on this, btw||||
+Searching is for dha offer no opinion on this, btw
+Searching are for dha offer no opinion on this, btw
+Searching is for dha offer no opinion on this, btw
+Searching are for dha offer no opinion on this, btw
+||||vh||||"Of course I don't support our troops."||||
+Searching is for "of course vh don't support our troops."
+Searching are for "of course vh don't support our troops."
+Searching is for "of course vh don't support our troops."
+Searching are for "of course vh don't support our troops."
+Searching is for exactly.
+Searching are for exactly.
+Searching is for exactly
+Searching are for exactly
+||||vh||||I went to Henry Rollins for political opinions and all I got was this baby tee that doesn't fit.||||
+Searching is for vh went to henry rollins for political opinions and all vh got was this baby tee that doesn't fit.
+Searching are for vh went to henry rollins for political opinions and all vh got was this baby tee that doesn't fit.
+Searching is for vh went to henry rollins for political opinions and all vh got was this baby tee that doesn't fit
+Searching are for vh went to henry rollins for political opinions and all vh got was this baby tee that doesn't fit
+||||dha||||anyway, it seems I need to go home now. please don't hurt everyone on my account, pudge. :-)||||
+Searching is for anyway, it seems dha need to go home now. please don't hurt everyone on dha's account, pudge. :-)
+Searching are for anyway, it seems dha need to go home now. please don't hurt everyone on dha's account, pudge. :-)
+Searching is for anyway, it seems dha need to go home now. please don't hurt everyone on dha's account, pudge. :-)
+Searching are for anyway, it seems dha need to go home now. please don't hurt everyone on dha's account, pudge. :-)
+||||dha||||later, all.||||
+Searching is for later, all.
+Searching are for later, all.
+Searching is for later, all
+Searching are for later, all
+Searching is for vh++
+Searching are for vh++
+Searching is for vh++
+Searching are for vh++
+||||DrForr||||"I believe everything I read. I think that makes me more of a selective person..."||||
+Searching is for "i believe everything drforr read. drforr think that makes drforr more of a selective person..."
+Searching are for "i believe everything drforr read. drforr think that makes drforr more of a selective person..."
+Searching is for "i believe everything drforr read. drforr think that makes drforr more of a selective person..."
+Searching are for "i believe everything drforr read. drforr think that makes drforr more of a selective person..."
+||||gefilte||||I believe everything you read because I'm too lazy/stupid to read it myself.||||
+Searching is for gefilte believe everything you read because gefilte is too lazy/stupid to read it gefilte.
+Searching are for gefilte believe everything you read because gefilte is too lazy/stupid to read it gefilte.
+Searching is for bor
+Searching are for bor
+Searching is for bor
+Searching are for bor
+||||gefilte||||oh, ha||||
+Searching is for ha
+Searching are for ha
+Searching is for ha
+Searching are for ha
+||||gefilte||||he makes holes?||||
+Searching is for he makes holes
+Searching are for he makes holes
+Searching is for he makes holes
+Searching are for he makes holes
+||||vh||||One of the lamest and impossible arguments I ever got in once was with a person who was going off on the virtues of humility, and I was like.. how can you be humble while at the same time speaking about how great it is?||||
+Searching is for one of the lamest and impossible arguments vh ever got in once was with a personis was going off on the virtues of humility, and vh was like.. how can you be humble while at the same time speaking about how great it
+Searching are for one of the lamest and impossible arguments vh ever got in once was with a personis was going off on the virtues of humility, and vh was like.. how can you be humble while at the same time speaking about how great it
+Searching is for one of the lamest and impossible arguments vh ever got in once was with a personis was going off on the virtues of humility, and vh was like.. how can you be humble while at the same time speaking about how great it
+Searching are for one of the lamest and impossible arguments vh ever got in once was with a personis was going off on the virtues of humility, and vh was like.. how can you be humble while at the same time speaking about how great it
+||||vh||||getting into an argument over whether or not something is paradox is hard.||||
+Searching is for getting into an argument over whether or not something is paradox is hard.
+Searching are for getting into an argument over whether or not something is paradox is hard.
+||||gefilte||||he gets out of them easiliy thouhg...||||
+Searching is for he gets out of them easiliy thouhg...
+Searching are for he gets out of them easiliy thouhg...
+Searching is for he gets out of them easiliy thouhg
+Searching are for he gets out of them easiliy thouhg
+||||gefilte||||"shut off this man's microphone"||||
+Searching is for "shut off this man's microphone"
+Searching are for "shut off this man's microphone"
+Searching is for "shut off this man's microphone"
+Searching are for "shut off this man's microphone"
+||||mauke||||I have more humility in my little finger than you have in your whole BODY!||||
+Searching is for mauke has more humility in mauke's little finger than you have in your whole body!
+Searching are for mauke has more humility in mauke's little finger than you have in your whole body!
+Searching is for mauke has more humility in mauke's little finger than you have in your whole body
+Searching are for mauke has more humility in mauke's little finger than you have in your whole body
+||||DrForr||||"Cut off that man's oxycontin drip!"||||
+Searching is for "cut off that man's oxycontin drip!"
+Searching are for "cut off that man's oxycontin drip!"
+Searching is for "cut off that man's oxycontin drip!"
+Searching are for "cut off that man's oxycontin drip!"
+||||vh||||I admit all my shortcomings before most people wake up, then by the time they do, I've eaten humble pie, 3 times for breakfast.||||
+Searching is for vh admit all vh's shortcomings before most people wake up, then by the time they do, vh has eaten humble pie, 3 times for breakfast.
+Searching are for vh admit all vh's shortcomings before most people wake up, then by the time they do, vh has eaten humble pie, 3 times for breakfast.
+Searching is for vh admit all vh's shortcomings before most people wake up, then by the time they do, vh has eaten humble pie, 3 times for breakfast
+Searching are for vh admit all vh's shortcomings before most people wake up, then by the time they do, vh has eaten humble pie, 3 times for breakfast
+||||gefilte||||mmm.. humble pie||||
+Searching is for mmm.. humble pie
+Searching are for mmm.. humble pie
+Searching is for mmm.. humble pie
+Searching are for mmm.. humble pie
+Searching is for rome++
+Searching are for rome++
+Searching is for rome++
+Searching are for rome++
+Searching is for burning++
+Searching are for burning++
+Searching is for burning++
+Searching are for burning++
+||||gefilte||||"celluloid victim"||||
+Searching is for "celluloid victim"
+Searching are for "celluloid victim"
+Searching is for "celluloid victim"
+Searching are for "celluloid victim"
+||||gefilte||||"snap out of it man!"||||
+Searching is for "snap out of it man!"
+Searching are for "snap out of it man!"
+Searching is for "snap out of it man!"
+Searching are for "snap out of it man!"
+||||gefilte||||haven't seen, unfortunately. don't see many movies these days||||
+Searching is for haven't seen, unfortunately. don't see many movies these days
+Searching are for haven't seen, unfortunately. don't see many movies these days
+Searching is for haven't seen, unfortunately. don't see many movies these days
+Searching are for haven't seen, unfortunately. don't see many movies these days
+||||vh||||I wonder what the most blashamous bumpersticker is that christians still buy.||||
+Searching is for vh wonderis the most blashamous bumpersticker that christians still buy.
+Searching are for vh wonderis the most blashamous bumpersticker that christians still buy.
+Searching is for vh wonderis the most blashamous bumpersticker that christians still buy
+Searching are for vh wonderis the most blashamous bumpersticker that christians still buy
+||||gefilte||||with real actors. and beer. and hookers||||
+Searching is for with real actors. and beer. and hookers
+Searching are for with real actors. and beer. and hookers
+Searching is for with real actors. and beer. and hookers
+Searching are for with real actors. and beer. and hookers
+Searching is for hehe
+Searching are for hehe
+Searching is for hehe
+Searching are for hehe
+||||DrForr||||"Kill Jews for Jesus?"||||
+Searching is for "kill jews for jesus?"
+Searching are for "kill jews for jesus?"
+Searching is for "kill jews for jesus?"
+Searching are for "kill jews for jesus?"
+||||gefilte||||speaking of kids. Caleb is planning his life to include Reiley||||
+Searching is for speaking of kids. caleb is planning his life to include reiley
+Searching are for speaking of kids. caleb is planning his life to include reiley
+Searching is for speaking of kids. caleb
+set;;is;;speaking of kids. caleb;;planning his life to include Reiley
+||||vh||||speaking of parents... A friend of mine worked at the theatre with Aristocrats..||||
+Searching is for speaking of parents... a friend of mine worked at the theatre with aristocrats..
+Searching are for speaking of parents... a friend of mine worked at the theatre with aristocrats..
+Searching is for speaking of parents... a friend of mine worked at the theatre with aristocrats
+Searching are for speaking of parents... a friend of mine worked at the theatre with aristocrats
+||||buu||||What is suspect zero?||||
+Searching is for is suspect zero
+Searching are for is suspect zero
+Searching is for suspect zero
+||||vh||||and yes.. a mom showed up with her kids.. thinking it was aristroCats||||
+Searching is for yes.. a mom showed up with her kids.. thinking it was aristrocats
+Searching are for yes.. a mom showed up with her kids.. thinking it was aristrocats
+Searching is for yes.. a mom showed up with her kids.. thinking it was aristrocats
+Searching are for yes.. a mom showed up with her kids.. thinking it was aristrocats
+Searching is for =[
+Searching are for =[
+Searching is for =[
+Searching are for =[
+||||buu||||Oh good lord.||||
+Searching is for good lord.
+Searching are for good lord.
+Searching is for good lord
+Searching are for good lord
+||||vh||||the staff all tried to tell her.. I don't think this is what you are expecting..||||
+Searching is for the staff all tried to tell her.. vh don't think this isare you expecting..
+Searching are for the staff all tried to tell her.. vh don't think this isare you expecting..
+Searching is for staff all tried to tell her.. vh don't think this isare you expecting
+Searching are for staff all tried to tell her.. vh don't think this isare you expecting
+||||gefilte||||that's hilarious||||
+Searching is for that's hilarious
+Searching are for that's hilarious
+Searching is for that's hilarious
+Searching are for that's hilarious
+||||buu||||What, she ignored them?||||
+Searching is for what, she ignored them
+Searching are for what, she ignored them
+Searching is for what, she ignored them
+Searching are for what, she ignored them
+||||vh||||well.. the story ends a bit on the boring side||||
+Searching is for well.. the story ends a bit on the boring side
+Searching are for well.. the story ends a bit on the boring side
+Searching is for well.. the story ends a bit on the boring side
+Searching are for well.. the story ends a bit on the boring side
+||||vh||||she came out shortly after the movie started, apologized to the staff and they gave her a refund and everybody was really nice.||||
+Searching is for she came out shortly after the movie started, apologized to the staff and they gave her a refund and everybody was really nice.
+Searching are for she came out shortly after the movie started, apologized to the staff and they gave her a refund and everybody was really nice.
+Searching is for she came out shortly after the movie started, apologized to the staff and they gave her a refund and everybody was really nice
+Searching are for she came out shortly after the movie started, apologized to the staff and they gave her a refund and everybody was really nice
+Searching is for indeed
+Searching are for indeed
+Searching is for indeed
+Searching are for indeed
+||||gefilte||||yeah, but the ending seemed reallly formulaic||||
+Searching is for yeah, but the ending seemed reallly formulaic
+Searching are for yeah, but the ending seemed reallly formulaic
+Searching is for yeah, but the ending seemed reallly formulaic
+Searching are for yeah, but the ending seemed reallly formulaic
+||||buu||||I don't have those memorized =[||||
+Searching is for buu don't have those memorized =[
+Searching are for buu don't have those memorized =[
+Searching is for buu don't have those memorized =[
+Searching are for buu don't have those memorized =[
+Searching is for eh
+Searching are for eh
+Searching is for eh
+Searching are for eh
+||||vh||||Aristrocrats really annoyed me.. that they really let almost nobody just -tell- the joke||||
+Searching is for aristrocrats really annoyed vh.. that they really let almost nobody just -tell- the joke
+Searching are for aristrocrats really annoyed vh.. that they really let almost nobody just -tell- the joke
+Searching is for aristrocrats really annoyed vh.. that they really let almost nobody just -tell- the joke
+Searching are for aristrocrats really annoyed vh.. that they really let almost nobody just -tell- the joke
+Searching is for statler.
+Searching are for statler.
+Searching is for statler
+Searching are for statler
+||||buu||||Er, you cared?||||
+Searching is for er, you cared
+Searching are for er, you cared
+Searching is for er, you cared
+Searching are for er, you cared
+||||vh||||they emphasis all left and right about how it's the art of telling a joke.. etc etc.. and then butcher everybody's attempt to do so||||
+Searching is for they emphasis all left and right about how it's the art of telling a joke.. etc etc.. and then butcher everybody's attempt to do so
+Searching are for they emphasis all left and right about how it's the art of telling a joke.. etc etc.. and then butcher everybody's attempt to do so
+Searching is for they emphasis all left and right about how it's the art of telling a joke.. etc etc.. and then butcher everybody's attempt to do so
+Searching are for they emphasis all left and right about how it's the art of telling a joke.. etc etc.. and then butcher everybody's attempt to do so
+||||gefilte||||right, i didn't take your point.||||
+Searching is for right, gefilte didn't take your point.
+Searching are for right, gefilte didn't take your point.
+Searching is for right, gefilte didn't take your point
+Searching are for right, gefilte didn't take your point
+||||gefilte||||you hadn't memorized their names, schtick, or their exact verbiage?||||
+Searching is for you hadn't memorized their names, schtick, or their exact verbiage
+Searching are for you hadn't memorized their names, schtick, or their exact verbiage
+Searching is for you hadn't memorized their names, schtick, or their exact verbiage
+Searching are for you hadn't memorized their names, schtick, or their exact verbiage
+||||buu||||The lines.||||
+Searching is for the lines.
+Searching are for the lines.
+Searching is for lines
+Searching are for lines
+||||gefilte||||ah. I was content to wing it||||
+Searching is for ah. gefilte was content to wing it
+Searching are for ah. gefilte was content to wing it
+Searching is for ah. gefilte was content to wing it
+Searching are for ah. gefilte was content to wing it
+Searching is for :)
+Searching are for :)
+Searching is for :)
+Searching are for :)
+||||buu||||Ah well.||||
+Searching is for ah well.
+Searching are for ah well.
+Searching is for ah well
+Searching are for ah well
+||||buu||||Now I want to go watch muppet treasure island||||
+Searching is for now buu want to go watch muppet treasure island
+Searching are for now buu want to go watch muppet treasure island
+Searching is for now buu want to go watch muppet treasure island
+Searching are for now buu want to go watch muppet treasure island
+||||gefilte||||"moment's over"||||
+Searching is for "moment's over"
+Searching are for "moment's over"
+Searching is for "moment's over"
+Searching are for "moment's over"
+Searching is for tgif
+Searching are for tgif
+Searching is for tgif
+Searching are for tgif
+Searching is for cute.
+Searching are for cute.
+Searching is for cute
+Searching are for cute
+||||vh||||Cmon oracle.. you can do it...||||
+Searching is for cmon oracle.. you can do it...
+Searching are for cmon oracle.. you can do it...
+Searching is for cmon oracle.. you can do it
+Searching are for cmon oracle.. you can do it
+||||vh||||'In a move that surprised many legal observers, one of Pluto's leading public-interest groups yesterday sued the International Astronomical Union after the IAU declassified Pluto as one of the nine "classical" planets that circles the Sun'||||
+Searching is for 'in a move that surprised many legal observers, one of pluto's leading public-interest groups yesterday sued the international astronomical union after the iau declassified pluto as one of the nine "classical" planets that circles the sun'
+Searching are for 'in a move that surprised many legal observers, one of pluto's leading public-interest groups yesterday sued the international astronomical union after the iau declassified pluto as one of the nine "classical" planets that circles the sun'
+Searching is for 'in a move that surprised many legal observers, one of pluto's leading public-interest groups yesterday sued the international astronomical union after the iau declassified pluto as one of the nine "classical" planets that circles the sun'
+Searching are for 'in a move that surprised many legal observers, one of pluto's leading public-interest groups yesterday sued the international astronomical union after the iau declassified pluto as one of the nine "classical" planets that circles the sun'
+||||vh||||Pluto has so many public interest groups that -one- of them is 'leading' ?||||
+Searching is for pluto has so many public interest groups that -one- of them is 'leading'
+Searching are for pluto has so many public interest groups that -one- of them is 'leading'
+||||Penguin||||got a link to that story? :P||||
+Searching is for got a link to that story? :p
+Searching are for got a link to that story? :p
+Searching is for got a link to that story? :p
+Searching are for got a link to that story? :p
+Searching is for http://blog.washingtonpost.com/benchconference/2006/08/pluto_loses_designation_sues_i.html
+Searching are for http://blog.washingtonpost.com/benchconference/2006/08/pluto_loses_designation_sues_i.html
+Searching is for http://blog.washingtonpost.com/benchconference/2006/08/pluto_loses_designation_sues_i.html
+Searching are for http://blog.washingtonpost.com/benchconference/2006/08/pluto_loses_designation_sues_i.html
+||||vh||||' The lead scientist on Nasa's robotic mission to Pluto has slammed the International Astronomical Union ruling to strip Pluto of its planet status. '||||
+Searching is for ' the lead scientist on nasa's robotic mission to pluto has slammed the international astronomical union ruling to strip pluto of its planet status. '
+Searching are for ' the lead scientist on nasa's robotic mission to pluto has slammed the international astronomical union ruling to strip pluto of its planet status. '
+Searching is for ' the lead scientist on nasa's robotic mission to pluto has slammed the international astronomical union ruling to strip pluto of its planet status. '
+Searching are for ' the lead scientist on nasa's robotic mission to pluto has slammed the international astronomical union ruling to strip pluto of its planet status. '
+||||vh||||(different article)||||
+Searching is for (different article)
+Searching are for (different article)
+Searching is for (different article)
+Searching are for (different article)
+||||dha||||well, it was a nice idea, anyway...||||
+Searching is for it was a nice idea ...
+Searching are for it was a nice idea ...
+Searching is for it was a nice idea
+Searching are for it was a nice idea
+||||dha||||ENTERTAIN ME, PEASANTS!||||
+Searching is for entertain dha, peasants!
+Searching are for entertain dha, peasants!
+Searching is for entertain dha, peasants
+Searching are for entertain dha, peasants
+Searching is for meh.
+Searching are for meh.
+Searching is for meh
+Searching are for meh
+||||gefilte||||DID YOU SEE HIM REPRESSING ME?!?||||
+Searching is for did you see him repressing gefilte?!
+Searching are for did you see him repressing gefilte?!
+Searching is for did you see him repressing gefilte
+Searching are for did you see him repressing gefilte
+Searching is for eh
+Searching are for eh
+Searching is for eh
+Searching are for eh
+||||Masque||||Then you can... COME AND SEE THE VIOLINS INHERENT IN THE SYSTEM||||
+Searching is for then you can... come and see the violins inherent in the system
+Searching are for then you can... come and see the violins inherent in the system
+Searching is for then you can... come and see the violins inherent in the system
+Searching are for then you can... come and see the violins inherent in the system
+||||Schwern||||They made a cartoon out of The Boondocks. Its CRAZY||||
+Searching is for they made a cartoon out of the boondocks. its crazy
+Searching are for they made a cartoon out of the boondocks. its crazy
+Searching is for they made a cartoon out of the boondocks. its crazy
+Searching are for they made a cartoon out of the boondocks. its crazy
+||||dha||||oh yeah. I saw an episode. wacky shit||||
+Searching is for yeah. dha saw an episode. wacky shit
+Searching are for yeah. dha saw an episode. wacky shit
+Searching is for yeah. dha saw an episode. wacky shit
+Searching are for yeah. dha saw an episode. wacky shit
+||||gefilte||||Masque-- # that was truly awful||||
+Searching is for masque-- # that was truly awful
+Searching are for masque-- # that was truly awful
+Searching is for masque-- # that was truly awful
+Searching are for masque-- # that was truly awful
+||||dha||||masque++ # that was truly awful||||
+Searching is for masque++ # that was truly awful
+Searching are for masque++ # that was truly awful
+Searching is for masque++ # that was truly awful
+Searching are for masque++ # that was truly awful
+||||Penguin||||masque++ # that was truly awful, it reminded me of my boss :)||||
+Searching is for masque++ # that was truly awful, it reminded penguin of penguin's boss :)
+Searching are for masque++ # that was truly awful, it reminded penguin of penguin's boss :)
+Searching is for masque++ # that was truly awful, it reminded penguin of penguin's boss :)
+Searching are for masque++ # that was truly awful, it reminded penguin of penguin's boss :)
+||||Masque||||I had worse, but I toned it down.||||
+Searching is for masque had worse, but masque toned it down.
+Searching are for masque had worse, but masque toned it down.
+Searching is for masque had worse, but masque toned it down
+Searching are for masque had worse, but masque toned it down
+||||dha||||"WORSE? HOW COULD IT BE WORSE??"||||
+Searching is for "worse? how could it be worse??"
+Searching are for "worse? how could it be worse??"
+Searching is for "worse? how could it be worse??"
+Searching are for "worse? how could it be worse??"
+||||dha||||DON'T ANSWER THAT||||
+Searching is for don't answer that
+Searching are for don't answer that
+Searching is for don't answer that
+Searching are for don't answer that
+||||gefilte||||please, please don't||||
+Searching is for please, please don't
+Searching are for please, please don't
+Searching is for please, please don't
+Searching are for please, please don't
+||||Masque||||All right. I won't. If I did it'd just spawn more; that's the problem. Once a pun theme starts, you can't help but fiddle with it.||||
+Searching is for all right. masque won't. if masque did it'd just spawn more; that's the problem. once a pun theme starts, you can't help but fiddle with it.
+Searching are for all right. masque won't. if masque did it'd just spawn more; that's the problem. once a pun theme starts, you can't help but fiddle with it.
+Searching is for all right. masque won't. if masque did it'd just spawn more; that's the problem. once a pun theme starts, you can't help but fiddle with it
+Searching are for all right. masque won't. if masque did it'd just spawn more; that's the problem. once a pun theme starts, you can't help but fiddle with it
+||||gefilte||||don't get me wrong, I enjoy puns.||||
+Searching is for don't get gefilte wrong, gefilte enjoy puns.
+Searching are for don't get gefilte wrong, gefilte enjoy puns.
+Searching is for don't get gefilte wrong, gefilte enjoy puns
+Searching are for don't get gefilte wrong, gefilte enjoy puns
+||||gefilte||||but not all puns are concocted equally||||
+Searching is for not all puns are concocted equally
+Searching are for not all puns are concocted equally
+Searching are for not all puns
+set;;are;;not all puns;;concocted equally
+||||dha||||masque - BOW DOWN BEFORE ME, BITCH||||
+Searching is for masque - bow down before dha, bitch
+Searching are for masque - bow down before dha, bitch
+Searching is for masque - bow down before dha, bitch
+Searching are for masque - bow down before dha, bitch
+||||Masque||||I already used that one.||||
+Searching is for masque already used that one.
+Searching are for masque already used that one.
+Searching is for masque already used that one
+Searching are for masque already used that one
+||||Masque||||19:19 * Masque bows.||||
+Searching is for 19:19 * masque bows.
+Searching are for 19:19 * masque bows.
+Searching is for 19:19 * masque bows
+Searching are for 19:19 * masque bows
+||||dha||||oh. missed it. sorry.||||
+Searching is for missed it. sorry.
+Searching are for missed it. sorry.
+Searching is for missed it. sorry
+Searching are for missed it. sorry
+||||dha||||you f-hole.||||
+Searching is for you f-hole.
+Searching are for you f-hole.
+Searching is for you f-hole
+Searching are for you f-hole
+||||Masque||||It does! ||||
+Searching is for it does!
+Searching are for it does!
+Searching is for it does
+Searching are for it does
+||||dha||||that is one good thing about puns. if you can't think of a good one, you can go completely in the other direction...||||
+Searching is for that is one good thing about puns. if you can't think of a good one, you can go completely in the other direction...
+Searching are for that is one good thing about puns. if you can't think of a good one, you can go completely in the other direction...
+||||Masque||||Well. That's a bout enough of that. On we merrily scroll...||||
+Searching is for well. that's a about enough of that. on we merrily scroll...
+Searching are for well. that's a about enough of that. on we merrily scroll...
+Searching is for well. that's a about enough of that. on we merrily scroll
+Searching are for well. that's a about enough of that. on we merrily scroll
+Searching is for eh.
+Searching are for eh.
+Searching is for eh
+Searching are for eh
+Searching is for :-)
+Searching are for :-)
+Searching is for :-)
+Searching are for :-)
+||||dha||||is there really any Ponty in taking this further?||||
+Searching is for is there really any ponty in taking this further
+Searching are for is there really any ponty in taking this further
+Searching is for argh..
+Searching are for argh..
+Searching is for argh
+Searching are for argh
+Searching is for gah
+Searching are for gah
+Searching is for gah
+Searching are for gah
+||||dha||||although, granted, you probably aren't. :-)||||
+Searching is for although, granted, you probably aren't. :-)
+Searching are for although, granted, you probably aren't. :-)
+Searching is for although, granted, you probably aren't. :-)
+Searching are for although, granted, you probably aren't. :-)
+||||gefilte||||I was trying REALLY HARD to ignore it.||||
+Searching is for gefilte was trying really hard to ignore it.
+Searching are for gefilte was trying really hard to ignore it.
+Searching is for gefilte was trying really hard to ignore it
+Searching are for gefilte was trying really hard to ignore it
+||||dha||||good man||||
+Searching is for good man
+Searching are for good man
+Searching is for good man
+Searching are for good man
+||||vh||||I was saying boo-urns||||
+Searching is for vh was saying boo-urns
+Searching are for vh was saying boo-urns
+Searching is for vh was saying boo-urns
+Searching are for vh was saying boo-urns
+||||Masque||||To post to your journal, message me with "post: " and some text. To use a subject, do: "post: [Your Subject] Your post...."||||
+Searching is for to post to your journal, message masque with "post: " and some text. to use a subject, do: "post: [your subject] your post...."
+Searching are for to post to your journal, message masque with "post: " and some text. to use a subject, do: "post: [your subject] your post...."
+Searching is for to post to your journal, message masque with "post: " and some text. to use a subject, do: "post: [your subject] your post...."
+Searching are for to post to your journal, message masque with "post: " and some text. to use a subject, do: "post: [your subject] your post...."
+||||Masque||||Dear god.||||
+Searching is for dear god.
+Searching are for dear god.
+Searching is for dear god
+Searching are for dear god
+Searching is for s/g/g/
+Searching are for s/g/g/
+Searching is for s/g/g/
+Searching are for s/g/g/
+||||Masque||||I can post to LJ from ADIUM NOW?!||||
+Searching is for masque can post to lj from adium now?!
+Searching are for masque can post to lj from adium now?!
+Searching is for masque can post to lj from adium now
+Searching are for masque can post to lj from adium now
+||||Masque||||That's... delightful, and scary as hell.||||
+Searching is for that's... delightful, and scary as hell.
+Searching are for that's... delightful, and scary as hell.
+Searching is for that's... delightful, and scary as hell
+Searching are for that's... delightful, and scary as hell
+||||vh||||damn bloggers||||
+Searching is for damn bloggers
+Searching are for damn bloggers
+Searching is for damn bloggers
+Searching are for damn bloggers
+||||vh||||get off my lawn!||||
+Searching is for get off vh's lawn!
+Searching are for get off vh's lawn!
+Searching is for get off vh's lawn
+Searching are for get off vh's lawn
+||||Masque||||But first I must order ammunition.||||
+Searching is for first masque must order ammunition.
+Searching are for first masque must order ammunition.
+Searching is for first masque must order ammunition
+Searching are for first masque must order ammunition
+Searching is for got to get these mother fucking bloggers on adium
+Searching are for got to get these mother fucking bloggers on adium
+Searching is for got to get these mother fucking bloggers on adium
+Searching are for got to get these mother fucking bloggers on adium
+||||dha||||masque - eek||||
+Searching is for masque - eek
+Searching are for masque - eek
+Searching is for masque - eek
+Searching are for masque - eek
+||||dorian||||whoa back||||
+Searching is for whoa back
+Searching are for whoa back
+Searching is for whoa back
+Searching are for whoa back
+||||dorian||||speaking of which||||
+Searching is for speaking of which
+Searching are for speaking of which
+Searching is for speaking of which
+Searching are for speaking of which
+||||dorian||||(the ghetto answer to foocamp)||||
+Searching is for (the ghetto answer to foocamp)
+Searching are for (the ghetto answer to foocamp)
+Searching is for (the ghetto answer to foocamp)
+Searching are for (the ghetto answer to foocamp)
+||||dha||||there's a bar camp on now?||||
+Searching is for there's a bar camp on now
+Searching are for there's a bar camp on now
+Searching is for there's a bar camp on now
+Searching are for there's a bar camp on now
+||||dorian||||in vancouver||||
+Searching is for in vancouver
+Searching are for in vancouver
+Searching is for in vancouver
+Searching are for in vancouver
+||||dorian||||i'ma talk about rdf||||
+Searching is for dorian'ma talk about rdf
+Searching are for dorian'ma talk about rdf
+Searching is for dorian'ma talk about rdf
+Searching are for dorian'ma talk about rdf
+Searching is for ah.
+Searching are for ah.
+Searching is for ah
+Searching are for ah
+||||dha||||have fun||||
+Searching is for have fun
+Searching are for have fun
+Searching is for have fun
+Searching are for have fun
+Searching is for rdf++
+Searching are for rdf++
+Searching is for rdf++
+Searching are for rdf++
+Searching is for totally
+Searching are for totally
+Searching is for totally
+Searching are for totally
+||||dorian||||it's too badp eople don't know more about it||||
+Searching is for it's too badp eople don't know more about it
+Searching are for it's too badp eople don't know more about it
+Searching is for it's too badp eople don't know more about it
+Searching are for it's too badp eople don't know more about it
+||||gefilte||||yeah, as long as robots and daleks are the only ones to know about it, there will not be mass adoption||||
+Searching is for yeah, as long as robots and daleks are the only ones to know about it, there will not be mass adoption
+Searching are for yeah, as long as robots and daleks are the only ones to know about it, there will not be mass adoption
+Searching are for yeah, as long as robots and daleks
+set;;are;;yeah, as long as robots and daleks;;the only ones to know about it, there will not be mass adoption
+Searching is for ;)
+Searching are for ;)
+Searching is for ;)
+Searching are for ;)
+Searching is for
+Searching are for
+Searching is for
+Searching are for
+||||dorian||||well, it's more like maintaining it is a colossal pain in the ass||||
+Searching is for it's more like maintaining it is a colossal pain in the ass
+Searching are for it's more like maintaining it is a colossal pain in the ass
+||||gefilte||||the post: business.. you were quoting something||||
+Searching is for the post: business.. you were quoting something
+Searching are for the post: business.. you were quoting something
+Searching is for post: business.. you were quoting something
+Searching are for post: business.. you were quoting something
+||||Masque||||Oh. It's a service. I think it's probably jabber-based. Pull down Adium, try it out. http://beta.adiumx.com||||
+Searching is for it's a service. masque think it's probably jabber-based. pull down adium, try it out. http://beta.adiumx.com
+Searching are for it's a service. masque think it's probably jabber-based. pull down adium, try it out. http://beta.adiumx.com
+Searching is for it's a service. masque think it's probably jabber-based. pull down adium, try it out. http://beta.adiumx.com
+Searching are for it's a service. masque think it's probably jabber-based. pull down adium, try it out. http://beta.adiumx.com
+||||dha||||I don't know. those daleks can't keep their speech synthesis to themselves most of the time.||||
+Searching is for dha don't know. those daleks can't keep their speech synthesis to themselves most of the time.
+Searching are for dha don't know. those daleks can't keep their speech synthesis to themselves most of the time.
+Searching is for dha don't know. those daleks can't keep their speech synthesis to themselves most of the time
+Searching are for dha don't know. those daleks can't keep their speech synthesis to themselves most of the time
+||||gefilte||||I am using Adium.... though not the beta.||||
+Searching is for gefilte is using adium.... though not the beta.
+Searching are for gefilte is using adium.... though not the beta.
+Searching is for gefilte
+set;;is;;gefilte;;using Adium.... though not the beta.
+||||Masque||||Yes. I pasted the help text from Frank, the LJ Post Bot.||||
+Searching is for yes. masque pasted the help text from frank, the lj post bot.
+Searching are for yes. masque pasted the help text from frank, the lj post bot.
+Searching is for yes. masque pasted the help text from frank, the lj post bot
+Searching are for yes. masque pasted the help text from frank, the lj post bot
+Searching is for goat
+Searching are for goat
+Searching is for goat
+Searching are for goat
+||||Masque||||1.0b9 is not shitty.||||
+Searching is for 1.0b9 is not shitty.
+Searching are for 1.0b9 is not shitty.
+Searching is for 1.0b9
+set;;is;;1.0b9;;not shitty.
+||||Masque||||Yes. He's also a postbot now!||||
+Searching is for yes. he's also a postbot now!
+Searching are for yes. he's also a postbot now!
+Searching is for yes. he's also a postbot now
+Searching are for yes. he's also a postbot now
+||||Masque||||I have a goathack account. I wonder if I remember the password.||||
+Searching is for masque has a goathack account. masque wonder if masque remember the password.
+Searching are for masque has a goathack account. masque wonder if masque remember the password.
+Searching is for masque has a goathack account. masque wonder if masque remember the password
+Searching are for masque has a goathack account. masque wonder if masque remember the password
+||||dha||||yep, b9||||
+Searching is for yep, b9
+Searching are for yep, b9
+Searching is for yep, b9
+Searching are for yep, b9
+||||dha||||hm. apparently now it *is* time to go home.||||
+Searching is for apparently now it *is* time to go home.
+Searching are for apparently now it *is* time to go home.
+Searching is for apparently now it *is* time to go home
+Searching are for apparently now it *is* time to go home
+Searching is for macosx++
+Searching are for macosx++
+Searching is for macosx++
+Searching are for macosx++
+Searching is for macosx
+Searching are for macosx
+Searching is for macosx
+Searching are for macosx
+||||Masque||||macosx-- (Mac OS X)++||||
+Searching is for macosx-- (mac os x)++
+Searching are for macosx-- (mac os x)++
+Searching is for macosx-- (mac os x)++
+Searching are for macosx-- (mac os x)++
+++;;mac os x
+||||gefilte||||no purl, macosx is to operating systems as democracy is to Churchill||||
+Searching is for macosx is to operating systems as democracy is to churchill
+Searching are for macosx is to operating systems as democracy is to churchill
+Searching is for macosx
+set;;is;;macosx;;to operating systems as democracy is to Churchill
+||||gefilte||||"Mac OS X"||||
+Searching is for "mac os x"
+Searching are for "mac os x"
+Searching is for "mac os x"
+Searching are for "mac os x"
+||||Masque||||literal mac os x||||
+Searching is for mac os x
+Searching are for mac os x
+Searching is for mac os x
+Searching are for mac os x
+||||Masque||||Well, someone's bitter.||||
+Searching is for someone's bitter.
+Searching are for someone's bitter.
+Searching is for someone's bitter
+Searching are for someone's bitter
+||||Masque||||In fact, I have a good idea as to who it is.||||
+Searching is for in fact, masque has a good idea as toit is.
+Searching are for in fact, masque has a good idea as toit is.
+Searching is for in fact, masque has a good idea as toit is
+Searching are for in fact, masque has a good idea as toit is
+||||Masque||||And the logs to grep if I really care.||||
+Searching is for the logs to grep if masque really care.
+Searching are for the logs to grep if masque really care.
+Searching is for logs to grep if masque really care
+Searching are for logs to grep if masque really care
+Searching is for cookies++
+Searching are for cookies++
+Searching is for cookies++
+Searching are for cookies++
+Searching is for `
+Searching are for `
+Searching is for `
+Searching are for `
+||||mako132_||||Anyone else watching Cheetah Girls 2? No? Good, then there's hope for this world||||
+Searching is for anyone else watching cheetah girls 2? no? good, then there's hope for this world
+Searching are for anyone else watching cheetah girls 2? no? good, then there's hope for this world
+Searching is for anyone else watching cheetah girls 2? no? good, then there's hope for this world
+Searching are for anyone else watching cheetah girls 2? no? good, then there's hope for this world
+||||steven||||I hang out on another IRC network, and some BBS, and people are fucking idiots||||
+Searching is for steven hang out on another irc network, and some bbs, and people are fucking idiots
+Searching are for steven hang out on another irc network, and some bbs, and people are fucking idiots
+||||steven||||good fucking god, thank the lord for other places like this||||
+Searching is for good fucking god, thank the lord for other places like this
+Searching are for good fucking god, thank the lord for other places like this
+Searching is for good fucking god, thank the lord for other places like this
+Searching are for good fucking god, thank the lord for other places like this
+||||crab||||places like this... where people aren't fucking idiots?||||
+Searching is for places like this...people aren't fucking idiots
+Searching are for places like this...people aren't fucking idiots
+Searching is for places like this...people aren't fucking idiots
+Searching are for places like this...people aren't fucking idiots
+Searching is for quite
+Searching are for quite
+Searching is for quite
+Searching are for quite
+Searching is for that's...
+Searching are for that's...
+Searching is for that's
+Searching are for that's
+||||Masque||||...a huge compliment, thank you, I think.||||
+Searching is for ...a huge compliment, thank you, masque think.
+Searching are for ...a huge compliment, thank you, masque think.
+Searching is for ...a huge compliment, thank you, masque think
+Searching are for ...a huge compliment, thank you, masque think
+||||steven||||the low is pretty low it seems||||
+Searching is for the low is pretty low it seems
+Searching are for the low is pretty low it seems
+Searching is for low
+set;;is;;low;;pretty low it seems
+||||steven||||I've been on IRC for 13 years now, only the 'fringe' networks are of any use||||
+Searching is for steven has been on irc for 13 years now, only the 'fringe' networks are of any use
+Searching are for steven has been on irc for 13 years now, only the 'fringe' networks are of any use
+||||Masque||||Yeah. ||||
+Searching is for yeah.
+Searching are for yeah.
+Searching is for yeah
+Searching are for yeah
+||||Masque||||Ye Gods. Has it been that long?||||
+Searching is for ye gods. has it been that long
+Searching are for ye gods. has it been that long
+Searching is for ye gods. has it been that long
+Searching are for ye gods. has it been that long
+||||steven||||longer, I was a late starter||||
+Searching is for longer, steven was a late starter
+Searching are for longer, steven was a late starter
+Searching is for longer, steven was a late starter
+Searching are for longer, steven was a late starter
+||||Masque||||I wasn't talking about you. ;)||||
+Searching is for masque wasn't talking about you. ;)
+Searching are for masque wasn't talking about you. ;)
+Searching is for masque wasn't talking about you. ;)
+Searching are for masque wasn't talking about you. ;)
+||||crab||||i've been on irc for twenty five years now!||||
+Searching is for crab has been on irc for twenty five years now!
+Searching are for crab has been on irc for twenty five years now!
+Searching is for crab has been on irc for twenty five years now
+Searching are for crab has been on irc for twenty five years now
+||||Masque||||Aren't you sleepy?||||
+Searching is for aren't you sleepy
+Searching are for aren't you sleepy
+Searching is for aren't you sleepy
+Searching are for aren't you sleepy
+||||steven||||I want your time machine for serious reasons||||
+Searching is for steven want your time machine for serious reasons
+Searching are for steven want your time machine for serious reasons
+Searching is for steven want your time machine for serious reasons
+Searching are for steven want your time machine for serious reasons
+||||crab||||i remember back when irc could only transport finnish conversations.||||
+Searching is for crab remember back when irc could only transport finnish conversations.
+Searching are for crab remember back when irc could only transport finnish conversations.
+Searching is for crab remember back when irc could only transport finnish conversations
+Searching are for crab remember back when irc could only transport finnish conversations
+||||steven||||and wasn't it mad to see scandivian vowels as braces and shit? :)||||
+Searching is for wasn't it mad to see scandivian vowels as braces and shit? :)
+Searching are for wasn't it mad to see scandivian vowels as braces and shit? :)
+Searching is for wasn't it mad to see scandivian vowels as braces and shit? :)
+Searching are for wasn't it mad to see scandivian vowels as braces and shit? :)
+||||crab||||if you squinted a little, they looked okay||||
+Searching is for if you squinted a little, they looked okay
+Searching are for if you squinted a little, they looked okay
+Searching is for if you squinted a little, they looked okay
+Searching are for if you squinted a little, they looked okay
+||||steven||||they was still braces||||
+Searching is for they was still braces
+Searching are for they was still braces
+Searching is for they was still braces
+Searching are for they was still braces
+Searching is for arovane++
+Searching are for arovane++
+Searching is for arovane++
+Searching are for arovane++
+||||vh||||what's the most entertaining thing on the internet right now ||||
+Searching is for is the most entertaining thing on the internet right now
+Searching are for is the most entertaining thing on the internet right now
+Searching is for most entertaining thing on the internet right now
+Searching is for dongs
+Searching are for dongs
+Searching is for dongs
+Searching are for dongs
+||||vh||||o rly...||||
+Searching is for o rly...
+Searching are for o rly...
+Searching is for o rly
+Searching are for o rly
+||||marnanel||||if I have a bunch of subs in a file, and there's no classes or anything going on, is it easy given a string to return a coderef of the sub which has that name, or undef if there isn't one? Like UNIVERSAL::can does, but not with classes.||||
+Searching is for if marnanel has a bunch of subs in a file, and there's no classes or anything going on, is it easy given a string to return a coderef of the sub which has that name, or undef if there isn't one? like universal::can does, but not with classes.
+Searching are for if marnanel has a bunch of subs in a file, and there's no classes or anything going on, is it easy given a string to return a coderef of the sub which has that name, or undef if there isn't one? like universal::can does, but not with classes.
+||||marnanel||||Or maybe I need to use classes an' stuff.||||
+Searching is for maybe marnanel need to use classes an' stuff.
+Searching are for maybe marnanel need to use classes an' stuff.
+Searching is for maybe marnanel need to use classes an' stuff
+Searching are for maybe marnanel need to use classes an' stuff
+||||confound||||they're all in a package namespace, even if it's main::||||
+Searching is for they're all in a package namespace, even if it's main::
+Searching are for they're all in a package namespace, even if it's main::
+Searching is for they're all in a package namespace, even if it's main::
+Searching are for they're all in a package namespace, even if it's main::
+||||marnanel||||so, what, I should look it up in %main:: and get a symbol table reference, then local that...?||||
+Searching is for so, what, marnanel should look it up in %main:: and get a symbol table reference, then local that...
+Searching are for so, what, marnanel should look it up in %main:: and get a symbol table reference, then local that...
+Searching is for so, what, marnanel should look it up in %main:: and get a symbol table reference, then local that
+Searching are for so, what, marnanel should look it up in %main:: and get a symbol table reference, then local that
+||||marnanel||||AND PROUD||||
+Searching is for proud
+Searching are for proud
+Searching is for proud
+Searching are for proud
+||||marnanel||||Oh, I guess I could bless something into main and then can that!||||
+Searching is for marnanel guess marnanel could bless something into main and then can that!
+Searching are for marnanel guess marnanel could bless something into main and then can that!
+Searching is for marnanel guess marnanel could bless something into main and then can that
+Searching are for marnanel guess marnanel could bless something into main and then can that
+Searching is for wooooo.
+Searching are for wooooo.
+Searching is for wooooo
+Searching are for wooooo
+Searching is for main->can("subname")->(@args)
+Searching are for main->can("subname")->(@args)
+Searching is for main->can("subname")->(@args)
+Searching are for main->can("subname")->(@args)
+||||marnanel||||you can do that? okay, now I feel dumb. I was making it far too hard for myself.||||
+Searching is for you can do that? okay, now marnanel feel dumb. marnanel was making it far too hard for marnanel.
+Searching are for you can do that? okay, now marnanel feel dumb. marnanel was making it far too hard for marnanel.
+Searching is for you can do that? okay, now marnanel feel dumb. marnanel was making it far too hard for marnanel
+Searching are for you can do that? okay, now marnanel feel dumb. marnanel was making it far too hard for marnanel
+||||marnanel||||thank you a bunch.||||
+Searching is for thank you a bunch.
+Searching are for thank you a bunch.
+Searching is for thank you a bunch
+Searching are for thank you a bunch
+||||confound||||yeah, can works on classes||||
+Searching is for yeah, can works on classes
+Searching are for yeah, can works on classes
+Searching is for yeah, can works on classes
+Searching are for yeah, can works on classes
+Searching is for confound++
+Searching are for confound++
+Searching is for confound++
+Searching are for confound++
+||||mjd||||Hi, Dieter.||||
+Searching is for hi, dieter.
+Searching are for hi, dieter.
+Searching is for hi, dieter
+Searching are for hi, dieter
+Searching is for mooooo.
+Searching are for mooooo.
+Searching is for mooooo
+Searching are for mooooo
+||||mjd||||Hi, meng.||||
+Searching is for hi, meng.
+Searching are for hi, meng.
+Searching is for hi, meng
+Searching are for hi, meng
+Searching is for peripherally.
+Searching are for peripherally.
+Searching is for peripherally
+Searching are for peripherally
+||||mjd||||I was a lot more closely involved with the 2004 bid to hold it in Bryn Mawr.||||
+Searching is for mjd was a lot more closely involved with the 2004 bid to hold it in bryn mawr.
+Searching are for mjd was a lot more closely involved with the 2004 bid to hold it in bryn mawr.
+Searching is for mjd was a lot more closely involved with the 2004 bid to hold it in bryn mawr
+Searching are for mjd was a lot more closely involved with the 2004 bid to hold it in bryn mawr
+||||mjd||||I wouldn't have been able to follow through on the bid anyway. Iris was born that summer.||||
+Searching is for mjd wouldn't have been able to follow through on the bid . iris was born that summer.
+Searching are for mjd wouldn't have been able to follow through on the bid . iris was born that summer.
+Searching is for mjd wouldn't have been able to follow through on the bid . iris was born that summer
+Searching are for mjd wouldn't have been able to follow through on the bid . iris was born that summer
+||||mjd||||I didn't even make it to Buffalo.||||
+Searching is for mjd didn't even make it to buffalo.
+Searching are for mjd didn't even make it to buffalo.
+Searching is for mjd didn't even make it to buffalo
+Searching are for mjd didn't even make it to buffalo
+Searching is for ow.
+Searching are for ow.
+Searching is for ow
+Searching are for ow
+||||mjd||||Whenever I see someone pushing a twin stroller, I mutter something about being glad we don't have twins. Having triplets would have been such a calamity I can't even imagine it.||||
+Searching is for whenever mjd see someone pushing a twin stroller, mjd mutter something about being glad we don't have twins. having triplets would have been such a calamity mjd can't even imagine it.
+Searching are for whenever mjd see someone pushing a twin stroller, mjd mutter something about being glad we don't have twins. having triplets would have been such a calamity mjd can't even imagine it.
+Searching is for whenever mjd see someone pushing a twin stroller, mjd mutter something about being glad we don't have twins. having triplets would have been such a calamity mjd can't even imagine it
+Searching are for whenever mjd see someone pushing a twin stroller, mjd mutter something about being glad we don't have twins. having triplets would have been such a calamity mjd can't even imagine it
+||||mjd||||That's good.||||
+Searching is for that's good.
+Searching are for that's good.
+Searching is for that's good
+Searching are for that's good
+||||Masque||||Bugfix, maybe.||||
+Searching is for bugfix, maybe.
+Searching are for bugfix, maybe.
+Searching is for bugfix, maybe
+Searching are for bugfix, maybe
+Searching is for daft punk released an album last year. why was masque not told
+Searching are for daft punk released an album last year. why was masque not told
+Searching is for daft punk released an album last year. why was masque not told
+Searching are for daft punk released an album last year. why was masque not told
+||||dha||||Well, in my case, it's because I didn't know either.||||
+Searching is for in dha's case, it's because dha didn't know either.
+Searching are for in dha's case, it's because dha didn't know either.
+Searching is for in dha's case, it's because dha didn't know either
+Searching are for in dha's case, it's because dha didn't know either
+||||Oloryn_||||'Daft Punk' describes an awful lot of people||||
+Searching is for 'daft punk' describes an awful lot of people
+Searching are for 'daft punk' describes an awful lot of people
+Searching is for 'daft punk' describes an awful lot of people
+Searching are for 'daft punk' describes an awful lot of people
+||||dha||||masque - shiny! http://flickr.com/photos/ptmpsiat/224958832/||||
+Searching is for masque - shiny! http://flickr.com/photos/ptmpsiat/224958832/
+Searching are for masque - shiny! http://flickr.com/photos/ptmpsiat/224958832/
+Searching is for masque - shiny! http://flickr.com/photos/ptmpsiat/224958832/
+Searching are for masque - shiny! http://flickr.com/photos/ptmpsiat/224958832/
+||||Masque||||I CLICK NOW||||
+Searching is for masque click now
+Searching are for masque click now
+Searching is for masque click now
+Searching are for masque click now
+Searching is for s/punk//i;
+Searching are for s/punk//i;
+Searching is for s/punk//i;
+Searching are for s/punk//i;
+Searching is for w00t
+Searching are for w00t
+Searching is for w00t
+Searching are for w00t
+||||Masque||||ooooh, sleeve with flap'n'strap.||||
+Searching is for sleeve with flap'n'strap.
+Searching are for sleeve with flap'n'strap.
+Searching is for sleeve with flap'n'strap
+Searching are for sleeve with flap'n'strap
+Searching is for yip
+Searching are for yip
+Searching is for yip
+Searching are for yip
+||||Masque||||When I got my sleeve, there were no options. ||||
+Searching is for when masque got masque's sleeve, there were no options.
+Searching are for when masque got masque's sleeve, there were no options.
+Searching is for when masque got masque's sleeve, there were no options
+Searching are for when masque got masque's sleeve, there were no options
+||||Masque||||I wanted a handle, but to no avail.||||
+Searching is for masque wanted a handle, but to no avail.
+Searching are for masque wanted a handle, but to no avail.
+Searching is for masque wanted a handle, but to no avail
+Searching are for masque wanted a handle, but to no avail
+||||dha||||ah. I lucked out then.||||
+Searching is for ah. dha lucked out then.
+Searching are for ah. dha lucked out then.
+Searching is for ah. dha lucked out then
+Searching are for ah. dha lucked out then
+||||Masque||||This likely had something to do with my getting a sleeve the moment they were introduced, but hey.||||
+Searching is for this likely had something to do with masque's getting a sleeve the moment they were introduced, but hey.
+Searching are for this likely had something to do with masque's getting a sleeve the moment they were introduced, but hey.
+Searching is for this likely had something to do with masque's getting a sleeve the moment they were introduced, but hey
+Searching are for this likely had something to do with masque's getting a sleeve the moment they were introduced, but hey
+||||dha||||hey, you know... they'll add stuff if you send it back to them, you know.||||
+Searching is for you know... they'll add stuff if you send it back to them, you know.
+Searching are for you know... they'll add stuff if you send it back to them, you know.
+Searching is for you know... they'll add stuff if you send it back to them, you know
+Searching are for you know... they'll add stuff if you send it back to them, you know
+||||Masque||||Well, there were two in that shipment. I bought one. ||||
+Searching is for there were two in that shipment. masque bought one.
+Searching are for there were two in that shipment. masque bought one.
+Searching is for there were two in that shipment. masque bought one
+Searching are for there were two in that shipment. masque bought one
+Searching is for http://www.sfbags.com/questions.htm#4
+Searching are for http://www.sfbags.com/questions.htm#4
+Searching is for http://www.sfbags.com/questions.htm#4
+Searching are for http://www.sfbags.com/questions.htm#4
+Searching is for oh.
+Searching are for oh.
+Searching is for oh
+Searching are for oh
+Searching is for wow.
+Searching are for wow.
+Searching is for wow
+Searching are for wow
+Searching is for cool.
+Searching are for cool.
+Searching is for cool
+Searching are for cool
+||||Masque||||But no handle?||||
+Searching is for no handle
+Searching are for no handle
+Searching is for no handle
+Searching are for no handle
+||||dha||||no. the sleeve doesn't have a handle, even as an option. flap, shoulder strap and piggyback.||||
+Searching is for no. the sleeve doesn't have a handle, even as an option. flap, shoulder strap and piggyback.
+Searching are for no. the sleeve doesn't have a handle, even as an option. flap, shoulder strap and piggyback.
+Searching is for no. the sleeve doesn't have a handle, even as an option. flap, shoulder strap and piggyback
+Searching are for no. the sleeve doesn't have a handle, even as an option. flap, shoulder strap and piggyback
+||||dha||||unless I missed something||||
+Searching is for unless dha missed something
+Searching are for unless dha missed something
+Searching is for unless dha missed something
+Searching are for unless dha missed something
+||||Masque||||It used to.||||
+Searching is for it used to.
+Searching are for it used to.
+Searching is for it used to
+Searching are for it used to
+||||Masque||||After I got mine, and before yours!||||
+Searching is for after masque got mine, and before yours!
+Searching are for after masque got mine, and before yours!
+Searching is for after masque got mine, and before yours
+Searching are for after masque got mine, and before yours
+||||Masque||||Holy crap! Searching for "Dust in the Wind" on iTunes reveals more covers than I can count.||||
+Searching is for holy crap! searching for "dust in the wind" on itunes reveals more covers than masque can count.
+Searching are for holy crap! searching for "dust in the wind" on itunes reveals more covers than masque can count.
+Searching is for holy crap! searching for "dust in the wind" on itunes reveals more covers than masque can count
+Searching are for holy crap! searching for "dust in the wind" on itunes reveals more covers than masque can count
+||||dha||||Those bastards! They gave Kennyt a handle!||||
+Searching is for those bastards! they gave kennyt a handle!
+Searching are for those bastards! they gave kennyt a handle!
+Searching is for those bastards! they gave kennyt a handle
+Searching are for those bastards! they gave kennyt a handle
+||||Masque||||Oh, wait. 49. I can count.||||
+Searching is for wait. 49. masque can count.
+Searching are for wait. 49. masque can count.
+Searching is for wait. 49. masque can count
+Searching are for wait. 49. masque can count
+||||Masque||||49 versions. Not all are covers.||||
+Searching is for 49 versions. not all are covers.
+Searching are for 49 versions. not all are covers.
+Searching are for 49 versions. not all
+set;;are;;49 versions. not all;;covers.
+||||dha||||which raises a question I had on my mind the other day. What genre of music would you call Kansas?||||
+Searching is for which raises a question dha had on dha's mind the other day.genre of music would you call kansas
+Searching are for which raises a question dha had on dha's mind the other day.genre of music would you call kansas
+Searching is for which raises a question dha had on dha's mind the other day.genre of music would you call kansas
+Searching are for which raises a question dha had on dha's mind the other day.genre of music would you call kansas
+||||Masque||||Cover Band Material, evidently.||||
+Searching is for cover band material, evidently.
+Searching are for cover band material, evidently.
+Searching is for cover band material, evidently
+Searching are for cover band material, evidently
+||||freeside||||okay. what's the short story where the evil computer gains intelligence and takes over the house and starts writing the SF author's stories for him, and nobody knows?||||
+Searching is for is the short story where the evil computer gains intelligence and takes over the house and starts writing the sf author's stories for him, and nobody knows
+Searching are for is the short story where the evil computer gains intelligence and takes over the house and starts writing the sf author's stories for him, and nobody knows
+Searching is for short story where the evil computer gains intelligence and takes over the house and starts writing the sf author's stories for him, and nobody knows
+||||dha||||Well, yes, the original *does* exist. :-)||||
+Searching is for yes, the original *does* exist. :-)
+Searching are for yes, the original *does* exist. :-)
+Searching is for yes, the original *does* exist. :-)
+Searching are for yes, the original *does* exist. :-)
+||||Masque||||Holy HOLY crap. Some are GREAT.||||
+Searching is for holy holy crap. some are great.
+Searching are for holy holy crap. some are great.
+Searching are for holy holy crap. some
+set;;are;;holy holy crap. some;;GREAT.
+||||freeside||||was that asimov? bradbury?||||
+Searching is for was that asimov? bradbury
+Searching are for was that asimov? bradbury
+Searching is for was that asimov? bradbury
+Searching are for was that asimov? bradbury
+||||Masque||||...and here's a 12 minute lounge-new-age version. Please shoot me.||||
+Searching is for ...and here's a 12 minute lounge-new-age version. please shoot masque.
+Searching are for ...and here's a 12 minute lounge-new-age version. please shoot masque.
+Searching is for ...and here's a 12 minute lounge-new-age version. please shoot masque
+Searching are for ...and here's a 12 minute lounge-new-age version. please shoot masque
+||||DrForr||||Brian Herbert, and it isn't a story.||||
+Searching is for brian herbert, and it isn't a story.
+Searching are for brian herbert, and it isn't a story.
+Searching is for brian herbert, and it isn't a story
+Searching are for brian herbert, and it isn't a story
+Searching is for drforr++
+Searching are for drforr++
+Searching is for drforr++
+Searching are for drforr++
+||||dha||||It sounds like a cross between The Forbin Project and the last episode of the first season of The Twilight Zone||||
+Searching is for it sounds like a cross between the forbin project and the last episode of the first season of the twilight zone
+Searching are for it sounds like a cross between the forbin project and the last episode of the first season of the twilight zone
+Searching is for it sounds like a cross between the forbin project and the last episode of the first season of the twilight zone
+Searching are for it sounds like a cross between the forbin project and the last episode of the first season of the twilight zone
+||||DrForr||||duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuust in the wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiind||||
+Searching is for duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuust in the wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiind
+Searching are for duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuust in the wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiind
+Searching is for duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuust in the wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiind
+Searching are for duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuust in the wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiind
+||||Masque||||...get this...||||
+Searching is for ...get this...
+Searching are for ...get this...
+Searching is for ...get this
+Searching are for ...get this
+||||Masque||||...debit card!||||
+Searching is for ...debit card!
+Searching are for ...debit card!
+Searching is for ...debit card
+Searching are for ...debit card
+||||dha||||It just so happens that I really like that album, but DitW I am SO SICK OF.||||
+Searching is for it just so happens that dha really like that album, but ditw dha is so sick of.
+Searching are for it just so happens that dha really like that album, but ditw dha is so sick of.
+Searching is for yay!
+Searching are for yay!
+Searching is for yay
+Searching are for yay
+||||dha||||is that.. good?||||
+Searching is for is that.. good
+Searching are for is that.. good
+||||Masque||||SARAH BRIGHTMAN!?||||
+Searching is for sarah brightman!
+Searching are for sarah brightman!
+Searching is for sarah brightman
+Searching are for sarah brightman
+||||Masque||||What is this? Nature Boy II?||||
+Searching is for is this? nature boy ii
+Searching are for is this? nature boy ii
+Searching is for this? nature boy ii
+Searching is for
+Searching are for
+Searching is for
+Searching are for
+Searching is for http://phobos.apple.com/webobjects/mzstore.woa/wa/viewalbum?playlistid=24085261&s=143441&i=24085186
+Searching are for http://phobos.apple.com/webobjects/mzstore.woa/wa/viewalbum?playlistid=24085261&s=143441&i=24085186
+Searching is for http://phobos.apple.com/webobjects/mzstore.woa/wa/viewalbum?playlistid=24085261&s=143441&i=24085186
+Searching are for http://phobos.apple.com/webobjects/mzstore.woa/wa/viewalbum?playlistid=24085261&s=143441&i=24085186
+||||dha||||Sarah Brightman? as in I Lost My Heart to A Starship Trooper? or am I confused again?||||
+Searching is for sarah brightman? as in dha lost dha's heart to a starship trooper? or is dha confused again
+Searching are for sarah brightman? as in dha lost dha's heart to a starship trooper? or is dha confused again
+||||Masque||||shorten that||||
+Searching is for shorten that
+Searching are for shorten that
+Searching is for shorten that
+Searching are for shorten that
+||||Masque||||Sarah "I Used To Be Married To Andrew Lloyd Webber" Brightman||||
+Searching is for sarah "i used to be married to andrew lloyd webber" brightman
+Searching are for sarah "i used to be married to andrew lloyd webber" brightman
+Searching is for sarah "i used to be married to andrew lloyd webber" brightman
+Searching are for sarah "i used to be married to andrew lloyd webber" brightman
+||||Masque||||Todd Rundgren?!?||||
+Searching is for todd rundgren?!
+Searching are for todd rundgren?!
+Searching is for todd rundgren
+Searching are for todd rundgren
+||||Masque||||...and... his isn't a cover. ||||
+Searching is for ...and... his isn't a cover.
+Searching are for ...and... his isn't a cover.
+Searching is for ...and... his isn't a cover
+Searching are for ...and... his isn't a cover
+Searching is for figures.
+Searching are for figures.
+Searching is for figures
+Searching are for figures
+||||dha||||true. his predates the one by kansas||||
+Searching is for true. his predates the one by kansas
+Searching are for true. his predates the one by kansas
+Searching is for true. his predates the one by kansas
+Searching are for true. his predates the one by kansas
+||||dha||||It's off Something/Anything, iirc||||
+Searching is for it's off something/anything, iirc
+Searching are for it's off something/anything, iirc
+Searching is for it's off something/anything, iirc
+Searching are for it's off something/anything, iirc
+||||Masque||||Yeah. Chase offers it. Pretty neat. $65/year for $1/mile or $25/year for $2/mile. You get a $25 fare certificate either way.||||
+Searching is for yeah. chase offers it. pretty neat. $65/year for $1/mile or $25/year for $2/mile. you get a $25 fare certificate either way.
+Searching are for yeah. chase offers it. pretty neat. $65/year for $1/mile or $25/year for $2/mile. you get a $25 fare certificate either way.
+Searching is for yeah. chase offers it. pretty neat. $65/year for $1/mile or $25/year for $2/mile. you get a $25 fare certificate either way
+Searching are for yeah. chase offers it. pretty neat. $65/year for $1/mile or $25/year for $2/mile. you get a $25 fare certificate either way
+||||freeside||||are you guys recommending this album, or recommending against it?||||
+Searching is for are you guys recommending this album, or recommending against it
+Searching are for are you guys recommending this album, or recommending against it
+||||Masque||||Ah, cool.||||
+Searching is for ah, cool.
+Searching are for ah, cool.
+Searching is for ah, cool
+Searching are for ah, cool
+||||dha||||freeside - Something/Anything? definitely recommended. Sarah Brightman? not so much||||
+Searching is for freeside - something/anything? definitely recommended. sarah brightman? not so much
+Searching are for freeside - something/anything? definitely recommended. sarah brightman? not so much
+Searching is for freeside - something/anything? definitely recommended. sarah brightman? not so much
+Searching are for freeside - something/anything? definitely recommended. sarah brightman? not so much
+||||Masque||||The Sarah Brightman one? I am just flipping through covers of Dust in the Wind by Kansas, and that one caught my ear.||||
+Searching is for the sarah brightman one? masque is just flipping through covers of dust in the wind by kansas, and that one caught masque's ear.
+Searching are for the sarah brightman one? masque is just flipping through covers of dust in the wind by kansas, and that one caught masque's ear.
+Searching is for sarah brightman one? masque
+set;;is;;sarah brightman one? masque;;just flipping through covers of Dust in the Wind by Kansas, and that one caught Masque's ear.
+||||Masque||||I really like a lot of Sarah Brightman's work.||||
+Searching is for masque really like a lot of sarah brightman's work.
+Searching are for masque really like a lot of sarah brightman's work.
+Searching is for masque really like a lot of sarah brightman's work
+Searching are for masque really like a lot of sarah brightman's work
+||||freeside||||i like the idea of sarah brightman writhing while singing kama sutra.||||
+Searching is for freeside like the idea of sarah brightman writhing while singing kama sutra.
+Searching are for freeside like the idea of sarah brightman writhing while singing kama sutra.
+Searching is for freeside like the idea of sarah brightman writhing while singing kama sutra
+Searching are for freeside like the idea of sarah brightman writhing while singing kama sutra
+||||freeside||||actually, any two out of those three will do.||||
+Searching is for actually, any two out of those three will do.
+Searching are for actually, any two out of those three will do.
+Searching is for actually, any two out of those three will do
+Searching are for actually, any two out of those three will do
+||||freeside||||make that any one out of three.||||
+Searching is for make that any one out of three.
+Searching are for make that any one out of three.
+Searching is for make that any one out of three
+Searching are for make that any one out of three
+||||freeside||||i'll be in my bunk.||||
+Searching is for freeside'll be in freeside's bunk.
+Searching are for freeside'll be in freeside's bunk.
+Searching is for freeside'll be in freeside's bunk
+Searching are for freeside'll be in freeside's bunk
+||||dha||||"ah, forget the theme park"||||
+Searching is for "ah, forget the theme park"
+Searching are for "ah, forget the theme park"
+Searching is for "ah, forget the theme park"
+Searching are for "ah, forget the theme park"
+||||Masque||||freeside++ # I'll be in my bunk||||
+Searching is for freeside++ # masque'll be in masque's bunk
+Searching are for freeside++ # masque'll be in masque's bunk
+Searching is for freeside++ # masque'll be in masque's bunk
+Searching are for freeside++ # masque'll be in masque's bunk
+Searching is for ow!
+Searching are for ow!
+Searching is for ow
+Searching are for ow
+Searching is for sigh
+Searching are for sigh
+Searching is for sigh
+Searching are for sigh
+||||Masque||||100 yard silhouette shoot starts in 7 hours.||||
+Searching is for 100 yard silhouette shoot starts in 7 hours.
+Searching are for 100 yard silhouette shoot starts in 7 hours.
+Searching is for 100 yard silhouette shoot starts in 7 hours
+Searching are for 100 yard silhouette shoot starts in 7 hours
+||||Masque||||I have two hours left on this project.||||
+Searching is for masque has two hours left on this project.
+Searching are for masque has two hours left on this project.
+Searching is for masque has two hours left on this project
+Searching are for masque has two hours left on this project
+||||Masque||||Cruel priorities. ||||
+Searching is for cruel priorities.
+Searching are for cruel priorities.
+Searching is for cruel priorities
+Searching are for cruel priorities
+||||dha||||bah. who needs "sleep"?||||
+Searching is for bah.needs "sleep"
+Searching are for bah.needs "sleep"
+Searching is for bah.needs "sleep"
+Searching are for bah.needs "sleep"
+||||freeside||||i do.||||
+Searching is for freeside do.
+Searching are for freeside do.
+Searching is for freeside do
+Searching are for freeside do
+||||dha||||And I don't need you to ruffle the feathers of my peacock suit.||||
+Searching is for dha don't need you to ruffle the feathers of dha's peacock suit.
+Searching are for dha don't need you to ruffle the feathers of dha's peacock suit.
+Searching is for dha don't need you to ruffle the feathers of dha's peacock suit
+Searching are for dha don't need you to ruffle the feathers of dha's peacock suit
+||||dha||||(paul weller)++||||
+Searching is for (paul weller)++
+Searching are for (paul weller)++
+Searching is for (paul weller)++
+Searching are for (paul weller)++
+++;;paul weller
+||||DrForr||||No matter where you go...||||
+Searching is for no matteryou go...
+Searching are for no matteryou go...
+Searching is for no matteryou go
+Searching are for no matteryou go
+||||dha||||There I iz||||
+Searching is for there dha iz
+Searching are for there dha iz
+Searching is for there dha iz
+Searching are for there dha iz
+||||mako132_||||You are a figment of my imagination||||
+Searching is for you are a figment of mako132_'s imagination
+Searching are for you are a figment of mako132_'s imagination
+Searching are for you
+set;;are;;you;;a figment of mako132_'s imagination
+||||mako132_||||all of yous||||
+Searching is for all of yous
+Searching are for all of yous
+Searching is for all of yous
+Searching are for all of yous
+||||Masque||||(pet shop boys)++ # SUN! SEX! SIN! DIVINE INTERVENTION! DEATH, AND DESTRUCTION! Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Sodom and Gomorrah Show!||||
+Searching is for (pet shop boys)++ # sun! sex! sin! divine intervention! death, and destruction! ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the sodom and gomorrah show!
+Searching are for (pet shop boys)++ # sun! sex! sin! divine intervention! death, and destruction! ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the sodom and gomorrah show!
+Searching is for (pet shop boys)++ # sun! sex! sin! divine intervention! death, and destruction! ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the sodom and gomorrah show
+Searching are for (pet shop boys)++ # sun! sex! sin! divine intervention! death, and destruction! ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the sodom and gomorrah show
+++;;pet shop boys
+||||Masque||||Only PSB could so completely gay up the Old Testament. ||||
+Searching is for only psb could so completely gay up the old testament.
+Searching are for only psb could so completely gay up the old testament.
+Searching is for only psb could so completely gay up the old testament
+Searching are for only psb could so completely gay up the old testament
+||||Masque||||And have it be so great.||||
+Searching is for have it be so great.
+Searching are for have it be so great.
+Searching is for have it be so great
+Searching are for have it be so great
+Searching is for psb
+Searching are for psb
+Searching is for psb
+Searching are for psb
+Searching is for ah.
+Searching are for ah.
+Searching is for ah
+Searching are for ah
+Searching is for t perlif masque want to call method "id" without a package or object reference huh what then huh huh
+Searching are for t perlif masque want to call method "id" without a package or object reference huh what then huh huh
+Searching is for t perlif masque want to call method "id" without a package or object reference huh what then huh huh
+Searching are for t perlif masque want to call method "id" without a package or object reference huh what then huh huh
+||||dha||||never mine||||
+Searching is for never mine
+Searching are for never mine
+Searching is for never mine
+Searching are for never mine
+||||dha||||(washington squares) # Samson and Delilah - not gay but still cool||||
+Searching is for (washington squares) # samson and delilah - not gay but still cool
+Searching are for (washington squares) # samson and delilah - not gay but still cool
+Searching is for (washington squares) # samson and delilah - not gay but still cool
+Searching are for (washington squares) # samson and delilah - not gay but still cool
+||||dha||||you what now?||||
+Searching is for younow
+Searching are for younow
+Searching is for younow
+Searching are for younow
+||||buu||||He was asking you.||||
+Searching is for he was asking you.
+Searching are for he was asking you.
+Searching is for he was asking you
+Searching are for he was asking you
+Searching is for ññ
+Searching are for ññ
+Searching is for ññ
+Searching are for ññ
+||||buu||||You seemed to forget an operator in your previous line.||||
+Searching is for you seemed to forget an operator in your previous line.
+Searching are for you seemed to forget an operator in your previous line.
+Searching is for you seemed to forget an operator in your previous line
+Searching are for you seemed to forget an operator in your previous line
+||||dha||||oh. yes.||||
+Searching is for yes.
+Searching are for yes.
+Searching is for yes
+Searching are for yes
+||||dha||||(washington squares)++ # Samson and Delilah - not gay but still cool||||
+Searching is for (washington squares)++ # samson and delilah - not gay but still cool
+Searching are for (washington squares)++ # samson and delilah - not gay but still cool
+Searching is for (washington squares)++ # samson and delilah - not gay but still cool
+Searching are for (washington squares)++ # samson and delilah - not gay but still cool
+++;;washington squares
+||||dha||||clearly I was just testing you. well done.||||
+Searching is for clearly dha was just testing you. well done.
+Searching are for clearly dha was just testing you. well done.
+Searching is for clearly dha was just testing you. well done
+Searching are for clearly dha was just testing you. well done
+||||DrForr||||Hmm. The MacBook speakers *are* better than the PB's. At least I'm hearing more dialogue...||||
+Searching is for the macbook speakers *are* better than the pb's. at least drforr is hearing more dialogue...
+Searching are for the macbook speakers *are* better than the pb's. at least drforr is hearing more dialogue...
+Searching is for
+Searching are for
+Searching is for
+Searching are for
+||||DrForr||||Was someone saying something?||||
+Searching is for was someone saying something
+Searching are for was someone saying something
+Searching is for was someone saying something
+Searching are for was someone saying something
+Searching is for no
+Searching are for no
+Searching is for no
+Searching are for no
+Searching is for huh?..
+Searching are for huh?..
+Searching is for huh
+Searching are for huh
+Searching is for
+Searching are for
+Searching is for
+Searching are for
+||||buu||||jerk it||||
+Searching is for jerk it
+Searching are for jerk it
+Searching is for jerk it
+Searching are for jerk it
+||||dha||||sungo it||||
+Searching is for sungo it
+Searching are for sungo it
+Searching is for sungo it
+Searching are for sungo it
+Searching is for ew
+Searching are for ew
+Searching is for ew
+Searching are for ew
+||||DrForr||||Shouldn't that be Olestra?||||
+Searching is for shouldn't that be olestra
+Searching are for shouldn't that be olestra
+Searching is for shouldn't that be olestra
+Searching are for shouldn't that be olestra
+||||dha||||would that be less repulsive?||||
+Searching is for would that be less repulsive
+Searching are for would that be less repulsive
+Searching is for would that be less repulsive
+Searching are for would that be less repulsive
+Searching is for no.
+Searching are for no.
+Searching is for no
+Searching are for no
+Searching is for more
+Searching are for more
+Searching is for more
+Searching are for more
+Searching is for again
+Searching are for again
+Searching is for again
+Searching are for again
+||||avar||||yet again?||||
+Searching is for yet again
+Searching are for yet again
+Searching is for yet again
+Searching are for yet again
+||||waltman||||(little miss sunshine)++||||
+Searching is for (little miss sunshine)++
+Searching are for (little miss sunshine)++
+Searching is for (little miss sunshine)++
+Searching are for (little miss sunshine)++
+++;;little miss sunshine
+Searching is for http://accordionguy.blogware.com/photos/2006/08/mi5-terror-threat-levels.jpg
+Searching are for http://accordionguy.blogware.com/photos/2006/08/mi5-terror-threat-levels.jpg
+Searching is for http://accordionguy.blogware.com/photos/2006/08/mi5-terror-threat-levels.jpg
+Searching are for http://accordionguy.blogware.com/photos/2006/08/mi5-terror-threat-levels.jpg
+||||dngor||||Yay, Spike Jones soundies!||||
+Searching is for yay, spike jones soundies!
+Searching are for yay, spike jones soundies!
+Searching is for yay, spike jones soundies
+Searching are for yay, spike jones soundies
+Searching is for hrm.
+Searching are for hrm.
+Searching is for hrm
+Searching are for hrm
+||||DrForr||||o/' Never set the schwern on fire... o/'||||
+Searching is for o/' never set the schwern on fire... o/'
+Searching are for o/' never set the schwern on fire... o/'
+Searching is for o/' never set the schwern on fire... o/'
+Searching are for o/' never set the schwern on fire... o/'
+Searching is for and
+Searching are for and
+Searching is for and
+Searching are for and
+||||waltman||||I didn't know what to think walking in, but it was extremely funny.||||
+Searching is for waltman didn't knowto think walking in, but it was extremely funny.
+Searching are for waltman didn't knowto think walking in, but it was extremely funny.
+Searching is for waltman didn't knowto think walking in, but it was extremely funny
+Searching are for waltman didn't knowto think walking in, but it was extremely funny
+||||waltman||||(alan arkin)++||||
+Searching is for (alan arkin)++
+Searching are for (alan arkin)++
+Searching is for (alan arkin)++
+Searching are for (alan arkin)++
+++;;alan arkin
+||||waltman||||(alan arkin)++ # the grandpa from hell||||
+Searching is for (alan arkin)++ # the grandpa from hell
+Searching are for (alan arkin)++ # the grandpa from hell
+Searching is for (alan arkin)++ # the grandpa from hell
+Searching are for (alan arkin)++ # the grandpa from hell
+++;;alan arkin
+||||dha||||seen schwern?||||
+Searching is for seen schwern
+Searching are for seen schwern
+Searching is for seen schwern
+Searching are for seen schwern
+Searching is for bah.
+Searching are for bah.
+Searching is for bah
+Searching are for bah
+Searching is for yes
+Searching are for yes
+Searching is for yes
+Searching are for yes
+Searching is for yes
+Searching are for yes
+Searching is for yes
+Searching are for yes
+Searching is for yes!
+Searching are for yes!
+Searching is for yes
+Searching are for yes
+Searching is for yes
+Searching are for yes
+Searching is for yes
+Searching are for yes
+Searching is for si!
+Searching are for si!
+Searching is for si
+Searching are for si
+Searching is for =[
+Searching are for =[
+Searching is for =[
+Searching are for =[
+||||buu||||I want free stuff.||||
+Searching is for buu want free stuff.
+Searching are for buu want free stuff.
+Searching is for buu want free stuff
+Searching are for buu want free stuff
+Searching is for oui!
+Searching are for oui!
+Searching is for oui
+Searching are for oui
+||||dha||||don't we all.||||
+Searching is for don't we all.
+Searching are for don't we all.
+Searching is for don't we all
+Searching are for don't we all
+||||dha||||stupid bot||||
+Searching is for stupid bot
+Searching are for stupid bot
+Searching is for stupid bot
+Searching are for stupid bot
+||||waltman||||(free stuff)++||||
+Searching is for (free stuff)++
+Searching are for (free stuff)++
+Searching is for (free stuff)++
+Searching are for (free stuff)++
+++;;free stuff
+||||buu||||Specifically I wanted a free HOP =[||||
+Searching is for specifically buu wanted a free hop =[
+Searching are for specifically buu wanted a free hop =[
+Searching is for specifically buu wanted a free hop =[
+Searching are for specifically buu wanted a free hop =[
+Searching is for
+Searching are for
+Searching is for
+Searching are for
+||||dha||||buu - and what have you done to get this free HOP?||||
+Searching is for buu - andhave you done to get this free hop
+Searching are for buu - andhave you done to get this free hop
+Searching is for buu - andhave you done to get this free hop
+Searching are for buu - andhave you done to get this free hop
+Searching is for existed.
+Searching are for existed.
+Searching is for existed
+Searching are for existed
+||||dha||||ah. see, most people who got free HOPs did a *bit* more than that.||||
+Searching is for ah. see, most peoplegot free hops did a *bit* more than that.
+Searching are for ah. see, most peoplegot free hops did a *bit* more than that.
+Searching is for ah. see, most peoplegot free hops did a *bit* more than that
+Searching are for ah. see, most peoplegot free hops did a *bit* more than that
+||||gefilte||||cogito, ergo free HOP||||
+Searching is for cogito, ergo free hop
+Searching are for cogito, ergo free hop
+Searching is for cogito, ergo free hop
+Searching are for cogito, ergo free hop
+||||buu||||There might be a flaw here.||||
+Searching is for there might be a flaw here.
+Searching are for there might be a flaw here.
+Searching is for there might be a flaw here
+Searching are for there might be a flaw here
+||||dha||||gefilte - more "sum, ergo free HOP", no?||||
+Searching is for gefilte - more "sum, ergo free hop", no
+Searching are for gefilte - more "sum, ergo free hop", no
+Searching is for gefilte - more "sum, ergo free hop", no
+Searching are for gefilte - more "sum, ergo free hop", no
+||||dha||||buu - where???||||
+Searching is for buu -
+Searching are for buu -
+Searching is for buu -
+Searching are for buu -
+||||buu||||But anyway, he did say he was going to put it on the website. I was just hoping it was up.||||
+Searching is for anyway, he did say he was going to put it on the website. buu was just hoping it was up.
+Searching are for anyway, he did say he was going to put it on the website. buu was just hoping it was up.
+Searching is for anyway, he did say he was going to put it on the website. buu was just hoping it was up
+Searching are for anyway, he did say he was going to put it on the website. buu was just hoping it was up
+Searching is for indeed
+Searching are for indeed
+Searching is for indeed
+Searching are for indeed
+||||gefilte||||.unless, he was just hoping to will it into existence||||
+Searching is for .unless, he was just hoping to will it into existence
+Searching are for .unless, he was just hoping to will it into existence
+Searching is for .unless, he was just hoping to will it into existence
+Searching are for .unless, he was just hoping to will it into existence
+Searching is for true.
+Searching are for true.
+Searching is for true
+Searching are for true
+||||dha||||buu - I think he wants to get it JUST RIGHT first||||
+Searching is for buu - dha think he wants to get it just right first
+Searching are for buu - dha think he wants to get it just right first
+Searching is for buu - dha think he wants to get it just right first
+Searching are for buu - dha think he wants to get it just right first
+||||buu||||Yeah =[||||
+Searching is for yeah =[
+Searching are for yeah =[
+Searching is for yeah =[
+Searching are for yeah =[
+||||dha||||that might take a while. :-)||||
+Searching is for that might take a while. :-)
+Searching are for that might take a while. :-)
+Searching is for that might take a while. :-)
+Searching are for that might take a while. :-)
+||||buu||||Something about a wiki||||
+Searching is for something about a wiki
+Searching are for something about a wiki
+Searching is for something about a wiki
+Searching are for something about a wiki
+Searching is for colds--
+Searching are for colds--
+Searching is for colds--
+Searching are for colds--
+Searching is for ----
+Searching are for ----
+Searching is for ----
+Searching are for ----
+||||dha||||You could just *buy* a copy of HOP, you know. ||||
+Searching is for you could just *buy* a copy of hop, you know.
+Searching are for you could just *buy* a copy of hop, you know.
+Searching is for you could just *buy* a copy of hop, you know
+Searching are for you could just *buy* a copy of hop, you know
+||||buu||||If those bastards ever HIRE ME||||
+Searching is for if those bastards ever hire buu
+Searching are for if those bastards ever hire buu
+Searching is for if those bastards ever hire buu
+Searching are for if those bastards ever hire buu
+||||dha||||have someone buy it for you for your birthday. hell, mine's coming up, have someone buy it for you for *my* birthday.||||
+Searching is for have someone buy it for you for your birthday. hell, mine's coming up, have someone buy it for you for *my* birthday.
+Searching are for have someone buy it for you for your birthday. hell, mine's coming up, have someone buy it for you for *my* birthday.
+Searching is for have someone buy it for you for your birthday. hell, mine's coming up, have someone buy it for you for *my* birthday
+Searching are for have someone buy it for you for your birthday. hell, mine's coming up, have someone buy it for you for *my* birthday
+||||dha||||and, I've lost track, which bastards?||||
+Searching is for dha has lost track, which bastards
+Searching are for dha has lost track, which bastards
+Searching is for dha has lost track, which bastards
+Searching are for dha has lost track, which bastards
+||||buu||||I don't think I know anyone who would buy me something for your birthday||||
+Searching is for buu don't think buu know anyonewould buy buu something for your birthday
+Searching are for buu don't think buu know anyonewould buy buu something for your birthday
+Searching is for buu don't think buu know anyonewould buy buu something for your birthday
+Searching are for buu don't think buu know anyonewould buy buu something for your birthday
+||||dha||||amazon's got a decent price for it, actually||||
+Searching is for amazon's got a decent price for it, actually
+Searching are for amazon's got a decent price for it, actually
+Searching is for amazon's got a decent price for it, actually
+Searching are for amazon's got a decent price for it, actually
+||||buu||||Er, no, those are the bastards||||
+Searching is for er, no, those are the bastards
+Searching are for er, no, those are the bastards
+Searching are for er, no, those
+set;;are;;er, no, those;;the bastards
+||||dha||||and you clearly need a better informed group of friends.||||
+Searching is for you clearly need a better informed group of friends.
+Searching are for you clearly need a better informed group of friends.
+Searching is for you clearly need a better informed group of friends
+Searching are for you clearly need a better informed group of friends
+Searching is for ah.
+Searching are for ah.
+Searching is for ah
+Searching are for ah
+||||dngor||||I hope you aren't applying serially.||||
+Searching is for dngor hope you aren't applying serially.
+Searching are for dngor hope you aren't applying serially.
+Searching is for dngor hope you aren't applying serially
+Searching are for dngor hope you aren't applying serially
+||||dngor||||1. Takes longer. Ain't you larned nothin' about parallelism from POE?||||
+Searching is for 1. takes longer. ain't you larned nothin' about parallelism from poe
+Searching are for 1. takes longer. ain't you larned nothin' about parallelism from poe
+Searching is for 1. takes longer. ain't you larned nothin' about parallelism from poe
+Searching are for 1. takes longer. ain't you larned nothin' about parallelism from poe
+||||dha||||well, you could make them give it to you as a signing bonus||||
+Searching is for you could make them give it to you as a signing bonus
+Searching are for you could make them give it to you as a signing bonus
+Searching is for you could make them give it to you as a signing bonus
+Searching are for you could make them give it to you as a signing bonus
+||||dngor||||2. You can't play them off each other if more than one company says yes.||||
+Searching is for 2. you can't play them off each other if more than one company says yes.
+Searching are for 2. you can't play them off each other if more than one company says yes.
+Searching is for 2. you can't play them off each other if more than one company says yes
+Searching are for 2. you can't play them off each other if more than one company says yes
+||||dha||||dngor - POE POE POE. It's all about ravens with you...||||
+Searching is for dngor - poe poe poe. it's all about ravens with you...
+Searching are for dngor - poe poe poe. it's all about ravens with you...
+Searching is for dngor - poe poe poe. it's all about ravens with you
+Searching are for dngor - poe poe poe. it's all about ravens with you
+||||dha||||yes. yes you are. I believe your wife and child will back that up. :-)||||
+Searching is for yes. yes you are. dha believe your wife and child will back that up. :-)
+Searching are for yes. yes you are. dha believe your wife and child will back that up. :-)
+Searching is for yes. yes you are. dha believe your wife and child will back that up. :-)
+Searching are for yes. yes you are. dha believe your wife and child will back that up. :-)
+||||buu||||No, I was paralellling, but everyone else was even slower.||||
+Searching is for no, buu was paralellling, but everyone else was even slower.
+Searching are for no, buu was paralellling, but everyone else was even slower.
+Searching is for no, buu was paralellling, but everyone else was even slower
+Searching are for no, buu was paralellling, but everyone else was even slower
+||||gefilte||||upset I "stood you up" this week?||||
+Searching is for upset gefilte "stood you up" this week
+Searching are for upset gefilte "stood you up" this week
+Searching is for upset gefilte "stood you up" this week
+Searching are for upset gefilte "stood you up" this week
+Searching is for yes
+Searching are for yes
+Searching is for yes
+Searching are for yes
+Searching is for
+Searching are for
+Searching is for
+Searching are for
+||||dha||||HE HAD AN ERECTION AT YOU||||
+Searching is for he had an erection at you
+Searching are for he had an erection at you
+Searching is for he had an erection at you
+Searching are for he had an erection at you
+||||gefilte||||or rather, a missed interview||||
+Searching is for rather, a missed interview
+Searching are for rather, a missed interview
+Searching is for rather, a missed interview
+Searching are for rather, a missed interview
+||||buu||||Oh, was that you?||||
+Searching is for was that you
+Searching are for was that you
+Searching is for was that you
+Searching are for was that you
+||||buu||||Wait, what?||||
+Searching is for wait,
+Searching are for wait,
+Searching is for wait,
+Searching are for wait,
+||||aevil||||an erection sounds like more fun than an interview||||
+Searching is for an erection sounds like more fun than an interview
+Searching are for an erection sounds like more fun than an interview
+Searching is for erection sounds like more fun than an interview
+Searching are for erection sounds like more fun than an interview
+||||buu||||That explains so much.||||
+Searching is for that explains so much.
+Searching are for that explains so much.
+Searching is for that explains so much
+Searching are for that explains so much
+||||gefilte||||but I promise both mine and the hiring managers' parents were indeed married||||
+Searching is for gefilte promise both mine and the hiring managers' parents were indeed married
+Searching are for gefilte promise both mine and the hiring managers' parents were indeed married
+Searching is for gefilte promise both mine and the hiring managers' parents were indeed married
+Searching are for gefilte promise both mine and the hiring managers' parents were indeed married
+Searching is for indeed
+Searching are for indeed
+Searching is for indeed
+Searching are for indeed
+||||buu||||Oh, were you the one who didn't show up for the interview?||||
+Searching is for were you the onedidn't show up for the interview
+Searching are for were you the onedidn't show up for the interview
+Searching is for were you the onedidn't show up for the interview
+Searching are for were you the onedidn't show up for the interview
+||||dha||||aevil - I hesitate to ask how you would know this.||||
+Searching is for aevil - dha hesitate to ask how you would know this.
+Searching are for aevil - dha hesitate to ask how you would know this.
+Searching is for aevil - dha hesitate to ask how you would know this
+Searching are for aevil - dha hesitate to ask how you would know this
+||||dha||||although I suppose it depends on which end of the erection you're on.||||
+Searching is for although dha suppose it depends on which end of the erection you are on.
+Searching are for although dha suppose it depends on which end of the erection you are on.
+||||dha||||never mind. I'll shut up now. ||||
+Searching is for never mind. dha'll shut up now.
+Searching are for never mind. dha'll shut up now.
+Searching is for never mind. dha'll shut up now
+Searching are for never mind. dha'll shut up now
+Searching is for :-)
+Searching are for :-)
+Searching is for :-)
+Searching are for :-)
+||||aevil||||well...given a choice...it seems the logical conclusion :)||||
+Searching is for well...given a choice...it seems the logical conclusion :)
+Searching are for well...given a choice...it seems the logical conclusion :)
+Searching is for well...given a choice...it seems the logical conclusion :)
+Searching are for well...given a choice...it seems the logical conclusion :)
+Searching is for yes
+Searching are for yes
+Searching is for yes
+Searching are for yes
+Searching is for indeed.
+Searching are for indeed.
+Searching is for indeed
+Searching are for indeed
+||||buu||||Ah. I didn't even know you worked for amazon!||||
+Searching is for ah. buu didn't even know you worked for amazon!
+Searching are for ah. buu didn't even know you worked for amazon!
+Searching is for ah. buu didn't even know you worked for amazon
+Searching are for ah. buu didn't even know you worked for amazon
+||||buu||||Where were you?||||
+Searching is for were you
+Searching are for were you
+Searching is for were you
+Searching are for were you
+||||gefilte||||other bastards||||
+Searching is for other bastards
+Searching are for other bastards
+Searching is for other bastards
+Searching are for other bastards
+Searching is for er,
+Searching are for er,
+Searching is for er,
+Searching are for er,
+Searching is for shopzilla
+Searching are for shopzilla
+Searching is for shopzilla
+Searching are for shopzilla
+Searching is for oh
+Searching are for oh
+Searching is for oh
+Searching are for oh
+||||buu||||Oh, right. She called to reschedule.||||
+Searching is for right. she called to reschedule.
+Searching are for right. she called to reschedule.
+Searching is for right. she called to reschedule
+Searching are for right. she called to reschedule
+||||gefilte||||did someone at amazon stand you up also???||||
+Searching is for did someone at amazon stand you up also
+Searching are for did someone at amazon stand you up also
+Searching is for did someone at amazon stand you up also
+Searching are for did someone at amazon stand you up also
+||||buu||||Sort of. While I was there one of the guys showed up and said something like "The guy who was supposed to be here has vanished so I got called in at short notice"||||
+Searching is for sort of. while buu was there one of the guys showed up and said something like "the guywas supposed to be here has vanished so buu got called in at short notice"
+Searching are for sort of. while buu was there one of the guys showed up and said something like "the guywas supposed to be here has vanished so buu got called in at short notice"
+Searching is for sort of. while buu was there one of the guys showed up and said something like "the guywas supposed to be here has vanished so buu got called in at short notice"
+Searching are for sort of. while buu was there one of the guys showed up and said something like "the guywas supposed to be here has vanished so buu got called in at short notice"
+Searching is for hee
+Searching are for hee
+Searching is for hee
+Searching are for hee
+||||gefilte||||that happens ||||
+Searching is for that happens
+Searching are for that happens
+Searching is for that happens
+Searching are for that happens
+||||dha||||what is the market for that stuf?||||
+Searching is for is the market for that stuf
+Searching are for is the market for that stuf
+Searching is for market for that stuf
+Searching is for si
+Searching are for si
+Searching is for si
+Searching are for si
+Searching is for excellent.
+Searching are for excellent.
+Searching is for excellent
+Searching are for excellent
+||||gefilte||||more of a formality, since we've chatted alreaddy||||
+Searching is for more of a formality, since we've chatted alreaddy
+Searching are for more of a formality, since we've chatted alreaddy
+Searching is for more of a formality, since we've chatted alreaddy
+Searching are for more of a formality, since we've chatted alreaddy
+||||gefilte||||policy to have 2 phone interviews||||
+Searching is for policy to have 2 phone interviews
+Searching are for policy to have 2 phone interviews
+Searching is for policy to have 2 phone interviews
+Searching are for policy to have 2 phone interviews
+||||aevil||||oh, great...some dumbass student had dynamite in his checked luggage?||||
+Searching is for great...some dumbass student had dynamite in his checked luggage
+Searching are for great...some dumbass student had dynamite in his checked luggage
+Searching is for great...some dumbass student had dynamite in his checked luggage
+Searching are for great...some dumbass student had dynamite in his checked luggage
+||||dha||||I mean, "I just can't stop masturbating! I know! I'll get a cream!"||||
+Searching is for dha mean, "i just can't stop masturbating! dha know! dha'll get a cream!"
+Searching are for dha mean, "i just can't stop masturbating! dha know! dha'll get a cream!"
+Searching is for dha mean, "i just can't stop masturbating! dha know! dha'll get a cream!"
+Searching are for dha mean, "i just can't stop masturbating! dha know! dha'll get a cream!"
+Searching is for dha++
+Searching are for dha++
+Searching is for dha++
+Searching are for dha++
+Searching is for unbelievable
+Searching are for unbelievable
+Searching is for unbelievable
+Searching are for unbelievable
+||||dha||||aevil - where did you *find* that?||||
+Searching is for aevil -did you *find* that
+Searching are for aevil -did you *find* that
+Searching is for aevil -did you *find* that
+Searching are for aevil -did you *find* that
+||||aevil||||dha...google news||||
+Searching is for dha...google news
+Searching are for dha...google news
+Searching is for dha...google news
+Searching are for dha...google news
+Searching is for ah.
+Searching are for ah.
+Searching is for ah
+Searching are for ah
+||||dha||||of course. all roads lead to google. :-)||||
+Searching is for of course. all roads lead to google. :-)
+Searching are for of course. all roads lead to google. :-)
+Searching is for of course. all roads lead to google. :-)
+Searching are for of course. all roads lead to google. :-)
+||||aevil||||21 year old kids from CT...dipshit||||
+Searching is for 21 year old kids from ct...dipshit
+Searching are for 21 year old kids from ct...dipshit
+Searching is for 21 year old kids from ct...dipshit
+Searching are for 21 year old kids from ct...dipshit
+||||aevil||||oh..you mean the cream?||||
+Searching is for oh..you mean the cream
+Searching are for oh..you mean the cream
+Searching is for oh..you mean the cream
+Searching are for oh..you mean the cream
+||||dha||||aevil - that's not as good as the guy who told them he had a bomb on him because he didn't want to admit to carrying a PENIS PUMP in front of his mom.||||
+Searching is for aevil - that's not as good as the guytold them he had a bomb on him because he didn't want to admit to carrying a penis pump in front of his mom.
+Searching are for aevil - that's not as good as the guytold them he had a bomb on him because he didn't want to admit to carrying a penis pump in front of his mom.
+Searching is for aevil - that's not as good as the guytold them he had a bomb on him because he didn't want to admit to carrying a penis pump in front of his mom
+Searching are for aevil - that's not as good as the guytold them he had a bomb on him because he didn't want to admit to carrying a penis pump in front of his mom
+||||dha||||aevil - yes, :-)||||
+Searching is for aevil - yes, :-)
+Searching are for aevil - yes, :-)
+Searching is for aevil - yes, :-)
+Searching are for aevil - yes, :-)
+||||aevil||||yeah...that dude was pretty stupid||||
+Searching is for yeah...that dude was pretty stupid
+Searching are for yeah...that dude was pretty stupid
+Searching is for yeah...that dude was pretty stupid
+Searching are for yeah...that dude was pretty stupid
+||||dha||||IHNJ, IJLS PENIS PUMP||||
+Searching is for ihnj, ijls penis pump
+Searching are for ihnj, ijls penis pump
+Searching is for ihnj, ijls penis pump
+Searching are for ihnj, ijls penis pump
+||||aevil||||wolverian found a pic of it and i recognized the shop window so i went by to see it for myself ;)||||
+Searching is for wolverian found a pic of it and aevil recognized the shop window so aevil went by to see it for aevil ;)
+Searching are for wolverian found a pic of it and aevil recognized the shop window so aevil went by to see it for aevil ;)
+Searching is for wolverian found a pic of it and aevil recognized the shop window so aevil went by to see it for aevil ;)
+Searching are for wolverian found a pic of it and aevil recognized the shop window so aevil went by to see it for aevil ;)
+Searching is for gefilte++
+Searching are for gefilte++
+Searching is for gefilte++
+Searching are for gefilte++
+||||dha||||ah. teamwork. I love it||||
+Searching is for ah. teamwork. dha love it
+Searching are for ah. teamwork. dha love it
+Searching is for ah. teamwork. dha love it
+Searching are for ah. teamwork. dha love it
+||||aevil||||it's always about the dicks around here :)||||
+Searching is for it's always about the dicks around here :)
+Searching are for it's always about the dicks around here :)
+Searching is for it's always about the dicks around here :)
+Searching are for it's always about the dicks around here :)
+||||Dave||||Hey Dave :)||||
+Searching is for dave :)
+Searching are for dave :)
+Searching is for dave :)
+Searching are for dave :)
+||||dha||||hey dave. :-)||||
+Searching is for dave. :-)
+Searching are for dave. :-)
+Searching is for dave. :-)
+Searching are for dave. :-)
+||||gefilte||||hey dave||||
+Searching is for dave
+Searching are for dave
+Searching is for dave
+Searching are for dave
+||||Dave||||You up late too?||||
+Searching is for you up late too
+Searching are for you up late too
+Searching is for you up late too
+Searching are for you up late too
+Searching is for apparently
+Searching are for apparently
+Searching is for apparently
+Searching are for apparently
+||||Dave||||Seems to be a common weekend occurrance among super daves||||
+Searching is for seems to be a common weekend occurrance among super dave's
+Searching are for seems to be a common weekend occurrance among super dave's
+Searching is for seems to be a common weekend occurrance among super dave's
+Searching are for seems to be a common weekend occurrance among super dave's
+||||dha||||hm. I do not wish to pay $149.95 for this cd.||||
+Searching is for dha do not wish to pay $149.95 for this cd.
+Searching are for dha do not wish to pay $149.95 for this cd.
+Searching is for dha do not wish to pay $149.95 for this cd
+Searching are for dha do not wish to pay $149.95 for this cd
+||||aevil||||which dave be this? :)||||
+Searching is for which dave be this? :)
+Searching are for which dave be this? :)
+Searching is for which dave be this? :)
+Searching are for which dave be this? :)
+Searching is for osborne
+Searching are for osborne
+Searching is for osborne
+Searching are for osborne
+||||dha||||aevil - you got me. I can't keep track. :-)||||
+Searching is for aevil - you got dha. dha can't keep track. :-)
+Searching are for aevil - you got dha. dha can't keep track. :-)
+Searching is for aevil - you got dha. dha can't keep track. :-)
+Searching are for aevil - you got dha. dha can't keep track. :-)
+||||aevil||||dha...well, not any of the EU ones...judging by the IP :)||||
+Searching is for dha...well, not any of the eu ones...judging by the ip :)
+Searching are for dha...well, not any of the eu ones...judging by the ip :)
+Searching is for dha...well, not any of the eu ones...judging by the ip :)
+Searching are for dha...well, not any of the eu ones...judging by the ip :)
+||||dha||||you think you guys in the EU have a monopoly on daves? :-)||||
+Searching is for you think you guys in the eu have a monopoly on daves? :-)
+Searching are for you think you guys in the eu have a monopoly on daves? :-)
+Searching is for you think you guys in the eu have a monopoly on daves? :-)
+Searching are for you think you guys in the eu have a monopoly on daves? :-)
+||||aevil||||only the good ones :)||||
+Searching is for only the good ones :)
+Searching are for only the good ones :)
+Searching is for only the good ones :)
+Searching are for only the good ones :)
+Searching is for ooh!
+Searching are for ooh!
+Searching is for ooh
+Searching are for ooh
+||||dha||||Yes. Laugh at my pain.||||
+Searching is for yes. laugh at dha's pain.
+Searching are for yes. laugh at dha's pain.
+Searching is for yes. laugh at dha's pain
+Searching are for yes. laugh at dha's pain
+Searching is for ouch
+Searching are for ouch
+Searching is for ouch
+Searching are for ouch
+||||aevil||||when are you leaving for yapc btw?||||
+Searching is for when are you leaving for yapc btw
+Searching are for when are you leaving for yapc btw
+Searching is for sunday
+Searching are for sunday
+Searching is for sunday
+Searching are for sunday
+||||buu||||Was that a suggestion?||||
+Searching is for was that a suggestion
+Searching are for was that a suggestion
+Searching is for was that a suggestion
+Searching are for was that a suggestion
+||||dha||||no, an answer||||
+Searching is for no, an answer
+Searching are for no, an answer
+Searching is for no, an answer
+Searching are for no, an answer
+||||aevil||||so tomorrow...heathrow still has the anal probe level of security apparently||||
+Searching is for so tomorrow...heathrow still has the anal probe level of security apparently
+Searching are for so tomorrow...heathrow still has the anal probe level of security apparently
+Searching is for so tomorrow...heathrow still has the anal probe level of security apparently
+Searching are for so tomorrow...heathrow still has the anal probe level of security apparently
+||||dha||||well, technically tomorrow. of course, it's still friday night here...||||
+Searching is for technically tomorrow. of course, it's still friday night here...
+Searching are for technically tomorrow. of course, it's still friday night here...
+Searching is for technically tomorrow. of course, it's still friday night here
+Searching are for technically tomorrow. of course, it's still friday night here
+||||aevil||||it's 2.35am..it's saturday already dha :)||||
+Searching is for it's 2.35am..it's saturday already dha :)
+Searching are for it's 2.35am..it's saturday already dha :)
+Searching is for it's 2.35am..it's saturday already dha :)
+Searching are for it's 2.35am..it's saturday already dha :)
+||||gefilte||||Friday here!||||
+Searching is for friday here!
+Searching are for friday here!
+Searching is for friday here
+Searching are for friday here
+Searching is for ;)
+Searching are for ;)
+Searching is for ;)
+Searching are for ;)
+||||dha||||as I said, technically.||||
+Searching is for as dha said, technically.
+Searching are for as dha said, technically.
+Searching is for as dha said, technically
+Searching are for as dha said, technically
+||||gefilte||||and in the city_that_never_sleeps....||||
+Searching is for in the city_that_never_sleeps....
+Searching are for in the city_that_never_sleeps....
+Searching is for in the city_that_never_sleeps
+Searching are for in the city_that_never_sleeps
+||||kd||||saturday arvo here. what kind of timezone do you think you're in that it||||
+Searching is for saturday arvo here.kind of timezone do you think you are in that it
+Searching are for saturday arvo here.kind of timezone do you think you are in that it
+Searching are for in that it
+||||kd||||s so behind the times!||||
+Searching is for s so behind the times!
+Searching are for s so behind the times!
+Searching is for s so behind the times
+Searching are for s so behind the times
+||||dha||||nighttime doubly so||||
+Searching is for nighttime doubly so
+Searching are for nighttime doubly so
+Searching is for nighttime doubly so
+Searching are for nighttime doubly so
+Searching is for dha++
+Searching are for dha++
+Searching is for dha++
+Searching are for dha++
+||||gefilte||||PDT represent!||||
+Searching is for pdt represent!
+Searching are for pdt represent!
+Searching is for pdt represent
+Searching are for pdt represent
+||||dha||||would you like us to pop a cap in yo ass for versimilitude?||||
+Searching is for would you like us to pop a cap in yo ass for versimilitude
+Searching are for would you like us to pop a cap in yo ass for versimilitude
+Searching is for would you like us to pop a cap in yo ass for versimilitude
+Searching are for would you like us to pop a cap in yo ass for versimilitude
+||||buu||||"Zombie pines from Hell"||||
+Searching is for "zombie pines from hell"
+Searching are for "zombie pines from hell"
+Searching is for "zombie pines from hell"
+Searching are for "zombie pines from hell"
+||||dha||||WHITE DRUNKS ON POPE!||||
+Searching is for white drunks on pope!
+Searching are for white drunks on pope!
+Searching is for white drunks on pope
+Searching are for white drunks on pope
+||||gefilte||||I would never aspire to||||
+Searching is for gefilte would never aspire to
+Searching are for gefilte would never aspire to
+Searching is for gefilte would never aspire to
+Searching are for gefilte would never aspire to
+Searching is for ;)
+Searching are for ;)
+Searching is for ;)
+Searching are for ;)
+||||aevil||||LOL 'burning man bingo' http://joeljohnson.com/images2/bm_bingo.jpg||||
+Searching is for lol 'burning man bingo' http://joeljohnson.com/images2/bm_bingo.jpg
+Searching are for lol 'burning man bingo' http://joeljohnson.com/images2/bm_bingo.jpg
+Searching is for lol 'burning man bingo' http://joeljohnson.com/images2/bm_bingo.jpg
+Searching are for lol 'burning man bingo' http://joeljohnson.com/images2/bm_bingo.jpg
+Searching is for heh.
+Searching are for heh.
+Searching is for heh
+Searching are for heh
+||||aevil||||it's sorta surprising that people still go to that||||
+Searching is for it's sorta surprising that people still go to that
+Searching are for it's sorta surprising that people still go to that
+Searching is for it's sorta surprising that people still go to that
+Searching are for it's sorta surprising that people still go to that
+||||dha||||eh. people still go to the catskills, ffs||||
+Searching is for eh. people still go to the catskills, ffs
+Searching are for eh. people still go to the catskills, ffs
+Searching is for eh. people still go to the catskills, ffs
+Searching are for eh. people still go to the catskills, ffs
+||||gefilte||||even after the last cat expired||||
+Searching is for even after the last cat expired
+Searching are for even after the last cat expired
+Searching is for even after the last cat expired
+Searching are for even after the last cat expired
+Searching is for s/grown/groan/
+Searching are for s/grown/groan/
+Searching is for s/grown/groan/
+Searching are for s/grown/groan/
+Searching is for hrm
+Searching are for hrm
+Searching is for hrm
+Searching are for hrm
+||||buu||||does fg; do_stuff_next||||
+Searching is for does fg; do_stuff_next
+Searching are for does fg; do_stuff_next
+Searching is for does fg; do_stuff_next
+Searching are for does fg; do_stuff_next
+||||gefilte||||folks dissin' the PDT. Represent!||||
+Searching is for folks dissin' the pdt. represent!
+Searching are for folks dissin' the pdt. represent!
+Searching is for folks dissin' the pdt. represent
+Searching are for folks dissin' the pdt. represent
+Searching is for dwim
+Searching are for dwim
+Searching is for dwim
+Searching are for dwim
+||||buu||||I think she left PDT||||
+Searching is for buu think she left pdt
+Searching are for buu think she left pdt
+Searching is for buu think she left pdt
+Searching are for buu think she left pdt
+Searching is for pdt
+Searching are for pdt
+Searching is for pdt
+Searching are for pdt
+||||gefilte||||Pacific Daylight Time||||
+Searching is for pacific daylight time
+Searching are for pacific daylight time
+Searching is for pacific daylight time
+Searching are for pacific daylight time
+||||gefilte||||I must have my wires crossed||||
+Searching is for gefilte must have gefilte's wires crossed
+Searching are for gefilte must have gefilte's wires crossed
+Searching is for gefilte must have gefilte's wires crossed
+Searching are for gefilte must have gefilte's wires crossed
+||||zrusilla||||Ah. I figured||||
+Searching is for ah. zrusilla figured
+Searching are for ah. zrusilla figured
+Searching is for ah. zrusilla figured
+Searching are for ah. zrusilla figured
+||||zrusilla||||In that case, PDT rulez||||
+Searching is for in that case, pdt rulez
+Searching are for in that case, pdt rulez
+Searching is for in that case, pdt rulez
+Searching are for in that case, pdt rulez
+Searching is for booyah
+Searching are for booyah
+Searching is for booyah
+Searching are for booyah
+||||zrusilla||||Except that the Daily Show is on an hour later (relatively speaking) than back in the Midwest.||||
+Searching is for except that the daily show is on an hour later (relatively speaking) than back in the midwest.
+Searching are for except that the daily show is on an hour later (relatively speaking) than back in the midwest.
+Searching is for except that the daily show
+set;;is;;except that the daily show;;on an hour later (relatively speaking) than back in the Midwest.
+||||zrusilla||||That is a nuisance||||
+Searching is for that is a nuisance
+Searching are for that is a nuisance
+||||gefilte||||ahh. DirecTV cures that||||
+Searching is for ahh. directv cures that
+Searching are for ahh. directv cures that
+Searching is for ahh. directv cures that
+Searching are for ahh. directv cures that
+Searching is for http://www.cs.uoregon.edu/research/pdt/home.php
+Searching are for http://www.cs.uoregon.edu/research/pdt/home.php
+Searching is for http://www.cs.uoregon.edu/research/pdt/home.php
+Searching are for http://www.cs.uoregon.edu/research/pdt/home.php
+||||buu||||Where did you move?||||
+Searching is for did you move
+Searching are for did you move
+Searching is for did you move
+Searching are for did you move
+||||zrusilla||||From Chicago to Santa Barbara||||
+Searching is for from chicago to santa barbara
+Searching are for from chicago to santa barbara
+Searching is for from chicago to santa barbara
+Searching are for from chicago to santa barbara
+||||zrusilla||||I am now a barbarian||||
+Searching is for zrusilla is now a barbarian
+Searching are for zrusilla is now a barbarian
+Searching is for zrusilla
+set;;is;;zrusilla;;now a barbarian
+||||gefilte||||everything on "cable" seems to be on ESTEDT, meaning TDS is at 8pm PDT||||
+Searching is for everything on "cable" seems to be on estedt, meaning tds is at 8pm pdt
+Searching are for everything on "cable" seems to be on estedt, meaning tds is at 8pm pdt
+||||gefilte||||hey now||||
+Searching is for now
+Searching are for now
+Searching is for now
+Searching are for now
+||||zrusilla||||are you a barbarian?||||
+Searching is for are you a barbarian
+Searching are for are you a barbarian
+||||zrusilla||||I take that as a "yes"||||
+Searching is for zrusilla take that as a "yes"
+Searching are for zrusilla take that as a "yes"
+Searching is for zrusilla take that as a "yes"
+Searching are for zrusilla take that as a "yes"
+||||gefilte||||well, a SoCal denizen, if that qualifies||||
+Searching is for a socal denizen, if that qualifies
+Searching are for a socal denizen, if that qualifies
+Searching is for socal denizen, if that qualifies
+Searching are for socal denizen, if that qualifies
+||||gefilte||||we're thinly representing the remains of Friday here in pound perl||||
+Searching is for we're thinly representing the remains of friday here in pound perl
+Searching are for we're thinly representing the remains of friday here in pound perl
+Searching is for we're thinly representing the remains of friday here in pound perl
+Searching are for we're thinly representing the remains of friday here in pound perl
+||||gefilte||||'pound perl'||||
+Searching is for 'pound perl'
+Searching are for 'pound perl'
+Searching is for 'pound perl'
+Searching are for 'pound perl'
+||||gefilte||||you shouldn't be||||
+Searching is for you shouldn't be
+Searching are for you shouldn't be
+Searching is for you shouldn't be
+Searching are for you shouldn't be
+||||buu||||Goddamn californians||||
+Searching is for goddamn californians
+Searching are for goddamn californians
+Searching is for goddamn californians
+Searching are for goddamn californians
+||||buu||||I mean..||||
+Searching is for buu mean..
+Searching are for buu mean..
+Searching is for buu mean
+Searching are for buu mean
+||||gefilte||||forget 'pound perl'||||
+Searching is for forget 'pound perl'
+Searching are for forget 'pound perl'
+Searching is for forget 'pound perl'
+Searching are for forget 'pound perl'
+||||zrusilla||||where in SoCal||||
+Searching is for in socal
+Searching are for in socal
+Searching is for in socal
+Searching are for in socal
+||||gefilte||||LA, Torrance specifically||||
+Searching is for la, torrance specifically
+Searching are for la, torrance specifically
+Searching is for la, torrance specifically
+Searching are for la, torrance specifically
+||||gefilte||||'hash mark perl'||||
+Searching is for 'hash mark perl'
+Searching are for 'hash mark perl'
+Searching is for 'hash mark perl'
+Searching are for 'hash mark perl'
+Searching is for ok
+Searching are for ok
+Searching is for ok
+Searching are for ok
+||||buu||||I thought you were moving to washington something?||||
+Searching is for buu thought you were moving to washington something
+Searching are for buu thought you were moving to washington something
+Searching is for buu thought you were moving to washington something
+Searching are for buu thought you were moving to washington something
+Searching is for no
+Searching are for no
+Searching is for no
+Searching are for no
+Searching is for hrm.
+Searching are for hrm.
+Searching is for hrm
+Searching are for hrm
+||||zrusilla||||go to LA.pm?||||
+Searching is for go to la.pm
+Searching are for go to la.pm
+Searching is for go to la.pm
+Searching are for go to la.pm
+||||gefilte||||forget 'hash mark perl'||||
+Searching is for forget 'hash mark perl'
+Searching are for forget 'hash mark perl'
+Searching is for forget 'hash mark perl'
+Searching are for forget 'hash mark perl'
+Searching is for occasionally
+Searching are for occasionally
+Searching is for occasionally
+Searching are for occasionally
+||||zrusilla||||I go faithfully now||||
+Searching is for zrusilla go faithfully now
+Searching are for zrusilla go faithfully now
+Searching is for zrusilla go faithfully now
+Searching are for zrusilla go faithfully now
+||||gefilte||||not since you moved out though...||||
+Searching is for not since you moved out though...
+Searching are for not since you moved out though...
+Searching is for not since you moved out though
+Searching are for not since you moved out though
+||||gefilte||||though we met at YAPC||||
+Searching is for though we met at yapc
+Searching are for though we met at yapc
+Searching is for though we met at yapc
+Searching are for though we met at yapc
+||||buu||||3500 / 60||||
+Searching is for 3500 / 60
+Searching are for 3500 / 60
+Searching is for 3500 / 60
+Searching are for 3500 / 60
+||||zrusilla||||No, I've been there recently||||
+Searching is for no, zrusilla has been there recently
+Searching are for no, zrusilla has been there recently
+Searching is for no, zrusilla has been there recently
+Searching are for no, zrusilla has been there recently
+||||gefilte||||I haven't||||
+Searching is for gefilte has not
+Searching are for gefilte has not
+Searching is for gefilte has not
+Searching are for gefilte has not
+Searching is for ok
+Searching are for ok
+Searching is for ok
+Searching are for ok
+||||zrusilla||||c'mon out some time then||||
+Searching is for c'mon out some time then
+Searching are for c'mon out some time then
+Searching is for c'mon out some time then
+Searching are for c'mon out some time then
+||||gefilte||||I can't ever do Tuesdays or Thursdays.... ||||
+Searching is for gefilte can't ever do tuesdays or thursdays....
+Searching are for gefilte can't ever do tuesdays or thursdays....
+Searching is for gefilte can't ever do tuesdays or thursdays
+Searching are for gefilte can't ever do tuesdays or thursdays
+||||gefilte||||or short notice||||
+Searching is for short notice
+Searching are for short notice
+Searching is for short notice
+Searching are for short notice
+||||gefilte||||and sometimes it goes like that||||
+Searching is for sometimes it goes like that
+Searching are for sometimes it goes like that
+Searching is for sometimes it goes like that
+Searching are for sometimes it goes like that
+||||gefilte||||small kids||||
+Searching is for small kids
+Searching are for small kids
+Searching is for small kids
+Searching are for small kids
+Searching is for yes
+Searching are for yes
+Searching is for yes
+Searching are for yes
+||||zrusilla||||my son is seven, it's a little easier now||||
+Searching is for zrusilla's son is seven, it's a little easier now
+Searching are for zrusilla's son is seven, it's a little easier now
+Searching is for zrusilla's son
+set;;is;;zrusilla's son;;seven, it's a little easier now
+||||dha||||hee. http://www.scalzi.com/whatever/004405.html||||
+Searching is for hee. http://www.scalzi.com/whatever/004405.html
+Searching are for hee. http://www.scalzi.com/whatever/004405.html
+Searching is for hee. http://www.scalzi.com/whatever/004405.html
+Searching are for hee. http://www.scalzi.com/whatever/004405.html
+||||gefilte||||as I expect it to be||||
+Searching is for as gefilte expect it to be
+Searching are for as gefilte expect it to be
+Searching is for as gefilte expect it to be
+Searching are for as gefilte expect it to be
+||||dha||||oh, seven? yeah, he can roam free now.||||
+Searching is for seven? yeah, he can roam free now.
+Searching are for seven? yeah, he can roam free now.
+Searching is for seven? yeah, he can roam free now
+Searching are for seven? yeah, he can roam free now
+||||gefilte||||I have 3 1/2 and 1 1/2||||
+Searching is for gefilte has 3 1/2 and 1 1/2
+Searching are for gefilte has 3 1/2 and 1 1/2
+Searching is for gefilte has 3 1/2 and 1 1/2
+Searching are for gefilte has 3 1/2 and 1 1/2
+||||zrusilla||||oh yeah, those are small fry for sure||||
+Searching is for yeah, those are small fry for sure
+Searching are for yeah, those are small fry for sure
+Searching are for yeah, those
+set;;are;;yeah, those;;small fry for sure
+||||zrusilla||||one's enough for me||||
+Searching is for one's enough for zrusilla
+Searching are for one's enough for zrusilla
+Searching is for one's enough for zrusilla
+Searching are for one's enough for zrusilla
+||||zrusilla||||I had a helluva postpartum depression and I am not anxious to repeat the experience||||
+Searching is for zrusilla had a helluva postpartum depression and zrusilla is not anxious to repeat the experience
+Searching are for zrusilla had a helluva postpartum depression and zrusilla is not anxious to repeat the experience
+||||dha||||in recent years, my mom would say that, if she could do it over again, she'd have 4 kids. Dad replied that in that case she'd be doing it without him...||||
+Searching is for in recent years, dha's mom would say that, if she could do it over again, she'd have 4 kids. dad replied that in that case she'd be doing it without him...
+Searching are for in recent years, dha's mom would say that, if she could do it over again, she'd have 4 kids. dad replied that in that case she'd be doing it without him...
+Searching is for in recent years, dha's mom would say that, if she could do it over again, she'd have 4 kids. dad replied that in that case she'd be doing it without him
+Searching are for in recent years, dha's mom would say that, if she could do it over again, she'd have 4 kids. dad replied that in that case she'd be doing it without him
+||||gefilte||||yeah, that's the pits. My wife had it pretty bad after #1||||
+Searching is for yeah, that's the pits. gefilte's wife had it pretty bad after #1
+Searching are for yeah, that's the pits. gefilte's wife had it pretty bad after #1
+Searching is for yeah, that's the pits. gefilte's wife had it pretty bad after #1
+Searching are for yeah, that's the pits. gefilte's wife had it pretty bad after #1
+||||dha||||zru - I don't want you to be depressed. *hugs*||||
+Searching is for zru - dha don't want you to be depressed. *hugs*
+Searching are for zru - dha don't want you to be depressed. *hugs*
+Searching is for zru - dha don't want you to be depressed. *hugs*
+Searching are for zru - dha don't want you to be depressed. *hugs*
+||||zrusilla||||postpartum is a bitch||||
+Searching is for postpartum is a bitch
+Searching are for postpartum is a bitch
+Searching is for postpartum
+set;;is;;postpartum;;a bitch
+||||zrusilla||||your body goes through the shock of its life||||
+Searching is for your body goes through the shock of its life
+Searching are for your body goes through the shock of its life
+Searching is for your body goes through the shock of its life
+Searching are for your body goes through the shock of its life
+||||dha||||I have enough depression without that, thank you.||||
+Searching is for dha has enough depression without that, thank you.
+Searching are for dha has enough depression without that, thank you.
+Searching is for dha has enough depression without that, thank you
+Searching are for dha has enough depression without that, thank you
+||||zrusilla||||well, yeah, it is an amazing thing...but it's a rollercoaster ride||||
+Searching is for yeah, it is an amazing thing...but it's a rollercoaster ride
+Searching are for yeah, it is an amazing thing...but it's a rollercoaster ride
+Searching is for yeah, it
+set;;is;;yeah, it;;an amazing thing...but it's a rollercoaster ride
+||||dha||||did you have to just ride it out, or were you medicated?||||
+Searching is for did you have to just ride it out, or were you medicated
+Searching are for did you have to just ride it out, or were you medicated
+Searching is for did you have to just ride it out, or were you medicated
+Searching are for did you have to just ride it out, or were you medicated
+||||zrusilla||||I rode it out because I was nursing||||
+Searching is for zrusilla rode it out because zrusilla was nursing
+Searching are for zrusilla rode it out because zrusilla was nursing
+Searching is for zrusilla rode it out because zrusilla was nursing
+Searching are for zrusilla rode it out because zrusilla was nursing
+||||dha||||ah. right.||||
+Searching is for ah. right.
+Searching are for ah. right.
+Searching is for ah. right
+Searching are for ah. right
+||||dha||||lucky kid! :-)||||
+Searching is for lucky kid! :-)
+Searching are for lucky kid! :-)
+Searching is for lucky kid! :-)
+Searching are for lucky kid! :-)
+||||zrusilla||||a mistake in retrospect; I should have weaned sooner and done meds||||
+Searching is for a mistake in retrospect; zrusilla should have weaned sooner and done meds
+Searching are for a mistake in retrospect; zrusilla should have weaned sooner and done meds
+Searching is for mistake in retrospect; zrusilla should have weaned sooner and done meds
+Searching are for mistake in retrospect; zrusilla should have weaned sooner and done meds
+||||zrusilla||||I was working full time as a programmer, nursing, pumping, long commute, trying to keep depression at bay....after a year of this I completely lost my marbles||||
+Searching is for zrusilla was working full time as a programmer, nursing, pumping, long commute, trying to keep depression at bay....after a year of this zrusilla completely lost zrusilla's marbles
+Searching are for zrusilla was working full time as a programmer, nursing, pumping, long commute, trying to keep depression at bay....after a year of this zrusilla completely lost zrusilla's marbles
+Searching is for zrusilla was working full time as a programmer, nursing, pumping, long commute, trying to keep depression at bay....after a year of this zrusilla completely lost zrusilla's marbles
+Searching are for zrusilla was working full time as a programmer, nursing, pumping, long commute, trying to keep depression at bay....after a year of this zrusilla completely lost zrusilla's marbles
+||||dha||||uh... you were doing all that and you were depressed? I think we may have a bit of a chicken-egg issue here...||||
+Searching is for you were doing all that and you were depressed? dha think we may have a bit of a chicken-egg issue here...
+Searching are for you were doing all that and you were depressed? dha think we may have a bit of a chicken-egg issue here...
+Searching is for you were doing all that and you were depressed? dha think we may have a bit of a chicken-egg issue here
+Searching are for you were doing all that and you were depressed? dha think we may have a bit of a chicken-egg issue here
+||||gefilte||||that's quite a balancing act||||
+Searching is for that's quite a balancing act
+Searching are for that's quite a balancing act
+Searching is for that's quite a balancing act
+Searching are for that's quite a balancing act
+||||zrusilla||||yeah, no wonder I dropped all the balls after a while||||
+Searching is for yeah, no wonder zrusilla dropped all the balls after a while
+Searching are for yeah, no wonder zrusilla dropped all the balls after a while
+Searching is for yeah, no wonder zrusilla dropped all the balls after a while
+Searching are for yeah, no wonder zrusilla dropped all the balls after a while
+||||zrusilla||||keep 'em in your pants||||
+Searching is for keep 'em in your pants
+Searching are for keep 'em in your pants
+Searching is for keep 'em in your pants
+Searching are for keep 'em in your pants
+||||dha||||ok, you can have my marbles, but the balls I'm keeping||||
+Searching is for you can have dha's marbles, but the balls dha is keeping
+Searching are for you can have dha's marbles, but the balls dha is keeping
+||||buu||||That's not what SHE said!||||
+Searching is for that's notshe said!
+Searching are for that's notshe said!
+Searching is for that's notshe said
+Searching are for that's notshe said
+||||gefilte||||we saw you try to sneak them.||||
+Searching is for we saw you try to sneak them.
+Searching are for we saw you try to sneak them.
+Searching is for we saw you try to sneak them
+Searching are for we saw you try to sneak them
+||||zrusilla||||Oh! and on top of all that shortly after my kid was born my dad was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer||||
+Searching is for oh! and on top of all that shortly after zrusilla's kid was born zrusilla's dad was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer
+Searching are for oh! and on top of all that shortly after zrusilla's kid was born zrusilla's dad was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer
+Searching is for oh! and on top of all that shortly after zrusilla's kid was born zrusilla's dad was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer
+Searching are for oh! and on top of all that shortly after zrusilla's kid was born zrusilla's dad was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer
+Searching is for yikes!
+Searching are for yikes!
+Searching is for yikes
+Searching are for yikes
+||||zrusilla||||so I was busy freaking out about that, too||||
+Searching is for so zrusilla was busy freaking out about that, too
+Searching are for so zrusilla was busy freaking out about that, too
+Searching is for so zrusilla was busy freaking out about that, too
+Searching are for so zrusilla was busy freaking out about that, too
+||||dha||||that sucks.||||
+Searching is for that sucks.
+Searching are for that sucks.
+Searching is for that sucks
+Searching are for that sucks
+||||zrusilla||||man, when it rains it pours.||||
+Searching is for man, when it rains it pours.
+Searching are for man, when it rains it pours.
+Searching is for man, when it rains it pours
+Searching are for man, when it rains it pours
+Searching is for $]
+Searching are for $]
+Searching is for $]
+Searching are for $]
+Searching is for yikes
+Searching are for yikes
+Searching is for yikes
+Searching are for yikes
+||||gefilte||||sounds like a year from hell||||
+Searching is for sounds like a year from hell
+Searching are for sounds like a year from hell
+Searching is for sounds like a year from hell
+Searching are for sounds like a year from hell
+||||zrusilla||||uh yeah it was||||
+Searching is for yeah it was
+Searching are for yeah it was
+Searching is for yeah it was
+Searching are for yeah it was
+||||buu||||Did 8.9 come out or something?||||
+Searching is for did 8.9 come out or something
+Searching are for did 8.9 come out or something
+Searching is for did 8.9 come out or something
+Searching are for did 8.9 come out or something
+||||zrusilla||||things are muuuccch calmer now||||
+Searching is for things are muuuccch calmer now
+Searching are for things are muuuccch calmer now
+Searching are for things
+set;;are;;things;;muuuccch calmer now
+||||zrusilla||||thank you Jesus||||
+Searching is for thank you jesus
+Searching are for thank you jesus
+Searching is for thank you jesus
+Searching are for thank you jesus
+||||dha||||good old jesus||||
+Searching is for good old jesus
+Searching are for good old jesus
+Searching is for good old jesus
+Searching are for good old jesus
+Searching is for time
+Searching are for time
+Searching is for time
+Searching are for time
+Searching is for clock
+Searching are for clock
+Searching is for clock
+Searching are for clock
+Searching is for "equalibrium"
+Searching are for "equalibrium"
+Searching is for "equalibrium"
+Searching are for "equalibrium"
+||||zrusilla||||Amen brother||||
+Searching is for amen brother
+Searching are for amen brother
+Searching is for amen brother
+Searching are for amen brother
+||||zrusilla||||too much of it in mine too||||
+Searching is for too much of it in mine too
+Searching are for too much of it in mine too
+Searching is for too much of it in mine too
+Searching are for too much of it in mine too
+Searching is for father
+Searching are for father
+Searching is for father
+Searching are for father
+Searching is for brother
+Searching are for brother
+Searching is for brother
+Searching are for brother
+Searching is for cousins
+Searching are for cousins
+Searching is for cousins
+Searching are for cousins
+||||zrusilla||||fuck that||||
+Searching is for fuck that
+Searching are for fuck that
+Searching is for fuck that
+Searching are for fuck that
+||||gefilte||||My dad's seems to be heading towards prostate cancer...||||
+Searching is for gefilte's dad's seems to be heading towards prostate cancer...
+Searching are for gefilte's dad's seems to be heading towards prostate cancer...
+Searching is for gefilte's dad's seems to be heading towards prostate cancer
+Searching are for gefilte's dad's seems to be heading towards prostate cancer
+||||dha||||yeah. Mom, aunt, brother, dad, cousin, me...||||
+Searching is for yeah. mom, aunt, brother, dad, cousin, dha...
+Searching are for yeah. mom, aunt, brother, dad, cousin, dha...
+Searching is for yeah. mom, aunt, brother, dad, cousin, dha
+Searching are for yeah. mom, aunt, brother, dad, cousin, dha
+Searching is for guh
+Searching are for guh
+Searching is for guh
+Searching are for guh
+Searching is for shiiiiiiiiit
+Searching are for shiiiiiiiiit
+Searching is for shiiiiiiiiit
+Searching are for shiiiiiiiiit
+||||dha||||gefilte - most men do, apparently||||
+Searching is for gefilte - most men do, apparently
+Searching are for gefilte - most men do, apparently
+Searching is for gefilte - most men do, apparently
+Searching are for gefilte - most men do, apparently
+||||gefilte||||most treatable, but it's hard not to worry.||||
+Searching is for most treatable, but it's hard not to worry.
+Searching are for most treatable, but it's hard not to worry.
+Searching is for most treatable, but it's hard not to worry
+Searching are for most treatable, but it's hard not to worry
+||||dha||||s/brother/uncle/ # my *mother's* brother||||
+Searching is for s/brother/uncle/ # dha's *mother's* brother
+Searching are for s/brother/uncle/ # dha's *mother's* brother
+Searching is for s/brother/uncle/ # dha's *mother's* brother
+Searching are for s/brother/uncle/ # dha's *mother's* brother
+Searching is for yeah.
+Searching are for yeah.
+Searching is for yeah
+Searching are for yeah
+||||dha||||my dad made it through that. it's the stomach cancer that got him. :-(||||
+Searching is for dha's dad made it through that. it's the stomach cancer that got him. :-(
+Searching are for dha's dad made it through that. it's the stomach cancer that got him. :-(
+Searching is for dha's dad made it through that. it's the stomach cancer that got him. :-(
+Searching are for dha's dad made it through that. it's the stomach cancer that got him. :-(
+Searching is for :(
+Searching are for :(
+Searching is for :(
+Searching are for :(
+||||zrusilla||||oh shit||||
+Searching is for shit
+Searching are for shit
+Searching is for shit
+Searching are for shit
+||||zrusilla||||i have a friend who just lost his dad to that||||
+Searching is for zrusilla has a friendjust lost his dad to that
+Searching are for zrusilla has a friendjust lost his dad to that
+Searching is for zrusilla has a friendjust lost his dad to that
+Searching are for zrusilla has a friendjust lost his dad to that
+Searching is for devastating
+Searching are for devastating
+Searching is for devastating
+Searching are for devastating
+||||dha||||That's my advice to you kids today(tm). Don't get cancer.||||
+Searching is for that's dha's advice to you kids today(tm). don't get cancer.
+Searching are for that's dha's advice to you kids today(tm). don't get cancer.
+Searching is for that's dha's advice to you kids today(tm). don't get cancer
+Searching are for that's dha's advice to you kids today(tm). don't get cancer
+||||zrusilla||||I second that.||||
+Searching is for zrusilla second that.
+Searching are for zrusilla second that.
+Searching is for zrusilla second that
+Searching are for zrusilla second that
+||||dha||||Also, don't break your back.||||
+Searching is for also, don't break your back.
+Searching are for also, don't break your back.
+Searching is for also, don't break your back
+Searching are for also, don't break your back
+Searching is for yeah
+Searching are for yeah
+Searching is for yeah
+Searching are for yeah
+||||dha||||or get a spinal tap if you can avoid it.||||
+Searching is for get a spinal tap if you can avoid it.
+Searching are for get a spinal tap if you can avoid it.
+Searching is for get a spinal tap if you can avoid it
+Searching are for get a spinal tap if you can avoid it
+||||gefilte||||"never feed a marshmallow to a grizzly bear like this..."||||
+Searching is for "never feed a marshmallow to a grizzly bear like this..."
+Searching are for "never feed a marshmallow to a grizzly bear like this..."
+Searching is for "never feed a marshmallow to a grizzly bear like this..."
+Searching are for "never feed a marshmallow to a grizzly bear like this..."
+Searching is for gefilte++
+Searching are for gefilte++
+Searching is for gefilte++
+Searching are for gefilte++
+||||zrusilla||||my advice is: don't snort angel dust and read your entire collection of Chick tracts||||
+Searching is for zrusilla's advice is: don't snort angel dust and read your entire collection of chick tracts
+Searching are for zrusilla's advice is: don't snort angel dust and read your entire collection of chick tracts
+Searching is for zrusilla's advice is: don't snort angel dust and read your entire collection of chick tracts
+Searching are for zrusilla's advice is: don't snort angel dust and read your entire collection of chick tracts
+||||dha||||certainly not at the same time||||
+Searching is for certainly not at the same time
+Searching are for certainly not at the same time
+Searching is for certainly not at the same time
+Searching are for certainly not at the same time
+Searching is for no
+Searching are for no
+Searching is for no
+Searching are for no
+||||zrusilla||||don't show your new boss the box of worms you keep in your desk drawer on his first day of work||||
+Searching is for don't show your new boss the box of worms you keep in your desk drawer on his first day of work
+Searching are for don't show your new boss the box of worms you keep in your desk drawer on his first day of work
+Searching is for don't show your new boss the box of worms you keep in your desk drawer on his first day of work
+Searching are for don't show your new boss the box of worms you keep in your desk drawer on his first day of work
+||||gefilte||||both collections (PHP and Chick tracts) seem perilous||||
+Searching is for both collections (php and chick tracts) seem perilous
+Searching are for both collections (php and chick tracts) seem perilous
+Searching is for both collections (php and chick tracts) seem perilous
+Searching are for both collections (php and chick tracts) seem perilous
+||||zrusilla||||PHP? now that's just Freudian||||
+Searching is for php? now that's just freudian
+Searching are for php? now that's just freudian
+Searching is for php? now that's just freudian
+Searching are for php? now that's just freudian
+||||dha||||PHP? :-)||||
+Searching is for php? :-)
+Searching are for php? :-)
+Searching is for php? :-)
+Searching are for php? :-)
+Searching is for s/php/psp/
+Searching are for s/php/psp/
+Searching is for s/php/psp/
+Searching are for s/php/psp/
+Searching is for hah
+Searching are for hah
+Searching is for hah
+Searching are for hah
+Searching is for pcp
+Searching are for pcp
+Searching is for pcp
+Searching are for pcp
+Searching is for hee
+Searching are for hee
+Searching is for hee
+Searching are for hee
+||||gefilte||||urr PCP||||
+Searching is for urr pcp
+Searching are for urr pcp
+Searching is for urr pcp
+Searching are for urr pcp
+||||buu||||Why do you have a box of worms?||||
+Searching is for why do you have a box of worms
+Searching are for why do you have a box of worms
+Searching is for why do you have a box of worms
+Searching are for why do you have a box of worms
+||||gefilte||||I can't even remember it.||||
+Searching is for gefilte can't even remember it.
+Searching are for gefilte can't even remember it.
+Searching is for gefilte can't even remember it
+Searching are for gefilte can't even remember it
+||||zrusilla||||to eat things like apple cores||||
+Searching is for to eat things like apple cores
+Searching are for to eat things like apple cores
+Searching is for to eat things like apple cores
+Searching are for to eat things like apple cores
+||||dha||||I have always been amused that the Pennsylvania College of Pharmacology actually is known as PCP||||
+Searching is for dha has always been amused that the pennsylvania college of pharmacology actually is known as pcp
+Searching are for dha has always been amused that the pennsylvania college of pharmacology actually is known as pcp
+||||gefilte||||That _is_ funny||||
+Searching is for that _is_ funny
+Searching are for that _is_ funny
+Searching is for that _is_ funny
+Searching are for that _is_ funny
+||||dha||||And true!||||
+Searching is for true!
+Searching are for true!
+Searching is for true
+Searching are for true
+||||gefilte||||though I might put PCP and PHP in the same mental category||||
+Searching is for though gefilte might put pcp and php in the same mental category
+Searching are for though gefilte might put pcp and php in the same mental category
+Searching is for though gefilte might put pcp and php in the same mental category
+Searching are for though gefilte might put pcp and php in the same mental category
+||||zrusilla||||most of us do||||
+Searching is for most of us do
+Searching are for most of us do
+Searching is for most of us do
+Searching are for most of us do
+||||zrusilla||||it's a bad trip, man||||
+Searching is for it's a bad trip, man
+Searching are for it's a bad trip, man
+Searching is for it's a bad trip, man
+Searching are for it's a bad trip, man
+||||gefilte||||I mean, one's for inhaling, and the other just blows||||
+Searching is for gefilte mean, one's for inhaling, and the other just blows
+Searching are for gefilte mean, one's for inhaling, and the other just blows
+Searching is for gefilte mean, one's for inhaling, and the other just blows
+Searching are for gefilte mean, one's for inhaling, and the other just blows
+||||zrusilla||||If you're freaking out here at Perlstock||||
+Searching is for if you are freaking out here at perlstock
+Searching are for if you are freaking out here at perlstock
+||||buu||||PCP sounds a lot more useful than php..||||
+Searching is for pcp sounds a lot more useful than php..
+Searching are for pcp sounds a lot more useful than php..
+Searching is for pcp sounds a lot more useful than php
+Searching are for pcp sounds a lot more useful than php
+Searching is for gefilte++
+Searching are for gefilte++
+Searching is for gefilte++
+Searching are for gefilte++
+||||zrusilla||||go to the bad trip tend||||
+Searching is for go to the bad trip tend
+Searching are for go to the bad trip tend
+Searching is for go to the bad trip tend
+Searching are for go to the bad trip tend
+Searching is for s/tend/tent
+Searching are for s/tend/tent
+Searching is for s/tend/tent
+Searching are for s/tend/tent
+||||dha||||DON'T TAKE THE BROWN PHP||||
+Searching is for don't take the brown php
+Searching are for don't take the brown php
+Searching is for don't take the brown php
+Searching are for don't take the brown php
+||||zrusilla||||they'll debug your code||||
+Searching is for they'll debug your code
+Searching are for they'll debug your code
+Searching is for they'll debug your code
+Searching are for they'll debug your code
+||||zrusilla||||then you stay and help the next freakout||||
+Searching is for then you stay and help the next freakout
+Searching are for then you stay and help the next freakout
+Searching is for then you stay and help the next freakout
+Searching are for then you stay and help the next freakout
+||||gefilte||||"momma told me not to come"||||
+Searching is for "momma told gefilte not to come"
+Searching are for "momma told gefilte not to come"
+Searching is for "momma told gefilte not to come"
+Searching are for "momma told gefilte not to come"
+||||zrusilla||||there's some bad PHP going around||||
+Searching is for there's some bad php going around
+Searching are for there's some bad php going around
+Searching is for there's some bad php going around
+Searching are for there's some bad php going around
+||||gefilte||||"that ain't the way to have fun"||||
+Searching is for "that ain't the way to have fun"
+Searching are for "that ain't the way to have fun"
+Searching is for "that ain't the way to have fun"
+Searching are for "that ain't the way to have fun"
+||||zrusilla||||"that ain't the way to have fun"||||
+Searching is for "that ain't the way to have fun"
+Searching are for "that ain't the way to have fun"
+Searching is for "that ain't the way to have fun"
+Searching are for "that ain't the way to have fun"
+Searching is for amta
+Searching are for amta
+Searching is for amta
+Searching are for amta
+||||zrusilla||||(attuned minds think alike)||||
+Searching is for (attuned minds think alike)
+Searching are for (attuned minds think alike)
+Searching is for (attuned minds think alike)
+Searching are for (attuned minds think alike)
+Searching is for zrusilla++
+Searching are for zrusilla++
+Searching is for zrusilla++
+Searching are for zrusilla++
+||||dha||||zrusilla++ # just 'cause||||
+Searching is for zrusilla++ # just 'cause
+Searching are for zrusilla++ # just 'cause
+Searching is for zrusilla++ # just 'cause
+Searching are for zrusilla++ # just 'cause
+||||zrusilla||||if you say amta, you avoid making any representation of the greatness of your mind||||
+Searching is for if you say amta, you avoid making any representation of the greatness of your mind
+Searching are for if you say amta, you avoid making any representation of the greatness of your mind
+Searching is for if you say amta, you avoid making any representation of the greatness of your mind
+Searching are for if you say amta, you avoid making any representation of the greatness of your mind
+||||zrusilla||||besides great minds usually don't think alike||||
+Searching is for besides great minds usually don't think alike
+Searching are for besides great minds usually don't think alike
+Searching is for besides great minds usually don't think alike
+Searching are for besides great minds usually don't think alike
+Searching is for amta
+Searching are for amta
+Searching is for amta
+Searching are for amta
+||||gefilte||||she's attempting to create an ETLA meme||||
+Searching is for she's attempting to create an etla meme
+Searching are for she's attempting to create an etla meme
+Searching is for she's attempting to create an etla meme
+Searching are for she's attempting to create an etla meme
+||||dha||||American Meat Tasters Association?||||
+Searching is for american meat tasters association
+Searching are for american meat tasters association
+Searching is for american meat tasters association
+Searching are for american meat tasters association
+Searching is for etla
+Searching are for etla
+Searching is for etla
+Searching are for etla
+Searching is for ah.
+Searching are for ah.
+Searching is for ah
+Searching are for ah
+||||buu||||American monkey testers..||||
+Searching is for american monkey testers..
+Searching are for american monkey testers..
+Searching is for american monkey testers
+Searching are for american monkey testers
+||||gefilte||||all acronyms are either||||
+Searching is for all acronyms are either
+Searching are for all acronyms are either
+Searching is for tla
+Searching are for tla
+Searching is for tla
+Searching are for tla
+||||gefilte||||or ||||
+Searching is for
+Searching are for
+Searching is for
+Searching are for
+Searching is for etla
+Searching are for etla
+Searching is for etla
+Searching are for etla
+||||dha||||what about one letter acronyms?||||
+Searching is for about one letter acronyms
+Searching are for about one letter acronyms
+Searching is for about one letter acronyms
+Searching are for about one letter acronyms
+||||gefilte||||hmm... it missed it before||||
+Searching is for it missed it before
+Searching are for it missed it before
+Searching is for it missed it before
+Searching are for it missed it before
+||||dec||||that's called the alphabet :)||||
+Searching is for that's called the alphabet :)
+Searching are for that's called the alphabet :)
+Searching is for that's called the alphabet :)
+Searching are for that's called the alphabet :)
+||||dha||||what about the decibet? :-)||||
+Searching is for about the decibet? :-)
+Searching are for about the decibet? :-)
+Searching is for about the decibet? :-)
+Searching are for about the decibet? :-)
+Searching is for snl++
+Searching are for snl++
+Searching is for snl++
+Searching are for snl++
+||||gefilte||||(Not Ready for Prime-Time Players)++||||
+Searching is for (not ready for prime-time players)++
+Searching are for (not ready for prime-time players)++
+Searching is for (not ready for prime-time players)++
+Searching are for (not ready for prime-time players)++
+++;;not ready for prime-time players
+||||dha||||(SNL for the first few years)++||||
+Searching is for (snl for the first few years)++
+Searching are for (snl for the first few years)++
+Searching is for (snl for the first few years)++
+Searching are for (snl for the first few years)++
+++;;snl for the first few years
+Searching is for "ghindustry!"
+Searching are for "ghindustry!"
+Searching is for "ghindustry!"
+Searching are for "ghindustry!"
+||||gefilte||||"Honey, would you lmnopen the door please"||||
+Searching is for "honey, would you lmnopen the door please"
+Searching are for "honey, would you lmnopen the door please"
+Searching is for "honey, would you lmnopen the door please"
+Searching are for "honey, would you lmnopen the door please"
+||||gefilte||||MMM! That's terrific bass!||||
+Searching is for mmm! that's terrific bass!
+Searching are for mmm! that's terrific bass!
+Searching is for mmm! that's terrific bass
+Searching are for mmm! that's terrific bass
+Searching is for :p
+Searching are for :p
+Searching is for :p
+Searching are for :p
+||||gefilte||||You know, I think of that EVERY TIME someone orders a Bass ale||||
+Searching is for you know, gefilte think of that every time someone orders a bass ale
+Searching are for you know, gefilte think of that every time someone orders a bass ale
+Searching is for you know, gefilte think of that every time someone orders a bass ale
+Searching are for you know, gefilte think of that every time someone orders a bass ale
+||||dha||||Better check your uvula, though||||
+Searching is for better check your uvula, though
+Searching are for better check your uvula, though
+Searching is for better check your uvula, though
+Searching are for better check your uvula, though
+Searching is for heh.
+Searching are for heh.
+Searching is for heh
+Searching are for heh
+||||zrusilla||||my gyno did that last week||||
+Searching is for zrusilla's gyno did that last week
+Searching are for zrusilla's gyno did that last week
+Searching is for zrusilla's gyno did that last week
+Searching are for zrusilla's gyno did that last week
+||||dha||||was that fun for you?||||
+Searching is for was that fun for you
+Searching are for was that fun for you
+Searching is for was that fun for you
+Searching are for was that fun for you
+Searching is for :-)
+Searching are for :-)
+Searching is for :-)
+Searching are for :-)
+Searching is for heh
+Searching are for heh
+Searching is for heh
+Searching are for heh
+||||zrusilla||||not especially||||
+Searching is for not especially
+Searching are for not especially
+Searching is for not especially
+Searching are for not especially
+||||dha||||ok. bed time for moi.||||
+Searching is for bed time for moi.
+Searching are for bed time for moi.
+Searching is for bed time for moi
+Searching are for bed time for moi
+Searching is for laundryfoldingtime!
+Searching are for laundryfoldingtime!
+Searching is for laundryfoldingtime
+Searching are for laundryfoldingtime
+Searching is for whee
+Searching are for whee
+Searching is for whee
+Searching are for whee
+Searching is for yayy
+Searching are for yayy
+Searching is for yayy
+Searching are for yayy
+||||zrusilla||||it's about bed time for me too||||
+Searching is for it's about bed time for zrusilla too
+Searching are for it's about bed time for zrusilla too
+Searching is for it's about bed time for zrusilla too
+Searching are for it's about bed time for zrusilla too
+||||zrusilla||||nite nite||||
+Searching is for nite nite
+Searching are for nite nite
+Searching is for nite nite
+Searching are for nite nite
+||||vh||||horley smorkes||||
+Searching is for horley smorkes
+Searching are for horley smorkes
+Searching is for horley smorkes
+Searching are for horley smorkes
+||||vh||||so I've had this tetris DS game now for several months||||
+Searching is for so vh has had this tetris ds game now for several months
+Searching are for so vh has had this tetris ds game now for several months
+Searching is for so vh has had this tetris ds game now for several months
+Searching are for so vh has had this tetris ds game now for several months
+||||vh||||but was always too much of a wuss to go wifi (online) with it and play against other people||||
+Searching is for was always too much of a wuss to go wifi (online) with it and play against other people
+Searching are for was always too much of a wuss to go wifi (online) with it and play against other people
+Searching is for was always too much of a wuss to go wifi (online) with it and play against other people
+Searching are for was always too much of a wuss to go wifi (online) with it and play against other people
+||||vh||||just decided for the fuck of it to do so.. and didn't dominate... but at least I won 3 games against foolios who had over 100 wins||||
+Searching is for just decided for of it to do so.. and didn't dominate... but at least vh won 3 games against foolioshad over 100 wins
+Searching are for just decided for of it to do so.. and didn't dominate... but at least vh won 3 games against foolioshad over 100 wins
+Searching is for just decided for of it to do so.. and didn't dominate... but at least vh won 3 games against foolioshad over 100 wins
+Searching are for just decided for of it to do so.. and didn't dominate... but at least vh won 3 games against foolioshad over 100 wins
+||||vh||||and for the reason...||||
+Searching is for for the reason...
+Searching are for for the reason...
+Searching is for for the reason
+Searching are for for the reason
+||||vh||||I am the most awesome person||||
+Searching is for vh is the most awesome person
+Searching are for vh is the most awesome person
+Searching is for vh
+set;;is;;vh;;the most awesome person
+||||vh||||in the entire world.||||
+Searching is for in the entire world.
+Searching are for in the entire world.
+Searching is for in the entire world
+Searching are for in the entire world
+||||vh||||ok fine 22.7% of the world||||
+Searching is for fine 22.7% of the world
+Searching are for fine 22.7% of the world
+Searching is for fine 22.7% of the world
+Searching are for fine 22.7% of the world
+||||dorian||||i wish i had some cheese.||||
+Searching is for dorian wish dorian had some cheese.
+Searching are for dorian wish dorian had some cheese.
+Searching is for dorian wish dorian had some cheese
+Searching are for dorian wish dorian had some cheese
+||||dorian||||uhoh the terrists won||||
+Searching is for uhoh the terrists won
+Searching are for uhoh the terrists won
+Searching is for uhoh the terrists won
+Searching are for uhoh the terrists won
+||||tsee||||Die, linux printing, die!||||
+Searching is for die, linux printing, die!
+Searching are for die, linux printing, die!
+Searching is for die, linux printing, die
+Searching are for die, linux printing, die
+||||vh||||don't ever give up||||
+Searching is for don't ever give up
+Searching are for don't ever give up
+Searching is for don't ever give up
+Searching are for don't ever give up
+||||tsee||||You know, it can be really expensive if it screws up > 1000 page print jobs.||||
+Searching is for you know, it can be really expensive if it screws up > 1000 page print jobs.
+Searching are for you know, it can be really expensive if it screws up > 1000 page print jobs.
+Searching is for you know, it can be really expensive if it screws up > 1000 page print jobs
+Searching are for you know, it can be really expensive if it screws up > 1000 page print jobs
+||||sheriff||||seen Alias||||
+Searching is for seen alias
+Searching are for seen alias
+Searching is for seen alias
+Searching are for seen alias
+Searching is for boobies++
+Searching are for boobies++
+Searching is for boobies++
+Searching are for boobies++
+||||tsee||||Seriously. If you are in need of serious pain, look at Statistics::R!||||
+Searching is for seriously. if you are in need of serious pain, look at statistics::r!
+Searching are for seriously. if you are in need of serious pain, look at statistics::r!
+Searching are for seriously. if you
+set;;are;;seriously. if you;;in need of serious pain, look at Statistics::R!
+||||waltman||||we nice a nice one in philly last night -- first rain all month||||
+Searching is for we nice a nice one in philly last night -- first rain all month
+Searching are for we nice a nice one in philly last night -- first rain all month
+Searching is for we nice a nice one in philly last night -- first rain all month
+Searching are for we nice a nice one in philly last night -- first rain all month
+||||Juerd||||Transporting liquids is hard nowadays ||||
+Searching is for transporting liquids is hard nowadays
+Searching are for transporting liquids is hard nowadays
+Searching is for transporting liquids
+set;;is;;transporting liquids;;hard nowadays
+||||Juerd||||So this is a perfect solution. ||||
+Searching is for so this is a perfect solution.
+Searching are for so this is a perfect solution.
+Searching is for so this
+set;;is;;so this;;a perfect solution.
+||||waltman||||spam subject of the day -- Subject: written ITS TECO||||
+Searching is for spam subject of the day -- subject: written its teco
+Searching are for spam subject of the day -- subject: written its teco
+Searching is for spam subject of the day -- subject: written its teco
+Searching are for spam subject of the day -- subject: written its teco
+Searching is for yawn
+Searching are for yawn
+Searching is for yawn
+Searching are for yawn
+Searching is for morning.
+Searching are for morning.
+Searching is for morning
+Searching are for morning
+||||waltman||||yup, morning||||
+Searching is for yup, morning
+Searching are for yup, morning
+Searching is for yup, morning
+Searching are for yup, morning
+Searching is for yup
+Searching are for yup
+Searching is for yup
+Searching are for yup
+Searching is for woof
+Searching are for woof
+Searching is for woof
+Searching are for woof
+||||centosian||||is there a good module for finding a module's perl dependencies? I've seen Module::ScanDeps but it doesn't seem like what I'm looking for||||
+Searching is for is there a good module for finding a module's perl dependencies? centosian has seen module::scandeps but it doesn't seem likecentosian is looking for
+Searching are for is there a good module for finding a module's perl dependencies? centosian has seen module::scandeps but it doesn't seem likecentosian is looking for
+Searching is for there a good module for finding a module's perl dependencies? centosian has seen module::scandeps but it doesn't seem likecentosian is looking for
+||||rjbs||||consult cpants.perl.org or use Module::Dependency||||
+Searching is for consult cpants.perl.org or use module::dependency
+Searching are for consult cpants.perl.org or use module::dependency
+Searching is for consult cpants.perl.org or use module::dependency
+Searching are for consult cpants.perl.org or use module::dependency
+||||centosian||||hm, there are Module::Depends and Module::Dependency::Info||||
+Searching is for there are module::depends and module::dependency::info
+Searching are for there are module::depends and module::dependency::info
+||||tsee||||How does Module::ScanDeps not do what you want?||||
+Searching is for how does module::scandeps not doyou want
+Searching are for how does module::scandeps not doyou want
+Searching is for how does module::scandeps not doyou want
+Searching are for how does module::scandeps not doyou want
+||||centosian||||looking at the scandeps.pl script more, I'd have to say that is a good question||||
+Searching is for looking at the scandeps.pl script more, centosian'd have to say that is a good question
+Searching are for looking at the scandeps.pl script more, centosian'd have to say that is a good question
+||||centosian||||(that script comes with Module::ScanDeps)||||
+Searching is for (that script comes with module::scandeps)
+Searching are for (that script comes with module::scandeps)
+Searching is for (that script comes with module::scandeps)
+Searching are for (that script comes with module::scandeps)
+||||centosian||||thx tsee||||
+Searching is for thx tsee
+Searching are for thx tsee
+Searching is for thx tsee
+Searching are for thx tsee
+||||sungo||||prl,, sungo it!||||
+Searching is for prl,, sungo it!
+Searching are for prl,, sungo it!
+Searching is for prl,, sungo it
+Searching are for prl,, sungo it
+||||sungo||||sungo it!||||
+Searching is for sungo it!
+Searching are for sungo it!
+Searching is for sungo it
+Searching are for sungo it
+Searching is for seether++
+Searching are for seether++
+Searching is for seether++
+Searching are for seether++
+||||rjbs||||(the breeders)++||||
+Searching is for (the breeders)++
+Searching are for (the breeders)++
+Searching is for (the breeders)++
+Searching are for (the breeders)++
+++;;the breeders
+||||rjbs||||my apartment smells like brownies||||
+Searching is for rjbs's apartment smells like brownies
+Searching are for rjbs's apartment smells like brownies
+Searching is for rjbs's apartment smells like brownies
+Searching are for rjbs's apartment smells like brownies
+||||sungo||||(the breeders)++ indeed||||
+Searching is for (the breeders)++ indeed
+Searching are for (the breeders)++ indeed
+Searching is for (the breeders)++ indeed
+Searching are for (the breeders)++ indeed
+++;;the breeders
+||||dec||||Mmmm brownies||||
+Searching is for mmmm brownies
+Searching are for mmmm brownies
+Searching is for mmmm brownies
+Searching are for mmmm brownies
+||||rjbs||||They're for a BBQ, though, so I can't eat them all.||||
+Searching is for they're for a bbq, though, so rjbs can't eat them all.
+Searching are for they're for a bbq, though, so rjbs can't eat them all.
+Searching is for they're for a bbq, though, so rjbs can't eat them all
+Searching are for they're for a bbq, though, so rjbs can't eat them all
+||||rjbs||||Which, frankly, blows.||||
+Searching is for which, frankly, blows.
+Searching are for which, frankly, blows.
+Searching is for which, frankly, blows
+Searching are for which, frankly, blows
+||||sungo||||And Donnelly's solo album||||
+Searching is for donnelly's solo album
+Searching are for donnelly's solo album
+Searching is for donnelly's solo album
+Searching are for donnelly's solo album
+||||jibsheet||||this is why you always make two batches||||
+Searching is for this is why you always make two batches
+Searching are for this is why you always make two batches
+Searching is for oops!
+Searching are for oops!
+Searching is for oops
+Searching are for oops
+||||rjbs||||I haven't heard the solo album, I think.||||
+Searching is for rjbs has not heard the solo album, rjbs think.
+Searching are for rjbs has not heard the solo album, rjbs think.
+Searching is for rjbs has not heard the solo album, rjbs think
+Searching are for rjbs has not heard the solo album, rjbs think
+||||sungo||||Belly's King is still one of my favorite albums.||||
+Searching is for belly's king is still one of sungo's favorite albums.
+Searching are for belly's king is still one of sungo's favorite albums.
+Searching is for belly's king
+set;;is;;belly's king;;still one of sungo's favorite albums.
+||||sungo||||it didn't get any real play. I found it in a used bin a while back.||||
+Searching is for it didn't get any real play. sungo found it in a used bin a while back.
+Searching are for it didn't get any real play. sungo found it in a used bin a while back.
+Searching is for it didn't get any real play. sungo found it in a used bin a while back
+Searching are for it didn't get any real play. sungo found it in a used bin a while back
+||||sungo||||definitely check out King||||
+Searching is for definitely check out king
+Searching are for definitely check out king
+Searching is for definitely check out king
+Searching are for definitely check out king
+||||rjbs||||also found"Moon"||||
+Searching is for also found"moon"
+Searching are for also found"moon"
+Searching is for also found"moon"
+Searching are for also found"moon"
+||||rjbs||||lovesongs for underdogs?||||
+Searching is for lovesongs for underdogs
+Searching are for lovesongs for underdogs
+Searching is for lovesongs for underdogs
+Searching are for lovesongs for underdogs
+Searching is for correct.
+Searching are for correct.
+Searching is for correct
+Searching are for correct
+||||rjbs||||bah, oink only has the b-sides.||||
+Searching is for bah, oink only has the b-sides.
+Searching are for bah, oink only has the b-sides.
+Searching is for bah, oink only has the b-sides
+Searching are for bah, oink only has the b-sides
+||||sungo||||It doesn't quite have the power and charm of King, in my opinion, but it's worth a spin||||
+Searching is for it doesn't quite have the power and charm of king, in sungo's opinion, but it's worth a spin
+Searching are for it doesn't quite have the power and charm of king, in sungo's opinion, but it's worth a spin
+Searching is for it doesn't quite have the power and charm of king, in sungo's opinion, but it's worth a spin
+Searching are for it doesn't quite have the power and charm of king, in sungo's opinion, but it's worth a spin
+||||rjbs||||man, wtf.||||
+Searching is for man, where.
+Searching are for man, where.
+Searching is for man, where
+Searching are for man, where
+||||rjbs||||Terminal.app is having focus issues.||||
+Searching is for terminal.app is having focus issues.
+Searching are for terminal.app is having focus issues.
+Searching is for terminal.app
+set;;is;;terminal.app;;having focus issues.
+||||rjbs||||anyway, leeching king||||
+Searching is for anyway, leeching king
+Searching are for anyway, leeching king
+Searching is for anyway, leeching king
+Searching are for anyway, leeching king
+||||rjbs||||T-1min to browniesign||||
+Searching is for t-1min to browniesign
+Searching are for t-1min to browniesign
+Searching is for t-1min to browniesign
+Searching are for t-1min to browniesign
+Searching is for t rjbs are they "special" brownies
+Searching are for t rjbs are they "special" brownies
+||||jibsheet||||EXTRA FUDGEY||||
+Searching is for extra fudgey
+Searching are for extra fudgey
+Searching is for extra fudgey
+Searching are for extra fudgey
+||||sungo||||Seether's "Karma and Effect" is fast proving to be one of my new favorite albums.||||
+Searching is for seether's "karma and effect" is fast proving to be one of sungo's new favorite albums.
+Searching are for seether's "karma and effect" is fast proving to be one of sungo's new favorite albums.
+Searching is for seether's "karma and effect"
+set;;is;;seether's "karma and effect";;fast proving to be one of sungo's new favorite albums.
+Searching is for nossir
+Searching are for nossir
+Searching is for nossir
+Searching are for nossir
+||||rjbs||||oh, seether is a band? O_o||||
+Searching is for seether is a band? o_o
+Searching are for seether is a band? o_o
+Searching is for seether
+set;;is;;seether;;a band? O_o
+||||rjbs||||I thought you meant the song.||||
+Searching is for rjbs thought you meant the song.
+Searching are for rjbs thought you meant the song.
+Searching is for rjbs thought you meant the song
+Searching are for rjbs thought you meant the song
+||||sungo||||They're named after the Veruca Salt song.||||
+Searching is for they're named after the veruca salt song.
+Searching are for they're named after the veruca salt song.
+Searching is for they're named after the veruca salt song
+Searching are for they're named after the veruca salt song
+Searching is for ha!
+Searching are for ha!
+Searching is for ha
+Searching are for ha
+||||sungo||||grab Disclaimer II (remixes of Disclaimer + extra tracks) as well.||||
+Searching is for grab disclaimer ii (remixes of disclaimer + extra tracks) as well.
+Searching are for grab disclaimer ii (remixes of disclaimer + extra tracks) as well.
+Searching is for grab disclaimer ii (remixes of disclaimer + extra tracks) as well
+Searching are for grab disclaimer ii (remixes of disclaimer + extra tracks) as well
+||||rjbs||||this is Karma and Effect, Saron Gas, Disclaimer II, Disclaimer||||
+Searching is for this is karma and effect, saron gas, disclaimer ii, disclaimer
+Searching are for this is karma and effect, saron gas, disclaimer ii, disclaimer
+||||rjbs||||this seed||||
+Searching is for this seed
+Searching are for this seed
+Searching is for this seed
+Searching are for this seed
+||||sungo||||It has a (in my opinion) great remix of Fine Again featuring AMy Lee of Evanescence (whom he was fucking at the time)||||
+Searching is for it has a (in sungo's opinion) great remix of fine again featuring amy lee of evanescence (whom he was fucking at the time)
+Searching are for it has a (in sungo's opinion) great remix of fine again featuring amy lee of evanescence (whom he was fucking at the time)
+Searching is for it has a (in sungo's opinion) great remix of fine again featuring amy lee of evanescence (whom he was fucking at the time)
+Searching are for it has a (in sungo's opinion) great remix of fine again featuring amy lee of evanescence (whom he was fucking at the time)
+||||rjbs||||win 35||||
+Searching is for win 35
+Searching are for win 35
+Searching is for win 35
+Searching are for win 35
+Searching is for oops
+Searching are for oops
+Searching is for oops
+Searching are for oops
+||||sungo||||that's awesome. I've not heard that Saron Gas album.||||
+Searching is for that's awesome. sungo has not heard that saron gas album.
+Searching are for that's awesome. sungo has not heard that saron gas album.
+Searching is for that's awesome. sungo has not heard that saron gas album
+Searching are for that's awesome. sungo has not heard that saron gas album
+||||rjbs||||got oink?||||
+Searching is for got oink
+Searching are for got oink
+Searching is for got oink
+Searching are for got oink
+||||sungo||||I think you invited me at one point and it was full||||
+Searching is for sungo think you invited sungo at one point and it was full
+Searching are for sungo think you invited sungo at one point and it was full
+Searching is for sungo think you invited sungo at one point and it was full
+Searching are for sungo think you invited sungo at one point and it was full
+||||rjbs||||bah, I think that's fixed.||||
+Searching is for bah, rjbs think that's fixed.
+Searching are for bah, rjbs think that's fixed.
+Searching is for bah, rjbs think that's fixed
+Searching are for bah, rjbs think that's fixed
+Searching is for url
+Searching are for url
+Searching is for url
+Searching are for url
+||||sungo||||FUCK URI||||
+Searching is for fuck uri
+Searching are for fuck uri
+Searching is for fuck uri
+Searching are for fuck uri
+||||rjbs||||i'll reinvite||||
+Searching is for rjbs'll reinvite
+Searching are for rjbs'll reinvite
+Searching is for rjbs'll reinvite
+Searching are for rjbs'll reinvite
+||||sungo||||Thanks :)||||
+Searching is for thanks :)
+Searching are for thanks :)
+Searching is for thanks :)
+Searching are for thanks :)
+||||rjbs||||eating chili-flavored chips to fight brownie smell||||
+Searching is for eating chili-flavored chips to fight brownie smell
+Searching are for eating chili-flavored chips to fight brownie smell
+Searching is for eating chili-flavored chips to fight brownie smell
+Searching are for eating chili-flavored chips to fight brownie smell
+||||sungo||||it refuses to install its prereqs||||
+Searching is for it refuses to install its prereqs
+Searching are for it refuses to install its prereqs
+Searching is for it refuses to install its prereqs
+Searching are for it refuses to install its prereqs
+||||sungo||||Module::CoreList defines neither package nor VERSION--version check failed at (eval 35) line 405.||||
+Searching is for module::corelist defines neither package nor version--version check failed at (eval 35) line 405.
+Searching are for module::corelist defines neither package nor version--version check failed at (eval 35) line 405.
+Searching is for module::corelist defines neither package nor version--version check failed at (eval 35) line 405
+Searching are for module::corelist defines neither package nor version--version check failed at (eval 35) line 405
+Searching is for ugh
+Searching are for ugh
+Searching is for ugh
+Searching are for ugh
+||||sungo||||ah, it needs a new version.pm first.||||
+Searching is for ah, it needs a new version.pm first.
+Searching are for ah, it needs a new version.pm first.
+Searching is for ah, it needs a new version.pm first
+Searching are for ah, it needs a new version.pm first
+||||sungo||||of course it DOESN'T KNOW THAT||||
+Searching is for of course it doesn't know that
+Searching are for of course it doesn't know that
+Searching is for of course it doesn't know that
+Searching are for of course it doesn't know that
+||||rjbs||||i hates version.pm||||
+Searching is for rjbs hates version.pm
+Searching are for rjbs hates version.pm
+Searching is for rjbs hates version.pm
+Searching are for rjbs hates version.pm
+||||sungo||||I'd like to commit a patch to it||||
+Searching is for sungo'd like to commit a patch to it
+Searching are for sungo'd like to commit a patch to it
+Searching is for sungo'd like to commit a patch to it
+Searching are for sungo'd like to commit a patch to it
+||||sungo||||+ BEGIN { warn "HATE"; }||||
+Searching is for + begin { warn "hate"; }
+Searching are for + begin { warn "hate"; }
+Searching is for + begin { warn "hate"; }
+Searching are for + begin { warn "hate"; }
+Searching is for ha
+Searching are for ha
+Searching is for ha
+Searching are for ha
+||||rjbs||||So, I have this character quirk/flaw.||||
+Searching is for so, rjbs has this character quirk/flaw.
+Searching are for so, rjbs has this character quirk/flaw.
+Searching is for so, rjbs has this character quirk/flaw
+Searching are for so, rjbs has this character quirk/flaw
+||||sungo||||we know||||
+Searching is for we know
+Searching are for we know
+Searching is for we know
+Searching are for we know
+||||rjbs||||When I know that a package has been sent to me, I get really really antsy until it is delivered.||||
+Searching is for when rjbs know that a package has been sent to rjbs, rjbs get really really antsy until it is delivered.
+Searching are for when rjbs know that a package has been sent to rjbs, rjbs get really really antsy until it is delivered.
+||||rjbs||||and this gets worse when it is OFD.||||
+Searching is for this gets worse when it is ofd.
+Searching are for this gets worse when it is ofd.
+||||sungo||||I can't stop watching progress bars.||||
+Searching is for sungo can't stop watching progress bars.
+Searching are for sungo can't stop watching progress bars.
+Searching is for sungo can't stop watching progress bars
+Searching are for sungo can't stop watching progress bars
+||||rjbs||||There are 27 days until closing on this house.||||
+Searching is for there are 27 days until closing on this house.
+Searching are for there are 27 days until closing on this house.
+||||rjbs||||I may not make it.||||
+Searching is for rjbs may not make it.
+Searching are for rjbs may not make it.
+Searching is for rjbs may not make it
+Searching are for rjbs may not make it
+||||sungo||||Closing is a hard thing to wait for.||||
+Searching is for closing is a hard thing to wait for.
+Searching are for closing is a hard thing to wait for.
+Searching is for closing
+set;;is;;closing;;a hard thing to wait for.
+||||rjbs||||Like, I could see another week for apperwork.||||
+Searching is for like, rjbs could see another week for apperwork.
+Searching are for like, rjbs could see another week for apperwork.
+Searching is for like, rjbs could see another week for apperwork
+Searching are for like, rjbs could see another week for apperwork
+||||rjbs||||but after that... what won't be done?||||
+Searching is for after that...won't be done
+Searching are for after that...won't be done
+Searching is for after that...won't be done
+Searching are for after that...won't be done
+||||sungo||||There are 4 to 5 companies involved and they all have lawyers. They all have to get their ducks in a row and agree on fees and what not.||||
+Searching is for there are 4 to 5 companies involved and they all have lawyers. they all have to get their ducks in a row and agree on fees andnot.
+Searching are for there are 4 to 5 companies involved and they all have lawyers. they all have to get their ducks in a row and agree on fees andnot.
+Searching are for 4 to 5 companies involved and they all have lawyers. they all have to get their ducks in a row and agree on fees andnot.
+||||sungo||||It's not uncommon for one lawyer to be busy a week and the next lawyer to be busy the next||||
+Searching is for it's not uncommon for one lawyer to be busy a week and the next lawyer to be busy the next
+Searching are for it's not uncommon for one lawyer to be busy a week and the next lawyer to be busy the next
+Searching is for it's not uncommon for one lawyer to be busy a week and the next lawyer to be busy the next
+Searching are for it's not uncommon for one lawyer to be busy a week and the next lawyer to be busy the next
+||||rjbs||||yeah... but argh!||||
+Searching is for yeah... but argh!
+Searching are for yeah... but argh!
+Searching is for yeah... but argh
+Searching are for yeah... but argh
+||||rjbs||||Can't we just agree that it will go well, so I can move!?||||
+Searching is for can't we just agree that it will go well, so rjbs can move!
+Searching are for can't we just agree that it will go well, so rjbs can move!
+Searching is for can't we just agree that it will go well, so rjbs can move
+Searching are for can't we just agree that it will go well, so rjbs can move
+||||sungo||||We were lucky. We had a week until our loan terms expired so we had a contingency on the offer that if they held us up past that date, they got to pay the difference.||||
+Searching is for we were lucky. we had a week until our loan terms expired so we had a contingency on the offer that if they held us up past that date, they got to pay the difference.
+Searching are for we were lucky. we had a week until our loan terms expired so we had a contingency on the offer that if they held us up past that date, they got to pay the difference.
+Searching is for we were lucky. we had a week until our loan terms expired so we had a contingency on the offer that if they held us up past that date, they got to pay the difference
+Searching are for we were lucky. we had a week until our loan terms expired so we had a contingency on the offer that if they held us up past that date, they got to pay the difference
+Searching is for heh.
+Searching are for heh.
+Searching is for heh
+Searching are for heh
+||||jibsheet||||I closed on a monday at 11am, they didn't want to tell me how much money to bring to the closing until 9am monday because the lawyers were too lazy.||||
+Searching is for jibsheet closed on a monday at 11am, they didn't want to tell jibsheet how much money to bring to the closing until 9am monday because the lawyers were too lazy.
+Searching are for jibsheet closed on a monday at 11am, they didn't want to tell jibsheet how much money to bring to the closing until 9am monday because the lawyers were too lazy.
+Searching is for jibsheet closed on a monday at 11am, they didn't want to tell jibsheet how much money to bring to the closing until 9am monday because the lawyers were too lazy
+Searching are for jibsheet closed on a monday at 11am, they didn't want to tell jibsheet how much money to bring to the closing until 9am monday because the lawyers were too lazy
+||||rjbs||||I am brining $0 to the closing, so that is easy.||||
+Searching is for rjbs is brining $0 to the closing, so that is easy.
+Searching are for rjbs is brining $0 to the closing, so that is easy.
+Searching is for rjbs
+set;;is;;rjbs;;brining $0 to the closing, so that is easy.
+||||sungo||||that's a tough one to swing||||
+Searching is for that's a tough one to swing
+Searching are for that's a tough one to swing
+Searching is for that's a tough one to swing
+Searching are for that's a tough one to swing
+||||rjbs||||the seller is paying the closing costs.||||
+Searching is for the seller is paying the closing costs.
+Searching are for the seller is paying the closing costs.
+Searching is for seller
+set;;is;;seller;;paying the closing costs.
+||||sungo||||Excellent work.||||
+Searching is for excellent work.
+Searching are for excellent work.
+Searching is for excellent work
+Searching are for excellent work
+||||cfedde||||finance all your closing costs.||||
+Searching is for finance all your closing costs.
+Searching are for finance all your closing costs.
+Searching is for finance all your closing costs
+Searching are for finance all your closing costs
+||||rjbs||||I really like our agents.||||
+Searching is for rjbs really like our agents.
+Searching are for rjbs really like our agents.
+Searching is for rjbs really like our agents
+Searching are for rjbs really like our agents
+||||sungo||||you still end up bringing money to the table.||||
+Searching is for you still end up bringing money to the table.
+Searching are for you still end up bringing money to the table.
+Searching is for you still end up bringing money to the table
+Searching are for you still end up bringing money to the table
+||||sungo||||I can undersetand why.||||
+Searching is for sungo can undersetand why.
+Searching are for sungo can undersetand why.
+Searching is for sungo can undersetand why
+Searching are for sungo can undersetand why
+||||rjbs||||They are pleasant and helpful, and not pushy.||||
+Searching is for they are pleasant and helpful, and not pushy.
+Searching are for they are pleasant and helpful, and not pushy.
+||||jibsheet||||my agent was great. The seller and his agent dragged their feet, so he crawled up their ass until they finished their paperworl.||||
+Searching is for jibsheet's agent was great. the seller and his agent dragged their feet, so he crawled up their ass until they finished their paperworl.
+Searching are for jibsheet's agent was great. the seller and his agent dragged their feet, so he crawled up their ass until they finished their paperworl.
+Searching is for jibsheet's agent was great. the seller and his agent dragged their feet, so he crawled up their ass until they finished their paperworl
+Searching are for jibsheet's agent was great. the seller and his agent dragged their feet, so he crawled up their ass until they finished their paperworl
+||||rjbs||||Apparently the seller is a Really Nice Guy, or so my agent says.||||
+Searching is for apparently the seller is a really nice guy, or so rjbs's agent says.
+Searching are for apparently the seller is a really nice guy, or so rjbs's agent says.
+Searching is for apparently the seller
+set;;is;;apparently the seller;;a Really Nice Guy, or so rjbs's agent says.
+||||cfedde||||I think that we ended up bringing no money to the closing. but that was 20 years ago now.||||
+Searching is for cfedde think that we ended up bringing no money to the closing. but that was 20 years ago now.
+Searching are for cfedde think that we ended up bringing no money to the closing. but that was 20 years ago now.
+Searching is for cfedde think that we ended up bringing no money to the closing. but that was 20 years ago now
+Searching are for cfedde think that we ended up bringing no money to the closing. but that was 20 years ago now
+||||rjbs||||Google Maps estimates my move as taking 23 seconds to drive.||||
+Searching is for google maps estimates rjbs's move as taking 23 seconds to drive.
+Searching are for google maps estimates rjbs's move as taking 23 seconds to drive.
+Searching is for google maps estimates rjbs's move as taking 23 seconds to drive
+Searching are for google maps estimates rjbs's move as taking 23 seconds to drive
+||||sungo||||usually you can swing that by having the sellers pay the closing costs. They then get that money back from the lender and your loan is larger. That requires that your lender not be a complete dipshit.||||
+Searching is for usually you can swing that by having the sellers pay the closing costs. they then get that money back from the lender and your loan is larger. that requires that your lender not be a complete dipshit.
+Searching are for usually you can swing that by having the sellers pay the closing costs. they then get that money back from the lender and your loan is larger. that requires that your lender not be a complete dipshit.
+||||sungo||||Ours was and fucked up the financing. We had to do an emergency amendment to the offer in the last 48 hours.||||
+Searching is for ours was and fucked up the financing. we had to do an emergency amendment to the offer in the last 48 hours.
+Searching are for ours was and fucked up the financing. we had to do an emergency amendment to the offer in the last 48 hours.
+Searching is for ours was and fucked up the financing. we had to do an emergency amendment to the offer in the last 48 hours
+Searching are for ours was and fucked up the financing. we had to do an emergency amendment to the offer in the last 48 hours
+||||sungo||||About an hour of that 48 hours involved me screaming all manner of obscenties at our lender.||||
+Searching is for about an hour of that 48 hours involved sungo screaming all manner of obscenties at our lender.
+Searching are for about an hour of that 48 hours involved sungo screaming all manner of obscenties at our lender.
+Searching is for about an hour of that 48 hours involved sungo screaming all manner of obscenties at our lender
+Searching are for about an hour of that 48 hours involved sungo screaming all manner of obscenties at our lender
+Searching is for ha
+Searching are for ha
+Searching is for ha
+Searching are for ha
+||||sungo||||It's a shame because he really is a nice guy.||||
+Searching is for it's a shame because he really is a nice guy.
+Searching are for it's a shame because he really is a nice guy.
+||||sungo||||he came really close to losing us the house.||||
+Searching is for he came really close to losing us the house.
+Searching are for he came really close to losing us the house.
+Searching is for he came really close to losing us the house
+Searching are for he came really close to losing us the house
+||||cfedde||||'Nice' ||||
+Searching is for 'nice'
+Searching are for 'nice'
+Searching is for 'nice'
+Searching are for 'nice'
+Searching is for heh
+Searching are for heh
+Searching is for heh
+Searching are for heh
+||||rjbs||||a FOAF found out, late in the process, that his lender wasn't actually qualified to give the kind of loan he needed to||||
+Searching is for a foaf found out, late in the process, that his lender wasn't actually qualified to give the kind of loan he needed to
+Searching are for a foaf found out, late in the process, that his lender wasn't actually qualified to give the kind of loan he needed to
+Searching is for foaf found out, late in the process, that his lender wasn't actually qualified to give the kind of loan he needed to
+Searching are for foaf found out, late in the process, that his lender wasn't actually qualified to give the kind of loan he needed to
+||||sungo||||that's fantastic.||||
+Searching is for that's fantastic.
+Searching are for that's fantastic.
+Searching is for that's fantastic
+Searching are for that's fantastic
+||||dorian||||but not nearly as fulfilling||||
+Searching is for not nearly as fulfilling
+Searching are for not nearly as fulfilling
+Searching is for not nearly as fulfilling
+Searching are for not nearly as fulfilling
+||||sungo||||I started with that. He went into the "It's not really my fault" routine.||||
+Searching is for sungo started with that. he went into the "it's not really sungo's fault" routine.
+Searching are for sungo started with that. he went into the "it's not really sungo's fault" routine.
+Searching is for sungo started with that. he went into the "it's not really sungo's fault" routine
+Searching are for sungo started with that. he went into the "it's not really sungo's fault" routine
+||||sungo||||that's when I lost it and released a month of stress on him in the form of verbal hatred.||||
+Searching is for that's when sungo lost it and released a month of stress on him in the form of verbal hatred.
+Searching are for that's when sungo lost it and released a month of stress on him in the form of verbal hatred.
+Searching is for that's when sungo lost it and released a month of stress on him in the form of verbal hatred
+Searching are for that's when sungo lost it and released a month of stress on him in the form of verbal hatred
+||||sungo||||I love being able to reference clauses in documents in moments like that.||||
+Searching is for sungo love being able to reference clauses in documents in moments like that.
+Searching are for sungo love being able to reference clauses in documents in moments like that.
+Searching is for sungo love being able to reference clauses in documents in moments like that
+Searching are for sungo love being able to reference clauses in documents in moments like that
+||||cfedde||||Our first deal we were working through my mom the realestate broker. Somehow for her otehr customers (paying customers) were more important. ||||
+Searching is for our first deal we were working through cfedde's mom the realestate broker. somehow for her otehr customers (paying customers) were more important.
+Searching are for our first deal we were working through cfedde's mom the realestate broker. somehow for her otehr customers (paying customers) were more important.
+Searching is for our first deal we were working through cfedde's mom the realestate broker. somehow for her otehr customers (paying customers) were more important
+Searching are for our first deal we were working through cfedde's mom the realestate broker. somehow for her otehr customers (paying customers) were more important
+||||rjbs||||Hm. I just realized that the house had a cat, and has carpets.||||
+Searching is for rjbs just realized that the house had a cat, and has carpets.
+Searching are for rjbs just realized that the house had a cat, and has carpets.
+Searching is for rjbs just realized that the house had a cat, and has carpets
+Searching are for rjbs just realized that the house had a cat, and has carpets
+Searching is for blah.
+Searching are for blah.
+Searching is for blah
+Searching are for blah
+||||rjbs||||We will have to vacuum like crazy.||||
+Searching is for we will have to vacuum like crazy.
+Searching are for we will have to vacuum like crazy.
+Searching is for we will have to vacuum like crazy
+Searching are for we will have to vacuum like crazy
+||||sungo||||did you have an inspection completed?||||
+Searching is for did you have an inspection completed
+Searching are for did you have an inspection completed
+Searching is for did you have an inspection completed
+Searching are for did you have an inspection completed
+||||rjbs||||It's in a few hours.||||
+Searching is for it's in a few hours.
+Searching are for it's in a few hours.
+Searching is for it's in a few hours
+Searching are for it's in a few hours
+||||jibsheet||||and making them repair things||||
+Searching is for making them repair things
+Searching are for making them repair things
+Searching is for making them repair things
+Searching are for making them repair things
+||||cfedde||||It's not as if we did not offer to pay her commission. She said it was her gift.||||
+Searching is for it's not as if we did not offer to pay her commission. she said it was her gift.
+Searching are for it's not as if we did not offer to pay her commission. she said it was her gift.
+Searching is for it's not as if we did not offer to pay her commission. she said it was her gift
+Searching are for it's not as if we did not offer to pay her commission. she said it was her gift
+||||cfedde||||But it also ment we came in last.||||
+Searching is for it also ment we came in last.
+Searching are for it also ment we came in last.
+Searching is for it also ment we came in last
+Searching are for it also ment we came in last
+Searching is for lame.
+Searching are for lame.
+Searching is for lame
+Searching are for lame
+||||rjbs||||That's a problem with having a special relationship with a businessperson||||
+Searching is for that's a problem with having a special relationship with a businessperson
+Searching are for that's a problem with having a special relationship with a businessperson
+Searching is for that's a problem with having a special relationship with a businessperson
+Searching are for that's a problem with having a special relationship with a businessperson
+||||sungo||||Thanks mom.||||
+Searching is for thanks mom.
+Searching are for thanks mom.
+Searching is for thanks mom
+Searching are for thanks mom
+||||jibsheet||||I steam cleaned one floor and just replaced the other carpet||||
+Searching is for jibsheet steam cleaned one floor and just replaced the other carpet
+Searching are for jibsheet steam cleaned one floor and just replaced the other carpet
+Searching is for jibsheet steam cleaned one floor and just replaced the other carpet
+Searching are for jibsheet steam cleaned one floor and just replaced the other carpet
+||||sungo||||yup. That's usually the way of things.||||
+Searching is for yup. that's usually the way of things.
+Searching are for yup. that's usually the way of things.
+Searching is for yup. that's usually the way of things
+Searching are for yup. that's usually the way of things
+||||cfedde||||when we went with a different agent Mom would not talk to us for a year.||||
+Searching is for when we went with a different agent mom would not talk to us for a year.
+Searching are for when we went with a different agent mom would not talk to us for a year.
+Searching is for when we went with a different agent mom would not talk to us for a year
+Searching are for when we went with a different agent mom would not talk to us for a year
+||||jibsheet||||the upstairs carpet was *nasty*||||
+Searching is for the upstairs carpet was *nasty*
+Searching are for the upstairs carpet was *nasty*
+Searching is for upstairs carpet was *nasty*
+Searching are for upstairs carpet was *nasty*
+||||sungo||||When I'm a regular at a diner, they know that making me wait is a recipe for not getting a tip.||||
+Searching is for when sungo is a regular at a diner, they know that making sungo wait is a recipe for not getting a tip.
+Searching are for when sungo is a regular at a diner, they know that making sungo wait is a recipe for not getting a tip.
+||||rjbs||||I am really really hoping that we can rip out the carpet on the first floor and have decent floor under it.||||
+Searching is for rjbs is really really hoping that we can rip out the carpet on the first floor and have decent floor under it.
+Searching are for rjbs is really really hoping that we can rip out the carpet on the first floor and have decent floor under it.
+Searching is for rjbs
+set;;is;;rjbs;;really really hoping that we can rip out the carpet on the first floor and have decent floor under it.
+||||sungo||||too much to drink again.||||
+Searching is for too much to drink again.
+Searching are for too much to drink again.
+Searching is for too much to drink again
+Searching are for too much to drink again
+||||jibsheet||||she either smoked like a chimney or lit a *lot* of candles||||
+Searching is for she either smoked like a chimney or lit a *lot* of candles
+Searching are for she either smoked like a chimney or lit a *lot* of candles
+Searching is for she either smoked like a chimney or lit a *lot* of candles
+Searching are for she either smoked like a chimney or lit a *lot* of candles
+||||sungo||||pull a corner.||||
+Searching is for pull a corner.
+Searching are for pull a corner.
+Searching is for pull a corner
+Searching are for pull a corner
+||||rjbs||||Yeah, will try to do that today.||||
+Searching is for yeah, will try to do that today.
+Searching are for yeah, will try to do that today.
+Searching is for yeah, will try to do that today
+Searching are for yeah, will try to do that today
+||||rjbs||||The inspection includes termite inspection, so hopefully the dude will be doing that anyawy.||||
+Searching is for the inspection includes termite inspection, so hopefully the dude will be doing that anyawy.
+Searching are for the inspection includes termite inspection, so hopefully the dude will be doing that anyawy.
+Searching is for inspection includes termite inspection, so hopefully the dude will be doing that anyawy
+Searching are for inspection includes termite inspection, so hopefully the dude will be doing that anyawy
+Searching is for doubtful.
+Searching are for doubtful.
+Searching is for doubtful
+Searching are for doubtful
+||||crab||||i would be a good house inspector.||||
+Searching is for crab would be a good house inspector.
+Searching are for crab would be a good house inspector.
+Searching is for crab would be a good house inspector
+Searching are for crab would be a good house inspector
+||||dorian||||no, i invoked my alarm clock for the first time in weeks.||||
+Searching is for no, dorian invoked dorian's alarm clock for the first time in weeks.
+Searching are for no, dorian invoked dorian's alarm clock for the first time in weeks.
+Searching is for no, dorian invoked dorian's alarm clock for the first time in weeks
+Searching are for no, dorian invoked dorian's alarm clock for the first time in weeks
+||||sungo||||He'll check the beams and support structure, maybe maybe the underside of the floors.||||
+Searching is for he'll check the beams and support structure, maybe maybe the underside of the floors.
+Searching are for he'll check the beams and support structure, maybe maybe the underside of the floors.
+Searching is for he'll check the beams and support structure, maybe maybe the underside of the floors
+Searching are for he'll check the beams and support structure, maybe maybe the underside of the floors
+||||sungo||||They rarely pull the carpet||||
+Searching is for they rarely pull the carpet
+Searching are for they rarely pull the carpet
+Searching is for they rarely pull the carpet
+Searching are for they rarely pull the carpet
+||||sungo||||ew. why?||||
+Searching is for ew. why
+Searching are for ew. why
+Searching is for ew. why
+Searching are for ew. why
+||||dorian||||i want to do a quick session for this non-conference that's going on today that i have to leave by 3pm so i have to be down there to get my slot relatively asap||||
+Searching is for dorian want to do a quick session for this non-conference that's going on today that dorian has to leave by 3pm so dorian has to be down there to get dorian's slot relatively asap
+Searching are for dorian want to do a quick session for this non-conference that's going on today that dorian has to leave by 3pm so dorian has to be down there to get dorian's slot relatively asap
+Searching is for dorian want to do a quick session for this non-conference that's going on today that dorian has to leave by 3pm so dorian has to be down there to get dorian's slot relatively asap
+Searching are for dorian want to do a quick session for this non-conference that's going on today that dorian has to leave by 3pm so dorian has to be down there to get dorian's slot relatively asap
+||||dorian||||everything's ad-hoc though so it's FCFS||||
+Searching is for everything's ad-hoc though so it's fcfs
+Searching are for everything's ad-hoc though so it's fcfs
+Searching is for everything's ad-hoc though so it's fcfs
+Searching are for everything's ad-hoc though so it's fcfs
+||||aevil||||erg...house inspectors. the folks who bought my last house...jesus, the dude took FIVE hours just so they could dicker over 500 bucks about some wall plug grounding||||
+Searching is for erg...house inspectors. the folksbought aevil's last house...jesus, the dude took five hours just so they could dicker over 500 bucks about some wall plug grounding
+Searching are for erg...house inspectors. the folksbought aevil's last house...jesus, the dude took five hours just so they could dicker over 500 bucks about some wall plug grounding
+Searching is for erg...house inspectors. the folksbought aevil's last house...jesus, the dude took five hours just so they could dicker over 500 bucks about some wall plug grounding
+Searching are for erg...house inspectors. the folksbought aevil's last house...jesus, the dude took five hours just so they could dicker over 500 bucks about some wall plug grounding
+||||rjbs||||Our contract gives them $1200 of play.||||
+Searching is for our contract gives them $1200 of play.
+Searching are for our contract gives them $1200 of play.
+Searching is for our contract gives them $1200 of play
+Searching are for our contract gives them $1200 of play
+||||aevil||||well...technically, a house inspector can kill the deal if they find lots of stuff||||
+Searching is for well...technically, a house inspector can kill the deal if they find lots of stuff
+Searching are for well...technically, a house inspector can kill the deal if they find lots of stuff
+Searching is for well...technically, a house inspector can kill the deal if they find lots of stuff
+Searching are for well...technically, a house inspector can kill the deal if they find lots of stuff
+||||rjbs||||Isn't that just a function of the contract?||||
+Searching is for isn't that just a function of the contract
+Searching are for isn't that just a function of the contract
+Searching is for isn't that just a function of the contract
+Searching are for isn't that just a function of the contract
+||||aevil||||the wasting five hours of my time for a lousy 500 bucks for the sake of having something to show for it is ....much more annoying||||
+Searching is for the wasting five hours of aevil's time for a lousy 500 bucks for the sake of having something to show for it is ....much more annoying
+Searching are for the wasting five hours of aevil's time for a lousy 500 bucks for the sake of having something to show for it is ....much more annoying
+||||rjbs||||It says something like "if the inspector finds >$x in problems, you can break the deal with no/small penalty."||||
+Searching is for it says something like "if the inspector finds >$x in problems, you can break the deal with no/small penalty."
+Searching are for it says something like "if the inspector finds >$x in problems, you can break the deal with no/small penalty."
+Searching is for it says something like "if the inspector finds >$x in problems, you can break the deal with no/small penalty."
+Searching are for it says something like "if the inspector finds >$x in problems, you can break the deal with no/small penalty."
+||||rjbs||||At least, ours does.||||
+Searching is for at least, ours does.
+Searching are for at least, ours does.
+Searching is for at least, ours does
+Searching are for at least, ours does
+||||aevil||||rjbs...for the seller or the buyer?||||
+Searching is for rjbs...for the seller or the buyer
+Searching are for rjbs...for the seller or the buyer
+Searching is for rjbs...for the seller or the buyer
+Searching are for rjbs...for the seller or the buyer
+||||dorian||||there's just no pleasing some people||||
+Searching is for there's just no pleasing some people
+Searching are for there's just no pleasing some people
+Searching is for there's just no pleasing some people
+Searching are for there's just no pleasing some people
+Searching is for ;)
+Searching are for ;)
+Searching is for ;)
+Searching are for ;)
+||||aevil||||i don't recall a dollar amount being placed on it...i think they can back out, the buyers, at any point before closing||||
+Searching is for aevil don't recall a dollar amount being placed on it...i think they can back out, the buyers, at any point before closing
+Searching are for aevil don't recall a dollar amount being placed on it...i think they can back out, the buyers, at any point before closing
+Searching is for aevil don't recall a dollar amount being placed on it...i think they can back out, the buyers, at any point before closing
+Searching are for aevil don't recall a dollar amount being placed on it...i think they can back out, the buyers, at any point before closing
+||||dorian||||wow my windows system tray is getting quite impressive||||
+Searching is for dorian's windows system tray is getting quite impressive
+Searching are for dorian's windows system tray is getting quite impressive
+Searching is for dorian's windows system tray
+set;;is;;dorian's windows system tray;;getting quite impressive
+||||rjbs||||There were two options: one says that it can kill the deal; the other says that they can fix it instead of letting us out of the deal.||||
+Searching is for there were two options: one says that it can kill the deal; the other says that they can fix it instead of letting us out of the deal.
+Searching are for there were two options: one says that it can kill the deal; the other says that they can fix it instead of letting us out of the deal.
+Searching is for there were two options: one says that it can kill the deal; the other says that they can fix it instead of letting us out of the deal
+Searching are for there were two options: one says that it can kill the deal; the other says that they can fix it instead of letting us out of the deal
+||||aevil||||rjbs...judging by the market lately, you're in a very good position :)||||
+Searching is for rjbs...judging by the market lately, you are in a very good position :)
+Searching are for rjbs...judging by the market lately, you are in a very good position :)
+||||dorian||||it's like an over-the-top charm bracelet being worn by a retarded kid.||||
+Searching is for it's like an over-the-top charm bracelet being worn by a retarded kid.
+Searching are for it's like an over-the-top charm bracelet being worn by a retarded kid.
+Searching is for it's like an over-the-top charm bracelet being worn by a retarded kid
+Searching are for it's like an over-the-top charm bracelet being worn by a retarded kid
+||||jibsheet||||if I backed out without cause I'd have lost my deposit||||
+Searching is for if jibsheet backed out without cause jibsheet'd have lost jibsheet's deposit
+Searching are for if jibsheet backed out without cause jibsheet'd have lost jibsheet's deposit
+Searching is for if jibsheet backed out without cause jibsheet'd have lost jibsheet's deposit
+Searching are for if jibsheet backed out without cause jibsheet'd have lost jibsheet's deposit
+||||rjbs||||but, I don't know. I have no damned idea.||||
+Searching is for rjbs don't know. rjbs has no damned idea.
+Searching are for rjbs don't know. rjbs has no damned idea.
+Searching is for rjbs don't know. rjbs has no damned idea
+Searching are for rjbs don't know. rjbs has no damned idea
+||||rjbs||||I just want to give some people some money and then move.||||
+Searching is for rjbs just want to give some people some money and then move.
+Searching are for rjbs just want to give some people some money and then move.
+Searching is for rjbs just want to give some people some money and then move
+Searching are for rjbs just want to give some people some money and then move
+||||rjbs||||(business transactions)--||||
+Searching is for (business transactions)--
+Searching are for (business transactions)--
+Searching is for (business transactions)--
+Searching are for (business transactions)--
+--;;business transactions
+||||aevil||||the deposit is usually minimal though||||
+Searching is for the deposit is usually minimal though
+Searching are for the deposit is usually minimal though
+Searching is for deposit
+set;;is;;deposit;;usually minimal though
+||||cfedde||||it does get down to that point.||||
+Searching is for it does get down to that point.
+Searching are for it does get down to that point.
+Searching is for it does get down to that point
+Searching are for it does get down to that point
+||||cfedde||||best to just pretend you don't care one way or the other.||||
+Searching is for best to just pretend you don't care one way or the other.
+Searching are for best to just pretend you don't care one way or the other.
+Searching is for best to just pretend you don't care one way or the other
+Searching are for best to just pretend you don't care one way or the other
+Searching is for yeah
+Searching are for yeah
+Searching is for yeah
+Searching are for yeah
+||||rjbs||||I've said that a number of times, "Well, if this doesn't work out, there are other houses."||||
+Searching is for rjbs has said that a number of times, "well, if this doesn't work out, there are other houses."
+Searching are for rjbs has said that a number of times, "well, if this doesn't work out, there are other houses."
+||||rjbs||||(and it's true)||||
+Searching is for (and it's true)
+Searching are for (and it's true)
+Searching is for (and it's true)
+Searching are for (and it's true)
+||||sungo||||our deal was contingent on the inspection.||||
+Searching is for our deal was contingent on the inspection.
+Searching are for our deal was contingent on the inspection.
+Searching is for our deal was contingent on the inspection
+Searching are for our deal was contingent on the inspection
+||||cfedde||||most are. ||||
+Searching is for most are.
+Searching are for most are.
+Searching is for most are
+Searching are for most are
+||||sungo||||Whether we bailed or let them fix it was at our discretion.||||
+Searching is for whether we bailed or let them fix it was at our discretion.
+Searching are for whether we bailed or let them fix it was at our discretion.
+Searching is for whether we bailed or let them fix it was at our discretion
+Searching are for whether we bailed or let them fix it was at our discretion
+||||sungo||||There's a lot to do with our house but nothing was terminal to the deal.||||
+Searching is for there's a lot to do with our house but nothing was terminal to the deal.
+Searching are for there's a lot to do with our house but nothing was terminal to the deal.
+Searching is for there's a lot to do with our house but nothing was terminal to the deal
+Searching are for there's a lot to do with our house but nothing was terminal to the deal
+||||sungo||||We *have* to tear down the garage. That was in the disclosure though.||||
+Searching is for we *have* to tear down the garage. that was in the disclosure though.
+Searching are for we *have* to tear down the garage. that was in the disclosure though.
+Searching is for we *have* to tear down the garage. that was in the disclosure though
+Searching are for we *have* to tear down the garage. that was in the disclosure though
+||||sungo||||They're horrible taste in paint color and wallpaper was not.||||
+Searching is for they're horrible taste in paint color and wallpaper was not.
+Searching are for they're horrible taste in paint color and wallpaper was not.
+Searching is for they're horrible taste in paint color and wallpaper was not
+Searching are for they're horrible taste in paint color and wallpaper was not
+||||sungo||||Their even||||
+Searching is for their even
+Searching are for their even
+Searching is for their even
+Searching are for their even
+||||dorian||||pink room eh||||
+Searching is for pink room eh
+Searching are for pink room eh
+Searching is for pink room eh
+Searching are for pink room eh
+||||jibsheet||||I suggest steel toed boots and a 5 pound sledge||||
+Searching is for jibsheet suggest steel toed boots and a 5 pound sledge
+Searching are for jibsheet suggest steel toed boots and a 5 pound sledge
+Searching is for jibsheet suggest steel toed boots and a 5 pound sledge
+Searching are for jibsheet suggest steel toed boots and a 5 pound sledge
+||||sungo||||Yes. They also painted over beautifl original stained doors with shitty white latex paint that appears to have been squirted on.||||
+Searching is for yes. they also painted over beautifl original stained doors with shitty white latex paint that appears to have been squirted on.
+Searching are for yes. they also painted over beautifl original stained doors with shitty white latex paint that appears to have been squirted on.
+Searching is for yes. they also painted over beautifl original stained doors with shitty white latex paint that appears to have been squirted on
+Searching are for yes. they also painted over beautifl original stained doors with shitty white latex paint that appears to have been squirted on
+||||dorian||||oh well there are chemicals for that||||
+Searching is for there are chemicals for that
+Searching are for there are chemicals for that
+||||sungo||||Yes. We've been stripping a window for 100 years of paint.||||
+Searching is for yes. we've been stripping a window for 100 years of paint.
+Searching are for yes. we've been stripping a window for 100 years of paint.
+Searching is for yes. we've been stripping a window for 100 years of paint
+Searching are for yes. we've been stripping a window for 100 years of paint
+||||cfedde||||I spent my whole childhood renovating houses.||||
+Searching is for cfedde spent cfedde's whole childhood renovating houses.
+Searching are for cfedde spent cfedde's whole childhood renovating houses.
+Searching is for cfedde spent cfedde's whole childhood renovating houses
+Searching are for cfedde spent cfedde's whole childhood renovating houses
+||||sungo||||It's taken three days of chemical runs so far.||||
+Searching is for it's taken three days of chemical runs so far.
+Searching are for it's taken three days of chemical runs so far.
+Searching is for it's taken three days of chemical runs so far
+Searching are for it's taken three days of chemical runs so far
+||||jibsheet||||I was left with those beige/yellow cheap ass doors. (white latex semigloss)++||||
+Searching is for jibsheet was left with those beige/yellow cheap ass doors. (white latex semigloss)++
+Searching are for jibsheet was left with those beige/yellow cheap ass doors. (white latex semigloss)++
+Searching is for jibsheet was left with those beige/yellow cheap ass doors. (white latex semigloss)++
+Searching are for jibsheet was left with those beige/yellow cheap ass doors. (white latex semigloss)++
+++;;white latex semigloss
+Searching is for huffarific
+Searching are for huffarific
+Searching is for huffarific
+Searching are for huffarific
+||||cfedde||||scraping paint, tearing out walls, hanging sheetrock, ||||
+Searching is for scraping paint, tearing out walls, hanging sheetrock,
+Searching are for scraping paint, tearing out walls, hanging sheetrock,
+Searching is for scraping paint, tearing out walls, hanging sheetrock,
+Searching are for scraping paint, tearing out walls, hanging sheetrock,
+||||sungo||||I did part of it with a stripping pad on a drill and it worked much better.||||
+Searching is for sungo did part of it with a stripping pad on a drill and it worked much better.
+Searching are for sungo did part of it with a stripping pad on a drill and it worked much better.
+Searching is for sungo did part of it with a stripping pad on a drill and it worked much better
+Searching are for sungo did part of it with a stripping pad on a drill and it worked much better
+||||sungo||||and faster.||||
+Searching is for faster.
+Searching are for faster.
+Searching is for faster
+Searching are for faster
+||||cfedde||||chemicals work pretty well. But I don't think you can get "the good stuff" anymore.||||
+Searching is for chemicals work pretty well. but cfedde don't think you can get "the good stuff" anymore.
+Searching are for chemicals work pretty well. but cfedde don't think you can get "the good stuff" anymore.
+Searching is for chemicals work pretty well. but cfedde don't think you can get "the good stuff" anymore
+Searching are for chemicals work pretty well. but cfedde don't think you can get "the good stuff" anymore
+||||sungo||||We got something nasty.||||
+Searching is for we got something nasty.
+Searching are for we got something nasty.
+Searching is for we got something nasty
+Searching are for we got something nasty
+||||sungo||||I had lots of chemical burns for a while.||||
+Searching is for sungo had lots of chemical burns for a while.
+Searching are for sungo had lots of chemical burns for a while.
+Searching is for sungo had lots of chemical burns for a while
+Searching are for sungo had lots of chemical burns for a while
+||||cfedde||||gloves and a respirator are critical.||||
+Searching is for gloves and a respirator are critical.
+Searching are for gloves and a respirator are critical.
+Searching are for gloves and a respirator
+set;;are;;gloves and a respirator;;critical.
+||||sungo||||had them.||||
+Searching is for had them.
+Searching are for had them.
+Searching is for had them
+Searching are for had them
+||||jibsheet||||I got seriously lightheaded and pukey with some of the chemicals I found||||
+Searching is for jibsheet got seriously lightheaded and pukey with some of the chemicals jibsheet found
+Searching are for jibsheet got seriously lightheaded and pukey with some of the chemicals jibsheet found
+Searching is for jibsheet got seriously lightheaded and pukey with some of the chemicals jibsheet found
+Searching are for jibsheet got seriously lightheaded and pukey with some of the chemicals jibsheet found
+||||dorian||||fun with corrosives with sungo||||
+Searching is for fun with corrosives with sungo
+Searching are for fun with corrosives with sungo
+Searching is for fun with corrosives with sungo
+Searching are for fun with corrosives with sungo
+||||sungo||||we're dealing with a window that stops about 7 feet up. We had lots of dripping problems.||||
+Searching is for we're dealing with a window that stops about 7 feet up. we had lots of dripping problems.
+Searching are for we're dealing with a window that stops about 7 feet up. we had lots of dripping problems.
+Searching is for we're dealing with a window that stops about 7 feet up. we had lots of dripping problems
+Searching are for we're dealing with a window that stops about 7 feet up. we had lots of dripping problems
+||||cfedde||||very yuck.||||
+Searching is for very yuck.
+Searching are for very yuck.
+Searching is for very yuck
+Searching are for very yuck
+||||dorian||||sungo you could be the bob ross of caustic substances||||
+Searching is for sungo you could be the bob ross of caustic substances
+Searching are for sungo you could be the bob ross of caustic substances
+Searching is for sungo you could be the bob ross of caustic substances
+Searching are for sungo you could be the bob ross of caustic substances
+||||sungo||||yeah. Like I said, I like the sander approach better.||||
+Searching is for yeah. like sungo said, sungo like the sander approach better.
+Searching are for yeah. like sungo said, sungo like the sander approach better.
+Searching is for yeah. like sungo said, sungo like the sander approach better
+Searching are for yeah. like sungo said, sungo like the sander approach better
+||||cfedde||||we renovated a 1890's victorian when I was in junior high. 14 foot ceilings, lots of wood trim. Laders and scafolding.||||
+Searching is for we renovated a 1890's victorian when cfedde was in junior high. 14 foot ceilings, lots of wood trim. laders and scafolding.
+Searching are for we renovated a 1890's victorian when cfedde was in junior high. 14 foot ceilings, lots of wood trim. laders and scafolding.
+Searching is for we renovated a 1890's victorian when cfedde was in junior high. 14 foot ceilings, lots of wood trim. laders and scafolding
+Searching are for we renovated a 1890's victorian when cfedde was in junior high. 14 foot ceilings, lots of wood trim. laders and scafolding
+||||dorian||||"and now over here, a happy little OH FOR THE LOVE OF GOD"||||
+Searching is for "and now over here, a happy little oh for the love of god"
+Searching are for "and now over here, a happy little oh for the love of god"
+Searching is for "and now over here, a happy little oh for the love of god"
+Searching are for "and now over here, a happy little oh for the love of god"
+Searching is for pretty much. we had lots of "ow fuck get out of sungo's way get out of the way of the sink shitshitshitshit"
+Searching are for pretty much. we had lots of "ow fuck get out of sungo's way get out of the way of the sink shitshitshitshit"
+Searching is for pretty much. we had lots of "ow fuck get out of sungo's way get out of the way of the sink shitshitshitshit"
+Searching are for pretty much. we had lots of "ow fuck get out of sungo's way get out of the way of the sink shitshitshitshit"
+||||cfedde||||I probably spent more time whineing about it than actualy doing work.||||
+Searching is for cfedde probably spent more time whineing about it than actualy doing work.
+Searching are for cfedde probably spent more time whineing about it than actualy doing work.
+Searching is for cfedde probably spent more time whineing about it than actualy doing work
+Searching are for cfedde probably spent more time whineing about it than actualy doing work
+||||sungo||||of course.||||
+Searching is for of course.
+Searching are for of course.
+Searching is for of course
+Searching are for of course
+||||sungo||||It takes a long time to get rid of 8 layers of paint, several of which are lead-based.||||
+Searching is for it takes a long time to get rid of 8 layers of paint, several of which are lead-based.
+Searching are for it takes a long time to get rid of 8 layers of paint, several of which are lead-based.
+||||dorian||||yay lead||||
+Searching is for yay lead
+Searching are for yay lead
+Searching is for yay lead
+Searching are for yay lead
+||||cfedde||||it's interesting to find the actual shape of the trim under all that stuff in the end too.||||
+Searching is for it's interesting to find the actual shape of the trim under all that stuff in the end too.
+Searching are for it's interesting to find the actual shape of the trim under all that stuff in the end too.
+Searching is for it's interesting to find the actual shape of the trim under all that stuff in the end too
+Searching are for it's interesting to find the actual shape of the trim under all that stuff in the end too
+Searching is for ha
+Searching are for ha
+Searching is for ha
+Searching are for ha
+||||dorian||||that'd be a lot of paint.||||
+Searching is for that'd be a lot of paint.
+Searching are for that'd be a lot of paint.
+Searching is for that'd be a lot of paint
+Searching are for that'd be a lot of paint
+||||cfedde||||the other technique that worked pretty well was the heat gun.||||
+Searching is for the other technique that worked pretty well was the heat gun.
+Searching are for the other technique that worked pretty well was the heat gun.
+Searching is for other technique that worked pretty well was the heat gun
+Searching are for other technique that worked pretty well was the heat gun
+||||mdxi||||mmmm, wall candy||||
+Searching is for mmmm, wall candy
+Searching are for mmmm, wall candy
+Searching is for mmmm, wall candy
+Searching are for mmmm, wall candy
+||||sungo||||fucking lowes didn't have any.||||
+Searching is for fucking lowes didn't have any.
+Searching are for fucking lowes didn't have any.
+Searching is for fucking lowes didn't have any
+Searching are for fucking lowes didn't have any
+||||sungo||||I really wanted one. My dad and I stripped an oak table in much the same condition with one.||||
+Searching is for sungo really wanted one. sungo's dad and sungo stripped an oak table in much the same condition with one.
+Searching are for sungo really wanted one. sungo's dad and sungo stripped an oak table in much the same condition with one.
+Searching is for sungo really wanted one. sungo's dad and sungo stripped an oak table in much the same condition with one
+Searching are for sungo really wanted one. sungo's dad and sungo stripped an oak table in much the same condition with one
+||||sungo||||We ahve fairly intricate woodwork on part of the trim. It's been a nightmare of by-hand sanding.||||
+Searching is for we ahve fairly intricate woodwork on part of the trim. it's been a nightmare of by-hand sanding.
+Searching are for we ahve fairly intricate woodwork on part of the trim. it's been a nightmare of by-hand sanding.
+Searching is for we ahve fairly intricate woodwork on part of the trim. it's been a nightmare of by-hand sanding
+Searching are for we ahve fairly intricate woodwork on part of the trim. it's been a nightmare of by-hand sanding
+||||cfedde||||the problem with sanding wheels is that it's pretty easy to ruin the wood in the process.||||
+Searching is for the problem with sanding wheels is that it's pretty easy to ruin the wood in the process.
+Searching are for the problem with sanding wheels is that it's pretty easy to ruin the wood in the process.
+Searching is for problem with sanding wheels
+set;;is;;problem with sanding wheels;;that it's pretty easy to ruin the wood in the process.
+Searching is for yup
+Searching are for yup
+Searching is for yup
+Searching are for yup
+||||sungo||||I'd rather have to deal with the wood than lose vast portions of my epidermis.||||
+Searching is for sungo'd rather have to deal with the wood than lose vast portions of sungo's epidermis.
+Searching are for sungo'd rather have to deal with the wood than lose vast portions of sungo's epidermis.
+Searching is for sungo'd rather have to deal with the wood than lose vast portions of sungo's epidermis
+Searching are for sungo'd rather have to deal with the wood than lose vast portions of sungo's epidermis
+||||sungo||||Stripper on the head fucking sucks.||||
+Searching is for stripper on the head fucking sucks.
+Searching are for stripper on the head fucking sucks.
+Searching is for stripper on the head fucking sucks
+Searching are for stripper on the head fucking sucks
+Searching is for ehe.
+Searching are for ehe.
+Searching is for ehe
+Searching are for ehe
+||||sungo||||Well, *a* stripper on the head doesn't.||||
+Searching is for *a* stripper on the head doesn't.
+Searching are for *a* stripper on the head doesn't.
+Searching is for *a* stripper on the head doesn't
+Searching are for *a* stripper on the head doesn't
+||||cfedde||||not fun work to do in the summer when it's hot.||||
+Searching is for not fun work to do in the summer when it's hot.
+Searching are for not fun work to do in the summer when it's hot.
+Searching is for not fun work to do in the summer when it's hot
+Searching are for not fun work to do in the summer when it's hot
+Searching is for indeed
+Searching are for indeed
+Searching is for indeed
+Searching are for indeed
+||||aevil||||some of those professional scrapers take off the top 3 layers without even trying...way better than the icky chemical ooze||||
+Searching is for some of those professional scrapers take off the top 3 layers without even trying...way better than the icky chemical ooze
+Searching are for some of those professional scrapers take off the top 3 layers without even trying...way better than the icky chemical ooze
+Searching is for some of those professional scrapers take off the top 3 layers without even trying...way better than the icky chemical ooze
+Searching are for some of those professional scrapers take off the top 3 layers without even trying...way better than the icky chemical ooze
+||||aevil||||and lets here a few boos from the gallery for the assholes who paint latex paint over lead paint without a primer||||
+Searching is for lets here a few boos from the gallery for the assholespaint latex paint over lead paint without a primer
+Searching are for lets here a few boos from the gallery for the assholespaint latex paint over lead paint without a primer
+Searching is for lets here a few boos from the gallery for the assholespaint latex paint over lead paint without a primer
+Searching are for lets here a few boos from the gallery for the assholespaint latex paint over lead paint without a primer
+Searching is for latex++
+Searching are for latex++
+Searching is for latex++
+Searching are for latex++
+||||Penguin||||(assholes who paint latex paint over lead paint without a primer)--||||
+Searching is for (assholespaint latex paint over lead paint without a primer)--
+Searching are for (assholespaint latex paint over lead paint without a primer)--
+Searching is for (assholespaint latex paint over lead paint without a primer)--
+Searching are for (assholespaint latex paint over lead paint without a primer)--
+--;;assholes who paint latex paint over lead paint without a primer
+||||Penguin||||happy? :)||||
+Searching is for happy? :)
+Searching are for happy? :)
+Searching is for happy? :)
+Searching are for happy? :)
+Searching is for :)
+Searching are for :)
+Searching is for :)
+Searching are for :)
+Searching is for carnivale++
+Searching are for carnivale++
+Searching is for carnivale++
+Searching are for carnivale++
+Searching is for hbo--
+Searching are for hbo--
+Searching is for hbo--
+Searching are for hbo--
+||||cat-xeger||||... and then stain, seal and paint it.||||
+Searching is for ... and then stain, seal and paint it.
+Searching are for ... and then stain, seal and paint it.
+Searching is for ... and then stain, seal and paint it
+Searching are for ... and then stain, seal and paint it
+||||aevil||||and what is it with houses on the market today....every single place has at least one room painted in 'wtf were they thinking dark blue'||||
+Searching is for is it with houses on the market today....every single place has at least one room painted in 'where were they thinking dark blue'
+Searching are for is it with houses on the market today....every single place has at least one room painted in 'where were they thinking dark blue'
+Searching is for it with houses on the market today....every single place has at least one room painted in 'where were they thinking dark blue'
+||||cat-xeger||||aevil - better than the hospital blue they were using for far too long||||
+Searching is for aevil - better than the hospital blue they were using for far too long
+Searching are for aevil - better than the hospital blue they were using for far too long
+Searching is for aevil - better than the hospital blue they were using for far too long
+Searching are for aevil - better than the hospital blue they were using for far too long
+||||aevil||||was there a magazine that told people to find the darkest, least sunny room of their house and proceed to paint it a dark, dark colour?||||
+Searching is for was there a magazine that told people to find the darkest, least sunny room of their house and proceed to paint it a dark, dark colour
+Searching are for was there a magazine that told people to find the darkest, least sunny room of their house and proceed to paint it a dark, dark colour
+Searching is for was there a magazine that told people to find the darkest, least sunny room of their house and proceed to paint it a dark, dark colour
+Searching are for was there a magazine that told people to find the darkest, least sunny room of their house and proceed to paint it a dark, dark colour
+||||aevil||||cat - that's debateable :)||||
+Searching is for cat - that's debateable :)
+Searching are for cat - that's debateable :)
+Searching is for cat - that's debateable :)
+Searching are for cat - that's debateable :)
+||||cat-xeger||||aevil - fair 'nuf. Mine was dark green rooms.||||
+Searching is for aevil - fair 'nuf. mine was dark green rooms.
+Searching are for aevil - fair 'nuf. mine was dark green rooms.
+Searching is for aevil - fair 'nuf. mine was dark green rooms
+Searching are for aevil - fair 'nuf. mine was dark green rooms
+||||aevil||||erg...lots of those around, too, these days :)||||
+Searching is for erg...lots of those around, too, these days :)
+Searching are for erg...lots of those around, too, these days :)
+Searching is for erg...lots of those around, too, these days :)
+Searching are for erg...lots of those around, too, these days :)
+Searching is for http://www.ki.org/cat/interest/morse/renovation/front_bedroom/index.html
+Searching are for http://www.ki.org/cat/interest/morse/renovation/front_bedroom/index.html
+Searching is for http://www.ki.org/cat/interest/morse/renovation/front_bedroom/index.html
+Searching are for http://www.ki.org/cat/interest/morse/renovation/front_bedroom/index.html
+Searching is for http://www.ki.org/cat/interest/morse/renovation/attic/attic.html
+Searching are for http://www.ki.org/cat/interest/morse/renovation/attic/attic.html
+Searching is for http://www.ki.org/cat/interest/morse/renovation/attic/attic.html
+Searching are for http://www.ki.org/cat/interest/morse/renovation/attic/attic.html
+||||sungo||||that's what happened with us. 3 layers of lead and 5 layers of latex with no primers.||||
+Searching is for that'shappened with us. 3 layers of lead and 5 layers of latex with no primers.
+Searching are for that'shappened with us. 3 layers of lead and 5 layers of latex with no primers.
+Searching is for that'shappened with us. 3 layers of lead and 5 layers of latex with no primers
+Searching are for that'shappened with us. 3 layers of lead and 5 layers of latex with no primers
+||||sungo||||it took us a week to get the window free to open. ||||
+Searching is for it took us a week to get the window free to open.
+Searching are for it took us a week to get the window free to open.
+Searching is for it took us a week to get the window free to open
+Searching are for it took us a week to get the window free to open
+||||sungo||||we have one pink room too. Our bedroom has mirrors on the ceiling. Many questionable decorating decisions were made in our house.||||
+Searching is for we have one pink room too. our bedroom has mirrors on the ceiling. many questionable decorating decisions were made in our house.
+Searching are for we have one pink room too. our bedroom has mirrors on the ceiling. many questionable decorating decisions were made in our house.
+Searching is for we have one pink room too. our bedroom has mirrors on the ceiling. many questionable decorating decisions were made in our house
+Searching are for we have one pink room too. our bedroom has mirrors on the ceiling. many questionable decorating decisions were made in our house
+||||rjbs||||ARR JOO A MAN OV GOT??||||
+Searching is for arr joo a man ov got
+Searching are for arr joo a man ov got
+Searching is for arr joo a man ov got
+Searching are for arr joo a man ov got
+||||sungo||||move that suddenly||||
+Searching is for move that suddenly
+Searching are for move that suddenly
+Searching is for move that suddenly
+Searching are for move that suddenly
+||||Andy||||RJBS! SMOOCHIES!||||
+Searching is for rjbs! smoochies!
+Searching are for rjbs! smoochies!
+Searching is for rjbs! smoochies
+Searching are for rjbs! smoochies
+||||rjbs||||:) ||||
+Searching is for :)
+Searching are for :)
+Searching is for :)
+Searching are for :)
+||||retardo||||Good morning, gentlemen.||||
+Searching is for good morning, gentlemen.
+Searching are for good morning, gentlemen.
+Searching is for good morning, gentlemen
+Searching are for good morning, gentlemen
+||||dngor||||Dude. Sanding + lead paint = lead paint dust. Recommending not going there.||||
+Searching is for dude. sanding + lead paint = lead paint dust. recommending not going there.
+Searching are for dude. sanding + lead paint = lead paint dust. recommending not going there.
+Searching is for dude. sanding + lead paint = lead paint dust. recommending not going there
+Searching are for dude. sanding + lead paint = lead paint dust. recommending not going there
+||||Andy||||Good morning, retardo.||||
+Searching is for good morning, retardo.
+Searching are for good morning, retardo.
+Searching is for good morning, retardo
+Searching are for good morning, retardo
+||||dngor||||3Y3 5PH33K FRM P3R50N4L XP3R13NZ||||
+Searching is for 3y3 5ph33k frm p3r50n4l xp3r13nz
+Searching are for 3y3 5ph33k frm p3r50n4l xp3r13nz
+Searching is for 3y3 5ph33k frm p3r50n4l xp3r13nz
+Searching are for 3y3 5ph33k frm p3r50n4l xp3r13nz
+||||Andy||||Dude, it's fucked up your typing.||||
+Searching is for dude, it's fucked up your typing.
+Searching are for dude, it's fucked up your typing.
+Searching is for dude, it's fucked up your typing
+Searching are for dude, it's fucked up your typing
+||||dngor||||it's also exacerbated COCKS my tourettes||||
+Searching is for it's also exacerbated cocks dngor's tourettes
+Searching are for it's also exacerbated cocks dngor's tourettes
+Searching is for it's also exacerbated cocks dngor's tourettes
+Searching are for it's also exacerbated cocks dngor's tourettes
+||||dngor||||I bet it's called Busty... something.||||
+Searching is for dngor bet it's called busty... something.
+Searching are for dngor bet it's called busty... something.
+Searching is for dngor bet it's called busty... something
+Searching are for dngor bet it's called busty... something
+||||cat-xeger||||Heh. No - http://www.biowash.com/products/RemovALL.php||||
+Searching is for heh. no - http://www.biowash.com/products/removall.php
+Searching are for heh. no - http://www.biowash.com/products/removall.php
+Searching is for heh. no - http://www.biowash.com/products/removall.php
+Searching are for heh. no - http://www.biowash.com/products/removall.php
+||||Andy||||RemovALL.... YOUR CLOTHES||||
+Searching is for removall.... your clothes
+Searching are for removall.... your clothes
+Searching is for removall.... your clothes
+Searching are for removall.... your clothes
+||||dngor||||(cat-xeger)++ # bookmarking ||||
+Searching is for (cat-xeger)++ # bookmarking
+Searching are for (cat-xeger)++ # bookmarking
+Searching is for (cat-xeger)++ # bookmarking
+Searching are for (cat-xeger)++ # bookmarking
+||||cat-xeger||||dngor - I've been surprised and pleased by it. It does need to sit longer, but it's basically put the stuff on, put plastic over it, and worry about it the next day.||||
+Searching is for dngor - cat-xeger has been surprised and pleased by it. it does need to sit longer, but it's basically put the stuff on, put plastic over it, and worry about it the next day.
+Searching are for dngor - cat-xeger has been surprised and pleased by it. it does need to sit longer, but it's basically put the stuff on, put plastic over it, and worry about it the next day.
+Searching is for dngor - cat-xeger has been surprised and pleased by it. it does need to sit longer, but it's basically put the stuff on, put plastic over it, and worry about it the next day
+Searching are for dngor - cat-xeger has been surprised and pleased by it. it does need to sit longer, but it's basically put the stuff on, put plastic over it, and worry about it the next day
+||||cat-xeger||||... and the smell's low enough that i've used it indoors, in the winter, in the same room as I was sitting in, and barely noticed.||||
+Searching is for ... and the smell's low enough that cat-xeger has used it indoors, in the winter, in the same room as cat-xeger was sitting in, and barely noticed.
+Searching are for ... and the smell's low enough that cat-xeger has used it indoors, in the winter, in the same room as cat-xeger was sitting in, and barely noticed.
+Searching is for ... and the smell's low enough that cat-xeger has used it indoors, in the winter, in the same room as cat-xeger was sitting in, and barely noticed
+Searching are for ... and the smell's low enough that cat-xeger has used it indoors, in the winter, in the same room as cat-xeger was sitting in, and barely noticed
+||||cat-xeger||||Certainly not the insta-high of most of them.||||
+Searching is for certainly not the insta-high of most of them.
+Searching are for certainly not the insta-high of most of them.
+Searching is for certainly not the insta-high of most of them
+Searching are for certainly not the insta-high of most of them
+||||crab||||and it tastes good too!||||
+Searching is for it tastes good too!
+Searching are for it tastes good too!
+Searching is for it tastes good too
+Searching are for it tastes good too
+Searching is for no.
+Searching are for no.
+Searching is for no
+Searching are for no
+||||dngor||||I can feel my mucus sloughing off my intestinal walls! It works!||||
+Searching is for dngor can feel dngor's mucus sloughing off dngor's intestinal walls! it works!
+Searching are for dngor can feel dngor's mucus sloughing off dngor's intestinal walls! it works!
+Searching is for dngor can feel dngor's mucus sloughing off dngor's intestinal walls! it works
+Searching are for dngor can feel dngor's mucus sloughing off dngor's intestinal walls! it works
+||||tsee||||PAR related modules have grown several thousand lines in the past two months.||||
+Searching is for par related modules have grown several thousand lines in the past two months.
+Searching are for par related modules have grown several thousand lines in the past two months.
+Searching is for par related modules have grown several thousand lines in the past two months
+Searching are for par related modules have grown several thousand lines in the past two months
+||||crab||||soon they'll be so big that it'll include debian rather than the other way around!||||
+Searching is for soon they'll be so big that it'll include debian rather than the other way around!
+Searching are for soon they'll be so big that it'll include debian rather than the other way around!
+Searching is for soon they'll be so big that it'll include debian rather than the other way around
+Searching are for soon they'll be so big that it'll include debian rather than the other way around
+||||crab||||(hi tsee.)||||
+Searching is for (hi tsee.)
+Searching are for (hi tsee.)
+Searching is for (hi tsee.)
+Searching are for (hi tsee.)
+||||tsee||||Hi :)||||
+Searching is for hi :)
+Searching are for hi :)
+Searching is for hi :)
+Searching are for hi :)
+||||crab||||hi Theory.||||
+Searching is for hi theory.
+Searching are for hi theory.
+Searching is for hi theory
+Searching are for hi theory
+||||Masque||||I bet Hobby Lobby has heat guns. Want me to pick one up for you if they do? I have to go there anyway.||||
+Searching is for masque bet hobby lobby has heat guns. want masque to pick one up for you if they do? masque has to go there .
+Searching are for masque bet hobby lobby has heat guns. want masque to pick one up for you if they do? masque has to go there .
+Searching is for masque bet hobby lobby has heat guns. want masque to pick one up for you if they do? masque has to go there
+Searching are for masque bet hobby lobby has heat guns. want masque to pick one up for you if they do? masque has to go there
+||||Masque||||Never mind. Hobby Lobby says, "Try Lowell's! [sic]" Also Richmond Hardware, et cetera. Feh, this was supposed to be easy.||||
+Searching is for never mind. hobby lobby says, "try lowell's! [sic]" also richmond hardware, et cetera. feh, this was supposed to be easy.
+Searching are for never mind. hobby lobby says, "try lowell's! [sic]" also richmond hardware, et cetera. feh, this was supposed to be easy.
+Searching is for never mind. hobby lobby says, "try lowell's! [sic]" also richmond hardware, et cetera. feh, this was supposed to be easy
+Searching are for never mind. hobby lobby says, "try lowell's! [sic]" also richmond hardware, et cetera. feh, this was supposed to be easy
+||||Theory||||hi crab||||
+Searching is for hi crab
+Searching are for hi crab
+Searching is for hi crab
+Searching are for hi crab
+||||aevil||||hrm...someone better call spike lee http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/refresh/graphics_at5+shtml/144727.shtml?5day||||
+Searching is for hrm...someone better call spike lee http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/refresh/graphics_at5+shtml/144727.shtml?5day
+Searching are for hrm...someone better call spike lee http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/refresh/graphics_at5+shtml/144727.shtml?5day
+Searching is for hrm...someone better call spike lee http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/refresh/graphics_at5+shtml/144727.shtml?5day
+Searching are for hrm...someone better call spike lee http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/refresh/graphics_at5+shtml/144727.shtml?5day
+||||Theory||||I suspect that he knows already||||
+Searching is for theory suspect that he knows already
+Searching are for theory suspect that he knows already
+Searching is for theory suspect that he knows already
+Searching are for theory suspect that he knows already
+||||Masque||||Looking for cover versions of XTC's Dear God on iTunes is... an experience.||||
+Searching is for looking for cover versions of xtc's dear god on itunes is... an experience.
+Searching are for looking for cover versions of xtc's dear god on itunes is... an experience.
+Searching is for looking for cover versions of xtc's dear god on itunes is... an experience
+Searching are for looking for cover versions of xtc's dear god on itunes is... an experience
+||||muttley||||seen dha?||||
+Searching is for seen dha
+Searching are for seen dha
+Searching is for seen dha
+Searching are for seen dha
+Searching is for hrmm
+Searching are for hrmm
+Searching is for hrmm
+Searching are for hrmm
+||||Masque||||'course, here's a cover of "Unforgettable" performed by... Ani Difranco and Jackie Chan.||||
+Searching is for 'course, here's a cover of "unforgettable" performed by... ani difranco and jackie chan.
+Searching are for 'course, here's a cover of "unforgettable" performed by... ani difranco and jackie chan.
+Searching is for 'course, here's a cover of "unforgettable" performed by... ani difranco and jackie chan
+Searching are for 'course, here's a cover of "unforgettable" performed by... ani difranco and jackie chan
+||||Masque||||Paging DrForr.||||
+Searching is for paging drforr.
+Searching are for paging drforr.
+Searching is for paging drforr
+Searching are for paging drforr
+Searching is for page drforr augh unforgettable performed by jackie chan
+Searching are for page drforr augh unforgettable performed by jackie chan
+Searching is for page drforr augh unforgettable performed by jackie chan
+Searching are for page drforr augh unforgettable performed by jackie chan
+Searching is for rar!
+Searching are for rar!
+Searching is for rar
+Searching are for rar
+||||ambs||||new XML::LibXML, hmms.. that *might* be good||||
+Searching is for new xml::libxml, hmms.. that *might* be good
+Searching are for new xml::libxml, hmms.. that *might* be good
+Searching is for new xml::libxml, hmms.. that *might* be good
+Searching are for new xml::libxml, hmms.. that *might* be good
+Searching is for
+Searching are for
+Searching is for
+Searching are for
+||||buu||||Is it a bad sign when I'm starting to recognize this 30 second crappy film clip from wliia?||||
+Searching is for is it a bad sign when buu is starting to recognize this 30 second crappy film clip from wliia
+Searching are for is it a bad sign when buu is starting to recognize this 30 second crappy film clip from wliia
+Searching is for these*
+Searching are for these*
+Searching is for these*
+Searching are for these*
+||||DrForr||||Maybe. What does 'wliia' expand to?||||
+Searching is for maybe.does 'wliia' expand to
+Searching are for maybe.does 'wliia' expand to
+Searching is for maybe.does 'wliia' expand to
+Searching are for maybe.does 'wliia' expand to
+||||DrForr||||seen Schwern.||||
+Searching is for seen schwern.
+Searching are for seen schwern.
+Searching is for seen schwern
+Searching are for seen schwern
+||||DrForr||||seen Schwern||||
+Searching is for seen schwern
+Searching are for seen schwern
+Searching is for seen schwern
+Searching are for seen schwern
+||||Masque||||wliia expands to wliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiia.||||
+Searching is for wliia expands to wliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiia.
+Searching are for wliia expands to wliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiia.
+Searching is for wliia expands to wliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiia
+Searching are for wliia expands to wliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiia
+||||DrForr||||o/' Wliiiiiia / Wliiiiiiiia o/'||||
+Searching is for o/' wliiiiiia / wliiiiiiiia o/'
+Searching are for o/' wliiiiiia / wliiiiiiiia o/'
+Searching is for o/' wliiiiiia / wliiiiiiiia o/'
+Searching are for o/' wliiiiiia / wliiiiiiiia o/'
+||||buu||||It expands to whose line..||||
+Searching is for it expands to whose line..
+Searching are for it expands to whose line..
+Searching is for it expands to whose line
+Searching are for it expands to whose line
+||||buu||||They do "dubbing" skits where they play 30-60 seconds of some crappy black and white movie and dub the dialogue||||
+Searching is for they do "dubbing" skitsthey play 30-60 seconds of some crappy black and white movie and dub the dialogue
+Searching are for they do "dubbing" skitsthey play 30-60 seconds of some crappy black and white movie and dub the dialogue
+Searching is for they do "dubbing" skitsthey play 30-60 seconds of some crappy black and white movie and dub the dialogue
+Searching are for they do "dubbing" skitsthey play 30-60 seconds of some crappy black and white movie and dub the dialogue
+||||DrForr||||Not that there aren't far worse out there, as scdhawern have cause to know :)||||
+Searching is for not that there aren't far worse out there, as scdhawern have cause to know :)
+Searching are for not that there aren't far worse out there, as scdhawern have cause to know :)
+Searching is for not that there aren't far worse out there, as scdhawern have cause to know :)
+Searching are for not that there aren't far worse out there, as scdhawern have cause to know :)
+Searching is for yeah
+Searching are for yeah
+Searching is for yeah
+Searching are for yeah
+||||buu||||But they need very clean ones.||||
+Searching is for they need very clean ones.
+Searching are for they need very clean ones.
+Searching is for they need very clean ones
+Searching are for they need very clean ones
+||||buu||||That probabl don't have copy rights.||||
+Searching is for that probabl don't have copy rights.
+Searching are for that probabl don't have copy rights.
+Searching is for that probabl don't have copy rights
+Searching are for that probabl don't have copy rights
+||||DrForr||||Or that they can acquire the rights to cheaply, Which again leads to MST :)||||
+Searching is for that they can acquire the rights to cheaply, which again leads to mst :)
+Searching are for that they can acquire the rights to cheaply, which again leads to mst :)
+Searching is for that they can acquire the rights to cheaply, which again leads to mst :)
+Searching are for that they can acquire the rights to cheaply, which again leads to mst :)
+Searching is for yup!
+Searching are for yup!
+Searching is for yup
+Searching are for yup
+||||buu||||Heh, I kind of doubt they pay for them||||
+Searching is for heh, buu kind of doubt they pay for them
+Searching are for heh, buu kind of doubt they pay for them
+Searching is for heh, buu kind of doubt they pay for them
+Searching are for heh, buu kind of doubt they pay for them
+||||DrForr||||Theoretically it *should* fall under fair use privileges, but that right has been so badly eroded in the past few years that I wonder.||||
+Searching is for theoretically it *should* fall under fair use privileges, but that right has been so badly eroded in the past few years that drforr wonder.
+Searching are for theoretically it *should* fall under fair use privileges, but that right has been so badly eroded in the past few years that drforr wonder.
+Searching is for theoretically it *should* fall under fair use privileges, but that right has been so badly eroded in the past few years that drforr wonder
+Searching are for theoretically it *should* fall under fair use privileges, but that right has been so badly eroded in the past few years that drforr wonder
+Searching is for yeah
+Searching are for yeah
+Searching is for yeah
+Searching are for yeah
+||||buu||||And they are trying to make money off it.||||
+Searching is for they are trying to make money off it.
+Searching are for they are trying to make money off it.
+Searching is for hello
+Searching are for hello
+Searching is for hello
+Searching are for hello
+||||mstevens||||hi purl||||
+Searching is for hi purl
+Searching are for hi purl
+Searching is for hi purl
+Searching are for hi purl
+||||mstevens||||hi aevil||||
+Searching is for hi aevil
+Searching are for hi aevil
+Searching is for hi aevil
+Searching are for hi aevil
+||||aevil||||evening mrstevens :)||||
+Searching is for evening mrstevens :)
+Searching are for evening mrstevens :)
+Searching is for evening mrstevens :)
+Searching are for evening mrstevens :)
+||||aevil||||well...that was a convo killer :)||||
+Searching is for well...that was a convo killer :)
+Searching are for well...that was a convo killer :)
+Searching is for well...that was a convo killer :)
+Searching are for well...that was a convo killer :)
+||||buu||||Good job!||||
+Searching is for good job!
+Searching are for good job!
+Searching is for good job
+Searching are for good job
+Searching is for yex
+Searching are for yex
+Searching is for yex
+Searching are for yex
+||||aevil||||LOL...is it 2050 yet? :)||||
+Searching is for lol...is it 2050 yet? :)
+Searching are for lol...is it 2050 yet? :)
+Searching is for lol...is it 2050 yet? :)
+Searching are for lol...is it 2050 yet? :)
+||||buu||||In whose calendar?||||
+Searching is for in whose calendar
+Searching are for in whose calendar
+Searching is for in whose calendar
+Searching are for in whose calendar
+||||aevil||||does it matter? :)||||
+Searching is for does it matter? :)
+Searching are for does it matter? :)
+Searching is for does it matter? :)
+Searching are for does it matter? :)
+||||buu||||It might!||||
+Searching is for it might!
+Searching are for it might!
+Searching is for it might
+Searching are for it might
+||||mjl69||||perl6 beta is due at the end of $thisyear;||||
+Searching is for perl6 beta is due at the end of $thisyear;
+Searching are for perl6 beta is due at the end of $thisyear;
+Searching is for perl6 beta
+set;;is;;perl6 beta;;due at the end of $thisyear;
+||||aevil||||just in time for xmas :)||||
+Searching is for just in time for xmas :)
+Searching are for just in time for xmas :)
+Searching is for just in time for xmas :)
+Searching are for just in time for xmas :)
+||||mstevens||||how's the finnish?||||
+Searching is for how's the finnish
+Searching are for how's the finnish
+Searching is for how's the finnish
+Searching are for how's the finnish
+||||dngor||||Heh. http://www.auschwitz.dk/Paula.htm ... "Ads by Google / Hitler Ringtones / Send this ringtone to your cellphone at no charge / latestringers.com / Advertise on this site"||||
+Searching is for heh. http://www.auschwitz.dk/paula.htm ... "ads by google / hitler ringtones / send this ringtone to your cellphone at no charge / latestringers.com / advertise on this site"
+Searching are for heh. http://www.auschwitz.dk/paula.htm ... "ads by google / hitler ringtones / send this ringtone to your cellphone at no charge / latestringers.com / advertise on this site"
+Searching is for heh. http://www.auschwitz.dk/paula.htm ... "ads by google / hitler ringtones / send this ringtone to your cellphone at no charge / latestringers.com / advertise on this site"
+Searching are for heh. http://www.auschwitz.dk/paula.htm ... "ads by google / hitler ringtones / send this ringtone to your cellphone at no charge / latestringers.com / advertise on this site"
+||||aevil||||the language or the people? :)||||
+Searching is for the language or the people? :)
+Searching are for the language or the people? :)
+Searching is for language or the people? :)
+Searching are for language or the people? :)
+||||mstevens||||the language :P||||
+Searching is for the language :p
+Searching are for the language :p
+Searching is for language :p
+Searching are for language :p
+||||aevil||||it's ok...still can't really speak it worth a damn but I enjoy a dangerous amount of understanding :)||||
+Searching is for it's ok...still can't really speak it worth a damn but aevil enjoy a dangerous amount of understanding :)
+Searching are for it's ok...still can't really speak it worth a damn but aevil enjoy a dangerous amount of understanding :)
+Searching is for it's ok...still can't really speak it worth a damn but aevil enjoy a dangerous amount of understanding :)
+Searching are for it's ok...still can't really speak it worth a damn but aevil enjoy a dangerous amount of understanding :)
+Searching is for cool
+Searching are for cool
+Searching is for cool
+Searching are for cool
+||||LotR||||how long have you been in finland now?||||
+Searching is for how long have you been in finland now
+Searching are for how long have you been in finland now
+Searching is for how long have you been in finland now
+Searching are for how long have you been in finland now
+||||aevil||||lotr...almost 4 years||||
+Searching is for lotr...almost 4 years
+Searching are for lotr...almost 4 years
+Searching is for lotr...almost 4 years
+Searching are for lotr...almost 4 years
+||||DrForr||||o/' Springtime for Hitler und Germany o/'||||
+Searching is for o/' springtime for hitler und germany o/'
+Searching are for o/' springtime for hitler und germany o/'
+Searching is for o/' springtime for hitler und germany o/'
+Searching are for o/' springtime for hitler und germany o/'
+||||buu||||Best movie ever.||||
+Searching is for best movie ever.
+Searching are for best movie ever.
+Searching is for best movie ever
+Searching are for best movie ever
+||||buu||||forget best movie ever||||
+Searching is for forget best movie ever
+Searching are for forget best movie ever
+Searching is for forget best movie ever
+Searching are for forget best movie ever
+Searching is for 90/18
+Searching are for 90/18
+Searching is for 90/18
+Searching are for 90/18
+Searching is for 90/15
+Searching are for 90/15
+Searching is for 90/15
+Searching are for 90/15
+Searching is for 5**11
+Searching are for 5**11
+Searching is for 5**11
+Searching are for 5**11
+Searching is for pi
+Searching are for pi
+Searching is for pi
+Searching are for pi
+||||DrForr||||o/' Nothing is real / Nothing is said / All is concealed / Underneath the tent o/'||||
+Searching is for o/' nothing is real / nothing is said / all is concealed / underneath the tent o/'
+Searching are for o/' nothing is real / nothing is said / all is concealed / underneath the tent o/'
+Searching is for o/' nothing
+set;;is;;o/' nothing;;real / Nothing is said / All is concealed / Underneath the tent o/'
+||||dha||||ok. time do do some more packing. later, all.||||
+Searching is for time do do some more packing. later, all.
+Searching are for time do do some more packing. later, all.
+Searching is for time do do some more packing. later, all
+Searching are for time do do some more packing. later, all
+||||jibsheet||||yeah, packing||||
+Searching is for yeah, packing
+Searching are for yeah, packing
+Searching is for yeah, packing
+Searching are for yeah, packing
+||||jibsheet||||I should do that||||
+Searching is for jibsheet should do that
+Searching are for jibsheet should do that
+Searching is for jibsheet should do that
+Searching are for jibsheet should do that
+||||DrForr||||Abloy++ Simply elegant...||||
+Searching is for abloy++ simply elegant...
+Searching are for abloy++ simply elegant...
+Searching is for abloy++ simply elegant
+Searching are for abloy++ simply elegant
+Searching is for abloy
+Searching are for abloy
+Searching is for abloy
+Searching are for abloy
+||||DrForr||||Bizarre European lock I've been reading about.||||
+Searching is for bizarre european lock drforr has been reading about.
+Searching are for bizarre european lock drforr has been reading about.
+Searching is for bizarre european lock drforr has been reading about
+Searching are for bizarre european lock drforr has been reading about
+||||DrForr||||http://www.toool.nl/index-eng.php # There's a set of PDFs in a sidebar on it.||||
+Searching is for http://www.toool.nl/index-eng.php # there's a set of pdfs in a sidebar on it.
+Searching are for http://www.toool.nl/index-eng.php # there's a set of pdfs in a sidebar on it.
+Searching is for http://www.toool.nl/index-eng.php # there's a set of pdfs in a sidebar on it
+Searching are for http://www.toool.nl/index-eng.php # there's a set of pdfs in a sidebar on it
+Searching is for 6**14
+Searching are for 6**14
+Searching is for 6**14
+Searching are for 6**14
+||||DrForr||||78 billion possible combinations on the top security locks.||||
+Searching is for 78 billion possible combinations on the top security locks.
+Searching are for 78 billion possible combinations on the top security locks.
+Searching is for 78 billion possible combinations on the top security locks
+Searching are for 78 billion possible combinations on the top security locks
+||||DrForr||||Huh. And the mechanism allows one key to open, one key to close the lock.||||
+Searching is for and the mechanism allows one key to open, one key to close the lock.
+Searching are for and the mechanism allows one key to open, one key to close the lock.
+Searching is for and the mechanism allows one key to open, one key to close the lock
+Searching are for and the mechanism allows one key to open, one key to close the lock
+||||DrForr||||$27.99 for a pair...||||
+Searching is for $27.99 for a pair...
+Searching are for $27.99 for a pair...
+Searching is for $27.99 for a pair
+Searching are for $27.99 for a pair
+||||LotR||||that sounds awfully cheap for a really good lock/key||||
+Searching is for that sounds awfully cheap for a really good lock/key
+Searching are for that sounds awfully cheap for a really good lock/key
+Searching is for that sounds awfully cheap for a really good lock/key
+Searching are for that sounds awfully cheap for a really good lock/key
+||||DrForr||||That's eBay bid, not MSRP.||||
+Searching is for that's ebay bid, not msrp.
+Searching are for that's ebay bid, not msrp.
+Searching is for that's ebay bid, not msrp
+Searching are for that's ebay bid, not msrp
+||||DrForr||||Hrm, located in Finland.||||
+Searching is for hrm, located in finland.
+Searching are for hrm, located in finland.
+Searching is for hrm, located in finland
+Searching are for hrm, located in finland
+||||dha||||have I ever mentioned how much I hate packing?||||
+Searching is for have dha ever mentioned how much dha hate packing
+Searching are for have dha ever mentioned how much dha hate packing
+Searching is for have dha ever mentioned how much dha hate packing
+Searching are for have dha ever mentioned how much dha hate packing
+||||jibsheet||||procrastinators unite||||
+Searching is for procrastinators unite
+Searching are for procrastinators unite
+Searching is for procrastinators unite
+Searching are for procrastinators unite
+Searching is for later
+Searching are for later
+Searching is for later
+Searching are for later
+||||dorian||||in a minute||||
+Searching is for in a minute
+Searching are for in a minute
+Searching is for in a minute
+Searching are for in a minute
+||||dha||||I can't believe you actually came around to coming up with a battle cry.||||
+Searching is for dha can't believe you actually came around to coming up with a battle cry.
+Searching are for dha can't believe you actually came around to coming up with a battle cry.
+Searching is for dha can't believe you actually came around to coming up with a battle cry
+Searching are for dha can't believe you actually came around to coming up with a battle cry
+||||mendel||||if it wasn't so long ago i'd replace it with "<tuit> see you ROUND"||||
+Searching is for if it wasn't so long ago mendel'd replace it with "<tuit> see you round"
+Searching are for if it wasn't so long ago mendel'd replace it with "<tuit> see you round"
+Searching is for if it wasn't so long ago mendel'd replace it with "<tuit> see you round"
+Searching are for if it wasn't so long ago mendel'd replace it with "<tuit> see you round"
+||||jibsheet||||it helped me avoid packing||||
+Searching is for it helped jibsheet avoid packing
+Searching are for it helped jibsheet avoid packing
+Searching is for it helped jibsheet avoid packing
+Searching are for it helped jibsheet avoid packing
+||||jibsheet||||or rather, planning what to pack||||
+Searching is for rather, planningto pack
+Searching are for rather, planningto pack
+Searching is for rather, planningto pack
+Searching are for rather, planningto pack
+||||jibsheet||||are you flying monday?||||
+Searching is for are you flying monday
+Searching are for are you flying monday
+Searching is for birmingham
+Searching are for birmingham
+Searching is for birmingham
+Searching are for birmingham
+Searching is for sunday
+Searching are for sunday
+Searching is for sunday
+Searching are for sunday
+||||dha||||i.e. tomorrow||||
+Searching is for dha.e. tomorrow
+Searching are for dha.e. tomorrow
+Searching is for dha.e. tomorrow
+Searching are for dha.e. tomorrow
+||||jibsheet||||ah, lucky. the tube in from heathrow will be running||||
+Searching is for ah, lucky. the tube in from heathrow will be running
+Searching are for ah, lucky. the tube in from heathrow will be running
+Searching is for ah, lucky. the tube in from heathrow will be running
+Searching are for ah, lucky. the tube in from heathrow will be running
+||||xdg||||going to YAPC::EU?||||
+Searching is for going to yapc::eu
+Searching are for going to yapc::eu
+Searching is for going to yapc::eu
+Searching are for going to yapc::eu
+||||jibsheet||||apparently they're closing part of the piccadilly line tuesday||||
+Searching is for apparently they're closing part of the piccadilly line tuesday
+Searching are for apparently they're closing part of the piccadilly line tuesday
+Searching is for apparently they're closing part of the piccadilly line tuesday
+Searching are for apparently they're closing part of the piccadilly line tuesday
+||||jibsheet||||ahhh, that makes it easier in general||||
+Searching is for ahhh, that makes it easier in general
+Searching are for ahhh, that makes it easier in general
+Searching is for ahhh, that makes it easier in general
+Searching are for ahhh, that makes it easier in general
+||||DrForr||||I need to get to London some time...||||
+Searching is for drforr need to get to london some time...
+Searching are for drforr need to get to london some time...
+Searching is for drforr need to get to london some time
+Searching are for drforr need to get to london some time
+||||jibsheet||||I wish I could stay longer, but the gf starts school on wednesday||||
+Searching is for jibsheet wish jibsheet could stay longer, but the gf starts school on wednesday
+Searching are for jibsheet wish jibsheet could stay longer, but the gf starts school on wednesday
+Searching is for jibsheet wish jibsheet could stay longer, but the gf starts school on wednesday
+Searching are for jibsheet wish jibsheet could stay longer, but the gf starts school on wednesday
+||||dha||||isn't that *her* problem?||||
+Searching is for isn't that *her* problem
+Searching are for isn't that *her* problem
+Searching is for isn't that *her* problem
+Searching are for isn't that *her* problem
+||||jibsheet||||well, if I don't get her home in a timely manner, it'll be my problem||||
+Searching is for if jibsheet don't get her home in a timely manner, it'll be jibsheet's problem
+Searching are for if jibsheet don't get her home in a timely manner, it'll be jibsheet's problem
+Searching is for if jibsheet don't get her home in a timely manner, it'll be jibsheet's problem
+Searching are for if jibsheet don't get her home in a timely manner, it'll be jibsheet's problem
+||||mako132_||||a gf problem is the bf's problem, that's the rule||||
+Searching is for a gf problem is the bf's problem, that's the rule
+Searching are for a gf problem is the bf's problem, that's the rule
+Searching is for gf problem
+set;;is;;gf problem;;the bf's problem, that's the rule
+Searching is for mako132++
+Searching are for mako132++
+Searching is for mako132++
+Searching are for mako132++
+||||jibsheet||||speaking of which, she should be here with dinner by now. I wonder what happened||||
+Searching is for speaking of which, she should be here with dinner by now. jibsheet wonderhappened
+Searching are for speaking of which, she should be here with dinner by now. jibsheet wonderhappened
+Searching is for speaking of which, she should be here with dinner by now. jibsheet wonderhappened
+Searching are for speaking of which, she should be here with dinner by now. jibsheet wonderhappened
+||||dha||||mako - great. a reason not to have a girlfriend. I needed one of those.||||
+Searching is for mako - great. a reason not to have a girlfriend. dha needed one of those.
+Searching are for mako - great. a reason not to have a girlfriend. dha needed one of those.
+Searching is for mako - great. a reason not to have a girlfriend. dha needed one of those
+Searching are for mako - great. a reason not to have a girlfriend. dha needed one of those
+||||mako132_||||It works the otherway...most of the time...sort of||||
+Searching is for it works the otherway...most of the time...sort of
+Searching are for it works the otherway...most of the time...sort of
+Searching is for it works the otherway...most of the time...sort of
+Searching are for it works the otherway...most of the time...sort of
+||||dha||||maybe she went to dinner with someone else and you can spend all the time you want in london!||||
+Searching is for maybe she went to dinner with someone else and you can spend all the time you want in london!
+Searching are for maybe she went to dinner with someone else and you can spend all the time you want in london!
+Searching is for maybe she went to dinner with someone else and you can spend all the time you want in london
+Searching are for maybe she went to dinner with someone else and you can spend all the time you want in london
+Searching is for maybe
+Searching are for maybe
+Searching is for maybe
+Searching are for maybe
+||||jibsheet||||she discovered that cadbury has an entertainment park of some kind in cadbury, so I suspect she'll be there at some point during the conference||||
+Searching is for she discovered that cadbury has an entertainment park of some kind in cadbury, so jibsheet suspect she'll be there at some point during the conference
+Searching are for she discovered that cadbury has an entertainment park of some kind in cadbury, so jibsheet suspect she'll be there at some point during the conference
+Searching is for she discovered that cadbury has an entertainment park of some kind in cadbury, so jibsheet suspect she'll be there at some point during the conference
+Searching are for she discovered that cadbury has an entertainment park of some kind in cadbury, so jibsheet suspect she'll be there at some point during the conference
+||||jibsheet||||in cadbury? gah. in birmingham||||
+Searching is for in cadbury? gah. in birmingham
+Searching are for in cadbury? gah. in birmingham
+Searching is for in cadbury? gah. in birmingham
+Searching are for in cadbury? gah. in birmingham
+||||jibsheet||||dinner. &||||
+Searching is for dinner. &
+Searching are for dinner. &
+Searching is for dinner. &
+Searching are for dinner. &
+||||xdg||||I want to submit a lightning talk for YAPC::EU by proxy -- I need to find a volunteer speaker||||
+Searching is for xdg want to submit a lightning talk for yapc::eu by proxy -- xdg need to find a volunteer speaker
+Searching are for xdg want to submit a lightning talk for yapc::eu by proxy -- xdg need to find a volunteer speaker
+Searching is for xdg want to submit a lightning talk for yapc::eu by proxy -- xdg need to find a volunteer speaker
+Searching are for xdg want to submit a lightning talk for yapc::eu by proxy -- xdg need to find a volunteer speaker
+||||dha||||what's the talk?||||
+Searching is for is the talk
+Searching are for is the talk
+Searching is for talk
+||||xdg||||Either/both of Vanilla Perl and CPAN::Reporter||||
+Searching is for either/both of vanilla perl and cpan::reporter
+Searching are for either/both of vanilla perl and cpan::reporter
+Searching is for either/both of vanilla perl and cpan::reporter
+Searching are for either/both of vanilla perl and cpan::reporter
+||||xdg||||Andreas just released CPAN::Reporter support in CPAN 1.87_57||||
+Searching is for andreas just released cpan::reporter support in cpan 1.87_57
+Searching are for andreas just released cpan::reporter support in cpan 1.87_57
+Searching is for andreas just released cpan::reporter support in cpan 1.87_57
+Searching are for andreas just released cpan::reporter support in cpan 1.87_57
+||||xdg||||And Vanilla/Strawberry need testers||||
+Searching is for vanilla/strawberry need testers
+Searching are for vanilla/strawberry need testers
+Searching is for vanilla/strawberry need testers
+Searching are for vanilla/strawberry need testers
+Searching is for heh
+Searching are for heh
+Searching is for heh
+Searching are for heh
+||||DrForr||||Okay, *that* is a simple but bizarre bug in VirtueDesktops. I turned on the motion sensor briefly, turned it back off, and when I kicked the table accidentally it still changed desktops.||||
+Searching is for *that* is a simple but bizarre bug in virtuedesktops. drforr turned on the motion sensor briefly, turned it back off, and when drforr kicked the table accidentally it still changed desktops.
+Searching are for *that* is a simple but bizarre bug in virtuedesktops. drforr turned on the motion sensor briefly, turned it back off, and when drforr kicked the table accidentally it still changed desktops.
+Searching is for ghlagh
+Searching are for ghlagh
+Searching is for ghlagh
+Searching are for ghlagh
+||||dha||||ooh. I may have found a bug in livejournal.||||
+Searching is for dha may have found a bug in livejournal.
+Searching are for dha may have found a bug in livejournal.
+Searching is for dha may have found a bug in livejournal
+Searching are for dha may have found a bug in livejournal
+||||DrForr||||seen TorgoX||||
+Searching is for seen torgox
+Searching are for seen torgox
+Searching is for seen torgox
+Searching are for seen torgox
+||||DrForr||||o/ Nassau's gone funky / Nassau's gone soul o/'||||
+Searching is for o/ nassau's gone funky / nassau's gone soul o/'
+Searching are for o/ nassau's gone funky / nassau's gone soul o/'
+Searching is for o/ nassau's gone funky / nassau's gone soul o/'
+Searching are for o/ nassau's gone funky / nassau's gone soul o/'
+Searching is for dinner.
+Searching are for dinner.
+Searching is for dinner
+Searching are for dinner
+||||hydo||||I thought I had it bookmarked.||||
+Searching is for hydo thought hydo had it bookmarked.
+Searching are for hydo thought hydo had it bookmarked.
+Searching is for hydo thought hydo had it bookmarked
+Searching are for hydo thought hydo had it bookmarked
+||||DrForr||||I think it's mentioned in the PPI docs...||||
+Searching is for drforr think it's mentioned in the ppi docs...
+Searching are for drforr think it's mentioned in the ppi docs...
+Searching is for drforr think it's mentioned in the ppi docs
+Searching are for drforr think it's mentioned in the ppi docs
+||||hydo||||Ah ha! it wasn't an article at all but a perlmonks post. Thanks drforr.||||
+Searching is for ah ha! it wasn't an article at all but a perlmonks post. thanks drforr.
+Searching are for ah ha! it wasn't an article at all but a perlmonks post. thanks drforr.
+Searching is for ah ha! it wasn't an article at all but a perlmonks post. thanks drforr
+Searching are for ah ha! it wasn't an article at all but a perlmonks post. thanks drforr
+||||hydo||||Apparently someone has decided to use my DONT TOUCH powerbook.||||
+Searching is for apparently someone has decided to use hydo's dont touch powerbook.
+Searching are for apparently someone has decided to use hydo's dont touch powerbook.
+Searching is for apparently someone has decided to use hydo's dont touch powerbook
+Searching are for apparently someone has decided to use hydo's dont touch powerbook
+||||hydo||||hulk smash||||
+Searching is for hulk smash
+Searching are for hulk smash
+Searching is for hulk smash
+Searching are for hulk smash
+||||DrForr||||NP, I figured it might be a good starting point...||||
+Searching is for np, drforr figured it might be a good starting point...
+Searching are for np, drforr figured it might be a good starting point...
+Searching is for np, drforr figured it might be a good starting point
+Searching are for np, drforr figured it might be a good starting point
+||||hydo||||Yea, that's how I found it the last time. heh||||
+Searching is for yea, that's how hydo found it the last time. heh
+Searching are for yea, that's how hydo found it the last time. heh
+Searching is for yea, that's how hydo found it the last time. heh
+Searching are for yea, that's how hydo found it the last time. heh
+||||zetabug||||hi crab||||
+Searching is for hi crab
+Searching are for hi crab
+Searching is for hi crab
+Searching are for hi crab
+||||crab||||hi zetabug.||||
+Searching is for hi zetabug.
+Searching are for hi zetabug.
+Searching is for hi zetabug
+Searching are for hi zetabug
+Searching is for well
+Searching are for well
+Searching is for well
+Searching are for well
+Searching is for oops
+Searching are for oops
+Searching is for oops
+Searching are for oops
+||||zetabug||||why three?||||
+Searching is for why three
+Searching are for why three
+Searching is for why three
+Searching are for why three
+||||zetabug||||zero-form, one-from, two-form, red-fish, blue-fish, green-fish||||
+Searching is for zero-form, one-from, two-form, red-fish, blue-fish, green-fish
+Searching are for zero-form, one-from, two-form, red-fish, blue-fish, green-fish
+Searching is for zero-form, one-from, two-form, red-fish, blue-fish, green-fish
+Searching are for zero-form, one-from, two-form, red-fish, blue-fish, green-fish
+||||DrForr||||Huh. The new laptop (unsurprisingly, perhaps) seems to be better-behaved about recording video than the original.||||
+Searching is for the new laptop (unsurprisingly, perhaps) seems to be better-behaved about recording video than the original.
+Searching are for the new laptop (unsurprisingly, perhaps) seems to be better-behaved about recording video than the original.
+Searching is for new laptop (unsurprisingly, perhaps) seems to be better-behaved about recording video than the original
+Searching are for new laptop (unsurprisingly, perhaps) seems to be better-behaved about recording video than the original
+||||DrForr||||Perhaps I spoke too soon, just saw a dropout.||||
+Searching is for perhaps drforr spoke too soon, just saw a dropout.
+Searching are for perhaps drforr spoke too soon, just saw a dropout.
+Searching is for perhaps drforr spoke too soon, just saw a dropout
+Searching are for perhaps drforr spoke too soon, just saw a dropout
+||||DrForr||||11:55 in, have to look at that. At least it didn't create a new video clip.||||
+Searching is for 11:55 in, have to look at that. at least it didn't create a new video clip.
+Searching are for 11:55 in, have to look at that. at least it didn't create a new video clip.
+Searching is for 11:55 in, have to look at that. at least it didn't create a new video clip
+Searching are for 11:55 in, have to look at that. at least it didn't create a new video clip
+Searching is for 24/7.53
+Searching are for 24/7.53
+Searching is for 24/7.53
+Searching are for 24/7.53
+Searching is for 24/(12.2-7.53)
+Searching are for 24/(12.2-7.53)
+Searching is for 24/(12.2-7.53)
+Searching are for 24/(12.2-7.53)
+||||DrForr||||Well, it's good enough for YouTube :)||||
+Searching is for it's good enough for youtube :)
+Searching are for it's good enough for youtube :)
+Searching is for it's good enough for youtube :)
+Searching are for it's good enough for youtube :)
+Searching is for 34/7.5
+Searching are for 34/7.5
+Searching is for 34/7.5
+Searching are for 34/7.5
+Searching is for greetings
+Searching are for greetings
+Searching is for greetings
+Searching are for greetings
+||||dha||||hey brade. ltns||||
+Searching is for brade. ltns
+Searching are for brade. ltns
+Searching is for brade. ltns
+Searching are for brade. ltns
+||||DrForr||||Indeed. How go things?||||
+Searching is for indeed. how go things
+Searching are for indeed. how go things
+Searching is for indeed. how go things
+Searching are for indeed. how go things
+||||braderunn||||heya dha, drforr... Indeed, my attendance has been scarce here... things are going well :)||||
+Searching is for dha, drforr... indeed, braderunn's attendance has been scarce here... things are going well :)
+Searching are for dha, drforr... indeed, braderunn's attendance has been scarce here... things are going well :)
+||||DrForr||||Doubtless the two are correlated :)||||
+Searching is for doubtless the two are correlated :)
+Searching are for doubtless the two are correlated :)
+Searching are for doubtless the two
+set;;are;;doubtless the two;;correlated :)
+||||braderunn||||I've fallen back on custom carpentry and restoring historic homes.||||
+Searching is for braderunn has fallen back on custom carpentry and restoring historic homes.
+Searching are for braderunn has fallen back on custom carpentry and restoring historic homes.
+Searching is for braderunn has fallen back on custom carpentry and restoring historic homes
+Searching are for braderunn has fallen back on custom carpentry and restoring historic homes
+Searching is for doubtless
+Searching are for doubtless
+Searching is for doubtless
+Searching are for doubtless
+||||dha||||which means we have to destroy your life now, so you'll come back...||||
+Searching is for which means we have to destroy your life now, so you'll come back...
+Searching are for which means we have to destroy your life now, so you'll come back...
+Searching is for which means we have to destroy your life now, so you'll come back
+Searching are for which means we have to destroy your life now, so you'll come back
+||||braderunn||||heh :)||||
+Searching is for heh :)
+Searching are for heh :)
+Searching is for heh :)
+Searching are for heh :)
+Searching is for :-)
+Searching are for :-)
+Searching is for :-)
+Searching are for :-)
+||||braderunn||||dha, still in nyc?||||
+Searching is for dha, still in nyc
+Searching are for dha, still in nyc
+Searching is for dha, still in nyc
+Searching are for dha, still in nyc
+||||DrForr||||When I walked in from supper she said "Hi honey"...||||
+Searching is for when drforr walked in from supper she said "hi honey"...
+Searching are for when drforr walked in from supper she said "hi honey"...
+Searching is for when drforr walked in from supper she said "hi honey"
+Searching are for when drforr walked in from supper she said "hi honey"
+Searching is for haha
+Searching are for haha
+Searching is for haha
+Searching are for haha
+||||dha||||oh yeah.||||
+Searching is for yeah.
+Searching are for yeah.
+Searching is for yeah
+Searching are for yeah
+||||dha||||leaving for the uk tomorrow, though||||
+Searching is for leaving for the uk tomorrow, though
+Searching are for leaving for the uk tomorrow, though
+Searching is for leaving for the uk tomorrow, though
+Searching are for leaving for the uk tomorrow, though
+||||dha||||In fact, I really should be packing... oh well||||
+Searching is for in fact, dha really should be packing... oh well
+Searching are for in fact, dha really should be packing... oh well
+Searching is for in fact, dha really should be packing... oh well
+Searching are for in fact, dha really should be packing... oh well
+||||braderunn||||ah, biz or pleasure or both?||||
+Searching is for ah, biz or pleasure or both
+Searching are for ah, biz or pleasure or both
+Searching is for ah, biz or pleasure or both
+Searching are for ah, biz or pleasure or both
+Searching is for yapc::eu
+Searching are for yapc::eu
+Searching is for yapc::eu
+Searching are for yapc::eu
+||||DrForr||||Naturally she immediately got hugs and kisses... for reinforcement purposes only, of course :)||||
+Searching is for naturally she immediately got hugs and kisses... for reinforcement purposes only, of course :)
+Searching are for naturally she immediately got hugs and kisses... for reinforcement purposes only, of course :)
+Searching is for naturally she immediately got hugs and kisses... for reinforcement purposes only, of course :)
+Searching are for naturally she immediately got hugs and kisses... for reinforcement purposes only, of course :)
+||||braderunn||||dha, oh yeah.||||
+Searching is for dha, oh yeah.
+Searching are for dha, oh yeah.
+Searching is for dha, oh yeah
+Searching are for dha, oh yeah
+||||braderunn||||DrForr... of course||||
+Searching is for drforr... of course
+Searching are for drforr... of course
+Searching is for drforr... of course
+Searching are for drforr... of course
+Searching is for whodat
+Searching are for whodat
+Searching is for whodat
+Searching are for whodat
+||||DrForr||||Same here, that's what I just digitized.||||
+Searching is for same here, that'sdrforr just digitized.
+Searching are for same here, that'sdrforr just digitized.
+Searching is for same here, that'sdrforr just digitized
+Searching are for same here, that'sdrforr just digitized
+||||DrForr||||actually I was contemplating doing snippets...||||
+Searching is for actually drforr was contemplating doing snippets...
+Searching are for actually drforr was contemplating doing snippets...
+Searching is for actually drforr was contemplating doing snippets
+Searching are for actually drforr was contemplating doing snippets
+||||dha||||what *is* it?||||
+Searching is for *is* it
+Searching are for *is* it
+Searching is for *is* it
+Searching are for *is* it
+||||DrForr||||http://www.michaelmoschen.com/movies/player_light.html # Someone beat me to it...||||
+Searching is for http://www.michaelmoschen.com/movies/player_light.html # someone beat drforr to it...
+Searching are for http://www.michaelmoschen.com/movies/player_light.html # someone beat drforr to it...
+Searching is for http://www.michaelmoschen.com/movies/player_light.html # someone beat drforr to it
+Searching are for http://www.michaelmoschen.com/movies/player_light.html # someone beat drforr to it
+||||dha||||Enquiring, possibly imaginary people on irc want to know!||||
+Searching is for enquiring, possibly imaginary people on irc want to know!
+Searching are for enquiring, possibly imaginary people on irc want to know!
+Searching is for enquiring, possibly imaginary people on irc want to know
+Searching are for enquiring, possibly imaginary people on irc want to know
+||||DrForr||||You saw /Labyrinth/, right?||||
+Searching is for you saw /labyrinth/, right
+Searching are for you saw /labyrinth/, right
+Searching is for you saw /labyrinth/, right
+Searching are for you saw /labyrinth/, right
+Searching is for nope
+Searching are for nope
+Searching is for nope
+Searching are for nope
+||||DrForr||||Darn. Contact juggling is sort of hard to explain w/o seeing it...||||
+Searching is for darn. contact juggling is sort of hard to explain w/o seeing it...
+Searching are for darn. contact juggling is sort of hard to explain w/o seeing it...
+Searching is for darn. contact juggling
+set;;is;;darn. contact juggling;;sort of hard to explain w/o seeing it...
+||||dha||||I... see.||||
+Searching is for dha... see.
+Searching are for dha... see.
+Searching is for dha... see
+Searching are for dha... see
+||||DrForr||||Well, "juggling without throwing anything" doesn't help, does it?||||
+Searching is for "juggling without throwing anything" doesn't help, does it
+Searching are for "juggling without throwing anything" doesn't help, does it
+Searching is for "juggling without throwing anything" doesn't help, does it
+Searching are for "juggling without throwing anything" doesn't help, does it
+||||dha||||not really. :-)||||
+Searching is for not really. :-)
+Searching are for not really. :-)
+Searching is for not really. :-)
+Searching are for not really. :-)
+||||dha||||but it's entertaining watching you try to explain it. :-)||||
+Searching is for it's entertaining watching you try to explain it. :-)
+Searching are for it's entertaining watching you try to explain it. :-)
+Searching is for it's entertaining watching you try to explain it. :-)
+Searching are for it's entertaining watching you try to explain it. :-)
+||||braderunn||||wow... that's impressive||||
+Searching is for that's impressive
+Searching are for that's impressive
+Searching is for that's impressive
+Searching are for that's impressive
+||||braderunn||||beats coin tricks anyday||||
+Searching is for beats coin tricks anyday
+Searching are for beats coin tricks anyday
+Searching is for beats coin tricks anyday
+Searching are for beats coin tricks anyday
+||||DrForr||||and that's from about... 14 years ago.||||
+Searching is for that's from about... 14 years ago.
+Searching are for that's from about... 14 years ago.
+Searching is for that's from about... 14 years ago
+Searching are for that's from about... 14 years ago
+||||mdxi||||labrynth...that was the movie with david bowie's huge batch and a baby, right?||||
+Searching is for labrynth...that was the movie with david bowie's huge batch and a baby, right
+Searching are for labrynth...that was the movie with david bowie's huge batch and a baby, right
+Searching is for labrynth...that was the movie with david bowie's huge batch and a baby, right
+Searching are for labrynth...that was the movie with david bowie's huge batch and a baby, right
+||||DrForr||||Yah. You remember the scene with him moving the balls around without juggling? That was Michael.||||
+Searching is for yah. you remember the scene with him moving the balls around without juggling? that was michael.
+Searching are for yah. you remember the scene with him moving the balls around without juggling? that was michael.
+Searching is for yah. you remember the scene with him moving the balls around without juggling? that was michael
+Searching are for yah. you remember the scene with him moving the balls around without juggling? that was michael
+||||dha||||hi andy||||
+Searching is for hi andy
+Searching are for hi andy
+Searching is for hi andy
+Searching are for hi andy
+||||Andy||||hey dha||||
+Searching is for dha
+Searching are for dha
+Searching is for dha
+Searching are for dha
+||||Andy||||i was looking for you in AIM||||
+Searching is for andy was looking for you in aim
+Searching are for andy was looking for you in aim
+Searching is for andy was looking for you in aim
+Searching are for andy was looking for you in aim
+Searching is for oh
+Searching are for oh
+Searching is for oh
+Searching are for oh
+||||Andy||||trying to drag you into a hackathon discuss||||
+Searching is for trying to drag you into a hackathon discuss
+Searching are for trying to drag you into a hackathon discuss
+Searching is for trying to drag you into a hackathon discuss
+Searching are for trying to drag you into a hackathon discuss
+||||Andy||||are you on AIM?||||
+Searching is for are you on aim
+Searching are for are you on aim
+||||dha||||ok. didn't notice it. must have been distracted.||||
+Searching is for didn't notice it. must have been distracted.
+Searching are for didn't notice it. must have been distracted.
+Searching is for didn't notice it. must have been distracted
+Searching are for didn't notice it. must have been distracted
+Searching is for yes
+Searching are for yes
+Searching is for yes
+Searching are for yes
+||||dha||||there I am. :-)||||
+Searching is for there dha is. :-)
+Searching are for there dha is. :-)
+Searching is for there dha is. :-)
+Searching are for there dha is. :-)
+||||DrForr||||He was also on Cirque du Soleil's /Solstrom/, episode 8, doing the Triangle scene and some new contact work.||||
+Searching is for he was also on cirque du soleil's /solstrom/, episode 8, doing the triangle scene and some new contact work.
+Searching are for he was also on cirque du soleil's /solstrom/, episode 8, doing the triangle scene and some new contact work.
+Searching is for he was also on cirque du soleil's /solstrom/, episode 8, doing the triangle scene and some new contact work
+Searching are for he was also on cirque du soleil's /solstrom/, episode 8, doing the triangle scene and some new contact work
+||||DrForr||||Also Penn Gillette's first partner. Huh.||||
+Searching is for also penn gillette's first partner. huh.
+Searching are for also penn gillette's first partner. huh.
+Searching is for also penn gillette's first partner. huh
+Searching are for also penn gillette's first partner. huh
+Searching is for huh.
+Searching are for huh.
+Searching is for huh
+Searching are for huh
+||||DrForr||||Apparently he lived next door to Penn.||||
+Searching is for apparently he lived next door to penn.
+Searching are for apparently he lived next door to penn.
+Searching is for apparently he lived next door to penn
+Searching are for apparently he lived next door to penn
+||||dha||||ok. must do some packing. ||||
+Searching is for must do some packing.
+Searching are for must do some packing.
+Searching is for must do some packing
+Searching are for must do some packing
+||||dha||||I HAVE PACKED MY DRUGS||||
+Searching is for dha has packed dha's drugs
+Searching are for dha has packed dha's drugs
+Searching is for dha has packed dha's drugs
+Searching are for dha has packed dha's drugs
+Searching is for sweet
+Searching are for sweet
+Searching is for sweet
+Searching are for sweet
+||||dha||||not really.||||
+Searching is for not really.
+Searching are for not really.
+Searching is for not really
+Searching are for not really
+||||DrForr||||Wonder if there's enough bandwidth available over USB to actually stream the DV directly onto the drive, sure would save wear and tear on $local_hd.||||
+Searching is for wonder if there's enough bandwidth available over usb to actually stream the dv directly onto the drive, sure would save wear and tear on $local_hd.
+Searching are for wonder if there's enough bandwidth available over usb to actually stream the dv directly onto the drive, sure would save wear and tear on $local_hd.
+Searching is for wonder if there's enough bandwidth available over usb to actually stream the dv directly onto the drive, sure would save wear and tear on $local_hd
+Searching are for wonder if there's enough bandwidth available over usb to actually stream the dv directly onto the drive, sure would save wear and tear on $local_hd
+Searching is for meep
+Searching are for meep
+Searching is for meep
+Searching are for meep
+||||dha||||yeah. I should actually be packing. I leave tomorrow night.||||
+Searching is for yeah. dha should actually be packing. dha leave tomorrow night.
+Searching are for yeah. dha should actually be packing. dha leave tomorrow night.
+Searching is for yeah. dha should actually be packing. dha leave tomorrow night
+Searching are for yeah. dha should actually be packing. dha leave tomorrow night
+||||Andy||||leave for?||||
+Searching is for leave for
+Searching are for leave for
+Searching is for leave for
+Searching are for leave for
+Searching is for eu
+Searching are for eu
+Searching is for eu
+Searching are for eu
+||||dha||||yeah. YAPC::EU||||
+Searching is for yeah. yapc::eu
+Searching are for yeah. yapc::eu
+Searching is for yeah. yapc::eu
+Searching are for yeah. yapc::eu
+||||xb95||||oh svk, please, I don't want you to try to check out 36,779 revisions :(||||
+Searching is for svk, please, xb95 don't want you to try to check out 36,779 revisions :(
+Searching are for svk, please, xb95 don't want you to try to check out 36,779 revisions :(
+Searching is for svk, please, xb95 don't want you to try to check out 36,779 revisions :(
+Searching are for svk, please, xb95 don't want you to try to check out 36,779 revisions :(
+||||dha||||xb - yes you do. it knows better than you.||||
+Searching is for xb - yes you do. it knows better than you.
+Searching are for xb - yes you do. it knows better than you.
+Searching is for xb - yes you do. it knows better than you
+Searching are for xb - yes you do. it knows better than you
+Searching is for all hail the hypnorevisioncontrolsystem
+Searching are for all hail the hypnorevisioncontrolsystem
+Searching is for all hail the hypnorevisioncontrolsystem
+Searching are for all hail the hypnorevisioncontrolsystem
+||||dha||||ok. sleepy time||||
+Searching is for sleepy time
+Searching are for sleepy time
+Searching is for sleepy time
+Searching are for sleepy time
+Searching is for hypnorcs.
+Searching are for hypnorcs.
+Searching is for hypnorcs
+Searching are for hypnorcs
+||||buu||||DNGOR PLEASE||||
+Searching is for dngor
+Searching are for dngor
+Searching is for dngor
+Searching are for dngor
+||||freeside||||i thought simon wistow was on the west coast, not the east coast||||
+Searching is for freeside thought simon wistow was on the west coast, not the east coast
+Searching are for freeside thought simon wistow was on the west coast, not the east coast
+Searching is for freeside thought simon wistow was on the west coast, not the east coast
+Searching are for freeside thought simon wistow was on the west coast, not the east coast
+Searching is for yes.
+Searching are for yes.
+Searching is for yes
+Searching are for yes
+||||buu||||WE ARE PERFECT HERE.||||
+Searching is for we are perfect here.
+Searching are for we are perfect here.
+Searching is for awesome
+Searching are for awesome
+Searching is for awesome
+Searching are for awesome
+Searching is for insomnia--
+Searching are for insomnia--
+Searching is for insomnia--
+Searching are for insomnia--
+||||hobbs||||insomnia++ # you get to spend more time on IRC! ;)||||
+Searching is for insomnia++ # you get to spend more time on irc! ;)
+Searching are for insomnia++ # you get to spend more time on irc! ;)
+Searching is for insomnia++ # you get to spend more time on irc! ;)
+Searching are for insomnia++ # you get to spend more time on irc! ;)
+Searching is for insomnia--
+Searching are for insomnia--
+Searching is for insomnia--
+Searching are for insomnia--
+||||hobbs||||insomnia++ # a decent Stephen King novel, and the only good one to come out of the "drug free period" ;)||||
+Searching is for insomnia++ # a decent stephen king novel, and the only good one to come out of the "drug free period" ;)
+Searching are for insomnia++ # a decent stephen king novel, and the only good one to come out of the "drug free period" ;)
+Searching is for insomnia++ # a decent stephen king novel, and the only good one to come out of the "drug free period" ;)
+Searching are for insomnia++ # a decent stephen king novel, and the only good one to come out of the "drug free period" ;)
+||||crab||||it looks at the call stack.||||
+Searching is for it looks at the call stack.
+Searching are for it looks at the call stack.
+Searching is for it looks at the call stack
+Searching are for it looks at the call stack
+||||crab||||hi devin.||||
+Searching is for hi devin.
+Searching are for hi devin.
+Searching is for hi devin
+Searching are for hi devin
+||||omega||||nicenice, easycms2 is comming into shape :p||||
+Searching is for nicenice, easycms2 is comming into shape :p
+Searching are for nicenice, easycms2 is comming into shape :p
+Searching is for nicenice, easycms2
+set;;is;;nicenice, easycms2;;comming into shape :p
+||||omega||||wrong channel indeed||||
+Searching is for wrong channel indeed
+Searching are for wrong channel indeed
+Searching is for wrong channel indeed
+Searching are for wrong channel indeed
+||||crab||||what is this easycms2?||||
+Searching is for is this easycms2
+Searching are for is this easycms2
+Searching is for this easycms2
+||||omega||||a catalyst application||||
+Searching is for a catalyst application
+Searching are for a catalyst application
+Searching is for catalyst application
+Searching are for catalyst application
+||||omega||||nothing fancy, just a pet project to stay in touch with the latest developments in catalyst/dbic||||
+Searching is for nothing fancy, just a pet project to stay in touch with the latest developments in catalyst/dbic
+Searching are for nothing fancy, just a pet project to stay in touch with the latest developments in catalyst/dbic
+Searching is for nothing fancy, just a pet project to stay in touch with the latest developments in catalyst/dbic
+Searching are for nothing fancy, just a pet project to stay in touch with the latest developments in catalyst/dbic
+Searching is for hmpf.
+Searching are for hmpf.
+Searching is for hmpf
+Searching are for hmpf
+||||omega||||but perhaps one day it will be "done"||||
+Searching is for perhaps one day it will be "done"
+Searching are for perhaps one day it will be "done"
+Searching is for perhaps one day it will be "done"
+Searching are for perhaps one day it will be "done"
+||||Penguin||||a software project being complete? :-O||||
+Searching is for a software project being complete? :-o
+Searching are for a software project being complete? :-o
+Searching is for software project being complete? :-o
+Searching are for software project being complete? :-o
+||||LotR||||you know.. abandonware :)||||
+Searching is for you know.. abandonware :)
+Searching are for you know.. abandonware :)
+Searching is for you know.. abandonware :)
+Searching are for you know.. abandonware :)
+Searching is for ;)
+Searching are for ;)
+Searching is for ;)
+Searching are for ;)
+||||omega||||something like that :p||||
+Searching is for something like that :p
+Searching are for something like that :p
+Searching is for something like that :p
+Searching are for something like that :p
+Searching is for shlomify
+Searching are for shlomify
+Searching is for shlomify
+Searching are for shlomify
+||||hobbs||||not only that but he's using Spork::Shlomify::* and Spork::Shlomif::*||||
+Searching is for not only that but he's using spork::shlomify::* and spork::shlomif::*
+Searching are for not only that but he's using spork::shlomify::* and spork::shlomif::*
+Searching is for not only that but he's using spork::shlomify::* and spork::shlomif::*
+Searching are for not only that but he's using spork::shlomify::* and spork::shlomif::*
+||||integral||||pity cpanratings isn't anonymous||||
+Searching is for pity cpanratings isn't anonymous
+Searching are for pity cpanratings isn't anonymous
+Searching is for pity cpanratings isn't anonymous
+Searching are for pity cpanratings isn't anonymous
+||||xmath||||and it uses the modules Spork and Spoon :-D||||
+Searching is for it uses the modules spork and spoon :-d
+Searching are for it uses the modules spork and spoon :-d
+Searching is for it uses the modules spork and spoon :-d
+Searching are for it uses the modules spork and spoon :-d
+||||xmath||||that appears a documentation error||||
+Searching is for that appears a documentation error
+Searching are for that appears a documentation error
+Searching is for that appears a documentation error
+Searching are for that appears a documentation error
+||||xmath||||the files are named Spork/Shlomify/*.pm and have package Spork::Shlomify::*||||
+Searching is for the files are named spork/shlomify/*.pm and have package spork::shlomify::*
+Searching are for the files are named spork/shlomify/*.pm and have package spork::shlomify::*
+Searching are for files
+set;;are;;files;;named Spork/Shlomify/*.pm and have package Spork::Shlomify::*
+||||hobbs||||ah yes. just most of the modules have the wrong NAME||||
+Searching is for ah yes. just most of the modules have the wrong name
+Searching are for ah yes. just most of the modules have the wrong name
+Searching is for ah yes. just most of the modules have the wrong name
+Searching are for ah yes. just most of the modules have the wrong name
+||||xmath||||yes, rather sloppy||||
+Searching is for rather sloppy
+Searching are for rather sloppy
+Searching is for rather sloppy
+Searching are for rather sloppy
+||||xmath||||a sloppy spork shlomify using spoon||||
+Searching is for a sloppy spork shlomify using spoon
+Searching are for a sloppy spork shlomify using spoon
+Searching is for sloppy spork shlomify using spoon
+Searching are for sloppy spork shlomify using spoon
+||||xmath||||"sloppy spork shlomify" .. try saying that three times||||
+Searching is for "sloppy spork shlomify" .. try saying that three times
+Searching are for "sloppy spork shlomify" .. try saying that three times
+Searching is for "sloppy spork shlomify" .. try saying that three times
+Searching are for "sloppy spork shlomify" .. try saying that three times
+||||hobbs||||sloppy shlomi sporkahashi||||
+Searching is for sloppy shlomi sporkahashi
+Searching are for sloppy shlomi sporkahashi
+Searching is for sloppy shlomi sporkahashi
+Searching are for sloppy shlomi sporkahashi
+||||mstevens||||hi kids||||
+Searching is for hi kids
+Searching are for hi kids
+Searching is for hi kids
+Searching are for hi kids
+||||mstevens||||you forgot to take the garbage out||||
+Searching is for you forgot to take the garbage out
+Searching are for you forgot to take the garbage out
+Searching is for you forgot to take the garbage out
+Searching are for you forgot to take the garbage out
+Searching is for arf
+Searching are for arf
+Searching is for arf
+Searching are for arf
+Searching is for http://mainframe.typepad.com/blog/2006/08/mainframe_meets.html
+Searching are for http://mainframe.typepad.com/blog/2006/08/mainframe_meets.html
+Searching is for http://mainframe.typepad.com/blog/2006/08/mainframe_meets.html
+Searching are for http://mainframe.typepad.com/blog/2006/08/mainframe_meets.html
+Searching is for hehe
+Searching are for hehe
+Searching is for hehe
+Searching are for hehe
+||||kjj||||"if I had to pick one, I'd pick all three" LOL||||
+Searching is for "if kjj had to pick one, kjj'd pick all three" lol
+Searching are for "if kjj had to pick one, kjj'd pick all three" lol
+Searching is for "if kjj had to pick one, kjj'd pick all three" lol
+Searching are for "if kjj had to pick one, kjj'd pick all three" lol
+||||rjbs||||Slash::Client on cpan||||
+Searching is for slash::client on cpan
+Searching are for slash::client on cpan
+Searching is for slash::client on cpan
+Searching are for slash::client on cpan
+||||nothingmu||||ah, goody||||
+Searching is for ah, goody
+Searching are for ah, goody
+Searching is for ah, goody
+Searching are for ah, goody
+Searching is for enocpan
+Searching are for enocpan
+Searching is for enocpan
+Searching are for enocpan
+Searching is for yay
+Searching are for yay
+Searching is for yay
+Searching are for yay
+Searching is for boo
+Searching are for boo
+Searching is for boo
+Searching are for boo
+||||dorian||||i think i heard 'the long tail' way too many times yesterday||||
+Searching is for dorian think dorian heard 'the long tail' way too many times yesterday
+Searching are for dorian think dorian heard 'the long tail' way too many times yesterday
+Searching is for dorian think dorian heard 'the long tail' way too many times yesterday
+Searching are for dorian think dorian heard 'the long tail' way too many times yesterday
+Searching is for yeah
+Searching are for yeah
+Searching is for yeah
+Searching are for yeah
+||||CanyonMan||||na na na na, na na na na, na na na na, na na na na, BATMAN!!!!||||
+Searching is for na na na na, na na na na, na na na na, na na na na, batman!!!!
+Searching are for na na na na, na na na na, na na na na, na na na na, batman!!!!
+Searching is for na na na na, na na na na, na na na na, na na na na, batman
+Searching are for na na na na, na na na na, na na na na, na na na na, batman
+||||CanyonMan||||na na na na, BATMAN, BATMAN, BATMAN, na na na na na na na na na ... BATMAN!!!!!!!!!||||
+Searching is for na na na na, batman, batman, batman, na na na na na na na na na ... batman!!!!!!!!!
+Searching are for na na na na, batman, batman, batman, na na na na na na na na na ... batman!!!!!!!!!
+Searching is for na na na na, batman, batman, batman, na na na na na na na na na ... batman
+Searching are for na na na na, batman, batman, batman, na na na na na na na na na ... batman
+Searching is for boobies++
+Searching are for boobies++
+Searching is for boobies++
+Searching are for boobies++
+||||warewolf||||ok someone refresh my memory||||
+Searching is for someone refresh warewolf's memory
+Searching are for someone refresh warewolf's memory
+Searching is for someone refresh warewolf's memory
+Searching are for someone refresh warewolf's memory
+||||warewolf||||I remember reading somewhere about how you could while loop on a scalar ala a filehandle to read lines out of the scalar||||
+Searching is for warewolf remember reading somewhere about how you could while loop on a scalar ala a filehandle to read lines out of the scalar
+Searching are for warewolf remember reading somewhere about how you could while loop on a scalar ala a filehandle to read lines out of the scalar
+Searching is for warewolf remember reading somewhere about how you could while loop on a scalar ala a filehandle to read lines out of the scalar
+Searching are for warewolf remember reading somewhere about how you could while loop on a scalar ala a filehandle to read lines out of the scalar
+||||warewolf||||I can't seem to find that anywhere now||||
+Searching is for warewolf can't seem to find that anywhere now
+Searching are for warewolf can't seem to find that anywhere now
+Searching is for warewolf can't seem to find that anywhere now
+Searching are for warewolf can't seem to find that anywhere now
+||||hobbs||||in recent perl, open my $fh, '<', \$scalar or die "Wait, how did that go wrong? $!"||||
+Searching is for in recent perl, open hobbs's $fh, '<', \$scalar or die "wait, how did that go wrong? $!"
+Searching are for in recent perl, open hobbs's $fh, '<', \$scalar or die "wait, how did that go wrong? $!"
+Searching is for in recent perl, open hobbs's $fh, '<', \$scalar or die "wait, how did that go wrong? $!"
+Searching are for in recent perl, open hobbs's $fh, '<', \$scalar or die "wait, how did that go wrong? $!"
+||||avar||||for my $line (split $/, $scalar) {}||||
+Searching is for for avar's $line (split $/, $scalar) {}
+Searching are for for avar's $line (split $/, $scalar) {}
+Searching is for for avar's $line (split $/, $scalar) {}
+Searching are for for avar's $line (split $/, $scalar) {}
+Searching is for that'sit
+Searching are for that'sit
+Searching is for that'sit
+Searching are for that'sit
+||||warewolf||||thank you||||
+Searching is for thank you
+Searching are for thank you
+Searching is for thank you
+Searching are for thank you
+Searching is for mm
+Searching are for mm
+Searching is for mm
+Searching are for mm
+||||warewolf||||I thought it may have had some magic with open()||||
+Searching is for warewolf thought it may have had some magic with open()
+Searching are for warewolf thought it may have had some magic with open()
+Searching is for warewolf thought it may have had some magic with open()
+Searching are for warewolf thought it may have had some magic with open()
+||||warewolf||||btw, love that die statement.||||
+Searching is for btw, love that die statement.
+Searching are for btw, love that die statement.
+Searching is for btw, love that die statement
+Searching are for btw, love that die statement
+||||avar||||close STDERR; open STDERR, q(>), \$var; tie $var, "Logger" ,,,||||
+Searching is for close stderr; open stderr, q(>), \$var; tie $var, "logger" ,,,
+Searching are for close stderr; open stderr, q(>), \$var; tie $var, "logger" ,,,
+Searching is for close stderr; open stderr, q(>), \$var; tie $var, "logger" ,,,
+Searching are for close stderr; open stderr, q(>), \$var; tie $var, "logger" ,,,
+||||avar||||would be neato||||
+Searching is for would be neato
+Searching are for would be neato
+Searching is for would be neato
+Searching are for would be neato
+||||warewolf||||yeah that would be. hrm.||||
+Searching is for yeah that would be. hrm.
+Searching are for yeah that would be. hrm.
+Searching is for yeah that would be. hrm
+Searching are for yeah that would be. hrm
+||||avar||||Re slow ties: I was thinking of implementing a config file interface with a tied hash that used the flat-file format: "var_foo = bar\nvar_bar = foo\n"; and then do $conf{foo} = "something"; ||||
+Searching is for re slow ties: avar was thinking of implementing a config file interface with a tied hash that used the flat-file format: "var_foo = bar\nvar_bar = foo\n"; and then do $conf{foo} = "something";
+Searching are for re slow ties: avar was thinking of implementing a config file interface with a tied hash that used the flat-file format: "var_foo = bar\nvar_bar = foo\n"; and then do $conf{foo} = "something";
+Searching is for re slow ties: avar was thinking of implementing a config file interface with a tied hash that used the flat-file format: "var_foo = bar\nvar_bar = foo\n"; and then do $conf{foo} = "something";
+Searching are for re slow ties: avar was thinking of implementing a config file interface with a tied hash that used the flat-file format: "var_foo = bar\nvar_bar = foo\n"; and then do $conf{foo} = "something";
+||||avar||||is this crazy?||||
+Searching is for is this crazy
+Searching are for is this crazy
+||||freeside||||no, it's been done afaik||||
+Searching is for no, it's been done afaik
+Searching are for no, it's been done afaik
+Searching is for no, it's been done afaik
+Searching are for no, it's been done afaik
+||||freeside||||if it hasn't, i suggest you look into yaml, and write Tie::YAML||||
+Searching is for if it hasn't, freeside suggest you look into yaml, and write tie::yaml
+Searching are for if it hasn't, freeside suggest you look into yaml, and write tie::yaml
+Searching is for if it hasn't, freeside suggest you look into yaml, and write tie::yaml
+Searching are for if it hasn't, freeside suggest you look into yaml, and write tie::yaml
+||||avar||||I don't want to use YAML||||
+Searching is for avar don't want to use yaml
+Searching are for avar don't want to use yaml
+Searching is for avar don't want to use yaml
+Searching are for avar don't want to use yaml
+||||avar||||Tie::YAML; doesn't exist?||||
+Searching is for tie::yaml; doesn't exist
+Searching are for tie::yaml; doesn't exist
+Searching is for tie::yaml; doesn't exist
+Searching are for tie::yaml; doesn't exist
+||||freeside||||search.cpan.org says it does.||||
+Searching is for search.cpan.org says it does.
+Searching are for search.cpan.org says it does.
+Searching is for search.cpan.org says it does
+Searching are for search.cpan.org says it does
+||||avar||||yeah it does ..||||
+Searching is for yeah it does ..
+Searching are for yeah it does ..
+Searching is for yeah it does
+Searching are for yeah it does
+||||avar||||"write Tie::YAML"||||
+Searching is for "write tie::yaml"
+Searching are for "write tie::yaml"
+Searching is for "write tie::yaml"
+Searching are for "write tie::yaml"
+||||freeside||||what's the difference between a programmer and a software engineer? the programmer has learned, in school, to reinvent the wheel. the software engineer has learned, in the workplace, not to.||||
+Searching is for is the difference between a programmer and a software engineer? the programmer has learned, in school, to reinvent the wheel. the software engineer has learned, in the workplace, not to.
+Searching are for is the difference between a programmer and a software engineer? the programmer has learned, in school, to reinvent the wheel. the software engineer has learned, in the workplace, not to.
+Searching is for difference between a programmer and a software engineer? the programmer has learned, in school, to reinvent the wheel. the software engineer has learned, in the workplace, not to.
+||||avar||||I guess that makes me a software engineer:)||||
+Searching is for avar guess that makes avar a software engineer:)
+Searching are for avar guess that makes avar a software engineer:)
+Searching is for avar guess that makes avar a software engineer:)
+Searching are for avar guess that makes avar a software engineer:)
+||||Masque||||Well said.||||
+Searching is for said.
+Searching are for said.
+Searching is for said
+Searching are for said
+||||freeside||||if you think about it, most of what we learn in a CS curriculum is stuff that has been done before; and as part of our schooling, we are intentionally exercised to do it again.||||
+Searching is for if you think about it, most ofare we learn in a cs curriculum is stuff that has been done before; and as part of our schooling, we intentionally exercised to do it again.
+Searching are for if you think about it, most ofare we learn in a cs curriculum is stuff that has been done before; and as part of our schooling, we intentionally exercised to do it again.
+Searching is for stuff that has been done before; and as part of our schooling, we intentionally exercised to do it again.
+||||freeside||||"today, class, we will derive the Central Limit Theorem from scratch."||||
+Searching is for "today, class, we will derive the central limit theorem from scratch."
+Searching are for "today, class, we will derive the central limit theorem from scratch."
+Searching is for "today, class, we will derive the central limit theorem from scratch."
+Searching are for "today, class, we will derive the central limit theorem from scratch."
+||||freeside||||"today, class, we will run an experiment which was first demonstrated in 1874 by a Dutch dude."||||
+Searching is for "today, class, we will run an experiment which was first demonstrated in 1874 by a dutch dude."
+Searching are for "today, class, we will run an experiment which was first demonstrated in 1874 by a dutch dude."
+Searching is for "today, class, we will run an experiment which was first demonstrated in 1874 by a dutch dude."
+Searching are for "today, class, we will run an experiment which was first demonstrated in 1874 by a dutch dude."
+||||freeside||||is it any surprise when programmers go "today, i will reimplement b-trees for my new mission critical application"?||||
+Searching is for is it any surprise when programmers go "today, freeside will reimplement b-trees for freeside's new mission critical application"
+Searching are for is it any surprise when programmers go "today, freeside will reimplement b-trees for freeside's new mission critical application"
+||||avar||||http://search.cpan.org/~dankogai/Tie-SaveLater-0.04/lib/Tie/YAML.pm <- Well it also requires Tie::SaveLater ..||||
+Searching is for http://search.cpan.org/~dankogai/tie-savelater-0.04/lib/tie/yaml.pm <- well it also requires tie::savelater ..
+Searching are for http://search.cpan.org/~dankogai/tie-savelater-0.04/lib/tie/yaml.pm <- well it also requires tie::savelater ..
+Searching is for http://search.cpan.org/~dankogai/tie-savelater-0.04/lib/tie/yaml.pm <- well it also requires tie::savelater
+Searching are for http://search.cpan.org/~dankogai/tie-savelater-0.04/lib/tie/yaml.pm <- well it also requires tie::savelater
+||||shorten||||avar's url is at http://xrl.us/ra67||||
+Searching is for avar's url is at http://xrl.us/ra67
+Searching are for avar's url is at http://xrl.us/ra67
+Searching is for avar's url
+set;;is;;avar's url;;at http://xrl.us/ra67
+||||freeside||||more on this in http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0321193679/||||
+Searching is for more on this in http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0321193679/
+Searching are for more on this in http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0321193679/
+Searching is for more on this in http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0321193679/
+Searching are for more on this in http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0321193679/
+||||_Fud_||||today, we will be whacking this large rock into some smaller rocks. ||||
+Searching is for today, we will be whacking this large rock into some smaller rocks.
+Searching are for today, we will be whacking this large rock into some smaller rocks.
+Searching is for today, we will be whacking this large rock into some smaller rocks
+Searching are for today, we will be whacking this large rock into some smaller rocks
+||||avar||||study about?||||
+Searching is for study about
+Searching are for study about
+Searching is for study about
+Searching are for study about
+||||avar||||I know, but you study something, not "about" it right? That sounds like Engrish||||
+Searching is for avar know, but you study something, not "about" it right? that sounds like engrish
+Searching are for avar know, but you study something, not "about" it right? that sounds like engrish
+Searching is for avar know, but you study something, not "about" it right? that sounds like engrish
+Searching are for avar know, but you study something, not "about" it right? that sounds like engrish
+||||Masque||||My take is purely linguistic in origin - the engineer derives solutions, the programmer implements them.||||
+Searching is for masque's take is purely linguistic in origin - the engineer derives solutions, the programmer implements them.
+Searching are for masque's take is purely linguistic in origin - the engineer derives solutions, the programmer implements them.
+Searching is for masque's take
+set;;is;;masque's take;;purely linguistic in origin - the engineer derives solutions, the programmer implements them.
+||||avar||||Well that would leave you with "classic problems and solutions", you probably want to establish a relation between the two: "classic problems and their solutions"||||
+Searching is for that would leave you with "classic problems and solutions", you probably want to establish a relation between the two: "classic problems and their solutions"
+Searching are for that would leave you with "classic problems and solutions", you probably want to establish a relation between the two: "classic problems and their solutions"
+Searching is for that would leave you with "classic problems and solutions", you probably want to establish a relation between the two: "classic problems and their solutions"
+Searching are for that would leave you with "classic problems and solutions", you probably want to establish a relation between the two: "classic problems and their solutions"
+Searching is for :)
+Searching are for :)
+Searching is for :)
+Searching are for :)
+||||Masque||||The engineer determines the grade, how deep to dig, and what diameter the pipe should be. He may also perform the work. The programmer, however, is given a plan, a shovel, and union benefits.||||
+Searching is for the engineer determines the grade, how deep to dig, andis diameter the pipe should be. he may also perform the work. the programmer, however, given a plan, a shovel, and union benefits.
+Searching are for the engineer determines the grade, how deep to dig, andis diameter the pipe should be. he may also perform the work. the programmer, however, given a plan, a shovel, and union benefits.
+Searching is for engineer determines the grade, how deep to dig, andis diameter the pipe should be. he may also perform the work. the programmer, however, given a plan, a shovel, and union benefits
+Searching are for engineer determines the grade, how deep to dig, andis diameter the pipe should be. he may also perform the work. the programmer, however, given a plan, a shovel, and union benefits
+||||freeside||||the scientist builds in order to learn. the engineer learns in order to build.||||
+Searching is for the scientist builds in order to learn. the engineer learns in order to build.
+Searching are for the scientist builds in order to learn. the engineer learns in order to build.
+Searching is for scientist builds in order to learn. the engineer learns in order to build
+Searching are for scientist builds in order to learn. the engineer learns in order to build
+||||avar||||If I was I would have known for sure whether "about" was valid in that context.||||
+Searching is for if avar was avar would have known for sure whether "about" was valid in that context.
+Searching are for if avar was avar would have known for sure whether "about" was valid in that context.
+Searching is for if avar was avar would have known for sure whether "about" was valid in that context
+Searching are for if avar was avar would have known for sure whether "about" was valid in that context
+||||hobbs||||no, only "aboot"||||
+Searching is for no, only "aboot"
+Searching are for no, only "aboot"
+Searching is for no, only "aboot"
+Searching are for no, only "aboot"
+Searching is for hee
+Searching are for hee
+Searching is for hee
+Searching are for hee
+||||Masque||||I have been happily toting around "The Grammar Bible" as of late.||||
+Searching is for masque has been happily toting around "the grammar bible" as of late.
+Searching are for masque has been happily toting around "the grammar bible" as of late.
+Searching is for masque has been happily toting around "the grammar bible" as of late
+Searching are for masque has been happily toting around "the grammar bible" as of late
+||||Masque||||It's written by the person who started The National Grammar Hotline(!)||||
+Searching is for it's written by the personstarted the national grammar hotline(!)
+Searching are for it's written by the personstarted the national grammar hotline(!)
+Searching is for it's written by the personstarted the national grammar hotline(!)
+Searching are for it's written by the personstarted the national grammar hotline(!)
+Searching is for hahahaha
+Searching are for hahahaha
+Searching is for hahahaha
+Searching are for hahahaha
+||||Masque||||Oh, boy. I get to write a real CGI script today!||||
+Searching is for boy. masque get to write a real cgi script today!
+Searching are for boy. masque get to write a real cgi script today!
+Searching is for boy. masque get to write a real cgi script today
+Searching are for boy. masque get to write a real cgi script today
+||||Masque||||Assigning headers and everything.||||
+Searching is for assigning headers and everything.
+Searching are for assigning headers and everything.
+Searching is for assigning headers and everything
+Searching are for assigning headers and everything
+||||Masque||||You know what that means? Huh huh? Do you? It means...||||
+Searching is for you knowthat means? huh huh? do you? it means...
+Searching are for you knowthat means? huh huh? do you? it means...
+Searching is for you knowthat means? huh huh? do you? it means
+Searching are for you knowthat means? huh huh? do you? it means
+||||Masque||||...I haven't yet figured out which module does what I want.||||
+Searching is for ...i haven't yet figured out which module doesmasque want.
+Searching are for ...i haven't yet figured out which module doesmasque want.
+Searching is for ...i haven't yet figured out which module doesmasque want
+Searching are for ...i haven't yet figured out which module doesmasque want
+||||Andy||||anyone know how to reset postgres superuser password?||||
+Searching is for how to reset postgres superuser password
+Searching are for how to reset postgres superuser password
+Searching is for how to reset postgres superuser password
+Searching are for how to reset postgres superuser password
+||||ambs||||Andy, no, sorry||||
+Searching is for andy, no, sorry
+Searching are for andy, no, sorry
+Searching is for andy, no, sorry
+Searching are for andy, no, sorry
+||||warewolf||||aww what the crap||||
+Searching is for awwthe crap
+Searching are for awwthe crap
+Searching is for awwthe crap
+Searching are for awwthe crap
+||||warewolf||||the whole open(FH,"<",\$scalar) didn't work in this vendor's app||||
+Searching is for the whole open(fh,"<",\$scalar) didn't work in this vendor's app
+Searching are for the whole open(fh,"<",\$scalar) didn't work in this vendor's app
+Searching is for whole open(fh,"<",\$scalar) didn't work in this vendor's app
+Searching are for whole open(fh,"<",\$scalar) didn't work in this vendor's app
+||||warewolf||||it says no such file or directory :(||||
+Searching is for it says no such file or directory :(
+Searching are for it says no such file or directory :(
+Searching is for it says no such file or directory :(
+Searching are for it says no such file or directory :(
+||||warewolf||||it's perl 5.8 too :( :(||||
+Searching is for it's perl 5.8 too :( :(
+Searching are for it's perl 5.8 too :( :(
+Searching is for it's perl 5.8 too :( :(
+Searching are for it's perl 5.8 too :( :(
+||||Masque||||Sometimes a cigar is just a missing file.||||
+Searching is for sometimes a cigar is just a missing file.
+Searching are for sometimes a cigar is just a missing file.
+Searching is for sometimes a cigar
+set;;is;;sometimes a cigar;;just a missing file.
+||||warewolf||||$scalar is a scalar containing a string||||
+Searching is for $scalar is a scalar containing a string
+Searching are for $scalar is a scalar containing a string
+Searching is for $scalar
+set;;is;;$scalar;;a scalar containing a string
+||||warewolf||||shoo masque||||
+Searching is for shoo masque
+Searching are for shoo masque
+Searching is for shoo masque
+Searching are for shoo masque
+Searching is for shoo
+Searching are for shoo
+Searching is for shoo
+Searching are for shoo
+||||Khisanth||||a modified perl?||||
+Searching is for a modified perl
+Searching are for a modified perl
+Searching is for modified perl
+Searching are for modified perl
+||||warewolf||||probally revoked opcodes||||
+Searching is for probally revoked opcodes
+Searching are for probally revoked opcodes
+Searching is for probally revoked opcodes
+Searching are for probally revoked opcodes
+Searching is for buu saw mommy kissing yog-soggoth
+Searching are for buu saw mommy kissing yog-soggoth
+Searching is for buu saw mommy kissing yog-soggoth
+Searching are for buu saw mommy kissing yog-soggoth
+Searching is for zruuuuu
+Searching are for zruuuuu
+Searching is for zruuuuu
+Searching are for zruuuuu
+||||buu||||HELP STALKERS.||||
+Searching is for help stalkers.
+Searching are for help stalkers.
+Searching is for help stalkers
+Searching are for help stalkers
+||||jibsheet||||let the whining commence!||||
+Searching is for let the whining commence!
+Searching are for let the whining commence!
+Searching is for let the whining commence
+Searching are for let the whining commence
+||||DrForr||||. o ( Commence?... )||||
+Searching is for . o ( commence?... )
+Searching are for . o ( commence?... )
+Searching is for . o ( commence?... )
+Searching are for . o ( commence?... )
+||||Penguin||||Whining eCommerce!||||
+Searching is for whining ecommerce!
+Searching are for whining ecommerce!
+Searching is for whining ecommerce
+Searching are for whining ecommerce
+||||DrForr||||Hee. From http://www.theverylastpageoftheinternet.com/ElectromagneticDev/arkresearch/rotoverter.pdf : "Morphogenetic field is disrupted matter (becomes ideo-plastic) and is turned into primal mind responsive paste. Aether transform occurs. Nuclear elements can go critical with awesome force, silicon becomes Nuclear Photonic Explosive. The amplified PK field creates whatever your mind projects into it."||||
+Searching is for hee. from http://www.theverylastpageoftheinternet.com/electromagneticdev/arkresearch/rotoverter.pdf : "morphogenetic field is disrupted matter (becomes ideo-plastic) and is turned into primal mind responsive paste. aether transform occurs. nuclear elements can go critical with awesome force, silicon becomes nuclear photonic explosive. the amplified pk field creates whatever your mind projects into it."
+Searching are for hee. from http://www.theverylastpageoftheinternet.com/electromagneticdev/arkresearch/rotoverter.pdf : "morphogenetic field is disrupted matter (becomes ideo-plastic) and is turned into primal mind responsive paste. aether transform occurs. nuclear elements can go critical with awesome force, silicon becomes nuclear photonic explosive. the amplified pk field creates whatever your mind projects into it."
+||||shorten||||DrForr's url is at http://xrl.us/rbeq||||
+Searching is for drforr's url is at http://xrl.us/rbeq
+Searching are for drforr's url is at http://xrl.us/rbeq
+Searching is for drforr's url
+set;;is;;drforr's url;;at http://xrl.us/rbeq
+||||DrForr||||I,I "primal mind responsive paste"||||
+Searching is for drforr,i "primal mind responsive paste"
+Searching are for drforr,i "primal mind responsive paste"
+Searching is for drforr,i "primal mind responsive paste"
+Searching are for drforr,i "primal mind responsive paste"
+||||DrForr||||(that's just a particular bit of deathless prose sampled from the PDF...||||
+Searching is for (that's just a particular bit of deathless prose sampled from the pdf...
+Searching are for (that's just a particular bit of deathless prose sampled from the pdf...
+Searching is for (that's just a particular bit of deathless prose sampled from the pdf
+Searching are for (that's just a particular bit of deathless prose sampled from the pdf
+||||buu||||Are we talking about over unity devices again?||||
+Searching is for are we talking about over unity devices again
+Searching are for are we talking about over unity devices again
+||||DrForr||||Well, there was some discussion on freenode #perl about it, thought I'd look around. I just found that amusing.||||
+Searching is for there was some discussion on freenode #perl about it, thought drforr'd look around. drforr just found that amusing.
+Searching are for there was some discussion on freenode #perl about it, thought drforr'd look around. drforr just found that amusing.
+Searching is for there was some discussion on freenode #perl about it, thought drforr'd look around. drforr just found that amusing
+Searching are for there was some discussion on freenode #perl about it, thought drforr'd look around. drforr just found that amusing
+Searching is for randi++
+Searching are for randi++
+Searching is for randi++
+Searching are for randi++
+||||buu||||(over unity)--||||
+Searching is for (over unity)--
+Searching are for (over unity)--
+Searching is for (over unity)--
+Searching are for (over unity)--
+--;;over unity
+Searching is for boobies++
+Searching are for boobies++
+Searching is for boobies++
+Searching are for boobies++
+||||DrForr||||When I was doing consulting work in addition to regular work I'd ordinarily get home to my place at around 2am or so, I'd keep awake on the drive with Art Bell.||||
+Searching is for when drforr was doing consulting work in addition to regular work drforr'd ordinarily get home to drforr's place at around 2am or so, drforr'd keep awake on the drive with art bell.
+Searching are for when drforr was doing consulting work in addition to regular work drforr'd ordinarily get home to drforr's place at around 2am or so, drforr'd keep awake on the drive with art bell.
+Searching is for when drforr was doing consulting work in addition to regular work drforr'd ordinarily get home to drforr's place at around 2am or so, drforr'd keep awake on the drive with art bell
+Searching are for when drforr was doing consulting work in addition to regular work drforr'd ordinarily get home to drforr's place at around 2am or so, drforr'd keep awake on the drive with art bell
+||||dngor||||Goddamn quicktime. Why can't I just view a tiff in a web page without it?||||
+Searching is for goddamn quicktime. why can't dngor just view a tiff in a web page without it
+Searching are for goddamn quicktime. why can't dngor just view a tiff in a web page without it
+Searching is for goddamn quicktime. why can't dngor just view a tiff in a web page without it
+Searching are for goddamn quicktime. why can't dngor just view a tiff in a web page without it
+||||buu||||I need cleverness from you.||||
+Searching is for buu need cleverness from you.
+Searching are for buu need cleverness from you.
+Searching is for buu need cleverness from you
+Searching are for buu need cleverness from you
+||||dngor||||How many oracles could an oracle oracle if an oracle could oracle oracles?||||
+Searching is for how many oracles could an oracle oracle if an oracle could oracle oracles
+Searching are for how many oracles could an oracle oracle if an oracle could oracle oracles
+Searching is for how many oracles could an oracle oracle if an oracle could oracle oracles
+Searching are for how many oracles could an oracle oracle if an oracle could oracle oracles
+||||buu||||I want to seamlessly transform blocking fucntion calls in to magical non blocking calls =]||||
+Searching is for buu want to seamlessly transform blocking fucntion calls in to magical non blocking calls =]
+Searching are for buu want to seamlessly transform blocking fucntion calls in to magical non blocking calls =]
+Searching is for buu want to seamlessly transform blocking fucntion calls in to magical non blocking calls =]
+Searching are for buu want to seamlessly transform blocking fucntion calls in to magical non blocking calls =]
+||||buu||||Like.. LWP::Simple::get||||
+Searching is for like.. lwp::simple::get
+Searching are for like.. lwp::simple::get
+Searching is for like.. lwp::simple::get
+Searching are for like.. lwp::simple::get
+||||dngor||||You need stack magic a la Coro.||||
+Searching is for you need stack magic a la coro.
+Searching are for you need stack magic a la coro.
+Searching is for you need stack magic a la coro
+Searching are for you need stack magic a la coro
+Searching is for damn.
+Searching are for damn.
+Searching is for damn
+Searching are for damn
+||||dngor||||And by "magic" I mean imagine if a sausage came back to life.||||
+Searching is for by "magic" dngor mean imagine if a sausage came back to life.
+Searching are for by "magic" dngor mean imagine if a sausage came back to life.
+Searching is for by "magic" dngor mean imagine if a sausage came back to life
+Searching are for by "magic" dngor mean imagine if a sausage came back to life
+||||buu||||Oh, I can.||||
+Searching is for buu can.
+Searching are for buu can.
+Searching is for buu can
+Searching are for buu can
+||||buu||||But I don't see how coros would help.||||
+Searching is for buu don't see how coros would help.
+Searching are for buu don't see how coros would help.
+Searching is for buu don't see how coros would help
+Searching are for buu don't see how coros would help
+||||dngor||||All the little animal parts suddenly alive and squirming.||||
+Searching is for all the little animal parts suddenly alive and squirming.
+Searching are for all the little animal parts suddenly alive and squirming.
+Searching is for all the little animal parts suddenly alive and squirming
+Searching are for all the little animal parts suddenly alive and squirming
+||||dngor||||And maybe crying out in a chorus of madness and pain.||||
+Searching is for maybe crying out in a chorus of madness and pain.
+Searching are for maybe crying out in a chorus of madness and pain.
+Searching is for maybe crying out in a chorus of madness and pain
+Searching are for maybe crying out in a chorus of madness and pain
+||||buu||||I happen to be listening to that song.||||
+Searching is for buu happen to be listening to that song.
+Searching are for buu happen to be listening to that song.
+Searching is for buu happen to be listening to that song
+Searching are for buu happen to be listening to that song
+||||buu||||Actually I really don't see coros helping at all||||
+Searching is for actually buu really don't see coros helping at all
+Searching are for actually buu really don't see coros helping at all
+Searching is for actually buu really don't see coros helping at all
+Searching are for actually buu really don't see coros helping at all
+||||dngor||||Hi, Gil. How's life?||||
+Searching is for hi, gil. how's life
+Searching are for hi, gil. how's life
+Searching is for hi, gil. how's life
+Searching are for hi, gil. how's life
+||||buu||||Wouldn't you need continuations in some hideous way?||||
+Searching is for wouldn't you need continuations in some hideous way
+Searching are for wouldn't you need continuations in some hideous way
+Searching is for wouldn't you need continuations in some hideous way
+Searching are for wouldn't you need continuations in some hideous way
+||||dngor||||You also need the ability to return not to your caller but to your event loop.||||
+Searching is for you also need the ability to return not to your caller but to your event loop.
+Searching are for you also need the ability to return not to your caller but to your event loop.
+Searching is for you also need the ability to return not to your caller but to your event loop
+Searching are for you also need the ability to return not to your caller but to your event loop
+||||dngor||||Then when the event comes in, you need to do more stack magic to return back to your caller as if nothing ever happened.||||
+Searching is for then when the event comes in, you need to do more stack magic to return back to your caller as if nothing ever happened.
+Searching are for then when the event comes in, you need to do more stack magic to return back to your caller as if nothing ever happened.
+Searching is for then when the event comes in, you need to do more stack magic to return back to your caller as if nothing ever happened
+Searching are for then when the event comes in, you need to do more stack magic to return back to your caller as if nothing ever happened
+Searching is for yup.
+Searching are for yup.
+Searching is for yup
+Searching are for yup
+||||buu||||Make it work, right now.||||
+Searching is for make it work, right now.
+Searching are for make it work, right now.
+Searching is for make it work, right now
+Searching are for make it work, right now
+||||dngor||||POE::Stage does tricks like it. But it's not Exactly What You Want. So no.||||
+Searching is for poe::stage does tricks like it. but it's not exactlyyou want. so no.
+Searching are for poe::stage does tricks like it. but it's not exactlyyou want. so no.
+Searching is for poe::stage does tricks like it. but it's not exactlyyou want. so no
+Searching are for poe::stage does tricks like it. but it's not exactlyyou want. so no
+Searching is for =[
+Searching are for =[
+Searching is for =[
+Searching are for =[
+||||buu||||I think that's my biggest problem with POE||||
+Searching is for buu think that's buu's biggest problem with poe
+Searching are for buu think that's buu's biggest problem with poe
+Searching is for buu think that's buu's biggest problem with poe
+Searching are for buu think that's buu's biggest problem with poe
+||||buu||||Simple things take waay too much code =[||||
+Searching is for simple things take waay too much code =[
+Searching are for simple things take waay too much code =[
+Searching is for simple things take waay too much code =[
+Searching are for simple things take waay too much code =[
+||||dngor||||Eh. Abstract it behind a high-level interface you find more reasonable||||
+Searching is for eh. abstract it behind a high-level interface you find more reasonable
+Searching are for eh. abstract it behind a high-level interface you find more reasonable
+Searching is for eh. abstract it behind a high-level interface you find more reasonable
+Searching are for eh. abstract it behind a high-level interface you find more reasonable
+||||buu||||I was trying to||||
+Searching is for buu was trying to
+Searching are for buu was trying to
+Searching is for buu was trying to
+Searching are for buu was trying to
+||||buu||||But apparently I need to bring sausages back to life =[||||
+Searching is for apparently buu need to bring sausages back to life =[
+Searching are for apparently buu need to bring sausages back to life =[
+Searching is for apparently buu need to bring sausages back to life =[
+Searching are for apparently buu need to bring sausages back to life =[
+||||dngor||||Heh. You could always use threads somehow.||||
+Searching is for heh. you could always use threads somehow.
+Searching are for heh. you could always use threads somehow.
+Searching is for heh. you could always use threads somehow
+Searching are for heh. you could always use threads somehow
+||||buu||||Heh. *That* would be entertaining.||||
+Searching is for heh. *that* would be entertaining.
+Searching are for heh. *that* would be entertaining.
+Searching is for heh. *that* would be entertaining
+Searching are for heh. *that* would be entertaining
+||||dngor||||Maybe POE::Session::YieldCC ... but there's the sausages again.||||
+Searching is for maybe poe::session::yieldcc ... but there's the sausages again.
+Searching are for maybe poe::session::yieldcc ... but there's the sausages again.
+Searching is for maybe poe::session::yieldcc ... but there's the sausages again
+Searching are for maybe poe::session::yieldcc ... but there's the sausages again
+||||buu||||It occurs to me I could actually just fork||||
+Searching is for it occurs to buu buu could actually just fork
+Searching are for it occurs to buu buu could actually just fork
+Searching is for it occurs to buu buu could actually just fork
+Searching are for it occurs to buu buu could actually just fork
+||||buu||||But that involves effort =[||||
+Searching is for that involves effort =[
+Searching are for that involves effort =[
+Searching is for that involves effort =[
+Searching are for that involves effort =[
+||||dngor||||If you're going to do that for something, wrap the whole thing in POE::Component::Generic.||||
+Searching is for if you are going to do that for something, wrap the whole thing in poe::component::generic.
+Searching are for if you are going to do that for something, wrap the whole thing in poe::component::generic.
+||||buu||||Er, why?||||
+Searching is for er, why
+Searching are for er, why
+Searching is for er, why
+Searching are for er, why
+Searching is for boobies++
+Searching are for boobies++
+Searching is for boobies++
+Searching are for boobies++
+||||dngor||||Fork off the whole object, and then just call everything on it asynchronously, or something. What did *you* mean by fork?||||
+Searching is for fork off the whole object, and then just call everything on it asynchronously, or something.did *you* mean by fork
+Searching are for fork off the whole object, and then just call everything on it asynchronously, or something.did *you* mean by fork
+Searching is for fork off the whole object, and then just call everything on it asynchronously, or something.did *you* mean by fork
+Searching are for fork off the whole object, and then just call everything on it asynchronously, or something.did *you* mean by fork
+Searching is for ye
+Searching are for ye
+Searching is for ye
+Searching are for ye
+||||buu||||I was just wondering what poco generic bought me though||||
+Searching is for buu was just wonderingpoco generic bought buu though
+Searching are for buu was just wonderingpoco generic bought buu though
+Searching is for buu was just wonderingpoco generic bought buu though
+Searching are for buu was just wonderingpoco generic bought buu though
+||||dngor||||Besides the obvious? Nothing.||||
+Searching is for besides the obvious? nothing.
+Searching are for besides the obvious? nothing.
+Searching is for besides the obvious? nothing
+Searching are for besides the obvious? nothing
+Searching is for ok.
+Searching are for ok.
+Searching is for ok
+Searching are for ok
+||||buu||||Because I don't have objects, I have single functions.||||
+Searching is for because buu don't have objects, buu has single functions.
+Searching are for because buu don't have objects, buu has single functions.
+Searching is for because buu don't have objects, buu has single functions
+Searching are for because buu don't have objects, buu has single functions
+||||buu||||Which emans I need no communication||||
+Searching is for which emans buu need no communication
+Searching are for which emans buu need no communication
+Searching is for which emans buu need no communication
+Searching are for which emans buu need no communication
+||||buu||||"in my culture, I would be well within my rights to dismember"||||
+Searching is for "in buu's culture, buu would be well within buu's rights to dismember"
+Searching are for "in buu's culture, buu would be well within buu's rights to dismember"
+Searching is for "in buu's culture, buu would be well within buu's rights to dismember"
+Searching are for "in buu's culture, buu would be well within buu's rights to dismember"
+||||DrForr||||convert 500 C to F||||
+Searching is for convert 500 c to f
+Searching are for convert 500 c to f
+Searching is for convert 500 c to f
+Searching are for convert 500 c to f
+||||retardo||||convert lead to gold||||
+Searching is for convert lead to gold
+Searching are for convert lead to gold
+Searching is for convert lead to gold
+Searching are for convert lead to gold
+||||avar||||well what use are you then?||||
+Searching is for are use you then
+Searching are for are use you then
+Searching are for use you then
+||||Masque||||She knows other things.||||
+Searching is for she knows other things.
+Searching are for she knows other things.
+Searching is for she knows other things
+Searching are for she knows other things
+||||Masque||||be jdf||||
+Searching is for be jdf
+Searching are for be jdf
+Searching is for be jdf
+Searching are for be jdf
+||||Masque||||The hell it does.||||
+Searching is for it does.
+Searching are for it does.
+Searching is for it does
+Searching are for it does
+||||Masque||||(another goose)++||||
+Searching is for (another goose)++
+Searching are for (another goose)++
+Searching is for (another goose)++
+Searching are for (another goose)++
+++;;another goose
+||||Masque||||(another goose)++||||
+Searching is for (another goose)++
+Searching are for (another goose)++
+Searching is for (another goose)++
+Searching are for (another goose)++
+++;;another goose
+||||Masque||||(another goose)++||||
+Searching is for (another goose)++
+Searching are for (another goose)++
+Searching is for (another goose)++
+Searching are for (another goose)++
+++;;another goose
+Searching is for hm.
+Searching are for hm.
+Searching is for hm
+Searching are for hm
+Searching is for top5
+Searching are for top5
+Searching is for top5
+Searching are for top5
+||||mdxi||||purn top17.8||||
+Searching is for purn top17.8
+Searching are for purn top17.8
+Searching is for purn top17.8
+Searching are for purn top17.8
+Searching is for purn>
+Searching are for purn>
+Searching is for purn>
+Searching are for purn>
+||||mdxi||||awww crap||||
+Searching is for awww crap
+Searching are for awww crap
+Searching is for awww crap
+Searching are for awww crap
+||||dha||||and now I go to the airport. have fun all.||||
+Searching is for now dha go to the airport. have fun all.
+Searching are for now dha go to the airport. have fun all.
+Searching is for now dha go to the airport. have fun all
+Searching are for now dha go to the airport. have fun all
+||||ambs||||seen pudge ||||
+Searching is for seen pudge
+Searching are for seen pudge
+Searching is for seen pudge
+Searching are for seen pudge
+||||lamech||||hey, does anyone know of a thing like YouSendIt.com that doesn't insist on me signing up for a FREE ACCOUNT with lots of MARKETING INFORMATION?||||
+Searching is for of a thing like yousendit.com that doesn't insist on lamech signing up for a free account with lots of marketing information
+Searching are for of a thing like yousendit.com that doesn't insist on lamech signing up for a free account with lots of marketing information
+Searching is for of a thing like yousendit.com that doesn't insist on lamech signing up for a free account with lots of marketing information
+Searching are for of a thing like yousendit.com that doesn't insist on lamech signing up for a free account with lots of marketing information
+||||lamech||||they only recently started insisting on registration and that pisses me off||||
+Searching is for they only recently started insisting on registration and that pisses lamech off
+Searching are for they only recently started insisting on registration and that pisses lamech off
+Searching is for they only recently started insisting on registration and that pisses lamech off
+Searching are for they only recently started insisting on registration and that pisses lamech off
+||||LotR||||can't you abuse a gmail account or something?||||
+Searching is for can't you abuse a gmail account or something
+Searching are for can't you abuse a gmail account or something
+Searching is for can't you abuse a gmail account or something
+Searching are for can't you abuse a gmail account or something
+||||gib||||Anyone knows a good examples on how to use FSA::Rules ?||||
+Searching is for anyone knows a good examples on how to use fsa::rules
+Searching are for anyone knows a good examples on how to use fsa::rules
+Searching is for anyone knows a good examples on how to use fsa::rules
+Searching are for anyone knows a good examples on how to use fsa::rules
+||||cat-xeger||||lamech - no idea what it does||||
+Searching is for lamech - no ideait does
+Searching are for lamech - no ideait does
+Searching is for lamech - no ideait does
+Searching are for lamech - no ideait does
+Searching is for shazbot
+Searching are for shazbot
+Searching is for shazbot
+Searching are for shazbot
+Searching is for penist
+Searching are for penist
+Searching is for penist
+Searching are for penist
+||||Penguin||||drop ponies!||||
+Searching is for drop ponies!
+Searching are for drop ponies!
+Searching is for drop ponies
+Searching are for drop ponies
+||||Penguin||||drop pony||||
+Searching is for drop pony
+Searching are for drop pony
+Searching is for drop pony
+Searching are for drop pony
+Searching is for er
+Searching are for er
+Searching is for er
+Searching are for er
+||||Penguin||||pony drop!||||
+Searching is for pony drop!
+Searching are for pony drop!
+Searching is for pony drop
+Searching are for pony drop
+Searching is for wooooooo
+Searching are for wooooooo
+Searching is for wooooooo
+Searching are for wooooooo
+||||statico||||jerk it||||
+Searching is for jerk it
+Searching are for jerk it
+Searching is for jerk it
+Searching are for jerk it
+||||Masque||||Ezekiel 25:17||||
+Searching is for ezekiel 25:17
+Searching are for ezekiel 25:17
+Searching is for ezekiel 25:17
+Searching are for ezekiel 25:17
+Searching is for huh.
+Searching are for huh.
+Searching is for huh
+Searching are for huh
+Searching is for morning.
+Searching are for morning.
+Searching is for morning
+Searching are for morning
+||||Masque||||Skud :)||||
+Searching is for skud :)
+Searching are for skud :)
+Searching is for skud :)
+Searching are for skud :)
+||||zrusilla||||hiya skud||||
+Searching is for hiya skud
+Searching are for hiya skud
+Searching is for hiya skud
+Searching are for hiya skud
+||||rjbs||||Who needs the Kwik-E-Mart?||||
+Searching is for needs the kwik-e-mart
+Searching are for needs the kwik-e-mart
+Searching is for needs the kwik-e-mart
+Searching are for needs the kwik-e-mart
+||||hobbs||||um... lesse... gotta think about that one a bit... NOT MEEEEEEEEEE!||||
+Searching is for lesse... gotta think about that one a bit... not meeeeeeeeee!
+Searching are for lesse... gotta think about that one a bit... not meeeeeeeeee!
+Searching is for lesse... gotta think about that one a bit... not meeeeeeeeee
+Searching are for lesse... gotta think about that one a bit... not meeeeeeeeee
+||||rjbs||||dude. you lied to me through song||||
+Searching is for dude. you lied to rjbs through song
+Searching are for dude. you lied to rjbs through song
+Searching is for dude. you lied to rjbs through song
+Searching are for dude. you lied to rjbs through song
+||||rjbs||||I hate when people do that.||||
+Searching is for rjbs hate when people do that.
+Searching are for rjbs hate when people do that.
+Searching is for rjbs hate when people do that
+Searching are for rjbs hate when people do that
+||||hobbs||||White Hen!||||
+Searching is for white hen!
+Searching are for white hen!
+Searching is for white hen
+Searching are for white hen
+||||mjd||||Any clever people here? I have a puzzle I can't figure out.||||
+Searching is for any clever people here? mjd has a puzzle mjd can't figure out.
+Searching are for any clever people here? mjd has a puzzle mjd can't figure out.
+Searching is for any clever people here? mjd has a puzzle mjd can't figure out
+Searching are for any clever people here? mjd has a puzzle mjd can't figure out
+||||avar||||no, there are none||||
+Searching is for no, there are none
+Searching are for no, there are none
+||||avar||||post teh frigg'n puzzle:)||||
+Searching is for post teh frigg'n puzzle:)
+Searching are for post teh frigg'n puzzle:)
+Searching is for post teh frigg'n puzzle:)
+Searching are for post teh frigg'n puzzle:)
+||||mjd||||I just bought a new C-clamp. The label boasts that it has a "Ductile/Malleable Iron Frame".||||
+Searching is for mjd just bought a new c-clamp. the label boasts that it has a "ductile/malleable iron frame".
+Searching are for mjd just bought a new c-clamp. the label boasts that it has a "ductile/malleable iron frame".
+Searching is for mjd just bought a new c-clamp. the label boasts that it has a "ductile/malleable iron frame"
+Searching are for mjd just bought a new c-clamp. the label boasts that it has a "ductile/malleable iron frame"
+||||mjd||||Why would I want to hammer the frame of my new C-clamp flat, or draw it into a long wire?||||
+Searching is for why would mjd want to hammer the frame of mjd's new c-clamp flat, or draw it into a long wire
+Searching are for why would mjd want to hammer the frame of mjd's new c-clamp flat, or draw it into a long wire
+Searching is for why would mjd want to hammer the frame of mjd's new c-clamp flat, or draw it into a long wire
+Searching are for why would mjd want to hammer the frame of mjd's new c-clamp flat, or draw it into a long wire
+||||mendel||||yeah, both seem preferable to "brittle"||||
+Searching is for yeah, both seem preferable to "brittle"
+Searching are for yeah, both seem preferable to "brittle"
+Searching is for yeah, both seem preferable to "brittle"
+Searching are for yeah, both seem preferable to "brittle"
+||||mdxi||||i can see where that would be better than a Perfectly Rigid And Brittle Iron Frame or a Pure Elemental Meteoric Iron Frame||||
+Searching is for mdxi can seethat would be better than a perfectly rigid and brittle iron frame or a pure elemental meteoric iron frame
+Searching are for mdxi can seethat would be better than a perfectly rigid and brittle iron frame or a pure elemental meteoric iron frame
+Searching is for mdxi can seethat would be better than a perfectly rigid and brittle iron frame or a pure elemental meteoric iron frame
+Searching are for mdxi can seethat would be better than a perfectly rigid and brittle iron frame or a pure elemental meteoric iron frame
+||||mdxi||||plus the latter are quite expensive and wandering heroes are always wanting them for some bizarre quest||||
+Searching is for plus the latter are quite expensive and wandering heroes are always wanting them for some bizarre quest
+Searching are for plus the latter are quite expensive and wandering heroes are always wanting them for some bizarre quest
+Searching are for plus the latter
+set;;are;;plus the latter;;quite expensive and wandering heroes are always wanting them for some bizarre quest
+||||mjd||||That was my first idea, but it doesn't really explain "malleable / ductile".||||
+Searching is for that was mjd's first idea, but it doesn't really explain "malleable / ductile".
+Searching are for that was mjd's first idea, but it doesn't really explain "malleable / ductile".
+Searching is for that was mjd's first idea, but it doesn't really explain "malleable / ductile"
+Searching are for that was mjd's first idea, but it doesn't really explain "malleable / ductile"
+||||mjd||||Especially "ductile".||||
+Searching is for especially "ductile".
+Searching are for especially "ductile".
+Searching is for especially "ductile"
+Searching are for especially "ductile"
+||||mdxi||||i concur||||
+Searching is for mdxi concur
+Searching are for mdxi concur
+Searching is for mdxi concur
+Searching are for mdxi concur
+||||mdxi||||the general public isn't exactly given to consider the alternative, so it does seem pointless. but then the general public also probably won't know what "ductile" or "malleable" mean anyway.||||
+Searching is for the general public isn't exactly given to consider the alternative, so it does seem pointless. but then the general public also probably won't know"ductile" or "malleable" mean .
+Searching are for the general public isn't exactly given to consider the alternative, so it does seem pointless. but then the general public also probably won't know"ductile" or "malleable" mean .
+Searching is for general public isn't exactly given to consider the alternative, so it does seem pointless. but then the general public also probably won't know"ductile" or "malleable" mean
+Searching are for general public isn't exactly given to consider the alternative, so it does seem pointless. but then the general public also probably won't know"ductile" or "malleable" mean
+||||mendel||||The general public probably doesn't buy many clamps.||||
+Searching is for the general public probably doesn't buy many clamps.
+Searching are for the general public probably doesn't buy many clamps.
+Searching is for general public probably doesn't buy many clamps
+Searching are for general public probably doesn't buy many clamps
+Searching is for nonsense.
+Searching are for nonsense.
+Searching is for nonsense
+Searching are for nonsense
+||||mjd||||Home Depot stocks them for some reason, and it isn't because they don't sell.||||
+Searching is for home depot stocks them for some reason, and it isn't because they don't sell.
+Searching are for home depot stocks them for some reason, and it isn't because they don't sell.
+Searching is for home depot stocks them for some reason, and it isn't because they don't sell
+Searching are for home depot stocks them for some reason, and it isn't because they don't sell
+||||waltman||||Sounds like a standard home repair tool to me||||
+Searching is for sounds like a standard home repair tool to waltman
+Searching are for sounds like a standard home repair tool to waltman
+Searching is for sounds like a standard home repair tool to waltman
+Searching are for sounds like a standard home repair tool to waltman
+||||mdxi||||it's because they're required to by law. specifically the Clamp Availability Act of 1893||||
+Searching is for it's because they're required to by law. specifically the clamp availability act of 1893
+Searching are for it's because they're required to by law. specifically the clamp availability act of 1893
+Searching is for it's because they're required to by law. specifically the clamp availability act of 1893
+Searching are for it's because they're required to by law. specifically the clamp availability act of 1893
+Searching is for mdxi++
+Searching are for mdxi++
+Searching is for mdxi++
+Searching are for mdxi++
+Searching is for mdxi++
+Searching are for mdxi++
+Searching is for mdxi++
+Searching are for mdxi++
+||||waltman||||So Mythbusters totally blew it on one of their myths on their 7:00 show tonight||||
+Searching is for so mythbusters totally blew it on one of their myths on their 7:00 show tonight
+Searching are for so mythbusters totally blew it on one of their myths on their 7:00 show tonight
+Searching is for so mythbusters totally blew it on one of their myths on their 7:00 show tonight
+Searching are for so mythbusters totally blew it on one of their myths on their 7:00 show tonight
+||||mjd||||what, did they say that Aphrodite was married to Ares?||||
+Searching is for what, did they say that aphrodite was married to ares
+Searching are for what, did they say that aphrodite was married to ares
+Searching is for what, did they say that aphrodite was married to ares
+Searching are for what, did they say that aphrodite was married to ares
+||||mjd||||Or did they accidentally kill Craig Shergold?||||
+Searching is for did they accidentally kill craig shergold
+Searching are for did they accidentally kill craig shergold
+Searching is for did they accidentally kill craig shergold
+Searching are for did they accidentally kill craig shergold
+||||waltman||||the myth was of a car passing a snowplow on the road going in opposite directions, and the airflow from the flow forcing the car to flip off the road||||
+Searching is for the myth was of a car passing a snowplow on the road going in opposite directions, and the airflow from the flow forcing the car to flip off the road
+Searching are for the myth was of a car passing a snowplow on the road going in opposite directions, and the airflow from the flow forcing the car to flip off the road
+Searching is for myth was of a car passing a snowplow on the road going in opposite directions, and the airflow from the flow forcing the car to flip off the road
+Searching are for myth was of a car passing a snowplow on the road going in opposite directions, and the airflow from the flow forcing the car to flip off the road
+||||waltman||||they neglected to consider that it happened on an icy road. the car probably slid a few feet off the road and *then* flipped.||||
+Searching is for they neglected to consider that it happened on an icy road. the car probably slid a few feet off the road and *then* flipped.
+Searching are for they neglected to consider that it happened on an icy road. the car probably slid a few feet off the road and *then* flipped.
+Searching is for they neglected to consider that it happened on an icy road. the car probably slid a few feet off the road and *then* flipped
+Searching are for they neglected to consider that it happened on an icy road. the car probably slid a few feet off the road and *then* flipped
+||||waltman||||seems silly to be testing any myth having to do with snowplows in san francisco||||
+Searching is for seems silly to be testing any myth having to do with snowplows in san francisco
+Searching are for seems silly to be testing any myth having to do with snowplows in san francisco
+Searching is for seems silly to be testing any myth having to do with snowplows in san francisco
+Searching are for seems silly to be testing any myth having to do with snowplows in san francisco
+||||mdxi||||me either. but i live in georgia, where 73 car pileups happen as soon as any tv station reports that a snowflake has been spotted in the viewing area.||||
+Searching is for mdxi either. but mdxi live in georgia,73 car pileups happen as soon as any tv station reports that a snowflake has been spotted in the viewing area.
+Searching are for mdxi either. but mdxi live in georgia,73 car pileups happen as soon as any tv station reports that a snowflake has been spotted in the viewing area.
+Searching is for mdxi either. but mdxi live in georgia,73 car pileups happen as soon as any tv station reports that a snowflake has been spotted in the viewing area
+Searching are for mdxi either. but mdxi live in georgia,73 car pileups happen as soon as any tv station reports that a snowflake has been spotted in the viewing area
+||||waltman||||they rigged up something where an old snowplow and a lightweight, top heavy jeep passed each other at about 70 mph||||
+Searching is for they rigged up somethingan old snowplow and a lightweight, top heavy jeep passed each other at about 70 mph
+Searching are for they rigged up somethingan old snowplow and a lightweight, top heavy jeep passed each other at about 70 mph
+Searching is for they rigged up somethingan old snowplow and a lightweight, top heavy jeep passed each other at about 70 mph
+Searching are for they rigged up somethingan old snowplow and a lightweight, top heavy jeep passed each other at about 70 mph
+||||waltman||||they discussed that, too||||
+Searching is for they discussed that, too
+Searching are for they discussed that, too
+Searching is for they discussed that, too
+Searching are for they discussed that, too
+||||waltman||||no noticeable movement by the jeep||||
+Searching is for no noticeable movement by the jeep
+Searching are for no noticeable movement by the jeep
+Searching is for no noticeable movement by the jeep
+Searching are for no noticeable movement by the jeep
+||||waltman||||yeah, neither of them were good in that episode||||
+Searching is for yeah, neither of them were good in that episode
+Searching are for yeah, neither of them were good in that episode
+Searching is for yeah, neither of them were good in that episode
+Searching are for yeah, neither of them were good in that episode
+||||waltman||||this was a 2006 episode, but i dont know if it was necessarily "new"||||
+Searching is for this was a 2006 episode, but waltman dont know if it was necessarily "new"
+Searching are for this was a 2006 episode, but waltman dont know if it was necessarily "new"
+Searching is for this was a 2006 episode, but waltman dont know if it was necessarily "new"
+Searching are for this was a 2006 episode, but waltman dont know if it was necessarily "new"
+||||Masque||||I BLOGED U||||
+Searching is for masque bloged u
+Searching are for masque bloged u
+Searching is for masque bloged u
+Searching are for masque bloged u
+||||Penguin||||(kari byron)++||||
+Searching is for (kari byron)++
+Searching are for (kari byron)++
+Searching is for (kari byron)++
+Searching are for (kari byron)++
+++;;kari byron
+||||Andy||||So glad to see Barry Manilow win another Emmy!||||
+Searching is for so glad to see barry manilow win another emmy!
+Searching are for so glad to see barry manilow win another emmy!
+Searching is for so glad to see barry manilow win another emmy
+Searching are for so glad to see barry manilow win another emmy
+||||jibsheet||||for his sparkly pants?||||
+Searching is for for his sparkly pants
+Searching are for for his sparkly pants
+Searching is for for his sparkly pants
+Searching are for for his sparkly pants
+||||waltman||||He's won emmys before?||||
+Searching is for he's won emmys before
+Searching are for he's won emmys before
+Searching is for he's won emmys before
+Searching are for he's won emmys before
+||||Andy||||Apparenlty so. This was his 2nd.||||
+Searching is for apparenlty so. this was his 2nd.
+Searching are for apparenlty so. this was his 2nd.
+Searching is for apparenlty so. this was his 2nd
+Searching are for apparenlty so. this was his 2nd
+||||waltman||||What did he win for?||||
+Searching is for did he win for
+Searching are for did he win for
+Searching is for did he win for
+Searching are for did he win for
+||||hobbs||||"In June 2006 the Council of Rockdale, New South Wales, Australia, annoyed at local youths revving their cars in local car parks, announced they would play music from Barry Manilow's Greatest Hits at a car park in Brighton-le-Sands as an experiment for six months. Deputy Mayor Bill Saravinovski said the decision was taken because the youths were intimidating local people: "They are just hanging out and causing a nuisance to the general pu||||
+Searching is for "in june 2006 the council of rockdale, new south wales, australia, annoyed at local youths revving their cars in local car parks, announced they would play music from barry manilow's greatest hits at a car park in brighton-le-sands as an experiment for six months. deputy mayor bill saravinovski said the decision was taken because the youths were intimidating local people: "they are just hanging out and causing a nuisance to the general pu
+Searching are for "in june 2006 the council of rockdale, new south wales, australia, annoyed at local youths revving their cars in local car parks, announced they would play music from barry manilow's greatest hits at a car park in brighton-le-sands as an experiment for six months. deputy mayor bill saravinovski said the decision was taken because the youths were intimidating local people: "they are just hanging out and causing a nuisance to the general pu
+||||mendel||||Daggy the hoons! DAGGY THE HOONS||||
+Searching is for daggy the hoons! daggy the hoons
+Searching are for daggy the hoons! daggy the hoons
+Searching is for daggy the hoons! daggy the hoons
+Searching are for daggy the hoons! daggy the hoons
+||||cfedde||||so that's why all the musak in au is so daggy.||||
+Searching is for so that's why all the musak in au is so daggy.
+Searching are for so that's why all the musak in au is so daggy.
+Searching is for so that's why all the musak in au
+set;;is;;so that's why all the musak in au;;so daggy.
+Searching is for "daggy"
+Searching are for "daggy"
+Searching is for "daggy"
+Searching are for "daggy"
+||||cfedde||||this story is the only use of daggy that I can find in google given 5 minutes.||||
+Searching is for this story is the only use of daggy that is in google given 5 minutes.
+Searching are for this story is the only use of daggy that is in google given 5 minutes.
+||||cfedde||||that must be conclusive then.||||
+Searching is for that must be conclusive then.
+Searching are for that must be conclusive then.
+Searching is for that must be conclusive then
+Searching are for that must be conclusive then
+||||cfedde||||mandy == daggy||||
+Searching is for mandy == daggy
+Searching are for mandy == daggy
+Searching is for mandy == daggy
+Searching are for mandy == daggy
+||||Skud||||you looking for an explanation of "daggy"?||||
+Searching is for you looking for an explanation of "daggy"
+Searching are for you looking for an explanation of "daggy"
+Searching is for you looking for an explanation of "daggy"
+Searching are for you looking for an explanation of "daggy"
+||||Skud||||unfashionable would be the short version.||||
+Searching is for unfashionable would be the short version.
+Searching are for unfashionable would be the short version.
+Searching is for unfashionable would be the short version
+Searching are for unfashionable would be the short version
+||||cfedde||||I suspect it has a colorful darivation. ||||
+Searching is for cfedde suspect it has a colorful darivation.
+Searching are for cfedde suspect it has a colorful darivation.
+Searching is for cfedde suspect it has a colorful darivation
+Searching are for cfedde suspect it has a colorful darivation
+Searching is for yes.
+Searching are for yes.
+Searching is for yes
+Searching are for yes
+||||Skud||||the lumps of shit hanging off the wool on a sheep's bum||||
+Searching is for the lumps of shit hanging off the wool on a sheep's bum
+Searching are for the lumps of shit hanging off the wool on a sheep's bum
+Searching is for lumps of shit hanging off the wool on a sheep's bum
+Searching are for lumps of shit hanging off the wool on a sheep's bum
+Searching is for heh.
+Searching are for heh.
+Searching is for heh
+Searching are for heh
+||||Skud||||which are called "dags"||||
+Searching is for which are called "dags"
+Searching are for which are called "dags"
+Searching are for which
+set;;are;;which;;called "dags"
+||||cfedde||||sheep klingons||||
+Searching is for sheep klingons
+Searching are for sheep klingons
+Searching is for sheep klingons
+Searching are for sheep klingons
+||||Skud||||daggy clothes are often old, wrecked ones... like trackpants that have got paint all over them||||
+Searching is for daggy clothes are often old, wrecked ones... like trackpants that have got paint all over them
+Searching are for daggy clothes are often old, wrecked ones... like trackpants that have got paint all over them
+Searching are for daggy clothes
+set;;are;;daggy clothes;;often old, wrecked ones... like trackpants that have got paint all over them
+||||Skud||||and if you're "dagging around" it means you're slobbing around at home in your old trackpants||||
+Searching is for if you are "dagging around" it means you are slobbing around at home in your old trackpants
+Searching are for if you are "dagging around" it means you are slobbing around at home in your old trackpants
+||||cfedde||||Ausies seem to love their colorful shorthands.||||
+Searching is for ausies seem to love their colorful shorthands.
+Searching are for ausies seem to love their colorful shorthands.
+Searching is for ausies seem to love their colorful shorthands
+Searching are for ausies seem to love their colorful shorthands
+||||Skud||||yes indeedy.||||
+Searching is for indeedy.
+Searching are for indeedy.
+Searching is for indeedy
+Searching are for indeedy
+||||Skud||||hey alias, ya dag||||
+Searching is for alias, ya dag
+Searching are for alias, ya dag
+Searching is for alias, ya dag
+Searching are for alias, ya dag
+||||cfedde||||'tah'? Like what someone says when they hand you your change.||||
+Searching is for 'tah'? likesomeone says when they hand you your change.
+Searching are for 'tah'? likesomeone says when they hand you your change.
+Searching is for 'tah'? likesomeone says when they hand you your change
+Searching are for 'tah'? likesomeone says when they hand you your change
+||||hobbs||||Dag Hammarskjöld!||||
+Searching is for dag hammarskjöld!
+Searching are for dag hammarskjöld!
+Searching is for dag hammarskjöld
+Searching are for dag hammarskjöld
+Searching is for http://web.macquariedictionary.com.au/wordmap/result_word.htm?sessionname=mapffc78467056
+Searching are for http://web.macquariedictionary.com.au/wordmap/result_word.htm?sessionname=mapffc78467056
+Searching is for http://web.macquariedictionary.com.au/wordmap/result_word.htm?sessionname=mapffc78467056
+Searching are for http://web.macquariedictionary.com.au/wordmap/result_word.htm?sessionname=mapffc78467056
+||||shorten||||Skud's url is at http://xrl.us/rbti||||
+Searching is for skud's url is at http://xrl.us/rbti
+Searching are for skud's url is at http://xrl.us/rbti
+Searching is for skud's url
+set;;is;;skud's url;;at http://xrl.us/rbti
+||||Skud||||hrm. that might not work.||||
+Searching is for hrm. that might not work.
+Searching are for hrm. that might not work.
+Searching is for hrm. that might not work
+Searching are for hrm. that might not work
+||||Masque||||I sure like laptops.||||
+Searching is for masque sure like laptops.
+Searching are for masque sure like laptops.
+Searching is for masque sure like laptops
+Searching are for masque sure like laptops
+||||mendel||||I, too, like laptops.||||
+Searching is for mendel, too, like laptops.
+Searching are for mendel, too, like laptops.
+Searching is for mendel, too, like laptops
+Searching are for mendel, too, like laptops
+Searching is for laptops++
+Searching are for laptops++
+Searching is for laptops++
+Searching are for laptops++
+||||dorian||||i could use one too||||
+Searching is for dorian could use one too
+Searching are for dorian could use one too
+Searching is for dorian could use one too
+Searching are for dorian could use one too
+Searching is for lapdance
+Searching are for lapdance
+Searching is for lapdance
+Searching are for lapdance
+||||dorian||||actually that'd work||||
+Searching is for actually that'd work
+Searching are for actually that'd work
+Searching is for actually that'd work
+Searching are for actually that'd work
+||||dorian||||catalyst sure as hell isn't forthcoming about what is wrong with it||||
+Searching is for catalyst sure as hell isn't forthcoming aboutis wrong with it
+Searching are for catalyst sure as hell isn't forthcoming aboutis wrong with it
+Searching is for catalyst sure as hell isn't forthcoming aboutis wrong with it
+Searching are for catalyst sure as hell isn't forthcoming aboutis wrong with it
+||||dorian||||"No such relationship ip"||||
+Searching is for "no such relationship ip"
+Searching are for "no such relationship ip"
+Searching is for "no such relationship ip"
+Searching are for "no such relationship ip"
+||||dorian||||gosh thanks||||
+Searching is for thanks
+Searching are for thanks
+Searching is for thanks
+Searching are for thanks
+||||hobbs||||does it tell you "please try again later" in 13 languages? :)||||
+Searching is for does it tell you "please try again later" in 13 languages? :)
+Searching are for does it tell you "please try again later" in 13 languages? :)
+Searching is for does it tell you "please try again later" in 13 languages? :)
+Searching are for does it tell you "please try again later" in 13 languages? :)
+||||dorian||||it might as well||||
+Searching is for it might as well
+Searching are for it might as well
+Searching is for it might as well
+Searching are for it might as well
+||||dorian||||actually this problem is in DBIx::Class||||
+Searching is for actually this problem is in dbix::class
+Searching are for actually this problem is in dbix::class
+Searching is for actually this problem
+set;;is;;actually this problem;;in DBIx::Class
+Searching is for shazbot
+Searching are for shazbot
+Searching is for shazbot
+Searching are for shazbot
+||||workbench||||FANNY LANNI||||
+Searching is for fanny lanni
+Searching are for fanny lanni
+Searching is for fanny lanni
+Searching are for fanny lanni
+||||hobbs||||cube it||||
+Searching is for cube it
+Searching are for cube it
+Searching is for cube it
+Searching are for cube it
+||||workbench||||I'd sooner share my toothbrush with a Democrat!||||
+Searching is for workbench'd sooner share workbench's toothbrush with a democrat!
+Searching are for workbench'd sooner share workbench's toothbrush with a democrat!
+Searching is for workbench'd sooner share workbench's toothbrush with a democrat
+Searching are for workbench'd sooner share workbench's toothbrush with a democrat
+Searching is for moo
+Searching are for moo
+Searching is for moo
+Searching are for moo
+||||cfedde||||$job runs windows XP on the mac minis. It's a mad mad mad mad world.||||
+Searching is for $job runs windows xp on the mac minis. it's a mad mad mad mad world.
+Searching are for $job runs windows xp on the mac minis. it's a mad mad mad mad world.
+Searching is for $job runs windows xp on the mac minis. it's a mad mad mad mad world
+Searching are for $job runs windows xp on the mac minis. it's a mad mad mad mad world
+||||waltman||||good lord, why?||||
+Searching is for good lord, why
+Searching are for good lord, why
+Searching is for good lord, why
+Searching are for good lord, why
+||||waltman||||are they at least intel minis?||||
+Searching is for are they at least intel minis
+Searching are for are they at least intel minis
+||||cfedde||||yes using bootcamp||||
+Searching is for using bootcamp
+Searching are for using bootcamp
+Searching is for using bootcamp
+Searching are for using bootcamp
+||||cfedde||||also ww||||
+Searching is for also ww
+Searching are for also ww
+Searching is for also ww
+Searching are for also ww
+Searching is for but...but...
+Searching are for but...but...
+Searching is for but...but
+Searching are for but...but
+Searching is for heh.
+Searching are for heh.
+Searching is for heh
+Searching are for heh
+||||DrForr||||They make for cuter-looking clusters?||||
+Searching is for they make for cuter-looking clusters
+Searching are for they make for cuter-looking clusters
+Searching is for they make for cuter-looking clusters
+Searching are for they make for cuter-looking clusters
+||||waltman||||do they have them on display somewhere public?||||
+Searching is for do they have them on display somewhere public
+Searching are for do they have them on display somewhere public
+Searching is for do they have them on display somewhere public
+Searching are for do they have them on display somewhere public
+||||cfedde||||they were on display at $trade_show a few weeks ago. they were used as set top boxes for some high end HD tv setup.||||
+Searching is for they were on display at $trade_show a few weeks ago. they were used as set top boxes for some high end hd tv setup.
+Searching are for they were on display at $trade_show a few weeks ago. they were used as set top boxes for some high end hd tv setup.
+Searching is for they were on display at $trade_show a few weeks ago. they were used as set top boxes for some high end hd tv setup
+Searching are for they were on display at $trade_show a few weeks ago. they were used as set top boxes for some high end hd tv setup
+Searching is for
+Searching are for
+Searching is for
+Searching are for
+||||DrForr||||Just complaining about the rather plain video...||||
+Searching is for just complaining about the rather plain video...
+Searching are for just complaining about the rather plain video...
+Searching is for just complaining about the rather plain video
+Searching are for just complaining about the rather plain video
+||||buu||||Of.. what?||||
+Searching is for of..
+Searching are for of..
+Searching is for of
+Searching are for of
+||||DrForr||||One sec...||||
+Searching is for one sec...
+Searching are for one sec...
+Searching is for one sec
+Searching are for one sec
+||||DrForr||||The VHS version of http://www.sportys.com/acb/showdetl.cfm?DID=19&Product_ID=7317&CATID=180||||
+Searching is for the vhs version of http://www.sportys.com/acb/showdetl.cfm?did=19&product_id=7317&catid=180
+Searching are for the vhs version of http://www.sportys.com/acb/showdetl.cfm?did=19&product_id=7317&catid=180
+Searching is for vhs version of http://www.sportys.com/acb/showdetl.cfm?did=19&product_id=7317&catid=180
+Searching are for vhs version of http://www.sportys.com/acb/showdetl.cfm?did=19&product_id=7317&catid=180
+||||shorten||||DrForr's url is at http://xrl.us/rbt6||||
+Searching is for drforr's url is at http://xrl.us/rbt6
+Searching are for drforr's url is at http://xrl.us/rbt6
+Searching is for drforr's url
+set;;is;;drforr's url;;at http://xrl.us/rbt6
+Searching is for haha
+Searching are for haha
+Searching is for haha
+Searching are for haha
+||||buu||||Teal'c is wrecking up the place.||||
+Searching is for teal'c is wrecking up the place.
+Searching are for teal'c is wrecking up the place.
+Searching is for teal'c
+set;;is;;teal'c;;wrecking up the place.
+||||Masque||||1am! Yipes! That's something like bedtime!||||
+Searching is for 1am! yipes! that's something like bedtime!
+Searching are for 1am! yipes! that's something like bedtime!
+Searching is for 1am! yipes! that's something like bedtime
+Searching are for 1am! yipes! that's something like bedtime
+Searching is for morning!
+Searching are for morning!
+Searching is for morning
+Searching are for morning
+||||vh||||woke up dead||||
+Searching is for woke up dead
+Searching are for woke up dead
+Searching is for woke up dead
+Searching are for woke up dead
+||||buu||||So, what?||||
+Searching is for so,
+Searching are for so,
+Searching is for so,
+Searching are for so,
+||||DrForr||||People with a life... at a Perl convention. Purl, you're one confuuuused little bot.||||
+Searching is for people with a life... at a perl convention. purl, you are one confuuuused little bot.
+Searching are for people with a life... at a perl convention. purl, you are one confuuuused little bot.
+Searching is for hrm.
+Searching are for hrm.
+Searching is for hrm
+Searching are for hrm
+||||buu||||Whould 3 foot of dirt and rocks block radio?||||
+Searching is for whould 3 foot of dirt and rocks block radio
+Searching are for whould 3 foot of dirt and rocks block radio
+Searching is for whould 3 foot of dirt and rocks block radio
+Searching are for whould 3 foot of dirt and rocks block radio
+||||DrForr||||Though I empathize with you. The Emmy parties out here are just getting into full swing.||||
+Searching is for though drforr empathize with you. the emmy parties out here are just getting into full swing.
+Searching are for though drforr empathize with you. the emmy parties out here are just getting into full swing.
+||||DrForr||||Ah, the first news helicopters are in orbit now, circling the waters.||||
+Searching is for ah, the first news helicopters are in orbit now, circling the waters.
+Searching are for ah, the first news helicopters are in orbit now, circling the waters.
+Searching are for ah, the first news helicopters
+set;;are;;ah, the first news helicopters;;in orbit now, circling the waters.
+||||DrForr||||Problem is, I've been away from TV &c. for long enough that I won't *recognize* anyone...||||
+Searching is for problem is, drforr has been away from tv &c. for long enough that drforr won't *recognize* anyone...
+Searching are for problem is, drforr has been away from tv &c. for long enough that drforr won't *recognize* anyone...
+Searching is for problem is, drforr has been away from tv &c. for long enough that drforr won't *recognize* anyone
+Searching are for problem is, drforr has been away from tv &c. for long enough that drforr won't *recognize* anyone
+||||DrForr||||I must admit, though, that sending up huge searchlights *does* make it easier to find the parties.||||
+Searching is for drforr must admit, though, that sending up huge searchlights *does* make it easier to find the parties.
+Searching are for drforr must admit, though, that sending up huge searchlights *does* make it easier to find the parties.
+Searching is for drforr must admit, though, that sending up huge searchlights *does* make it easier to find the parties
+Searching are for drforr must admit, though, that sending up huge searchlights *does* make it easier to find the parties
+||||buu||||That would help.||||
+Searching is for that would help.
+Searching are for that would help.
+Searching is for that would help
+Searching are for that would help
+||||dorian||||to obad. one of those out the window would probably solve your car alarm problem||||
+Searching is for to obad. one of those out the window would probably solve your car alarm problem
+Searching are for to obad. one of those out the window would probably solve your car alarm problem
+Searching is for to obad. one of those out the window would probably solve your car alarm problem
+Searching are for to obad. one of those out the window would probably solve your car alarm problem
+||||dorian||||complete with informative brochure||||
+Searching is for complete with informative brochure
+Searching are for complete with informative brochure
+Searching is for complete with informative brochure
+Searching are for complete with informative brochure
+||||dorian||||in other news, a pox on catalyst||||
+Searching is for in other news, a pox on catalyst
+Searching are for in other news, a pox on catalyst
+Searching is for in other news, a pox on catalyst
+Searching are for in other news, a pox on catalyst
+||||Alias||||heh, especially when you are at the end of the limo queue||||
+Searching is for heh, especially when you are at the end of the limo queue
+Searching are for heh, especially when you are at the end of the limo queue
+Searching are for heh, especially when you
+set;;are;;heh, especially when you;;at the end of the limo queue
+||||mdxi||||i seem to have found a boog in the docs for PerlIO::scalar on 5.8.8. where do i put it?||||
+Searching is for mdxi seem to have found a boog in the docs for perlio::scalar on 5.8.8.do mdxi put it
+Searching are for mdxi seem to have found a boog in the docs for perlio::scalar on 5.8.8.do mdxi put it
+Searching is for mdxi seem to have found a boog in the docs for perlio::scalar on 5.8.8.do mdxi put it
+Searching are for mdxi seem to have found a boog in the docs for perlio::scalar on 5.8.8.do mdxi put it
+Searching is for perlbug
+Searching are for perlbug
+Searching is for perlbug
+Searching are for perlbug
+||||ambs||||seen pudge||||
+Searching is for seen pudge
+Searching are for seen pudge
+Searching is for seen pudge
+Searching are for seen pudge
+||||dorian||||infinite surface area and finite volume||||
+Searching is for infinite surface area and finite volume
+Searching are for infinite surface area and finite volume
+Searching is for infinite surface area and finite volume
+Searching are for infinite surface area and finite volume
+||||buu||||Fuck, not that again.||||
+Searching is for fuck, not that again.
+Searching are for fuck, not that again.
+Searching is for fuck, not that again
+Searching are for fuck, not that again
+Searching is for yup
+Searching are for yup
+Searching is for yup
+Searching are for yup
+||||buu||||I KILL YOU.||||
+Searching is for buu kill you.
+Searching are for buu kill you.
+Searching is for buu kill you
+Searching are for buu kill you
+||||dorian||||you do nothing of the sort||||
+Searching is for you do nothing of the sort
+Searching are for you do nothing of the sort
+Searching is for you do nothing of the sort
+Searching are for you do nothing of the sort
+||||buu||||How do you know?||||
+Searching is for how
+Searching are for how
+Searching is for how
+Searching are for how
+||||dorian||||the power of the intertubes||||
+Searching is for the power of the intertubes
+Searching are for the power of the intertubes
+Searching is for power of the intertubes
+Searching are for power of the intertubes
+||||buu||||You will pay.||||
+Searching is for you will pay.
+Searching are for you will pay.
+Searching is for you will pay
+Searching are for you will pay
+||||aevil||||gads...coming back to work after 2 weeks of holiday is a guarantee to raise your blood pressure...mother fucking fuckers...'support' closed a ticket on an issue where i've been demanding a core dump analysis on a randomly panicing fucking machine for over a month now....oh my god...if i had a car, i'd fucking drive over to the office and scream at the guy||||
+Searching is for gads...coming back to work after 2 weeks of holiday is a guarantee to raise your blood pressure...mother fucking fuckers...'support' closed a ticket on an issueaevil has been demanding a core dump analysis on a randomly panicing fucking machine for over a month now....oh aevil's god...if aevil had a car, aevil'd fucking drive over to the office and scream at the guy
+Searching are for gads...coming back to work after 2 weeks of holiday is a guarantee to raise your blood pressure...mother fucking fuckers...'support' closed a ticket on an issueaevil has been demanding a core dump analysis on a randomly panicing fucking machine for over a month now....oh aevil's god...if aevil had a car, aevil'd fucking drive over to the office and scream at the guy
+Searching is for guarantee to raise your blood pressure...mother fucking fuckers...'support' closed a ticket on an issueaevil has been demanding a core dump analysis on a randomly panicing fucking machine for over a month now....oh aevil's god...if aevil had a car, aevil'd fucking drive over to the office and scream at the guy
+||||aevil||||dear god i will not miss the finnish concept of systems 'support'||||
+Searching is for dear god aevil will not miss the finnish concept of systems 'support'
+Searching are for dear god aevil will not miss the finnish concept of systems 'support'
+Searching is for dear god aevil will not miss the finnish concept of systems 'support'
+Searching are for dear god aevil will not miss the finnish concept of systems 'support'
+||||buu||||What's so finnish about it?||||
+Searching is for is so finnish about it
+Searching are for is so finnish about it
+Searching is for so finnish about it
+||||aevil||||buu...nobody gives a fuck and nobody will get fired. we pay up front 3 years and i get a fuck you and here's a spare parts kit for an apple enterprise level service agreement...this one is fujitsu and...just about as fucking useless||||
+Searching is for buu...nobody gives a fuck and nobody will get fired. we pay up front 3 years and aevil get a fuck you and here's a spare parts kit for an apple enterprise level service agreement...this one is fujitsu and...just about as fucking useless
+Searching are for buu...nobody gives a fuck and nobody will get fired. we pay up front 3 years and aevil get a fuck you and here's a spare parts kit for an apple enterprise level service agreement...this one is fujitsu and...just about as fucking useless
+||||aevil||||i've never seen systems support this fucking bad||||
+Searching is for aevil has never seen systems support bad
+Searching are for aevil has never seen systems support bad
+Searching is for aevil has never seen systems support bad
+Searching are for aevil has never seen systems support bad
+Searching is for wow.
+Searching are for wow.
+Searching is for wow
+Searching are for wow
+||||aevil||||i think i need to go beat on my manager or something...i can't believe they closed the ticket while i was away and STILL NO CDA||||
+Searching is for aevil think aevil need to go beat on aevil's manager or something...i can't believe they closed the ticket while aevil was away and still no cda
+Searching are for aevil think aevil need to go beat on aevil's manager or something...i can't believe they closed the ticket while aevil was away and still no cda
+Searching is for aevil think aevil need to go beat on aevil's manager or something...i can't believe they closed the ticket while aevil was away and still no cda
+Searching are for aevil think aevil need to go beat on aevil's manager or something...i can't believe they closed the ticket while aevil was away and still no cda
+||||buu||||No support from the managers?||||
+Searching is for no support from the managers
+Searching are for no support from the managers
+Searching is for no support from the managers
+Searching are for no support from the managers
+||||kane||||welcome back to the job :(||||
+Searching is for welcome back to the job :(
+Searching are for welcome back to the job :(
+Searching is for welcome back to the job :(
+Searching are for welcome back to the job :(
+||||aevil||||ah...much better...i ranted at a few people||||
+Searching is for ah...much better...i ranted at a few people
+Searching are for ah...much better...i ranted at a few people
+Searching is for ah...much better...i ranted at a few people
+Searching are for ah...much better...i ranted at a few people
+||||kane||||cut of their little toe on the first mistake.. call it 'incentive to perform better'||||
+Searching is for cut of their little toe on the first mistake.. call it 'incentive to perform better'
+Searching are for cut of their little toe on the first mistake.. call it 'incentive to perform better'
+Searching is for cut of their little toe on the first mistake.. call it 'incentive to perform better'
+Searching are for cut of their little toe on the first mistake.. call it 'incentive to perform better'
+||||aevil||||nothing will happen most likely but at least i unloaded||||
+Searching is for nothing will happen most likely but at least aevil unloaded
+Searching are for nothing will happen most likely but at least aevil unloaded
+Searching is for nothing will happen most likely but at least aevil unloaded
+Searching are for nothing will happen most likely but at least aevil unloaded
+Searching is for :)
+Searching are for :)
+Searching is for :)
+Searching are for :)
+||||aevil||||damn...i haven't been this irate since...well, since apple handed me a spare parts kit with a HAND HTH||||
+Searching is for damn...i haven't been this irate since...well, since apple handed aevil a spare parts kit with a hand hth
+Searching are for damn...i haven't been this irate since...well, since apple handed aevil a spare parts kit with a hand hth
+Searching is for damn...i haven't been this irate since...well, since apple handed aevil a spare parts kit with a hand hth
+Searching are for damn...i haven't been this irate since...well, since apple handed aevil a spare parts kit with a hand hth
+||||kane||||and with 'apple' you mean 'the finns' right?||||
+Searching is for with 'apple' you mean 'the finns' right
+Searching are for with 'apple' you mean 'the finns' right
+Searching is for with 'apple' you mean 'the finns' right
+Searching are for with 'apple' you mean 'the finns' right
+||||aevil||||the finnish apple support, yes||||
+Searching is for the finnish apple support, yes
+Searching are for the finnish apple support, yes
+Searching is for finnish apple support, yes
+Searching are for finnish apple support, yes
+||||aevil||||that xraid still doesn't work either||||
+Searching is for that xraid still doesn't work either
+Searching are for that xraid still doesn't work either
+Searching is for that xraid still doesn't work either
+Searching are for that xraid still doesn't work either
+Searching is for aye
+Searching are for aye
+Searching is for aye
+Searching are for aye
+||||kane||||toes dear... toes||||
+Searching is for toes dear... toes
+Searching are for toes dear... toes
+Searching is for toes dear... toes
+Searching are for toes dear... toes
+||||aevil||||i could borrow jarkko's broadsword :)||||
+Searching is for aevil could borrow jarkko's broadsword :)
+Searching are for aevil could borrow jarkko's broadsword :)
+Searching is for aevil could borrow jarkko's broadsword :)
+Searching are for aevil could borrow jarkko's broadsword :)
+||||aevil||||i just heard through the unofficial grapevine that we're getting a new boss tomorrow, too...*sigh*||||
+Searching is for aevil just heard through the unofficial grapevine that we're getting a new boss tomorrow, too...*sigh*
+Searching are for aevil just heard through the unofficial grapevine that we're getting a new boss tomorrow, too...*sigh*
+Searching is for aevil just heard through the unofficial grapevine that we're getting a new boss tomorrow, too...*sigh*
+Searching are for aevil just heard through the unofficial grapevine that we're getting a new boss tomorrow, too...*sigh*
+||||kane||||s/women/americans/.. whichever||||
+Searching is for s/women/americans/.. whichever
+Searching are for s/women/americans/.. whichever
+Searching is for s/women/americans/.. whichever
+Searching are for s/women/americans/.. whichever
+||||kane||||old boss no good? or what's the deal :)||||
+Searching is for old boss no good? oris the deal :)
+Searching are for old boss no good? oris the deal :)
+Searching is for old boss no good? oris the deal :)
+Searching are for old boss no good? oris the deal :)
+||||aevil||||kane :) they can think that while they're holding their severed dick in their hands :)||||
+Searching is for kane :) they can think that while they're holding their severed dick in their hands :)
+Searching are for kane :) they can think that while they're holding their severed dick in their hands :)
+Searching is for kane :) they can think that while they're holding their severed dick in their hands :)
+Searching are for kane :) they can think that while they're holding their severed dick in their hands :)
+||||kane||||elaina bobbit!||||
+Searching is for elaina bobbit!
+Searching are for elaina bobbit!
+Searching is for elaina bobbit
+Searching are for elaina bobbit
+||||dorian||||you can be that precise with a broadsword?||||
+Searching is for you can be that precise with a broadsword
+Searching are for you can be that precise with a broadsword
+Searching is for you can be that precise with a broadsword
+Searching are for you can be that precise with a broadsword
+||||aevil||||no, he's good....but he's being put full time on all the EU compute cluster projects||||
+Searching is for no, he's good....but he's being put full time on all the eu compute cluster projects
+Searching are for no, he's good....but he's being put full time on all the eu compute cluster projects
+Searching is for no, he's good....but he's being put full time on all the eu compute cluster projects
+Searching are for no, he's good....but he's being put full time on all the eu compute cluster projects
+||||kane||||it's the thought that counts||||
+Searching is for it's the thought that counts
+Searching are for it's the thought that counts
+Searching is for it's the thought that counts
+Searching are for it's the thought that counts
+||||aevil||||who said anything about precise? :)||||
+Searching is for said anything about precise? :)
+Searching are for said anything about precise? :)
+Searching is for said anything about precise? :)
+Searching are for said anything about precise? :)
+||||kane||||hand playing Subject: Boy Advance NGage ||||
+Searching is for hand playing subject: boy advance ngage
+Searching are for hand playing subject: boy advance ngage
+Searching is for hand playing subject: boy advance ngage
+Searching are for hand playing subject: boy advance ngage
+Searching is for ...
+Searching are for ...
+Searching is for
+Searching are for
+||||aevil||||hrmph...where are all my coworkers today...i'm hungry for lunch and don't want to go down to the canteen alone||||
+Searching is for hrmph...where are all aevil's coworkers today...i'm hungry for lunch and don't want to go down to the canteen alone
+Searching are for hrmph...where are all aevil's coworkers today...i'm hungry for lunch and don't want to go down to the canteen alone
+||||kane||||they're afraid of you.. hiding in the cleaning room||||
+Searching is for they're afraid of you.. hiding in the cleaning room
+Searching are for they're afraid of you.. hiding in the cleaning room
+Searching is for they're afraid of you.. hiding in the cleaning room
+Searching are for they're afraid of you.. hiding in the cleaning room
+||||aevil||||hee...naw, i think they find me an amusing oddity :)||||
+Searching is for hee...naw, aevil think they find aevil an amusing oddity :)
+Searching are for hee...naw, aevil think they find aevil an amusing oddity :)
+Searching is for hee...naw, aevil think they find aevil an amusing oddity :)
+Searching are for hee...naw, aevil think they find aevil an amusing oddity :)
+||||kane||||like something you'd expect in a zoo?||||
+Searching is for like something you'd expect in a zoo
+Searching are for like something you'd expect in a zoo
+Searching is for like something you'd expect in a zoo
+Searching are for like something you'd expect in a zoo
+||||kane||||'look at its ears mommy!'||||
+Searching is for 'look at its ears mommy!'
+Searching are for 'look at its ears mommy!'
+Searching is for 'look at its ears mommy!'
+Searching are for 'look at its ears mommy!'
+||||aevil||||kane :) in a way, yes ||||
+Searching is for kane :) in a way, yes
+Searching are for kane :) in a way, yes
+Searching is for kane :) in a way, yes
+Searching are for kane :) in a way, yes
+||||kane||||pot, kettle, black matey ;)||||
+Searching is for pot, kettle, black matey ;)
+Searching are for pot, kettle, black matey ;)
+Searching is for pot, kettle, black matey ;)
+Searching are for pot, kettle, black matey ;)
+||||dorian||||is it cos me's black?||||
+Searching is for is it cos dorian's black
+Searching are for is it cos dorian's black
+||||dorian||||that doesn't make them optimal though||||
+Searching is for that doesn't make them optimal though
+Searching are for that doesn't make them optimal though
+Searching is for that doesn't make them optimal though
+Searching are for that doesn't make them optimal though
+||||marcus||||everything's going to be crap from now on.||||
+Searching is for everything's going to be crap from now on.
+Searching are for everything's going to be crap from now on.
+Searching is for everything's going to be crap from now on
+Searching are for everything's going to be crap from now on
+||||dorian||||i dunno, frankly i think it only has part of the brain||||
+Searching is for dorian dunno, frankly dorian think it only has part of the brain
+Searching are for dorian dunno, frankly dorian think it only has part of the brain
+Searching is for dorian dunno, frankly dorian think it only has part of the brain
+Searching are for dorian dunno, frankly dorian think it only has part of the brain
+||||dorian||||i would consider rails to be "easier" for more mickey-mouse stuff, but by and large it makes some pretty idiotic assumptions||||
+Searching is for dorian would consider rails to be "easier" for more mickey-mouse stuff, but by and large it makes some pretty idiotic assumptions
+Searching are for dorian would consider rails to be "easier" for more mickey-mouse stuff, but by and large it makes some pretty idiotic assumptions
+Searching is for dorian would consider rails to be "easier" for more mickey-mouse stuff, but by and large it makes some pretty idiotic assumptions
+Searching are for dorian would consider rails to be "easier" for more mickey-mouse stuff, but by and large it makes some pretty idiotic assumptions
+||||marcus||||I agree about that. ||||
+Searching is for marcus agree about that.
+Searching are for marcus agree about that.
+Searching is for marcus agree about that
+Searching are for marcus agree about that
+||||dorian||||by contrast, catalyst makes little to no assumptions||||
+Searching is for by contrast, catalyst makes little to no assumptions
+Searching are for by contrast, catalyst makes little to no assumptions
+Searching is for by contrast, catalyst makes little to no assumptions
+Searching are for by contrast, catalyst makes little to no assumptions
+||||dorian||||plus the documentation is pretty disparate||||
+Searching is for plus the documentation is pretty disparate
+Searching are for plus the documentation is pretty disparate
+Searching is for plus the documentation
+set;;is;;plus the documentation;;pretty disparate
+||||dorian||||although not saying rails' documentation is any good, because it's utter shit.||||
+Searching is for although not saying rails' documentation is any good, because it's utter shit.
+Searching are for although not saying rails' documentation is any good, because it's utter shit.
+Searching is for although not saying rails' documentation
+set;;is;;although not saying rails' documentation;;any good, because it's utter shit.
+||||pdcawley||||Hell yes! Says a rails developer.||||
+Searching is for hell yes! says a rails developer.
+Searching are for hell yes! says a rails developer.
+Searching is for hell yes! says a rails developer
+Searching are for hell yes! says a rails developer
+||||dorian||||rails is the new php||||
+Searching is for rails is the new php
+Searching are for rails is the new php
+Searching is for rails
+set;;is;;rails;;the new php
+||||pdcawley||||Um... I wouldn't go that far.||||
+Searching is for pdcawley wouldn't go that far.
+Searching are for pdcawley wouldn't go that far.
+Searching is for pdcawley wouldn't go that far
+Searching are for pdcawley wouldn't go that far
+||||pdcawley||||But it does appear to be attracting PHP types.||||
+Searching is for it does appear to be attracting php types.
+Searching are for it does appear to be attracting php types.
+Searching is for it does appear to be attracting php types
+Searching are for it does appear to be attracting php types
+||||dorian||||i would||||
+Searching is for dorian would
+Searching are for dorian would
+Searching is for dorian would
+Searching are for dorian would
+||||dorian||||that's who they're pitching it to||||
+Searching is for that'sthey're pitching it to
+Searching are for that'sthey're pitching it to
+Searching is for that'sthey're pitching it to
+Searching are for that'sthey're pitching it to
+||||dorian||||php kiddies and java bunnies||||
+Searching is for php kiddies and java bunnies
+Searching are for php kiddies and java bunnies
+Searching is for php kiddies and java bunnies
+Searching are for php kiddies and java bunnies
+||||pdcawley||||Strange isn't it? Ruby as a language makes much more sense (and is way more powerful) if you think in Dynamic Language (Perl/Lisp/Smalltalk) ways.||||
+Searching is for strange isn't it? ruby as a language makes much more sense (and is way more powerful) if you think in dynamic language (perl/lisp/smalltalk) ways.
+Searching are for strange isn't it? ruby as a language makes much more sense (and is way more powerful) if you think in dynamic language (perl/lisp/smalltalk) ways.
+||||dorian||||i haven't done much java so i can't declare jihad on it||||
+Searching is for dorian has not done much java so dorian can't declare jihad on it
+Searching are for dorian has not done much java so dorian can't declare jihad on it
+Searching is for dorian has not done much java so dorian can't declare jihad on it
+Searching are for dorian has not done much java so dorian can't declare jihad on it
+||||pdcawley||||If you're stuck in Java headspace, you're screwed.||||
+Searching is for if you are stuck in java headspace, you are screwed.
+Searching are for if you are stuck in java headspace, you are screwed.
+||||dorian||||people who can't think in more than one programming language are implicitly screwed.||||
+Searching is for peopleare can't think in more than one programming language implicitly screwed.
+Searching are for peopleare can't think in more than one programming language implicitly screwed.
+Searching is for peopleare can't think in more than one programming language implicitly screwed
+Searching are for peopleare can't think in more than one programming language implicitly screwed
+||||dorian||||and have been||||
+Searching is for have been
+Searching are for have been
+Searching is for have been
+Searching are for have been
+||||pdcawley||||Yeah, but there's thinking in more than one language and thinking in more than one... um... 'school' will do.||||
+Searching is for yeah, but there's thinking in more than one language and thinking in more than one... um... 'school' will do.
+Searching are for yeah, but there's thinking in more than one language and thinking in more than one... um... 'school' will do.
+Searching is for yeah, but there's thinking in more than one language and thinking in more than one... um... 'school' will do
+Searching are for yeah, but there's thinking in more than one language and thinking in more than one... um... 'school' will do
+||||pdcawley||||Look at the amount of disguised C code you'll still see in Perl for instance.||||
+Searching is for look at the amount of disguised c code you'll still see in perl for instance.
+Searching are for look at the amount of disguised c code you'll still see in perl for instance.
+Searching is for look at the amount of disguised c code you'll still see in perl for instance
+Searching are for look at the amount of disguised c code you'll still see in perl for instance
+||||dorian||||for sure||||
+Searching is for for sure
+Searching are for for sure
+Searching is for for sure
+Searching are for for sure
+||||pdcawley||||If you come to a dynamic language with a static mindset, you'll be able to code in it, but by ghod you'll have a hard time of it.||||
+Searching is for if you come to a dynamic language with a static mindset, you'll be able to code in it, but by ghod you'll have a hard time of it.
+Searching are for if you come to a dynamic language with a static mindset, you'll be able to code in it, but by ghod you'll have a hard time of it.
+Searching is for if you come to a dynamic language with a static mindset, you'll be able to code in it, but by ghod you'll have a hard time of it
+Searching are for if you come to a dynamic language with a static mindset, you'll be able to code in it, but by ghod you'll have a hard time of it
+||||dorian||||well, that's what i meant||||
+Searching is for that'sdorian meant
+Searching are for that'sdorian meant
+Searching is for that'sdorian meant
+Searching are for that'sdorian meant
+||||dorian||||like, language != syntax||||
+Searching is for like, language != syntax
+Searching are for like, language != syntax
+Searching is for like, language != syntax
+Searching are for like, language != syntax
+||||dorian||||just because you can make a grammatically correct sentence doesn't mean it's going to be the right way to say it||||
+Searching is for just because you can make a grammatically correct sentence doesn't mean it's going to be the right way to say it
+Searching are for just because you can make a grammatically correct sentence doesn't mean it's going to be the right way to say it
+Searching is for just because you can make a grammatically correct sentence doesn't mean it's going to be the right way to say it
+Searching are for just because you can make a grammatically correct sentence doesn't mean it's going to be the right way to say it
+Searching is for yup.
+Searching are for yup.
+Searching is for yup
+Searching are for yup
+||||dorian||||well yeah they "get" dynamic languages but i don't think they "get" much *outside* of the actual programming aspect of web development||||
+Searching is for yeah they "get" dynamic languages but dorian don't think they "get" much *outside* of the actual programming aspect of web development
+Searching are for yeah they "get" dynamic languages but dorian don't think they "get" much *outside* of the actual programming aspect of web development
+Searching is for yeah they "get" dynamic languages but dorian don't think they "get" much *outside* of the actual programming aspect of web development
+Searching are for yeah they "get" dynamic languages but dorian don't think they "get" much *outside* of the actual programming aspect of web development
+||||dorian||||mvc frameworks are great for programmers but that's about all they're great for||||
+Searching is for mvc frameworks are great for programmers but that's about all they're great for
+Searching are for mvc frameworks are great for programmers but that's about all they're great for
+Searching are for mvc frameworks
+set;;are;;mvc frameworks;;great for programmers but that's about all they're great for
+||||dorian||||they're certainly not great for DBAs, system administrators, marketing people, information architects or designers.||||
+Searching is for they're certainly not great for dbas, system administrators, marketing people, information architects or designers.
+Searching are for they're certainly not great for dbas, system administrators, marketing people, information architects or designers.
+Searching is for they're certainly not great for dbas, system administrators, marketing people, information architects or designers
+Searching are for they're certainly not great for dbas, system administrators, marketing people, information architects or designers
+||||dorian||||at least as far as i've experienced||||
+Searching is for at least as far as dorian has experienced
+Searching are for at least as far as dorian has experienced
+Searching is for at least as far as dorian has experienced
+Searching are for at least as far as dorian has experienced
+||||pdcawley||||That's a constant tension though.||||
+Searching is for that's a constant tension though.
+Searching are for that's a constant tension though.
+Searching is for that's a constant tension though
+Searching are for that's a constant tension though
+||||dorian||||i don't think it's necessary||||
+Searching is for dorian don't think it's necessary
+Searching are for dorian don't think it's necessary
+Searching is for dorian don't think it's necessary
+Searching are for dorian don't think it's necessary
+||||dorian||||and be just as functional||||
+Searching is for be just as functional
+Searching are for be just as functional
+Searching is for be just as functional
+Searching are for be just as functional
+||||dorian||||it's just that nobody's done it yet||||
+Searching is for it's just that nobody's done it yet
+Searching are for it's just that nobody's done it yet
+Searching is for it's just that nobody's done it yet
+Searching are for it's just that nobody's done it yet
+||||pdcawley||||But would it be just as pleasant to work in?||||
+Searching is for would it be just as pleasant to work in
+Searching are for would it be just as pleasant to work in
+Searching is for would it be just as pleasant to work in
+Searching are for would it be just as pleasant to work in
+||||jouke||||seen phx||||
+Searching is for seen phx
+Searching are for seen phx
+Searching is for seen phx
+Searching are for seen phx
+||||dorian||||of course||||
+Searching is for of course
+Searching are for of course
+Searching is for of course
+Searching are for of course
+||||jouke||||hey pdcawley||||
+Searching is for pdcawley
+Searching are for pdcawley
+Searching is for pdcawley
+Searching are for pdcawley
+||||pdcawley||||Sendmail.cf is turing complete, doesn't mean you want to program in it :)||||
+Searching is for sendmail.cf is turing complete, doesn't mean you want to program in it :)
+Searching are for sendmail.cf is turing complete, doesn't mean you want to program in it :)
+Searching is for sendmail.cf
+set;;is;;sendmail.cf;;turing complete, doesn't mean you want to program in it :)
+Searching is for jouke
+Searching are for jouke
+Searching is for jouke
+Searching are for jouke
+||||dorian||||what's that got to do with anything?||||
+Searching is for is that got to do with anything
+Searching are for is that got to do with anything
+Searching is for that got to do with anything
+||||pdcawley||||I think I understood something different by 'functional' than you did.||||
+Searching is for pdcawley think pdcawley understood something different by 'functional' than you did.
+Searching are for pdcawley think pdcawley understood something different by 'functional' than you did.
+Searching is for pdcawley think pdcawley understood something different by 'functional' than you did
+Searching are for pdcawley think pdcawley understood something different by 'functional' than you did
+||||dorian||||i didn't mean "functional programming"||||
+Searching is for dorian didn't mean "functional programming"
+Searching are for dorian didn't mean "functional programming"
+Searching is for dorian didn't mean "functional programming"
+Searching are for dorian didn't mean "functional programming"
+||||pdcawley||||Nor did I take it that way. ||||
+Searching is for nor did pdcawley take it that way.
+Searching are for nor did pdcawley take it that way.
+Searching is for nor did pdcawley take it that way
+Searching are for nor did pdcawley take it that way
+||||pdcawley||||I presume you meant 'nice to work in'.||||
+Searching is for pdcawley presume you meant 'nice to work in'.
+Searching are for pdcawley presume you meant 'nice to work in'.
+Searching is for pdcawley presume you meant 'nice to work in'
+Searching are for pdcawley presume you meant 'nice to work in'
+||||dorian||||well, if something like that wasn't as enjoyable to use, it would have failed its goals||||
+Searching is for if something like that wasn't as enjoyable to use, it would have failed its goals
+Searching are for if something like that wasn't as enjoyable to use, it would have failed its goals
+Searching is for if something like that wasn't as enjoyable to use, it would have failed its goals
+Searching are for if something like that wasn't as enjoyable to use, it would have failed its goals
+||||pdcawley||||I read 'can do the same things'||||
+Searching is for pdcawley read 'can do the same things'
+Searching are for pdcawley read 'can do the same things'
+Searching is for pdcawley read 'can do the same things'
+Searching are for pdcawley read 'can do the same things'
+||||pdcawley||||Someone was chatting about that at the London Ruby Users Group a while back, talking about how to get designers and developers playing well together. Talked a good deal of sense.||||
+Searching is for someone was chatting about that at the london ruby users group a while back, talking about how to get designers and developers playing well together. talked a good deal of sense.
+Searching are for someone was chatting about that at the london ruby users group a while back, talking about how to get designers and developers playing well together. talked a good deal of sense.
+Searching is for someone was chatting about that at the london ruby users group a while back, talking about how to get designers and developers playing well together. talked a good deal of sense
+Searching are for someone was chatting about that at the london ruby users group a while back, talking about how to get designers and developers playing well together. talked a good deal of sense
+||||pdcawley||||Admittedly, he didn't talk about how to play well with DBAs.||||
+Searching is for admittedly, he didn't talk about how to play well with dbas.
+Searching are for admittedly, he didn't talk about how to play well with dbas.
+Searching is for admittedly, he didn't talk about how to play well with dbas
+Searching are for admittedly, he didn't talk about how to play well with dbas
+||||pdcawley||||But then Rails appears to be deliberately DBA hostile.||||
+Searching is for then rails appears to be deliberately dba hostile.
+Searching are for then rails appears to be deliberately dba hostile.
+Searching is for then rails appears to be deliberately dba hostile
+Searching are for then rails appears to be deliberately dba hostile
+||||dorian||||from trivial things like changing the URI of a resource (IA) to not requiring a working instance of the app to view ones' templates (design) to not having to butcher one's DB schema (DBA)||||
+Searching is for from trivial things like changing the uri of a resource (ia) to not requiring a working instance of the app to view ones' templates (design) to not having to butcher one's db schema (dba)
+Searching are for from trivial things like changing the uri of a resource (ia) to not requiring a working instance of the app to view ones' templates (design) to not having to butcher one's db schema (dba)
+Searching is for from trivial things like changing the uri of a resource (ia) to not requiring a working instance of the app to view ones' templates (design) to not having to butcher one's db schema (dba)
+Searching are for from trivial things like changing the uri of a resource (ia) to not requiring a working instance of the app to view ones' templates (design) to not having to butcher one's db schema (dba)
+||||dorian||||furthermore i think we've tricked ourselves into thinking we always need an RDBMS under the hood of a web app||||
+Searching is for furthermore dorian think we've tricked ourselves into thinking we always need an rdbms under the hood of a web app
+Searching are for furthermore dorian think we've tricked ourselves into thinking we always need an rdbms under the hood of a web app
+Searching is for furthermore dorian think we've tricked ourselves into thinking we always need an rdbms under the hood of a web app
+Searching are for furthermore dorian think we've tricked ourselves into thinking we always need an rdbms under the hood of a web app
+||||pdcawley||||DHH has said (and I confess that I've said it too when working on Pixie) that he just treats the RDBMS as a persistent hash.||||
+Searching is for dhh has said (and pdcawley confess that pdcawley has said it too when working on pixie) that he just treats the rdbms as a persistent hash.
+Searching are for dhh has said (and pdcawley confess that pdcawley has said it too when working on pixie) that he just treats the rdbms as a persistent hash.
+Searching is for dhh has said (and pdcawley confess that pdcawley has said it too when working on pixie) that he just treats the rdbms as a persistent hash
+Searching are for dhh has said (and pdcawley confess that pdcawley has said it too when working on pixie) that he just treats the rdbms as a persistent hash
+||||pdcawley||||And I would claim that changing the URI of a resource is never a trivial thing to do.||||
+Searching is for pdcawley would claim that changing the uri of a resource is never a trivial thing to do.
+Searching are for pdcawley would claim that changing the uri of a resource is never a trivial thing to do.
+||||dorian||||well it's obvious he doesn't know much about relational data modelling||||
+Searching is for it's obvious he doesn't know much about relational data modelling
+Searching are for it's obvious he doesn't know much about relational data modelling
+Searching is for it's obvious he doesn't know much about relational data modelling
+Searching are for it's obvious he doesn't know much about relational data modelling
+||||pdcawley||||(But it is surprisingly easy to do in one place in Rails; just hack routing.rb)||||
+Searching is for (but it is surprisingly easy to do in one place in rails; just hack routing.rb)
+Searching are for (but it is surprisingly easy to do in one place in rails; just hack routing.rb)
+Searching is for (but it
+set;;is;;(but it;;surprisingly easy to do in one place in Rails; just hack routing.rb)
+Searching is for routes.rb
+Searching are for routes.rb
+Searching is for routes.rb
+Searching are for routes.rb
+||||pdcawley||||Dat der bunny.||||
+Searching is for dat der bunny.
+Searching are for dat der bunny.
+Searching is for dat der bunny
+Searching are for dat der bunny
+||||dorian||||also, changing the URI of a resource should be trivial, and it should be up to IA/marketing.||||
+Searching is for also, changing the uri of a resource should be trivial, and it should be up to ia/marketing.
+Searching are for also, changing the uri of a resource should be trivial, and it should be up to ia/marketing.
+Searching is for also, changing the uri of a resource should be trivial, and it should be up to ia/marketing
+Searching are for also, changing the uri of a resource should be trivial, and it should be up to ia/marketing
+||||pdcawley||||The latest, resource oriented stuff is nicer.||||
+Searching is for the latest, resource oriented stuff is nicer.
+Searching are for the latest, resource oriented stuff is nicer.
+Searching is for latest, resource oriented stuff
+set;;is;;latest, resource oriented stuff;;nicer.
+||||dorian||||it should never be something programmers should have to care about||||
+Searching is for it should never be something programmers should have to care about
+Searching are for it should never be something programmers should have to care about
+Searching is for it should never be something programmers should have to care about
+Searching are for it should never be something programmers should have to care about
+||||dorian||||(at least as far as what i've been working on)||||
+Searching is for (at least as far asdorian has been working on)
+Searching are for (at least as far asdorian has been working on)
+Searching is for (at least as far asdorian has been working on)
+Searching are for (at least as far asdorian has been working on)
+||||pdcawley||||As soon as you start having something that can be treated as a web service hanging around, then URIs need to be pretty much nailed down though.||||
+Searching is for as soon as you start having something that can be treated as a web service hanging around, then uris need to be pretty much nailed down though.
+Searching are for as soon as you start having something that can be treated as a web service hanging around, then uris need to be pretty much nailed down though.
+Searching is for as soon as you start having something that can be treated as a web service hanging around, then uris need to be pretty much nailed down though
+Searching are for as soon as you start having something that can be treated as a web service hanging around, then uris need to be pretty much nailed down though
+||||pdcawley||||URLs possibly, but it's good practice to keep the URIs reasonably constant.||||
+Searching is for urls possibly, but it's good practice to keep the uris reasonably constant.
+Searching are for urls possibly, but it's good practice to keep the uris reasonably constant.
+Searching is for urls possibly, but it's good practice to keep the uris reasonably constant
+Searching are for urls possibly, but it's good practice to keep the uris reasonably constant
+||||pdcawley||||Or possibly vice versa :)||||
+Searching is for possibly vice versa :)
+Searching are for possibly vice versa :)
+Searching is for possibly vice versa :)
+Searching are for possibly vice versa :)
+||||dorian||||oh of course but stuff floats around all the time in development||||
+Searching is for of course but stuff floats around all the time in development
+Searching are for of course but stuff floats around all the time in development
+Searching is for of course but stuff floats around all the time in development
+Searching are for of course but stuff floats around all the time in development
+||||dorian||||my overarching point is that programmers typically get all the residual marketing decisions of a web product||||
+Searching is for dorian's overarching point is that programmers typically get all the residual marketing decisions of a web product
+Searching are for dorian's overarching point is that programmers typically get all the residual marketing decisions of a web product
+Searching is for dorian's overarching point
+set;;is;;dorian's overarching point;;that programmers typically get all the residual marketing decisions of a web product
+||||dorian||||anything that isn't nailed down in a spec||||
+Searching is for anything that isn't nailed down in a spec
+Searching are for anything that isn't nailed down in a spec
+Searching is for anything that isn't nailed down in a spec
+Searching are for anything that isn't nailed down in a spec
+||||dorian||||and most of them would prefer not to make such decisions||||
+Searching is for most of them would prefer not to make such decisions
+Searching are for most of them would prefer not to make such decisions
+Searching is for most of them would prefer not to make such decisions
+Searching are for most of them would prefer not to make such decisions
+||||pdcawley||||cut down the feedback time for such decisions because there's a customer kicking about.||||
+Searching is for cut down the feedback time for such decisions because there's a customer kicking about.
+Searching are for cut down the feedback time for such decisions because there's a customer kicking about.
+Searching is for cut down the feedback time for such decisions because there's a customer kicking about
+Searching are for cut down the feedback time for such decisions because there's a customer kicking about
+||||dorian||||turn them into non-decisions||||
+Searching is for turn them into non-decisions
+Searching are for turn them into non-decisions
+Searching is for turn them into non-decisions
+Searching are for turn them into non-decisions
+||||dorian||||my experience of "agile" equates to "death march"||||
+Searching is for dorian's experience of "agile" equates to "death march"
+Searching are for dorian's experience of "agile" equates to "death march"
+Searching is for dorian's experience of "agile" equates to "death march"
+Searching are for dorian's experience of "agile" equates to "death march"
+||||dorian||||so call me cynical||||
+Searching is for so call dorian cynical
+Searching are for so call dorian cynical
+Searching is for so call dorian cynical
+Searching are for so call dorian cynical
+Searching is for heh.
+Searching are for heh.
+Searching is for heh
+Searching are for heh
+||||dorian||||the industry needs to be slapped upside the head with a copy of "the inmates are running the asylum"||||
+Searching is for the industry needs to be slapped upside the head with a copy of "the inmates are running the asylum"
+Searching are for the industry needs to be slapped upside the head with a copy of "the inmates are running the asylum"
+||||dorian||||if people can honestly say they participate in an agile process that a) produces a product they're proud of and b) experiences little to no stress i'd like to know who they work for.||||
+Searching is for if people can honestly say they participate in an agile process that a) produces a product they're proud of and b) experiences little to no stress dorian'd like to knowthey work for.
+Searching are for if people can honestly say they participate in an agile process that a) produces a product they're proud of and b) experiences little to no stress dorian'd like to knowthey work for.
+Searching is for if people can honestly say they participate in an agile process that a) produces a product they're proud of and b) experiences little to no stress dorian'd like to knowthey work for
+Searching are for if people can honestly say they participate in an agile process that a) produces a product they're proud of and b) experiences little to no stress dorian'd like to knowthey work for
+||||marcus||||ignore the deadline? :p||||
+Searching is for ignore the deadline? :p
+Searching are for ignore the deadline? :p
+Searching is for ignore the deadline? :p
+Searching are for ignore the deadline? :p
+Searching is for heh.
+Searching are for heh.
+Searching is for heh
+Searching are for heh
+||||pdcawley||||Then you just push the stress somewhere else. And you only push some of it there anyway.||||
+Searching is for then you just push the stress somewhere else. and you only push some of it there .
+Searching are for then you just push the stress somewhere else. and you only push some of it there .
+Searching is for then you just push the stress somewhere else. and you only push some of it there
+Searching are for then you just push the stress somewhere else. and you only push some of it there
+||||dorian||||well, software *is* the only industry that ships whatever is done on an arbitrary date||||
+Searching is for software *is* the only industry that ships whatever is done on an arbitrary date
+Searching are for software *is* the only industry that ships whatever is done on an arbitrary date
+||||pdcawley||||It's like trying to get 1000 balloons into a bag.||||
+Searching is for it's like trying to get 1000 balloons into a bag.
+Searching are for it's like trying to get 1000 balloons into a bag.
+Searching is for it's like trying to get 1000 balloons into a bag
+Searching are for it's like trying to get 1000 balloons into a bag
+||||marcus||||the bastards do tend to push back.||||
+Searching is for the bastards do tend to push back.
+Searching are for the bastards do tend to push back.
+Searching is for bastards do tend to push back
+Searching are for bastards do tend to push back
+||||pdcawley||||And look what happens to people who say "It'll be released when it's ready".||||
+Searching is for lookhappens to people who say "it'll be released when it's ready".
+Searching are for lookhappens to people who say "it'll be released when it's ready".
+Searching is for lookhappens to people who say "it'll be released when it's ready"
+Searching are for lookhappens to people who say "it'll be released when it's ready"
+||||dorian||||agile processes don't account for a robust enough design phase||||
+Searching is for agile processes don't account for a robust enough design phase
+Searching are for agile processes don't account for a robust enough design phase
+Searching is for agile processes don't account for a robust enough design phase
+Searching are for agile processes don't account for a robust enough design phase
+||||dorian||||(design phase)++||||
+Searching is for (design phase)++
+Searching are for (design phase)++
+Searching is for (design phase)++
+Searching are for (design phase)++
+++;;design phase
+||||dorian||||i mean, i've only got about seven years' experience||||
+Searching is for dorian mean, dorian has only got about seven years' experience
+Searching are for dorian mean, dorian has only got about seven years' experience
+Searching is for dorian mean, dorian has only got about seven years' experience
+Searching are for dorian mean, dorian has only got about seven years' experience
+||||dorian||||but that's what it's told me.||||
+Searching is for that'sit's told dorian.
+Searching are for that'sit's told dorian.
+Searching is for that'sit's told dorian
+Searching are for that'sit's told dorian
+||||pdcawley||||But it's jumping in test first.||||
+Searching is for it's jumping in test first.
+Searching are for it's jumping in test first.
+Searching is for it's jumping in test first
+Searching are for it's jumping in test first
+||||dorian||||i don't think that's necessarily optimal either||||
+Searching is for dorian don't think that's necessarily optimal either
+Searching are for dorian don't think that's necessarily optimal either
+Searching is for dorian don't think that's necessarily optimal either
+Searching are for dorian don't think that's necessarily optimal either
+||||dorian||||interaction design is done before programmers even touch a line of code, test or otherwise.||||
+Searching is for interaction design is done before programmers even touch a line of code, test or otherwise.
+Searching are for interaction design is done before programmers even touch a line of code, test or otherwise.
+Searching is for interaction design
+set;;is;;interaction design;;done before programmers even touch a line of code, test or otherwise.
+||||dorian||||and it's done by interaction designers, not programmers.||||
+Searching is for it's done by interaction designers, not programmers.
+Searching are for it's done by interaction designers, not programmers.
+Searching is for it's done by interaction designers, not programmers
+Searching are for it's done by interaction designers, not programmers
+||||dorian||||i dunno, as a programmer, wouldn't you rather a more solid idea of what you're trying to build?||||
+Searching is for dorian dunno, as a programmer, wouldn't you rather a more solid idea ofyou are trying to build
+Searching are for dorian dunno, as a programmer, wouldn't you rather a more solid idea ofyou are trying to build
+Searching are for trying to build
+||||dorian||||i've seen what one would consider to be the most trivial of ambiguities put an order of magnitude on the build time of a project||||
+Searching is for dorian has seenone would consider to be the most trivial of ambiguities put an order of magnitude on the build time of a project
+Searching are for dorian has seenone would consider to be the most trivial of ambiguities put an order of magnitude on the build time of a project
+Searching is for dorian has seenone would consider to be the most trivial of ambiguities put an order of magnitude on the build time of a project
+Searching are for dorian has seenone would consider to be the most trivial of ambiguities put an order of magnitude on the build time of a project
+||||dorian||||build phase rather||||
+Searching is for build phase rather
+Searching are for build phase rather
+Searching is for build phase rather
+Searching are for build phase rather
+||||pdcawley||||Frankly, I'd rather not be working on a project of the kind of size that it's paying for IAs, IDs, DBAs and every other bugger.||||
+Searching is for frankly, pdcawley'd rather not be working on a project of the kind of size that it's paying for ias, ids, dbas and every other bugger.
+Searching are for frankly, pdcawley'd rather not be working on a project of the kind of size that it's paying for ias, ids, dbas and every other bugger.
+Searching is for frankly, pdcawley'd rather not be working on a project of the kind of size that it's paying for ias, ids, dbas and every other bugger
+Searching are for frankly, pdcawley'd rather not be working on a project of the kind of size that it's paying for ias, ids, dbas and every other bugger
+Searching is for :)
+Searching are for :)
+Searching is for :)
+Searching are for :)
+||||dorian||||fair enough||||
+Searching is for fair enough
+Searching are for fair enough
+Searching is for fair enough
+Searching are for fair enough
+||||dha||||hi piers||||
+Searching is for hi piers
+Searching are for hi piers
+Searching is for hi piers
+Searching are for hi piers
+||||pdcawley||||Hi dha.||||
+Searching is for hi dha.
+Searching are for hi dha.
+Searching is for hi dha
+Searching are for hi dha
+||||dorian||||last project i worked on was five people - three programmers, a senior UX and a junior UX guy, plus the ceo acting as the "client"||||
+Searching is for last project dorian worked on was five people - three programmers, a senior ux and a junior ux guy, plus the ceo acting as the "client"
+Searching are for last project dorian worked on was five people - three programmers, a senior ux and a junior ux guy, plus the ceo acting as the "client"
+Searching is for last project dorian worked on was five people - three programmers, a senior ux and a junior ux guy, plus the ceo acting as the "client"
+Searching are for last project dorian worked on was five people - three programmers, a senior ux and a junior ux guy, plus the ceo acting as the "client"
+||||dha||||piers - any chance I'll see you this trip?||||
+Searching is for piers - any chance dha'll see you this trip
+Searching are for piers - any chance dha'll see you this trip
+Searching is for piers - any chance dha'll see you this trip
+Searching are for piers - any chance dha'll see you this trip
+||||dha||||and london for a few days thereafter||||
+Searching is for london for a few days thereafter
+Searching are for london for a few days thereafter
+Searching is for london for a few days thereafter
+Searching are for london for a few days thereafter
+||||pdcawley||||Fraid not then. We're going to be holidaying in Dorset.||||
+Searching is for fraid not then. we're going to be holidaying in dorset.
+Searching are for fraid not then. we're going to be holidaying in dorset.
+Searching is for fraid not then. we're going to be holidaying in dorset
+Searching are for fraid not then. we're going to be holidaying in dorset
+||||dha||||darn. when?||||
+Searching is for darn. when
+Searching are for darn. when
+Searching is for darn. when
+Searching are for darn. when
+||||pdcawley||||'til the 11th I think.||||
+Searching is for 'til the 11th pdcawley think.
+Searching are for 'til the 11th pdcawley think.
+Searching is for 'til the 11th pdcawley think
+Searching are for 'til the 11th pdcawley think
+||||pdcawley||||Then I've got to rush home, do the washing and get packed for RailsConf Europe and EuroOSCON.||||
+Searching is for then pdcawley has got to rush home, do the washing and get packed for railsconf europe and eurooscon.
+Searching are for then pdcawley has got to rush home, do the washing and get packed for railsconf europe and eurooscon.
+Searching is for then pdcawley has got to rush home, do the washing and get packed for railsconf europe and eurooscon
+Searching are for then pdcawley has got to rush home, do the washing and get packed for railsconf europe and eurooscon
+||||dha||||ah. well, I may make it to EuroOscon. if so, I'll see you there||||
+Searching is for ah. well, dha may make it to eurooscon. if so, dha'll see you there
+Searching are for ah. well, dha may make it to eurooscon. if so, dha'll see you there
+Searching is for ah. well, dha may make it to eurooscon. if so, dha'll see you there
+Searching are for ah. well, dha may make it to eurooscon. if so, dha'll see you there
+||||pdcawley||||Hope so.||||
+Searching is for hope so.
+Searching are for hope so.
+Searching is for hope so
+Searching are for hope so
+||||audreyt||||seen kane||||
+Searching is for seen kane
+Searching are for seen kane
+Searching is for seen kane
+Searching are for seen kane
+Searching is for ping
+Searching are for ping
+Searching is for ping
+Searching are for ping
+||||dha||||HI JOS||||
+Searching is for hi jos
+Searching are for hi jos
+Searching is for hi jos
+Searching are for hi jos
+||||kane-xs||||HI DAVE||||
+Searching is for hi dave
+Searching are for hi dave
+Searching is for hi dave
+Searching are for hi dave
+||||marcus||||what does the H stand for?||||
+Searching is for does the h stand for
+Searching are for does the h stand for
+Searching is for does the h stand for
+Searching are for does the h stand for
+Searching is for homeboy
+Searching are for homeboy
+Searching is for homeboy
+Searching are for homeboy
+||||kane-xs||||David Homeboy Adler, esquire.||||
+Searching is for david homeboy adler, esquire.
+Searching are for david homeboy adler, esquire.
+Searching is for david homeboy adler, esquire
+Searching are for david homeboy adler, esquire
+Searching is for harry
+Searching are for harry
+Searching is for harry
+Searching are for harry
+||||marcus||||http://www.perl.com/supersnail/os2002/images/small/os6_d2_3000_crp_w2_sm.jpg # dirty harry||||
+Searching is for http://www.perl.com/supersnail/os2002/images/small/os6_d2_3000_crp_w2_sm.jpg # dirty harry
+Searching are for http://www.perl.com/supersnail/os2002/images/small/os6_d2_3000_crp_w2_sm.jpg # dirty harry
+Searching is for http://www.perl.com/supersnail/os2002/images/small/os6_d2_3000_crp_w2_sm.jpg # dirty harry
+Searching are for http://www.perl.com/supersnail/os2002/images/small/os6_d2_3000_crp_w2_sm.jpg # dirty harry
+||||shorten||||marcus's url is at http://xrl.us/rbvx||||
+Searching is for marcus's url is at http://xrl.us/rbvx
+Searching are for marcus's url is at http://xrl.us/rbvx
+Searching is for marcus's url
+set;;is;;marcus's url;;at http://xrl.us/rbvx
+||||dorian||||ok one thing that would be really nice about SQL::Abstract would be named placeholders||||
+Searching is for one thing that would be really nice about sql::abstract would be named placeholders
+Searching are for one thing that would be really nice about sql::abstract would be named placeholders
+Searching is for one thing that would be really nice about sql::abstract would be named placeholders
+Searching are for one thing that would be really nice about sql::abstract would be named placeholders
+||||marcus||||I agree, that would be nice||||
+Searching is for marcus agree, that would be nice
+Searching are for marcus agree, that would be nice
+Searching is for marcus agree, that would be nice
+Searching are for marcus agree, that would be nice
+||||dorian||||named placeholders are always better||||
+Searching is for named placeholders are always better
+Searching are for named placeholders are always better
+Searching are for named placeholders
+set;;are;;named placeholders;;always better
+||||dorian||||serializing out to sequential placeholders always eats up a good hour for anything i do that would take minutes with named placeholders||||
+Searching is for serializing out to sequential placeholders always eats up a good hour for anything dorian do that would take minutes with named placeholders
+Searching are for serializing out to sequential placeholders always eats up a good hour for anything dorian do that would take minutes with named placeholders
+Searching is for serializing out to sequential placeholders always eats up a good hour for anything dorian do that would take minutes with named placeholders
+Searching are for serializing out to sequential placeholders always eats up a good hour for anything dorian do that would take minutes with named placeholders
+||||dorian||||and i almost always fuck it up||||
+Searching is for dorian almost always fuck it up
+Searching are for dorian almost always fuck it up
+Searching is for dorian almost always fuck it up
+Searching are for dorian almost always fuck it up
+||||marcus||||I just use DBIx::Class||||
+Searching is for marcus just use dbix::class
+Searching are for marcus just use dbix::class
+Searching is for marcus just use dbix::class
+Searching are for marcus just use dbix::class
+||||dorian||||that's what i'm using||||
+Searching is for that'sdorian is using
+Searching are for that'sdorian is using
+Searching is for using
+||||dorian||||i don't see where i can put in any named placeholders though||||
+Searching is for dorian don't see in any named placeholders though
+Searching are for dorian don't see in any named placeholders though
+Searching is for dorian don't see in any named placeholders though
+Searching are for dorian don't see in any named placeholders though
+Searching is for ah
+Searching are for ah
+Searching is for ah
+Searching are for ah
+||||marcus||||I don't use search_literal||||
+Searching is for marcus don't use search_literal
+Searching are for marcus don't use search_literal
+Searching is for marcus don't use search_literal
+Searching are for marcus don't use search_literal
+||||marcus||||and my queries are pretty big and crazy||||
+Searching is for marcus's queries are pretty big and crazy
+Searching are for marcus's queries are pretty big and crazy
+Searching are for marcus's queries
+set;;are;;marcus's queries;;pretty big and crazy
+||||marcus||||I find mapping them out makes them manageable.||||
+Searching is for marcus find mapping them out makes them manageable.
+Searching are for marcus find mapping them out makes them manageable.
+Searching is for marcus find mapping them out makes them manageable
+Searching are for marcus find mapping them out makes them manageable
+||||dorian||||i don't know how to do a relational division||||
+Searching is for dorian don't know how to do a relational division
+Searching are for dorian don't know how to do a relational division
+Searching is for dorian don't know how to do a relational division
+Searching are for dorian don't know how to do a relational division
+||||dorian||||er, exact relational division with DBIx::Class||||
+Searching is for er, exact relational division with dbix::class
+Searching are for er, exact relational division with dbix::class
+Searching is for er, exact relational division with dbix::class
+Searching are for er, exact relational division with dbix::class
+||||marcus||||Try #dbix-class||||
+Searching is for try #dbix-class
+Searching are for try #dbix-class
+Searching is for try #dbix-class
+Searching are for try #dbix-class
+||||dorian||||that just breaks my brain||||
+Searching is for that just breaks dorian's brain
+Searching are for that just breaks dorian's brain
+Searching is for that just breaks dorian's brain
+Searching are for that just breaks dorian's brain
+||||marcus||||they tend to be helpful||||
+Searching is for they tend to be helpful
+Searching are for they tend to be helpful
+Searching is for they tend to be helpful
+Searching are for they tend to be helpful
+||||dorian||||i can barely do it writing out the sql||||
+Searching is for dorian can barely do it writing out the sql
+Searching are for dorian can barely do it writing out the sql
+Searching is for dorian can barely do it writing out the sql
+Searching are for dorian can barely do it writing out the sql
+||||marcus||||I didn't even use search_literal in mojomojo||||
+Searching is for marcus didn't even use search_literal in mojomojo
+Searching are for marcus didn't even use search_literal in mojomojo
+Searching is for marcus didn't even use search_literal in mojomojo
+Searching are for marcus didn't even use search_literal in mojomojo
+||||marcus||||and that one uses nested sets||||
+Searching is for that one uses nested sets
+Searching are for that one uses nested sets
+Searching is for that one uses nested sets
+Searching are for that one uses nested sets
+Searching is for hm
+Searching are for hm
+Searching is for hm
+Searching are for hm
+||||marcus||||hairy :)||||
+Searching is for hairy :)
+Searching are for hairy :)
+Searching is for hairy :)
+Searching are for hairy :)
+||||dorian||||basically a subselect that cannot be anything but a subselect||||
+Searching is for basically a subselect that cannot be anything but a subselect
+Searching are for basically a subselect that cannot be anything but a subselect
+Searching is for basically a subselect that cannot be anything but a subselect
+Searching are for basically a subselect that cannot be anything but a subselect
+Searching is for mm
+Searching are for mm
+Searching is for mm
+Searching are for mm
+||||marcus||||I can understand how that stuff breaks your brain||||
+Searching is for marcus can understand how that stuff breaks your brain
+Searching are for marcus can understand how that stuff breaks your brain
+Searching is for marcus can understand how that stuff breaks your brain
+Searching are for marcus can understand how that stuff breaks your brain
+||||dorian||||well it's hard enough in plain sql||||
+Searching is for it's hard enough in plain sql
+Searching are for it's hard enough in plain sql
+Searching is for it's hard enough in plain sql
+Searching are for it's hard enough in plain sql
+||||marcus||||and subselects would be cause for use of search_literal||||
+Searching is for subselects would be cause for use of search_literal
+Searching are for subselects would be cause for use of search_literal
+Searching is for subselects would be cause for use of search_literal
+Searching are for subselects would be cause for use of search_literal
+||||dorian||||10x harder in DBIx::Class||||
+Searching is for 10x harder in dbix::class
+Searching are for 10x harder in dbix::class
+Searching is for 10x harder in dbix::class
+Searching are for 10x harder in dbix::class
+||||marcus||||since dbic doesn't support it||||
+Searching is for since dbic doesn't support it
+Searching are for since dbic doesn't support it
+Searching is for since dbic doesn't support it
+Searching are for since dbic doesn't support it
+||||dorian||||100x harder without named parameters||||
+Searching is for 100x harder without named parameters
+Searching are for 100x harder without named parameters
+Searching is for 100x harder without named parameters
+Searching are for 100x harder without named parameters
+||||marcus||||I've just been lucky enough to be able to rewrite my stuff as joins so far, I guess :)||||
+Searching is for marcus has just been lucky enough to be able to rewrite marcus's stuff as joins so far, marcus guess :)
+Searching are for marcus has just been lucky enough to be able to rewrite marcus's stuff as joins so far, marcus guess :)
+Searching is for marcus has just been lucky enough to be able to rewrite marcus's stuff as joins so far, marcus guess :)
+Searching are for marcus has just been lucky enough to be able to rewrite marcus's stuff as joins so far, marcus guess :)
+||||dorian||||yeah this can't be a join||||
+Searching is for yeah this can't be a join
+Searching are for yeah this can't be a join
+Searching is for yeah this can't be a join
+Searching are for yeah this can't be a join
+||||dorian||||one of those occurrences where a subselect cannot be rewritten as a join||||
+Searching is for one of those occurrencesa subselect cannot be rewritten as a join
+Searching are for one of those occurrencesa subselect cannot be rewritten as a join
+Searching is for one of those occurrencesa subselect cannot be rewritten as a join
+Searching are for one of those occurrencesa subselect cannot be rewritten as a join
+||||dorian||||they do exist||||
+Searching is for they do exist
+Searching are for they do exist
+Searching is for they do exist
+Searching are for they do exist
+||||marcus||||mst has promised subselects in dbic.||||
+Searching is for mst has promised subselects in dbic.
+Searching are for mst has promised subselects in dbic.
+Searching is for mst has promised subselects in dbic
+Searching are for mst has promised subselects in dbic
+||||marcus||||yeah, but they are not common.||||
+Searching is for yeah, but they are not common.
+Searching are for yeah, but they are not common.
+Searching are for yeah, but they
+set;;are;;yeah, but they;;not common.
+||||dorian||||got a copy of sql for smarties?||||
+Searching is for got a copy of sql for smarties
+Searching are for got a copy of sql for smarties
+Searching is for got a copy of sql for smarties
+Searching are for got a copy of sql for smarties
+Searching is for nope
+Searching are for nope
+Searching is for nope
+Searching are for nope
+||||dorian||||it's an awesome book||||
+Searching is for it's an awesome book
+Searching are for it's an awesome book
+Searching is for it's an awesome book
+Searching are for it's an awesome book
+||||marcus||||looks good||||
+Searching is for looks good
+Searching are for looks good
+Searching is for looks good
+Searching are for looks good
+||||marcus||||will put it in del.icio.us and hope my boss buys it :p||||
+Searching is for will put it in del.icio.us and hope marcus's boss buys it :p
+Searching are for will put it in del.icio.us and hope marcus's boss buys it :p
+Searching is for will put it in del.icio.us and hope marcus's boss buys it :p
+Searching are for will put it in del.icio.us and hope marcus's boss buys it :p
+||||marcus||||for:denis09 mustread startsiden sql books||||
+Searching is for for:denis09 mustread startsiden sql books
+Searching are for for:denis09 mustread startsiden sql books
+Searching is for for:denis09 mustread startsiden sql books
+Searching are for for:denis09 mustread startsiden sql books
+||||dorian||||wow i think i did it||||
+Searching is for dorian think dorian did it
+Searching are for dorian think dorian did it
+Searching is for dorian think dorian did it
+Searching are for dorian think dorian did it
+||||kd||||ooga booga||||
+Searching is for ooga booga
+Searching are for ooga booga
+Searching is for ooga booga
+Searching are for ooga booga
+||||nopaste||||"dorian" at pasted "ha! go DBIx::Class!" (14 lines) at http://nopaste.snit.ch:8001/8048||||
+Searching is for "dorian" at pasted "ha! go dbix::class!" (14 lines) at http://nopaste.snit.ch:8001/8048
+Searching are for "dorian" at pasted "ha! go dbix::class!" (14 lines) at http://nopaste.snit.ch:8001/8048
+Searching is for "dorian" at pasted "ha! go dbix::class!" (14 lines) at http://nopaste.snit.ch:8001/8048
+Searching are for "dorian" at pasted "ha! go dbix::class!" (14 lines) at http://nopaste.snit.ch:8001/8048
+||||sungo||||check it in anyway||||
+Searching is for check it in
+Searching are for check it in
+Searching is for check it in
+Searching are for check it in
+||||dorian||||Could not choose a best candidate operator. You may need to add explicit type casts.||||
+Searching is for could not choose a best candidate operator. you may need to add explicit type casts.
+Searching are for could not choose a best candidate operator. you may need to add explicit type casts.
+Searching is for could not choose a best candidate operator. you may need to add explicit type casts
+Searching are for could not choose a best candidate operator. you may need to add explicit type casts
+||||dorian||||thanks assholes!||||
+Searching is for thanks assholes!
+Searching are for thanks assholes!
+Searching is for thanks assholes
+Searching are for thanks assholes
+||||dorian||||wow, unbelievable||||
+Searching is for unbelievable
+Searching are for unbelievable
+Searching is for unbelievable
+Searching are for unbelievable
+||||sungo||||sungo it||||
+Searching is for sungo it
+Searching are for sungo it
+Searching is for sungo it
+Searching are for sungo it
+||||marcus||||literal sungo it||||
+Searching is for sungo it
+Searching are for sungo it
+Searching is for sungo it
+Searching are for sungo it
+||||waltman||||http://cluebytwelve.net/Hugos2006/hugos.html # 2006 hugo winners||||
+Searching is for http://cluebytwelve.net/hugos2006/hugos.html # 2006 hugo winners
+Searching are for http://cluebytwelve.net/hugos2006/hugos.html # 2006 hugo winners
+Searching is for http://cluebytwelve.net/hugos2006/hugos.html # 2006 hugo winners
+Searching are for http://cluebytwelve.net/hugos2006/hugos.html # 2006 hugo winners
+Searching is for w
+Searching are for w
+Searching is for w
+Searching are for w
+||||rjbs||||all tests succ||||
+Searching is for all tests succ
+Searching are for all tests succ
+Searching is for all tests succ
+Searching are for all tests succ
+||||waltman||||all tests suck?||||
+Searching is for all tests suck
+Searching are for all tests suck
+Searching is for all tests suck
+Searching are for all tests suck
+||||geoffeg||||hey aevil||||
+Searching is for aevil
+Searching are for aevil
+Searching is for aevil
+Searching are for aevil
+||||aevil||||mornin geoff||||
+Searching is for mornin geoff
+Searching are for mornin geoff
+Searching is for mornin geoff
+Searching are for mornin geoff
+||||geoffeg||||how's it hangin?||||
+Searching is for how's it hangin
+Searching are for how's it hangin
+Searching is for how's it hangin
+Searching are for how's it hangin
+||||aevil||||not bad....thinking about heading home actually :)||||
+Searching is for not bad....thinking about heading home actually :)
+Searching are for not bad....thinking about heading home actually :)
+Searching is for not bad....thinking about heading home actually :)
+Searching are for not bad....thinking about heading home actually :)
+Searching is for you
+Searching are for you
+Searching is for you
+Searching are for you
+||||knewt||||yes purl, you are||||
+Searching is for purl, you are
+Searching are for purl, you are
+||||geoffeg||||I just got to work, how exciting!||||
+Searching is for geoffeg just got to work, how exciting!
+Searching are for geoffeg just got to work, how exciting!
+Searching is for geoffeg just got to work, how exciting
+Searching are for geoffeg just got to work, how exciting
+Searching is for botsnack
+Searching are for botsnack
+Searching is for botsnack
+Searching are for botsnack
+||||aevil||||ah, the joys of timezones :)||||
+Searching is for ah, the joys of timezones :)
+Searching are for ah, the joys of timezones :)
+Searching is for ah, the joys of timezones :)
+Searching are for ah, the joys of timezones :)
+||||knewt||||hehe. (bank holidays)++||||
+Searching is for hehe. (bank holidays)++
+Searching are for hehe. (bank holidays)++
+Searching is for hehe. (bank holidays)++
+Searching are for hehe. (bank holidays)++
+++;;bank holidays
+Searching is for aug28
+Searching are for aug28
+Searching is for aug28
+Searching are for aug28
+||||aevil||||wow...labour day...funny how quickly you can forget about us holidays||||
+Searching is for wow...labour day...funny how quickly you can forget about us holidays
+Searching are for wow...labour day...funny how quickly you can forget about us holidays
+Searching is for wow...labour day...funny how quickly you can forget about us holidays
+Searching are for wow...labour day...funny how quickly you can forget about us holidays
+||||knewt||||generic August Bank Holiday||||
+Searching is for generic august bank holiday
+Searching are for generic august bank holiday
+Searching is for generic august bank holiday
+Searching are for generic august bank holiday
+||||aevil||||given that bank hours are usually 10.30-4.15 around here...one would think banks don't need holidays :)||||
+Searching is for given that bank hours are usually 10.30-4.15 around here...one would think banks don't need holidays :)
+Searching are for given that bank hours are usually 10.30-4.15 around here...one would think banks don't need holidays :)
+Searching are for given that bank hours
+set;;are;;given that bank hours;;usually 10.30-4.15 around here...one would think banks don't need holidays :)
+||||geoffeg||||The bank execs need time to drive their porches and play golf.||||
+Searching is for the bank execs need time to drive their porches and play golf.
+Searching are for the bank execs need time to drive their porches and play golf.
+Searching is for bank execs need time to drive their porches and play golf
+Searching are for bank execs need time to drive their porches and play golf
+||||knewt||||scotland is acting wierd though. it's not officially a bank holiday up there today, and, in fact, basically everything, including the schools, is open. but the banks are closed *g*||||
+Searching is for scotland is acting wierd though. it's not officially a bank holiday up there today, and, in fact, basically everything, including the schools, is open. but the banks are closed *g*
+Searching are for scotland is acting wierd though. it's not officially a bank holiday up there today, and, in fact, basically everything, including the schools, is open. but the banks are closed *g*
+Searching is for scotland
+set;;is;;scotland;;acting wierd though. it's not officially a bank holiday up there today, and, in fact, basically everything, including the schools, is open. but the banks are closed *g*
+||||knewt||||scotland had their bank holiday at the beginning of august instead||||
+Searching is for scotland had their bank holiday at the beginning of august instead
+Searching are for scotland had their bank holiday at the beginning of august instead
+Searching is for scotland had their bank holiday at the beginning of august instead
+Searching are for scotland had their bank holiday at the beginning of august instead
+||||modred||||clintp - your son cheering for the teacher's strike?||||
+Searching is for clintp - your son cheering for the teacher's strike
+Searching are for clintp - your son cheering for the teacher's strike
+Searching is for clintp - your son cheering for the teacher's strike
+Searching are for clintp - your son cheering for the teacher's strike
+||||clintp||||Thank god he's not in the Detroit school district.||||
+Searching is for thank god he's not in the detroit school district.
+Searching are for thank god he's not in the detroit school district.
+Searching is for thank god he's not in the detroit school district
+Searching are for thank god he's not in the detroit school district
+Searching is for :)
+Searching are for :)
+Searching is for :)
+Searching are for :)
+||||clintp||||It's like prison. Except in prison you'd get more books.||||
+Searching is for it's like prison. except in prison you'd get more books.
+Searching are for it's like prison. except in prison you'd get more books.
+Searching is for it's like prison. except in prison you'd get more books
+Searching are for it's like prison. except in prison you'd get more books
+||||waltman||||afaict no one actually lives in detroit||||
+Searching is for afaict no one actually lives in detroit
+Searching are for afaict no one actually lives in detroit
+Searching is for afaict no one actually lives in detroit
+Searching are for afaict no one actually lives in detroit
+||||clintp||||No one of consequence.||||
+Searching is for no one of consequence.
+Searching are for no one of consequence.
+Searching is for no one of consequence
+Searching are for no one of consequence
+Searching is for arf
+Searching are for arf
+Searching is for arf
+Searching are for arf
+Searching is for mrng
+Searching are for mrng
+Searching is for mrng
+Searching are for mrng
+||||audreyt||||seen kane||||
+Searching is for seen kane
+Searching are for seen kane
+Searching is for seen kane
+Searching are for seen kane
+||||CanyonMan||||Think they ever sign up a jewish contestant for Iron Chef, and he gets there and the chairman says TODAY'S SECRET INGREDIENT IS: PORK!!!||||
+Searching is for think they ever sign up a jewish contestant for iron chef, and he gets there and the chairman says today's secret ingredient is: pork!!!
+Searching are for think they ever sign up a jewish contestant for iron chef, and he gets there and the chairman says today's secret ingredient is: pork!!!
+Searching is for think they ever sign up a jewish contestant for iron chef, and he gets there and the chairman says today's secret ingredient is: pork
+Searching are for think they ever sign up a jewish contestant for iron chef, and he gets there and the chairman says today's secret ingredient is: pork
+||||joel||||surely Pork Pork Pork!||||
+Searching is for surely pork pork pork!
+Searching are for surely pork pork pork!
+Searching is for surely pork pork pork
+Searching are for surely pork pork pork
+||||geoffeg||||mmm, pig||||
+Searching is for mmm, pig
+Searching are for mmm, pig
+Searching is for mmm, pig
+Searching are for mmm, pig
+Searching is for pork++
+Searching are for pork++
+Searching is for pork++
+Searching are for pork++
+||||kane-xs||||seen audreyt||||
+Searching is for seen audreyt
+Searching are for seen audreyt
+Searching is for seen audreyt
+Searching are for seen audreyt
+||||audreyt||||license in your inbox now||||
+Searching is for license in your inbox now
+Searching are for license in your inbox now
+Searching is for license in your inbox now
+Searching are for license in your inbox now
+||||kane-xs||||i just saw it.. will try to take care of it tonight.. thanks for being prompt!||||
+Searching is for kane-xs just saw it.. will try to take care of it tonight.. thanks for being prompt!
+Searching are for kane-xs just saw it.. will try to take care of it tonight.. thanks for being prompt!
+Searching is for kane-xs just saw it.. will try to take care of it tonight.. thanks for being prompt
+Searching are for kane-xs just saw it.. will try to take care of it tonight.. thanks for being prompt
+||||audreyt||||thanks! :)||||
+Searching is for thanks! :)
+Searching are for thanks! :)
+Searching is for thanks! :)
+Searching are for thanks! :)
+||||Masque||||aevil aevil aevil :)||||
+Searching is for aevil aevil aevil :)
+Searching are for aevil aevil aevil :)
+Searching is for aevil aevil aevil :)
+Searching are for aevil aevil aevil :)
+Searching is for omg
+Searching are for omg
+Searching is for omg
+Searching are for omg
+||||mendel||||No, RT||||
+Searching is for no, rt
+Searching are for no, rt
+Searching is for no, rt
+Searching are for no, rt
+||||mendel||||JUST LIKE IT SEZ||||
+Searching is for just like it sez
+Searching are for just like it sez
+Searching is for just like it sez
+Searching are for just like it sez
+||||Frakkle||||I've never heard of RT :(||||
+Searching is for frakkle has never heard of rt :(
+Searching are for frakkle has never heard of rt :(
+Searching is for frakkle has never heard of rt :(
+Searching are for frakkle has never heard of rt :(
+||||sungo||||your mom has||||
+Searching is for your mom has
+Searching are for your mom has
+Searching is for your mom has
+Searching are for your mom has
+||||Sachmet||||of course, that topic was here yesterday||||
+Searching is for of course, that topic was here yesterday
+Searching are for of course, that topic was here yesterday
+Searching is for of course, that topic was here yesterday
+Searching are for of course, that topic was here yesterday
+||||clintp||||Given #perl's worldwide distribution, without a date and a time it's pretty pointless. :)||||
+Searching is for given #perl's worldwide distribution, without a date and a time it's pretty pointless. :)
+Searching are for given #perl's worldwide distribution, without a date and a time it's pretty pointless. :)
+Searching is for given #perl's worldwide distribution, without a date and a time it's pretty pointless. :)
+Searching are for given #perl's worldwide distribution, without a date and a time it's pretty pointless. :)
+||||Sachmet||||obra set that topic yesterday an hour before the start of the outage.||||
+Searching is for obra set that topic yesterday an hour before the start of the outage.
+Searching are for obra set that topic yesterday an hour before the start of the outage.
+Searching is for obra set that topic yesterday an hour before the start of the outage
+Searching are for obra set that topic yesterday an hour before the start of the outage
+||||jibsheet||||premature registration is discourage||||
+Searching is for premature registration is discourage
+Searching are for premature registration is discourage
+Searching is for premature registration
+set;;is;;premature registration;;discourage
+||||waltman||||jerk it!||||
+Searching is for jerk it!
+Searching are for jerk it!
+Searching is for jerk it
+Searching are for jerk it
+||||clintp||||cocksucking BOFs?||||
+Searching is for cocksucking bofs
+Searching are for cocksucking bofs
+Searching is for cocksucking bofs
+Searching are for cocksucking bofs
+||||sungo||||sungo it!||||
+Searching is for sungo it!
+Searching are for sungo it!
+Searching is for sungo it
+Searching are for sungo it
+||||jibsheet||||well, my work here is done||||
+Searching is for jibsheet's work here is done
+Searching are for jibsheet's work here is done
+Searching is for jibsheet's work here
+set;;is;;jibsheet's work here;;done
+Searching is for packing&
+Searching are for packing&
+Searching is for packing&
+Searching are for packing&
+Searching is for now it's not clintp can still walkw
+Searching are for now it's not clintp can still walkw
+Searching is for now it's not clintp can still walkw
+Searching are for now it's not clintp can still walkw
+Searching is for hat ill sungo do? steal jibsheet's ang
+Searching are for hat ill sungo do? steal jibsheet's ang
+Searching is for hat ill sungo do? steal jibsheet's ang
+Searching are for hat ill sungo do? steal jibsheet's ang
+||||sungo||||I don't need a w to type||||
+Searching is for sungo don't need a w to type
+Searching are for sungo don't need a w to type
+Searching is for sungo don't need a w to type
+Searching are for sungo don't need a w to type
+||||sungo||||sungo it!||||
+Searching is for sungo it!
+Searching are for sungo it!
+Searching is for sungo it
+Searching are for sungo it
+Searching is for rofl
+Searching are for rofl
+Searching is for rofl
+Searching are for rofl
+Searching is for shazbot
+Searching are for shazbot
+Searching is for shazbot
+Searching are for shazbot
+Searching is for petergoers
+Searching are for petergoers
+Searching is for petergoers
+Searching are for petergoers
+Searching is for nudge-nudge
+Searching are for nudge-nudge
+Searching is for nudge-nudge
+Searching are for nudge-nudge
+||||clintp||||A little to the left, dngor ||||
+Searching is for a little to the left, dngor
+Searching are for a little to the left, dngor
+Searching is for little to the left, dngor
+Searching are for little to the left, dngor
+Searching is for ooo
+Searching are for ooo
+Searching is for ooo
+Searching are for ooo
+||||waltman||||morning, aevil||||
+Searching is for morning, aevil
+Searching are for morning, aevil
+Searching is for morning, aevil
+Searching are for morning, aevil
+||||aevil||||morning walt :)||||
+Searching is for morning walt :)
+Searching are for morning walt :)
+Searching is for morning walt :)
+Searching are for morning walt :)
+||||Masque||||There's got to be a solution for what I'm doing.||||
+Searching is for there's got to be a solution formasque is doing.
+Searching are for there's got to be a solution formasque is doing.
+Searching is for doing.
+||||Masque||||Maybe mod_perl is it.||||
+Searching is for maybe mod_perl is it.
+Searching are for maybe mod_perl is it.
+Searching is for maybe mod_perl
+set;;is;;maybe mod_perl;;it.
+||||waltman||||dandruff shampoo?||||
+Searching is for dandruff shampoo
+Searching are for dandruff shampoo
+Searching is for dandruff shampoo
+Searching are for dandruff shampoo
+||||Masque||||EXACTLY. Except replace "dandruff" with "multiple javascript/css files".||||
+Searching is for exactly. except replace "dandruff" with "multiple javascript/css files".
+Searching are for exactly. except replace "dandruff" with "multiple javascript/css files".
+Searching is for exactly. except replace "dandruff" with "multiple javascript/css files"
+Searching are for exactly. except replace "dandruff" with "multiple javascript/css files"
+||||Masque||||And "shampoo" with "concatenation and minification".||||
+Searching is for "shampoo" with "concatenation and minification".
+Searching are for "shampoo" with "concatenation and minification".
+Searching is for "shampoo" with "concatenation and minification"
+Searching are for "shampoo" with "concatenation and minification"
+Searching is for minification
+Searching are for minification
+Searching is for minification
+Searching are for minification
+||||waltman||||that's not going to help your itchy scalp||||
+Searching is for that's not going to help your itchy scalp
+Searching are for that's not going to help your itchy scalp
+Searching is for that's not going to help your itchy scalp
+Searching are for that's not going to help your itchy scalp
+||||Frakkle||||The solution is the <table> tag!||||
+Searching is for the solution is the <table> tag!
+Searching are for the solution is the <table> tag!
+Searching is for solution
+set;;is;;solution;;the <table> tag!
+||||mendel||||Sure it will. He'll be scratching his head.||||
+Searching is for sure it will. he'll be scratching his head.
+Searching are for sure it will. he'll be scratching his head.
+Searching is for sure it will. he'll be scratching his head
+Searching are for sure it will. he'll be scratching his head
+||||aevil||||preparation H?||||
+Searching is for preparation h
+Searching are for preparation h
+Searching is for preparation h
+Searching are for preparation h
+||||yrlnry||||Is minification the act of illuminating something with red cinnabar paint?||||
+Searching is for is minification the act of illuminating something with red cinnabar paint
+Searching are for is minification the act of illuminating something with red cinnabar paint
+||||steven||||Just For Men||||
+Searching is for just for men
+Searching are for just for men
+Searching is for just for men
+Searching are for just for men
+||||aevil||||oh, wait, wrong kind of itching||||
+Searching is for wait, wrong kind of itching
+Searching are for wait, wrong kind of itching
+Searching is for wait, wrong kind of itching
+Searching are for wait, wrong kind of itching
+||||Masque||||No, it's the act of running it through minify. :)||||
+Searching is for no, it's the act of running it through minify. :)
+Searching are for no, it's the act of running it through minify. :)
+Searching is for no, it's the act of running it through minify. :)
+Searching are for no, it's the act of running it through minify. :)
+Searching is for minify
+Searching are for minify
+Searching is for minify
+Searching are for minify
+||||yrlnry||||Does minify illuminate it with red cinnabar paint?||||
+Searching is for does minify illuminate it with red cinnabar paint
+Searching are for does minify illuminate it with red cinnabar paint
+Searching is for does minify illuminate it with red cinnabar paint
+Searching are for does minify illuminate it with red cinnabar paint
+Searching is for bahaha
+Searching are for bahaha
+Searching is for bahaha
+Searching are for bahaha
+||||Frakkle||||We get a hurricane!||||
+Searching is for we get a hurricane!
+Searching are for we get a hurricane!
+Searching is for we get a hurricane
+Searching are for we get a hurricane
+||||Frakkle||||Weak though||||
+Searching is for weak though
+Searching are for weak though
+Searching is for weak though
+Searching are for weak though
+||||aevil||||you hope...if it turns and sits out in the gulf for a few days it might not be so weak||||
+Searching is for you hope...if it turns and sits out in the gulf for a few days it might not be so weak
+Searching are for you hope...if it turns and sits out in the gulf for a few days it might not be so weak
+Searching is for you hope...if it turns and sits out in the gulf for a few days it might not be so weak
+Searching are for you hope...if it turns and sits out in the gulf for a few days it might not be so weak
+||||waltman||||I was hoping it had something to do with the Mini Cooper||||
+Searching is for waltman was hoping it had something to do with the mini cooper
+Searching are for waltman was hoping it had something to do with the mini cooper
+Searching is for waltman was hoping it had something to do with the mini cooper
+Searching are for waltman was hoping it had something to do with the mini cooper
+Searching is for hahaha
+Searching are for hahaha
+Searching is for hahaha
+Searching are for hahaha
+||||Frakkle||||Probably a lot.||||
+Searching is for probably a lot.
+Searching are for probably a lot.
+Searching is for probably a lot
+Searching are for probably a lot
+||||Frakkle||||At least 8||||
+Searching is for at least 8
+Searching are for at least 8
+Searching is for at least 8
+Searching are for at least 8
+||||waltman||||seems like a few dozen at least||||
+Searching is for seems like a few dozen at least
+Searching are for seems like a few dozen at least
+Searching is for seems like a few dozen at least
+Searching are for seems like a few dozen at least
+||||Sachmet||||Has it been one continuous one since he got elected?||||
+Searching is for has it been one continuous one since he got elected
+Searching are for has it been one continuous one since he got elected
+Searching is for has it been one continuous one since he got elected
+Searching are for has it been one continuous one since he got elected
+||||waltman||||seems like it||||
+Searching is for seems like it
+Searching are for seems like it
+Searching is for seems like it
+Searching are for seems like it
+||||waltman||||God's making another attempt at smiting Florida||||
+Searching is for god's making another attempt at smiting florida
+Searching are for god's making another attempt at smiting florida
+Searching is for god's making another attempt at smiting florida
+Searching are for god's making another attempt at smiting florida
+Searching is for http://www.xkcd.com/
+Searching are for http://www.xkcd.com/
+Searching is for http://www.xkcd.com/
+Searching are for http://www.xkcd.com/
+Searching is for whoa.
+Searching are for whoa.
+Searching is for whoa
+Searching are for whoa
+||||Frakkle||||That's awesome||||
+Searching is for that's awesome
+Searching are for that's awesome
+Searching is for that's awesome
+Searching are for that's awesome
+Searching is for xkcd++
+Searching are for xkcd++
+Searching is for xkcd++
+Searching are for xkcd++
+||||Sachmet||||plan on 2 hours to go through the archives :-)||||
+Searching is for plan on 2 hours to go through the archives :-)
+Searching are for plan on 2 hours to go through the archives :-)
+Searching is for plan on 2 hours to go through the archives :-)
+Searching are for plan on 2 hours to go through the archives :-)
+||||Sachmet||||Also, each comic has a "tooltip" if you hover over it with more info||||
+Searching is for also, each comic has a "tooltip" if you hover over it with more info
+Searching are for also, each comic has a "tooltip" if you hover over it with more info
+Searching is for also, each comic has a "tooltip" if you hover over it with more info
+Searching are for also, each comic has a "tooltip" if you hover over it with more info
+||||Frakkle||||Cool, thanks||||
+Searching is for cool, thanks
+Searching are for cool, thanks
+Searching is for cool, thanks
+Searching are for cool, thanks
+||||mako132||||.oO(Red Sox have so many forks stuck in them they look like a porcupine)||||
+Searching is for .oo(red sox have so many forks stuck in them they look like a porcupine)
+Searching are for .oo(red sox have so many forks stuck in them they look like a porcupine)
+Searching is for .oo(red sox have so many forks stuck in them they look like a porcupine)
+Searching are for .oo(red sox have so many forks stuck in them they look like a porcupine)
+||||Frakkle||||omg red spidersssss||||
+Searching is for omg red spidersssss
+Searching are for omg red spidersssss
+Searching is for omg red spidersssss
+Searching are for omg red spidersssss
+||||mako132||||YAPC::DONG Lightning Talks: Those in front row bring umbrellas and rain coats||||
+Searching is for yapc::dong lightning talks: those in front row bring umbrellas and rain coats
+Searching are for yapc::dong lightning talks: those in front row bring umbrellas and rain coats
+Searching is for yapc::dong lightning talks: those in front row bring umbrellas and rain coats
+Searching are for yapc::dong lightning talks: those in front row bring umbrellas and rain coats
+||||lamech||||(Y. Bhekhirst)++||||
+Searching is for (y. bhekhirst)++
+Searching are for (y. bhekhirst)++
+Searching is for (y. bhekhirst)++
+Searching are for (y. bhekhirst)++
+++;;y. bhekhirst
+Searching is for gesundheit
+Searching are for gesundheit
+Searching is for gesundheit
+Searching are for gesundheit
+||||dha||||no, dammit. it's german for "health"||||
+Searching is for no, dammit. it's german for "health"
+Searching are for no, dammit. it's german for "health"
+Searching is for no, dammit. it's german for "health"
+Searching are for no, dammit. it's german for "health"
+Searching is for xkcd++
+Searching are for xkcd++
+Searching is for xkcd++
+Searching are for xkcd++
+||||dha||||lamech - airporst?||||
+Searching is for lamech - airporst
+Searching are for lamech - airporst
+Searching is for lamech - airporst
+Searching are for lamech - airporst
+Searching is for xkcd
+Searching are for xkcd
+Searching is for xkcd
+Searching are for xkcd
+||||dha||||you're all trying to confuse me now that I'm in a different time zone, aren't you?||||
+Searching is for you are all trying to confuse dha now that dha is in a different time zone, aren't you
+Searching are for you are all trying to confuse dha now that dha is in a different time zone, aren't you
+Searching is for no!
+Searching are for no!
+Searching is for no
+Searching are for no
+||||lamech||||he's an "outsider musician".||||
+Searching is for he's an "outsider musician".
+Searching are for he's an "outsider musician".
+Searching is for he's an "outsider musician"
+Searching are for he's an "outsider musician"
+||||dha||||oh, one of them.||||
+Searching is for one of them.
+Searching are for one of them.
+Searching is for one of them
+Searching are for one of them
+Searching is for parliament++
+Searching are for parliament++
+Searching is for parliament++
+Searching are for parliament++
+Searching is for http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/y.bhekhirst
+Searching are for http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/y.bhekhirst
+Searching is for http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/y.bhekhirst
+Searching are for http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/y.bhekhirst
+||||lamech||||you can get the mp3's now; they were recently featured on wfmu's blog||||
+Searching is for you can get the mp3's now; they were recently featured on wfmu's blog
+Searching are for you can get the mp3's now; they were recently featured on wfmu's blog
+Searching is for you can get the mp3's now; they were recently featured on wfmu's blog
+Searching are for you can get the mp3's now; they were recently featured on wfmu's blog
+||||dha||||why am I not surprised?||||
+Searching is for why is dha not surprised
+Searching are for why is dha not surprised
+Searching is for :-)
+Searching are for :-)
+Searching is for :-)
+Searching are for :-)
+Searching is for http://blog.wfmu.org/freeform/2006/07/hot_in_the_airp.html#more
+Searching are for http://blog.wfmu.org/freeform/2006/07/hot_in_the_airp.html#more
+Searching is for http://blog.wfmu.org/freeform/2006/07/hot_in_the_airp.html#more
+Searching are for http://blog.wfmu.org/freeform/2006/07/hot_in_the_airp.html#more
+||||dha||||(interplanetary funksmanship)++||||
+Searching is for (interplanetary funksmanship)++
+Searching are for (interplanetary funksmanship)++
+Searching is for (interplanetary funksmanship)++
+Searching are for (interplanetary funksmanship)++
+++;;interplanetary funksmanship
+||||rjbs||||be starscream||||
+Searching is for be starscream
+Searching are for be starscream
+Searching is for be starscream
+Searching are for be starscream
+||||dha||||how nice for you||||
+Searching is for how nice for you
+Searching are for how nice for you
+Searching is for how nice for you
+Searching are for how nice for you
+||||sungo||||sungo it!||||
+Searching is for sungo it!
+Searching are for sungo it!
+Searching is for sungo it
+Searching are for sungo it
+Searching is for sungo!
+Searching are for sungo!
+Searching is for sungo
+Searching are for sungo
+||||confound||||be rjbs||||
+Searching is for be rjbs
+Searching are for be rjbs
+Searching is for be rjbs
+Searching are for be rjbs
+Searching is for dha!
+Searching are for dha!
+Searching is for dha
+Searching are for dha
+||||dha||||what up homey.||||
+Searching is for up homey.
+Searching are for up homey.
+Searching is for up homey
+Searching are for up homey
+||||genio||||such love||||
+Searching is for such love
+Searching are for such love
+Searching is for such love
+Searching are for such love
+||||sungo||||my blood pressure mostly||||
+Searching is for sungo's blood pressure mostly
+Searching are for sungo's blood pressure mostly
+Searching is for sungo's blood pressure mostly
+Searching are for sungo's blood pressure mostly
+||||dha||||ah. bummer.||||
+Searching is for ah. bummer.
+Searching are for ah. bummer.
+Searching is for ah. bummer
+Searching are for ah. bummer
+Searching is for work
+Searching are for work
+Searching is for work
+Searching are for work
+||||sungo||||how's .eu?||||
+Searching is for how's .eu
+Searching are for how's .eu
+Searching is for how's .eu
+Searching are for how's .eu
+||||dha||||damn good question. so far, nap-like.||||
+Searching is for damn good question. so far, nap-like.
+Searching are for damn good question. so far, nap-like.
+Searching is for damn good question. so far, nap-like
+Searching are for damn good question. so far, nap-like
+||||sungo||||fun fun||||
+Searching is for fun fun
+Searching are for fun fun
+Searching is for fun fun
+Searching are for fun fun
+||||dha||||woo. I imagine there will be food and beer. as I have not actually eaten since getting off the plane, that's probably a good thing.||||
+Searching is for woo. dha imagine there will be food and beer. as dha has not actually eaten since getting off the plane, that's probably a good thing.
+Searching are for woo. dha imagine there will be food and beer. as dha has not actually eaten since getting off the plane, that's probably a good thing.
+Searching is for woo. dha imagine there will be food and beer. as dha has not actually eaten since getting off the plane, that's probably a good thing
+Searching are for woo. dha imagine there will be food and beer. as dha has not actually eaten since getting off the plane, that's probably a good thing
+Searching is for no...
+Searching are for no...
+Searching is for no
+Searching are for no
+||||dha||||that would have been a much shorter trip. :-)||||
+Searching is for that would have been a much shorter trip. :-)
+Searching are for that would have been a much shorter trip. :-)
+Searching is for that would have been a much shorter trip. :-)
+Searching are for that would have been a much shorter trip. :-)
+||||dha||||(talking heads)++||||
+Searching is for (talking heads)++
+Searching are for (talking heads)++
+Searching is for (talking heads)++
+Searching are for (talking heads)++
+++;;talking heads
+Searching is for rdice!
+Searching are for rdice!
+Searching is for rdice
+Searching are for rdice
+Searching is for dha!
+Searching are for dha!
+Searching is for dha
+Searching are for dha
+||||dha||||ah, it's like old home week here...||||
+Searching is for ah, it's like old home week here...
+Searching are for ah, it's like old home week here...
+Searching is for ah, it's like old home week here
+Searching are for ah, it's like old home week here
+||||rdice||||Maybe you've had a stroke recently? (Distorted perceptions of time.)||||
+Searching is for maybe you've had a stroke recently? (distorted perceptions of time.)
+Searching are for maybe you've had a stroke recently? (distorted perceptions of time.)
+Searching is for maybe you've had a stroke recently? (distorted perceptions of time.)
+Searching are for maybe you've had a stroke recently? (distorted perceptions of time.)
+||||sungo||||or are psychotic||||
+Searching is for are psychotic
+Searching are for are psychotic
+||||dha||||thanks guys. knew I could count on you. :-)||||
+Searching is for thanks guys. knew dha could count on you. :-)
+Searching are for thanks guys. knew dha could count on you. :-)
+Searching is for thanks guys. knew dha could count on you. :-)
+Searching are for thanks guys. knew dha could count on you. :-)
+||||rdice||||sungo, I never initially attribute to psychosis what can equally well be explained by a stroke.||||
+Searching is for sungo, rdice never initially attribute to psychosiscan equally well be explained by a stroke.
+Searching are for sungo, rdice never initially attribute to psychosiscan equally well be explained by a stroke.
+Searching is for sungo, rdice never initially attribute to psychosiscan equally well be explained by a stroke
+Searching are for sungo, rdice never initially attribute to psychosiscan equally well be explained by a stroke
+||||sungo||||could be a tumor||||
+Searching is for could be a tumor
+Searching are for could be a tumor
+Searching is for could be a tumor
+Searching are for could be a tumor
+Searching is for rdice++
+Searching are for rdice++
+Searching is for rdice++
+Searching are for rdice++
+||||rdice||||acid flashback?||||
+Searching is for acid flashback
+Searching are for acid flashback
+Searching is for acid flashback
+Searching are for acid flashback
+Searching is for burn!
+Searching are for burn!
+Searching is for burn
+Searching are for burn
+||||rdice||||This isn't diagnosis. It's just throwing out suggestions. If we were making a diagnosis first we'd have to extract some spinal fluid.||||
+Searching is for this isn't diagnosis. it's just throwing out suggestions. if we were making a diagnosis first we'd have to extract some spinal fluid.
+Searching are for this isn't diagnosis. it's just throwing out suggestions. if we were making a diagnosis first we'd have to extract some spinal fluid.
+Searching is for this isn't diagnosis. it's just throwing out suggestions. if we were making a diagnosis first we'd have to extract some spinal fluid
+Searching are for this isn't diagnosis. it's just throwing out suggestions. if we were making a diagnosis first we'd have to extract some spinal fluid
+Searching is for baby!
+Searching are for baby!
+Searching is for baby
+Searching are for baby
+||||dha||||rdice - the fuck you will. I've had that done enough already, thank you very much.||||
+Searching is for rdice - you will. dha has had that done enough already, thank you very much.
+Searching are for rdice - you will. dha has had that done enough already, thank you very much.
+Searching is for rdice - you will. dha has had that done enough already, thank you very much
+Searching are for rdice - you will. dha has had that done enough already, thank you very much
+||||dha||||Dave's Big Medical Advice: Don't get a spinal tap. In side by side tests, the movie wins over the procedure.||||
+Searching is for dave's big medical advice: don't get a spinal tap. in side by side tests, the movie wins over the procedure.
+Searching are for dave's big medical advice: don't get a spinal tap. in side by side tests, the movie wins over the procedure.
+Searching is for dave's big medical advice: don't get a spinal tap. in side by side tests, the movie wins over the procedure
+Searching are for dave's big medical advice: don't get a spinal tap. in side by side tests, the movie wins over the procedure
+||||rjbs||||pork chop sandwiches!!||||
+Searching is for pork chop sandwiches!!
+Searching are for pork chop sandwiches!!
+Searching is for pork chop sandwiches
+Searching are for pork chop sandwiches
+||||rdice||||I'd enjoy it performing it about as much as you'd enjoy having it performed on you.||||
+Searching is for rdice'd enjoy it performing it about as much as you'd enjoy having it performed on you.
+Searching are for rdice'd enjoy it performing it about as much as you'd enjoy having it performed on you.
+Searching is for rdice'd enjoy it performing it about as much as you'd enjoy having it performed on you
+Searching are for rdice'd enjoy it performing it about as much as you'd enjoy having it performed on you
+||||dha||||good, we're on the same page then...||||
+Searching is for good, we're on the same page then...
+Searching are for good, we're on the same page then...
+Searching is for good, we're on the same page then
+Searching are for good, we're on the same page then
+||||dha||||rjbs - where?||||
+Searching is for rjbs -
+Searching are for rjbs -
+Searching is for rjbs -
+Searching are for rjbs -
+Searching is for fenslerfilms
+Searching are for fenslerfilms
+Searching is for fenslerfilms
+Searching are for fenslerfilms
+Searching is for yeah
+Searching are for yeah
+Searching is for yeah
+Searching are for yeah
+||||rjbs||||just rewatched a bunch of those||||
+Searching is for just rewatched a bunch of those
+Searching are for just rewatched a bunch of those
+Searching is for just rewatched a bunch of those
+Searching are for just rewatched a bunch of those
+Searching is for haha
+Searching are for haha
+Searching is for haha
+Searching are for haha
+||||Dave||||Hey Dave||||
+Searching is for dave
+Searching are for dave
+Searching is for dave
+Searching are for dave
+||||dha||||hey dave.||||
+Searching is for dave.
+Searching are for dave.
+Searching is for dave
+Searching are for dave
+||||dha||||hm. ||||
+Searching is for
+Searching are for
+Searching is for
+Searching are for
+Searching is for
+Searching are for
+Searching is for
+Searching are for
+||||mendel||||you get both kinds!||||
+Searching is for you get both kinds!
+Searching are for you get both kinds!
+Searching is for you get both kinds
+Searching are for you get both kinds
+||||dha||||Marriott Birmingham||||
+Searching is for marriott birmingham
+Searching are for marriott birmingham
+Searching is for marriott birmingham
+Searching are for marriott birmingham
+Searching is for mendel++
+Searching are for mendel++
+Searching is for mendel++
+Searching are for mendel++
+||||dha||||yeah. :-/||||
+Searching is for yeah. :-/
+Searching are for yeah. :-/
+Searching is for yeah. :-/
+Searching are for yeah. :-/
+Searching is for heh
+Searching are for heh
+Searching is for heh
+Searching are for heh
+||||dha||||ok. time to go see a bit of b'ham before dinner.||||
+Searching is for time to go see a bit of b'ham before dinner.
+Searching are for time to go see a bit of b'ham before dinner.
+Searching is for time to go see a bit of b'ham before dinner
+Searching are for time to go see a bit of b'ham before dinner
+||||dha||||later, all.||||
+Searching is for later, all.
+Searching are for later, all.
+Searching is for later, all
+Searching are for later, all
+||||Dave||||mmm... b ham||||
+Searching is for mmm... b ham
+Searching are for mmm... b ham
+Searching is for mmm... b ham
+Searching are for mmm... b ham
+||||mako132||||Is there anything on a pig that's not good to eat?||||
+Searching is for is there anything on a pig that's not good to eat
+Searching are for is there anything on a pig that's not good to eat
+Searching is for :p
+Searching are for :p
+Searching is for :p
+Searching are for :p
+||||rjbs||||the bladder||||
+Searching is for the bladder
+Searching are for the bladder
+Searching is for bladder
+Searching are for bladder
+||||Dave||||perhaps if Yaakov was on a pig||||
+Searching is for perhaps if yaakov was on a pig
+Searching are for perhaps if yaakov was on a pig
+Searching is for perhaps if yaakov was on a pig
+Searching are for perhaps if yaakov was on a pig
+||||rjbs||||but it's good for cookin'||||
+Searching is for it's good for cookin'
+Searching are for it's good for cookin'
+Searching is for it's good for cookin'
+Searching are for it's good for cookin'
+||||mendel||||here, have some pig cock||||
+Searching is for here, have some pig cock
+Searching are for here, have some pig cock
+Searching is for here, have some pig cock
+Searching are for here, have some pig cock
+||||mako132||||# drooling||||
+Searching is for # drooling
+Searching are for # drooling
+Searching is for # drooling
+Searching are for # drooling
+||||Dave||||rjbs s/oo/o/||||
+Searching is for rjbs s/oo/o/
+Searching are for rjbs s/oo/o/
+Searching is for rjbs s/oo/o/
+Searching are for rjbs s/oo/o/
+Searching is for err
+Searching are for err
+Searching is for err
+Searching are for err
+Searching is for huh
+Searching are for huh
+Searching is for huh
+Searching are for huh
+Searching is for pigcocksity
+Searching are for pigcocksity
+Searching is for pigcocksity
+Searching are for pigcocksity
+||||waltman||||the oink||||
+Searching is for the oink
+Searching are for the oink
+Searching is for oink
+Searching are for oink
+Searching is for xit
+Searching are for xit
+Searching is for xit
+Searching are for xit
+||||warewolf||||what the oink||||
+Searching is for the oink
+Searching are for the oink
+Searching is for oink
+Searching are for oink
+Searching is for http://www.nytimes.com/2006/08/26/nyregion/26green.html?ei=5094&en=074377328bcb8cf6&hp=&ex=1156651200&partner=homepage&pagewanted=print
+Searching are for http://www.nytimes.com/2006/08/26/nyregion/26green.html?ei=5094&en=074377328bcb8cf6&hp=&ex=1156651200&partner=homepage&pagewanted=print
+Searching is for http://www.nytimes.com/2006/08/26/nyregion/26green.html?ei=5094&en=074377328bcb8cf6&hp=&ex=1156651200&partner=homepage&pagewanted=print
+Searching are for http://www.nytimes.com/2006/08/26/nyregion/26green.html?ei=5094&en=074377328bcb8cf6&hp=&ex=1156651200&partner=homepage&pagewanted=print
+Searching is for err
+Searching are for err
+Searching is for err
+Searching are for err
+||||mendel||||LEN TI CU LAR||||
+Searching is for len ti cu lar
+Searching are for len ti cu lar
+Searching is for len ti cu lar
+Searching are for len ti cu lar
+||||DrForr||||Please say you weren't just parodying a certain "Heavy Concepts" album track...||||
+Searching is for please say you weren't just parodying a certain "heavy concepts" album track...
+Searching are for please say you weren't just parodying a certain "heavy concepts" album track...
+Searching is for please say you weren't just parodying a certain "heavy concepts" album track
+Searching are for please say you weren't just parodying a certain "heavy concepts" album track
+||||mendel||||I wasn't||||
+Searching is for mendel wasn't
+Searching are for mendel wasn't
+Searching is for mendel wasn't
+Searching are for mendel wasn't
+||||mendel||||I just like the word "lenticular"||||
+Searching is for mendel just like the word "lenticular"
+Searching are for mendel just like the word "lenticular"
+Searching is for mendel just like the word "lenticular"
+Searching are for mendel just like the word "lenticular"
+||||DrForr||||Oh. That resonated nicely with Neil's phrasing of 'Lentil nightmare', thought I'd make sure it was just a coincidence.||||
+Searching is for that resonated nicely with neil's phrasing of 'lentil nightmare', thought drforr'd make sure it was just a coincidence.
+Searching are for that resonated nicely with neil's phrasing of 'lentil nightmare', thought drforr'd make sure it was just a coincidence.
+Searching is for that resonated nicely with neil's phrasing of 'lentil nightmare', thought drforr'd make sure it was just a coincidence
+Searching are for that resonated nicely with neil's phrasing of 'lentil nightmare', thought drforr'd make sure it was just a coincidence
+||||clintp||||seen dha||||
+Searching is for seen dha
+Searching are for seen dha
+Searching is for seen dha
+Searching are for seen dha
+||||DrForr||||He's off 'splorin' Birmingham.||||
+Searching is for he's off 'splorin' birmingham.
+Searching are for he's off 'splorin' birmingham.
+Searching is for he's off 'splorin' birmingham
+Searching are for he's off 'splorin' birmingham
+||||Schwern||||http://www.thetechgeek.com/cart/account_login.php Look closely.||||
+Searching is for http://www.thetechgeek.com/cart/account_login.php look closely.
+Searching are for http://www.thetechgeek.com/cart/account_login.php look closely.
+Searching is for http://www.thetechgeek.com/cart/account_login.php look closely
+Searching are for http://www.thetechgeek.com/cart/account_login.php look closely
+||||Schwern||||Forget your password? By clicking on the "Forget Password" button,||||
+Searching is for forget your password? by clicking on the "forget password" button,
+Searching are for forget your password? by clicking on the "forget password" button,
+Searching is for forget your password? by clicking on the "forget password" button,
+Searching are for forget your password? by clicking on the "forget password" button,
+||||Schwern||||your password will be sent to you through eMail.||||
+Searching is for your password will be sent to you through email.
+Searching are for your password will be sent to you through email.
+Searching is for your password will be sent to you through email
+Searching are for your password will be sent to you through email
+||||DrForr||||about 'eMail?' or 'Forget Password'?||||
+Searching is for about 'email?' or 'forget password'
+Searching are for about 'email?' or 'forget password'
+Searching is for about 'email?' or 'forget password'
+Searching are for about 'email?' or 'forget password'
+Searching is for yes
+Searching are for yes
+Searching is for yes
+Searching are for yes
+||||waltman||||they probably misspelled "forgot"||||
+Searching is for they probably misspelled "forgot"
+Searching are for they probably misspelled "forgot"
+Searching is for they probably misspelled "forgot"
+Searching are for they probably misspelled "forgot"
+||||waltman||||they also misspelled "accessories"||||
+Searching is for they also misspelled "accessories"
+Searching are for they also misspelled "accessories"
+Searching is for they also misspelled "accessories"
+Searching are for they also misspelled "accessories"
+Searching is for twice
+Searching are for twice
+Searching is for twice
+Searching are for twice
+||||Schwern||||One person mispelled it and one person documented it. :)||||
+Searching is for one person mispelled it and one person documented it. :)
+Searching are for one person mispelled it and one person documented it. :)
+Searching is for one person mispelled it and one person documented it. :)
+Searching are for one person mispelled it and one person documented it. :)
+||||waltman||||perhaps english isn't their first language?||||
+Searching is for perhaps english isn't their first language
+Searching are for perhaps english isn't their first language
+Searching is for perhaps english isn't their first language
+Searching are for perhaps english isn't their first language
+||||DrForr||||And who would want unprintable DVDs?||||
+Searching is for would want unprintable dvds
+Searching are for would want unprintable dvds
+Searching is for would want unprintable dvds
+Searching are for would want unprintable dvds
+||||Schwern||||"The Tech Geek is not responsible for typographic errors."||||
+Searching is for "the tech geek is not responsible for typographic errors."
+Searching are for "the tech geek is not responsible for typographic errors."
+Searching is for "the tech geek
+set;;is;;"the tech geek;;not responsible for typographic errors."
+Searching is for typographical
+Searching are for typographical
+Searching is for typographical
+Searching are for typographical
+Searching is for pedant
+Searching are for pedant
+Searching is for pedant
+Searching are for pedant
+||||Schwern||||That takes the cake. To have a typo in your typo disclaimer.||||
+Searching is for that takes the cake. to have a typo in your typo disclaimer.
+Searching are for that takes the cake. to have a typo in your typo disclaimer.
+Searching is for that takes the cake. to have a typo in your typo disclaimer
+Searching are for that takes the cake. to have a typo in your typo disclaimer
+||||DrForr||||. o ( Typographic errors? The comma looks like a mutated apostrophe? )||||
+Searching is for . o ( typographic errors? the comma looks like a mutated apostrophe? )
+Searching are for . o ( typographic errors? the comma looks like a mutated apostrophe? )
+Searching is for . o ( typographic errors? the comma looks like a mutated apostrophe? )
+Searching are for . o ( typographic errors? the comma looks like a mutated apostrophe? )
+||||Schwern||||ACCURACY OVER TACT||||
+Searching is for accuracy over tact
+Searching are for accuracy over tact
+Searching is for accuracy over tact
+Searching are for accuracy over tact
+Searching is for woo
+Searching are for woo
+Searching is for woo
+Searching are for woo
+||||rjbs||||HEAD ON||||
+Searching is for head on
+Searching are for head on
+Searching is for head on
+Searching are for head on
+||||obra||||. o O { What's the value of Accuracy/Tact ? }||||
+Searching is for . o o {is the value of accuracy/tact ? }
+Searching are for . o o {is the value of accuracy/tact ? }
+Searching is for . o o {is the value of accuracy/tact ? }
+Searching are for . o o {is the value of accuracy/tact ? }
+||||Schwern||||Considering that I have no tact, infinity.||||
+Searching is for considering that schwern has no tact, infinity.
+Searching are for considering that schwern has no tact, infinity.
+Searching is for considering that schwern has no tact, infinity
+Searching are for considering that schwern has no tact, infinity
+||||vh||||That'd mean you had tact approaching zero||||
+Searching is for that'd mean you had tact approaching zero
+Searching are for that'd mean you had tact approaching zero
+Searching is for that'd mean you had tact approaching zero
+Searching are for that'd mean you had tact approaching zero
+||||vh||||I donno.||||
+Searching is for vh donno.
+Searching are for vh donno.
+Searching is for vh donno
+Searching are for vh donno
+||||vh||||I flunked mathamagics||||
+Searching is for vh flunked mathamagics
+Searching are for vh flunked mathamagics
+Searching is for vh flunked mathamagics
+Searching are for vh flunked mathamagics
+||||dmq||||i though NaN was different from "undefined"...||||
+Searching is for dmq though nan was different from "undefined"...
+Searching are for dmq though nan was different from "undefined"...
+Searching is for dmq though nan was different from "undefined"
+Searching are for dmq though nan was different from "undefined"
+||||Sachmet||||0/0 is not 1, though.||||
+Searching is for 0/0 is not 1, though.
+Searching are for 0/0 is not 1, though.
+Searching is for 0/0
+set;;is;;0/0;;not 1, though.
+||||yrlnry||||In IEEE 754, anyway.||||
+Searching is for in ieee 754 .
+Searching are for in ieee 754 .
+Searching is for in ieee 754
+Searching are for in ieee 754
+||||Sachmet||||Right, but no matter what accuracy is, as long as it's not 0, lim(tact->0+) accuracy/tact = +infinity||||
+Searching is for right, but no matteraccuracy is, as long as it's not 0, lim(tact->0+) accuracy/tact = +infinity
+Searching are for right, but no matteraccuracy is, as long as it's not 0, lim(tact->0+) accuracy/tact = +infinity
+Searching is for right, but no matteraccuracy is, as long as it's not 0, lim(tact->0+) accuracy/tact = +infinity
+Searching are for right, but no matteraccuracy is, as long as it's not 0, lim(tact->0+) accuracy/tact = +infinity
+||||Sachmet||||which assumes that tact isn't negative at any point.||||
+Searching is for which assumes that tact isn't negative at any point.
+Searching are for which assumes that tact isn't negative at any point.
+Searching is for which assumes that tact isn't negative at any point
+Searching are for which assumes that tact isn't negative at any point
+||||dmq||||thats why they invented kelvin. (or so somebody told me one time)||||
+Searching is for thats why they invented kelvin. (or so somebody told dmq one time)
+Searching are for thats why they invented kelvin. (or so somebody told dmq one time)
+Searching is for thats why they invented kelvin. (or so somebody told dmq one time)
+Searching are for thats why they invented kelvin. (or so somebody told dmq one time)
+||||vh||||if lim(tact->0+) and lim(accuracy->+inf), acc/tact == 1 ?||||
+Searching is for if lim(tact->0+) and lim(accuracy->+inf), acc/tact == 1
+Searching are for if lim(tact->0+) and lim(accuracy->+inf), acc/tact == 1
+Searching is for if lim(tact->0+) and lim(accuracy->+inf), acc/tact == 1
+Searching are for if lim(tact->0+) and lim(accuracy->+inf), acc/tact == 1
+||||yrlnry||||No, in that case acc/tact -> int.||||
+Searching is for no, in that case acc/tact -> int.
+Searching are for no, in that case acc/tact -> int.
+Searching is for no, in that case acc/tact -> int
+Searching are for no, in that case acc/tact -> int
+Searching is for inf.
+Searching are for inf.
+Searching is for inf
+Searching are for inf
+Searching is for bummer.
+Searching are for bummer.
+Searching is for bummer
+Searching are for bummer
+||||yrlnry||||kelvin was invented for one reason; so that you could say that X has twice as much energy as Y whenever it has twice the temperature of Y.||||
+Searching is for kelvin was invented for one reason; so that you could say that x has twice as much energy as y whenever it has twice the temperature of y.
+Searching are for kelvin was invented for one reason; so that you could say that x has twice as much energy as y whenever it has twice the temperature of y.
+Searching is for kelvin was invented for one reason; so that you could say that x has twice as much energy as y whenever it has twice the temperature of y
+Searching are for kelvin was invented for one reason; so that you could say that x has twice as much energy as y whenever it has twice the temperature of y
+||||yrlnry||||You know that joke about how you just because you bake cookies at 350 for 25 minutes doesn't mean you can also bake them at 700 for 12.5 minutes?||||
+Searching is for you know that joke about how you just because you bake cookies at 350 for 25 minutes doesn't mean you can also bake them at 700 for 12.5 minutes
+Searching are for you know that joke about how you just because you bake cookies at 350 for 25 minutes doesn't mean you can also bake them at 700 for 12.5 minutes
+Searching is for you know that joke about how you just because you bake cookies at 350 for 25 minutes doesn't mean you can also bake them at 700 for 12.5 minutes
+Searching are for you know that joke about how you just because you bake cookies at 350 for 25 minutes doesn't mean you can also bake them at 700 for 12.5 minutes
+||||yrlnry||||With kelvins, that works.||||
+Searching is for with kelvins, that works.
+Searching are for with kelvins, that works.
+Searching is for with kelvins, that works
+Searching are for with kelvins, that works
+||||vh||||so.. basically.. why aren't our oven dials in kelvins?||||
+Searching is for so.. basically.. why aren't our oven dials in kelvins
+Searching are for so.. basically.. why aren't our oven dials in kelvins
+Searching is for so.. basically.. why aren't our oven dials in kelvins
+Searching are for so.. basically.. why aren't our oven dials in kelvins
+||||yrlnry||||Yours isn't?||||
+Searching is for yours isn't
+Searching are for yours isn't
+Searching is for yours isn't
+Searching are for yours isn't
+||||modred||||convert 350F to kelvin||||
+Searching is for convert 350f to kelvin
+Searching are for convert 350f to kelvin
+Searching is for convert 350f to kelvin
+Searching are for convert 350f to kelvin
+||||modred||||convert 350 degrees to kelvin||||
+Searching is for convert 350 degrees to kelvin
+Searching are for convert 350 degrees to kelvin
+Searching is for convert 350 degrees to kelvin
+Searching are for convert 350 degrees to kelvin
+Searching is for degf
+Searching are for degf
+Searching is for degf
+Searching are for degf
+||||yrlnry||||convert 350 fahrenheit to kelvin||||
+Searching is for convert 350 fahrenheit to kelvin
+Searching are for convert 350 fahrenheit to kelvin
+Searching is for convert 350 fahrenheit to kelvin
+Searching are for convert 350 fahrenheit to kelvin
+||||modred||||convert 350 degF to kelvin||||
+Searching is for convert 350 degf to kelvin
+Searching are for convert 350 degf to kelvin
+Searching is for convert 350 degf to kelvin
+Searching are for convert 350 degf to kelvin
+||||yrlnry||||convert 0 rankine to kelvin||||
+Searching is for convert 0 rankine to kelvin
+Searching are for convert 0 rankine to kelvin
+Searching is for convert 0 rankine to kelvin
+Searching are for convert 0 rankine to kelvin
+||||yrlnry||||convert 0 reaumur to kelvin||||
+Searching is for convert 0 reaumur to kelvin
+Searching are for convert 0 reaumur to kelvin
+Searching is for convert 0 reaumur to kelvin
+Searching are for convert 0 reaumur to kelvin
+Searching is for huh.
+Searching are for huh.
+Searching is for huh
+Searching are for huh
+||||vh||||convert 350f to c||||
+Searching is for convert 350f to c
+Searching are for convert 350f to c
+Searching is for convert 350f to c
+Searching are for convert 350f to c
+Searching is for vh++
+Searching are for vh++
+Searching is for vh++
+Searching are for vh++
+||||mdxi||||also, i submit that you CANNOT bake cookies for 12.5 minutes at 700K *at all*, for any conventional definition of "bake"||||
+Searching is for also, mdxi submit that you cannot bake cookies for 12.5 minutes at 700k *at all*, for any conventional definition of "bake"
+Searching are for also, mdxi submit that you cannot bake cookies for 12.5 minutes at 700k *at all*, for any conventional definition of "bake"
+Searching is for also, mdxi submit that you cannot bake cookies for 12.5 minutes at 700k *at all*, for any conventional definition of "bake"
+Searching are for also, mdxi submit that you cannot bake cookies for 12.5 minutes at 700k *at all*, for any conventional definition of "bake"
+Searching is for "incinerate"
+Searching are for "incinerate"
+Searching is for "incinerate"
+Searching are for "incinerate"
+||||mdxi||||allowable :)||||
+Searching is for allowable :)
+Searching are for allowable :)
+Searching is for allowable :)
+Searching are for allowable :)
+||||rjbs||||Mmm. Carboney.||||
+Searching is for mmm. carboney.
+Searching are for mmm. carboney.
+Searching is for mmm. carboney
+Searching are for mmm. carboney
+||||vh||||scarier is microwaves||||
+Searching is for scarier is microwaves
+Searching are for scarier is microwaves
+Searching is for scarier
+||||yrlnry||||I got it to do what I wanted, sort of, but I still don't understand what is going on.||||
+Searching is for yrlnry got it to dois yrlnry wanted, sort of, but yrlnry still don't understand what going on.
+Searching are for yrlnry got it to dois yrlnry wanted, sort of, but yrlnry still don't understand what going on.
+Searching is for yrlnry got it to dois yrlnry wanted, sort of, but yrlnry still don't understand what going on
+Searching are for yrlnry got it to dois yrlnry wanted, sort of, but yrlnry still don't understand what going on
+||||rjbs||||cvs hates you||||
+Searching is for cvs hates you
+Searching are for cvs hates you
+Searching is for cvs hates you
+Searching are for cvs hates you
+||||yrlnry||||cvs diff -r HEAD -r branchname produced the diffs I wanted only if my working directory was not the branch working directory.||||
+Searching is for cvs diff -r head -r branchname produced the diffs yrlnry wanted only if yrlnry's working directory was not the branch working directory.
+Searching are for cvs diff -r head -r branchname produced the diffs yrlnry wanted only if yrlnry's working directory was not the branch working directory.
+Searching is for cvs diff -r head -r branchname produced the diffs yrlnry wanted only if yrlnry's working directory was not the branch working directory
+Searching are for cvs diff -r head -r branchname produced the diffs yrlnry wanted only if yrlnry's working directory was not the branch working directory
+||||yrlnry||||Except that the diffs were backward.||||
+Searching is for except that the diffs were backward.
+Searching are for except that the diffs were backward.
+Searching is for except that the diffs were backward
+Searching are for except that the diffs were backward
+||||modred||||reverse the order of the -r||||
+Searching is for reverse the order of the -r
+Searching are for reverse the order of the -r
+Searching is for reverse the order of the -r
+Searching are for reverse the order of the -r
+||||yrlnry||||It says it loves me, but i have my doubts.||||
+Searching is for it says it loves yrlnry, but yrlnry has yrlnry's doubts.
+Searching are for it says it loves yrlnry, but yrlnry has yrlnry's doubts.
+Searching is for it says it loves yrlnry, but yrlnry has yrlnry's doubts
+Searching are for it says it loves yrlnry, but yrlnry has yrlnry's doubts
+||||yrlnry||||No duh.||||
+Searching is for no duh.
+Searching are for no duh.
+Searching is for no duh
+Searching are for no duh
+||||yrlnry||||It produced the same results regardless.||||
+Searching is for it produced the same results regardless.
+Searching are for it produced the same results regardless.
+Searching is for it produced the same results regardless
+Searching are for it produced the same results regardless
+Searching is for huh
+Searching are for huh
+Searching is for huh
+Searching are for huh
+||||vh||||the root of their difference||||
+Searching is for the root of their difference
+Searching are for the root of their difference
+Searching is for root of their difference
+Searching are for root of their difference
+||||DrForr||||I've roasted hot dogs at 1315 C before...||||
+Searching is for drforr has roasted hot dogs at 1315 c before...
+Searching are for drforr has roasted hot dogs at 1315 c before...
+Searching is for drforr has roasted hot dogs at 1315 c before
+Searching are for drforr has roasted hot dogs at 1315 c before
+||||lamech||||quickly, I imagine :)||||
+Searching is for quickly, lamech imagine :)
+Searching are for quickly, lamech imagine :)
+Searching is for quickly, lamech imagine :)
+Searching are for quickly, lamech imagine :)
+||||gefilte||||are you trying to do an absolute diff on the repository, ignoring whatever you have checked out?||||
+Searching is for are you trying to do an absolute diff on the repository, ignoring whatever you have checked out
+Searching are for are you trying to do an absolute diff on the repository, ignoring whatever you have checked out
+||||DrForr||||Yep. Two seconds for nice and crispy, 3 for burnt, 4 is charcoal.||||
+Searching is for yep. two seconds for nice and crispy, 3 for burnt, 4 is charcoal.
+Searching are for yep. two seconds for nice and crispy, 3 for burnt, 4 is charcoal.
+||||yrlnry||||I have the head of branch B checked out. I want the diffs between the head trunk revision and the head of branch B.||||
+Searching is for yrlnry has the head of branch b checked out. yrlnry want the diffs between the head trunk revision and the head of branch b.
+Searching are for yrlnry has the head of branch b checked out. yrlnry want the diffs between the head trunk revision and the head of branch b.
+Searching is for yrlnry has the head of branch b checked out. yrlnry want the diffs between the head trunk revision and the head of branch b
+Searching are for yrlnry has the head of branch b checked out. yrlnry want the diffs between the head trunk revision and the head of branch b
+||||confound||||You could check them out into different places and diff them.||||
+Searching is for you could check them out into different places and diff them.
+Searching are for you could check them out into different places and diff them.
+Searching is for you could check them out into different places and diff them
+Searching are for you could check them out into different places and diff them
+Searching is for (terrible)
+Searching are for (terrible)
+Searching is for (terrible)
+Searching are for (terrible)
+||||lamech||||then you should only need one -r||||
+Searching is for then you should only need one -r
+Searching are for then you should only need one -r
+Searching is for then you should only need one -r
+Searching are for then you should only need one -r
+||||yrlnry||||then I also get the differences between the CVS metadata files.||||
+Searching is for then yrlnry also get the differences between the cvs metadata files.
+Searching are for then yrlnry also get the differences between the cvs metadata files.
+Searching is for then yrlnry also get the differences between the cvs metadata files
+Searching are for then yrlnry also get the differences between the cvs metadata files
+||||DrForr||||We were in the middle of a 2-day cane workshop, and did hot dogs, baked potatoes and (this being New England) clambake.||||
+Searching is for we were in the middle of a 2-day cane workshop, and did hot dogs, baked potatoes and (this being new england) clambake.
+Searching are for we were in the middle of a 2-day cane workshop, and did hot dogs, baked potatoes and (this being new england) clambake.
+Searching is for we were in the middle of a 2-day cane workshop, and did hot dogs, baked potatoes and (this being new england) clambake
+Searching are for we were in the middle of a 2-day cane workshop, and did hot dogs, baked potatoes and (this being new england) clambake
+||||lamech||||cvs diff -r HEAD should show you the diff between what you currently have checked out (branch B) and HEAD||||
+Searching is for cvs diff -r head should show you the diff betweenyou currently have checked out (branch b) and head
+Searching are for cvs diff -r head should show you the diff betweenyou currently have checked out (branch b) and head
+Searching is for cvs diff -r head should show you the diff betweenyou currently have checked out (branch b) and head
+Searching are for cvs diff -r head should show you the diff betweenyou currently have checked out (branch b) and head
+||||yrlnry||||Took me a second to realize you mean glassblowing and not chair caning.||||
+Searching is for took yrlnry a second to realize you mean glassblowing and not chair caning.
+Searching are for took yrlnry a second to realize you mean glassblowing and not chair caning.
+Searching is for took yrlnry a second to realize you mean glassblowing and not chair caning
+Searching are for took yrlnry a second to realize you mean glassblowing and not chair caning
+||||yrlnry||||it doesn't.||||
+Searching is for it doesn't.
+Searching are for it doesn't.
+Searching is for it doesn't
+Searching are for it doesn't
+||||confound||||diff -x CVS||||
+Searching is for diff -x cvs
+Searching are for diff -x cvs
+Searching is for diff -x cvs
+Searching are for diff -x cvs
+Searching is for em
+Searching are for em
+Searching is for em
+Searching are for em
+||||gefilte||||well, if you don't need local...||||
+Searching is for if you don't need local...
+Searching are for if you don't need local...
+Searching is for if you don't need local
+Searching are for if you don't need local
+||||gefilte||||cvs rdiff -r HEAD -r branchname||||
+Searching is for cvs rdiff -r head -r branchname
+Searching are for cvs rdiff -r head -r branchname
+Searching is for cvs rdiff -r head -r branchname
+Searching are for cvs rdiff -r head -r branchname
+||||gefilte||||or rather||||
+Searching is for rather
+Searching are for rather
+Searching is for rather
+Searching are for rather
+||||gefilte||||cvs rdiff -r HEAD -r branchname REPOSITORY_NAME||||
+Searching is for cvs rdiff -r head -r branchname repository_name
+Searching are for cvs rdiff -r head -r branchname repository_name
+Searching is for cvs rdiff -r head -r branchname repository_name
+Searching are for cvs rdiff -r head -r branchname repository_name
+||||DrForr||||Potatoes actually have enough thermal insulation that they can go directly into the glass for a few seconds, the Leidenfrost effect keeps them from getting mucked up.||||
+Searching is for potatoes actually have enough thermal insulation that they can go directly into the glass for a few seconds, the leidenfrost effect keeps them from getting mucked up.
+Searching are for potatoes actually have enough thermal insulation that they can go directly into the glass for a few seconds, the leidenfrost effect keeps them from getting mucked up.
+Searching is for potatoes actually have enough thermal insulation that they can go directly into the glass for a few seconds, the leidenfrost effect keeps them from getting mucked up
+Searching are for potatoes actually have enough thermal insulation that they can go directly into the glass for a few seconds, the leidenfrost effect keeps them from getting mucked up
+||||yrlnry||||what's rdiff?||||
+Searching is for is rdiff
+Searching are for is rdiff
+Searching is for rdiff
+||||gefilte||||rdiff, rlog, and rtag will operate on a remote repositry directly||||
+Searching is for rdiff, rlog, and rtag will operate on a remote repositry directly
+Searching are for rdiff, rlog, and rtag will operate on a remote repositry directly
+Searching is for rdiff, rlog, and rtag will operate on a remote repositry directly
+Searching are for rdiff, rlog, and rtag will operate on a remote repositry directly
+||||gefilte||||outside the context of a working directory||||
+Searching is for outside the context of a working directory
+Searching are for outside the context of a working directory
+Searching is for outside the context of a working directory
+Searching are for outside the context of a working directory
+Searching is for aha.
+Searching are for aha.
+Searching is for aha
+Searching are for aha
+||||yrlnry||||Is the leidenfrost effect that the steam coming out of the potatoes insulates them from direct contact with the glass?||||
+Searching is for is the leidenfrost effect that the steam coming out of the potatoes insulates them from direct contact with the glass
+Searching are for is the leidenfrost effect that the steam coming out of the potatoes insulates them from direct contact with the glass
+||||gefilte||||looks like ther's an rannotate also||||
+Searching is for looks like ther's an rannotate also
+Searching are for looks like ther's an rannotate also
+Searching is for looks like ther's an rannotate also
+Searching are for looks like ther's an rannotate also
+||||gefilte||||hear hear||||
+Searching is for hear hear
+Searching are for hear hear
+Searching is for hear hear
+Searching are for hear hear
+||||yrlnry||||Like when you dunk your cat in liquid nitrogen and remove it unharmed?||||
+Searching is for like when you dunk your cat in liquid nitrogen and remove it unharmed
+Searching are for like when you dunk your cat in liquid nitrogen and remove it unharmed
+Searching is for like when you dunk your cat in liquid nitrogen and remove it unharmed
+Searching are for like when you dunk your cat in liquid nitrogen and remove it unharmed
+||||DrForr||||Pretty much.||||
+Searching is for pretty much.
+Searching are for pretty much.
+Searching is for pretty much
+Searching are for pretty much
+||||DrForr||||Haven't tried it with cats in a few years, though.||||
+Searching is for haven't tried it with cats in a few years, though.
+Searching are for haven't tried it with cats in a few years, though.
+Searching is for haven't tried it with cats in a few years, though
+Searching are for haven't tried it with cats in a few years, though
+Searching is for mako132++
+Searching are for mako132++
+Searching is for mako132++
+Searching are for mako132++
+||||jcap||||he might not notice you, he's got expensive internet||||
+Searching is for he might not notice you, he's got expensive internet
+Searching are for he might not notice you, he's got expensive internet
+Searching is for he might not notice you, he's got expensive internet
+Searching are for he might not notice you, he's got expensive internet
+||||DrForr||||But...but...digg says *everyone* over there has better interwebs than we do!||||
+Searching is for but...but...digg says *everyone* over there has better interwebs than we do!
+Searching are for but...but...digg says *everyone* over there has better interwebs than we do!
+Searching is for but...but...digg says *everyone* over there has better interwebs than we do
+Searching are for but...but...digg says *everyone* over there has better interwebs than we do
+||||jcap||||that'll teach you to stop reading slashdot||||
+Searching is for that'll teach you to stop reading slashdot
+Searching are for that'll teach you to stop reading slashdot
+Searching is for that'll teach you to stop reading slashdot
+Searching are for that'll teach you to stop reading slashdot
+||||DrForr||||Huuuuuuuge... tracts of land.||||
+Searching is for huuuuuuuge... tracts of land.
+Searching are for huuuuuuuge... tracts of land.
+Searching is for huuuuuuuge... tracts of land
+Searching are for huuuuuuuge... tracts of land
+||||vh||||I've done 3 cvs commits today.. can I go home?||||
+Searching is for vh has done 3 cvs commits today.. can vh go home
+Searching are for vh has done 3 cvs commits today.. can vh go home
+Searching is for vh has done 3 cvs commits today.. can vh go home
+Searching are for vh has done 3 cvs commits today.. can vh go home
+||||clintp||||Intestinal tracts?||||
+Searching is for intestinal tracts
+Searching are for intestinal tracts
+Searching is for intestinal tracts
+Searching are for intestinal tracts
+||||vh||||need more performance incentives||||
+Searching is for need more performance incentives
+Searching are for need more performance incentives
+Searching is for need more performance incentives
+Searching are for need more performance incentives
+||||vh||||positive ones hopefully||||
+Searching is for positive ones hopefully
+Searching are for positive ones hopefully
+Searching is for positive ones hopefully
+Searching are for positive ones hopefully
+||||clintp||||Hahaha. Craigslist ad for a roommate seeks a tolerant person. "No men, no meat, no Repblicans, no TV, no smokers, no pets, no plants" *snort*||||
+Searching is for hahaha. craigslist ad for a roommate seeks a tolerant person. "no men, no meat, no repblicans, no tv, no smokers, no pets, no plants" *snort*
+Searching are for hahaha. craigslist ad for a roommate seeks a tolerant person. "no men, no meat, no repblicans, no tv, no smokers, no pets, no plants" *snort*
+Searching is for hahaha. craigslist ad for a roommate seeks a tolerant person. "no men, no meat, no repblicans, no tv, no smokers, no pets, no plants" *snort*
+Searching are for hahaha. craigslist ad for a roommate seeks a tolerant person. "no men, no meat, no repblicans, no tv, no smokers, no pets, no plants" *snort*
+Searching is for hahaha
+Searching are for hahaha
+Searching is for hahaha
+Searching are for hahaha
+||||Frakkle||||"Be tolerant of my intolerance?"||||
+Searching is for "be tolerant of frakkle's intolerance?"
+Searching are for "be tolerant of frakkle's intolerance?"
+Searching is for "be tolerant of frakkle's intolerance?"
+Searching are for "be tolerant of frakkle's intolerance?"
+||||clintp||||People who preach tolerance, rarely are.||||
+Searching is for peoplepreach tolerance, rarely are.
+Searching are for peoplepreach tolerance, rarely are.
+Searching is for peoplepreach tolerance, rarely are
+Searching are for peoplepreach tolerance, rarely are
+||||Penguin||||no meat?||||
+Searching is for no meat
+Searching are for no meat
+Searching is for no meat
+Searching are for no meat
+||||clintp||||That goes along with "no men" I presume.||||
+Searching is for that goes along with "no men" clintp presume.
+Searching are for that goes along with "no men" clintp presume.
+Searching is for that goes along with "no men" clintp presume
+Searching are for that goes along with "no men" clintp presume
+||||Penguin||||a girl with no flesh then? :P||||
+Searching is for a girl with no flesh then? :p
+Searching are for a girl with no flesh then? :p
+Searching is for girl with no flesh then? :p
+Searching are for girl with no flesh then? :p
+||||Frakkle||||That sounds tasty.||||
+Searching is for that sounds tasty.
+Searching are for that sounds tasty.
+Searching is for that sounds tasty
+Searching are for that sounds tasty
+||||dorian||||you mean nicole richie?||||
+Searching is for you mean nicole richie
+Searching are for you mean nicole richie
+Searching is for you mean nicole richie
+Searching are for you mean nicole richie
+||||sungo||||isn't she that pair of boobs that talk?||||
+Searching is for isn't she that pair of boobs that talk
+Searching are for isn't she that pair of boobs that talk
+Searching is for isn't she that pair of boobs that talk
+Searching are for isn't she that pair of boobs that talk
+||||dorian||||she might have been at one point but certainly isn't anymore||||
+Searching is for she might have been at one point but certainly isn't anymore
+Searching are for she might have been at one point but certainly isn't anymore
+Searching is for she might have been at one point but certainly isn't anymore
+Searching are for she might have been at one point but certainly isn't anymore
+||||mdxi||||more like Paris Hilton The Lesser||||
+Searching is for more like paris hilton the lesser
+Searching are for more like paris hilton the lesser
+Searching is for more like paris hilton the lesser
+Searching are for more like paris hilton the lesser
+Searching is for http://www.imdb.com/gallery/ss/0362153/ss/0362153/6488501_2_1.jpg?path=pgallery&path_key=richie,%20nicole
+Searching are for http://www.imdb.com/gallery/ss/0362153/ss/0362153/6488501_2_1.jpg?path=pgallery&path_key=richie,%20nicole
+Searching is for http://www.imdb.com/gallery/ss/0362153/ss/0362153/6488501_2_1.jpg?path=pgallery&path_key=richie,%20nicole
+Searching are for http://www.imdb.com/gallery/ss/0362153/ss/0362153/6488501_2_1.jpg?path=pgallery&path_key=richie,%20nicole
+||||shorten||||sungo's url is at http://xrl.us/rczf||||
+Searching is for sungo's url is at http://xrl.us/rczf
+Searching are for sungo's url is at http://xrl.us/rczf
+Searching is for sungo's url
+set;;is;;sungo's url;;at http://xrl.us/rczf
+||||joel||||http://mitpress.mit.edu/catalog/item/default.asp?ttype=2&tid=10928 # anybody read that? any good?||||
+Searching is for http://mitpress.mit.edu/catalog/item/default.asp?ttype=2&tid=10928 # anybody read that? any good
+Searching are for http://mitpress.mit.edu/catalog/item/default.asp?ttype=2&tid=10928 # anybody read that? any good
+Searching is for http://mitpress.mit.edu/catalog/item/default.asp?ttype=2&tid=10928 # anybody read that? any good
+Searching are for http://mitpress.mit.edu/catalog/item/default.asp?ttype=2&tid=10928 # anybody read that? any good
+||||shorten||||joel's url is at http://xrl.us/rczh||||
+Searching is for joel's url is at http://xrl.us/rczh
+Searching are for joel's url is at http://xrl.us/rczh
+Searching is for joel's url
+set;;is;;joel's url;;at http://xrl.us/rczh
+||||waltman||||she's not even particularly attractive||||
+Searching is for she's not even particularly attractive
+Searching are for she's not even particularly attractive
+Searching is for she's not even particularly attractive
+Searching are for she's not even particularly attractive
+||||sungo||||if you're turned on by spray on tans, perhaps she it.||||
+Searching is for if you are turned on by spray on tans, perhaps she it.
+Searching are for if you are turned on by spray on tans, perhaps she it.
+||||rjbs||||"talk" is sort of a strong word||||
+Searching is for "talk" is sort of a strong word
+Searching are for "talk" is sort of a strong word
+Searching is for "talk"
+set;;is;;"talk";;sort of a strong word
+Searching is for t
+Searching are for t
+Searching is for t
+Searching are for t
+||||waltman||||the main thing those two young ladies have going for them is their inheritances||||
+Searching is for the main thing those two young ladies have going for them is their inheritances
+Searching are for the main thing those two young ladies have going for them is their inheritances
+||||joel||||I never saw the point of Paris Hilton||||
+Searching is for joel never saw the point of paris hilton
+Searching are for joel never saw the point of paris hilton
+Searching is for joel never saw the point of paris hilton
+Searching are for joel never saw the point of paris hilton
+||||joel||||I prefer the Crillon or the George Cinq.||||
+Searching is for joel prefer the crillon or the george cinq.
+Searching are for joel prefer the crillon or the george cinq.
+Searching is for joel prefer the crillon or the george cinq
+Searching are for joel prefer the crillon or the george cinq
+Searching is for s/main/only/
+Searching are for s/main/only/
+Searching is for s/main/only/
+Searching are for s/main/only/
+||||sungo||||yeah, I suppose I would fuck them for their inheritance.||||
+Searching is for yeah, sungo suppose sungo would fuck them for their inheritance.
+Searching are for yeah, sungo suppose sungo would fuck them for their inheritance.
+Searching is for yeah, sungo suppose sungo would fuck them for their inheritance
+Searching are for yeah, sungo suppose sungo would fuck them for their inheritance
+||||joel||||how many shafts to the dollar?||||
+Searching is for how many shafts to the dollar
+Searching are for how many shafts to the dollar
+Searching is for how many shafts to the dollar
+Searching are for how many shafts to the dollar
+||||dorian||||you'd need it to pay for the the anti-retrovirals||||
+Searching is for you'd need it to pay for the the anti-retrovirals
+Searching are for you'd need it to pay for the the anti-retrovirals
+Searching is for you'd need it to pay for the the anti-retrovirals
+Searching are for you'd need it to pay for the the anti-retrovirals
+||||joel||||don't be silly, only poor people get aids.||||
+Searching is for don't be silly, only poor people get aids.
+Searching are for don't be silly, only poor people get aids.
+Searching is for don't be silly, only poor people get aids
+Searching are for don't be silly, only poor people get aids
+||||DrForr||||Huuuuuge... investments.||||
+Searching is for huuuuuge... investments.
+Searching are for huuuuuge... investments.
+Searching is for huuuuuge... investments
+Searching are for huuuuuge... investments
+||||sungo||||that's true. I don't need leaves growing off my dick||||
+Searching is for that's true. sungo don't need leaves growing off sungo's dick
+Searching are for that's true. sungo don't need leaves growing off sungo's dick
+Searching is for that's true. sungo don't need leaves growing off sungo's dick
+Searching are for that's true. sungo don't need leaves growing off sungo's dick
+||||DrForr||||Having seen her in person I tend to agree with walt.||||
+Searching is for having seen her in person drforr tend to agree with walt.
+Searching are for having seen her in person drforr tend to agree with walt.
+Searching is for having seen her in person drforr tend to agree with walt
+Searching are for having seen her in person drforr tend to agree with walt
+||||Steve_p||||Hmmm...hating Opera...||||
+Searching is for hmmm...hating opera...
+Searching are for hmmm...hating opera...
+Searching is for hmmm...hating opera
+Searching are for hmmm...hating opera
+||||DrForr||||"Some people find it difficult to watch, others find it difficult to *spell*. Not us! We proudly present the letters 'O', 'P', 'E', 'R' and the ever-popular 'A'..."||||
+Searching is for "some people find it difficult to watch, others find it difficult to *spell*. not us! we proudly present the letters 'o', 'p', 'e', 'r' and the ever-popular 'a'..."
+Searching are for "some people find it difficult to watch, others find it difficult to *spell*. not us! we proudly present the letters 'o', 'p', 'e', 'r' and the ever-popular 'a'..."
+Searching is for "some people find it difficult to watch, others find it difficult to *spell*. not us! we proudly present the letters 'o', 'p', 'e', 'r' and the ever-popular 'a'..."
+Searching are for "some people find it difficult to watch, others find it difficult to *spell*. not us! we proudly present the letters 'o', 'p', 'e', 'r' and the ever-popular 'a'..."
+||||dorian||||is the fat lady singing?||||
+Searching is for is the fat lady singing
+Searching are for is the fat lady singing
+||||yrlnry||||My impression of nicole Ritchie is that she is a lot smarter and funnier than Paris Hilton.||||
+Searching is for yrlnry's impression of nicole ritchie is that she is a lot smarter and funnier than paris hilton.
+Searching are for yrlnry's impression of nicole ritchie is that she is a lot smarter and funnier than paris hilton.
+Searching is for yrlnry's impression of nicole ritchie
+set;;is;;yrlnry's impression of nicole ritchie;;that she is a lot smarter and funnier than Paris Hilton.
+||||yrlnry||||That remark came out a lot weaker than I meant it.||||
+Searching is for that remark came out a lot weaker than yrlnry meant it.
+Searching are for that remark came out a lot weaker than yrlnry meant it.
+Searching is for that remark came out a lot weaker than yrlnry meant it
+Searching are for that remark came out a lot weaker than yrlnry meant it
+||||yrlnry||||My point being, Paris Hilton may be a complete waste of meat, but I don't think Nicole Ritchie is.||||
+Searching is for yrlnry's point being, paris hilton may be a complete waste of meat, but yrlnry don't think nicole ritchie is.
+Searching are for yrlnry's point being, paris hilton may be a complete waste of meat, but yrlnry don't think nicole ritchie is.
+Searching is for yrlnry's point being, paris hilton may be a complete waste of meat, but yrlnry don't think nicole ritchie is
+Searching are for yrlnry's point being, paris hilton may be a complete waste of meat, but yrlnry don't think nicole ritchie is
+||||Steve_p||||no, the browser. It seems to dislike doing JavaScript like everyone else||||
+Searching is for no, the browser. it seems to dislike doing javascript like everyone else
+Searching are for no, the browser. it seems to dislike doing javascript like everyone else
+Searching is for no, the browser. it seems to dislike doing javascript like everyone else
+Searching are for no, the browser. it seems to dislike doing javascript like everyone else
+Searching is for ah
+Searching are for ah
+Searching is for ah
+Searching are for ah
+||||vh||||it's kinda unfortunate that perl.com's frontpage article is yet another rant about somebody blaming perl for the way people write it ||||
+Searching is for it's kinda unfortunate that perl.com's frontpage article is yet another rant about somebody blaming perl for the way people write it
+Searching are for it's kinda unfortunate that perl.com's frontpage article is yet another rant about somebody blaming perl for the way people write it
+||||q||||yrlnry, sadly... i agree.||||
+Searching is for yrlnry, sadly... q agree.
+Searching are for yrlnry, sadly... q agree.
+Searching is for yrlnry, sadly... q agree
+Searching are for yrlnry, sadly... q agree
+||||vh||||it's weird that nobody makes the argument that the reason there is so much bad perl code out there is that perl is unique in enabling noprogrammers to program and get shit done||||
+Searching is for it's weird that nobody makes the argument that the reason there is so much bad perl code out there is that perl is unique in enabling noprogrammers to program and get shit done
+Searching are for it's weird that nobody makes the argument that the reason there is so much bad perl code out there is that perl is unique in enabling noprogrammers to program and get shit done
+||||PerlJam||||did you read the article?||||
+Searching is for did you read the article
+Searching are for did you read the article
+Searching is for did you read the article
+Searching are for did you read the article
+||||vh||||well.. unique in the unix world anyways||||
+Searching is for well.. unique in the unix world
+Searching are for well.. unique in the unix world
+Searching is for well.. unique in the unix world
+Searching are for well.. unique in the unix world
+||||q||||i make that argument.||||
+Searching is for q make that argument.
+Searching are for q make that argument.
+Searching is for q make that argument
+Searching are for q make that argument
+||||q||||and yet i get quite a bit done||||
+Searching is for yet q get quite a bit done
+Searching are for yet q get quite a bit done
+Searching is for yet q get quite a bit done
+Searching are for yet q get quite a bit done
+Searching is for top20
+Searching are for top20
+Searching is for top20
+Searching are for top20
+||||yrlnry||||I make that argument too.||||
+Searching is for yrlnry make that argument too.
+Searching are for yrlnry make that argument too.
+Searching is for yrlnry make that argument too
+Searching are for yrlnry make that argument too
+||||PerlJam||||didn't you make a stronger argument at one point?||||
+Searching is for didn't you make a stronger argument at one point
+Searching are for didn't you make a stronger argument at one point
+Searching is for didn't you make a stronger argument at one point
+Searching are for didn't you make a stronger argument at one point
+||||vh||||oh yea.. well. .it totally does make that point||||
+Searching is for yea.. well. .it totally does make that point
+Searching are for yea.. well. .it totally does make that point
+Searching is for yea.. well. .it totally does make that point
+Searching are for yea.. well. .it totally does make that point
+||||buu||||You've obviously never heard of php.||||
+Searching is for you've obviously never heard of php.
+Searching are for you've obviously never heard of php.
+Searching is for you've obviously never heard of php
+Searching are for you've obviously never heard of php
+||||vh||||and.. uhh the reason I made my statement. .was to.. uhh||||
+Searching is for and.. uhh the reason vh made vh's statement. .was to.. uhh
+Searching are for and.. uhh the reason vh made vh's statement. .was to.. uhh
+Searching is for and.. uhh the reason vh made vh's statement. .was to.. uhh
+Searching are for and.. uhh the reason vh made vh's statement. .was to.. uhh
+||||vh||||point out what a great article it is ||||
+Searching is for point outis a great article it
+Searching are for point outis a great article it
+Searching is for point outis a great article it
+Searching are for point outis a great article it
+||||q||||perl does that very fucking well||||
+Searching is for perl does that very fucking well
+Searching are for perl does that very fucking well
+Searching is for perl does that very fucking well
+Searching are for perl does that very fucking well
+||||yrlnry||||I've also made the argument that Perl can sucker you into thinking that something is a workable solution when it's doomed to collapse in 18 months. With a different language, the collapse would have been only 3 months away, and so you would have been able to foresee it.||||
+Searching is for yrlnry has also made the argument that perl can sucker you into thinking that something is a workable solution when it's doomed to collapse in 18 months. with a different language, the collapse would have been only 3 months away, and so you would have been able to foresee it.
+Searching are for yrlnry has also made the argument that perl can sucker you into thinking that something is a workable solution when it's doomed to collapse in 18 months. with a different language, the collapse would have been only 3 months away, and so you would have been able to foresee it.
+||||buu||||Dear Mr. Q. Please stop contributing to perl's bad reputation. Love, jesus.||||
+Searching is for dear mr. q. please stop contributing to perl's bad reputation. love, jesus.
+Searching are for dear mr. q. please stop contributing to perl's bad reputation. love, jesus.
+Searching is for dear mr. q. please stop contributing to perl's bad reputation. love, jesus
+Searching are for dear mr. q. please stop contributing to perl's bad reputation. love, jesus
+||||q||||perl allows me to be lazy, that's a glowing recommendation||||
+Searching is for perl allows q to be lazy, that's a glowing recommendation
+Searching are for perl allows q to be lazy, that's a glowing recommendation
+Searching is for perl allows q to be lazy, that's a glowing recommendation
+Searching are for perl allows q to be lazy, that's a glowing recommendation
+||||q||||if there is anything else that allows me to be even lazier, let me know. i'll use that too||||
+Searching is for if there is anything else that allows q to be even lazier, let q know. q'll use that too
+Searching are for if there is anything else that allows q to be even lazier, let q know. q'll use that too
+||||vh||||my take on that notion is that in other languages, you never even reached a solution and spent too much time then gave up||||
+Searching is for vh's take on that notion is that in other languages, you never even reached a solution and spent too much time then gave up
+Searching are for vh's take on that notion is that in other languages, you never even reached a solution and spent too much time then gave up
+Searching is for vh's take on that notion
+set;;is;;vh's take on that notion;;that in other languages, you never even reached a solution and spent too much time then gave up
+||||yrlnry||||That happens too.||||
+Searching is for that happens too.
+Searching are for that happens too.
+Searching is for that happens too
+Searching are for that happens too
+||||PerlJam||||Perl just realizes that it is not its job to certify programmers as competen.||||
+Searching is for perl just realizes that it is not its job to certify programmers as competen.
+Searching are for perl just realizes that it is not its job to certify programmers as competen.
+Searching is for perl just realizes that it
+set;;is;;perl just realizes that it;;not its job to certify programmers as competen.
+||||PerlJam||||er, competent.||||
+Searching is for er, competent.
+Searching are for er, competent.
+Searching is for er, competent
+Searching are for er, competent
+||||yrlnry||||Sometimes it works out better, sometimes it's worse.||||
+Searching is for sometimes it works out better, sometimes it's worse.
+Searching are for sometimes it works out better, sometimes it's worse.
+Searching is for sometimes it works out better, sometimes it's worse
+Searching are for sometimes it works out better, sometimes it's worse
+Searching is for right
+Searching are for right
+Searching is for right
+Searching are for right
+||||inferno||||Why does this grep-find (emacs function) exit abnormally?||||
+Searching is for why does this grep-find (emacs function) exit abnormally
+Searching are for why does this grep-find (emacs function) exit abnormally
+Searching is for why does this grep-find (emacs function) exit abnormally
+Searching are for why does this grep-find (emacs function) exit abnormally
+||||inferno||||find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 -e grep -n -e \+nominate||||
+Searching is for find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 -e grep -n -e \+nominate
+Searching are for find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 -e grep -n -e \+nominate
+Searching is for find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 -e grep -n -e \+nominate
+Searching are for find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 -e grep -n -e \+nominate
+||||inferno||||it works fine on the cmd line||||
+Searching is for it works fine on the cmd line
+Searching are for it works fine on the cmd line
+Searching is for it works fine on the cmd line
+Searching are for it works fine on the cmd line
+||||buu||||Because it's emacs.||||
+Searching is for because it's emacs.
+Searching are for because it's emacs.
+Searching is for because it's emacs
+Searching are for because it's emacs
+Searching is for buu++
+Searching are for buu++
+Searching is for buu++
+Searching are for buu++
+||||sungo||||add ;true to the end||||
+Searching is for add ;true to the end
+Searching are for add ;true to the end
+Searching is for add ;true to the end
+Searching are for add ;true to the end
+Searching is for heh
+Searching are for heh
+Searching is for heh
+Searching are for heh
+||||inferno||||alternatively, rewrite the command as 'echo "hello, world"'||||
+Searching is for alternatively, rewrite the command as 'echo "hello, world"'
+Searching are for alternatively, rewrite the command as 'echo "hello, world"'
+Searching is for alternatively, rewrite the command as 'echo "hello, world"'
+Searching are for alternatively, rewrite the command as 'echo "hello, world"'
+||||sungo||||find returns non-zero whenever it finds anything odd.||||
+Searching is for find returns non-zero whenever it finds anything odd.
+Searching are for find returns non-zero whenever it finds anything odd.
+Searching is for find returns non-zero whenever it finds anything odd
+Searching are for find returns non-zero whenever it finds anything odd
+||||q||||(vanilla sex)--||||
+Searching is for (vanilla sex)--
+Searching are for (vanilla sex)--
+Searching is for (vanilla sex)--
+Searching are for (vanilla sex)--
+--;;vanilla sex
+Searching is for boobies+=
+Searching are for boobies+=
+Searching is for boobies+=
+Searching are for boobies+=
+||||buu||||YOU ASSIGNED THEM NULL?!||||
+Searching is for you assigned them null?!
+Searching are for you assigned them null?!
+Searching is for you assigned them null
+Searching are for you assigned them null
+||||buu||||(Or a space..)||||
+Searching is for (or a space..)
+Searching are for (or a space..)
+Searching is for (or a space..)
+Searching are for (or a space..)
+||||vh||||he incremented them a null amount.||||
+Searching is for he incremented them a null amount.
+Searching are for he incremented them a null amount.
+Searching is for he incremented them a null amount
+Searching are for he incremented them a null amount
+||||inferno||||oh, wait, i do indeed get that "exited abnormally" vomit even when searching for random alsdjfldsa that matches nothing||||
+Searching is for wait, inferno do indeed get that "exited abnormally" vomit even when searching for random alsdjfldsa that matches nothing
+Searching are for wait, inferno do indeed get that "exited abnormally" vomit even when searching for random alsdjfldsa that matches nothing
+Searching is for wait, inferno do indeed get that "exited abnormally" vomit even when searching for random alsdjfldsa that matches nothing
+Searching are for wait, inferno do indeed get that "exited abnormally" vomit even when searching for random alsdjfldsa that matches nothing
+Searching is for shocking.
+Searching are for shocking.
+Searching is for shocking
+Searching are for shocking
+||||inferno||||my \+nominate pattern seems ok, now that I changed the dir being find'd to what i meant||||
+Searching is for inferno's \+nominate pattern seems ok, now that inferno changed the dir being find'd toinferno meant
+Searching are for inferno's \+nominate pattern seems ok, now that inferno changed the dir being find'd toinferno meant
+Searching is for inferno's \+nominate pattern seems ok, now that inferno changed the dir being find'd toinferno meant
+Searching are for inferno's \+nominate pattern seems ok, now that inferno changed the dir being find'd toinferno meant
+||||PerlJam||||BTW, install ack||||
+Searching is for btw, install ack
+Searching are for btw, install ack
+Searching is for btw, install ack
+Searching are for btw, install ack
+||||PerlJam||||App::Ack from the CPAN.||||
+Searching is for app::ack from the cpan.
+Searching are for app::ack from the cpan.
+Searching is for app::ack from the cpan
+Searching are for app::ack from the cpan
+Searching is for ack
+Searching are for ack
+Searching is for ack
+Searching are for ack
+Searching is for purl++
+Searching are for purl++
+Searching is for purl++
+Searching are for purl++
+||||PerlJam||||Although .... I don't think ack has an option for outputting the line number ... ||||
+Searching is for although .... perljam don't think ack has an option for outputting the line number ...
+Searching are for although .... perljam don't think ack has an option for outputting the line number ...
+Searching is for although .... perljam don't think ack has an option for outputting the line number
+Searching are for although .... perljam don't think ack has an option for outputting the line number
+||||Andy||||Of course it does||||
+Searching is for of course it does
+Searching are for of course it does
+Searching is for of course it does
+Searching are for of course it does
+||||Andy||||it does it by default.||||
+Searching is for it does it by default.
+Searching are for it does it by default.
+Searching is for it does it by default
+Searching are for it does it by default
+||||inferno||||I can survive on grep atm.||||
+Searching is for inferno can survive on grep atm.
+Searching are for inferno can survive on grep atm.
+Searching is for inferno can survive on grep atm
+Searching are for inferno can survive on grep atm
+||||PerlJam||||but ack is sooo much better||||
+Searching is for ack is sooo much better
+Searching are for ack is sooo much better
+Searching is for ack
+set;;is;;ack;;sooo much better
+||||Andy||||sooo much, better, inferno||||
+Searching is for sooo much, better, inferno
+Searching are for sooo much, better, inferno
+Searching is for sooo much, better, inferno
+Searching are for sooo much, better, inferno
+Searching is for really
+Searching are for really
+Searching is for really
+Searching are for really
+||||PerlJam||||obviously I've never needed to pay attention to that :)||||
+Searching is for obviously perljam has never needed to pay attention to that :)
+Searching are for obviously perljam has never needed to pay attention to that :)
+Searching is for obviously perljam has never needed to pay attention to that :)
+Searching are for obviously perljam has never needed to pay attention to that :)
+||||q||||ack looks neat||||
+Searching is for ack looks neat
+Searching are for ack looks neat
+Searching is for ack looks neat
+Searching are for ack looks neat
+||||obra||||If I were looking for a module to let users specify (roughly) File::Find::Rule rules in a nice (non-code) textual format, what should I look at, cpanwise?||||
+Searching is for if obra were looking for a module to let users specify (roughly) file::find::rule rules in a nice (non-code) textual format,should obra look at, cpanwise
+Searching are for if obra were looking for a module to let users specify (roughly) file::find::rule rules in a nice (non-code) textual format,should obra look at, cpanwise
+Searching is for if obra were looking for a module to let users specify (roughly) file::find::rule rules in a nice (non-code) textual format,should obra look at, cpanwise
+Searching are for if obra were looking for a module to let users specify (roughly) file::find::rule rules in a nice (non-code) textual format,should obra look at, cpanwise
+||||PerlJam||||sounds like you should be looking at inventing that wheel. :)||||
+Searching is for sounds like you should be looking at inventing that wheel. :)
+Searching are for sounds like you should be looking at inventing that wheel. :)
+Searching is for sounds like you should be looking at inventing that wheel. :)
+Searching are for sounds like you should be looking at inventing that wheel. :)
+Searching is for nooooooooooohlagh
+Searching are for nooooooooooohlagh
+Searching is for nooooooooooohlagh
+Searching are for nooooooooooohlagh
+||||gefilte||||I should try out ack. My shell version is far from perfect.||||
+Searching is for gefilte should try out ack. gefilte's shell version is far from perfect.
+Searching are for gefilte should try out ack. gefilte's shell version is far from perfect.
+||||Andy||||Plus ack is actively maintained||||
+Searching is for plus ack is actively maintained
+Searching are for plus ack is actively maintained
+Searching is for plus ack
+set;;is;;plus ack;;actively maintained
+||||Andy||||plus it lets you do things like||||
+Searching is for plus it lets you do things like
+Searching are for plus it lets you do things like
+Searching is for plus it lets you do things like
+Searching are for plus it lets you do things like
+||||clintp||||Find a file that's blue, whose name rhymes with "fudge", and that contains an even number of bytes?||||
+Searching is for find a file that's blue, whose name rhymes with "fudge", and that contains an even number of bytes
+Searching are for find a file that's blue, whose name rhymes with "fudge", and that contains an even number of bytes
+Searching is for find a file that's blue, whose name rhymes with "fudge", and that contains an even number of bytes
+Searching are for find a file that's blue, whose name rhymes with "fudge", and that contains an even number of bytes
+||||q||||inferno, everyone is doing it||||
+Searching is for inferno, everyone is doing it
+Searching are for inferno, everyone is doing it
+Searching is for inferno, everyone
+set;;is;;inferno, everyone;;doing it
+||||Andy||||ack username --nohtml||||
+Searching is for ack username --nohtml
+Searching are for ack username --nohtml
+Searching is for ack username --nohtml
+Searching are for ack username --nohtml
+||||q||||all the cool kids love it||||
+Searching is for all the cool kids love it
+Searching are for all the cool kids love it
+Searching is for all the cool kids love it
+Searching are for all the cool kids love it
+||||gefilte||||Sounds like it might even stay crunchy, even in milk!||||
+Searching is for sounds like it might even stay crunchy, even in milk!
+Searching are for sounds like it might even stay crunchy, even in milk!
+Searching is for sounds like it might even stay crunchy, even in milk
+Searching are for sounds like it might even stay crunchy, even in milk
+||||Andy||||ack -f --color=blue --regex=/.udge$/ --where=(bytecount/2)==0||||
+Searching is for ack -f --color=blue --regex=/.udge$/ --where=(bytecount/2)==0
+Searching are for ack -f --color=blue --regex=/.udge$/ --where=(bytecount/2)==0
+Searching is for ack -f --color=blue --regex=/.udge$/ --where=(bytecount/2)==0
+Searching are for ack -f --color=blue --regex=/.udge$/ --where=(bytecount/2)==0
+||||vh||||ack appears compatibile with emacs grep if you specify --nogroup --nocolor||||
+Searching is for ack appears compatibile with emacs grep if you specify --nogroup --nocolor
+Searching are for ack appears compatibile with emacs grep if you specify --nogroup --nocolor
+Searching is for ack appears compatibile with emacs grep if you specify --nogroup --nocolor
+Searching are for ack appears compatibile with emacs grep if you specify --nogroup --nocolor
+||||Andy||||or if you pipe it||||
+Searching is for if you pipe it
+Searching are for if you pipe it
+Searching is for if you pipe it
+Searching are for if you pipe it
+||||q||||oh this is sweet||||
+Searching is for this is sweet
+Searching are for this is sweet
+Searching is for damn
+Searching are for damn
+Searching is for damn
+Searching are for damn
+Searching is for ack++
+Searching are for ack++
+Searching is for ack++
+Searching are for ack++
+Searching is for :-)
+Searching are for :-)
+Searching is for :-)
+Searching are for :-)
+Searching is for thanks.
+Searching are for thanks.
+Searching is for thanks
+Searching are for thanks
+||||lamech||||hlergh! playboy.com cpan mirrors down?! :-P||||
+Searching is for hlergh! playboy.com cpan mirrors down?! :-p
+Searching are for hlergh! playboy.com cpan mirrors down?! :-p
+Searching is for hlergh! playboy.com cpan mirrors down?! :-p
+Searching are for hlergh! playboy.com cpan mirrors down?! :-p
+||||vh||||just now generically piping into cat.. it appears ack .. hangs||||
+Searching is for just now generically piping into cat.. it appears ack .. hangs
+Searching are for just now generically piping into cat.. it appears ack .. hangs
+Searching is for just now generically piping into cat.. it appears ack .. hangs
+Searching are for just now generically piping into cat.. it appears ack .. hangs
+||||vh||||hmm must be my filesystem..||||
+Searching is for must be vh's filesystem..
+Searching are for must be vh's filesystem..
+Searching is for must be vh's filesystem
+Searching are for must be vh's filesystem
+||||clintp||||-rw-r--r-- 1 clintp clintp 12408 ActricPudge.jpg Good job!||||
+Searching is for -rw-r--r-- 1 clintp clintp 12408 actricpudge.jpg good job!
+Searching are for -rw-r--r-- 1 clintp clintp 12408 actricpudge.jpg good job!
+Searching is for -rw-r--r-- 1 clintp clintp 12408 actricpudge.jpg good job
+Searching are for -rw-r--r-- 1 clintp clintp 12408 actricpudge.jpg good job
+||||Andy||||You want ack -l||||
+Searching is for you want ack -l
+Searching are for you want ack -l
+Searching is for you want ack -l
+Searching are for you want ack -l
+||||clintp||||ArcticPudge.jpg, rather.||||
+Searching is for arcticpudge.jpg, rather.
+Searching are for arcticpudge.jpg, rather.
+Searching is for arcticpudge.jpg, rather
+Searching are for arcticpudge.jpg, rather
+||||Andy||||-l is just a list of files||||
+Searching is for -l is just a list of files
+Searching are for -l is just a list of files
+Searching is for -l
+set;;is;;-l;;just a list of files
+||||Andy||||just like grep||||
+Searching is for just like grep
+Searching are for just like grep
+Searching is for just like grep
+Searching are for just like grep
+||||Andy||||or if you like||||
+Searching is for if you like
+Searching are for if you like
+Searching is for if you like
+Searching are for if you like
+||||Andy||||do a big long ack -l statement||||
+Searching is for do a big long ack -l statement
+Searching are for do a big long ack -l statement
+Searching is for do a big long ack -l statement
+Searching are for do a big long ack -l statement
+||||Andy||||and then ||||
+Searching is for then
+Searching are for then
+Searching is for then
+Searching are for then
+||||Andy||||cat $(!!)||||
+Searching is for cat $(!!)
+Searching are for cat $(!!)
+Searching is for cat $(!!)
+Searching are for cat $(!!)
+||||q||||time to install this on every system. this seriously kicks ass, i can't stop saying it.. heh||||
+Searching is for time to install this on every system. this seriously kicks ass, q can't stop saying it.. heh
+Searching are for time to install this on every system. this seriously kicks ass, q can't stop saying it.. heh
+Searching is for time to install this on every system. this seriously kicks ass, q can't stop saying it.. heh
+Searching are for time to install this on every system. this seriously kicks ass, q can't stop saying it.. heh
+||||Andy||||post in your blog about it||||
+Searching is for post in your blog about it
+Searching are for post in your blog about it
+Searching is for post in your blog about it
+Searching are for post in your blog about it
+||||Andy||||everyone needs it!||||
+Searching is for everyone needs it!
+Searching are for everyone needs it!
+Searching is for everyone needs it
+Searching are for everyone needs it
+||||gefilte||||(rather than manufacture an artificial reason for searching now)||||
+Searching is for (rather than manufacture an artificial reason for searching now)
+Searching are for (rather than manufacture an artificial reason for searching now)
+Searching is for (rather than manufacture an artificial reason for searching now)
+Searching are for (rather than manufacture an artificial reason for searching now)
+||||PerlJam||||ack --cc foo # only look through C source files. Quite handy||||
+Searching is for ack --cc foo # only look through c source files. quite handy
+Searching are for ack --cc foo # only look through c source files. quite handy
+Searching is for ack --cc foo # only look through c source files. quite handy
+Searching are for ack --cc foo # only look through c source files. quite handy
+Searching is for whoa.
+Searching are for whoa.
+Searching is for whoa
+Searching are for whoa
+Searching is for perljam++
+Searching are for perljam++
+Searching is for perljam++
+Searching are for perljam++
+||||Andy||||you can also use "ack -f" to find all the files that would be searched||||
+Searching is for you can also use "ack -f" to find all the files that would be searched
+Searching are for you can also use "ack -f" to find all the files that would be searched
+Searching is for you can also use "ack -f" to find all the files that would be searched
+Searching are for you can also use "ack -f" to find all the files that would be searched
+||||Andy||||so you can say||||
+Searching is for so you can say
+Searching are for so you can say
+Searching is for so you can say
+Searching are for so you can say
+||||PerlJam||||don't ++ me,||||
+Searching is for don't ++ perljam,
+Searching are for don't ++ perljam,
+Searching is for don't ++ perljam,
+Searching are for don't ++ perljam,
+Searching is for andy++
+Searching are for andy++
+Searching is for andy++
+Searching are for andy++
+Searching is for andy++
+Searching are for andy++
+Searching is for andy++
+Searching are for andy++
+||||Andy||||"ack -cc -f"||||
+Searching is for "ack -cc -f"
+Searching are for "ack -cc -f"
+Searching is for "ack -cc -f"
+Searching are for "ack -cc -f"
+||||Andy||||I mean||||
+Searching is for andy mean
+Searching are for andy mean
+Searching is for andy mean
+Searching are for andy mean
+||||Andy||||ack --cc -f||||
+Searching is for ack --cc -f
+Searching are for ack --cc -f
+Searching is for ack --cc -f
+Searching are for ack --cc -f
+||||Andy||||and see all the .c and .h files in the tree||||
+Searching is for see all the .c and .h files in the tree
+Searching are for see all the .c and .h files in the tree
+Searching is for see all the .c and .h files in the tree
+Searching are for see all the .c and .h files in the tree
+||||vh||||hmm it matches emacs annoying #..# files||||
+Searching is for it matches emacs annoying #..# files
+Searching are for it matches emacs annoying #..# files
+Searching is for it matches emacs annoying #..# files
+Searching are for it matches emacs annoying #..# files
+||||Andy||||I will make it stop that||||
+Searching is for andy will make it stop that
+Searching are for andy will make it stop that
+Searching is for andy will make it stop that
+Searching are for andy will make it stop that
+||||Andy||||Just anything matching /^#.+#$/ ?||||
+Searching is for just anything matching /^#.+#$/
+Searching are for just anything matching /^#.+#$/
+Searching is for just anything matching /^#.+#$/
+Searching are for just anything matching /^#.+#$/
+Searching is for yea
+Searching are for yea
+Searching is for yea
+Searching are for yea
+||||vh||||I donno if there'd ever be a legitimate reason to match those ||||
+Searching is for vh donno if there'd ever be a legitimate reason to match those
+Searching are for vh donno if there'd ever be a legitimate reason to match those
+Searching is for vh donno if there'd ever be a legitimate reason to match those
+Searching are for vh donno if there'd ever be a legitimate reason to match those
+||||Andy||||wait, if you do -a you mean?||||
+Searching is for wait, if you do -a you mean
+Searching are for wait, if you do -a you mean
+Searching is for wait, if you do -a you mean
+Searching are for wait, if you do -a you mean
+||||PerlJam||||did you ever add the ability to specify files to look through based on a regular expression?||||
+Searching is for did you ever add the ability to specify files to look through based on a regular expression
+Searching are for did you ever add the ability to specify files to look through based on a regular expression
+Searching is for did you ever add the ability to specify files to look through based on a regular expression
+Searching are for did you ever add the ability to specify files to look through based on a regular expression
+||||Andy||||If you do -a you get everything.||||
+Searching is for if you do -a you get everything.
+Searching are for if you do -a you get everything.
+Searching is for if you do -a you get everything
+Searching are for if you do -a you get everything
+||||vh||||I did 'act --perl -f' and it showed the # files||||
+Searching is for vh did 'act --perl -f' and it showed the # files
+Searching are for vh did 'act --perl -f' and it showed the # files
+Searching is for vh did 'act --perl -f' and it showed the # files
+Searching are for vh did 'act --perl -f' and it showed the # files
+||||Andy||||No, and I don't plan on it.||||
+Searching is for no, and andy don't plan on it.
+Searching are for no, and andy don't plan on it.
+Searching is for no, and andy don't plan on it
+Searching are for no, and andy don't plan on it
+||||Andy||||Show me output||||
+Searching is for show andy output
+Searching are for show andy output
+Searching is for show andy output
+Searching are for show andy output
+Searching is for globbing
+Searching are for globbing
+Searching is for globbing
+Searching are for globbing
+||||Andy||||Just extensions.||||
+Searching is for just extensions.
+Searching are for just extensions.
+Searching is for just extensions
+Searching are for just extensions
+||||PerlJam||||that's just fine then :)||||
+Searching is for that's just fine then :)
+Searching are for that's just fine then :)
+Searching is for that's just fine then :)
+Searching are for that's just fine then :)
+||||vh||||weird.. I just made a test directory.. and put some files in it to recreate the behavior||||
+Searching is for weird.. vh just made a test directory.. and put some files in it to recreate the behavior
+Searching are for weird.. vh just made a test directory.. and put some files in it to recreate the behavior
+Searching is for weird.. vh just made a test directory.. and put some files in it to recreate the behavior
+Searching are for weird.. vh just made a test directory.. and put some files in it to recreate the behavior
+||||vh||||and it didn't happen||||
+Searching is for it didn't happen
+Searching are for it didn't happen
+Searching is for it didn't happen
+Searching are for it didn't happen
+||||vh||||but it's happening in this other dir (that I don't want to show the contents of)||||
+Searching is for it's happening in this other dir (that vh don't want to show the contents of)
+Searching are for it's happening in this other dir (that vh don't want to show the contents of)
+Searching is for it's happening in this other dir (that vh don't want to show the contents of)
+Searching are for it's happening in this other dir (that vh don't want to show the contents of)
+||||Andy||||Give me a sample filename it matches||||
+Searching is for give andy a sample filename it matches
+Searching are for give andy a sample filename it matches
+Searching is for give andy a sample filename it matches
+Searching are for give andy a sample filename it matches
+Searching is for ./#sort-merge-logs.pl#
+Searching are for ./#sort-merge-logs.pl#
+Searching is for ./#sort-merge-logs.pl#
+Searching are for ./#sort-merge-logs.pl#
+Searching is for huh
+Searching are for huh
+Searching is for huh
+Searching are for huh
+||||Andy||||it doesn't for me.||||
+Searching is for it doesn't for andy.
+Searching are for it doesn't for andy.
+Searching is for it doesn't for andy
+Searching are for it doesn't for andy
+||||vh||||just the filename doesn't match..||||
+Searching is for just the filename doesn't match..
+Searching are for just the filename doesn't match..
+Searching is for just the filename doesn't match
+Searching are for just the filename doesn't match
+||||vh||||it's the contents||||
+Searching is for it's the contents
+Searching are for it's the contents
+Searching is for it's the contents
+Searching are for it's the contents
+||||vh||||if I make a file of the same name.. it doesn't match.. I have to copy it into the test dir||||
+Searching is for if vh make a file of the same name.. it doesn't match.. vh has to copy it into the test dir
+Searching are for if vh make a file of the same name.. it doesn't match.. vh has to copy it into the test dir
+Searching is for if vh make a file of the same name.. it doesn't match.. vh has to copy it into the test dir
+Searching are for if vh make a file of the same name.. it doesn't match.. vh has to copy it into the test dir
+Searching is for a-ha
+Searching are for a-ha
+Searching is for a-ha
+Searching are for a-ha
+||||Sachmet||||because it matches both on filename or the first line of the file||||
+Searching is for because it matches both on filename or the first line of the file
+Searching are for because it matches both on filename or the first line of the file
+Searching is for because it matches both on filename or the first line of the file
+Searching are for because it matches both on filename or the first line of the file
+||||vh||||adding #!/usr/bin/perl ||||
+Searching is for adding #!/usr/bin/perl
+Searching are for adding #!/usr/bin/perl
+Searching is for adding #!/usr/bin/perl
+Searching are for adding #!/usr/bin/perl
+||||vh||||makes it match||||
+Searching is for makes it match
+Searching are for makes it match
+Searching is for makes it match
+Searching are for makes it match
+||||Andy||||but that shouldn't happen.||||
+Searching is for that shouldn't happen.
+Searching are for that shouldn't happen.
+Searching is for that shouldn't happen
+Searching are for that shouldn't happen
+||||Andy||||hold on.||||
+Searching is for hold on.
+Searching are for hold on.
+Searching is for hold on
+Searching are for hold on
+||||Andy||||If the extension is .pl#||||
+Searching is for if the extension is .pl#
+Searching are for if the extension is .pl#
+||||Andy||||then it shouldn't fall thru to checking shebang.||||
+Searching is for then it shouldn't fall thru to checking shebang.
+Searching are for then it shouldn't fall thru to checking shebang.
+Searching is for then it shouldn't fall thru to checking shebang
+Searching are for then it shouldn't fall thru to checking shebang
+||||Andy||||I bet you have an old version, vh||||
+Searching is for andy bet you have an old version, vh
+Searching are for andy bet you have an old version, vh
+Searching is for andy bet you have an old version, vh
+Searching are for andy bet you have an old version, vh
+||||vh||||just installed it..||||
+Searching is for just installed it..
+Searching are for just installed it..
+Searching is for just installed it
+Searching are for just installed it
+||||Andy||||1.26 changed that.||||
+Searching is for 1.26 changed that.
+Searching are for 1.26 changed that.
+Searching is for 1.26 changed that
+Searching are for 1.26 changed that
+Searching is for argh
+Searching are for argh
+Searching is for argh
+Searching are for argh
+||||vh||||oh wait.. thats what I have||||
+Searching is for wait.. thatsvh has
+Searching are for wait.. thatsvh has
+Searching is for wait.. thatsvh has
+Searching are for wait.. thatsvh has
+||||Andy||||is there a shebang in the #emacs-workfile.pl#||||
+Searching is for is there a shebang in the #emacs-workfile.pl#
+Searching are for is there a shebang in the #emacs-workfile.pl#
+||||Sachmet||||the thing is...||||
+Searching is for the thing is...
+Searching are for the thing is...
+Searching is for thing is
+Searching are for thing is
+Searching is for
+Searching are for
+Searching is for
+Searching are for
+||||Sachmet||||It says "return ref if ref"||||
+Searching is for it says "return ref if ref"
+Searching are for it says "return ref if ref"
+Searching is for it says "return ref if ref"
+Searching are for it says "return ref if ref"
+Searching is for yes.
+Searching are for yes.
+Searching is for yes
+Searching are for yes
+||||Sachmet||||with no "return" afterwards||||
+Searching is for with no "return" afterwards
+Searching are for with no "return" afterwards
+Searching is for with no "return" afterwards
+Searching are for with no "return" afterwards
+||||Sachmet||||in filetypes()||||
+Searching is for in filetypes()
+Searching are for in filetypes()
+Searching is for in filetypes()
+Searching are for in filetypes()
+||||Andy||||thanks, Pete||||
+Searching is for thanks, pete
+Searching are for thanks, pete
+Searching is for thanks, pete
+Searching are for thanks, pete
+||||Sachmet||||so it will proceed if it hasn't matched based on extension.||||
+Searching is for so it will proceed if it hasn't matched based on extension.
+Searching are for so it will proceed if it hasn't matched based on extension.
+Searching is for so it will proceed if it hasn't matched based on extension
+Searching are for so it will proceed if it hasn't matched based on extension
+||||sungo||||SACK OF MEAT||||
+Searching is for sack of meat
+Searching are for sack of meat
+Searching is for sack of meat
+Searching are for sack of meat
+||||Andy||||You can fuck off because you are not coming to our hackathon you Hoosier douchebag.||||
+Searching is for you can fuck off because you are not coming to our hackathon you hoosier douchebag.
+Searching are for you can fuck off because you are not coming to our hackathon you hoosier douchebag.
+Searching is for darling.
+Searching are for darling.
+Searching is for darling
+Searching are for darling
+||||vh||||I just added 'return if /^\#.+\#$/;||||
+Searching is for vh just added 'return if /^\#.+\#$/;
+Searching are for vh just added 'return if /^\#.+\#$/;
+Searching is for vh just added 'return if /^\#.+\#$/;
+Searching are for vh just added 'return if /^\#.+\#$/;
+||||vh||||to is_interesting||||
+Searching is for to is_interesting
+Searching are for to is_interesting
+Searching is for to is_interesting
+Searching are for to is_interesting
+||||Andy||||ok, I've added||||
+Searching is for andy has added
+Searching are for andy has added
+Searching is for andy has added
+Searching are for andy has added
+||||q||||so does ack default to certain types of files||||
+Searching is for so does ack default to certain types of files
+Searching are for so does ack default to certain types of files
+Searching is for so does ack default to certain types of files
+Searching are for so does ack default to certain types of files
+||||Andy||||No, don't.||||
+Searching is for no, don't.
+Searching are for no, don't.
+Searching is for no, don't
+Searching are for no, don't
+||||Andy||||wrong place||||
+Searching is for wrong place
+Searching are for wrong place
+Searching is for wrong place
+Searching are for wrong place
+Searching is for ah!
+Searching are for ah!
+Searching is for ah
+Searching are for ah
+||||Andy||||it defaults to every file it recognizes.||||
+Searching is for it defaults to every file it recognizes.
+Searching are for it defaults to every file it recognizes.
+Searching is for it defaults to every file it recognizes
+Searching are for it defaults to every file it recognizes
+||||q||||it's not looking through all my files||||
+Searching is for it's not looking through all q's files
+Searching are for it's not looking through all q's files
+Searching is for it's not looking through all q's files
+Searching are for it's not looking through all q's files
+||||Andy||||do a ack -f||||
+Searching is for do a ack -f
+Searching are for do a ack -f
+Searching is for do a ack -f
+Searching are for do a ack -f
+||||q||||okay, so i need to add files to recognize||||
+Searching is for so q need to add files to recognize
+Searching are for so q need to add files to recognize
+Searching is for so q need to add files to recognize
+Searching are for so q need to add files to recognize
+Searching is for thanks
+Searching are for thanks
+Searching is for thanks
+Searching are for thanks
+||||Andy||||and it will tell you all the files it's looking for||||
+Searching is for it will tell you all the files it's looking for
+Searching are for it will tell you all the files it's looking for
+Searching is for it will tell you all the files it's looking for
+Searching are for it will tell you all the files it's looking for
+||||Sachmet||||Leave it to Bill to alphabetize the attendee list.||||
+Searching is for leave it to bill to alphabetize the attendee list.
+Searching are for leave it to bill to alphabetize the attendee list.
+Searching is for leave it to bill to alphabetize the attendee list
+Searching are for leave it to bill to alphabetize the attendee list
+||||Andy||||What files doesn't it reocgnized?||||
+Searching is for files doesn't it reocgnized
+Searching are for files doesn't it reocgnized
+Searching is for files doesn't it reocgnized
+Searching are for files doesn't it reocgnized
+Searching is for .tmpl
+Searching are for .tmpl
+Searching is for .tmpl
+Searching are for .tmpl
+||||Andy||||what's that?||||
+Searching is for is that
+Searching are for is that
+Searching is for that
+Searching is for tt
+Searching are for tt
+Searching is for tt
+Searching are for tt
+||||Andy||||then you'll want ack -a||||
+Searching is for then you'll want ack -a
+Searching are for then you'll want ack -a
+Searching is for then you'll want ack -a
+Searching are for then you'll want ack -a
+||||q||||yes, tt||||
+Searching is for tt
+Searching are for tt
+Searching is for tt
+Searching are for tt
+Searching is for ok
+Searching are for ok
+Searching is for ok
+Searching are for ok
+||||Andy|||| return 'ignore' if $filename =~ /~$/;||||
+Searching is for return 'ignore' if $filename =~ /~$/;
+Searching are for return 'ignore' if $filename =~ /~$/;
+Searching is for return 'ignore' if $filename =~ /~$/;
+Searching are for return 'ignore' if $filename =~ /~$/;
+||||Andy|||| return 'ignore' if $filename =~ /^#.+#$/;||||
+Searching is for return 'ignore' if $filename =~ /^#.+#$/;
+Searching are for return 'ignore' if $filename =~ /^#.+#$/;
+Searching is for return 'ignore' if $filename =~ /^#.+#$/;
+Searching are for return 'ignore' if $filename =~ /^#.+#$/;
+||||Andy|||| return 'ignore' if $filename =~ /\.swp$/;||||
+Searching is for return 'ignore' if $filename =~ /\.swp$/;
+Searching are for return 'ignore' if $filename =~ /\.swp$/;
+Searching is for return 'ignore' if $filename =~ /\.swp$/;
+Searching are for return 'ignore' if $filename =~ /\.swp$/;
+||||Andy||||any others?||||
+Searching is for any others
+Searching are for any others
+Searching is for any others
+Searching are for any others
+Searching is for .core
+Searching are for .core
+Searching is for .core
+Searching are for .core
+||||vh||||swp? whats that ? ||||
+Searching is for swp?is that
+Searching are for swp?is that
+Searching is for swp?is that
+Searching are for swp?is that
+||||vh||||swap file ?||||
+Searching is for swap file
+Searching are for swap file
+Searching is for swap file
+Searching are for swap file
+||||vh||||might have shebang ?||||
+Searching is for might have shebang
+Searching are for might have shebang
+Searching is for might have shebang
+Searching are for might have shebang
+||||Sachmet||||.core or core.\d+||||
+Searching is for .core or core.\d+
+Searching are for .core or core.\d+
+Searching is for .core or core.\d+
+Searching are for .core or core.\d+
+||||vh||||also for your own sanity, you might want to escape the #'s in the regex||||
+Searching is for also for your own sanity, you might want to escape the #'s in the regex
+Searching are for also for your own sanity, you might want to escape the #'s in the regex
+Searching is for also for your own sanity, you might want to escape the #'s in the regex
+Searching are for also for your own sanity, you might want to escape the #'s in the regex
+||||vh||||that'll cause some editors to barf||||
+Searching is for that'll cause some editors to barf
+Searching are for that'll cause some editors to barf
+Searching is for that'll cause some editors to barf
+Searching are for that'll cause some editors to barf
+Searching is for why
+Searching are for why
+Searching is for why
+Searching are for why
+||||vh||||I guess not your sanity..||||
+Searching is for vh guess not your sanity..
+Searching are for vh guess not your sanity..
+Searching is for vh guess not your sanity
+Searching are for vh guess not your sanity
+||||vh||||somebody else's||||
+Searching is for somebody else's
+Searching are for somebody else's
+Searching is for somebody else's
+Searching are for somebody else's
+||||q||||ack -a works, but it's tt if you felt like adding it||||
+Searching is for ack -a works, but it's tt if you felt like adding it
+Searching are for ack -a works, but it's tt if you felt like adding it
+Searching is for ack -a works, but it's tt if you felt like adding it
+Searching are for ack -a works, but it's tt if you felt like adding it
+||||Andy||||Not ine.||||
+Searching is for not ine.
+Searching are for not ine.
+Searching is for not ine
+Searching are for not ine
+||||Andy||||tt already covers a lot||||
+Searching is for tt already covers a lot
+Searching are for tt already covers a lot
+Searching is for tt already covers a lot
+Searching are for tt already covers a lot
+Searching is for cool
+Searching are for cool
+Searching is for cool
+Searching are for cool
+Searching is for ok
+Searching are for ok
+Searching is for ok
+Searching are for ok
+||||Andy|||| return 'ignore' if $filename =~ /\.core$/;||||
+Searching is for return 'ignore' if $filename =~ /\.core$/;
+Searching are for return 'ignore' if $filename =~ /\.core$/;
+Searching is for return 'ignore' if $filename =~ /\.core$/;
+Searching are for return 'ignore' if $filename =~ /\.core$/;
+||||Andy|||| return 'ignore' if $filename =~ /^core\.\d+$/;||||
+Searching is for return 'ignore' if $filename =~ /^core\.\d+$/;
+Searching are for return 'ignore' if $filename =~ /^core\.\d+$/;
+Searching is for return 'ignore' if $filename =~ /^core\.\d+$/;
+Searching are for return 'ignore' if $filename =~ /^core\.\d+$/;
+||||Andy||||anythign else?||||
+Searching is for anythign else
+Searching are for anythign else
+Searching is for anythign else
+Searching are for anythign else
+||||Sachmet||||.o? :-)||||
+Searching is for .o? :-)
+Searching are for .o? :-)
+Searching is for .o? :-)
+Searching are for .o? :-)
+Searching is for :)
+Searching are for :)
+Searching is for :)
+Searching are for :)
+||||Sachmet||||for that matter, .o .a .so||||
+Searching is for for that matter, .o .a .so
+Searching are for for that matter, .o .a .so
+Searching is for for that matter, .o .a .so
+Searching are for for that matter, .o .a .so
+Searching is for ^._
+Searching are for ^._
+Searching is for ^._
+Searching are for ^._
+||||vh||||I know it's making the interface muddy, but I think i'd want to just turn off the 'read files for type' feature||||
+Searching is for vh know it's making the interface muddy, but vh think vh'd want to just turn off the 'read files for type' feature
+Searching are for vh know it's making the interface muddy, but vh think vh'd want to just turn off the 'read files for type' feature
+Searching is for vh know it's making the interface muddy, but vh think vh'd want to just turn off the 'read files for type' feature
+Searching are for vh know it's making the interface muddy, but vh think vh'd want to just turn off the 'read files for type' feature
+||||Sachmet||||and the $filename =~ \.core$/ can just be another hash entry for extension "core"||||
+Searching is for the $filename =~ \.core$/ can just be another hash entry for extension "core"
+Searching are for the $filename =~ \.core$/ can just be another hash entry for extension "core"
+Searching is for $filename =~ \.core$/ can just be another hash entry for extension "core"
+Searching are for $filename =~ \.core$/ can just be another hash entry for extension "core"
+||||Sachmet||||instead of its own return statement||||
+Searching is for instead of its own return statement
+Searching are for instead of its own return statement
+Searching is for instead of its own return statement
+Searching are for instead of its own return statement
+||||Andy||||Could, but I want to be explicit.||||
+Searching is for could, but andy want to be explicit.
+Searching are for could, but andy want to be explicit.
+Searching is for could, but andy want to be explicit
+Searching are for could, but andy want to be explicit
+||||Andy||||oooh, .o, I like.||||
+Searching is for .o, andy like.
+Searching are for .o, andy like.
+Searching is for .o, andy like
+Searching are for .o, andy like
+||||q||||it's sad how happy this is making me. :)||||
+Searching is for it's sad how happy this is making q. :)
+Searching are for it's sad how happy this is making q. :)
+||||vh||||I know it's ... probably.. not the best idea..||||
+Searching is for vh know it's ... probably.. not the best idea..
+Searching are for vh know it's ... probably.. not the best idea..
+Searching is for vh know it's ... probably.. not the best idea
+Searching are for vh know it's ... probably.. not the best idea
+||||vh||||but what I'm thinking of doing is putting an executable check on it||||
+Searching is for is vh is thinking of doing putting an executable check on it
+Searching are for is vh is thinking of doing putting an executable check on it
+Searching is for vh is thinking of doing putting an executable check on it
+Searching is for no
+Searching are for no
+Searching is for no
+Searching are for no
+||||Andy||||no no||||
+Searching is for no no
+Searching are for no no
+Searching is for no no
+Searching are for no no
+||||Andy||||I should just read the first, say, 200 bytes||||
+Searching is for andy should just read the first, say, 200 bytes
+Searching are for andy should just read the first, say, 200 bytes
+Searching is for andy should just read the first, say, 200 bytes
+Searching are for andy should just read the first, say, 200 bytes
+||||vh||||yea that'd be better||||
+Searching is for yea that'd be better
+Searching are for yea that'd be better
+Searching is for yea that'd be better
+Searching are for yea that'd be better
+||||vh||||unless somebody has #!/usr/my/local/ultra/special/awesome/incredible/mega/cool/deeeeeeeeeep/directory/opt/pkg/bin||||
+Searching is for unless somebody has #!/usr/my/local/ultra/special/awesome/incredible/mega/cool/deeeeeeeeeep/directory/opt/pkg/bin
+Searching are for unless somebody has #!/usr/my/local/ultra/special/awesome/incredible/mega/cool/deeeeeeeeeep/directory/opt/pkg/bin
+Searching is for unless somebody has #!/usr/my/local/ultra/special/awesome/incredible/mega/cool/deeeeeeeeeep/directory/opt/pkg/bin
+Searching are for unless somebody has #!/usr/my/local/ultra/special/awesome/incredible/mega/cool/deeeeeeeeeep/directory/opt/pkg/bin
+||||vh||||and I suppose they should be shot anyways||||
+Searching is for vh suppose they should be shot
+Searching are for vh suppose they should be shot
+Searching is for vh suppose they should be shot
+Searching are for vh suppose they should be shot
+||||q||||i keep all my porn there||||
+Searching is for q keep all q's porn there
+Searching are for q keep all q's porn there
+Searching is for q keep all q's porn there
+Searching are for q keep all q's porn there
+||||DrForr||||I keep it in /dev/null, nobody ever *thinks* of looking there.||||
+Searching is for drforr keep it in /dev/null, nobody ever *thinks* of looking there.
+Searching are for drforr keep it in /dev/null, nobody ever *thinks* of looking there.
+Searching is for drforr keep it in /dev/null, nobody ever *thinks* of looking there
+Searching are for drforr keep it in /dev/null, nobody ever *thinks* of looking there
+||||vh||||well ok..||||
+Searching is for ok..
+Searching are for ok..
+Searching is for ok
+Searching are for ok
+||||vh||||this has got to be worth fixing||||
+Searching is for this has got to be worth fixing
+Searching are for this has got to be worth fixing
+Searching is for this has got to be worth fixing
+Searching are for this has got to be worth fixing
+||||vh||||it's reading named pipes.. and blocking||||
+Searching is for it's reading named pipes.. and blocking
+Searching are for it's reading named pipes.. and blocking
+Searching is for it's reading named pipes.. and blocking
+Searching are for it's reading named pipes.. and blocking
+Searching is for eeewwww
+Searching are for eeewwww
+Searching is for eeewwww
+Searching are for eeewwww
+||||sungo||||sungo it!||||
+Searching is for sungo it!
+Searching are for sungo it!
+Searching is for sungo it
+Searching are for sungo it
+||||Andy||||That fallthru is intentional||||
+Searching is for that fallthru is intentional
+Searching are for that fallthru is intentional
+||||Sachmet||||Which one?||||
+Searching is for which one
+Searching are for which one
+Searching is for which one
+Searching are for which one
+||||Sachmet||||The one you just said wasn't?||||
+Searching is for the one you just said wasn't
+Searching are for the one you just said wasn't
+Searching is for one you just said wasn't
+Searching are for one you just said wasn't
+||||Andy||||return if the ref fails||||
+Searching is for return if the ref fails
+Searching are for return if the ref fails
+Searching is for return if the ref fails
+Searching are for return if the ref fails
+Searching is for yes
+Searching are for yes
+Searching is for yes
+Searching are for yes
+||||Sachmet||||15:38 < Andy> If the extension is .pl#||||
+Searching is for 15:38 < andy> if the extension is .pl#
+Searching are for 15:38 < andy> if the extension is .pl#
+Searching is for 15:38 < andy> if the extension
+set;;is;;15:38 < andy> if the extension;;.pl#
+||||Sachmet||||15:38 < Andy> then it shouldn't fall thru to checking shebang.||||
+Searching is for 15:38 < andy> then it shouldn't fall thru to checking shebang.
+Searching are for 15:38 < andy> then it shouldn't fall thru to checking shebang.
+Searching is for 15:38 < andy> then it shouldn't fall thru to checking shebang
+Searching are for 15:38 < andy> then it shouldn't fall thru to checking shebang
+Searching is for ergo
+Searching are for ergo
+Searching is for ergo
+Searching are for ergo
+Searching is for right
+Searching are for right
+Searching is for right
+Searching are for right
+||||Andy||||but that's not right||||
+Searching is for that's not right
+Searching are for that's not right
+Searching is for that's not right
+Searching are for that's not right
+||||Andy||||I know I said that||||
+Searching is for andy know andy said that
+Searching are for andy know andy said that
+Searching is for andy know andy said that
+Searching are for andy know andy said that
+Searching is for ok
+Searching are for ok
+Searching is for ok
+Searching are for ok
+||||sungo||||bash 15009||||
+Searching is for bash 15009
+Searching are for bash 15009
+Searching is for bash 15009
+Searching are for bash 15009
+Searching is for heh
+Searching are for heh
+Searching is for heh
+Searching are for heh
+||||askie||||is there a more simple way of accessing a single char in a string then substr() ?||||
+Searching is for is there a more simple way of accessing a single char in a string then substr()
+Searching are for is there a more simple way of accessing a single char in a string then substr()
+||||vh||||oh wait.. sorry.. that's not a named pipe.. it's hanging reading that for some other unknowable reason... huh.||||
+Searching is for wait.. sorry.. that's not a named pipe.. it's hanging reading that for some other unknowable reason... huh.
+Searching are for wait.. sorry.. that's not a named pipe.. it's hanging reading that for some other unknowable reason... huh.
+Searching is for wait.. sorry.. that's not a named pipe.. it's hanging reading that for some other unknowable reason... huh
+Searching are for wait.. sorry.. that's not a named pipe.. it's hanging reading that for some other unknowable reason... huh
+||||Andy||||You want perl to just read your mind?||||
+Searching is for you want perl to just read your mind
+Searching are for you want perl to just read your mind
+Searching is for you want perl to just read your mind
+Searching are for you want perl to just read your mind
+||||Andy||||I can't think of much simpler than substr()||||
+Searching is for andy can't think of much simpler than substr()
+Searching are for andy can't think of much simpler than substr()
+Searching is for andy can't think of much simpler than substr()
+Searching are for andy can't think of much simpler than substr()
+||||Andy||||Why is that complex?||||
+Searching is for why is that complex
+Searching are for why is that complex
+Searching is for lol
+Searching are for lol
+Searching is for lol
+Searching are for lol
+||||sungo||||bash 40728||||
+Searching is for bash 40728
+Searching are for bash 40728
+Searching is for bash 40728
+Searching are for bash 40728
+||||askie||||no not at all, just wondering :)||||
+Searching is for no not at all, just wondering :)
+Searching are for no not at all, just wondering :)
+Searching is for no not at all, just wondering :)
+Searching are for no not at all, just wondering :)
+||||Andy||||Do you know which position in the string it is?||||
+Searching is for which position in the string it is
+Searching are for which position in the string it is
+||||mauke||||(unpack '(a)*', $str)[$i]||||
+Searching is for (unpack '(a)*', $str)[$i]
+Searching are for (unpack '(a)*', $str)[$i]
+Searching is for (unpack '(a)*', $str)[$i]
+Searching are for (unpack '(a)*', $str)[$i]
+||||askie||||im just hypothetically speaking||||
+Searching is for im just hypothetically speaking
+Searching are for im just hypothetically speaking
+Searching is for im just hypothetically speaking
+Searching are for im just hypothetically speaking
+||||askie||||hehe that looks more complex then substr ;)||||
+Searching is for hehe that looks more complex then substr ;)
+Searching are for hehe that looks more complex then substr ;)
+Searching is for hehe that looks more complex then substr ;)
+Searching are for hehe that looks more complex then substr ;)
+||||q||||bash 35023||||
+Searching is for bash 35023
+Searching are for bash 35023
+Searching is for bash 35023
+Searching are for bash 35023
+||||q||||doh! I can't make them up randomly?!||||
+Searching is for doh! q can't make them up randomly?!
+Searching are for doh! q can't make them up randomly?!
+Searching is for doh! q can't make them up randomly
+Searching are for doh! q can't make them up randomly
+||||mako132||||(boring informative /topics)--||||
+Searching is for (boring informative /topics)--
+Searching are for (boring informative /topics)--
+Searching is for (boring informative /topics)--
+Searching are for (boring informative /topics)--
+--;;boring informative /topics
+||||sungo||||bash 23601||||
+Searching is for bash 23601
+Searching are for bash 23601
+Searching is for bash 23601
+Searching are for bash 23601
+||||sungo||||434593 is pretty classic too||||
+Searching is for 434593 is pretty classic too
+Searching are for 434593 is pretty classic too
+Searching is for 434593
+set;;is;;434593;;pretty classic too
+||||q||||bash 434593||||
+Searching is for bash 434593
+Searching are for bash 434593
+Searching is for bash 434593
+Searching are for bash 434593
+||||sungo||||It's a long one. That's why I didn't ask for it. She usually tells you that though.||||
+Searching is for it's a long one. that's why sungo didn't ask for it. she usually tells you that though.
+Searching are for it's a long one. that's why sungo didn't ask for it. she usually tells you that though.
+Searching is for it's a long one. that's why sungo didn't ask for it. she usually tells you that though
+Searching are for it's a long one. that's why sungo didn't ask for it. she usually tells you that though
+||||muttley||||hmm, must merge that code back into dipsy||||
+Searching is for must merge that code back into dipsy
+Searching are for must merge that code back into dipsy
+Searching is for must merge that code back into dipsy
+Searching are for must merge that code back into dipsy
+||||Sachmet||||it's taking a long time to come up on the bash site||||
+Searching is for it's taking a long time to come up on the bash site
+Searching are for it's taking a long time to come up on the bash site
+Searching is for it's taking a long time to come up on the bash site
+Searching are for it's taking a long time to come up on the bash site
+||||sungo||||bash is kind of slow today||||
+Searching is for bash is kind of slow today
+Searching are for bash is kind of slow today
+Searching is for bash
+set;;is;;bash;;kind of slow today
+||||muttley||||which still has the old "just produce a bash.org url behaviour"||||
+Searching is for which still has the old "just produce a bash.org url behaviour"
+Searching are for which still has the old "just produce a bash.org url behaviour"
+Searching is for which still has the old "just produce a bash.org url behaviour"
+Searching are for which still has the old "just produce a bash.org url behaviour"
+||||q||||purl++ ||||
+Searching is for purl++
+Searching are for purl++
+Searching is for purl++
+Searching are for purl++
+||||sungo||||bash 514353||||
+Searching is for bash 514353
+Searching are for bash 514353
+Searching is for bash 514353
+Searching are for bash 514353
+||||q||||two days later..||||
+Searching is for two days later..
+Searching are for two days later..
+Searching is for two days later
+Searching are for two days later
+Searching is for ouch
+Searching are for ouch
+Searching is for ouch
+Searching are for ouch
+||||Sachmet||||bash 670420||||
+Searching is for bash 670420
+Searching are for bash 670420
+Searching is for bash 670420
+Searching are for bash 670420
+||||sungo||||bash 199355||||
+Searching is for bash 199355
+Searching are for bash 199355
+Searching is for bash 199355
+Searching are for bash 199355
+||||sungo||||<cue jeopardy music>||||
+Searching is for <cue jeopardy music>
+Searching are for <cue jeopardy music>
+Searching is for <cue jeopardy music>
+Searching are for <cue jeopardy music>
+||||sungo||||oh right. my all time favorite bash. I'd forgotten it.||||
+Searching is for right. sungo's all time favorite bash. sungo'd forgotten it.
+Searching are for right. sungo's all time favorite bash. sungo'd forgotten it.
+Searching is for right. sungo's all time favorite bash. sungo'd forgotten it
+Searching are for right. sungo's all time favorite bash. sungo'd forgotten it
+||||sungo||||bash 166956||||
+Searching is for bash 166956
+Searching are for bash 166956
+Searching is for bash 166956
+Searching are for bash 166956
+||||sungo||||bash 2635||||
+Searching is for bash 2635
+Searching are for bash 2635
+Searching is for bash 2635
+Searching are for bash 2635
+Searching is for hahaha
+Searching are for hahaha
+Searching is for hahaha
+Searching are for hahaha
+Searching is for sungo++
+Searching are for sungo++
+Searching is for sungo++
+Searching are for sungo++
+||||q||||i think jeek's got a few in there. ||||
+Searching is for q think jeek's got a few in there.
+Searching are for q think jeek's got a few in there.
+Searching is for q think jeek's got a few in there
+Searching are for q think jeek's got a few in there
+||||q||||'fo sheezy my neezy, keeps my arms all breezy.||||
+Searching is for 'fo sheezy q's neezy, keeps q's arms all breezy.
+Searching are for 'fo sheezy q's neezy, keeps q's arms all breezy.
+Searching is for 'fo sheezy q's neezy, keeps q's arms all breezy
+Searching are for 'fo sheezy q's neezy, keeps q's arms all breezy
+||||warewolf||||convert 2.25 lbs to kg||||
+Searching is for convert 2.25 lbs to kg
+Searching are for convert 2.25 lbs to kg
+Searching is for convert 2.25 lbs to kg
+Searching are for convert 2.25 lbs to kg
+||||warewolf||||if anyone cares, smokedmeats.com is having a jerkey sale. 1/4 lb free with every lb you buy||||
+Searching is for if anyone cares, smokedmeats.com is having a jerkey sale. 1/4 lb free with every lb you buy
+Searching are for if anyone cares, smokedmeats.com is having a jerkey sale. 1/4 lb free with every lb you buy
+||||dngor||||Woot! 5 pounds for the price of 4!||||
+Searching is for woot! 5 pounds for the price of 4!
+Searching are for woot! 5 pounds for the price of 4!
+Searching is for woot! 5 pounds for the price of 4
+Searching are for woot! 5 pounds for the price of 4
+||||q||||bash 13399||||
+Searching is for bash 13399
+Searching are for bash 13399
+Searching is for bash 13399
+Searching are for bash 13399
+||||mako132||||I like smoked meats||||
+Searching is for mako132 like smoked meats
+Searching are for mako132 like smoked meats
+Searching is for mako132 like smoked meats
+Searching are for mako132 like smoked meats
+||||q||||bash 608068||||
+Searching is for bash 608068
+Searching are for bash 608068
+Searching is for bash 608068
+Searching are for bash 608068
+||||sungo||||be me again||||
+Searching is for be sungo again
+Searching are for be sungo again
+Searching is for be sungo again
+Searching are for be sungo again
+Searching is for fadware
+Searching are for fadware
+Searching is for fadware
+Searching are for fadware
+||||avar||||Double-plus badware||||
+Searching is for double-plus badware
+Searching are for double-plus badware
+Searching is for double-plus badware
+Searching are for double-plus badware
+||||mdxi||||badware is just malware with a german root||||
+Searching is for badware is just malware with a german root
+Searching are for badware is just malware with a german root
+Searching is for badware
+set;;is;;badware;;just malware with a german root
+Searching is for slightly-naughtyware
+Searching are for slightly-naughtyware
+Searching is for slightly-naughtyware
+Searching are for slightly-naughtyware
+||||mdxi||||at least the media can (possibly) use it properly. unlike "virus", "worm", "trojan", etc.||||
+Searching is for at least the media can (possibly) use it properly. unlike "virus", "worm", "trojan", etc.
+Searching are for at least the media can (possibly) use it properly. unlike "virus", "worm", "trojan", etc.
+Searching is for at least the media can (possibly) use it properly. unlike "virus", "worm", "trojan", etc
+Searching are for at least the media can (possibly) use it properly. unlike "virus", "worm", "trojan", etc
+||||q||||this new badware is software that you don't want. it's bad. not to be confused with adware which you do want. now after the break, home shopping tips.||||
+Searching is for this new badware is software that you don't want. it's bad. not to be confused with adware which you do want. now after the break, home shopping tips.
+Searching are for this new badware is software that you don't want. it's bad. not to be confused with adware which you do want. now after the break, home shopping tips.
+Searching is for letsagreetodisagreeware
+Searching are for letsagreetodisagreeware
+Searching is for letsagreetodisagreeware
+Searching are for letsagreetodisagreeware
+||||dngor||||cube it||||
+Searching is for cube it
+Searching are for cube it
+Searching is for cube it
+Searching are for cube it
+||||workbench||||jesus. bleedy *and* touchy||||
+Searching is for jesus. bleedy *and* touchy
+Searching are for jesus. bleedy *and* touchy
+Searching is for jesus. bleedy *and* touchy
+Searching are for jesus. bleedy *and* touchy
+||||Dave||||sungo it!||||
+Searching is for sungo it!
+Searching are for sungo it!
+Searching is for sungo it
+Searching are for sungo it
+||||avar||||would be neat to make Debian GNU/Perl:)||||
+Searching is for would be neat to make debian gnu/perl:)
+Searching are for would be neat to make debian gnu/perl:)
+Searching is for would be neat to make debian gnu/perl:)
+Searching are for would be neat to make debian gnu/perl:)
+Searching is for heh
+Searching are for heh
+Searching is for heh
+Searching are for heh
+||||Dave||||seen dha?||||
+Searching is for seen dha
+Searching are for seen dha
+Searching is for seen dha
+Searching are for seen dha
+||||vh||||loading 22 million rows into oracle with a really wide insert from select isn't as fast as I'd hoped||||
+Searching is for loading 22 million rows into oracle with a really wide insert from select isn't as fast as vh'd hoped
+Searching are for loading 22 million rows into oracle with a really wide insert from select isn't as fast as vh'd hoped
+Searching is for loading 22 million rows into oracle with a really wide insert from select isn't as fast as vh'd hoped
+Searching are for loading 22 million rows into oracle with a really wide insert from select isn't as fast as vh'd hoped
+||||vh||||I had dreams of speed.||||
+Searching is for vh had dreams of speed.
+Searching are for vh had dreams of speed.
+Searching is for vh had dreams of speed
+Searching are for vh had dreams of speed
+||||buu||||But now they've turned to ash?||||
+Searching is for now they've turned to ash
+Searching are for now they've turned to ash
+Searching is for now they've turned to ash
+Searching are for now they've turned to ash
+||||avar||||I mean a Perl userland||||
+Searching is for avar mean a perl userland
+Searching are for avar mean a perl userland
+Searching is for avar mean a perl userland
+Searching are for avar mean a perl userland
+||||vh||||so much ash.. scattered in the wind.. and the rained on.. forming icky little black spots.. yes||||
+Searching is for so much ash.. scattered in the wind.. and the rained on.. forming icky little black spots.. yes
+Searching are for so much ash.. scattered in the wind.. and the rained on.. forming icky little black spots.. yes
+Searching is for so much ash.. scattered in the wind.. and the rained on.. forming icky little black spots.. yes
+Searching are for so much ash.. scattered in the wind.. and the rained on.. forming icky little black spots.. yes
+||||Dave||||Do you want it to BLEED to death? :P||||
+Searching is for do you want it to bleed to death? :p
+Searching are for do you want it to bleed to death? :p
+Searching is for do you want it to bleed to death? :p
+Searching are for do you want it to bleed to death? :p
+||||buu||||Wouldn't that be perl/linux ?||||
+Searching is for wouldn't that be perl/linux
+Searching are for wouldn't that be perl/linux
+Searching is for wouldn't that be perl/linux
+Searching are for wouldn't that be perl/linux
+||||DrForr||||perllinux.sf.net I believe.||||
+Searching is for perllinux.sf.net drforr believe.
+Searching are for perllinux.sf.net drforr believe.
+Searching is for perllinux.sf.net drforr believe
+Searching are for perllinux.sf.net drforr believe
+||||DrForr||||Careful what you wish for, you might just get it.||||
+Searching is for carefulyou wish for, you might just get it.
+Searching are for carefulyou wish for, you might just get it.
+Searching is for carefulyou wish for, you might just get it
+Searching are for carefulyou wish for, you might just get it
+Searching is for hah
+Searching are for hah
+Searching is for hah
+Searching are for hah
+||||dha||||Hi Dave.||||
+Searching is for hi dave.
+Searching are for hi dave.
+Searching is for hi dave
+Searching are for hi dave
+||||Dave||||wb Dave :)||||
+Searching is for wb dave :)
+Searching are for wb dave :)
+Searching is for wb dave :)
+Searching are for wb dave :)
+||||DrForr||||Careful, they might adopt it.||||
+Searching is for careful, they might adopt it.
+Searching are for careful, they might adopt it.
+Searching is for careful, they might adopt it
+Searching are for careful, they might adopt it
+||||DrForr||||How's b'ham, dha?||||
+Searching is for how's b'ham, dha
+Searching are for how's b'ham, dha
+Searching is for how's b'ham, dha
+Searching are for how's b'ham, dha
+Searching is for binghamton?!?!!
+Searching are for binghamton?!?!!
+Searching is for binghamton
+Searching are for binghamton
+Searching is for yee
+Searching are for yee
+Searching is for yee
+Searching are for yee
+Searching is for s
+Searching are for s
+Searching is for s
+Searching are for s
+||||CanyonMan||||You have my sympathy!||||
+Searching is for you have canyonman's sympathy!
+Searching are for you have canyonman's sympathy!
+Searching is for you have canyonman's sympathy
+Searching are for you have canyonman's sympathy
+||||dha||||it's... birminghamy||||
+Searching is for it's... birminghamy
+Searching are for it's... birminghamy
+Searching is for it's... birminghamy
+Searching are for it's... birminghamy
+||||Dave||||b ham||||
+Searching is for b ham
+Searching are for b ham
+Searching is for b ham
+Searching are for b ham
+||||Dave||||birthday ham||||
+Searching is for birthday ham
+Searching are for birthday ham
+Searching is for birthday ham
+Searching are for birthday ham
+||||CanyonMan||||oh, birm||||
+Searching is for birm
+Searching are for birm
+Searching is for birm
+Searching are for birm
+Searching is for ok
+Searching are for ok
+Searching is for ok
+Searching are for ok
+Searching is for :)
+Searching are for :)
+Searching is for :)
+Searching are for :)
+Searching is for b.*ham.
+Searching are for b.*ham.
+Searching is for b.*ham
+Searching are for b.*ham
+||||Dave||||oh no, mako might drool all over the channel again :p||||
+Searching is for no, mako might drool all over the channel again :p
+Searching are for no, mako might drool all over the channel again :p
+Searching is for no, mako might drool all over the channel again :p
+Searching are for no, mako might drool all over the channel again :p
+||||Dave||||DrForr, agreed :)||||
+Searching is for drforr, agreed :)
+Searching are for drforr, agreed :)
+Searching is for drforr, agreed :)
+Searching are for drforr, agreed :)
+||||dha||||we had indian food tonight.||||
+Searching is for we had indian food tonight.
+Searching are for we had indian food tonight.
+Searching is for we had indian food tonight
+Searching are for we had indian food tonight
+||||CanyonMan||||in india, indian food is just "food"||||
+Searching is for in india, indian food is just "food"
+Searching are for in india, indian food is just "food"
+Searching is for in india, indian food
+set;;is;;in india, indian food;;just "food"
+||||vh||||took 15 minutes to load 22mil rows.. suck||||
+Searching is for took 15 minutes to load 22mil rows.. suck
+Searching are for took 15 minutes to load 22mil rows.. suck
+Searching is for took 15 minutes to load 22mil rows.. suck
+Searching are for took 15 minutes to load 22mil rows.. suck
+||||Dave||||What a very astute observation, CM :)||||
+Searching is for a very astute observation, cm :)
+Searching are for a very astute observation, cm :)
+Searching is for very astute observation, cm :)
+Searching are for very astute observation, cm :)
+||||buu||||It took me 3 days to load 100,000 rows =[||||
+Searching is for it took buu 3 days to load 100,000 rows =[
+Searching are for it took buu 3 days to load 100,000 rows =[
+Searching is for it took buu 3 days to load 100,000 rows =[
+Searching are for it took buu 3 days to load 100,000 rows =[
+||||freeside||||what ar eyou using, vh?||||
+Searching is for ar eyou using, vh
+Searching are for ar eyou using, vh
+Searching is for ar eyou using, vh
+Searching are for ar eyou using, vh
+||||hachi||||in soviet russia.....||||
+Searching is for in soviet russia.....
+Searching are for in soviet russia.....
+Searching is for in soviet russia
+Searching are for in soviet russia
+Searching is for
+Searching are for
+Searching is for
+Searching are for
+||||vh||||Oracle, an external table and a insert into ( select from external )||||
+Searching is for oracle, an external table and a insert into ( select from external )
+Searching are for oracle, an external table and a insert into ( select from external )
+Searching is for oracle, an external table and a insert into ( select from external )
+Searching are for oracle, an external table and a insert into ( select from external )
+||||dha||||cm - really? so, say, a burger isn't food there?||||
+Searching is for cm - really? so, say, a burger isn't food there
+Searching are for cm - really? so, say, a burger isn't food there
+Searching is for cm - really? so, say, a burger isn't food there
+Searching are for cm - really? so, say, a burger isn't food there
+||||CanyonMan||||That soviet joke is my favorite!!!||||
+Searching is for that soviet joke is canyonman's favorite!!!
+Searching are for that soviet joke is canyonman's favorite!!!
+Searching is for purl++
+Searching are for purl++
+Searching is for purl++
+Searching are for purl++
+||||buu||||How do you talk so much?||||
+Searching is for how do you talk so much
+Searching are for how do you talk so much
+Searching is for how do you talk so much
+Searching are for how do you talk so much
+||||CanyonMan||||jerks! :~(||||
+Searching is for jerks! :~(
+Searching are for jerks! :~(
+Searching is for jerks! :~(
+Searching are for jerks! :~(
+||||DrForr||||Or just drop indexes, LOAD data and rebuild indexes.||||
+Searching is for just drop indexes, load data and rebuild indexes.
+Searching are for just drop indexes, load data and rebuild indexes.
+Searching is for just drop indexes, load data and rebuild indexes
+Searching are for just drop indexes, load data and rebuild indexes
+Searching is for :\
+Searching are for :\
+Searching is for :\
+Searching are for :\
+Searching is for top10
+Searching are for top10
+Searching is for top10
+Searching are for top10
+||||vh||||I should try that ..||||
+Searching is for vh should try that ..
+Searching are for vh should try that ..
+Searching is for vh should try that
+Searching are for vh should try that
+||||dha||||buu - I guess I just got a big mouth.||||
+Searching is for buu - dha guess dha just got a big mouth.
+Searching are for buu - dha guess dha just got a big mouth.
+Searching is for buu - dha guess dha just got a big mouth
+Searching are for buu - dha guess dha just got a big mouth
+||||buu||||Oh, ok.||||
+Searching is for ok.
+Searching are for ok.
+Searching is for ok
+Searching are for ok
+||||inferno||||1 series, 50 series, right?||||
+Searching is for 1 series, 50 series, right
+Searching are for 1 series, 50 series, right
+Searching is for 1 series, 50 series, right
+Searching are for 1 series, 50 series, right
+||||inferno||||is it ever right to write series'?||||
+Searching is for is it ever right to write series'
+Searching are for is it ever right to write series'
+||||inferno||||(or something)||||
+Searching is for (or something)
+Searching are for (or something)
+Searching is for (or something)
+Searching are for (or something)
+||||buu||||If you were possessivying it||||
+Searching is for if you were possessivying it
+Searching are for if you were possessivying it
+Searching is for if you were possessivying it
+Searching are for if you were possessivying it
+||||Masque||||Generally, you'd still add an s.||||
+Searching is for generally, you'd still add an s.
+Searching are for generally, you'd still add an s.
+Searching is for generally, you'd still add an s
+Searching are for generally, you'd still add an s
+||||buu||||The series' dog ?||||
+Searching is for the series' dog
+Searching are for the series' dog
+Searching is for series' dog
+Searching are for series' dog
+||||buu||||The series's dog ?||||
+Searching is for the series's dog
+Searching are for the series's dog
+Searching is for series's dog
+Searching are for series's dog
+Searching is for serieses
+Searching are for serieses
+Searching is for serieses
+Searching are for serieses
+Searching is for series'
+Searching are for series'
+Searching is for series'
+Searching are for series'
+Searching is for serieseseses
+Searching are for serieseseses
+Searching is for serieseseses
+Searching are for serieseseses
+||||Masque||||Both are accepted, the latter is generally preferred.||||
+Searching is for both are accepted, the latter is generally preferred.
+Searching are for both are accepted, the latter is generally preferred.
+Searching is for both are accepted, the latter
+set;;is;;both are accepted, the latter;;generally preferred.
+||||kjj||||The dog in the series. ;-)||||
+Searching is for the dog in the series. ;-)
+Searching are for the dog in the series. ;-)
+Searching is for dog in the series. ;-)
+Searching are for dog in the series. ;-)
+||||Masque||||latter, rather.||||
+Searching is for latter, rather.
+Searching are for latter, rather.
+Searching is for latter, rather
+Searching are for latter, rather
+Searching is for masque!
+Searching are for masque!
+Searching is for masque
+Searching are for masque
+||||Masque||||Hiya. :)||||
+Searching is for hiya. :)
+Searching are for hiya. :)
+Searching is for hiya. :)
+Searching are for hiya. :)
+||||dha||||how goes?||||
+Searching is for how goes
+Searching are for how goes
+Searching is for how goes
+Searching are for how goes
+||||Masque||||Forward, not backward. Upward, not forward. And always twirling, twirling, twirling towards freedom!||||
+Searching is for forward, not backward. upward, not forward. and always twirling, twirling, twirling towards freedom!
+Searching are for forward, not backward. upward, not forward. and always twirling, twirling, twirling towards freedom!
+Searching is for forward, not backward. upward, not forward. and always twirling, twirling, twirling towards freedom
+Searching are for forward, not backward. upward, not forward. and always twirling, twirling, twirling towards freedom
+||||dha||||yay freedom!||||
+Searching is for yay freedom!
+Searching are for yay freedom!
+Searching is for yay freedom
+Searching are for yay freedom
+Searching is for dha!
+Searching are for dha!
+Searching is for dha
+Searching are for dha
+Searching is for muttley!
+Searching are for muttley!
+Searching is for muttley
+Searching are for muttley
+Searching is for hee
+Searching are for hee
+Searching is for hee
+Searching are for hee
+||||dha||||did you make it back?||||
+Searching is for did you make it back
+Searching are for did you make it back
+Searching is for did you make it back
+Searching are for did you make it back
+||||muttley||||caught the 7am flight out of jfk||||
+Searching is for caught the 7am flight out of jfk
+Searching are for caught the 7am flight out of jfk
+Searching is for caught the 7am flight out of jfk
+Searching are for caught the 7am flight out of jfk
+||||muttley||||jfk is not a an overnight friendly airport||||
+Searching is for jfk is not a an overnight friendly airport
+Searching are for jfk is not a an overnight friendly airport
+Searching is for jfk
+set;;is;;jfk;;not a an overnight friendly airport
+Searching is for eep.
+Searching are for eep.
+Searching is for eep
+Searching are for eep
+||||muttley||||the only benches with sections long enough to stretch out on are concrete||||
+Searching is for the only benches with sections long enough to stretch out on are concrete
+Searching are for the only benches with sections long enough to stretch out on are concrete
+||||dha||||Good thing you are a highly trained survivalist||||
+Searching is for good thing you are a highly trained survivalist
+Searching are for good thing you are a highly trained survivalist
+Searching are for good thing you
+set;;are;;good thing you;;a highly trained survivalist
+||||muttley||||and either Artur failed to check his phone or the US phone system is even shitter than I thought||||
+Searching is for either artur failed to check his phone or the us phone system is even shitter than muttley thought
+Searching are for either artur failed to check his phone or the us phone system is even shitter than muttley thought
+||||freeside||||you all have dirty, dirty minds||||
+Searching is for you all have dirty, dirty minds
+Searching are for you all have dirty, dirty minds
+Searching is for you all have dirty, dirty minds
+Searching are for you all have dirty, dirty minds
+||||freeside||||hullow, Simon Wistow||||
+Searching is for hullow, simon wistow
+Searching are for hullow, simon wistow
+Searching is for hullow, simon wistow
+Searching are for hullow, simon wistow
+||||muttley||||because he didn't get any of my messages and thought I was lying in a gutter in Manhattan somewhere||||
+Searching is for because he didn't get any of muttley's messages and thought muttley was lying in a gutter in manhattan somewhere
+Searching are for because he didn't get any of muttley's messages and thought muttley was lying in a gutter in manhattan somewhere
+Searching is for because he didn't get any of muttley's messages and thought muttley was lying in a gutter in manhattan somewhere
+Searching are for because he didn't get any of muttley's messages and thought muttley was lying in a gutter in manhattan somewhere
+||||dha||||muttley - possibly both||||
+Searching is for muttley - possibly both
+Searching are for muttley - possibly both
+Searching is for muttley - possibly both
+Searching are for muttley - possibly both
+||||dha||||freeside - nothing new. why do you mention it?||||
+Searching is for freeside - nothing new. why do you mention it
+Searching are for freeside - nothing new. why do you mention it
+Searching is for freeside - nothing new. why do you mention it
+Searching are for freeside - nothing new. why do you mention it
+Searching is for :)
+Searching are for :)
+Searching is for :)
+Searching are for :)
+||||dha||||serves him right for not having a working phone. :-)||||
+Searching is for serves him right for not having a working phone. :-)
+Searching are for serves him right for not having a working phone. :-)
+Searching is for serves him right for not having a working phone. :-)
+Searching are for serves him right for not having a working phone. :-)
+||||freeside||||you were calling the US number, i hope||||
+Searching is for you were calling the us number, freeside hope
+Searching are for you were calling the us number, freeside hope
+Searching is for you were calling the us number, freeside hope
+Searching are for you were calling the us number, freeside hope
+||||muttley||||hello :)||||
+Searching is for hello :)
+Searching are for hello :)
+Searching is for hello :)
+Searching are for hello :)
+Searching is for huh
+Searching are for huh
+Searching is for huh
+Searching are for huh
+||||hachi||||hi muttley!||||
+Searching is for hi muttley!
+Searching are for hi muttley!
+Searching is for hi muttley
+Searching are for hi muttley
+||||hachi||||I mean, hi simon||||
+Searching is for hachi mean, hi simon
+Searching are for hachi mean, hi simon
+Searching is for hachi mean, hi simon
+Searching are for hachi mean, hi simon
+||||Sachmet||||(mozilla development model)--||||
+Searching is for (mozilla development model)--
+Searching are for (mozilla development model)--
+Searching is for (mozilla development model)--
+Searching are for (mozilla development model)--
+--;;mozilla development model
+||||dha||||hi hachi.||||
+Searching is for hi hachi.
+Searching are for hi hachi.
+Searching is for hi hachi
+Searching are for hi hachi
+||||Sachmet||||"Screw you, we're not fixing it."||||
+Searching is for "screw you, we're not fixing it."
+Searching are for "screw you, we're not fixing it."
+Searching is for "screw you, we're not fixing it."
+Searching are for "screw you, we're not fixing it."
+||||Sachmet||||"Further, if you want it fixed, fix it yourself."||||
+Searching is for "further, if you want it fixed, fix it yourself."
+Searching are for "further, if you want it fixed, fix it yourself."
+Searching is for "further, if you want it fixed, fix it yourself."
+Searching are for "further, if you want it fixed, fix it yourself."
+||||muttley||||now we can communicate in (at least) 5 ways. Simultaneously||||
+Searching is for now we can communicate in (at least) 5 ways. simultaneously
+Searching are for now we can communicate in (at least) 5 ways. simultaneously
+Searching is for now we can communicate in (at least) 5 ways. simultaneously
+Searching are for now we can communicate in (at least) 5 ways. simultaneously
+||||Sachmet||||freeside++ xkcd++||||
+Searching is for freeside++ xkcd++
+Searching are for freeside++ xkcd++
+Searching is for freeside++ xkcd++
+Searching are for freeside++ xkcd++
+||||hachi||||in constant time!||||
+Searching is for in constant time!
+Searching are for in constant time!
+Searching is for in constant time
+Searching are for in constant time
+Searching is for muttley!!!
+Searching are for muttley!!!
+Searching is for muttley
+Searching are for muttley
+Searching is for damian?!
+Searching are for damian?!
+Searching is for damian
+Searching are for damian
+||||clkao||||of courser||||
+Searching is for of courser
+Searching are for of courser
+Searching is for of courser
+Searching are for of courser
+||||muttley||||tskk! Muttley was just ... misunderstood. Led astray.||||
+Searching is for tskk! muttley was just ... misunderstood. led astray.
+Searching are for tskk! muttley was just ... misunderstood. led astray.
+Searching is for tskk! muttley was just ... misunderstood. led astray
+Searching are for tskk! muttley was just ... misunderstood. led astray
+||||DrForr||||Frequently I'll get messages delivered the following day.||||
+Searching is for frequently drforr'll get messages delivered the following day.
+Searching are for frequently drforr'll get messages delivered the following day.
+Searching is for frequently drforr'll get messages delivered the following day
+Searching are for frequently drforr'll get messages delivered the following day
+||||nothingmu||||where is B::MAGIC defined?||||
+Searching is for is b::magic defined
+Searching are for is b::magic defined
+Searching is for b::magic defined
+||||dha||||IN THE LAND OF OZ||||
+Searching is for in the land of oz
+Searching are for in the land of oz
+Searching is for in the land of oz
+Searching are for in the land of oz
+||||muttley||||that sucks mightily. ||||
+Searching is for that sucks mightily.
+Searching are for that sucks mightily.
+Searching is for that sucks mightily
+Searching are for that sucks mightily
+||||nothingmu||||ohg i see||||
+Searching is for ohg nothingmu see
+Searching are for ohg nothingmu see
+Searching is for ohg nothingmu see
+Searching are for ohg nothingmu see
+||||nothingmu||||newXS("B::MAGIC::MOREMAGIC", XS_B__MAGIC_MOREMAGIC, file);||||
+Searching is for newxs("b::magic::moremagic", xs_b__magic_moremagic, file);
+Searching are for newxs("b::magic::moremagic", xs_b__magic_moremagic, file);
+Searching is for newxs("b::magic::moremagic", xs_b__magic_moremagic, file);
+Searching are for newxs("b::magic::moremagic", xs_b__magic_moremagic, file);
+Searching is for crapxor
+Searching are for crapxor
+Searching is for crapxor
+Searching are for crapxor
+||||dha||||muttley - welcome to the usa!||||
+Searching is for muttley - welcome to the usa!
+Searching are for muttley - welcome to the usa!
+Searching is for muttley - welcome to the usa
+Searching are for muttley - welcome to the usa
+||||joel||||if you like, i can drink it for you and tell you how good it was?||||
+Searching is for if you like, joel can drink it for you and tell you how good it was
+Searching are for if you like, joel can drink it for you and tell you how good it was
+Searching is for if you like, joel can drink it for you and tell you how good it was
+Searching are for if you like, joel can drink it for you and tell you how good it was
+Searching is for hah
+Searching are for hah
+Searching is for hah
+Searching are for hah
+||||muttley||||I'll bank it. Maybe it will accrue interest||||
+Searching is for muttley'll bank it. maybe it will accrue interest
+Searching are for muttley'll bank it. maybe it will accrue interest
+Searching is for muttley'll bank it. maybe it will accrue interest
+Searching are for muttley'll bank it. maybe it will accrue interest
+||||dha||||No, no, I saw muttley most recently, *I* should get the beer||||
+Searching is for no, no, dha saw muttley most recently, *i* should get the beer
+Searching are for no, no, dha saw muttley most recently, *i* should get the beer
+Searching is for no, no, dha saw muttley most recently, *i* should get the beer
+Searching are for no, no, dha saw muttley most recently, *i* should get the beer
+||||dha||||I am willing to take it in hash and hookers if there is insufficient beer.||||
+Searching is for dha is willing to take it in hash and hookers if there is insufficient beer.
+Searching are for dha is willing to take it in hash and hookers if there is insufficient beer.
+Searching is for dha
+set;;is;;dha;;willing to take it in hash and hookers if there is insufficient beer.
+||||vh||||dropping the null contraints and indexes brought the 15 minute load down to 3ish, nice.||||
+Searching is for dropping the null contraints and indexes brought the 15 minute load down to 3ish, nice.
+Searching are for dropping the null contraints and indexes brought the 15 minute load down to 3ish, nice.
+Searching is for dropping the null contraints and indexes brought the 15 minute load down to 3ish, nice
+Searching are for dropping the null contraints and indexes brought the 15 minute load down to 3ish, nice
+||||joel||||what kind of hash is that?||||
+Searching is for is kind of hash that
+Searching are for is kind of hash that
+Searching is for kind of hash that
+Searching is for #
+Searching are for #
+Searching is for #
+Searching are for #
+||||joel||||or corned-beef hash?||||
+Searching is for corned-beef hash
+Searching are for corned-beef hash
+Searching is for corned-beef hash
+Searching are for corned-beef hash
+||||joel||||or do you mean DRUGS?||||
+Searching is for do you mean drugs
+Searching are for do you mean drugs
+Searching is for do you mean drugs
+Searching are for do you mean drugs
+Searching is for #!
+Searching are for #!
+Searching is for #
+Searching are for #
+||||dha||||YES DRUGS. DUH.||||
+Searching is for drugs. duh.
+Searching are for drugs. duh.
+Searching is for drugs. duh
+Searching are for drugs. duh
+||||DrForr||||vh - Glad it worked. Of course rebuilding indexes could conceivably take longer, but that can be a background task :)||||
+Searching is for vh - glad it worked. of course rebuilding indexes could conceivably take longer, but that can be a background task :)
+Searching are for vh - glad it worked. of course rebuilding indexes could conceivably take longer, but that can be a background task :)
+Searching is for vh - glad it worked. of course rebuilding indexes could conceivably take longer, but that can be a background task :)
+Searching are for vh - glad it worked. of course rebuilding indexes could conceivably take longer, but that can be a background task :)
+||||vh||||hard to imagine that the index will take 10*24 minutes to build.. but.. I suppose it might.. I'll have to find out||||
+Searching is for hard to imagine that the index will take 10*24 minutes to build.. but.. vh suppose it might.. vh'll have to find out
+Searching are for hard to imagine that the index will take 10*24 minutes to build.. but.. vh suppose it might.. vh'll have to find out
+Searching is for hard to imagine that the index will take 10*24 minutes to build.. but.. vh suppose it might.. vh'll have to find out
+Searching are for hard to imagine that the index will take 10*24 minutes to build.. but.. vh suppose it might.. vh'll have to find out
+||||joel||||10 * 24, or 10**24?||||
+Searching is for 10 * 24, or 10**24
+Searching are for 10 * 24, or 10**24
+Searching is for 10 * 24, or 10**24
+Searching are for 10 * 24, or 10**24
+||||vh||||so.. if the final index build takes greater then that times 24, when I build em at the end of the day.. i'd have lost net time ||||
+Searching is for so.. if the final index build takes greater then that times 24, when vh build em at the end of the day.. vh'd have lost net time
+Searching are for so.. if the final index build takes greater then that times 24, when vh build em at the end of the day.. vh'd have lost net time
+Searching is for so.. if the final index build takes greater then that times 24, when vh build em at the end of the day.. vh'd have lost net time
+Searching are for so.. if the final index build takes greater then that times 24, when vh build em at the end of the day.. vh'd have lost net time
+||||DrForr||||Well, a lot of the insert overhead is checking data integrity. Dropping indexes and constraints removes checks, and reloading an index likely \is faster than waiting for N inserts to check the index hash.||||
+Searching is for a lot of the insert overhead is checking data integrity. dropping indexes and constraints removes checks, and reloading an index likely \is faster than waiting for n inserts to check the index hash.
+Searching are for a lot of the insert overhead is checking data integrity. dropping indexes and constraints removes checks, and reloading an index likely \is faster than waiting for n inserts to check the index hash.
+Searching is for lot of the insert overhead
+set;;is;;lot of the insert overhead;;checking data integrity. Dropping indexes and constraints removes checks, and reloading an index likely is faster than waiting for N inserts to check the index hash.
+||||hachi||||it seems like it could be a useful feature for when a module author renames a file, or something like that... clean up the old copy so it's not laying around anymore||||
+Searching is for it seems like it could be a useful feature for when a module author renames a file, or something like that... clean up the old copy so it's not laying around anymore
+Searching are for it seems like it could be a useful feature for when a module author renames a file, or something like that... clean up the old copy so it's not laying around anymore
+Searching is for it seems like it could be a useful feature for when a module author renames a file, or something like that... clean up the old copy so it's not laying around anymore
+Searching are for it seems like it could be a useful feature for when a module author renames a file, or something like that... clean up the old copy so it's not laying around anymore
+||||dha||||ok. time for me to get some sleep.||||
+Searching is for time for dha to get some sleep.
+Searching are for time for dha to get some sleep.
+Searching is for time for dha to get some sleep
+Searching are for time for dha to get some sleep
+||||dha||||later, all.||||
+Searching is for later, all.
+Searching are for later, all.
+Searching is for later, all
+Searching are for later, all
+||||freeside||||honk honk||||
+Searching is for honk honk
+Searching are for honk honk
+Searching is for honk honk
+Searching are for honk honk
+||||mrsolo||||i wonder if vista will make the same mistake as os/2 ||||
+Searching is for mrsolo wonder if vista will make the same mistake as os/2
+Searching are for mrsolo wonder if vista will make the same mistake as os/2
+Searching is for mrsolo wonder if vista will make the same mistake as os/2
+Searching are for mrsolo wonder if vista will make the same mistake as os/2
+||||Andy||||Yes, UNINST=1||||
+Searching is for uninst=1
+Searching are for uninst=1
+Searching is for uninst=1
+Searching are for uninst=1
+||||Andy||||or -uninst 1 in Module::Build||||
+Searching is for -uninst 1 in module::build
+Searching are for -uninst 1 in module::build
+Searching is for -uninst 1 in module::build
+Searching are for -uninst 1 in module::build
+||||Andy||||I believe.||||
+Searching is for andy believe.
+Searching are for andy believe.
+Searching is for andy believe
+Searching are for andy believe
+||||hachi||||oh, I don't mean the user doing it||||
+Searching is for hachi don't mean the user doing it
+Searching are for hachi don't mean the user doing it
+Searching is for hachi don't mean the user doing it
+Searching are for hachi don't mean the user doing it
+||||hachi||||I have a tree of .pm files inside SomeModule::Test, and basically, SomeModule/Test/* should be blown away on every install||||
+Searching is for hachi has a tree of .pm files inside somemodule::test, and basically, somemodule/test/* should be blown away on every install
+Searching are for hachi has a tree of .pm files inside somemodule::test, and basically, somemodule/test/* should be blown away on every install
+Searching is for hachi has a tree of .pm files inside somemodule::test, and basically, somemodule/test/* should be blown away on every install
+Searching are for hachi has a tree of .pm files inside somemodule::test, and basically, somemodule/test/* should be blown away on every install
+||||hachi||||except, it should be smarter about it, only destroying the ones that it created on the previous install||||
+Searching is for except, it should be smarter about it, only destroying the ones that it created on the previous install
+Searching are for except, it should be smarter about it, only destroying the ones that it created on the previous install
+Searching is for except, it should be smarter about it, only destroying the ones that it created on the previous install
+Searching are for except, it should be smarter about it, only destroying the ones that it created on the previous install
+||||hachi||||BUT, since you tell me that I can do it with an option, then there must be a programmatic way to do it... I assume||||
+Searching is for since you tell hachi that hachi can do it with an option, then there must be a programmatic way to do it... hachi assume
+Searching are for since you tell hachi that hachi can do it with an option, then there must be a programmatic way to do it... hachi assume
+Searching is for since you tell hachi that hachi can do it with an option, then there must be a programmatic way to do it... hachi assume
+Searching are for since you tell hachi that hachi can do it with an option, then there must be a programmatic way to do it... hachi assume
+||||vh||||Vista is the clearest collaboration between microsoft and hardware manufacturers to date.||||
+Searching is for vista is the clearest collaboration between microsoft and hardware manufacturers to date.
+Searching are for vista is the clearest collaboration between microsoft and hardware manufacturers to date.
+Searching is for vista
+set;;is;;vista;;the clearest collaboration between microsoft and hardware manufacturers to date.
+||||mrsolo||||doesn't say much||||
+Searching is for doesn't say much
+Searching are for doesn't say much
+Searching is for doesn't say much
+Searching are for doesn't say much
+||||mrsolo||||still cheaper than a mac i suppose||||
+Searching is for cheaper than a mac mrsolo suppose
+Searching are for cheaper than a mac mrsolo suppose
+Searching is for cheaper than a mac mrsolo suppose
+Searching are for cheaper than a mac mrsolo suppose
+||||mrsolo||||probably not by much||||
+Searching is for probably not by much
+Searching are for probably not by much
+Searching is for probably not by much
+Searching are for probably not by much
+||||dorian||||certainly not once you have to buy all new hardware to work with TCPA||||
+Searching is for certainly not once you have to buy all new hardware to work with tcpa
+Searching are for certainly not once you have to buy all new hardware to work with tcpa
+Searching is for certainly not once you have to buy all new hardware to work with tcpa
+Searching are for certainly not once you have to buy all new hardware to work with tcpa
+Searching is for tcpa
+Searching are for tcpa
+Searching is for tcpa
+Searching are for tcpa
+||||dorian||||yeah the new hardware-you-don't-own spec||||
+Searching is for yeah the new hardware-you-don't-own spec
+Searching are for yeah the new hardware-you-don't-own spec
+Searching is for yeah the new hardware-you-don't-own spec
+Searching are for yeah the new hardware-you-don't-own spec
+||||kjj||||TCPA is Trusted Computing Platform Alliance||||
+Searching is for tcpa is trusted computing platform alliance
+Searching are for tcpa is trusted computing platform alliance
+Searching is for tcpa
+set;;is;;tcpa;;Trusted Computing Platform Alliance
+||||mrsolo||||oh yea||||
+Searching is for yea
+Searching are for yea
+Searching is for yea
+Searching are for yea
+||||mrsolo||||does that thing work?||||
+Searching is for does that thing work
+Searching are for does that thing work
+Searching is for does that thing work
+Searching are for does that thing work
+||||DrForr||||It's Microsoft. What do you think?...||||
+Searching is for it's microsoft.do you think?...
+Searching are for it's microsoft.do you think?...
+Searching is for it's microsoft.do you think
+Searching are for it's microsoft.do you think
+||||mrsolo||||it's collaboration||||
+Searching is for it's collaboration
+Searching are for it's collaboration
+Searching is for it's collaboration
+Searching are for it's collaboration
+||||mrsolo||||http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trusted_computing <- wow hot topic||||
+Searching is for http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/trusted_computing <- wow hot topic
+Searching are for http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/trusted_computing <- wow hot topic
+Searching is for http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/trusted_computing <- wow hot topic
+Searching are for http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/trusted_computing <- wow hot topic
+||||mrsolo||||i see||||
+Searching is for mrsolo see
+Searching are for mrsolo see
+Searching is for mrsolo see
+Searching are for mrsolo see
+||||hachi||||it's like "Advanced Audio Codec" to me :)||||
+Searching is for it's like "advanced audio codec" to hachi :)
+Searching are for it's like "advanced audio codec" to hachi :)
+Searching is for it's like "advanced audio codec" to hachi :)
+Searching are for it's like "advanced audio codec" to hachi :)
+||||mrsolo||||you can't force people to buy things they don't want||||
+Searching is for you can't force people to buy things they don't want
+Searching are for you can't force people to buy things they don't want
+Searching is for you can't force people to buy things they don't want
+Searching are for you can't force people to buy things they don't want
+||||mrsolo||||wonder vista will backfired on that||||
+Searching is for wonder vista will backfired on that
+Searching are for wonder vista will backfired on that
+Searching is for wonder vista will backfired on that
+Searching are for wonder vista will backfired on that
+||||mrsolo||||among other things||||
+Searching is for among other things
+Searching are for among other things
+Searching is for among other things
+Searching are for among other things
+||||mrsolo||||good for corp may be||||
+Searching is for good for corp may be
+Searching are for good for corp may be
+Searching is for good for corp may be
+Searching are for good for corp may be
+||||mrsolo||||stop industrial spy||||
+Searching is for stop industrial spy
+Searching are for stop industrial spy
+Searching is for stop industrial spy
+Searching are for stop industrial spy
+Searching is for well
+Searching are for well
+Searching is for well
+Searching are for well
+||||dorian||||the hardware industry is an order of magnitude bigger than the media industry||||
+Searching is for the hardware industry is an order of magnitude bigger than the media industry
+Searching are for the hardware industry is an order of magnitude bigger than the media industry
+Searching is for hardware industry
+set;;is;;hardware industry;;an order of magnitude bigger than the media industry
+||||mrsolo||||'can play mp3 on xp but on osx'||||
+Searching is for 'can play mp3 on xp but on osx'
+Searching are for 'can play mp3 on xp but on osx'
+Searching is for 'can play mp3 on xp but on osx'
+Searching are for 'can play mp3 on xp but on osx'
+||||mrsolo||||that will grab attention :-)||||
+Searching is for that will grab attention :-)
+Searching are for that will grab attention :-)
+Searching is for that will grab attention :-)
+Searching are for that will grab attention :-)
+||||dorian||||so if there's enough incentive to sell unencumbered hardware, they will||||
+Searching is for so if there's enough incentive to sell unencumbered hardware, they will
+Searching are for so if there's enough incentive to sell unencumbered hardware, they will
+Searching is for so if there's enough incentive to sell unencumbered hardware, they will
+Searching are for so if there's enough incentive to sell unencumbered hardware, they will
+||||mrsolo||||most people won't care||||
+Searching is for most people won't care
+Searching are for most people won't care
+Searching is for most people won't care
+Searching are for most people won't care
+||||mrsolo||||as long as it doesn't hinder daily tasks||||
+Searching is for as long as it doesn't hinder daily tasks
+Searching are for as long as it doesn't hinder daily tasks
+Searching is for as long as it doesn't hinder daily tasks
+Searching are for as long as it doesn't hinder daily tasks
+||||dorian||||like stealing music||||
+Searching is for like stealing music
+Searching are for like stealing music
+Searching is for like stealing music
+Searching are for like stealing music
+Searching is for ;)
+Searching are for ;)
+Searching is for ;)
+Searching are for ;)
+Searching is for like
+Searching are for like
+Searching is for like
+Searching are for like
+||||mrsolo||||can't move the music i buy from one machine to another||||
+Searching is for can't move the music mrsolo buy from one machine to another
+Searching are for can't move the music mrsolo buy from one machine to another
+Searching is for can't move the music mrsolo buy from one machine to another
+Searching are for can't move the music mrsolo buy from one machine to another
+||||mrsolo||||like hd crashed, i am fucked||||
+Searching is for like hd crashed, mrsolo is fucked
+Searching are for like hd crashed, mrsolo is fucked
+Searching is for like hd crashed, mrsolo
+set;;is;;like hd crashed, mrsolo;;fucked
+||||dorian||||that's a major problem with tcpa||||
+Searching is for that's a major problem with tcpa
+Searching are for that's a major problem with tcpa
+Searching is for that's a major problem with tcpa
+Searching are for that's a major problem with tcpa
+||||dorian||||if your hardware dies you're hooped||||
+Searching is for if your hardware dies you are hooped
+Searching are for if your hardware dies you are hooped
+||||dorian||||well hell, it's like those new console games that burn the device's signature into them the first time you play||||
+Searching is for hell, it's like those new console games that burn the device's signature into them the first time you play
+Searching are for hell, it's like those new console games that burn the device's signature into them the first time you play
+Searching is for hell, it's like those new console games that burn the device's signature into them the first time you play
+Searching are for hell, it's like those new console games that burn the device's signature into them the first time you play
+||||dorian||||so you can't take your copy of halo over to your buddy's house, he has to buy his own||||
+Searching is for so you can't take your copy of halo over to your buddy's house, he has to buy his own
+Searching are for so you can't take your copy of halo over to your buddy's house, he has to buy his own
+Searching is for so you can't take your copy of halo over to your buddy's house, he has to buy his own
+Searching are for so you can't take your copy of halo over to your buddy's house, he has to buy his own
+||||dorian||||or you have to bring the playstation with you||||
+Searching is for you have to bring the playstation with you
+Searching are for you have to bring the playstation with you
+Searching is for you have to bring the playstation with you
+Searching are for you have to bring the playstation with you
+Searching is for yep
+Searching are for yep
+Searching is for yep
+Searching are for yep
+||||mrsolo||||better solution please||||
+Searching is for better solution
+Searching are for better solution
+Searching is for better solution
+Searching are for better solution
+Searching is for yeah
+Searching are for yeah
+Searching is for yeah
+Searching are for yeah
+Searching is for heh
+Searching are for heh
+Searching is for heh
+Searching are for heh
+||||dorian||||or xbox or whatever i don't touch consoles||||
+Searching is for xbox or whatever dorian don't touch consoles
+Searching are for xbox or whatever dorian don't touch consoles
+Searching is for xbox or whatever dorian don't touch consoles
+Searching are for xbox or whatever dorian don't touch consoles
+||||dorian||||nintendo is so going to mop up||||
+Searching is for nintendo is so going to mop up
+Searching are for nintendo is so going to mop up
+Searching is for nintendo
+set;;is;;nintendo;;so going to mop up
+||||mrsolo||||console hardware failure is common||||
+Searching is for console hardware failure is common
+Searching are for console hardware failure is common
+Searching is for console hardware failure
+set;;is;;console hardware failure;;common
+||||dorian||||totally common||||
+Searching is for totally common
+Searching are for totally common
+Searching is for totally common
+Searching are for totally common
+||||mrsolo||||due to heavy use||||
+Searching is for due to heavy use
+Searching are for due to heavy use
+Searching is for due to heavy use
+Searching are for due to heavy use
+||||mrsolo||||and abuse||||
+Searching is for abuse
+Searching are for abuse
+Searching is for abuse
+Searching are for abuse
+||||hachi||||didn't you hear? nintendos can pass through anything||||
+Searching is for didn't you hear? nintendos can pass through anything
+Searching are for didn't you hear? nintendos can pass through anything
+Searching is for didn't you hear? nintendos can pass through anything
+Searching are for didn't you hear? nintendos can pass through anything
+Searching is for 'abuse'
+Searching are for 'abuse'
+Searching is for 'abuse'
+Searching are for 'abuse'
+||||mrsolo||||by frustrated gameers||||
+Searching is for by frustrated gameers
+Searching are for by frustrated gameers
+Searching is for by frustrated gameers
+Searching are for by frustrated gameers
+||||dorian||||those things get heavily abused and they're pieces of shit to begin with||||
+Searching is for those things get heavily abused and they're pieces of shit to begin with
+Searching are for those things get heavily abused and they're pieces of shit to begin with
+Searching is for those things get heavily abused and they're pieces of shit to begin with
+Searching are for those things get heavily abused and they're pieces of shit to begin with
+||||mdxi||||i've never had a single console fail, *ever*||||
+Searching is for mdxi has never had a single console fail, *ever*
+Searching are for mdxi has never had a single console fail, *ever*
+Searching is for mdxi has never had a single console fail, *ever*
+Searching are for mdxi has never had a single console fail, *ever*
+||||mrsolo||||you don't play them enough||||
+Searching is for you don't play them enough
+Searching are for you don't play them enough
+Searching is for you don't play them enough
+Searching are for you don't play them enough
+Searching is for psx
+Searching are for psx
+Searching is for psx
+Searching are for psx
+||||mrsolo||||for example||||
+Searching is for for example
+Searching are for for example
+Searching is for for example
+Searching are for for example
+||||mrsolo||||2-3 years||||
+Searching is for 2-3 years
+Searching are for 2-3 years
+Searching is for 2-3 years
+Searching are for 2-3 years
+||||mrsolo||||cd drive will start to fail||||
+Searching is for cd drive will start to fail
+Searching are for cd drive will start to fail
+Searching is for cd drive will start to fail
+Searching are for cd drive will start to fail
+||||dorian||||the last console i had was a turbografx-16||||
+Searching is for the last console dorian had was a turbografx-16
+Searching are for the last console dorian had was a turbografx-16
+Searching is for last console dorian had was a turbografx-16
+Searching are for last console dorian had was a turbografx-16
+||||dorian||||and that didn't have any moving parts||||
+Searching is for that didn't have any moving parts
+Searching are for that didn't have any moving parts
+Searching is for that didn't have any moving parts
+Searching are for that didn't have any moving parts
+||||dorian||||sooo i have no frame of reference||||
+Searching is for sooo dorian has no frame of reference
+Searching are for sooo dorian has no frame of reference
+Searching is for sooo dorian has no frame of reference
+Searching are for sooo dorian has no frame of reference
+||||mdxi||||don't tell me what i don't play enough. i have a 2600, snes, genesis, psx, n64, dreamcast, ps2, gamecube, adn dslite||||
+Searching is for don't tell mdximdxi don't play enough. mdxi has a 2600, snes, genesis, psx, n64, dreamcast, ps2, gamecube, adn dslite
+Searching are for don't tell mdximdxi don't play enough. mdxi has a 2600, snes, genesis, psx, n64, dreamcast, ps2, gamecube, adn dslite
+Searching is for don't tell mdximdxi don't play enough. mdxi has a 2600, snes, genesis, psx, n64, dreamcast, ps2, gamecube, adn dslite
+Searching are for don't tell mdximdxi don't play enough. mdxi has a 2600, snes, genesis, psx, n64, dreamcast, ps2, gamecube, adn dslite
+||||mrsolo||||i have more||||
+Searching is for mrsolo has more
+Searching are for mrsolo has more
+Searching is for mrsolo has more
+Searching are for mrsolo has more
+||||dorian||||i know everyone i know who's had an xbox or ps2 has had to replace it||||
+Searching is for dorian know everyone dorian knowis had an xbox or ps2 has had to replace it
+Searching are for dorian know everyone dorian knowis had an xbox or ps2 has had to replace it
+Searching is for dorian know everyone dorian knowis had an xbox or ps2 has had to replace it
+Searching are for dorian know everyone dorian knowis had an xbox or ps2 has had to replace it
+||||mrsolo||||broke two psx||||
+Searching is for broke two psx
+Searching are for broke two psx
+Searching is for broke two psx
+Searching are for broke two psx
+||||mrsolo||||one ps2||||
+Searching is for one ps2
+Searching are for one ps2
+Searching is for one ps2
+Searching are for one ps2
+||||mdxi||||my ps2 is an original, bought in march 2000||||
+Searching is for mdxi's ps2 is an original, bought in march 2000
+Searching are for mdxi's ps2 is an original, bought in march 2000
+Searching is for mdxi's ps2
+set;;is;;mdxi's ps2;;an original, bought in march 2000
+||||mrsolo||||one gameboy||||
+Searching is for one gameboy
+Searching are for one gameboy
+Searching is for one gameboy
+Searching are for one gameboy
+||||mrsolo||||few controllers||||
+Searching is for few controllers
+Searching are for few controllers
+Searching is for few controllers
+Searching are for few controllers
+||||mdxi||||the same day OS X 10.0.0 came out||||
+Searching is for the same day os x 10.0.0 came out
+Searching are for the same day os x 10.0.0 came out
+Searching is for same day os x 10.0.0 came out
+Searching are for same day os x 10.0.0 came out
+||||kjj||||my ps2 is still working fine||||
+Searching is for kjj's ps2 is still working fine
+Searching are for kjj's ps2 is still working fine
+Searching is for kjj's ps2
+set;;is;;kjj's ps2;;still working fine
+||||mdxi||||it stillworks||||
+Searching is for it stillworks
+Searching are for it stillworks
+Searching is for it stillworks
+Searching are for it stillworks
+||||mrsolo||||you lucky||||
+Searching is for you lucky
+Searching are for you lucky
+Searching is for you lucky
+Searching are for you lucky
+||||mrsolo||||or you are well tempered :-)||||
+Searching is for you are well tempered :-)
+Searching are for you are well tempered :-)
+Searching are for you
+set;;are;;you;;well tempered :-)
+Searching is for hehe
+Searching are for hehe
+Searching is for hehe
+Searching are for hehe
+||||mdxi||||it actually doesn't read bluebacks, but that's a flaw of its revision, not time-induced breakage||||
+Searching is for it actually doesn't read bluebacks, but that's a flaw of its revision, not time-induced breakage
+Searching are for it actually doesn't read bluebacks, but that's a flaw of its revision, not time-induced breakage
+Searching is for it actually doesn't read bluebacks, but that's a flaw of its revision, not time-induced breakage
+Searching are for it actually doesn't read bluebacks, but that's a flaw of its revision, not time-induced breakage
+Searching is for huzzah!
+Searching are for huzzah!
+Searching is for huzzah
+Searching are for huzzah
+||||vh||||I've had my ps2 for 4 years or so, no problems.. xbox for 2, no probs..||||
+Searching is for vh has had vh's ps2 for 4 years or so, no problems.. xbox for 2, no probs..
+Searching are for vh has had vh's ps2 for 4 years or so, no problems.. xbox for 2, no probs..
+Searching is for vh has had vh's ps2 for 4 years or so, no problems.. xbox for 2, no probs
+Searching are for vh has had vh's ps2 for 4 years or so, no problems.. xbox for 2, no probs
+||||jalex||||I have neither, no problems here||||
+Searching is for jalex has neither, no problems here
+Searching are for jalex has neither, no problems here
+Searching is for jalex has neither, no problems here
+Searching are for jalex has neither, no problems here
+||||Penguin||||my ps2 from 3 years also is also fine||||
+Searching is for penguin's ps2 from 3 years also is also fine
+Searching are for penguin's ps2 from 3 years also is also fine
+Searching is for penguin's ps2 from 3 years also
+set;;is;;penguin's ps2 from 3 years also;;fine
+||||Penguin||||laser in my xbox won't read some of the latest xbox games though :(||||
+Searching is for laser in penguin's xbox won't read some of the latest xbox games though :(
+Searching are for laser in penguin's xbox won't read some of the latest xbox games though :(
+Searching is for laser in penguin's xbox won't read some of the latest xbox games though :(
+Searching are for laser in penguin's xbox won't read some of the latest xbox games though :(
+||||lamech||||"where my lasers at?"||||
+Searching is for "where lamech's lasers at?"
+Searching are for "where lamech's lasers at?"
+Searching is for "where lamech's lasers at?"
+Searching are for "where lamech's lasers at?"
+||||mrsolo||||so ya||||
+Searching is for so ya
+Searching are for so ya
+Searching is for so ya
+Searching are for so ya
+||||Penguin||||oh, my original gameboy still works :P||||
+Searching is for penguin's original gameboy still works :p
+Searching are for penguin's original gameboy still works :p
+Searching is for penguin's original gameboy still works :p
+Searching are for penguin's original gameboy still works :p
+||||mrsolo||||that i don't have..||||
+Searching is for that mrsolo don't have..
+Searching are for that mrsolo don't have..
+Searching is for that mrsolo don't have
+Searching are for that mrsolo don't have
+||||ingy||||anyone know or guess whether I can "upgrade" debian unstable to ubuntu dapper?||||
+Searching is for or guess whether ingy can "upgrade" debian unstable to ubuntu dapper
+Searching are for or guess whether ingy can "upgrade" debian unstable to ubuntu dapper
+Searching is for or guess whether ingy can "upgrade" debian unstable to ubuntu dapper
+Searching are for or guess whether ingy can "upgrade" debian unstable to ubuntu dapper
+||||dorian||||the packages overlap||||
+Searching is for the packages overlap
+Searching are for the packages overlap
+Searching is for packages overlap
+Searching are for packages overlap
+||||dorian||||a few of them at least||||
+Searching is for a few of them at least
+Searching are for a few of them at least
+Searching is for few of them at least
+Searching are for few of them at least
+||||dorian||||i wouldn't do it ||||
+Searching is for dorian wouldn't do it
+Searching are for dorian wouldn't do it
+Searching is for dorian wouldn't do it
+Searching are for dorian wouldn't do it
+||||ingy||||it sems to be working...||||
+Searching is for it sems to be working...
+Searching are for it sems to be working...
+Searching is for it sems to be working
+Searching are for it sems to be working
+||||gefilte||||perhaps you have the special Dr. Frankenstein distro||||
+Searching is for perhaps you have the special dr. frankenstein distro
+Searching are for perhaps you have the special dr. frankenstein distro
+Searching is for perhaps you have the special dr. frankenstein distro
+Searching are for perhaps you have the special dr. frankenstein distro
+||||gefilte||||I'd fork now while the forkin's good||||
+Searching is for gefilte'd fork now while the forkin's good
+Searching are for gefilte'd fork now while the forkin's good
+Searching is for gefilte'd fork now while the forkin's good
+Searching are for gefilte'd fork now while the forkin's good
+Searching is for :)
+Searching are for :)
+Searching is for :)
+Searching are for :)
+||||ingy||||I basically didn't care much if it failed||||
+Searching is for ingy basically didn't care much if it failed
+Searching are for ingy basically didn't care much if it failed
+Searching is for ingy basically didn't care much if it failed
+Searching are for ingy basically didn't care much if it failed
+||||ingy||||also this is on a server||||
+Searching is for also this is on a server
+Searching are for also this is on a server
+Searching is for also this
+set;;is;;also this;;on a server
+||||ingy||||a xen partition somewhere||||
+Searching is for a xen partition somewhere
+Searching are for a xen partition somewhere
+Searching is for xen partition somewhere
+Searching are for xen partition somewhere
+||||gefilte||||so you were pleasantly surprised it succeeded?||||
+Searching is for so you were pleasantly surprised it succeeded
+Searching are for so you were pleasantly surprised it succeeded
+Searching is for so you were pleasantly surprised it succeeded
+Searching are for so you were pleasantly surprised it succeeded
+||||ingy||||I only hope it reboots||||
+Searching is for ingy only hope it reboots
+Searching are for ingy only hope it reboots
+Searching is for ingy only hope it reboots
+Searching are for ingy only hope it reboots
+||||ingy||||but honestly I won't reboot if I don't have to :)||||
+Searching is for honestly ingy won't reboot if ingy don't have to :)
+Searching are for honestly ingy won't reboot if ingy don't have to :)
+Searching is for honestly ingy won't reboot if ingy don't have to :)
+Searching are for honestly ingy won't reboot if ingy don't have to :)
+||||gefilte||||oh, you've only installed, not actually tried to load it up...||||
+Searching is for you've only installed, not actually tried to load it up...
+Searching are for you've only installed, not actually tried to load it up...
+Searching is for you've only installed, not actually tried to load it up
+Searching are for you've only installed, not actually tried to load it up
+||||ingy||||still installing||||
+Searching is for installing
+Searching are for installing
+Searching is for installing
+Searching are for installing
+Searching is for purl++
+Searching are for purl++
+Searching is for purl++
+Searching are for purl++
+Searching is for purl++
+Searching are for purl++
+Searching is for purl++
+Searching are for purl++
+Searching is for heh
+Searching are for heh
+Searching is for heh
+Searching are for heh
+Searching is for noes
+Searching are for noes
+Searching is for noes
+Searching are for noes
+||||Oloryn||||you can't self-karma||||
+Searching is for you can't self-karma
+Searching are for you can't self-karma
+Searching is for you can't self-karma
+Searching are for you can't self-karma
+||||avar||||so I discovered||||
+Searching is for so avar discovered
+Searching are for so avar discovered
+Searching is for so avar discovered
+Searching are for so avar discovered
+Searching is for karma
+Searching are for karma
+Searching is for karma
+Searching are for karma
+Searching is for avar--
+Searching are for avar--
+Searching is for avar--
+Searching are for avar--
+Searching is for avar--
+Searching are for avar--
+Searching is for avar--
+Searching are for avar--
+Searching is for ;)
+Searching are for ;)
+Searching is for ;)
+Searching are for ;)
+||||gefilte||||go negative baby||||
+Searching is for go negative baby
+Searching are for go negative baby
+Searching is for go negative baby
+Searching are for go negative baby
+Searching is for avar--
+Searching are for avar--
+Searching is for avar--
+Searching are for avar--
+Searching is for booyah
+Searching are for booyah
+Searching is for booyah
+Searching are for booyah
+Searching is for fmh
+Searching are for fmh
+Searching is for fmh
+Searching are for fmh
+||||mako132_||||that's one confused factoid||||
+Searching is for that's one confused factoid
+Searching are for that's one confused factoid
+Searching is for that's one confused factoid
+Searching are for that's one confused factoid
+||||mjl69||||microsoft-- #today, I learned how difficult executing an external program can be with the windows api.||||
+Searching is for microsoft-- #today, mjl69 learned how difficult executing an external program can be with the windows api.
+Searching are for microsoft-- #today, mjl69 learned how difficult executing an external program can be with the windows api.
+Searching is for microsoft-- #today, mjl69 learned how difficult executing an external program can be with the windows api
+Searching are for microsoft-- #today, mjl69 learned how difficult executing an external program can be with the windows api
+Searching is for really
+Searching are for really
+Searching is for really
+Searching are for really
+||||mjl69||||compared to Perl. I was expecting some equivalent to system(), but no.||||
+Searching is for compared to perl. mjl69 was expecting some equivalent to system(), but no.
+Searching are for compared to perl. mjl69 was expecting some equivalent to system(), but no.
+Searching is for compared to perl. mjl69 was expecting some equivalent to system(), but no
+Searching are for compared to perl. mjl69 was expecting some equivalent to system(), but no
+Searching is for hah!
+Searching are for hah!
+Searching is for hah
+Searching are for hah
+||||waltman||||is there a posix system() you could call?||||
+Searching is for is there a posix system() you could call
+Searching are for is there a posix system() you could call
+||||mjl69||||that's correct. Even when it is done correctly, it is another issue to hold off the calling program while the external program runs.||||
+Searching is for that's correct. even when it is done correctly, it is another issue to hold off the calling program while the external program runs.
+Searching are for that's correct. even when it is done correctly, it is another issue to hold off the calling program while the external program runs.
+Searching is for hmm...maybe
+Searching are for hmm...maybe
+Searching is for hmm...maybe
+Searching are for hmm...maybe
+Searching is for run.bat
+Searching are for run.bat
+Searching is for run.bat
+Searching are for run.bat
+||||mjl69||||my idea was to write one or more small Perl scripts and use Strawberry Perl and Par to turn them into .exe. Then my windows program could call them to do stuff that Perl does best.||||
+Searching is for mjl69's idea was to write one or more small perl scripts and use strawberry perl and par to turn them into .exe. then mjl69's windows program could call them to do stuff that perl does best.
+Searching are for mjl69's idea was to write one or more small perl scripts and use strawberry perl and par to turn them into .exe. then mjl69's windows program could call them to do stuff that perl does best.
+Searching is for mjl69's idea was to write one or more small perl scripts and use strawberry perl and par to turn them into .exe. then mjl69's windows program could call them to do stuff that perl does best
+Searching are for mjl69's idea was to write one or more small perl scripts and use strawberry perl and par to turn them into .exe. then mjl69's windows program could call them to do stuff that perl does best
+||||TonyC||||CreateProcess() I thought, but most C libraries provide system()||||
+Searching is for createprocess() tonyc thought, but most c libraries provide system()
+Searching are for createprocess() tonyc thought, but most c libraries provide system()
+Searching is for createprocess() tonyc thought, but most c libraries provide system()
+Searching are for createprocess() tonyc thought, but most c libraries provide system()
+||||DrForr||||Threaten the caller with a stick, or take away its process space?||||
+Searching is for threaten the caller with a stick, or take away its process space
+Searching are for threaten the caller with a stick, or take away its process space
+Searching is for threaten the caller with a stick, or take away its process space
+Searching are for threaten the caller with a stick, or take away its process space
+||||mjl69||||It's working up to the point of pushing the button and making the Perl program work and holding execution of the windows program until it finishes.||||
+Searching is for it's working up to the point of pushing the button and making the perl program work and holding execution of the windows program until it finishes.
+Searching are for it's working up to the point of pushing the button and making the perl program work and holding execution of the windows program until it finishes.
+Searching is for it's working up to the point of pushing the button and making the perl program work and holding execution of the windows program until it finishes
+Searching are for it's working up to the point of pushing the button and making the perl program work and holding execution of the windows program until it finishes
+||||TonyC||||and from memory there's a simple way to wait for child process completion too||||
+Searching is for from memory there's a simple way to wait for child process completion too
+Searching are for from memory there's a simple way to wait for child process completion too
+Searching is for from memory there's a simple way to wait for child process completion too
+Searching are for from memory there's a simple way to wait for child process completion too
+Searching is for waitforsingleobject
+Searching are for waitforsingleobject
+Searching is for waitforsingleobject
+Searching are for waitforsingleobject
+||||waltman||||would you, could you, with some jam?||||
+Searching is for would you, could you, with some jam
+Searching are for would you, could you, with some jam
+Searching is for would you, could you, with some jam
+Searching are for would you, could you, with some jam
+||||DrForr||||I would, I could, but not without spam.||||
+Searching is for drforr would, drforr could, but not without spam.
+Searching are for drforr would, drforr could, but not without spam.
+Searching is for drforr would, drforr could, but not without spam
+Searching are for drforr would, drforr could, but not without spam
+||||mjl69||||cool. thanks.||||
+Searching is for cool. thanks.
+Searching are for cool. thanks.
+Searching is for cool. thanks
+Searching are for cool. thanks
+||||mjl69||||I was looking for that.||||
+Searching is for mjl69 was looking for that.
+Searching are for mjl69 was looking for that.
+Searching is for mjl69 was looking for that
+Searching are for mjl69 was looking for that
+||||CanyonMan||||8---------------D '``'.||||
+Searching is for 8---------------d '``'.
+Searching are for 8---------------d '``'.
+Searching is for 8---------------d '``'
+Searching are for 8---------------d '``'
+Searching is for um
+Searching are for um
+Searching is for um
+Searching are for um
+Searching is for thanks
+Searching are for thanks
+Searching is for thanks
+Searching are for thanks
+||||CanyonMan||||( . ) ( . )||||
+Searching is for ( . ) ( . )
+Searching are for ( . ) ( . )
+Searching is for ( . ) ( . )
+Searching are for ( . ) ( . )
+||||CanyonMan||||hmm, don't accidentally search for "bobos of the day" ... disturbing||||
+Searching is for don't accidentally search for "bobos of the day" ... disturbing
+Searching are for don't accidentally search for "bobos of the day" ... disturbing
+Searching is for don't accidentally search for "bobos of the day" ... disturbing
+Searching are for don't accidentally search for "bobos of the day" ... disturbing
+||||mjl69||||"Oh no, the bobo brothers!"||||
+Searching is for "oh no, the bobo brothers!"
+Searching are for "oh no, the bobo brothers!"
+Searching is for "oh no, the bobo brothers!"
+Searching are for "oh no, the bobo brothers!"
+Searching is for http://www.mexico-caribbeanvillas.com/_borders/bobos_birds.jpg
+Searching are for http://www.mexico-caribbeanvillas.com/_borders/bobos_birds.jpg
+Searching is for http://www.mexico-caribbeanvillas.com/_borders/bobos_birds.jpg
+Searching are for http://www.mexico-caribbeanvillas.com/_borders/bobos_birds.jpg
+||||devin||||they look like blue footed boobies||||
+Searching is for they look like blue footed boobies
+Searching are for they look like blue footed boobies
+Searching is for they look like blue footed boobies
+Searching are for they look like blue footed boobies
+||||waltman||||You know, I'm shocked -- SHOCKED! -- that this creepy Karr dude didn't kill JonBenet||||
+Searching is for you know, waltman is shocked -- shocked! -- that this creepy karr dude didn't kill jonbenet
+Searching are for you know, waltman is shocked -- shocked! -- that this creepy karr dude didn't kill jonbenet
+||||xb95||||he's insane; he probably had an epiphany or did too many drugs or some shit||||
+Searching is for he's insane; he probably had an epiphany or did too many drugs or some shit
+Searching are for he's insane; he probably had an epiphany or did too many drugs or some shit
+Searching is for he's insane; he probably had an epiphany or did too many drugs or some shit
+Searching are for he's insane; he probably had an epiphany or did too many drugs or some shit
+||||xb95||||and was reading the news and thought he did it||||
+Searching is for was reading the news and thought he did it
+Searching are for was reading the news and thought he did it
+Searching is for was reading the news and thought he did it
+Searching are for was reading the news and thought he did it
+||||xb95||||s/news/old newspapers/||||
+Searching is for s/news/old newspapers/
+Searching are for s/news/old newspapers/
+Searching is for s/news/old newspapers/
+Searching are for s/news/old newspapers/
+||||waltman||||I still say the parents killed her||||
+Searching is for waltman still say the parents killed her
+Searching are for waltman still say the parents killed her
+Searching is for waltman still say the parents killed her
+Searching are for waltman still say the parents killed her
+||||CanyonMan||||that makes sense||||
+Searching is for that makes sense
+Searching are for that makes sense
+Searching is for that makes sense
+Searching are for that makes sense
+||||CanyonMan||||I was reading a book when I figured out that I used to be napoleon||||
+Searching is for canyonman was reading a book when canyonman figured out that canyonman used to be napoleon
+Searching are for canyonman was reading a book when canyonman figured out that canyonman used to be napoleon
+Searching is for canyonman was reading a book when canyonman figured out that canyonman used to be napoleon
+Searching are for canyonman was reading a book when canyonman figured out that canyonman used to be napoleon
+Searching is for http://www.breitbart.com/news/2006/08/28/d8jpog481.html
+Searching are for http://www.breitbart.com/news/2006/08/28/d8jpog481.html
+Searching is for http://www.breitbart.com/news/2006/08/28/d8jpog481.html
+Searching are for http://www.breitbart.com/news/2006/08/28/d8jpog481.html
+||||inferno||||er, web searches||||
+Searching is for er, web searches
+Searching are for er, web searches
+Searching is for er, web searches
+Searching are for er, web searches
+||||DrForr||||Ya know, I wonder if it's possible to make the % key (or maybe ctrl-%) jump to the end of a matching TT construct...||||
+Searching is for ya know, drforr wonder if it's possible to make the % key (or maybe ctrl-%) jump to the end of a matching tt construct...
+Searching are for ya know, drforr wonder if it's possible to make the % key (or maybe ctrl-%) jump to the end of a matching tt construct...
+Searching is for ya know, drforr wonder if it's possible to make the % key (or maybe ctrl-%) jump to the end of a matching tt construct
+Searching are for ya know, drforr wonder if it's possible to make the % key (or maybe ctrl-%) jump to the end of a matching tt construct
+Searching is for the snakes are terrorists
+Searching are for the snakes are terrorists
+||||kd||||vi or emacs?||||
+Searching is for vi or emacs
+Searching are for vi or emacs
+Searching is for vi or emacs
+Searching are for vi or emacs
+Searching is for heehee
+Searching are for heehee
+Searching is for heehee
+Searching are for heehee
+||||kd||||oh yes, silly question.||||
+Searching is for yes, silly question.
+Searching are for yes, silly question.
+Searching is for yes, silly question
+Searching are for yes, silly question
+||||kd||||should be able to modify the code in Perl Best Practices to get something like that working||||
+Searching is for should be able to modify the code in perl best practices to get something like that working
+Searching are for should be able to modify the code in perl best practices to get something like that working
+Searching is for should be able to modify the code in perl best practices to get something like that working
+Searching are for should be able to modify the code in perl best practices to get something like that working
+||||kd||||in one of the appendices||||
+Searching is for in one of the appendices
+Searching are for in one of the appendices
+Searching is for in one of the appendices
+Searching are for in one of the appendices
+||||kd||||code downloadable from o'RLY||||
+Searching is for code downloadable from o'rly
+Searching are for code downloadable from o'rly
+Searching is for code downloadable from o'rly
+Searching are for code downloadable from o'rly
+||||Tomatoe||||I cant find any module on cpan that makes a thumbnail of a JPEG and you can set the output quality of the JPEG||||
+Searching is for tomatoe cant find any module on cpan that makes a thumbnail of a jpeg and you can set the output quality of the jpeg
+Searching are for tomatoe cant find any module on cpan that makes a thumbnail of a jpeg and you can set the output quality of the jpeg
+Searching is for tomatoe cant find any module on cpan that makes a thumbnail of a jpeg and you can set the output quality of the jpeg
+Searching are for tomatoe cant find any module on cpan that makes a thumbnail of a jpeg and you can set the output quality of the jpeg
+||||obra||||Image::Magick does not?||||
+Searching is for image::magick does not
+Searching are for image::magick does not
+Searching is for image::magick does not
+Searching are for image::magick does not
+||||Tomatoe||||ill try that now||||
+Searching is for ill try that now
+Searching are for ill try that now
+Searching is for ill try that now
+Searching are for ill try that now
+||||mendel||||that'd be my guess ,yeah||||
+Searching is for that'd be mendel's guess ,yeah
+Searching are for that'd be mendel's guess ,yeah
+Searching is for that'd be mendel's guess ,yeah
+Searching are for that'd be mendel's guess ,yeah
+||||Tomatoe||||arr, now I need to install 100s of files to go with the image::macick||||
+Searching is for arr, now tomatoe need to install 100s of files to go with the image::macick
+Searching are for arr, now tomatoe need to install 100s of files to go with the image::macick
+Searching is for arr, now tomatoe need to install 100s of files to go with the image::macick
+Searching are for arr, now tomatoe need to install 100s of files to go with the image::macick
+||||devin||||see also Imager||||
+Searching is for see also imager
+Searching are for see also imager
+Searching is for see also imager
+Searching are for see also imager
+||||Tomatoe||||there is no elegant solution||||
+Searching is for there is no elegant solution
+Searching are for there is no elegant solution
+Searching is for ok
+Searching are for ok
+Searching is for ok
+Searching are for ok
+||||devin||||see also netpbm -- not a perl module but you can call the netpbm utilities from perl||||
+Searching is for see also netpbm -- not a perl module but you can call the netpbm utilities from perl
+Searching are for see also netpbm -- not a perl module but you can call the netpbm utilities from perl
+Searching is for see also netpbm -- not a perl module but you can call the netpbm utilities from perl
+Searching are for see also netpbm -- not a perl module but you can call the netpbm utilities from perl
+||||cfedde||||what do we mean by elegant?||||
+Searching is for do we mean by elegant
+Searching are for do we mean by elegant
+Searching is for do we mean by elegant
+Searching are for do we mean by elegant
+||||Tomatoe||||well, I mean just a few lines of code, say, 50 to do pure perl jpeg resizing||||
+Searching is for tomatoe mean just a few lines of code, say, 50 to do pure perl jpeg resizing
+Searching are for tomatoe mean just a few lines of code, say, 50 to do pure perl jpeg resizing
+Searching is for tomatoe mean just a few lines of code, say, 50 to do pure perl jpeg resizing
+Searching are for tomatoe mean just a few lines of code, say, 50 to do pure perl jpeg resizing
+||||mendel||||that's the point of libraries||||
+Searching is for that's the point of libraries
+Searching are for that's the point of libraries
+Searching is for that's the point of libraries
+Searching are for that's the point of libraries
+Searching is for yea
+Searching are for yea
+Searching is for yea
+Searching are for yea
+||||mendel||||you install them, then you write a dozen lines of code||||
+Searching is for you install them, then you write a dozen lines of code
+Searching are for you install them, then you write a dozen lines of code
+Searching is for you install them, then you write a dozen lines of code
+Searching are for you install them, then you write a dozen lines of code
+||||mendel||||but if you don't want to install libraries, you can't resize a jpeg in 50 lines of pure perl.||||
+Searching is for if you don't want to install libraries, you can't resize a jpeg in 50 lines of pure perl.
+Searching are for if you don't want to install libraries, you can't resize a jpeg in 50 lines of pure perl.
+Searching is for if you don't want to install libraries, you can't resize a jpeg in 50 lines of pure perl
+Searching are for if you don't want to install libraries, you can't resize a jpeg in 50 lines of pure perl
+||||Tomatoe||||yea, I guess its time to install image::magick||||
+Searching is for yea, tomatoe guess its time to install image::magick
+Searching are for yea, tomatoe guess its time to install image::magick
+Searching is for yea, tomatoe guess its time to install image::magick
+Searching are for yea, tomatoe guess its time to install image::magick
+||||mendel||||Many operating systems have packages of it.||||
+Searching is for many operating systems have packages of it.
+Searching are for many operating systems have packages of it.
+Searching is for many operating systems have packages of it
+Searching are for many operating systems have packages of it
+||||Tomatoe||||yea, I have a module to resize a JPEG in a few lines.... but the qaulity is terrible||||
+Searching is for yea, tomatoe has a module to resize a jpeg in a few lines.... but the qaulity is terrible
+Searching are for yea, tomatoe has a module to resize a jpeg in a few lines.... but the qaulity is terrible
+||||Tomatoe||||I was using GD::Thumbnail||||
+Searching is for tomatoe was using gd::thumbnail
+Searching are for tomatoe was using gd::thumbnail
+Searching is for tomatoe was using gd::thumbnail
+Searching are for tomatoe was using gd::thumbnail
+||||Tomatoe||||I dont know anyone who would actually use that, since the jpegs are saved at about 50% quality||||
+Searching is for tomatoe dont know anyoneare would actually use that, since the jpegs saved at about 50% quality
+Searching are for tomatoe dont know anyoneare would actually use that, since the jpegs saved at about 50% quality
+Searching is for tomatoe dont know anyoneare would actually use that, since the jpegs saved at about 50% quality
+Searching are for tomatoe dont know anyoneare would actually use that, since the jpegs saved at about 50% quality
+||||cfedde||||Imager and ImageMagic can do similar things. Also for making a silly webpage from a pile of images I like igal||||
+Searching is for imager and imagemagic can do similar things. also for making a silly webpage from a pile of images cfedde like igal
+Searching are for imager and imagemagic can do similar things. also for making a silly webpage from a pile of images cfedde like igal
+Searching is for imager and imagemagic can do similar things. also for making a silly webpage from a pile of images cfedde like igal
+Searching are for imager and imagemagic can do similar things. also for making a silly webpage from a pile of images cfedde like igal
+Searching is for ok
+Searching are for ok
+Searching is for ok
+Searching are for ok
+||||Tomatoe||||I wonder if its legal to spider sites for images and make 80x80 thumbnails of them||||
+Searching is for tomatoe wonder if its legal to spider sites for images and make 80x80 thumbnails of them
+Searching are for tomatoe wonder if its legal to spider sites for images and make 80x80 thumbnails of them
+Searching is for tomatoe wonder if its legal to spider sites for images and make 80x80 thumbnails of them
+Searching are for tomatoe wonder if its legal to spider sites for images and make 80x80 thumbnails of them
+||||Tomatoe||||maybe I should put this project to sleep if its not legal||||
+Searching is for maybe tomatoe should put this project to sleep if its not legal
+Searching are for maybe tomatoe should put this project to sleep if its not legal
+Searching is for maybe tomatoe should put this project to sleep if its not legal
+Searching are for maybe tomatoe should put this project to sleep if its not legal
+||||cfedde||||consider images.google.com||||
+Searching is for consider images.google.com
+Searching are for consider images.google.com
+Searching is for consider images.google.com
+Searching are for consider images.google.com
+||||Tomatoe||||yes, but they got sued recently||||
+Searching is for but they got sued recently
+Searching are for but they got sued recently
+Searching is for but they got sued recently
+Searching are for but they got sued recently
+||||cfedde||||it's an interesting issue. the difference between fair use and copyright.||||
+Searching is for it's an interesting issue. the difference between fair use and copyright.
+Searching are for it's an interesting issue. the difference between fair use and copyright.
+Searching is for it's an interesting issue. the difference between fair use and copyright
+Searching are for it's an interesting issue. the difference between fair use and copyright
+||||Tomatoe||||it is very interesting||||
+Searching is for it is very interesting
+Searching are for it is very interesting
+Searching is for it
+set;;is;;it;;very interesting
+||||cfedde||||interesing, in the sense of unsolveable.||||
+Searching is for interesing, in the sense of unsolveable.
+Searching are for interesing, in the sense of unsolveable.
+Searching is for interesing, in the sense of unsolveable
+Searching are for interesing, in the sense of unsolveable
+||||Tomatoe||||maybe if I have a way for webmasters to remove their pictures, ill be fine||||
+Searching is for maybe if tomatoe has a way for webmasters to remove their pictures, ill be fine
+Searching are for maybe if tomatoe has a way for webmasters to remove their pictures, ill be fine
+Searching is for maybe if tomatoe has a way for webmasters to remove their pictures, ill be fine
+Searching are for maybe if tomatoe has a way for webmasters to remove their pictures, ill be fine
+||||cfedde||||Basicly you will not be the target of the lawyers till you start causing them pain.||||
+Searching is for basicly you will not be the target of the lawyers till you start causing them pain.
+Searching are for basicly you will not be the target of the lawyers till you start causing them pain.
+Searching is for basicly you will not be the target of the lawyers till you start causing them pain
+Searching are for basicly you will not be the target of the lawyers till you start causing them pain
+||||Tomatoe||||ah, I hope so||||
+Searching is for ah, tomatoe hope so
+Searching are for ah, tomatoe hope so
+Searching is for ah, tomatoe hope so
+Searching are for ah, tomatoe hope so
+||||cfedde||||also examine the robot rules files.||||
+Searching is for also examine the robot rules files.
+Searching are for also examine the robot rules files.
+Searching is for also examine the robot rules files
+Searching are for also examine the robot rules files
+||||Tomatoe||||yes, I was going to incorporate something like that into my system, so webmasters can block my spider in their robots.txt||||
+Searching is for tomatoe was going to incorporate something like that into tomatoe's system, so webmasters can block tomatoe's spider in their robots.txt
+Searching are for tomatoe was going to incorporate something like that into tomatoe's system, so webmasters can block tomatoe's spider in their robots.txt
+Searching is for tomatoe was going to incorporate something like that into tomatoe's system, so webmasters can block tomatoe's spider in their robots.txt
+Searching are for tomatoe was going to incorporate something like that into tomatoe's system, so webmasters can block tomatoe's spider in their robots.txt
+||||cfedde||||It's one thing if your spider violates convention. It's another thing if you claim your content is protected with out taking any measures to protect it.||||
+Searching is for it's one thing if your spider violates convention. it's another thing if you claim your content is protected with out taking any measures to protect it.
+Searching are for it's one thing if your spider violates convention. it's another thing if you claim your content is protected with out taking any measures to protect it.
+||||Tomatoe||||well said||||
+Searching is for said
+Searching are for said
+Searching is for said
+Searching are for said
+||||mendel||||Content owners should use DRM where possible.||||
+Searching is for content owners should use drmpossible.
+Searching are for content owners should use drmpossible.
+Searching is for content owners should use drmpossible
+Searching are for content owners should use drmpossible
+||||cfedde||||consider xerox and coke.||||
+Searching is for consider xerox and coke.
+Searching are for consider xerox and coke.
+Searching is for consider xerox and coke
+Searching are for consider xerox and coke
+||||mendel||||Consider copyrights and trademarks.||||
+Searching is for consider copyrights and trademarks.
+Searching are for consider copyrights and trademarks.
+Searching is for consider copyrights and trademarks
+Searching are for consider copyrights and trademarks
+Searching is for indeed
+Searching are for indeed
+Searching is for indeed
+Searching are for indeed
+||||mendel||||Right, but you just started talking about trademarks out of the blue there in this discussion about copyright.||||
+Searching is for right, but you just started talking about trademarks out of the blue there in this discussion about copyright.
+Searching are for right, but you just started talking about trademarks out of the blue there in this discussion about copyright.
+Searching is for right, but you just started talking about trademarks out of the blue there in this discussion about copyright
+Searching are for right, but you just started talking about trademarks out of the blue there in this discussion about copyright
+||||cfedde||||iiuc a trademark is a kind of copyright.||||
+Searching is for iiuc a trademark is a kind of copyright.
+Searching are for iiuc a trademark is a kind of copyright.
+Searching is for iiuc a trademark
+set;;is;;iiuc a trademark;;a kind of copyright.
+||||mendel||||No, it's not.||||
+Searching is for no, it's not.
+Searching are for no, it's not.
+Searching is for no, it's not
+Searching are for no, it's not
+||||mendel||||They're both intellectual property, but there's really no overlap||||
+Searching is for they're both intellectual property, but there's really no overlap
+Searching are for they're both intellectual property, but there's really no overlap
+Searching is for they're both intellectual property, but there's really no overlap
+Searching are for they're both intellectual property, but there's really no overlap
+||||cfedde||||I see. google found this for me: http://www.legalzoom.com/law_library/trademarks/||||
+Searching is for cfedde see. google found this for cfedde: http://www.legalzoom.com/law_library/trademarks/
+Searching are for cfedde see. google found this for cfedde: http://www.legalzoom.com/law_library/trademarks/
+Searching is for cfedde see. google found this for cfedde: http://www.legalzoom.com/law_library/trademarks/
+Searching are for cfedde see. google found this for cfedde: http://www.legalzoom.com/law_library/trademarks/
+Searching is for faq-faq-faq_tm_versus_cpy.html
+Searching are for faq-faq-faq_tm_versus_cpy.html
+Searching is for faq-faq-faq_tm_versus_cpy.html
+Searching are for faq-faq-faq_tm_versus_cpy.html
+||||mendel||||faq faq faq faq faq||||
+Searching is for faq faq faq faq faq
+Searching are for faq faq faq faq faq
+Searching is for faq faq faq faq faq
+Searching are for faq faq faq faq faq
+Searching is for heh
+Searching are for heh
+Searching is for heh
+Searching are for heh
+Searching is for http://www.legalzoom.com/law_library/trademarks/faq-faq-faq_tm_versus_cpy.html
+Searching are for http://www.legalzoom.com/law_library/trademarks/faq-faq-faq_tm_versus_cpy.html
+Searching is for http://www.legalzoom.com/law_library/trademarks/faq-faq-faq_tm_versus_cpy.html
+Searching are for http://www.legalzoom.com/law_library/trademarks/faq-faq-faq_tm_versus_cpy.html
+||||shorten||||cfedde's url is at http://xrl.us/regx||||
+Searching is for cfedde's url is at http://xrl.us/regx
+Searching are for cfedde's url is at http://xrl.us/regx
+Searching is for cfedde's url
+set;;is;;cfedde's url;;at http://xrl.us/regx
+||||Andy||||Who knows the mod_rewrite besides drbacchus?||||
+Searching is for knows the mod_rewrite besides drbacchus
+Searching are for knows the mod_rewrite besides drbacchus
+Searching is for knows the mod_rewrite besides drbacchus
+Searching are for knows the mod_rewrite besides drbacchus
+||||mendel||||Bits and pieces. What's up?||||
+Searching is for bits and pieces.is up
+Searching are for bits and pieces.is up
+Searching is for bits and pieces.is up
+Searching are for bits and pieces.is up
+||||Andy||||It would seem my anti-myspace rule is not getting executed||||
+Searching is for it would seem andy's anti-myspace rule is not getting executed
+Searching are for it would seem andy's anti-myspace rule is not getting executed
+||||mendel||||o noes||||
+Searching is for o noes
+Searching are for o noes
+Searching is for o noes
+Searching are for o noes
+Searching is for :)
+Searching are for :)
+Searching is for :)
+Searching are for :)
+||||Andy||||do my rewrite rules ahve to come before or after my virtual hosts?||||
+Searching is for do andy's rewrite rules ahve to come before or after andy's virtual hosts
+Searching are for do andy's rewrite rules ahve to come before or after andy's virtual hosts
+Searching is for do andy's rewrite rules ahve to come before or after andy's virtual hosts
+Searching are for do andy's rewrite rules ahve to come before or after andy's virtual hosts
+||||Andy||||or something like that?||||
+Searching is for something like that
+Searching are for something like that
+Searching is for something like that
+Searching are for something like that
+||||mendel||||They can be /in/ your virtual hosts, even.||||
+Searching is for they can be /in/ your virtual hosts, even.
+Searching are for they can be /in/ your virtual hosts, even.
+Searching is for they can be /in/ your virtual hosts, even
+Searching are for they can be /in/ your virtual hosts, even
+||||mendel||||If you want them to apply globally, hrm||||
+Searching is for if you want them to apply globally, hrm
+Searching are for if you want them to apply globally, hrm
+Searching is for if you want them to apply globally, hrm
+Searching are for if you want them to apply globally, hrm
+||||Tomatoe||||I finally found the thumbnail code I was looking for, Image::Magick::Thumbnail ||||
+Searching is for tomatoe finally found the thumbnail code tomatoe was looking for, image::magick::thumbnail
+Searching are for tomatoe finally found the thumbnail code tomatoe was looking for, image::magick::thumbnail
+Searching is for tomatoe finally found the thumbnail code tomatoe was looking for, image::magick::thumbnail
+Searching are for tomatoe finally found the thumbnail code tomatoe was looking for, image::magick::thumbnail
+||||Andy||||Maybe I'll do that.||||
+Searching is for maybe andy'll do that.
+Searching are for maybe andy'll do that.
+Searching is for maybe andy'll do that
+Searching are for maybe andy'll do that
+||||cfedde||||rewrite and redirect rules act on a context. they have to be inside any virtual hosts they apply to.||||
+Searching is for rewrite and redirect rules act on a context. they have to be inside any virtual hosts they apply to.
+Searching are for rewrite and redirect rules act on a context. they have to be inside any virtual hosts they apply to.
+Searching is for rewrite and redirect rules act on a context. they have to be inside any virtual hosts they apply to
+Searching are for rewrite and redirect rules act on a context. they have to be inside any virtual hosts they apply to
+||||Andy||||I GOT IT||||
+Searching is for andy got it
+Searching are for andy got it
+Searching is for andy got it
+Searching are for andy got it
+||||Andy||||it's gotta be per host.||||
+Searching is for it's gotta be per host.
+Searching are for it's gotta be per host.
+Searching is for it's gotta be per host
+Searching are for it's gotta be per host
+||||Andy||||oh, cfedde just said that||||
+Searching is for cfedde just said that
+Searching are for cfedde just said that
+Searching is for cfedde just said that
+Searching are for cfedde just said that
+||||Andy||||Here's a fun game to play||||
+Searching is for here's a fun game to play
+Searching are for here's a fun game to play
+Searching is for here's a fun game to play
+Searching are for here's a fun game to play
+||||mendel||||I implied that!||||
+Searching is for mendel implied that!
+Searching are for mendel implied that!
+Searching is for mendel implied that
+Searching are for mendel implied that
+||||Andy||||see if you can find where the album cover slurped from my site is: http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendID=3627719||||
+Searching is for see if you can findthe album cover slurped from andy's site is: http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=3627719
+Searching are for see if you can findthe album cover slurped from andy's site is: http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=3627719
+Searching is for see if you can findthe album cover slurped from andy's site is: http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=3627719
+Searching are for see if you can findthe album cover slurped from andy's site is: http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=3627719
+||||shorten||||Andy's url is at http://xrl.us/reg7||||
+Searching is for andy's url is at http://xrl.us/reg7
+Searching are for andy's url is at http://xrl.us/reg7
+Searching is for andy's url
+set;;is;;andy's url;;at http://xrl.us/reg7
+Searching is for heh
+Searching are for heh
+Searching is for heh
+Searching are for heh
+Searching is for douglim!
+Searching are for douglim!
+Searching is for douglim
+Searching are for douglim
+||||Andy||||how goes it here?||||
+Searching is for how goes it here
+Searching are for how goes it here
+Searching is for how goes it here
+Searching are for how goes it here
+||||Andy||||Chicago represent!||||
+Searching is for chicago represent!
+Searching are for chicago represent!
+Searching is for chicago represent
+Searching are for chicago represent
+Searching is for :)
+Searching are for :)
+Searching is for :)
+Searching are for :)
+||||DougLim||||watching recorded McLaughlin from yesterday. must've been a slow week in politics. the show's on cosmology.||||
+Searching is for watching recorded mclaughlin from yesterday. must've been a slow week in politics. the show's on cosmology.
+Searching are for watching recorded mclaughlin from yesterday. must've been a slow week in politics. the show's on cosmology.
+Searching is for watching recorded mclaughlin from yesterday. must've been a slow week in politics. the show's on cosmology
+Searching are for watching recorded mclaughlin from yesterday. must've been a slow week in politics. the show's on cosmology
+||||Steve_p||||Andy, see http://jeremy.zawodny.com/blog/archives/000826.html||||
+Searching is for andy, see http://jeremy.zawodny.com/blog/archives/000826.html
+Searching are for andy, see http://jeremy.zawodny.com/blog/archives/000826.html
+Searching is for andy, see http://jeremy.zawodny.com/blog/archives/000826.html
+Searching are for andy, see http://jeremy.zawodny.com/blog/archives/000826.html
+||||cfedde||||we organize some of our redirect rules in include files. ||||
+Searching is for we organize some of our redirect rules in include files.
+Searching are for we organize some of our redirect rules in include files.
+Searching is for we organize some of our redirect rules in include files
+Searching are for we organize some of our redirect rules in include files
+||||Andy||||That's what I did.||||
+Searching is for that'sandy did.
+Searching are for that'sandy did.
+Searching is for that'sandy did
+Searching are for that'sandy did
+||||Andy||||I now have rewrite.d/myspace.conf and anti-bots.conf||||
+Searching is for andy now have rewrite.d/myspace.conf and anti-bots.conf
+Searching are for andy now have rewrite.d/myspace.conf and anti-bots.conf
+Searching is for andy now have rewrite.d/myspace.conf and anti-bots.conf
+Searching are for andy now have rewrite.d/myspace.conf and anti-bots.conf
+||||Andy||||Thank you||||
+Searching is for thank you
+Searching are for thank you
+Searching is for thank you
+Searching are for thank you
+||||pasty||||"Andy" at pasted "rewrite.d/anti-bots.conf" (190 lines) at http://paste.husk.org/6611||||
+Searching is for "andy" at pasted "rewrite.d/anti-bots.conf" (190 lines) at http://paste.husk.org/6611
+Searching are for "andy" at pasted "rewrite.d/anti-bots.conf" (190 lines) at http://paste.husk.org/6611
+Searching is for "andy" at pasted "rewrite.d/anti-bots.conf" (190 lines) at http://paste.husk.org/6611
+Searching are for "andy" at pasted "rewrite.d/anti-bots.conf" (190 lines) at http://paste.husk.org/6611
+||||Andy||||how big are favico.ico? 16x16?||||
+Searching is for how big are favico.ico? 16x16
+Searching are for how big are favico.ico? 16x16
+Searching is for yes.
+Searching are for yes.
+Searching is for yes
+Searching are for yes
+||||TonyC||||16x16 typically, but if it's a real .ico you can put other sizes in there too||||
+Searching is for 16x16 typically, but if it's a real .ico you can put other sizes in there too
+Searching are for 16x16 typically, but if it's a real .ico you can put other sizes in there too
+Searching is for 16x16 typically, but if it's a real .ico you can put other sizes in there too
+Searching are for 16x16 typically, but if it's a real .ico you can put other sizes in there too
+||||clkao|||| can't find win32::printer binary||||
+Searching is for can't find win32::printer binary
+Searching are for can't find win32::printer binary
+Searching is for can't find win32::printer binary
+Searching are for can't find win32::printer binary
+||||xb95||||printer on fire||||
+Searching is for printer on fire
+Searching are for printer on fire
+Searching is for printer on fire
+Searching are for printer on fire
+Searching is for t masque buu think it worked, please check.
+Searching are for t masque buu think it worked, please check.
+Searching is for t masque buu think it worked, please check
+Searching are for t masque buu think it worked, please check
+||||Masque||||Guess I got my return codes mixed up there.||||
+Searching is for guess masque got masque's return codes mixed up there.
+Searching are for guess masque got masque's return codes mixed up there.
+Searching is for guess masque got masque's return codes mixed up there
+Searching are for guess masque got masque's return codes mixed up there
+Searching is for oops.
+Searching are for oops.
+Searching is for oops
+Searching are for oops
+||||buu||||You fuck tard.||||
+Searching is for you fuck tard.
+Searching are for you fuck tard.
+Searching is for you fuck tard
+Searching are for you fuck tard
+||||buu||||THAT TOOK EFFORT.||||
+Searching is for that took effort.
+Searching are for that took effort.
+Searching is for that took effort
+Searching are for that took effort
+||||Masque||||You think it was EASY to issue that /kill?||||
+Searching is for you think it was easy to issue that /kill
+Searching are for you think it was easy to issue that /kill
+Searching is for you think it was easy to issue that /kill
+Searching are for you think it was easy to issue that /kill
+||||Masque||||WE ARE A TEAM.||||
+Searching is for we are a team.
+Searching are for we are a team.
+||||DrForr||||Oo, eject me harder...||||
+Searching is for oo, eject drforr harder...
+Searching are for oo, eject drforr harder...
+Searching is for oo, eject drforr harder
+Searching are for oo, eject drforr harder
+||||inferno||||hm, the "Always open browser window in tab" option of Saft seems to be ignored on my pbg4. works fine on intel iMac.||||
+Searching is for the "always open browser window in tab" option of saft seems to be ignored on inferno's pbg4. works fine on intel imac.
+Searching are for the "always open browser window in tab" option of saft seems to be ignored on inferno's pbg4. works fine on intel imac.
+Searching is for "always open browser window in tab" option of saft seems to be ignored on inferno's pbg4. works fine on intel imac
+Searching are for "always open browser window in tab" option of saft seems to be ignored on inferno's pbg4. works fine on intel imac
+Searching is for saft
+Searching are for saft
+Searching is for saft
+Searching are for saft
+Searching is for fuckingdongs.
+Searching are for fuckingdongs.
+Searching is for fuckingdongs
+Searching are for fuckingdongs
+||||DrForr||||saf-T, sort of like sta-puft...||||
+Searching is for saf-t, sort of like sta-puft...
+Searching are for saf-t, sort of like sta-puft...
+Searching is for saf-t, sort of like sta-puft
+Searching are for saf-t, sort of like sta-puft
+Searching is for hrm.
+Searching are for hrm.
+Searching is for hrm
+Searching are for hrm
+||||xdg||||I just released Strawberry Perl Alpha 2. Download from http://vanillaperl.com/||||
+Searching is for xdg just released strawberry perl alpha 2. download from http://vanillaperl.com/
+Searching are for xdg just released strawberry perl alpha 2. download from http://vanillaperl.com/
+Searching is for xdg just released strawberry perl alpha 2. download from http://vanillaperl.com/
+Searching are for xdg just released strawberry perl alpha 2. download from http://vanillaperl.com/
+||||cfedde||||scented for your enjoyment.||||
+Searching is for scented for your enjoyment.
+Searching are for scented for your enjoyment.
+Searching is for scented for your enjoyment
+Searching are for scented for your enjoyment
+Searching is for xdg++
+Searching are for xdg++
+Searching is for xdg++
+Searching are for xdg++
+||||buu||||Does mangbang limit connections per ips?||||
+Searching is for does mangbang limit connections per ips
+Searching are for does mangbang limit connections per ips
+Searching is for does mangbang limit connections per ips
+Searching are for does mangbang limit connections per ips
+Searching is for ahah
+Searching are for ahah
+Searching is for ahah
+Searching are for ahah
+||||buu||||I am big winner number 5||||
+Searching is for buu is big winner number 5
+Searching are for buu is big winner number 5
+Searching is for buu
+set;;is;;buu;;big winner number 5
+||||buu||||Now make them stop fucking with my ports||||
+Searching is for now make them stop fucking with buu's ports
+Searching are for now make them stop fucking with buu's ports
+Searching is for now make them stop fucking with buu's ports
+Searching are for now make them stop fucking with buu's ports
+||||gefilte||||ahh, sure it was awhile ago, but||||
+Searching is for ahh, sure it was awhile ago, but
+Searching are for ahh, sure it was awhile ago, but
+Searching is for ahh, sure it was awhile ago, but
+Searching are for ahh, sure it was awhile ago, but
+Searching is for saft++
+Searching are for saft++
+Searching is for saft++
+Searching are for saft++
+||||Alias||||shorten http://vanillaperl.com/files/strawberry-perl-5.8.8-alpha-2.exe||||
+Searching is for shorten http://vanillaperl.com/files/strawberry-perl-5.8.8-alpha-2.exe
+Searching are for shorten http://vanillaperl.com/files/strawberry-perl-5.8.8-alpha-2.exe
+Searching is for shorten http://vanillaperl.com/files/strawberry-perl-5.8.8-alpha-2.exe
+Searching are for shorten http://vanillaperl.com/files/strawberry-perl-5.8.8-alpha-2.exe
+||||shorten||||Alias's url is at http://xrl.us/rehq||||
+Searching is for alias's url is at http://xrl.us/rehq
+Searching are for alias's url is at http://xrl.us/rehq
+Searching is for alias's url
+set;;is;;alias's url;;at http://xrl.us/rehq
+||||Alias||||# Now with dual GNU make and dmake support||||
+Searching is for # now with dual gnu make and dmake support
+Searching are for # now with dual gnu make and dmake support
+Searching is for # now with dual gnu make and dmake support
+Searching are for # now with dual gnu make and dmake support
+Searching is for xdg++
+Searching are for xdg++
+Searching is for xdg++
+Searching are for xdg++
+||||dngor||||shazbot chicken||||
+Searching is for shazbot chicken
+Searching are for shazbot chicken
+Searching is for shazbot chicken
+Searching are for shazbot chicken
+Searching is for chickensheets
+Searching are for chickensheets
+Searching is for chickensheets
+Searching are for chickensheets
+||||crab||||hi dngor.||||
+Searching is for hi dngor.
+Searching are for hi dngor.
+Searching is for hi dngor
+Searching are for hi dngor
+||||dngor||||Hey, crab. We keep passing in our respective nights.||||
+Searching is for crab. we keep passing in our respective nights.
+Searching are for crab. we keep passing in our respective nights.
+Searching is for crab. we keep passing in our respective nights
+Searching are for crab. we keep passing in our respective nights
+||||dngor||||Maybe passing out.||||
+Searching is for maybe passing out.
+Searching are for maybe passing out.
+Searching is for maybe passing out
+Searching are for maybe passing out
+||||devin||||http://www.creativebastard.com/archives/2006/08/168/ # telemarketer hell||||
+Searching is for http://www.creativebastard.com/archives/2006/08/168/ # telemarketer hell
+Searching are for http://www.creativebastard.com/archives/2006/08/168/ # telemarketer hell
+Searching is for http://www.creativebastard.com/archives/2006/08/168/ # telemarketer hell
+Searching are for http://www.creativebastard.com/archives/2006/08/168/ # telemarketer hell
+||||Tomatoe||||how do I read a multiline string into an @array ?||||
+Searching is for how do tomatoe read a multiline string into an @array
+Searching are for how do tomatoe read a multiline string into an @array
+Searching is for how do tomatoe read a multiline string into an @array
+Searching are for how do tomatoe read a multiline string into an @array
+||||dngor||||Where is it being read from?||||
+Searching is for is it being read from
+Searching are for is it being read from
+Searching is for it being read from
+||||Tomatoe||||$string is multi lines||||
+Searching is for $string is multi lines
+Searching are for $string is multi lines
+Searching is for $string
+set;;is;;$string;;multi lines
+||||crab||||perldoc -f split||||
+Searching is for perldoc -f split
+Searching are for perldoc -f split
+Searching is for perldoc -f split
+Searching are for perldoc -f split
+||||Tomatoe||||oh thats right, I forgot||||
+Searching is for thats right, tomatoe forgot
+Searching are for thats right, tomatoe forgot
+Searching is for thats right, tomatoe forgot
+Searching are for thats right, tomatoe forgot
+Searching is for thanks
+Searching are for thanks
+Searching is for thanks
+Searching are for thanks
+||||xb95||||my @array = split /\r?\n/, $lines;||||
+Searching is for xb95's @array = split /\r?\n/, $lines;
+Searching are for xb95's @array = split /\r?\n/, $lines;
+Searching is for xb95's @array = split /\r?\n/, $lines;
+Searching are for xb95's @array = split /\r?\n/, $lines;
+Searching is for fucker!
+Searching are for fucker!
+Searching is for fucker
+Searching are for fucker
+||||inspace||||why Acme::* is bullshit?||||
+Searching is for why acme::* is bullshit
+Searching are for why acme::* is bullshit
+Searching is for o.o
+Searching are for o.o
+Searching is for o.o
+Searching are for o.o
+Searching is for dongs
+Searching are for dongs
+Searching is for dongs
+Searching are for dongs
+Searching is for acme::dongs
+Searching are for acme::dongs
+Searching is for acme::dongs
+Searching are for acme::dongs
+||||dngor||||Acme::Bullshit. ISAGN.||||
+Searching is for acme::bullshit. isagn.
+Searching are for acme::bullshit. isagn.
+Searching is for acme::bullshit. isagn
+Searching are for acme::bullshit. isagn
+Searching is for lol
+Searching are for lol
+Searching is for lol
+Searching are for lol
+||||aevil||||jesus fucking christ...i so hate assholes who argue poorly and then add 'stats' from fucking wikipedia as supporting 'data'||||
+Searching is for jesus fucking christ...i so hate assholesargue poorly and then add 'stats' from fucking wikipedia as supporting 'data'
+Searching are for jesus fucking christ...i so hate assholesargue poorly and then add 'stats' from fucking wikipedia as supporting 'data'
+Searching is for jesus fucking christ...i so hate assholesargue poorly and then add 'stats' from fucking wikipedia as supporting 'data'
+Searching are for jesus fucking christ...i so hate assholesargue poorly and then add 'stats' from fucking wikipedia as supporting 'data'
+||||kane||||who's pissing you off now? :)||||
+Searching is for is pissing you off now? :)
+Searching are for is pissing you off now? :)
+Searching is for pissing you off now? :)
+||||Alias||||The inverse of that question might be more useful :)||||
+Searching is for the inverse of that question might be more useful :)
+Searching are for the inverse of that question might be more useful :)
+Searching is for inverse of that question might be more useful :)
+Searching are for inverse of that question might be more useful :)
+||||aevil||||oh, some dumb assholes on a blog here||||
+Searching is for some dumb assholes on a blog here
+Searching are for some dumb assholes on a blog here
+Searching is for some dumb assholes on a blog here
+Searching are for some dumb assholes on a blog here
+||||kane||||dont read blogs then||||
+Searching is for dont read blogs then
+Searching are for dont read blogs then
+Searching is for dont read blogs then
+Searching are for dont read blogs then
+||||aevil||||yeah...this one in particular...there are some really fucking stupid finnish people on it||||
+Searching is for yeah...this one in particular...there are some really fucking stupid finnish people on it
+Searching are for yeah...this one in particular...there are some really fucking stupid finnish people on it
+||||Alias||||s/of america//||||
+Searching is for s/of america//
+Searching are for s/of america//
+Searching is for s/of america//
+Searching are for s/of america//
+||||aevil||||alias....naw, the us exports all these stupid tv shows that people take a bit too literally||||
+Searching is for alias....naw, the us exports all these stupid tv shows that people take a bit too literally
+Searching are for alias....naw, the us exports all these stupid tv shows that people take a bit too literally
+Searching is for alias....naw, the us exports all these stupid tv shows that people take a bit too literally
+Searching are for alias....naw, the us exports all these stupid tv shows that people take a bit too literally
+Searching is for true
+Searching are for true
+Searching is for true
+Searching are for true
+||||Alias||||It is worse than most||||
+Searching is for it is worse than most
+Searching are for it is worse than most
+Searching is for it
+set;;is;;it;;worse than most
+||||Alias||||In related news, Australia gains a localised version of Cops :/||||
+Searching is for in related news, australia gains a localised version of cops :/
+Searching are for in related news, australia gains a localised version of cops :/
+Searching is for in related news, australia gains a localised version of cops :/
+Searching are for in related news, australia gains a localised version of cops :/
+||||Alias||||Not called "Cops" of course||||
+Searching is for not called "cops" of course
+Searching are for not called "cops" of course
+Searching is for not called "cops" of course
+Searching are for not called "cops" of course
+||||Alias||||And they seem to have realised that "Cops" is boring, so they've embedded the camera crew with Swat teams, naval border patrol groups and other more interesting types||||
+Searching is for they seem to have realised that "cops" is boring, so they've embedded the camera crew with swat teams, naval border patrol groups and other more interesting types
+Searching are for they seem to have realised that "cops" is boring, so they've embedded the camera crew with swat teams, naval border patrol groups and other more interesting types
+||||DrHyde||||cos we all know that that will give an accurate view of what they do||||
+Searching is for cos we all know that that will give an accurate view ofthey do
+Searching are for cos we all know that that will give an accurate view ofthey do
+Searching is for cos we all know that that will give an accurate view ofthey do
+Searching are for cos we all know that that will give an accurate view ofthey do
+||||Alias||||Well no, but at least it will be more entertaining than... "We got a call about some yelling... this guy looks drunk... (shove to the ground and cuff)... Yep, he's going to jail... That's why I do this job?"||||
+Searching is for no, but at least it will be more entertaining than... "we got a call about some yelling... this guy looks drunk... (shove to the ground and cuff)... yep, he's going to jail... that's why alias do this job?"
+Searching are for no, but at least it will be more entertaining than... "we got a call about some yelling... this guy looks drunk... (shove to the ground and cuff)... yep, he's going to jail... that's why alias do this job?"
+Searching is for no, but at least it will be more entertaining than... "we got a call about some yelling... this guy looks drunk... (shove to the ground and cuff)... yep, he's going to jail... that's why alias do this job?"
+Searching are for no, but at least it will be more entertaining than... "we got a call about some yelling... this guy looks drunk... (shove to the ground and cuff)... yep, he's going to jail... that's why alias do this job?"
+Searching is for s/?//
+Searching are for s/?//
+Searching is for s/?//
+Searching are for s/?//
+||||CanyonMan||||shh, the password is: boobies||||
+Searching is for shh, the password is: boobies
+Searching are for shh, the password is: boobies
+Searching is for shh, the password is: boobies
+Searching are for shh, the password is: boobies
+Searching is for xdg++
+Searching are for xdg++
+Searching is for xdg++
+Searching are for xdg++
+||||kane||||well, testers.cpan.org has been up and about a long time||||
+Searching is for testers.cpan.org has been up and about a long time
+Searching are for testers.cpan.org has been up and about a long time
+Searching is for testers.cpan.org has been up and about a long time
+Searching are for testers.cpan.org has been up and about a long time
+||||kane||||so i think you can expect more of the same really||||
+Searching is for so kane think you can expect more of the same really
+Searching are for so kane think you can expect more of the same really
+Searching is for so kane think you can expect more of the same really
+Searching are for so kane think you can expect more of the same really
+||||Alias||||But it hasn't yet been easy to contribute||||
+Searching is for it hasn't yet been easy to contribute
+Searching are for it hasn't yet been easy to contribute
+Searching is for it hasn't yet been easy to contribute
+Searching are for it hasn't yet been easy to contribute
+||||kane||||that's arguable... cpanplus has had it since.. 0.03 i think||||
+Searching is for that's arguable... cpanplus has had it since.. 0.03 kane think
+Searching are for that's arguable... cpanplus has had it since.. 0.03 kane think
+Searching is for that's arguable... cpanplus has had it since.. 0.03 kane think
+Searching are for that's arguable... cpanplus has had it since.. 0.03 kane think
+||||Alias||||A lot of people have been turned off CPANPLUS over the years by various problems though||||
+Searching is for a lot of people have been turned off cpanplus over the years by various problems though
+Searching are for a lot of people have been turned off cpanplus over the years by various problems though
+Searching is for lot of people have been turned off cpanplus over the years by various problems though
+Searching are for lot of people have been turned off cpanplus over the years by various problems though
+||||Alias||||Admittedly that have been fixed||||
+Searching is for admittedly that have been fixed
+Searching are for admittedly that have been fixed
+Searching is for admittedly that have been fixed
+Searching are for admittedly that have been fixed
+||||kane||||sure... but that doesn't change the type of feedback testers is getting.. just the amount, no?||||
+Searching is for sure... but that doesn't change the type of feedback testers is getting.. just the amount, no
+Searching are for sure... but that doesn't change the type of feedback testers is getting.. just the amount, no
+||||integral||||and some that haven't :) When something doesn't work on Debian...||||
+Searching is for some that haven't :) when something doesn't work on debian...
+Searching are for some that haven't :) when something doesn't work on debian...
+Searching is for some that haven't :) when something doesn't work on debian
+Searching are for some that haven't :) when something doesn't work on debian
+||||Alias||||Correct, the amount will go up a lot||||
+Searching is for correct, the amount will go up a lot
+Searching are for correct, the amount will go up a lot
+Searching is for correct, the amount will go up a lot
+Searching are for correct, the amount will go up a lot
+||||Alias||||And to that I'd add the diversity will be improved a lot||||
+Searching is for to that alias'd add the diversity will be improved a lot
+Searching are for to that alias'd add the diversity will be improved a lot
+Searching is for to that alias'd add the diversity will be improved a lot
+Searching are for to that alias'd add the diversity will be improved a lot
+||||kane||||i wonder if there's thing that can be done with the testers data that are new though||||
+Searching is for kane wonder if there's thing that can be done with the testers data that are new though
+Searching are for kane wonder if there's thing that can be done with the testers data that are new though
+||||Alias||||I doubt it||||
+Searching is for alias doubt it
+Searching are for alias doubt it
+Searching is for alias doubt it
+Searching are for alias doubt it
+||||kane||||rather than just more.. and also, it'd be nice if we could capture M::b output finally.. those test reports are currently worthless :(||||
+Searching is for rather than just more.. and also, it'd be nice if we could capture m::b output finally.. those test reports are currently worthless :(
+Searching are for rather than just more.. and also, it'd be nice if we could capture m::b output finally.. those test reports are currently worthless :(
+||||Alias||||I suspect it will take the PITA-level increased granularity (ignoring the automation aspect)||||
+Searching is for alias suspect it will take the pita-level increased granularity (ignoring the automation aspect)
+Searching are for alias suspect it will take the pita-level increased granularity (ignoring the automation aspect)
+Searching is for alias suspect it will take the pita-level increased granularity (ignoring the automation aspect)
+Searching are for alias suspect it will take the pita-level increased granularity (ignoring the automation aspect)
+||||Alias||||The 15 or whatever testers result codes I posted before||||
+Searching is for the 15 or whatever testers result codes alias posted before
+Searching are for the 15 or whatever testers result codes alias posted before
+Searching is for 15 or whatever testers result codes alias posted before
+Searching are for 15 or whatever testers result codes alias posted before
+||||Alias||||However that ends up taking form||||
+Searching is for however that ends up taking form
+Searching are for however that ends up taking form
+Searching is for however that ends up taking form
+Searching are for however that ends up taking form
+||||Alias||||Once you improve the granularity, I think we'll be able to do all sorts of more interesting things||||
+Searching is for once you improve the granularity, alias think we'll be able to do all sorts of more interesting things
+Searching are for once you improve the granularity, alias think we'll be able to do all sorts of more interesting things
+Searching is for once you improve the granularity, alias think we'll be able to do all sorts of more interesting things
+Searching are for once you improve the granularity, alias think we'll be able to do all sorts of more interesting things
+||||Alias||||Does CPANPLUS support plugins of any kind?||||
+Searching is for does cpanplus support plugins of any kind
+Searching are for does cpanplus support plugins of any kind
+Searching is for does cpanplus support plugins of any kind
+Searching are for does cpanplus support plugins of any kind
+||||Alias||||Say, for example, I wanted to implement CPAN::Statistics||||
+Searching is for say, for example, alias wanted to implement cpan::statistics
+Searching are for say, for example, alias wanted to implement cpan::statistics
+Searching is for say, for example, alias wanted to implement cpan::statistics
+Searching are for say, for example, alias wanted to implement cpan::statistics
+||||kane||||not plugins in the sense that catalyst supports them||||
+Searching is for not plugins in the sense that catalyst supports them
+Searching are for not plugins in the sense that catalyst supports them
+Searching is for not plugins in the sense that catalyst supports them
+Searching are for not plugins in the sense that catalyst supports them
+||||Alias||||That reports what modules are being installed on what platforms (with all the caveats etc)||||
+Searching is for that reportsare modules being installed on what platforms (with all the caveats etc)
+Searching are for that reportsare modules being installed on what platforms (with all the caveats etc)
+Searching is for that reportsare modules being installed on what platforms (with all the caveats etc)
+Searching are for that reportsare modules being installed on what platforms (with all the caveats etc)
+||||kane||||i've been thinking long and hard about that.. but the current structure doesn't allow it ;(||||
+Searching is for kane has been thinking long and hard about that.. but the current structure doesn't allow it ;(
+Searching are for kane has been thinking long and hard about that.. but the current structure doesn't allow it ;(
+Searching is for kane has been thinking long and hard about that.. but the current structure doesn't allow it ;(
+Searching are for kane has been thinking long and hard about that.. but the current structure doesn't allow it ;(
+||||kane||||the best you can do is wrap existing subs with hook codes.. not the fanciest way||||
+Searching is for the best you can do is wrap existing subs with hook codes.. not the fanciest way
+Searching are for the best you can do is wrap existing subs with hook codes.. not the fanciest way
+Searching is for best you can do
+set;;is;;best you can do;;wrap existing subs with hook codes.. not the fanciest way
+||||Alias||||yeah, that's what I was thinking||||
+Searching is for yeah, that'salias was thinking
+Searching are for yeah, that'salias was thinking
+Searching is for yeah, that'salias was thinking
+Searching are for yeah, that'salias was thinking
+||||Alias||||If you implemented that internally...||||
+Searching is for if you implemented that internally...
+Searching are for if you implemented that internally...
+Searching is for if you implemented that internally
+Searching are for if you implemented that internally
+||||kane||||everything that is installed goes via $mod->install||||
+Searching is for everything that is installed goes via $mod->install
+Searching are for everything that is installed goes via $mod->install
+Searching is for everything that
+set;;is;;everything that;;installed goes via $mod->install
+||||Alias||||Let a module register for notification||||
+Searching is for let a module register for notification
+Searching are for let a module register for notification
+Searching is for let a module register for notification
+Searching are for let a module register for notification
+||||Alias||||I was thinking something like the way prefork does it||||
+Searching is for alias was thinking something like the way prefork does it
+Searching are for alias was thinking something like the way prefork does it
+Searching is for alias was thinking something like the way prefork does it
+Searching are for alias was thinking something like the way prefork does it
+||||kane||||and how is that?||||
+Searching is for how is that
+Searching are for how is that
+Searching is for http://search.cpan.org/src/adamk/prefork-1.01/lib/prefork.pm
+Searching are for http://search.cpan.org/src/adamk/prefork-1.01/lib/prefork.pm
+Searching is for http://search.cpan.org/src/adamk/prefork-1.01/lib/prefork.pm
+Searching are for http://search.cpan.org/src/adamk/prefork-1.01/lib/prefork.pm
+||||Alias||||see "sub notify"||||
+Searching is for see "sub notify"
+Searching are for see "sub notify"
+Searching is for see "sub notify"
+Searching are for see "sub notify"
+||||Alias||||Lets say for example, you provide CPANPLUS a coderef||||
+Searching is for lets say for example, you provide cpanplus a coderef
+Searching are for lets say for example, you provide cpanplus a coderef
+Searching is for lets say for example, you provide cpanplus a coderef
+Searching are for lets say for example, you provide cpanplus a coderef
+||||Alias||||On return from ->install, it passes those coderefs some things...||||
+Searching is for on return from ->install, it passes those coderefs some things...
+Searching are for on return from ->install, it passes those coderefs some things...
+Searching is for on return from ->install, it passes those coderefs some things
+Searching are for on return from ->install, it passes those coderefs some things
+||||Alias||||Like, say, an array-ref of the passed params, an array-ref of the return values, etc||||
+Searching is for like, say, an array-ref of the passed params, an array-ref of the return values, etc
+Searching are for like, say, an array-ref of the passed params, an array-ref of the return values, etc
+Searching is for like, say, an array-ref of the passed params, an array-ref of the return values, etc
+Searching are for like, say, an array-ref of the passed params, an array-ref of the return values, etc
+||||Alias||||It's nice and simple, and it means the code-refs can be done as closures, or what have you||||
+Searching is for it's nice and simple, and it means the code-refs can be done as closures, orhave you
+Searching are for it's nice and simple, and it means the code-refs can be done as closures, orhave you
+Searching is for it's nice and simple, and it means the code-refs can be done as closures, orhave you
+Searching are for it's nice and simple, and it means the code-refs can be done as closures, orhave you
+||||kane||||taht wouldn't let you alter behaviour though.. i see your point, but the altering part is really useful as well :)||||
+Searching is for taht wouldn't let you alter behaviour though.. kane see your point, but the altering part is really useful as well :)
+Searching are for taht wouldn't let you alter behaviour though.. kane see your point, but the altering part is really useful as well :)
+||||Alias||||no no, not alter||||
+Searching is for no no, not alter
+Searching are for no no, not alter
+Searching is for no no, not alter
+Searching are for no no, not alter
+||||Alias||||copies of the params||||
+Searching is for copies of the params
+Searching are for copies of the params
+Searching is for copies of the params
+Searching are for copies of the params
+||||Alias||||Well, I guess you could pass originals||||
+Searching is for alias guess you could pass originals
+Searching are for alias guess you could pass originals
+Searching is for alias guess you could pass originals
+Searching are for alias guess you could pass originals
+||||kane||||see, the use caes we encounter now is the following:||||
+Searching is for see, the use caes we encounter now is the following:
+Searching are for see, the use caes we encounter now is the following:
+Searching is for see, the use caes we encounter now
+set;;is;;see, the use caes we encounter now;;the following:
+||||kane||||you want to install a cpan module, but you're on debian, so you want it as a .deb||||
+Searching is for you want to install a cpan module, but you are on debian, so you want it as a .deb
+Searching are for you want to install a cpan module, but you are on debian, so you want it as a .deb
+||||kane||||you still need to do all the usual work (perl maekfile.pl, make, make test) but then you want to do some magic, and skip make install in favour of dpkg -i||||
+Searching is for you still need to do all the usual work (perl maekfile.pl, make, make test) but then you want to do some magic, and skip make install in favour of dpkg -i
+Searching are for you still need to do all the usual work (perl maekfile.pl, make, make test) but then you want to do some magic, and skip make install in favour of dpkg -i
+Searching is for you still need to do all the usual work (perl maekfile.pl, make, make test) but then you want to do some magic, and skip make install in favour of dpkg -i
+Searching are for you still need to do all the usual work (perl maekfile.pl, make, make test) but then you want to do some magic, and skip make install in favour of dpkg -i
+||||kane||||right now, this doesn't work with any plugin structure||||
+Searching is for right now, this doesn't work with any plugin structure
+Searching are for right now, this doesn't work with any plugin structure
+Searching is for right now, this doesn't work with any plugin structure
+Searching are for right now, this doesn't work with any plugin structure
+Searching is for right
+Searching are for right
+Searching is for right
+Searching are for right
+||||kane||||you define the deb as a 'dist type' that has to do all the owrk itself||||
+Searching is for you define the deb as a 'dist type' that has to do all the owrk itself
+Searching are for you define the deb as a 'dist type' that has to do all the owrk itself
+Searching is for you define the deb as a 'dist type' that has to do all the owrk itself
+Searching are for you define the deb as a 'dist type' that has to do all the owrk itself
+||||kane||||where you *really* just want to say: 'do the usual, let me hook in here to add some stuff, and skip this sub and do this instead'...||||
+Searching is for you *really* just want to say: 'do the usual, let kane hook in here to add some stuff, and skip this sub and do this instead'...
+Searching are for you *really* just want to say: 'do the usual, let kane hook in here to add some stuff, and skip this sub and do this instead'...
+Searching is for you *really* just want to say: 'do the usual, let kane hook in here to add some stuff, and skip this sub and do this instead'
+Searching are for you *really* just want to say: 'do the usual, let kane hook in here to add some stuff, and skip this sub and do this instead'
+||||Alias||||Something like PITA::Scheme||||
+Searching is for something like pita::scheme
+Searching are for something like pita::scheme
+Searching is for something like pita::scheme
+Searching are for something like pita::scheme
+||||kane||||catalyst totally lets you do this (and some other plugin frameworks).. but they all assume no return values, since you can't predict what ran when and in what order||||
+Searching is for catalyst totally lets you do this (and some other plugin frameworks).. but they all assume no return values, since you can't predictran when and in what order
+Searching are for catalyst totally lets you do this (and some other plugin frameworks).. but they all assume no return values, since you can't predictran when and in what order
+Searching is for catalyst totally lets you do this (and some other plugin frameworks).. but they all assume no return values, since you can't predictran when and in what order
+Searching are for catalyst totally lets you do this (and some other plugin frameworks).. but they all assume no return values, since you can't predictran when and in what order
+||||Alias||||Which just holds the build sequence||||
+Searching is for which just holds the build sequence
+Searching are for which just holds the build sequence
+Searching is for which just holds the build sequence
+Searching are for which just holds the build sequence
+||||Alias||||But then I only go as far as "test thing" and the result is an XML object||||
+Searching is for then alias only go as far as "test thing" and the result is an xml object
+Searching are for then alias only go as far as "test thing" and the result is an xml object
+||||Alias||||I don't have all the issues of installation||||
+Searching is for alias don't have all the issues of installation
+Searching are for alias don't have all the issues of installation
+Searching is for alias don't have all the issues of installation
+Searching are for alias don't have all the issues of installation
+||||Alias||||Which is way messier||||
+Searching is for which is way messier
+Searching are for which is way messier
+Searching is for which
+set;;is;;which;;way messier
+||||Alias||||The trouble is you end up half way to reimplementing make :)||||
+Searching is for the trouble is you end up half way to reimplementing make :)
+Searching are for the trouble is you end up half way to reimplementing make :)
+Searching is for trouble
+set;;is;;trouble;;you end up half way to reimplementing make :)
+||||Alias||||Or possibly any||||
+Searching is for possibly any
+Searching are for possibly any
+Searching is for possibly any
+Searching are for possibly any
+||||Alias||||errr ant||||
+Searching is for errr ant
+Searching are for errr ant
+Searching is for errr ant
+Searching are for errr ant
+||||kane||||the trouble that we found is that there's no structure that facilitates all the types of plugin-ability we want||||
+Searching is for the trouble that we found is that there's no structure that facilitates all the types of plugin-ability we want
+Searching are for the trouble that we found is that there's no structure that facilitates all the types of plugin-ability we want
+Searching is for trouble that we found
+set;;is;;trouble that we found;;that there's no structure that facilitates all the types of plugin-ability we want
+||||Alias||||Although having seen ant, it might do||||
+Searching is for although having seen ant, it might do
+Searching are for although having seen ant, it might do
+Searching is for although having seen ant, it might do
+Searching are for although having seen ant, it might do
+||||kane||||'add extra functions' 'add extra callbacks' 'change behaviour'||||
+Searching is for 'add extra functions' 'add extra callbacks' 'change behaviour'
+Searching are for 'add extra functions' 'add extra callbacks' 'change behaviour'
+Searching is for 'add extra functions' 'add extra callbacks' 'change behaviour'
+Searching are for 'add extra functions' 'add extra callbacks' 'change behaviour'
+||||kane||||and then of course, retro-fit it on the current system||||
+Searching is for then of course, retro-fit it on the current system
+Searching are for then of course, retro-fit it on the current system
+Searching is for then of course, retro-fit it on the current system
+Searching are for then of course, retro-fit it on the current system
+||||Alias||||Trouble is, it's rediculous overkill and resists standardisation||||
+Searching is for trouble is, it's rediculous overkill and resists standardisation
+Searching are for trouble is, it's rediculous overkill and resists standardisation
+Searching is for trouble is, it's rediculous overkill and resists standardisation
+Searching are for trouble is, it's rediculous overkill and resists standardisation
+||||Alias||||But for the purposes of most light plugins, just having a ->install hook would be enough||||
+Searching is for for the purposes of most light plugins, just having a ->install hook would be enough
+Searching are for for the purposes of most light plugins, just having a ->install hook would be enough
+Searching is for for the purposes of most light plugins, just having a ->install hook would be enough
+Searching are for for the purposes of most light plugins, just having a ->install hook would be enough
+||||Alias||||And cost a dozen lines of code||||
+Searching is for cost a dozen lines of code
+Searching are for cost a dozen lines of code
+Searching is for cost a dozen lines of code
+Searching are for cost a dozen lines of code
+||||Alias||||Well, for the purpose of mine :)||||
+Searching is for for the purpose of mine :)
+Searching are for for the purpose of mine :)
+Searching is for for the purpose of mine :)
+Searching are for for the purpose of mine :)
+||||Alias||||Which I conveniently consider "most"||||
+Searching is for which alias conveniently consider "most"
+Searching are for which alias conveniently consider "most"
+Searching is for which alias conveniently consider "most"
+Searching are for which alias conveniently consider "most"
+||||kane||||how convenient indeed ;)||||
+Searching is for how convenient indeed ;)
+Searching are for how convenient indeed ;)
+Searching is for how convenient indeed ;)
+Searching are for how convenient indeed ;)
+Searching is for yeah
+Searching are for yeah
+Searching is for yeah
+Searching are for yeah
+||||Alias||||They seemed pretty trivial||||
+Searching is for they seemed pretty trivial
+Searching are for they seemed pretty trivial
+Searching is for they seemed pretty trivial
+Searching are for they seemed pretty trivial
+||||Alias||||The module loader stuff mostly||||
+Searching is for the module loader stuff mostly
+Searching are for the module loader stuff mostly
+Searching is for module loader stuff mostly
+Searching are for module loader stuff mostly
+||||kane||||they are pretty trivial||||
+Searching is for they are pretty trivial
+Searching are for they are pretty trivial
+||||kane||||it's just abstracted out code... and it's code shared among several modules.. ||||
+Searching is for it's just abstracted out code... and it's code shared among several modules..
+Searching are for it's just abstracted out code... and it's code shared among several modules..
+Searching is for it's just abstracted out code... and it's code shared among several modules
+Searching are for it's just abstracted out code... and it's code shared among several modules
+||||Alias||||Still, would have been nice to clean up and combine the API :)||||
+Searching is for would have been nice to clean up and combine the api :)
+Searching are for would have been nice to clean up and combine the api :)
+Searching is for would have been nice to clean up and combine the api :)
+Searching are for would have been nice to clean up and combine the api :)
+||||Alias||||Having seperate modules for "load a module" and "is a module loaded" seemed a little odd||||
+Searching is for having seperate modules for "load a module" and "is a module loaded" seemed a little odd
+Searching are for having seperate modules for "load a module" and "is a module loaded" seemed a little odd
+Searching is for having seperate modules for "load a module" and "is a module loaded" seemed a little odd
+Searching are for having seperate modules for "load a module" and "is a module loaded" seemed a little odd
+||||Alias||||I always wanted a Module::Util||||
+Searching is for alias always wanted a module::util
+Searching are for alias always wanted a module::util
+Searching is for alias always wanted a module::util
+Searching are for alias always wanted a module::util
+||||kane||||we still have time to change that if we want||||
+Searching is for we still have time to change that if we want
+Searching are for we still have time to change that if we want
+Searching is for we still have time to change that if we want
+Searching are for we still have time to change that if we want
+||||Alias||||I would mind it||||
+Searching is for alias would mind it
+Searching are for alias would mind it
+Searching is for alias would mind it
+Searching are for alias would mind it
+||||kane||||module::load, module::load::conditional nad module::loaded all paly in roughly the same problem domain||||
+Searching is for module::load, module::load::conditional nad module::loaded all paly in roughly the same problem domain
+Searching are for module::load, module::load::conditional nad module::loaded all paly in roughly the same problem domain
+Searching is for module::load, module::load::conditional nad module::loaded all paly in roughly the same problem domain
+Searching are for module::load, module::load::conditional nad module::loaded all paly in roughly the same problem domain
+Searching is for errr
+Searching are for errr
+Searching is for errr
+Searching are for errr
+||||Alias||||I wouldn't mind it||||
+Searching is for alias wouldn't mind it
+Searching are for alias wouldn't mind it
+Searching is for alias wouldn't mind it
+Searching are for alias wouldn't mind it
+||||kane||||patches welcome!||||
+Searching is for patches welcome!
+Searching are for patches welcome!
+Searching is for patches welcome
+Searching are for patches welcome
+||||aevil||||LOL.... purl++||||
+Searching is for lol.... purl++
+Searching are for lol.... purl++
+Searching is for lol.... purl++
+Searching are for lol.... purl++
+||||Alias||||Patches or entire new module? :)||||
+Searching is for patches or entire new module? :)
+Searching are for patches or entire new module? :)
+Searching is for patches or entire new module? :)
+Searching are for patches or entire new module? :)
+||||kane||||eitehr way||||
+Searching is for eitehr way
+Searching are for eitehr way
+Searching is for eitehr way
+Searching are for eitehr way
+Searching is for ok
+Searching are for ok
+Searching is for ok
+Searching are for ok
+||||Alias||||I shall look into it||||
+Searching is for alias shall look into it
+Searching are for alias shall look into it
+Searching is for alias shall look into it
+Searching are for alias shall look into it
+||||kane||||think about hte backwards incompat issue though||||
+Searching is for think about hte backwards incompat issue though
+Searching are for think about hte backwards incompat issue though
+Searching is for think about hte backwards incompat issue though
+Searching are for think about hte backwards incompat issue though
+||||kane||||personally, it's all the same to me||||
+Searching is for personally, it's all the same to kane
+Searching are for personally, it's all the same to kane
+Searching is for personally, it's all the same to kane
+Searching are for personally, it's all the same to kane
+||||Alias||||Well, is there one?||||
+Searching is for is there one
+Searching are for is there one
+||||kane||||yes, these modules have been living on the cpan for several years||||
+Searching is for these modules have been living on the cpan for several years
+Searching are for these modules have been living on the cpan for several years
+Searching is for these modules have been living on the cpan for several years
+Searching are for these modules have been living on the cpan for several years
+||||kane||||module::load and loaded could probably be combined fairly harmlessly||||
+Searching is for module::load and loaded could probably be combined fairly harmlessly
+Searching are for module::load and loaded could probably be combined fairly harmlessly
+Searching is for module::load and loaded could probably be combined fairly harmlessly
+Searching are for module::load and loaded could probably be combined fairly harmlessly
+||||Alias||||If the older code installs the CPAN versions, and the newer code uses the notional new one, I don't know there's compat issues||||
+Searching is for if the older code installs the cpan versions, and the newer code uses the notional new one, alias don't know there's compat issues
+Searching are for if the older code installs the cpan versions, and the newer code uses the notional new one, alias don't know there's compat issues
+Searching is for if the older code installs the cpan versions, and the newer code uses the notional new one, alias don't know there's compat issues
+Searching are for if the older code installs the cpan versions, and the newer code uses the notional new one, alias don't know there's compat issues
+||||Alias||||Does anything rely on them being core and not declare deps yet?||||
+Searching is for does anything rely on them being core and not declare deps yet
+Searching are for does anything rely on them being core and not declare deps yet
+Searching is for does anything rely on them being core and not declare deps yet
+Searching are for does anything rely on them being core and not declare deps yet
+||||Alias||||(... that we care about)||||
+Searching is for (... that we care about)
+Searching are for (... that we care about)
+Searching is for (... that we care about)
+Searching are for (... that we care about)
+||||kane||||no, as they're only core since 5.9.4||||
+Searching is for no, as they're only core since 5.9.4
+Searching are for no, as they're only core since 5.9.4
+Searching is for no, as they're only core since 5.9.4
+Searching are for no, as they're only core since 5.9.4
+Searching is for ok
+Searching are for ok
+Searching is for ok
+Searching are for ok
+||||kane||||and if you run that in production, you're insane anyway||||
+Searching is for if you run that in production, you are insane
+Searching are for if you run that in production, you are insane
+||||Alias||||So I think we're clean for compat issues||||
+Searching is for so alias think we're clean for compat issues
+Searching are for so alias think we're clean for compat issues
+Searching is for so alias think we're clean for compat issues
+Searching are for so alias think we're clean for compat issues
+||||kane||||::conditional pulls in a lot more dpes than loaded and load||||
+Searching is for ::conditional pulls in a lot more dpes than loaded and load
+Searching are for ::conditional pulls in a lot more dpes than loaded and load
+Searching is for ::conditional pulls in a lot more dpes than loaded and load
+Searching are for ::conditional pulls in a lot more dpes than loaded and load
+||||kane||||so that's not an obvious candidate||||
+Searching is for so that's not an obvious candidate
+Searching are for so that's not an obvious candidate
+Searching is for so that's not an obvious candidate
+Searching are for so that's not an obvious candidate
+Searching is for ok
+Searching are for ok
+Searching is for ok
+Searching are for ok
+||||kane||||go nuts||||
+Searching is for go nuts
+Searching are for go nuts
+Searching is for go nuts
+Searching are for go nuts
+||||Alias||||I'll take a look at the first two, which I read the source of when I saw the merge email on p5p||||
+Searching is for alias'll take a look at the first two, which alias read the source of when alias saw the merge email on p5p
+Searching are for alias'll take a look at the first two, which alias read the source of when alias saw the merge email on p5p
+Searching is for alias'll take a look at the first two, which alias read the source of when alias saw the merge email on p5p
+Searching are for alias'll take a look at the first two, which alias read the source of when alias saw the merge email on p5p
+||||Alias||||I haven't read conditional||||
+Searching is for alias has not read conditional
+Searching are for alias has not read conditional
+Searching is for alias has not read conditional
+Searching are for alias has not read conditional
+||||Alias||||I always also wanted one place for things like module_path and module_inc etc||||
+Searching is for alias always also wanted one place for things like module_path and module_inc etc
+Searching are for alias always also wanted one place for things like module_path and module_inc etc
+Searching is for alias always also wanted one place for things like module_path and module_inc etc
+Searching are for alias always also wanted one place for things like module_path and module_inc etc
+||||Alias||||For the Class-->filename stuff||||
+Searching is for for the class-->filename stuff
+Searching are for for the class-->filename stuff
+Searching is for for the class-->filename stuff
+Searching are for for the class-->filename stuff
+||||kane||||someone mentioned that already on p5p||||
+Searching is for someone mentioned that already on p5p
+Searching are for someone mentioned that already on p5p
+Searching is for someone mentioned that already on p5p
+Searching are for someone mentioned that already on p5p
+||||kane||||that there shouldn't be a *module* doing this, perl should be able to tell you||||
+Searching is for that there shouldn't be a *module* doing this, perl should be able to tell you
+Searching are for that there shouldn't be a *module* doing this, perl should be able to tell you
+Searching is for that there shouldn't be a *module* doing this, perl should be able to tell you
+Searching are for that there shouldn't be a *module* doing this, perl should be able to tell you
+||||Alias||||I've implemented it in half a dozen places myself, like Class::Inspector etc||||
+Searching is for alias has implemented it in half a dozen places alias, like class::inspector etc
+Searching are for alias has implemented it in half a dozen places alias, like class::inspector etc
+Searching is for alias has implemented it in half a dozen places alias, like class::inspector etc
+Searching are for alias has implemented it in half a dozen places alias, like class::inspector etc
+Searching is for yeah
+Searching are for yeah
+Searching is for yeah
+Searching are for yeah
+||||Alias||||But then if it's in Module::Util, then some chunk of (optional) XS could pull it from Perl internals||||
+Searching is for then if it's in module::util, then some chunk of (optional) xs could pull it from perl internals
+Searching are for then if it's in module::util, then some chunk of (optional) xs could pull it from perl internals
+Searching is for then if it's in module::util, then some chunk of (optional) xs could pull it from perl internals
+Searching are for then if it's in module::util, then some chunk of (optional) xs could pull it from perl internals
+||||kane||||i use Module::Loaded mostly in test cases||||
+Searching is for kane use module::loaded mostly in test cases
+Searching are for kane use module::loaded mostly in test cases
+Searching is for kane use module::loaded mostly in test cases
+Searching are for kane use module::loaded mostly in test cases
+||||Alias||||Much in the way Scalar::Util does for internally scalar stuff||||
+Searching is for much in the way scalar::util does for internally scalar stuff
+Searching are for much in the way scalar::util does for internally scalar stuff
+Searching is for much in the way scalar::util does for internally scalar stuff
+Searching are for much in the way scalar::util does for internally scalar stuff
+||||kane||||works for me.. if it exports the same functions with teh same api, the changes to my code are trivial too||||
+Searching is for works for kane.. if it exports the same functions with teh same api, the changes to kane's code are trivial too
+Searching are for works for kane.. if it exports the same functions with teh same api, the changes to kane's code are trivial too
+Searching is for goodo
+Searching are for goodo
+Searching is for goodo
+Searching are for goodo
+||||Alias||||I'll take that as a tentative mandate and hack at it next time I find a cycle||||
+Searching is for alias'll take that as a tentative mandate and hack at it next time alias find a cycle
+Searching are for alias'll take that as a tentative mandate and hack at it next time alias find a cycle
+Searching is for alias'll take that as a tentative mandate and hack at it next time alias find a cycle
+Searching are for alias'll take that as a tentative mandate and hack at it next time alias find a cycle
+||||Alias||||And then post a speculative implementation to P5P||||
+Searching is for then post a speculative implementation to p5p
+Searching are for then post a speculative implementation to p5p
+Searching is for then post a speculative implementation to p5p
+Searching are for then post a speculative implementation to p5p
+||||Alias||||Things you don't want to see at line 4 in a 9200 lines Perl script that doesn't use modules||||
+Searching is for things you don't want to see at line 4 in a 9200 lines perl script that doesn't use modules
+Searching are for things you don't want to see at line 4 in a 9200 lines perl script that doesn't use modules
+Searching is for things you don't want to see at line 4 in a 9200 lines perl script that doesn't use modules
+Searching are for things you don't want to see at line 4 in a 9200 lines perl script that doesn't use modules
+||||Alias||||#use strict;||||
+Searching is for #use strict;
+Searching are for #use strict;
+Searching is for #use strict;
+Searching are for #use strict;
+||||modred||||dunkin donuts is opening stores in tennessee||||
+Searching is for dunkin donuts is opening stores in tennessee
+Searching are for dunkin donuts is opening stores in tennessee
+Searching is for dunkin donuts
+set;;is;;dunkin donuts;;opening stores in tennessee
+||||Alias||||And, unfortunately, Sydney||||
+Searching is for unfortunately, sydney
+Searching are for unfortunately, sydney
+Searching is for unfortunately, sydney
+Searching are for unfortunately, sydney
+||||Alias||||oh wait||||
+Searching is for wait
+Searching are for wait
+Searching is for wait
+Searching are for wait
+||||Alias||||That was Krispe whatever||||
+Searching is for that was krispe whatever
+Searching are for that was krispe whatever
+Searching is for that was krispe whatever
+Searching are for that was krispe whatever
+||||waltman||||Thanks! All the ones around here have sadly closed :((||||
+Searching is for thanks! all the ones around here have sadly closed :((
+Searching are for thanks! all the ones around here have sadly closed :((
+Searching is for thanks! all the ones around here have sadly closed :((
+Searching are for thanks! all the ones around here have sadly closed :((
+||||modred||||krispy kreme discovered northeasterners don't eat as many donuts as southerners||||
+Searching is for krispy kreme discovered northeasterners don't eat as many donuts as southerners
+Searching are for krispy kreme discovered northeasterners don't eat as many donuts as southerners
+Searching is for krispy kreme discovered northeasterners don't eat as many donuts as southerners
+Searching are for krispy kreme discovered northeasterners don't eat as many donuts as southerners
+||||modred||||and dunkin is discovering southerners don't drink as much coffee||||
+Searching is for dunkin is discovering southerners don't drink as much coffee
+Searching are for dunkin is discovering southerners don't drink as much coffee
+Searching is for dunkin
+set;;is;;dunkin;;discovering southerners don't drink as much coffee
+||||waltman||||Do they have Dunkin Donuts down south?||||
+Searching is for do they have dunkin donuts down south
+Searching are for do they have dunkin donuts down south
+Searching is for do they have dunkin donuts down south
+Searching are for do they have dunkin donuts down south
+||||Alias||||Do the statistics align with anything else? Like Democrat/Republican or IQ or union membership or religion etc?||||
+Searching is for do the statistics align with anything else? like democrat/republican or iq or union membership or religion etc
+Searching are for do the statistics align with anything else? like democrat/republican or iq or union membership or religion etc
+Searching is for do the statistics align with anything else? like democrat/republican or iq or union membership or religion etc
+Searching are for do the statistics align with anything else? like democrat/republican or iq or union membership or religion etc
+||||modred||||they are in the process of opening||||
+Searching is for they are in the process of opening
+Searching are for they are in the process of opening
+Searching is for weight
+Searching are for weight
+Searching is for weight
+Searching are for weight
+||||Alias||||joke or real?||||
+Searching is for joke or real
+Searching are for joke or real
+Searching is for joke or real
+Searching are for joke or real
+||||waltman||||I thought they just made the classic mistake of trying to grow too fast too soon once they went public.||||
+Searching is for waltman thought they just made the classic mistake of trying to grow too fast too soon once they went public.
+Searching are for waltman thought they just made the classic mistake of trying to grow too fast too soon once they went public.
+Searching is for waltman thought they just made the classic mistake of trying to grow too fast too soon once they went public
+Searching are for waltman thought they just made the classic mistake of trying to grow too fast too soon once they went public
+||||modred||||waltman - that too||||
+Searching is for waltman - that too
+Searching are for waltman - that too
+Searching is for waltman - that too
+Searching are for waltman - that too
+Searching is for http://www.boston.com/business/articles/2006/08/27/dunkin_gets_some_southern_exposure/
+Searching are for http://www.boston.com/business/articles/2006/08/27/dunkin_gets_some_southern_exposure/
+Searching is for http://www.boston.com/business/articles/2006/08/27/dunkin_gets_some_southern_exposure/
+Searching are for http://www.boston.com/business/articles/2006/08/27/dunkin_gets_some_southern_exposure/
+||||shorten||||modred's url is at http://xrl.us/reqn||||
+Searching is for modred's url is at http://xrl.us/reqn
+Searching are for modred's url is at http://xrl.us/reqn
+Searching is for modred's url
+set;;is;;modred's url;;at http://xrl.us/reqn
+||||modred||||and quite honestly I prefer cake donuts to krispy kremes||||
+Searching is for quite honestly modred prefer cake donuts to krispy kremes
+Searching are for quite honestly modred prefer cake donuts to krispy kremes
+Searching is for quite honestly modred prefer cake donuts to krispy kremes
+Searching are for quite honestly modred prefer cake donuts to krispy kremes
+||||Alias||||I tried a Krispy Kreme thing once||||
+Searching is for alias tried a krispy kreme thing once
+Searching are for alias tried a krispy kreme thing once
+Searching is for alias tried a krispy kreme thing once
+Searching are for alias tried a krispy kreme thing once
+||||Alias||||It disolved in about 2 seconds, and I felt overcharged||||
+Searching is for it disolved in about 2 seconds, and alias felt overcharged
+Searching are for it disolved in about 2 seconds, and alias felt overcharged
+Searching is for it disolved in about 2 seconds, and alias felt overcharged
+Searching are for it disolved in about 2 seconds, and alias felt overcharged
+||||modred||||yup. a cake donut has some substance to it||||
+Searching is for yup. a cake donut has some substance to it
+Searching are for yup. a cake donut has some substance to it
+Searching is for yup. a cake donut has some substance to it
+Searching are for yup. a cake donut has some substance to it
+||||Alias||||2mm think layer of gooeey sugar crap||||
+Searching is for 2mm think layer of gooeey sugar crap
+Searching are for 2mm think layer of gooeey sugar crap
+Searching is for 2mm think layer of gooeey sugar crap
+Searching are for 2mm think layer of gooeey sugar crap
+Searching is for thick
+Searching are for thick
+Searching is for thick
+Searching are for thick
+||||waltman||||For the full effect you've got to try them hot right off the conveyor belt.||||
+Searching is for for the full effect you've got to try them hot right off the conveyor belt.
+Searching are for for the full effect you've got to try them hot right off the conveyor belt.
+Searching is for for the full effect you've got to try them hot right off the conveyor belt
+Searching are for for the full effect you've got to try them hot right off the conveyor belt
+||||Alias||||I don't know that exists here||||
+Searching is for alias don't know that exists here
+Searching are for alias don't know that exists here
+Searching is for alias don't know that exists here
+Searching are for alias don't know that exists here
+||||Alias||||They seem to turn up from one factory||||
+Searching is for they seem to turn up from one factory
+Searching are for they seem to turn up from one factory
+Searching is for they seem to turn up from one factory
+Searching are for they seem to turn up from one factory
+||||waltman||||they don't have factories. they make a big show of making them right in the shop.||||
+Searching is for they don't have factories. they make a big show of making them right in the shop.
+Searching are for they don't have factories. they make a big show of making them right in the shop.
+Searching is for they don't have factories. they make a big show of making them right in the shop
+Searching are for they don't have factories. they make a big show of making them right in the shop
+||||Alias||||Not in the one at the airport||||
+Searching is for not in the one at the airport
+Searching are for not in the one at the airport
+Searching is for not in the one at the airport
+Searching are for not in the one at the airport
+||||modred||||waltman - another problem with kk around here was that they were providing donuts to every convenience store and thus people didn't get a sense of why they should go to the store||||
+Searching is for waltman - another problem with kk around here was that they were providing donuts to every convenience store and thus people didn't get a sense of why they should go to the store
+Searching are for waltman - another problem with kk around here was that they were providing donuts to every convenience store and thus people didn't get a sense of why they should go to the store
+Searching is for waltman - another problem with kk around here was that they were providing donuts to every convenience store and thus people didn't get a sense of why they should go to the store
+Searching are for waltman - another problem with kk around here was that they were providing donuts to every convenience store and thus people didn't get a sense of why they should go to the store
+||||modred||||(the kk store that is)||||
+Searching is for (the kk store that is)
+Searching are for (the kk store that is)
+Searching is for (the kk store that is)
+Searching are for (the kk store that is)
+||||waltman||||another good point||||
+Searching is for another good point
+Searching are for another good point
+Searching is for another good point
+Searching are for another good point
+||||waltman||||otoh, people who've had them right off the belt don't want the ones in the store||||
+Searching is for otoh, people who've had them right off the belt don't want the ones in the store
+Searching are for otoh, people who've had them right off the belt don't want the ones in the store
+Searching is for otoh, people who've had them right off the belt don't want the ones in the store
+Searching are for otoh, people who've had them right off the belt don't want the ones in the store
+Searching is for right
+Searching are for right
+Searching is for right
+Searching are for right
+Searching is for mmmm...donut
+Searching are for mmmm...donut
+Searching is for mmmm...donut
+Searching are for mmmm...donut
+||||waltman||||dammit, i want a donut now||||
+Searching is for dammit, waltman want a donut now
+Searching are for dammit, waltman want a donut now
+Searching is for dammit, waltman want a donut now
+Searching are for dammit, waltman want a donut now
+Searching is for :)
+Searching are for :)
+Searching is for :)
+Searching are for :)
+||||aevil||||KK is in the food court, not the jewellery dept alias||||
+Searching is for kk is in the food court, not the jewellery dept alias
+Searching are for kk is in the food court, not the jewellery dept alias
+Searching is for kk
+set;;is;;kk;;in the food court, not the jewellery dept alias
+||||Alias||||Well of course, but it's way more fun my way||||
+Searching is for of course, but it's way more fun alias's way
+Searching are for of course, but it's way more fun alias's way
+Searching is for of course, but it's way more fun alias's way
+Searching are for of course, but it's way more fun alias's way
+||||aevil||||well, the brits are catching up now too||||
+Searching is for the brits are catching up now too
+Searching are for the brits are catching up now too
+Searching are for brits
+set;;are;;brits;;catching up now too
+||||aevil||||and the chinese||||
+Searching is for the chinese
+Searching are for the chinese
+Searching is for chinese
+Searching are for chinese
+||||waltman||||we may have reached our DD capacity here in philly||||
+Searching is for we may have reached our dd capacity here in philly
+Searching are for we may have reached our dd capacity here in philly
+Searching is for we may have reached our dd capacity here in philly
+Searching are for we may have reached our dd capacity here in philly
+||||Alias||||Unlike your Starbucks capacity||||
+Searching is for unlike your starbucks capacity
+Searching are for unlike your starbucks capacity
+Searching is for unlike your starbucks capacity
+Searching are for unlike your starbucks capacity
+||||waltman||||there are still a few street corners with only 1 or 2 starbuckses on them||||
+Searching is for there are still a few street corners with only 1 or 2 starbuckses on them
+Searching are for there are still a few street corners with only 1 or 2 starbuckses on them
+||||modred||||waltman - I live in the city with the highest per capita rate of dd||||
+Searching is for waltman - modred live in the city with the highest per capita rate of dd
+Searching are for waltman - modred live in the city with the highest per capita rate of dd
+Searching is for waltman - modred live in the city with the highest per capita rate of dd
+Searching are for waltman - modred live in the city with the highest per capita rate of dd
+Searching is for boston
+Searching are for boston
+Searching is for boston
+Searching are for boston
+||||modred||||modred - marlborough (west of boston). 7 dd for 30k people||||
+Searching is for modred - marlborough (west of boston). 7 dd for 30k people
+Searching are for modred - marlborough (west of boston). 7 dd for 30k people
+Searching is for modred - marlborough (west of boston). 7 dd for 30k people
+Searching are for modred - marlborough (west of boston). 7 dd for 30k people
+Searching is for seven!!!
+Searching are for seven!!!
+Searching is for seven
+Searching are for seven
+Searching is for jeepers
+Searching are for jeepers
+Searching is for jeepers
+Searching are for jeepers
+||||waltman||||so my friend nancy works for a public radio station in colorado. I just heard her on npr reporting on the latest "twist" in the jonbenet case.||||
+Searching is for so waltman's friend nancy works for a public radio station in colorado. waltman just heard her on npr reporting on the latest "twist" in the jonbenet case.
+Searching are for so waltman's friend nancy works for a public radio station in colorado. waltman just heard her on npr reporting on the latest "twist" in the jonbenet case.
+Searching is for so waltman's friend nancy works for a public radio station in colorado. waltman just heard her on npr reporting on the latest "twist" in the jonbenet case
+Searching are for so waltman's friend nancy works for a public radio station in colorado. waltman just heard her on npr reporting on the latest "twist" in the jonbenet case
+||||Alias||||"Yep, he's an attention seeking nut, like we all thought"||||
+Searching is for "yep, he's an attention seeking nut, like we all thought"
+Searching are for "yep, he's an attention seeking nut, like we all thought"
+Searching is for "yep, he's an attention seeking nut, like we all thought"
+Searching are for "yep, he's an attention seeking nut, like we all thought"
+||||waltman||||well, all except the DA||||
+Searching is for all except the da
+Searching are for all except the da
+Searching is for all except the da
+Searching are for all except the da
+||||Alias||||Well, "we" implies a "them"||||
+Searching is for "we" implies a "them"
+Searching are for "we" implies a "them"
+Searching is for "we" implies a "them"
+Searching are for "we" implies a "them"
+||||aevil||||dag...LOL..if that were true, it would have read 'waRSHroom' :)||||
+Searching is for dag...lol..if that were true, it would have read 'warshroom' :)
+Searching are for dag...lol..if that were true, it would have read 'warshroom' :)
+Searching is for dag...lol..if that were true, it would have read 'warshroom' :)
+Searching are for dag...lol..if that were true, it would have read 'warshroom' :)
+||||aevil||||just like ohioans love their WINders||||
+Searching is for just like ohioans love their winders
+Searching are for just like ohioans love their winders
+Searching is for just like ohioans love their winders
+Searching are for just like ohioans love their winders
+||||aevil||||i think Ohio got all the r's that MA leaves off||||
+Searching is for aevil think ohio got all the r's that ma leaves off
+Searching are for aevil think ohio got all the r's that ma leaves off
+Searching is for aevil think ohio got all the r's that ma leaves off
+Searching are for aevil think ohio got all the r's that ma leaves off
+||||waltman||||800 stores and each has only one bathroom?||||
+Searching is for 800 stores and each has only one bathroom
+Searching are for 800 stores and each has only one bathroom
+Searching is for 800 stores and each has only one bathroom
+Searching are for 800 stores and each has only one bathroom
+||||waltman||||italian cafes don't look anything like starbucks||||
+Searching is for italian cafes don't look anything like starbucks
+Searching are for italian cafes don't look anything like starbucks
+Searching is for italian cafes don't look anything like starbucks
+Searching are for italian cafes don't look anything like starbucks
+Searching is for italian
+Searching are for italian
+Searching is for italian
+Searching are for italian
+||||waltman||||fake italian?||||
+Searching is for fake italian
+Searching are for fake italian
+Searching is for fake italian
+Searching are for fake italian
+||||Alias||||I always thought fake greek||||
+Searching is for alias always thought fake greek
+Searching are for alias always thought fake greek
+Searching is for alias always thought fake greek
+Searching are for alias always thought fake greek
+||||devin||||milk with a window||||
+Searching is for milk with a window
+Searching are for milk with a window
+Searching is for milk with a window
+Searching are for milk with a window
+||||waltman||||is the menu in english or japanese?||||
+Searching is for is the menu in english or japanese
+Searching are for is the menu in english or japanese
+||||waltman||||in the us, starbucks tends to get overeducated people as minimum wage baristas||||
+Searching is for in the us, starbucks tends to get overeducated people as minimum wage baristas
+Searching are for in the us, starbucks tends to get overeducated people as minimum wage baristas
+Searching is for in the us, starbucks tends to get overeducated people as minimum wage baristas
+Searching are for in the us, starbucks tends to get overeducated people as minimum wage baristas
+||||hex||||Wow, Myspace really is shit. (No shit Sherlock dept.)||||
+Searching is for myspace really is shit. (no shit sherlock dept.)
+Searching are for myspace really is shit. (no shit sherlock dept.)
+Searching is for myspace really
+set;;is;;myspace really;;shit. (No shit Sherlock dept.)
+||||devin||||well all the starbucks menu items are at least written in katakana too||||
+Searching is for all the starbucks menu items are at least written in katakana too
+Searching are for all the starbucks menu items are at least written in katakana too
+||||hex||||Step 1. Sign up. Step 2. Edit preferences. Step 3. Sorry! an unexpected error has occurred. ||||
+Searching is for step 1. sign up. step 2. edit preferences. step 3. sorry! an unexpected error has occurred.
+Searching are for step 1. sign up. step 2. edit preferences. step 3. sorry! an unexpected error has occurred.
+Searching is for step 1. sign up. step 2. edit preferences. step 3. sorry! an unexpected error has occurred
+Searching are for step 1. sign up. step 2. edit preferences. step 3. sorry! an unexpected error has occurred
+||||devin||||well ok but there's perfectly good kanji for that||||
+Searching is for but there's perfectly good kanji for that
+Searching are for but there's perfectly good kanji for that
+Searching is for but there's perfectly good kanji for that
+Searching are for but there's perfectly good kanji for that
+Searching is for http://web.media.mit.edu/~joanie/images/starsbuck.jpg
+Searching are for http://web.media.mit.edu/~joanie/images/starsbuck.jpg
+Searching is for http://web.media.mit.edu/~joanie/images/starsbuck.jpg
+Searching are for http://web.media.mit.edu/~joanie/images/starsbuck.jpg
+||||hex||||tou-nyuu kids on the block.||||
+Searching is for tou-nyuu kids on the block.
+Searching are for tou-nyuu kids on the block.
+Searching is for tou-nyuu kids on the block
+Searching are for tou-nyuu kids on the block
+||||devin||||yes, hence kyonyuu||||
+Searching is for hence kyonyuu
+Searching are for hence kyonyuu
+Searching is for hence kyonyuu
+Searching are for hence kyonyuu
+Searching is for onomatopoeia
+Searching are for onomatopoeia
+Searching is for onomatopoeia
+Searching are for onomatopoeia
+||||devin||||it's not unpronouncealble... ho chi ki su||||
+Searching is for it's not unpronouncealble... ho chi ki su
+Searching are for it's not unpronouncealble... ho chi ki su
+Searching is for it's not unpronouncealble... ho chi ki su
+Searching are for it's not unpronouncealble... ho chi ki su
+Searching is for crun-klitch
+Searching are for crun-klitch
+Searching is for crun-klitch
+Searching are for crun-klitch
+||||devin||||sushizume seems reasonable to me||||
+Searching is for sushizume seems reasonable to devin
+Searching are for sushizume seems reasonable to devin
+Searching is for sushizume seems reasonable to devin
+Searching are for sushizume seems reasonable to devin
+||||devin||||especially if you've seen kansai style oshi-zume||||
+Searching is for especially if you've seen kansai style oshi-zume
+Searching are for especially if you've seen kansai style oshi-zume
+Searching is for especially if you've seen kansai style oshi-zume
+Searching are for especially if you've seen kansai style oshi-zume
+||||devin||||er, oshizushi i mean||||
+Searching is for er, oshizushi devin mean
+Searching are for er, oshizushi devin mean
+Searching is for er, oshizushi devin mean
+Searching are for er, oshizushi devin mean
+||||Alias||||( or at least it was saturated advertising in Singapore )||||
+Searching is for ( or at least it was saturated advertising in singapore )
+Searching are for ( or at least it was saturated advertising in singapore )
+Searching is for ( or at least it was saturated advertising in singapore )
+Searching are for ( or at least it was saturated advertising in singapore )
+||||Alias||||Oh! Also in Singapore, I saw an add for a Coffee-in-a-Can drink called "Perl" !!!||||
+Searching is for oh! also in singapore, alias saw an add for a coffee-in-a-can drink called "perl" !!!
+Searching are for oh! also in singapore, alias saw an add for a coffee-in-a-can drink called "perl" !!!
+Searching is for oh! also in singapore, alias saw an add for a coffee-in-a-can drink called "perl"
+Searching are for oh! also in singapore, alias saw an add for a coffee-in-a-can drink called "perl"
+Searching is for ad
+Searching are for ad
+Searching is for ad
+Searching are for ad
+||||Alias||||But I couldn't find any on sale anywhere||||
+Searching is for alias couldn't find any on sale anywhere
+Searching are for alias couldn't find any on sale anywhere
+Searching is for alias couldn't find any on sale anywhere
+Searching are for alias couldn't find any on sale anywhere
+||||devin||||the only things stolen in japan are bicycles and umbrellas||||
+Searching is for the only things stolen in japan are bicycles and umbrellas
+Searching are for the only things stolen in japan are bicycles and umbrellas
+Searching are for only things stolen in japan
+set;;are;;only things stolen in japan;;bicycles and umbrellas
+Searching is for hmm
+Searching are for hmm
+Searching is for hmm
+Searching are for hmm
+||||Alias||||What the hell is C< foreach $file (sort { int($a) <=> int($b) } @allfiles) { > supposed to achieve :/||||
+Searching is for is c< foreach $file (sort { int($a) <=> int($b) } @allfiles) { > supposed to achieve :/
+Searching are for is c< foreach $file (sort { int($a) <=> int($b) } @allfiles) { > supposed to achieve :/
+Searching is for c< foreach $file (sort { int($a) <=> int($b) } @allfiles) { > supposed to achieve :/
+||||Alias||||Where @allfiles are alphanumeric file names||||
+Searching is for are @allfiles alphanumeric file names
+Searching are for are @allfiles alphanumeric file names
+Searching are for @allfiles alphanumeric file names
+Searching is for heh
+Searching are for heh
+Searching is for heh
+Searching are for heh
+||||Roderick||||To get 2foo before 10bar?||||
+Searching is for to get 2foo before 10bar
+Searching are for to get 2foo before 10bar
+Searching is for to get 2foo before 10bar
+Searching are for to get 2foo before 10bar
+||||avar||||that won't shuffle the files at all||||
+Searching is for that won't shuffle the files at all
+Searching are for that won't shuffle the files at all
+Searching is for that won't shuffle the files at all
+Searching are for that won't shuffle the files at all
+Searching is for moo
+Searching are for moo
+Searching is for moo
+Searching are for moo
+||||inferno||||Anyone have any good or bad things to report about .mac? I'm considering signing up.||||
+Searching is for anyone have any good or bad things to report about .mac? inferno is considering signing up.
+Searching are for anyone have any good or bad things to report about .mac? inferno is considering signing up.
+Searching is for http://www.macintouch.com/readerreports/dotmac/index.html
+Searching are for http://www.macintouch.com/readerreports/dotmac/index.html
+Searching is for http://www.macintouch.com/readerreports/dotmac/index.html
+Searching are for http://www.macintouch.com/readerreports/dotmac/index.html
+||||rjbs||||It's nice to easily sync AddrBook and iCal.||||
+Searching is for it's nice to easily sync addrbook and ical.
+Searching are for it's nice to easily sync addrbook and ical.
+Searching is for it's nice to easily sync addrbook and ical
+Searching are for it's nice to easily sync addrbook and ical
+||||rjbs||||apart from that, eh.||||
+Searching is for apart from that, eh.
+Searching are for apart from that, eh.
+Searching is for apart from that, eh
+Searching are for apart from that, eh
+||||omega||||mail accounts||||
+Searching is for mail accounts
+Searching are for mail accounts
+Searching is for mail accounts
+Searching are for mail accounts
+||||jcap||||with a little bit of work, you can setup your own virtual .mac||||
+Searching is for with a little bit of work, you can setup your own virtual .mac
+Searching are for with a little bit of work, you can setup your own virtual .mac
+Searching is for with a little bit of work, you can setup your own virtual .mac
+Searching are for with a little bit of work, you can setup your own virtual .mac
+||||jcap||||there are docs online||||
+Searching is for there are docs online
+Searching are for there are docs online
+||||jcap||||not from apple obviously||||
+Searching is for not from apple obviously
+Searching are for not from apple obviously
+Searching is for not from apple obviously
+Searching are for not from apple obviously
+Searching is for halghalghalg
+Searching are for halghalghalg
+Searching is for halghalghalg
+Searching are for halghalghalg
+||||rjbs||||pog blog.||||
+Searching is for pog blog.
+Searching are for pog blog.
+Searching is for pog blog
+Searching are for pog blog
+||||clintp||||It's Alf! But in pog form!||||
+Searching is for it's alf! but in pog form!
+Searching are for it's alf! but in pog form!
+Searching is for it's alf! but in pog form
+Searching are for it's alf! but in pog form
+||||rjbs||||be alf||||
+Searching is for be alf
+Searching are for be alf
+Searching is for be alf
+Searching are for be alf
+||||inferno||||oh, and I bet .mac doesn't sync Mail.app rules either||||
+Searching is for and inferno bet .mac doesn't sync mail.app rules either
+Searching are for and inferno bet .mac doesn't sync mail.app rules either
+Searching is for and inferno bet .mac doesn't sync mail.app rules either
+Searching are for and inferno bet .mac doesn't sync mail.app rules either
+||||inferno||||oh, crap, it DOES!||||
+Searching is for crap, it does!
+Searching are for crap, it does!
+Searching is for crap, it does
+Searching are for crap, it does
+Searching is for software--
+Searching are for software--
+Searching is for software--
+Searching are for software--
+||||kismet||||.mac seems to have a lot of problems with looping forever internally, inferno.||||
+Searching is for .mac seems to have a lot of problems with looping forever internally, inferno.
+Searching are for .mac seems to have a lot of problems with looping forever internally, inferno.
+Searching is for .mac seems to have a lot of problems with looping forever internally, inferno
+Searching are for .mac seems to have a lot of problems with looping forever internally, inferno
+||||kismet||||at least of late.||||
+Searching is for at least of late.
+Searching are for at least of late.
+Searching is for at least of late
+Searching are for at least of late
+||||kismet||||but you might not care that much about the SMTP part||||
+Searching is for you might not care that much about the smtp part
+Searching are for you might not care that much about the smtp part
+Searching is for you might not care that much about the smtp part
+Searching are for you might not care that much about the smtp part
+||||rjbs||||possibly less so||||
+Searching is for possibly less so
+Searching are for possibly less so
+Searching is for possibly less so
+Searching are for possibly less so
+||||kismet||||also, this could be that you can configure your own mail destination, so this might not be their fault.. I don't know about that part.||||
+Searching is for also, this could be that you can configure your own mail destination, so this might not be their fault.. kismet don't know about that part.
+Searching are for also, this could be that you can configure your own mail destination, so this might not be their fault.. kismet don't know about that part.
+Searching is for also, this could be that you can configure your own mail destination, so this might not be their fault.. kismet don't know about that part
+Searching are for also, this could be that you can configure your own mail destination, so this might not be their fault.. kismet don't know about that part
+Searching is for nope.
+Searching are for nope.
+Searching is for nope
+Searching are for nope
+||||inferno|||| pobox does my mail for me||||
+Searching is for pobox does inferno's mail for inferno
+Searching are for pobox does inferno's mail for inferno
+Searching is for pobox does inferno's mail for inferno
+Searching are for pobox does inferno's mail for inferno
+||||yrlnry||||Good morning.||||
+Searching is for good morning.
+Searching are for good morning.
+Searching is for good morning
+Searching are for good morning
+Searching is for morning
+Searching are for morning
+Searching is for morning
+Searching are for morning
+||||rjbs||||how's life?||||
+Searching is for how's life
+Searching are for how's life
+Searching is for how's life
+Searching are for how's life
+Searching is for good.
+Searching are for good.
+Searching is for good
+Searching are for good
+Searching is for botsnack
+Searching are for botsnack
+Searching is for botsnack
+Searching are for botsnack
+||||confound||||let's talk about POE||||
+Searching is for let's talk about poe
+Searching are for let's talk about poe
+Searching is for let's talk about poe
+Searching are for let's talk about poe
+Searching is for baby
+Searching are for baby
+Searching is for baby
+Searching are for baby
+||||jcap||||$about->talk('poe') while (1);||||
+Searching is for $about->talk('poe') while (1);
+Searching are for $about->talk('poe') while (1);
+Searching is for $about->talk('poe') while (1);
+Searching are for $about->talk('poe') while (1);
+||||sheriff||||How do I tell vim I want it to treat .t files like .pl files as regards syntax highlighting?||||
+Searching is for how do sheriff tell vim sheriff want it to treat .t files like .pl files as regards syntax highlighting
+Searching are for how do sheriff tell vim sheriff want it to treat .t files like .pl files as regards syntax highlighting
+Searching is for how do sheriff tell vim sheriff want it to treat .t files like .pl files as regards syntax highlighting
+Searching are for how do sheriff tell vim sheriff want it to treat .t files like .pl files as regards syntax highlighting
+||||PerlJam||||forever or just once?||||
+Searching is for forever or just once
+Searching are for forever or just once
+Searching is for forever or just once
+Searching are for forever or just once
+Searching is for forever
+Searching are for forever
+Searching is for forever
+Searching are for forever
+||||PerlJam||||well, I don't know how to do that :)||||
+Searching is for perljam don't know how to do that :)
+Searching are for perljam don't know how to do that :)
+Searching is for perljam don't know how to do that :)
+Searching are for perljam don't know how to do that :)
+Searching is for one-off
+Searching are for one-off
+Searching is for one-off
+Searching are for one-off
+||||PerlJam||||or perhaps you really want :set filetype=perl||||
+Searching is for perhaps you really want :set filetype=perl
+Searching are for perhaps you really want :set filetype=perl
+Searching is for perhaps you really want :set filetype=perl
+Searching are for perhaps you really want :set filetype=perl
+||||cfedde||||there's a chunk in the config file for that.||||
+Searching is for there's a chunk in the config file for that.
+Searching are for there's a chunk in the config file for that.
+Searching is for there's a chunk in the config file for that
+Searching are for there's a chunk in the config file for that
+||||geoffeg||||MONKEY TESTICLES||||
+Searching is for monkey testicles
+Searching are for monkey testicles
+Searching is for monkey testicles
+Searching are for monkey testicles
+||||cfedde||||in .vim/filetype.vim put ' BufNewFile,BufRead *.t setf perl'||||
+Searching is for in .vim/filetype.vim put ' bufnewfile,bufread *.t setf perl'
+Searching are for in .vim/filetype.vim put ' bufnewfile,bufread *.t setf perl'
+Searching is for in .vim/filetype.vim put ' bufnewfile,bufread *.t setf perl'
+Searching are for in .vim/filetype.vim put ' bufnewfile,bufread *.t setf perl'
+||||cfedde||||au BufNewFile,BufRead *.t setf perl ; even||||
+Searching is for au bufnewfile,bufread *.t setf perl ; even
+Searching are for au bufnewfile,bufread *.t setf perl ; even
+Searching is for au bufnewfile,bufread *.t setf perl ; even
+Searching are for au bufnewfile,bufread *.t setf perl ; even
+Searching is for arf!
+Searching are for arf!
+Searching is for arf
+Searching are for arf
+||||kane||||ah, that 'au' was actually part of the command ;)||||
+Searching is for ah, that 'au' was actually part of the command ;)
+Searching are for ah, that 'au' was actually part of the command ;)
+Searching is for ah, that 'au' was actually part of the command ;)
+Searching are for ah, that 'au' was actually part of the command ;)
+||||sheriff||||That's not working||||
+Searching is for that's not working
+Searching are for that's not working
+Searching is for that's not working
+Searching are for that's not working
+||||sheriff||||'au BufNewFile,BufRead *.t setf perl'||||
+Searching is for 'au bufnewfile,bufread *.t setf perl'
+Searching are for 'au bufnewfile,bufread *.t setf perl'
+Searching is for 'au bufnewfile,bufread *.t setf perl'
+Searching are for 'au bufnewfile,bufread *.t setf perl'
+||||sheriff||||like that?||||
+Searching is for like that
+Searching are for like that
+Searching is for like that
+Searching are for like that
+||||DrBacchus||||Hello, all you cool Perl people.||||
+Searching is for hello, all you cool perl people.
+Searching are for hello, all you cool perl people.
+Searching is for hello, all you cool perl people
+Searching are for hello, all you cool perl people
+||||DrBacchus||||And the the rest of y'all, too, for that matter.||||
+Searching is for the the rest of y'all, too, for that matter.
+Searching are for the the rest of y'all, too, for that matter.
+Searching is for the rest of y'all, too, for that matter
+Searching are for the rest of y'all, too, for that matter
+||||cfedde||||w/o the ' of course||||
+Searching is for w/o the ' of course
+Searching are for w/o the ' of course
+Searching is for w/o the ' of course
+Searching are for w/o the ' of course
+||||sheriff||||of coursse||||
+Searching is for of coursse
+Searching are for of coursse
+Searching is for of coursse
+Searching are for of coursse
+||||cfedde||||works for me. See also /usr/share/vim/vim64/filetype.vim||||
+Searching is for works for cfedde. see also /usr/share/vim/vim64/filetype.vim
+Searching are for works for cfedde. see also /usr/share/vim/vim64/filetype.vim
+Searching is for works for cfedde. see also /usr/share/vim/vim64/filetype.vim
+Searching are for works for cfedde. see also /usr/share/vim/vim64/filetype.vim
+||||Frakkle||||Greetings, uri.||||
+Searching is for greetings, uri.
+Searching are for greetings, uri.
+Searching is for greetings, uri
+Searching are for greetings, uri
+||||sungo||||sungo it!||||
+Searching is for sungo it!
+Searching are for sungo it!
+Searching is for sungo it
+Searching are for sungo it
+||||sungo||||sungo it!||||
+Searching is for sungo it!
+Searching are for sungo it!
+Searching is for sungo it
+Searching are for sungo it
+||||mendel||||hey, any of you dorks have an MBA?||||
+Searching is for any of you dorks have an mba
+Searching are for any of you dorks have an mba
+Searching is for any of you dorks have an mba
+Searching are for any of you dorks have an mba
+||||yrlnry||||I do.||||
+Searching is for yrlnry do.
+Searching are for yrlnry do.
+Searching is for yrlnry do
+Searching are for yrlnry do
+||||yrlnry||||HA HA HA HA.||||
+Searching is for ha ha ha ha.
+Searching are for ha ha ha ha.
+Searching is for ha ha ha ha
+Searching are for ha ha ha ha
+||||Frakkle||||I don't, but I manage the programming part of my company.||||
+Searching is for frakkle don't, but frakkle manage the programming part of frakkle's company.
+Searching are for frakkle don't, but frakkle manage the programming part of frakkle's company.
+Searching is for frakkle don't, but frakkle manage the programming part of frakkle's company
+Searching are for frakkle don't, but frakkle manage the programming part of frakkle's company
+||||lamech||||rdice does||||
+Searching is for rdice does
+Searching are for rdice does
+Searching is for rdice does
+Searching are for rdice does
+||||lamech||||seen rdice||||
+Searching is for seen rdice
+Searching are for seen rdice
+Searching is for seen rdice
+Searching are for seen rdice
+||||CanyonMan||||I brought up shitting in a meeting today||||
+Searching is for canyonman brought up shitting in a meeting today
+Searching are for canyonman brought up shitting in a meeting today
+Searching is for canyonman brought up shitting in a meeting today
+Searching are for canyonman brought up shitting in a meeting today
+||||CanyonMan||||They asked why it took so long to fix $problem. I told them, "it's like being constipated ... sometimes it just takes a little time to work it out"||||
+Searching is for they asked why it took so long to fix $problem. canyonman told them, "it's like being constipated ... sometimes it just takes a little time to work it out"
+Searching are for they asked why it took so long to fix $problem. canyonman told them, "it's like being constipated ... sometimes it just takes a little time to work it out"
+Searching is for they asked why it took so long to fix $problem. canyonman told them, "it's like being constipated ... sometimes it just takes a little time to work it out"
+Searching are for they asked why it took so long to fix $problem. canyonman told them, "it's like being constipated ... sometimes it just takes a little time to work it out"
+||||dngor||||cube it||||
+Searching is for cube it
+Searching are for cube it
+Searching is for cube it
+Searching are for cube it
+||||workbench||||having my ass wiped is not too l33t||||
+Searching is for having workbench's ass wiped is not too l33t
+Searching are for having workbench's ass wiped is not too l33t
+Searching is for having workbench's ass wiped
+set;;is;;having workbench's ass wiped;;not too l33t
+||||kjj||||I've been known to point out 'constipated business processes' - project managers seem to get the biggest chuckle out of it - the technical people just nod in understanding||||
+Searching is for kjj has been known to point out 'constipated business processes' - project managers seem to get the biggest chuckle out of it - the technical people just nod in understanding
+Searching are for kjj has been known to point out 'constipated business processes' - project managers seem to get the biggest chuckle out of it - the technical people just nod in understanding
+Searching is for kjj has been known to point out 'constipated business processes' - project managers seem to get the biggest chuckle out of it - the technical people just nod in understanding
+Searching are for kjj has been known to point out 'constipated business processes' - project managers seem to get the biggest chuckle out of it - the technical people just nod in understanding
+||||sheriff||||What's a good file to use as an example of a file that will almost certainly not be readable by a non-privileged user on almost every UNIXy system?||||
+Searching is for is a good file to use as an example of a file that will almost certainly not be readable by a non-privileged user on almost every unixy system
+Searching are for is a good file to use as an example of a file that will almost certainly not be readable by a non-privileged user on almost every unixy system
+Searching is for good file to use as an example of a file that will almost certainly not be readable by a non-privileged user on almost every unixy system
+Searching is for /etc/shadow
+Searching are for /etc/shadow
+Searching is for /etc/shadow
+Searching are for /etc/shadow
+||||sheriff||||bingo, thanks||||
+Searching is for bingo, thanks
+Searching are for bingo, thanks
+Searching is for bingo, thanks
+Searching are for bingo, thanks
+Searching is for /dev/kmem
+Searching are for /dev/kmem
+Searching is for /dev/kmem
+Searching are for /dev/kmem
+||||sungo||||goddamit. this gentoo install has decided to be horked||||
+Searching is for goddamit. this gentoo install has decided to be horked
+Searching are for goddamit. this gentoo install has decided to be horked
+Searching is for goddamit. this gentoo install has decided to be horked
+Searching are for goddamit. this gentoo install has decided to be horked
+||||cfedde||||you too? second gentoo horking report I've seen today.||||
+Searching is for you too? second gentoo horking report cfedde has seen today.
+Searching are for you too? second gentoo horking report cfedde has seen today.
+Searching is for you too? second gentoo horking report cfedde has seen today
+Searching are for you too? second gentoo horking report cfedde has seen today
+Searching is for /dev/kmem
+Searching are for /dev/kmem
+Searching is for /dev/kmem
+Searching are for /dev/kmem
+||||sungo||||the x11 shit is totally broken||||
+Searching is for the x11 shit is totally broken
+Searching are for the x11 shit is totally broken
+Searching is for x11 shit
+set;;is;;x11 shit;;totally broken
+||||cfedde||||related to a recent upgrade?||||
+Searching is for related to a recent upgrade
+Searching are for related to a recent upgrade
+Searching is for related to a recent upgrade
+Searching are for related to a recent upgrade
+Searching is for correct.
+Searching are for correct.
+Searching is for correct
+Searching are for correct
+||||sungo||||the modular xorg packages are just failing to compile.||||
+Searching is for the modular xorg packages are just failing to compile.
+Searching are for the modular xorg packages are just failing to compile.
+Searching are for modular xorg packages
+set;;are;;modular xorg packages;;just failing to compile.
+||||cfedde||||$coworker downgraded two levels to get a working system this am||||
+Searching is for $coworker downgraded two levels to get a working system this is
+Searching are for $coworker downgraded two levels to get a working system this is
+||||sungo||||That's what I'm about to do too||||
+Searching is for that'ssungo is about to do too
+Searching are for that'ssungo is about to do too
+Searching is for about to do too
+||||sheriff||||Is there a convention for where data files used by tests should go? t/data?||||
+Searching is for is there a convention fordata files used by tests should go? t/data
+Searching are for is there a convention fordata files used by tests should go? t/data
+||||yrlnry||||I just invented that convention yesterday.||||
+Searching is for yrlnry just invented that convention yesterday.
+Searching are for yrlnry just invented that convention yesterday.
+Searching is for yrlnry just invented that convention yesterday
+Searching are for yrlnry just invented that convention yesterday
+||||yrlnry||||So if it didn't exist before, it does now. :)||||
+Searching is for so if it didn't exist before, it does now. :)
+Searching are for so if it didn't exist before, it does now. :)
+Searching is for so if it didn't exist before, it does now. :)
+Searching are for so if it didn't exist before, it does now. :)
+||||rjbs||||I put them in t/subdir||||
+Searching is for rjbs put them in t/subdir
+Searching are for rjbs put them in t/subdir
+Searching is for rjbs put them in t/subdir
+Searching are for rjbs put them in t/subdir
+||||rjbs||||like, t/messages||||
+Searching is for like, t/messages
+Searching are for like, t/messages
+Searching is for like, t/messages
+Searching are for like, t/messages
+||||rjbs||||for mail modules||||
+Searching is for for mail modules
+Searching are for for mail modules
+Searching is for for mail modules
+Searching are for for mail modules
+||||obra||||I've used t/data before||||
+Searching is for obra has used t/data before
+Searching are for obra has used t/data before
+Searching is for obra has used t/data before
+Searching are for obra has used t/data before
+||||kane||||i've used t/src and t/inc depending||||
+Searching is for kane has used t/src and t/inc depending
+Searching are for kane has used t/src and t/inc depending
+Searching is for kane has used t/src and t/inc depending
+Searching are for kane has used t/src and t/inc depending
+||||rjbs||||Death Cab's last album really grows on you (me).||||
+Searching is for death cab's last album really grows on you (me).
+Searching are for death cab's last album really grows on you (me).
+Searching is for death cab's last album really grows on you (me)
+Searching are for death cab's last album really grows on you (me)
+||||sheriff||||subdirs of t/ being the common factor here I guess||||
+Searching is for subdirs of t/ being the common factor here sheriff guess
+Searching are for subdirs of t/ being the common factor here sheriff guess
+Searching is for subdirs of t/ being the common factor here sheriff guess
+Searching are for subdirs of t/ being the common factor here sheriff guess
+||||rjbs||||and have the tgz extract them to /etc||||
+Searching is for have the tgz extract them to /etc
+Searching are for have the tgz extract them to /etc
+Searching is for have the tgz extract them to /etc
+Searching are for have the tgz extract them to /etc
+||||sheriff||||I might start adding spam to my CPAN modules||||
+Searching is for sheriff might start adding spam to sheriff's cpan modules
+Searching are for sheriff might start adding spam to sheriff's cpan modules
+Searching is for sheriff might start adding spam to sheriff's cpan modules
+Searching are for sheriff might start adding spam to sheriff's cpan modules
+||||rjbs||||(the pharcyde)++||||
+Searching is for (the pharcyde)++
+Searching are for (the pharcyde)++
+Searching is for (the pharcyde)++
+Searching are for (the pharcyde)++
+++;;the pharcyde
+Searching is for spam
+Searching are for spam
+Searching is for spam
+Searching are for spam
+||||sheriff||||Have my makefile search for Firfefox bookmark files||||
+Searching is for have sheriff's makefile search for firfefox bookmark files
+Searching are for have sheriff's makefile search for firfefox bookmark files
+Searching is for have sheriff's makefile search for firfefox bookmark files
+Searching are for have sheriff's makefile search for firfefox bookmark files
+||||sheriff||||and add to them :D :D||||
+Searching is for add to them :d :d
+Searching are for add to them :d :d
+Searching is for add to them :d :d
+Searching are for add to them :d :d
+||||lamech||||what's nlp?||||
+Searching is for is nlp
+Searching are for is nlp
+Searching is for nlp
+Searching is for ha
+Searching are for ha
+Searching is for ha
+Searching are for ha
+||||lamech||||I guess that makes sense. Still, it's funny.||||
+Searching is for lamech guess that makes sense. still, it's funny.
+Searching are for lamech guess that makes sense. still, it's funny.
+Searching is for lamech guess that makes sense. still, it's funny
+Searching are for lamech guess that makes sense. still, it's funny
+||||Frakkle||||Well now.||||
+Searching is for now.
+Searching are for now.
+Searching is for now
+Searching are for now
+||||rjbs||||spf acronyms (silly)||||
+Searching is for spf acronyms (silly)
+Searching are for spf acronyms (silly)
+Searching is for spf acronyms (silly)
+Searching are for spf acronyms (silly)
+||||rjbs||||spf acronyms||||
+Searching is for spf acronyms
+Searching are for spf acronyms
+Searching is for spf acronyms
+Searching are for spf acronyms
+||||Sachmet||||spf acronyms /silly/||||
+Searching is for spf acronyms
+Searching are for spf acronyms
+Searching is for spf acronyms
+Searching are for spf acronyms
+Searching is for http://hope.cs.rice.edu/twiki/pub/wg211/m3schedule/foozles.pdf
+Searching are for http://hope.cs.rice.edu/twiki/pub/wg211/m3schedule/foozles.pdf
+Searching is for http://hope.cs.rice.edu/twiki/pub/wg211/m3schedule/foozles.pdf
+Searching are for http://hope.cs.rice.edu/twiki/pub/wg211/m3schedule/foozles.pdf
+||||shorten||||yrlnry's url is at http://xrl.us/rft7||||
+Searching is for yrlnry's url is at http://xrl.us/rft7
+Searching are for yrlnry's url is at http://xrl.us/rft7
+Searching is for yrlnry's url
+set;;is;;yrlnry's url;;at http://xrl.us/rft7
+||||rjbs||||categorical dual||||
+Searching is for categorical dual
+Searching are for categorical dual
+Searching is for categorical dual
+Searching are for categorical dual
+||||rjbs||||dude, "nimble arrows" seems like a latent meme that must be contained||||
+Searching is for dude, "nimble arrows" seems like a latent meme that must be contained
+Searching are for dude, "nimble arrows" seems like a latent meme that must be contained
+Searching is for dude, "nimble arrows" seems like a latent meme that must be contained
+Searching are for dude, "nimble arrows" seems like a latent meme that must be contained
+||||Roderick||||12 birthday parties held at Hooters! What a rut they are stuck in.||||
+Searching is for 12 birthday parties held at hooters!are a rut they stuck in.
+Searching are for 12 birthday parties held at hooters!are a rut they stuck in.
+Searching is for 12 birthday parties held at hooters!are a rut they stuck in
+Searching are for 12 birthday parties held at hooters!are a rut they stuck in
+||||waltman||||that's brilliant||||
+Searching is for that's brilliant
+Searching are for that's brilliant
+Searching is for that's brilliant
+Searching are for that's brilliant
+||||yrlnry||||Yes, very apt.||||
+Searching is for very apt.
+Searching are for very apt.
+Searching is for very apt
+Searching are for very apt
+||||rjbs||||awesome. I think I'll add some stub foozles to this code today||||
+Searching is for awesome. rjbs think rjbs'll add some stub foozles to this code today
+Searching are for awesome. rjbs think rjbs'll add some stub foozles to this code today
+Searching is for awesome. rjbs think rjbs'll add some stub foozles to this code today
+Searching are for awesome. rjbs think rjbs'll add some stub foozles to this code today
+||||yrlnry||||Unfortunately the best joke is on the first page.||||
+Searching is for unfortunately the best joke is on the first page.
+Searching are for unfortunately the best joke is on the first page.
+Searching is for unfortunately the best joke
+set;;is;;unfortunately the best joke;;on the first page.
+||||rjbs||||page 1? I thought the lisp joke was the best.||||
+Searching is for page 1? rjbs thought the lisp joke was the best.
+Searching are for page 1? rjbs thought the lisp joke was the best.
+Searching is for page 1? rjbs thought the lisp joke was the best
+Searching are for page 1? rjbs thought the lisp joke was the best
+||||rjbs||||that's ok||||
+Searching is for that's ok
+Searching are for that's ok
+Searching is for that's ok
+Searching are for that's ok
+||||rjbs||||don't worry about it||||
+Searching is for don't worry about it
+Searching are for don't worry about it
+Searching is for don't worry about it
+Searching are for don't worry about it
+||||yrlnry||||Isn't the lisp joke on page 1?||||
+Searching is for isn't the lisp joke on page 1
+Searching are for isn't the lisp joke on page 1
+Searching is for isn't the lisp joke on page 1
+Searching are for isn't the lisp joke on page 1
+||||rjbs||||only if the title slide is page 0||||
+Searching is for only if the title slide is page 0
+Searching are for only if the title slide is page 0
+Searching is for only if the title slide
+set;;is;;only if the title slide;;page 0
+Searching is for xkcd++
+Searching are for xkcd++
+Searching is for xkcd++
+Searching are for xkcd++
+Searching is for right.
+Searching are for right.
+Searching is for right
+Searching are for right
+||||yrlnry||||That's what I meant.||||
+Searching is for that'syrlnry meant.
+Searching are for that'syrlnry meant.
+Searching is for that'syrlnry meant
+Searching are for that'syrlnry meant
+Searching is for xkcd++
+Searching are for xkcd++
+Searching is for xkcd++
+Searching are for xkcd++
+||||rjbs||||Ok. I thought there was some joke embedded in the name.||||
+Searching is for rjbs thought there was some joke embedded in the name.
+Searching are for rjbs thought there was some joke embedded in the name.
+Searching is for rjbs thought there was some joke embedded in the name
+Searching are for rjbs thought there was some joke embedded in the name
+||||dngor||||Have you seen http://xkcd.com/ ?||||
+Searching is for have you seen http://xkcd.com/
+Searching are for have you seen http://xkcd.com/
+Searching is for have you seen http://xkcd.com/
+Searching are for have you seen http://xkcd.com/
+||||yrlnry||||I had not.||||
+Searching is for yrlnry had not.
+Searching are for yrlnry had not.
+Searching is for yrlnry had not
+Searching are for yrlnry had not
+||||gefilte||||perhaps I should hire a foozieist consultant||||
+Searching is for perhaps gefilte should hire a foozieist consultant
+Searching are for perhaps gefilte should hire a foozieist consultant
+Searching is for perhaps gefilte should hire a foozieist consultant
+Searching are for perhaps gefilte should hire a foozieist consultant
+||||Frakkle||||It was shown to me yesterday||||
+Searching is for it was shown to frakkle yesterday
+Searching are for it was shown to frakkle yesterday
+Searching is for it was shown to frakkle yesterday
+Searching are for it was shown to frakkle yesterday
+||||Frakkle||||and I lub it||||
+Searching is for frakkle lub it
+Searching are for frakkle lub it
+Searching is for frakkle lub it
+Searching are for frakkle lub it
+||||cfedde||||alias s='$@ || sudo $@' ||||
+Searching is for alias s='$@ || sudo $@'
+Searching are for alias s='$@ || sudo $@'
+Searching is for alias s='$@ || sudo $@'
+Searching are for alias s='$@ || sudo $@'
+||||rjbs||||there is a whole Foozle.pm avenue of joke here.||||
+Searching is for there is a whole foozle.pm avenue of joke here.
+Searching are for there is a whole foozle.pm avenue of joke here.
+||||obra||||. o O { Avenue_Q.pm}||||
+Searching is for . o o { avenue_q.pm}
+Searching are for . o o { avenue_q.pm}
+Searching is for . o o { avenue_q.pm}
+Searching are for . o o { avenue_q.pm}
+||||rjbs||||how originally, it was just Foozle.pm, but eventually that was old and outdated, which led to Foozle::Simple, Class::Foozly, etc||||
+Searching is for how originally, it was just foozle.pm, but eventually that was old and outdated, which led to foozle::simple, class::foozly, etc
+Searching are for how originally, it was just foozle.pm, but eventually that was old and outdated, which led to foozle::simple, class::foozly, etc
+Searching is for how originally, it was just foozle.pm, but eventually that was old and outdated, which led to foozle::simple, class::foozly, etc
+Searching are for how originally, it was just foozle.pm, but eventually that was old and outdated, which led to foozle::simple, class::foozly, etc
+||||rjbs||||if $obra->is_wearing('pants')->today||||
+Searching is for if $obra->is_wearing('pants')->today
+Searching are for if $obra->is_wearing('pants')->today
+Searching is for if $obra->is_wearing('pants')->today
+Searching are for if $obra->is_wearing('pants')->today
+Searching is for class::foozlex
+Searching are for class::foozlex
+Searching is for class::foozlex
+Searching are for class::foozlex
+Searching is for acme::pr0n::monster
+Searching are for acme::pr0n::monster
+Searching is for acme::pr0n::monster
+Searching are for acme::pr0n::monster
+Searching is for foozle::lite
+Searching are for foozle::lite
+Searching is for foozle::lite
+Searching are for foozle::lite
+||||acme||||i was young! i needed the money!||||
+Searching is for acme was young! acme needed the money!
+Searching are for acme was young! acme needed the money!
+Searching is for acme was young! acme needed the money
+Searching are for acme was young! acme needed the money
+Searching is for foozle::moose
+Searching are for foozle::moose
+Searching is for foozle::moose
+Searching are for foozle::moose
+Searching is for foozle::insideout
+Searching are for foozle::insideout
+Searching is for foozle::insideout
+Searching are for foozle::insideout
+Searching is for foozlex::win32
+Searching are for foozlex::win32
+Searching is for foozlex::win32
+Searching are for foozlex::win32
+Searching is for foozle::dalek
+Searching are for foozle::dalek
+Searching is for foozle::dalek
+Searching are for foozle::dalek
+||||gefilte||||and we won't ever get into the whole Foozle# debaucle||||
+Searching is for we won't ever get into the whole foozle# debaucle
+Searching are for we won't ever get into the whole foozle# debaucle
+Searching is for we won't ever get into the whole foozle# debaucle
+Searching are for we won't ever get into the whole foozle# debaucle
+Searching is for exfoliate
+Searching are for exfoliate
+Searching is for exfoliate
+Searching are for exfoliate
+Searching is for we wouldnt need foozle2 if we had a meta.yml "generation" field
+Searching are for we wouldnt need foozle2 if we had a meta.yml "generation" field
+Searching is for we wouldnt need foozle2 if we had a meta.yml "generation" field
+Searching are for we wouldnt need foozle2 if we had a meta.yml "generation" field
+||||cfedde||||Foozle is the new Acme||||
+Searching is for foozle is the new acme
+Searching are for foozle is the new acme
+Searching is for foozle
+set;;is;;foozle;;the new Acme
+Searching is for :)
+Searching are for :)
+Searching is for :)
+Searching are for :)
+||||sungo||||and tools that understood and respected meta.yml (*cough*pause*cough*)||||
+Searching is for tools that understood and respected meta.yml (*cough*pause*cough*)
+Searching are for tools that understood and respected meta.yml (*cough*pause*cough*)
+Searching is for tools that understood and respected meta.yml (*cough*pause*cough*)
+Searching are for tools that understood and respected meta.yml (*cough*pause*cough*)
+||||Alias||||or if all modules had a $BACKCOMPATIBLE variable!!!||||
+Searching is for if all modules had a $backcompatible variable!!!
+Searching are for if all modules had a $backcompatible variable!!!
+Searching is for if all modules had a $backcompatible variable
+Searching are for if all modules had a $backcompatible variable
+Searching is for cpanplus::shell::foozle
+Searching are for cpanplus::shell::foozle
+Searching is for cpanplus::shell::foozle
+Searching are for cpanplus::shell::foozle
+Searching is for fo::shoozle
+Searching are for fo::shoozle
+Searching is for fo::shoozle
+Searching are for fo::shoozle
+||||sungo||||make a module that doesn't require some weird global variable.||||
+Searching is for make a module that doesn't require some weird global variable.
+Searching are for make a module that doesn't require some weird global variable.
+Searching is for make a module that doesn't require some weird global variable
+Searching are for make a module that doesn't require some weird global variable
+||||yrlnry||||Or if there were a convenient way to run the tests for version X with the code for version X+Y.||||
+Searching is for if there were a convenient way to run the tests for version x with the code for version x+y.
+Searching are for if there were a convenient way to run the tests for version x with the code for version x+y.
+Searching is for if there were a convenient way to run the tests for version x with the code for version x+y
+Searching are for if there were a convenient way to run the tests for version x with the code for version x+y
+Searching is for cfedde++
+Searching are for cfedde++
+Searching is for cfedde++
+Searching are for cfedde++
+Searching is for </sarcasm>
+Searching are for </sarcasm>
+Searching is for </sarcasm>
+Searching are for </sarcasm>
+||||gefilte||||I remember back in the late 90's... some of us declared the "coolness" of "prefixes...||||
+Searching is for gefilte remember back in the late 90's... some of us declared the "coolness" of "prefixes...
+Searching are for gefilte remember back in the late 90's... some of us declared the "coolness" of "prefixes...
+Searching is for gefilte remember back in the late 90's... some of us declared the "coolness" of "prefixes
+Searching are for gefilte remember back in the late 90's... some of us declared the "coolness" of "prefixes
+||||gefilte||||we determined that anything that started with 'i' was 30% cooler than their non-'i' counterparts...||||
+Searching is for we determined that anything that started with 'i' was 30% cooler than their non-'i' counterparts...
+Searching are for we determined that anything that started with 'i' was 30% cooler than their non-'i' counterparts...
+Searching is for we determined that anything that started with 'i' was 30% cooler than their non-'i' counterparts
+Searching are for we determined that anything that started with 'i' was 30% cooler than their non-'i' counterparts
+||||gefilte||||but anything that started with 'e' was simply "30% cool"||||
+Searching is for anything that started with 'e' was simply "30% cool"
+Searching are for anything that started with 'e' was simply "30% cool"
+Searching is for anything that started with 'e' was simply "30% cool"
+Searching are for anything that started with 'e' was simply "30% cool"
+||||cfedde||||I bet you were all from hungary too.||||
+Searching is for cfedde bet you were all from hungary too.
+Searching are for cfedde bet you were all from hungary too.
+Searching is for cfedde bet you were all from hungary too
+Searching are for cfedde bet you were all from hungary too
+Searching is for hm
+Searching are for hm
+Searching is for hm
+Searching are for hm
+||||Frakkle||||Can someone fire a test email off to frakkle at tastyfire.com ?||||
+Searching is for can someone fire a test email off to frakkle at tastyfire.com
+Searching are for can someone fire a test email off to frakkle at tastyfire.com
+Searching is for can someone fire a test email off to frakkle at tastyfire.com
+Searching are for can someone fire a test email off to frakkle at tastyfire.com
+||||Frakkle||||omg pie||||
+Searching is for omg pie
+Searching are for omg pie
+Searching is for omg pie
+Searching are for omg pie
+Searching is for thanks
+Searching are for thanks
+Searching is for thanks
+Searching are for thanks
+||||yrlnry||||To my continuing amazement, I've actually be able to use the infinite stream stuff from chapter 6 of HOP in a project I'm doing at work.||||
+Searching is for to yrlnry's continuing amazement, yrlnry has actually be able to use the infinite stream stuff from chapter 6 of hop in a project yrlnry is doing at work.
+Searching are for to yrlnry's continuing amazement, yrlnry has actually be able to use the infinite stream stuff from chapter 6 of hop in a project yrlnry is doing at work.
+||||Frakkle||||That was remarkably easy to set up..||||
+Searching is for that was remarkably easy to set up..
+Searching are for that was remarkably easy to set up..
+Searching is for that was remarkably easy to set up
+Searching are for that was remarkably easy to set up
+||||Alias||||No Elaine's Law Compatible||||
+Searching is for no elaine's law compatible
+Searching are for no elaine's law compatible
+Searching is for no elaine's law compatible
+Searching are for no elaine's law compatible
+Searching is for err
+Searching are for err
+Searching is for err
+Searching are for err
+Searching is for now
+Searching are for now
+Searching is for now
+Searching are for now
+||||audreyt||||I can't seem to find my copy of HOP anymore -- it appears to have disappeared into some entropy sink when I moved a few months ago :-/||||
+Searching is for audreyt can't seem to find audreyt's copy of hop anymore -- it appears to have disappeared into some entropy sink when audreyt moved a few months ago :-/
+Searching are for audreyt can't seem to find audreyt's copy of hop anymore -- it appears to have disappeared into some entropy sink when audreyt moved a few months ago :-/
+Searching is for audreyt can't seem to find audreyt's copy of hop anymore -- it appears to have disappeared into some entropy sink when audreyt moved a few months ago :-/
+Searching are for audreyt can't seem to find audreyt's copy of hop anymore -- it appears to have disappeared into some entropy sink when audreyt moved a few months ago :-/
+||||CanyonMan||||yeah baby||||
+Searching is for yeah baby
+Searching are for yeah baby
+Searching is for yeah baby
+Searching are for yeah baby
+Searching is for now
+Searching are for now
+Searching is for now
+Searching are for now
+||||CanyonMan||||RIGHT NOW||||
+Searching is for right now
+Searching are for right now
+Searching is for right now
+Searching are for right now
+||||yrlnry||||Sorry to hear that.||||
+Searching is for sorry to hear that.
+Searching are for sorry to hear that.
+Searching is for sorry to hear that
+Searching are for sorry to hear that
+||||yrlnry||||That means that the annotations are lost?||||
+Searching is for that means that the annotations are lost
+Searching are for that means that the annotations are lost
+||||Alias||||audreyt++ # Use of "entropy sink" in a real sentence||||
+Searching is for audreyt++ # use of "entropy sink" in a real sentence
+Searching are for audreyt++ # use of "entropy sink" in a real sentence
+Searching is for audreyt++ # use of "entropy sink" in a real sentence
+Searching are for audreyt++ # use of "entropy sink" in a real sentence
+||||audreyt||||temporarily, until it surfaces, yes||||
+Searching is for temporarily, until it surfaces, yes
+Searching are for temporarily, until it surfaces, yes
+Searching is for temporarily, until it surfaces, yes
+Searching are for temporarily, until it surfaces, yes
+||||yrlnry||||Not that there is any hurry.||||
+Searching is for not that there is any hurry.
+Searching are for not that there is any hurry.
+Searching is for not that there
+set;;is;;not that there;;any hurry.
+Searching is for thanks.
+Searching are for thanks.
+Searching is for thanks
+Searching are for thanks
+Searching is for hop!
+Searching are for hop!
+Searching is for hop
+Searching are for hop
+||||amnesiac||||is there a HOP-e for tomorrow?||||
+Searching is for is there a hop-e for tomorrow
+Searching are for is there a hop-e for tomorrow
+||||modred||||hop on pop||||
+Searching is for hop on pop
+Searching are for hop on pop
+Searching is for hop on pop
+Searching are for hop on pop
+||||cfedde||||"I have a truly marvelous proof of this proposition which this margin is toonarrow to contain."||||
+Searching is for "i have a truly marvelous proof of this proposition which this margin is toonarrow to contain."
+Searching are for "i have a truly marvelous proof of this proposition which this margin is toonarrow to contain."
+||||Frakkle||||Now realizing who you are -- I was able to roll out memoize and iterators for the reporting system we've built. Thanks again for your talk at YAPC::Chicago :)||||
+Searching is for now realizingare you -- frakkle was able to roll out memoize and iterators for the reporting system we've built. thanks again for your talk at yapc::chicago :)
+Searching are for now realizingare you -- frakkle was able to roll out memoize and iterators for the reporting system we've built. thanks again for your talk at yapc::chicago :)
+Searching is for now realizingare you -- frakkle was able to roll out memoize and iterators for the reporting system we've built. thanks again for your talk at yapc::chicago :)
+Searching are for now realizingare you -- frakkle was able to roll out memoize and iterators for the reporting system we've built. thanks again for your talk at yapc::chicago :)
+||||yrlnry||||Thanks for attending.||||
+Searching is for thanks for attending.
+Searching are for thanks for attending.
+Searching is for thanks for attending
+Searching are for thanks for attending
+||||yrlnry||||http://pennnames-test.upenn.edu/cgi-bin/mjd/mkname uses the infinite streams.||||
+Searching is for http://pennnames-test.upenn.edu/cgi-bin/mjd/mkname uses the infinite streams.
+Searching are for http://pennnames-test.upenn.edu/cgi-bin/mjd/mkname uses the infinite streams.
+Searching is for http://pennnames-test.upenn.edu/cgi-bin/mjd/mkname uses the infinite streams
+Searching are for http://pennnames-test.upenn.edu/cgi-bin/mjd/mkname uses the infinite streams
+||||Alias||||sigh... I wish I had something that justified memoize||||
+Searching is for sigh... alias wish alias had something that justified memoize
+Searching are for sigh... alias wish alias had something that justified memoize
+Searching is for sigh... alias wish alias had something that justified memoize
+Searching are for sigh... alias wish alias had something that justified memoize
+||||Alias||||It's so useful, yet I can never find something I have that is inefficient enough in the right way to justify it||||
+Searching is for it's so useful, yet alias can never find something alias has that is inefficient enough in the right way to justify it
+Searching are for it's so useful, yet alias can never find something alias has that is inefficient enough in the right way to justify it
+||||cfedde||||all your code is just so fast.||||
+Searching is for all your code is just so fast.
+Searching are for all your code is just so fast.
+||||Alias||||It's slow in ways that memoize can't help||||
+Searching is for it's slow in ways that memoize can't help
+Searching are for it's slow in ways that memoize can't help
+Searching is for it's slow in ways that memoize can't help
+Searching are for it's slow in ways that memoize can't help
+Searching is for :)
+Searching are for :)
+Searching is for :)
+Searching are for :)
+Searching is for :-)
+Searching are for :-)
+Searching is for :-)
+Searching are for :-)
+||||yrlnry||||I hardly ever use Memoize, myself.||||
+Searching is for yrlnry hardly ever use memoize, yrlnry.
+Searching are for yrlnry hardly ever use memoize, yrlnry.
+Searching is for yrlnry hardly ever use memoize, yrlnry
+Searching are for yrlnry hardly ever use memoize, yrlnry
+||||amnesiac||||same here||||
+Searching is for same here
+Searching are for same here
+Searching is for same here
+Searching are for same here
+||||Frakkle||||In our case, we have several programs which generate a report dynamically based only on a primary key. I just have it purge the memoized data when the record is updated, but besides that, it pushes out the pre-generated report (with the pre-generated map, etc)||||
+Searching is for in our case, we have several programs which generate a report dynamically based only on a primary key. frakkle just have it purge the memoized data when the record is updated, but besides that, it pushes out the pre-generated report (with the pre-generated map, etc)
+Searching are for in our case, we have several programs which generate a report dynamically based only on a primary key. frakkle just have it purge the memoized data when the record is updated, but besides that, it pushes out the pre-generated report (with the pre-generated map, etc)
+||||Frakkle||||s/a report/many reports/||||
+Searching is for s/a report/many reports/
+Searching are for s/a report/many reports/
+Searching is for s/a report/many reports/
+Searching are for s/a report/many reports/
+Searching is for xmldoom
+Searching are for xmldoom
+Searching is for xmldoom
+Searching are for xmldoom
+||||Alias||||It's a web MVC, with config files that happen to be XML||||
+Searching is for it's a web mvc, with config files that happen to be xml
+Searching are for it's a web mvc, with config files that happen to be xml
+Searching is for it's a web mvc, with config files that happen to be xml
+Searching are for it's a web mvc, with config files that happen to be xml
+||||mako132||||good, cause don't have enough MVCs||||
+Searching is for good, cause don't have enough mvcs
+Searching are for good, cause don't have enough mvcs
+Searching is for good, cause don't have enough mvcs
+Searching are for good, cause don't have enough mvcs
+||||Alias||||The name is unfortunate, but he has implementations in Python and PHP already, that are driven by the same config files||||
+Searching is for the name is unfortunate, but he has implementations in python and php already, that are driven by the same config files
+Searching are for the name is unfortunate, but he has implementations in python and php already, that are driven by the same config files
+Searching is for name
+set;;is;;name;;unfortunate, but he has implementations in Python and PHP already, that are driven by the same config files
+||||waltman||||I've used it to cache reverse dns lookups in a little app I wrote||||
+Searching is for waltman has used it to cache reverse dns lookups in a little app waltman wrote
+Searching are for waltman has used it to cache reverse dns lookups in a little app waltman wrote
+Searching is for waltman has used it to cache reverse dns lookups in a little app waltman wrote
+Searching are for waltman has used it to cache reverse dns lookups in a little app waltman wrote
+||||Alias||||I think the idea was that you could have your web thingy run as any language you want?||||
+Searching is for alias think the idea was that you could have your web thingy run as any language you want
+Searching are for alias think the idea was that you could have your web thingy run as any language you want
+Searching is for alias think the idea was that you could have your web thingy run as any language you want
+Searching are for alias think the idea was that you could have your web thingy run as any language you want
+||||Alias||||Something like that||||
+Searching is for something like that
+Searching are for something like that
+Searching is for something like that
+Searching are for something like that
+||||Alias||||We tried to talk him out of the name, but in the end modules@ is hardly the arbiter of taste||||
+Searching is for we tried to talk him out of the name, but in the end modules@ is hardly the arbiter of taste
+Searching are for we tried to talk him out of the name, but in the end modules@ is hardly the arbiter of taste
+Searching is for heh.
+Searching are for heh.
+Searching is for heh
+Searching are for heh
+||||rjbs||||boot to the head||||
+Searching is for boot to the head
+Searching are for boot to the head
+Searching is for boot to the head
+Searching are for boot to the head
+||||yrlnry||||Sort of the blind leading the blind.||||
+Searching is for sort of the blind leading the blind.
+Searching are for sort of the blind leading the blind.
+Searching is for sort of the blind leading the blind
+Searching are for sort of the blind leading the blind
+Searching is for doom!
+Searching are for doom!
+Searching is for doom
+Searching are for doom
+||||Alias||||We suggest, we cajole, we encourage people to actually TALK to the authors of the modules they are release "this is just like Foo, but like, not broken" alternative modules for||||
+Searching is for we suggest, we cajole, we encourage people to actually talk to the authors of the modules they are release "this is just like foo, but like, not broken" alternative modules for
+Searching are for we suggest, we cajole, we encourage people to actually talk to the authors of the modules they are release "this is just like foo, but like, not broken" alternative modules for
+||||waltman||||the thing about memoize is that in many cases it's already easy enough to just use hashes yourself to cache the data||||
+Searching is for the thing about memoize is that in many cases it's already easy enough to just use hashes yourself to cache the data
+Searching are for the thing about memoize is that in many cases it's already easy enough to just use hashes yourself to cache the data
+Searching is for thing about memoize
+set;;is;;thing about memoize;;that in many cases it's already easy enough to just use hashes yourself to cache the data
+||||Alias||||We've never actually gotten Module::Foo::NotBroken yet, but we've come close||||
+Searching is for we've never actually gotten module::foo::notbroken yet, but we've come close
+Searching are for we've never actually gotten module::foo::notbroken yet, but we've come close
+Searching is for we've never actually gotten module::foo::notbroken yet, but we've come close
+Searching are for we've never actually gotten module::foo::notbroken yet, but we've come close
+||||yrlnry||||I;ve been waffling for years about releasing Benchmark::Accurate.||||
+Searching is for yrlnry;ve been waffling for years about releasing benchmark::accurate.
+Searching are for yrlnry;ve been waffling for years about releasing benchmark::accurate.
+Searching is for yrlnry;ve been waffling for years about releasing benchmark::accurate
+Searching are for yrlnry;ve been waffling for years about releasing benchmark::accurate
+||||Alias||||We've also managed to largely block any new date and time modules by "forcing" them to talk to DateTime first||||
+Searching is for we've also managed to largely block any new date and time modules by "forcing" them to talk to datetime first
+Searching are for we've also managed to largely block any new date and time modules by "forcing" them to talk to datetime first
+Searching is for we've also managed to largely block any new date and time modules by "forcing" them to talk to datetime first
+Searching are for we've also managed to largely block any new date and time modules by "forcing" them to talk to datetime first
+||||Alias||||Except for Date::Tiny :)||||
+Searching is for except for date::tiny :)
+Searching are for except for date::tiny :)
+Searching is for except for date::tiny :)
+Searching are for except for date::tiny :)
+||||Alias||||Well, and the dude with the weird French Revolutionary time module||||
+Searching is for and the dude with the weird french revolutionary time module
+Searching are for and the dude with the weird french revolutionary time module
+Searching is for and the dude with the weird french revolutionary time module
+Searching are for and the dude with the weird french revolutionary time module
+||||rjbs||||you tried to stop him and he pulled out a travel guillotine?||||
+Searching is for you tried to stop him and he pulled out a travel guillotine
+Searching are for you tried to stop him and he pulled out a travel guillotine
+Searching is for you tried to stop him and he pulled out a travel guillotine
+Searching are for you tried to stop him and he pulled out a travel guillotine
+||||waltman||||are there any chinese calendar modules yet?||||
+Searching is for are there any chinese calendar modules yet
+Searching are for are there any chinese calendar modules yet
+Searching is for yep
+Searching are for yep
+Searching is for yep
+Searching are for yep
+||||Alias||||DateTime has to do some magic with phases of the moon and stuff to do it, so it can take a second to two to return particular values, but it works||||
+Searching is for datetime has to do some magic with phases of the moon and stuff to do it, so it can take a second to two to return particular values, but it works
+Searching are for datetime has to do some magic with phases of the moon and stuff to do it, so it can take a second to two to return particular values, but it works
+Searching is for datetime has to do some magic with phases of the moon and stuff to do it, so it can take a second to two to return particular values, but it works
+Searching are for datetime has to do some magic with phases of the moon and stuff to do it, so it can take a second to two to return particular values, but it works
+||||Alias||||I think the only reason French Revolutionary time slipped through was that it didn't use seconds :)||||
+Searching is for alias think the only reason french revolutionary time slipped through was that it didn't use seconds :)
+Searching are for alias think the only reason french revolutionary time slipped through was that it didn't use seconds :)
+Searching is for alias think the only reason french revolutionary time slipped through was that it didn't use seconds :)
+Searching are for alias think the only reason french revolutionary time slipped through was that it didn't use seconds :)
+Searching is for thanks..
+Searching are for thanks..
+Searching is for thanks
+Searching are for thanks
+||||Alias||||be gir!||||
+Searching is for be gir!
+Searching are for be gir!
+Searching is for be gir
+Searching are for be gir
+Searching is for lol
+Searching are for lol
+Searching is for lol
+Searching are for lol
+Searching is for :)
+Searching are for :)
+Searching is for :)
+Searching are for :)
+||||gefilte||||on the subject of alsobeentheredonethat...||||
+Searching is for on the subject of alsobeentheredonethat...
+Searching are for on the subject of alsobeentheredonethat...
+Searching is for on the subject of alsobeentheredonethat
+Searching are for on the subject of alsobeentheredonethat
+||||gefilte||||I mentioned the other day i wanted to release my somewhat generalized Iterator implementation...||||
+Searching is for gefilte mentioned the other day gefilte wanted to release gefilte's somewhat generalized iterator implementation...
+Searching are for gefilte mentioned the other day gefilte wanted to release gefilte's somewhat generalized iterator implementation...
+Searching is for gefilte mentioned the other day gefilte wanted to release gefilte's somewhat generalized iterator implementation
+Searching are for gefilte mentioned the other day gefilte wanted to release gefilte's somewhat generalized iterator implementation
+||||gefilte||||Anyone here know the creator of "Iterator" (roode I think?)||||
+Searching is for anyone here know the creator of "iterator" (roode gefilte think?)
+Searching are for anyone here know the creator of "iterator" (roode gefilte think?)
+Searching is for anyone here know the creator of "iterator" (roode gefilte think?)
+Searching are for anyone here know the creator of "iterator" (roode gefilte think?)
+||||rjbs||||there might be one of those on the cpan.||||
+Searching is for there might be one of those on the cpan.
+Searching are for there might be one of those on the cpan.
+Searching is for there might be one of those on the cpan
+Searching are for there might be one of those on the cpan
+||||rjbs||||or maybe sixteen.||||
+Searching is for maybe sixteen.
+Searching are for maybe sixteen.
+Searching is for maybe sixteen
+Searching are for maybe sixteen
+||||gefilte||||IMHO the implementation leaves some to be desired...||||
+Searching is for imho the implementation leaves some to be desired...
+Searching are for imho the implementation leaves some to be desired...
+Searching is for imho the implementation leaves some to be desired
+Searching are for imho the implementation leaves some to be desired
+||||Alias||||As long as there are less than 5, we're fine||||
+Searching is for as long as there are less than 5, we're fine
+Searching are for as long as there are less than 5, we're fine
+Searching are for as long as there
+set;;are;;as long as there;;less than 5, we're fine
+||||gefilte||||AFAIK there are 2 general-purpose iterators.||||
+Searching is for afaik there are 2 general-purpose iterators.
+Searching are for afaik there are 2 general-purpose iterators.
+Searching are for afaik there
+set;;are;;afaik there;;2 general-purpose iterators.
+||||Alias||||It's 6 plus or minus 1 actually||||
+Searching is for it's 6 plus or minus 1 actually
+Searching are for it's 6 plus or minus 1 actually
+Searching is for it's 6 plus or minus 1 actually
+Searching are for it's 6 plus or minus 1 actually
+||||rjbs||||So, if you ever want to own a niche, release seven implementations.||||
+Searching is for so, if you ever want to own a niche, release seven implementations.
+Searching are for so, if you ever want to own a niche, release seven implementations.
+Searching is for so, if you ever want to own a niche, release seven implementations
+Searching are for so, if you ever want to own a niche, release seven implementations
+||||Alias||||6 plus or minus 1, is the psychologically optimal level of choice to offer people||||
+Searching is for 6 plus or minus 1, is the psychologically optimal level of choice to offer people
+Searching are for 6 plus or minus 1, is the psychologically optimal level of choice to offer people
+Searching is for 6 plus or minus 1,
+set;;is;;6 plus or minus 1,;;the psychologically optimal level of choice to offer people
+||||yrlnry||||I know Eric Roode.||||
+Searching is for yrlnry know eric roode.
+Searching are for yrlnry know eric roode.
+Searching is for yrlnry know eric roode
+Searching are for yrlnry know eric roode
+||||gefilte||||amiable chap? ||||
+Searching is for amiable chap
+Searching are for amiable chap
+Searching is for amiable chap
+Searching are for amiable chap
+Searching is for yes.
+Searching are for yes.
+Searching is for yes
+Searching are for yes
+||||gefilte||||good then, I'll contact him.||||
+Searching is for good then, gefilte'll contact him.
+Searching are for good then, gefilte'll contact him.
+Searching is for good then, gefilte'll contact him
+Searching are for good then, gefilte'll contact him
+||||Alias||||You know, wxwindows is taking a long time to build||||
+Searching is for you know, wxwindows is taking a long time to build
+Searching are for you know, wxwindows is taking a long time to build
+||||Alias||||I wonder if it's because of the new opengl widgets||||
+Searching is for alias wonder if it's because of the new opengl widgets
+Searching are for alias wonder if it's because of the new opengl widgets
+Searching is for alias wonder if it's because of the new opengl widgets
+Searching are for alias wonder if it's because of the new opengl widgets
+||||gefilte||||He hasn't really done anything with it since posting it, so perhaps he would be amenable to handing it off, if I kept his interface...||||
+Searching is for he hasn't really done anything with it since posting it, so perhaps he would be amenable to handing it off, if gefilte kept his interface...
+Searching are for he hasn't really done anything with it since posting it, so perhaps he would be amenable to handing it off, if gefilte kept his interface...
+Searching is for he hasn't really done anything with it since posting it, so perhaps he would be amenable to handing it off, if gefilte kept his interface
+Searching are for he hasn't really done anything with it since posting it, so perhaps he would be amenable to handing it off, if gefilte kept his interface
+||||gefilte||||or at least, most of it. He's got a bit too many "isnt" methods||||
+Searching is for at least, most of it. he's got a bit too many "isnt" methods
+Searching are for at least, most of it. he's got a bit too many "isnt" methods
+Searching is for at least, most of it. he's got a bit too many "isnt" methods
+Searching are for at least, most of it. he's got a bit too many "isnt" methods
+Searching is for floop
+Searching are for floop
+Searching is for floop
+Searching are for floop
+Searching is for gloop
+Searching are for gloop
+Searching is for gloop
+Searching are for gloop
+||||dha||||apparently yapc::EU has internet access. yay.||||
+Searching is for apparently yapc::eu has internet access. yay.
+Searching are for apparently yapc::eu has internet access. yay.
+Searching is for apparently yapc::eu has internet access. yay
+Searching are for apparently yapc::eu has internet access. yay
+||||crab||||christ, XML::Writer is an irredeemable piece of shit.||||
+Searching is for christ, xml::writer is an irredeemable piece of shit.
+Searching are for christ, xml::writer is an irredeemable piece of shit.
+Searching is for christ, xml::writer
+set;;is;;christ, xml::writer;;an irredeemable piece of shit.
+||||lamech||||honk dha!||||
+Searching is for honk dha!
+Searching are for honk dha!
+Searching is for honk dha
+Searching are for honk dha
+||||modred||||crab - tell us how you really feel||||
+Searching is for crab - tell us how you really feel
+Searching are for crab - tell us how you really feel
+Searching is for crab - tell us how you really feel
+Searching are for crab - tell us how you really feel
+||||modred||||seen pudge||||
+Searching is for seen pudge
+Searching are for seen pudge
+Searching is for seen pudge
+Searching are for seen pudge
+||||dngor||||I really don't understand XML generation modules for Perl. I mean, it's just strings jammed together...||||
+Searching is for dngor really don't understand xml generation modules for perl. dngor mean, it's just strings jammed together...
+Searching are for dngor really don't understand xml generation modules for perl. dngor mean, it's just strings jammed together...
+Searching is for dngor really don't understand xml generation modules for perl. dngor mean, it's just strings jammed together
+Searching are for dngor really don't understand xml generation modules for perl. dngor mean, it's just strings jammed together
+||||crab||||i feel like chopping up the author's gizzard into small chunks, stir-frying them in a mixture of diesel and his blood, and feeding them to him intravenously.||||
+Searching is for crab feel like chopping up the author's gizzard into small chunks, stir-frying them in a mixture of diesel and his blood, and feeding them to him intravenously.
+Searching are for crab feel like chopping up the author's gizzard into small chunks, stir-frying them in a mixture of diesel and his blood, and feeding them to him intravenously.
+Searching is for crab feel like chopping up the author's gizzard into small chunks, stir-frying them in a mixture of diesel and his blood, and feeding them to him intravenously
+Searching are for crab feel like chopping up the author's gizzard into small chunks, stir-frying them in a mixture of diesel and his blood, and feeding them to him intravenously
+||||dha||||honk lamech||||
+Searching is for honk lamech
+Searching are for honk lamech
+Searching is for honk lamech
+Searching are for honk lamech
+||||lamech||||how's the weather?||||
+Searching is for how's the weather
+Searching are for how's the weather
+Searching is for how's the weather
+Searching are for how's the weather
+||||dha||||crab - ah, so you like this module, then?||||
+Searching is for crab - ah, so you like this module, then
+Searching are for crab - ah, so you like this module, then
+Searching is for crab - ah, so you like this module, then
+Searching are for crab - ah, so you like this module, then
+||||dha||||lamech - variable||||
+Searching is for lamech - variable
+Searching are for lamech - variable
+Searching is for lamech - variable
+Searching are for lamech - variable
+||||crab||||chaotic, even?||||
+Searching is for chaotic, even
+Searching are for chaotic, even
+Searching is for chaotic, even
+Searching are for chaotic, even
+||||lamech||||yeah, you should see how crab treats authors of modules he *doesn't* like :)||||
+Searching is for yeah, you should see how crab treats authors of modules he *doesn't* like :)
+Searching are for yeah, you should see how crab treats authors of modules he *doesn't* like :)
+Searching is for yeah, you should see how crab treats authors of modules he *doesn't* like :)
+Searching are for yeah, you should see how crab treats authors of modules he *doesn't* like :)
+||||dha||||well, it's rained on and off a lot. and the sun comes out, goes away, etc.||||
+Searching is for it's rained on and off a lot. and the sun comes out, goes away, etc.
+Searching are for it's rained on and off a lot. and the sun comes out, goes away, etc.
+Searching is for it's rained on and off a lot. and the sun comes out, goes away, etc
+Searching are for it's rained on and off a lot. and the sun comes out, goes away, etc
+||||dha||||also sometimes windy||||
+Searching is for also sometimes windy
+Searching are for also sometimes windy
+Searching is for also sometimes windy
+Searching are for also sometimes windy
+||||dha||||of course, being mentally deficient, I seem not to have packed an umbrella (although I was sure I had)||||
+Searching is for of course, being mentally deficient, dha seem not to have packed an umbrella (although dha was sure dha had)
+Searching are for of course, being mentally deficient, dha seem not to have packed an umbrella (although dha was sure dha had)
+Searching is for of course, being mentally deficient, dha seem not to have packed an umbrella (although dha was sure dha had)
+Searching are for of course, being mentally deficient, dha seem not to have packed an umbrella (although dha was sure dha had)
+||||modred||||I don't think I've ever owned an umbrella||||
+Searching is for modred don't think modred has ever owned an umbrella
+Searching are for modred don't think modred has ever owned an umbrella
+Searching is for modred don't think modred has ever owned an umbrella
+Searching are for modred don't think modred has ever owned an umbrella
+||||dha||||I have. but now I own a new one. actually I like it. it's tiny||||
+Searching is for dha has. but now dha own a new one. actually dha like it. it's tiny
+Searching are for dha has. but now dha own a new one. actually dha like it. it's tiny
+Searching is for dha has. but now dha own a new one. actually dha like it. it's tiny
+Searching are for dha has. but now dha own a new one. actually dha like it. it's tiny
+Searching is for t gentoo why is your modperl install putting perl modules in / are you fucking retarded
+Searching are for t gentoo why is your modperl install putting perl modules in / are you fucking retarded
+||||dha||||HA! http://diablochicken.livejournal.com/13061.html||||
+Searching is for ha! http://diablochicken.livejournal.com/13061.html
+Searching are for ha! http://diablochicken.livejournal.com/13061.html
+Searching is for ha! http://diablochicken.livejournal.com/13061.html
+Searching are for ha! http://diablochicken.livejournal.com/13061.html
+Searching is for "not safe for work or anything else: do not click if you are not between the ages of 18 and 26 or really even if you are between those two ages also"
+Searching are for "not safe for work or anything else: do not click if you are not between the ages of 18 and 26 or really even if you are between those two ages also"
+||||dha||||(not that link ,but what it links to)||||
+Searching is for (not that link ,butit links to)
+Searching are for (not that link ,butit links to)
+Searching is for (not that link ,butit links to)
+Searching are for (not that link ,butit links to)
+||||clintp||||Hey, is your mom working this week?||||
+Searching is for is your mom working this week
+Searching are for is your mom working this week
+||||clintp||||I only ask 'cause I sent her some mail (travel booking stuff) and never heard back.||||
+Searching is for clintp only ask 'cause clintp sent her some mail (travel booking stuff) and never heard back.
+Searching are for clintp only ask 'cause clintp sent her some mail (travel booking stuff) and never heard back.
+Searching is for clintp only ask 'cause clintp sent her some mail (travel booking stuff) and never heard back
+Searching are for clintp only ask 'cause clintp sent her some mail (travel booking stuff) and never heard back
+||||dha||||clint - actually, I think she's out of the office this week. but I'll let her know to check her mail when I'm in touch.||||
+Searching is for clint - actually, dha think she's out of the office this week. but dha'll let her know to check her mail when dha is in touch.
+Searching are for clint - actually, dha think she's out of the office this week. but dha'll let her know to check her mail when dha is in touch.
+||||dha||||and now... beer.||||
+Searching is for now... beer.
+Searching are for now... beer.
+Searching is for now... beer
+Searching are for now... beer
+||||clintp||||Pits. Okay, thanks, dha.||||
+Searching is for pits. okay, thanks, dha.
+Searching are for pits. okay, thanks, dha.
+Searching is for pits. okay, thanks, dha
+Searching are for pits. okay, thanks, dha
+||||clintp||||Enjoy the beer. Mmm... beer.||||
+Searching is for enjoy the beer. mmm... beer.
+Searching are for enjoy the beer. mmm... beer.
+Searching is for enjoy the beer. mmm... beer
+Searching are for enjoy the beer. mmm... beer
+Searching is for hi
+Searching are for hi
+Searching is for hi
+Searching are for hi
+||||Tomatoe||||I have a perl script tring to read a JPEG file, and its getting their error: Illegal division by zero at Image/Magick/Thumbnail.pm line 73, <IMAGE> line 4.||||
+Searching is for tomatoe has a perl script tring to read a jpeg file, and its getting their error: illegal division by zero at image/magick/thumbnail.pm line 73, <image> line 4.
+Searching are for tomatoe has a perl script tring to read a jpeg file, and its getting their error: illegal division by zero at image/magick/thumbnail.pm line 73, <image> line 4.
+Searching is for tomatoe has a perl script tring to read a jpeg file, and its getting their error: illegal division by zero at image/magick/thumbnail.pm line 73, <image> line 4
+Searching are for tomatoe has a perl script tring to read a jpeg file, and its getting their error: illegal division by zero at image/magick/thumbnail.pm line 73, <image> line 4
+||||Tomatoe||||is there a way to skip over errors like this and continue?||||
+Searching is for is there a way to skip over errors like this and continue
+Searching are for is there a way to skip over errors like this and continue
+Searching is for ok
+Searching are for ok
+Searching is for ok
+Searching are for ok
+||||Tomatoe||||so this should work: eval {$src->Read($_[0])};||||
+Searching is for so this should work: eval {$src->read($_[0])};
+Searching are for so this should work: eval {$src->read($_[0])};
+Searching is for so this should work: eval {$src->read($_[0])};
+Searching are for so this should work: eval {$src->read($_[0])};
+||||clintp||||All else being equal sure. Then check $@ to see if it worked or not.||||
+Searching is for all else being equal sure. then check $@ to see if it worked or not.
+Searching are for all else being equal sure. then check $@ to see if it worked or not.
+Searching is for all else being equal sure. then check $@ to see if it worked or not
+Searching are for all else being equal sure. then check $@ to see if it worked or not
+||||Tomatoe||||yay, it worked!||||
+Searching is for yay, it worked!
+Searching are for yay, it worked!
+Searching is for yay, it worked
+Searching are for yay, it worked
+Searching is for thanks
+Searching are for thanks
+Searching is for thanks
+Searching are for thanks
+||||Frakkle||||Hm, that's reasonable.||||
+Searching is for that's reasonable.
+Searching are for that's reasonable.
+Searching is for that's reasonable
+Searching are for that's reasonable
+||||Frakkle||||$75/hr to have women in french maid fetish outfits clean my house.||||
+Searching is for $75/hr to have women in french maid fetish outfits clean frakkle's house.
+Searching are for $75/hr to have women in french maid fetish outfits clean frakkle's house.
+Searching is for $75/hr to have women in french maid fetish outfits clean frakkle's house
+Searching are for $75/hr to have women in french maid fetish outfits clean frakkle's house
+||||Tomatoe||||hmmm, not a bad deal||||
+Searching is for not a bad deal
+Searching are for not a bad deal
+Searching is for not a bad deal
+Searching are for not a bad deal
+||||Tomatoe||||so they do any extra services?||||
+Searching is for so they do any extra services
+Searching are for so they do any extra services
+Searching is for so they do any extra services
+Searching are for so they do any extra services
+||||cat-xeger||||... the cost for extra services? $1000+/service ...||||
+Searching is for ... the cost for extra services? $1000+/service ...
+Searching are for ... the cost for extra services? $1000+/service ...
+Searching is for ... the cost for extra services? $1000+/service
+Searching are for ... the cost for extra services? $1000+/service
+||||cat-xeger||||... at least.||||
+Searching is for ... at least.
+Searching are for ... at least.
+Searching is for ... at least
+Searching are for ... at least
+Searching is for haha
+Searching are for haha
+Searching is for haha
+Searching are for haha
+||||Frakkle||||No clue.||||
+Searching is for no clue.
+Searching are for no clue.
+Searching is for no clue
+Searching are for no clue
+||||mendel||||Have you seen the women?||||
+Searching is for have you seen the women
+Searching are for have you seen the women
+Searching is for have you seen the women
+Searching are for have you seen the women
+||||mendel||||Because my parents have housecleaners come and, well||||
+Searching is for because mendel's parents have housecleaners come and, well
+Searching are for because mendel's parents have housecleaners come and, well
+Searching is for because mendel's parents have housecleaners come and, well
+Searching are for because mendel's parents have housecleaners come and, well
+||||mendel||||you don't want them in french maid outfits.||||
+Searching is for you don't want them in french maid outfits.
+Searching are for you don't want them in french maid outfits.
+Searching is for you don't want them in french maid outfits
+Searching are for you don't want them in french maid outfits
+||||modred||||$250/hr to wear clothes||||
+Searching is for $250/hr to wear clothes
+Searching are for $250/hr to wear clothes
+Searching is for $250/hr to wear clothes
+Searching are for $250/hr to wear clothes
+Searching is for http://www.fantasycreationsllc.com/ourmaids.htm
+Searching are for http://www.fantasycreationsllc.com/ourmaids.htm
+Searching is for http://www.fantasycreationsllc.com/ourmaids.htm
+Searching are for http://www.fantasycreationsllc.com/ourmaids.htm
+||||mendel||||I bet I shouldn't click on that at work||||
+Searching is for mendel bet mendel shouldn't click on that at work
+Searching are for mendel bet mendel shouldn't click on that at work
+Searching is for mendel bet mendel shouldn't click on that at work
+Searching are for mendel bet mendel shouldn't click on that at work
+Searching is for no
+Searching are for no
+Searching is for no
+Searching are for no
+||||Frakkle||||probably not||||
+Searching is for probably not
+Searching are for probably not
+Searching is for probably not
+Searching are for probably not
+||||Frakkle||||It's actually not too unfriendly for work.||||
+Searching is for it's actually not too unfriendly for work.
+Searching are for it's actually not too unfriendly for work.
+Searching is for it's actually not too unfriendly for work
+Searching are for it's actually not too unfriendly for work
+||||mendel||||And I bet "Dress in a french maid costume" harms the performance of items 1-3||||
+Searching is for mendel bet "dress in a french maid costume" harms the performance of items 1-3
+Searching are for mendel bet "dress in a french maid costume" harms the performance of items 1-3
+Searching is for mendel bet "dress in a french maid costume" harms the performance of items 1-3
+Searching are for mendel bet "dress in a french maid costume" harms the performance of items 1-3
+Searching is for hahaha
+Searching are for hahaha
+Searching is for hahaha
+Searching are for hahaha
+||||yrlnry||||I read a scientific study about the increase in kleptomaniac tendencies in persons donning French maid costumes.||||
+Searching is for yrlnry read a scientific study about the increase in kleptomaniac tendencies in persons donning french maid costumes.
+Searching are for yrlnry read a scientific study about the increase in kleptomaniac tendencies in persons donning french maid costumes.
+Searching is for yrlnry read a scientific study about the increase in kleptomaniac tendencies in persons donning french maid costumes
+Searching are for yrlnry read a scientific study about the increase in kleptomaniac tendencies in persons donning french maid costumes
+||||PerlJam||||somehow the moniker "scientific study" doesn't quite fit :)||||
+Searching is for somehow the moniker "scientific study" doesn't quite fit :)
+Searching are for somehow the moniker "scientific study" doesn't quite fit :)
+Searching is for somehow the moniker "scientific study" doesn't quite fit :)
+Searching are for somehow the moniker "scientific study" doesn't quite fit :)
+Searching is for funny
+Searching are for funny
+Searching is for funny
+Searching are for funny
+||||gefilte||||"For the articles", eh?||||
+Searching is for "for the articles", eh
+Searching are for "for the articles", eh
+Searching is for "for the articles", eh
+Searching are for "for the articles", eh
+||||yrlnry||||Especially klepto kneecap fetish porn.||||
+Searching is for especially klepto kneecap fetish porn.
+Searching are for especially klepto kneecap fetish porn.
+Searching is for especially klepto kneecap fetish porn
+Searching are for especially klepto kneecap fetish porn
+||||Frakkle||||With midgets?||||
+Searching is for with midgets
+Searching are for with midgets
+Searching is for with midgets
+Searching are for with midgets
+||||yrlnry||||With Celine Dion.||||
+Searching is for with celine dion.
+Searching are for with celine dion.
+Searching is for with celine dion
+Searching are for with celine dion
+||||gefilte||||ah we are living in an age of specialization, no? ;)||||
+Searching is for ah we are living in an age of specialization, no? ;)
+Searching are for ah we are living in an age of specialization, no? ;)
+Searching are for ah we
+set;;are;;ah we;;living in an age of specialization, no? ;)
+||||yrlnry||||As computer technology improves, we will eventually see programs that can automatically and rapidly generate pornography according to the user's specification.||||
+Searching is for as computer technology improves, we will eventually see programs that can automatically and rapidly generate pornography according to the user's specification.
+Searching are for as computer technology improves, we will eventually see programs that can automatically and rapidly generate pornography according to the user's specification.
+Searching is for as computer technology improves, we will eventually see programs that can automatically and rapidly generate pornography according to the user's specification
+Searching are for as computer technology improves, we will eventually see programs that can automatically and rapidly generate pornography according to the user's specification
+||||yrlnry||||I predict before 2016.||||
+Searching is for yrlnry predict before 2016.
+Searching are for yrlnry predict before 2016.
+Searching is for yrlnry predict before 2016
+Searching are for yrlnry predict before 2016
+||||gefilte||||sure. but you'll still need ractors ;)||||
+Searching is for sure. but you'll still need ractors ;)
+Searching are for sure. but you'll still need ractors ;)
+Searching is for sure. but you'll still need ractors ;)
+Searching are for sure. but you'll still need ractors ;)
+Searching is for teledildonics!
+Searching are for teledildonics!
+Searching is for teledildonics
+Searching are for teledildonics
+||||gefilte||||that gem seems to keep coming out at just the right time||||
+Searching is for that gem seems to keep coming out at just the right time
+Searching are for that gem seems to keep coming out at just the right time
+Searching is for that gem seems to keep coming out at just the right time
+Searching are for that gem seems to keep coming out at just the right time
+Searching is for um.
+Searching are for um.
+Searching is for um
+Searching are for um
+Searching is for (audi-oh)++
+Searching are for (audi-oh)++
+Searching is for (audi-oh)++
+Searching are for (audi-oh)++
+||||sungo||||sungo it!||||
+Searching is for sungo it!
+Searching are for sungo it!
+Searching is for sungo it
+Searching are for sungo it
+Searching is for ow
+Searching are for ow
+Searching is for ow
+Searching are for ow
+||||mako132||||what kind of chopsticks?||||
+Searching is for kind of chopsticks
+Searching are for kind of chopsticks
+Searching is for kind of chopsticks
+Searching are for kind of chopsticks
+||||Frakkle||||plastic immitation||||
+Searching is for plastic immitation
+Searching are for plastic immitation
+Searching is for plastic immitation
+Searching are for plastic immitation
+Searching is for :/
+Searching are for :/
+Searching is for :/
+Searching are for :/
+||||Masque||||first law of engineering||||
+Searching is for first law of engineering
+Searching are for first law of engineering
+Searching is for first law of engineering
+Searching are for first law of engineering
+Searching is for nice
+Searching are for nice
+Searching is for nice
+Searching are for nice
+||||Steve_p||||jerk it?||||
+Searching is for jerk it
+Searching are for jerk it
+Searching is for jerk it
+Searching are for jerk it
+||||sungo||||see, someone edited out the good part of that one||||
+Searching is for see, someone edited out the good part of that one
+Searching are for see, someone edited out the good part of that one
+Searching is for see, someone edited out the good part of that one
+Searching are for see, someone edited out the good part of that one
+Searching is for sungo and the missus had a good cry and it turns out it's okay that sungo is gay can sungo please stay in your house until march
+Searching are for sungo and the missus had a good cry and it turns out it's okay that sungo is gay can sungo please stay in your house until march
+Searching is for etoomanyenvironments
+Searching are for etoomanyenvironments
+Searching is for etoomanyenvironments
+Searching are for etoomanyenvironments
+||||lamech||||can we just cut the jerk it factoid over to the sungo db please?||||
+Searching is for can we just cut the jerk it factoid over to the sungo db
+Searching are for can we just cut the jerk it factoid over to the sungo db
+Searching is for can we just cut the jerk it factoid over to the sungo db
+Searching are for can we just cut the jerk it factoid over to the sungo db
+||||lamech||||or is it not ready for release yet?||||
+Searching is for is it not ready for release yet
+Searching are for is it not ready for release yet
+Searching is for etoomanyletters
+Searching are for etoomanyletters
+Searching is for etoomanyletters
+Searching are for etoomanyletters
+Searching is for ecock
+Searching are for ecock
+Searching is for ecock
+Searching are for ecock
+Searching is for cock is not an error condition
+Searching are for cock is not an error condition
+||||sungo||||WHERE IS YOUR DATA BITCH||||
+Searching is for is your data bitch
+Searching are for is your data bitch
+Searching is for your data bitch
+||||lamech||||REAL SOON NOW CORNHOLE||||
+Searching is for real soon now cornhole
+Searching are for real soon now cornhole
+Searching is for real soon now cornhole
+Searching are for real soon now cornhole
+Searching is for t geoffeg stop rubbing the knife blade against it!
+Searching are for t geoffeg stop rubbing the knife blade against it!
+Searching is for t geoffeg stop rubbing the knife blade against it
+Searching are for t geoffeg stop rubbing the knife blade against it
+||||lamech||||gut that's a fair answer||||
+Searching is for gut that's a fair answer
+Searching are for gut that's a fair answer
+Searching is for gut that's a fair answer
+Searching are for gut that's a fair answer
+Searching is for t steve_p if geoffeg don't use geoffeg's cock how will geoffeg sharpen it
+Searching are for t steve_p if geoffeg don't use geoffeg's cock how will geoffeg sharpen it
+Searching is for t steve_p if geoffeg don't use geoffeg's cock how will geoffeg sharpen it
+Searching are for t steve_p if geoffeg don't use geoffeg's cock how will geoffeg sharpen it
+||||geoffeg||||I GUESS IT'S NOT A SECRET IF I TELL #PERL||||
+Searching is for geoffeg guess it's not a secret if geoffeg tell #perl
+Searching are for geoffeg guess it's not a secret if geoffeg tell #perl
+Searching is for geoffeg guess it's not a secret if geoffeg tell #perl
+Searching are for geoffeg guess it's not a secret if geoffeg tell #perl
+||||geoffeg||||ESPECIALLY SUNGO||||
+Searching is for especially sungo
+Searching are for especially sungo
+Searching is for especially sungo
+Searching are for especially sungo
+Searching is for totally posting about it on sungo's space
+Searching are for totally posting about it on sungo's space
+Searching is for totally posting about it on sungo's space
+Searching are for totally posting about it on sungo's space
+Searching is for sungo mean dickspace sungo mean myspace oh god
+Searching are for sungo mean dickspace sungo mean myspace oh god
+Searching is for sungo mean dickspace sungo mean myspace oh god
+Searching are for sungo mean dickspace sungo mean myspace oh god
+||||Frakkle||||Toby has been saved!||||
+Searching is for toby has been saved!
+Searching are for toby has been saved!
+Searching is for toby has been saved
+Searching are for toby has been saved
+||||jibsheet||||baseball bat||||
+Searching is for baseball bat
+Searching are for baseball bat
+Searching is for baseball bat
+Searching are for baseball bat
+||||clintp||||Just say "No".||||
+Searching is for just say "no".
+Searching are for just say "no".
+Searching is for just say "no"
+Searching are for just say "no"
+||||q||||anything aside from blunt force trama?||||
+Searching is for anything aside from blunt force trama
+Searching are for anything aside from blunt force trama
+Searching is for anything aside from blunt force trama
+Searching are for anything aside from blunt force trama
+||||claes||||make them prototype their enhancements so they'll see by themselves how stupid they are =)||||
+Searching is for make them prototype their enhancements so they'll see by themselves how stupid they are =)
+Searching are for make them prototype their enhancements so they'll see by themselves how stupid they are =)
+||||q||||in general, i think i need to get better at suggesting things so the developer's perception is that the idea came from him, and not me||||
+Searching is for in general, q think q need to get better at suggesting things so the developer's perception is that the idea came from him, and not q
+Searching are for in general, q think q need to get better at suggesting things so the developer's perception is that the idea came from him, and not q
+||||q||||they want to give low level users the ability to restart system level services, which if/when they break will immediately have to be delt with by admins||||
+Searching is for they want to give low level users the ability to restart system level services, which if/when they break will immediately have to be delt with by admins
+Searching are for they want to give low level users the ability to restart system level services, which if/when they break will immediately have to be delt with by admins
+Searching is for they want to give low level users the ability to restart system level services, which if/when they break will immediately have to be delt with by admins
+Searching are for they want to give low level users the ability to restart system level services, which if/when they break will immediately have to be delt with by admins
+||||q||||so why even do it? the users can't get the gui straight, why give htem access to restart things that they can't prove or test actually came up correctly||||
+Searching is for so why even do it? the users can't get the gui straight, why give htem access to restart things that they can't prove or test actually came up correctly
+Searching are for so why even do it? the users can't get the gui straight, why give htem access to restart things that they can't prove or test actually came up correctly
+Searching is for so why even do it? the users can't get the gui straight, why give htem access to restart things that they can't prove or test actually came up correctly
+Searching are for so why even do it? the users can't get the gui straight, why give htem access to restart things that they can't prove or test actually came up correctly
+||||q||||(baseball bat)++||||
+Searching is for (baseball bat)++
+Searching are for (baseball bat)++
+Searching is for (baseball bat)++
+Searching are for (baseball bat)++
+++;;baseball bat
+Searching is for (cluestick)++
+Searching are for (cluestick)++
+Searching is for (cluestick)++
+Searching are for (cluestick)++
+Searching is for lart++
+Searching are for lart++
+Searching is for lart++
+Searching are for lart++
+||||CanyonMan||||the world needs more of them?||||
+Searching is for the world needs more of them
+Searching are for the world needs more of them
+Searching is for world needs more of them
+Searching are for world needs more of them
+||||PerlJam||||have you tried saying "THAT IS SOOOOOO STUPID!" ?||||
+Searching is for have you tried saying "that is soooooo stupid!"
+Searching are for have you tried saying "that is soooooo stupid!"
+||||PerlJam||||or, for every idea they come up with, immediately take the position that it's stupid and come up with all the ways it can fail badly. Then regurgitate those ways all over them.||||
+Searching is for for every idea they come up with, immediately take the position that it's stupid and come up with all the ways it can fail badly. then regurgitate those ways all over them.
+Searching are for for every idea they come up with, immediately take the position that it's stupid and come up with all the ways it can fail badly. then regurgitate those ways all over them.
+Searching is for for every idea they come up with, immediately take the position that it's stupid and come up with all the ways it can fail badly. then regurgitate those ways all over them
+Searching are for for every idea they come up with, immediately take the position that it's stupid and come up with all the ways it can fail badly. then regurgitate those ways all over them
+||||Tomatoe||||has anyone ever heard of a perl scrit that can take a "screen shot" of a website and store it as a jpeg?||||
+Searching is for has anyone ever heard of a perl scrit that can take a "screen shot" of a website and store it as a jpeg
+Searching are for has anyone ever heard of a perl scrit that can take a "screen shot" of a website and store it as a jpeg
+Searching is for has anyone ever heard of a perl scrit that can take a "screen shot" of a website and store it as a jpeg
+Searching are for has anyone ever heard of a perl scrit that can take a "screen shot" of a website and store it as a jpeg
+||||ua||||OSX Automator ought to be able to handle that order.||||
+Searching is for osx automator ought to be able to handle that order.
+Searching are for osx automator ought to be able to handle that order.
+Searching is for osx automator ought to be able to handle that order
+Searching are for osx automator ought to be able to handle that order
+Searching is for ah
+Searching are for ah
+Searching is for ah
+Searching are for ah
+||||Tomatoe||||thank you||||
+Searching is for thank you
+Searching are for thank you
+Searching is for thank you
+Searching are for thank you
+Searching is for oh
+Searching are for oh
+Searching is for oh
+Searching are for oh
+Searching is for yes
+Searching are for yes
+Searching is for yes
+Searching are for yes
+||||sungo||||what's a perl scrit?||||
+Searching is for is a perl scrit
+Searching are for is a perl scrit
+Searching is for perl scrit
+||||rjbs||||it's the sort of thing that PPI parses||||
+Searching is for it's the sort of thing that ppi parses
+Searching are for it's the sort of thing that ppi parses
+Searching is for it's the sort of thing that ppi parses
+Searching are for it's the sort of thing that ppi parses
+||||Tomatoe||||its a typo||||
+Searching is for its a typo
+Searching are for its a typo
+Searching is for its a typo
+Searching are for its a typo
+||||xb95||||sungo-- # :P||||
+Searching is for sungo-- # :p
+Searching are for sungo-- # :p
+Searching is for sungo-- # :p
+Searching are for sungo-- # :p
+||||rjbs||||xb95-- # sungo 4 lyf||||
+Searching is for xb95-- # sungo 4 lyf
+Searching are for xb95-- # sungo 4 lyf
+Searching is for xb95-- # sungo 4 lyf
+Searching are for xb95-- # sungo 4 lyf
+||||sungo||||xb94-- # NICK CHANGES WON'T SAVE YOU PIG FUCKER||||
+Searching is for xb94-- # nick changes won't save you pig fucker
+Searching are for xb94-- # nick changes won't save you pig fucker
+Searching is for xb94-- # nick changes won't save you pig fucker
+Searching are for xb94-- # nick changes won't save you pig fucker
+Searching is for ahaha
+Searching are for ahaha
+Searching is for ahaha
+Searching are for ahaha
+Searching is for sungo++
+Searching are for sungo++
+Searching is for sungo++
+Searching are for sungo++
+||||sungo||||sungo it!||||
+Searching is for sungo it!
+Searching are for sungo it!
+Searching is for sungo it
+Searching are for sungo it
+Searching is for gay
+Searching are for gay
+Searching is for gay
+Searching are for gay
+||||vh||||by 2012 gay is going to be so incredibly lame||||
+Searching is for by 2012 gay is going to be so incredibly lame
+Searching are for by 2012 gay is going to be so incredibly lame
+Searching is for by 2012 gay
+set;;is;;by 2012 gay;;going to be so incredibly lame
+||||sungo||||like you?||||
+Searching is for like you
+Searching are for like you
+Searching is for like you
+Searching are for like you
+||||vh||||it's already jumped the shark.. now if we can just drive it into the ground||||
+Searching is for it's already jumped the shark.. now if we can just drive it into the ground
+Searching are for it's already jumped the shark.. now if we can just drive it into the ground
+Searching is for it's already jumped the shark.. now if we can just drive it into the ground
+Searching are for it's already jumped the shark.. now if we can just drive it into the ground
+||||Frakkle||||Gay has jumped the shark?||||
+Searching is for gay has jumped the shark
+Searching are for gay has jumped the shark
+Searching is for gay has jumped the shark
+Searching are for gay has jumped the shark
+Searching is for haha
+Searching are for haha
+Searching is for haha
+Searching are for haha
+||||inferno||||with a side order of mediocre and shite||||
+Searching is for with a side order of mediocre and shite
+Searching are for with a side order of mediocre and shite
+Searching is for with a side order of mediocre and shite
+Searching are for with a side order of mediocre and shite
+Searching is for ahahaha
+Searching are for ahahaha
+Searching is for ahahaha
+Searching are for ahahaha
+||||leku||||blah gnome||||
+Searching is for blah gnome
+Searching are for blah gnome
+Searching is for blah gnome
+Searching are for blah gnome
+||||leku||||blah kde||||
+Searching is for blah kde
+Searching are for blah kde
+Searching is for blah kde
+Searching are for blah kde
+||||leku||||www.elivecd.org is nirvana||||
+Searching is for www.elivecd.org is nirvana
+Searching are for www.elivecd.org is nirvana
+Searching is for www.elivecd.org
+Searching is for frakkle++
+Searching are for frakkle++
+Searching is for frakkle++
+Searching are for frakkle++
+||||leku||||what is frakkle?||||
+Searching is for is frakkle
+Searching are for is frakkle
+Searching is for frakkle
+Searching is for o
+Searching are for o
+Searching is for o
+Searching are for o
+||||waltman||||os x isn't *too* ugly||||
+Searching is for os x isn't *too* ugly
+Searching are for os x isn't *too* ugly
+Searching is for os x isn't *too* ugly
+Searching are for os x isn't *too* ugly
+||||sungo||||"Desktop environments" are the gayest of all the Village People.||||
+Searching is for "desktop environments" are the gayest of all the village people.
+Searching are for "desktop environments" are the gayest of all the village people.
+Searching are for "desktop environments"
+set;;are;;"desktop environments";;the gayest of all the Village People.
+Searching is for exactly.
+Searching are for exactly.
+Searching is for exactly
+Searching are for exactly
+Searching is for purl++
+Searching are for purl++
+Searching is for purl++
+Searching are for purl++
+||||leku||||at least with linux if you have any ambition you can make it less ugly||||
+Searching is for at least with linux if you have any ambition you can make it less ugly
+Searching are for at least with linux if you have any ambition you can make it less ugly
+Searching is for at least with linux if you have any ambition you can make it less ugly
+Searching are for at least with linux if you have any ambition you can make it less ugly
+Searching is for but...but...shiny
+Searching are for but...but...shiny
+Searching is for but...but...shiny
+Searching are for but...but...shiny
+||||cfedde||||gnome is ugly all the way to the core.||||
+Searching is for gnome is ugly all the way to the core.
+Searching are for gnome is ugly all the way to the core.
+Searching is for gnome
+set;;is;;gnome;;ugly all the way to the core.
+||||inferno||||It's slightly disheartening to think that the least garbage user experience right now is proprietary, and that free software seems nowhere even remotely near catching up to that.||||
+Searching is for it's slightly disheartening to think that the least garbage user experience right now is proprietary, and that free software seems nowhere even remotely near catching up to that.
+Searching are for it's slightly disheartening to think that the least garbage user experience right now is proprietary, and that free software seems nowhere even remotely near catching up to that.
+||||leku||||id on't think that's true inferno||||
+Searching is for id on't think that's true inferno
+Searching are for id on't think that's true inferno
+Searching is for id on't think that's true inferno
+Searching are for id on't think that's true inferno
+||||leku||||in terms of catching up||||
+Searching is for in terms of catching up
+Searching are for in terms of catching up
+Searching is for in terms of catching up
+Searching are for in terms of catching up
+||||cfedde||||I suppose it depends what yo mean by "least garbage user experience"||||
+Searching is for cfedde suppose it dependsyo mean by "least garbage user experience"
+Searching are for cfedde suppose it dependsyo mean by "least garbage user experience"
+Searching is for cfedde suppose it dependsyo mean by "least garbage user experience"
+Searching are for cfedde suppose it dependsyo mean by "least garbage user experience"
+||||inferno||||OS X||||
+Searching is for os x
+Searching are for os x
+Searching is for os x
+Searching are for os x
+||||leku||||as soon as XGL and composite window managers mature they will blow the doors off of the propreitary shit||||
+Searching is for as soon as xgl and composite window managers mature they will blow the doors off of the propreitary shit
+Searching are for as soon as xgl and composite window managers mature they will blow the doors off of the propreitary shit
+Searching is for as soon as xgl and composite window managers mature they will blow the doors off of the propreitary shit
+Searching are for as soon as xgl and composite window managers mature they will blow the doors off of the propreitary shit
+||||cfedde||||most of the time that seems to mean "works like windows"||||
+Searching is for most of the time that seems to mean "works like windows"
+Searching are for most of the time that seems to mean "works like windows"
+Searching is for most of the time that seems to mean "works like windows"
+Searching are for most of the time that seems to mean "works like windows"
+Searching is for xgl
+Searching are for xgl
+Searching is for xgl
+Searching are for xgl
+||||inferno||||eh? they're doing what OS X has been doing for how many years already?||||
+Searching is for eh? they're doingos x has been doing for how many years already
+Searching are for eh? they're doingos x has been doing for how many years already
+Searching is for eh? they're doingos x has been doing for how many years already
+Searching are for eh? they're doingos x has been doing for how many years already
+||||PerlJam||||use compiz and be dazzled by the flashy stuff||||
+Searching is for use compiz and be dazzled by the flashy stuff
+Searching are for use compiz and be dazzled by the flashy stuff
+Searching is for use compiz and be dazzled by the flashy stuff
+Searching are for use compiz and be dazzled by the flashy stuff
+||||leku||||so what||||
+Searching is for so
+Searching are for so
+Searching is for so
+Searching are for so
+Searching is for :-)
+Searching are for :-)
+Searching is for :-)
+Searching are for :-)
+||||leku||||but it is available to everyone for free at least||||
+Searching is for it is available to everyone for free at least
+Searching are for it is available to everyone for free at least
+Searching is for it
+set;;is;;it;;available to everyone for free at least
+||||sungo||||yeah, you should go hang out with the e17 people||||
+Searching is for yeah, you should go hang out with the e17 people
+Searching are for yeah, you should go hang out with the e17 people
+Searching is for yeah, you should go hang out with the e17 people
+Searching are for yeah, you should go hang out with the e17 people
+||||leku||||they smell||||
+Searching is for they smell
+Searching are for they smell
+Searching is for they smell
+Searching are for they smell
+||||inferno||||sure, if my pbg4's video card were supported||||
+Searching is for sure, if inferno's pbg4's video card were supported
+Searching are for sure, if inferno's pbg4's video card were supported
+Searching is for sure, if inferno's pbg4's video card were supported
+Searching are for sure, if inferno's pbg4's video card were supported
+||||leku||||<-- running e17||||
+Searching is for <-- running e17
+Searching are for <-- running e17
+Searching is for <-- running e17
+Searching are for <-- running e17
+||||sungo||||when your shiny ship comes in, then we'll give a shit. Until then...||||
+Searching is for when your shiny ship comes in, then we'll give a shit. until then...
+Searching are for when your shiny ship comes in, then we'll give a shit. until then...
+Searching is for when your shiny ship comes in, then we'll give a shit. until then
+Searching are for when your shiny ship comes in, then we'll give a shit. until then
+||||mdxi||||and you can all suck it||||
+Searching is for you can all suck it
+Searching are for you can all suck it
+Searching is for you can all suck it
+Searching are for you can all suck it
+||||inferno||||Though it's not just about "flashy stuff". When I think "flashy stuff", I think websites with a "Skip intro" link. I'm talking about the kind of visceral appeal that Donald Norman refers to in Emotional Design. Attractive things work better.||||
+Searching is for though it's not just about "flashy stuff". when inferno think "flashy stuff", inferno think websites with a "skip intro" link. inferno is talking about the kind of visceral appeal that donald norman refers to in emotional design. attractive things work better.
+Searching are for though it's not just about "flashy stuff". when inferno think "flashy stuff", inferno think websites with a "skip intro" link. inferno is talking about the kind of visceral appeal that donald norman refers to in emotional design. attractive things work better.
+||||mdxi||||linux on the desktop may *not* suck it. it's a diseased whore.||||
+Searching is for linux on the desktop may *not* suck it. it's a diseased whore.
+Searching are for linux on the desktop may *not* suck it. it's a diseased whore.
+Searching is for linux on the desktop may *not* suck it. it's a diseased whore
+Searching are for linux on the desktop may *not* suck it. it's a diseased whore
+||||shorten||||leku's url is at http://xrl.us/rf6p||||
+Searching is for leku's url is at http://xrl.us/rf6p
+Searching are for leku's url is at http://xrl.us/rf6p
+Searching is for leku's url
+set;;is;;leku's url;;at http://xrl.us/rf6p
+||||cfedde||||people like sexy receptionists.||||
+Searching is for people like sexy receptionists.
+Searching are for people like sexy receptionists.
+Searching is for people like sexy receptionists
+Searching are for people like sexy receptionists
+||||leku||||what is ratpoison?||||
+Searching is for is ratpoison
+Searching are for is ratpoison
+Searching is for ratpoison
+||||waltman||||Paris Hilton being a notable exception||||
+Searching is for paris hilton being a notable exception
+Searching are for paris hilton being a notable exception
+Searching is for paris hilton being a notable exception
+Searching are for paris hilton being a notable exception
+||||PerlJam||||oh, well you can give up on that then. The software industry doesn't work to create such things.||||
+Searching is for you can give up on that then. the software industry doesn't work to create such things.
+Searching are for you can give up on that then. the software industry doesn't work to create such things.
+Searching is for you can give up on that then. the software industry doesn't work to create such things
+Searching are for you can give up on that then. the software industry doesn't work to create such things
+||||inferno||||sure it does. apple does.||||
+Searching is for sure it does. apple does.
+Searching are for sure it does. apple does.
+Searching is for sure it does. apple does
+Searching are for sure it does. apple does
+||||sungo||||eating up all your ram and needing a shiny new video card. I've been there and seen that. it's still crap.||||
+Searching is for eating up all your ram and needing a shiny new video card. sungo has been there and seen that. it's still crap.
+Searching are for eating up all your ram and needing a shiny new video card. sungo has been there and seen that. it's still crap.
+Searching is for eating up all your ram and needing a shiny new video card. sungo has been there and seen that. it's still crap
+Searching are for eating up all your ram and needing a shiny new video card. sungo has been there and seen that. it's still crap
+Searching is for ratpoison++
+Searching are for ratpoison++
+Searching is for ratpoison++
+Searching are for ratpoison++
+||||inferno||||the free software industry is a sausage fest though.||||
+Searching is for the free software industry is a sausage fest though.
+Searching are for the free software industry is a sausage fest though.
+Searching is for free software industry
+set;;is;;free software industry;;a sausage fest though.
+Searching is for ratpoison++
+Searching are for ratpoison++
+Searching is for ratpoison++
+Searching are for ratpoison++
+||||leku||||0000:01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon R250 Lf [FireGL 9000] (rev 01)||||
+Searching is for 0000:01:00.0 vga compatible controller: ati technologies inc radeon r250 lf [firegl 9000] (rev 01)
+Searching are for 0000:01:00.0 vga compatible controller: ati technologies inc radeon r250 lf [firegl 9000] (rev 01)
+Searching is for 0000:01:00.0 vga compatible controller: ati technologies inc radeon r250 lf [firegl 9000] (rev 01)
+Searching are for 0000:01:00.0 vga compatible controller: ati technologies inc radeon r250 lf [firegl 9000] (rev 01)
+||||cfedde||||more keyboard chords||||
+Searching is for more keyboard chords
+Searching are for more keyboard chords
+Searching is for more keyboard chords
+Searching are for more keyboard chords
+Searching is for
+Searching are for
+Searching is for
+Searching are for
+||||avar||||what are they?||||
+Searching is for are they
+Searching are for are they
+Searching are for they
+||||waltman||||foot pedals||||
+Searching is for foot pedals
+Searching are for foot pedals
+Searching is for foot pedals
+Searching are for foot pedals
+||||mdxi||||i changed the prefix key to C-z||||
+Searching is for mdxi changed the prefix key to c-z
+Searching are for mdxi changed the prefix key to c-z
+Searching is for mdxi changed the prefix key to c-z
+Searching are for mdxi changed the prefix key to c-z
+||||jibsheet||||just your your wang to press the three part screen key||||
+Searching is for just your your wang to press the three part screen key
+Searching are for just your your wang to press the three part screen key
+Searching is for just your your wang to press the three part screen key
+Searching are for just your your wang to press the three part screen key
+||||leku||||sausage fest?||||
+Searching is for sausage fest
+Searching are for sausage fest
+Searching is for sausage fest
+Searching are for sausage fest
+Searching is for t sungo you have gone to the light side.
+Searching are for t sungo you have gone to the light side.
+Searching is for t sungo you have gone to the light side
+Searching are for t sungo you have gone to the light side
+||||sungo||||yeah, that's such a pain to get used to though :) I've not found a combo that I liked really.||||
+Searching is for yeah, that's such a pain to get used to though :) sungo has not found a combo that sungo liked really.
+Searching are for yeah, that's such a pain to get used to though :) sungo has not found a combo that sungo liked really.
+Searching is for yeah, that's such a pain to get used to though :) sungo has not found a combo that sungo liked really
+Searching are for yeah, that's such a pain to get used to though :) sungo has not found a combo that sungo liked really
+||||leku||||like there aren't any hot women devs?||||
+Searching is for like there aren't any hot women devs
+Searching are for like there aren't any hot women devs
+Searching is for like there aren't any hot women devs
+Searching are for like there aren't any hot women devs
+||||inferno||||the great thing about apple is that they've chosen one look, and one hardware platform (more or less).||||
+Searching is for the great thing about apple is that they've chosen one look, and one hardware platform (more or less).
+Searching are for the great thing about apple is that they've chosen one look, and one hardware platform (more or less).
+Searching is for great thing about apple
+set;;is;;great thing about apple;;that they've chosen one look, and one hardware platform (more or less).
+||||avar||||Do non-hot women have sausages?||||
+Searching is for do non-hot women have sausages
+Searching are for do non-hot women have sausages
+Searching is for do non-hot women have sausages
+Searching are for do non-hot women have sausages
+||||inferno||||(opinionated software)++||||
+Searching is for (opinionated software)++
+Searching are for (opinionated software)++
+Searching is for (opinionated software)++
+Searching are for (opinionated software)++
+++;;opinionated software
+||||leku||||i dunno||||
+Searching is for leku dunno
+Searching are for leku dunno
+Searching is for leku dunno
+Searching are for leku dunno
+||||leku||||that is pretty subjective||||
+Searching is for that is pretty subjective
+Searching are for that is pretty subjective
+||||sungo||||and there in lies my problem with it. I'm a customizing whore.||||
+Searching is for there in lies sungo's problem with it. sungo is a customizing whore.
+Searching are for there in lies sungo's problem with it. sungo is a customizing whore.
+Searching is for boobies++
+Searching are for boobies++
+Searching is for boobies++
+Searching are for boobies++
+||||avar||||Yeah, Ein Reich, Ein Volk, One Program and all that:)||||
+Searching is for yeah, ein reich, ein volk, one program and all that:)
+Searching are for yeah, ein reich, ein volk, one program and all that:)
+Searching is for yeah, ein reich, ein volk, one program and all that:)
+Searching are for yeah, ein reich, ein volk, one program and all that:)
+||||buu||||You know you don't actually have to use a prefix key, right?||||
+Searching is for you know you don't actually have to use a prefix key, right
+Searching are for you know you don't actually have to use a prefix key, right
+Searching is for you know you don't actually have to use a prefix key, right
+Searching are for you know you don't actually have to use a prefix key, right
+||||mendel||||well, inferno was calling it out as a great feature||||
+Searching is for inferno was calling it out as a great feature
+Searching are for inferno was calling it out as a great feature
+Searching is for inferno was calling it out as a great feature
+Searching are for inferno was calling it out as a great feature
+||||Frakkle||||Ia! Ia! Cthulhu! F'Taghn!||||
+Searching is for ia! ia! cthulhu! f'taghn!
+Searching are for ia! ia! cthulhu! f'taghn!
+Searching is for ia! ia! cthulhu! f'taghn
+Searching are for ia! ia! cthulhu! f'taghn
+||||mendel||||Six of one, half dozen of another||||
+Searching is for six of one, half dozen of another
+Searching are for six of one, half dozen of another
+Searching is for six of one, half dozen of another
+Searching are for six of one, half dozen of another
+||||sungo||||bitch what?||||
+Searching is for bitch
+Searching are for bitch
+Searching is for bitch
+Searching are for bitch
+||||inferno||||it's why their hardware works so well, the iPod is so smoothly integrated, etc.||||
+Searching is for it's why their hardware works so well, the ipod is so smoothly integrated, etc.
+Searching are for it's why their hardware works so well, the ipod is so smoothly integrated, etc.
+||||sungo||||but not any other mp3 player||||
+Searching is for not any other mp3 player
+Searching are for not any other mp3 player
+Searching is for not any other mp3 player
+Searching are for not any other mp3 player
+||||avar||||nigga pleas!||||
+Searching is for nigga pleas!
+Searching are for nigga pleas!
+Searching is for nigga pleas
+Searching are for nigga pleas
+Searching is for e
+Searching are for e
+Searching is for e
+Searching are for e
+||||mendel||||How is the ipod integrated on a Mac that it isn't on Windows?||||
+Searching is for how is the ipod integrated on a mac that it isn't on windows
+Searching are for how is the ipod integrated on a mac that it isn't on windows
+||||buu||||The prefix key. You can rebind everything to work without it.||||
+Searching is for the prefix key. you can rebind everything to work without it.
+Searching are for the prefix key. you can rebind everything to work without it.
+Searching is for prefix key. you can rebind everything to work without it
+Searching are for prefix key. you can rebind everything to work without it
+||||inferno||||I don't know?!||||
+Searching is for inferno don't know?!
+Searching are for inferno don't know?!
+Searching is for inferno don't know
+Searching are for inferno don't know
+||||cfedde||||all I want is to be able to use the enter key to activate the glowing button.||||
+Searching is for all cfedde want is to be able to use the enter key to activate the glowing button.
+Searching are for all cfedde want is to be able to use the enter key to activate the glowing button.
+||||avar||||Macs are fucking crap||||
+Searching is for macs are fucking crap
+Searching are for macs are fucking crap
+Searching are for macs
+set;;are;;macs;;fucking crap
+||||avar||||I own one||||
+Searching is for avar own one
+Searching are for avar own one
+Searching is for avar own one
+Searching are for avar own one
+||||mendel||||itunes works the same in both places. so...||||
+Searching is for itunes works the same in both places. so...
+Searching are for itunes works the same in both places. so...
+Searching is for itunes works the same in both places. so
+Searching are for itunes works the same in both places. so
+||||sungo||||stick my creative mass-media-spec-compliant player in there and nothing sees it except the finder. iTunes won't even sensibly copy files over to it. It *has* to delete the directory structure.||||
+Searching is for stick sungo's creative mass-media-spec-compliant player in there and nothing sees it except the finder. itunes won't even sensibly copy files over to it. it *has* to delete the directory structure.
+Searching are for stick sungo's creative mass-media-spec-compliant player in there and nothing sees it except the finder. itunes won't even sensibly copy files over to it. it *has* to delete the directory structure.
+Searching is for stick sungo's creative mass-media-spec-compliant player in there and nothing sees it except the finder. itunes won't even sensibly copy files over to it. it *has* to delete the directory structure
+Searching are for stick sungo's creative mass-media-spec-compliant player in there and nothing sees it except the finder. itunes won't even sensibly copy files over to it. it *has* to delete the directory structure
+||||sungo||||huh. SAMPLE||||
+Searching is for sample
+Searching are for sample
+Searching is for sample
+Searching are for sample
+||||mendel||||I should reload my shuffle.||||
+Searching is for mendel should reload mendel's shuffle.
+Searching are for mendel should reload mendel's shuffle.
+Searching is for mendel should reload mendel's shuffle
+Searching are for mendel should reload mendel's shuffle
+||||mendel||||luckily the ipod is integrated into linux.||||
+Searching is for luckily the ipod is integrated into linux.
+Searching are for luckily the ipod is integrated into linux.
+Searching is for luckily the ipod
+set;;is;;luckily the ipod;;integrated into linux.
+||||buu||||Like binding F1 to switch to window 1||||
+Searching is for like binding f1 to switch to window 1
+Searching are for like binding f1 to switch to window 1
+Searching is for like binding f1 to switch to window 1
+Searching are for like binding f1 to switch to window 1
+||||inferno||||Kind of irrelevant that Windows supports the iPod. I'm referring more to the fact that the only reason OS X can be so easy to install, and that I don't have to spend hours masturbating over configuration riddles is because Apple chose their One True Way of how the world should be, and implemented it.||||
+Searching is for kind of irrelevant that windows supports the ipod. inferno is referring more to the fact that the only reason os x can be so easy to install, and that inferno don't have to spend hours masturbating over configuration riddles is because apple chose their one true way of how the world should be, and implemented it.
+Searching are for kind of irrelevant that windows supports the ipod. inferno is referring more to the fact that the only reason os x can be so easy to install, and that inferno don't have to spend hours masturbating over configuration riddles is because apple chose their one true way of how the world should be, and implemented it.
+||||buu||||Or ctrl-x to window kill||||
+Searching is for ctrl-x to window kill
+Searching are for ctrl-x to window kill
+Searching is for ctrl-x to window kill
+Searching are for ctrl-x to window kill
+||||buu||||Or something.||||
+Searching is for something.
+Searching are for something.
+Searching is for something
+Searching are for something
+||||cfedde||||remember. replacing the hd in your iBook requires a degree in mechanical engineering.||||
+Searching is for remember. replacing the hd in your ibook requires a degree in mechanical engineering.
+Searching are for remember. replacing the hd in your ibook requires a degree in mechanical engineering.
+Searching is for remember. replacing the hd in your ibook requires a degree in mechanical engineering
+Searching are for remember. replacing the hd in your ibook requires a degree in mechanical engineering
+||||inferno||||for people that hate OS X, great, but for people that love it, it's easier than taking a poop over a good book||||
+Searching is for for people that hate os x, great, but for people that love it, it's easier than taking a poop over a good book
+Searching are for for people that hate os x, great, but for people that love it, it's easier than taking a poop over a good book
+Searching is for for people that hate os x, great, but for people that love it, it's easier than taking a poop over a good book
+Searching are for for people that hate os x, great, but for people that love it, it's easier than taking a poop over a good book
+||||mendel||||Wait wait. You're the one that brought up the iPod! You said that it was one reason why having a single platform is good.||||
+Searching is for wait wait. you are the one that brought up the ipod! you said that it was one reason why having a single platform is good.
+Searching are for wait wait. you are the one that brought up the ipod! you said that it was one reason why having a single platform is good.
+||||sungo||||try plugging a non-apple bluetooth frob into a mac.||||
+Searching is for try plugging a non-apple bluetooth frob into a mac.
+Searching are for try plugging a non-apple bluetooth frob into a mac.
+Searching is for try plugging a non-apple bluetooth frob into a mac
+Searching are for try plugging a non-apple bluetooth frob into a mac
+||||mendel||||I haven't had those configuration riddles in Windows on corporate-standard hardware, though, either. Hell, even Linux just worked on this D600.||||
+Searching is for mendel has not had those configuration riddles in windows on corporate-standard hardware, though, either. hell, even linux just worked on this d600.
+Searching are for mendel has not had those configuration riddles in windows on corporate-standard hardware, though, either. hell, even linux just worked on this d600.
+Searching is for mendel has not had those configuration riddles in windows on corporate-standard hardware, though, either. hell, even linux just worked on this d600
+Searching are for mendel has not had those configuration riddles in windows on corporate-standard hardware, though, either. hell, even linux just worked on this d600
+||||sungo||||try plugging the vast majority of usb wireless devices into a mac||||
+Searching is for try plugging the vast majority of usb wireless devices into a mac
+Searching are for try plugging the vast majority of usb wireless devices into a mac
+Searching is for try plugging the vast majority of usb wireless devices into a mac
+Searching are for try plugging the vast majority of usb wireless devices into a mac
+||||mdxi||||i don't hate os x or macs. i own several, have used them since the late 90s, and plan to buy more. i just can't deal with a Mac OS as my primary workspace.||||
+Searching is for mdxi don't hate os x or macs. mdxi own several, have used them since the late 90s, and plan to buy more. mdxi just can't deal with a mac os as mdxi's primary workspace.
+Searching are for mdxi don't hate os x or macs. mdxi own several, have used them since the late 90s, and plan to buy more. mdxi just can't deal with a mac os as mdxi's primary workspace.
+Searching is for mdxi don't hate os x or macs. mdxi own several, have used them since the late 90s, and plan to buy more. mdxi just can't deal with a mac os as mdxi's primary workspace
+Searching are for mdxi don't hate os x or macs. mdxi own several, have used them since the late 90s, and plan to buy more. mdxi just can't deal with a mac os as mdxi's primary workspace
+||||mdxi||||though 10.5 might be worth another try||||
+Searching is for though 10.5 might be worth another try
+Searching are for though 10.5 might be worth another try
+Searching is for though 10.5 might be worth another try
+Searching are for though 10.5 might be worth another try
+||||inferno||||(time machine)++||||
+Searching is for (time machine)++
+Searching are for (time machine)++
+Searching is for (time machine)++
+Searching are for (time machine)++
+++;;time machine
+||||avar||||Try plugging a Ogg file into Windows, your point?||||
+Searching is for try plugging a ogg file into windows, your point
+Searching are for try plugging a ogg file into windows, your point
+Searching is for try plugging a ogg file into windows, your point
+Searching are for try plugging a ogg file into windows, your point
+||||mdxi||||time machine, bah. virts.||||
+Searching is for time machine, bah. virts.
+Searching are for time machine, bah. virts.
+Searching is for time machine, bah. virts
+Searching are for time machine, bah. virts
+||||sungo||||my point is simple. Everyone raves about how everything "just works" on a mac. That's true but only if you use the very limited set of hardware that apple has deemed worthy. ||||
+Searching is for sungo's point is simple. everyone raves about how everything "just works" on a mac. that's true but only if you use the very limited set of hardware that apple has deemed worthy.
+Searching are for sungo's point is simple. everyone raves about how everything "just works" on a mac. that's true but only if you use the very limited set of hardware that apple has deemed worthy.
+Searching is for sungo's point
+set;;is;;sungo's point;;simple. Everyone raves about how everything "just works" on a mac. That's true but only if you use the very limited set of hardware that apple has deemed worthy.
+||||mdxi||||all my important files are already in svn repos (and the repos are mirrored on a local and remote machine)||||
+Searching is for all mdxi's important files are already in svn repos (and the repos are mirrored on a local and remote machine)
+Searching are for all mdxi's important files are already in svn repos (and the repos are mirrored on a local and remote machine)
+||||hide||||seen lamech ||||
+Searching is for seen lamech
+Searching are for seen lamech
+Searching is for seen lamech
+Searching are for seen lamech
+||||avar||||I find the whole thing stupid anyway||||
+Searching is for avar find the whole thing stupid
+Searching are for avar find the whole thing stupid
+Searching is for avar find the whole thing stupid
+Searching are for avar find the whole thing stupid
+||||mdxi||||i don't mind proprietary software, as long as it doesn't have my data trapped inside it.||||
+Searching is for mdxi don't mind proprietary software, as long as it doesn't have mdxi's data trapped inside it.
+Searching are for mdxi don't mind proprietary software, as long as it doesn't have mdxi's data trapped inside it.
+Searching is for mdxi don't mind proprietary software, as long as it doesn't have mdxi's data trapped inside it
+Searching are for mdxi don't mind proprietary software, as long as it doesn't have mdxi's data trapped inside it
+||||cfedde||||you won't need your data when you use proprir-o-mat!||||
+Searching is for you won't need your data when you use proprir-o-mat!
+Searching are for you won't need your data when you use proprir-o-mat!
+Searching is for you won't need your data when you use proprir-o-mat
+Searching are for you won't need your data when you use proprir-o-mat
+||||inferno||||iTMS, very sweet. iTMS, pieceashit evil DRM useless garbage die-apple-die||||
+Searching is for itms, very sweet. itms, pieceashit evil drm useless garbage die-apple-die
+Searching are for itms, very sweet. itms, pieceashit evil drm useless garbage die-apple-die
+Searching is for itms, very sweet. itms, pieceashit evil drm useless garbage die-apple-die
+Searching are for itms, very sweet. itms, pieceashit evil drm useless garbage die-apple-die
+||||cfedde||||let's see. Put my data on the web based spredsheet/wordprocessor||||
+Searching is for let's see. put cfedde's data on the web based spredsheet/wordprocessor
+Searching are for let's see. put cfedde's data on the web based spredsheet/wordprocessor
+Searching is for let's see. put cfedde's data on the web based spredsheet/wordprocessor
+Searching are for let's see. put cfedde's data on the web based spredsheet/wordprocessor
+||||lamech||||honk hide||||
+Searching is for honk hide
+Searching are for honk hide
+Searching is for honk hide
+Searching are for honk hide
+||||Frakkle||||Proprietary software is neutral.||||
+Searching is for proprietary software is neutral.
+Searching are for proprietary software is neutral.
+Searching is for proprietary software
+set;;is;;proprietary software;;neutral.
+||||Frakkle||||Software quality has nothing to do with being opensource or proprietary.||||
+Searching is for software quality has nothing to do with being opensource or proprietary.
+Searching are for software quality has nothing to do with being opensource or proprietary.
+Searching is for software quality has nothing to do with being opensource or proprietary
+Searching are for software quality has nothing to do with being opensource or proprietary
+||||Frakkle||||It has to do with its userbase and its developers.||||
+Searching is for it has to do with its userbase and its developers.
+Searching are for it has to do with its userbase and its developers.
+Searching is for it has to do with its userbase and its developers
+Searching are for it has to do with its userbase and its developers
+||||mendel||||If it's broken, the quality has a better chance of improving if I am allowed, and have access, to fix it.||||
+Searching is for if it's broken, the quality has a better chance of improving if mendel is allowed, and have access, to fix it.
+Searching are for if it's broken, the quality has a better chance of improving if mendel is allowed, and have access, to fix it.
+||||mendel||||For example.||||
+Searching is for for example.
+Searching are for for example.
+Searching is for for example
+Searching are for for example
+||||Frakkle||||Yes and no.||||
+Searching is for and no.
+Searching are for and no.
+Searching is for and no
+Searching are for and no
+||||mendel||||Where's the "no"?||||
+Searching is for is the "no"
+Searching are for is the "no"
+Searching is for "no"
+||||Frakkle||||If it's open, you often end up with random people of various coding capability making changes that may further break it instead of improving it.||||
+Searching is for if it's open, you often end up with random people of various coding capability making changes that may further break it instead of improving it.
+Searching are for if it's open, you often end up with random people of various coding capability making changes that may further break it instead of improving it.
+Searching is for if it's open, you often end up with random people of various coding capability making changes that may further break it instead of improving it
+Searching are for if it's open, you often end up with random people of various coding capability making changes that may further break it instead of improving it
+||||mendel||||All things being equal, availability of source and file-format information and the right to modify it or to have people modify it for you will improve software compared to not having that right or access.||||
+Searching is for all things being equal, availability of source and file-format information and the right to modify it or to have people modify it for you will improve software compared to not having that right or access.
+Searching are for all things being equal, availability of source and file-format information and the right to modify it or to have people modify it for you will improve software compared to not having that right or access.
+Searching is for all things being equal, availability of source and file-format information and the right to modify it or to have people modify it for you will improve software compared to not having that right or access
+Searching are for all things being equal, availability of source and file-format information and the right to modify it or to have people modify it for you will improve software compared to not having that right or access
+||||Frakkle||||Alternatively, you'll end up with various fragments / branches of the software, which quickly become incompatible with other versions.||||
+Searching is for alternatively, you'll end up with various fragments / branches of the software, which quickly become incompatible with other versions.
+Searching are for alternatively, you'll end up with various fragments / branches of the software, which quickly become incompatible with other versions.
+Searching is for alternatively, you'll end up with various fragments / branches of the software, which quickly become incompatible with other versions
+Searching are for alternatively, you'll end up with various fragments / branches of the software, which quickly become incompatible with other versions
+||||mendel||||I haven't experienced that, in the main distribution stream of open-source software. Can you give me an example?||||
+Searching is for mendel has not experienced that, in the main distribution stream of open-source software. can you give mendel an example
+Searching are for mendel has not experienced that, in the main distribution stream of open-source software. can you give mendel an example
+Searching is for mendel has not experienced that, in the main distribution stream of open-source software. can you give mendel an example
+Searching are for mendel has not experienced that, in the main distribution stream of open-source software. can you give mendel an example
+||||mendel||||Branches, sure, but that's fine, because you can ignore the branches you don't like and still have software.||||
+Searching is for branches, sure, but that's fine, because you can ignore the branches you don't like and still have software.
+Searching are for branches, sure, but that's fine, because you can ignore the branches you don't like and still have software.
+Searching is for branches, sure, but that's fine, because you can ignore the branches you don't like and still have software
+Searching are for branches, sure, but that's fine, because you can ignore the branches you don't like and still have software
+||||Frakkle||||Well, then you have no central location to get "X" software.||||
+Searching is for then you have no central location to get "x" software.
+Searching are for then you have no central location to get "x" software.
+Searching is for then you have no central location to get "x" software
+Searching are for then you have no central location to get "x" software
+||||mendel||||Right, but all things weren't equal in those cases.||||
+Searching is for right, but all things weren't equal in those cases.
+Searching are for right, but all things weren't equal in those cases.
+Searching is for right, but all things weren't equal in those cases
+Searching are for right, but all things weren't equal in those cases
+||||mendel||||What? Sure you do. I know exactly where to get mainstream, reliable xemacs, and I know exactly where to get mainstream, reliable, GNU emacs.||||
+Searching is for what? sure you do. mendel know exactlyto get mainstream, reliable xemacs, and mendel know exactly where to get mainstream, reliable, gnu emacs.
+Searching are for what? sure you do. mendel know exactlyto get mainstream, reliable xemacs, and mendel know exactly where to get mainstream, reliable, gnu emacs.
+Searching is for what? sure you do. mendel know exactlyto get mainstream, reliable xemacs, and mendel know exactly where to get mainstream, reliable, gnu emacs
+Searching are for what? sure you do. mendel know exactlyto get mainstream, reliable xemacs, and mendel know exactly where to get mainstream, reliable, gnu emacs
+||||inferno||||Evolution is unusably slow, sometimes filters my mail, sometimes doesn't, has a crasher bug when moving over the expand/collapse arrow in /one/ of my folders! Network manager gets confused by hidden essids...||||
+Searching is for evolution is unusably slow, sometimes filters inferno's mail, sometimes doesn't, has a crasher bug when moving over the expand/collapse arrow in /one/ of inferno's folders! network manager gets confused by hidden essids...
+Searching are for evolution is unusably slow, sometimes filters inferno's mail, sometimes doesn't, has a crasher bug when moving over the expand/collapse arrow in /one/ of inferno's folders! network manager gets confused by hidden essids...
+Searching is for evolution
+set;;is;;evolution;;unusably slow, sometimes filters inferno's mail, sometimes doesn't, has a crasher bug when moving over the expand/collapse arrow in /one/ of inferno's folders! Network manager gets confused by hidden essids...
+||||inferno||||these are bugs in basic operations, let alone if I were stress-testing this shit||||
+Searching is for these are bugs in basic operations, let alone if inferno were stress-testing this shit
+Searching are for these are bugs in basic operations, let alone if inferno were stress-testing this shit
+||||Frakkle||||Well, sure. Emacs has itself stapled down already.||||
+Searching is for sure. emacs has itself stapled down already.
+Searching are for sure. emacs has itself stapled down already.
+Searching is for sure. emacs has itself stapled down already
+Searching are for sure. emacs has itself stapled down already
+||||mendel||||I don't think you understand what I said. *All things being equal*, that one parameter causes the thing I said.||||
+Searching is for mendel don't think you understandmendel said. *all things being equal*, that one parameter causes the thing mendel said.
+Searching are for mendel don't think you understandmendel said. *all things being equal*, that one parameter causes the thing mendel said.
+Searching is for mendel don't think you understandmendel said. *all things being equal*, that one parameter causes the thing mendel said
+Searching are for mendel don't think you understandmendel said. *all things being equal*, that one parameter causes the thing mendel said
+||||mendel||||It's impossible to measure the effect of that one parameter in aggregate in the real world though.||||
+Searching is for it's impossible to measure the effect of that one parameter in aggregate in the real world though.
+Searching are for it's impossible to measure the effect of that one parameter in aggregate in the real world though.
+Searching is for it's impossible to measure the effect of that one parameter in aggregate in the real world though
+Searching are for it's impossible to measure the effect of that one parameter in aggregate in the real world though
+||||Frakkle||||There are a few applications that have succeeded in the opensource world. But many others who fragment/fall through the cracks/etc.||||
+Searching is for there are a few applications that have succeeded in the opensource world. but many othersfragment/fall through the cracks/etc.
+Searching are for there are a few applications that have succeeded in the opensource world. but many othersfragment/fall through the cracks/etc.
+Searching are for few applications that have succeeded in the opensource world. but many othersfragment/fall through the cracks/etc.
+||||Frakkle||||That's my observation anyway.||||
+Searching is for that's frakkle's observation .
+Searching are for that's frakkle's observation .
+Searching is for that's frakkle's observation
+Searching are for that's frakkle's observation
+||||mendel||||Proprietaryness tends to come with a lot of *other* things that make software better, but that's not the proprietariness at work.||||
+Searching is for proprietaryness tends to come with a lot of *other* things that make software better, but that's not the proprietariness at work.
+Searching are for proprietaryness tends to come with a lot of *other* things that make software better, but that's not the proprietariness at work.
+Searching is for proprietaryness tends to come with a lot of *other* things that make software better, but that's not the proprietariness at work
+Searching are for proprietaryness tends to come with a lot of *other* things that make software better, but that's not the proprietariness at work
+||||Frakkle||||Right. That's why I said it's neutral.||||
+Searching is for right. that's why frakkle said it's neutral.
+Searching are for right. that's why frakkle said it's neutral.
+Searching is for right. that's why frakkle said it's neutral
+Searching are for right. that's why frakkle said it's neutral
+Searching is for huh
+Searching are for huh
+Searching is for huh
+Searching are for huh
+||||Frakkle||||Priorietariness doesn't impact software quality in a positive or negative way.||||
+Searching is for priorietariness doesn't impact software quality in a positive or negative way.
+Searching are for priorietariness doesn't impact software quality in a positive or negative way.
+Searching is for priorietariness doesn't impact software quality in a positive or negative way
+Searching are for priorietariness doesn't impact software quality in a positive or negative way
+||||Frakkle||||Which was my only point.||||
+Searching is for which was frakkle's only point.
+Searching are for which was frakkle's only point.
+Searching is for which was frakkle's only point
+Searching are for which was frakkle's only point
+||||mendel||||Right, that's the point that its wrong.||||
+Searching is for right, that's the point that its wrong.
+Searching are for right, that's the point that its wrong.
+Searching is for right, that's the point that its wrong
+Searching are for right, that's the point that its wrong
+||||Frakkle||||How so?||||
+Searching is for how so
+Searching are for how so
+Searching is for how so
+Searching are for how so
+||||mendel||||It's just you keep backing up that point with examples that are not about proprietariness.||||
+Searching is for it's just you keep backing up that point with examples that are not about proprietariness.
+Searching are for it's just you keep backing up that point with examples that are not about proprietariness.
+||||mendel||||It is wrong because being able to see inside the program and inside its file formats can only improve the quality of the software.||||
+Searching is for it is wrong because being able to see inside the program and inside its file formats can only improve the quality of the software.
+Searching are for it is wrong because being able to see inside the program and inside its file formats can only improve the quality of the software.
+Searching is for it
+set;;is;;it;;wrong because being able to see inside the program and inside its file formats can only improve the quality of the software.
+||||mendel||||(And having the right to modify it.)||||
+Searching is for (and having the right to modify it.)
+Searching are for (and having the right to modify it.)
+Searching is for (and having the right to modify it.)
+Searching are for (and having the right to modify it.)
+||||Frakkle||||But the vendor is responsible for improving its quality.||||
+Searching is for the vendor is responsible for improving its quality.
+Searching are for the vendor is responsible for improving its quality.
+Searching is for vendor
+set;;is;;vendor;;responsible for improving its quality.
+||||mendel||||Right, but so are open-source vendors.||||
+Searching is for right, but so are open-source vendors.
+Searching are for right, but so are open-source vendors.
+Searching are for right, but so
+set;;are;;right, but so;;open-source vendors.
+||||Frakkle||||Indeed, but having them make the change doesn't make it non-quality software.||||
+Searching is for indeed, but having them make the change doesn't make it non-quality software.
+Searching are for indeed, but having them make the change doesn't make it non-quality software.
+Searching is for indeed, but having them make the change doesn't make it non-quality software
+Searching are for indeed, but having them make the change doesn't make it non-quality software
+||||mendel||||I don't know what "non-quality" means.||||
+Searching is for mendel don't know"non-quality" means.
+Searching are for mendel don't know"non-quality" means.
+Searching is for mendel don't know"non-quality" means
+Searching are for mendel don't know"non-quality" means
+||||inferno||||What the proprietary model often does automatically is bring focus to the development, instead of the too many cooks, let everyone be heard on the mailing list, free software way.||||
+Searching is for is the proprietary model often does automatically bring focus to the development, instead of the too many cooks, let everyone be heard on the mailing list, free software way.
+Searching are for is the proprietary model often does automatically bring focus to the development, instead of the too many cooks, let everyone be heard on the mailing list, free software way.
+Searching is for proprietary model often does automatically bring focus to the development, instead of the too many cooks, let everyone be heard on the mailing list, free software way.
+||||inferno||||Software designed by a community is deadly.||||
+Searching is for software designed by a community is deadly.
+Searching are for software designed by a community is deadly.
+Searching is for software designed by a community
+set;;is;;software designed by a community;;deadly.
+||||mendel||||But that model applies fine to open-source software too. Open-source does not mean community development.||||
+Searching is for that model applies fine to open-source software too. open-source does not mean community development.
+Searching are for that model applies fine to open-source software too. open-source does not mean community development.
+Searching is for that model applies fine to open-source software too. open-source does not mean community development
+Searching are for that model applies fine to open-source software too. open-source does not mean community development
+||||mendel||||Open-source means you have access to the source and the right to modify it and distribute your modifications. ||||
+Searching is for open-source means you have access to the source and the right to modify it and distribute your modifications.
+Searching are for open-source means you have access to the source and the right to modify it and distribute your modifications.
+Searching is for open-source means you have access to the source and the right to modify it and distribute your modifications
+Searching are for open-source means you have access to the source and the right to modify it and distribute your modifications
+||||mendel||||Open-source does *not* mean that it was developed by a community.||||
+Searching is for open-source does *not* mean that it was developed by a community.
+Searching are for open-source does *not* mean that it was developed by a community.
+Searching is for open-source does *not* mean that it was developed by a community
+Searching are for open-source does *not* mean that it was developed by a community
+||||mendel||||Let me harp on "all things being equal" some more.||||
+Searching is for let mendel harp on "all things being equal" some more.
+Searching are for let mendel harp on "all things being equal" some more.
+Searching is for let mendel harp on "all things being equal" some more
+Searching are for let mendel harp on "all things being equal" some more
+||||inferno||||In practice, I think it does. Ubuntu, for example, is all about its community, and has extensive governance structures to hold it together.||||
+Searching is for in practice, inferno think it does. ubuntu, for example, is all about its community, and has extensive governance structures to hold it together.
+Searching are for in practice, inferno think it does. ubuntu, for example, is all about its community, and has extensive governance structures to hold it together.
+||||sungo||||I tend to hate community development and discourage it as much as possible.||||
+Searching is for sungo tend to hate community development and discourage it as much as possible.
+Searching are for sungo tend to hate community development and discourage it as much as possible.
+Searching is for sungo tend to hate community development and discourage it as much as possible
+Searching are for sungo tend to hate community development and discourage it as much as possible
+||||mendel||||It doesn't necessarily. Mitel Standard Linux, for example, is not about community at all.||||
+Searching is for it doesn't necessarily. mitel standard linux, for example, is not about community at all.
+Searching are for it doesn't necessarily. mitel standard linux, for example, is not about community at all.
+||||sungo||||neither is slackware or gentoo. If anything those two are about oligargy.||||
+Searching is for neither is slackware or gentoo. if anything those two are about oligargy.
+Searching are for neither is slackware or gentoo. if anything those two are about oligargy.
+Searching is for neither
+set;;is;;neither;;slackware or gentoo. If anything those two are about oligargy.
+||||inferno||||thing of the big projects though, that people have heard of: Firefox, Ubuntu, Debian, Apache, GNOME, KDE, all heavily community driven.||||
+Searching is for thing of the big projects though, that people have heard of: firefox, ubuntu, debian, apache, gnome, kde, all heavily community driven.
+Searching are for thing of the big projects though, that people have heard of: firefox, ubuntu, debian, apache, gnome, kde, all heavily community driven.
+Searching is for thing of the big projects though, that people have heard of: firefox, ubuntu, debian, apache, gnome, kde, all heavily community driven
+Searching are for thing of the big projects though, that people have heard of: firefox, ubuntu, debian, apache, gnome, kde, all heavily community driven
+Searching is for s/thing/think/
+Searching are for s/thing/think/
+Searching is for s/thing/think/
+Searching are for s/thing/think/
+||||mendel||||Yes, I agree that would make an interesting conversation, but it is not this one. ||||
+Searching is for mendel agree that would make an interesting conversation, but it is not this one.
+Searching are for mendel agree that would make an interesting conversation, but it is not this one.
+Searching is for lol
+Searching are for lol
+Searching is for lol
+Searching are for lol
+||||mendel||||Well, no, it's perfectly possible for software to be good while being closed source.||||
+Searching is for no, it's perfectly possible for software to be good while being closed source.
+Searching are for no, it's perfectly possible for software to be good while being closed source.
+Searching is for no, it's perfectly possible for software to be good while being closed source
+Searching are for no, it's perfectly possible for software to be good while being closed source
+||||mendel||||It's just that that identical software would be even better if it were *exactly the same* except also open-source.||||
+Searching is for it's just that that identical software would be even better if it were *exactly the same* except also open-source.
+Searching are for it's just that that identical software would be even better if it were *exactly the same* except also open-source.
+Searching is for it's just that that identical software would be even better if it were *exactly the same* except also open-source
+Searching are for it's just that that identical software would be even better if it were *exactly the same* except also open-source
+||||sungo||||I'd like to point out that the concepts of good and evil in conversation require an absolute scale that we all agree on.||||
+Searching is for sungo'd like to point out that the concepts of good and evil in conversation require an absolute scale that we all agree on.
+Searching are for sungo'd like to point out that the concepts of good and evil in conversation require an absolute scale that we all agree on.
+Searching is for sungo'd like to point out that the concepts of good and evil in conversation require an absolute scale that we all agree on
+Searching are for sungo'd like to point out that the concepts of good and evil in conversation require an absolute scale that we all agree on
+||||inferno||||Windows "interface"? er, no thanks.||||
+Searching is for windows "interface"? er, no thanks.
+Searching are for windows "interface"? er, no thanks.
+Searching is for windows "interface"? er, no thanks
+Searching are for windows "interface"? er, no thanks
+||||Frakkle||||I guess that really boils down to both user preference (I like software that just works, that I can ignore the code behind), and dismissing the idea of stealing code from an open-source project.||||
+Searching is for frakkle guess that really boils down to both user preference (i like software that just works, that frakkle can ignore the code behind), and dismissing the idea of stealing code from an open-source project.
+Searching are for frakkle guess that really boils down to both user preference (i like software that just works, that frakkle can ignore the code behind), and dismissing the idea of stealing code from an open-source project.
+Searching is for frakkle guess that really boils down to both user preference (i like software that just works, that frakkle can ignore the code behind), and dismissing the idea of stealing code from an open-source project
+Searching are for frakkle guess that really boils down to both user preference (i like software that just works, that frakkle can ignore the code behind), and dismissing the idea of stealing code from an open-source project
+||||clintp||||I say we use HITLER to set the scale.||||
+Searching is for clintp say we use hitler to set the scale.
+Searching are for clintp say we use hitler to set the scale.
+Searching is for clintp say we use hitler to set the scale
+Searching are for clintp say we use hitler to set the scale
+||||sungo||||who is our new hitler? and don't say gates or balmer. pick a programmer :)||||
+Searching is for is our new hitler? and don't say gates or balmer. pick a programmer :)
+Searching are for is our new hitler? and don't say gates or balmer. pick a programmer :)
+Searching is for our new hitler? and don't say gates or balmer. pick a programmer :)
+||||mendel||||Being open-source doesn't mean you have to pay attention to the code. That doesn't make sense.||||
+Searching is for being open-source doesn't mean you have to pay attention to the code. that doesn't make sense.
+Searching are for being open-source doesn't mean you have to pay attention to the code. that doesn't make sense.
+Searching is for being open-source doesn't mean you have to pay attention to the code. that doesn't make sense
+Searching are for being open-source doesn't mean you have to pay attention to the code. that doesn't make sense
+||||LotR||||but hitler invented the VW Beetle! how can he be pure evil?!?!||||
+Searching is for hitler invented the vw beetle! how can he be pure evil?!?!
+Searching are for hitler invented the vw beetle! how can he be pure evil?!?!
+Searching is for hitler invented the vw beetle! how can he be pure evil
+Searching are for hitler invented the vw beetle! how can he be pure evil
+||||mendel||||I don't understand the "stealing" thing at all though||||
+Searching is for mendel don't understand the "stealing" thing at all though
+Searching are for mendel don't understand the "stealing" thing at all though
+Searching is for mendel don't understand the "stealing" thing at all though
+Searching are for mendel don't understand the "stealing" thing at all though
+||||sungo||||you always seem to find the most ... interesting conversations.||||
+Searching is for you always seem to find the most ... interesting conversations.
+Searching are for you always seem to find the most ... interesting conversations.
+Searching is for you always seem to find the most ... interesting conversations
+Searching are for you always seem to find the most ... interesting conversations
+||||ua||||seen dha||||
+Searching is for seen dha
+Searching are for seen dha
+Searching is for seen dha
+Searching are for seen dha
+||||inferno||||meanwhile, the software that i can't change, unfortunately, works.||||
+Searching is for meanwhile, the software that inferno can't change, unfortunately, works.
+Searching are for meanwhile, the software that inferno can't change, unfortunately, works.
+Searching is for meanwhile, the software that inferno can't change, unfortunately, works
+Searching are for meanwhile, the software that inferno can't change, unfortunately, works
+||||clintp||||I'd suggest RMS or ESR except they don't code.||||
+Searching is for clintp'd suggest rms or esr except they don't code.
+Searching are for clintp'd suggest rms or esr except they don't code.
+Searching is for clintp'd suggest rms or esr except they don't code
+Searching are for clintp'd suggest rms or esr except they don't code
+||||LotR||||yeah, my gnome desktop works fine too! :)||||
+Searching is for yeah, lotr's gnome desktop works fine too! :)
+Searching are for yeah, lotr's gnome desktop works fine too! :)
+Searching is for yeah, lotr's gnome desktop works fine too! :)
+Searching are for yeah, lotr's gnome desktop works fine too! :)
+||||Frakkle||||Well, let's say I've developed software for the local DOT. Then another district has a bid for a similar project. We would happily go after it. However, if it had been open-source, then it's more likely that a competing firm would borrow/steal/etc code and suddenly become competetive in the market on my dime and labor.||||
+Searching is for let's say frakkle has developed software for the local dot. then another district has a bid for a similar project. we would happily go after it. however, if it had been open-source, then it's more likely that a competing firm would borrow/steal/etc code and suddenly become competetive in the market on frakkle's dime and labor.
+Searching are for let's say frakkle has developed software for the local dot. then another district has a bid for a similar project. we would happily go after it. however, if it had been open-source, then it's more likely that a competing firm would borrow/steal/etc code and suddenly become competetive in the market on frakkle's dime and labor.
+Searching is for let's say frakkle has developed software for the local dot. then another district has a bid for a similar project. we would happily go after it. however, if it had been open-source, then it's more likely that a competing firm would borrow/steal/etc code and suddenly become competetive in the market on frakkle's dime and labor
+Searching are for let's say frakkle has developed software for the local dot. then another district has a bid for a similar project. we would happily go after it. however, if it had been open-source, then it's more likely that a competing firm would borrow/steal/etc code and suddenly become competetive in the market on frakkle's dime and labor
+||||inferno||||i wish i could convince myself that GNOME was a babe||||
+Searching is for inferno wish inferno could convince inferno that gnome was a babe
+Searching are for inferno wish inferno could convince inferno that gnome was a babe
+Searching is for inferno wish inferno could convince inferno that gnome was a babe
+Searching are for inferno wish inferno could convince inferno that gnome was a babe
+||||mendel||||Ok, but how does that reduce the quality of the software?||||
+Searching is for but how does that reduce the quality of the software
+Searching are for but how does that reduce the quality of the software
+Searching is for but how does that reduce the quality of the software
+Searching are for but how does that reduce the quality of the software
+||||genio||||well, there's always tybalt's perl window manager||||
+Searching is for there's always tybalt's perl window manager
+Searching are for there's always tybalt's perl window manager
+Searching is for there's always tybalt's perl window manager
+Searching are for there's always tybalt's perl window manager
+||||inferno||||that bugs been around for a long while too, i think||||
+Searching is for that bugs been around for a long while too, inferno think
+Searching are for that bugs been around for a long while too, inferno think
+Searching is for that bugs been around for a long while too, inferno think
+Searching are for that bugs been around for a long while too, inferno think
+||||LotR||||window manager NE desktop||||
+Searching is for window manager ne desktop
+Searching are for window manager ne desktop
+Searching is for window manager ne desktop
+Searching are for window manager ne desktop
+||||LotR||||I though enlightenment was supposed to be a desktop now too :)||||
+Searching is for lotr though enlightenment was supposed to be a desktop now too :)
+Searching are for lotr though enlightenment was supposed to be a desktop now too :)
+Searching is for lotr though enlightenment was supposed to be a desktop now too :)
+Searching are for lotr though enlightenment was supposed to be a desktop now too :)
+||||Frakkle||||Well, because suddenly the software has split into two paths of development, diminishing it.||||
+Searching is for because suddenly the software has split into two paths of development, diminishing it.
+Searching are for because suddenly the software has split into two paths of development, diminishing it.
+Searching is for because suddenly the software has split into two paths of development, diminishing it
+Searching are for because suddenly the software has split into two paths of development, diminishing it
+||||LotR||||how does two paths of dev. diminish the original in any way?!||||
+Searching is for how does two paths of dev. diminish the original in any way?!
+Searching are for how does two paths of dev. diminish the original in any way?!
+Searching is for how does two paths of dev. diminish the original in any way
+Searching are for how does two paths of dev. diminish the original in any way
+||||LotR||||it's not like you have to split up the features equally between the branches (or at all)||||
+Searching is for it's not like you have to split up the features equally between the branches (or at all)
+Searching are for it's not like you have to split up the features equally between the branches (or at all)
+Searching is for it's not like you have to split up the features equally between the branches (or at all)
+Searching are for it's not like you have to split up the features equally between the branches (or at all)
+||||LotR||||use Want qw(pony) #!!!||||
+Searching is for use want qw(pony) #!!!
+Searching are for use want qw(pony) #!!!
+Searching is for use want qw(pony) #
+Searching are for use want qw(pony) #
+||||Frakkle||||Bleh, back.||||
+Searching is for bleh, back.
+Searching are for bleh, back.
+Searching is for bleh, back
+Searching are for bleh, back
+||||mjl69||||Should Wx work with Strawberry Perl? I tried to install and it didn't install.||||
+Searching is for should wx work with strawberry perl? mjl69 tried to install and it didn't install.
+Searching are for should wx work with strawberry perl? mjl69 tried to install and it didn't install.
+Searching is for should wx work with strawberry perl? mjl69 tried to install and it didn't install
+Searching are for should wx work with strawberry perl? mjl69 tried to install and it didn't install
+||||avar||||Strawberry = distro?||||
+Searching is for strawberry = distro
+Searching are for strawberry = distro
+Searching is for strawberry = distro
+Searching are for strawberry = distro
+Searching is for flava
+Searching are for flava
+Searching is for flava
+Searching are for flava
+||||buu||||HALLO MR MAGNET.||||
+Searching is for hallo mr magnet.
+Searching are for hallo mr magnet.
+Searching is for hallo mr magnet
+Searching are for hallo mr magnet
+||||mendel||||Also a lot of time passed between panel 1 and 2. I think maybe Lynn's not paying much attention anymore.||||
+Searching is for also a lot of time passed between panel 1 and 2. mendel think maybe lynn's not paying much attention anymore.
+Searching are for also a lot of time passed between panel 1 and 2. mendel think maybe lynn's not paying much attention anymore.
+Searching is for also a lot of time passed between panel 1 and 2. mendel think maybe lynn's not paying much attention anymore
+Searching are for also a lot of time passed between panel 1 and 2. mendel think maybe lynn's not paying much attention anymore
+Searching is for yeah
+Searching are for yeah
+Searching is for yeah
+Searching are for yeah
+||||mendel||||I've never heard of _Marvin_ before.||||
+Searching is for mendel has never heard of _marvin_ before.
+Searching are for mendel has never heard of _marvin_ before.
+Searching is for mendel has never heard of _marvin_ before
+Searching are for mendel has never heard of _marvin_ before
+||||Theory||||A celebratory cheer similar to "yay" or "woo-hoo!"'||||
+Searching is for a celebratory cheer similar to "yay" or "woo-hoo!"'
+Searching are for a celebratory cheer similar to "yay" or "woo-hoo!"'
+Searching is for celebratory cheer similar to "yay" or "woo-hoo!"'
+Searching are for celebratory cheer similar to "yay" or "woo-hoo!"'
+Searching is for http://www.microsoft.com/athome/security/children/leetspeak.mspx
+Searching are for http://www.microsoft.com/athome/security/children/leetspeak.mspx
+Searching is for http://www.microsoft.com/athome/security/children/leetspeak.mspx
+Searching are for http://www.microsoft.com/athome/security/children/leetspeak.mspx
+||||shorten||||Theory's url is at http://xrl.us/rf8n||||
+Searching is for theory's url is at http://xrl.us/rf8n
+Searching are for theory's url is at http://xrl.us/rf8n
+Searching is for theory's url
+set;;is;;theory's url;;at http://xrl.us/rf8n
+Searching is for holycrapisthatreal
+Searching are for holycrapisthatreal
+Searching is for holycrapisthatreal
+Searching are for holycrapisthatreal
+||||Theory||||_|35, d00d||||
+Searching is for _|35, d00d
+Searching are for _|35, d00d
+Searching is for _|35, d00d
+Searching are for _|35, d00d
+||||gefilte||||dat i5 teh r0x0rz||||
+Searching is for dat i5 teh r0x0rz
+Searching are for dat i5 teh r0x0rz
+Searching is for dat i5 teh r0x0rz
+Searching are for dat i5 teh r0x0rz
+Searching is for w00t
+Searching are for w00t
+Searching is for w00t
+Searching are for w00t
+Searching is for |/|/0rd
+Searching are for |/|/0rd
+Searching is for |/|/0rd
+Searching are for |/|/0rd
+||||gefilte||||n0w 1 can 5p33k w!t de y00ts!||||
+Searching is for n0w 1 can 5p33k w!t de y00ts!
+Searching are for n0w 1 can 5p33k w!t de y00ts!
+Searching is for n0w 1 can 5p33k w!t de y00ts
+Searching are for n0w 1 can 5p33k w!t de y00ts
+||||Theory||||I guess I must've unsubscribed.||||
+Searching is for theory guess theory must've unsubscribed.
+Searching are for theory guess theory must've unsubscribed.
+Searching is for theory guess theory must've unsubscribed
+Searching are for theory guess theory must've unsubscribed
+||||Theory||||Something about my time and sanityâ¦||||
+Searching is for something about theory's time and sanityâ¦
+Searching are for something about theory's time and sanityâ¦
+Searching is for something about theory's time and sanityâ¦
+Searching are for something about theory's time and sanityâ¦
+Searching is for no
+Searching are for no
+Searching is for no
+Searching are for no
+||||aevil||||for that list, you chose well theory||||
+Searching is for for that list, you chose well theory
+Searching are for for that list, you chose well theory
+Searching is for for that list, you chose well theory
+Searching are for for that list, you chose well theory
+||||Theory||||II was on it for years, but little ever seemed to happen except for bitchfests once or twice a year.||||
+Searching is for ii was on it for years, but little ever seemed to happen except for bitchfests once or twice a year.
+Searching are for ii was on it for years, but little ever seemed to happen except for bitchfests once or twice a year.
+Searching is for ii was on it for years, but little ever seemed to happen except for bitchfests once or twice a year
+Searching are for ii was on it for years, but little ever seemed to happen except for bitchfests once or twice a year
+||||dngor||||Reading *.advocacy = throwing your life away.||||
+Searching is for reading *.advocacy = throwing your life away.
+Searching are for reading *.advocacy = throwing your life away.
+Searching is for reading *.advocacy = throwing your life away
+Searching are for reading *.advocacy = throwing your life away
+||||aevil||||theory...that would describe most of the perl mailing lists :)||||
+Searching is for theory...that would describe most of the perl mailing lists :)
+Searching are for theory...that would describe most of the perl mailing lists :)
+Searching is for theory...that would describe most of the perl mailing lists :)
+Searching are for theory...that would describe most of the perl mailing lists :)
+Searching is for true
+Searching are for true
+Searching is for true
+Searching are for true
+||||gefilte||||how does one really know such things...||||
+Searching is for how does one really know such things...
+Searching are for how does one really know such things...
+Searching is for how does one really know such things
+Searching are for how does one really know such things
+||||dngor||||He's also trying to bribe people to work on his forked CPAN modules. What a funny guy.||||
+Searching is for he's also trying to bribe people to work on his forked cpan modules.a funny guy.
+Searching are for he's also trying to bribe people to work on his forked cpan modules.a funny guy.
+Searching is for he's also trying to bribe people to work on his forked cpan modules.a funny guy
+Searching are for he's also trying to bribe people to work on his forked cpan modules.a funny guy
+||||lucs||||Sounds more like ignorance than outright lying.||||
+Searching is for sounds more like ignorance than outright lying.
+Searching are for sounds more like ignorance than outright lying.
+Searching is for sounds more like ignorance than outright lying
+Searching are for sounds more like ignorance than outright lying
+||||aevil|||| lucs...well, and even fewer social skills than is average around here.||||
+Searching is for lucs...well, and even fewer social skills than is average around here.
+Searching are for lucs...well, and even fewer social skills than is average around here.
+||||gefilte||||bribe people with....?||||
+Searching is for bribe people with....
+Searching are for bribe people with....
+Searching is for bribe people with
+Searching are for bribe people with
+||||lucs||||Hmm... That's possible? ;)||||
+Searching is for that's possible? ;)
+Searching are for that's possible? ;)
+Searching is for that's possible? ;)
+Searching are for that's possible? ;)
+||||Frakkle||||Whoa, what's going on?||||
+Searching is for whoa,is going on
+Searching are for whoa,is going on
+Searching is for whoa,is going on
+Searching are for whoa,is going on
+||||Frakkle||||Someone's stealing CPAN modules and trying to get people to work on them?||||
+Searching is for someone's stealing cpan modules and trying to get people to work on them
+Searching are for someone's stealing cpan modules and trying to get people to work on them
+Searching is for someone's stealing cpan modules and trying to get people to work on them
+Searching are for someone's stealing cpan modules and trying to get people to work on them
+||||aevil||||lucs...amazingly, yes. he means well, but is far too skilled in teh art of being abrasive||||
+Searching is for lucs...amazingly, yes. he means well, but is far too skilled in teh art of being abrasive
+Searching are for lucs...amazingly, yes. he means well, but is far too skilled in teh art of being abrasive
+||||LotR||||surely it's (almost?) always possible to be lower than an average||||
+Searching is for surely it's (almost?) always possible to be lower than an average
+Searching are for surely it's (almost?) always possible to be lower than an average
+Searching is for surely it's (almost?) always possible to be lower than an average
+Searching are for surely it's (almost?) always possible to be lower than an average
+||||buu||||Well, if the range is 0-100 and the average is 0..||||
+Searching is for if the range is 0-100 and the average is 0..
+Searching are for if the range is 0-100 and the average is 0..
+||||LotR||||then it's a badly chosen range :)||||
+Searching is for then it's a badly chosen range :)
+Searching are for then it's a badly chosen range :)
+Searching is for then it's a badly chosen range :)
+Searching are for then it's a badly chosen range :)
+||||lucs||||Er, right. My attempts to be funny put aside thinking :/||||
+Searching is for er, right. lucs's attempts to be funny put aside thinking :/
+Searching are for er, right. lucs's attempts to be funny put aside thinking :/
+Searching is for er, right. lucs's attempts to be funny put aside thinking :/
+Searching are for er, right. lucs's attempts to be funny put aside thinking :/
+||||gefilte||||KILLER QUEEN!||||
+Searching is for killer queen!
+Searching are for killer queen!
+Searching is for killer queen
+Searching are for killer queen
+||||aevil||||lucs....well, and knowing that the avg around here is a very, very low number :)||||
+Searching is for lucs....well, and knowing that the avg around here is a very, very low number :)
+Searching are for lucs....well, and knowing that the avg around here is a very, very low number :)
+||||aevil||||LOL...i heard about that...glad i missed that one :)||||
+Searching is for lol...i heard about that...glad aevil missed that one :)
+Searching are for lol...i heard about that...glad aevil missed that one :)
+Searching is for lol...i heard about that...glad aevil missed that one :)
+Searching are for lol...i heard about that...glad aevil missed that one :)
+||||cooperg||||Anyone alive in here? ||||
+Searching is for anyone alive in here
+Searching are for anyone alive in here
+Searching is for anyone alive in here
+Searching are for anyone alive in here
+||||rdice||||define 'alive'||||
+Searching is for define 'alive'
+Searching are for define 'alive'
+Searching is for define 'alive'
+Searching are for define 'alive'
+||||cooperg||||capable of answering a very noobish perl question. =D||||
+Searching is for capable of answering a very noobish perl question. =d
+Searching are for capable of answering a very noobish perl question. =d
+Searching is for capable of answering a very noobish perl question. =d
+Searching are for capable of answering a very noobish perl question. =d
+||||imMute||||grep { $_ == 2 } @list;||||
+Searching is for grep { $_ == 2 } @list;
+Searching are for grep { $_ == 2 } @list;
+Searching is for grep { $_ == 2 } @list;
+Searching are for grep { $_ == 2 } @list;
+||||cooperg||||It's short||||
+Searching is for it's short
+Searching are for it's short
+Searching is for it's short
+Searching are for it's short
+||||cooperg||||and not often||||
+Searching is for not often
+Searching are for not often
+Searching is for not often
+Searching are for not often
+||||cooperg||||I just don't want to have to do nested loops over and over if there's a better way. =)||||
+Searching is for cooperg just don't want to have to do nested loops over and over if there's a better way. =)
+Searching are for cooperg just don't want to have to do nested loops over and over if there's a better way. =)
+Searching is for cooperg just don't want to have to do nested loops over and over if there's a better way. =)
+Searching are for cooperg just don't want to have to do nested loops over and over if there's a better way. =)
+||||cooperg||||Great, thx =)||||
+Searching is for great, thx =)
+Searching are for great, thx =)
+Searching is for great, thx =)
+Searching are for great, thx =)
+Searching is for omg
+Searching are for omg
+Searching is for omg
+Searching are for omg
+||||Frakkle||||Exercise advice in #perl||||
+Searching is for exercise advice in #perl
+Searching are for exercise advice in #perl
+Searching is for exercise advice in #perl
+Searching are for exercise advice in #perl
+||||waltman||||So the PTB at my condo have decided to remodel the lobby. It's been torn up all month, and just in the past few days they've started making visible progress.||||
+Searching is for so the ptb at waltman's condo have decided to remodel the lobby. it's been torn up all month, and just in the past few days they've started making visible progress.
+Searching are for so the ptb at waltman's condo have decided to remodel the lobby. it's been torn up all month, and just in the past few days they've started making visible progress.
+Searching is for so the ptb at waltman's condo have decided to remodel the lobby. it's been torn up all month, and just in the past few days they've started making visible progress
+Searching are for so the ptb at waltman's condo have decided to remodel the lobby. it's been torn up all month, and just in the past few days they've started making visible progress
+||||waltman||||instead of the old dark, stain-hiding carpet, they decided to go with tiles. white stone tiles.||||
+Searching is for instead of the old dark, stain-hiding carpet, they decided to go with tiles. white stone tiles.
+Searching are for instead of the old dark, stain-hiding carpet, they decided to go with tiles. white stone tiles.
+Searching is for instead of the old dark, stain-hiding carpet, they decided to go with tiles. white stone tiles
+Searching are for instead of the old dark, stain-hiding carpet, they decided to go with tiles. white stone tiles
+||||waltman||||they're not even finished, and there's already a trail of mud around the front door.||||
+Searching is for they're not even finished, and there's already a trail of mud around the front door.
+Searching are for they're not even finished, and there's already a trail of mud around the front door.
+Searching is for they're not even finished, and there's already a trail of mud around the front door
+Searching are for they're not even finished, and there's already a trail of mud around the front door
+||||waltman||||they even tiled the elevators||||
+Searching is for they even tiled the elevators
+Searching are for they even tiled the elevators
+Searching is for they even tiled the elevators
+Searching are for they even tiled the elevators
+||||freeside||||i bet they've been working on this for over a week now with no end in site.||||
+Searching is for freeside bet they've been working on this for over a week now with no end in site.
+Searching are for freeside bet they've been working on this for over a week now with no end in site.
+Searching is for freeside bet they've been working on this for over a week now with no end in site
+Searching are for freeside bet they've been working on this for over a week now with no end in site
+Searching is for bah
+Searching are for bah
+Searching is for bah
+Searching are for bah
+||||freeside||||be waltman||||
+Searching is for be waltman
+Searching are for be waltman
+Searching is for be waltman
+Searching are for be waltman
+||||freeside||||be waltman||||
+Searching is for be waltman
+Searching are for be waltman
+Searching is for be waltman
+Searching are for be waltman
+||||freeside||||be waltman||||
+Searching is for be waltman
+Searching are for be waltman
+Searching is for be waltman
+Searching are for be waltman
+||||freeside||||be waltman||||
+Searching is for be waltman
+Searching are for be waltman
+Searching is for be waltman
+Searching are for be waltman
+||||waltman||||having fun?||||
+Searching is for having fun
+Searching are for having fun
+Searching is for having fun
+Searching are for having fun
+Searching is for hlagh
+Searching are for hlagh
+Searching is for hlagh
+Searching are for hlagh
+||||lamech||||and now, homeward||||
+Searching is for now, homeward
+Searching are for now, homeward
+Searching is for now, homeward
+Searching are for now, homeward
+Searching is for &
+Searching are for &
+Searching is for &
+Searching are for &
+||||mako132||||tru dat||||
+Searching is for tru dat
+Searching are for tru dat
+Searching is for tru dat
+Searching are for tru dat
+||||mako132||||Sox went to the same wonderful universe that the Bruins are in||||
+Searching is for sox went to the same wonderful universe that the bruins are in
+Searching are for sox went to the same wonderful universe that the bruins are in
+||||mako132||||I wonder if the Sox will ever have to forfeit due not enough men on the field||||
+Searching is for mako132 wonder if the sox will ever have to forfeit due not enough men on the field
+Searching are for mako132 wonder if the sox will ever have to forfeit due not enough men on the field
+Searching is for mako132 wonder if the sox will ever have to forfeit due not enough men on the field
+Searching are for mako132 wonder if the sox will ever have to forfeit due not enough men on the field
+||||mako132||||probably, there's a sucker born every minute||||
+Searching is for probably, there's a sucker born every minute
+Searching are for probably, there's a sucker born every minute
+Searching is for probably, there's a sucker born every minute
+Searching are for probably, there's a sucker born every minute
+||||mako132||||poor saps, it must be hell in the clubhouse||||
+Searching is for poor saps, it must be hell in the clubhouse
+Searching are for poor saps, it must be hell in the clubhouse
+Searching is for poor saps, it must be hell in the clubhouse
+Searching are for poor saps, it must be hell in the clubhouse
+||||mako132||||just that the tests will take a few days||||
+Searching is for just that the tests will take a few days
+Searching are for just that the tests will take a few days
+Searching is for just that the tests will take a few days
+Searching are for just that the tests will take a few days
+Searching is for 24.5*7/34.93/16
+Searching are for 24.5*7/34.93/16
+Searching is for 24.5*7/34.93/16
+Searching are for 24.5*7/34.93/16
+Searching is for 24.5*7/16
+Searching are for 24.5*7/16
+Searching is for 24.5*7/16
+Searching are for 24.5*7/16
+||||mendel||||What do British people call what Americans call chemists?||||
+Searching is for do british people call what americans call chemists
+Searching are for do british people call what americans call chemists
+Searching is for do british people call what americans call chemists
+Searching are for do british people call what americans call chemists
+||||mendel||||People that do chemistry for a living, but not pharmacy.||||
+Searching is for people that do chemistry for a living, but not pharmacy.
+Searching are for people that do chemistry for a living, but not pharmacy.
+Searching is for people that do chemistry for a living, but not pharmacy
+Searching are for people that do chemistry for a living, but not pharmacy
+||||geoffeg||||Boffin or something?||||
+Searching is for boffin or something
+Searching are for boffin or something
+Searching is for boffin or something
+Searching are for boffin or something
+||||cfedde||||compared to brand spanking new?||||
+Searching is for compared to brand spanking new
+Searching are for compared to brand spanking new
+Searching is for compared to brand spanking new
+Searching are for compared to brand spanking new
+Searching is for http://www.macmall.com/macmall/shop/detail~dpno~7051451.asp
+Searching are for http://www.macmall.com/macmall/shop/detail~dpno~7051451.asp
+Searching is for http://www.macmall.com/macmall/shop/detail~dpno~7051451.asp
+Searching are for http://www.macmall.com/macmall/shop/detail~dpno~7051451.asp
+||||cfedde||||Price Range: $1,275.00 - $1,499.00 from 19 Sellers||||
+Searching is for price range: $1,275.00 - $1,499.00 from 19 sellers
+Searching are for price range: $1,275.00 - $1,499.00 from 19 sellers
+Searching is for price range: $1,275.00 - $1,499.00 from 19 sellers
+Searching are for price range: $1,275.00 - $1,499.00 from 19 sellers
+||||cfedde||||grum grum grum||||
+Searching is for grum grum grum
+Searching are for grum grum grum
+Searching is for grum grum grum
+Searching are for grum grum grum
+||||sungo||||sungo it!||||
+Searching is for sungo it!
+Searching are for sungo it!
+Searching is for sungo it
+Searching are for sungo it
+||||Penguin||||sungo it!||||
+Searching is for sungo it!
+Searching are for sungo it!
+Searching is for sungo it
+Searching are for sungo it
+||||mdxi||||that reminds me of E.A. Poe's poem, "The Wangs"||||
+Searching is for that reminds mdxi of e.a. poe's poem, "the wangs"
+Searching are for that reminds mdxi of e.a. poe's poem, "the wangs"
+Searching is for that reminds mdxi of e.a. poe's poem, "the wangs"
+Searching are for that reminds mdxi of e.a. poe's poem, "the wangs"
+||||mdxi||||Oh, the Hurfburf-hulagulation of the wangs, wangs, wangs, wangs, wangs, wangs||||
+Searching is for the hurfburf-hulagulation of the wangs, wangs, wangs, wangs, wangs, wangs
+Searching are for the hurfburf-hulagulation of the wangs, wangs, wangs, wangs, wangs, wangs
+Searching is for hurfburf-hulagulation of the wangs, wangs, wangs, wangs, wangs, wangs
+Searching are for hurfburf-hulagulation of the wangs, wangs, wangs, wangs, wangs, wangs
+||||dngor||||Taste the salty massive wangs. THE WANGS WANGS WANGS SPAM WANGS WANGS WANGS RAT AND WANGS.||||
+Searching is for taste the salty massive wangs. the wangs wangs wangs spam wangs wangs wangs rat and wangs.
+Searching are for taste the salty massive wangs. the wangs wangs wangs spam wangs wangs wangs rat and wangs.
+Searching is for taste the salty massive wangs. the wangs wangs wangs spam wangs wangs wangs rat and wangs
+Searching are for taste the salty massive wangs. the wangs wangs wangs spam wangs wangs wangs rat and wangs
+Searching is for cockuspasulation
+Searching are for cockuspasulation
+Searching is for cockuspasulation
+Searching are for cockuspasulation
+Searching is for jesux
+Searching are for jesux
+Searching is for jesux
+Searching are for jesux
+||||dngor||||jesux is also at http://www.whatwouldjesusdownload.com/christianubuntu/2006/07/faq.html||||
+Searching is for jesux is also at http://www.whatwouldjesusdownload.com/christianubuntu/2006/07/faq.html
+Searching are for jesux is also at http://www.whatwouldjesusdownload.com/christianubuntu/2006/07/faq.html
+Searching is for jesux
+set;;is;;jesux;;at http://www.whatwouldjesusdownload.com/christianubuntu/2006/07/faq.html
+||||shorten||||dngor's url is at http://xrl.us/rgnc||||
+Searching is for dngor's url is at http://xrl.us/rgnc
+Searching are for dngor's url is at http://xrl.us/rgnc
+Searching is for dngor's url
+set;;is;;dngor's url;;at http://xrl.us/rgnc
+||||dngor||||It's not Jesux. It's an inferior competing product.||||
+Searching is for it's not jesux. it's an inferior competing product.
+Searching are for it's not jesux. it's an inferior competing product.
+Searching is for it's not jesux. it's an inferior competing product
+Searching are for it's not jesux. it's an inferior competing product
+||||dngor||||The Jesux you can install is not the true Jesux.||||
+Searching is for the jesux you can install is not the true jesux.
+Searching are for the jesux you can install is not the true jesux.
+Searching is for jesux you can install
+set;;is;;jesux you can install;;not the true Jesux.
+||||dngor||||Dunno. But they have a t-shirt. You could have monetized Jesux with some swag sales...||||
+Searching is for dunno. but they have a t-shirt. you could have monetized jesux with some swag sales...
+Searching are for dunno. but they have a t-shirt. you could have monetized jesux with some swag sales...
+Searching is for dunno. but they have a t-shirt. you could have monetized jesux with some swag sales
+Searching are for dunno. but they have a t-shirt. you could have monetized jesux with some swag sales
+||||dngor||||Yeah. The word leaves my entire GI tract sticky, like I just downed a cup of olive oil.||||
+Searching is for yeah. the word leaves dngor's entire gi tract sticky, like dngor just downed a cup of olive oil.
+Searching are for yeah. the word leaves dngor's entire gi tract sticky, like dngor just downed a cup of olive oil.
+Searching is for yeah. the word leaves dngor's entire gi tract sticky, like dngor just downed a cup of olive oil
+Searching are for yeah. the word leaves dngor's entire gi tract sticky, like dngor just downed a cup of olive oil
+||||dngor||||Oh, neat.||||
+Searching is for neat.
+Searching are for neat.
+Searching is for neat
+Searching are for neat
+||||dngor||||http://www.flickr.com/photos/liveu4/148438692/in/set-133287/ ... fun ad||||
+Searching is for http://www.flickr.com/photos/liveu4/148438692/in/set-133287/ ... fun ad
+Searching are for http://www.flickr.com/photos/liveu4/148438692/in/set-133287/ ... fun ad
+Searching is for http://www.flickr.com/photos/liveu4/148438692/in/set-133287/ ... fun ad
+Searching are for http://www.flickr.com/photos/liveu4/148438692/in/set-133287/ ... fun ad
+||||dngor||||And the two prior.||||
+Searching is for the two prior.
+Searching are for the two prior.
+Searching is for two prior
+Searching are for two prior
+||||vh||||referral/affiliate programs are the spawn of satan||||
+Searching is for referral/affiliate programs are the spawn of satan
+Searching are for referral/affiliate programs are the spawn of satan
+Searching are for referral/affiliate programs
+set;;are;;referral/affiliate programs;;the spawn of satan
+||||vh||||they turn your friends and acquaintences into nefarious tools||||
+Searching is for they turn your friends and acquaintences into nefarious tools
+Searching are for they turn your friends and acquaintences into nefarious tools
+Searching is for they turn your friends and acquaintences into nefarious tools
+Searching are for they turn your friends and acquaintences into nefarious tools
+||||waltman||||If you need to form the possessive, do you add another apostrophe, e.g. "Donte''s great catch in the 4th quarter"?||||
+Searching is for if you need to form the possessive, do you add another apostrophe, e.g. "donte''s great catch in the 4th quarter"
+Searching are for if you need to form the possessive, do you add another apostrophe, e.g. "donte''s great catch in the 4th quarter"
+Searching is for if you need to form the possessive, do you add another apostrophe, e.g. "donte''s great catch in the 4th quarter"
+Searching are for if you need to form the possessive, do you add another apostrophe, e.g. "donte''s great catch in the 4th quarter"
+||||waltman||||the Flyers used to have Rod Brind'Amour, but at least his apostrophe was in the middle||||
+Searching is for the flyers used to have rod brind'amour, but at least his apostrophe was in the middle
+Searching are for the flyers used to have rod brind'amour, but at least his apostrophe was in the middle
+Searching is for flyers used to have rod brind'amour, but at least his apostrophe was in the middle
+Searching are for flyers used to have rod brind'amour, but at least his apostrophe was in the middle
+||||avar||||Why would someone do void main(.. ?||||
+Searching is for why would someone do void main(..
+Searching are for why would someone do void main(..
+Searching is for why would someone do void main(
+Searching are for why would someone do void main(
+||||waltman||||because they're too lazy to type "return 0;" at the bottom?||||
+Searching is for because they're too lazy to type "return 0;" at the bottom
+Searching are for because they're too lazy to type "return 0;" at the bottom
+Searching is for because they're too lazy to type "return 0;" at the bottom
+Searching are for because they're too lazy to type "return 0;" at the bottom
+||||waltman||||and they've got calls to exit() at every possible exit point?||||
+Searching is for they've got calls to exit() at every possible exit point
+Searching are for they've got calls to exit() at every possible exit point
+Searching is for they've got calls to exit() at every possible exit point
+Searching are for they've got calls to exit() at every possible exit point
+||||avar||||someone = djb in qmail||||
+Searching is for someone = djb in qmail
+Searching are for someone = djb in qmail
+Searching is for someone = djb in qmail
+Searching are for someone = djb in qmail
+||||DrHyde||||because k&r says it's ok||||
+Searching is for because k&r says it's ok
+Searching are for because k&r says it's ok
+Searching is for because k&r says it's ok
+Searching are for because k&r says it's ok
+||||robkinyon||||How do I determine the PID of a process that is created with exec()?||||
+Searching is for how do robkinyon determine the pid of a process that is created with exec()
+Searching are for how do robkinyon determine the pid of a process that is created with exec()
+||||TonyC||||exec doesn't create a process||||
+Searching is for exec doesn't create a process
+Searching are for exec doesn't create a process
+Searching is for exec doesn't create a process
+Searching are for exec doesn't create a process
+||||robkinyon||||yes it does on OSX and certain linuxes||||
+Searching is for it does on osx and certain linuxes
+Searching are for it does on osx and certain linuxes
+Searching is for it does on osx and certain linuxes
+Searching are for it does on osx and certain linuxes
+||||TonyC||||exec replaces the currently executing binary in the current process, the process ID remains the same||||
+Searching is for exec replaces the currently executing binary in the current process, the process id remains the same
+Searching are for exec replaces the currently executing binary in the current process, the process id remains the same
+Searching is for exec replaces the currently executing binary in the current process, the process id remains the same
+Searching are for exec replaces the currently executing binary in the current process, the process id remains the same
+||||robkinyon||||that's not my experience||||
+Searching is for that's not robkinyon's experience
+Searching are for that's not robkinyon's experience
+Searching is for that's not robkinyon's experience
+Searching are for that's not robkinyon's experience
+||||waltman||||your experience sounds confused||||
+Searching is for your experience sounds confused
+Searching are for your experience sounds confused
+Searching is for your experience sounds confused
+Searching are for your experience sounds confused
+||||cfedde||||o/` hey mister space man, won't you please take me along, I won't do anything wrong o/`||||
+Searching is for o/` hey mister space man, won't you please take cfedde along, cfedde won't do anything wrong o/`
+Searching are for o/` hey mister space man, won't you please take cfedde along, cfedde won't do anything wrong o/`
+Searching is for o/` hey mister space man, won't you please take cfedde along, cfedde won't do anything wrong o/`
+Searching are for o/` hey mister space man, won't you please take cfedde along, cfedde won't do anything wrong o/`
+||||TonyC||||perl -le 'print $$; exec "/usr/bin/perl", "-le", q"print $$";'||||
+Searching is for perl -le 'print $$; exec "/usr/bin/perl", "-le", q"print $$";'
+Searching are for perl -le 'print $$; exec "/usr/bin/perl", "-le", q"print $$";'
+Searching is for perl -le 'print $$; exec "/usr/bin/perl", "-le", q"print $$";'
+Searching are for perl -le 'print $$; exec "/usr/bin/perl", "-le", q"print $$";'
+||||waltman||||do you mean the exec that's a builtin command in bash and zsh?||||
+Searching is for do you mean the exec that's a builtin command in bash and zsh
+Searching are for do you mean the exec that's a builtin command in bash and zsh
+Searching is for do you mean the exec that's a builtin command in bash and zsh
+Searching are for do you mean the exec that's a builtin command in bash and zsh
+||||robkinyon||||waltman - no, exec() in Perl||||
+Searching is for waltman - no, exec() in perl
+Searching are for waltman - no, exec() in perl
+Searching is for waltman - no, exec() in perl
+Searching are for waltman - no, exec() in perl
+||||waltman||||where would you even be checking it? exec doesn't return.||||
+Searching is for would you even be checking it? exec doesn't return.
+Searching are for would you even be checking it? exec doesn't return.
+Searching is for would you even be checking it? exec doesn't return
+Searching are for would you even be checking it? exec doesn't return
+||||robkinyon||||turns out that my shell is creating a subshell||||
+Searching is for turns out that robkinyon's shell is creating a subshell
+Searching are for turns out that robkinyon's shell is creating a subshell
+Searching is for turns out that robkinyon's shell
+set;;is;;turns out that robkinyon's shell;;creating a subshell
+||||cat-xeger||||Its' dry.||||
+Searching is for its' dry.
+Searching are for its' dry.
+Searching is for its' dry
+Searching are for its' dry
+||||cfedde||||o/` cause jesus he knows me, and he knows I'm right o/`||||
+Searching is for o/` cause jesus he knows cfedde, and he knows cfedde is right o/`
+Searching are for o/` cause jesus he knows cfedde, and he knows cfedde is right o/`
+||||robkinyon||||thanks for the help.||||
+Searching is for thanks for the help.
+Searching are for thanks for the help.
+Searching is for thanks for the help
+Searching are for thanks for the help
+||||waltman||||is the command you're running a shell?||||
+Searching is for is the command you are running a shell
+Searching are for is the command you are running a shell
+||||robkinyon||||the command was "USER=foo do_command.sh"||||
+Searching is for the command was "user=foo do_command.sh"
+Searching are for the command was "user=foo do_command.sh"
+Searching is for command was "user=foo do_command.sh"
+Searching are for command was "user=foo do_command.sh"
+||||TonyC||||you should only get a shell if you're passing a single argument to exec containing shell metacharacters (<, >, etc)||||
+Searching is for you should only get a shell if you are passing a single argument to exec containing shell metacharacters (<, >, etc)
+Searching are for you should only get a shell if you are passing a single argument to exec containing shell metacharacters (<, >, etc)
+||||robkinyon||||USER=foo spawns a child||||
+Searching is for user=foo spawns a child
+Searching are for user=foo spawns a child
+Searching is for user=foo spawns a child
+Searching are for user=foo spawns a child
+||||cfedde||||this technique will lead to madness.||||
+Searching is for this technique will lead to madness.
+Searching are for this technique will lead to madness.
+Searching is for this technique will lead to madness
+Searching are for this technique will lead to madness
+||||kismet||||it's like doing a system call on a string...||||
+Searching is for it's like doing a system call on a string...
+Searching are for it's like doing a system call on a string...
+Searching is for it's like doing a system call on a string
+Searching are for it's like doing a system call on a string
+||||robkinyon||||no - do_command.sh requires the env variable being set||||
+Searching is for no - do_command.sh requires the env variable being set
+Searching are for no - do_command.sh requires the env variable being set
+Searching is for no - do_command.sh requires the env variable being set
+Searching are for no - do_command.sh requires the env variable being set
+||||cfedde||||nothing good will ever result.||||
+Searching is for nothing good will ever result.
+Searching are for nothing good will ever result.
+Searching is for nothing good will ever result
+Searching are for nothing good will ever result
+||||robkinyon||||it's the correct command to run||||
+Searching is for it's the correct command to run
+Searching are for it's the correct command to run
+Searching is for it's the correct command to run
+Searching are for it's the correct command to run
+||||TonyC||||set it in $ENV{USER} before calling exec||||
+Searching is for set it in $env{user} before calling exec
+Searching are for set it in $env{user} before calling exec
+Searching is for set it in $env{user} before calling exec
+Searching are for set it in $env{user} before calling exec
+||||robkinyon||||That's not an option||||
+Searching is for that's not an option
+Searching are for that's not an option
+Searching is for that's not an option
+Searching are for that's not an option
+||||waltman||||why not?||||
+Searching is for why not
+Searching are for why not
+Searching is for why not
+Searching are for why not
+||||waltman||||is someone holding a gun to your head and forcing you to do the fork as a one-liner?||||
+Searching is for is someone holding a gun to your head and forcing you to do the fork as a one-liner
+Searching are for is someone holding a gun to your head and forcing you to do the fork as a one-liner
+||||robkinyon||||I can't set the ENV variable for other reasons.||||
+Searching is for robkinyon can't set the env variable for other reasons.
+Searching are for robkinyon can't set the env variable for other reasons.
+Searching is for robkinyon can't set the env variable for other reasons
+Searching are for robkinyon can't set the env variable for other reasons
+||||robkinyon||||setpgrp(0,0) solved the problem||||
+Searching is for setpgrp(0,0) solved the problem
+Searching are for setpgrp(0,0) solved the problem
+Searching is for setpgrp(0,0) solved the problem
+Searching are for setpgrp(0,0) solved the problem
+||||robkinyon||||provided by merlyn||||
+Searching is for provided by merlyn
+Searching are for provided by merlyn
+Searching is for provided by merlyn
+Searching are for provided by merlyn
+||||kismet||||%ENV doesn't work in your perl?||||
+Searching is for %env doesn't work in your perl
+Searching are for %env doesn't work in your perl
+Searching is for %env doesn't work in your perl
+Searching are for %env doesn't work in your perl
+||||robkinyon||||No - i can't override that ENV value in the parent process because it will screw up other stuff||||
+Searching is for no - robkinyon can't override that env value in the parent process because it will screw up other stuff
+Searching are for no - robkinyon can't override that env value in the parent process because it will screw up other stuff
+Searching is for no - robkinyon can't override that env value in the parent process because it will screw up other stuff
+Searching are for no - robkinyon can't override that env value in the parent process because it will screw up other stuff
+||||robkinyon||||(and, no, a temp variable doesn't help||||
+Searching is for (and, no, a temp variable doesn't help
+Searching are for (and, no, a temp variable doesn't help
+Searching is for (and, no, a temp variable doesn't help
+Searching are for (and, no, a temp variable doesn't help
+||||waltman||||if the command is meant to be run as a daemon, you might want to take a look at http://www.mawode.com/~waltman/talks/daemon/slide001.html||||
+Searching is for if the command is meant to be run as a daemon, you might want to take a look at http://www.mawode.com/~waltman/talks/daemon/slide001.html
+Searching are for if the command is meant to be run as a daemon, you might want to take a look at http://www.mawode.com/~waltman/talks/daemon/slide001.html
+Searching is for thanks
+Searching are for thanks
+Searching is for thanks
+Searching are for thanks
+||||waltman||||you'd be setting it in the child after the fork||||
+Searching is for you'd be setting it in the child after the fork
+Searching are for you'd be setting it in the child after the fork
+Searching is for you'd be setting it in the child after the fork
+Searching are for you'd be setting it in the child after the fork
+||||robkinyon||||hmm - didn't think of that||||
+Searching is for - didn't think of that
+Searching are for - didn't think of that
+Searching is for - didn't think of that
+Searching are for - didn't think of that
+||||robkinyon||||either way, i have a solution||||
+Searching is for either way, robkinyon has a solution
+Searching are for either way, robkinyon has a solution
+Searching is for either way, robkinyon has a solution
+Searching are for either way, robkinyon has a solution
+||||robkinyon||||that will work for other issues||||
+Searching is for that will work for other issues
+Searching are for that will work for other issues
+Searching is for that will work for other issues
+Searching are for that will work for other issues
+||||waltman||||if fork returns 0, then you're in the child. you can do anything you want before calling exec, including setting %ENV to what you want.||||
+Searching is for if fork returns 0, then you are in the child. you can do anything you want before calling exec, including setting %env toyou want.
+Searching are for if fork returns 0, then you are in the child. you can do anything you want before calling exec, including setting %env toyou want.
+Searching are for in the child. you can do anything you want before calling exec, including setting %env toyou want.
+||||kismet||||please tell me you've at least read perlsec||||
+Searching is for please tell kismet you've at least read perlsec
+Searching are for please tell kismet you've at least read perlsec
+Searching is for please tell kismet you've at least read perlsec
+Searching are for please tell kismet you've at least read perlsec
+||||robkinyon||||Not an issue - this is for spawning a testing httpserver||||
+Searching is for not an issue - this is for spawning a testing httpserver
+Searching are for not an issue - this is for spawning a testing httpserver
+Searching is for not an issue - this
+set;;is;;not an issue - this;;for spawning a testing httpserver
+||||waltman||||http servers never have security problems||||
+Searching is for http servers never have security problems
+Searching are for http servers never have security problems
+Searching is for http servers never have security problems
+Searching are for http servers never have security problems
+Searching is for lalalalala
+Searching are for lalalalala
+Searching is for lalalalala
+Searching are for lalalalala
+||||robkinyon||||If run under "make test" and killed after, then no||||
+Searching is for if run under "make test" and killed after, then no
+Searching are for if run under "make test" and killed after, then no
+Searching is for if run under "make test" and killed after, then no
+Searching are for if run under "make test" and killed after, then no
+||||waltman||||Have you looked at Apache::Test?||||
+Searching is for have you looked at apache::test
+Searching are for have you looked at apache::test
+Searching is for have you looked at apache::test
+Searching are for have you looked at apache::test
+||||robkinyon||||doesn't work with catalyst||||
+Searching is for doesn't work with catalyst
+Searching are for doesn't work with catalyst
+Searching is for doesn't work with catalyst
+Searching are for doesn't work with catalyst
+||||waltman||||we're taking notes for the next time||||
+Searching is for we're taking notes for the next time
+Searching are for we're taking notes for the next time
+Searching is for we're taking notes for the next time
+Searching are for we're taking notes for the next time
+||||kismet||||I find it a bit amusing somebody says "loves the fact he's not recognised" when the name is in cpan. Yes, I know who you are. Yes, you do cpan testing, cpants testing, and have other contributions. NO, that doesn't mean you aren't attacking THIS problem entirely the wrong way.||||
+Searching is for kismet find it a bit amusing somebody says "loves the fact he's not recognised" when the name is in cpan. yes, kismet knowyou are. yes, you do cpan testing, cpants testing, and have other contributions. no, that doesn't mean you aren't attacking this problem entirely the wrong way.
+Searching are for kismet find it a bit amusing somebody says "loves the fact he's not recognised" when the name is in cpan. yes, kismet knowyou are. yes, you do cpan testing, cpants testing, and have other contributions. no, that doesn't mean you aren't attacking this problem entirely the wrong way.
+Searching is for in cpan. yes, kismet knowyou are. yes, you do cpan testing, cpants testing, and have other contributions. no, that doesn't mean you aren't attacking this problem entirely the wrong way.
+||||DrForr||||If you're in the open source world for recognition, you have issues...||||
+Searching is for if you are in the open source world for recognition, you have issues...
+Searching are for if you are in the open source world for recognition, you have issues...
+||||kismet||||I don't need recognition, I have google.||||
+Searching is for kismet don't need recognition, kismet has google.
+Searching are for kismet don't need recognition, kismet has google.
+Searching is for kismet don't need recognition, kismet has google
+Searching are for kismet don't need recognition, kismet has google
+||||nopaste||||"fdsg" at pasted "gfdsgdf" (1 line) at http://nopaste.snit.ch:8001/8059||||
+Searching is for "fdsg" at pasted "gfdsgdf" (1 line) at http://nopaste.snit.ch:8001/8059
+Searching are for "fdsg" at pasted "gfdsgdf" (1 line) at http://nopaste.snit.ch:8001/8059
+Searching is for "fdsg" at pasted "gfdsgdf" (1 line) at http://nopaste.snit.ch:8001/8059
+Searching are for "fdsg" at pasted "gfdsgdf" (1 line) at http://nopaste.snit.ch:8001/8059
+||||TonyC||||probably have it display a form initially and submit to do the update||||
+Searching is for probably have it display a form initially and submit to do the update
+Searching are for probably have it display a form initially and submit to do the update
+Searching is for probably have it display a form initially and submit to do the update
+Searching are for probably have it display a form initially and submit to do the update
+Searching is for oops
+Searching are for oops
+Searching is for oops
+Searching are for oops
+||||hachi||||killing interrupt handler||||
+Searching is for killing interrupt handler
+Searching are for killing interrupt handler
+Searching is for killing interrupt handler
+Searching are for killing interrupt handler
+||||Andy||||my cpanplus is very sad||||
+Searching is for andy's cpanplus is very sad
+Searching are for andy's cpanplus is very sad
+Searching is for andy's cpanplus
+set;;is;;andy's cpanplus;;very sad
+||||Andy||||its indexes are broken||||
+Searching is for its indexes are broken
+Searching are for its indexes are broken
+||||Andy||||I've even toasted my entire .cpanplus dir and it won't reload its indexes.||||
+Searching is for andy has even toasted andy's entire .cpanplus dir and it won't reload its indexes.
+Searching are for andy has even toasted andy's entire .cpanplus dir and it won't reload its indexes.
+Searching is for andy has even toasted andy's entire .cpanplus dir and it won't reload its indexes
+Searching are for andy has even toasted andy's entire .cpanplus dir and it won't reload its indexes
+||||Andy||||Any suggestions?||||
+Searching is for any suggestions
+Searching are for any suggestions
+Searching is for any suggestions
+Searching are for any suggestions
+||||CanyonMan|||| ring ring ring ring ring ring ring, bananaphoooooooooooooooone||||
+Searching is for ring ring ring ring ring ring ring, bananaphoooooooooooooooone
+Searching are for ring ring ring ring ring ring ring, bananaphoooooooooooooooone
+Searching is for ring ring ring ring ring ring ring, bananaphoooooooooooooooone
+Searching are for ring ring ring ring ring ring ring, bananaphoooooooooooooooone
+||||CanyonMan||||NOBODY PUTS BABY IN A CORNER!!!||||
+Searching is for nobody puts baby in a corner!!!
+Searching are for nobody puts baby in a corner!!!
+Searching is for nobody puts baby in a corner
+Searching are for nobody puts baby in a corner
+||||Oloryn_||||ring ring ring ring ring ring ring ||||
+Searching is for ring ring ring ring ring ring ring
+Searching are for ring ring ring ring ring ring ring
+Searching is for ring ring ring ring ring ring ring
+Searching are for ring ring ring ring ring ring ring
+Searching is for oloryana
+Searching are for oloryana
+Searching is for oloryana
+Searching are for oloryana
+||||DougLim||||that's just WRONG...||||
+Searching is for that's just wrong...
+Searching are for that's just wrong...
+Searching is for that's just wrong
+Searching are for that's just wrong
+||||vh||||now their cable guide has an annoying advertisement space at the bottom, cutting off room for.. actual guide||||
+Searching is for now their cable guide has an annoying advertisement space at the bottom, cutting off room for.. actual guide
+Searching are for now their cable guide has an annoying advertisement space at the bottom, cutting off room for.. actual guide
+Searching is for now their cable guide has an annoying advertisement space at the bottom, cutting off room for.. actual guide
+Searching are for now their cable guide has an annoying advertisement space at the bottom, cutting off room for.. actual guide
+||||xb95||||nopaste, RETURN TO US!! :(||||
+Searching is for nopaste, return to us!! :(
+Searching are for nopaste, return to us!! :(
+Searching is for nopaste, return to us!! :(
+Searching are for nopaste, return to us!! :(
+||||DrForr||||vh - One of the many reasons I don't use them.||||
+Searching is for vh - one of the many reasons drforr don't use them.
+Searching are for vh - one of the many reasons drforr don't use them.
+Searching is for vh - one of the many reasons drforr don't use them
+Searching are for vh - one of the many reasons drforr don't use them
+||||buu||||Perl is garbage collected.||||
+Searching is for perl is garbage collected.
+Searching are for perl is garbage collected.
+Searching is for perl
+set;;is;;perl;;garbage collected.
+||||buu||||Ref counts, specifically.||||
+Searching is for ref counts, specifically.
+Searching are for ref counts, specifically.
+Searching is for ref counts, specifically
+Searching are for ref counts, specifically
+||||buu||||When a variable has a refcnt of 0, it goes away.||||
+Searching is for when a variable has a refcnt of 0, it goes away.
+Searching are for when a variable has a refcnt of 0, it goes away.
+Searching is for when a variable has a refcnt of 0, it goes away
+Searching are for when a variable has a refcnt of 0, it goes away
+Searching is for hmmm.
+Searching are for hmmm.
+Searching is for hmmm
+Searching are for hmmm
+Searching is for decrement
+Searching are for decrement
+Searching is for decrement
+Searching are for decrement
+||||DrForr||||What's the problem?||||
+Searching is for is the problem
+Searching are for is the problem
+Searching is for problem
+||||buu||||sub refcnt_decrement { refcnt--; if refcnt < 0; free(self) }||||
+Searching is for sub refcnt_decrement { refcnt--; if refcnt < 0; free(self) }
+Searching are for sub refcnt_decrement { refcnt--; if refcnt < 0; free(self) }
+Searching is for sub refcnt_decrement { refcnt--; if refcnt < 0; free(self) }
+Searching are for sub refcnt_decrement { refcnt--; if refcnt < 0; free(self) }
+||||cat-xeger||||... which on an active machine with 2G of ram is - well - antisocial||||
+Searching is for ... which on an active machine with 2g of ram is - well - antisocial
+Searching are for ... which on an active machine with 2g of ram is - well - antisocial
+||||buu||||Most operating systems can not reclaim memory allocated by a process until it exits||||
+Searching is for most operating systems can not reclaim memory allocated by a process until it exits
+Searching are for most operating systems can not reclaim memory allocated by a process until it exits
+Searching is for most operating systems can not reclaim memory allocated by a process until it exits
+Searching are for most operating systems can not reclaim memory allocated by a process until it exits
+||||buu||||Is this what you are seeing?||||
+Searching is for is thisare you seeing
+Searching are for is thisare you seeing
+||||cat-xeger||||buu - no.||||
+Searching is for buu - no.
+Searching are for buu - no.
+Searching is for buu - no
+Searching are for buu - no
+||||DrForr||||You might need to explicitly delete things when you're finished...||||
+Searching is for you might need to explicitly delete things when you are finished...
+Searching are for you might need to explicitly delete things when you are finished...
+||||cat-xeger||||(for how to do so)||||
+Searching is for (for how to do so)
+Searching are for (for how to do so)
+Searching is for (for how to do so)
+Searching are for (for how to do so)
+||||buu||||Remove all the references to the object||||
+Searching is for remove all the references to the object
+Searching are for remove all the references to the object
+Searching is for remove all the references to the object
+Searching are for remove all the references to the object
+||||DrForr||||Devel::Size can help, you might want to start tightening up scope on things.||||
+Searching is for devel::size can help, you might want to start tightening up scope on things.
+Searching are for devel::size can help, you might want to start tightening up scope on things.
+Searching is for devel::size can help, you might want to start tightening up scope on things
+Searching are for devel::size can help, you might want to start tightening up scope on things
+||||buu||||Ensure there are no self referential objects.||||
+Searching is for ensure there are no self referential objects.
+Searching are for ensure there are no self referential objects.
+Searching are for ensure there
+set;;are;;ensure there;;no self referential objects.
+||||cat-xeger||||DrForr - cool, I'll look at that. I do know where my oversized objects are though ;>||||
+Searching is for drforr - cool, cat-xeger'll look at that. cat-xeger do knoware cat-xeger's oversized objects though ;>
+Searching are for drforr - cool, cat-xeger'll look at that. cat-xeger do knoware cat-xeger's oversized objects though ;>
+Searching is for drforr - cool, cat-xeger'll look at that. cat-xeger do knoware cat-xeger's oversized objects though ;>
+Searching are for drforr - cool, cat-xeger'll look at that. cat-xeger do knoware cat-xeger's oversized objects though ;>
+||||DrForr||||There's also Devel::WeakRef or something close to that, manipulates refcounts for you.||||
+Searching is for there's also devel::weakref or something close to that, manipulates refcounts for you.
+Searching are for there's also devel::weakref or something close to that, manipulates refcounts for you.
+Searching is for there's also devel::weakref or something close to that, manipulates refcounts for you
+Searching are for there's also devel::weakref or something close to that, manipulates refcounts for you
+Searching is for k.
+Searching are for k.
+Searching is for k
+Searching are for k
+||||cat-xeger||||buu - I've just been confirming, but I have no idea where you're getting the idea that most OSen can't reclaim memory allocated by a process until the process exits.||||
+Searching is for buu - cat-xeger has just been confirming, but cat-xeger has no ideayou are getting the idea that most osen can't reclaim memory allocated by a process until the process exits.
+Searching are for buu - cat-xeger has just been confirming, but cat-xeger has no ideayou are getting the idea that most osen can't reclaim memory allocated by a process until the process exits.
+Searching are for getting the idea that most osen can't reclaim memory allocated by a process until the process exits.
+||||buu||||Experience, mostly.||||
+Searching is for experience, mostly.
+Searching are for experience, mostly.
+Searching is for experience, mostly
+Searching are for experience, mostly
+||||cat-xeger||||What have you been programming in? Modern malloc's pretty sane.||||
+Searching is for have you been programming in? modern malloc's pretty sane.
+Searching are for have you been programming in? modern malloc's pretty sane.
+Searching is for have you been programming in? modern malloc's pretty sane
+Searching are for have you been programming in? modern malloc's pretty sane
+||||DrForr||||If you're not sure whether an object is being disposed of you can always explicitly assign undef to it, but it's probably better to make sure your scopes are as narrow as they can be first.||||
+Searching is for if you are not sure whether an object is being disposed of you can always explicitly assign undef to it, but it's probably better to make sure your scopes are as narrow as they can be first.
+Searching are for if you are not sure whether an object is being disposed of you can always explicitly assign undef to it, but it's probably better to make sure your scopes are as narrow as they can be first.
+||||buu||||Query regarding reclamation.||||
+Searching is for query regarding reclamation.
+Searching are for query regarding reclamation.
+Searching is for query regarding reclamation
+Searching are for query regarding reclamation
+||||cat-xeger||||DrForr - k, that makes sense.||||
+Searching is for drforr - k, that makes sense.
+Searching are for drforr - k, that makes sense.
+Searching is for drforr - k, that makes sense
+Searching are for drforr - k, that makes sense
+||||DrForr||||Narrowing scopes may let two large data structures overlap in time, deleting data can have bad side effects.||||
+Searching is for narrowing scopes may let two large data structures overlap in time, deleting data can have bad side effects.
+Searching are for narrowing scopes may let two large data structures overlap in time, deleting data can have bad side effects.
+Searching is for narrowing scopes may let two large data structures overlap in time, deleting data can have bad side effects
+Searching are for narrowing scopes may let two large data structures overlap in time, deleting data can have bad side effects
+Searching is for heh.
+Searching are for heh.
+Searching is for heh
+Searching are for heh
+Searching is for rammstein++
+Searching are for rammstein++
+Searching is for rammstein++
+Searching are for rammstein++
+||||buu||||rammstein-- #Not nearly hard enough||||
+Searching is for rammstein-- #not nearly hard enough
+Searching are for rammstein-- #not nearly hard enough
+Searching is for rammstein-- #not nearly hard enough
+Searching are for rammstein-- #not nearly hard enough
+||||buu||||Yeah, as hope dies is mostly there.||||
+Searching is for yeah, as hope dies is mostly there.
+Searching are for yeah, as hope dies is mostly there.
+Searching is for yeah, as hope dies
+set;;is;;yeah, as hope dies;;mostly there.
+||||DrForr||||This isn't nearly as dark/hard as Rammstein. Local Minneapolis band.||||
+Searching is for this isn't nearly as dark/hard as rammstein. local minneapolis band.
+Searching are for this isn't nearly as dark/hard as rammstein. local minneapolis band.
+Searching is for this isn't nearly as dark/hard as rammstein. local minneapolis band
+Searching are for this isn't nearly as dark/hard as rammstein. local minneapolis band
+||||DrForr||||(despite the band name, although they do rock it out on /Rasputin/ and a few other racks.||||
+Searching is for (despite the band name, although they do rock it out on /rasputin/ and a few other racks.
+Searching are for (despite the band name, although they do rock it out on /rasputin/ and a few other racks.
+Searching is for (despite the band name, although they do rock it out on /rasputin/ and a few other racks
+Searching are for (despite the band name, although they do rock it out on /rasputin/ and a few other racks
+Searching is for s/rack/track/'
+Searching are for s/rack/track/'
+Searching is for s/rack/track/'
+Searching are for s/rack/track/'
+||||cat-xeger||||That reminds me that I should file a bug with whomever's doing Devel::SmallProf||||
+Searching is for that reminds cat-xeger that cat-xeger should file a bug with whomever's doing devel::smallprof
+Searching are for that reminds cat-xeger that cat-xeger should file a bug with whomever's doing devel::smallprof
+Searching is for that reminds cat-xeger that cat-xeger should file a bug with whomever's doing devel::smallprof
+Searching are for that reminds cat-xeger that cat-xeger should file a bug with whomever's doing devel::smallprof
+||||vh||||Ok I can hereby endorse 'saints row' for the 360||||
+Searching is for vh can hereby endorse 'saints row' for the 360
+Searching are for vh can hereby endorse 'saints row' for the 360
+Searching is for vh can hereby endorse 'saints row' for the 360
+Searching are for vh can hereby endorse 'saints row' for the 360
+||||vh||||the insurance fraud minigame is too good||||
+Searching is for the insurance fraud minigame is too good
+Searching are for the insurance fraud minigame is too good
+Searching is for insurance fraud minigame
+set;;is;;insurance fraud minigame;;too good
+||||vh||||take a dive in front of oncoming traffic and cash in||||
+Searching is for take a dive in front of oncoming traffic and cash in
+Searching are for take a dive in front of oncoming traffic and cash in
+Searching is for take a dive in front of oncoming traffic and cash in
+Searching are for take a dive in front of oncoming traffic and cash in
+||||DrForr||||A-*ha*, found it. Let "Gabby Road" rip, then "Old Lead" it is.||||
+Searching is for a-*ha*, found it. let "gabby road" rip, then "old lead" it is.
+Searching are for a-*ha*, found it. let "gabby road" rip, then "old lead" it is.
+Searching is for a-*ha*, found it. let "gabby road" rip, then "old lead" it is
+Searching are for a-*ha*, found it. let "gabby road" rip, then "old lead" it is
+||||DrForr||||push @key,$_ while index($k,$_) for @foo;||||
+Searching is for push @key,$_ while index($k,$_) for @foo;
+Searching are for push @key,$_ while index($k,$_) for @foo;
+Searching is for push @key,$_ while index($k,$_) for @foo;
+Searching are for push @key,$_ while index($k,$_) for @foo;
+||||TonyC||||when were multiple modifiers allowed? and index returns -1 when it can't find the string||||
+Searching is for when were multiple modifiers allowed? and index returns -1 when it can't find the string
+Searching are for when were multiple modifiers allowed? and index returns -1 when it can't find the string
+Searching is for when were multiple modifiers allowed? and index returns -1 when it can't find the string
+Searching are for when were multiple modifiers allowed? and index returns -1 when it can't find the string
+||||DrForr||||o/' Now she's going through the movements / Swaying to and fro / Bringing back a memory plucked from long ago o/'||||
+Searching is for o/' now she's going through the movements / swaying to and fro / bringing back a memory plucked from long ago o/'
+Searching are for o/' now she's going through the movements / swaying to and fro / bringing back a memory plucked from long ago o/'
+Searching is for o/' now she's going through the movements / swaying to and fro / bringing back a memory plucked from long ago o/'
+Searching are for o/' now she's going through the movements / swaying to and fro / bringing back a memory plucked from long ago o/'
+||||TonyC||||while you could use index() for that, the grep /\Q$k\E/, should be about as efficient||||
+Searching is for while you could use index() for that, the grep /\q$k\e/, should be about as efficient
+Searching are for while you could use index() for that, the grep /\q$k\e/, should be about as efficient
+Searching is for while you could use index() for that, the grep /\q$k\e/, should be about as efficient
+Searching are for while you could use index() for that, the grep /\q$k\e/, should be about as efficient
+||||cat-xeger||||h'kay. I haven't really had to care about performance in that way up until now.||||
+Searching is for h'kay. cat-xeger has not really had to care about performance in that way up until now.
+Searching are for h'kay. cat-xeger has not really had to care about performance in that way up until now.
+Searching is for h'kay. cat-xeger has not really had to care about performance in that way up until now
+Searching are for h'kay. cat-xeger has not really had to care about performance in that way up until now
+||||TonyC||||and it's about as readable||||
+Searching is for it's about as readable
+Searching are for it's about as readable
+Searching is for it's about as readable
+Searching are for it's about as readable
+Searching is for heh.
+Searching are for heh.
+Searching is for heh
+Searching are for heh
+||||DrForr||||Probably more, since index() is so rare.||||
+Searching is for probably more, since index() is so rare.
+Searching are for probably more, since index() is so rare.
+Searching is for probably more, since index()
+set;;is;;probably more, since index();;so rare.
+||||TonyC||||yeah, so rare people get confused about the argument order||||
+Searching is for yeah, so rare people get confused about the argument order
+Searching are for yeah, so rare people get confused about the argument order
+Searching is for yeah, so rare people get confused about the argument order
+Searching are for yeah, so rare people get confused about the argument order
+||||TonyC||||and the return value||||
+Searching is for the return value
+Searching are for the return value
+Searching is for return value
+Searching are for return value
+||||DrForr||||o/ They rolled him up / In a sheet of lead / A sheet of lead / For a funeral pall o/'||||
+Searching is for o/ they rolled him up / in a sheet of lead / a sheet of lead / for a funeral pall o/'
+Searching are for o/ they rolled him up / in a sheet of lead / a sheet of lead / for a funeral pall o/'
+Searching is for o/ they rolled him up / in a sheet of lead / a sheet of lead / for a funeral pall o/'
+Searching are for o/ they rolled him up / in a sheet of lead / a sheet of lead / for a funeral pall o/'
+||||DrForr||||As you can see by my source :)||||
+Searching is for as you can see by drforr's source :)
+Searching are for as you can see by drforr's source :)
+Searching is for as you can see by drforr's source :)
+Searching are for as you can see by drforr's source :)
+||||TonyC||||unfortunately not purl||||
+Searching is for unfortunately not purl
+Searching are for unfortunately not purl
+Searching is for unfortunately not purl
+Searching are for unfortunately not purl
+||||TonyC||||and you used a while too, which was kind of strange||||
+Searching is for you used a while too, which was kind of strange
+Searching are for you used a while too, which was kind of strange
+Searching is for you used a while too, which was kind of strange
+Searching are for you used a while too, which was kind of strange
+||||TonyC||||at least for solving that problem||||
+Searching is for at least for solving that problem
+Searching are for at least for solving that problem
+Searching is for at least for solving that problem
+Searching are for at least for solving that problem
+||||cat-xeger||||... while she's at it.||||
+Searching is for ... while she's at it.
+Searching are for ... while she's at it.
+Searching is for ... while she's at it
+Searching are for ... while she's at it
+||||TonyC||||do you want to optimize that?||||
+Searching is for do you want to optimize that
+Searching are for do you want to optimize that
+Searching is for do you want to optimize that
+Searching are for do you want to optimize that
+Searching is for yes
+Searching are for yes
+Searching is for yes
+Searching are for yes
+||||DrForr||||Well, s/^\s+|\s+$//g would be the canonical expression, not sure how much more efficient it would be.||||
+Searching is for s/^\s+|\s+$//g would be the canonical expression, not sure how much more efficient it would be.
+Searching are for s/^\s+|\s+$//g would be the canonical expression, not sure how much more efficient it would be.
+Searching is for s/^\s+|\s+$//g would be the canonical expression, not sure how much more efficient it would be
+Searching are for s/^\s+|\s+$//g would be the canonical expression, not sure how much more efficient it would be
+||||DrForr||||(for the first 2 clauses, not the 3rd)||||
+Searching is for (for the first 2 clauses, not the 3rd)
+Searching are for (for the first 2 clauses, not the 3rd)
+Searching is for (for the first 2 clauses, not the 3rd)
+Searching are for (for the first 2 clauses, not the 3rd)
+||||TonyC||||I remember reading that was slower||||
+Searching is for tonyc remember reading that was slower
+Searching are for tonyc remember reading that was slower
+Searching is for tonyc remember reading that was slower
+Searching are for tonyc remember reading that was slower
+||||TonyC||||but never tried it||||
+Searching is for never tried it
+Searching are for never tried it
+Searching is for never tried it
+Searching are for never tried it
+||||TonyC||||for the last one tr/\n\r \t/ /s might be faster||||
+Searching is for for the last one tr/\n\r \t/ /s might be faster
+Searching are for for the last one tr/\n\r \t/ /s might be faster
+Searching is for for the last one tr/\n\r \t/ /s might be faster
+Searching are for for the last one tr/\n\r \t/ /s might be faster
+||||TonyC||||but it behaves a little differently too||||
+Searching is for it behaves a little differently too
+Searching are for it behaves a little differently too
+Searching is for it behaves a little differently too
+Searching are for it behaves a little differently too
+||||DrForr||||Yeah, I was going to suggest a tr/// variant for the last one too.||||
+Searching is for yeah, drforr was going to suggest a tr/// variant for the last one too.
+Searching are for yeah, drforr was going to suggest a tr/// variant for the last one too.
+Searching is for yeah, drforr was going to suggest a tr/// variant for the last one too
+Searching are for yeah, drforr was going to suggest a tr/// variant for the last one too
+||||TonyC||||no-one uses tr enough||||
+Searching is for no-one uses tr enough
+Searching are for no-one uses tr enough
+Searching is for no-one uses tr enough
+Searching are for no-one uses tr enough
+||||cat-xeger||||Isn't that replacing line breaks and tabs with a space?||||
+Searching is for isn't that replacing line breaks and tabs with a space
+Searching are for isn't that replacing line breaks and tabs with a space
+Searching is for isn't that replacing line breaks and tabs with a space
+Searching are for isn't that replacing line breaks and tabs with a space
+||||TonyC||||$_ = "a\nb"; s/\s\s+/ /; # does nothing to $_||||
+Searching is for $_ = "a\nb"; s/\s\s+/ /; # does nothing to $_
+Searching are for $_ = "a\nb"; s/\s\s+/ /; # does nothing to $_
+Searching is for $_ = "a\nb"; s/\s\s+/ /; # does nothing to $_
+Searching are for $_ = "a\nb"; s/\s\s+/ /; # does nothing to $_
+||||DrForr||||Hence "behaves a little differently" too...||||
+Searching is for hence "behaves a little differently" too...
+Searching are for hence "behaves a little differently" too...
+Searching is for hence "behaves a little differently" too
+Searching are for hence "behaves a little differently" too
+||||TonyC||||$_ = "a\nb"; tr/\n\r \t/ /s; # $_ eq "a b"||||
+Searching is for $_ = "a\nb"; tr/\n\r \t/ /s; # $_ eq "a b"
+Searching are for $_ = "a\nb"; tr/\n\r \t/ /s; # $_ eq "a b"
+Searching is for $_ = "a\nb"; tr/\n\r \t/ /s; # $_ eq "a b"
+Searching are for $_ = "a\nb"; tr/\n\r \t/ /s; # $_ eq "a b"
+||||TonyC||||but either would change "a\n\nb" to "a b" so I guessed it was acceptable||||
+Searching is for either would change "a\n\nb" to "a b" so tonyc guessed it was acceptable
+Searching are for either would change "a\n\nb" to "a b" so tonyc guessed it was acceptable
+Searching is for either would change "a\n\nb" to "a b" so tonyc guessed it was acceptable
+Searching are for either would change "a\n\nb" to "a b" so tonyc guessed it was acceptable
+||||cat-xeger||||I think so... have to look again when it's not drastically late.||||
+Searching is for cat-xeger think so... have to look again when it's not drastically late.
+Searching are for cat-xeger think so... have to look again when it's not drastically late.
+Searching is for cat-xeger think so... have to look again when it's not drastically late
+Searching are for cat-xeger think so... have to look again when it's not drastically late
+||||TonyC||||are these the hot spots in your code?||||
+Searching is for are these the hot spots in your code
+Searching are for are these the hot spots in your code
+||||TonyC||||if they aren't, or you don't know, then you're wasting your time||||
+Searching is for if they aren't, or you don't know, then you are wasting your time
+Searching are for if they aren't, or you don't know, then you are wasting your time
+||||cat-xeger||||They're the ones showing up as taking the most time according to Devel::SmallProf||||
+Searching is for they're the ones showing up as taking the most time according to devel::smallprof
+Searching are for they're the ones showing up as taking the most time according to devel::smallprof
+Searching is for they're the ones showing up as taking the most time according to devel::smallprof
+Searching are for they're the ones showing up as taking the most time according to devel::smallprof
+||||cat-xeger||||... basically called the most often, and taking the most time||||
+Searching is for ... basically called the most often, and taking the most time
+Searching are for ... basically called the most often, and taking the most time
+Searching is for ... basically called the most often, and taking the most time
+Searching are for ... basically called the most often, and taking the most time
+||||TonyC||||is it the filtering or the method call taking the time?||||
+Searching is for is it the filtering or the method call taking the time
+Searching are for is it the filtering or the method call taking the time
+||||cat-xeger||||It's not a fancy profiler at all, so I don't know.||||
+Searching is for it's not a fancy profiler at all, so cat-xeger don't know.
+Searching are for it's not a fancy profiler at all, so cat-xeger don't know.
+Searching is for it's not a fancy profiler at all, so cat-xeger don't know
+Searching are for it's not a fancy profiler at all, so cat-xeger don't know
+||||TonyC||||I can't see you getting huge performance gains from optimizing either of those||||
+Searching is for tonyc can't see you getting huge performance gains from optimizing either of those
+Searching are for tonyc can't see you getting huge performance gains from optimizing either of those
+Searching is for tonyc can't see you getting huge performance gains from optimizing either of those
+Searching are for tonyc can't see you getting huge performance gains from optimizing either of those
+||||cat-xeger||||-nod- They don't look easy to optimize to me - and since what it's doing is line-by-line processing of a variety of text files, I'm not sure how to improve that.||||
+Searching is for -nod- they don't look easy to optimize to cat-xeger - and sinceis it's doing line-by-line processing of a variety of text files, cat-xeger is not sure how to improve that.
+Searching are for -nod- they don't look easy to optimize to cat-xeger - and sinceis it's doing line-by-line processing of a variety of text files, cat-xeger is not sure how to improve that.
+Searching is for not sure how to improve that.
+||||DrForr||||Keep the entire array of lines out of memory?... while(<$fh>) {}...||||
+Searching is for keep the entire array of lines out of memory?... while(<$fh>) {}...
+Searching are for keep the entire array of lines out of memory?... while(<$fh>) {}...
+Searching is for keep the entire array of lines out of memory?... while(<$fh>) {}
+Searching are for keep the entire array of lines out of memory?... while(<$fh>) {}
+||||cat-xeger||||DrForr - is that likely to help performance or just help memory||||
+Searching is for drforr - is that likely to help performance or just help memory
+Searching are for drforr - is that likely to help performance or just help memory
+Searching is for drforr -
+set;;is;;drforr -;;that likely to help performance or just help memory
+||||DrForr||||Both, I'd hope...||||
+Searching is for both, drforr'd hope...
+Searching are for both, drforr'd hope...
+Searching is for both, drforr'd hope
+Searching are for both, drforr'd hope
+||||DrForr||||Have you exhausted "changing the algorithm" yet? Are you caching where you can so you don't have to redo calculations?||||
+Searching is for have you exhausted "changing the algorithm" yet? are you caching you don't have to redo calculations
+Searching are for have you exhausted "changing the algorithm" yet? are you caching you don't have to redo calculations
+||||DrForr||||A much better way to debug code, I've found :)||||
+Searching is for a much better way to debug code, drforr has found :)
+Searching are for a much better way to debug code, drforr has found :)
+Searching is for much better way to debug code, drforr has found :)
+Searching are for much better way to debug code, drforr has found :)
+||||cat-xeger||||Going to bed early? Yup.||||
+Searching is for going to bed early? yup.
+Searching are for going to bed early? yup.
+Searching is for going to bed early? yup
+Searching are for going to bed early? yup
+||||cat-xeger||||<-- fixed last nights bugs today...||||
+Searching is for <-- fixed last nights bugs today...
+Searching are for <-- fixed last nights bugs today...
+Searching is for <-- fixed last nights bugs today
+Searching are for <-- fixed last nights bugs today
+Searching is for 1-19.3/24.9
+Searching are for 1-19.3/24.9
+Searching is for 1-19.3/24.9
+Searching are for 1-19.3/24.9
+||||freeside||||measure twice, code once.||||
+Searching is for measure twice, code once.
+Searching are for measure twice, code once.
+Searching is for measure twice, code once
+Searching are for measure twice, code once
+||||vh||||design once, code twice, refactor thrice||||
+Searching is for design once, code twice, refactor thrice
+Searching are for design once, code twice, refactor thrice
+Searching is for design once, code twice, refactor thrice
+Searching are for design once, code twice, refactor thrice
+||||vh||||then start over||||
+Searching is for then start over
+Searching are for then start over
+Searching is for then start over
+Searching are for then start over
+||||vh||||from scratch||||
+Searching is for from scratch
+Searching are for from scratch
+Searching is for from scratch
+Searching are for from scratch
+||||borup||||to something faster or prettier?||||
+Searching is for to something faster or prettier
+Searching are for to something faster or prettier
+Searching is for to something faster or prettier
+Searching are for to something faster or prettier
+||||TonyC||||3 x faster at least, prettier maybe||||
+Searching is for 3 x faster at least, prettier maybe
+Searching are for 3 x faster at least, prettier maybe
+Searching is for 3 x faster at least, prettier maybe
+Searching are for 3 x faster at least, prettier maybe
+||||vh||||best of -both- worlds? I bet there's more worlds though..||||
+Searching is for best of -both- worlds? vh bet there's more worlds though..
+Searching are for best of -both- worlds? vh bet there's more worlds though..
+Searching is for best of -both- worlds? vh bet there's more worlds though
+Searching are for best of -both- worlds? vh bet there's more worlds though
+||||vh||||faster.. prettier -and- emits a pleasant smell||||
+Searching is for faster.. prettier -and- emits a pleasant smell
+Searching are for faster.. prettier -and- emits a pleasant smell
+Searching is for faster.. prettier -and- emits a pleasant smell
+Searching are for faster.. prettier -and- emits a pleasant smell
+||||TonyC||||well, I had someone say that pnmscale preserved more detail scaling down than Imager's scale did||||
+Searching is for tonyc had someone say that pnmscale preserved more detail scaling down than imager's scale did
+Searching are for tonyc had someone say that pnmscale preserved more detail scaling down than imager's scale did
+Searching is for tonyc had someone say that pnmscale preserved more detail scaling down than imager's scale did
+Searching are for tonyc had someone say that pnmscale preserved more detail scaling down than imager's scale did
+||||vh||||I've never really thought much about image quality and scaling -down-||||
+Searching is for vh has never really thought much about image quality and scaling -down-
+Searching are for vh has never really thought much about image quality and scaling -down-
+Searching is for vh has never really thought much about image quality and scaling -down-
+Searching are for vh has never really thought much about image quality and scaling -down-
+||||TonyC||||so I adapted that into Imager's API, so it produces the same result as pnmscale, and does it a lot faster||||
+Searching is for so tonyc adapted that into imager's api, so it produces the same result as pnmscale, and does it a lot faster
+Searching are for so tonyc adapted that into imager's api, so it produces the same result as pnmscale, and does it a lot faster
+Searching is for so tonyc adapted that into imager's api, so it produces the same result as pnmscale, and does it a lot faster
+Searching are for so tonyc adapted that into imager's api, so it produces the same result as pnmscale, and does it a lot faster
+||||TonyC||||and given the discussion at http://use.perl.org/~Matts/journal/30721||||
+Searching is for given the discussion at http://use.perl.org/~matts/journal/30721
+Searching are for given the discussion at http://use.perl.org/~matts/journal/30721
+Searching is for given the discussion at http://use.perl.org/~matts/journal/30721
+Searching are for given the discussion at http://use.perl.org/~matts/journal/30721
+||||TonyC||||let me dig up some examples||||
+Searching is for let tonyc dig up some examples
+Searching are for let tonyc dig up some examples
+Searching is for let tonyc dig up some examples
+Searching are for let tonyc dig up some examples
+||||TonyC||||the attachments on https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=20677 - though the detail areas are kind of low contrast||||
+Searching is for the attachments on https://rt.cpan.org/ticket/display.html?id=20677 - though the detail areas are kind of low contrast
+Searching are for the attachments on https://rt.cpan.org/ticket/display.html?id=20677 - though the detail areas are kind of low contrast
+||||TonyC||||Imager's was slower||||
+Searching is for imager's was slower
+Searching are for imager's was slower
+Searching is for imager's was slower
+Searching are for imager's was slower
+||||TonyC||||well, Imager's default is still slower||||
+Searching is for imager's default is still slower
+Searching are for imager's default is still slower
+Searching is for imager's default
+set;;is;;imager's default;;still slower
+||||cfedde||||was summer of code a win for anyone?||||
+Searching is for was summer of code a win for anyone
+Searching are for was summer of code a win for anyone
+Searching is for was summer of code a win for anyone
+Searching are for was summer of code a win for anyone
+||||Peyomp||||Where's a good place to hire perl guys?||||
+Searching is for is a good place to hire perl guys
+Searching are for is a good place to hire perl guys
+Searching is for good place to hire perl guys
+Searching is for jobs.perl.org
+Searching are for jobs.perl.org
+Searching is for jobs.perl.org
+Searching are for jobs.perl.org
+||||Peyomp||||I checked it out, looks pretty slow.||||
+Searching is for peyomp checked it out, looks pretty slow.
+Searching are for peyomp checked it out, looks pretty slow.
+Searching is for peyomp checked it out, looks pretty slow
+Searching are for peyomp checked it out, looks pretty slow
+||||borup||||slow how?||||
+Searching is for slow how
+Searching are for slow how
+Searching is for slow how
+Searching are for slow how
+Searching is for yes
+Searching are for yes
+Searching is for yes
+Searching are for yes
+||||Peyomp||||My city had two listings, for instance. Then again, telecommuting being as popular as it is, perhaps geographic searching isn't the best way to determine traffic.||||
+Searching is for peyomp's city had two listings, for instance. then again, telecommuting being as popular as it is, perhaps geographic searching isn't the best way to determine traffic.
+Searching are for peyomp's city had two listings, for instance. then again, telecommuting being as popular as it is, perhaps geographic searching isn't the best way to determine traffic.
+Searching is for peyomp's city had two listings, for instance. then again, telecommuting being as popular as it is, perhaps geographic searching isn't the best way to determine traffic
+Searching are for peyomp's city had two listings, for instance. then again, telecommuting being as popular as it is, perhaps geographic searching isn't the best way to determine traffic
+||||TonyC||||163 jobs.perl emails over the last month||||
+Searching is for 163 jobs.perl emails over the last month
+Searching are for 163 jobs.perl emails over the last month
+Searching is for 163 jobs.perl emails over the last month
+Searching are for 163 jobs.perl emails over the last month
+||||cfedde||||If you want lots of traffic pick indian java programmers||||
+Searching is for if you want lots of traffic pick indian java programmers
+Searching are for if you want lots of traffic pick indian java programmers
+Searching is for if you want lots of traffic pick indian java programmers
+Searching are for if you want lots of traffic pick indian java programmers
+||||buu||||Ya know, beating people in the face with legions never gets old.||||
+Searching is for ya know, beating people in the face with legions never gets old.
+Searching are for ya know, beating people in the face with legions never gets old.
+Searching is for ya know, beating people in the face with legions never gets old
+Searching are for ya know, beating people in the face with legions never gets old
+||||Peyomp||||My CTO wanted to do our application in Java so Indians could do it. I fired him.||||
+Searching is for peyomp's cto wanted to do our application in java so indians could do it. peyomp fired him.
+Searching are for peyomp's cto wanted to do our application in java so indians could do it. peyomp fired him.
+Searching is for peyomp's cto wanted to do our application in java so indians could do it. peyomp fired him
+Searching are for peyomp's cto wanted to do our application in java so indians could do it. peyomp fired him
+||||Peyomp||||Well, it was generally indicative of the problem.||||
+Searching is for it was generally indicative of the problem.
+Searching are for it was generally indicative of the problem.
+Searching is for it was generally indicative of the problem
+Searching are for it was generally indicative of the problem
+||||Peyomp||||What does a good perl guy cost hourly? Our application is Catalyst/MySQL/Apache. I'd like someone competent.||||
+Searching is for is does a good perl guy cost hourly? our application catalyst/mysql/apache. peyomp'd like someone competent.
+Searching are for is does a good perl guy cost hourly? our application catalyst/mysql/apache. peyomp'd like someone competent.
+Searching is for does a good perl guy cost hourly? our application catalyst/mysql/apache. peyomp'd like someone competent.
+||||Peyomp||||Someone with experience with Catalyst, AJAX, some JS.||||
+Searching is for someone with experience with catalyst, ajax, some js.
+Searching are for someone with experience with catalyst, ajax, some js.
+Searching is for someone with experience with catalyst, ajax, some js
+Searching are for someone with experience with catalyst, ajax, some js
+||||Peyomp||||I can't afford $1000 for a day's work.||||
+Searching is for peyomp can't afford $1000 for a day's work.
+Searching are for peyomp can't afford $1000 for a day's work.
+Searching is for peyomp can't afford $1000 for a day's work
+Searching are for peyomp can't afford $1000 for a day's work
+Searching is for $1000/day
+Searching are for $1000/day
+Searching is for $1000/day
+Searching are for $1000/day
+Searching is for yeah
+Searching are for yeah
+Searching is for yeah
+Searching are for yeah
+Searching is for
+Searching are for
+Searching is for
+Searching are for
+||||Peyomp||||I dunno. I've never priced work on this.||||
+Searching is for peyomp dunno. peyomp has never priced work on this.
+Searching are for peyomp dunno. peyomp has never priced work on this.
+Searching is for peyomp dunno. peyomp has never priced work on this
+Searching are for peyomp dunno. peyomp has never priced work on this
+||||buu||||I want a job =[||||
+Searching is for buu want a job =[
+Searching are for buu want a job =[
+Searching is for buu want a job =[
+Searching are for buu want a job =[
+||||Peyomp||||Where? Thats what I charge for myself, for work in my industry.||||
+Searching is for where? thatspeyomp charge for peyomp, for work in peyomp's industry.
+Searching are for where? thatspeyomp charge for peyomp, for work in peyomp's industry.
+Searching is for where? thatspeyomp charge for peyomp, for work in peyomp's industry
+Searching are for where? thatspeyomp charge for peyomp, for work in peyomp's industry
+||||Peyomp||||In this case I don't care where he is.||||
+Searching is for in this case peyomp don't carehe is.
+Searching are for in this case peyomp don't carehe is.
+Searching is for in this case peyomp don't carehe is
+Searching are for in this case peyomp don't carehe is
+||||Peyomp||||He can telecommute.||||
+Searching is for he can telecommute.
+Searching are for he can telecommute.
+Searching is for he can telecommute
+Searching are for he can telecommute
+||||Peyomp||||Occasional travel.||||
+Searching is for occasional travel.
+Searching are for occasional travel.
+Searching is for occasional travel
+Searching are for occasional travel
+||||Peyomp||||I would bill him out at $1000 a day.||||
+Searching is for peyomp would bill him out at $1000 a day.
+Searching are for peyomp would bill him out at $1000 a day.
+Searching is for peyomp would bill him out at $1000 a day
+Searching are for peyomp would bill him out at $1000 a day
+||||Peyomp||||$125 an hour.||||
+Searching is for $125 an hour.
+Searching are for $125 an hour.
+Searching is for $125 an hour
+Searching are for $125 an hour
+||||Peyomp||||That is somewhat arbitrary, but its what we've charged and we're comfortable charging.||||
+Searching is for that is somewhat arbitrary, but itswe've charged and we're comfortable charging.
+Searching are for that is somewhat arbitrary, but itswe've charged and we're comfortable charging.
+Searching is for somewhat arbitrary, but itswe've charged and we're comfortable charging.
+Searching is for oh
+Searching are for oh
+Searching is for oh
+Searching are for oh
+||||Peyomp||||I see||||
+Searching is for peyomp see
+Searching are for peyomp see
+Searching is for peyomp see
+Searching are for peyomp see
+Searching is for sorry
+Searching are for sorry
+Searching is for sorry
+Searching are for sorry
+||||Peyomp||||I'd expect a 100% return at least?||||
+Searching is for peyomp'd expect a 100% return at least
+Searching are for peyomp'd expect a 100% return at least
+Searching is for peyomp'd expect a 100% return at least
+Searching are for peyomp'd expect a 100% return at least
+||||Peyomp||||Can one get a good perl guy that fits my description for $30-40 an hour?||||
+Searching is for is a good perl guy that fits peyomp's description for $30-40 an hour
+Searching are for is a good perl guy that fits peyomp's description for $30-40 an hour
+||||Peyomp||||This would be garuanteed.||||
+Searching is for this would be garuanteed.
+Searching are for this would be garuanteed.
+Searching is for this would be garuanteed
+Searching are for this would be garuanteed
+||||Peyomp||||I just want someone that I can 1099.||||
+Searching is for peyomp just want someone that peyomp can 1099.
+Searching are for peyomp just want someone that peyomp can 1099.
+Searching is for peyomp just want someone that peyomp can 1099
+Searching are for peyomp just want someone that peyomp can 1099
+||||Peyomp||||Or that wants to join a startup.||||
+Searching is for that wants to join a startup.
+Searching are for that wants to join a startup.
+Searching is for that wants to join a startup
+Searching are for that wants to join a startup
+||||Peyomp||||Good to know||||
+Searching is for good to know
+Searching are for good to know
+Searching is for good to know
+Searching are for good to know
+||||tobi-wan||||hi everyone. i have a question regarding perl's array-handling (googling did not revelate me): is it possible to have non-linear indices, e.g. have index 1423 and 1542 without anything else, or would i better use a hash?||||
+Searching is for hi everyone. tobi-wan has a question regarding perl's array-handling (googling did not revelate tobi-wan): is it possible to have non-linear indices, e.g. have index 1423 and 1542 without anything else, or would tobi-wan better use a hash
+Searching are for hi everyone. tobi-wan has a question regarding perl's array-handling (googling did not revelate tobi-wan): is it possible to have non-linear indices, e.g. have index 1423 and 1542 without anything else, or would tobi-wan better use a hash
+||||kd||||1. Probably better to use a hash.||||
+Searching is for 1. probably better to use a hash.
+Searching are for 1. probably better to use a hash.
+Searching is for 1. probably better to use a hash
+Searching are for 1. probably better to use a hash
+||||dorian||||#perl on efnet isn't a help channel either||||
+Searching is for #perl on efnet isn't a help channel either
+Searching are for #perl on efnet isn't a help channel either
+Searching is for #perl on efnet isn't a help channel either
+Searching are for #perl on efnet isn't a help channel either
+||||steven||||#perl on IRCnet might||||
+Searching is for #perl on ircnet might
+Searching are for #perl on ircnet might
+Searching is for #perl on ircnet might
+Searching are for #perl on ircnet might
+||||buu||||#perlhelp on efnet, #perl on freenode||||
+Searching is for #perlhelp on efnet, #perl on freenode
+Searching are for #perlhelp on efnet, #perl on freenode
+Searching is for #perlhelp on efnet, #perl on freenode
+Searching are for #perlhelp on efnet, #perl on freenode
+||||sheriff||||#perlhelp on this network too||||
+Searching is for #perlhelp on this network too
+Searching are for #perlhelp on this network too
+Searching is for #perlhelp on this network too
+Searching are for #perlhelp on this network too
+||||buu||||There's nobody there..||||
+Searching is for there's nobody there..
+Searching are for there's nobody there..
+Searching is for there's nobody there
+Searching are for there's nobody there
+||||buu||||There's all of 6 people in #perl-help||||
+Searching is for there's all of 6 people in #perl-help
+Searching are for there's all of 6 people in #perl-help
+Searching is for there's all of 6 people in #perl-help
+Searching are for there's all of 6 people in #perl-help
+Searching is for muahahahah
+Searching are for muahahahah
+Searching is for muahahahah
+Searching are for muahahahah
+Searching is for sheriff you dastardly dog.
+Searching are for sheriff you dastardly dog.
+Searching is for sheriff you dastardly dog
+Searching are for sheriff you dastardly dog
+||||dorian||||i guess nobody wants to help with perl||||
+Searching is for dorian guess nobody wants to help with perl
+Searching are for dorian guess nobody wants to help with perl
+Searching is for dorian guess nobody wants to help with perl
+Searching are for dorian guess nobody wants to help with perl
+||||tobi-wan||||ok, thanks anyway. i was not aware of that. sorry for abusing the abuse-channel :-/||||
+Searching is for thanks . tobi-wan was not aware of that. sorry for abusing the abuse-channel :-/
+Searching are for thanks . tobi-wan was not aware of that. sorry for abusing the abuse-channel :-/
+Searching is for thanks . tobi-wan was not aware of that. sorry for abusing the abuse-channel :-/
+Searching are for thanks . tobi-wan was not aware of that. sorry for abusing the abuse-channel :-/
+||||buu||||I HELPED.||||
+Searching is for buu helped.
+Searching are for buu helped.
+Searching is for buu helped
+Searching are for buu helped
+||||buu||||Well, ok, I didn't||||
+Searching is for buu didn't
+Searching are for buu didn't
+Searching is for buu didn't
+Searching are for buu didn't
+||||buu||||But KD did.||||
+Searching is for kd did.
+Searching are for kd did.
+Searching is for kd did
+Searching are for kd did
+||||sheriff||||Are there any suggested log rotators?||||
+Searching is for are there any suggested log rotators
+Searching are for are there any suggested log rotators
+||||buu||||You mean aside from logrotate?||||
+Searching is for you mean aside from logrotate
+Searching are for you mean aside from logrotate
+Searching is for you mean aside from logrotate
+Searching are for you mean aside from logrotate
+||||sheriff||||I don't mean aside from that||||
+Searching is for sheriff don't mean aside from that
+Searching are for sheriff don't mean aside from that
+Searching is for sheriff don't mean aside from that
+Searching are for sheriff don't mean aside from that
+||||buu||||It's a debian package, if you have such advanced technology.||||
+Searching is for it's a debian package, if you have such advanced technology.
+Searching are for it's a debian package, if you have such advanced technology.
+Searching is for it's a debian package, if you have such advanced technology
+Searching are for it's a debian package, if you have such advanced technology
+||||sheriff||||I don't||||
+Searching is for sheriff don't
+Searching are for sheriff don't
+Searching is for sheriff don't
+Searching are for sheriff don't
+||||sheriff||||and in the Alcatraz of computing||||
+Searching is for in the alcatraz of computing
+Searching are for in the alcatraz of computing
+Searching is for in the alcatraz of computing
+Searching are for in the alcatraz of computing
+Searching is for =[
+Searching are for =[
+Searching is for =[
+Searching are for =[
+||||sheriff||||Additionally, I can't run anything by cron||||
+Searching is for additionally, sheriff can't run anything by cron
+Searching are for additionally, sheriff can't run anything by cron
+Searching is for additionally, sheriff can't run anything by cron
+Searching are for additionally, sheriff can't run anything by cron
+Searching is for hrm
+Searching are for hrm
+Searching is for hrm
+Searching are for hrm
+||||sheriff||||I think||||
+Searching is for sheriff think
+Searching are for sheriff think
+Searching is for sheriff think
+Searching are for sheriff think
+||||sheriff||||maybe I can in fact||||
+Searching is for maybe sheriff can in fact
+Searching are for maybe sheriff can in fact
+Searching is for maybe sheriff can in fact
+Searching are for maybe sheriff can in fact
+||||omega||||so you want something that sleeps for 23h55m then rotates, adjusts its timeuse up to 5min, then sleeps again?||||
+Searching is for so you want something that sleeps for 23h55m then rotates, adjusts its timeuse up to 5min, then sleeps again
+Searching are for so you want something that sleeps for 23h55m then rotates, adjusts its timeuse up to 5min, then sleeps again
+Searching is for so you want something that sleeps for 23h55m then rotates, adjusts its timeuse up to 5min, then sleeps again
+Searching are for so you want something that sleeps for 23h55m then rotates, adjusts its timeuse up to 5min, then sleeps again
+||||steven||||or write a new cron||||
+Searching is for write a new cron
+Searching are for write a new cron
+Searching is for write a new cron
+Searching are for write a new cron
+||||aevil1||||i hate it when people bitch about solaris for the wrong and unfounded reasons||||
+Searching is for aevil1 hate it when people bitch about solaris for the wrong and unfounded reasons
+Searching are for aevil1 hate it when people bitch about solaris for the wrong and unfounded reasons
+Searching is for aevil1 hate it when people bitch about solaris for the wrong and unfounded reasons
+Searching are for aevil1 hate it when people bitch about solaris for the wrong and unfounded reasons
+||||aevil1||||you'll find a logrotate package on sunfreeware.com||||
+Searching is for you'll find a logrotate package on sunfreeware.com
+Searching are for you'll find a logrotate package on sunfreeware.com
+Searching is for you'll find a logrotate package on sunfreeware.com
+Searching are for you'll find a logrotate package on sunfreeware.com
+||||sheriff||||Am I bitching abuot Solaris?||||
+Searching is for issheriff bitching abuot solaris
+Searching are for issheriff bitching abuot solaris
+Searching is for issheriff bitching abuot solaris
+Searching are for issheriff bitching abuot solaris
+||||sheriff||||By saying it doesn't have deb packages?||||
+Searching is for by saying it doesn't have deb packages
+Searching are for by saying it doesn't have deb packages
+Searching is for by saying it doesn't have deb packages
+Searching are for by saying it doesn't have deb packages
+||||sheriff||||Best way to capture STDERR in a program?||||
+Searching is for best way to capture stderr in a program
+Searching are for best way to capture stderr in a program
+Searching is for best way to capture stderr in a program
+Searching are for best way to capture stderr in a program
+||||aef||||open3 ?||||
+Searching is for open3
+Searching are for open3
+Searching is for open3
+Searching are for open3
+Searching is for (ipc::open3)
+Searching are for (ipc::open3)
+Searching is for (ipc::open3)
+Searching are for (ipc::open3)
+||||sheriff||||No no||||
+Searching is for no no
+Searching are for no no
+Searching is for no no
+Searching are for no no
+||||sheriff||||I mean I want to redirect my own program's STDERR internally||||
+Searching is for sheriff mean sheriff want to redirect sheriff's own program's stderr internally
+Searching are for sheriff mean sheriff want to redirect sheriff's own program's stderr internally
+Searching is for sheriff mean sheriff want to redirect sheriff's own program's stderr internally
+Searching are for sheriff mean sheriff want to redirect sheriff's own program's stderr internally
+||||sheriff||||Sure I've done this before||||
+Searching is for sure sheriff has done this before
+Searching are for sure sheriff has done this before
+Searching is for sure sheriff has done this before
+Searching are for sure sheriff has done this before
+||||sheriff||||It involves tieing STDERR to a string or something||||
+Searching is for it involves tieing stderr to a string or something
+Searching are for it involves tieing stderr to a string or something
+Searching is for it involves tieing stderr to a string or something
+Searching are for it involves tieing stderr to a string or something
+||||integral||||Are these error messages just produced by perl code? If so you can just use a {open STDERR, ">", \$string}||||
+Searching is for are these error messages just produced by perl code? if so you can just use a {open stderr, ">", \$string}
+Searching are for are these error messages just produced by perl code? if so you can just use a {open stderr, ">", \$string}
+||||integral||||Otherwise I think you'd need to use a pipe, and that'd require a second process||||
+Searching is for otherwise integral think you'd need to use a pipe, and that'd require a second process
+Searching are for otherwise integral think you'd need to use a pipe, and that'd require a second process
+Searching is for otherwise integral think you'd need to use a pipe, and that'd require a second process
+Searching are for otherwise integral think you'd need to use a pipe, and that'd require a second process
+||||integral||||umm, well it requires 5.8||||
+Searching is for it requires 5.8
+Searching are for it requires 5.8
+Searching is for it requires 5.8
+Searching are for it requires 5.8
+||||sheriff||||That's a problem||||
+Searching is for that's a problem
+Searching are for that's a problem
+Searching is for that's a problem
+Searching are for that's a problem
+||||integral||||there's a bunch of CPAN modules you'll need then, IO::String, IO::Scalar, something like that||||
+Searching is for there's a bunch of cpan modules you'll need then, io::string, io::scalar, something like that
+Searching are for there's a bunch of cpan modules you'll need then, io::string, io::scalar, something like that
+Searching is for there's a bunch of cpan modules you'll need then, io::string, io::scalar, something like that
+Searching are for there's a bunch of cpan modules you'll need then, io::string, io::scalar, something like that
+||||sheriff||||tie *OUT, 'IO::Scalar', \$s; -- this should do it||||
+Searching is for tie *out, 'io::scalar', \$s; -- this should do it
+Searching are for tie *out, 'io::scalar', \$s; -- this should do it
+Searching is for tie *out, 'io::scalar', \$s; -- this should do it
+Searching are for tie *out, 'io::scalar', \$s; -- this should do it
+Searching is for :d
+Searching are for :d
+Searching is for :d
+Searching are for :d
+||||sheriff||||Wait wait||||
+Searching is for wait wait
+Searching are for wait wait
+Searching is for wait wait
+Searching are for wait wait
+||||sheriff||||Try and be a wise-ass||||
+Searching is for try and be a wise-ass
+Searching are for try and be a wise-ass
+Searching is for try and be a wise-ass
+Searching are for try and be a wise-ass
+||||sheriff||||and pick issue with something sheriff says||||
+Searching is for pick issue with something sheriff says
+Searching are for pick issue with something sheriff says
+Searching is for pick issue with something sheriff says
+Searching are for pick issue with something sheriff says
+||||sheriff||||And waste his time as he meticulously points out what an utter idiot you are||||
+Searching is for waste his time as he meticulously points outare an utter idiot you
+Searching are for waste his time as he meticulously points outare an utter idiot you
+Searching is for waste his time as he meticulously points outare an utter idiot you
+Searching are for waste his time as he meticulously points outare an utter idiot you
+||||sheriff||||Elthek used to do it a whole bunch||||
+Searching is for elthek used to do it a whole bunch
+Searching are for elthek used to do it a whole bunch
+Searching is for elthek used to do it a whole bunch
+Searching are for elthek used to do it a whole bunch
+Searching is for awesome
+Searching are for awesome
+Searching is for awesome
+Searching are for awesome
+||||sheriff||||He was also a depressive who never had sex||||
+Searching is for he was also a depressivenever had sex
+Searching are for he was also a depressivenever had sex
+Searching is for he was also a depressivenever had sex
+Searching are for he was also a depressivenever had sex
+||||sheriff||||I can see why you two might||||
+Searching is for sheriff can see why you two might
+Searching are for sheriff can see why you two might
+Searching is for sheriff can see why you two might
+Searching are for sheriff can see why you two might
+||||sheriff||||It says enough in its brevity||||
+Searching is for it says enough in its brevity
+Searching are for it says enough in its brevity
+Searching is for it says enough in its brevity
+Searching are for it says enough in its brevity
+||||sheriff||||The guy behind me appears to be working on Nigerian TV. You can tell because they have sweeping vistas of Lagos as the background to all their programs :P||||
+Searching is for the guy behind sheriff appears to be working on nigerian tv. you can tell because they have sweeping vistas of lagos as the background to all their programs :p
+Searching are for the guy behind sheriff appears to be working on nigerian tv. you can tell because they have sweeping vistas of lagos as the background to all their programs :p
+Searching is for guy behind sheriff appears to be working on nigerian tv. you can tell because they have sweeping vistas of lagos as the background to all their programs :p
+Searching are for guy behind sheriff appears to be working on nigerian tv. you can tell because they have sweeping vistas of lagos as the background to all their programs :p
+||||sheriff||||I wonder how I can retie STDERR to the right thing...||||
+Searching is for sheriff wonder how sheriff can retie stderr to the right thing...
+Searching are for sheriff wonder how sheriff can retie stderr to the right thing...
+Searching is for sheriff wonder how sheriff can retie stderr to the right thing
+Searching are for sheriff wonder how sheriff can retie stderr to the right thing
+Searching is for hrm
+Searching are for hrm
+Searching is for hrm
+Searching are for hrm
+||||kd||||which is basically two lines of original code||||
+Searching is for which is basically two lines of original code
+Searching are for which is basically two lines of original code
+Searching is for which
+set;;is;;which;;basically two lines of original code
+Searching is for woot
+Searching are for woot
+Searching is for woot
+Searching are for woot
+Searching is for http://search.cpan.org/src/zarquon/catalyst-plugin-dbic-templatemaker/lib/catalyst/plugin/dbic/templatemaker.pm
+Searching are for http://search.cpan.org/src/zarquon/catalyst-plugin-dbic-templatemaker/lib/catalyst/plugin/dbic/templatemaker.pm
+Searching is for http://search.cpan.org/src/zarquon/catalyst-plugin-dbic-templatemaker/lib/catalyst/plugin/dbic/templatemaker.pm
+Searching are for http://search.cpan.org/src/zarquon/catalyst-plugin-dbic-templatemaker/lib/catalyst/plugin/dbic/templatemaker.pm
+||||shorten||||kd's url is at http://xrl.us/rgus||||
+Searching is for kd's url is at http://xrl.us/rgus
+Searching are for kd's url is at http://xrl.us/rgus
+Searching is for kd's url
+set;;is;;kd's url;;at http://xrl.us/rgus
+||||kd||||what you mean with > docs than code?||||
+Searching is for you mean with > docs than code
+Searching are for you mean with > docs than code
+Searching is for you mean with > docs than code
+Searching are for you mean with > docs than code
+||||sungo||||No, I mean with two lines of original code.||||
+Searching is for no, sungo mean with two lines of original code.
+Searching are for no, sungo mean with two lines of original code.
+Searching is for no, sungo mean with two lines of original code
+Searching are for no, sungo mean with two lines of original code
+Searching is for igallop++
+Searching are for igallop++
+Searching is for igallop++
+Searching are for igallop++
+||||space||||How shall I paste my code here||||
+Searching is for how shall space paste space's code here
+Searching are for how shall space paste space's code here
+Searching is for how shall space paste space's code here
+Searching are for how shall space paste space's code here
+||||space||||Is there any place to paste||||
+Searching is for is there any place to paste
+Searching are for is there any place to paste
+Searching is for
+Searching are for
+Searching is for
+Searching are for
+Searching is for
+Searching are for
+Searching is for
+Searching are for
+Searching is for ;)
+Searching are for ;)
+Searching is for ;)
+Searching are for ;)
+||||bruha||||i cant seem to understand negative lookahead RE: why does this match: 'warn "match" if "xy" =~ m#^.*(?!y)$#' ?||||
+Searching is for bruha cant seem to understand negative lookahead re: why does this match: 'warn "match" if "xy" =~ m#^.*(?!y)$#'
+Searching are for bruha cant seem to understand negative lookahead re: why does this match: 'warn "match" if "xy" =~ m#^.*(?!y)$#'
+Searching is for bruha cant seem to understand negative lookahead re: why does this match: 'warn "match" if "xy" =~ m#^.*(?!y)$#'
+Searching are for bruha cant seem to understand negative lookahead re: why does this match: 'warn "match" if "xy" =~ m#^.*(?!y)$#'
+||||mauke||||because .* matches "xy", which is not followed by a y||||
+Searching is for because .* matches "xy", which is not followed by a y
+Searching are for because .* matches "xy", which is not followed by a y
+Searching is for because .* matches "xy", which
+set;;is;;because .* matches "xy", which;;not followed by a y
+||||bruha||||is there a way to make it not zero width?||||
+Searching is for is there a way to make it not zero width
+Searching are for is there a way to make it not zero width
+||||jeek||||Instead of * use +||||
+Searching is for instead of * use +
+Searching are for instead of * use +
+Searching is for instead of * use +
+Searching are for instead of * use +
+||||jeek||||He's speaking insanity.||||
+Searching is for he's speaking insanity.
+Searching are for he's speaking insanity.
+Searching is for he's speaking insanity
+Searching are for he's speaking insanity
+||||jeek||||Fortunately, I speak the language as well. :D||||
+Searching is for fortunately, jeek speak the language as well. :d
+Searching are for fortunately, jeek speak the language as well. :d
+Searching is for fortunately, jeek speak the language as well. :d
+Searching are for fortunately, jeek speak the language as well. :d
+||||bruha||||'warn "match" if "xy" =~ m#^.+(?!y)$#' still matches||||
+Searching is for 'warn "match" if "xy" =~ m#^.+(?!y)$#' still matches
+Searching are for 'warn "match" if "xy" =~ m#^.+(?!y)$#' still matches
+Searching is for 'warn "match" if "xy" =~ m#^.+(?!y)$#' still matches
+Searching are for 'warn "match" if "xy" =~ m#^.+(?!y)$#' still matches
+||||mauke||||wow, this isn't efnet/#perlhelp?||||
+Searching is for this isn't efnet/#perlhelp
+Searching are for this isn't efnet/#perlhelp
+Searching is for this isn't efnet/#perlhelp
+Searching are for this isn't efnet/#perlhelp
+||||mauke||||.+ still matches "xy"||||
+Searching is for .+ still matches "xy"
+Searching are for .+ still matches "xy"
+Searching is for .+ still matches "xy"
+Searching are for .+ still matches "xy"
+||||bruha||||s/ is//||||
+Searching is for s/ is//
+Searching are for s/ is//
+Searching is for s/ is//
+Searching are for s/ is//
+||||jeek||||Wait, why shouldn't it match?||||
+Searching is for wait, why shouldn't it match
+Searching are for wait, why shouldn't it match
+Searching is for wait, why shouldn't it match
+Searching are for wait, why shouldn't it match
+||||bruha||||cos its negative lookahead match any char not followed by y||||
+Searching is for cos its negative lookahead match any char not followed by y
+Searching are for cos its negative lookahead match any char not followed by y
+Searching is for cos its negative lookahead match any char not followed by y
+Searching are for cos its negative lookahead match any char not followed by y
+Searching is for ah.
+Searching are for ah.
+Searching is for ah
+Searching are for ah
+||||sungo||||sungo it!||||
+Searching is for sungo it!
+Searching are for sungo it!
+Searching is for sungo it
+Searching are for sungo it
+||||jeek||||warn "match" if "xu" =~ m#^.+[^y]$#;||||
+Searching is for warn "match" if "xu" =~ m#^.+[^y]$#;
+Searching are for warn "match" if "xu" =~ m#^.+[^y]$#;
+Searching is for warn "match" if "xu" =~ m#^.+[^y]$#;
+Searching are for warn "match" if "xu" =~ m#^.+[^y]$#;
+||||jeek||||warn "match" if "xy" =~ m#^.+[^y]$#;||||
+Searching is for warn "match" if "xy" =~ m#^.+[^y]$#;
+Searching are for warn "match" if "xy" =~ m#^.+[^y]$#;
+Searching is for warn "match" if "xy" =~ m#^.+[^y]$#;
+Searching are for warn "match" if "xy" =~ m#^.+[^y]$#;
+||||bruha||||jeek i wanted to break it down to a simple case||||
+Searching is for jeek bruha wanted to break it down to a simple case
+Searching are for jeek bruha wanted to break it down to a simple case
+Searching is for jeek bruha wanted to break it down to a simple case
+Searching are for jeek bruha wanted to break it down to a simple case
+||||mauke||||no, you need to negate the match||||
+Searching is for no, you need to negate the match
+Searching are for no, you need to negate the match
+Searching is for no, you need to negate the match
+Searching are for no, you need to negate the match
+||||mauke||||if ($str !~ m{/expire$})||||
+Searching is for if ($str !~ m{/expire$})
+Searching are for if ($str !~ m{/expire$})
+Searching is for if ($str !~ m{/expire$})
+Searching are for if ($str !~ m{/expire$})
+||||jeek||||Well, not testing this line, but have you tried: if (!($string =~ /(\/expire)$/))||||
+Searching is for not testing this line, but have you tried: if (!($string =~ /(\/expire)$/))
+Searching are for not testing this line, but have you tried: if (!($string =~ /(\/expire)$/))
+Searching is for not testing this line, but have you tried: if (!($string =~ /(\/expire)$/))
+Searching are for not testing this line, but have you tried: if (!($string =~ /(\/expire)$/))
+||||mauke||||or that||||
+Searching is for that
+Searching are for that
+Searching is for that
+Searching are for that
+||||jeek||||Oh sweet, I learned something.||||
+Searching is for sweet, jeek learned something.
+Searching are for sweet, jeek learned something.
+Searching is for sweet, jeek learned something
+Searching are for sweet, jeek learned something
+||||jeek||||I was unaware of !~||||
+Searching is for jeek was unaware of !~
+Searching are for jeek was unaware of !~
+Searching is for jeek was unaware of !~
+Searching are for jeek was unaware of !~
+Searching is for mauke++
+Searching are for mauke++
+Searching is for mauke++
+Searching are for mauke++
+||||bruha||||cheers but its not my code; its in Catalyst::Plugin::PageCache and i cant really touch that cos it would be a special case||||
+Searching is for cheers but its not bruha's code; its in catalyst::plugin::pagecache and bruha cant really touch that cos it would be a special case
+Searching are for cheers but its not bruha's code; its in catalyst::plugin::pagecache and bruha cant really touch that cos it would be a special case
+Searching is for cheers but its not bruha's code; its in catalyst::plugin::pagecache and bruha cant really touch that cos it would be a special case
+Searching are for cheers but its not bruha's code; its in catalyst::plugin::pagecache and bruha cant really touch that cos it would be a special case
+||||bruha|||| if ( $path =~ /^$auto$/ ) {||||
+Searching is for if ( $path =~ /^$auto$/ ) {
+Searching are for if ( $path =~ /^$auto$/ ) {
+Searching is for if ( $path =~ /^$auto$/ ) {
+Searching are for if ( $path =~ /^$auto$/ ) {
+Searching is for megahax
+Searching are for megahax
+Searching is for megahax
+Searching are for megahax
+||||bruha||||$auto = "/anything/not/ending/in/expire"||||
+Searching is for $auto = "/anything/not/ending/in/expire"
+Searching are for $auto = "/anything/not/ending/in/expire"
+Searching is for $auto = "/anything/not/ending/in/expire"
+Searching are for $auto = "/anything/not/ending/in/expire"
+||||bruha||||so i thought that would be '.*(?!/expire)'||||
+Searching is for so bruha thought that would be '.*(?!/expire)'
+Searching are for so bruha thought that would be '.*(?!/expire)'
+Searching is for so bruha thought that would be '.*(?!/expire)'
+Searching are for so bruha thought that would be '.*(?!/expire)'
+||||mauke||||$auto = qr{(?!.*/expire\z).*}s;||||
+Searching is for $auto = qr{(?!.*/expire\z).*}s;
+Searching are for $auto = qr{(?!.*/expire\z).*}s;
+Searching is for $auto = qr{(?!.*/expire\z).*}s;
+Searching are for $auto = qr{(?!.*/expire\z).*}s;
+||||sheriff||||how can I unfuck STDERR if I tie *STDERR earlier in my script? I've tried all sorts of things||||
+Searching is for how can sheriff unfuck stderr if sheriff tie *stderr earlier in sheriff's script? sheriff has tried all sorts of things
+Searching are for how can sheriff unfuck stderr if sheriff tie *stderr earlier in sheriff's script? sheriff has tried all sorts of things
+Searching is for how can sheriff unfuck stderr if sheriff tie *stderr earlier in sheriff's script? sheriff has tried all sorts of things
+Searching are for how can sheriff unfuck stderr if sheriff tie *stderr earlier in sheriff's script? sheriff has tried all sorts of things
+Searching is for untie
+Searching are for untie
+Searching is for untie
+Searching are for untie
+||||sheriff||||untie exists?||||
+Searching is for untie exists
+Searching are for untie exists
+Searching is for untie exists
+Searching are for untie exists
+Searching is for huh
+Searching are for huh
+Searching is for huh
+Searching are for huh
+||||sheriff||||I'll try it :)||||
+Searching is for sheriff'll try it :)
+Searching are for sheriff'll try it :)
+Searching is for sheriff'll try it :)
+Searching are for sheriff'll try it :)
+||||jeek||||fork the script right before you tie, then when you need it untied, pass all the vars back to the script that never tied and kill the tied process.||||
+Searching is for fork the script right before you tie, then when you need it untied, pass all the vars back to the script that never tied and kill the tied process.
+Searching are for fork the script right before you tie, then when you need it untied, pass all the vars back to the script that never tied and kill the tied process.
+Searching is for fork the script right before you tie, then when you need it untied, pass all the vars back to the script that never tied and kill the tied process
+Searching are for fork the script right before you tie, then when you need it untied, pass all the vars back to the script that never tied and kill the tied process
+Searching is for awesome
+Searching are for awesome
+Searching is for awesome
+Searching are for awesome
+Searching is for mauke++
+Searching are for mauke++
+Searching is for mauke++
+Searching are for mauke++
+||||bruha||||srry dont understand; why .* after lookbehind?||||
+Searching is for srry dont understand; why .* after lookbehind
+Searching are for srry dont understand; why .* after lookbehind
+Searching is for srry dont understand; why .* after lookbehind
+Searching are for srry dont understand; why .* after lookbehind
+||||mauke||||beginning of string, not followed by: (anything, then "/expire", then end of string)||||
+Searching is for beginning of string, not followed by: (anything, then "/expire", then end of string)
+Searching are for beginning of string, not followed by: (anything, then "/expire", then end of string)
+Searching is for beginning of string, not followed by: (anything, then "/expire", then end of string)
+Searching are for beginning of string, not followed by: (anything, then "/expire", then end of string)
+||||mauke||||otherwise it'd say beginning of string, then anything, not followed by "/expire"||||
+Searching is for otherwise it'd say beginning of string, then anything, not followed by "/expire"
+Searching are for otherwise it'd say beginning of string, then anything, not followed by "/expire"
+Searching is for otherwise it'd say beginning of string, then anything, not followed by "/expire"
+Searching are for otherwise it'd say beginning of string, then anything, not followed by "/expire"
+||||bruha||||exactly thats what i want: beginning of string, then anything, not followed by "/expire"||||
+Searching is for exactly thatsbruha want: beginning of string, then anything, not followed by "/expire"
+Searching are for exactly thatsbruha want: beginning of string, then anything, not followed by "/expire"
+Searching is for exactly thatsbruha want: beginning of string, then anything, not followed by "/expire"
+Searching are for exactly thatsbruha want: beginning of string, then anything, not followed by "/expire"
+||||mauke||||^.*(?!foo) always matches since .* eats the whole string, then "foo" fails because there are no characters left||||
+Searching is for ^.*(?!foo) always matches since .* eats the whole string, then "foo" fails because there are no characters left
+Searching are for ^.*(?!foo) always matches since .* eats the whole string, then "foo" fails because there are no characters left
+||||bruha||||but it doesnt work :(||||
+Searching is for it doesnt work :(
+Searching are for it doesnt work :(
+Searching is for it doesnt work :(
+Searching are for it doesnt work :(
+Searching is for wrong
+Searching are for wrong
+Searching is for wrong
+Searching are for wrong
+||||mauke||||"anything" really means anything, including "/expire"||||
+Searching is for "anything" really means anything, including "/expire"
+Searching are for "anything" really means anything, including "/expire"
+Searching is for "anything" really means anything, including "/expire"
+Searching are for "anything" really means anything, including "/expire"
+||||bruha||||ok i begin to understand in the lookbehind you tie the /expire to the end of string?||||
+Searching is for bruha begin to understand in the lookbehind you tie the /expire to the end of string
+Searching are for bruha begin to understand in the lookbehind you tie the /expire to the end of string
+Searching is for bruha begin to understand in the lookbehind you tie the /expire to the end of string
+Searching are for bruha begin to understand in the lookbehind you tie the /expire to the end of string
+||||mauke||||it's lookahead, actually :-)||||
+Searching is for it's lookahead, actually :-)
+Searching are for it's lookahead, actually :-)
+Searching is for it's lookahead, actually :-)
+Searching are for it's lookahead, actually :-)
+||||bruha||||true yes||||
+Searching is for true yes
+Searching are for true yes
+Searching is for true yes
+Searching are for true yes
+||||mauke||||another soul is saved!||||
+Searching is for another soul is saved!
+Searching are for another soul is saved!
+Searching is for another soul
+set;;is;;another soul;;saved!
+||||bruha||||or shall i say heroine?||||
+Searching is for shall bruha say heroine
+Searching are for shall bruha say heroine
+Searching is for shall bruha say heroine
+Searching are for shall bruha say heroine
+||||mauke||||whatever floats your boat||||
+Searching is for whatever floats your boat
+Searching are for whatever floats your boat
+Searching is for whatever floats your boat
+Searching are for whatever floats your boat
+||||bruha||||mauke++ ||||
+Searching is for mauke++
+Searching are for mauke++
+Searching is for mauke++
+Searching are for mauke++
+Searching is for clock
+Searching are for clock
+Searching is for clock
+Searching are for clock
+Searching is for tkp!
+Searching are for tkp!
+Searching is for tkp
+Searching are for tkp
+Searching is for uh
+Searching are for uh
+Searching is for uh
+Searching are for uh
+||||tkp||||hey sheriff ||||
+Searching is for sheriff
+Searching are for sheriff
+Searching is for sheriff
+Searching are for sheriff
+||||devin||||seen yrlnry||||
+Searching is for seen yrlnry
+Searching are for seen yrlnry
+Searching is for seen yrlnry
+Searching are for seen yrlnry
+||||sheriff||||Still with VB?||||
+Searching is for with vb
+Searching are for with vb
+Searching is for with vb
+Searching are for with vb
+Searching is for yup
+Searching are for yup
+Searching is for yup
+Searching are for yup
+||||sheriff||||In the office today?||||
+Searching is for in the office today
+Searching are for in the office today
+Searching is for in the office today
+Searching are for in the office today
+Searching is for nope
+Searching are for nope
+Searching is for nope
+Searching are for nope
+||||tkp||||why, are you?||||
+Searching is for why, are you
+Searching are for why, are you
+Searching is for nah
+Searching are for nah
+Searching is for nah
+Searching are for nah
+||||tkp||||I suppose someone has to do it!||||
+Searching is for tkp suppose someone has to do it!
+Searching are for tkp suppose someone has to do it!
+Searching is for tkp suppose someone has to do it
+Searching are for tkp suppose someone has to do it
+||||rjbs||||I am in my home office.||||
+Searching is for rjbs is in rjbs's home office.
+Searching are for rjbs is in rjbs's home office.
+Searching is for rjbs
+set;;is;;rjbs;;in rjbs's home office.
+Searching is for woot
+Searching are for woot
+Searching is for woot
+Searching are for woot
+Searching is for wow
+Searching are for wow
+Searching is for wow
+Searching are for wow
+||||jcap||||that's nice looking||||
+Searching is for that's nice looking
+Searching are for that's nice looking
+Searching is for that's nice looking
+Searching are for that's nice looking
+||||jcap||||I mean, on the outside at least||||
+Searching is for jcap mean, on the outside at least
+Searching are for jcap mean, on the outside at least
+Searching is for jcap mean, on the outside at least
+Searching are for jcap mean, on the outside at least
+||||sungo||||sungo it!||||
+Searching is for sungo it!
+Searching are for sungo it!
+Searching is for sungo it
+Searching are for sungo it
+Searching is for kiss--
+Searching are for kiss--
+Searching is for kiss--
+Searching are for kiss--
+Searching is for sungo++
+Searching are for sungo++
+Searching is for sungo++
+Searching are for sungo++
+Searching is for hlaghl
+Searching are for hlaghl
+Searching is for hlaghl
+Searching are for hlaghl
+Searching is for games::telephone::tiedscalar
+Searching are for games::telephone::tiedscalar
+Searching is for games::telephone::tiedscalar
+Searching are for games::telephone::tiedscalar
+Searching is for rjbs++
+Searching are for rjbs++
+Searching is for rjbs++
+Searching are for rjbs++
+||||yrlnry||||That is a GREAT idea.||||
+Searching is for that is a great idea.
+Searching are for that is a great idea.
+||||rjbs||||yeah, looking for a prebuilt way to find soundalikes.||||
+Searching is for yeah, looking for a prebuilt way to find soundalikes.
+Searching are for yeah, looking for a prebuilt way to find soundalikes.
+Searching is for yeah, looking for a prebuilt way to find soundalikes
+Searching are for yeah, looking for a prebuilt way to find soundalikes
+||||mendel||||Every time you assign it it changes a bit?||||
+Searching is for every time you assign it it changes a bit
+Searching are for every time you assign it it changes a bit
+Searching is for every time you assign it it changes a bit
+Searching are for every time you assign it it changes a bit
+Searching is for rt
+Searching are for rt
+Searching is for rt
+Searching are for rt
+||||mendel||||er "it changes a little"||||
+Searching is for er "it changes a little"
+Searching are for er "it changes a little"
+Searching is for er "it changes a little"
+Searching are for er "it changes a little"
+||||rjbs||||well, what you want is for it always to return real words||||
+Searching is for is you want for it always to return real words
+Searching are for is you want for it always to return real words
+Searching is for you want for it always to return real words
+||||Frakkle||||sungo it!||||
+Searching is for sungo it!
+Searching are for sungo it!
+Searching is for sungo it
+Searching are for sungo it
+||||rjbs||||maybe it reimplements Lingua::EN::Inflect||||
+Searching is for maybe it reimplements lingua::en::inflect
+Searching are for maybe it reimplements lingua::en::inflect
+Searching is for maybe it reimplements lingua::en::inflect
+Searching are for maybe it reimplements lingua::en::inflect
+||||rjbs||||just as well as the pl implementation||||
+Searching is for just as well as the pl implementation
+Searching are for just as well as the pl implementation
+Searching is for just as well as the pl implementation
+Searching are for just as well as the pl implementation
+||||rjbs||||that waffle you flickr'd looks delicious||||
+Searching is for that waffle you flickr'd looks delicious
+Searching are for that waffle you flickr'd looks delicious
+Searching is for that waffle you flickr'd looks delicious
+Searching are for that waffle you flickr'd looks delicious
+||||acme||||it was!||||
+Searching is for it was!
+Searching are for it was!
+Searching is for it was
+Searching are for it was
+Searching is for link!
+Searching are for link!
+Searching is for link
+Searching are for link
+Searching is for http://www.flickr.com/photos/acme/
+Searching are for http://www.flickr.com/photos/acme/
+Searching is for http://www.flickr.com/photos/acme/
+Searching are for http://www.flickr.com/photos/acme/
+Searching is for http://www.flickr.com/photos/acme/229065839/
+Searching are for http://www.flickr.com/photos/acme/229065839/
+Searching is for http://www.flickr.com/photos/acme/229065839/
+Searching are for http://www.flickr.com/photos/acme/229065839/
+||||waltman||||just found it :)||||
+Searching is for just found it :)
+Searching are for just found it :)
+Searching is for just found it :)
+Searching are for just found it :)
+||||PerlJam||||Was the waffle made from the ducks? Is the recipe encoded in the picture composed of bunches of words?||||
+Searching is for was the waffle made from the ducks? is the recipe encoded in the picture composed of bunches of words
+Searching are for was the waffle made from the ducks? is the recipe encoded in the picture composed of bunches of words
+Searching is for yes
+Searching are for yes
+Searching is for yes
+Searching are for yes
+Searching is for hlaghalghaghaghlaghlaghlaghalhghalghlaghlalhghlaglahglaghagh
+Searching are for hlaghalghaghaghlaghlaghlaghalhghalghlaghlalhghlaglahglaghagh
+Searching is for hlaghalghaghaghlaghlaghlaghalhghalghlaghlalhghlaglahglaghagh
+Searching are for hlaghalghaghaghlaghlaghlaghalhghalghlaghlalhghlaglahglaghagh
+||||Frakkle||||That's hawt.||||
+Searching is for that's hawt.
+Searching are for that's hawt.
+Searching is for that's hawt
+Searching are for that's hawt
+||||yrlnry||||Our waffle iron has a substantially similar waffling pattern.||||
+Searching is for our waffle iron has a substantially similar waffling pattern.
+Searching are for our waffle iron has a substantially similar waffling pattern.
+Searching is for our waffle iron has a substantially similar waffling pattern
+Searching are for our waffle iron has a substantially similar waffling pattern
+||||rjbs||||Your mother wears army boots => yr moter wrecky army badious||||
+Searching is for your mother wears army boots => yr moter wrecky army badious
+Searching are for your mother wears army boots => yr moter wrecky army badious
+Searching is for your mother wears army boots => yr moter wrecky army badious
+Searching are for your mother wears army boots => yr moter wrecky army badious
+||||mendel||||My waffle iron has a substantially different pattern.||||
+Searching is for mendel's waffle iron has a substantially different pattern.
+Searching are for mendel's waffle iron has a substantially different pattern.
+Searching is for mendel's waffle iron has a substantially different pattern
+Searching are for mendel's waffle iron has a substantially different pattern
+||||CanyonMan||||who are these people and why are they eating||||
+Searching is for are are these people and why they eating
+Searching are for are are these people and why they eating
+Searching are for are these people and why they eating
+||||rjbs||||Not very amusing after all.||||
+Searching is for not very amusing after all.
+Searching are for not very amusing after all.
+Searching is for not very amusing after all
+Searching are for not very amusing after all
+||||CanyonMan||||somebody is getting married||||
+Searching is for somebody is getting married
+Searching are for somebody is getting married
+Searching is for somebody
+set;;is;;somebody;;getting married
+Searching is for http://shop.sanrio.com/images/product/51549.gif
+Searching are for http://shop.sanrio.com/images/product/51549.gif
+Searching is for http://shop.sanrio.com/images/product/51549.gif
+Searching are for http://shop.sanrio.com/images/product/51549.gif
+||||steven||||where's the cute girl?||||
+Searching is for is the cute girl
+Searching are for is the cute girl
+Searching is for cute girl
+||||CanyonMan||||too late, she's married!||||
+Searching is for too late, she's married!
+Searching are for too late, she's married!
+Searching is for too late, she's married
+Searching are for too late, she's married
+||||CanyonMan||||I dunno, page 8ish?||||
+Searching is for canyonman dunno, page 8ish
+Searching are for canyonman dunno, page 8ish
+Searching is for canyonman dunno, page 8ish
+Searching are for canyonman dunno, page 8ish
+||||CanyonMan||||I stopped clicking, my hand got tired||||
+Searching is for canyonman stopped clicking, canyonman's hand got tired
+Searching are for canyonman stopped clicking, canyonman's hand got tired
+Searching is for canyonman stopped clicking, canyonman's hand got tired
+Searching are for canyonman stopped clicking, canyonman's hand got tired
+||||rjbs||||Hm. More variation is beter. yar mettar wearish arain Butsu||||
+Searching is for more variation is beter. yar mettar wearish arain butsu
+Searching are for more variation is beter. yar mettar wearish arain butsu
+Searching is for more variation
+set;;is;;more variation;;beter. yar mettar wearish arain Butsu
+||||rjbs||||I need a dict of more common words.||||
+Searching is for rjbs need a dict of more common words.
+Searching are for rjbs need a dict of more common words.
+Searching is for rjbs need a dict of more common words
+Searching are for rjbs need a dict of more common words
+||||mendel||||Of course! And we got it as a wedding present.||||
+Searching is for of course! and we got it as a wedding present.
+Searching are for of course! and we got it as a wedding present.
+Searching is for of course! and we got it as a wedding present
+Searching are for of course! and we got it as a wedding present
+Searching is for :)
+Searching are for :)
+Searching is for :)
+Searching are for :)
+||||mendel||||It makes good, kitty-head-shaped waffles. It's not as hot as your typical normal waffle iron though.||||
+Searching is for it makes good, kitty-head-shaped waffles. it's not as hot as your typical normal waffle iron though.
+Searching are for it makes good, kitty-head-shaped waffles. it's not as hot as your typical normal waffle iron though.
+Searching is for it makes good, kitty-head-shaped waffles. it's not as hot as your typical normal waffle iron though
+Searching are for it makes good, kitty-head-shaped waffles. it's not as hot as your typical normal waffle iron though
+||||Frakkle||||perl -le 'print "DONG\n"x300000' > dict||||
+Searching is for perl -le 'print "dong\n"x300000' > dict
+Searching are for perl -le 'print "dong\n"x300000' > dict
+Searching is for perl -le 'print "dong\n"x300000' > dict
+Searching are for perl -le 'print "dong\n"x300000' > dict
+||||steven||||OMG that old lady talking to the little boy looks just like my great aunt in NZ||||
+Searching is for omg that old lady talking to the little boy looks just like steven's great aunt in nz
+Searching are for omg that old lady talking to the little boy looks just like steven's great aunt in nz
+Searching is for omg that old lady talking to the little boy looks just like steven's great aunt in nz
+Searching are for omg that old lady talking to the little boy looks just like steven's great aunt in nz
+Searching is for attention
+Searching are for attention
+Searching is for attention
+Searching are for attention
+||||sungo||||YOU ALL SUCK DICK||||
+Searching is for you all suck dick
+Searching are for you all suck dick
+Searching is for you all suck dick
+Searching are for you all suck dick
+Searching is for hlaghlaghlaghl
+Searching are for hlaghlaghlaghl
+Searching is for hlaghlaghlaghl
+Searching are for hlaghlaghlaghl
+||||rjbs||||yeah? well Yaru mothery whorish Aronia bitwise.||||
+Searching is for yeah? well yaru mothery whorish aronia bitwise.
+Searching are for yeah? well yaru mothery whorish aronia bitwise.
+Searching is for yeah? well yaru mothery whorish aronia bitwise
+Searching are for yeah? well yaru mothery whorish aronia bitwise
+Searching is for this is the only redeemable quality sungo find in you
+Searching are for this is the only redeemable quality sungo find in you
+||||sungo||||THANK YOU||||
+Searching is for thank you
+Searching are for thank you
+Searching is for thank you
+Searching are for thank you
+Searching is for good
+Searching are for good
+Searching is for good
+Searching are for good
+||||sungo||||BONG HITS 4 JESUS||||
+Searching is for bong hits 4 jesus
+Searching are for bong hits 4 jesus
+Searching is for bong hits 4 jesus
+Searching are for bong hits 4 jesus
+||||Frakkle||||DONG HITS 4 JESUS||||
+Searching is for dong hits 4 jesus
+Searching are for dong hits 4 jesus
+Searching is for dong hits 4 jesus
+Searching are for dong hits 4 jesus
+Searching is for if jesus created all the dongs does he have to lick them too is thatis heaven
+Searching are for if jesus created all the dongs does he have to lick them too is thatis heaven
+Searching is for woohoo
+Searching are for woohoo
+Searching is for woohoo
+Searching are for woohoo
+||||Frakkle||||GetYourWarOn updated||||
+Searching is for getyourwaron updated
+Searching are for getyourwaron updated
+Searching is for getyourwaron updated
+Searching are for getyourwaron updated
+Searching is for indeed
+Searching are for indeed
+Searching is for indeed
+Searching are for indeed
+||||Frakkle||||"Goddamn, I love violent paths for peace. Because then I can wish for peace without feeling like a wimp!"||||
+Searching is for "goddamn, frakkle love violent paths for peace. because then frakkle can wish for peace without feeling like a wimp!"
+Searching are for "goddamn, frakkle love violent paths for peace. because then frakkle can wish for peace without feeling like a wimp!"
+Searching is for "goddamn, frakkle love violent paths for peace. because then frakkle can wish for peace without feeling like a wimp!"
+Searching are for "goddamn, frakkle love violent paths for peace. because then frakkle can wish for peace without feeling like a wimp!"
+Searching is for hehe
+Searching are for hehe
+Searching is for hehe
+Searching are for hehe
+||||Frakkle||||That's great||||
+Searching is for that's great
+Searching are for that's great
+Searching is for that's great
+Searching are for that's great
+||||geoffeg||||I wish to find the fucker who decided that the package class path has to match to directories on the file system.||||
+Searching is for geoffeg wish to find erdecided that the package class path has to match to directories on the file system.
+Searching are for geoffeg wish to find erdecided that the package class path has to match to directories on the file system.
+Searching is for geoffeg wish to find erdecided that the package class path has to match to directories on the file system
+Searching are for geoffeg wish to find erdecided that the package class path has to match to directories on the file system
+||||Frakkle||||It does make finding the file much easier.||||
+Searching is for it does make finding the file much easier.
+Searching are for it does make finding the file much easier.
+Searching is for it does make finding the file much easier
+Searching are for it does make finding the file much easier
+||||geoffeg||||It does?||||
+Searching is for it does
+Searching are for it does
+Searching is for it does
+Searching are for it does
+||||geoffeg||||huh.. find seems to work pretty well for me||||
+Searching is for find seems to work pretty well for geoffeg
+Searching are for find seems to work pretty well for geoffeg
+Searching is for find seems to work pretty well for geoffeg
+Searching are for find seems to work pretty well for geoffeg
+||||yrlnry||||if it didn't, how would Perl know what file to load when you said "use A::B::C"?||||
+Searching is for if it didn't, how would perl knowfile to load when you said "use a::b::c"
+Searching are for if it didn't, how would perl knowfile to load when you said "use a::b::c"
+Searching is for if it didn't, how would perl knowfile to load when you said "use a::b::c"
+Searching are for if it didn't, how would perl knowfile to load when you said "use a::b::c"
+||||Frakkle||||Yeah but no need to run find on every use statement when you start the perl program||||
+Searching is for yeah but no need to run find on every use statement when you start the perl program
+Searching are for yeah but no need to run find on every use statement when you start the perl program
+Searching is for yeah but no need to run find on every use statement when you start the perl program
+Searching are for yeah but no need to run find on every use statement when you start the perl program
+||||Frakkle||||Perl cannot read your mind (that comes in version 6)||||
+Searching is for perl cannot read your mind (that comes in version 6)
+Searching are for perl cannot read your mind (that comes in version 6)
+Searching is for perl cannot read your mind (that comes in version 6)
+Searching are for perl cannot read your mind (that comes in version 6)
+||||sungo||||it doesn't have to. :)||||
+Searching is for it doesn't have to. :)
+Searching are for it doesn't have to. :)
+Searching is for it doesn't have to. :)
+Searching are for it doesn't have to. :)
+||||sungo||||only for 'use' and the file that's found can contain lots of other non-path-related pacakages.||||
+Searching is for only for 'use' and the file that's found can contain lots of other non-path-related pacakages.
+Searching are for only for 'use' and the file that's found can contain lots of other non-path-related pacakages.
+Searching is for only for 'use' and the file that's found can contain lots of other non-path-related pacakages
+Searching are for only for 'use' and the file that's found can contain lots of other non-path-related pacakages
+||||PerlJam||||because *obviously* when you install the module, it'll generate a magic key that tells perl where the file is and installs that magic key in perl's registry ;>||||
+Searching is for because *obviously* when you install the module, it'll generate a magic key that tells perlis the file and installs that magic key in perl's registry ;>
+Searching are for because *obviously* when you install the module, it'll generate a magic key that tells perlis the file and installs that magic key in perl's registry ;>
+Searching is for because *obviously* when you install the module, it'll generate a magic key that tells perlis the file and installs that magic key in perl's registry ;>
+Searching are for because *obviously* when you install the module, it'll generate a magic key that tells perlis the file and installs that magic key in perl's registry ;>
+Searching is for arrrrgh
+Searching are for arrrrgh
+Searching is for arrrrgh
+Searching are for arrrrgh
+||||sungo||||YAY REGISTRY||||
+Searching is for yay registry
+Searching are for yay registry
+Searching is for yay registry
+Searching are for yay registry
+||||PerlJam||||what's your problem with the correspondence between files and packages?||||
+Searching is for is your problem with the correspondence between files and packages
+Searching are for is your problem with the correspondence between files and packages
+Searching is for your problem with the correspondence between files and packages
+||||geoffeg||||sorry.. let me say that again||||
+Searching is for sorry.. let geoffeg say that again
+Searching are for sorry.. let geoffeg say that again
+Searching is for sorry.. let geoffeg say that again
+Searching are for sorry.. let geoffeg say that again
+||||geoffeg||||I wish to find the fucker who decided that the package class path has to match to directories on the file system IN JAVA.||||
+Searching is for geoffeg wish to find erdecided that the package class path has to match to directories on the file system in java.
+Searching are for geoffeg wish to find erdecided that the package class path has to match to directories on the file system in java.
+Searching is for geoffeg wish to find erdecided that the package class path has to match to directories on the file system in java
+Searching are for geoffeg wish to find erdecided that the package class path has to match to directories on the file system in java
+||||geoffeg||||my bad||||
+Searching is for geoffeg's bad
+Searching are for geoffeg's bad
+Searching is for geoffeg's bad
+Searching are for geoffeg's bad
+||||sungo||||geoffeg is a java whore.||||
+Searching is for geoffeg is a java whore.
+Searching are for geoffeg is a java whore.
+Searching is for geoffeg
+set;;is;;geoffeg;;a java whore.
+Searching is for whore
+Searching are for whore
+Searching is for whore
+Searching are for whore
+||||geoffeg||||SUCK MY JAVA COCK||||
+Searching is for suck geoffeg's java cock
+Searching are for suck geoffeg's java cock
+Searching is for suck geoffeg's java cock
+Searching are for suck geoffeg's java cock
+||||rjbs||||mmm mochaey||||
+Searching is for mmm mochaey
+Searching are for mmm mochaey
+Searching is for mmm mochaey
+Searching are for mmm mochaey
+||||mendel||||shazbot whore||||
+Searching is for shazbot whore
+Searching are for shazbot whore
+Searching is for shazbot whore
+Searching are for shazbot whore
+Searching is for whoreos
+Searching are for whoreos
+Searching is for whoreos
+Searching are for whoreos
+||||mendel||||shazbot java||||
+Searching is for shazbot java
+Searching are for shazbot java
+Searching is for shazbot java
+Searching are for shazbot java
+||||workbench||||JAVA HLAVACEK||||
+Searching is for java hlavacek
+Searching are for java hlavacek
+Searching is for java hlavacek
+Searching are for java hlavacek
+||||mendel||||SO THERE||||
+Searching is for so there
+Searching are for so there
+Searching is for so there
+Searching are for so there
+||||geoffeg||||is a whoreo like an oreo?||||
+Searching is for is a whoreo like an oreo
+Searching are for is a whoreo like an oreo
+||||geoffeg||||can i dip my whoreo in milk?||||
+Searching is for can geoffeg dip geoffeg's whoreo in milk
+Searching are for can geoffeg dip geoffeg's whoreo in milk
+Searching is for can geoffeg dip geoffeg's whoreo in milk
+Searching are for can geoffeg dip geoffeg's whoreo in milk
+||||geoffeg||||or lick the creamy filling from in between my whoreo's shell?||||
+Searching is for lick the creamy filling from in between geoffeg's whoreo's shell
+Searching are for lick the creamy filling from in between geoffeg's whoreo's shell
+Searching is for lick the creamy filling from in between geoffeg's whoreo's shell
+Searching are for lick the creamy filling from in between geoffeg's whoreo's shell
+Searching is for neg.
+Searching are for neg.
+Searching is for neg
+Searching are for neg
+||||jeek||||It's part of your complete breakfast.||||
+Searching is for it's part of your complete breakfast.
+Searching are for it's part of your complete breakfast.
+Searching is for it's part of your complete breakfast
+Searching are for it's part of your complete breakfast
+||||boojum||||too early||||
+Searching is for too early
+Searching are for too early
+Searching is for too early
+Searching are for too early
+||||jeek||||That's all you need for a complete breakfast, right?||||
+Searching is for that's all you need for a complete breakfast, right
+Searching are for that's all you need for a complete breakfast, right
+Searching is for that's all you need for a complete breakfast, right
+Searching are for that's all you need for a complete breakfast, right
+||||jeek||||Toast, OJ, Coffee, Whoreos?||||
+Searching is for toast, oj, coffee, whoreos
+Searching are for toast, oj, coffee, whoreos
+Searching is for toast, oj, coffee, whoreos
+Searching are for toast, oj, coffee, whoreos
+Searching is for hrm
+Searching are for hrm
+Searching is for hrm
+Searching are for hrm
+||||lamech||||there's no booze in that list||||
+Searching is for there's no booze in that list
+Searching are for there's no booze in that list
+Searching is for there's no booze in that list
+Searching are for there's no booze in that list
+||||geoffeg||||Hopefully not mixed in the same bowl.||||
+Searching is for hopefully not mixed in the same bowl.
+Searching are for hopefully not mixed in the same bowl.
+Searching is for hopefully not mixed in the same bowl
+Searching are for hopefully not mixed in the same bowl
+||||geoffeg||||What about a blowjob? That makes the breakfast more complete.||||
+Searching is for about a blowjob? that makes the breakfast more complete.
+Searching are for about a blowjob? that makes the breakfast more complete.
+Searching is for about a blowjob? that makes the breakfast more complete
+Searching are for about a blowjob? that makes the breakfast more complete
+||||waltman||||dammit, the cheap hotel rate for ppw ran out over a week ago||||
+Searching is for dammit, the cheap hotel rate for ppw ran out over a week ago
+Searching are for dammit, the cheap hotel rate for ppw ran out over a week ago
+Searching is for dammit, the cheap hotel rate for ppw ran out over a week ago
+Searching are for dammit, the cheap hotel rate for ppw ran out over a week ago
+||||boojum||||too early for whoreos||||
+Searching is for too early for whoreos
+Searching are for too early for whoreos
+Searching is for too early for whoreos
+Searching are for too early for whoreos
+||||yrlnry||||call the hotel and ask them if you can have it anyway.||||
+Searching is for call the hotel and ask them if you can have it .
+Searching are for call the hotel and ask them if you can have it .
+Searching is for call the hotel and ask them if you can have it
+Searching are for call the hotel and ask them if you can have it
+||||sungo||||sungo it!||||
+Searching is for sungo it!
+Searching are for sungo it!
+Searching is for sungo it
+Searching are for sungo it
+Searching is for excellent
+Searching are for excellent
+Searching is for excellent
+Searching are for excellent
+||||waltman||||yeah, there doesn't seem a way to enter it online anyway||||
+Searching is for yeah, there doesn't seem a way to enter it online
+Searching are for yeah, there doesn't seem a way to enter it online
+Searching is for yeah, there doesn't seem a way to enter it online
+Searching are for yeah, there doesn't seem a way to enter it online
+Searching is for blurg
+Searching are for blurg
+Searching is for blurg
+Searching are for blurg
+Searching is for indeed
+Searching are for indeed
+Searching is for indeed
+Searching are for indeed
+||||lamech||||T SUNGO TEH YAAAAAYZ0R||||
+Searching is for t sungo teh yaaaaayz0r
+Searching are for t sungo teh yaaaaayz0r
+Searching is for t sungo teh yaaaaayz0r
+Searching are for t sungo teh yaaaaayz0r
+Searching is for sungo++
+Searching are for sungo++
+Searching is for sungo++
+Searching are for sungo++
+||||cat-xeger||||mmlj4 - isn't that normal?||||
+Searching is for mmlj4 - isn't that normal
+Searching are for mmlj4 - isn't that normal
+Searching is for mmlj4 - isn't that normal
+Searching are for mmlj4 - isn't that normal
+||||waltman||||It's summarizing a 10 week grad class on approximation algorithms in half an hour :)||||
+Searching is for it's summarizing a 10 week grad class on approximation algorithms in half an hour :)
+Searching are for it's summarizing a 10 week grad class on approximation algorithms in half an hour :)
+Searching is for it's summarizing a 10 week grad class on approximation algorithms in half an hour :)
+Searching are for it's summarizing a 10 week grad class on approximation algorithms in half an hour :)
+||||jeek||||"This looks like an interesting talk." *goes in and sits down*||||
+Searching is for "this looks like an interesting talk." *goes in and sits down*
+Searching are for "this looks like an interesting talk." *goes in and sits down*
+Searching is for "this looks like an interesting talk." *goes in and sits down*
+Searching are for "this looks like an interesting talk." *goes in and sits down*
+||||cat-xeger||||I've certainly written slides -right- before my talk ||||
+Searching is for cat-xeger has certainly written slides -right- before cat-xeger's talk
+Searching are for cat-xeger has certainly written slides -right- before cat-xeger's talk
+Searching is for cat-xeger has certainly written slides -right- before cat-xeger's talk
+Searching are for cat-xeger has certainly written slides -right- before cat-xeger's talk
+||||jeek||||"I'm really looking forward to this, as it's a subject matter I'm very interested in."||||
+Searching is for "i'm really looking forward to this, as it's a subject matter jeek is very interested in."
+Searching are for "i'm really looking forward to this, as it's a subject matter jeek is very interested in."
+||||jeek||||"Wait, *I'm* the one giving this talk? o.O"||||
+Searching is for "wait, *i'm* the one giving this talk? o.o"
+Searching are for "wait, *i'm* the one giving this talk? o.o"
+Searching is for "wait, *i'm* the one giving this talk? o.o"
+Searching are for "wait, *i'm* the one giving this talk? o.o"
+||||waltman||||btw the schedule's online||||
+Searching is for btw the schedule's online
+Searching are for btw the schedule's online
+Searching is for btw the schedule's online
+Searching are for btw the schedule's online
+Searching is for http://www.pghpw.org/schedule.html
+Searching are for http://www.pghpw.org/schedule.html
+Searching is for http://www.pghpw.org/schedule.html
+Searching are for http://www.pghpw.org/schedule.html
+Searching is for sweet
+Searching are for sweet
+Searching is for sweet
+Searching are for sweet
+||||rjbs||||I really need to find out whether I need to bail on that. :'(||||
+Searching is for rjbs really need to find out whether rjbs need to bail on that. :'(
+Searching are for rjbs really need to find out whether rjbs need to bail on that. :'(
+Searching is for rjbs really need to find out whether rjbs need to bail on that. :'(
+Searching are for rjbs really need to find out whether rjbs need to bail on that. :'(
+||||yrlnry||||I suggest you face the snack.||||
+Searching is for yrlnry suggest you face the snack.
+Searching are for yrlnry suggest you face the snack.
+Searching is for yrlnry suggest you face the snack
+Searching are for yrlnry suggest you face the snack
+||||rjbs||||I should be closing on the house the day ebfore.||||
+Searching is for rjbs should be closing on the house the day ebfore.
+Searching are for rjbs should be closing on the house the day ebfore.
+Searching is for rjbs should be closing on the house the day ebfore
+Searching are for rjbs should be closing on the house the day ebfore
+Searching is for congratulations!
+Searching are for congratulations!
+Searching is for congratulations
+Searching are for congratulations
+||||rjbs||||Thanks! I just want the process to be over so I can start pouring money into it and eating crackers for lunch every day!||||
+Searching is for thanks! rjbs just want the process to be over so rjbs can start pouring money into it and eating crackers for lunch every day!
+Searching are for thanks! rjbs just want the process to be over so rjbs can start pouring money into it and eating crackers for lunch every day!
+Searching is for thanks! rjbs just want the process to be over so rjbs can start pouring money into it and eating crackers for lunch every day
+Searching are for thanks! rjbs just want the process to be over so rjbs can start pouring money into it and eating crackers for lunch every day
+||||modred||||better dust of your home improvement books too||||
+Searching is for better dust of your home improvement books too
+Searching are for better dust of your home improvement books too
+Searching is for better dust of your home improvement books too
+Searching are for better dust of your home improvement books too
+||||waltman||||the day before, as in friday?||||
+Searching is for the day before, as in friday
+Searching are for the day before, as in friday
+Searching is for day before, as in friday
+Searching are for day before, as in friday
+Searching is for right
+Searching are for right
+Searching is for right
+Searching are for right
+||||waltman||||doesn't leave much time to get there||||
+Searching is for doesn't leave much time to get there
+Searching are for doesn't leave much time to get there
+Searching is for doesn't leave much time to get there
+Searching are for doesn't leave much time to get there
+Searching is for indeed
+Searching are for indeed
+Searching is for indeed
+Searching are for indeed
+Searching is for http://rjbs.manxome.org/tmp/house.jpg
+Searching are for http://rjbs.manxome.org/tmp/house.jpg
+Searching is for http://rjbs.manxome.org/tmp/house.jpg
+Searching are for http://rjbs.manxome.org/tmp/house.jpg
+||||rjbs||||It's the right section, with no awning.||||
+Searching is for it's the right section, with no awning.
+Searching are for it's the right section, with no awning.
+Searching is for it's the right section, with no awning
+Searching are for it's the right section, with no awning
+||||waltman||||"project 1: add awning"||||
+Searching is for "project 1: add awning"
+Searching are for "project 1: add awning"
+Searching is for "project 1: add awning"
+Searching are for "project 1: add awning"
+||||rjbs||||eh, probably not||||
+Searching is for eh, probably not
+Searching are for eh, probably not
+Searching is for eh, probably not
+Searching are for eh, probably not
+||||rjbs||||although project 1 might be "rebuild porch roof"||||
+Searching is for although project 1 might be "rebuild porch roof"
+Searching are for although project 1 might be "rebuild porch roof"
+Searching is for although project 1 might be "rebuild porch roof"
+Searching are for although project 1 might be "rebuild porch roof"
+||||rjbs||||as it is the biggest problem atm.; pulling away from house||||
+Searching is for as it is the biggest problem atm.; pulling away from house
+Searching are for as it is the biggest problem atm.; pulling away from house
+Searching is for as it
+set;;is;;as it;;the biggest problem atm.; pulling away from house
+||||rjbs||||project 2: redirect rainspouts||||
+Searching is for project 2: redirect rainspouts
+Searching are for project 2: redirect rainspouts
+Searching is for project 2: redirect rainspouts
+Searching are for project 2: redirect rainspouts
+||||rjbs||||project 3: overhaul 3rd floor||||
+Searching is for project 3: overhaul 3rd floor
+Searching are for project 3: overhaul 3rd floor
+Searching is for project 3: overhaul 3rd floor
+Searching are for project 3: overhaul 3rd floor
+||||waltman||||"project 2: rocking chair for porch"||||
+Searching is for "project 2: rocking chair for porch"
+Searching are for "project 2: rocking chair for porch"
+Searching is for "project 2: rocking chair for porch"
+Searching are for "project 2: rocking chair for porch"
+||||rjbs||||no kidding! :) i am stoked to have a porch||||
+Searching is for no kidding! :) rjbs is stoked to have a porch
+Searching are for no kidding! :) rjbs is stoked to have a porch
+Searching is for no kidding! :) rjbs
+set;;is;;no kidding! :) rjbs;;stoked to have a porch
+||||waltman||||You can yell at kids when they go by too fast on their bikes and skateboards||||
+Searching is for you can yell at kids when they go by too fast on their bikes and skateboards
+Searching are for you can yell at kids when they go by too fast on their bikes and skateboards
+Searching is for you can yell at kids when they go by too fast on their bikes and skateboards
+Searching are for you can yell at kids when they go by too fast on their bikes and skateboards
+||||rjbs||||throw empty beer cans.||||
+Searching is for throw empty beer cans.
+Searching are for throw empty beer cans.
+Searching is for throw empty beer cans
+Searching are for throw empty beer cans
+||||waltman||||Will this inspire you to finally get your license for those trips to Home Depot?||||
+Searching is for will this inspire you to finally get your license for those trips to home depot
+Searching are for will this inspire you to finally get your license for those trips to home depot
+Searching is for will this inspire you to finally get your license for those trips to home depot
+Searching are for will this inspire you to finally get your license for those trips to home depot
+||||rjbs||||haha. mayne.||||
+Searching is for haha. mayne.
+Searching are for haha. mayne.
+Searching is for haha. mayne
+Searching are for haha. mayne
+||||rjbs||||maybe. I have plans to get it anyway, this year.||||
+Searching is for maybe. rjbs has plans to get it , this year.
+Searching are for maybe. rjbs has plans to get it , this year.
+Searching is for maybe. rjbs has plans to get it , this year
+Searching are for maybe. rjbs has plans to get it , this year
+||||rjbs||||http://rjbs.manxome.org/rubric/entry/1203 # currently doing really badly||||
+Searching is for http://rjbs.manxome.org/rubric/entry/1203 # currently doing really badly
+Searching are for http://rjbs.manxome.org/rubric/entry/1203 # currently doing really badly
+Searching is for http://rjbs.manxome.org/rubric/entry/1203 # currently doing really badly
+Searching are for http://rjbs.manxome.org/rubric/entry/1203 # currently doing really badly
+Searching is for :(
+Searching are for :(
+Searching is for :(
+Searching are for :(
+||||steven||||the spoken language side is hard to keep up||||
+Searching is for the spoken language side is hard to keep up
+Searching are for the spoken language side is hard to keep up
+Searching is for spoken language side
+set;;is;;spoken language side;;hard to keep up
+||||steven||||my Danish has just gotten worse||||
+Searching is for steven's danish has just gotten worse
+Searching are for steven's danish has just gotten worse
+Searching is for steven's danish has just gotten worse
+Searching are for steven's danish has just gotten worse
+||||mendel||||I find that tossing it in the microwave for 20 seconds helps.||||
+Searching is for mendel find that tossing it in the microwave for 20 seconds helps.
+Searching are for mendel find that tossing it in the microwave for 20 seconds helps.
+Searching is for mendel find that tossing it in the microwave for 20 seconds helps
+Searching are for mendel find that tossing it in the microwave for 20 seconds helps
+||||steven||||nu skal vi spise dansk||||
+Searching is for nu skal vi spise dansk
+Searching are for nu skal vi spise dansk
+Searching is for nu skal vi spise dansk
+Searching are for nu skal vi spise dansk
+||||waltman||||jag will talar svenska||||
+Searching is for jag will talar svenska
+Searching are for jag will talar svenska
+Searching is for jag will talar svenska
+Searching are for jag will talar svenska
+||||kane||||ingen problem||||
+Searching is for ingen problem
+Searching are for ingen problem
+Searching is for ingen problem
+Searching are for ingen problem
+||||kane||||vad villl du prater om walt?||||
+Searching is for vad villl du prater om walt
+Searching are for vad villl du prater om walt
+Searching is for vad villl du prater om walt
+Searching are for vad villl du prater om walt
+Searching is for dansk!
+Searching are for dansk!
+Searching is for dansk
+Searching are for dansk
+||||waltman||||svenska kvinnor!||||
+Searching is for svenska kvinnor!
+Searching are for svenska kvinnor!
+Searching is for svenska kvinnor
+Searching are for svenska kvinnor
+||||waltman||||So the cheapest rate I could get at the Hampton for PPW was $119/night :(||||
+Searching is for so the cheapest rate waltman could get at the hampton for ppw was $119/night :(
+Searching are for so the cheapest rate waltman could get at the hampton for ppw was $119/night :(
+Searching is for so the cheapest rate waltman could get at the hampton for ppw was $119/night :(
+Searching are for so the cheapest rate waltman could get at the hampton for ppw was $119/night :(
+||||rjbs||||(haf man half biscuit)++||||
+Searching is for (haf man half biscuit)++
+Searching are for (haf man half biscuit)++
+Searching is for (haf man half biscuit)++
+Searching are for (haf man half biscuit)++
+++;;haf man half biscuit
+||||kane||||svenska kvinnor a"r va"rldens ba"sta||||
+Searching is for svenska kvinnor a"r va"rldens ba"sta
+Searching are for svenska kvinnor a"r va"rldens ba"sta
+Searching is for svenska kvinnor a"r va"rldens ba"sta
+Searching are for svenska kvinnor a"r va"rldens ba"sta
+||||steven||||naa, norwegians are b etter||||
+Searching is for naa, norwegians are b etter
+Searching are for naa, norwegians are b etter
+Searching are for naa, norwegians
+set;;are;;naa, norwegians;;b etter
+Searching is for ja
+Searching are for ja
+Searching is for ja
+Searching are for ja
+Searching is for nein!
+Searching are for nein!
+Searching is for nein
+Searching are for nein
+Searching is for goddag
+Searching are for goddag
+Searching is for goddag
+Searching are for goddag
+||||dha||||gaddog to you||||
+Searching is for gaddog to you
+Searching are for gaddog to you
+Searching is for gaddog to you
+Searching are for gaddog to you
+||||waltman||||idag vi tala svenska!||||
+Searching is for idag vi tala svenska!
+Searching are for idag vi tala svenska!
+Searching is for idag vi tala svenska
+Searching are for idag vi tala svenska
+||||steven||||(eller dansk, eller norsk)||||
+Searching is for (eller dansk, eller norsk)
+Searching are for (eller dansk, eller norsk)
+Searching is for (eller dansk, eller norsk)
+Searching are for (eller dansk, eller norsk)
+||||waltman||||det är sak samma||||
+Searching is for det är sak samma
+Searching are for det är sak samma
+Searching is for det är sak samma
+Searching are for det är sak samma
+||||steven||||nej, "idag talar vi"||||
+Searching is for nej, "idag talar vi"
+Searching are for nej, "idag talar vi"
+Searching is for nej, "idag talar vi"
+Searching are for nej, "idag talar vi"
+||||dha||||able was i ere i saw elba||||
+Searching is for able was dha ere dha saw elba
+Searching are for able was dha ere dha saw elba
+Searching is for able was dha ere dha saw elba
+Searching are for able was dha ere dha saw elba
+||||waltman||||I waited too long to make my reservations, and now the ppw hotel's going to cost me $119/night :(||||
+Searching is for waltman waited too long to make waltman's reservations, and now the ppw hotel's going to cost waltman $119/night :(
+Searching are for waltman waited too long to make waltman's reservations, and now the ppw hotel's going to cost waltman $119/night :(
+Searching is for waltman waited too long to make waltman's reservations, and now the ppw hotel's going to cost waltman $119/night :(
+Searching are for waltman waited too long to make waltman's reservations, and now the ppw hotel's going to cost waltman $119/night :(
+||||kane||||jag tycker at du menar 'samma sak' :)||||
+Searching is for jag tycker at du menar 'samma sak' :)
+Searching are for jag tycker at du menar 'samma sak' :)
+Searching is for jag tycker at du menar 'samma sak' :)
+Searching are for jag tycker at du menar 'samma sak' :)
+||||waltman||||I copied that right off a swedish dictionary page!||||
+Searching is for waltman copied that right off a swedish dictionary page!
+Searching are for waltman copied that right off a swedish dictionary page!
+Searching is for waltman copied that right off a swedish dictionary page
+Searching are for waltman copied that right off a swedish dictionary page
+Searching is for urk
+Searching are for urk
+Searching is for urk
+Searching are for urk
+||||dha||||HI JOS||||
+Searching is for hi jos
+Searching are for hi jos
+Searching is for hi jos
+Searching are for hi jos
+||||kane||||men det a"r fel :)||||
+Searching is for men det a"r fel :)
+Searching are for men det a"r fel :)
+Searching is for men det a"r fel :)
+Searching are for men det a"r fel :)
+||||kane||||HI DAVE||||
+Searching is for hi dave
+Searching are for hi dave
+Searching is for hi dave
+Searching are for hi dave
+||||Frakkle||||Greetings, earth-man||||
+Searching is for greetings, earth-man
+Searching are for greetings, earth-man
+Searching is for greetings, earth-man
+Searching are for greetings, earth-man
+||||sungo||||be athf||||
+Searching is for be athf
+Searching are for be athf
+Searching is for be athf
+Searching are for be athf
+||||Frakkle||||Holy god.||||
+Searching is for holy god.
+Searching are for holy god.
+Searching is for holy god
+Searching are for holy god
+||||Frakkle||||There's a lot of Jerk City||||
+Searching is for there's a lot of jerk city
+Searching are for there's a lot of jerk city
+Searching is for there's a lot of jerk city
+Searching are for there's a lot of jerk city
+||||sungo||||all we are are dongs in the wind||||
+Searching is for all we are are dongs in the wind
+Searching are for all we are are dongs in the wind
+Searching is for 'dude'
+Searching are for 'dude'
+Searching is for 'dude'
+Searching are for 'dude'
+Searching is for dude!
+Searching are for dude!
+Searching is for dude
+Searching are for dude
+||||sungo||||I hate people.||||
+Searching is for sungo hate people.
+Searching are for sungo hate people.
+Searching is for sungo hate people
+Searching are for sungo hate people
+||||sungo||||I really truly do.||||
+Searching is for sungo really truly do.
+Searching are for sungo really truly do.
+Searching is for sungo really truly do
+Searching are for sungo really truly do
+||||gefilte||||but do you love gatherings?||||
+Searching is for do you love gatherings
+Searching are for do you love gatherings
+Searching is for do you love gatherings
+Searching are for do you love gatherings
+||||rafl||||What's the opposite of get_sv()?||||
+Searching is for is the opposite of get_sv()
+Searching are for is the opposite of get_sv()
+Searching is for opposite of get_sv()
+||||steven||||hell is other people||||
+Searching is for hell is other people
+Searching are for hell is other people
+Searching is for hell
+set;;is;;hell;;other people
+||||sungo||||No, I don't love gatherings.||||
+Searching is for no, sungo don't love gatherings.
+Searching are for no, sungo don't love gatherings.
+Searching is for no, sungo don't love gatherings
+Searching are for no, sungo don't love gatherings
+||||sungo||||I tend to agree with suicide bombers on this point.||||
+Searching is for sungo tend to agree with suicide bombers on this point.
+Searching are for sungo tend to agree with suicide bombers on this point.
+Searching is for sungo tend to agree with suicide bombers on this point
+Searching are for sungo tend to agree with suicide bombers on this point
+||||dngor||||cube it||||
+Searching is for cube it
+Searching are for cube it
+Searching is for cube it
+Searching are for cube it
+||||steven||||don't they like gatherings?||||
+Searching is for don't they like gatherings
+Searching are for don't they like gatherings
+Searching is for don't they like gatherings
+Searching are for don't they like gatherings
+||||workbench||||You kernel guys are so wild!||||
+Searching is for you kernel guys are so wild!
+Searching are for you kernel guys are so wild!
+||||dngor||||Suicide bombers live for large gatherings.||||
+Searching is for suicide bombers live for large gatherings.
+Searching are for suicide bombers live for large gatherings.
+Searching is for suicide bombers live for large gatherings
+Searching are for suicide bombers live for large gatherings
+Searching is for trg_fi()
+Searching are for trg_fi()
+Searching is for trg_fi()
+Searching are for trg_fi()
+||||TheLaw||||hello. when i start perl on the command line, how do i ADD an include path? With -I it seems to override the whole include path.||||
+Searching is for hello. when thelaw start perl on the command line, how do thelaw add an include path? with -i it seems to override the whole include path.
+Searching are for hello. when thelaw start perl on the command line, how do thelaw add an include path? with -i it seems to override the whole include path.
+Searching is for hello. when thelaw start perl on the command line, how do thelaw add an include path? with -i it seems to override the whole include path
+Searching are for hello. when thelaw start perl on the command line, how do thelaw add an include path? with -i it seems to override the whole include path
+||||Frakkle||||BEGIN { push(@INC, "."); }||||
+Searching is for begin { push(@inc, "."); }
+Searching are for begin { push(@inc, "."); }
+Searching is for begin { push(@inc, "."); }
+Searching are for begin { push(@inc, "."); }
+||||Frakkle||||oh, on command line||||
+Searching is for on command line
+Searching are for on command line
+Searching is for on command line
+Searching are for on command line
+Searching is for uhhh
+Searching are for uhhh
+Searching is for uhhh
+Searching are for uhhh
+||||avar||||it doesn't it unshifts it||||
+Searching is for it doesn't it unshifts it
+Searching are for it doesn't it unshifts it
+Searching is for it doesn't it unshifts it
+Searching are for it doesn't it unshifts it
+||||mendel||||Set PERL5LIB||||
+Searching is for set perl5lib
+Searching are for set perl5lib
+Searching is for set perl5lib
+Searching are for set perl5lib
+||||avar||||perl -MData::Dumper -I Love\ Ponies -e 'print Dumper \@INC'||||
+Searching is for perl -mdata::dumper -i love\ ponies -e 'print dumper \@inc'
+Searching are for perl -mdata::dumper -i love\ ponies -e 'print dumper \@inc'
+Searching is for perl -mdata::dumper -i love\ ponies -e 'print dumper \@inc'
+Searching are for perl -mdata::dumper -i love\ ponies -e 'print dumper \@inc'
+||||kismet||||beat me too it avar. :)||||
+Searching is for beat kismet too it avar. :)
+Searching are for beat kismet too it avar. :)
+Searching is for beat kismet too it avar. :)
+Searching are for beat kismet too it avar. :)
+||||TheLaw||||hmm... i should have a closer look at my skript... there seems to be something broken after migration to mod_perl2 in the backend...||||
+Searching is for thelaw should have a closer look at thelaw's skript... there seems to be something broken after migration to mod_perl2 in the backend...
+Searching are for thelaw should have a closer look at thelaw's skript... there seems to be something broken after migration to mod_perl2 in the backend...
+Searching is for thelaw should have a closer look at thelaw's skript... there seems to be something broken after migration to mod_perl2 in the backend
+Searching are for thelaw should have a closer look at thelaw's skript... there seems to be something broken after migration to mod_perl2 in the backend
+Searching is for 5kr1p7z0r
+Searching are for 5kr1p7z0r
+Searching is for 5kr1p7z0r
+Searching are for 5kr1p7z0r
+||||kismet||||(as dngor changes that password now||||
+Searching is for (as dngor changes that password now
+Searching are for (as dngor changes that password now
+Searching is for (as dngor changes that password now
+Searching are for (as dngor changes that password now
+||||Frakkle||||sungo it!||||
+Searching is for sungo it!
+Searching are for sungo it!
+Searching is for sungo it
+Searching are for sungo it
+||||mendel||||Zoom Airlines - Summer 2007 Now Available||||
+Searching is for zoom airlines - summer 2007 now available
+Searching are for zoom airlines - summer 2007 now available
+Searching is for zoom airlines - summer 2007 now available
+Searching are for zoom airlines - summer 2007 now available
+||||mendel||||phew, I was worried that there would be no summer next year||||
+Searching is for phew, mendel was worried that there would be no summer next year
+Searching are for phew, mendel was worried that there would be no summer next year
+Searching is for phew, mendel was worried that there would be no summer next year
+Searching are for phew, mendel was worried that there would be no summer next year
+||||mendel||||THANK YOU, ZOOM AIRLINES.||||
+Searching is for thank you, zoom airlines.
+Searching are for thank you, zoom airlines.
+Searching is for thank you, zoom airlines
+Searching are for thank you, zoom airlines
+||||gefilte||||we narrowly avoid our nuclear winter yet again.||||
+Searching is for we narrowly avoid our nuclear winter yet again.
+Searching are for we narrowly avoid our nuclear winter yet again.
+Searching is for we narrowly avoid our nuclear winter yet again
+Searching are for we narrowly avoid our nuclear winter yet again
+Searching is for fight the power boycott amazon or something
+Searching are for fight the power boycott amazon or something
+Searching is for fight the power boycott amazon or something
+Searching are for fight the power boycott amazon or something
+||||jeek||||<Fun-Boy> So apparently the pilots involved in the Lexington crash got in the wrong aircraft before they got in the right plane and took off on the wrong runway.||||
+Searching is for <fun-boy> so apparently the pilots involved in the lexington crash got in the wrong aircraft before they got in the right plane and took off on the wrong runway.
+Searching are for <fun-boy> so apparently the pilots involved in the lexington crash got in the wrong aircraft before they got in the right plane and took off on the wrong runway.
+Searching is for <fun-boy> so apparently the pilots involved in the lexington crash got in the wrong aircraft before they got in the right plane and took off on the wrong runway
+Searching are for <fun-boy> so apparently the pilots involved in the lexington crash got in the wrong aircraft before they got in the right plane and took off on the wrong runway
+||||sungo||||that wasn't lit||||
+Searching is for that wasn't lit
+Searching are for that wasn't lit
+Searching is for that wasn't lit
+Searching are for that wasn't lit
+||||sungo||||I used to live just east of that airport. I drove by it every day to work. If that plan had taken off the wrong way on the wrong runway, it would have probably crashed into my old apartment||||
+Searching is for sungo used to live just east of that airport. sungo drove by it every day to work. if that plan had taken off the wrong way on the wrong runway, it would have probably crashed into sungo's old apartment
+Searching are for sungo used to live just east of that airport. sungo drove by it every day to work. if that plan had taken off the wrong way on the wrong runway, it would have probably crashed into sungo's old apartment
+Searching is for sungo used to live just east of that airport. sungo drove by it every day to work. if that plan had taken off the wrong way on the wrong runway, it would have probably crashed into sungo's old apartment
+Searching are for sungo used to live just east of that airport. sungo drove by it every day to work. if that plan had taken off the wrong way on the wrong runway, it would have probably crashed into sungo's old apartment
+Searching is for s/plan/plane/
+Searching are for s/plan/plane/
+Searching is for s/plan/plane/
+Searching are for s/plan/plane/
+||||mendel||||snacks on a plan||||
+Searching is for snacks on a plan
+Searching are for snacks on a plan
+Searching is for snacks on a plan
+Searching are for snacks on a plan
+||||mendel||||SNACKS ON A PLAN sounds like a great name for a diet.||||
+Searching is for snacks on a plan sounds like a great name for a diet.
+Searching are for snacks on a plan sounds like a great name for a diet.
+Searching is for snacks on a plan sounds like a great name for a diet
+Searching are for snacks on a plan sounds like a great name for a diet
+||||sungo||||have you seen the iGallop?||||
+Searching is for have you seen the igallop
+Searching are for have you seen the igallop
+Searching is for have you seen the igallop
+Searching are for have you seen the igallop
+||||mendel||||What is it?||||
+Searching is for is it
+Searching are for is it
+Searching is for it
+||||sungo||||see brookstone online's index page.||||
+Searching is for see brookstone online's index page.
+Searching are for see brookstone online's index page.
+Searching is for see brookstone online's index page
+Searching are for see brookstone online's index page
+||||sungo||||it's a new .... exercise device.||||
+Searching is for it's a new .... exercise device.
+Searching are for it's a new .... exercise device.
+Searching is for it's a new .... exercise device
+Searching are for it's a new .... exercise device
+||||mendel||||oh! yes||||
+Searching is for oh! yes
+Searching are for oh! yes
+Searching is for oh! yes
+Searching are for oh! yes
+||||waltman||||there was also only one atc in the tower when it happened||||
+Searching is for there was also only one atc in the tower when it happened
+Searching are for there was also only one atc in the tower when it happened
+Searching is for there was also only one atc in the tower when it happened
+Searching are for there was also only one atc in the tower when it happened
+||||mendel||||only one AC in the tower doesn't seem that big a factor to me.||||
+Searching is for only one ac in the tower doesn't seem that big a factor to mendel.
+Searching are for only one ac in the tower doesn't seem that big a factor to mendel.
+Searching is for only one ac in the tower doesn't seem that big a factor to mendel
+Searching are for only one ac in the tower doesn't seem that big a factor to mendel
+||||mendel||||er controller||||
+Searching is for er controller
+Searching are for er controller
+Searching is for er controller
+Searching are for er controller
+Searching is for ac
+Searching are for ac
+Searching is for ac
+Searching are for ac
+||||mendel||||it was warm, so||||
+Searching is for it was warm, so
+Searching are for it was warm, so
+Searching is for it was warm, so
+Searching are for it was warm, so
+Searching is for :)
+Searching are for :)
+Searching is for :)
+Searching are for :)
+||||sungo||||The FAA doesn't think it was a problem either.||||
+Searching is for the faa doesn't think it was a problem either.
+Searching are for the faa doesn't think it was a problem either.
+Searching is for faa doesn't think it was a problem either
+Searching are for faa doesn't think it was a problem either
+||||waltman||||they were supposed to have two||||
+Searching is for they were supposed to have two
+Searching are for they were supposed to have two
+Searching is for they were supposed to have two
+Searching are for they were supposed to have two
+||||mendel||||Right, but I don't see that mattering much.||||
+Searching is for right, but mendel don't see that mattering much.
+Searching are for right, but mendel don't see that mattering much.
+Searching is for right, but mendel don't see that mattering much
+Searching are for right, but mendel don't see that mattering much
+||||sungo||||The FAA and NTSB don't think it contributed to the accident.||||
+Searching is for the faa and ntsb don't think it contributed to the accident.
+Searching are for the faa and ntsb don't think it contributed to the accident.
+Searching is for faa and ntsb don't think it contributed to the accident
+Searching are for faa and ntsb don't think it contributed to the accident
+||||waltman||||but it's true that even if there were a second one, he wouldn't have been watching which runway the plane was on||||
+Searching is for it's true that even if there were a second one, he wouldn't have been watching which runway the plane was on
+Searching are for it's true that even if there were a second one, he wouldn't have been watching which runway the plane was on
+Searching is for it's true that even if there were a second one, he wouldn't have been watching which runway the plane was on
+Searching are for it's true that even if there were a second one, he wouldn't have been watching which runway the plane was on
+||||mendel||||They were cleared to the right runway. I'm not sure what they read back, but the pilots put the plane on a runway they weren't cleared on.||||
+Searching is for they were cleared to the right runway. mendel is not surethey read back, but the pilots put the plane on a runway they weren't cleared on.
+Searching are for they were cleared to the right runway. mendel is not surethey read back, but the pilots put the plane on a runway they weren't cleared on.
+Searching is for not surethey read back, but the pilots put the plane on a runway they weren't cleared on.
+||||sungo||||But you know, maybe aliens were involved or terrists with laser pointers.||||
+Searching is for you know, maybe aliens were involved or terrists with laser pointers.
+Searching are for you know, maybe aliens were involved or terrists with laser pointers.
+Searching is for you know, maybe aliens were involved or terrists with laser pointers
+Searching are for you know, maybe aliens were involved or terrists with laser pointers
+||||sungo||||they read back the right runway.||||
+Searching is for they read back the right runway.
+Searching are for they read back the right runway.
+Searching is for they read back the right runway
+Searching are for they read back the right runway
+Searching is for aha.
+Searching are for aha.
+Searching is for aha
+Searching are for aha
+Searching is for mooh
+Searching are for mooh
+Searching is for mooh
+Searching are for mooh
+||||sungo||||They then turned onto an unlit runway and "took off"||||
+Searching is for they then turned onto an unlit runway and "took off"
+Searching are for they then turned onto an unlit runway and "took off"
+Searching is for they then turned onto an unlit runway and "took off"
+Searching are for they then turned onto an unlit runway and "took off"
+||||waltman||||If that co-pilot survives, someone's going to kill him.||||
+Searching is for if that co-pilot survives, someone's going to kill him.
+Searching are for if that co-pilot survives, someone's going to kill him.
+Searching is for if that co-pilot survives, someone's going to kill him
+Searching are for if that co-pilot survives, someone's going to kill him
+||||waltman||||heads will roll||||
+Searching is for heads will roll
+Searching are for heads will roll
+Searching is for heads will roll
+Searching are for heads will roll
+||||sungo||||I doubt that.||||
+Searching is for sungo doubt that.
+Searching are for sungo doubt that.
+Searching is for sungo doubt that
+Searching are for sungo doubt that
+||||sungo||||The NTSB and FAA don't really have a flair for the dramatic.||||
+Searching is for the ntsb and faa don't really have a flair for the dramatic.
+Searching are for the ntsb and faa don't really have a flair for the dramatic.
+Searching is for ntsb and faa don't really have a flair for the dramatic
+Searching are for ntsb and faa don't really have a flair for the dramatic
+||||sungo||||Besides, he's the co-pilot, not the pilot.||||
+Searching is for besides, he's the co-pilot, not the pilot.
+Searching are for besides, he's the co-pilot, not the pilot.
+Searching is for besides, he's the co-pilot, not the pilot
+Searching are for besides, he's the co-pilot, not the pilot
+||||dngor||||They rocked in X-Files||||
+Searching is for they rocked in x-files
+Searching are for they rocked in x-files
+Searching is for they rocked in x-files
+Searching are for they rocked in x-files
+||||Theory||||seen obra||||
+Searching is for seen obra
+Searching are for seen obra
+Searching is for seen obra
+Searching are for seen obra
+||||waltman||||I only said that because I like that factoid.||||
+Searching is for waltman only said that because waltman like that factoid.
+Searching are for waltman only said that because waltman like that factoid.
+Searching is for waltman only said that because waltman like that factoid
+Searching are for waltman only said that because waltman like that factoid
+||||sungo||||uh huh||||
+Searching is for huh
+Searching are for huh
+Searching is for huh
+Searching are for huh
+||||sungo||||sungo it||||
+Searching is for sungo it
+Searching are for sungo it
+Searching is for sungo it
+Searching are for sungo it
+||||aevil||||hrm...dong watch. get out the magnifying glass!||||
+Searching is for hrm...dong watch. get out the magnifying glass!
+Searching are for hrm...dong watch. get out the magnifying glass!
+Searching is for hrm...dong watch. get out the magnifying glass
+Searching are for hrm...dong watch. get out the magnifying glass
+Searching is for aevil++
+Searching are for aevil++
+Searching is for aevil++
+Searching are for aevil++
+||||sungo||||COCK BURGLAR||||
+Searching is for cock burglar
+Searching are for cock burglar
+Searching is for cock burglar
+Searching are for cock burglar
+||||sungo||||be athf||||
+Searching is for be athf
+Searching are for be athf
+Searching is for be athf
+Searching are for be athf
+||||lamech||||sungo it!||||
+Searching is for sungo it!
+Searching are for sungo it!
+Searching is for sungo it
+Searching are for sungo it
+||||lamech||||sungo it!||||
+Searching is for sungo it!
+Searching are for sungo it!
+Searching is for sungo it
+Searching are for sungo it
+Searching is for whee
+Searching are for whee
+Searching is for whee
+Searching are for whee
+Searching is for lamech would like to connect to the interhlagh
+Searching are for lamech would like to connect to the interhlagh
+Searching is for lamech would like to connect to the interhlagh
+Searching are for lamech would like to connect to the interhlagh
+||||sungo||||I/O PORT IS OVER HERE SIR||||
+Searching is for sungo/o port is over here sir
+Searching are for sungo/o port is over here sir
+||||lamech||||INSERTING NOW. OH, EHLO!||||
+Searching is for inserting now. oh, ehlo!
+Searching are for inserting now. oh, ehlo!
+Searching is for inserting now. oh, ehlo
+Searching are for inserting now. oh, ehlo
+||||sungo||||goddamit. this sata raid setup has been drama since day one.||||
+Searching is for goddamit. this sata raid setup has been drama since day one.
+Searching are for goddamit. this sata raid setup has been drama since day one.
+Searching is for goddamit. this sata raid setup has been drama since day one
+Searching are for goddamit. this sata raid setup has been drama since day one
+||||sungo||||I think it may be time to pull it apart and do smoething simpler.||||
+Searching is for sungo think it may be time to pull it apart and do smoething simpler.
+Searching are for sungo think it may be time to pull it apart and do smoething simpler.
+Searching is for sungo think it may be time to pull it apart and do smoething simpler
+Searching are for sungo think it may be time to pull it apart and do smoething simpler
+||||sungo||||Maybe something a bit FUCKING QUIETER||||
+Searching is for maybe something a bit fucking quieter
+Searching are for maybe something a bit fucking quieter
+Searching is for maybe something a bit fucking quieter
+Searching are for maybe something a bit fucking quieter
+Searching is for geoffeg plugged into your supposed innarhlagh but geoffeg think it might be your mouth
+Searching are for geoffeg plugged into your supposed innarhlagh but geoffeg think it might be your mouth
+Searching is for geoffeg plugged into your supposed innarhlagh but geoffeg think it might be your mouth
+Searching are for geoffeg plugged into your supposed innarhlagh but geoffeg think it might be your mouth
+||||geoffeg||||PLEASE CONFIRM||||
+Searching is for please confirm
+Searching are for please confirm
+Searching is for please confirm
+Searching are for please confirm
+||||mako132||||I like my raid like my womem: hot-swappable||||
+Searching is for mako132 like mako132's raid like mako132's womem: hot-swappable
+Searching are for mako132 like mako132's raid like mako132's womem: hot-swappable
+Searching is for mako132 like mako132's raid like mako132's womem: hot-swappable
+Searching are for mako132 like mako132's raid like mako132's womem: hot-swappable
+||||sungo||||I wonder if it's a dodgy controller. That would be ... unfortunate.||||
+Searching is for sungo wonder if it's a dodgy controller. that would be ... unfortunate.
+Searching are for sungo wonder if it's a dodgy controller. that would be ... unfortunate.
+Searching is for sungo wonder if it's a dodgy controller. that would be ... unfortunate
+Searching are for sungo wonder if it's a dodgy controller. that would be ... unfortunate
+||||jcap||||mako132, redundant||||
+Searching is for mako132, redundant
+Searching are for mako132, redundant
+Searching is for mako132, redundant
+Searching are for mako132, redundant
+||||lamech||||ok um||||
+Searching is for um
+Searching are for um
+Searching is for um
+Searching are for um
+Searching is for http://www.sandisk.com/products/catalog(1166)-sandisk_sansa_e200_series_mp3_players.aspx
+Searching are for http://www.sandisk.com/products/catalog(1166)-sandisk_sansa_e200_series_mp3_players.aspx
+Searching is for http://www.sandisk.com/products/catalog(1166)-sandisk_sansa_e200_series_mp3_players.aspx
+Searching are for http://www.sandisk.com/products/catalog(1166)-sandisk_sansa_e200_series_mp3_players.aspx
+||||shorten||||lamech's url is at http://xrl.us/rhrz||||
+Searching is for lamech's url is at http://xrl.us/rhrz
+Searching are for lamech's url is at http://xrl.us/rhrz
+Searching is for lamech's url
+set;;is;;lamech's url;;at http://xrl.us/rhrz
+Searching is for t sungo geoffeg's cock is in your mouth, pay attention here
+Searching are for t sungo geoffeg's cock is in your mouth, pay attention here
+||||lamech||||noe the 4G and 6G players cost the same||||
+Searching is for noe the 4g and 6g players cost the same
+Searching are for noe the 4g and 6g players cost the same
+Searching is for noe the 4g and 6g players cost the same
+Searching are for noe the 4g and 6g players cost the same
+Searching is for s/noe/note/
+Searching are for s/noe/note/
+Searching is for s/noe/note/
+Searching are for s/noe/note/
+Searching is for
+Searching are for
+Searching is for
+Searching are for
+||||sungo||||sandisk BLOWS||||
+Searching is for sandisk blows
+Searching are for sandisk blows
+Searching is for sandisk blows
+Searching are for sandisk blows
+||||sungo||||for mp3 players that is.||||
+Searching is for for mp3 players that is.
+Searching are for for mp3 players that is.
+Searching is for for mp3 players that is
+Searching are for for mp3 players that is
+||||lamech||||T SUNGO SO DO YOU ||||
+Searching is for t sungo so do you
+Searching are for t sungo so do you
+Searching is for t sungo so do you
+Searching are for t sungo so do you
+||||lamech||||but why?||||
+Searching is for why
+Searching are for why
+Searching is for why
+Searching are for why
+||||sungo||||Them and samsung. Nothing but windows only super crazy bullshit.||||
+Searching is for them and samsung. nothing but windows only super crazy bullshit.
+Searching are for them and samsung. nothing but windows only super crazy bullshit.
+Searching is for them and samsung. nothing but windows only super crazy bullshit
+Searching are for them and samsung. nothing but windows only super crazy bullshit
+||||jcap||||T WTF IS ^T ?||||
+Searching is for tis ^t
+Searching are for tis ^t
+Searching is for tis ^t
+Searching are for tis ^t
+||||lamech||||right yes||||
+Searching is for right yes
+Searching are for right yes
+Searching is for right yes
+Searching are for right yes
+||||geoffeg||||"super crazy bullshit"||||
+Searching is for "super crazy bullshit"
+Searching are for "super crazy bullshit"
+Searching is for "super crazy bullshit"
+Searching are for "super crazy bullshit"
+Searching is for but
+Searching are for but
+Searching is for but
+Searching are for but
+||||sungo||||Hell, some of samsung's shit only works with an old version of NAPSTER||||
+Searching is for hell, some of samsung's shit only works with an old version of napster
+Searching are for hell, some of samsung's shit only works with an old version of napster
+Searching is for hell, some of samsung's shit only works with an old version of napster
+Searching are for hell, some of samsung's shit only works with an old version of napster
+||||jcap||||geoffeg, ah||||
+Searching is for geoffeg, ah
+Searching are for geoffeg, ah
+Searching is for geoffeg, ah
+Searching are for geoffeg, ah
+||||lamech||||why the same price for 2 extra gigs?||||
+Searching is for why the same price for 2 extra gigs
+Searching are for why the same price for 2 extra gigs
+Searching is for why the same price for 2 extra gigs
+Searching are for why the same price for 2 extra gigs
+||||lamech||||I mean, who would order the 4G unit?||||
+Searching is for lamech mean,would order the 4g unit
+Searching are for lamech mean,would order the 4g unit
+Searching is for lamech mean,would order the 4g unit
+Searching are for lamech mean,would order the 4g unit
+||||geoffeg||||YOU ARE PEOPLE||||
+Searching is for you are people
+Searching are for you are people
+||||jcap||||lamech, less tax||||
+Searching is for lamech, less tax
+Searching are for lamech, less tax
+Searching is for lamech, less tax
+Searching are for lamech, less tax
+||||sungo||||T JCAP SAME PRICE DICKHOLE||||
+Searching is for t jcap same price dickhole
+Searching are for t jcap same price dickhole
+Searching is for t jcap same price dickhole
+Searching are for t jcap same price dickhole
+||||lamech||||I think he means for the seller||||
+Searching is for lamech think he means for the seller
+Searching are for lamech think he means for the seller
+Searching is for lamech think he means for the seller
+Searching are for lamech think he means for the seller
+||||lamech||||more profit, in other words||||
+Searching is for more profit, in other words
+Searching are for more profit, in other words
+Searching is for more profit, in other words
+Searching are for more profit, in other words
+Searching is for t sungo but you pay less tax for the smaller product
+Searching are for t sungo but you pay less tax for the smaller product
+Searching is for t sungo but you pay less tax for the smaller product
+Searching are for t sungo but you pay less tax for the smaller product
+Searching is for ...
+Searching are for ...
+Searching is for
+Searching are for
+Searching is for no
+Searching are for no
+Searching is for no
+Searching are for no
+Searching is for the chinese don't count can they even see sungo dingdongwingwong
+Searching are for the chinese don't count can they even see sungo dingdongwingwong
+Searching is for chinese don't count can they even see sungo dingdongwingwong
+Searching are for chinese don't count can they even see sungo dingdongwingwong
+||||jcap||||it /was/ a joke||||
+Searching is for it /was/ a joke
+Searching are for it /was/ a joke
+Searching is for it /was/ a joke
+Searching are for it /was/ a joke
+||||jcap||||now it's just lame||||
+Searching is for now it's just lame
+Searching are for now it's just lame
+Searching is for now it's just lame
+Searching are for now it's just lame
+Searching is for oh
+Searching are for oh
+Searching is for oh
+Searching are for oh
+Searching is for jokehandle timeout expired
+Searching are for jokehandle timeout expired
+Searching is for jokehandle timeout expired
+Searching are for jokehandle timeout expired
+Searching is for dong slapping commencing
+Searching are for dong slapping commencing
+Searching is for dong slapping commencing
+Searching are for dong slapping commencing
+||||lamech||||OOCH OUCH OUCH OO||||
+Searching is for ooch ouch ouch oo
+Searching are for ooch ouch ouch oo
+Searching is for ooch ouch ouch oo
+Searching are for ooch ouch ouch oo
+||||geoffeg||||this apple pie tastes more like ass pie||||
+Searching is for this apple pie tastes more like ass pie
+Searching are for this apple pie tastes more like ass pie
+Searching is for this apple pie tastes more like ass pie
+Searching are for this apple pie tastes more like ass pie
+||||billn||||good morning, citizens.||||
+Searching is for good morning, citizens.
+Searching are for good morning, citizens.
+Searching is for good morning, citizens
+Searching are for good morning, citizens
+||||billn||||please complete these self-termination forms.||||
+Searching is for please complete these self-termination forms.
+Searching are for please complete these self-termination forms.
+Searching is for please complete these self-termination forms
+Searching are for please complete these self-termination forms
+||||sungo||||T BILLN FUCK A DUCK||||
+Searching is for t billn fuck a duck
+Searching are for t billn fuck a duck
+Searching is for t billn fuck a duck
+Searching are for t billn fuck a duck
+Searching is for t sungois your clearance, citizen
+Searching are for t sungois your clearance, citizen
+Searching is for t sungois your clearance, citizen
+Searching are for t sungois your clearance, citizen
+||||lamech||||("We've secretly replaced the apples in geoffeg's pie with ass. Let's see if he notices!")||||
+Searching is for ("we've secretly replaced the apples in geoffeg's pie with ass. let's see if he notices!")
+Searching are for ("we've secretly replaced the apples in geoffeg's pie with ass. let's see if he notices!")
+Searching is for ("we've secretly replaced the apples in geoffeg's pie with ass. let's see if he notices!")
+Searching are for ("we've secretly replaced the apples in geoffeg's pie with ass. let's see if he notices!")
+Searching is for t billn sungo control the dick parade
+Searching are for t billn sungo control the dick parade
+Searching is for t billn sungo control the dick parade
+Searching are for t billn sungo control the dick parade
+||||geoffeg||||I NOTICED THE ASS||||
+Searching is for geoffeg noticed the ass
+Searching are for geoffeg noticed the ass
+Searching is for geoffeg noticed the ass
+Searching are for geoffeg noticed the ass
+||||billn||||SUNGO T MORE CONFETTI||||
+Searching is for sungo t more confetti
+Searching are for sungo t more confetti
+Searching is for sungo t more confetti
+Searching are for sungo t more confetti
+||||lamech||||T BILLN THE DONG IS YOUR FRIEND||||
+Searching is for t billn the dong is your friend
+Searching are for t billn the dong is your friend
+||||billn||||T LAMECH NOT IN MY EYE THANKS||||
+Searching is for t lamech not in billn's eye thanks
+Searching are for t lamech not in billn's eye thanks
+Searching is for t lamech not in billn's eye thanks
+Searching are for t lamech not in billn's eye thanks
+||||lamech||||T BILLN THAT'S NOT YOUR EYE||||
+Searching is for t billn that's not your eye
+Searching are for t billn that's not your eye
+Searching is for t billn that's not your eye
+Searching are for t billn that's not your eye
+||||billn||||T LAMECH THAT ALSO ISN'T 'YOUR' DONG||||
+Searching is for t lamech that also isn't 'your' dong
+Searching are for t lamech that also isn't 'your' dong
+Searching is for t lamech that also isn't 'your' dong
+Searching are for t lamech that also isn't 'your' dong
+Searching is for it's mine mauahahaha smell the folgers crystals muthafucka
+Searching are for it's mine mauahahaha smell the folgers crystals muthafucka
+Searching is for it's mine mauahahaha smell the folgers crystals muthafucka
+Searching are for it's mine mauahahaha smell the folgers crystals muthafucka
+Searching is for t sungo you've been at juan valdez's donkey again
+Searching are for t sungo you've been at juan valdez's donkey again
+Searching is for t sungo you've been at juan valdez's donkey again
+Searching are for t sungo you've been at juan valdez's donkey again
+||||aevil||||DONKEY DONG||||
+Searching is for donkey dong
+Searching are for donkey dong
+Searching is for donkey dong
+Searching are for donkey dong
+Searching is for t aevil gettin in on the dong action too, eh
+Searching are for t aevil gettin in on the dong action too, eh
+Searching is for t aevil gettin in on the dong action too, eh
+Searching are for t aevil gettin in on the dong action too, eh
+Searching is for t billn only sungo's nimble fingers can reach the most succulent and ripe of the coffee beans
+Searching are for t billn only sungo's nimble fingers can reach the most succulent and ripe of the coffee beans
+Searching is for t billn only sungo's nimble fingers can reach the most succulent and ripe of the coffee beans
+Searching are for t billn only sungo's nimble fingers can reach the most succulent and ripe of the coffee beans
+||||aevil||||geoff...nah, i have enough dong already :)||||
+Searching is for geoff...nah, aevil has enough dong already :)
+Searching are for geoff...nah, aevil has enough dong already :)
+Searching is for geoff...nah, aevil has enough dong already :)
+Searching are for geoff...nah, aevil has enough dong already :)
+||||geoffeg||||how much dong do you have exactly?||||
+Searching is for how much dong do you have exactly
+Searching are for how much dong do you have exactly
+Searching is for how much dong do you have exactly
+Searching are for how much dong do you have exactly
+Searching is for lamech++
+Searching are for lamech++
+Searching is for lamech++
+Searching are for lamech++
+||||rjbs||||probably for the best.||||
+Searching is for probably for the best.
+Searching are for probably for the best.
+Searching is for probably for the best
+Searching are for probably for the best
+||||rjbs||||Why aren't any carpenter's answering their phones?||||
+Searching is for why aren't any carpenter's answering their phones
+Searching are for why aren't any carpenter's answering their phones
+Searching is for why aren't any carpenter's answering their phones
+Searching are for why aren't any carpenter's answering their phones
+||||modred||||rjbs = hahahahahahahaha||||
+Searching is for rjbs = hahahahahahahaha
+Searching are for rjbs = hahahahahahahaha
+Searching is for rjbs = hahahahahahahaha
+Searching are for rjbs = hahahahahahahaha
+||||modred||||contractors very rarely, if ever, answer their phones. you leave a message and then hope one of them deigns to call you back.||||
+Searching is for contractors very rarely, if ever, answer their phones. you leave a message and then hope one of them deigns to call you back.
+Searching are for contractors very rarely, if ever, answer their phones. you leave a message and then hope one of them deigns to call you back.
+Searching is for contractors very rarely, if ever, answer their phones. you leave a message and then hope one of them deigns to call you back
+Searching are for contractors very rarely, if ever, answer their phones. you leave a message and then hope one of them deigns to call you back
+||||rjbs||||I apologize profusely for that errant apostrophe.||||
+Searching is for rjbs apologize profusely for that errant apostrophe.
+Searching are for rjbs apologize profusely for that errant apostrophe.
+Searching is for rjbs apologize profusely for that errant apostrophe
+Searching are for rjbs apologize profusely for that errant apostrophe
+||||mendel||||Its ok.||||
+Searching is for its ok.
+Searching are for its ok.
+Searching is for its ok
+Searching are for its ok
+||||sungo||||whats you're problem anyway?||||
+Searching is for is you are problem
+Searching are for is you are problem
+Searching is for you are problem
+||||rjbs||||Cock-Slob-9.00 by IWOULDHEAD||||
+Searching is for cock-slob-9.00 by iwouldhead
+Searching are for cock-slob-9.00 by iwouldhead
+Searching is for cock-slob-9.00 by iwouldhead
+Searching are for cock-slob-9.00 by iwouldhead
+||||rjbs||||the porch on The New House is pulling away from the house itself||||
+Searching is for the porch on the new house is pulling away from the house itself
+Searching are for the porch on the new house is pulling away from the house itself
+Searching is for porch on the new house
+set;;is;;porch on the new house;;pulling away from the house itself
+||||lamech||||maybe they're all choking to death on ham sandwitches||||
+Searching is for maybe they're all choking to death on ham sandwitches
+Searching are for maybe they're all choking to death on ham sandwitches
+Searching is for maybe they're all choking to death on ham sandwitches
+Searching are for maybe they're all choking to death on ham sandwitches
+||||geoffeg||||DUCT TAPE||||
+Searching is for duct tape
+Searching are for duct tape
+Searching is for duct tape
+Searching are for duct tape
+||||rjbs||||we want an estimate so we can get a reduction||||
+Searching is for we want an estimate so is a reduction
+Searching are for we want an estimate so is a reduction
+||||geoffeg||||find three mexicans on the street corner.. give them some beer, lumber, nails, ladders.. two hours later all will be fixed. :)||||
+Searching is for find three mexicans on the street corner.. give them some beer, lumber, nails, ladders.. two hours later all will be fixed. :)
+Searching are for find three mexicans on the street corner.. give them some beer, lumber, nails, ladders.. two hours later all will be fixed. :)
+Searching is for find three mexicans on the street corner.. give them some beer, lumber, nails, ladders.. two hours later all will be fixed. :)
+Searching are for find three mexicans on the street corner.. give them some beer, lumber, nails, ladders.. two hours later all will be fixed. :)
+||||mendel||||(two hours subsequent, repeat)||||
+Searching is for (two hours subsequent, repeat)
+Searching are for (two hours subsequent, repeat)
+Searching is for (two hours subsequent, repeat)
+Searching are for (two hours subsequent, repeat)
+||||jcap||||or, you'll have new neighbors, who really just live on your front lawn||||
+Searching is for you'll have new neighbors,really just live on your front lawn
+Searching are for you'll have new neighbors,really just live on your front lawn
+Searching is for you'll have new neighbors,really just live on your front lawn
+Searching are for you'll have new neighbors,really just live on your front lawn
+||||jcap||||too soon?||||
+Searching is for too soon
+Searching are for too soon
+Searching is for too soon
+Searching are for too soon
+||||jcap||||now that's weird||||
+Searching is for now that's weird
+Searching are for now that's weird
+Searching is for now that's weird
+Searching are for now that's weird
+||||jcap||||or convenient||||
+Searching is for convenient
+Searching are for convenient
+Searching is for convenient
+Searching are for convenient
+||||jcap||||depending on how you look at it||||
+Searching is for depending on how you look at it
+Searching are for depending on how you look at it
+Searching is for depending on how you look at it
+Searching are for depending on how you look at it
+||||rjbs||||My point is not to get it fixed.||||
+Searching is for rjbs's point is not to get it fixed.
+Searching are for rjbs's point is not to get it fixed.
+Searching is for rjbs's point
+set;;is;;rjbs's point;;not to get it fixed.
+||||rjbs||||I need to get an estimate to use as bargaining material.||||
+Searching is for rjbs need to get an estimate to use as bargaining material.
+Searching are for rjbs need to get an estimate to use as bargaining material.
+Searching is for rjbs need to get an estimate to use as bargaining material
+Searching are for rjbs need to get an estimate to use as bargaining material
+Searching is for whatever
+Searching are for whatever
+Searching is for whatever
+Searching are for whatever
+||||mrsolo||||private harem!||||
+Searching is for private harem!
+Searching are for private harem!
+Searching is for private harem
+Searching are for private harem
+||||dorian||||that suggests there are such things as public harems.||||
+Searching is for that suggests there are such things as public harems.
+Searching are for that suggests there are such things as public harems.
+||||mrsolo||||yea whorehouse||||
+Searching is for yea whorehouse
+Searching are for yea whorehouse
+Searching is for yea whorehouse
+Searching are for yea whorehouse
+||||dan2bit||||or crackhouse||||
+Searching is for crackhouse
+Searching are for crackhouse
+Searching is for crackhouse
+Searching are for crackhouse
+||||jcap||||rjbs, call me||||
+Searching is for rjbs, call jcap
+Searching are for rjbs, call jcap
+Searching is for rjbs, call jcap
+Searching are for rjbs, call jcap
+||||dorian||||equating a whorehouse to a public harem would suggest that you had to pay for a private one||||
+Searching is for equating a whorehouse to a public harem would suggest that you had to pay for a private one
+Searching are for equating a whorehouse to a public harem would suggest that you had to pay for a private one
+Searching is for equating a whorehouse to a public harem would suggest that you had to pay for a private one
+Searching are for equating a whorehouse to a public harem would suggest that you had to pay for a private one
+||||steven||||you do, eventually||||
+Searching is for you do, eventually
+Searching are for you do, eventually
+Searching is for you do, eventually
+Searching are for you do, eventually
+||||mrsolo||||you do||||
+Searching is for you do
+Searching are for you do
+Searching is for you do
+Searching are for you do
+||||dorian||||i suppose||||
+Searching is for dorian suppose
+Searching are for dorian suppose
+Searching is for dorian suppose
+Searching are for dorian suppose
+||||rjbs||||and i don't just mean in terms of the burning pee||||
+Searching is for rjbs don't just mean in terms of the burning pee
+Searching are for rjbs don't just mean in terms of the burning pee
+Searching is for rjbs don't just mean in terms of the burning pee
+Searching are for rjbs don't just mean in terms of the burning pee
+||||steven||||crikey, what do you drink to make it flammable?||||
+Searching is for crikey,do you drink to make it flammable
+Searching are for crikey,do you drink to make it flammable
+Searching is for crikey,do you drink to make it flammable
+Searching are for crikey,do you drink to make it flammable
+||||dorian||||where's randal when you need him||||
+Searching is for is randal when you need him
+Searching are for is randal when you need him
+Searching is for randal when you need him
+||||rjbs||||of course it does||||
+Searching is for of course it does
+Searching are for of course it does
+Searching is for of course it does
+Searching are for of course it does
+||||rjbs||||it contains uri||||
+Searching is for it contains uri
+Searching are for it contains uri
+Searching is for it contains uri
+Searching are for it contains uri
+||||rjbs||||wah wah wah||||
+Searching is for wah wah wah
+Searching are for wah wah wah
+Searching is for wah wah wah
+Searching are for wah wah wah
+Searching is for http://search.cpan.org/%7ereneeb/test-testcoverage-0.01/
+Searching are for http://search.cpan.org/%7ereneeb/test-testcoverage-0.01/
+Searching is for http://search.cpan.org/%7ereneeb/test-testcoverage-0.01/
+Searching are for http://search.cpan.org/%7ereneeb/test-testcoverage-0.01/
+Searching is for ...
+Searching are for ...
+Searching is for
+Searching are for
+||||Dave||||sungo it!||||
+Searching is for sungo it!
+Searching are for sungo it!
+Searching is for sungo it
+Searching are for sungo it
+||||aevil||||hmmm...gay depends. what, do they come with little rainbows on them?||||
+Searching is for hmmm...gay depends. what, do they come with little rainbows on them
+Searching are for hmmm...gay depends. what, do they come with little rainbows on them
+Searching is for hmmm...gay depends. what, do they come with little rainbows on them
+Searching are for hmmm...gay depends. what, do they come with little rainbows on them
+||||yrlnry||||e on any particular draw.||||
+Searching is for e on any particular draw.
+Searching are for e on any particular draw.
+Searching is for e on any particular draw
+Searching are for e on any particular draw
+||||aevil||||heya mjd||||
+Searching is for mjd
+Searching are for mjd
+Searching is for mjd
+Searching are for mjd
+||||yrlnry||||Because you have an (N-M)/N chance of getting a fresh marble on any particular draw.||||
+Searching is for because you have an (n-m)/n chance of getting a fresh marble on any particular draw.
+Searching are for because you have an (n-m)/n chance of getting a fresh marble on any particular draw.
+Searching is for because you have an (n-m)/n chance of getting a fresh marble on any particular draw
+Searching are for because you have an (n-m)/n chance of getting a fresh marble on any particular draw
+||||marcz908||||how do i get a list of the variables defines within the current package?||||
+Searching is for how is a list of the variables defines within the current package
+Searching are for how is a list of the variables defines within the current package
+||||rafl||||How to set $! from XS?||||
+Searching is for how to set $! from xs
+Searching are for how to set $! from xs
+Searching is for how to set $! from xs
+Searching are for how to set $! from xs
+||||yrlnry||||you can loop over the symbol table, which is a hash:||||
+Searching is for you can loop over the symbol table, which is a hash:
+Searching are for you can loop over the symbol table, which is a hash:
+||||yrlnry||||my $stash = \%{$package . "::"}; for my $var ( keys %$stash) { ... }||||
+Searching is for yrlnry's $stash = \%{$package . "::"}; for yrlnry's $var ( keys %$stash) { ... }
+Searching are for yrlnry's $stash = \%{$package . "::"}; for yrlnry's $var ( keys %$stash) { ... }
+Searching is for yrlnry's $stash = \%{$package . "::"}; for yrlnry's $var ( keys %$stash) { ... }
+Searching are for yrlnry's $stash = \%{$package . "::"}; for yrlnry's $var ( keys %$stash) { ... }
+||||yrlnry||||Suppose I have an AUTOLOAD, and the AUTOLOAD has determined that it doesn't want to emulate the function or method that was just called. How can I have the AUTOLOAD issue exactly the same error message that would have been issued, had Perl not found the AUTOLOAD instead?||||
+Searching is for suppose yrlnry has an autoload, and the autoload has determined that it doesn't want to emulate the function or method that was just called. how can yrlnry has the autoload issue exactly the same error message that would have been issued, had perl not found the autoload instead
+Searching are for suppose yrlnry has an autoload, and the autoload has determined that it doesn't want to emulate the function or method that was just called. how can yrlnry has the autoload issue exactly the same error message that would have been issued, had perl not found the autoload instead
+Searching is for suppose yrlnry has an autoload, and the autoload has determined that it doesn't want to emulate the function or method that was just called. how can yrlnry has the autoload issue exactly the same error message that would have been issued, had perl not found the autoload instead
+Searching are for suppose yrlnry has an autoload, and the autoload has determined that it doesn't want to emulate the function or method that was just called. how can yrlnry has the autoload issue exactly the same error message that would have been issued, had perl not found the autoload instead
+||||marcz908||||thank you||||
+Searching is for thank you
+Searching are for thank you
+Searching is for thank you
+Searching are for thank you
+Searching is for welcome
+Searching are for welcome
+Searching is for welcome
+Searching are for welcome
+||||vh||||just be away that only package variables are within the package.. any "my" vars won't show up||||
+Searching is for just be away that only package variables are within the package.. any "my" vars won't show up
+Searching are for just be away that only package variables are within the package.. any "my" vars won't show up
+Searching are for just be away that only package variables
+set;;are;;just be away that only package variables;;within the package.. any "my" vars won't show up
+Searching is for s/away/aware/
+Searching are for s/away/aware/
+Searching is for s/away/aware/
+Searching are for s/away/aware/
+||||integral||||If you want lexicals, there is PadWalker||||
+Searching is for if you want lexicals, there is padwalker
+Searching are for if you want lexicals, there is padwalker
+||||yrlnry||||He did specifically say "within the current package".||||
+Searching is for he did specifically say "within the current package".
+Searching are for he did specifically say "within the current package".
+Searching is for he did specifically say "within the current package"
+Searching are for he did specifically say "within the current package"
+||||vh||||true that.. I just thought it might be safe to point out what isn't a package var||||
+Searching is for true that.. vh just thought it might be safe to point outisn't a package var
+Searching are for true that.. vh just thought it might be safe to point outisn't a package var
+Searching is for true that.. vh just thought it might be safe to point outisn't a package var
+Searching are for true that.. vh just thought it might be safe to point outisn't a package var
+||||vh||||It may not be exactly what you want.. but 'use Data::Dumper;my $dump = Dumper($value)' tends to be occasionally enlightening||||
+Searching is for it may not be exactlyyou want.. but 'use data::dumper;my $dump = dumper($value)' tends to be occasionally enlightening
+Searching are for it may not be exactlyyou want.. but 'use data::dumper;my $dump = dumper($value)' tends to be occasionally enlightening
+Searching is for it may not be exactlyyou want.. but 'use data::dumper;my $dump = dumper($value)' tends to be occasionally enlightening
+Searching are for it may not be exactlyyou want.. but 'use data::dumper;my $dump = dumper($value)' tends to be occasionally enlightening
+||||yrlnry||||local *V = $stash->{var}; # Now $V, @V, %V, etc., all have the values that corresponded to the original $var, @var, %var, etc.||||
+Searching is for local *v = $stash->{var}; # now $v, @v, %v, etc., all have the values that corresponded to the original $var, @var, %var, etc.
+Searching are for local *v = $stash->{var}; # now $v, @v, %v, etc., all have the values that corresponded to the original $var, @var, %var, etc.
+Searching is for local *v = $stash->{var}; # now $v, @v, %v, etc., all have the values that corresponded to the original $var, @var, %var, etc
+Searching are for local *v = $stash->{var}; # now $v, @v, %v, etc., all have the values that corresponded to the original $var, @var, %var, etc
+||||rjbs||||Class::WhiteHole is supposed to help with that.||||
+Searching is for class::whitehole is supposed to help with that.
+Searching are for class::whitehole is supposed to help with that.
+Searching is for class::whitehole
+set;;is;;class::whitehole;;supposed to help with that.
+||||rjbs||||I copy a few lines of its guts when needed.||||
+Searching is for rjbs copy a few lines of its guts when needed.
+Searching are for rjbs copy a few lines of its guts when needed.
+Searching is for rjbs copy a few lines of its guts when needed
+Searching are for rjbs copy a few lines of its guts when needed
+Searching is for thanks.
+Searching are for thanks.
+Searching is for thanks
+Searching are for thanks
+||||cj||||what's the date parser module called?||||
+Searching is for is the date parser module called
+Searching are for is the date parser module called
+Searching is for date parser module called
+Searching is for date::parse
+Searching are for date::parse
+Searching is for date::parse
+Searching are for date::parse
+Searching is for http://rafb.net/paste/results/euss9v37.html
+Searching are for http://rafb.net/paste/results/euss9v37.html
+Searching is for http://rafb.net/paste/results/euss9v37.html
+Searching are for http://rafb.net/paste/results/euss9v37.html
+Searching is for ..
+Searching are for ..
+Searching is for
+Searching are for
+||||yrlnry||||thanks, but consider my $x = bless {} => "main"; $x->bar;||||
+Searching is for thanks, but consider yrlnry's $x = bless {} => "main"; $x->bar;
+Searching are for thanks, but consider yrlnry's $x = bless {} => "main"; $x->bar;
+Searching is for thanks, but consider yrlnry's $x = bless {} => "main"; $x->bar;
+Searching are for thanks, but consider yrlnry's $x = bless {} => "main"; $x->bar;
+||||mauke||||ah, hmm||||
+Searching is for ah, hmm
+Searching are for ah, hmm
+Searching is for ah, hmm
+Searching are for ah, hmm
+||||cj||||thanks, yrlnry||||
+Searching is for thanks, yrlnry
+Searching are for thanks, yrlnry
+Searching is for thanks, yrlnry
+Searching are for thanks, yrlnry
+||||mauke||||looks impossible||||
+Searching is for looks impossible
+Searching are for looks impossible
+Searching is for looks impossible
+Searching are for looks impossible
+||||yrlnry||||thanks. That's the conclusion I came to also.||||
+Searching is for thanks. that's the conclusion yrlnry came to also.
+Searching are for thanks. that's the conclusion yrlnry came to also.
+Searching is for thanks. that's the conclusion yrlnry came to also
+Searching are for thanks. that's the conclusion yrlnry came to also
+||||yrlnry||||any time.||||
+Searching is for any time.
+Searching are for any time.
+Searching is for any time
+Searching are for any time
+||||sungo||||be athf!||||
+Searching is for be athf!
+Searching are for be athf!
+Searching is for be athf
+Searching are for be athf
+||||steven||||has anyone made their OS X "personal web sharing" start their own apache instead of the original?||||
+Searching is for has anyone made their os x "personal web sharing" start their own apache instead of the original
+Searching are for has anyone made their os x "personal web sharing" start their own apache instead of the original
+Searching is for has anyone made their os x "personal web sharing" start their own apache instead of the original
+Searching are for has anyone made their os x "personal web sharing" start their own apache instead of the original
+||||dorian||||i bet there's a plist for that||||
+Searching is for dorian bet there's a plist for that
+Searching are for dorian bet there's a plist for that
+Searching is for dorian bet there's a plist for that
+Searching are for dorian bet there's a plist for that
+||||mrsolo||||err what's easiet way to automount nt share under osx?||||
+Searching is for erris easiet way to automount nt share under osx
+Searching are for erris easiet way to automount nt share under osx
+Searching is for erris easiet way to automount nt share under osx
+Searching are for erris easiet way to automount nt share under osx
+Searching is for reinstall
+Searching are for reinstall
+Searching is for reinstall
+Searching are for reinstall
+Searching is for har
+Searching are for har
+Searching is for har
+Searching are for har
+||||jcap||||no need to reinstall||||
+Searching is for no need to reinstall
+Searching are for no need to reinstall
+Searching is for no need to reinstall
+Searching are for no need to reinstall
+||||jcap||||just use bootcamp||||
+Searching is for just use bootcamp
+Searching are for just use bootcamp
+Searching is for just use bootcamp
+Searching are for just use bootcamp
+||||Tomatoe||||what is the fastest way to search a text file using keywords from an input box?||||
+Searching is for is the fastest way to search a text file using keywords from an input box
+Searching are for is the fastest way to search a text file using keywords from an input box
+Searching is for fastest way to search a text file using keywords from an input box
+||||Tomatoe||||I need to be able to split the keywords and search a text file for any of them||||
+Searching is for tomatoe need to be able to split the keywords and search a text file for any of them
+Searching are for tomatoe need to be able to split the keywords and search a text file for any of them
+Searching is for tomatoe need to be able to split the keywords and search a text file for any of them
+Searching are for tomatoe need to be able to split the keywords and search a text file for any of them
+||||Tomatoe||||is there a cpan module for this?||||
+Searching is for is there a cpan module for this
+Searching are for is there a cpan module for this
+Searching is for grep
+Searching are for grep
+Searching is for grep
+Searching are for grep
+Searching is for ok
+Searching are for ok
+Searching is for ok
+Searching are for ok
+||||rjbs||||fgrep is faster if they're fixed strings.||||
+Searching is for fgrep is faster if they're fixed strings.
+Searching are for fgrep is faster if they're fixed strings.
+Searching is for fgrep
+set;;is;;fgrep;;faster if they're fixed strings.
+Searching is for oh
+Searching are for oh
+Searching is for oh
+Searching are for oh
+||||Tomatoe||||how do you mean fixed?||||
+Searching is for how do you mean fixed
+Searching are for how do you mean fixed
+Searching is for how do you mean fixed
+Searching are for how do you mean fixed
+||||rjbs||||not patterns.||||
+Searching is for not patterns.
+Searching are for not patterns.
+Searching is for not patterns
+Searching are for not patterns
+||||rjbs||||man fgrep||||
+Searching is for man fgrep
+Searching are for man fgrep
+Searching is for man fgrep
+Searching are for man fgrep
+||||steven||||fgrep is just grep -F||||
+Searching is for fgrep is just grep -f
+Searching are for fgrep is just grep -f
+Searching is for fgrep
+set;;is;;fgrep;;just grep -F
+||||rjbs||||sure. it's easier to type, though||||
+Searching is for sure. it's easier to type, though
+Searching are for sure. it's easier to type, though
+Searching is for sure. it's easier to type, though
+Searching are for sure. it's easier to type, though
+||||steven||||and mostly used probably||||
+Searching is for mostly used probably
+Searching are for mostly used probably
+Searching is for mostly used probably
+Searching are for mostly used probably
+||||kd||||depends if you remember to type f at the beginning when you start or not||||
+Searching is for depends if you remember to type f at the beginning when you start or not
+Searching are for depends if you remember to type f at the beginning when you start or not
+Searching is for depends if you remember to type f at the beginning when you start or not
+Searching are for depends if you remember to type f at the beginning when you start or not
+||||rjbs||||It's because You Know Who runs them al.||||
+Searching is for it's because you knowruns them al.
+Searching are for it's because you knowruns them al.
+Searching is for it's because you knowruns them al
+Searching are for it's because you knowruns them al
+||||rjbs||||You know.||||
+Searching is for you know.
+Searching are for you know.
+Searching is for you know
+Searching are for you know
+Searching is for bankers.
+Searching are for bankers.
+Searching is for bankers
+Searching are for bankers
+||||Tomatoe||||how can I change this to search many keywords: grep -F -i -m 1 "$keyword" $file||||
+Searching is for how can tomatoe change this to search many keywords: grep -f -i -m 1 "$keyword" $file
+Searching are for how can tomatoe change this to search many keywords: grep -f -i -m 1 "$keyword" $file
+Searching is for how can tomatoe change this to search many keywords: grep -f -i -m 1 "$keyword" $file
+Searching are for how can tomatoe change this to search many keywords: grep -f -i -m 1 "$keyword" $file
+Searching is for doubtful.
+Searching are for doubtful.
+Searching is for doubtful
+Searching are for doubtful
+||||rjbs||||you could: grep -i -m "$k1|$k2|$k3" $file||||
+Searching is for you could: grep -i -m "$k1|$k2|$k3" $file
+Searching are for you could: grep -i -m "$k1|$k2|$k3" $file
+Searching is for you could: grep -i -m "$k1|$k2|$k3" $file
+Searching are for you could: grep -i -m "$k1|$k2|$k3" $file
+||||rjbs||||exited with signal 6||||
+Searching is for exited with signal 6
+Searching are for exited with signal 6
+Searching is for exited with signal 6
+Searching are for exited with signal 6
+Searching is for gcc--
+Searching are for gcc--
+Searching is for gcc--
+Searching are for gcc--
+Searching is for yay!
+Searching are for yay!
+Searching is for yay
+Searching are for yay
+||||Tomatoe||||grep -i -m "$k1|$k2|$k3" $file does not work, it only works when I have "$k1"||||
+Searching is for grep -i -m "$k1|$k2|$k3" $file does not work, it only works when tomatoe has "$k1"
+Searching are for grep -i -m "$k1|$k2|$k3" $file does not work, it only works when tomatoe has "$k1"
+Searching is for grep -i -m "$k1|$k2|$k3" $file does not work, it only works when tomatoe has "$k1"
+Searching are for grep -i -m "$k1|$k2|$k3" $file does not work, it only works when tomatoe has "$k1"
+||||Tomatoe||||even though there are keywords set to $k1, $k2, and $k3||||
+Searching is for even though there are keywords set to $k1, $k2, and $k3
+Searching are for even though there are keywords set to $k1, $k2, and $k3
+Searching are for even though there
+set;;are;;even though there;;keywords set to $k1, $k2, and $k3
+||||rjbs||||you need to escape the pipes.||||
+Searching is for you need to escape the pipes.
+Searching are for you need to escape the pipes.
+Searching is for you need to escape the pipes
+Searching are for you need to escape the pipes
+||||Tomatoe||||"$k1\|$k2\|$k3" ?||||
+Searching is for "$k1\|$k2\|$k3"
+Searching are for "$k1\|$k2\|$k3"
+Searching is for "$k1\|$k2\|$k3"
+Searching are for "$k1\|$k2\|$k3"
+||||sungo||||sungo it!||||
+Searching is for sungo it!
+Searching are for sungo it!
+Searching is for sungo it
+Searching are for sungo it
+Searching is for straight
+Searching are for straight
+Searching is for straight
+Searching are for straight
+||||mako132||||yeah right||||
+Searching is for yeah right
+Searching are for yeah right
+Searching is for yeah right
+Searching are for yeah right
+Searching is for shazbot
+Searching are for shazbot
+Searching is for shazbot
+Searching are for shazbot
+Searching is for bumrset
+Searching are for bumrset
+Searching is for bumrset
+Searching are for bumrset
+||||dngor||||Bah. Should be BUMMERSET.||||
+Searching is for bah. should be bummerset.
+Searching are for bah. should be bummerset.
+Searching is for bah. should be bummerset
+Searching are for bah. should be bummerset
+||||sungo||||be athf||||
+Searching is for be athf
+Searching are for be athf
+Searching is for be athf
+Searching are for be athf
+||||dngor||||I think I have a handle on a better way to break words phonetically. Given the CMU dictionary, I'm splitting "SUMMER" based on its phonemes. Unfortunately there are multiple ways this can go down, and so far I'm getting it wrong.||||
+Searching is for dngor think dngor has a handle on a better way to break words phonetically. given the cmu dictionary, dngor is splitting "summer" based on its phonemes. unfortunately there are multiple ways this can go down, and so far dngor is getting it wrong.
+Searching are for dngor think dngor has a handle on a better way to break words phonetically. given the cmu dictionary, dngor is splitting "summer" based on its phonemes. unfortunately there are multiple ways this can go down, and so far dngor is getting it wrong.
+||||hex||||shaz funk||||
+Searching is for shaz funk
+Searching are for shaz funk
+Searching is for shaz funk
+Searching are for shaz funk
+||||workbench||||FUNK JUNKYARD||||
+Searching is for funk junkyard
+Searching are for funk junkyard
+Searching is for funk junkyard
+Searching are for funk junkyard
+Searching is for yeah!
+Searching are for yeah!
+Searching is for yeah
+Searching are for yeah
+||||dngor||||A better way involves scoring the different potential breakdowns and choosing ones that are more likely.||||
+Searching is for a better way involves scoring the different potential breakdowns and choosing ones that are more likely.
+Searching are for a better way involves scoring the different potential breakdowns and choosing ones that are more likely.
+||||Sachmet||||shaz zam||||
+Searching is for shaz zam
+Searching are for shaz zam
+Searching is for shaz zam
+Searching are for shaz zam
+||||workbench||||can't pronounce ZAM||||
+Searching is for can't pronounce zam
+Searching are for can't pronounce zam
+Searching is for can't pronounce zam
+Searching are for can't pronounce zam
+Searching is for shazgold
+Searching are for shazgold
+Searching is for shazgold
+Searching are for shazgold
+||||hex||||shazgold is also funkjunkyard||||
+Searching is for shazgold is also funkjunkyard
+Searching are for shazgold is also funkjunkyard
+Searching is for shazgold
+||||mendel||||whoremaldehyde is as good as it gets though.||||
+Searching is for whoremaldehyde is as good as it gets though.
+Searching are for whoremaldehyde is as good as it gets though.
+Searching is for whoremaldehyde
+set;;is;;whoremaldehyde;;as good as it gets though.
+Searching is for agreed
+Searching are for agreed
+Searching is for agreed
+Searching are for agreed
+||||mendel||||it sounds like it would be tedious from the beginning||||
+Searching is for it sounds like it would be tedious from the beginning
+Searching are for it sounds like it would be tedious from the beginning
+Searching is for it sounds like it would be tedious from the beginning
+Searching are for it sounds like it would be tedious from the beginning
+||||mendel||||url? :)||||
+Searching is for url? :)
+Searching are for url? :)
+Searching is for url? :)
+Searching are for url? :)
+||||waltman||||top thread at http://www.mail-archive.com/advocacy%40perl.org/||||
+Searching is for top thread at http://www.mail-archive.com/advocacy%40perl.org/
+Searching are for top thread at http://www.mail-archive.com/advocacy%40perl.org/
+Searching is for top thread at http://www.mail-archive.com/advocacy%40perl.org/
+Searching are for top thread at http://www.mail-archive.com/advocacy%40perl.org/
+||||mendel||||ah thanks||||
+Searching is for ah thanks
+Searching are for ah thanks
+Searching is for ah thanks
+Searching are for ah thanks
+||||mendel||||I thought he gave up on perl||||
+Searching is for mendel thought he gave up on perl
+Searching are for mendel thought he gave up on perl
+Searching is for mendel thought he gave up on perl
+Searching are for mendel thought he gave up on perl
+||||rjbs||||wishful thinking||||
+Searching is for wishful thinking
+Searching are for wishful thinking
+Searching is for wishful thinking
+Searching are for wishful thinking
+||||dngor||||Can an advocacy group not be tedious?||||
+Searching is for can an advocacy group not be tedious
+Searching are for can an advocacy group not be tedious
+Searching is for can an advocacy group not be tedious
+Searching are for can an advocacy group not be tedious
+||||waltman||||an excellent question||||
+Searching is for an excellent question
+Searching are for an excellent question
+Searching is for excellent question
+Searching are for excellent question
+||||dngor||||Also, can a shlomi discussion not be tedious?||||
+Searching is for also, can a shlomi discussion not be tedious
+Searching are for also, can a shlomi discussion not be tedious
+Searching is for also, can a shlomi discussion not be tedious
+Searching are for also, can a shlomi discussion not be tedious
+Searching is for another
+Searching are for another
+Searching is for another
+Searching are for another
+||||rjbs||||this is unknown||||
+Searching is for this is unknown
+Searching are for this is unknown
+||||mendel||||Someone in that thread demanded the source code to a website||||
+Searching is for someone in that thread demanded the source code to a website
+Searching are for someone in that thread demanded the source code to a website
+Searching is for someone in that thread demanded the source code to a website
+Searching are for someone in that thread demanded the source code to a website
+Searching is for haha
+Searching are for haha
+Searching is for haha
+Searching are for haha
+||||waltman||||that would be shlomi||||
+Searching is for that would be shlomi
+Searching are for that would be shlomi
+Searching is for that would be shlomi
+Searching are for that would be shlomi
+||||mendel||||And some other guy too!||||
+Searching is for some other guy too!
+Searching are for some other guy too!
+Searching is for some other guy too
+Searching are for some other guy too
+||||waltman||||the other funny thing in that thread is that bdf up and called him a liar, then some other folks defended shlomi, then bdf said "if you just look at the archives you'll see he does this crap all the time", and folks *still* defended him||||
+Searching is for the other funny thing in that thread is that bdf up and called him a liar, then some other folks defended shlomi, then bdf said "if you just look at the archives you'll see he does this crap all the time", and folks *still* defended him
+Searching are for the other funny thing in that thread is that bdf up and called him a liar, then some other folks defended shlomi, then bdf said "if you just look at the archives you'll see he does this crap all the time", and folks *still* defended him
+Searching is for other funny thing in that thread
+set;;is;;other funny thing in that thread;;that bdf up and called him a liar, then some other folks defended shlomi, then bdf said "if you just look at the archives you'll see he does this crap all the time", and folks *still* defended him
+||||dngor||||You mean... it's a wankcockracy?||||
+Searching is for you mean... it's a wankcockracy
+Searching are for you mean... it's a wankcockracy
+Searching is for you mean... it's a wankcockracy
+Searching are for you mean... it's a wankcockracy
+||||waltman||||"wah, i don't have time to look in the archives, but you're MEAN!"||||
+Searching is for "wah, waltman don't have time to look in the archives, but you are mean!"
+Searching are for "wah, waltman don't have time to look in the archives, but you are mean!"
+||||mako132||||shaz wankcockracy||||
+Searching is for shaz wankcockracy
+Searching are for shaz wankcockracy
+Searching is for shaz wankcockracy
+Searching are for shaz wankcockracy
+||||workbench||||can't pronounce WANKCOCKRACY||||
+Searching is for can't pronounce wankcockracy
+Searching are for can't pronounce wankcockracy
+Searching is for can't pronounce wankcockracy
+Searching are for can't pronounce wankcockracy
+||||mendel||||shaz wank||||
+Searching is for shaz wank
+Searching are for shaz wank
+Searching is for shaz wank
+Searching are for shaz wank
+Searching is for wankrs
+Searching are for wankrs
+Searching is for wankrs
+Searching are for wankrs
+||||mendel||||Ok, "flickr" needs out of that list now||||
+Searching is for "flickr" needs out of that list now
+Searching are for "flickr" needs out of that list now
+Searching is for "flickr" needs out of that list now
+Searching are for "flickr" needs out of that list now
+||||mendel||||shaz shlomi||||
+Searching is for shaz shlomi
+Searching are for shaz shlomi
+Searching is for shaz shlomi
+Searching are for shaz shlomi
+||||workbench||||can't pronounce SHLOMI||||
+Searching is for can't pronounce shlomi
+Searching are for can't pronounce shlomi
+Searching is for can't pronounce shlomi
+Searching are for can't pronounce shlomi
+||||mendel||||shaz fish||||
+Searching is for shaz fish
+Searching are for shaz fish
+Searching is for shaz fish
+Searching are for shaz fish
+||||workbench||||FISH MISSIONARIES||||
+Searching is for fish missionaries
+Searching are for fish missionaries
+Searching is for fish missionaries
+Searching are for fish missionaries
+||||mendel||||shaz fish||||
+Searching is for shaz fish
+Searching are for shaz fish
+Searching is for shaz fish
+Searching are for shaz fish
+||||workbench||||FISH SEDITION||||
+Searching is for fish sedition
+Searching are for fish sedition
+Searching is for fish sedition
+Searching are for fish sedition
+||||cogent||||shaz teapot||||
+Searching is for shaz teapot
+Searching are for shaz teapot
+Searching is for shaz teapot
+Searching are for shaz teapot
+Searching is for fissionaries
+Searching are for fissionaries
+Searching is for fissionaries
+Searching are for fissionaries
+||||workbench||||Nothing interesting for TEAPOT ...||||
+Searching is for nothing interesting for teapot ...
+Searching are for nothing interesting for teapot ...
+Searching is for nothing interesting for teapot
+Searching are for nothing interesting for teapot
+Searching is for shaz
+Searching are for shaz
+Searching is for shaz
+Searching are for shaz
+||||sungo||||sungo it!||||
+Searching is for sungo it!
+Searching are for sungo it!
+Searching is for sungo it
+Searching are for sungo it
+Searching is for fagengast
+Searching are for fagengast
+Searching is for fagengast
+Searching are for fagengast
+Searching is for shaz
+Searching are for shaz
+Searching is for shaz
+Searching are for shaz
+Searching is for tartwheel
+Searching are for tartwheel
+Searching is for tartwheel
+Searching are for tartwheel
+||||jeek||||shaz jeek||||
+Searching is for shaz jeek
+Searching are for shaz jeek
+Searching is for shaz jeek
+Searching are for shaz jeek
+||||workbench||||can't pronounce JEEK||||
+Searching is for can't pronounce jeek
+Searching are for can't pronounce jeek
+Searching is for can't pronounce jeek
+Searching are for can't pronounce jeek
+Searching is for :(
+Searching are for :(
+Searching is for :(
+Searching are for :(
+||||mendel||||why is that its own factoid instead of the main one?||||
+Searching is for why is that its own factoid instead of the main one
+Searching are for why is that its own factoid instead of the main one
+||||dngor||||shaz week||||
+Searching is for shaz week
+Searching are for shaz week
+Searching is for shaz week
+Searching are for shaz week
+Searching is for weeko
+Searching are for weeko
+Searching is for weeko
+Searching are for weeko
+||||sungo||||because I still have a lot of data to integrate.||||
+Searching is for because sungo still have a lot of data to integrate.
+Searching are for because sungo still have a lot of data to integrate.
+Searching is for because sungo still have a lot of data to integrate
+Searching are for because sungo still have a lot of data to integrate
+Searching is for ah
+Searching are for ah
+Searching is for ah
+Searching are for ah
+||||sungo||||it can be pointed over by whoever whenever. I don't particularly care||||
+Searching is for it can be pointed over by whoever whenever. sungo don't particularly care
+Searching are for it can be pointed over by whoever whenever. sungo don't particularly care
+Searching is for it can be pointed over by whoever whenever. sungo don't particularly care
+Searching are for it can be pointed over by whoever whenever. sungo don't particularly care
+||||waltman||||sungo it!||||
+Searching is for sungo it!
+Searching are for sungo it!
+Searching is for sungo it
+Searching are for sungo it
+Searching is for shaz
+Searching are for shaz
+Searching is for shaz
+Searching are for shaz
+Searching is for semenizez
+Searching are for semenizez
+Searching is for semenizez
+Searching are for semenizez
+||||clintp||||http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schwartzian_Transform There is a statement at the bottom of the first section which I think is false. Can I have a second opinion?||||
+Searching is for http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/schwartzian_transform there is a statement at the bottom of the first section which clintp think is false. can clintp has a second opinion
+Searching are for http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/schwartzian_transform there is a statement at the bottom of the first section which clintp think is false. can clintp has a second opinion
+||||confound||||"any algorithm"?||||
+Searching is for "any algorithm"
+Searching are for "any algorithm"
+Searching is for "any algorithm"
+Searching are for "any algorithm"
+||||clintp||||No, the "saving memory" comment. What memory do you save exactly?||||
+Searching is for no, the "saving memory" comment.memory do you save exactly
+Searching are for no, the "saving memory" comment.memory do you save exactly
+Searching is for no, the "saving memory" comment.memory do you save exactly
+Searching are for no, the "saving memory" comment.memory do you save exactly
+||||mendel||||By "first section" you mean "middle section", right?||||
+Searching is for by "first section" you mean "middle section", right
+Searching are for by "first section" you mean "middle section", right
+Searching is for by "first section" you mean "middle section", right
+Searching are for by "first section" you mean "middle section", right
+Searching is for apparently
+Searching are for apparently
+Searching is for apparently
+Searching are for apparently
+||||confound||||Anyway, you aren't storing the filename twice||||
+Searching is for anyway, you aren't storing the filename twice
+Searching are for anyway, you aren't storing the filename twice
+Searching is for anyway, you aren't storing the filename twice
+Searching are for anyway, you aren't storing the filename twice
+||||clintp||||Oh that. SUre I guess.||||
+Searching is for that. sure clintp guess.
+Searching are for that. sure clintp guess.
+Searching is for that. sure clintp guess
+Searching are for that. sure clintp guess
+||||mendel||||The part in there that mentions that Randal did not invent it pleases me.||||
+Searching is for the part in there that mentions that randal did not invent it pleases mendel.
+Searching are for the part in there that mentions that randal did not invent it pleases mendel.
+Searching is for part in there that mentions that randal did not invent it pleases mendel
+Searching are for part in there that mentions that randal did not invent it pleases mendel
+||||mendel||||It took me the longest time to understand the schwartzian transform because I had convinced myself it was new||||
+Searching is for it took mendel the longest time to understand the schwartzian transform because mendel had convinced mendel it was new
+Searching are for it took mendel the longest time to understand the schwartzian transform because mendel had convinced mendel it was new
+Searching is for it took mendel the longest time to understand the schwartzian transform because mendel had convinced mendel it was new
+Searching are for it took mendel the longest time to understand the schwartzian transform because mendel had convinced mendel it was new
+||||yrlnry||||Doesn't the "map" generate a list of values on the stack that is in fact a second copy of the data?||||
+Searching is for doesn't the "map" generate a list of values on the stack that is in fact a second copy of the data
+Searching are for doesn't the "map" generate a list of values on the stack that is in fact a second copy of the data
+||||waltman||||aren't you in fact using *more* memory to save recalculating the values?||||
+Searching is for aren't you in fact using *more* memory to save recalculating the values
+Searching are for aren't you in fact using *more* memory to save recalculating the values
+Searching is for aren't you in fact using *more* memory to save recalculating the values
+Searching are for aren't you in fact using *more* memory to save recalculating the values
+||||yrlnry||||When I talk about it at conferences I point out that it's such a common idiom in shell programming that shell programmers don't even have a name for it.||||
+Searching is for when yrlnry talk about it at conferences yrlnry point out that it's such a common idiom in shell programming that shell programmers don't even have a name for it.
+Searching are for when yrlnry talk about it at conferences yrlnry point out that it's such a common idiom in shell programming that shell programmers don't even have a name for it.
+Searching is for when yrlnry talk about it at conferences yrlnry point out that it's such a common idiom in shell programming that shell programmers don't even have a name for it
+Searching are for when yrlnry talk about it at conferences yrlnry point out that it's such a common idiom in shell programming that shell programmers don't even have a name for it
+||||clintp||||Mee too. ||||
+Searching is for mee too.
+Searching are for mee too.
+Searching is for mee too
+Searching are for mee too
+||||clintp||||And the hidden memory there that Perl needs to pull this off troubled me. Which is why I asked about the memory.||||
+Searching is for the hidden memory there that perl needs to pull this off troubled clintp. which is why clintp asked about the memory.
+Searching are for the hidden memory there that perl needs to pull this off troubled clintp. which is why clintp asked about the memory.
+||||waltman||||ruby solves the problem by having a sort_by method||||
+Searching is for ruby solves the problem by having a sort_by method
+Searching are for ruby solves the problem by having a sort_by method
+Searching is for ruby solves the problem by having a sort_by method
+Searching are for ruby solves the problem by having a sort_by method
+||||yrlnry||||I remember asking a while back why you would ever want to use ST rather than { my %val; for (@array) { $val{$_} = foo($_) } sort { $val{$a} cmp $val{$b} } @array }||||
+Searching is for yrlnry remember asking a while back why you would ever want to use st rather than { yrlnry's %val; for (@array) { $val{$_} = foo($_) } sort { $val{$a} cmp $val{$b} } @array }
+Searching are for yrlnry remember asking a while back why you would ever want to use st rather than { yrlnry's %val; for (@array) { $val{$_} = foo($_) } sort { $val{$a} cmp $val{$b} } @array }
+Searching is for yrlnry remember asking a while back why you would ever want to use st rather than { yrlnry's %val; for (@array) { $val{$_} = foo($_) } sort { $val{$a} cmp $val{$b} } @array }
+Searching are for yrlnry remember asking a while back why you would ever want to use st rather than { yrlnry's %val; for (@array) { $val{$_} = foo($_) } sort { $val{$a} cmp $val{$b} } @array }
+||||yrlnry||||That is, you would use that in place of map $_->[0] sort { $a->[1] cmp $b->[1] } map [ $_, foo($_) ] @array;||||
+Searching is for that is, you would use that in place of map $_->[0] sort { $a->[1] cmp $b->[1] } map [ $_, foo($_) ] @array;
+Searching are for that is, you would use that in place of map $_->[0] sort { $a->[1] cmp $b->[1] } map [ $_, foo($_) ] @array;
+Searching is for that is, you would use that in place of map $_->[0] sort { $a->[1] cmp $b->[1] } map [ $_, foo($_) ] @array;
+Searching are for that is, you would use that in place of map $_->[0] sort { $a->[1] cmp $b->[1] } map [ $_, foo($_) ] @array;
+||||confound||||because "schwartzian transform" sounds cooler than "orcish maneuver"||||
+Searching is for because "schwartzian transform" sounds cooler than "orcish maneuver"
+Searching are for because "schwartzian transform" sounds cooler than "orcish maneuver"
+Searching is for because "schwartzian transform" sounds cooler than "orcish maneuver"
+Searching are for because "schwartzian transform" sounds cooler than "orcish maneuver"
+||||yrlnry||||The ST code is a little shorted, but a lot harder to understand.||||
+Searching is for the st code is a little shorted, but a lot harder to understand.
+Searching are for the st code is a little shorted, but a lot harder to understand.
+Searching is for st code
+set;;is;;st code;;a little shorted, but a lot harder to understand.
+||||rjbs||||I am the face of complete disagreement.||||
+Searching is for rjbs is the face of complete disagreement.
+Searching are for rjbs is the face of complete disagreement.
+Searching is for rjbs
+set;;is;;rjbs;;the face of complete disagreement.
+||||confound||||Yeah, me too actually.||||
+Searching is for yeah, confound too actually.
+Searching are for yeah, confound too actually.
+Searching is for yeah, confound too actually
+Searching are for yeah, confound too actually
+||||rjbs||||zug zug||||
+Searching is for zug zug
+Searching are for zug zug
+Searching is for zug zug
+Searching are for zug zug
+||||confound||||Especially if you spell it 'manoeuvre' instead||||
+Searching is for especially if you spell it 'manoeuvre' instead
+Searching are for especially if you spell it 'manoeuvre' instead
+Searching is for especially if you spell it 'manoeuvre' instead
+Searching are for especially if you spell it 'manoeuvre' instead
+Searching is for zouagu!
+Searching are for zouagu!
+Searching is for zouagu
+Searching are for zouagu
+||||rjbs||||but not with Randal Schwartz?||||
+Searching is for not with randal schwartz
+Searching are for not with randal schwartz
+Searching is for not with randal schwartz
+Searching are for not with randal schwartz
+||||confound||||I wish I could quit him||||
+Searching is for confound wish confound could quit him
+Searching are for confound wish confound could quit him
+Searching is for confound wish confound could quit him
+Searching are for confound wish confound could quit him
+||||yrlnry||||last RANDAL;||||
+Searching is for last randal;
+Searching are for last randal;
+Searching is for last randal;
+Searching are for last randal;
+Searching is for hah
+Searching are for hah
+Searching is for hah
+Searching are for hah
+||||waltman||||he's so not into you||||
+Searching is for he's so not into you
+Searching are for he's so not into you
+Searching is for he's so not into you
+Searching are for he's so not into you
+||||rjbs||||last randal standing.||||
+Searching is for last randal standing.
+Searching are for last randal standing.
+Searching is for last randal standing
+Searching are for last randal standing
+||||yrlnry||||use less "Schwartz";||||
+Searching is for use less "schwartz";
+Searching are for use less "schwartz";
+Searching is for use less "schwartz";
+Searching are for use less "schwartz";
+||||mauke||||because the schwartzian transform wins for cool data flow||||
+Searching is for because the schwartzian transform wins for cool data flow
+Searching are for because the schwartzian transform wins for cool data flow
+Searching is for because the schwartzian transform wins for cool data flow
+Searching are for because the schwartzian transform wins for cool data flow
+Searching is for universal::isa::felon
+Searching are for universal::isa::felon
+Searching is for universal::isa::felon
+Searching are for universal::isa::felon
+||||mauke||||it's just a list transformation so why should I use multiple statements?||||
+Searching is for it's just a list transformation so why should mauke use multiple statements
+Searching are for it's just a list transformation so why should mauke use multiple statements
+Searching is for it's just a list transformation so why should mauke use multiple statements
+Searching are for it's just a list transformation so why should mauke use multiple statements
+||||yrlnry||||okay, fair enough.||||
+Searching is for fair enough.
+Searching are for fair enough.
+Searching is for fair enough
+Searching are for fair enough
+||||confound||||we call this the 'map $_->[0], sort { $a->[1] cmp $b->[1] } map [ $_, expensive_operation($_) ], @array' algorithm||||
+Searching is for we call this the 'map $_->[0], sort { $a->[1] cmp $b->[1] } map [ $_, expensive_operation($_) ], @array' algorithm
+Searching are for we call this the 'map $_->[0], sort { $a->[1] cmp $b->[1] } map [ $_, expensive_operation($_) ], @array' algorithm
+Searching is for we call this the 'map $_->[0], sort { $a->[1] cmp $b->[1] } map [ $_, expensive_operation($_) ], @array' algorithm
+Searching are for we call this the 'map $_->[0], sort { $a->[1] cmp $b->[1] } map [ $_, expensive_operation($_) ], @array' algorithm
+||||mendel||||Oh ok||||
+Searching is for ok
+Searching are for ok
+Searching is for ok
+Searching are for ok
+||||rjbs||||If you people weren't in such a hurry you could just use sort.||||
+Searching is for if you people weren't in such a hurry you could just use sort.
+Searching are for if you people weren't in such a hurry you could just use sort.
+Searching is for if you people weren't in such a hurry you could just use sort
+Searching are for if you people weren't in such a hurry you could just use sort
+||||waltman||||Your version leaves %val lying around||||
+Searching is for your version leaves %val lying around
+Searching are for your version leaves %val lying around
+Searching is for your version leaves %val lying around
+Searching are for your version leaves %val lying around
+||||rjbs||||no, it was in bare braces||||
+Searching is for no, it was in bare braces
+Searching are for no, it was in bare braces
+Searching is for no, it was in bare braces
+Searching are for no, it was in bare braces
+Searching is for doesn't.
+Searching are for doesn't.
+Searching is for doesn't
+Searching are for doesn't
+Searching is for enscopulated
+Searching are for enscopulated
+Searching is for enscopulated
+Searching are for enscopulated
+||||waltman||||oops, missed the brace at the end||||
+Searching is for oops, missed the brace at the end
+Searching are for oops, missed the brace at the end
+Searching is for oops, missed the brace at the end
+Searching are for oops, missed the brace at the end
+||||rjbs||||you would make a lousy parser.||||
+Searching is for you would make a lousy parser.
+Searching are for you would make a lousy parser.
+Searching is for you would make a lousy parser
+Searching are for you would make a lousy parser
+||||yrlnry||||It's the brace at the beginning you should have noticed.||||
+Searching is for it's the brace at the beginning you should have noticed.
+Searching are for it's the brace at the beginning you should have noticed.
+Searching is for it's the brace at the beginning you should have noticed
+Searching are for it's the brace at the beginning you should have noticed
+||||waltman||||i saw that, but got confused by the brace in the middle||||
+Searching is for waltman saw that, but got confused by the brace in the middle
+Searching are for waltman saw that, but got confused by the brace in the middle
+Searching is for waltman saw that, but got confused by the brace in the middle
+Searching are for waltman saw that, but got confused by the brace in the middle
+||||rjbs||||what was the one in the middle again?||||
+Searching is for was the one in the middle again
+Searching are for was the one in the middle again
+Searching is for was the one in the middle again
+Searching are for was the one in the middle again
+Searching is for milo++
+Searching are for milo++
+Searching is for milo++
+Searching are for milo++
+||||waltman||||that one ends the for||||
+Searching is for that one ends the for
+Searching are for that one ends the for
+Searching is for that one ends the for
+Searching are for that one ends the for
+Searching is for otto
+Searching are for otto
+Searching is for otto
+Searching are for otto
+||||rjbs||||really? oh yeah.||||
+Searching is for really? oh yeah.
+Searching are for really? oh yeah.
+Searching is for really? oh yeah
+Searching are for really? oh yeah
+||||rjbs||||well, milo deserves karma too||||
+Searching is for milo deserves karma too
+Searching are for milo deserves karma too
+Searching is for milo deserves karma too
+Searching are for milo deserves karma too
+Searching is for otto++
+Searching are for otto++
+Searching is for otto++
+Searching are for otto++
+||||rjbs||||haha. I don't remember that line at all.||||
+Searching is for haha. rjbs don't remember that line at all.
+Searching are for haha. rjbs don't remember that line at all.
+Searching is for haha. rjbs don't remember that line at all
+Searching are for haha. rjbs don't remember that line at all
+||||yrlnry||||Apparently not!||||
+Searching is for apparently not!
+Searching are for apparently not!
+Searching is for apparently not
+Searching are for apparently not
+||||waltman||||so do i really want to spend nearly 4 hours in a movie theater tonight watching Lawrence of Arabia?||||
+Searching is for so do waltman really want to spend nearly 4 hours in a movie theater tonight watching lawrence of arabia
+Searching are for so do waltman really want to spend nearly 4 hours in a movie theater tonight watching lawrence of arabia
+Searching is for so do waltman really want to spend nearly 4 hours in a movie theater tonight watching lawrence of arabia
+Searching are for so do waltman really want to spend nearly 4 hours in a movie theater tonight watching lawrence of arabia
+||||yrlnry||||I gave up at the intermission.||||
+Searching is for yrlnry gave up at the intermission.
+Searching are for yrlnry gave up at the intermission.
+Searching is for yrlnry gave up at the intermission
+Searching are for yrlnry gave up at the intermission
+||||rjbs||||I liked the movie when I watched it at home.||||
+Searching is for rjbs liked the movie when rjbs watched it at home.
+Searching are for rjbs liked the movie when rjbs watched it at home.
+Searching is for rjbs liked the movie when rjbs watched it at home
+Searching are for rjbs liked the movie when rjbs watched it at home
+||||rjbs||||With a comfortable enough chair, maybe.||||
+Searching is for with a comfortable enough chair, maybe.
+Searching are for with a comfortable enough chair, maybe.
+Searching is for with a comfortable enough chair, maybe
+Searching are for with a comfortable enough chair, maybe
+||||yrlnry||||How much do you have to pay?||||
+Searching is for how much do you have to pay
+Searching are for how much do you have to pay
+Searching is for how much do you have to pay
+Searching are for how much do you have to pay
+||||waltman||||and a stadium pal||||
+Searching is for a stadium pal
+Searching are for a stadium pal
+Searching is for stadium pal
+Searching are for stadium pal
+||||waltman||||probably $6 with my student id||||
+Searching is for probably $6 with waltman's student id
+Searching are for probably $6 with waltman's student id
+Searching is for probably $6 with waltman's student id
+Searching are for probably $6 with waltman's student id
+||||yrlnry||||Have they paid you recently?||||
+Searching is for have they paid you recently
+Searching are for have they paid you recently
+Searching is for have they paid you recently
+Searching are for have they paid you recently
+||||waltman||||on the 18th!||||
+Searching is for on the 18th!
+Searching are for on the 18th!
+Searching is for on the 18th
+Searching are for on the 18th
+||||gefilte||||(stadium pal)++||||
+Searching is for (stadium pal)++
+Searching are for (stadium pal)++
+Searching is for (stadium pal)++
+Searching are for (stadium pal)++
+++;;stadium pal
+||||avar||||torrents provide a much better service:(||||
+Searching is for torrents provide a much better service:(
+Searching are for torrents provide a much better service:(
+Searching is for torrents provide a much better service:(
+Searching are for torrents provide a much better service:(
+Searching is for eh
+Searching are for eh
+Searching is for eh
+Searching are for eh
+Searching is for :)
+Searching are for :)
+Searching is for :)
+Searching are for :)
+||||waltman||||wow, they're going to pay me this month, too!||||
+Searching is for they're going to pay waltman this month, too!
+Searching are for they're going to pay waltman this month, too!
+Searching is for they're going to pay waltman this month, too
+Searching are for they're going to pay waltman this month, too
+||||avar||||why are the sad man and the happy man right next to each other on the keyboard!||||
+Searching is for why are the sad man and the happy man right next to each other on the keyboard!
+Searching are for why are the sad man and the happy man right next to each other on the keyboard!
+||||avar||||keyboards suffer from bipolar disorder||||
+Searching is for keyboards suffer from bipolar disorder
+Searching are for keyboards suffer from bipolar disorder
+Searching is for keyboards suffer from bipolar disorder
+Searching are for keyboards suffer from bipolar disorder
+||||waltman||||with LoA it's a matter of seeing it on a proper screen||||
+Searching is for with loa it's a matter of seeing it on a proper screen
+Searching are for with loa it's a matter of seeing it on a proper screen
+Searching is for with loa it's a matter of seeing it on a proper screen
+Searching are for with loa it's a matter of seeing it on a proper screen
+||||avar||||get out of the police state||||
+Searching is for get out of the police state
+Searching are for get out of the police state
+Searching is for get out of the police state
+Searching are for get out of the police state
+||||avar||||my screen is very proper||||
+Searching is for avar's screen is very proper
+Searching are for avar's screen is very proper
+Searching is for avar's screen
+set;;is;;avar's screen;;very proper
+||||avar||||and the snacks are better||||
+Searching is for the snacks are better
+Searching are for the snacks are better
+Searching are for snacks
+||||avar||||generally. except when I have to resort to keyboard crust||||
+Searching is for generally. except when avar has to resort to keyboard crust
+Searching are for generally. except when avar has to resort to keyboard crust
+Searching is for generally. except when avar has to resort to keyboard crust
+Searching are for generally. except when avar has to resort to keyboard crust
+Searching is for shut up freenode opers
+Searching are for shut up freenode opers
+Searching is for shut up freenode opers
+Searching are for shut up freenode opers
+||||synedra|||| /me is tired of OSCON spam||||
+Searching is for /me is tired of oscon spam
+Searching are for /me is tired of oscon spam
+Searching is for /me
+set;;is;;/me;;tired of OSCON spam
+||||synedra||||oops, darn that space bar||||
+Searching is for oops, darn that space bar
+Searching are for oops, darn that space bar
+Searching is for oops, darn that space bar
+Searching are for oops, darn that space bar
+Searching is for yeah
+Searching are for yeah
+Searching is for yeah
+Searching are for yeah
+Searching is for why
+Searching are for why
+Searching is for why
+Searching are for why
+Searching is for shuddup
+Searching are for shuddup
+Searching is for shuddup
+Searching are for shuddup
+||||synedra||||I just get so much spam "Hi, you were at OSCON, try our thing"||||
+Searching is for synedra just get so much spam "hi, you were at oscon, try our thing"
+Searching are for synedra just get so much spam "hi, you were at oscon, try our thing"
+Searching is for synedra just get so much spam "hi, you were at oscon, try our thing"
+Searching are for synedra just get so much spam "hi, you were at oscon, try our thing"
+Searching is for oy
+Searching are for oy
+Searching is for oy
+Searching are for oy
+Searching is for crappy
+Searching are for crappy
+Searching is for crappy
+Searching are for crappy
+||||synedra||||'tis annoying||||
+Searching is for 'tis annoying
+Searching are for 'tis annoying
+Searching is for 'tis annoying
+Searching are for 'tis annoying
+||||synedra||||and hi, cj!||||
+Searching is for hi, cj!
+Searching are for hi, cj!
+Searching is for hi, cj
+Searching are for hi, cj
+Searching is for :-)
+Searching are for :-)
+Searching is for :-)
+Searching are for :-)
+Searching is for hi!!!!
+Searching are for hi!!!!
+Searching is for hi
+Searching are for hi
+Searching is for cool!
+Searching are for cool!
+Searching is for cool
+Searching are for cool
+||||synedra||||I use gmail and they're usually pretty good||||
+Searching is for synedra use gmail and they're usually pretty good
+Searching are for synedra use gmail and they're usually pretty good
+Searching is for synedra use gmail and they're usually pretty good
+Searching are for synedra use gmail and they're usually pretty good
+||||cj||||yeah. let me check the number of mails in my greymail...||||
+Searching is for yeah. let cj check the number of mails in cj's greymail...
+Searching are for yeah. let cj check the number of mails in cj's greymail...
+Searching is for yeah. let cj check the number of mails in cj's greymail
+Searching are for yeah. let cj check the number of mails in cj's greymail
+||||synedra||||but maybe I need something more... draconian||||
+Searching is for maybe synedra need something more... draconian
+Searching are for maybe synedra need something more... draconian
+Searching is for maybe synedra need something more... draconian
+Searching are for maybe synedra need something more... draconian
+Searching is for yep
+Searching are for yep
+Searching is for yep
+Searching are for yep
+||||cj||||just one since 11:45!||||
+Searching is for just one since 11:45!
+Searching are for just one since 11:45!
+Searching is for just one since 11:45
+Searching are for just one since 11:45
+||||synedra||||good point||||
+Searching is for good point
+Searching are for good point
+Searching is for good point
+Searching are for good point
+||||cj||||I don't know how they do it. building a heuristics db from my archive takes 3 hours, and that's only about 3G||||
+Searching is for cj don't know how they do it. building a heuristics db from cj's archive takes 3 hours, and that's only about 3g
+Searching are for cj don't know how they do it. building a heuristics db from cj's archive takes 3 hours, and that's only about 3g
+Searching is for cj don't know how they do it. building a heuristics db from cj's archive takes 3 hours, and that's only about 3g
+Searching are for cj don't know how they do it. building a heuristics db from cj's archive takes 3 hours, and that's only about 3g
+||||cj||||ah, luser > 1 probably helps||||
+Searching is for ah, luser > 1 probably helps
+Searching are for ah, luser > 1 probably helps
+Searching is for ah, luser > 1 probably helps
+Searching are for ah, luser > 1 probably helps
+||||synedra||||but what a fun tool to write :-)||||
+Searching is for a fun tool to write :-)
+Searching are for a fun tool to write :-)
+Searching is for fun tool to write :-)
+Searching are for fun tool to write :-)
+||||cj||||MUST EVAL!!!!||||
+Searching is for must eval!!!!
+Searching are for must eval!!!!
+Searching is for must eval
+Searching are for must eval
+||||synedra||||pushy module ;-)||||
+Searching is for pushy module ;-)
+Searching are for pushy module ;-)
+Searching is for pushy module ;-)
+Searching are for pushy module ;-)
+||||synedra||||how is amazon-land?||||
+Searching is for how is amazon-land
+Searching are for how is amazon-land
+||||cj||||good, good||||
+Searching is for good, good
+Searching are for good, good
+Searching is for good, good
+Searching are for good, good
+||||cj||||have you seen my work yet?||||
+Searching is for have you seen cj's work yet
+Searching are for have you seen cj's work yet
+Searching is for have you seen cj's work yet
+Searching are for have you seen cj's work yet
+Searching is for http://amazon.com/
+Searching are for http://amazon.com/
+Searching is for http://amazon.com/
+Searching are for http://amazon.com/
+||||cj||||you might have a "plog" widget in the middle||||
+Searching is for you might have a "plog" widget in the middle
+Searching are for you might have a "plog" widget in the middle
+Searching is for you might have a "plog" widget in the middle
+Searching are for you might have a "plog" widget in the middle
+||||cj||||if you log in||||
+Searching is for if you log in
+Searching are for if you log in
+Searching is for if you log in
+Searching are for if you log in
+||||cj||||if not, go to /gp/plog||||
+Searching is for if not, go to /gp/plog
+Searching are for if not, go to /gp/plog
+Searching is for if not, go to /gp/plog
+Searching are for if not, go to /gp/plog
+||||synedra||||I've gotten plogged before||||
+Searching is for synedra has gotten plogged before
+Searching are for synedra has gotten plogged before
+Searching is for synedra has gotten plogged before
+Searching are for synedra has gotten plogged before
+Searching is for plog
+Searching are for plog
+Searching is for plog
+Searching are for plog
+||||cj||||pig pig pig||||
+Searching is for pig pig pig
+Searching are for pig pig pig
+Searching is for pig pig pig
+Searching are for pig pig pig
+||||synedra||||today my plog has cookbooks, javascript, kitchenware, kids books..||||
+Searching is for today synedra's plog has cookbooks, javascript, kitchenware, kids books..
+Searching are for today synedra's plog has cookbooks, javascript, kitchenware, kids books..
+Searching is for today synedra's plog has cookbooks, javascript, kitchenware, kids books
+Searching are for today synedra's plog has cookbooks, javascript, kitchenware, kids books
+||||synedra||||and "The Great Race is Om"||||
+Searching is for "the great race is om"
+Searching are for "the great race is om"
+Searching is for "the great race
+set;;is;;"the great race;;Om"
+||||cj||||and "The Great Race is à¥"||||
+Searching is for "the great race is à¥"
+Searching are for "the great race is à¥"
+Searching is for "the great race
+set;;is;;"the great race;;à¥"
+Searching is for :-)
+Searching are for :-)
+Searching is for :-)
+Searching are for :-)
+||||cj||||hmm... that looks like a "P" to me...||||
+Searching is for that looks like a "p" to cj...
+Searching are for that looks like a "p" to cj...
+Searching is for that looks like a "p" to cj
+Searching are for that looks like a "p" to cj
+||||cj||||oh, well... you know what I mean||||
+Searching is for well... you knowcj mean
+Searching are for well... you knowcj mean
+Searching is for well... you knowcj mean
+Searching are for well... you knowcj mean
+||||synedra||||I bought Javascript, the definitive guide in 10 of 1998||||
+Searching is for synedra bought javascript, the definitive guide in 10 of 1998
+Searching are for synedra bought javascript, the definitive guide in 10 of 1998
+Searching is for synedra bought javascript, the definitive guide in 10 of 1998
+Searching are for synedra bought javascript, the definitive guide in 10 of 1998
+Searching is for :-)
+Searching are for :-)
+Searching is for :-)
+Searching are for :-)
+Searching is for yes
+Searching are for yes
+Searching is for yes
+Searching are for yes
+||||synedra||||My first order was in august of 1996||||
+Searching is for synedra's first order was in august of 1996
+Searching are for synedra's first order was in august of 1996
+Searching is for synedra's first order was in august of 1996
+Searching are for synedra's first order was in august of 1996
+||||synedra||||oh, shut. up.||||
+Searching is for shut. up.
+Searching are for shut. up.
+Searching is for shut. up
+Searching are for shut. up
+Searching is for ;-)
+Searching are for ;-)
+Searching is for ;-)
+Searching are for ;-)
+Searching is for geoffeg must be entertained.. entertain geoffeg now
+Searching are for geoffeg must be entertained.. entertain geoffeg now
+Searching is for geoffeg must be entertained.. entertain geoffeg now
+Searching are for geoffeg must be entertained.. entertain geoffeg now
+Searching is for secondlife
+Searching are for secondlife
+Searching is for secondlife
+Searching are for secondlife
+||||geoffeg||||WHAT SAY YOU?||||
+Searching is for say you
+Searching are for say you
+Searching is for say you
+Searching are for say you
+Searching is for libsecondlife
+Searching are for libsecondlife
+Searching is for libsecondlife
+Searching are for libsecondlife
+||||cj||||SOMEBODY SET... nevermind||||
+Searching is for somebody set... nevermind
+Searching are for somebody set... nevermind
+Searching is for somebody set... nevermind
+Searching are for somebody set... nevermind
+Searching is for geeoefyg are you entertained
+Searching are for geeoefyg are you entertained
+Searching is for !!!
+Searching are for !!!
+Searching is for
+Searching are for
+Searching is for no
+Searching are for no
+Searching is for no
+Searching are for no
+Searching is for =[
+Searching are for =[
+Searching is for =[
+Searching are for =[
+||||geoffeg||||but i must go to the bathroom so||||
+Searching is for geoffeg must go to the bathroom so
+Searching are for geoffeg must go to the bathroom so
+Searching is for geoffeg must go to the bathroom so
+Searching are for geoffeg must go to the bathroom so
+||||cj||||do I need to break kneecaps?||||
+Searching is for do cj need to break kneecaps
+Searching are for do cj need to break kneecaps
+Searching is for do cj need to break kneecaps
+Searching are for do cj need to break kneecaps
+Searching is for yes.
+Searching are for yes.
+Searching is for yes
+Searching are for yes
+||||cj||||roger. could I get that name again?||||
+Searching is for roger. could cj get that name again
+Searching are for roger. could cj get that name again
+Searching is for roger. could cj get that name again
+Searching are for roger. could cj get that name again
+||||Tomatoe||||the data I have is: [unique number] tab [not unique data that may be a duplicate]||||
+Searching is for the data tomatoe has is: [unique number] tab [not unique data that may be a duplicate]
+Searching are for the data tomatoe has is: [unique number] tab [not unique data that may be a duplicate]
+Searching is for data tomatoe has is: [unique number] tab [not unique data that may be a duplicate]
+Searching are for data tomatoe has is: [unique number] tab [not unique data that may be a duplicate]
+||||Tomatoe||||so, I only want to delete the entire line if just the second part is a duplicate||||
+Searching is for so, tomatoe only want to delete the entire line if just the second part is a duplicate
+Searching are for so, tomatoe only want to delete the entire line if just the second part is a duplicate
+||||waltman||||sounds like you need to split the line first||||
+Searching is for sounds like you need to split the line first
+Searching are for sounds like you need to split the line first
+Searching is for sounds like you need to split the line first
+Searching are for sounds like you need to split the line first
+||||Tomatoe||||yes, split||||
+Searching is for split
+Searching are for split
+Searching is for split
+Searching are for split
+Searching is for thanks
+Searching are for thanks
+Searching is for thanks
+Searching are for thanks
+||||vh||||so.. this microsoft XNA thing.. I didn't really see it coming.. I wonder if it will pay off||||
+Searching is for so.. microsoft xna.. vh didn't really see it coming.. vh wonder if it will pay off
+Searching are for so.. microsoft xna.. vh didn't really see it coming.. vh wonder if it will pay off
+Searching is for so.. microsoft xna.. vh didn't really see it coming.. vh wonder if it will pay off
+Searching are for so.. microsoft xna.. vh didn't really see it coming.. vh wonder if it will pay off
+||||vh||||they released the first beta for windows game dev.. later it will be 360 compatible and you pay $99 a year to be able to play stuff on the 360.. which in the console game is kinda amazing||||
+Searching is for they released the first beta for windows game dev.. later it will be 360 compatible and you pay $99 a year to be able to play stuff on the 360.. which in the console game is kinda amazing
+Searching are for they released the first beta for windows game dev.. later it will be 360 compatible and you pay $99 a year to be able to play stuff on the 360.. which in the console game is kinda amazing
+||||vh||||depending on how microsoft manages xbox live arcade with this.. it could be the biggest reach garage game dev has ever had||||
+Searching is for depending on how microsoft manages xbox live arcade with this.. it could be the biggest reach garage game dev has ever had
+Searching are for depending on how microsoft manages xbox live arcade with this.. it could be the biggest reach garage game dev has ever had
+Searching is for depending on how microsoft manages xbox live arcade with this.. it could be the biggest reach garage game dev has ever had
+Searching are for depending on how microsoft manages xbox live arcade with this.. it could be the biggest reach garage game dev has ever had
+||||vh||||What I think is going to get very weird though.. is that microsoft has complete control over the marketplace.... so.. it might just end up being incredibly evil||||
+Searching is for is vh think is going to get very weird though.. that microsoft has complete control over the marketplace.... so.. it might just end up being incredibly evil
+Searching are for is vh think is going to get very weird though.. that microsoft has complete control over the marketplace.... so.. it might just end up being incredibly evil
+Searching is for vh think is going to get very weird though.. that microsoft has complete control over the marketplace.... so.. it might just end up being incredibly evil
+Searching is for totally.
+Searching are for totally.
+Searching is for totally
+Searching are for totally
+||||q||||i finally gave up and bought an xbox 360||||
+Searching is for q finally gave up and bought an xbox 360
+Searching are for q finally gave up and bought an xbox 360
+Searching is for q finally gave up and bought an xbox 360
+Searching are for q finally gave up and bought an xbox 360
+||||vh||||for what game ? ||||
+Searching is for forgame
+Searching are for forgame
+Searching is for forgame
+Searching are for forgame
+||||q||||it's awesome. although i need to get the os that will let me play movies from my computer||||
+Searching is for it's awesome. although q need to get the os that will let q play movies from q's computer
+Searching are for it's awesome. although q need to get the os that will let q play movies from q's computer
+Searching is for it's awesome. although q need to get the os that will let q play movies from q's computer
+Searching are for it's awesome. although q need to get the os that will let q play movies from q's computer
+Searching is for madden.
+Searching are for madden.
+Searching is for madden
+Searching are for madden
+||||q||||bought oblivion too which the wife is addicted to||||
+Searching is for bought oblivion too which the wife is addicted to
+Searching are for bought oblivion too which the wife is addicted to
+Searching is for bought oblivion too which the wife
+set;;is;;bought oblivion too which the wife;;addicted to
+||||rjbs||||lilo-- lilo--||||
+Searching is for lilo-- lilo--
+Searching are for lilo-- lilo--
+Searching is for lilo-- lilo--
+Searching are for lilo-- lilo--
+||||q||||being able to play all my music on the xbox 360 rules too||||
+Searching is for being able to play all q's music on the xbox 360 rules too
+Searching are for being able to play all q's music on the xbox 360 rules too
+Searching is for being able to play all q's music on the xbox 360 rules too
+Searching are for being able to play all q's music on the xbox 360 rules too
+||||q||||and my photos as a display, my television is larger than my monitor by quite a bit||||
+Searching is for q's photos as a display, q's television is larger than q's monitor by quite a bit
+Searching are for q's photos as a display, q's television is larger than q's monitor by quite a bit
+Searching is for q's photos as a display, q's television
+set;;is;;q's photos as a display, q's television;;larger than q's monitor by quite a bit
+||||q||||just need the microsoft os product to allow me to connect the two even more, I hope I can play other video files on my television easily. that would rule.||||
+Searching is for just need the microsoft os product to allow q to connect the two even more, q hope q can play other video files on q's television easily. that would rule.
+Searching are for just need the microsoft os product to allow q to connect the two even more, q hope q can play other video files on q's television easily. that would rule.
+Searching is for just need the microsoft os product to allow q to connect the two even more, q hope q can play other video files on q's television easily. that would rule
+Searching are for just need the microsoft os product to allow q to connect the two even more, q hope q can play other video files on q's television easily. that would rule
+||||hachi||||nopaste is broken... turning on word wrap and line numbers squashes the entire page onto one line||||
+Searching is for nopaste is broken... turning on word wrap and line numbers squashes the entire page onto one line
+Searching are for nopaste is broken... turning on word wrap and line numbers squashes the entire page onto one line
+Searching is for nopaste
+set;;is;;nopaste;;broken... turning on word wrap and line numbers squashes the entire page onto one line
+||||buu||||Well, yeah||||
+Searching is for yeah
+Searching are for yeah
+Searching is for yeah
+Searching are for yeah
+||||hachi||||uh... no, it shouldn't do that... it's labeling the lines, but not rendering them as lines||||
+Searching is for no, it shouldn't do that... it's labeling the lines, but not rendering them as lines
+Searching are for no, it shouldn't do that... it's labeling the lines, but not rendering them as lines
+Searching is for no, it shouldn't do that... it's labeling the lines, but not rendering them as lines
+Searching are for no, it shouldn't do that... it's labeling the lines, but not rendering them as lines
+Searching is for lame
+Searching are for lame
+Searching is for lame
+Searching are for lame
+||||mako132||||sungo it!||||
+Searching is for sungo it!
+Searching are for sungo it!
+Searching is for sungo it
+Searching are for sungo it
+||||vh||||probably would have to retranscode a ton of your stuff to new formats||||
+Searching is for probably would have to retranscode a ton of your stuff to new formats
+Searching are for probably would have to retranscode a ton of your stuff to new formats
+Searching is for probably would have to retranscode a ton of your stuff to new formats
+Searching are for probably would have to retranscode a ton of your stuff to new formats
+||||mako132||||shaz uberdong||||
+Searching is for shaz uberdong
+Searching are for shaz uberdong
+Searching is for shaz uberdong
+Searching are for shaz uberdong
+||||workbench||||can't pronounce UBERDONG||||
+Searching is for can't pronounce uberdong
+Searching are for can't pronounce uberdong
+Searching is for can't pronounce uberdong
+Searching are for can't pronounce uberdong
+||||DrForr||||Any Washingtonians (the state, not the district) in da hizzouse?||||
+Searching is for any washingtonians (the state, not the district) in the hizzouse
+Searching are for any washingtonians (the state, not the district) in the hizzouse
+Searching is for any washingtonians (the state, not the district) in the hizzouse
+Searching are for any washingtonians (the state, not the district) in the hizzouse
+||||jcap||||OMG I lived in washington dc before!||||
+Searching is for omg jcap lived in washington dc before!
+Searching are for omg jcap lived in washington dc before!
+Searching is for omg jcap lived in washington dc before
+Searching are for omg jcap lived in washington dc before
+||||DrForr||||So did I. My condolences.||||
+Searching is for so did drforr. drforr's condolences.
+Searching are for so did drforr. drforr's condolences.
+Searching is for so did drforr. drforr's condolences
+Searching are for so did drforr. drforr's condolences
+Searching is for ha
+Searching are for ha
+Searching is for ha
+Searching are for ha
+Searching is for drforr++
+Searching are for drforr++
+Searching is for drforr++
+Searching are for drforr++
+||||DrForr||||seen Masque ||||
+Searching is for seen masque
+Searching are for seen masque
+Searching is for seen masque
+Searching are for seen masque
+||||lucs||||seen yrlnry||||
+Searching is for seen yrlnry
+Searching are for seen yrlnry
+Searching is for seen yrlnry
+Searching are for seen yrlnry
+||||Theory||||seen torgox||||
+Searching is for seen torgox
+Searching are for seen torgox
+Searching is for seen torgox
+Searching are for seen torgox
+||||lucs||||I wonder what the winner was...||||
+Searching is for lucs wonderthe winner was...
+Searching are for lucs wonderthe winner was...
+Searching is for lucs wonderthe winner was
+Searching are for lucs wonderthe winner was
+Searching is for $1.29/pound?"
+Searching are for $1.29/pound?"
+Searching is for $1.29/pound?"
+Searching are for $1.29/pound?"
+||||lucs||||Oh, makes sense.||||
+Searching is for makes sense.
+Searching are for makes sense.
+Searching is for makes sense
+Searching are for makes sense
+||||lucs||||3000 ducats/pound"||||
+Searching is for 3000 ducats/pound"
+Searching are for 3000 ducats/pound"
+Searching is for 3000 ducats/pound"
+Searching are for 3000 ducats/pound"
+||||dngor||||cube it||||
+Searching is for cube it
+Searching are for cube it
+Searching is for cube it
+Searching are for cube it
+||||vh||||Have you ever fleed from an overflowing public toilet?||||
+Searching is for have you ever fleed from an overflowing public toilet
+Searching are for have you ever fleed from an overflowing public toilet
+Searching is for have you ever fleed from an overflowing public toilet
+Searching are for have you ever fleed from an overflowing public toilet
+||||vh||||fled even||||
+Searching is for fled even
+Searching are for fled even
+Searching is for fled even
+Searching are for fled even
+||||mjl69||||what is the alternative?||||
+Searching is for is the alternative
+Searching are for is the alternative
+Searching is for alternative
+||||geoffeg||||cuddle it!||||
+Searching is for cuddle it!
+Searching are for cuddle it!
+Searching is for cuddle it
+Searching are for cuddle it
+||||vh||||scream for help||||
+Searching is for scream for help
+Searching are for scream for help
+Searching is for scream for help
+Searching are for scream for help
+||||vh||||"my turd! noooooo"||||
+Searching is for "my turd! noooooo"
+Searching are for "my turd! noooooo"
+Searching is for "my turd! noooooo"
+Searching are for "my turd! noooooo"
+Searching is for vh++
+Searching are for vh++
+Searching is for vh++
+Searching are for vh++
+||||geoffeg||||"Plucky go down the hooolllleeee"||||
+Searching is for "plucky go down the hooolllleeee"
+Searching are for "plucky go down the hooolllleeee"
+Searching is for "plucky go down the hooolllleeee"
+Searching are for "plucky go down the hooolllleeee"
+||||vh||||some kind of foot lever on the back that.. causes something interesting to happen||||
+Searching is for some kind of foot lever on the back that.. causes something interesting to happen
+Searching are for some kind of foot lever on the back that.. causes something interesting to happen
+Searching is for some kind of foot lever on the back that.. causes something interesting to happen
+Searching are for some kind of foot lever on the back that.. causes something interesting to happen
+||||geoffeg||||"something interesting to happen"||||
+Searching is for "something interesting to happen"
+Searching are for "something interesting to happen"
+Searching is for "something interesting to happen"
+Searching are for "something interesting to happen"
+||||geoffeg||||"Switching to fountain mode!"||||
+Searching is for "switching to fountain mode!"
+Searching are for "switching to fountain mode!"
+Searching is for "switching to fountain mode!"
+Searching are for "switching to fountain mode!"
+||||mjl69||||if it doesn't flush, they may DNA test your feces and catch up with you.||||
+Searching is for if it doesn't flush, they may dna test your feces and catch up with you.
+Searching are for if it doesn't flush, they may dna test your feces and catch up with you.
+Searching is for if it doesn't flush, they may dna test your feces and catch up with you
+Searching are for if it doesn't flush, they may dna test your feces and catch up with you
+||||geoffeg||||as in "Sir, we think you may have left this turd behind in the bathroom."?||||
+Searching is for as in "sir, we think you may have left this turd behind in the bathroom."
+Searching are for as in "sir, we think you may have left this turd behind in the bathroom."
+Searching is for as in "sir, we think you may have left this turd behind in the bathroom."
+Searching are for as in "sir, we think you may have left this turd behind in the bathroom."
+||||vh||||What is the penalty for not flushing away your turds in public bathrooms?||||
+Searching is for is the penalty for not flushing away your turds in public bathrooms
+Searching are for is the penalty for not flushing away your turds in public bathrooms
+Searching is for penalty for not flushing away your turds in public bathrooms
+||||mjl69||||community service - plunging prison cell toilets.||||
+Searching is for community service - plunging prison cell toilets.
+Searching are for community service - plunging prison cell toilets.
+Searching is for community service - plunging prison cell toilets
+Searching are for community service - plunging prison cell toilets
+||||vh||||every town should just have a jumbotron of shame||||
+Searching is for every town should just have a jumbotron of shame
+Searching are for every town should just have a jumbotron of shame
+Searching is for every town should just have a jumbotron of shame
+Searching are for every town should just have a jumbotron of shame
+||||mjl69||||they could use the same cameras that take pictures of red light runners.||||
+Searching is for they could use the same cameras that take pictures of red light runners.
+Searching are for they could use the same cameras that take pictures of red light runners.
+Searching is for they could use the same cameras that take pictures of red light runners
+Searching are for they could use the same cameras that take pictures of red light runners
+||||mjl69||||"Ran from the floating turd and proceeded to order a grande latte"||||
+Searching is for "ran from the floating turd and proceeded to order a grande latte"
+Searching are for "ran from the floating turd and proceeded to order a grande latte"
+Searching is for "ran from the floating turd and proceeded to order a grande latte"
+Searching are for "ran from the floating turd and proceeded to order a grande latte"
+||||vh||||I wonder how many people have gotten plastic surgery just because they've been far too shamed in their original face||||
+Searching is for vh wonder how many people have gotten plastic surgery just because they've been far too shamed in their original face
+Searching are for vh wonder how many people have gotten plastic surgery just because they've been far too shamed in their original face
+Searching is for vh wonder how many people have gotten plastic surgery just because they've been far too shamed in their original face
+Searching are for vh wonder how many people have gotten plastic surgery just because they've been far too shamed in their original face
+||||wolverian||||..or their original genitals!||||
+Searching is for ..or their original genitals!
+Searching are for ..or their original genitals!
+Searching is for ..or their original genitals
+Searching are for ..or their original genitals
+||||mjl69||||genital enhancement surgeons have it made. who is going to take you to trial over a botched surgery?||||
+Searching is for genital enhancement surgeons have it made.is going to take you to trial over a botched surgery
+Searching are for genital enhancement surgeons have it made.is going to take you to trial over a botched surgery
+Searching is for genital enhancement surgeons have it made.is going to take you to trial over a botched surgery
+Searching are for genital enhancement surgeons have it made.is going to take you to trial over a botched surgery
+||||vh||||I mean.. why not just let the media thing for XP work with videos, and give people the codec to encode things?||||
+Searching is for vh mean.. why not just let the media thing for xp work with videos, and give people the codec to encode things
+Searching are for vh mean.. why not just let the media thing for xp work with videos, and give people the codec to encode things
+Searching is for vh mean.. why not just let the media thing for xp work with videos, and give people the codec to encode things
+Searching are for vh mean.. why not just let the media thing for xp work with videos, and give people the codec to encode things
+||||vh||||do people really want media center?||||
+Searching is for do people really want media center
+Searching are for do people really want media center
+Searching is for do people really want media center
+Searching are for do people really want media center
+||||q||||i don't.. i just want to play my videos over my xbox360 easily||||
+Searching is for q don't.. q just want to play q's videos over q's xbox360 easily
+Searching are for q don't.. q just want to play q's videos over q's xbox360 easily
+Searching is for q don't.. q just want to play q's videos over q's xbox360 easily
+Searching are for q don't.. q just want to play q's videos over q's xbox360 easily
+Searching is for impossible!
+Searching are for impossible!
+Searching is for impossible
+Searching are for impossible
+||||vh||||if we're lucky.. by the end of the year with the XNA stuff, there will be a sane video player.. you'll just have to pay $99 a year to be able to run homebrew and it might have a retarded interface to run it.. no clue||||
+Searching is for if we're lucky.. by the end of the year with the xna stuff, there will be a sane video player.. you'll just have to pay $99 a year to be able to run homebrew and it might have a retarded interface to run it.. no clue
+Searching are for if we're lucky.. by the end of the year with the xna stuff, there will be a sane video player.. you'll just have to pay $99 a year to be able to run homebrew and it might have a retarded interface to run it.. no clue
+Searching is for if we're lucky.. by the end of the year with the xna stuff, there will be a sane video player.. you'll just have to pay $99 a year to be able to run homebrew and it might have a retarded interface to run it.. no clue
+Searching are for if we're lucky.. by the end of the year with the xna stuff, there will be a sane video player.. you'll just have to pay $99 a year to be able to run homebrew and it might have a retarded interface to run it.. no clue
+||||mjl69||||I just want to take any video from any source and instantly and easily edit it any way that I want and play it back any where.||||
+Searching is for mjl69 just want to take any video from any source and instantly and easily edit it any way that mjl69 want and play it back any where.
+Searching are for mjl69 just want to take any video from any source and instantly and easily edit it any way that mjl69 want and play it back any where.
+Searching is for mjl69 just want to take any video from any source and instantly and easily edit it any way that mjl69 want and play it back any where
+Searching are for mjl69 just want to take any video from any source and instantly and easily edit it any way that mjl69 want and play it back any where
+||||q||||it can't be that hard to add codecs over xbox live, etc..||||
+Searching is for it can't be that hard to add codecs over xbox live, etc..
+Searching are for it can't be that hard to add codecs over xbox live, etc..
+Searching is for it can't be that hard to add codecs over xbox live, etc
+Searching are for it can't be that hard to add codecs over xbox live, etc
+||||q||||i just think they can make more money off of it, so yay for them||||
+Searching is for q just think they can make more money off of it, so yay for them
+Searching are for q just think they can make more money off of it, so yay for them
+Searching is for q just think they can make more money off of it, so yay for them
+Searching are for q just think they can make more money off of it, so yay for them
+||||vh||||no! you'll get an -entire- barrel of apples||||
+Searching is for no! you'll get an -entire- barrel of apples
+Searching are for no! you'll get an -entire- barrel of apples
+Searching is for no! you'll get an -entire- barrel of apples
+Searching are for no! you'll get an -entire- barrel of apples
+||||Oloryn||||is that more fun than a barrel of monkeys?||||
+Searching is for is that more fun than a barrel of monkeys
+Searching are for is that more fun than a barrel of monkeys
+||||vh||||no it's a really convoluted reference to A Christmas Story||||
+Searching is for no it's a really convoluted reference to a christmas story
+Searching are for no it's a really convoluted reference to a christmas story
+Searching is for no it's a really convoluted reference to a christmas story
+Searching are for no it's a really convoluted reference to a christmas story
+||||vh||||where the kid just wants one apple for christmas, gets a barrel, and kills himself||||
+Searching is for the kid just wants one apple for christmas, gets a barrel, and kills himself
+Searching are for the kid just wants one apple for christmas, gets a barrel, and kills himself
+Searching is for kid just wants one apple for christmas, gets a barrel, and kills himself
+Searching are for kid just wants one apple for christmas, gets a barrel, and kills himself
+||||vh||||at least that's how I think it went||||
+Searching is for at least that's how vh think it went
+Searching are for at least that's how vh think it went
+Searching is for at least that's how vh think it went
+Searching are for at least that's how vh think it went
+||||q||||(barrel of ponies)++||||
+Searching is for (barrel of ponies)++
+Searching are for (barrel of ponies)++
+Searching is for (barrel of ponies)++
+Searching are for (barrel of ponies)++
+++;;barrel of ponies
+||||Oloryn||||that's either an awfully large barrel, or very small ponies||||
+Searching is for that's either an awfully large barrel, or very small ponies
+Searching are for that's either an awfully large barrel, or very small ponies
+Searching is for that's either an awfully large barrel, or very small ponies
+Searching are for that's either an awfully large barrel, or very small ponies
+Searching is for embreyo
+Searching are for embreyo
+Searching is for embreyo
+Searching are for embreyo
+Searching is for mmmm..........brio
+Searching are for mmmm..........brio
+Searching is for mmmm..........brio
+Searching are for mmmm..........brio
+||||mjl69||||from the cyanide in the apple seeds?||||
+Searching is for from the cyanide in the apple seeds
+Searching are for from the cyanide in the apple seeds
+Searching is for from the cyanide in the apple seeds
+Searching are for from the cyanide in the apple seeds
+||||DrForr||||Mac and Final Cut Pro?||||
+Searching is for mac and final cut pro
+Searching are for mac and final cut pro
+Searching is for mac and final cut pro
+Searching are for mac and final cut pro
+||||ua||||Is there a [semi-]standardized way to use Module::Build to install webpages?||||
+Searching is for is there a [semi-]standardized way to use module::build to install webpages
+Searching are for is there a [semi-]standardized way to use module::build to install webpages
+||||mjl69||||I have not tried Final Cut Pro. Still, a big part of the problem is speed, space, and copy protection.||||
+Searching is for mjl69 has not tried final cut pro. still, a big part of the problem is speed, space, and copy protection.
+Searching are for mjl69 has not tried final cut pro. still, a big part of the problem is speed, space, and copy protection.
+||||mjl69||||Maybe an Intel Mac would be more fun. someday, when I have the money...||||
+Searching is for maybe an intel mac would be more fun. someday, when mjl69 has the money...
+Searching are for maybe an intel mac would be more fun. someday, when mjl69 has the money...
+Searching is for maybe an intel mac would be more fun. someday, when mjl69 has the money
+Searching are for maybe an intel mac would be more fun. someday, when mjl69 has the money
+||||DrForr||||Minis are Intel now, $500 or so.||||
+Searching is for minis are intel now, $500 or so.
+Searching are for minis are intel now, $500 or so.
+Searching are for minis
+set;;are;;minis;;Intel now, $500 or so.
+||||mjl69||||When I go Intel, I am going all out. That's what I mean. It's going to look like and cost almost as much as the new air conditioner we were forced to buy last month.||||
+Searching is for when mjl69 go intel, mjl69 is going all out. that'smjl69 mean. it's going to look like and cost almost as much as the new air conditioner we were forced to buy last month.
+Searching are for when mjl69 go intel, mjl69 is going all out. that'smjl69 mean. it's going to look like and cost almost as much as the new air conditioner we were forced to buy last month.
+Searching is for going all out. that'smjl69 mean. it's going to look like and cost almost as much as the new air conditioner we were forced to buy last month.
+Searching is for hi!
+Searching are for hi!
+Searching is for hi
+Searching are for hi
+||||rjbs||||http://search.cpan.org/%7Ejettero/Games-RolePlay-MapGen-0.29/MapGen.pm # wtflicense||||
+Searching is for http://search.cpan.org/%7ejettero/games-roleplay-mapgen-0.29/mapgen.pm # wherelicense
+Searching are for http://search.cpan.org/%7ejettero/games-roleplay-mapgen-0.29/mapgen.pm # wherelicense
+Searching is for http://search.cpan.org/%7ejettero/games-roleplay-mapgen-0.29/mapgen.pm # wherelicense
+Searching are for http://search.cpan.org/%7ejettero/games-roleplay-mapgen-0.29/mapgen.pm # wherelicense
+||||DrForr||||Oh, rjbs - http://techpaedia.com/apple/2006/08/27/testing-your-macbook-for-random-shut-downs/||||
+Searching is for rjbs - http://techpaedia.com/apple/2006/08/27/testing-your-macbook-for-random-shut-downs/
+Searching are for rjbs - http://techpaedia.com/apple/2006/08/27/testing-your-macbook-for-random-shut-downs/
+Searching is for rjbs - http://techpaedia.com/apple/2006/08/27/testing-your-macbook-for-random-shut-downs/
+Searching are for rjbs - http://techpaedia.com/apple/2006/08/27/testing-your-macbook-for-random-shut-downs/
+||||rjbs||||I saw.||||
+Searching is for rjbs saw.
+Searching are for rjbs saw.
+Searching is for rjbs saw
+Searching are for rjbs saw
+||||rjbs||||seemed like a sort of silly test||||
+Searching is for seemed like a sort of silly test
+Searching are for seemed like a sort of silly test
+Searching is for seemed like a sort of silly test
+Searching are for seemed like a sort of silly test
+||||DrForr||||Yeah. "Run true in two windows, that'll use both CPUs." Rather simplistic, for starters.||||
+Searching is for yeah. "run true in two windows, that'll use both cpus." rather simplistic, for starters.
+Searching are for yeah. "run true in two windows, that'll use both cpus." rather simplistic, for starters.
+Searching is for yeah. "run true in two windows, that'll use both cpus." rather simplistic, for starters
+Searching are for yeah. "run true in two windows, that'll use both cpus." rather simplistic, for starters
+||||hachi||||do you mean 'yes' ?||||
+Searching is for do you mean 'yes'
+Searching are for do you mean 'yes'
+Searching is for do you mean 'yes'
+Searching are for do you mean 'yes'
+||||hachi||||true exits immediately||||
+Searching is for true exits immediately
+Searching are for true exits immediately
+Searching is for true exits immediately
+Searching are for true exits immediately
+||||DrForr||||yeah, 'yes'. But still seems simplistic.||||
+Searching is for yeah, 'yes'. but still seems simplistic.
+Searching are for yeah, 'yes'. but still seems simplistic.
+Searching is for yeah, 'yes'. but still seems simplistic
+Searching are for yeah, 'yes'. but still seems simplistic
+||||sungo||||sungo it!||||
+Searching is for sungo it!
+Searching are for sungo it!
+Searching is for sungo it
+Searching are for sungo it
+||||DougLim||||O_o http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&q=arlesberg,+germany&ie=UTF8&z=18&ll=48.857734,10.205296&spn=0.002587,0.007424&t=k&om=1||||
+Searching is for o_o http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&q=arlesberg,+germany&ie=utf8&z=18&ll=48.857734,10.205296&spn=0.002587,0.007424&t=k&om=1
+Searching are for o_o http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&q=arlesberg,+germany&ie=utf8&z=18&ll=48.857734,10.205296&spn=0.002587,0.007424&t=k&om=1
+Searching is for o_o http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&q=arlesberg,+germany&ie=utf8&z=18&ll=48.857734,10.205296&spn=0.002587,0.007424&t=k&om=1
+Searching are for o_o http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&q=arlesberg,+germany&ie=utf8&z=18&ll=48.857734,10.205296&spn=0.002587,0.007424&t=k&om=1
+||||rjbs||||Time to struggle through writing a thank you letter in Spanish.||||
+Searching is for time to struggle through writing a thank you letter in spanish.
+Searching are for time to struggle through writing a thank you letter in spanish.
+Searching is for time to struggle through writing a thank you letter in spanish
+Searching are for time to struggle through writing a thank you letter in spanish
+Searching is for canada is invading! aiyee!
+Searching are for canada is invading! aiyee!
+Searching is for argh
+Searching are for argh
+Searching is for argh
+Searching are for argh
+||||rjbs||||this grammar doesn't have entries for dative, "case, dative", indirect object, or "object, indirect"||||
+Searching is for this grammar doesn't have entries for dative, "case, dative", indirect object, or "object, indirect"
+Searching are for this grammar doesn't have entries for dative, "case, dative", indirect object, or "object, indirect"
+Searching is for this grammar doesn't have entries for dative, "case, dative", indirect object, or "object, indirect"
+Searching are for this grammar doesn't have entries for dative, "case, dative", indirect object, or "object, indirect"
+||||Nola_||||anybody do any cool perl today>||||
+Searching is for anybody do any cool perl today>
+Searching are for anybody do any cool perl today>
+Searching is for anybody do any cool perl today>
+Searching are for anybody do any cool perl today>
+Searching is for
+Searching are for
+Searching is for
+Searching are for
+||||DrForr||||Tonight, maybe...||||
+Searching is for tonight, maybe...
+Searching are for tonight, maybe...
+Searching is for tonight, maybe
+Searching are for tonight, maybe
+||||rjbs||||not much||||
+Searching is for not much
+Searching are for not much
+Searching is for not much
+Searching are for not much
+||||Nola_||||I am back to P*P ... had to leave my perl gig cuz they had fincancial probs :(||||
+Searching is for nola_ is back to p*p ... had to leave nola_'s perl gig cuz they had fincancial probs :(
+Searching are for nola_ is back to p*p ... had to leave nola_'s perl gig cuz they had fincancial probs :(
+Searching is for nola_
+set;;is;;nola_;;back to P*P ... had to leave Nola_'s perl gig cuz they had fincancial probs :(
+||||DrForr||||teh oh noes||||
+Searching is for teh oh noes
+Searching are for teh oh noes
+Searching is for teh oh noes
+Searching are for teh oh noes
+Searching is for shazbot
+Searching are for shazbot
+Searching is for shazbot
+Searching are for shazbot
+Searching is for tushaw
+Searching are for tushaw
+Searching is for tushaw
+Searching are for tushaw
+Searching is for dongs
+Searching are for dongs
+Searching is for dongs
+Searching are for dongs
+||||rjbs||||system('perl script')||||
+Searching is for system('perl script')
+Searching are for system('perl script')
+Searching is for system('perl script')
+Searching are for system('perl script')
+||||dngor||||Steve_p gets all the dongs.||||
+Searching is for steve_p gets all the dongs.
+Searching are for steve_p gets all the dongs.
+Searching is for steve_p gets all the dongs
+Searching are for steve_p gets all the dongs
+||||confound||||gpl. but not gpl. but gpl.||||
+Searching is for gpl. but not gpl. but gpl.
+Searching are for gpl. but not gpl. but gpl.
+Searching is for gpl. but not gpl. but gpl
+Searching are for gpl. but not gpl. but gpl
+||||rjbs||||you know. for kids.||||
+Searching is for you know. for kids.
+Searching are for you know. for kids.
+Searching is for you know. for kids
+Searching are for you know. for kids
+||||rjbs||||I want to try the module... but I also hate GD.||||
+Searching is for rjbs want to try the module... but rjbs also hate gd.
+Searching are for rjbs want to try the module... but rjbs also hate gd.
+Searching is for rjbs want to try the module... but rjbs also hate gd
+Searching are for rjbs want to try the module... but rjbs also hate gd
+||||rjbs||||system('NET SEND sysop "hack attempt"')||||
+Searching is for system('net send sysop "hack attempt"')
+Searching are for system('net send sysop "hack attempt"')
+Searching is for system('net send sysop "hack attempt"')
+Searching are for system('net send sysop "hack attempt"')
+||||avar||||I have a C function: int version() { return INT_CONSTANT; } I have a XS wrapper for this: "int\nversion(MyLib self)\n\n", why do I get "Use of uninitialized value in subroutine entry" when I do MyLib->new->version; ? ||||
+Searching is for avar has a c function: int version() { return int_constant; } avar has a xs wrapper for this: "int\nversion(mylib self)\n\n", why is "use of uninitialized value in subroutine entry" when avar do mylib->new->version;
+Searching are for avar has a c function: int version() { return int_constant; } avar has a xs wrapper for this: "int\nversion(mylib self)\n\n", why is "use of uninitialized value in subroutine entry" when avar do mylib->new->version;
+||||avar||||I get the INT_CONSTANT though||||
+Searching is for avar get the int_constant though
+Searching are for avar get the int_constant though
+Searching is for avar get the int_constant though
+Searching are for avar get the int_constant though
+Searching is for hehe
+Searching are for hehe
+Searching is for hehe
+Searching are for hehe
+||||rjbs||||omg spanishdict.com added gender||||
+Searching is for omg spanishdict.com added gender
+Searching are for omg spanishdict.com added gender
+Searching is for omg spanishdict.com added gender
+Searching are for omg spanishdict.com added gender
+||||rjbs||||it's useful now!||||
+Searching is for it's useful now!
+Searching are for it's useful now!
+Searching is for it's useful now
+Searching are for it's useful now
+||||TonyC||||what exactly is new returning?||||
+Searching is for is exactly new returning
+Searching are for is exactly new returning
+Searching is for exactly new returning
+||||avar||||asking me?||||
+Searching is for asking avar
+Searching are for asking avar
+Searching is for asking avar
+Searching are for asking avar
+Searching is for yep
+Searching are for yep
+Searching is for yep
+Searching are for yep
+||||avar||||bless {}, 'MyLib';||||
+Searching is for bless {}, 'mylib';
+Searching are for bless {}, 'mylib';
+Searching is for bless {}, 'mylib';
+Searching are for bless {}, 'mylib';
+||||DrForr||||"Put your analyst on danger money, baby."||||
+Searching is for "put your analyst on danger money, baby."
+Searching are for "put your analyst on danger money, baby."
+Searching is for "put your analyst on danger money, baby."
+Searching are for "put your analyst on danger money, baby."
+||||avar||||I can call functions that return void without the warning||||
+Searching is for avar can call functions that return void without the warning
+Searching are for avar can call functions that return void without the warning
+Searching is for avar can call functions that return void without the warning
+Searching are for avar can call functions that return void without the warning
+||||TonyC||||what are you using in the typemap for Mylib?||||
+Searching is for are you using in the typemap for mylib
+Searching are for are you using in the typemap for mylib
+Searching are for you using in the typemap for mylib
+||||avar||||typedef void * MyLib;||||
+Searching is for typedef void * mylib;
+Searching are for typedef void * mylib;
+Searching is for typedef void * mylib;
+Searching are for typedef void * mylib;
+||||Nola_||||but anyways||||
+Searching is for anyways
+Searching are for anyways
+Searching is for anyways
+Searching are for anyways
+||||TonyC||||do you have an entry in the typemap file for MyLib?||||
+Searching is for do you have an entry in the typemap file for mylib
+Searching are for do you have an entry in the typemap file for mylib
+Searching is for do you have an entry in the typemap file for mylib
+Searching are for do you have an entry in the typemap file for mylib
+||||Nola_||||I don't want to talk about PHP in here... I will get flogged||||
+Searching is for nola_ don't want to talk about php in here... nola_ will get flogged
+Searching are for nola_ don't want to talk about php in here... nola_ will get flogged
+Searching is for nola_ don't want to talk about php in here... nola_ will get flogged
+Searching are for nola_ don't want to talk about php in here... nola_ will get flogged
+||||Nola_||||I was wishing today for a real MAP function...like in perl||||
+Searching is for nola_ was wishing today for a real map function...like in perl
+Searching are for nola_ was wishing today for a real map function...like in perl
+Searching is for nola_ was wishing today for a real map function...like in perl
+Searching are for nola_ was wishing today for a real map function...like in perl
+||||Nola_||||how long after I submit a cpan module, does a message appear here?||||
+Searching is for how long after nola_ submit a cpan module, does a message appear here
+Searching are for how long after nola_ submit a cpan module, does a message appear here
+Searching is for how long after nola_ submit a cpan module, does a message appear here
+Searching are for how long after nola_ submit a cpan module, does a message appear here
+||||confound||||2-20 minutes||||
+Searching is for 2-20 minutes
+Searching are for 2-20 minutes
+Searching is for 2-20 minutes
+Searching are for 2-20 minutes
+Searching is for typemap\n\nmylib\tt_ptrobj
+Searching are for typemap\n\nmylib\tt_ptrobj
+Searching is for typemap\n\nmylib\tt_ptrobj
+Searching are for typemap\n\nmylib\tt_ptrobj
+||||avar||||you can svn co http://avar.lir.dk/vcs/src/pcw/ pcw||||
+Searching is for you can svn co http://avar.lir.dk/vcs/src/pcw/ pcw
+Searching are for you can svn co http://avar.lir.dk/vcs/src/pcw/ pcw
+Searching is for you can svn co http://avar.lir.dk/vcs/src/pcw/ pcw
+Searching are for you can svn co http://avar.lir.dk/vcs/src/pcw/ pcw
+||||TonyC||||xsubpp would be generating code tha treats your object parameter as a ref to an IV||||
+Searching is for xsubpp would be generating code tha treats your object parameter as a ref to an iv
+Searching are for xsubpp would be generating code tha treats your object parameter as a ref to an iv
+Searching is for xsubpp would be generating code tha treats your object parameter as a ref to an iv
+Searching are for xsubpp would be generating code tha treats your object parameter as a ref to an iv
+||||TonyC||||which could be causing your problem||||
+Searching is for which could be causing your problem
+Searching are for which could be causing your problem
+Searching is for which could be causing your problem
+Searching are for which could be causing your problem
+||||Alias||||PHP::Interpreter :)||||
+Searching is for php::interpreter :)
+Searching are for php::interpreter :)
+Searching is for php::interpreter :)
+Searching are for php::interpreter :)
+||||avar||||if (sv_derived_from(ST(0), "Cwlib")) { IV tmp = SvIV((SV*)SvRV(ST(0))); self = INT2PTR(Cwlib,tmp); }||||
+Searching is for if (sv_derived_from(st(0), "cwlib")) { iv tmp = sviv((sv*)svrv(st(0))); self = int2ptr(cwlib,tmp); }
+Searching are for if (sv_derived_from(st(0), "cwlib")) { iv tmp = sviv((sv*)svrv(st(0))); self = int2ptr(cwlib,tmp); }
+Searching is for if (sv_derived_from(st(0), "cwlib")) { iv tmp = sviv((sv*)svrv(st(0))); self = int2ptr(cwlib,tmp); }
+Searching are for if (sv_derived_from(st(0), "cwlib")) { iv tmp = sviv((sv*)svrv(st(0))); self = int2ptr(cwlib,tmp); }
+||||Nola_||||Thanks.. I'l lhave a looksie||||
+Searching is for thanks.. nola_'l lhave a looksie
+Searching are for thanks.. nola_'l lhave a looksie
+Searching is for thanks.. nola_'l lhave a looksie
+Searching are for thanks.. nola_'l lhave a looksie
+||||TonyC||||if you're not accessing the contents of the object you could just omit the type from the XS function definition and it won't do that||||
+Searching is for if you are not accessing the contents of the object you could just omit the type from the xs function definition and it won't do that
+Searching are for if you are not accessing the contents of the object you could just omit the type from the xs function definition and it won't do that
+||||TonyC||||or use a typemap entry that more closely matches the perl type||||
+Searching is for use a typemap entry that more closely matches the perl type
+Searching are for use a typemap entry that more closely matches the perl type
+Searching is for use a typemap entry that more closely matches the perl type
+Searching are for use a typemap entry that more closely matches the perl type
+||||TonyC||||do you need to look inside the object from XS?||||
+Searching is for do you need to look inside the object from xs
+Searching are for do you need to look inside the object from xs
+Searching is for do you need to look inside the object from xs
+Searching are for do you need to look inside the object from xs
+||||avar||||What type in the typemap and what typedef should one use for blessed hashrefs in XS code||||
+Searching is for type in the typemap and what typedef should one use for blessed hashrefs in xs code
+Searching are for type in the typemap and what typedef should one use for blessed hashrefs in xs code
+Searching is for type in the typemap and what typedef should one use for blessed hashrefs in xs code
+Searching are for type in the typemap and what typedef should one use for blessed hashrefs in xs code
+||||avar||||Not really, but it might be useful||||
+Searching is for not really, but it might be useful
+Searching are for not really, but it might be useful
+Searching is for not really, but it might be useful
+Searching are for not really, but it might be useful
+||||avar||||"no" would be the answer at the moment||||
+Searching is for "no" would be the answer at the moment
+Searching are for "no" would be the answer at the moment
+Searching is for "no" would be the answer at the moment
+Searching are for "no" would be the answer at the moment
+||||mendel||||Ok, math geeks. What's the word for a set of denominations of money which satisfies... some principle of minimum number of pieces necessary to make an amount||||
+Searching is for math geeks.is the word for a set of denominations of money which satisfies... some principle of minimum number of pieces necessary to make an amount
+Searching are for math geeks.is the word for a set of denominations of money which satisfies... some principle of minimum number of pieces necessary to make an amount
+Searching is for math geeks.is the word for a set of denominations of money which satisfies... some principle of minimum number of pieces necessary to make an amount
+Searching are for math geeks.is the word for a set of denominations of money which satisfies... some principle of minimum number of pieces necessary to make an amount
+||||mendel||||So hopefully that rings a bell.||||
+Searching is for so hopefully that rings a bell.
+Searching are for so hopefully that rings a bell.
+Searching is for so hopefully that rings a bell
+Searching are for so hopefully that rings a bell
+||||TonyC||||don't put a type for the parameter in the XS definition||||
+Searching is for don't put a type for the parameter in the xs definition
+Searching are for don't put a type for the parameter in the xs definition
+Searching is for don't put a type for the parameter in the xs definition
+Searching are for don't put a type for the parameter in the xs definition
+||||TonyC||||so int\nversion(foo)\n\n||||
+Searching is for so int\nversion(foo)\n\n
+Searching are for so int\nversion(foo)\n\n
+Searching is for so int\nversion(foo)\n\n
+Searching are for so int\nversion(foo)\n\n
+||||rjbs||||I spoke too soon. While spanishdict now provides genders, it does NOT provide infinitives.||||
+Searching is for rjbs spoke too soon. while spanishdict now provides genders, it does not provide infinitives.
+Searching are for rjbs spoke too soon. while spanishdict now provides genders, it does not provide infinitives.
+Searching is for rjbs spoke too soon. while spanishdict now provides genders, it does not provide infinitives
+Searching are for rjbs spoke too soon. while spanishdict now provides genders, it does not provide infinitives
+||||Alias||||I don't know, I've never used it||||
+Searching is for alias don't know, alias has never used it
+Searching are for alias don't know, alias has never used it
+Searching is for alias don't know, alias has never used it
+Searching are for alias don't know, alias has never used it
+Searching is for (seriously)
+Searching are for (seriously)
+Searching is for (seriously)
+Searching are for (seriously)
+Searching is for yes
+Searching are for yes
+Searching is for yes
+Searching are for yes
+||||Nola_||||its actually quite good.. ||||
+Searching is for its actually quite good..
+Searching are for its actually quite good..
+Searching is for its actually quite good
+Searching are for its actually quite good
+||||rjbs||||It's not that they can't be good, but the market seems so entirely dominated.||||
+Searching is for it's not that they can't be good, but the market seems so entirely dominated.
+Searching are for it's not that they can't be good, but the market seems so entirely dominated.
+Searching is for it's not that they can't be good, but the market seems so entirely dominated
+Searching are for it's not that they can't be good, but the market seems so entirely dominated
+||||mendel||||info.com? ||||
+Searching is for info.com
+Searching are for info.com
+Searching is for info.com
+Searching are for info.com
+||||mendel||||i liked zork||||
+Searching is for mendel liked zork
+Searching are for mendel liked zork
+Searching is for mendel liked zork
+Searching are for mendel liked zork
+Searching is for mendel++
+Searching are for mendel++
+Searching is for mendel++
+Searching are for mendel++
+||||Alias||||That was even more surprising to me that things other than eBay exist||||
+Searching is for that was even more surprising to alias that things other than ebay exist
+Searching are for that was even more surprising to alias that things other than ebay exist
+Searching is for that was even more surprising to alias that things other than ebay exist
+Searching are for that was even more surprising to alias that things other than ebay exist
+||||rjbs||||That surprises me less, as other auction sites often have niches.||||
+Searching is for that surprises rjbs less, as other auction sites often have niches.
+Searching are for that surprises rjbs less, as other auction sites often have niches.
+Searching is for that surprises rjbs less, as other auction sites often have niches
+Searching are for that surprises rjbs less, as other auction sites often have niches
+||||mendel||||Well, there's the other big ones: yahoo, ask no-longer-jeeves..||||
+Searching is for there's the other big ones: yahoo, ask no-longer-jeeves..
+Searching are for there's the other big ones: yahoo, ask no-longer-jeeves..
+Searching is for there's the other big ones: yahoo, ask no-longer-jeeves
+Searching are for there's the other big ones: yahoo, ask no-longer-jeeves
+||||Alias||||That doesn't||||
+Searching is for that doesn't
+Searching are for that doesn't
+Searching is for that doesn't
+Searching are for that doesn't
+||||avar||||that on the other hand leads to compile errors because then "foo" (or "self") isn't defined in Cwlib.c at all||||
+Searching is for that on the other hand leads to compile errors because then "foo" (or "self") isn't defined in cwlib.c at all
+Searching are for that on the other hand leads to compile errors because then "foo" (or "self") isn't defined in cwlib.c at all
+Searching is for that on the other hand leads to compile errors because then "foo" (or "self") isn't defined in cwlib.c at all
+Searching are for that on the other hand leads to compile errors because then "foo" (or "self") isn't defined in cwlib.c at all
+||||Nola_||||info.com searchs all the major search engines||||
+Searching is for info.com searchs all the major search engines
+Searching are for info.com searchs all the major search engines
+Searching is for info.com searchs all the major search engines
+Searching are for info.com searchs all the major search engines
+||||Nola_||||including google||||
+Searching is for including google
+Searching are for including google
+Searching is for including google
+Searching are for including google
+||||mendel||||ah, info.com is an aggregator, like metacrawler||||
+Searching is for ah, info.com is an aggregator, like metacrawler
+Searching are for ah, info.com is an aggregator, like metacrawler
+Searching is for ah, info.com
+set;;is;;ah, info.com;;an aggregator, like metacrawler
+||||mendel||||I remember when metacrawler wasn't a crap pit. it rocked!||||
+Searching is for mendel remember when metacrawler wasn't a crap pit. it rocked!
+Searching are for mendel remember when metacrawler wasn't a crap pit. it rocked!
+Searching is for mendel remember when metacrawler wasn't a crap pit. it rocked
+Searching are for mendel remember when metacrawler wasn't a crap pit. it rocked
+Searching is for http://web.info.com/infocom.us/search/images/hot%2bpants/1/20/1/-/1/1/1/1/1/1/_blank/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/pants/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/0/302349
+Searching are for http://web.info.com/infocom.us/search/images/hot%2bpants/1/20/1/-/1/1/1/1/1/1/_blank/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/pants/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/0/302349
+Searching is for http://web.info.com/infocom.us/search/images/hot%2bpants/1/20/1/-/1/1/1/1/1/1/_blank/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/pants/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/0/302349
+Searching are for http://web.info.com/infocom.us/search/images/hot%2bpants/1/20/1/-/1/1/1/1/1/1/_blank/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/pants/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/0/302349
+Searching is for metaspy
+Searching are for metaspy
+Searching is for metaspy
+Searching are for metaspy
+||||rjbs||||That's quite a URL.||||
+Searching is for that's quite a url.
+Searching are for that's quite a url.
+Searching is for that's quite a url
+Searching are for that's quite a url
+||||TonyC||||oh, nm, I'd forgotten the generated code would pass it around||||
+Searching is for nm, tonyc'd forgotten the generated code would pass it around
+Searching are for nm, tonyc'd forgotten the generated code would pass it around
+Searching is for nm, tonyc'd forgotten the generated code would pass it around
+Searching are for nm, tonyc'd forgotten the generated code would pass it around
+||||Alias||||Good times...||||
+Searching is for good times...
+Searching are for good times...
+Searching is for good times
+Searching are for good times
+||||mendel||||literal metaspy||||
+Searching is for metaspy
+Searching are for metaspy
+Searching is for metaspy
+Searching are for metaspy
+Searching is for inter-very-glacial.
+Searching are for inter-very-glacial.
+Searching is for inter-very-glacial
+Searching are for inter-very-glacial
+Searching is for metaspy
+Searching are for metaspy
+Searching is for metaspy
+Searching are for metaspy
+||||Nola_||||info.com can search just classifieds, auctions, jobs.. etc. ||||
+Searching is for info.com can search just classifieds, auctions, jobs.. etc.
+Searching are for info.com can search just classifieds, auctions, jobs.. etc.
+Searching is for info.com can search just classifieds, auctions, jobs.. etc
+Searching are for info.com can search just classifieds, auctions, jobs.. etc
+Searching is for meatspy
+Searching are for meatspy
+Searching is for meatspy
+Searching are for meatspy
+||||mendel||||Search aggregation seems like a hard industry to get brand recognition and customer loyalty in.||||
+Searching is for search aggregation seems like a hard industry to get brand recognition and customer loyalty in.
+Searching are for search aggregation seems like a hard industry to get brand recognition and customer loyalty in.
+Searching is for search aggregation seems like a hard industry to get brand recognition and customer loyalty in
+Searching are for search aggregation seems like a hard industry to get brand recognition and customer loyalty in
+||||Nola_||||ewW! don't look in there!||||
+Searching is for eww! don't look in there!
+Searching are for eww! don't look in there!
+Searching is for eww! don't look in there
+Searching are for eww! don't look in there
+Searching is for metapsy
+Searching are for metapsy
+Searching is for metapsy
+Searching are for metapsy
+||||TonyC||||and put C< MyLib T_HVREF > in the typemap||||
+Searching is for put c< mylib t_hvref > in the typemap
+Searching are for put c< mylib t_hvref > in the typemap
+Searching is for put c< mylib t_hvref > in the typemap
+Searching are for put c< mylib t_hvref > in the typemap
+||||Nola_||||have a good one all! :) ||||
+Searching is for have a good one all! :)
+Searching are for have a good one all! :)
+Searching is for have a good one all! :)
+Searching are for have a good one all! :)
+||||avar||||Yeah that does work, thanks. I really should get around to sending a patch to perlxs.pod one of these days:)||||
+Searching is for yeah that does work, thanks. avar really should get around to sending a patch to perlxs.pod one of these days:)
+Searching are for yeah that does work, thanks. avar really should get around to sending a patch to perlxs.pod one of these days:)
+Searching is for yeah that does work, thanks. avar really should get around to sending a patch to perlxs.pod one of these days:)
+Searching are for yeah that does work, thanks. avar really should get around to sending a patch to perlxs.pod one of these days:)
+||||avar||||It fails to explain a lot of things, I've often found myself mirroring cpan and using grep:)||||
+Searching is for it fails to explain a lot of things, avar has often found avar mirroring cpan and using grep:)
+Searching are for it fails to explain a lot of things, avar has often found avar mirroring cpan and using grep:)
+Searching is for it fails to explain a lot of things, avar has often found avar mirroring cpan and using grep:)
+Searching are for it fails to explain a lot of things, avar has often found avar mirroring cpan and using grep:)
+||||jrockway||||catalyst model xmlrpc?||||
+Searching is for catalyst model xmlrpc
+Searching are for catalyst model xmlrpc
+Searching is for catalyst model xmlrpc
+Searching are for catalyst model xmlrpc
+||||Alias||||(Digitally Imported)++||||
+Searching is for (digitally imported)++
+Searching are for (digitally imported)++
+Searching is for (digitally imported)++
+Searching are for (digitally imported)++
+++;;digitally imported
+||||DougLim||||the currency thing you were referring to sounds vaguely like a Golumb Ruler, except that's not about currency.||||
+Searching is for the currency thing you were referring to sounds vaguely like a golumb ruler, except that's not about currency.
+Searching are for the currency thing you were referring to sounds vaguely like a golumb ruler, except that's not about currency.
+Searching is for currency thing you were referring to sounds vaguely like a golumb ruler, except that's not about currency
+Searching are for currency thing you were referring to sounds vaguely like a golumb ruler, except that's not about currency
+||||DrForr||||And a Golomb ruler just is after the minimum set of things that can measure a given collection.||||
+Searching is for a golomb ruler just is after the minimum set of things that can measure a given collection.
+Searching are for a golomb ruler just is after the minimum set of things that can measure a given collection.
+Searching is for golomb ruler just
+set;;is;;golomb ruler just;;after the minimum set of things that can measure a given collection.
+||||DougLim||||coffeebreak for purl, apparently.||||
+Searching is for coffeebreak for purl, apparently.
+Searching are for coffeebreak for purl, apparently.
+Searching is for coffeebreak for purl, apparently
+Searching are for coffeebreak for purl, apparently
+||||avar||||no it spammed me in query||||
+Searching is for no it spammed avar in query
+Searching are for no it spammed avar in query
+Searching is for no it spammed avar in query
+Searching are for no it spammed avar in query
+||||avar||||I've read that document though:)||||
+Searching is for avar has read that document though:)
+Searching are for avar has read that document though:)
+Searching is for avar has read that document though:)
+Searching are for avar has read that document though:)
+Searching is for http://www.nntp.perl.org/group/perl.cpan.testers/342132
+Searching are for http://www.nntp.perl.org/group/perl.cpan.testers/342132
+Searching is for http://www.nntp.perl.org/group/perl.cpan.testers/342132
+Searching are for http://www.nntp.perl.org/group/perl.cpan.testers/342132
+||||rjbs||||Is something sticking a \n on his uuid strings?||||
+Searching is for is something sticking a \n on his uuid strings
+Searching are for is something sticking a \n on his uuid strings
+||||avar||||Thanks for that, that worked just great||||
+Searching is for thanks for that, that worked just great
+Searching are for thanks for that, that worked just great
+Searching is for thanks for that, that worked just great
+Searching are for thanks for that, that worked just great
+||||Alias||||Don't you have commit on one of the Win32 Most Wanted modules I listed on my last use.perl entry?||||
+Searching is for don't you have commit on one of the win32 most wanted modules alias listed on alias's last use.perl entry
+Searching are for don't you have commit on one of the win32 most wanted modules alias listed on alias's last use.perl entry
+Searching is for don't you have commit on one of the win32 most wanted modules alias listed on alias's last use.perl entry
+Searching are for don't you have commit on one of the win32 most wanted modules alias listed on alias's last use.perl entry
+Searching is for ipc::run3
+Searching are for ipc::run3
+Searching is for ipc::run3
+Searching are for ipc::run3
+||||rjbs||||haha, nice factoid||||
+Searching is for haha, nice factoid
+Searching are for haha, nice factoid
+Searching is for haha, nice factoid
+Searching are for haha, nice factoid
+||||Alias||||not Run3...||||
+Searching is for not run3...
+Searching are for not run3...
+Searching is for not run3
+Searching are for not run3
+||||Alias||||Just Run?||||
+Searching is for just run
+Searching are for just run
+Searching is for just run
+Searching are for just run
+||||dec||||or Run2 ?||||
+Searching is for run2
+Searching are for run2
+Searching is for run2
+Searching are for run2
+||||rjbs||||nope. that's another RS, Richard Soderberg||||
+Searching is for nope. that's another rs, richard soderberg
+Searching are for nope. that's another rs, richard soderberg
+Searching is for nope. that's another rs, richard soderberg
+Searching are for nope. that's another rs, richard soderberg
+||||rjbs||||that reminds me: time to put my parallels machiens back on the new machine||||
+Searching is for that reminds rjbs: time to put rjbs's parallels machiens back on the new machine
+Searching are for that reminds rjbs: time to put rjbs's parallels machiens back on the new machine
+Searching is for that reminds rjbs: time to put rjbs's parallels machiens back on the new machine
+Searching are for that reminds rjbs: time to put rjbs's parallels machiens back on the new machine
+||||avar||||< avar> TonyC: Thanks for that, that worked just great||||
+Searching is for < avar> tonyc: thanks for that, that worked just great
+Searching are for < avar> tonyc: thanks for that, that worked just great
+Searching is for < avar> tonyc: thanks for that, that worked just great
+Searching are for < avar> tonyc: thanks for that, that worked just great
+||||avar||||in case you didn't get that:)||||
+Searching is for in case you didn't get that:)
+Searching are for in case you didn't get that:)
+Searching is for in case you didn't get that:)
+Searching are for in case you didn't get that:)
+||||TonyC||||I hadn't :)||||
+Searching is for tonyc hadn't :)
+Searching are for tonyc hadn't :)
+Searching is for tonyc hadn't :)
+Searching are for tonyc hadn't :)
+||||Alias||||I get warnings in the UUID module||||
+Searching is for alias get warnings in the uuid module
+Searching are for alias get warnings in the uuid module
+Searching is for alias get warnings in the uuid module
+Searching are for alias get warnings in the uuid module
+||||dec||||even more reason for it to be a drop-in replacement? :P||||
+Searching is for even more reason for it to be a drop-in replacement? :p
+Searching are for even more reason for it to be a drop-in replacement? :p
+Searching is for even more reason for it to be a drop-in replacement? :p
+Searching are for even more reason for it to be a drop-in replacement? :p
+||||dec||||(run3 + run2)||||
+Searching is for (run3 + run2)
+Searching are for (run3 + run2)
+Searching is for (run3 + run2)
+Searching are for (run3 + run2)
+||||Alias||||etc etc||||
+Searching is for etc etc
+Searching are for etc etc
+Searching is for etc etc
+Searching are for etc etc
+||||Alias||||But otherwise everything installs ok||||
+Searching is for otherwise everything installs ok
+Searching are for otherwise everything installs ok
+Searching is for otherwise everything installs ok
+Searching are for otherwise everything installs ok
+||||avar||||If I may pester you a bit more, you don't also happen to know how to get "Cwlib" form within "new" when I do Cwlib->new? I'm beginning to think it doesn't get passed to xssubs at all||||
+Searching is for if avar may pester you a bit more, you don't also happen to know how to get "cwlib" form within "new" when avar do cwlib->new? avar is beginning to think it doesn't get passed to xssubs at all
+Searching are for if avar may pester you a bit more, you don't also happen to know how to get "cwlib" form within "new" when avar do cwlib->new? avar is beginning to think it doesn't get passed to xssubs at all
+||||avar||||see "new" here: http://avar.lir.dk/vcs/src/pcw/ext/Cwlib/Cwlib.xs||||
+Searching is for see "new" here: http://avar.lir.dk/vcs/src/pcw/ext/cwlib/cwlib.xs
+Searching are for see "new" here: http://avar.lir.dk/vcs/src/pcw/ext/cwlib/cwlib.xs
+Searching is for see "new" here: http://avar.lir.dk/vcs/src/pcw/ext/cwlib/cwlib.xs
+Searching are for see "new" here: http://avar.lir.dk/vcs/src/pcw/ext/cwlib/cwlib.xs
+||||TonyC||||I haven't implemented new as a method in XS but I'd expect it to be passed as the first argument (as a PV)||||
+Searching is for tonyc has not implemented new as a method in xs but tonyc'd expect it to be passed as the first argument (as a pv)
+Searching are for tonyc has not implemented new as a method in xs but tonyc'd expect it to be passed as the first argument (as a pv)
+Searching is for tonyc has not implemented new as a method in xs but tonyc'd expect it to be passed as the first argument (as a pv)
+Searching are for tonyc has not implemented new as a method in xs but tonyc'd expect it to be passed as the first argument (as a pv)
+||||avar||||I thought so too (SV*), but it doesn't seem to be either that or a char*, doing SV* new(SV * class) and then SvPV(class, SvLEN(class)); segfaults for instance||||
+Searching is for avar thought so too (sv*), but it doesn't seem to be either that or a char*, doing sv* new(sv * class) and then svpv(class, svlen(class)); segfaults for instance
+Searching are for avar thought so too (sv*), but it doesn't seem to be either that or a char*, doing sv* new(sv * class) and then svpv(class, svlen(class)); segfaults for instance
+Searching is for avar thought so too (sv*), but it doesn't seem to be either that or a char*, doing sv* new(sv * class) and then svpv(class, svlen(class)); segfaults for instance
+Searching are for avar thought so too (sv*), but it doesn't seem to be either that or a char*, doing sv* new(sv * class) and then svpv(class, svlen(class)); segfaults for instance
+||||TonyC||||the second argument to SvPV is a variable that the length is stored in||||
+Searching is for the second argument to svpv is a variable that the length is stored in
+Searching are for the second argument to svpv is a variable that the length is stored in
+Searching is for second argument to svpv
+set;;is;;second argument to svpv;;a variable that the length is stored in
+||||TonyC||||STRLEN foo; char const * bar = SvPV(sv, foo);||||
+Searching is for strlen foo; char const * bar = svpv(sv, foo);
+Searching are for strlen foo; char const * bar = svpv(sv, foo);
+Searching is for strlen foo; char const * bar = svpv(sv, foo);
+Searching are for strlen foo; char const * bar = svpv(sv, foo);
+||||avar||||According to perlapi it's just the length, and SV * s = newSVpv("foobar", 0); char * str = SvPV(s, SvLEN(s)); works||||
+Searching is for according to perlapi it's just the length, and sv * s = newsvpv("foobar", 0); char * str = svpv(s, svlen(s)); works
+Searching are for according to perlapi it's just the length, and sv * s = newsvpv("foobar", 0); char * str = svpv(s, svlen(s)); works
+Searching is for according to perlapi it's just the length, and sv * s = newsvpv("foobar", 0); char * str = svpv(s, svlen(s)); works
+Searching are for according to perlapi it's just the length, and sv * s = newsvpv("foobar", 0); char * str = svpv(s, svlen(s)); works
+||||vh||||wtf.. there's 12 cats in the alley area between my apartment and golf course||||
+Searching is for where.. there's 12 cats in the alley area between vh's apartment and golf course
+Searching are for where.. there's 12 cats in the alley area between vh's apartment and golf course
+Searching is for where.. there's 12 cats in the alley area between vh's apartment and golf course
+Searching are for where.. there's 12 cats in the alley area between vh's apartment and golf course
+||||TonyC||||SvPV(s, SvLEN(s)) will attempt to do: (SvLEN(s) = SvCUR(s))||||
+Searching is for svpv(s, svlen(s)) will attempt to do: (svlen(s) = svcur(s))
+Searching are for svpv(s, svlen(s)) will attempt to do: (svlen(s) = svcur(s))
+Searching is for svpv(s, svlen(s)) will attempt to do: (svlen(s) = svcur(s))
+Searching are for svpv(s, svlen(s)) will attempt to do: (svlen(s) = svcur(s))
+||||mako132_||||they are swarming||||
+Searching is for they are swarming
+Searching are for they are swarming
+||||Tomatoe||||I have a %hash, how can I remove all the duplicate hash values?||||
+Searching is for tomatoe has a %hash, how can tomatoe remove all the duplicate hash values
+Searching are for tomatoe has a %hash, how can tomatoe remove all the duplicate hash values
+Searching is for tomatoe has a %hash, how can tomatoe remove all the duplicate hash values
+Searching are for tomatoe has a %hash, how can tomatoe remove all the duplicate hash values
+||||Tomatoe||||nevermind I got it||||
+Searching is for nevermind tomatoe got it
+Searching are for nevermind tomatoe got it
+Searching is for nevermind tomatoe got it
+Searching are for nevermind tomatoe got it
+||||dec||||Hmm wonder what the quickest way to do that is...||||
+Searching is for wonderthe quickest way to do that is...
+Searching are for wonderthe quickest way to do that is...
+Searching is for wonderthe quickest way to do that is
+Searching are for wonderthe quickest way to do that is
+||||devin||||invert the hash twice?||||
+Searching is for invert the hash twice
+Searching are for invert the hash twice
+Searching is for invert the hash twice
+Searching are for invert the hash twice
+||||dec||||that was my immediate thought||||
+Searching is for that was dec's immediate thought
+Searching are for that was dec's immediate thought
+Searching is for that was dec's immediate thought
+Searching are for that was dec's immediate thought
+||||Tomatoe||||the solution was %h = reverse (%x = reverse %h);||||
+Searching is for the solution was %h = reverse (%x = reverse %h);
+Searching are for the solution was %h = reverse (%x = reverse %h);
+Searching is for solution was %h = reverse (%x = reverse %h);
+Searching are for solution was %h = reverse (%x = reverse %h);
+||||devin||||invert the hash twice.... nice short piece of code||||
+Searching is for invert the hash twice.... nice short piece of code
+Searching are for invert the hash twice.... nice short piece of code
+Searching is for invert the hash twice.... nice short piece of code
+Searching are for invert the hash twice.... nice short piece of code
+||||Tomatoe||||how can I make a regex to extrac the "domain.tld" from "whatever.domain.tld"?||||
+Searching is for how can tomatoe make a regex to extrac the "domain.tld" from "whatever.domain.tld"
+Searching are for how can tomatoe make a regex to extrac the "domain.tld" from "whatever.domain.tld"
+Searching is for how can tomatoe make a regex to extrac the "domain.tld" from "whatever.domain.tld"
+Searching are for how can tomatoe make a regex to extrac the "domain.tld" from "whatever.domain.tld"
+||||Tomatoe||||yea, and its incredibly fast, I tested it on a 10 MB file and it was done in about a second||||
+Searching is for yea, and its incredibly fast, tomatoe tested it on a 10 mb file and it was done in about a second
+Searching are for yea, and its incredibly fast, tomatoe tested it on a 10 mb file and it was done in about a second
+Searching is for yea, and its incredibly fast, tomatoe tested it on a 10 mb file and it was done in about a second
+Searching are for yea, and its incredibly fast, tomatoe tested it on a 10 mb file and it was done in about a second
+Searching is for /([^\.]+\.[^\.]+)$/
+Searching are for /([^\.]+\.[^\.]+)$/
+Searching is for /([^\.]+\.[^\.]+)$/
+Searching are for /([^\.]+\.[^\.]+)$/
+||||Tomatoe||||let me go and test that||||
+Searching is for let tomatoe go and test that
+Searching are for let tomatoe go and test that
+Searching is for let tomatoe go and test that
+Searching are for let tomatoe go and test that
+||||devin||||good idea, 'cos i didn't||||
+Searching is for good idea, 'cos devin didn't
+Searching are for good idea, 'cos devin didn't
+Searching is for good idea, 'cos devin didn't
+Searching are for good idea, 'cos devin didn't
+||||Tomatoe||||did not work||||
+Searching is for did not work
+Searching are for did not work
+Searching is for did not work
+Searching are for did not work
+||||Tomatoe||||do I use $1 or $2?||||
+Searching is for do tomatoe use $1 or $2
+Searching are for do tomatoe use $1 or $2
+Searching is for do tomatoe use $1 or $2
+Searching are for do tomatoe use $1 or $2
+||||Tomatoe||||or $domain =~ /([^\.]+\.[^\.]+)$/;||||
+Searching is for $domain =~ /([^\.]+\.[^\.]+)$/;
+Searching are for $domain =~ /([^\.]+\.[^\.]+)$/;
+Searching is for $domain =~ /([^\.]+\.[^\.]+)$/;
+Searching are for $domain =~ /([^\.]+\.[^\.]+)$/;
+||||Tomatoe||||it would be awesome if I could search google for regexes... but you cant since Google does not allow literal searches||||
+Searching is for it would be awesome if tomatoe could search google for regexes... but you cant since google does not allow literal searches
+Searching are for it would be awesome if tomatoe could search google for regexes... but you cant since google does not allow literal searches
+Searching is for it would be awesome if tomatoe could search google for regexes... but you cant since google does not allow literal searches
+Searching are for it would be awesome if tomatoe could search google for regexes... but you cant since google does not allow literal searches
+||||devin||||it works for me: perl -e '"whatever.domain.tld" =~ /([^\.]+\.[^\.]+)$/ && print "$1\n";'||||
+Searching is for it works for devin: perl -e '"whatever.domain.tld" =~ /([^\.]+\.[^\.]+)$/ && print "$1\n";'
+Searching are for it works for devin: perl -e '"whatever.domain.tld" =~ /([^\.]+\.[^\.]+)$/ && print "$1\n";'
+Searching is for it works for devin: perl -e '"whatever.domain.tld" =~ /([^\.]+\.[^\.]+)$/ && print "$1\n";'
+Searching are for it works for devin: perl -e '"whatever.domain.tld" =~ /([^\.]+\.[^\.]+)$/ && print "$1\n";'
+||||devin||||/([^.]+\.[^.]+)$/ then||||
+Searching is for /([^.]+\.[^.]+)$/ then
+Searching are for /([^.]+\.[^.]+)$/ then
+Searching is for /([^.]+\.[^.]+)$/ then
+Searching are for /([^.]+\.[^.]+)$/ then
+Searching is for :-)
+Searching are for :-)
+Searching is for :-)
+Searching are for :-)
+||||Tomatoe||||hmm, I need to test that more....||||
+Searching is for tomatoe need to test that more....
+Searching are for tomatoe need to test that more....
+Searching is for tomatoe need to test that more
+Searching are for tomatoe need to test that more
+||||Tomatoe||||oh, it does work, thanks, I did not use $1||||
+Searching is for it does work, thanks, tomatoe did not use $1
+Searching are for it does work, thanks, tomatoe did not use $1
+Searching is for it does work, thanks, tomatoe did not use $1
+Searching are for it does work, thanks, tomatoe did not use $1
+||||Tomatoe||||that was a great help||||
+Searching is for that was a great help
+Searching are for that was a great help
+Searching is for that was a great help
+Searching are for that was a great help
+||||devin||||with tomatos too||||
+Searching is for with tomatos too
+Searching are for with tomatos too
+Searching is for with tomatos too
+Searching are for with tomatos too
+||||Tomatoe||||is it possible to get the raw content from this: $res = $ua->request(HTTP::Request->new(GET => $url), sub {$p->parse($_[0])});||||
+Searching is for is it possible to get the raw content from this: $res = $ua->request(http::request->new(get => $url), sub {$p->parse($_[0])});
+Searching are for is it possible to get the raw content from this: $res = $ua->request(http::request->new(get => $url), sub {$p->parse($_[0])});
+||||Tomatoe||||it is part of the example code for "HTML::LinkExtor" on cpan||||
+Searching is for it is part of the example code for "html::linkextor" on cpan
+Searching are for it is part of the example code for "html::linkextor" on cpan
+Searching is for it
+set;;is;;it;;part of the example code for "HTML::LinkExtor" on cpan
+||||ua||||Looks like your content was stored in $_[0].||||
+Searching is for looks like your content was stored in $_[0].
+Searching are for looks like your content was stored in $_[0].
+Searching is for looks like your content was stored in $_[0]
+Searching are for looks like your content was stored in $_[0]
+||||Tomatoe||||how can I get at it? I have tried to Print it after this line, but nothing happens||||
+Searching is for how is at it? tomatoe has tried to print it after this line, but nothing happens
+Searching are for how is at it? tomatoe has tried to print it after this line, but nothing happens
+||||Tomatoe||||should I try printing it in the callback?||||
+Searching is for should tomatoe try printing it in the callback
+Searching are for should tomatoe try printing it in the callback
+Searching is for should tomatoe try printing it in the callback
+Searching are for should tomatoe try printing it in the callback
+||||ua||||Break that line down into two. First get the content, then process it. See LWP or LWP::Simple for easy examples.||||
+Searching is for break that line down into two. first get the content, then process it. see lwp or lwp::simple for easy examples.
+Searching are for break that line down into two. first get the content, then process it. see lwp or lwp::simple for easy examples.
+Searching is for break that line down into two. first get the content, then process it. see lwp or lwp::simple for easy examples
+Searching are for break that line down into two. first get the content, then process it. see lwp or lwp::simple for easy examples
+Searching is for ok
+Searching are for ok
+Searching is for ok
+Searching are for ok
+||||Tomatoe||||got it! thanks||||
+Searching is for got it! thanks
+Searching are for got it! thanks
+Searching is for got it! thanks
+Searching are for got it! thanks
+Searching is for cheers
+Searching are for cheers
+Searching is for cheers
+Searching are for cheers
+||||Andy||||hey mako132||||
+Searching is for mako132
+Searching are for mako132
+Searching is for mako132
+Searching are for mako132
+||||DrForr||||Huh. I can't tell the difference between the latest /Alan Parsons Project/ album and Christopher Franke.||||
+Searching is for drforr can't tell the difference between the latest /alan parsons project/ album and christopher franke.
+Searching are for drforr can't tell the difference between the latest /alan parsons project/ album and christopher franke.
+Searching is for drforr can't tell the difference between the latest /alan parsons project/ album and christopher franke
+Searching are for drforr can't tell the difference between the latest /alan parsons project/ album and christopher franke
+||||DrForr||||Admittedly it's a collaboration listing The Crystal Method as partners, but very similar grooves...||||
+Searching is for admittedly it's a collaboration listing the crystal method as partners, but very similar grooves...
+Searching are for admittedly it's a collaboration listing the crystal method as partners, but very similar grooves...
+Searching is for admittedly it's a collaboration listing the crystal method as partners, but very similar grooves
+Searching are for admittedly it's a collaboration listing the crystal method as partners, but very similar grooves
+||||Masque||||Query OK, 1611800 rows affected (2 min 22.23 sec)||||
+Searching is for query ok, 1611800 rows affected (2 min 22.23 sec)
+Searching are for query ok, 1611800 rows affected (2 min 22.23 sec)
+Searching is for query ok, 1611800 rows affected (2 min 22.23 sec)
+Searching are for query ok, 1611800 rows affected (2 min 22.23 sec)
+||||Masque||||Good thing that wasn't scary, thought.||||
+Searching is for good thing that wasn't scary, thought.
+Searching are for good thing that wasn't scary, thought.
+Searching is for good thing that wasn't scary, thought
+Searching are for good thing that wasn't scary, thought
+Searching is for s/thought/though/
+Searching are for s/thought/though/
+Searching is for s/thought/though/
+Searching are for s/thought/though/
+||||DrForr||||That's why I let our DBAs do that fun stuff...||||
+Searching is for that's why drforr let our dbas do that fun stuff...
+Searching are for that's why drforr let our dbas do that fun stuff...
+Searching is for that's why drforr let our dbas do that fun stuff
+Searching are for that's why drforr let our dbas do that fun stuff
+||||devin||||if $dispatch{$foo} is a coderef, can i do goto $dispatch{$foo} ?||||
+Searching is for if $dispatch{$foo} is a coderef, can devin do goto $dispatch{$foo}
+Searching are for if $dispatch{$foo} is a coderef, can devin do goto $dispatch{$foo}
+||||Alias||||try it||||
+Searching is for try it
+Searching are for try it
+Searching is for try it
+Searching are for try it
+||||Alias||||If it doesn't work, try it unreffed||||
+Searching is for if it doesn't work, try it unreffed
+Searching are for if it doesn't work, try it unreffed
+Searching is for if it doesn't work, try it unreffed
+Searching are for if it doesn't work, try it unreffed
+||||devin||||i am trying now, will report on the results||||
+Searching is for devin is trying now, will report on the results
+Searching are for devin is trying now, will report on the results
+Searching is for devin
+set;;is;;devin;;trying now, will report on the results
+||||devin||||it works||||
+Searching is for it works
+Searching are for it works
+Searching is for it works
+Searching are for it works
+||||devin||||er... i mean return $dispatch{$foo}->(@_)||||
+Searching is for er... devin mean return $dispatch{$foo}->(@_)
+Searching are for er... devin mean return $dispatch{$foo}->(@_)
+Searching is for er... devin mean return $dispatch{$foo}->(@_)
+Searching are for er... devin mean return $dispatch{$foo}->(@_)
+||||dorian||||wow it still baffles me that debian doesn't ship with perldoc||||
+Searching is for it still baffles dorian that debian doesn't ship with perldoc
+Searching are for it still baffles dorian that debian doesn't ship with perldoc
+Searching is for it still baffles dorian that debian doesn't ship with perldoc
+Searching are for it still baffles dorian that debian doesn't ship with perldoc
+||||devin||||that is baffling ... it seems like they would have to go out of their way to exclude it||||
+Searching is for that is baffling ... it seems like they would have to go out of their way to exclude it
+Searching are for that is baffling ... it seems like they would have to go out of their way to exclude it
+||||jrockway||||apt-get install perl-doc||||
+Searching is for apt-get install perl-doc
+Searching are for apt-get install perl-doc
+Searching is for apt-get install perl-doc
+Searching are for apt-get install perl-doc
+||||jrockway||||debian always pacakges docs separately||||
+Searching is for debian always pacakges docs separately
+Searching are for debian always pacakges docs separately
+Searching is for debian always pacakges docs separately
+Searching are for debian always pacakges docs separately
+||||jrockway||||uhh, actually, accoring to apt-file perldoc is in "perl"||||
+Searching is for actually, accoring to apt-file perldoc is in "perl"
+Searching are for actually, accoring to apt-file perldoc is in "perl"
+Searching is for actually, accoring to apt-file perldoc
+set;;is;;actually, accoring to apt-file perldoc;;in "perl"
+||||jrockway||||(and also, perl-doc, though :)||||
+Searching is for (and also, perl-doc, though :)
+Searching are for (and also, perl-doc, though :)
+Searching is for (and also, perl-doc, though :)
+Searching are for (and also, perl-doc, though :)
+||||TonyC||||the version in perl is a stub that tells you to install perl-doc||||
+Searching is for the version in perl is a stub that tells you to install perl-doc
+Searching are for the version in perl is a stub that tells you to install perl-doc
+Searching is for version in perl
+set;;is;;version in perl;;a stub that tells you to install perl-doc
+||||dorian||||yeah i think that's kinda nutty||||
+Searching is for yeah dorian think that's kinda nutty
+Searching are for yeah dorian think that's kinda nutty
+Searching is for yeah dorian think that's kinda nutty
+Searching are for yeah dorian think that's kinda nutty
+||||devin||||especially since the perl way is to include the docs in the source code||||
+Searching is for especially since the perl way is to include the docs in the source code
+Searching are for especially since the perl way is to include the docs in the source code
+Searching is for especially since the perl way
+set;;is;;especially since the perl way;;to include the docs in the source code
+||||dorian||||considering there are a ton of people whocome on asking for help and it turns out that their documentation is just laying around unable to be accessed||||
+Searching is for considering there are a ton of people whocome on asking for help and it turns out that their documentation is just laying around unable to be accessed
+Searching are for considering there are a ton of people whocome on asking for help and it turns out that their documentation is just laying around unable to be accessed
+||||dorian||||because debian decided not to package it with the distribution||||
+Searching is for because debian decided not to package it with the distribution
+Searching are for because debian decided not to package it with the distribution
+Searching is for because debian decided not to package it with the distribution
+Searching are for because debian decided not to package it with the distribution
+||||dorian||||which personally causes me annoyance||||
+Searching is for which personally causes dorian annoyance
+Searching are for which personally causes dorian annoyance
+Searching is for which personally causes dorian annoyance
+Searching are for which personally causes dorian annoyance
+||||jrockway||||yeah, excluding the binary is a dumb idea||||
+Searching is for yeah, excluding the binary is a dumb idea
+Searching are for yeah, excluding the binary is a dumb idea
+Searching is for yeah, excluding the binary
+set;;is;;yeah, excluding the binary;;a dumb idea
+||||devin||||but you have the docs anyway||||
+Searching is for you have the docs
+Searching are for you have the docs
+Searching is for you have the docs
+Searching are for you have the docs
+||||jrockway||||so I understand the thought process... but probably wouldn't do it that way myself||||
+Searching is for so jrockway understand the thought process... but probably wouldn't do it that way jrockway
+Searching are for so jrockway understand the thought process... but probably wouldn't do it that way jrockway
+Searching is for so jrockway understand the thought process... but probably wouldn't do it that way jrockway
+Searching are for so jrockway understand the thought process... but probably wouldn't do it that way jrockway
+Searching is for yeah
+Searching are for yeah
+Searching is for yeah
+Searching are for yeah
+||||devin||||-rwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 236 Jun 9 14:13 /usr/local/bin/perldoc||||
+Searching is for -rwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 236 jun 9 14:13 /usr/local/bin/perldoc
+Searching are for -rwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 236 jun 9 14:13 /usr/local/bin/perldoc
+Searching is for -rwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 236 jun 9 14:13 /usr/local/bin/perldoc
+Searching are for -rwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 236 jun 9 14:13 /usr/local/bin/perldoc
+||||dorian||||that's what i'm getting at||||
+Searching is for that'sdorian is getting
+Searching are for that'sdorian is getting
+Searching is for getting
+||||dorian||||you have the docs||||
+Searching is for you have the docs
+Searching are for you have the docs
+Searching is for you have the docs
+Searching are for you have the docs
+||||devin||||and all you need is a 236 byte script to read them||||
+Searching is for all you need is a 236 byte script to read them
+Searching are for all you need is a 236 byte script to read them
+||||dorian||||i mean you may not have the manified versions of the docs||||
+Searching is for dorian mean you may not have the manified versions of the docs
+Searching are for dorian mean you may not have the manified versions of the docs
+Searching is for dorian mean you may not have the manified versions of the docs
+Searching are for dorian mean you may not have the manified versions of the docs
+Searching is for yeah
+Searching are for yeah
+Searching is for yeah
+Searching are for yeah
+||||jrockway||||236 bytes||||
+Searching is for 236 bytes
+Searching are for 236 bytes
+Searching is for 236 bytes
+Searching are for 236 bytes
+||||jrockway||||that wouldn't even matter on an install floppy||||
+Searching is for that wouldn't even matter on an install floppy
+Searching are for that wouldn't even matter on an install floppy
+Searching is for that wouldn't even matter on an install floppy
+Searching are for that wouldn't even matter on an install floppy
+||||dorian||||heh i could write 236 bytes in binary on a piece of paper||||
+Searching is for heh dorian could write 236 bytes in binary on a piece of paper
+Searching are for heh dorian could write 236 bytes in binary on a piece of paper
+Searching is for heh dorian could write 236 bytes in binary on a piece of paper
+Searching are for heh dorian could write 236 bytes in binary on a piece of paper
+||||jrockway||||maybe Pod::Perldoc isn't included in the "perl" package?||||
+Searching is for maybe pod::perldoc isn't included in the "perl" package
+Searching are for maybe pod::perldoc isn't included in the "perl" package
+Searching is for maybe pod::perldoc isn't included in the "perl" package
+Searching are for maybe pod::perldoc isn't included in the "perl" package
+||||devin||||use Pod::Perldoc; exit( Pod::Perldoc->run() );||||
+Searching is for use pod::perldoc; exit( pod::perldoc->run() );
+Searching are for use pod::perldoc; exit( pod::perldoc->run() );
+Searching is for use pod::perldoc; exit( pod::perldoc->run() );
+Searching are for use pod::perldoc; exit( pod::perldoc->run() );
+||||devin||||earthquake in tokyo||||
+Searching is for earthquake in tokyo
+Searching are for earthquake in tokyo
+Searching is for earthquake in tokyo
+Searching are for earthquake in tokyo
+||||jrockway||||Pod::Perldoc is in perl-modules||||
+Searching is for pod::perldoc is in perl-modules
+Searching are for pod::perldoc is in perl-modules
+Searching is for pod::perldoc
+set;;is;;pod::perldoc;;in perl-modules
+||||jrockway||||devin, really?||||
+Searching is for devin, really
+Searching are for devin, really
+Searching is for devin, really
+Searching are for devin, really
+||||devin||||yep... just a little onw though||||
+Searching is for yep... just a little onw though
+Searching are for yep... just a little onw though
+Searching is for yep... just a little onw though
+Searching are for yep... just a little onw though
+||||jrockway||||ah, ok||||
+Searching is for ah, ok
+Searching are for ah, ok
+Searching is for ah, ok
+Searching are for ah, ok
+Searching is for ping
+Searching are for ping
+Searching is for ping
+Searching are for ping
+||||tsee||||No doubt.||||
+Searching is for no doubt.
+Searching are for no doubt.
+Searching is for no doubt
+Searching are for no doubt
+||||dorian||||actually i've experienced a few magnitude 5 earthquakes in the last five years||||
+Searching is for actually dorian has experienced a few magnitude 5 earthquakes in the last five years
+Searching are for actually dorian has experienced a few magnitude 5 earthquakes in the last five years
+Searching is for actually dorian has experienced a few magnitude 5 earthquakes in the last five years
+Searching are for actually dorian has experienced a few magnitude 5 earthquakes in the last five years
+||||dorian||||just where i live||||
+Searching is for justdorian live
+Searching are for justdorian live
+Searching is for justdorian live
+Searching are for justdorian live
+||||dorian||||i remember one time i was at home and i thought it was my upstairs neighbours fucking||||
+Searching is for dorian remember one time dorian was at home and dorian thought it was dorian's upstairs neighbours fucking
+Searching are for dorian remember one time dorian was at home and dorian thought it was dorian's upstairs neighbours fucking
+Searching is for dorian remember one time dorian was at home and dorian thought it was dorian's upstairs neighbours fucking
+Searching are for dorian remember one time dorian was at home and dorian thought it was dorian's upstairs neighbours fucking
+||||dorian||||but then i saw the wall crack near the ceiling||||
+Searching is for then dorian saw the wall crack near the ceiling
+Searching are for then dorian saw the wall crack near the ceiling
+Searching is for then dorian saw the wall crack near the ceiling
+Searching are for then dorian saw the wall crack near the ceiling
+Searching is for lol
+Searching are for lol
+Searching is for lol
+Searching are for lol
+||||dorian||||and realized that my vertical blinds were swaying||||
+Searching is for realized that dorian's vertical blinds were swaying
+Searching are for realized that dorian's vertical blinds were swaying
+Searching is for realized that dorian's vertical blinds were swaying
+Searching are for realized that dorian's vertical blinds were swaying
+||||jrockway||||my first earthquake (in tokyo) was at 5am on a windy morning||||
+Searching is for jrockway's first earthquake (in tokyo) was at 5am on a windy morning
+Searching are for jrockway's first earthquake (in tokyo) was at 5am on a windy morning
+Searching is for jrockway's first earthquake (in tokyo) was at 5am on a windy morning
+Searching are for jrockway's first earthquake (in tokyo) was at 5am on a windy morning
+||||jrockway||||i noticed stuff in my room swaying and was like, "damn, it's windy"||||
+Searching is for jrockway noticed stuff in jrockway's room swaying and was like, "damn, it's windy"
+Searching are for jrockway noticed stuff in jrockway's room swaying and was like, "damn, it's windy"
+Searching is for jrockway noticed stuff in jrockway's room swaying and was like, "damn, it's windy"
+Searching are for jrockway noticed stuff in jrockway's room swaying and was like, "damn, it's windy"
+||||jrockway||||then i realized that the bed was shaking, as was everythign else||||
+Searching is for then jrockway realized that the bed was shaking, as was everythign else
+Searching are for then jrockway realized that the bed was shaking, as was everythign else
+Searching is for then jrockway realized that the bed was shaking, as was everythign else
+Searching are for then jrockway realized that the bed was shaking, as was everythign else
+||||jrockway||||"hmm, ok... not the wind"||||
+Searching is for "hmm, ok... not the wind"
+Searching are for "hmm, ok... not the wind"
+Searching is for "hmm, ok... not the wind"
+Searching are for "hmm, ok... not the wind"
+Searching is for http://www.souzouzone.jp/blog/2006/08/quake_518pm.php
+Searching are for http://www.souzouzone.jp/blog/2006/08/quake_518pm.php
+Searching is for http://www.souzouzone.jp/blog/2006/08/quake_518pm.php
+Searching are for http://www.souzouzone.jp/blog/2006/08/quake_518pm.php
+||||jrockway||||what's the risk of tsunamis like in tokyo?||||
+Searching is for is the risk of tsunamis like in tokyo
+Searching are for is the risk of tsunamis like in tokyo
+Searching is for risk of tsunamis like in tokyo
+||||jrockway||||is it potentially a major problem?||||
+Searching is for is it potentially a major problem
+Searching are for is it potentially a major problem
+||||devin||||potentially, yeah||||
+Searching is for potentially, yeah
+Searching are for potentially, yeah
+Searching is for potentially, yeah
+Searching are for potentially, yeah
+||||devin||||but not so common historically||||
+Searching is for not so common historically
+Searching are for not so common historically
+Searching is for not so common historically
+Searching are for not so common historically
+||||devin||||http://www.tenki.jp/qua/index.html # map of quake intensity||||
+Searching is for http://www.tenki.jp/qua/index.html # map of quake intensity
+Searching are for http://www.tenki.jp/qua/index.html # map of quake intensity
+Searching is for http://www.tenki.jp/qua/index.html # map of quake intensity
+Searching are for http://www.tenki.jp/qua/index.html # map of quake intensity
+||||jrockway||||i can't get it to load||||
+Searching is for jrockway can't get it to load
+Searching are for jrockway can't get it to load
+Searching is for jrockway can't get it to load
+Searching are for jrockway can't get it to load
+||||devin||||they got slashdotted?||||
+Searching is for they got slashdotted
+Searching are for they got slashdotted
+Searching is for they got slashdotted
+Searching are for they got slashdotted
+||||dorian||||actually everything is in the clear, which is going to make it very easy to migrate||||
+Searching is for actually everything is in the clear, which is going to make it very easy to migrate
+Searching are for actually everything is in the clear, which is going to make it very easy to migrate
+Searching is for actually everything
+set;;is;;actually everything;;in the clear, which is going to make it very easy to migrate
+||||devin||||oh yeah, they are always slow after a quake... unless it's the big one that kills us all||||
+Searching is for yeah, they are always slow after a quake... unless it's the big one that kills us all
+Searching are for yeah, they are always slow after a quake... unless it's the big one that kills us all
+Searching are for yeah, they
+set;;are;;yeah, they;;always slow after a quake... unless it's the big one that kills us all
+||||devin||||oh are you in kiba now?||||
+Searching is for are you in kiba now
+Searching are for are you in kiba now
+Searching is for congrats
+Searching are for congrats
+Searching is for congrats
+Searching are for congrats
+||||jrockway||||hmm, do you really like that?||||
+Searching is for do you really like that
+Searching are for do you really like that
+Searching is for do you really like that
+Searching are for do you really like that
+||||jrockway||||oh, cool||||
+Searching is for cool
+Searching are for cool
+Searching is for cool
+Searching are for cool
+||||jrockway||||i can't help but picture the office from densha otoko||||
+Searching is for jrockway can't help but picture the office from densha otoko
+Searching are for jrockway can't help but picture the office from densha otoko
+Searching is for jrockway can't help but picture the office from densha otoko
+Searching are for jrockway can't help but picture the office from densha otoko
+||||devin||||to ueno? over to monzennakacho, up kiyosumi-dori, cut over at asakusa-dori maybe ... 30-40 minute walk||||
+Searching is for to ueno? over to monzennakacho, up kiyosumi-dori, cut over at asakusa-dori maybe ... 30-40 minute walk
+Searching are for to ueno? over to monzennakacho, up kiyosumi-dori, cut over at asakusa-dori maybe ... 30-40 minute walk
+Searching is for to ueno? over to monzennakacho, up kiyosumi-dori, cut over at asakusa-dori maybe ... 30-40 minute walk
+Searching are for to ueno? over to monzennakacho, up kiyosumi-dori, cut over at asakusa-dori maybe ... 30-40 minute walk
+||||devin||||kanda is a lot closer||||
+Searching is for kanda is a lot closer
+Searching are for kanda is a lot closer
+Searching is for kanda
+set;;is;;kanda;;a lot closer
+||||dorian||||"let's see if they notice"||||
+Searching is for "let's see if they notice"
+Searching are for "let's see if they notice"
+Searching is for "let's see if they notice"
+Searching are for "let's see if they notice"
+||||jrockway||||interesting... i used to ride the trains for no reason but to ride the train :)||||
+Searching is for interesting... jrockway used to ride the trains for no reason but to ride the train :)
+Searching are for interesting... jrockway used to ride the trains for no reason but to ride the train :)
+Searching is for interesting... jrockway used to ride the trains for no reason but to ride the train :)
+Searching are for interesting... jrockway used to ride the trains for no reason but to ride the train :)
+||||devin||||i ride my boke to work most days||||
+Searching is for devin ride devin's boke to work most days
+Searching are for devin ride devin's boke to work most days
+Searching is for devin ride devin's boke to work most days
+Searching are for devin ride devin's boke to work most days
+||||devin||||my bike ||||
+Searching is for devin's bike
+Searching are for devin's bike
+Searching is for devin's bike
+Searching are for devin's bike
+||||jrockway||||interestingly, i figured out how to get a seat on the yamanote line during rush hour, but my technique was stolen after about 3 days||||
+Searching is for interestingly, jrockway figured out how to get a seat on the yamanote line during rush hour, but jrockway's technique was stolen after about 3 days
+Searching are for interestingly, jrockway figured out how to get a seat on the yamanote line during rush hour, but jrockway's technique was stolen after about 3 days
+Searching is for interestingly, jrockway figured out how to get a seat on the yamanote line during rush hour, but jrockway's technique was stolen after about 3 days
+Searching are for interestingly, jrockway figured out how to get a seat on the yamanote line during rush hour, but jrockway's technique was stolen after about 3 days
+||||jrockway||||basically they had a train that started at ikebukuro, but everyone would line up for it, and you couldn't get a seat||||
+Searching is for basically they had a train that started at ikebukuro, but everyone would line up for it, and you couldn't get a seat
+Searching are for basically they had a train that started at ikebukuro, but everyone would line up for it, and you couldn't get a seat
+Searching is for basically they had a train that started at ikebukuro, but everyone would line up for it, and you couldn't get a seat
+Searching are for basically they had a train that started at ikebukuro, but everyone would line up for it, and you couldn't get a seat
+||||jrockway||||until they started putting in those 6 door cars with no seats||||
+Searching is for until they started putting in those 6 door cars with no seats
+Searching are for until they started putting in those 6 door cars with no seats
+Searching is for until they started putting in those 6 door cars with no seats
+Searching are for until they started putting in those 6 door cars with no seats
+||||jrockway||||nobody lined up for those||||
+Searching is for nobody lined up for those
+Searching are for nobody lined up for those
+Searching is for nobody lined up for those
+Searching are for nobody lined up for those
+||||jrockway||||except me||||
+Searching is for except jrockway
+Searching are for except jrockway
+Searching is for except jrockway
+Searching are for except jrockway
+||||jrockway||||that meant i got in the train quickly, and could move to the next (real) car||||
+Searching is for that meant jrockway got in the train quickly, and could move to the next (real) car
+Searching are for that meant jrockway got in the train quickly, and could move to the next (real) car
+Searching is for that meant jrockway got in the train quickly, and could move to the next (real) car
+Searching are for that meant jrockway got in the train quickly, and could move to the next (real) car
+||||jrockway||||and get a seat||||
+Searching is for get a seat
+Searching are for get a seat
+Searching is for get a seat
+Searching are for get a seat
+Searching is for haha
+Searching are for haha
+Searching is for haha
+Searching are for haha
+||||devin||||nice one||||
+Searching is for nice one
+Searching are for nice one
+Searching is for nice one
+Searching are for nice one
+||||jrockway||||yeah, but within less than a week other people copied me||||
+Searching is for yeah, but within less than a week other people copied jrockway
+Searching are for yeah, but within less than a week other people copied jrockway
+Searching is for yeah, but within less than a week other people copied jrockway
+Searching are for yeah, but within less than a week other people copied jrockway
+||||jrockway||||and it didn't work anymore||||
+Searching is for it didn't work anymore
+Searching are for it didn't work anymore
+Searching is for it didn't work anymore
+Searching are for it didn't work anymore
+||||devin||||are you still in japan now?||||
+Searching is for are you still in japan now
+Searching are for are you still in japan now
+||||jrockway||||no, sadly||||
+Searching is for no, sadly
+Searching are for no, sadly
+Searching is for no, sadly
+Searching are for no, sadly
+||||jrockway||||i was only an exchange student in high school||||
+Searching is for jrockway was only an exchange student in high school
+Searching are for jrockway was only an exchange student in high school
+Searching is for jrockway was only an exchange student in high school
+Searching are for jrockway was only an exchange student in high school
+||||jrockway||||living in the city in the US is not nearly as fun||||
+Searching is for living in the city in the us is not nearly as fun
+Searching are for living in the city in the us is not nearly as fun
+Searching is for living in the city in the us
+set;;is;;living in the city in the us;;not nearly as fun
+||||devin||||if you get a scooter 50cc or less you don't need a license||||
+Searching is for if you get a scooter 50cc or less you don't need a license
+Searching are for if you get a scooter 50cc or less you don't need a license
+Searching is for if you get a scooter 50cc or less you don't need a license
+Searching are for if you get a scooter 50cc or less you don't need a license
+||||devin||||but i prefer bicycling||||
+Searching is for devin prefer bicycling
+Searching are for devin prefer bicycling
+Searching is for devin prefer bicycling
+Searching are for devin prefer bicycling
+||||jrockway||||i actually prefer them||||
+Searching is for jrockway actually prefer them
+Searching are for jrockway actually prefer them
+Searching is for jrockway actually prefer them
+Searching are for jrockway actually prefer them
+||||jrockway||||plus nobody else does, so you can be alone||||
+Searching is for plus nobody else does, so you can be alone
+Searching are for plus nobody else does, so you can be alone
+Searching is for plus nobody else does, so you can be alone
+Searching are for plus nobody else does, so you can be alone
+||||jrockway||||which is an interesting feeling on the yamanote sen||||
+Searching is for which is an interesting feeling on the yamanote sen
+Searching are for which is an interesting feeling on the yamanote sen
+Searching is for which
+set;;is;;which;;an interesting feeling on the yamanote sen
+||||devin||||my understanding is yuou don't need any license at all||||
+Searching is for devin's understanding is yuou don't need any license at all
+Searching are for devin's understanding is yuou don't need any license at all
+Searching is for devin's understanding
+set;;is;;devin's understanding;;yuou don't need any license at all
+||||jrockway||||<character voice="debito"> and you'd better have a license, because as a gaijin you know the cops are going to ask you for ID and a body cavity search at each stoplight </debito>||||
+Searching is for <character voice="debito"> and you'd better have a license, because as a gaijin you know the cops are going to ask you for id and a body cavity search at each stoplight </debito>
+Searching are for <character voice="debito"> and you'd better have a license, because as a gaijin you know the cops are going to ask you for id and a body cavity search at each stoplight </debito>
+||||jrockway||||he's just not happy unless he has something to complain about||||
+Searching is for he's just not happy unless he has something to complain about
+Searching are for he's just not happy unless he has something to complain about
+Searching is for he's just not happy unless he has something to complain about
+Searching are for he's just not happy unless he has something to complain about
+||||jrockway||||makes for great reading, though||||
+Searching is for makes for great reading, though
+Searching are for makes for great reading, though
+Searching is for makes for great reading, though
+Searching are for makes for great reading, though
+||||jrockway||||personally, i have to wonder about why someone would move to a country and become a citizen, only to complain about how he's being discriminated against||||
+Searching is for personally, jrockway has to wonder about why someone would move to a country and become a citizen, only to complain about how he's being discriminated against
+Searching are for personally, jrockway has to wonder about why someone would move to a country and become a citizen, only to complain about how he's being discriminated against
+Searching is for personally, jrockway has to wonder about why someone would move to a country and become a citizen, only to complain about how he's being discriminated against
+Searching are for personally, jrockway has to wonder about why someone would move to a country and become a citizen, only to complain about how he's being discriminated against
+Searching is for yes
+Searching are for yes
+Searching is for yes
+Searching are for yes
+||||tsee||||What does it localize, then?||||
+Searching is for does it localize, then
+Searching are for does it localize, then
+Searching is for does it localize, then
+Searching are for does it localize, then
+||||tsee||||How sick.||||
+Searching is for how sick.
+Searching are for how sick.
+Searching is for how sick
+Searching are for how sick
+||||devin||||it localises the PATH environment variable||||
+Searching is for it localises the path environment variable
+Searching are for it localises the path environment variable
+Searching is for it localises the path environment variable
+Searching are for it localises the path environment variable
+||||devin||||it works like you think it does, and like you doubt it could possibly ... but that's how it works||||
+Searching is for it works like you think it does, and like you doubt it could possibly ... but that's how it works
+Searching are for it works like you think it does, and like you doubt it could possibly ... but that's how it works
+Searching is for it works like you think it does, and like you doubt it could possibly ... but that's how it works
+Searching are for it works like you think it does, and like you doubt it could possibly ... but that's how it works
+||||tsee||||You can localize a single hash element? That is plain ugly.||||
+Searching is for you can localize a single hash element? that is plain ugly.
+Searching are for you can localize a single hash element? that is plain ugly.
+||||devin||||not only a single hash element ... but a "magic" one||||
+Searching is for not only a single hash element ... but a "magic" one
+Searching are for not only a single hash element ... but a "magic" one
+Searching is for not only a single hash element ... but a "magic" one
+Searching are for not only a single hash element ... but a "magic" one
+||||devin||||since %ENV is tied to the process's environment||||
+Searching is for since %env is tied to the process's environment
+Searching are for since %env is tied to the process's environment
+Searching is for since %env
+set;;is;;since %env;;tied to the process's environment
+||||jrockway||||it's an SV just like a scalar (well, the value is anyway)||||
+Searching is for it's an sv just like a scalar (well, the value is )
+Searching are for it's an sv just like a scalar (well, the value is )
+||||tsee||||I'll start writing Java now.||||
+Searching is for tsee'll start writing java now.
+Searching are for tsee'll start writing java now.
+Searching is for tsee'll start writing java now
+Searching are for tsee'll start writing java now
+||||tsee||||Err, Python.||||
+Searching is for err, python.
+Searching are for err, python.
+Searching is for err, python
+Searching are for err, python
+||||jrockway||||actually the magic complicates matters||||
+Searching is for actually the magic complicates matters
+Searching are for actually the magic complicates matters
+Searching is for actually the magic complicates matters
+Searching are for actually the magic complicates matters
+||||tsee||||I would guess so.||||
+Searching is for tsee would guess so.
+Searching are for tsee would guess so.
+Searching is for tsee would guess so
+Searching are for tsee would guess so
+||||devin||||come on tsee... once you get used to it, it will grow on you||||
+Searching is for come on tsee... once you get used to it, it will grow on you
+Searching are for come on tsee... once you get used to it, it will grow on you
+Searching is for come on tsee... once you get used to it, it will grow on you
+Searching are for come on tsee... once you get used to it, it will grow on you
+||||jrockway||||local is just a nice alias for "when we leave the block, set the value back"||||
+Searching is for local is just a nice alias for "when we leave the block, set the value back"
+Searching are for local is just a nice alias for "when we leave the block, set the value back"
+Searching is for local
+set;;is;;local;;just a nice alias for "when we leave the block, set the value back"
+||||tsee||||I've used it, of course.||||
+Searching is for tsee has used it, of course.
+Searching are for tsee has used it, of course.
+Searching is for tsee has used it, of course
+Searching are for tsee has used it, of course
+||||jrockway||||you could do it yourself, if you really wanted to||||
+Searching is for you could do it yourself, if you really wanted to
+Searching are for you could do it yourself, if you really wanted to
+Searching is for you could do it yourself, if you really wanted to
+Searching are for you could do it yourself, if you really wanted to
+||||tsee||||But not on a hash element.||||
+Searching is for not on a hash element.
+Searching are for not on a hash element.
+Searching is for not on a hash element
+Searching are for not on a hash element
+||||hachi||||hee, I like that trick||||
+Searching is for hee, hachi like that trick
+Searching are for hee, hachi like that trick
+Searching is for hee, hachi like that trick
+Searching are for hee, hachi like that trick
+Searching is for no.
+Searching are for no.
+Searching is for no
+Searching are for no
+||||tsee||||Bad hachi!||||
+Searching is for bad hachi!
+Searching are for bad hachi!
+Searching is for bad hachi
+Searching are for bad hachi
+||||jrockway||||my $old = $ENV{PATH}; $ENV{PATH} = "new"; ...; $ENV{PATH} = $old;||||
+Searching is for jrockway's $old = $env{path}; $env{path} = "new"; ...; $env{path} = $old;
+Searching are for jrockway's $old = $env{path}; $env{path} = "new"; ...; $env{path} = $old;
+Searching is for jrockway's $old = $env{path}; $env{path} = "new"; ...; $env{path} = $old;
+Searching are for jrockway's $old = $env{path}; $env{path} = "new"; ...; $env{path} = $old;
+||||devin||||$ENV{PATH} is just the syntax for looking it up .. underneath it is a SV and you can point local at it||||
+Searching is for $env{path} is just the syntax for looking it up .. underneath it is a sv and you can point local at it
+Searching are for $env{path} is just the syntax for looking it up .. underneath it is a sv and you can point local at it
+Searching is for $env{path}
+set;;is;;$env{path};;just the syntax for looking it up .. underneath it is a SV and you can point local at it
+||||Alias||||Doing it to ENV is a bit special||||
+Searching is for doing it to env is a bit special
+Searching are for doing it to env is a bit special
+Searching is for doing it to env
+set;;is;;doing it to env;;a bit special
+||||tsee||||It's sick.||||
+Searching is for it's sick.
+Searching are for it's sick.
+Searching is for it's sick
+Searching are for it's sick
+||||Alias||||But so incredibly elegant||||
+Searching is for so incredibly elegant
+Searching are for so incredibly elegant
+Searching is for so incredibly elegant
+Searching are for so incredibly elegant
+||||Alias||||Because if you system() it gets propogated correctly||||
+Searching is for because if you system() it gets propogated correctly
+Searching are for because if you system() it gets propogated correctly
+Searching is for because if you system() it gets propogated correctly
+Searching are for because if you system() it gets propogated correctly
+||||hachi||||it's kinda like 'export', except dynamically scoped in perl :)||||
+Searching is for it's kinda like 'export', except dynamically scoped in perl :)
+Searching are for it's kinda like 'export', except dynamically scoped in perl :)
+Searching is for it's kinda like 'export', except dynamically scoped in perl :)
+Searching are for it's kinda like 'export', except dynamically scoped in perl :)
+||||jrockway||||actually, the more like you think about it, the less amazing it seems||||
+Searching is for actually, the more like you think about it, the less amazing it seems
+Searching are for actually, the more like you think about it, the less amazing it seems
+Searching is for actually, the more like you think about it, the less amazing it seems
+Searching are for actually, the more like you think about it, the less amazing it seems
+||||jrockway||||it's pretty straightforward||||
+Searching is for it's pretty straightforward
+Searching are for it's pretty straightforward
+Searching is for it's pretty straightforward
+Searching are for it's pretty straightforward
+Searching is for groovy!
+Searching are for groovy!
+Searching is for groovy
+Searching are for groovy
+||||hachi||||I like alias' way of saying it... it's definately elegant||||
+Searching is for hachi like alias' way of saying it... it's definately elegant
+Searching are for hachi like alias' way of saying it... it's definately elegant
+Searching is for hachi like alias' way of saying it... it's definately elegant
+Searching are for hachi like alias' way of saying it... it's definately elegant
+||||Alias||||I can't say I'd EVER localise anything hashy other than %ENV though||||
+Searching is for alias can't say alias'd ever localise anything hashy other than %env though
+Searching are for alias can't say alias'd ever localise anything hashy other than %env though
+Searching is for alias can't say alias'd ever localise anything hashy other than %env though
+Searching are for alias can't say alias'd ever localise anything hashy other than %env though
+Searching is for sig
+Searching are for sig
+Searching is for sig
+Searching are for sig
+||||devin||||%SIG maybe||||
+Searching is for %sig maybe
+Searching are for %sig maybe
+Searching is for %sig maybe
+Searching are for %sig maybe
+Searching is for oh!
+Searching are for oh!
+Searching is for oh
+Searching are for oh
+Searching is for right
+Searching are for right
+Searching is for right
+Searching are for right
+||||Alias||||Other than the magic stuff||||
+Searching is for other than the magic stuff
+Searching are for other than the magic stuff
+Searching is for other than the magic stuff
+Searching are for other than the magic stuff
+||||devin||||right ... local has little use other than for magic things||||
+Searching is for right ... local has little use other than for magic things
+Searching are for right ... local has little use other than for magic things
+Searching is for right ... local has little use other than for magic things
+Searching are for right ... local has little use other than for magic things
+||||Alias||||Well, it's a good way to deal with globals for things that shouldn't have used globals||||
+Searching is for it's a good way to deal with globals for things that shouldn't have used globals
+Searching are for it's a good way to deal with globals for things that shouldn't have used globals
+Searching is for it's a good way to deal with globals for things that shouldn't have used globals
+Searching are for it's a good way to deal with globals for things that shouldn't have used globals
+||||Alias||||And to temporarily change the global for your use, without breaking other uses (except for the re-entrancy issues)||||
+Searching is for to temporarily change the global for your use, without breaking other uses (except for the re-entrancy issues)
+Searching are for to temporarily change the global for your use, without breaking other uses (except for the re-entrancy issues)
+Searching is for to temporarily change the global for your use, without breaking other uses (except for the re-entrancy issues)
+Searching are for to temporarily change the global for your use, without breaking other uses (except for the re-entrancy issues)
+||||Alias||||Anything specific?||||
+Searching is for anything specific
+Searching are for anything specific
+Searching is for anything specific
+Searching are for anything specific
+||||tsee||||I fixed the trillions of pathe separator issues in a couple of ingy's modules.||||
+Searching is for tsee fixed the trillions of pathe separator issues in a couple of ingy's modules.
+Searching are for tsee fixed the trillions of pathe separator issues in a couple of ingy's modules.
+Searching is for tsee fixed the trillions of pathe separator issues in a couple of ingy's modules
+Searching are for tsee fixed the trillions of pathe separator issues in a couple of ingy's modules
+||||tsee||||I've chosen another victim for this morning.||||
+Searching is for tsee has chosen another victim for this morning.
+Searching are for tsee has chosen another victim for this morning.
+Searching is for tsee has chosen another victim for this morning
+Searching are for tsee has chosen another victim for this morning
+||||tsee||||Does Devel::Cover build on vanilla?||||
+Searching is for does devel::cover build on vanilla
+Searching are for does devel::cover build on vanilla
+Searching is for does devel::cover build on vanilla
+Searching are for does devel::cover build on vanilla
+||||tsee||||Seems very much like it. (Devel::Cover)++||||
+Searching is for seems very much like it. (devel::cover)++
+Searching are for seems very much like it. (devel::cover)++
+Searching is for seems very much like it. (devel::cover)++
+Searching are for seems very much like it. (devel::cover)++
+||||devin||||well what's an example of a tainted PATH that's dangerous?||||
+Searching is for is an example of a tainted path that's dangerous
+Searching are for is an example of a tainted path that's dangerous
+Searching is for example of a tainted path that's dangerous
+||||tsee||||eval $ENV{PATH} :)||||
+Searching is for eval $env{path} :)
+Searching are for eval $env{path} :)
+Searching is for eval $env{path} :)
+Searching are for eval $env{path} :)
+||||tsee||||Apart from that, does quotemeta untaint?||||
+Searching is for apart from that, does quotemeta untaint
+Searching are for apart from that, does quotemeta untaint
+Searching is for apart from that, does quotemeta untaint
+Searching are for apart from that, does quotemeta untaint
+||||jrockway||||'.' + writable homedir = fun||||
+Searching is for '.' + writable homedir = fun
+Searching are for '.' + writable homedir = fun
+Searching is for '.' + writable homedir = fun
+Searching are for '.' + writable homedir = fun
+||||jrockway||||for hackers||||
+Searching is for for hackers
+Searching are for for hackers
+Searching is for for hackers
+Searching are for for hackers
+||||devin||||i meant dangerous from the point of view of taintedness||||
+Searching is for devin meant dangerous from the point of view of taintedness
+Searching are for devin meant dangerous from the point of view of taintedness
+Searching is for devin meant dangerous from the point of view of taintedness
+Searching are for devin meant dangerous from the point of view of taintedness
+||||devin||||what does untainting a $PATH mean?||||
+Searching is for does untainting a $path mean
+Searching are for does untainting a $path mean
+Searching is for does untainting a $path mean
+Searching are for does untainting a $path mean
+||||jrockway||||that when you use "rm", you use /bin/rm, not /home/hacker/rm||||
+Searching is for that when you use "rm", you use /bin/rm, not /home/hacker/rm
+Searching are for that when you use "rm", you use /bin/rm, not /home/hacker/rm
+Searching is for that when you use "rm", you use /bin/rm, not /home/hacker/rm
+Searching are for that when you use "rm", you use /bin/rm, not /home/hacker/rm
+||||devin||||ok so from that point of view you can visit each directory in $PATH and make sure it's not writable by anyone except you and root||||
+Searching is for so from that point of view you can visit each directory in $path and make sure it's not writable by anyone except you and root
+Searching are for so from that point of view you can visit each directory in $path and make sure it's not writable by anyone except you and root
+Searching is for so from that point of view you can visit each directory in $path and make sure it's not writable by anyone except you and root
+Searching are for so from that point of view you can visit each directory in $path and make sure it's not writable by anyone except you and root
+||||devin||||but i don't think that's what tsee means||||
+Searching is for devin don't think that'stsee means
+Searching are for devin don't think that'stsee means
+Searching is for devin don't think that'stsee means
+Searching are for devin don't think that'stsee means
+Searching is for nope.
+Searching are for nope.
+Searching is for nope
+Searching are for nope
+||||tsee||||Windows sucks.||||
+Searching is for windows sucks.
+Searching are for windows sucks.
+Searching is for windows sucks
+Searching are for windows sucks
+||||jrockway||||i have a makefile that converts pod to pdf, and latex HANGS if you have the pdf open anywhere||||
+Searching is for jrockway has a makefile that converts pod to pdf, and latex hangs if you have the pdf open anywhere
+Searching are for jrockway has a makefile that converts pod to pdf, and latex hangs if you have the pdf open anywhere
+Searching is for jrockway has a makefile that converts pod to pdf, and latex hangs if you have the pdf open anywhere
+Searching are for jrockway has a makefile that converts pod to pdf, and latex hangs if you have the pdf open anywhere
+||||jrockway||||it's really irritating||||
+Searching is for it's really irritating
+Searching are for it's really irritating
+Searching is for it's really irritating
+Searching are for it's really irritating
+||||tsee||||Very much so. It also breaks various Perl module test suites.||||
+Searching is for very much so. it also breaks various perl module test suites.
+Searching are for very much so. it also breaks various perl module test suites.
+Searching is for very much so. it also breaks various perl module test suites
+Searching are for very much so. it also breaks various perl module test suites
+||||tsee||||How the hell is flock going to work if you just want to reserve the damn file for one of your children?||||
+Searching is for how is flock going to work if you just want to reserve file for one of your children
+Searching are for how is flock going to work if you just want to reserve file for one of your children
+||||devin||||i wonder if anyone has made a windows livecd? ||||
+Searching is for devin wonder if anyone has made a windows livecd
+Searching are for devin wonder if anyone has made a windows livecd
+Searching is for devin wonder if anyone has made a windows livecd
+Searching are for devin wonder if anyone has made a windows livecd
+||||jrockway||||bartpe? or something||||
+Searching is for bartpe? or something
+Searching are for bartpe? or something
+Searching is for bartpe? or something
+Searching are for bartpe? or something
+||||devin||||wow i was only kidding ... but of course someone has done it||||
+Searching is for devin was only kidding ... but of course someone has done it
+Searching are for devin was only kidding ... but of course someone has done it
+Searching is for devin was only kidding ... but of course someone has done it
+Searching are for devin was only kidding ... but of course someone has done it
+||||devin||||there are some things i'm probably better off not knowing||||
+Searching is for there are some things devin is probably better off not knowing
+Searching are for there are some things devin is probably better off not knowing
+||||jrockway||||i've never used it||||
+Searching is for jrockway has never used it
+Searching are for jrockway has never used it
+Searching is for jrockway has never used it
+Searching are for jrockway has never used it
+||||jrockway||||almost did when my laptop needed a firmware "upgrade"||||
+Searching is for almost did when jrockway's laptop needed a firmware "upgrade"
+Searching are for almost did when jrockway's laptop needed a firmware "upgrade"
+Searching is for almost did when jrockway's laptop needed a firmware "upgrade"
+Searching are for almost did when jrockway's laptop needed a firmware "upgrade"
+||||jrockway||||but then i realized, that the firmware worked fine, and an update would probably break it||||
+Searching is for then jrockway realized, that the firmware worked fine, and an update would probably break it
+Searching are for then jrockway realized, that the firmware worked fine, and an update would probably break it
+Searching is for then jrockway realized, that the firmware worked fine, and an update would probably break it
+Searching are for then jrockway realized, that the firmware worked fine, and an update would probably break it
+||||tsee||||I pronounce Test::Strict fixed on win32. (If the maintainer accepts a patch.)||||
+Searching is for tsee pronounce test::strict fixed on win32. (if the maintainer accepts a patch.)
+Searching are for tsee pronounce test::strict fixed on win32. (if the maintainer accepts a patch.)
+Searching is for tsee pronounce test::strict fixed on win32. (if the maintainer accepts a patch.)
+Searching are for tsee pronounce test::strict fixed on win32. (if the maintainer accepts a patch.)
+||||tsee||||Wow, this is a cool bug: http://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=21253||||
+Searching is for this is a cool bug: http://rt.cpan.org/ticket/display.html?id=21253
+Searching are for this is a cool bug: http://rt.cpan.org/ticket/display.html?id=21253
+||||tsee||||is rt.cpan.org down for you, too?||||
+Searching is for is rt.cpan.org down for you, too
+Searching are for is rt.cpan.org down for you, too
+||||devin||||yeah that's a nice walk||||
+Searching is for yeah that's a nice walk
+Searching are for yeah that's a nice walk
+Searching is for yeah that's a nice walk
+Searching are for yeah that's a nice walk
+Searching is for haha
+Searching are for haha
+Searching is for haha
+Searching are for haha
+||||gbjk||||Is there a linux command for listing the groups?||||
+Searching is for is there a linux command for listing the groups
+Searching are for is there a linux command for listing the groups
+||||jrockway||||i assume it's delayed because of keio problems past shinjuku||||
+Searching is for jrockway assume it's delayed because of keio problems past shinjuku
+Searching are for jrockway assume it's delayed because of keio problems past shinjuku
+Searching is for jrockway assume it's delayed because of keio problems past shinjuku
+Searching are for jrockway assume it's delayed because of keio problems past shinjuku
+||||gbjk||||sysadmin switched to ldap without thinking about it.||||
+Searching is for sysadmin switched to ldap without thinking about it.
+Searching are for sysadmin switched to ldap without thinking about it.
+Searching is for sysadmin switched to ldap without thinking about it
+Searching are for sysadmin switched to ldap without thinking about it
+||||gbjk||||perl can getgrent, but boss wants a builtin command||||
+Searching is for perl can getgrent, but boss wants a builtin command
+Searching are for perl can getgrent, but boss wants a builtin command
+Searching is for perl can getgrent, but boss wants a builtin command
+Searching are for perl can getgrent, but boss wants a builtin command
+||||gbjk||||ldapsearch -x ... would be quite horrible.||||
+Searching is for ldapsearch -x ... would be quite horrible.
+Searching are for ldapsearch -x ... would be quite horrible.
+Searching is for ldapsearch -x ... would be quite horrible
+Searching are for ldapsearch -x ... would be quite horrible
+||||jrockway||||what does "delayed" mean, though||||
+Searching is for does "delayed" mean, though
+Searching are for does "delayed" mean, though
+Searching is for does "delayed" mean, though
+Searching are for does "delayed" mean, though
+||||jrockway||||running 5 minutes behind schedule?||||
+Searching is for running 5 minutes behind schedule
+Searching are for running 5 minutes behind schedule
+Searching is for running 5 minutes behind schedule
+Searching are for running 5 minutes behind schedule
+||||jrockway||||do you have an IRC client on your phone?||||
+Searching is for do you have an irc client on your phone
+Searching are for do you have an irc client on your phone
+Searching is for do you have an irc client on your phone
+Searching are for do you have an irc client on your phone
+||||jrockway||||or rather, utsunomiya houmen||||
+Searching is for rather, utsunomiya houmen
+Searching are for rather, utsunomiya houmen
+Searching is for rather, utsunomiya houmen
+Searching are for rather, utsunomiya houmen
+||||jrockway||||ok, that makes sense then :)||||
+Searching is for that makes sense then :)
+Searching are for that makes sense then :)
+Searching is for that makes sense then :)
+Searching are for that makes sense then :)
+||||jrockway||||so you walk from work to ueno, then take the utsunomia line?||||
+Searching is for so you walk from work to ueno, then take the utsunomia line
+Searching are for so you walk from work to ueno, then take the utsunomia line
+Searching is for so you walk from work to ueno, then take the utsunomia line
+Searching are for so you walk from work to ueno, then take the utsunomia line
+||||jrockway||||sounds like a slight PITA :)||||
+Searching is for sounds like a slight pita :)
+Searching are for sounds like a slight pita :)
+Searching is for sounds like a slight pita :)
+Searching are for sounds like a slight pita :)
+||||jrockway||||btw, can't you get the Keiyo line near kiba?||||
+Searching is for btw, can't you get the keiyo line near kiba
+Searching are for btw, can't you get the keiyo line near kiba
+Searching is for btw, can't you get the keiyo line near kiba
+Searching are for btw, can't you get the keiyo line near kiba
+||||jrockway||||that's super expensive though, because you have to pay JR and the rinkai folks||||
+Searching is for that's super expensive though, because you have to pay jr and the rinkai folks
+Searching are for that's super expensive though, because you have to pay jr and the rinkai folks
+Searching is for that's super expensive though, because you have to pay jr and the rinkai folks
+Searching are for that's super expensive though, because you have to pay jr and the rinkai folks
+||||jrockway||||nope, only the ikebukuro <-> osaki part||||
+Searching is for nope, only the ikebukuro <-> osaki part
+Searching are for nope, only the ikebukuro <-> osaki part
+Searching is for nope, only the ikebukuro <-> osaki part
+Searching are for nope, only the ikebukuro <-> osaki part
+||||jrockway||||i inconveniently had an ikebukuro <-> tamachi (via tokyo) pass||||
+Searching is for jrockway inconveniently had an ikebukuro <-> tamachi (via tokyo) pass
+Searching are for jrockway inconveniently had an ikebukuro <-> tamachi (via tokyo) pass
+Searching is for jrockway inconveniently had an ikebukuro <-> tamachi (via tokyo) pass
+Searching are for jrockway inconveniently had an ikebukuro <-> tamachi (via tokyo) pass
+||||jrockway||||so i had to pay to go to shinjuku||||
+Searching is for so jrockway had to pay to go to shinjuku
+Searching are for so jrockway had to pay to go to shinjuku
+Searching is for so jrockway had to pay to go to shinjuku
+Searching are for so jrockway had to pay to go to shinjuku
+Searching is for yeah
+Searching are for yeah
+Searching is for yeah
+Searching are for yeah
+||||jrockway||||they actually asked me which direction i wanted, and i picked the wrong one :P||||
+Searching is for they actually asked jrockway which direction jrockway wanted, and jrockway picked the wrong one :p
+Searching are for they actually asked jrockway which direction jrockway wanted, and jrockway picked the wrong one :p
+Searching is for they actually asked jrockway which direction jrockway wanted, and jrockway picked the wrong one :p
+Searching are for they actually asked jrockway which direction jrockway wanted, and jrockway picked the wrong one :p
+||||jrockway||||only because i didn't know that keihin touhoku wasn't express during rush hours||||
+Searching is for only because jrockway didn't know that keihin touhoku wasn't express during rush hours
+Searching are for only because jrockway didn't know that keihin touhoku wasn't express during rush hours
+Searching is for only because jrockway didn't know that keihin touhoku wasn't express during rush hours
+Searching are for only because jrockway didn't know that keihin touhoku wasn't express during rush hours
+||||jrockway||||who would want an express train at rush hour *sigh*||||
+Searching is for would want an express train at rush hour *sigh*
+Searching are for would want an express train at rush hour *sigh*
+Searching is for would want an express train at rush hour *sigh*
+Searching are for would want an express train at rush hour *sigh*
+||||jrockway||||and i hear that's not as good as it sounds||||
+Searching is for jrockway hear that's not as good as it sounds
+Searching are for jrockway hear that's not as good as it sounds
+Searching is for jrockway hear that's not as good as it sounds
+Searching are for jrockway hear that's not as good as it sounds
+||||jrockway||||memories... it's nice to be able to take the train everywhere||||
+Searching is for memories... it's nice to be able to take the train everywhere
+Searching are for memories... it's nice to be able to take the train everywhere
+Searching is for memories... it's nice to be able to take the train everywhere
+Searching are for memories... it's nice to be able to take the train everywhere
+||||jrockway||||gotta love japanese music :)||||
+Searching is for gotta love japanese music :)
+Searching are for gotta love japanese music :)
+Searching is for gotta love japanese music :)
+Searching are for gotta love japanese music :)
+||||jrockway||||ah, didn't know they had express trains on that line||||
+Searching is for ah, didn't know they had express trains on that line
+Searching are for ah, didn't know they had express trains on that line
+Searching is for ah, didn't know they had express trains on that line
+Searching are for ah, didn't know they had express trains on that line
+||||jrockway||||(the wiki page doesn't show the degrees of express)||||
+Searching is for (the wiki page doesn't show the degrees of express)
+Searching are for (the wiki page doesn't show the degrees of express)
+Searching is for (the wiki page doesn't show the degrees of express)
+Searching are for (the wiki page doesn't show the degrees of express)
+||||jrockway||||apparently there's a "kaisoku rabbito" as well||||
+Searching is for apparently there's a "kaisoku rabbito" as well
+Searching are for apparently there's a "kaisoku rabbito" as well
+Searching is for apparently there's a "kaisoku rabbito" as well
+Searching are for apparently there's a "kaisoku rabbito" as well
+Searching is for yeah
+Searching are for yeah
+Searching is for yeah
+Searching are for yeah
+||||jrockway||||i think the wikipedia page has a misprint||||
+Searching is for jrockway think the wikipedia page has a misprint
+Searching are for jrockway think the wikipedia page has a misprint
+Searching is for jrockway think the wikipedia page has a misprint
+Searching are for jrockway think the wikipedia page has a misprint
+||||jrockway||||that would make more sense as "rappido" as in rapid||||
+Searching is for that would make more sense as "rappido" as in rapid
+Searching are for that would make more sense as "rappido" as in rapid
+Searching is for that would make more sense as "rappido" as in rapid
+Searching are for that would make more sense as "rappido" as in rapid
+||||jrockway||||yeah, like 20km||||
+Searching is for yeah, like 20km
+Searching are for yeah, like 20km
+Searching is for yeah, like 20km
+Searching are for yeah, like 20km
+||||jrockway||||ahh, you could take the "furukawa homeliner" in addition to the futsuu||||
+Searching is for ahh, you could take the "furukawa homeliner" in addition to the futsuu
+Searching are for ahh, you could take the "furukawa homeliner" in addition to the futsuu
+Searching is for ahh, you could take the "furukawa homeliner" in addition to the futsuu
+Searching are for ahh, you could take the "furukawa homeliner" in addition to the futsuu
+||||sungo||||sungo it!||||
+Searching is for sungo it!
+Searching are for sungo it!
+Searching is for sungo it
+Searching are for sungo it
+||||sungo||||can we outlaw mornings please?||||
+Searching is for can we outlaw mornings
+Searching are for can we outlaw mornings
+Searching is for can we outlaw mornings
+Searching are for can we outlaw mornings
+||||sungo||||seen darkuncle||||
+Searching is for seen darkuncle
+Searching are for seen darkuncle
+Searching is for seen darkuncle
+Searching are for seen darkuncle
+Searching is for sigh
+Searching are for sigh
+Searching is for sigh
+Searching are for sigh
+||||jrockway||||didn't know smoking was still allowed. did they only ban it on the shinkansen?||||
+Searching is for didn't know smoking was still allowed. did they only ban it on the shinkansen
+Searching are for didn't know smoking was still allowed. did they only ban it on the shinkansen
+Searching is for didn't know smoking was still allowed. did they only ban it on the shinkansen
+Searching are for didn't know smoking was still allowed. did they only ban it on the shinkansen
+||||avar||||for my $arg (@ARGV) { .. } elsif ($arg =~ /-some-thing=/) { $i = index($arg, "="); $some_thing = substr$arg, $i + 1 ....||||
+Searching is for for avar's $arg (@argv) { .. } elsif ($arg =~ /-some-thing=/) { $i = index($arg, "="); $some_thing = substr$arg, $i + 1 ....
+Searching are for for avar's $arg (@argv) { .. } elsif ($arg =~ /-some-thing=/) { $i = index($arg, "="); $some_thing = substr$arg, $i + 1 ....
+Searching is for for avar's $arg (@argv) { .. } elsif ($arg =~ /-some-thing=/) { $i = index($arg, "="); $some_thing = substr$arg, $i + 1
+Searching are for for avar's $arg (@argv) { .. } elsif ($arg =~ /-some-thing=/) { $i = index($arg, "="); $some_thing = substr$arg, $i + 1
+||||avar||||I love C in Perl~||||
+Searching is for avar love c in perl~
+Searching are for avar love c in perl~
+Searching is for avar love c in perl~
+Searching are for avar love c in perl~
+Searching is for :)
+Searching are for :)
+Searching is for :)
+Searching are for :)
+||||tsee||||How can I move an RT ticket from one queue to another? (Both are mine.)||||
+Searching is for how can tsee move an rt ticket from one queue to another? (both are mine.)
+Searching are for how can tsee move an rt ticket from one queue to another? (both are mine.)
+||||jrockway||||pet avar ||||
+Searching is for pet avar
+Searching are for pet avar
+Searching is for pet avar
+Searching are for pet avar
+||||avar||||I don't appriciate petting by proxy||||
+Searching is for avar don't appriciate petting by proxy
+Searching are for avar don't appriciate petting by proxy
+Searching is for avar don't appriciate petting by proxy
+Searching are for avar don't appriciate petting by proxy
+Searching is for :)
+Searching are for :)
+Searching is for :)
+Searching are for :)
+||||sungo||||help channel||||
+Searching is for help channel
+Searching are for help channel
+Searching is for help channel
+Searching are for help channel
+||||sungo||||bash 370001||||
+Searching is for bash 370001
+Searching are for bash 370001
+Searching is for bash 370001
+Searching are for bash 370001
+Searching is for heh
+Searching are for heh
+Searching is for heh
+Searching are for heh
+||||dorian||||good ol' bash||||
+Searching is for good ol' bash
+Searching are for good ol' bash
+Searching is for good ol' bash
+Searching are for good ol' bash
+||||aevil||||morning sungo||||
+Searching is for morning sungo
+Searching are for morning sungo
+Searching is for morning sungo
+Searching are for morning sungo
+||||Alias||||bash 31337||||
+Searching is for bash 31337
+Searching are for bash 31337
+Searching is for bash 31337
+Searching are for bash 31337
+Searching is for hello
+Searching are for hello
+Searching is for hello
+Searching are for hello
+||||aevil||||awww...you went and made purl cry||||
+Searching is for awww...you went and made purl cry
+Searching are for awww...you went and made purl cry
+Searching is for awww...you went and made purl cry
+Searching are for awww...you went and made purl cry
+Searching is for yay
+Searching are for yay
+Searching is for yay
+Searching are for yay
+||||sungo||||be athf||||
+Searching is for be athf
+Searching are for be athf
+Searching is for be athf
+Searching are for be athf
+||||aevil||||so was spinal tap :)||||
+Searching is for so was spinal tap :)
+Searching are for so was spinal tap :)
+Searching is for so was spinal tap :)
+Searching are for so was spinal tap :)
+||||sungo||||That is distressing.||||
+Searching is for that is distressing.
+Searching are for that is distressing.
+Searching is for indeed
+Searching are for indeed
+Searching is for indeed
+Searching are for indeed
+||||Alias||||be not boring||||
+Searching is for be not boring
+Searching are for be not boring
+Searching is for be not boring
+Searching are for be not boring
+||||sungo||||sungo it!||||
+Searching is for sungo it!
+Searching are for sungo it!
+Searching is for sungo it
+Searching are for sungo it
+||||aevil||||i've been waiting all fucking week for 2 lousy core dump analyses...i guess the dudes are taking 4 martini lunches or something...can't rush quality....*grumble*||||
+Searching is for aevil has been waiting all fucking week for 2 lousy core dump analyses...i guess the dudes are taking 4 martini lunches or something...can't rush quality....*grumble*
+Searching are for aevil has been waiting all fucking week for 2 lousy core dump analyses...i guess the dudes are taking 4 martini lunches or something...can't rush quality....*grumble*
+Searching is for koalatea
+Searching are for koalatea
+Searching is for koalatea
+Searching are for koalatea
+||||aevil||||wow...alias left? was it something I said? ...i should take note of that :)||||
+Searching is for wow...alias left? was it something aevil said? ...i should take note of that :)
+Searching are for wow...alias left? was it something aevil said? ...i should take note of that :)
+Searching is for wow...alias left? was it something aevil said? ...i should take note of that :)
+Searching are for wow...alias left? was it something aevil said? ...i should take note of that :)
+Searching is for indeed
+Searching are for indeed
+Searching is for indeed
+Searching are for indeed
+||||sungo||||it helps to have someone to yell at.||||
+Searching is for it helps to have someone to yell at.
+Searching are for it helps to have someone to yell at.
+Searching is for it helps to have someone to yell at
+Searching are for it helps to have someone to yell at
+||||jeek||||Here I am!||||
+Searching is for here jeek is!
+Searching are for here jeek is!
+Searching is for here jeek is
+Searching are for here jeek is
+||||omega||||ahh, the reason I went from pysbnc to screen + irssi :p||||
+Searching is for ahh, the reason omega went from pysbnc to screen + irssi :p
+Searching are for ahh, the reason omega went from pysbnc to screen + irssi :p
+Searching is for ahh, the reason omega went from pysbnc to screen + irssi :p
+Searching are for ahh, the reason omega went from pysbnc to screen + irssi :p
+||||aevil||||slow day at the office :)||||
+Searching is for slow day at the office :)
+Searching are for slow day at the office :)
+Searching is for slow day at the office :)
+Searching are for slow day at the office :)
+||||aevil||||weird...someone is speaking english down the hall....||||
+Searching is for weird...someone is speaking english down the hall....
+Searching are for weird...someone is speaking english down the hall....
+||||jeek||||of all the rotten languages to speak, ugh||||
+Searching is for of all the rotten languages to speak, ugh
+Searching are for of all the rotten languages to speak, ugh
+Searching is for of all the rotten languages to speak, ugh
+Searching are for of all the rotten languages to speak, ugh
+||||aevil||||well...it just doesn't happen very often really||||
+Searching is for well...it just doesn't happen very often really
+Searching are for well...it just doesn't happen very often really
+Searching is for well...it just doesn't happen very often really
+Searching are for well...it just doesn't happen very often really
+||||sungo||||All right. It's time for us geeks to fucking stab people.||||
+Searching is for all right. it's time for us geeks to fucking stab people.
+Searching are for all right. it's time for us geeks to fucking stab people.
+Searching is for all right. it's time for us geeks to fucking stab people
+Searching are for all right. it's time for us geeks to fucking stab people
+||||sungo||||We're getting a bad rap||||
+Searching is for we're getting a bad rap
+Searching are for we're getting a bad rap
+Searching is for we're getting a bad rap
+Searching are for we're getting a bad rap
+||||sungo||||As for Edington, Maynard said: "Something had to happen that was terrible for this to have occurred." Edington "seemed like a computer geek or something. He was not anybody you would ever feel you were threatened by."||||
+Searching is for as for edington, maynard said: "something had to happen that was terrible for this to have occurred." edington "seemed like a computer geek or something. he was not anybody you would ever feel you were threatened by."
+Searching are for as for edington, maynard said: "something had to happen that was terrible for this to have occurred." edington "seemed like a computer geek or something. he was not anybody you would ever feel you were threatened by."
+Searching is for as for edington, maynard said: "something had to happen that was terrible for this to have occurred." edington "seemed like a computer geek or something. he was not anybody you would ever feel you were threatened by."
+Searching are for as for edington, maynard said: "something had to happen that was terrible for this to have occurred." edington "seemed like a computer geek or something. he was not anybody you would ever feel you were threatened by."
+||||aevil||||what is that a quote from?||||
+Searching is for is that a quote from
+Searching are for is that a quote from
+Searching is for that a quote from
+Searching is for cnn
+Searching are for cnn
+Searching is for cnn
+Searching are for cnn
+Searching is for http://www.cnn.com/2006/law/08/30/neighbor.stabbing.ap/index.html
+Searching are for http://www.cnn.com/2006/law/08/30/neighbor.stabbing.ap/index.html
+Searching is for http://www.cnn.com/2006/law/08/30/neighbor.stabbing.ap/index.html
+Searching are for http://www.cnn.com/2006/law/08/30/neighbor.stabbing.ap/index.html
+||||omega||||we need to build rep as badboys n girls||||
+Searching is for we need to build rep as badboys n girls
+Searching are for we need to build rep as badboys n girls
+Searching is for we need to build rep as badboys n girls
+Searching are for we need to build rep as badboys n girls
+||||aevil||||sungo...they always say the same shit about serial killers. Bundy was a 'nice, quiet nerdy guy' or something if you remember||||
+Searching is for sungo...they always say the same shit about serial killers. bundy was a 'nice, quiet nerdy guy' or something if you remember
+Searching are for sungo...they always say the same shit about serial killers. bundy was a 'nice, quiet nerdy guy' or something if you remember
+Searching is for sungo...they always say the same shit about serial killers. bundy was a 'nice, quiet nerdy guy' or something if you remember
+Searching are for sungo...they always say the same shit about serial killers. bundy was a 'nice, quiet nerdy guy' or something if you remember
+||||sungo||||Fuck with the helpdesk you get STABBED||||
+Searching is for fuck with the helpdesk you get stabbed
+Searching are for fuck with the helpdesk you get stabbed
+Searching is for fuck with the helpdesk you get stabbed
+Searching are for fuck with the helpdesk you get stabbed
+||||sungo||||I pasted an article a week or so agao where that wasn't the case. It was so pleasing.||||
+Searching is for sungo pasted an article a week or so agaothat wasn't the case. it was so pleasing.
+Searching are for sungo pasted an article a week or so agaothat wasn't the case. it was so pleasing.
+Searching is for sungo pasted an article a week or so agaothat wasn't the case. it was so pleasing
+Searching are for sungo pasted an article a week or so agaothat wasn't the case. it was so pleasing
+||||aevil||||it's the plight of being a generic, white, middle-aged guy :)||||
+Searching is for it's the plight of being a generic, white, middle-aged guy :)
+Searching are for it's the plight of being a generic, white, middle-aged guy :)
+Searching is for it's the plight of being a generic, white, middle-aged guy :)
+Searching are for it's the plight of being a generic, white, middle-aged guy :)
+||||jeek||||We need to put all the nice, quiet nerdy guys in camps, obv.||||
+Searching is for we need to put all the nice, quiet nerdy guys in camps, obv.
+Searching are for we need to put all the nice, quiet nerdy guys in camps, obv.
+Searching is for we need to put all the nice, quiet nerdy guys in camps, obv
+Searching are for we need to put all the nice, quiet nerdy guys in camps, obv
+||||sungo||||I think the quote from the neighbors was "he was dirty and mean. We figured he was probably up to something illegal in there."||||
+Searching is for sungo think the quote from the neighbors was "he was dirty and mean. we figured he was probably up to something illegal in there."
+Searching are for sungo think the quote from the neighbors was "he was dirty and mean. we figured he was probably up to something illegal in there."
+Searching is for sungo think the quote from the neighbors was "he was dirty and mean. we figured he was probably up to something illegal in there."
+Searching are for sungo think the quote from the neighbors was "he was dirty and mean. we figured he was probably up to something illegal in there."
+||||aevil||||sungo...really? psycho killer on the loose in Ohio? :)||||
+Searching is for sungo...really? psycho killer on the loose in ohio? :)
+Searching are for sungo...really? psycho killer on the loose in ohio? :)
+Searching is for sungo...really? psycho killer on the loose in ohio? :)
+Searching are for sungo...really? psycho killer on the loose in ohio? :)
+||||aevil||||oh...that story...the dude was a lawyer, we're off the hook ||||
+Searching is for oh...that story...the dude was a lawyer, we're off the hook
+Searching are for oh...that story...the dude was a lawyer, we're off the hook
+Searching is for oh...that story...the dude was a lawyer, we're off the hook
+Searching are for oh...that story...the dude was a lawyer, we're off the hook
+||||aevil||||besides, if the guy did molest his daughter, he got off easy with the stabbing||||
+Searching is for besides, if the guy did molest his daughter, he got off easy with the stabbing
+Searching are for besides, if the guy did molest his daughter, he got off easy with the stabbing
+Searching is for besides, if the guy did molest his daughter, he got off easy with the stabbing
+Searching are for besides, if the guy did molest his daughter, he got off easy with the stabbing
+||||jeek||||Patent Law.||||
+Searching is for patent law.
+Searching are for patent law.
+Searching is for patent law
+Searching are for patent law
+||||jeek||||One of the worst kinds of lawyers.||||
+Searching is for one of the worst kinds of lawyers.
+Searching are for one of the worst kinds of lawyers.
+Searching is for one of the worst kinds of lawyers
+Searching are for one of the worst kinds of lawyers
+||||sungo||||sungo> re: a man with human bone fragments scattered on his lawn, apparently from seven murder victims of his.||||
+Searching is for sungo> re: a man with human bone fragments scattered on his lawn, apparently from seven murder victims of his.
+Searching are for sungo> re: a man with human bone fragments scattered on his lawn, apparently from seven murder victims of his.
+Searching is for sungo> re: a man with human bone fragments scattered on his lawn, apparently from seven murder victims of his
+Searching are for sungo> re: a man with human bone fragments scattered on his lawn, apparently from seven murder victims of his
+||||sungo||||sungo> Neighbors described Shaver as a heavy drinking, loud, unfriendly man who they believed was involved in criminal activity.||||
+Searching is for sungo> neighbors described shaver as a heavy drinking, loud, unfriendly manthey believed was involved in criminal activity.
+Searching are for sungo> neighbors described shaver as a heavy drinking, loud, unfriendly manthey believed was involved in criminal activity.
+Searching is for sungo> neighbors described shaver as a heavy drinking, loud, unfriendly manthey believed was involved in criminal activity
+Searching are for sungo> neighbors described shaver as a heavy drinking, loud, unfriendly manthey believed was involved in criminal activity
+||||aevil||||sungo...keep in mind that most Missourians think that of their neighbours :)||||
+Searching is for sungo...keep in mind that most missourians think that of their neighbours :)
+Searching are for sungo...keep in mind that most missourians think that of their neighbours :)
+Searching is for sungo...keep in mind that most missourians think that of their neighbours :)
+Searching are for sungo...keep in mind that most missourians think that of their neighbours :)
+||||jeek||||I have to be extra careful r/l to avoid a pedo image.||||
+Searching is for jeek has to be extra careful r/l to avoid a pedo image.
+Searching are for jeek has to be extra careful r/l to avoid a pedo image.
+Searching is for jeek has to be extra careful r/l to avoid a pedo image
+Searching are for jeek has to be extra careful r/l to avoid a pedo image
+||||jeek||||It's hard being a 25/m Magic-playing Magic-judging juggalo.||||
+Searching is for it's hard being a 25/m magic-playing magic-judging juggalo.
+Searching are for it's hard being a 25/m magic-playing magic-judging juggalo.
+Searching is for it's hard being a 25/m magic-playing magic-judging juggalo
+Searching are for it's hard being a 25/m magic-playing magic-judging juggalo
+||||jeek||||esp with a really sick sense of humor.||||
+Searching is for esp with a really sick sense of humor.
+Searching are for esp with a really sick sense of humor.
+Searching is for esp with a really sick sense of humor
+Searching are for esp with a really sick sense of humor
+||||sungo||||give the kids a 40mm shell to play with||||
+Searching is for give the kids a 40mm shell to play with
+Searching are for give the kids a 40mm shell to play with
+Searching is for give the kids a 40mm shell to play with
+Searching are for give the kids a 40mm shell to play with
+||||jeek||||Eh, if I want to stick with the juggalo thing, it'd have to be an axe or a machete or something.||||
+Searching is for eh, if jeek want to stick with the juggalo thing, it'd have to be an axe or a machete or something.
+Searching are for eh, if jeek want to stick with the juggalo thing, it'd have to be an axe or a machete or something.
+Searching is for eh, if jeek want to stick with the juggalo thing, it'd have to be an axe or a machete or something
+Searching are for eh, if jeek want to stick with the juggalo thing, it'd have to be an axe or a machete or something
+||||jeek||||I wonder if its too late to enroll in clown college.||||
+Searching is for jeek wonder if its too late to enroll in clown college.
+Searching are for jeek wonder if its too late to enroll in clown college.
+Searching is for jeek wonder if its too late to enroll in clown college
+Searching are for jeek wonder if its too late to enroll in clown college
+||||sungo||||don't you have to be a dead clown or some shit first?||||
+Searching is for don't you have to be a dead clown or some shit first
+Searching are for don't you have to be a dead clown or some shit first
+Searching is for don't you have to be a dead clown or some shit first
+Searching are for don't you have to be a dead clown or some shit first
+||||jeek||||That's more of an ICP thing.||||
+Searching is for that's more of an icp thing.
+Searching are for that's more of an icp thing.
+Searching is for that's more of an icp thing
+Searching are for that's more of an icp thing
+||||jeek||||I follow the lesser-known Twiztid school of juggaloism.||||
+Searching is for jeek follow the lesser-known twiztid school of juggaloism.
+Searching are for jeek follow the lesser-known twiztid school of juggaloism.
+Searching is for jeek follow the lesser-known twiztid school of juggaloism
+Searching are for jeek follow the lesser-known twiztid school of juggaloism
+||||jeek||||We're more into bad horror movies, judicious use of other peoples' vaginas, and marijuana.||||
+Searching is for we're more into bad horror movies, judicious use of other peoples' vaginas, and marijuana.
+Searching are for we're more into bad horror movies, judicious use of other peoples' vaginas, and marijuana.
+Searching is for we're more into bad horror movies, judicious use of other peoples' vaginas, and marijuana
+Searching are for we're more into bad horror movies, judicious use of other peoples' vaginas, and marijuana
+||||sungo||||god, I haven't listened to ICP in forever...||||
+Searching is for god, sungo has not listened to icp in forever...
+Searching are for god, sungo has not listened to icp in forever...
+Searching is for god, sungo has not listened to icp in forever
+Searching are for god, sungo has not listened to icp in forever
+||||jeek||||Eh, they've had some high points and many low points. Not really my thing overall, but they have a couple of good tracks every album.||||
+Searching is for eh, they've had some high points and many low points. not really jeek's thing overall, but they have a couple of good tracks every album.
+Searching are for eh, they've had some high points and many low points. not really jeek's thing overall, but they have a couple of good tracks every album.
+Searching is for eh, they've had some high points and many low points. not really jeek's thing overall, but they have a couple of good tracks every album
+Searching are for eh, they've had some high points and many low points. not really jeek's thing overall, but they have a couple of good tracks every album
+||||aevil||||what's icp? international clown...?||||
+Searching is for is icp? international clown...
+Searching are for is icp? international clown...
+Searching is for icp? international clown...
+||||jeek||||Insane Clown Posse||||
+Searching is for insane clown posse
+Searching are for insane clown posse
+Searching is for insane clown posse
+Searching are for insane clown posse
+||||aevil||||i see :)||||
+Searching is for aevil see :)
+Searching are for aevil see :)
+Searching is for aevil see :)
+Searching are for aevil see :)
+||||jeek||||no purl, Insane Clown Posse released their "final" album fall of 2004, their next one comes out November 2006||||
+Searching is for insane clown posse released their "final" album fall of 2004, their next one comes out november 2006
+Searching are for insane clown posse released their "final" album fall of 2004, their next one comes out november 2006
+Searching is for insane clown posse released their "final" album fall of 2004, their next one comes out november 2006
+Searching are for insane clown posse released their "final" album fall of 2004, their next one comes out november 2006
+||||aevil||||mornin walt||||
+Searching is for mornin walt
+Searching are for mornin walt
+Searching is for mornin walt
+Searching are for mornin walt
+Searching is for morning.
+Searching are for morning.
+Searching is for morning
+Searching are for morning
+||||jeek||||no purl, Insane Clown Posse is <reply>Insane Clown Posse released their "final" album fall of 2004, their next one comes out November 2006||||
+Searching is for insane clown posse is <reply>insane clown posse released their "final" album fall of 2004, their next one comes out november 2006
+Searching are for insane clown posse is <reply>insane clown posse released their "final" album fall of 2004, their next one comes out november 2006
+Searching is for insane clown posse
+set;;is;;insane clown posse;;<reply>Insane Clown Posse released their "final" album fall of 2004, their next one comes out November 2006
+||||claes||||morning waltman||||
+Searching is for morning waltman
+Searching are for morning waltman
+Searching is for morning waltman
+Searching are for morning waltman
+||||jeek||||Insane Clown Posse?||||
+Searching is for insane clown posse
+Searching are for insane clown posse
+Searching is for insane clown posse
+Searching are for insane clown posse
+Searching is for k
+Searching are for k
+Searching is for k
+Searching are for k
+||||waltman||||god morgon, claes ||||
+Searching is for god morgon, claes
+Searching are for god morgon, claes
+Searching is for god morgon, claes
+Searching are for god morgon, claes
+||||sungo||||be athf||||
+Searching is for be athf
+Searching are for be athf
+Searching is for be athf
+Searching are for be athf
+||||sungo||||AMUSE ME MONKEYS||||
+Searching is for amuse sungo monkeys
+Searching are for amuse sungo monkeys
+Searching is for amuse sungo monkeys
+Searching are for amuse sungo monkeys
+Searching is for hmm
+Searching are for hmm
+Searching is for hmm
+Searching are for hmm
+||||rjbs||||on module-authors||||
+Searching is for on module-authors
+Searching are for on module-authors
+Searching is for on module-authors
+Searching are for on module-authors
+||||rjbs||||someone said, "i wrote a little way to make tail call elimination easier"||||
+Searching is for someone said, "i wrote a little way to make tail call elimination easier"
+Searching are for someone said, "i wrote a little way to make tail call elimination easier"
+Searching is for someone said, "i wrote a little way to make tail call elimination easier"
+Searching are for someone said, "i wrote a little way to make tail call elimination easier"
+||||rjbs||||more or less.||||
+Searching is for more or less.
+Searching are for more or less.
+Searching is for more or less
+Searching are for more or less
+Searching is for heh
+Searching are for heh
+Searching is for heh
+Searching are for heh
+Searching is for hop
+Searching are for hop
+Searching is for hop
+Searching are for hop
+||||rjbs||||It's a fine book.||||
+Searching is for it's a fine book.
+Searching are for it's a fine book.
+Searching is for it's a fine book
+Searching are for it's a fine book
+||||jeek||||It's not actually online yet, is it?||||
+Searching is for it's not actually online yet, is it
+Searching are for it's not actually online yet, is it
+||||rjbs||||not legally, at lesat.||||
+Searching is for not legally, at lesat.
+Searching are for not legally, at lesat.
+Searching is for not legally, at lesat
+Searching are for not legally, at lesat
+||||yrlnry||||where's the thread?||||
+Searching is for is the thread
+Searching are for is the thread
+Searching is for thread
+||||yrlnry||||I'd be really interested to hear that it was in Waldenbooks.||||
+Searching is for yrlnry'd be really interested to hear that it was in waldenbooks.
+Searching are for yrlnry'd be really interested to hear that it was in waldenbooks.
+Searching is for yrlnry'd be really interested to hear that it was in waldenbooks
+Searching are for yrlnry'd be really interested to hear that it was in waldenbooks
+||||yrlnry||||Let me know if you see it.||||
+Searching is for let yrlnry know if you see it.
+Searching are for let yrlnry know if you see it.
+Searching is for let yrlnry know if you see it
+Searching are for let yrlnry know if you see it
+||||jeek||||Doesn't O'Reilly get most of their books into Waldenbooks?||||
+Searching is for doesn't o'reilly get most of their books into waldenbooks
+Searching are for doesn't o'reilly get most of their books into waldenbooks
+Searching is for doesn't o'reilly get most of their books into waldenbooks
+Searching are for doesn't o'reilly get most of their books into waldenbooks
+||||rjbs||||It isn't ORA.||||
+Searching is for it isn't ora.
+Searching are for it isn't ora.
+Searching is for it isn't ora
+Searching are for it isn't ora
+Searching is for oh!
+Searching are for oh!
+Searching is for oh
+Searching are for oh
+||||rjbs||||module-authors at perl; I can look for a link||||
+Searching is for module-authors at perl; rjbs can look for a link
+Searching are for module-authors at perl; rjbs can look for a link
+Searching is for module-authors at perl; rjbs can look for a link
+Searching are for module-authors at perl; rjbs can look for a link
+||||yrlnry||||I found it, thanks.||||
+Searching is for yrlnry found it, thanks.
+Searching are for yrlnry found it, thanks.
+Searching is for yrlnry found it, thanks
+Searching are for yrlnry found it, thanks
+Searching is for http://www.nntp.perl.org/group/perl.module-authors
+Searching are for http://www.nntp.perl.org/group/perl.module-authors
+Searching is for http://www.nntp.perl.org/group/perl.module-authors
+Searching are for http://www.nntp.perl.org/group/perl.module-authors
+||||jeek||||Anybody here interested in the Pokemon video game series?||||
+Searching is for anybody here interested in the pokemon video game series
+Searching are for anybody here interested in the pokemon video game series
+Searching is for anybody here interested in the pokemon video game series
+Searching are for anybody here interested in the pokemon video game series
+||||modred||||let the channel ask their kids...||||
+Searching is for let the channel ask their kids...
+Searching are for let the channel ask their kids...
+Searching is for let the channel ask their kids
+Searching are for let the channel ask their kids
+Searching is for heh
+Searching are for heh
+Searching is for heh
+Searching are for heh
+||||jeek||||Nah, don't bother with that.||||
+Searching is for nah, don't bother with that.
+Searching are for nah, don't bother with that.
+Searching is for nah, don't bother with that
+Searching are for nah, don't bother with that
+Searching is for true
+Searching are for true
+Searching is for true
+Searching are for true
+||||rjbs||||I liked Blue, but haven't played since.||||
+Searching is for rjbs liked blue, but haven't played since.
+Searching are for rjbs liked blue, but haven't played since.
+Searching is for rjbs liked blue, but haven't played since
+Searching are for rjbs liked blue, but haven't played since
+||||yrlnry||||Oh boy, Maciej Ceglowski wrote another blog article, and it's about westerners who write blogs about their sex conquests in China.||||
+Searching is for boy, maciej ceglowski wrote another blog article, and it's about westernerswrite blogs about their sex conquests in china.
+Searching are for boy, maciej ceglowski wrote another blog article, and it's about westernerswrite blogs about their sex conquests in china.
+Searching is for boy, maciej ceglowski wrote another blog article, and it's about westernerswrite blogs about their sex conquests in china
+Searching are for boy, maciej ceglowski wrote another blog article, and it's about westernerswrite blogs about their sex conquests in china
+||||yrlnry||||This is gonna be good.||||
+Searching is for this is gonna be good.
+Searching are for this is gonna be good.
+Searching is for http://www.idlewords.com/2006/08/so_you_want_to_be_a_china_sex_blogger.htm
+Searching are for http://www.idlewords.com/2006/08/so_you_want_to_be_a_china_sex_blogger.htm
+Searching is for http://www.idlewords.com/2006/08/so_you_want_to_be_a_china_sex_blogger.htm
+Searching are for http://www.idlewords.com/2006/08/so_you_want_to_be_a_china_sex_blogger.htm
+||||jcap||||rjbs, I'll reneeb you||||
+Searching is for rjbs, jcap'll reneeb you
+Searching are for rjbs, jcap'll reneeb you
+Searching is for rjbs, jcap'll reneeb you
+Searching are for rjbs, jcap'll reneeb you
+||||jcap||||you could use it||||
+Searching is for you could use it
+Searching are for you could use it
+Searching is for you could use it
+Searching are for you could use it
+||||rjbs||||yeah, well. some of us can't afford a new neeb every week, Mr. Goldenpants||||
+Searching is for yeah, well. some of us can't afford a new neeb every week, mr. goldenpants
+Searching are for yeah, well. some of us can't afford a new neeb every week, mr. goldenpants
+Searching is for yeah, well. some of us can't afford a new neeb every week, mr. goldenpants
+Searching are for yeah, well. some of us can't afford a new neeb every week, mr. goldenpants
+||||jcap||||well if you weren't dropping all sorts of money on some lame roof over your head you could afford a good neebjob now and then||||
+Searching is for if you weren't dropping all sorts of money on some lame roof over your head you could afford a good neebjob now and then
+Searching are for if you weren't dropping all sorts of money on some lame roof over your head you could afford a good neebjob now and then
+Searching is for if you weren't dropping all sorts of money on some lame roof over your head you could afford a good neebjob now and then
+Searching are for if you weren't dropping all sorts of money on some lame roof over your head you could afford a good neebjob now and then
+Searching is for arf
+Searching are for arf
+Searching is for arf
+Searching are for arf
+||||rjbs||||pervert. Thou Shalt Not Neebenjoben Haben||||
+Searching is for pervert. thou shalt not neebenjoben haben
+Searching are for pervert. thou shalt not neebenjoben haben
+Searching is for pervert. thou shalt not neebenjoben haben
+Searching are for pervert. thou shalt not neebenjoben haben
+||||jcap||||THAT WAS A ONE TIME THING||||
+Searching is for that was a one time thing
+Searching are for that was a one time thing
+Searching is for that was a one time thing
+Searching are for that was a one time thing
+||||jcap||||rjbs, you need a metric adapter||||
+Searching is for rjbs, you need a metric adapter
+Searching are for rjbs, you need a metric adapter
+Searching is for rjbs, you need a metric adapter
+Searching are for rjbs, you need a metric adapter
+||||sungo||||BURN THEM ALL||||
+Searching is for burn them all
+Searching are for burn them all
+Searching is for burn them all
+Searching are for burn them all
+Searching is for http://www.resource-aware.org/twiki/bin/viewfile/wg211/m3schedule?rev=1.2;filename=foozles.pdf#search=%22foozles%20fad%22
+Searching are for http://www.resource-aware.org/twiki/bin/viewfile/wg211/m3schedule?rev=1.2;filename=foozles.pdf#search=%22foozles%20fad%22
+Searching is for http://www.resource-aware.org/twiki/bin/viewfile/wg211/m3schedule?rev=1.2;filename=foozles.pdf#search=%22foozles%20fad%22
+Searching are for http://www.resource-aware.org/twiki/bin/viewfile/wg211/m3schedule?rev=1.2;filename=foozles.pdf#search=%22foozles%20fad%22
+Searching is for uhhh
+Searching are for uhhh
+Searching is for uhhh
+Searching are for uhhh
+Searching is for #
+Searching are for #
+Searching is for #
+Searching are for #
+||||jcap||||rjbs, interesting||||
+Searching is for rjbs, interesting
+Searching are for rjbs, interesting
+Searching is for rjbs, interesting
+Searching are for rjbs, interesting
+||||sungo||||YOU ARE SOFA KING BORING||||
+Searching is for you are sofa king boring
+Searching are for you are sofa king boring
+||||sungo||||YAY DHA ENTERTAIN ME||||
+Searching is for yay dha entertain sungo
+Searching are for yay dha entertain sungo
+Searching is for yay dha entertain sungo
+Searching are for yay dha entertain sungo
+Searching is for fuck
+Searching are for fuck
+Searching is for fuck
+Searching are for fuck
+||||kismet||||NO THANKS||||
+Searching is for no thanks
+Searching are for no thanks
+Searching is for no thanks
+Searching are for no thanks
+||||dha||||DIE DIE DIE||||
+Searching is for die die die
+Searching are for die die die
+Searching is for die die die
+Searching are for die die die
+||||Hasturkun||||Hi, would anyone be willing to help me with an obscure LWP/Windows/HTTPS issue?||||
+Searching is for hi, would anyone be willing to help hasturkun with an obscure lwp/windows/https issue
+Searching are for hi, would anyone be willing to help hasturkun with an obscure lwp/windows/https issue
+Searching is for hi, would anyone be willing to help hasturkun with an obscure lwp/windows/https issue
+Searching are for hi, would anyone be willing to help hasturkun with an obscure lwp/windows/https issue
+||||clintp||||no web?||||
+Searching is for no web
+Searching are for no web
+Searching is for no web
+Searching are for no web
+||||Hasturkun||||not my fault, really||||
+Searching is for not hasturkun's fault, really
+Searching are for not hasturkun's fault, really
+Searching is for not hasturkun's fault, really
+Searching are for not hasturkun's fault, really
+Searching is for enofactoid
+Searching are for enofactoid
+Searching is for enofactoid
+Searching are for enofactoid
+||||modred||||you can throw yourself on the whim of #perl but freenode might be a better choice||||
+Searching is for you can throw yourself on the whim of #perl but freenode might be a better choice
+Searching are for you can throw yourself on the whim of #perl but freenode might be a better choice
+Searching is for you can throw yourself on the whim of #perl but freenode might be a better choice
+Searching are for you can throw yourself on the whim of #perl but freenode might be a better choice
+||||modred||||depends on your tolerance for being ignored and/or abused||||
+Searching is for depends on your tolerance for being ignored and/or abused
+Searching are for depends on your tolerance for being ignored and/or abused
+Searching is for depends on your tolerance for being ignored and/or abused
+Searching are for depends on your tolerance for being ignored and/or abused
+Searching is for </end_disclaimer>
+Searching are for </end_disclaimer>
+Searching is for </end_disclaimer>
+Searching are for </end_disclaimer>
+||||Hasturkun||||it's something really iffy with the timeouts, and the proxying code I tried to bypass it with seems to be worse||||
+Searching is for it's something really iffy with the timeouts, and the proxying code hasturkun tried to bypass it with seems to be worse
+Searching are for it's something really iffy with the timeouts, and the proxying code hasturkun tried to bypass it with seems to be worse
+Searching is for it's something really iffy with the timeouts, and the proxying code hasturkun tried to bypass it with seems to be worse
+Searching are for it's something really iffy with the timeouts, and the proxying code hasturkun tried to bypass it with seems to be worse
+Searching is for :/
+Searching are for :/
+Searching is for :/
+Searching are for :/
+||||Hasturkun||||Crypt:SSLeay wants to use the proxy through the proxy, to get to the target, couldn't figure out why||||
+Searching is for crypt:ssleay wants to use the proxy through the proxy, to get to the target, couldn't figure out why
+Searching are for crypt:ssleay wants to use the proxy through the proxy, to get to the target, couldn't figure out why
+Searching is for crypt:ssleay wants to use the proxy through the proxy, to get to the target, couldn't figure out why
+Searching are for crypt:ssleay wants to use the proxy through the proxy, to get to the target, couldn't figure out why
+||||Hasturkun||||fine, thanks anyway, I'll try freenode||||
+Searching is for fine, thanks , hasturkun'll try freenode
+Searching are for fine, thanks , hasturkun'll try freenode
+Searching is for fine, thanks , hasturkun'll try freenode
+Searching are for fine, thanks , hasturkun'll try freenode
+||||clintp||||Yeah. Gotta bring something *interesting* in here. Windows is one strike. Web is two. Lack of dongs isn't helping.||||
+Searching is for yeah. gotta bring something *interesting* in here. windows is one strike. web is two. lack of dongs isn't helping.
+Searching are for yeah. gotta bring something *interesting* in here. windows is one strike. web is two. lack of dongs isn't helping.
+||||Hasturkun||||sorry, I'll give it more effort next time, ciao||||
+Searching is for sorry, hasturkun'll give it more effort next time, ciao
+Searching are for sorry, hasturkun'll give it more effort next time, ciao
+Searching is for sorry, hasturkun'll give it more effort next time, ciao
+Searching are for sorry, hasturkun'll give it more effort next time, ciao
+||||jcap||||I had an interesting fight with a dominatrix once who told me soemthing very similar||||
+Searching is for jcap had an interesting fight with a dominatrix oncetold jcap soemthing very similar
+Searching are for jcap had an interesting fight with a dominatrix oncetold jcap soemthing very similar
+Searching is for jcap had an interesting fight with a dominatrix oncetold jcap soemthing very similar
+Searching are for jcap had an interesting fight with a dominatrix oncetold jcap soemthing very similar
+Searching is for tsee--
+Searching are for tsee--
+Searching is for tsee--
+Searching are for tsee--
+||||mdxi||||HASTURKUN KAWAAAAIIIIIIII (>^_^(>O.o)>||||
+Searching is for hasturkun kawaaaaiiiiiiii (>^_^(>o.o)>
+Searching are for hasturkun kawaaaaiiiiiiii (>^_^(>o.o)>
+Searching is for hasturkun kawaaaaiiiiiiii (>^_^(>o.o)>
+Searching are for hasturkun kawaaaaiiiiiiii (>^_^(>o.o)>
+||||clintp||||"Lack of dongs isn't helping"?||||
+Searching is for "lack of dongs isn't helping"
+Searching are for "lack of dongs isn't helping"
+Searching is for "lack of dongs isn't helping"
+Searching are for "lack of dongs isn't helping"
+Searching is for abuse--
+Searching are for abuse--
+Searching is for abuse--
+Searching are for abuse--
+||||jcap||||clintp, yeah, that and she didn't like windows||||
+Searching is for clintp, yeah, that and she didn't like windows
+Searching are for clintp, yeah, that and she didn't like windows
+Searching is for clintp, yeah, that and she didn't like windows
+Searching are for clintp, yeah, that and she didn't like windows
+||||jcap||||or something||||
+Searching is for something
+Searching are for something
+Searching is for something
+Searching are for something
+||||clintp||||abuse++ keeps the women in line||||
+Searching is for abuse++ keeps the women in line
+Searching are for abuse++ keeps the women in line
+Searching is for abuse++ keeps the women in line
+Searching are for abuse++ keeps the women in line
+||||jcap||||I dunno, I was stretching it||||
+Searching is for jcap dunno, jcap was stretching it
+Searching are for jcap dunno, jcap was stretching it
+Searching is for jcap dunno, jcap was stretching it
+Searching are for jcap dunno, jcap was stretching it
+||||mdxi||||abuse++ # it's just *fun*||||
+Searching is for abuse++ # it's just *fun*
+Searching are for abuse++ # it's just *fun*
+Searching is for abuse++ # it's just *fun*
+Searching are for abuse++ # it's just *fun*
+||||sungo||||COCK NUGGET SURPRISE||||
+Searching is for cock nugget surprise
+Searching are for cock nugget surprise
+Searching is for cock nugget surprise
+Searching are for cock nugget surprise
+||||rjbs||||time to find out if the backups of my parallels machines worked||||
+Searching is for time to find out if the backups of rjbs's parallels machines worked
+Searching are for time to find out if the backups of rjbs's parallels machines worked
+Searching is for time to find out if the backups of rjbs's parallels machines worked
+Searching are for time to find out if the backups of rjbs's parallels machines worked
+||||jcap||||rjbs, what happened? or just haven't reinstalled them since the hd failure?||||
+Searching is for rjbs,happened? or just haven't reinstalled them since the hd failure
+Searching are for rjbs,happened? or just haven't reinstalled them since the hd failure
+Searching is for rjbs,happened? or just haven't reinstalled them since the hd failure
+Searching are for rjbs,happened? or just haven't reinstalled them since the hd failure
+Searching is for right
+Searching are for right
+Searching is for right
+Searching are for right
+||||jcap||||rjbs, one thing I've run into copying them around||||
+Searching is for rjbs, one thing jcap has run into copying them around
+Searching are for rjbs, one thing jcap has run into copying them around
+Searching is for rjbs, one thing jcap has run into copying them around
+Searching are for rjbs, one thing jcap has run into copying them around
+||||jcap||||rjbs, permissions on the images||||
+Searching is for rjbs, permissions on the images
+Searching are for rjbs, permissions on the images
+Searching is for rjbs, permissions on the images
+Searching are for rjbs, permissions on the images
+||||jcap||||otherwise should be fine||||
+Searching is for otherwise should be fine
+Searching are for otherwise should be fine
+Searching is for otherwise should be fine
+Searching are for otherwise should be fine
+||||Frakkle||||What's going on?||||
+Searching is for is going on
+Searching are for is going on
+Searching is for going on
+Searching is for omg
+Searching are for omg
+Searching is for omg
+Searching are for omg
+||||rjbs||||had no issues with the winxp one||||
+Searching is for had no issues with the winxp one
+Searching are for had no issues with the winxp one
+Searching is for had no issues with the winxp one
+Searching are for had no issues with the winxp one
+||||rjbs||||will check other another time||||
+Searching is for will check other another time
+Searching are for will check other another time
+Searching is for will check other another time
+Searching are for will check other another time
+||||Masque||||What's $/ by default on mac os 9?||||
+Searching is for is $/ by default on mac os 9
+Searching are for is $/ by default on mac os 9
+Searching is for $/ by default on mac os 9
+Searching is for \rass\n
+Searching are for \rass\n
+Searching is for \rass\n
+Searching are for \rass\n
+||||Frakkle||||sungo it!||||
+Searching is for sungo it!
+Searching are for sungo it!
+Searching is for sungo it
+Searching are for sungo it
+||||mendel||||\n, but on OS 9 "\n" in perl is a CR. (From memory, at least.)||||
+Searching is for \n, but on os 9 "\n" in perl is a cr. (from memory, at least.)
+Searching are for \n, but on os 9 "\n" in perl is a cr. (from memory, at least.)
+Searching is for n, but on os 9 "n" in perl
+set;;is;;n, but on os 9 "n" in perl;;a CR. (From memory, at least.)
+Searching is for \dongs
+Searching are for \dongs
+Searching is for \dongs
+Searching are for \dongs
+||||rjbs||||....and now my backup disk isn't mounting.||||
+Searching is for ....and now rjbs's backup disk isn't mounting.
+Searching are for ....and now rjbs's backup disk isn't mounting.
+Searching is for ....and now rjbs's backup disk isn't mounting
+Searching are for ....and now rjbs's backup disk isn't mounting
+||||mendel||||see perlport, "Newlines".||||
+Searching is for see perlport, "newlines".
+Searching are for see perlport, "newlines".
+Searching is for see perlport, "newlines"
+Searching are for see perlport, "newlines"
+||||lamech||||maybe it wants to try being a bottom for a change?||||
+Searching is for maybe it wants to try being a bottom for a change
+Searching are for maybe it wants to try being a bottom for a change
+Searching is for maybe it wants to try being a bottom for a change
+Searching are for maybe it wants to try being a bottom for a change
+||||rjbs||||ARGH, look, no matter how many coy suggestions you make, I'm not spreading for you||||
+Searching is for argh, look, no matter how many coy suggestions you make, rjbs is not spreading for you
+Searching are for argh, look, no matter how many coy suggestions you make, rjbs is not spreading for you
+Searching is for darn.
+Searching are for darn.
+Searching is for darn
+Searching are for darn
+||||rjbs||||gonna reboot.||||
+Searching is for gonna reboot.
+Searching are for gonna reboot.
+Searching is for gonna reboot
+Searching are for gonna reboot
+||||Masque||||Yeah, just read that.||||
+Searching is for yeah, just read that.
+Searching are for yeah, just read that.
+Searching is for yeah, just read that
+Searching are for yeah, just read that
+||||Masque||||I have an old habit of using $/ instead of "\n".||||
+Searching is for masque has an old habit of using $/ instead of "\n".
+Searching are for masque has an old habit of using $/ instead of "\n".
+Searching is for masque has an old habit of using $/ instead of "\n"
+Searching are for masque has an old habit of using $/ instead of "\n"
+||||Masque||||And I've now been called on to explain why - best I can give is "I used to work with text-mode Windows files."||||
+Searching is for masque has now been called on to explain why - best masque can give is "i used to work with text-mode windows files."
+Searching are for masque has now been called on to explain why - best masque can give is "i used to work with text-mode windows files."
+||||devin||||i suppose there's nothing wrong with using $/||||
+Searching is for devin suppose there's nothing wrong with using $/
+Searching are for devin suppose there's nothing wrong with using $/
+Searching is for devin suppose there's nothing wrong with using $/
+Searching are for devin suppose there's nothing wrong with using $/
+||||devin||||but you end up speaking perl with a strange accent||||
+Searching is for you end up speaking perl with a strange accent
+Searching are for you end up speaking perl with a strange accent
+Searching is for you end up speaking perl with a strange accent
+Searching are for you end up speaking perl with a strange accent
+||||Roderick||||You will have the last laugh when you add 'print0' => sub { $/ = "\0" } to your option spec.||||
+Searching is for you will have the last laugh when you add 'print0' => sub { $/ = "\0" } to your option spec.
+Searching are for you will have the last laugh when you add 'print0' => sub { $/ = "\0" } to your option spec.
+Searching is for you will have the last laugh when you add 'print0' => sub { $/ = "\0" } to your option spec
+Searching are for you will have the last laugh when you add 'print0' => sub { $/ = "\0" } to your option spec
+Searching is for hehe
+Searching are for hehe
+Searching is for hehe
+Searching are for hehe
+||||rjbs||||bah, rebot did it||||
+Searching is for bah, rebot did it
+Searching are for bah, rebot did it
+Searching is for bah, rebot did it
+Searching are for bah, rebot did it
+||||rjbs||||s/(o)/$1 x 2/e||||
+Searching is for s/(o)/$1 x 2/e
+Searching are for s/(o)/$1 x 2/e
+Searching is for s/(o)/$1 x 2/e
+Searching are for s/(o)/$1 x 2/e
+||||Masque||||Does anyone else routinely use $/ instead of "\n" for print statements and the like?||||
+Searching is for does anyone else routinely use $/ instead of "\n" for print statements and the like
+Searching are for does anyone else routinely use $/ instead of "\n" for print statements and the like
+Searching is for does anyone else routinely use $/ instead of "\n" for print statements and the like
+Searching are for does anyone else routinely use $/ instead of "\n" for print statements and the like
+||||Masque||||I thought it was pretty common practice.||||
+Searching is for masque thought it was pretty common practice.
+Searching are for masque thought it was pretty common practice.
+Searching is for masque thought it was pretty common practice
+Searching are for masque thought it was pretty common practice
+||||Roderick||||Sometimes in a module, but not routinely.||||
+Searching is for sometimes in a module, but not routinely.
+Searching are for sometimes in a module, but not routinely.
+Searching is for sometimes in a module, but not routinely
+Searching are for sometimes in a module, but not routinely
+||||mendel||||I use "\n" in print statements since Perl goes to all the trouble to make sure that "\n" is correct on my platform, and because $/ is clearly documented to be for input. If you're going to do that, why not $\ ?||||
+Searching is for mendel use "\n" in print statements since perl goes to all the trouble to make sure that "\n" is correct on mendel's platform, and because $/ is clearly documented to be for input. if you are going to do that, why not $\
+Searching are for mendel use "\n" in print statements since perl goes to all the trouble to make sure that "\n" is correct on mendel's platform, and because $/ is clearly documented to be for input. if you are going to do that, why not $\
+||||mendel||||erm "why not use $\"||||
+Searching is for erm "why not use $\"
+Searching are for erm "why not use $\"
+Searching is for erm "why not use $\"
+Searching are for erm "why not use $\"
+||||clintp||||Using $/ or $\ unnecessarily is obfuscatory and contributes to Perl's unreadability. ||||
+Searching is for using $/ or $\ unnecessarily is obfuscatory and contributes to perl's unreadability.
+Searching are for using $/ or $\ unnecessarily is obfuscatory and contributes to perl's unreadability.
+Searching is for using $/ or $\ unnecessarily
+set;;is;;using $/ or $\ unnecessarily;;obfuscatory and contributes to Perl's unreadability.
+||||mendel||||Or just do "#!/usr/bin/perl -l" and then use printf whenever you don't want a newline!||||
+Searching is for just do "#!/usr/bin/perl -l" and then use printf whenever you don't want a newline!
+Searching are for just do "#!/usr/bin/perl -l" and then use printf whenever you don't want a newline!
+Searching is for just do "#!/usr/bin/perl -l" and then use printf whenever you don't want a newline
+Searching are for just do "#!/usr/bin/perl -l" and then use printf whenever you don't want a newline
+||||mendel||||Or uh||||
+Searching is for uh
+Searching are for uh
+Searching is for uh
+Searching are for uh
+||||mendel||||(corporate standard is 1280x1024, which is Not Enough)(||||
+Searching is for (corporate standard is 1280x1024, which is not enough)(
+Searching are for (corporate standard is 1280x1024, which is not enough)(
+Searching is for (corporate standard
+set;;is;;(corporate standard;;1280x1024, which is Not Enough)(
+||||dha||||In case anyone cares, I've started putting up YAPC::EU pics: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ptmpsiat/sets/72157594261660518/||||
+Searching is for in case anyone cares, dha has started putting up yapc::eu pics: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ptmpsiat/sets/72157594261660518/
+Searching are for in case anyone cares, dha has started putting up yapc::eu pics: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ptmpsiat/sets/72157594261660518/
+Searching is for in case anyone cares, dha has started putting up yapc::eu pics: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ptmpsiat/sets/72157594261660518/
+Searching are for in case anyone cares, dha has started putting up yapc::eu pics: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ptmpsiat/sets/72157594261660518/
+||||clintp||||I like 1280x1024. BUt I have two of them.||||
+Searching is for clintp like 1280x1024. but clintp has two of them.
+Searching are for clintp like 1280x1024. but clintp has two of them.
+Searching is for clintp like 1280x1024. but clintp has two of them
+Searching are for clintp like 1280x1024. but clintp has two of them
+||||jibsheet||||andrea has some also, tagged with yapceu||||
+Searching is for andrea has some also, tagged with yapceu
+Searching are for andrea has some also, tagged with yapceu
+Searching is for andrea has some also, tagged with yapceu
+Searching are for andrea has some also, tagged with yapceu
+||||mendel||||Well, I have a 1400x1050 14" display on the laptop. So 19" of 1280x1024 beside that kinda bites.||||
+Searching is for mendel has a 1400x1050 14" display on the laptop. so 19" of 1280x1024 beside that kinda bites.
+Searching are for mendel has a 1400x1050 14" display on the laptop. so 19" of 1280x1024 beside that kinda bites.
+Searching is for mendel has a 1400x1050 14" display on the laptop. so 19" of 1280x1024 beside that kinda bites
+Searching are for mendel has a 1400x1050 14" display on the laptop. so 19" of 1280x1024 beside that kinda bites
+||||clintp||||Yuck. Umm... yeah. ||||
+Searching is for yuck. umm... yeah.
+Searching are for yuck. umm... yeah.
+Searching is for yuck. umm... yeah
+Searching are for yuck. umm... yeah
+||||clintp||||Matching resolutions and sizes is a good thing.||||
+Searching is for matching resolutions and sizes is a good thing.
+Searching are for matching resolutions and sizes is a good thing.
+Searching is for matching resolutions and sizes
+set;;is;;matching resolutions and sizes;;a good thing.
+||||mendel||||Or even coming close. Right now I have a 21" 1600x1200 CRT, but it is flaking out sometimes.||||
+Searching is for even coming close. right now mendel has a 21" 1600x1200 crt, but it is flaking out sometimes.
+Searching are for even coming close. right now mendel has a 21" 1600x1200 crt, but it is flaking out sometimes.
+||||clintp||||Radiation King 9000 21" monitor. Mmmm... I have one of those at home.||||
+Searching is for radiation king 9000 21" monitor. mmmm... clintp has one of those at home.
+Searching are for radiation king 9000 21" monitor. mmmm... clintp has one of those at home.
+Searching is for radiation king 9000 21" monitor. mmmm... clintp has one of those at home
+Searching are for radiation king 9000 21" monitor. mmmm... clintp has one of those at home
+||||mendel||||When it dies, you'll be able to buy refurbs for $100.||||
+Searching is for when it dies, you'll be able to buy refurbs for $100.
+Searching are for when it dies, you'll be able to buy refurbs for $100.
+Searching is for when it dies, you'll be able to buy refurbs for $100
+Searching are for when it dies, you'll be able to buy refurbs for $100
+||||clintp||||I hope. It's a mid-90's era trinitron from IBM. I love that thing. Nice and bright.||||
+Searching is for clintp hope. it's a mid-90's era trinitron from ibm. clintp love that thing. nice and bright.
+Searching are for clintp hope. it's a mid-90's era trinitron from ibm. clintp love that thing. nice and bright.
+Searching is for clintp hope. it's a mid-90's era trinitron from ibm. clintp love that thing. nice and bright
+Searching are for clintp hope. it's a mid-90's era trinitron from ibm. clintp love that thing. nice and bright
+||||mendel||||I have probably the same tube in a Dell case||||
+Searching is for mendel has probably the same tube in a dell case
+Searching are for mendel has probably the same tube in a dell case
+Searching is for mendel has probably the same tube in a dell case
+Searching are for mendel has probably the same tube in a dell case
+||||mendel||||It is nice when it's not going wom-wom-wom-POP||||
+Searching is for it is nice when it's not going wom-wom-wom-pop
+Searching are for it is nice when it's not going wom-wom-wom-pop
+Searching is for it
+set;;is;;it;;nice when it's not going wom-wom-wom-POP
+||||geoffeg||||Does it at least keep a reliable beat?||||
+Searching is for does it at least keep a reliable beat
+Searching are for does it at least keep a reliable beat
+Searching is for does it at least keep a reliable beat
+Searching are for does it at least keep a reliable beat
+||||clintp||||Mine's got weird RGB inputs, 'cause it used to be a high-end CAD monitor for IBM systems. When I finally found the right cable (black box)++ it was wonderful.||||
+Searching is for mine's got weird rgb inputs, 'cause it used to be a high-end cad monitor for ibm systems. when clintp finally found the right cable (black box)++ it was wonderful.
+Searching are for mine's got weird rgb inputs, 'cause it used to be a high-end cad monitor for ibm systems. when clintp finally found the right cable (black box)++ it was wonderful.
+Searching is for mine's got weird rgb inputs, 'cause it used to be a high-end cad monitor for ibm systems. when clintp finally found the right cable (black box)++ it was wonderful
+Searching are for mine's got weird rgb inputs, 'cause it used to be a high-end cad monitor for ibm systems. when clintp finally found the right cable (black box)++ it was wonderful
+++;;black box
+||||Roderick||||My mid-90s 21" monster CRT (20" deep!) has got burn-in because my .xinitrc always puts the windows in the same place. I didn't even think it was possible to burn in a color CRT.||||
+Searching is for roderick's mid-90s 21" monster crt (20" deep!) has got burn-in because roderick's .xinitrc always puts the windows in the same place. roderick didn't even think it was possible to burn in a color crt.
+Searching are for roderick's mid-90s 21" monster crt (20" deep!) has got burn-in because roderick's .xinitrc always puts the windows in the same place. roderick didn't even think it was possible to burn in a color crt.
+Searching is for roderick's mid-90s 21" monster crt (20" deep!) has got burn-in because roderick's .xinitrc always puts the windows in the same place. roderick didn't even think it was possible to burn in a color crt
+Searching are for roderick's mid-90s 21" monster crt (20" deep!) has got burn-in because roderick's .xinitrc always puts the windows in the same place. roderick didn't even think it was possible to burn in a color crt
+||||clintp||||Oh it is. I had one as my linux console that had a ford logo burned into the screen. The login screen had a ford logo with a name/password prompt... and no crt power off. Ford wound up ditching hundreds of them 'cause they burned in so badly.||||
+Searching is for it is. clintp had one as clintp's linux console that had a ford logo burned into the screen. the login screen had a ford logo with a name/password prompt... and no crt power off. ford wound up ditching hundreds of them 'cause they burned in so badly.
+Searching are for it is. clintp had one as clintp's linux console that had a ford logo burned into the screen. the login screen had a ford logo with a name/password prompt... and no crt power off. ford wound up ditching hundreds of them 'cause they burned in so badly.
+Searching is for it is. clintp had one as clintp's linux console that had a ford logo burned into the screen. the login screen had a ford logo with a name/password prompt... and no crt power off. ford wound up ditching hundreds of them 'cause they burned in so badly
+Searching are for it is. clintp had one as clintp's linux console that had a ford logo burned into the screen. the login screen had a ford logo with a name/password prompt... and no crt power off. ford wound up ditching hundreds of them 'cause they burned in so badly
+||||sungo||||Sounds like what they did to my old car||||
+Searching is for sounds likethey did to sungo's old car
+Searching are for sounds likethey did to sungo's old car
+Searching is for sounds likethey did to sungo's old car
+Searching are for sounds likethey did to sungo's old car
+||||modred||||the big three, soon to be the used-to-be-relevant three||||
+Searching is for the big three, soon to be the used-to-be-relevant three
+Searching are for the big three, soon to be the used-to-be-relevant three
+Searching is for big three, soon to be the used-to-be-relevant three
+Searching are for big three, soon to be the used-to-be-relevant three
+||||sungo||||The only thing I've ever agreed with Bush on was said in relation to the car companies and a potential govt bail-out.||||
+Searching is for the only thing sungo has ever agreed with bush on was said in relation to the car companies and a potential govt bail-out.
+Searching are for the only thing sungo has ever agreed with bush on was said in relation to the car companies and a potential govt bail-out.
+Searching is for only thing sungo has ever agreed with bush on was said in relation to the car companies and a potential govt bail-out
+Searching are for only thing sungo has ever agreed with bush on was said in relation to the car companies and a potential govt bail-out
+||||clintp||||But enough about auto manufacturers. I get to hear about those lazy, ass-backwards, still-living-in-the-1950's idiots every day.||||
+Searching is for enough about auto manufacturers. clintp get to hear about those lazy, ass-backwards, still-living-in-the-1950's idiots every day.
+Searching are for enough about auto manufacturers. clintp get to hear about those lazy, ass-backwards, still-living-in-the-1950's idiots every day.
+Searching is for enough about auto manufacturers. clintp get to hear about those lazy, ass-backwards, still-living-in-the-1950's idiots every day
+Searching are for enough about auto manufacturers. clintp get to hear about those lazy, ass-backwards, still-living-in-the-1950's idiots every day
+||||mendel||||Giant SUVs!||||
+Searching is for giant suvs!
+Searching are for giant suvs!
+Searching is for giant suvs
+Searching are for giant suvs
+||||aevil||||isn't that redundant?||||
+Searching is for isn't that redundant
+Searching are for isn't that redundant
+Searching is for isn't that redundant
+Searching are for isn't that redundant
+||||PerlJam||||giant solar powered SUVs ;)||||
+Searching is for giant solar powered suvs ;)
+Searching are for giant solar powered suvs ;)
+Searching is for giant solar powered suvs ;)
+Searching are for giant solar powered suvs ;)
+Searching is for hee
+Searching are for hee
+Searching is for hee
+Searching are for hee
+||||PerlJam||||you've heard of "monster trucks" right? Clearly it isn't redundant.||||
+Searching is for you've heard of "monster trucks" right? clearly it isn't redundant.
+Searching are for you've heard of "monster trucks" right? clearly it isn't redundant.
+Searching is for you've heard of "monster trucks" right? clearly it isn't redundant
+Searching are for you've heard of "monster trucks" right? clearly it isn't redundant
+||||clintp||||There are small SUV's. We call them four wheelers.||||
+Searching is for there are small suv's. we call them four wheelers.
+Searching are for there are small suv's. we call them four wheelers.
+||||mendel||||I want a two-wheel SUV.||||
+Searching is for mendel want a two-wheel suv.
+Searching are for mendel want a two-wheel suv.
+Searching is for mendel want a two-wheel suv
+Searching are for mendel want a two-wheel suv
+||||mjl69||||they should make closer to home workplaces.||||
+Searching is for they should make closer to home workplaces.
+Searching are for they should make closer to home workplaces.
+Searching is for they should make closer to home workplaces
+Searching are for they should make closer to home workplaces
+||||PerlJam||||workplaces should just be anywhere the people happen to be.||||
+Searching is for workplaces should just be anywhere the people happen to be.
+Searching are for workplaces should just be anywhere the people happen to be.
+Searching is for workplaces should just be anywhere the people happen to be
+Searching are for workplaces should just be anywhere the people happen to be
+||||clintp||||They call those "cities".||||
+Searching is for they call those "cities".
+Searching are for they call those "cities".
+Searching is for they call those "cities"
+Searching are for they call those "cities"
+||||aevil||||PJ...by today's standards, a truck is smaller than a minivan :)||||
+Searching is for pj...by today's standards, a truck is smaller than a minivan :)
+Searching are for pj...by today's standards, a truck is smaller than a minivan :)
+||||mjl69||||I supposedly live in a city. We just have crappy public transportation.||||
+Searching is for mjl69 supposedly live in a city. we just have crappy public transportation.
+Searching are for mjl69 supposedly live in a city. we just have crappy public transportation.
+Searching is for mjl69 supposedly live in a city. we just have crappy public transportation
+Searching are for mjl69 supposedly live in a city. we just have crappy public transportation
+||||PerlJam||||sorry, but I live in Texas where most trucks are the size of small houses.||||
+Searching is for sorry, but perljam live in texasare most trucks the size of small houses.
+Searching are for sorry, but perljam live in texasare most trucks the size of small houses.
+Searching is for sorry, but perljam live in texasare most trucks the size of small houses
+Searching are for sorry, but perljam live in texasare most trucks the size of small houses
+||||clintp||||And the houses are the size of hats.||||
+Searching is for the houses are the size of hats.
+Searching are for the houses are the size of hats.
+Searching are for houses
+set;;are;;houses;;the size of hats.
+||||aevil||||PJ...probably because a lot of hicks actually live in them ||||
+Searching is for pj...probably because a lot of hicks actually live in them
+Searching are for pj...probably because a lot of hicks actually live in them
+Searching is for pj...probably because a lot of hicks actually live in them
+Searching are for pj...probably because a lot of hicks actually live in them
+||||PerlJam||||there are people who drive little toyota trucks, but most people drive giant Fords or Chevys||||
+Searching is for there are peopledrive little toyota trucks, but most people drive giant fords or chevys
+Searching are for there are peopledrive little toyota trucks, but most people drive giant fords or chevys
+Searching are for peopledrive little toyota trucks, but most people drive giant fords or chevys
+||||mjl69||||Do you have contests to see who can go the highest on a dirt hill with your monster trucks?||||
+Searching is for do you have contests to seecan go the highest on a dirt hill with your monster trucks
+Searching are for do you have contests to seecan go the highest on a dirt hill with your monster trucks
+Searching is for do you have contests to seecan go the highest on a dirt hill with your monster trucks
+Searching are for do you have contests to seecan go the highest on a dirt hill with your monster trucks
+||||aevil||||as they say in st. louis...'you can sleep in yo' car, but you can't drive yo' house'||||
+Searching is for as they say in st. louis...'you can sleep in yo' car, but you can't drive yo' house'
+Searching are for as they say in st. louis...'you can sleep in yo' car, but you can't drive yo' house'
+Searching is for as they say in st. louis...'you can sleep in yo' car, but you can't drive yo' house'
+Searching are for as they say in st. louis...'you can sleep in yo' car, but you can't drive yo' house'
+||||clintp||||aevil++ Love the accent.||||
+Searching is for aevil++ love the accent.
+Searching are for aevil++ love the accent.
+Searching is for aevil++ love the accent
+Searching are for aevil++ love the accent
+||||aevil||||clint :) it's a demographic||||
+Searching is for clint :) it's a demographic
+Searching are for clint :) it's a demographic
+Searching is for clint :) it's a demographic
+Searching are for clint :) it's a demographic
+||||PerlJam||||remember, "Texas--it's like a whole other country" isn't just a cute slogan :)||||
+Searching is for remember, "texas--it's like a whole other country" isn't just a cute slogan :)
+Searching are for remember, "texas--it's like a whole other country" isn't just a cute slogan :)
+Searching is for remember, "texas--it's like a whole other country" isn't just a cute slogan :)
+Searching are for remember, "texas--it's like a whole other country" isn't just a cute slogan :)
+||||mjl69||||they did that sort of thing where I lived in Iowa. It was mostly flat there too.||||
+Searching is for they did that sort of thingmjl69 lived in iowa. it was mostly flat there too.
+Searching are for they did that sort of thingmjl69 lived in iowa. it was mostly flat there too.
+Searching is for they did that sort of thingmjl69 lived in iowa. it was mostly flat there too
+Searching are for they did that sort of thingmjl69 lived in iowa. it was mostly flat there too
+||||clintp||||I know. Spent some time in the midwest, remember? :)||||
+Searching is for clintp know. spent some time in the midwest, remember? :)
+Searching are for clintp know. spent some time in the midwest, remember? :)
+Searching is for clintp know. spent some time in the midwest, remember? :)
+Searching are for clintp know. spent some time in the midwest, remember? :)
+Searching is for :)
+Searching are for :)
+Searching is for :)
+Searching are for :)
+||||mjl69||||I drove a lot of times from Des Moines to St. Louis. Once I took the 'Stephen King' route, but after that, just the longer interstate route.||||
+Searching is for mjl69 drove a lot of times from des moines to st. louis. once mjl69 took the 'stephen king' route, but after that, just the longer interstate route.
+Searching are for mjl69 drove a lot of times from des moines to st. louis. once mjl69 took the 'stephen king' route, but after that, just the longer interstate route.
+Searching is for mjl69 drove a lot of times from des moines to st. louis. once mjl69 took the 'stephen king' route, but after that, just the longer interstate route
+Searching are for mjl69 drove a lot of times from des moines to st. louis. once mjl69 took the 'stephen king' route, but after that, just the longer interstate route
+||||aevil||||oh...i know that route :) ||||
+Searching is for oh...i know that route :)
+Searching are for oh...i know that route :)
+Searching is for oh...i know that route :)
+Searching are for oh...i know that route :)
+||||modred||||stephen king route?||||
+Searching is for stephen king route
+Searching are for stephen king route
+Searching is for stephen king route
+Searching are for stephen king route
+||||mjl69||||some very pretty small towns. but long scary drive through corn fields.||||
+Searching is for some very pretty small towns. but long scary drive through corn fields.
+Searching are for some very pretty small towns. but long scary drive through corn fields.
+Searching is for some very pretty small towns. but long scary drive through corn fields
+Searching are for some very pretty small towns. but long scary drive through corn fields
+Searching is for ah
+Searching are for ah
+Searching is for ah
+Searching are for ah
+||||aevil||||the road north out of jeff city...route 60 iirc||||
+Searching is for the road north out of jeff city...route 60 iirc
+Searching are for the road north out of jeff city...route 60 iirc
+Searching is for road north out of jeff city...route 60 iirc
+Searching are for road north out of jeff city...route 60 iirc
+||||mjl69||||And big trucks passing on little two lane roads.||||
+Searching is for big trucks passing on little two lane roads.
+Searching are for big trucks passing on little two lane roads.
+Searching is for big trucks passing on little two lane roads
+Searching are for big trucks passing on little two lane roads
+||||aevil||||2 lanes...lots of corn and hicks||||
+Searching is for 2 lanes...lots of corn and hicks
+Searching are for 2 lanes...lots of corn and hicks
+Searching is for 2 lanes...lots of corn and hicks
+Searching are for 2 lanes...lots of corn and hicks
+||||mjl69||||This old gas station man gave me all of the directions. He looked just like the old man from 'pet cemetary'.||||
+Searching is for this old gas station man gave mjl69 all of the directions. he looked just like the old man from 'pet cemetary'.
+Searching are for this old gas station man gave mjl69 all of the directions. he looked just like the old man from 'pet cemetary'.
+Searching is for this old gas station man gave mjl69 all of the directions. he looked just like the old man from 'pet cemetary'
+Searching are for this old gas station man gave mjl69 all of the directions. he looked just like the old man from 'pet cemetary'
+Searching is for cemetery
+Searching are for cemetery
+Searching is for cemetery
+Searching are for cemetery
+||||aevil||||yeah...you don't want to break down out in that neck of the woods||||
+Searching is for yeah...you don't want to break down out in that neck of the woods
+Searching are for yeah...you don't want to break down out in that neck of the woods
+Searching is for yeah...you don't want to break down out in that neck of the woods
+Searching are for yeah...you don't want to break down out in that neck of the woods
+||||dorian||||i remember when compiling a linux kernel was easy||||
+Searching is for dorian remember when compiling a linux kernel was easy
+Searching are for dorian remember when compiling a linux kernel was easy
+Searching is for dorian remember when compiling a linux kernel was easy
+Searching are for dorian remember when compiling a linux kernel was easy
+||||steven||||isn't it anymore?||||
+Searching is for isn't it anymore
+Searching are for isn't it anymore
+Searching is for isn't it anymore
+Searching are for isn't it anymore
+||||dorian||||with grub||||
+Searching is for with grub
+Searching are for with grub
+Searching is for with grub
+Searching are for with grub
+||||dorian||||which is, well, new for me.||||
+Searching is for which is, well, new for dorian.
+Searching are for which is, well, new for dorian.
+Searching is for which is, well, new for dorian
+Searching are for which is, well, new for dorian
+||||du_work||||http://www.wired.com/news/culture/reviews/0,71658-0.html?tw=rss.index # jazz album based on Fibonacci sequence, encrypted versions of John Coltrane classics, etc. Seriously geeking out over here.||||
+Searching is for http://www.wired.com/news/culture/reviews/0,71658-0.html?tw=rss.index # jazz album based on fibonacci sequence, encrypted versions of john coltrane classics, etc. seriously geeking out over here.
+Searching are for http://www.wired.com/news/culture/reviews/0,71658-0.html?tw=rss.index # jazz album based on fibonacci sequence, encrypted versions of john coltrane classics, etc. seriously geeking out over here.
+Searching is for http://www.wired.com/news/culture/reviews/0,71658-0.html?tw=rss.index # jazz album based on fibonacci sequence, encrypted versions of john coltrane classics, etc. seriously geeking out over here
+Searching are for http://www.wired.com/news/culture/reviews/0,71658-0.html?tw=rss.index # jazz album based on fibonacci sequence, encrypted versions of john coltrane classics, etc. seriously geeking out over here
+||||dorian||||apparently hda1 isn't good enough for it||||
+Searching is for apparently hda1 isn't good enough for it
+Searching are for apparently hda1 isn't good enough for it
+Searching is for apparently hda1 isn't good enough for it
+Searching are for apparently hda1 isn't good enough for it
+||||du_work||||(hi folks)||||
+Searching is for (hi folks)
+Searching are for (hi folks)
+Searching is for (hi folks)
+Searching are for (hi folks)
+||||dorian||||oh dear||||
+Searching is for dear
+Searching are for dear
+Searching is for dear
+Searching are for dear
+||||sungo||||COCK BURLGLAR||||
+Searching is for cock burlglar
+Searching are for cock burlglar
+Searching is for cock burlglar
+Searching are for cock burlglar
+||||mako132||||shaz burlglar||||
+Searching is for shaz burlglar
+Searching are for shaz burlglar
+Searching is for shaz burlglar
+Searching are for shaz burlglar
+||||workbench||||can't pronounce BURLGLAR||||
+Searching is for can't pronounce burlglar
+Searching are for can't pronounce burlglar
+Searching is for can't pronounce burlglar
+Searching are for can't pronounce burlglar
+||||yrlnry||||What's the syntax of "print" in perl 6? Is it something like print :fh LIST ?||||
+Searching is for is the syntax of "print" in perl 6? is it something like print :fh list
+Searching are for is the syntax of "print" in perl 6? is it something like print :fh list
+Searching is for syntax of "print" in perl 6? is it something like print :fh list
+||||dngor||||shaz thief||||
+Searching is for shaz thief
+Searching are for shaz thief
+Searching is for shaz thief
+Searching are for shaz thief
+||||workbench||||THIEF GRAEFE||||
+Searching is for thief graefe
+Searching are for thief graefe
+Searching is for thief graefe
+Searching are for thief graefe
+Searching is for bah.
+Searching are for bah.
+Searching is for bah
+Searching are for bah
+||||dngor||||shaz cock||||
+Searching is for shaz cock
+Searching are for shaz cock
+Searching is for shaz cock
+Searching are for shaz cock
+Searching is for cockuist
+Searching are for cockuist
+Searching is for cockuist
+Searching are for cockuist
+||||dngor||||The Cockquist Frequency demands we lick twice the dicks to make sure none are missed.||||
+Searching is for the cockquist frequency demands we lick twice the dicks to make sure none are missed.
+Searching are for the cockquist frequency demands we lick twice the dicks to make sure none are missed.
+||||modred||||if you have north by northwest nightmares||||
+Searching is for if you have north by northwest nightmares
+Searching are for if you have north by northwest nightmares
+Searching is for if you have north by northwest nightmares
+Searching are for if you have north by northwest nightmares
+||||waltman||||no i don't really||||
+Searching is for no waltman don't really
+Searching are for no waltman don't really
+Searching is for no waltman don't really
+Searching are for no waltman don't really
+||||dngor||||Or Twilight Zone.||||
+Searching is for twilight zone.
+Searching are for twilight zone.
+Searching is for twilight zone
+Searching are for twilight zone
+||||waltman||||corn fields just make me think of corn on the cob||||
+Searching is for corn fields just make waltman think of corn on the cob
+Searching are for corn fields just make waltman think of corn on the cob
+Searching is for corn fields just make waltman think of corn on the cob
+Searching are for corn fields just make waltman think of corn on the cob
+||||dngor||||THAT CORN WAS THE SHERIFF!||||
+Searching is for that corn was the sheriff!
+Searching are for that corn was the sheriff!
+Searching is for that corn was the sheriff
+Searching are for that corn was the sheriff
+||||waltman||||or maybe Field of Dreams||||
+Searching is for maybe field of dreams
+Searching are for maybe field of dreams
+Searching is for maybe field of dreams
+Searching are for maybe field of dreams
+||||marcus||||corn on the knob!||||
+Searching is for corn on the knob!
+Searching are for corn on the knob!
+Searching is for corn on the knob
+Searching are for corn on the knob
+||||yrlnry||||Iris and I made cornmeal pancakes last night.||||
+Searching is for iris and yrlnry made cornmeal pancakes last night.
+Searching are for iris and yrlnry made cornmeal pancakes last night.
+Searching is for iris and yrlnry made cornmeal pancakes last night
+Searching are for iris and yrlnry made cornmeal pancakes last night
+Searching is for mmm
+Searching are for mmm
+Searching is for mmm
+Searching are for mmm
+Searching is for goddamit
+Searching are for goddamit
+Searching is for goddamit
+Searching are for goddamit
+||||sungo||||I fucking hate being on-call for this department.||||
+Searching is for sungo fucking hate being on-call for this department.
+Searching are for sungo fucking hate being on-call for this department.
+Searching is for sungo fucking hate being on-call for this department
+Searching are for sungo fucking hate being on-call for this department
+||||mako132||||in-call or out?||||
+Searching is for in-call or out
+Searching are for in-call or out
+Searching is for in-call or out
+Searching are for in-call or out
+||||dngor||||Mmm, pancakes.||||
+Searching is for mmm, pancakes.
+Searching are for mmm, pancakes.
+Searching is for mmm, pancakes
+Searching are for mmm, pancakes
+||||mako132||||mmm with sausages and good strong coffee||||
+Searching is for mmm with sausages and good strong coffee
+Searching are for mmm with sausages and good strong coffee
+Searching is for mmm with sausages and good strong coffee
+Searching are for mmm with sausages and good strong coffee
+||||sungo||||I got your sausage RIGHT HERE IN MY PANTS||||
+Searching is for sungo got your sausage right here in sungo's pants
+Searching are for sungo got your sausage right here in sungo's pants
+Searching is for sungo got your sausage right here in sungo's pants
+Searching are for sungo got your sausage right here in sungo's pants
+||||mako132||||is it slightly crispy?||||
+Searching is for is it slightly crispy
+Searching are for is it slightly crispy
+Searching is for right.
+Searching are for right.
+Searching is for right
+Searching are for right
+||||lucs||||Ah, okay. Too bad ;/||||
+Searching is for ah, okay. too bad ;/
+Searching are for ah, okay. too bad ;/
+Searching is for ah, okay. too bad ;/
+Searching are for ah, okay. too bad ;/
+Searching is for sorry.
+Searching are for sorry.
+Searching is for sorry
+Searching are for sorry
+||||lucs||||I'll be patient :)||||
+Searching is for lucs'll be patient :)
+Searching are for lucs'll be patient :)
+Searching is for lucs'll be patient :)
+Searching are for lucs'll be patient :)
+||||yrlnry||||Been busy with things like conferences and a secret project.||||
+Searching is for been busy with things like conferences and a secret project.
+Searching are for been busy with things like conferences and a secret project.
+Searching is for been busy with things like conferences and a secret project
+Searching are for been busy with things like conferences and a secret project
+||||waltman||||they weren't even *good* oyster jokes :)||||
+Searching is for they weren't even *good* oyster jokes :)
+Searching are for they weren't even *good* oyster jokes :)
+Searching is for they weren't even *good* oyster jokes :)
+Searching are for they weren't even *good* oyster jokes :)
+||||yrlnry||||Nobody submitted any good ones, either.||||
+Searching is for nobody submitted any good ones, either.
+Searching are for nobody submitted any good ones, either.
+Searching is for nobody submitted any good ones, either
+Searching are for nobody submitted any good ones, either
+||||LotR||||there are no good oyster jokes.||||
+Searching is for there are no good oyster jokes.
+Searching are for there are no good oyster jokes.
+||||modred||||why would a use work but a dynamic require of the same module fail?||||
+Searching is for why would a use work but a dynamic require of the same module fail
+Searching are for why would a use work but a dynamic require of the same module fail
+Searching is for why would a use work but a dynamic require of the same module fail
+Searching are for why would a use work but a dynamic require of the same module fail
+||||mendel||||Holy cow, I have no mail in my incoming-mail folders at work.||||
+Searching is for holy cow, mendel has no mail in mendel's incoming-mail folders at work.
+Searching are for holy cow, mendel has no mail in mendel's incoming-mail folders at work.
+Searching is for holy cow, mendel has no mail in mendel's incoming-mail folders at work
+Searching are for holy cow, mendel has no mail in mendel's incoming-mail folders at work
+||||mendel||||None, nada, zip.||||
+Searching is for none, nada, zip.
+Searching are for none, nada, zip.
+Searching is for none, nada, zip
+Searching are for none, nada, zip
+Searching is for gtd++
+Searching are for gtd++
+Searching is for gtd++
+Searching are for gtd++
+||||modred||||nvm, operator error||||
+Searching is for nvm, operator error
+Searching are for nvm, operator error
+Searching is for nvm, operator error
+Searching are for nvm, operator error
+||||mako132||||you have finally achieved enlightenment. Bow 3 times to the Buddha.||||
+Searching is for you have finally achieved enlightenment. bow 3 times to the buddha.
+Searching are for you have finally achieved enlightenment. bow 3 times to the buddha.
+Searching is for you have finally achieved enlightenment. bow 3 times to the buddha
+Searching are for you have finally achieved enlightenment. bow 3 times to the buddha
+||||dorian||||the damn thing can't stick to a single dhcp lease||||
+Searching is for thing can't stick to a single dhcp lease
+Searching are for thing can't stick to a single dhcp lease
+Searching is for thing can't stick to a single dhcp lease
+Searching are for thing can't stick to a single dhcp lease
+||||steven||||add another dhcp server to the mix, that'll liven things up||||
+Searching is for add another dhcp server to the mix, that'll liven things up
+Searching are for add another dhcp server to the mix, that'll liven things up
+Searching is for add another dhcp server to the mix, that'll liven things up
+Searching are for add another dhcp server to the mix, that'll liven things up
+||||gefilte||||okay, this is odd....||||
+Searching is for this is odd....
+Searching are for this is odd....
+||||gefilte||||I use CPAN install and get v1.0||||
+Searching is for gefilte use cpan install and get v1.0
+Searching are for gefilte use cpan install and get v1.0
+Searching is for gefilte use cpan install and get v1.0
+Searching are for gefilte use cpan install and get v1.0
+||||gefilte||||different author||||
+Searching is for different author
+Searching are for different author
+Searching is for different author
+Searching are for different author
+Searching is for
+Searching are for
+Searching is for
+Searching are for
+Searching is for http://search.cpan.org/~bluelines/sys-hostip-1.3.1/
+Searching are for http://search.cpan.org/~bluelines/sys-hostip-1.3.1/
+Searching is for http://search.cpan.org/~bluelines/sys-hostip-1.3.1/
+Searching are for http://search.cpan.org/~bluelines/sys-hostip-1.3.1/
+Searching is for http://search.cpan.org/~five/sys-hostip-1.0/
+Searching are for http://search.cpan.org/~five/sys-hostip-1.0/
+Searching is for http://search.cpan.org/~five/sys-hostip-1.0/
+Searching are for http://search.cpan.org/~five/sys-hostip-1.0/
+||||mako132||||is the cpan mirror you are hitting out of date?||||
+Searching is for is the cpan mirror you are hitting out of date
+Searching are for is the cpan mirror you are hitting out of date
+||||gefilte||||I tried two of them.||||
+Searching is for gefilte tried two of them.
+Searching are for gefilte tried two of them.
+Searching is for gefilte tried two of them
+Searching are for gefilte tried two of them
+||||gefilte||||even odder:||||
+Searching is for even odder:
+Searching are for even odder:
+Searching is for even odder:
+Searching are for even odder:
+Searching is for http://www.cpanforum.com/dist/sys-hostip
+Searching are for http://www.cpanforum.com/dist/sys-hostip
+Searching is for http://www.cpanforum.com/dist/sys-hostip
+Searching are for http://www.cpanforum.com/dist/sys-hostip
+||||gefilte||||also sees 1.0||||
+Searching is for also sees 1.0
+Searching are for also sees 1.0
+Searching is for also sees 1.0
+Searching are for also sees 1.0
+||||gefilte||||and besides, it would have to be REALLY out of date... tha latter version is 2003, the former 2000!||||
+Searching is for besides, it would have to be really out of date... tha latter version is 2003, the former 2000!
+Searching are for besides, it would have to be really out of date... tha latter version is 2003, the former 2000!
+||||mendel||||Actually, I've achieved the first stage of Getting Things Done. :)||||
+Searching is for actually, mendel has achieved the first stage of getting things done. :)
+Searching are for actually, mendel has achieved the first stage of getting things done. :)
+Searching is for actually, mendel has achieved the first stage of getting things done. :)
+Searching are for actually, mendel has achieved the first stage of getting things done. :)
+||||jcap||||mendel, you got something done?||||
+Searching is for mendel, you got something done
+Searching are for mendel, you got something done
+Searching is for mendel, you got something done
+Searching are for mendel, you got something done
+||||mako132||||GTD++ # I used to do kgtd, now doing it w/ hipster pda||||
+Searching is for gtd++ # mako132 used to do kgtd, now doing it w/ hipster pda
+Searching are for gtd++ # mako132 used to do kgtd, now doing it w/ hipster pda
+Searching is for gtd++ # mako132 used to do kgtd, now doing it w/ hipster pda
+Searching are for gtd++ # mako132 used to do kgtd, now doing it w/ hipster pda
+Searching is for wow
+Searching are for wow
+Searching is for wow
+Searching are for wow
+||||dorian||||is windows so fragile that it can't handle being booted up after another hard drive got booted from the same machine||||
+Searching is for is windows so fragile that it can't handle being booted up after another hard drive got booted from the same machine
+Searching are for is windows so fragile that it can't handle being booted up after another hard drive got booted from the same machine
+||||clintp||||No, not really.||||
+Searching is for no, not really.
+Searching are for no, not really.
+Searching is for no, not really
+Searching are for no, not really
+||||steven||||probably some XP hardware profiling thing going on?||||
+Searching is for probably some xp hardware profiling thing going on
+Searching are for probably some xp hardware profiling thing going on
+Searching is for probably some xp hardware profiling thing going on
+Searching are for probably some xp hardware profiling thing going on
+||||dorian||||no it just booted after two mid-second-stage loader bluescreens||||
+Searching is for no it just booted after two mid-second-stage loader bluescreens
+Searching are for no it just booted after two mid-second-stage loader bluescreens
+Searching is for no it just booted after two mid-second-stage loader bluescreens
+Searching are for no it just booted after two mid-second-stage loader bluescreens
+||||steven||||my debian machine repairs hardware faults automatically, it's sentient.||||
+Searching is for steven's debian machine repairs hardware faults automatically, it's sentient.
+Searching are for steven's debian machine repairs hardware faults automatically, it's sentient.
+Searching is for steven's debian machine repairs hardware faults automatically, it's sentient
+Searching are for steven's debian machine repairs hardware faults automatically, it's sentient
+||||dorian||||it's pretty amazing actually. "inaccessible boot device"||||
+Searching is for it's pretty amazing actually. "inaccessible boot device"
+Searching are for it's pretty amazing actually. "inaccessible boot device"
+Searching is for it's pretty amazing actually. "inaccessible boot device"
+Searching are for it's pretty amazing actually. "inaccessible boot device"
+||||mendel||||that's not that unusual, it's just like getting "LI" from lilo||||
+Searching is for that's not that unusual, it's just like getting "li" from lilo
+Searching are for that's not that unusual, it's just like getting "li" from lilo
+Searching is for that's not that unusual, it's just like getting "li" from lilo
+Searching are for that's not that unusual, it's just like getting "li" from lilo
+||||mendel||||bios loaded the first stage fine, but the first stage can't find the second||||
+Searching is for bios loaded the first stage fine, but the first stage can't find the second
+Searching are for bios loaded the first stage fine, but the first stage can't find the second
+Searching is for bios loaded the first stage fine, but the first stage can't find the second
+Searching are for bios loaded the first stage fine, but the first stage can't find the second
+Searching is for huh
+Searching are for huh
+Searching is for huh
+Searching are for huh
+||||mjl69||||air boot?||||
+Searching is for air boot
+Searching are for air boot
+Searching is for air boot
+Searching are for air boot
+||||sungo||||so windows should show a picture of a boot with a circle and line through it?||||
+Searching is for so windows should show a picture of a boot with a circle and line through it
+Searching are for so windows should show a picture of a boot with a circle and line through it
+Searching is for so windows should show a picture of a boot with a circle and line through it
+Searching are for so windows should show a picture of a boot with a circle and line through it
+||||clintp||||Unhappy PC.||||
+Searching is for unhappy pc.
+Searching are for unhappy pc.
+Searching is for unhappy pc
+Searching are for unhappy pc
+||||mendel||||car crash sound||||
+Searching is for car crash sound
+Searching are for car crash sound
+Searching is for car crash sound
+Searching are for car crash sound
+Searching is for raar
+Searching are for raar
+Searching is for raar
+Searching are for raar
+||||sungo||||or maybe just a big dong slapping your face||||
+Searching is for maybe just a big dong slapping your face
+Searching are for maybe just a big dong slapping your face
+Searching is for maybe just a big dong slapping your face
+Searching are for maybe just a big dong slapping your face
+||||hex||||it isn't||||
+Searching is for it isn't
+Searching are for it isn't
+Searching is for it isn't
+Searching are for it isn't
+||||hex||||You want a picture of the future? Imagine a big dong slapping your face, forever.||||
+Searching is for you want a picture of the future? imagine a big dong slapping your face, forever.
+Searching are for you want a picture of the future? imagine a big dong slapping your face, forever.
+Searching is for you want a picture of the future? imagine a big dong slapping your face, forever
+Searching are for you want a picture of the future? imagine a big dong slapping your face, forever
+||||steven||||is it greasy?||||
+Searching is for is it greasy
+Searching are for is it greasy
+Searching is for remarkably.
+Searching are for remarkably.
+Searching is for remarkably
+Searching are for remarkably
+||||dngor||||Clifford's Big Red Dong.||||
+Searching is for clifford's big red dong.
+Searching are for clifford's big red dong.
+Searching is for clifford's big red dong
+Searching are for clifford's big red dong
+||||lamech||||IS COMING FOR YOU||||
+Searching is for is coming for you
+Searching are for is coming for you
+Searching is for run
+Searching are for run
+Searching is for run
+Searching are for run
+||||billn||||I like pie.||||
+Searching is for billn like pie.
+Searching are for billn like pie.
+Searching is for billn like pie
+Searching are for billn like pie
+Searching is for god andy had tuna casserole for breakfast
+Searching are for god andy had tuna casserole for breakfast
+Searching is for god andy had tuna casserole for breakfast
+Searching are for god andy had tuna casserole for breakfast
+Searching is for yreally
+Searching are for yreally
+Searching is for yreally
+Searching are for yreally
+||||confound||||YA RLY||||
+Searching is for ya rly
+Searching are for ya rly
+Searching is for ya rly
+Searching are for ya rly
+||||Andy||||yeah, I did.||||
+Searching is for yeah, andy did.
+Searching are for yeah, andy did.
+Searching is for yeah, andy did
+Searching are for yeah, andy did
+||||rjbs||||I had whipped coffee yogurt.||||
+Searching is for rjbs had whipped coffee yogurt.
+Searching are for rjbs had whipped coffee yogurt.
+Searching is for rjbs had whipped coffee yogurt
+Searching are for rjbs had whipped coffee yogurt
+||||rjbs||||I had a PB&J for lunch, and it was delicious.||||
+Searching is for rjbs had a pb&j for lunch, and it was delicious.
+Searching are for rjbs had a pb&j for lunch, and it was delicious.
+Searching is for rjbs had a pb&j for lunch, and it was delicious
+Searching are for rjbs had a pb&j for lunch, and it was delicious
+||||dngor||||Hmm... breakfast...||||
+Searching is for breakfast...
+Searching are for breakfast...
+Searching is for breakfast
+Searching are for breakfast
+||||mako132||||the coffee roll I had has long since passed out of my system||||
+Searching is for the coffee roll mako132 had has long since passed out of mako132's system
+Searching are for the coffee roll mako132 had has long since passed out of mako132's system
+Searching is for coffee roll mako132 had has long since passed out of mako132's system
+Searching are for coffee roll mako132 had has long since passed out of mako132's system
+||||yrlnry||||I had leftover cornmeal pancakes, rye crisp, and cheddar cheese.||||
+Searching is for yrlnry had leftover cornmeal pancakes, rye crisp, and cheddar cheese.
+Searching are for yrlnry had leftover cornmeal pancakes, rye crisp, and cheddar cheese.
+Searching is for yrlnry had leftover cornmeal pancakes, rye crisp, and cheddar cheese
+Searching are for yrlnry had leftover cornmeal pancakes, rye crisp, and cheddar cheese
+||||hydo||||like a bullet train?||||
+Searching is for like a bullet train
+Searching are for like a bullet train
+Searching is for like a bullet train
+Searching are for like a bullet train
+||||mako132||||today's going to be a long day in the salt mines...I best have a substantial lunch||||
+Searching is for today's going to be a long day in the salt mines...i best have a substantial lunch
+Searching are for today's going to be a long day in the salt mines...i best have a substantial lunch
+Searching is for today's going to be a long day in the salt mines...i best have a substantial lunch
+Searching are for today's going to be a long day in the salt mines...i best have a substantial lunch
+||||mako132||||my butt's honking like a tuba||||
+Searching is for mako132's butt's honking like a tuba
+Searching are for mako132's butt's honking like a tuba
+Searching is for mako132's butt's honking like a tuba
+Searching are for mako132's butt's honking like a tuba
+||||rjbs||||That started out as q</me blows into mako132's "tuba"> but I decided against it.||||
+Searching is for that started out as q</me blows into mako132's "tuba"> but rjbs decided against it.
+Searching are for that started out as q</me blows into mako132's "tuba"> but rjbs decided against it.
+Searching is for that started out as q</me blows into mako132's "tuba"> but rjbs decided against it
+Searching are for that started out as q</me blows into mako132's "tuba"> but rjbs decided against it
+||||mendel||||empty freakin' inbox. yey!||||
+Searching is for empty freakin' inbox. yey!
+Searching are for empty freakin' inbox. yey!
+Searching is for empty freakin' inbox. yey
+Searching are for empty freakin' inbox. yey
+Searching is for hee
+Searching are for hee
+Searching is for hee
+Searching are for hee
+||||mendel||||Good idea.||||
+Searching is for good idea.
+Searching are for good idea.
+Searching is for good idea
+Searching are for good idea
+||||rjbs||||(The Faint)++||||
+Searching is for (the faint)++
+Searching are for (the faint)++
+Searching is for (the faint)++
+Searching are for (the faint)++
+++;;the faint
+||||dngor||||Maybe the "it" was a typo.||||
+Searching is for maybe the "it" was a typo.
+Searching are for maybe the "it" was a typo.
+Searching is for maybe the "it" was a typo
+Searching are for maybe the "it" was a typo
+||||mendel||||shaz tuba||||
+Searching is for shaz tuba
+Searching are for shaz tuba
+Searching is for shaz tuba
+Searching are for shaz tuba
+Searching is for tubavitcher
+Searching are for tubavitcher
+Searching is for tubavitcher
+Searching are for tubavitcher
+Searching is for okay.
+Searching are for okay.
+Searching is for okay
+Searching are for okay
+Searching is for 9~
+Searching are for 9~
+Searching is for 9~
+Searching are for 9~
+Searching is for .
+Searching are for .
+Searching is for
+Searching are for
+||||dngor||||shaz tuba||||
+Searching is for shaz tuba
+Searching are for shaz tuba
+Searching is for shaz tuba
+Searching are for shaz tuba
+Searching is for tubanstein
+Searching are for tubanstein
+Searching is for tubanstein
+Searching are for tubanstein
+Searching is for shazbot
+Searching are for shazbot
+Searching is for shazbot
+Searching are for shazbot
+Searching is for nookies
+Searching are for nookies
+Searching is for nookies
+Searching are for nookies
+Searching is for heh.
+Searching are for heh.
+Searching is for heh
+Searching are for heh
+Searching is for boobies++
+Searching are for boobies++
+Searching is for boobies++
+Searching are for boobies++
+||||mako132||||yikes, I best enjoy boobies while I can before the fall weather hits and they disappear until spring||||
+Searching is for yikes, mako132 best enjoy boobies while mako132 can before the fall weather hits and they disappear until spring
+Searching are for yikes, mako132 best enjoy boobies while mako132 can before the fall weather hits and they disappear until spring
+Searching is for yikes, mako132 best enjoy boobies while mako132 can before the fall weather hits and they disappear until spring
+Searching are for yikes, mako132 best enjoy boobies while mako132 can before the fall weather hits and they disappear until spring
+Searching is for ghlort!
+Searching are for ghlort!
+Searching is for ghlort
+Searching are for ghlort
+Searching is for kralgh.
+Searching are for kralgh.
+Searching is for kralgh
+Searching are for kralgh
+Searching is for indeed.
+Searching are for indeed.
+Searching is for indeed
+Searching are for indeed
+||||Andy||||hey geofff||||
+Searching is for geofff
+Searching are for geofff
+Searching is for geofff
+Searching are for geofff
+||||Andy||||thanks. it's just the default MovableType||||
+Searching is for thanks. it's just the default movabletype
+Searching are for thanks. it's just the default movabletype
+Searching is for thanks. it's just the default movabletype
+Searching are for thanks. it's just the default movabletype
+||||dha||||hi andy||||
+Searching is for hi andy
+Searching are for hi andy
+Searching is for hi andy
+Searching are for hi andy
+Searching is for ha,
+Searching are for ha,
+Searching is for ha,
+Searching are for ha,
+||||jcap||||I haven't played with mt ever. didn't realize||||
+Searching is for jcap has not played with mt ever. didn't realize
+Searching are for jcap has not played with mt ever. didn't realize
+Searching is for jcap has not played with mt ever. didn't realize
+Searching are for jcap has not played with mt ever. didn't realize
+||||Andy||||hey dha put your pants back on dont they have laws about that over there||||
+Searching is for dha put your pants back on dont they have laws about that over there
+Searching are for dha put your pants back on dont they have laws about that over there
+Searching is for dha put your pants back on dont they have laws about that over there
+Searching are for dha put your pants back on dont they have laws about that over there
+||||dha||||they have laws here???||||
+Searching is for they have laws here
+Searching are for they have laws here
+Searching is for they have laws here
+Searching are for they have laws here
+||||ambs||||dha, do not htink so. They drive by the left.||||
+Searching is for dha, do not htink so. they drive by the left.
+Searching are for dha, do not htink so. they drive by the left.
+Searching is for dha, do not htink so. they drive by the left
+Searching are for dha, do not htink so. they drive by the left
+||||dha||||good point||||
+Searching is for good point
+Searching are for good point
+Searching is for good point
+Searching are for good point
+||||dha||||hey, it sounds like this "ruby on rails" thing is hot shit...||||
+Searching is for it sounds like "ruby on rails" is hot shit...
+Searching are for it sounds like "ruby on rails" is hot shit...
+||||ambs||||huh, then do not touch.||||
+Searching is for then do not touch.
+Searching are for then do not touch.
+Searching is for then do not touch
+Searching are for then do not touch
+Searching is for hi
+Searching are for hi
+Searching is for hi
+Searching are for hi
+||||rjbs||||how's life?||||
+Searching is for how's life
+Searching are for how's life
+Searching is for how's life
+Searching are for how's life
+||||rjbs||||that factoid was funny the first time||||
+Searching is for that factoid was funny the first time
+Searching are for that factoid was funny the first time
+Searching is for that factoid was funny the first time
+Searching are for that factoid was funny the first time
+||||rjbs||||formaility, I assume?||||
+Searching is for formaility, rjbs assume
+Searching are for formaility, rjbs assume
+Searching is for formaility, rjbs assume
+Searching are for formaility, rjbs assume
+Searching is for right
+Searching are for right
+Searching is for right
+Searching are for right
+||||ingy||||Ingy :P||||
+Searching is for ingy :p
+Searching are for ingy :p
+Searching is for ingy :p
+Searching are for ingy :p
+||||ambs||||PerlJam, better not know||||
+Searching is for perljam, better not know
+Searching are for perljam, better not know
+Searching is for perljam, better not know
+Searching are for perljam, better not know
+Searching is for carb
+Searching are for carb
+Searching is for carb
+Searching are for carb
+Searching is for seriously
+Searching are for seriously
+Searching is for seriously
+Searching are for seriously
+||||PerlJam||||"binger" sounds more interesting.||||
+Searching is for "binger" sounds more interesting.
+Searching are for "binger" sounds more interesting.
+Searching is for "binger" sounds more interesting
+Searching are for "binger" sounds more interesting
+||||PerlJam||||as would "bring"||||
+Searching is for as would "bring"
+Searching are for as would "bring"
+Searching is for as would "bring"
+Searching are for as would "bring"
+Searching is for :)
+Searching are for :)
+Searching is for :)
+Searching are for :)
+||||ingy||||http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ingy_d%C3%B6t_Net ;)||||
+Searching is for http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ingy_d%c3%b6t_net ;)
+Searching are for http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ingy_d%c3%b6t_net ;)
+Searching is for http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ingy_d%c3%b6t_net ;)
+Searching are for http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ingy_d%c3%b6t_net ;)
+||||lucs||||Can we call you 'dot'?||||
+Searching is for can we call you 'dot'
+Searching are for can we call you 'dot'
+Searching is for can we call you 'dot'
+Searching are for can we call you 'dot'
+||||rjbs||||some of us already think of him as dotty. <rimshot>||||
+Searching is for some of us already think of him as dotty. <rimshot>
+Searching are for some of us already think of him as dotty. <rimshot>
+Searching is for some of us already think of him as dotty. <rimshot>
+Searching are for some of us already think of him as dotty. <rimshot>
+||||ingy||||only you can||||
+Searching is for only you can
+Searching are for only you can
+Searching is for only you can
+Searching are for only you can
+Searching is for cool!
+Searching are for cool!
+Searching is for cool
+Searching are for cool
+||||gefilte||||in other news.. it seems you've been unseated...||||
+Searching is for in other news.. it seems you've been unseated...
+Searching are for in other news.. it seems you've been unseated...
+Searching is for in other news.. it seems you've been unseated
+Searching are for in other news.. it seems you've been unseated
+||||gefilte||||my preschooler's favorite pet word, formerly "sporx" as previously mentioend....||||
+Searching is for gefilte's preschooler's favorite pet word, formerly "sporx" as previously mentioend....
+Searching are for gefilte's preschooler's favorite pet word, formerly "sporx" as previously mentioend....
+Searching is for gefilte's preschooler's favorite pet word, formerly "sporx" as previously mentioend
+Searching are for gefilte's preschooler's favorite pet word, formerly "sporx" as previously mentioend
+||||gefilte||||has changed to "bridezilla"||||
+Searching is for has changed to "bridezilla"
+Searching are for has changed to "bridezilla"
+Searching is for has changed to "bridezilla"
+Searching are for has changed to "bridezilla"
+Searching is for damn!
+Searching are for damn!
+Searching is for damn
+Searching are for damn
+||||gefilte||||methinks my wife is to blame for that.||||
+Searching is for methinks gefilte's wife is to blame for that.
+Searching are for methinks gefilte's wife is to blame for that.
+Searching is for methinks gefilte's wife
+set;;is;;methinks gefilte's wife;;to blame for that.
+||||ingy||||I like Quiltzilla||||
+Searching is for ingy like quiltzilla
+Searching are for ingy like quiltzilla
+Searching is for ingy like quiltzilla
+Searching are for ingy like quiltzilla
+||||gefilte||||though not on purpose. she made the mistake of watching live TV yesterday <shudder>||||
+Searching is for though not on purpose. she made the mistake of watching live tv yesterday <shudder>
+Searching are for though not on purpose. she made the mistake of watching live tv yesterday <shudder>
+Searching is for though not on purpose. she made the mistake of watching live tv yesterday <shudder>
+Searching are for though not on purpose. she made the mistake of watching live tv yesterday <shudder>
+||||gefilte||||and as you know, that means the same commercials will be repeated ad nauseum.||||
+Searching is for as you know, that means the same commercials will be repeated ad nauseum.
+Searching are for as you know, that means the same commercials will be repeated ad nauseum.
+Searching is for as you know, that means the same commercials will be repeated ad nauseum
+Searching are for as you know, that means the same commercials will be repeated ad nauseum
+||||ingy||||my favorite kwiki: http://www.quiltzilla.com/||||
+Searching is for ingy's favorite kwiki: http://www.quiltzilla.com/
+Searching are for ingy's favorite kwiki: http://www.quiltzilla.com/
+Searching is for ingy's favorite kwiki: http://www.quiltzilla.com/
+Searching are for ingy's favorite kwiki: http://www.quiltzilla.com/
+Searching is for cute!
+Searching are for cute!
+Searching is for cute
+Searching are for cute
+||||gefilte||||if the latter, perhaps you can have a middle name added that you don't use..... like 'FormerlyTerryBrianIngerson'||||
+Searching is for if the latter, perhaps you can have a middle name added that you don't use..... like 'formerlyterrybrianingerson'
+Searching are for if the latter, perhaps you can have a middle name added that you don't use..... like 'formerlyterrybrianingerson'
+Searching is for if the latter, perhaps you can have a middle name added that you don't use..... like 'formerlyterrybrianingerson'
+Searching are for if the latter, perhaps you can have a middle name added that you don't use..... like 'formerlyterrybrianingerson'
+Searching is for '_
+Searching are for '_
+Searching is for '_
+Searching are for '_
+Searching is for ;)
+Searching are for ;)
+Searching is for ;)
+Searching are for ;)
+||||PerlJam||||you aren't going to have a FAQ on your name now like bdf are you?||||
+Searching is for you aren't going to have a faq on your name now like bdf are you
+Searching are for you aren't going to have a faq on your name now like bdf are you
+||||modred||||how much of hassle is it to legally change your name anyway?||||
+Searching is for how much of hassle is it to legally change your name
+Searching are for how much of hassle is it to legally change your name
+||||PerlJam||||probably just a form and some $$||||
+Searching is for probably just a form and some $$
+Searching are for probably just a form and some $$
+Searching is for probably just a form and some $$
+Searching are for probably just a form and some $$
+||||gefilte||||lol bdf||||
+Searching is for lol bdf
+Searching are for lol bdf
+Searching is for lol bdf
+Searching are for lol bdf
+||||gefilte||||although, I seem to rememeber ready something slightly less detailed (from Ingy) on the pronunciation of (the aforementioned) "sporx"||||
+Searching is for although, gefilte seem to rememeber ready something slightly less detailed (from ingy) on the pronunciation of (the aforementioned) "sporx"
+Searching are for although, gefilte seem to rememeber ready something slightly less detailed (from ingy) on the pronunciation of (the aforementioned) "sporx"
+Searching is for although, gefilte seem to rememeber ready something slightly less detailed (from ingy) on the pronunciation of (the aforementioned) "sporx"
+Searching are for although, gefilte seem to rememeber ready something slightly less detailed (from ingy) on the pronunciation of (the aforementioned) "sporx"
+Searching is for ;)
+Searching are for ;)
+Searching is for ;)
+Searching are for ;)
+||||lucs||||seen inferno||||
+Searching is for seen inferno
+Searching are for seen inferno
+Searching is for seen inferno
+Searching are for seen inferno
+||||tsee||||Did you get my mail?||||
+Searching is for did you get tsee's mail
+Searching are for did you get tsee's mail
+Searching is for did you get tsee's mail
+Searching are for did you get tsee's mail
+||||dha||||andy - davorg says hi. he's talking about you.||||
+Searching is for andy - davorg says hi. he's talking about you.
+Searching are for andy - davorg says hi. he's talking about you.
+Searching is for andy - davorg says hi. he's talking about you
+Searching are for andy - davorg says hi. he's talking about you
+||||tsee||||I sent you fixes for IO::All and Spoon.||||
+Searching is for tsee sent you fixes for io::all and spoon.
+Searching are for tsee sent you fixes for io::all and spoon.
+Searching is for tsee sent you fixes for io::all and spoon
+Searching are for tsee sent you fixes for io::all and spoon
+||||tsee||||(on win32)||||
+Searching is for (on win32)
+Searching are for (on win32)
+Searching is for (on win32)
+Searching are for (on win32)
+||||Andy||||Hi Davorg!||||
+Searching is for hi davorg!
+Searching are for hi davorg!
+Searching is for hi davorg
+Searching are for hi davorg
+||||Andy||||What about me?||||
+Searching is for about andy
+Searching are for about andy
+Searching is for about andy
+Searching are for about andy
+||||dha||||he's talking about what one can do to promote perl.||||
+Searching is for he's talking aboutone can do to promote perl.
+Searching are for he's talking aboutone can do to promote perl.
+Searching is for he's talking aboutone can do to promote perl
+Searching are for he's talking aboutone can do to promote perl
+||||confound||||promote purl||||
+Searching is for promote purl
+Searching are for promote purl
+Searching is for promote purl
+Searching are for promote purl
+||||Frakkle||||Build subliminal ad spots for TV.||||
+Searching is for build subliminal ad spots for tv.
+Searching are for build subliminal ad spots for tv.
+Searching is for build subliminal ad spots for tv
+Searching are for build subliminal ad spots for tv
+||||dha||||"Stop being an asshole" has figured highly in thiws||||
+Searching is for "stop being an asshole" has figured highly in thiws
+Searching are for "stop being an asshole" has figured highly in thiws
+Searching is for "stop being an asshole" has figured highly in thiws
+Searching are for "stop being an asshole" has figured highly in thiws
+||||Frakkle||||Sure why not||||
+Searching is for sure why not
+Searching are for sure why not
+Searching is for sure why not
+Searching are for sure why not
+||||dha||||ok. off to find out about dinner. *wave*||||
+Searching is for off to find out about dinner. *wave*
+Searching are for off to find out about dinner. *wave*
+Searching is for off to find out about dinner. *wave*
+Searching are for off to find out about dinner. *wave*
+||||Frakkle||||That looks cool.||||
+Searching is for that looks cool.
+Searching are for that looks cool.
+Searching is for that looks cool
+Searching are for that looks cool
+||||Frakkle||||I like the idea of managing multiple templates in a single object thing.||||
+Searching is for frakkle like the idea of managing multiple templates in a single object thing.
+Searching are for frakkle like the idea of managing multiple templates in a single object thing.
+Searching is for frakkle like the idea of managing multiple templates in a single object thing
+Searching are for frakkle like the idea of managing multiple templates in a single object thing
+Searching is for shazbot
+Searching are for shazbot
+Searching is for shazbot
+Searching are for shazbot
+||||workbench||||FELCH BELCHED||||
+Searching is for felch belched
+Searching are for felch belched
+Searching is for felch belched
+Searching are for felch belched
+Searching is for nice
+Searching are for nice
+Searching is for nice
+Searching are for nice
+Searching is for shazbot
+Searching are for shazbot
+Searching is for shazbot
+Searching are for shazbot
+Searching is for poofter
+Searching are for poofter
+Searching is for poofter
+Searching are for poofter
+||||mendel||||That's not a shazbot, that's a word||||
+Searching is for that's not a shazbot, that's a word
+Searching are for that's not a shazbot, that's a word
+Searching is for that's not a shazbot, that's a word
+Searching are for that's not a shazbot, that's a word
+Searching is for shazbot
+Searching are for shazbot
+Searching is for shazbot
+Searching are for shazbot
+Searching is for shagmar
+Searching are for shagmar
+Searching is for shagmar
+Searching are for shagmar
+||||hex||||shaz code||||
+Searching is for shaz code
+Searching are for shaz code
+Searching is for shaz code
+Searching are for shaz code
+Searching is for codeunov
+Searching are for codeunov
+Searching is for codeunov
+Searching are for codeunov
+||||dngor||||shaz custard||||
+Searching is for shaz custard
+Searching are for shaz custard
+Searching is for shaz custard
+Searching are for shaz custard
+Searching is for custards
+Searching are for custards
+Searching is for custards
+Searching are for custards
+Searching is for http://community.livejournal.com/pandemonium_bks/35615.html
+Searching are for http://community.livejournal.com/pandemonium_bks/35615.html
+Searching is for http://community.livejournal.com/pandemonium_bks/35615.html
+Searching are for http://community.livejournal.com/pandemonium_bks/35615.html
+||||dngor||||\o/ CUSTARDS! ALSO FLAN! Dumb bot.||||
+Searching is for \o/ custards! also flan! dumb bot.
+Searching are for \o/ custards! also flan! dumb bot.
+Searching is for \o/ custards! also flan! dumb bot
+Searching are for \o/ custards! also flan! dumb bot
+||||Andy||||Who's green and ice skates?||||
+Searching is for is green and ice skates
+Searching are for is green and ice skates
+Searching is for green and ice skates
+||||Andy||||Peggy Phlegm!||||
+Searching is for peggy phlegm!
+Searching are for peggy phlegm!
+Searching is for peggy phlegm
+Searching are for peggy phlegm
+||||Andy||||Who writes books and throws up on your shoes?||||
+Searching is for writes books and throws up on your shoes
+Searching are for writes books and throws up on your shoes
+Searching is for writes books and throws up on your shoes
+Searching are for writes books and throws up on your shoes
+||||Andy||||Ken Queasy!||||
+Searching is for ken queasy!
+Searching are for ken queasy!
+Searching is for ken queasy
+Searching are for ken queasy
+Searching is for flan++
+Searching are for flan++
+Searching is for flan++
+Searching are for flan++
+||||yrlnry||||Who works for social text and gropes women on the subway?||||
+Searching is for works for social text and gropes women on the subway
+Searching are for works for social text and gropes women on the subway
+Searching is for works for social text and gropes women on the subway
+Searching are for works for social text and gropes women on the subway
+||||yrlnry||||HA HA HA HA||||
+Searching is for ha ha ha ha
+Searching are for ha ha ha ha
+Searching is for ha ha ha ha
+Searching are for ha ha ha ha
+||||yrlnry||||Actually there are two answers to that one.||||
+Searching is for actually there are two answers to that one.
+Searching are for actually there are two answers to that one.
+Searching are for actually there
+set;;are;;actually there;;two answers to that one.
+||||dngor||||shaz custard||||
+Searching is for shaz custard
+Searching are for shaz custard
+Searching is for shaz custard
+Searching are for shaz custard
+||||workbench||||CUSTARD MUSTARDS||||
+Searching is for custard mustards
+Searching are for custard mustards
+Searching is for custard mustards
+Searching are for custard mustards
+||||dngor||||The needle's creeping away from SUCK but it's still outside the tolerance of GOOD.||||
+Searching is for the needle's creeping away from suck but it's still outside the tolerance of good.
+Searching are for the needle's creeping away from suck but it's still outside the tolerance of good.
+Searching is for needle's creeping away from suck but it's still outside the tolerance of good
+Searching are for needle's creeping away from suck but it's still outside the tolerance of good
+||||yrlnry||||Working on a project for Fail To Suck Day?||||
+Searching is for working on a project for fail to suck day
+Searching are for working on a project for fail to suck day
+Searching is for working on a project for fail to suck day
+Searching are for working on a project for fail to suck day
+||||dngor||||No, just the usual projects. :)||||
+Searching is for no, just the usual projects. :)
+Searching are for no, just the usual projects. :)
+Searching is for no, just the usual projects. :)
+Searching are for no, just the usual projects. :)
+||||dngor||||shazbot has some heuristics to filter out the Really Lame replies... but a lot of the merely sad and lame ones still come out.||||
+Searching is for shazbot has some heuristics to filter out the really lame replies... but a lot of the merely sad and lame ones still come out.
+Searching are for shazbot has some heuristics to filter out the really lame replies... but a lot of the merely sad and lame ones still come out.
+Searching is for shazbot has some heuristics to filter out the really lame replies... but a lot of the merely sad and lame ones still come out
+Searching are for shazbot has some heuristics to filter out the really lame replies... but a lot of the merely sad and lame ones still come out
+||||dngor||||shaz squid||||
+Searching is for shaz squid
+Searching are for shaz squid
+Searching is for shaz squid
+Searching are for shaz squid
+||||workbench||||SQUID RAPIDITY||||
+Searching is for squid rapidity
+Searching are for squid rapidity
+Searching is for squid rapidity
+Searching are for squid rapidity
+||||hex||||Fast and bulbous!||||
+Searching is for fast and bulbous!
+Searching are for fast and bulbous!
+Searching is for fast and bulbous
+Searching are for fast and bulbous
+||||hex||||shaz feet||||
+Searching is for shaz feet
+Searching are for shaz feet
+Searching is for shaz feet
+Searching are for shaz feet
+Searching is for feeted
+Searching are for feeted
+Searching is for feeted
+Searching are for feeted
+Searching is for hail
+Searching are for hail
+Searching is for hail
+Searching are for hail
+Searching is for ave
+Searching are for ave
+Searching is for ave
+Searching are for ave
+||||marnanel||||atque volvo||||
+Searching is for atque volvo
+Searching are for atque volvo
+Searching is for atque volvo
+Searching are for atque volvo
+||||rjbs||||solutions for progress is an amusing name.||||
+Searching is for solutions for progress is an amusing name.
+Searching are for solutions for progress is an amusing name.
+Searching is for solutions for progress
+set;;is;;solutions for progress;;an amusing name.
+||||rjbs||||because IRTA "solutions for [the problem of] progress"||||
+Searching is for because irta "solutions for [the problem of] progress"
+Searching are for because irta "solutions for [the problem of] progress"
+Searching is for because irta "solutions for [the problem of] progress"
+Searching are for because irta "solutions for [the problem of] progress"
+||||marnanel||||we actually get mail from the feds addressed to "solutions for regress".||||
+Searching is for we actually get mail from the feds addressed to "solutions for regress".
+Searching are for we actually get mail from the feds addressed to "solutions for regress".
+Searching is for we actually get mail from the feds addressed to "solutions for regress"
+Searching are for we actually get mail from the feds addressed to "solutions for regress"
+Searching is for heh
+Searching are for heh
+Searching is for heh
+Searching are for heh
+Searching is for marsha
+Searching are for marsha
+Searching is for marsha
+Searching are for marsha
+Searching is for hullre
+Searching are for hullre
+Searching is for hullre
+Searching are for hullre
+||||mjl69||||to wipe?||||
+Searching is for to wipe
+Searching are for to wipe
+Searching is for to wipe
+Searching are for to wipe
+Searching is for rocky
+Searching are for rocky
+Searching is for rocky
+Searching are for rocky
+Searching is for bullwinkle
+Searching are for bullwinkle
+Searching is for bullwinkle
+Searching are for bullwinkle
+Searching is for brad
+Searching are for brad
+Searching is for brad
+Searching are for brad
+Searching is for asshole
+Searching are for asshole
+Searching is for asshole
+Searching are for asshole
+Searching is for aggressive
+Searching are for aggressive
+Searching is for aggressive
+Searching are for aggressive
+Searching is for assertive
+Searching are for assertive
+Searching is for assertive
+Searching are for assertive
+||||marnanel||||what do you do if you see extra spaces, man?||||
+Searching is for do you do if you see extra spaces, man
+Searching are for do you do if you see extra spaces, man
+Searching is for do you do if you see extra spaces, man
+Searching are for do you do if you see extra spaces, man
+Searching is for cornhole
+Searching are for cornhole
+Searching is for cornhole
+Searching are for cornhole
+||||marnanel||||maybe you should write that in the maize article, then.||||
+Searching is for maybe you should write that in the maize article, then.
+Searching are for maybe you should write that in the maize article, then.
+Searching is for maybe you should write that in the maize article, then
+Searching are for maybe you should write that in the maize article, then
+||||rjbs||||also, elephant populations||||
+Searching is for also, elephant populations
+Searching are for also, elephant populations
+Searching is for also, elephant populations
+Searching are for also, elephant populations
+||||rjbs||||I heard they've tripled.||||
+Searching is for rjbs heard they've tripled.
+Searching are for rjbs heard they've tripled.
+Searching is for rjbs heard they've tripled
+Searching are for rjbs heard they've tripled
+||||mako132||||pinecones work too||||
+Searching is for pinecones work too
+Searching are for pinecones work too
+Searching is for pinecones work too
+Searching are for pinecones work too
+||||mjl69||||who wipes with an elephant population?||||
+Searching is for wipes with an elephant population
+Searching are for wipes with an elephant population
+Searching is for wipes with an elephant population
+Searching are for wipes with an elephant population
+||||mako132||||if you're really desparate||||
+Searching is for if you are really desparate
+Searching are for if you are really desparate
+||||mendel||||yay, another first/second/third person factoid that hasn't grown "fourth person" yet||||
+Searching is for yay, another first/second/third person factoid that hasn't grown "fourth person" yet
+Searching are for yay, another first/second/third person factoid that hasn't grown "fourth person" yet
+Searching is for yay, another first/second/third person factoid that hasn't grown "fourth person" yet
+Searching are for yay, another first/second/third person factoid that hasn't grown "fourth person" yet
+||||marnanel||||god, that colbert thing was annoying||||
+Searching is for god, that colbert thing was annoying
+Searching are for god, that colbert thing was annoying
+Searching is for god, that colbert thing was annoying
+Searching are for god, that colbert thing was annoying
+||||rjbs||||fourth person?||||
+Searching is for fourth person
+Searching are for fourth person
+Searching is for fourth person
+Searching are for fourth person
+||||mjl69||||I don't want to add to the Maize article because I have only heard it here about this alleged use of corncobs.||||
+Searching is for mjl69 don't want to add to the maize article because mjl69 has only heard it here about this alleged use of corncobs.
+Searching are for mjl69 don't want to add to the maize article because mjl69 has only heard it here about this alleged use of corncobs.
+Searching is for mjl69 don't want to add to the maize article because mjl69 has only heard it here about this alleged use of corncobs
+Searching are for mjl69 don't want to add to the maize article because mjl69 has only heard it here about this alleged use of corncobs
+||||yrlnry||||The article on toilet paper mentions it.||||
+Searching is for the article on toilet paper mentions it.
+Searching are for the article on toilet paper mentions it.
+Searching is for article on toilet paper mentions it
+Searching are for article on toilet paper mentions it
+||||yrlnry||||I was reading that last week.||||
+Searching is for yrlnry was reading that last week.
+Searching are for yrlnry was reading that last week.
+Searching is for yrlnry was reading that last week
+Searching are for yrlnry was reading that last week
+||||yrlnry||||"less wealthy people used ... cob of the corn..."||||
+Searching is for "less wealthy people used ... cob of the corn..."
+Searching are for "less wealthy people used ... cob of the corn..."
+Searching is for "less wealthy people used ... cob of the corn..."
+Searching are for "less wealthy people used ... cob of the corn..."
+||||yrlnry||||Well, maybe you can add it once you apply for your Wikipedia editor's license.||||
+Searching is for maybe you can add it once you apply for your wikipedia editor's license.
+Searching are for maybe you can add it once you apply for your wikipedia editor's license.
+Searching is for maybe you can add it once you apply for your wikipedia editor's license
+Searching are for maybe you can add it once you apply for your wikipedia editor's license
+||||mendel||||Holy cow. I just realized that I hadn't enabled Postfix's feature to reject mail when the HELO does not contain a fully-qualified domain, which I thought I had on.||||
+Searching is for holy cow. mendel just realized that mendel hadn't enabled postfix's feature to reject mail when the helo does not contain a fully-qualified domain, which mendel thought mendel had on.
+Searching are for holy cow. mendel just realized that mendel hadn't enabled postfix's feature to reject mail when the helo does not contain a fully-qualified domain, which mendel thought mendel had on.
+Searching is for holy cow. mendel just realized that mendel hadn't enabled postfix's feature to reject mail when the helo does not contain a fully-qualified domain, which mendel thought mendel had on
+Searching are for holy cow. mendel just realized that mendel hadn't enabled postfix's feature to reject mail when the helo does not contain a fully-qualified domain, which mendel thought mendel had on
+||||mendel||||Now that it's on, it's blocking about 100 messages a minute.||||
+Searching is for now that it's on, it's blocking about 100 messages a minute.
+Searching are for now that it's on, it's blocking about 100 messages a minute.
+Searching is for now that it's on, it's blocking about 100 messages a minute
+Searching are for now that it's on, it's blocking about 100 messages a minute
+||||mjl69||||I am going to apply.||||
+Searching is for mjl69 is going to apply.
+Searching are for mjl69 is going to apply.
+Searching is for mjl69
+set;;is;;mjl69;;going to apply.
+Searching is for yrlnry++
+Searching are for yrlnry++
+Searching is for yrlnry++
+Searching are for yrlnry++
+Searching is for mendel++
+Searching are for mendel++
+Searching is for mendel++
+Searching are for mendel++
+||||mendel||||postel's law||||
+Searching is for postel's law
+Searching are for postel's law
+Searching is for postel's law
+Searching are for postel's law
+||||yrlnry||||If John Postel is so goddamn smart, what's he done lately?||||
+Searching is for if john postel is so goddamn smart,is he done lately
+Searching are for if john postel is so goddamn smart,is he done lately
+Searching is for so goddamn smart,is he done lately
+Searching is for yrlnry++
+Searching are for yrlnry++
+Searching is for yrlnry++
+Searching are for yrlnry++
+||||mendel||||Speaking of wikipedia, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Lamest_edit_wars_ever is amusing if you haven't seen it.||||
+Searching is for speaking of wikipedia, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/wikipedia:lamest_edit_wars_ever is amusing if you haven't seen it.
+Searching are for speaking of wikipedia, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/wikipedia:lamest_edit_wars_ever is amusing if you haven't seen it.
+||||mendel||||(I thought corn/maize was on there, but it's not.)||||
+Searching is for (i thought corn/maize was on there, but it's not.)
+Searching are for (i thought corn/maize was on there, but it's not.)
+Searching is for (i thought corn/maize was on there, but it's not.)
+Searching are for (i thought corn/maize was on there, but it's not.)
+||||hex||||One of my favorite pages.||||
+Searching is for one of hex's favorite pages.
+Searching are for one of hex's favorite pages.
+Searching is for one of hex's favorite pages
+Searching are for one of hex's favorite pages
+||||marnanel||||I rather like http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:No_climbing_the_Reichstag_dressed_as_Spider-Man||||
+Searching is for marnanel rather like http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/wikipedia:no_climbing_the_reichstag_dressed_as_spider-man
+Searching are for marnanel rather like http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/wikipedia:no_climbing_the_reichstag_dressed_as_spider-man
+Searching is for marnanel rather like http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/wikipedia:no_climbing_the_reichstag_dressed_as_spider-man
+Searching are for marnanel rather like http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/wikipedia:no_climbing_the_reichstag_dressed_as_spider-man
+||||mendel||||[[Fossil fuel for reciprocating piston engines equipped with spark plugs]]||||
+Searching is for [[fossil fuel for reciprocating piston engines equipped with spark plugs]]
+Searching are for [[fossil fuel for reciprocating piston engines equipped with spark plugs]]
+Searching is for [[fossil fuel for reciprocating piston engines equipped with spark plugs]]
+Searching are for [[fossil fuel for reciprocating piston engines equipped with spark plugs]]
+||||mendel||||Aw, it's gone, that used to be a redirect.||||
+Searching is for aw, it's gone, that used to be a redirect.
+Searching are for aw, it's gone, that used to be a redirect.
+Searching is for aw, it's gone, that used to be a redirect
+Searching are for aw, it's gone, that used to be a redirect
+||||yrlnry||||To what?||||
+Searching is for to
+Searching are for to
+Searching is for to
+Searching are for to
+||||mendel||||To either [[Gasoline]] or [[Petrol]]||||
+Searching is for to either [[gasoline]] or [[petrol]]
+Searching are for to either [[gasoline]] or [[petrol]]
+Searching is for to either [[gasoline]] or [[petrol]]
+Searching are for to either [[gasoline]] or [[petrol]]
+Searching is for http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/el_pueblo_de_nuestra_se%c3%b1ora_la_reina_de_los_angeles_del_r%c3%ado_de_porci%c3%bancula
+Searching are for http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/el_pueblo_de_nuestra_se%c3%b1ora_la_reina_de_los_angeles_del_r%c3%ado_de_porci%c3%bancula
+Searching is for http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/el_pueblo_de_nuestra_se%c3%b1ora_la_reina_de_los_angeles_del_r%c3%ado_de_porci%c3%bancula
+Searching are for http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/el_pueblo_de_nuestra_se%c3%b1ora_la_reina_de_los_angeles_del_r%c3%ado_de_porci%c3%bancula
+||||hex||||"Death Star ||||
+Searching is for "death star
+Searching are for "death star
+Searching is for "death star
+Searching are for "death star
+||||hex|||| Is it 120km or 160km in diameter? Who cares? "||||
+Searching is for is it 120km or 160km in diameter?cares? "
+Searching are for is it 120km or 160km in diameter?cares? "
+||||yrlnry||||A year or so ago I realized that the Aluminum article was at [[Aluminium]], but I had the sense to go do some research before moving it. I discovered to my amazement that Aluminium is the official IUPAC spelling.||||
+Searching is for a year or so ago yrlnry realized that the aluminum article was at [[aluminium]], but yrlnry had the sense to go do some research before moving it. yrlnry discovered to yrlnry's amazement that aluminium is the official iupac spelling.
+Searching are for a year or so ago yrlnry realized that the aluminum article was at [[aluminium]], but yrlnry had the sense to go do some research before moving it. yrlnry discovered to yrlnry's amazement that aluminium is the official iupac spelling.
+||||Dossy||||Can I ask a Test::* question? How do I write a test that asserts that the code under test die()s?||||
+Searching is for can dossy ask a test::* question? how do dossy write a test that asserts that the code under test die()s
+Searching are for can dossy ask a test::* question? how do dossy write a test that asserts that the code under test die()s
+Searching is for can dossy ask a test::* question? how do dossy write a test that asserts that the code under test die()s
+Searching are for can dossy ask a test::* question? how do dossy write a test that asserts that the code under test die()s
+||||avar||||eval {} ||||
+Searching is for eval {}
+Searching are for eval {}
+Searching is for eval {}
+Searching are for eval {}
+Searching is for yeah.
+Searching are for yeah.
+Searching is for yeah
+Searching are for yeah
+||||yrlnry||||isn't there a die_ok() in Test::More?||||
+Searching is for isn't there a die_ok() in test::more
+Searching are for isn't there a die_ok() in test::more
+Searching is for isn't there a die_ok() in test::more
+Searching are for isn't there a die_ok() in test::more
+Searching is for test::exception
+Searching are for test::exception
+Searching is for test::exception
+Searching are for test::exception
+||||Dossy||||eval with pass()/fail()?||||
+Searching is for eval with pass()/fail()
+Searching are for eval with pass()/fail()
+Searching is for eval with pass()/fail()
+Searching are for eval with pass()/fail()
+||||avar||||just eval { ok(foo) } then test $@||||
+Searching is for just eval { ok(foo) } then test $@
+Searching are for just eval { ok(foo) } then test $@
+Searching is for just eval { ok(foo) } then test $@
+Searching are for just eval { ok(foo) } then test $@
+Searching is for http://search.cpan.org/~mschwern/test-simple-0.64/lib/test/more.pm
+Searching are for http://search.cpan.org/~mschwern/test-simple-0.64/lib/test/more.pm
+Searching is for http://search.cpan.org/~mschwern/test-simple-0.64/lib/test/more.pm
+Searching are for http://search.cpan.org/~mschwern/test-simple-0.64/lib/test/more.pm
+Searching is for eh
+Searching are for eh
+Searching is for eh
+Searching are for eh
+||||Dossy||||no die_ok() :(||||
+Searching is for no die_ok() :(
+Searching are for no die_ok() :(
+Searching is for no die_ok() :(
+Searching are for no die_ok() :(
+||||jrockway||||eval { code; }; ok($@, 'yay, an error')||||
+Searching is for eval { code; }; ok($@, 'yay, an error')
+Searching are for eval { code; }; ok($@, 'yay, an error')
+Searching is for eval { code; }; ok($@, 'yay, an error')
+Searching are for eval { code; }; ok($@, 'yay, an error')
+||||yrlnry||||No, I must be thinking of some other Test module.||||
+Searching is for no, yrlnry must be thinking of some other test module.
+Searching are for no, yrlnry must be thinking of some other test module.
+Searching is for no, yrlnry must be thinking of some other test module
+Searching are for no, yrlnry must be thinking of some other test module
+||||Dossy||||ah, I like that :)||||
+Searching is for ah, dossy like that :)
+Searching are for ah, dossy like that :)
+Searching is for ah, dossy like that :)
+Searching are for ah, dossy like that :)
+||||hex||||IIRC, that was a compromise from British English-speaking scientists refusing to otherwise accept "sulfur".||||
+Searching is for iirc, that was a compromise from british english-speaking scientists refusing to otherwise accept "sulfur".
+Searching are for iirc, that was a compromise from british english-speaking scientists refusing to otherwise accept "sulfur".
+Searching is for iirc, that was a compromise from british english-speaking scientists refusing to otherwise accept "sulfur"
+Searching are for iirc, that was a compromise from british english-speaking scientists refusing to otherwise accept "sulfur"
+Searching is for hah!
+Searching are for hah!
+Searching is for hah
+Searching are for hah
+||||Dossy||||Test::Exception has dies_ok()||||
+Searching is for test::exception has dies_ok()
+Searching are for test::exception has dies_ok()
+Searching is for test::exception has dies_ok()
+Searching are for test::exception has dies_ok()
+||||marnanel||||I like that we have [[Aluminium]] and [[Sulfur]]. Everyone gets something. Everyone can shut the fuck up now. :)||||
+Searching is for marnanel like that we have [[aluminium]] and [[sulfur]]. everyone gets something. everyone can shut up now. :)
+Searching are for marnanel like that we have [[aluminium]] and [[sulfur]]. everyone gets something. everyone can shut up now. :)
+Searching is for marnanel like that we have [[aluminium]] and [[sulfur]]. everyone gets something. everyone can shut up now. :)
+Searching are for marnanel like that we have [[aluminium]] and [[sulfur]]. everyone gets something. everyone can shut up now. :)
+||||mendel|||| Lolicon Edit war over whether the template at the top, announcing that the article was speedy kept after an Articles for Deletion debate, should include the word "ZOOOOOOOM" to exemplify the speediness of the process. ||||
+Searching is for lolicon edit war over whether the template at the top, announcing that the article was speedy kept after an articles for deletion debate, should include the word "zooooooom" to exemplify the speediness of the process.
+Searching are for lolicon edit war over whether the template at the top, announcing that the article was speedy kept after an articles for deletion debate, should include the word "zooooooom" to exemplify the speediness of the process.
+Searching is for lolicon edit war over whether the template at the top, announcing that the article was speedy kept after an articles for deletion debate, should include the word "zooooooom" to exemplify the speediness of the process
+Searching are for lolicon edit war over whether the template at the top, announcing that the article was speedy kept after an articles for deletion debate, should include the word "zooooooom" to exemplify the speediness of the process
+Searching is for ...
+Searching are for ...
+Searching is for
+Searching are for
+Searching is for orz
+Searching are for orz
+Searching is for orz
+Searching are for orz
+||||avar||||English sucks anyhow||||
+Searching is for english sucks
+Searching are for english sucks
+Searching is for english sucks
+Searching are for english sucks
+||||mendel||||List of numbers that are always odd: The number 3 was being considered as possibly being not odd. Page protection was needed to halt the heated debate. ||||
+Searching is for list of numbers that are always odd: the number 3 was being considered as possibly being not odd. page protection was needed to halt the heated debate.
+Searching are for list of numbers that are always odd: the number 3 was being considered as possibly being not odd. page protection was needed to halt the heated debate.
+Searching are for list of numbers that
+set;;are;;list of numbers that;;always odd: The number 3 was being considered as possibly being not odd. Page protection was needed to halt the heated debate.
+Searching is for hehe
+Searching are for hehe
+Searching is for hehe
+Searching are for hehe
+||||mendel||||http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:ConMan/List_of_numbers_that_are_always_odd is a mirror of the now-deleted [[List of numbers that are always odd]].||||
+Searching is for http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/user:conman/list_of_numbers_that_are_always_odd is a mirror of the now-deleted [[list of numbers that are always odd]].
+Searching are for http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/user:conman/list_of_numbers_that_are_always_odd is a mirror of the now-deleted [[list of numbers that are always odd]].
+||||avar||||reading the list of wikipedia's most stupid ediw wars?||||
+Searching is for reading the list of wikipedia's most stupid ediw wars
+Searching are for reading the list of wikipedia's most stupid ediw wars
+Searching is for reading the list of wikipedia's most stupid ediw wars
+Searching are for reading the list of wikipedia's most stupid ediw wars
+Searching is for yes
+Searching are for yes
+Searching is for yes
+Searching are for yes
+Searching is for url
+Searching are for url
+Searching is for url
+Searching are for url
+||||marnanel||||Template:User Aspie - Should the font size for this userbox be 10pt or 14pt? 3rr violations, page protection, and vitriol spilling onto multiple talk pages ensue. Nobody is surprised.||||
+Searching is for template:user aspie - should the font size for this userbox be 10pt or 14pt? 3rr violations, page protection, and vitriol spilling onto multiple talk pages ensue. nobody is surprised.
+Searching are for template:user aspie - should the font size for this userbox be 10pt or 14pt? 3rr violations, page protection, and vitriol spilling onto multiple talk pages ensue. nobody is surprised.
+Searching is for heehee
+Searching are for heehee
+Searching is for heehee
+Searching are for heehee
+||||rjbs||||3rr violations?||||
+Searching is for 3rr violations
+Searching are for 3rr violations
+Searching is for 3rr violations
+Searching are for 3rr violations
+Searching is for heh
+Searching are for heh
+Searching is for heh
+Searching are for heh
+||||jrockway||||i think the 3 was not necessary||||
+Searching is for jrockway think the 3 was not necessary
+Searching are for jrockway think the 3 was not necessary
+Searching is for jrockway think the 3 was not necessary
+Searching are for jrockway think the 3 was not necessary
+||||jrockway||||if you include 3, then you have to include 5, and by well-ordering, your page becomes infinite||||
+Searching is for if you include 3, then you have to include 5, and by well-ordering, your page becomes infinite
+Searching are for if you include 3, then you have to include 5, and by well-ordering, your page becomes infinite
+Searching is for if you include 3, then you have to include 5, and by well-ordering, your page becomes infinite
+Searching are for if you include 3, then you have to include 5, and by well-ordering, your page becomes infinite
+||||yrlnry||||three-revert rule.||||
+Searching is for three-revert rule.
+Searching are for three-revert rule.
+Searching is for three-revert rule
+Searching are for three-revert rule
+||||hex||||"The United States adopted the -ium for most of the 19th century with aluminium appearing in Webster's Dictionary of 1828. However, in 1892 Charles Martin Hall used the -um spelling in an advertising handbill for his new efficient electrolytic method for the production of aluminium, despite using the -ium spelling in all of his patents filed between 1886 and 1903. It has consequently been suggested that the spelling on the flier was a simple spelling ||||
+Searching is for "the united states adopted the -ium for most of the 19th century with aluminium appearing in webster's dictionary of 1828. however, in 1892 charles martin hall used the -um spelling in an advertising handbill for his new efficient electrolytic method for the production of aluminium, despite using the -ium spelling in all of his patents filed between 1886 and 1903. it has consequently been suggested that the spelling on the flier was a simple spelling
+Searching are for "the united states adopted the -ium for most of the 19th century with aluminium appearing in webster's dictionary of 1828. however, in 1892 charles martin hall used the -um spelling in an advertising handbill for his new efficient electrolytic method for the production of aluminium, despite using the -ium spelling in all of his patents filed between 1886 and 1903. it has consequently been suggested that the spelling on the flier was a simple spelling
+Searching is for "the united states adopted the -ium for most of the 19th century with aluminium appearing in webster's dictionary of 1828. however, in 1892 charles martin hall used the -um spelling in an advertising handbill for his new efficient electrolytic method for the production of aluminium, despite using the -ium spelling in all of his patents filed between 1886 and 1903. it has consequently been suggested that the spelling on the flier was a simple spelling
+Searching are for "the united states adopted the -ium for most of the 19th century with aluminium appearing in webster's dictionary of 1828. however, in 1892 charles martin hall used the -um spelling in an advertising handbill for his new efficient electrolytic method for the production of aluminium, despite using the -ium spelling in all of his patents filed between 1886 and 1903. it has consequently been suggested that the spelling on the flier was a simple spelling
+Searching is for aha
+Searching are for aha
+Searching is for aha
+Searching are for aha
+||||hex||||oops, long, sorry.||||
+Searching is for oops, long, sorry.
+Searching are for oops, long, sorry.
+Searching is for oops, long, sorry
+Searching are for oops, long, sorry
+||||dngor||||"... was a simple spelling"||||
+Searching is for "... was a simple spelling"
+Searching are for "... was a simple spelling"
+Searching is for "... was a simple spelling"
+Searching are for "... was a simple spelling"
+||||marnanel||||So you just go and use a sockpuppet account, and... :)||||
+Searching is for so you just go and use a sockpuppet account, and... :)
+Searching are for so you just go and use a sockpuppet account, and... :)
+Searching is for so you just go and use a sockpuppet account, and... :)
+Searching are for so you just go and use a sockpuppet account, and... :)
+Searching is for cockpuppet
+Searching are for cockpuppet
+Searching is for cockpuppet
+Searching are for cockpuppet
+Searching is for cockpoppet
+Searching are for cockpoppet
+Searching is for cockpoppet
+Searching are for cockpoppet
+Searching is for ow
+Searching are for ow
+Searching is for ow
+Searching are for ow
+Searching is for dicknuckle
+Searching are for dicknuckle
+Searching is for dicknuckle
+Searching are for dicknuckle
+||||tsee||||Aww, rt.cpan.org has been really flaky all day.||||
+Searching is for aww, rt.cpan.org has been really flaky all day.
+Searching are for aww, rt.cpan.org has been really flaky all day.
+Searching is for aww, rt.cpan.org has been really flaky all day
+Searching are for aww, rt.cpan.org has been really flaky all day
+||||yrlnry||||Wikipedia needs a "list of losers who were involved in lamest edit wars"||||
+Searching is for wikipedia needs a "list of loserswere involved in lamest edit wars"
+Searching are for wikipedia needs a "list of loserswere involved in lamest edit wars"
+Searching is for wikipedia needs a "list of loserswere involved in lamest edit wars"
+Searching are for wikipedia needs a "list of loserswere involved in lamest edit wars"
+Searching is for dicksickle
+Searching are for dicksickle
+Searching is for dicksickle
+Searching are for dicksickle
+||||waltman||||the perl war needs to be mentioned in that||||
+Searching is for the perl war needs to be mentioned in that
+Searching are for the perl war needs to be mentioned in that
+Searching is for perl war needs to be mentioned in that
+Searching are for perl war needs to be mentioned in that
+||||mendel||||Add it.||||
+Searching is for add it.
+Searching are for add it.
+Searching is for add it
+Searching are for add it
+||||yrlnry||||well, maybe once you get your Wikipedia Editor's Livense, you can add it.||||
+Searching is for maybe once you get your wikipedia editor's livense, you can add it.
+Searching are for maybe once you get your wikipedia editor's livense, you can add it.
+Searching is for maybe once you get your wikipedia editor's livense, you can add it
+Searching are for maybe once you get your wikipedia editor's livense, you can add it
+Searching is for hee
+Searching are for hee
+Searching is for hee
+Searching are for hee
+||||marnanel||||no, don't add it!||||
+Searching is for no, don't add it!
+Searching are for no, don't add it!
+Searching is for no, don't add it
+Searching are for no, don't add it
+||||marnanel||||yeah, do add it!||||
+Searching is for yeah, do add it!
+Searching are for yeah, do add it!
+Searching is for yeah, do add it
+Searching are for yeah, do add it
+||||marnanel||||how dare you add it???||||
+Searching is for how dare you add it
+Searching are for how dare you add it
+Searching is for how dare you add it
+Searching are for how dare you add it
+||||mendel||||whoa whoa whoa||||
+Searching is for whoa whoa whoa
+Searching are for whoa whoa whoa
+Searching is for whoa whoa whoa
+Searching are for whoa whoa whoa
+||||mendel||||I almost started reading VFD||||
+Searching is for mendel almost started reading vfd
+Searching are for mendel almost started reading vfd
+Searching is for mendel almost started reading vfd
+Searching are for mendel almost started reading vfd
+||||mendel||||must not||||
+Searching is for must not
+Searching are for must not
+Searching is for must not
+Searching are for must not
+||||sungo||||sungo it!||||
+Searching is for sungo it!
+Searching are for sungo it!
+Searching is for sungo it
+Searching are for sungo it
+||||mendel||||shazbot wiki||||
+Searching is for shazbot wiki
+Searching are for shazbot wiki
+Searching is for shazbot wiki
+Searching are for shazbot wiki
+||||workbench||||can't pronounce WIKI||||
+Searching is for can't pronounce wiki
+Searching are for can't pronounce wiki
+Searching is for can't pronounce wiki
+Searching are for can't pronounce wiki
+||||mendel||||shazbot wik||||
+Searching is for shazbot wik
+Searching are for shazbot wik
+Searching is for shazbot wik
+Searching are for shazbot wik
+Searching is for wikolas
+Searching are for wikolas
+Searching is for wikolas
+Searching are for wikolas
+||||hex||||"Template:User Aspie||||
+Searching is for "template:user aspie
+Searching are for "template:user aspie
+Searching is for "template:user aspie
+Searching are for "template:user aspie
+||||hex|||| Should the font size for this userbox be 10pt or 14pt? 3rr violations, page protection, and vitriol spilling onto multiple talk pages ensue. Nobody is surprised. "||||
+Searching is for should the font size for this userbox be 10pt or 14pt? 3rr violations, page protection, and vitriol spilling onto multiple talk pages ensue. nobody is surprised. "
+Searching are for should the font size for this userbox be 10pt or 14pt? 3rr violations, page protection, and vitriol spilling onto multiple talk pages ensue. nobody is surprised. "
+Searching is for hah
+Searching are for hah
+Searching is for hah
+Searching are for hah
+||||sungo||||tell me something.||||
+Searching is for tell sungo something.
+Searching are for tell sungo something.
+Searching is for tell sungo something
+Searching are for tell sungo something
+||||sungo||||do you all find the product name of "OpenRide" to be .... pornographic?||||
+Searching is for do you all find the product name of "openride" to be .... pornographic
+Searching are for do you all find the product name of "openride" to be .... pornographic
+Searching is for do you all find the product name of "openride" to be .... pornographic
+Searching are for do you all find the product name of "openride" to be .... pornographic
+||||mendel||||The sun is a mass of incandescent gas.||||
+Searching is for the sun is a mass of incandescent gas.
+Searching are for the sun is a mass of incandescent gas.
+Searching is for sun
+set;;is;;sun;;a mass of incandescent gas.
+Searching is for oh.
+Searching are for oh.
+Searching is for oh
+Searching are for oh
+||||mendel||||Not really||||
+Searching is for not really
+Searching are for not really
+Searching is for not really
+Searching are for not really
+||||CanyonMan||||woah, a dollar I spent at china gate ended up in san juan, puerto rico 1 yr 74 days 3 hrs 57 minutes later.||||
+Searching is for woah, a dollar canyonman spent at china gate ended up in san juan, puerto rico 1 yr 74 days 3 hrs 57 minutes later.
+Searching are for woah, a dollar canyonman spent at china gate ended up in san juan, puerto rico 1 yr 74 days 3 hrs 57 minutes later.
+Searching is for woah, a dollar canyonman spent at china gate ended up in san juan, puerto rico 1 yr 74 days 3 hrs 57 minutes later
+Searching are for woah, a dollar canyonman spent at china gate ended up in san juan, puerto rico 1 yr 74 days 3 hrs 57 minutes later
+||||sungo||||really? Perhaps I've been reading too many iGallop commericals.||||
+Searching is for really? perhaps sungo has been reading too many igallop commericals.
+Searching are for really? perhaps sungo has been reading too many igallop commericals.
+Searching is for really? perhaps sungo has been reading too many igallop commericals
+Searching are for really? perhaps sungo has been reading too many igallop commericals
+||||DrForr||||I,I "Gallop pole"...||||
+Searching is for drforr,i "gallop pole"...
+Searching are for drforr,i "gallop pole"...
+Searching is for drforr,i "gallop pole"
+Searching are for drforr,i "gallop pole"
+||||yrlnry||||No, but I thought that the name of the Backstreet Boys was intended to be an anal sex reference.||||
+Searching is for no, but yrlnry thought that the name of the backstreet boys was intended to be an anal sex reference.
+Searching are for no, but yrlnry thought that the name of the backstreet boys was intended to be an anal sex reference.
+Searching is for no, but yrlnry thought that the name of the backstreet boys was intended to be an anal sex reference
+Searching are for no, but yrlnry thought that the name of the backstreet boys was intended to be an anal sex reference
+||||hex||||Backstreet Toys||||
+Searching is for backstreet toys
+Searching are for backstreet toys
+Searching is for backstreet toys
+Searching are for backstreet toys
+||||sungo||||it wasn't?||||
+Searching is for it wasn't
+Searching are for it wasn't
+Searching is for it wasn't
+Searching are for it wasn't
+||||yrlnry||||People tell me it wasn't.||||
+Searching is for people tell yrlnry it wasn't.
+Searching are for people tell yrlnry it wasn't.
+Searching is for people tell yrlnry it wasn't
+Searching are for people tell yrlnry it wasn't
+||||DrForr||||Yay, "The Scream" has finally been recovered...||||
+Searching is for yay, "the scream" has finally been recovered...
+Searching are for yay, "the scream" has finally been recovered...
+Searching is for yay, "the scream" has finally been recovered
+Searching are for yay, "the scream" has finally been recovered
+||||sungo||||I have no clue but it's pretty clear that it had to be a buttsex reference.||||
+Searching is for sungo has no clue but it's pretty clear that it had to be a buttsex reference.
+Searching are for sungo has no clue but it's pretty clear that it had to be a buttsex reference.
+Searching is for sungo has no clue but it's pretty clear that it had to be a buttsex reference
+Searching are for sungo has no clue but it's pretty clear that it had to be a buttsex reference
+||||buu||||What *is* it a reference to?||||
+Searching is for *is* it a reference to
+Searching are for *is* it a reference to
+Searching is for *is* it a reference to
+Searching are for *is* it a reference to
+||||buu||||And what about the Beastie Boys?!||||
+Searching is for about the beastie boys?!
+Searching are for about the beastie boys?!
+Searching is for about the beastie boys
+Searching are for about the beastie boys
+||||dngor||||shaz scream||||
+Searching is for shaz scream
+Searching are for shaz scream
+Searching is for shaz scream
+Searching are for shaz scream
+Searching is for screama
+Searching are for screama
+Searching is for screama
+Searching are for screama
+||||sungo||||or Anal Cunt||||
+Searching is for anal cunt
+Searching are for anal cunt
+Searching is for anal cunt
+Searching are for anal cunt
+||||buu||||Naw, definitely not them||||
+Searching is for naw, definitely not them
+Searching are for naw, definitely not them
+Searching is for naw, definitely not them
+Searching are for naw, definitely not them
+||||sungo||||YOU FUCKING SUCK||||
+Searching is for you fucking suck
+Searching are for you fucking suck
+Searching is for you fucking suck
+Searching are for you fucking suck
+Searching is for sungo
+Searching are for sungo
+Searching is for sungo
+Searching are for sungo
+Searching is for cocks
+Searching are for cocks
+Searching is for cocks
+Searching are for cocks
+Searching is for synonyms
+Searching are for synonyms
+Searching is for synonyms
+Searching are for synonyms
+||||buu||||And what the hell is this show about?||||
+Searching is for is is this swhere
+Searching are for is is this swhere
+Searching is for is this swhere
+||||sungo||||your mom||||
+Searching is for your mom
+Searching are for your mom
+Searching is for your mom
+Searching are for your mom
+||||sungo||||sungo it!||||
+Searching is for sungo it!
+Searching are for sungo it!
+Searching is for sungo it
+Searching are for sungo it
+||||hachi||||WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT FROM ME!?!?!||||
+Searching is for do you want from hachi!?!?!
+Searching are for do you want from hachi!?!?!
+Searching is for do you want from hachi
+Searching are for do you want from hachi
+||||sungo||||T HACHI YOUR TASTY ASS||||
+Searching is for t hachi your tasty ass
+Searching are for t hachi your tasty ass
+Searching is for t hachi your tasty ass
+Searching are for t hachi your tasty ass
+Searching is for sweet
+Searching are for sweet
+Searching is for sweet
+Searching are for sweet
+||||sungo||||YES INDEED||||
+Searching is for indeed
+Searching are for indeed
+Searching is for indeed
+Searching are for indeed
+||||geoffeg||||ah.. gentoo--||||
+Searching is for ah.. gentoo--
+Searching are for ah.. gentoo--
+Searching is for ah.. gentoo--
+Searching are for ah.. gentoo--
+Searching is for switch to nptl! it might break java and mozilla-based applications!
+Searching are for switch to nptl! it might break java and mozilla-based applications!
+Searching is for switch to nptl! it might break java and mozilla-based applications
+Searching are for switch to nptl! it might break java and mozilla-based applications
+||||mendel||||I just read the "What's New" for Firefox 2, and there is nothing at all in the list that I want. This is a major version?||||
+Searching is for mendel just read the "what's new" for firefox 2, and there is nothing at all in the list that mendel want. this is a major version
+Searching are for mendel just read the "what's new" for firefox 2, and there is nothing at all in the list that mendel want. this is a major version
+||||geoffeg||||Yea, the played around with adding close widgets to the individial tabs! NO THANKS!||||
+Searching is for yea, the played around with adding close widgets to the individial tabs! no thanks!
+Searching are for yea, the played around with adding close widgets to the individial tabs! no thanks!
+Searching is for yea, the played around with adding close widgets to the individial tabs! no thanks
+Searching are for yea, the played around with adding close widgets to the individial tabs! no thanks
+||||sungo||||A plugin did that 3 years ago||||
+Searching is for a plugin did that 3 years ago
+Searching are for a plugin did that 3 years ago
+Searching is for plugin did that 3 years ago
+Searching are for plugin did that 3 years ago
+||||geoffeg||||oh, and they're changing the skin!||||
+Searching is for and they're changing the skin!
+Searching are for and they're changing the skin!
+Searching is for and they're changing the skin
+Searching are for and they're changing the skin
+||||sungo||||Right. They've pulled an Apple and just rolled into the core what other people wrote as add-ons eons ago.||||
+Searching is for right. they've pulled an apple and just rolled into the coreother people wrote as add-ons eons ago.
+Searching are for right. they've pulled an apple and just rolled into the coreother people wrote as add-ons eons ago.
+Searching is for right. they've pulled an apple and just rolled into the coreother people wrote as add-ons eons ago
+Searching are for right. they've pulled an apple and just rolled into the coreother people wrote as add-ons eons ago
+||||geoffeg||||cause the current one is just so bad.. and you can't use themes in firefox||||
+Searching is for cause the current one is just so bad.. and you can't use themes in firefox
+Searching are for cause the current one is just so bad.. and you can't use themes in firefox
+Searching is for cause the current one
+set;;is;;cause the current one;;just so bad.. and you can't use themes in firefox
+||||geoffeg||||Apple isn't the only or first company to do that.||||
+Searching is for apple isn't the only or first company to do that.
+Searching are for apple isn't the only or first company to do that.
+Searching is for apple isn't the only or first company to do that
+Searching are for apple isn't the only or first company to do that
+||||sungo||||no shit.||||
+Searching is for no shit.
+Searching are for no shit.
+Searching is for no shit
+Searching are for no shit
+||||sungo||||I IS SEW DUM||||
+Searching is for sungo is sew dum
+Searching are for sungo is sew dum
+||||geoffeg||||Just admit that you hate Apple, you meany.||||
+Searching is for just admit that you hate apple, you meany.
+Searching are for just admit that you hate apple, you meany.
+Searching is for just admit that you hate apple, you meany
+Searching are for just admit that you hate apple, you meany
+||||sungo||||I just hate you.||||
+Searching is for sungo just hate you.
+Searching are for sungo just hate you.
+Searching is for sungo just hate you
+Searching are for sungo just hate you
+||||geoffeg||||How much do you hate me?||||
+Searching is for how much do you hate geoffeg
+Searching are for how much do you hate geoffeg
+Searching is for how much do you hate geoffeg
+Searching are for how much do you hate geoffeg
+||||rjbs||||Firefox 2 looks like ass.||||
+Searching is for firefox 2 looks like ass.
+Searching are for firefox 2 looks like ass.
+Searching is for firefox 2 looks like ass
+Searching are for firefox 2 looks like ass
+||||rjbs||||They fucking cut the improved bookmark manager.||||
+Searching is for they fucking cut the improved bookmark manager.
+Searching are for they fucking cut the improved bookmark manager.
+Searching is for they fucking cut the improved bookmark manager
+Searching are for they fucking cut the improved bookmark manager
+||||geoffeg||||I've seem some nice ass.. ||||
+Searching is for geoffeg has seem some nice ass..
+Searching are for geoffeg has seem some nice ass..
+Searching is for geoffeg has seem some nice ass
+Searching are for geoffeg has seem some nice ass
+||||rjbs||||Fair enough.||||
+Searching is for fair enough.
+Searching are for fair enough.
+Searching is for fair enough
+Searching are for fair enough
+||||Frakkle||||rjbs had some nice ass bookmarked in his improved bookmark manager?||||
+Searching is for rjbs had some nice ass bookmarked in his improved bookmark manager
+Searching are for rjbs had some nice ass bookmarked in his improved bookmark manager
+Searching is for rjbs had some nice ass bookmarked in his improved bookmark manager
+Searching are for rjbs had some nice ass bookmarked in his improved bookmark manager
+||||rjbs||||you bet||||
+Searching is for you bet
+Searching are for you bet
+Searching is for you bet
+Searching are for you bet
+||||geoffeg||||I miss having the save dialog box prompt you where you want to save the downloading file to.||||
+Searching is for geoffeg miss having the save dialog box prompt youyou want to save the downloading file to.
+Searching are for geoffeg miss having the save dialog box prompt youyou want to save the downloading file to.
+Searching is for geoffeg miss having the save dialog box prompt youyou want to save the downloading file to
+Searching are for geoffeg miss having the save dialog box prompt youyou want to save the downloading file to
+||||jcap||||rjbs, screen shots?||||
+Searching is for rjbs, screen shots
+Searching are for rjbs, screen shots
+Searching is for rjbs, screen shots
+Searching are for rjbs, screen shots
+Searching is for ass.rjbs.manxome.org
+Searching are for ass.rjbs.manxome.org
+Searching is for ass.rjbs.manxome.org
+Searching are for ass.rjbs.manxome.org
+||||jcap||||rjbs, I was just there, there's just some hairy assed cuban||||
+Searching is for rjbs, jcap was just there, there's just some hairy assed cuban
+Searching are for rjbs, jcap was just there, there's just some hairy assed cuban
+Searching is for rjbs, jcap was just there, there's just some hairy assed cuban
+Searching are for rjbs, jcap was just there, there's just some hairy assed cuban
+||||jcap||||trying to make his but look like Fidel||||
+Searching is for trying to make his but look like fidel
+Searching are for trying to make his but look like fidel
+Searching is for trying to make his but look like fidel
+Searching are for trying to make his but look like fidel
+Searching is for analbeard.mx
+Searching are for analbeard.mx
+Searching is for analbeard.mx
+Searching are for analbeard.mx
+||||mendel||||It doesn't prompt you?||||
+Searching is for it doesn't prompt you
+Searching are for it doesn't prompt you
+Searching is for it doesn't prompt you
+Searching are for it doesn't prompt you
+||||jcap||||rjbs, no thanks :P||||
+Searching is for rjbs, no thanks :p
+Searching are for rjbs, no thanks :p
+Searching is for rjbs, no thanks :p
+Searching are for rjbs, no thanks :p
+||||mako132||||no one has a hairier ass than me. no one.||||
+Searching is for no one has a hairier ass than mako132. no one.
+Searching are for no one has a hairier ass than mako132. no one.
+Searching is for no one has a hairier ass than mako132. no one
+Searching are for no one has a hairier ass than mako132. no one
+||||rjbs||||there is one pic of an ass in the GIS results for "hairiest ass"||||
+Searching is for there is one pic of an ass in the gis results for "hairiest ass"
+Searching are for there is one pic of an ass in the gis results for "hairiest ass"
+||||rjbs||||It is not the hairiest ass.||||
+Searching is for it is not the hairiest ass.
+Searching are for it is not the hairiest ass.
+Searching is for it
+set;;is;;it;;not the hairiest ass.
+||||jcap||||<rjbs> I did a side by side comparison||||
+Searching is for <rjbs> jcap did a side by side comparison
+Searching are for <rjbs> jcap did a side by side comparison
+Searching is for <rjbs> jcap did a side by side comparison
+Searching are for <rjbs> jcap did a side by side comparison
+||||geoffeg||||It prompts me to save or execute the associated application but not where on my system to save.||||
+Searching is for it prompts geoffeg to save or execute the associated application but noton geoffeg's system to save.
+Searching are for it prompts geoffeg to save or execute the associated application but noton geoffeg's system to save.
+Searching is for it prompts geoffeg to save or execute the associated application but noton geoffeg's system to save
+Searching are for it prompts geoffeg to save or execute the associated application but noton geoffeg's system to save
+||||geoffeg||||if you do the right-click "save target as" it prompts you where to save.. but not if you let it automatically do downloads for you||||
+Searching is for if you do the right-click "save target as" it prompts youto save.. but not if you let it automatically do downloads for you
+Searching are for if you do the right-click "save target as" it prompts youto save.. but not if you let it automatically do downloads for you
+Searching is for if you do the right-click "save target as" it prompts youto save.. but not if you let it automatically do downloads for you
+Searching are for if you do the right-click "save target as" it prompts youto save.. but not if you let it automatically do downloads for you
+||||mendel||||preferences, downloads. there's an option in there to specify a folder to always save into, or to ask every time||||
+Searching is for preferences, downloads. there's an option in there to specify a folder to always save into, or to ask every time
+Searching are for preferences, downloads. there's an option in there to specify a folder to always save into, or to ask every time
+Searching is for preferences, downloads. there's an option in there to specify a folder to always save into, or to ask every time
+Searching are for preferences, downloads. there's an option in there to specify a folder to always save into, or to ask every time
+||||kismet||||the downloads box does say "All downloads saved to $n"||||
+Searching is for the downloads box does say "all downloads saved to $n"
+Searching are for the downloads box does say "all downloads saved to $n"
+Searching is for downloads box does say "all downloads saved to $n"
+Searching are for downloads box does say "all downloads saved to $n"
+Searching is for thanks
+Searching are for thanks
+Searching is for thanks
+Searching are for thanks
+Searching is for np
+Searching are for np
+Searching is for np
+Searching are for np
+||||mendel||||oop, I have to go get a bus||||
+Searching is for oop, mendel has to go get a bus
+Searching are for oop, mendel has to go get a bus
+Searching is for oop, mendel has to go get a bus
+Searching are for oop, mendel has to go get a bus
+||||yrlnry||||Fleeing for your life?||||
+Searching is for fleeing for your life
+Searching are for fleeing for your life
+Searching is for fleeing for your life
+Searching are for fleeing for your life
+||||DrForr||||Given the amount of retrofitting and outright hacks in order to get this monstrosity implemented, you bet your sweet ass...||||
+Searching is for given the amount of retrofitting and outright hacks in order to get this monstrosity implemented, you bet your sweet ass...
+Searching are for given the amount of retrofitting and outright hacks in order to get this monstrosity implemented, you bet your sweet ass...
+Searching is for given the amount of retrofitting and outright hacks in order to get this monstrosity implemented, you bet your sweet ass
+Searching are for given the amount of retrofitting and outright hacks in order to get this monstrosity implemented, you bet your sweet ass
+||||kismet||||... and we all know that yrlnry has a sweet ass||||
+Searching is for ... and we all know that yrlnry has a sweet ass
+Searching are for ... and we all know that yrlnry has a sweet ass
+Searching is for ... and we all know that yrlnry has a sweet ass
+Searching are for ... and we all know that yrlnry has a sweet ass
+||||yrlnry||||HEE HAW||||
+Searching is for hee haw
+Searching are for hee haw
+Searching is for hee haw
+Searching are for hee haw
+||||rdice||||I was wondering if anyone here has a sweet ass. It's pretty slim pickings here.||||
+Searching is for rdice was wondering if anyone here has a sweet ass. it's pretty slim pickings here.
+Searching are for rdice was wondering if anyone here has a sweet ass. it's pretty slim pickings here.
+Searching is for rdice was wondering if anyone here has a sweet ass. it's pretty slim pickings here
+Searching are for rdice was wondering if anyone here has a sweet ass. it's pretty slim pickings here
+||||geoffeg||||My god.. when he wears those wife beaters.. mmm||||
+Searching is for geoffeg's god.. when he wears those wife beaters.. mmm
+Searching are for geoffeg's god.. when he wears those wife beaters.. mmm
+Searching is for geoffeg's god.. when he wears those wife beaters.. mmm
+Searching are for geoffeg's god.. when he wears those wife beaters.. mmm
+||||geoffeg||||Maybe if you were to rub powdered sugar on someone's ass?||||
+Searching is for maybe if you were to rub powdered sugar on someone's ass
+Searching are for maybe if you were to rub powdered sugar on someone's ass
+Searching is for maybe if you were to rub powdered sugar on someone's ass
+Searching are for maybe if you were to rub powdered sugar on someone's ass
+||||rdice||||Would that include my own?||||
+Searching is for would that include rdice's own
+Searching are for would that include rdice's own
+Searching is for would that include rdice's own
+Searching are for would that include rdice's own
+||||rdice||||Because... check!||||
+Searching is for because... check!
+Searching are for because... check!
+Searching is for because... check
+Searching are for because... check
+||||geoffeg||||it's much harder to effectively cover and... later.. lick the sugar off your own ass.||||
+Searching is for it's much harder to effectively cover and... later.. lick the sugar off your own ass.
+Searching are for it's much harder to effectively cover and... later.. lick the sugar off your own ass.
+Searching is for it's much harder to effectively cover and... later.. lick the sugar off your own ass
+Searching are for it's much harder to effectively cover and... later.. lick the sugar off your own ass
+||||rdice||||The trick is to say it to the right audience.||||
+Searching is for the trick is to say it to the right audience.
+Searching are for the trick is to say it to the right audience.
+Searching is for trick
+set;;is;;trick;;to say it to the right audience.
+||||kismet||||If your currently connected to manband.org, you probably have about 12hrs to reconnect via the rotor to another server.||||
+Searching is for if your currently connected to manband.org, you probably have about 12hrs to reconnect via the rotor to another server.
+Searching are for if your currently connected to manband.org, you probably have about 12hrs to reconnect via the rotor to another server.
+Searching is for if your currently connected to manband.org, you probably have about 12hrs to reconnect via the rotor to another server
+Searching are for if your currently connected to manband.org, you probably have about 12hrs to reconnect via the rotor to another server
+||||rdice||||And offer money.||||
+Searching is for offer money.
+Searching are for offer money.
+Searching is for offer money
+Searching are for offer money
+||||kismet||||else, well... I'll reconnect you for you.||||
+Searching is for else, well... kismet'll reconnect you for you.
+Searching are for else, well... kismet'll reconnect you for you.
+Searching is for else, well... kismet'll reconnect you for you
+Searching are for else, well... kismet'll reconnect you for you
+||||geoffeg||||what if i reconnect to mangband?||||
+Searching is for if geoffeg reconnect to mangband
+Searching are for if geoffeg reconnect to mangband
+Searching is for if geoffeg reconnect to mangband
+Searching are for if geoffeg reconnect to mangband
+||||kismet||||it's no longer in the rotor.||||
+Searching is for it's no longer in the rotor.
+Searching are for it's no longer in the rotor.
+Searching is for it's no longer in the rotor
+Searching are for it's no longer in the rotor
+||||geoffeg||||and why is that!||||
+Searching is for why is that!
+Searching are for why is that!
+||||kismet||||because it's moving tomarrow||||
+Searching is for because it's moving tomarrow
+Searching are for because it's moving tomarrow
+Searching is for because it's moving tomarrow
+Searching are for because it's moving tomarrow
+||||geoffeg||||oh.. ok :)||||
+Searching is for ok :)
+Searching are for ok :)
+Searching is for ok :)
+Searching are for ok :)
+Searching is for yay
+Searching are for yay
+Searching is for yay
+Searching are for yay
+||||kismet||||he comes, he goes||||
+Searching is for he comes, he goes
+Searching are for he comes, he goes
+Searching is for he comes, he goes
+Searching are for he comes, he goes
+||||kismet||||he comes again||||
+Searching is for he comes again
+Searching are for he comes again
+Searching is for he comes again
+Searching are for he comes again
+||||geoffeg||||I MOSTLY COME||||
+Searching is for geoffeg mostly come
+Searching are for geoffeg mostly come
+Searching is for geoffeg mostly come
+Searching are for geoffeg mostly come
+||||geoffeg||||but i do go right after i wake up and around two hours after lunch and dinner||||
+Searching is for geoffeg do go right after geoffeg wake up and around two hours after lunch and dinner
+Searching are for geoffeg do go right after geoffeg wake up and around two hours after lunch and dinner
+Searching is for geoffeg do go right after geoffeg wake up and around two hours after lunch and dinner
+Searching are for geoffeg do go right after geoffeg wake up and around two hours after lunch and dinner
+||||dorian||||wowly heck||||
+Searching is for wowly heck
+Searching are for wowly heck
+Searching is for wowly heck
+Searching are for wowly heck
+||||mako132||||regularity++ # not to casually dismissed||||
+Searching is for regularity++ # not to casually dismissed
+Searching are for regularity++ # not to casually dismissed
+Searching is for regularity++ # not to casually dismissed
+Searching are for regularity++ # not to casually dismissed
+||||geoffeg||||don't act surprised.. urination is a completely natural side effect of being alive||||
+Searching is for don't act surprised.. urination is a completely natural side effect of being alive
+Searching are for don't act surprised.. urination is a completely natural side effect of being alive
+Searching is for don't act surprised.. urination
+set;;is;;don't act surprised.. urination;;a completely natural side effect of being alive
+||||geoffeg||||this is true||||
+Searching is for this is true
+Searching are for this is true
+||||kismet||||I don't hear anybody touting the benefits of that||||
+Searching is for kismet don't hear anybody touting the benefits of that
+Searching are for kismet don't hear anybody touting the benefits of that
+Searching is for kismet don't hear anybody touting the benefits of that
+Searching are for kismet don't hear anybody touting the benefits of that
+||||geoffeg||||I WIN||||
+Searching is for geoffeg win
+Searching are for geoffeg win
+Searching is for geoffeg win
+Searching are for geoffeg win
+Searching is for geoffeg++
+Searching are for geoffeg++
+Searching is for geoffeg++
+Searching are for geoffeg++
+Searching is for wow
+Searching are for wow
+Searching is for wow
+Searching are for wow
+||||Frakkle||||That's a lot of USB hate||||
+Searching is for that's a lot of usb hate
+Searching are for that's a lot of usb hate
+Searching is for that's a lot of usb hate
+Searching are for that's a lot of usb hate
+||||DrForr||||Hey, I like my USB lava lamp...||||
+Searching is for drforr like drforr's usb lava lamp...
+Searching are for drforr like drforr's usb lava lamp...
+Searching is for drforr like drforr's usb lava lamp
+Searching are for drforr like drforr's usb lava lamp
+||||tsee||||Damn. I gave in to my demons. I sent an inflammatory answer to an RT ticket. But it's the first time! I swear! http://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=13508||||
+Searching is for damn. tsee gave in to tsee's demons. tsee sent an inflammatory answer to an rt ticket. but it's the first time! tsee swear! http://rt.cpan.org/ticket/display.html?id=13508
+Searching are for damn. tsee gave in to tsee's demons. tsee sent an inflammatory answer to an rt ticket. but it's the first time! tsee swear! http://rt.cpan.org/ticket/display.html?id=13508
+Searching is for damn. tsee gave in to tsee's demons. tsee sent an inflammatory answer to an rt ticket. but it's the first time! tsee swear! http://rt.cpan.org/ticket/display.html?id=13508
+Searching are for damn. tsee gave in to tsee's demons. tsee sent an inflammatory answer to an rt ticket. but it's the first time! tsee swear! http://rt.cpan.org/ticket/display.html?id=13508
+||||Frakkle||||That wasn't inflammatory.||||
+Searching is for that wasn't inflammatory.
+Searching are for that wasn't inflammatory.
+Searching is for that wasn't inflammatory
+Searching are for that wasn't inflammatory
+||||Frakkle||||You should have been more hostile.||||
+Searching is for you should have been more hostile.
+Searching are for you should have been more hostile.
+Searching is for you should have been more hostile
+Searching are for you should have been more hostile
+Searching is for why
+Searching are for why
+Searching is for why
+Searching are for why
+Searching is for oh.
+Searching are for oh.
+Searching is for oh
+Searching are for oh
+||||Frakkle||||I dunno, people need more hostility.||||
+Searching is for frakkle dunno, people need more hostility.
+Searching are for frakkle dunno, people need more hostility.
+Searching is for frakkle dunno, people need more hostility
+Searching are for frakkle dunno, people need more hostility
+||||tsee||||I mean, yes, he wasn't being friendly, but beign hostile never helps.||||
+Searching is for tsee mean, yes, he wasn't being friendly, but beign hostile never helps.
+Searching are for tsee mean, yes, he wasn't being friendly, but beign hostile never helps.
+Searching is for tsee mean, yes, he wasn't being friendly, but beign hostile never helps
+Searching are for tsee mean, yes, he wasn't being friendly, but beign hostile never helps
+||||Frakkle||||But.. if that's true, then why does IRC exist?||||
+Searching is for but.. if that's true, then why does irc exist
+Searching are for but.. if that's true, then why does irc exist
+Searching is for but.. if that's true, then why does irc exist
+Searching are for but.. if that's true, then why does irc exist
+||||buu||||TO DONGS||||
+Searching is for to dongs
+Searching are for to dongs
+Searching is for to dongs
+Searching are for to dongs
+||||kismet||||I'd call the response "measured"||||
+Searching is for kismet'd call the response "measured"
+Searching are for kismet'd call the response "measured"
+Searching is for kismet'd call the response "measured"
+Searching are for kismet'd call the response "measured"
+||||kismet||||inflammatory would needed to have included a few more pejoratives||||
+Searching is for inflammatory would needed to have included a few more pejoratives
+Searching are for inflammatory would needed to have included a few more pejoratives
+Searching is for inflammatory would needed to have included a few more pejoratives
+Searching are for inflammatory would needed to have included a few more pejoratives
+||||Frakkle||||I would also call the response measured.||||
+Searching is for frakkle would also call the response measured.
+Searching are for frakkle would also call the response measured.
+Searching is for frakkle would also call the response measured
+Searching are for frakkle would also call the response measured
+||||tsee||||Thanks. That helped :)||||
+Searching is for thanks. that helped :)
+Searching are for thanks. that helped :)
+Searching is for thanks. that helped :)
+Searching are for thanks. that helped :)
+||||tsee||||I brought in 1). I brought in 2) in the original response to the ticket.||||
+Searching is for tsee brought in 1). tsee brought in 2) in the original response to the ticket.
+Searching are for tsee brought in 1). tsee brought in 2) in the original response to the ticket.
+Searching is for tsee brought in 1). tsee brought in 2) in the original response to the ticket
+Searching are for tsee brought in 1). tsee brought in 2) in the original response to the ticket
+||||tsee||||But I tried to paraphrase slightly.||||
+Searching is for tsee tried to paraphrase slightly.
+Searching are for tsee tried to paraphrase slightly.
+Searching is for tsee tried to paraphrase slightly
+Searching are for tsee tried to paraphrase slightly
+||||tsee||||In fact, the only point where I got out of control was "Dare accuse me of not reading things and ignorance."||||
+Searching is for in fact, the only pointtsee got out of control was "dare accuse tsee of not reading things and ignorance."
+Searching are for in fact, the only pointtsee got out of control was "dare accuse tsee of not reading things and ignorance."
+Searching is for in fact, the only pointtsee got out of control was "dare accuse tsee of not reading things and ignorance."
+Searching are for in fact, the only pointtsee got out of control was "dare accuse tsee of not reading things and ignorance."
+||||tsee||||But he did, no less.||||
+Searching is for he did, no less.
+Searching are for he did, no less.
+Searching is for he did, no less
+Searching are for he did, no less
+||||tsee||||sungo it.||||
+Searching is for sungo it.
+Searching are for sungo it.
+Searching is for sungo it
+Searching are for sungo it
+Searching is for relief!
+Searching are for relief!
+Searching is for relief
+Searching are for relief
+||||kismet||||boy that's getting annoying||||
+Searching is for that's getting annoying
+Searching are for that's getting annoying
+Searching is for that's getting annoying
+Searching are for that's getting annoying
+||||dorian||||actually i didn't read what you or anyone said, i just reattached my screen and said 'wowly heck' cause it seemed like an appropriately non-sequitur thing to say||||
+Searching is for actually dorian didn't readyou or anyone said, dorian just reattached dorian's screen and said 'wowly heck' cause it seemed like an appropriately non-sequitur thing to say
+Searching are for actually dorian didn't readyou or anyone said, dorian just reattached dorian's screen and said 'wowly heck' cause it seemed like an appropriately non-sequitur thing to say
+Searching is for actually dorian didn't readyou or anyone said, dorian just reattached dorian's screen and said 'wowly heck' cause it seemed like an appropriately non-sequitur thing to say
+Searching are for actually dorian didn't readyou or anyone said, dorian just reattached dorian's screen and said 'wowly heck' cause it seemed like an appropriately non-sequitur thing to say
+||||kismet||||beaver cleaver||||
+Searching is for beaver cleaver
+Searching are for beaver cleaver
+Searching is for beaver cleaver
+Searching are for beaver cleaver
+||||dorian||||that's me||||
+Searching is for that's dorian
+Searching are for that's dorian
+Searching is for that's dorian
+Searching are for that's dorian
+Searching is for huhu
+Searching are for huhu
+Searching is for huhu
+Searching are for huhu
+||||Frakkle||||http://www.glumbert.com/media/tonguetwister.html # Wtf. Watch at least 30sec||||
+Searching is for http://www.glumbert.com/media/tonguetwister.html # where. watch at least 30sec
+Searching are for http://www.glumbert.com/media/tonguetwister.html # where. watch at least 30sec
+Searching is for http://www.glumbert.com/media/tonguetwister.html # where. watch at least 30sec
+Searching are for http://www.glumbert.com/media/tonguetwister.html # where. watch at least 30sec
+Searching is for papi!
+Searching are for papi!
+Searching is for papi
+Searching are for papi
+||||dorian||||is that the japanese tongue twister with the nut slapping||||
+Searching is for is that the japanese tongue twister with the nut slapping
+Searching are for is that the japanese tongue twister with the nut slapping
+Searching is for yes
+Searching are for yes
+Searching is for yes
+Searching are for yes
+||||PerlJam||||well, you know there's this whole branch of martial arts that deals with how to sustain blows to sensitive parts of the human body||||
+Searching is for you know there's this whole branch of martial arts that deals with how to sustain blows to sensitive parts of the human body
+Searching are for you know there's this whole branch of martial arts that deals with how to sustain blows to sensitive parts of the human body
+Searching is for you know there's this whole branch of martial arts that deals with how to sustain blows to sensitive parts of the human body
+Searching are for you know there's this whole branch of martial arts that deals with how to sustain blows to sensitive parts of the human body
+Searching is for ;)
+Searching are for ;)
+Searching is for ;)
+Searching are for ;)
+||||Frakkle||||I don't want to train in that||||
+Searching is for frakkle don't want to train in that
+Searching are for frakkle don't want to train in that
+Searching is for frakkle don't want to train in that
+Searching are for frakkle don't want to train in that
+||||rjbs||||Game Show Technique||||
+Searching is for game show technique
+Searching are for game show technique
+Searching is for game show technique
+Searching are for game show technique
+||||mjl69||||blows to sensitive parts?||||
+Searching is for blows to sensitive parts
+Searching are for blows to sensitive parts
+Searching is for blows to sensitive parts
+Searching are for blows to sensitive parts
+||||lamech||||someone's volunteering to blow my sensitive parts? where?||||
+Searching is for someone's volunteering to blow lamech's sensitive parts?
+Searching are for someone's volunteering to blow lamech's sensitive parts?
+Searching is for someone's volunteering to blow lamech's sensitive parts
+Searching are for someone's volunteering to blow lamech's sensitive parts
+||||DrForr||||Iron Dong Qi Gong||||
+Searching is for iron dong qi gong
+Searching are for iron dong qi gong
+Searching is for iron dong qi gong
+Searching are for iron dong qi gong
+||||mako132||||One Blow Is All It Takes (tm)||||
+Searching is for one blow is all it takes (tm)
+Searching are for one blow is all it takes (tm)
+||||mako132||||now comes the time of the day where I complain about NFS||||
+Searching is for now comes the time of the daymako132 complain about nfs
+Searching are for now comes the time of the daymako132 complain about nfs
+Searching is for now comes the time of the daymako132 complain about nfs
+Searching are for now comes the time of the daymako132 complain about nfs
+Searching is for nfs--
+Searching are for nfs--
+Searching is for nfs--
+Searching are for nfs--
+||||vh||||5 day weekend.. beginning in ... 4 hours||||
+Searching is for 5 day weekend.. beginning in ... 4 hours
+Searching are for 5 day weekend.. beginning in ... 4 hours
+Searching is for 5 day weekend.. beginning in ... 4 hours
+Searching are for 5 day weekend.. beginning in ... 4 hours
+||||jcap||||my father decided that my only holiday for months, would be the one weekend he'd visit ||||
+Searching is for jcap's father decided that jcap's only holiday for months, would be the one weekend he'd visit
+Searching are for jcap's father decided that jcap's only holiday for months, would be the one weekend he'd visit
+Searching is for jcap's father decided that jcap's only holiday for months, would be the one weekend he'd visit
+Searching are for jcap's father decided that jcap's only holiday for months, would be the one weekend he'd visit
+||||jcap||||I know I should feel happy about this||||
+Searching is for jcap know jcap should feel happy about this
+Searching are for jcap know jcap should feel happy about this
+Searching is for jcap know jcap should feel happy about this
+Searching are for jcap know jcap should feel happy about this
+||||jcap||||but instead I feel like I lost my holiday||||
+Searching is for instead jcap feel like jcap lost jcap's holiday
+Searching are for instead jcap feel like jcap lost jcap's holiday
+Searching is for instead jcap feel like jcap lost jcap's holiday
+Searching are for instead jcap feel like jcap lost jcap's holiday
+||||vh||||keep him busy with suduko||||
+Searching is for keep him busy with suduko
+Searching are for keep him busy with suduko
+Searching is for keep him busy with suduko
+Searching are for keep him busy with suduko
+Searching is for ha
+Searching are for ha
+Searching is for ha
+Searching are for ha
+||||rjbs||||apparently we're going to visit mrs.rjbs's family in october.||||
+Searching is for apparently we're going to visit mrs.rjbs's family in october.
+Searching are for apparently we're going to visit mrs.rjbs's family in october.
+Searching is for apparently we're going to visit mrs.rjbs's family in october
+Searching are for apparently we're going to visit mrs.rjbs's family in october
+||||rjbs||||i am hoping this will be painless. :)||||
+Searching is for rjbs is hoping this will be painless. :)
+Searching are for rjbs is hoping this will be painless. :)
+Searching is for rjbs
+set;;is;;rjbs;;hoping this will be painless. :)
+||||jcap||||rjbs, good luck with that||||
+Searching is for rjbs, good luck with that
+Searching are for rjbs, good luck with that
+Searching is for rjbs, good luck with that
+Searching are for rjbs, good luck with that
+||||PerlJam||||for how long?||||
+Searching is for for how long
+Searching are for for how long
+Searching is for for how long
+Searching are for for how long
+Searching is for ~1wk
+Searching are for ~1wk
+Searching is for ~1wk
+Searching are for ~1wk
+||||PerlJam||||no problem. You can handle a week.||||
+Searching is for no problem. you can handle a week.
+Searching are for no problem. you can handle a week.
+Searching is for no problem. you can handle a week
+Searching are for no problem. you can handle a week
+||||PerlJam||||My sister-in-law had her in-laws staying with her for about 1 month. She had a hard time not killing her mother-in-law||||
+Searching is for perljam's sister-in-law had her in-laws staying with her for about 1 month. she had a hard time not killing her mother-in-law
+Searching are for perljam's sister-in-law had her in-laws staying with her for about 1 month. she had a hard time not killing her mother-in-law
+Searching is for perljam's sister-in-law had her in-laws staying with her for about 1 month. she had a hard time not killing her mother-in-law
+Searching are for perljam's sister-in-law had her in-laws staying with her for about 1 month. she had a hard time not killing her mother-in-law
+Searching is for wait.
+Searching are for wait.
+Searching is for wait
+Searching are for wait
+||||jcap||||doesn't that mean your mother?||||
+Searching is for doesn't that mean your mother
+Searching are for doesn't that mean your mother
+Searching is for doesn't that mean your mother
+Searching are for doesn't that mean your mother
+||||PerlJam||||My wife's sister, had her husband's parents over. better?||||
+Searching is for perljam's wife's sister, had her husband's parents over. better
+Searching are for perljam's wife's sister, had her husband's parents over. better
+Searching is for perljam's wife's sister, had her husband's parents over. better
+Searching are for perljam's wife's sister, had her husband's parents over. better
+||||warewolf||||your sister in law (your SO's sibling) had her in-laws (your faimily) staying with her. She had a hard time not killing her mother-in-law (sister in law's mother-in-law)||||
+Searching is for your sister in law (your so's sibling) had her in-laws (your faimily) staying with her. she had a hard time not killing her mother-in-law (sister in law's mother-in-law)
+Searching are for your sister in law (your so's sibling) had her in-laws (your faimily) staying with her. she had a hard time not killing her mother-in-law (sister in law's mother-in-law)
+Searching is for your sister in law (your so's sibling) had her in-laws (your faimily) staying with her. she had a hard time not killing her mother-in-law (sister in law's mother-in-law)
+Searching are for your sister in law (your so's sibling) had her in-laws (your faimily) staying with her. she had a hard time not killing her mother-in-law (sister in law's mother-in-law)
+Searching is for ok
+Searching are for ok
+Searching is for ok
+Searching are for ok
+||||warewolf||||your firse line was -ENOPARSE||||
+Searching is for your firse line was -enoparse
+Searching are for your firse line was -enoparse
+Searching is for your firse line was -enoparse
+Searching are for your firse line was -enoparse
+||||warewolf||||much better :)||||
+Searching is for much better :)
+Searching are for much better :)
+Searching is for much better :)
+Searching are for much better :)
+||||vh||||but as a pyrotechnics enthusiast.. I still have a hard time not killing your mother.||||
+Searching is for as a pyrotechnics enthusiast.. vh still have a hard time not killing your mother.
+Searching are for as a pyrotechnics enthusiast.. vh still have a hard time not killing your mother.
+Searching is for as a pyrotechnics enthusiast.. vh still have a hard time not killing your mother
+Searching are for as a pyrotechnics enthusiast.. vh still have a hard time not killing your mother
+||||PerlJam||||you just lack the necessary brain power to hang out on #perl. you should leave now :)||||
+Searching is for you just lack the necessary brain power to hang out on #perl. you should leave now :)
+Searching are for you just lack the necessary brain power to hang out on #perl. you should leave now :)
+Searching is for you just lack the necessary brain power to hang out on #perl. you should leave now :)
+Searching are for you just lack the necessary brain power to hang out on #perl. you should leave now :)
+||||warewolf||||your logic was recursive. Stop that.||||
+Searching is for your logic was recursive. stop that.
+Searching are for your logic was recursive. stop that.
+Searching is for your logic was recursive. stop that
+Searching are for your logic was recursive. stop that
+||||DrForr||||Naah, branepower is inversely related to the amount of time spent on IRC :)||||
+Searching is for naah, branepower is inversely related to the amount of time spent on irc :)
+Searching are for naah, branepower is inversely related to the amount of time spent on irc :)
+Searching is for naah, branepower
+set;;is;;naah, branepower;;inversely related to the amount of time spent on IRC :)
+||||PerlJam||||damn! I must've been a super genius before.||||
+Searching is for damn! perljam must've been a super genius before.
+Searching are for damn! perljam must've been a super genius before.
+Searching is for damn! perljam must've been a super genius before
+Searching are for damn! perljam must've been a super genius before
+||||DrForr||||Wile E. Coyote...||||
+Searching is for wile e. coyote...
+Searching are for wile e. coyote...
+Searching is for wile e. coyote
+Searching are for wile e. coyote
+||||warewolf||||it has been said that YOUR MOTHER IS A WHORE||||
+Searching is for it has been said that your mother is a whore
+Searching are for it has been said that your mother is a whore
+||||PerlJam||||That one needs an audio clip. Wile E. Coyote ... Soooper Geenius||||
+Searching is for that one needs an audio clip. wile e. coyote ... soooper geenius
+Searching are for that one needs an audio clip. wile e. coyote ... soooper geenius
+Searching is for that one needs an audio clip. wile e. coyote ... soooper geenius
+Searching are for that one needs an audio clip. wile e. coyote ... soooper geenius
+||||dngor||||cube it||||
+Searching is for cube it
+Searching are for cube it
+Searching is for cube it
+Searching are for cube it
+||||buu||||lilo++ #Balance in the force.||||
+Searching is for lilo++ #balance in the force.
+Searching are for lilo++ #balance in the force.
+Searching is for lilo++ #balance in the force
+Searching are for lilo++ #balance in the force
+||||workbench||||do the words 'big man (small penis)' help your brain?||||
+Searching is for do the words 'big man (small penis)' help your brain
+Searching are for do the words 'big man (small penis)' help your brain
+Searching is for do the words 'big man (small penis)' help your brain
+Searching are for do the words 'big man (small penis)' help your brain
+||||rjbs||||lilo-- # no, he sucks||||
+Searching is for lilo-- # no, he sucks
+Searching are for lilo-- # no, he sucks
+Searching is for lilo-- # no, he sucks
+Searching are for lilo-- # no, he sucks
+||||PerlJam||||What did lilo do to you warewolf?||||
+Searching is for did lilo do to you warewolf
+Searching are for did lilo do to you warewolf
+Searching is for did lilo do to you warewolf
+Searching are for did lilo do to you warewolf
+||||rjbs||||the CONSTANT WALLING||||
+Searching is for the constant walling
+Searching are for the constant walling
+Searching is for constant walling
+Searching are for constant walling
+||||buu||||He must have hideously assaulted him with a global message.||||
+Searching is for he must have hideously assaulted him with a global message.
+Searching are for he must have hideously assaulted him with a global message.
+Searching is for he must have hideously assaulted him with a global message
+Searching are for he must have hideously assaulted him with a global message
+||||PerlJam||||easily filtered||||
+Searching is for easily filtered
+Searching are for easily filtered
+Searching is for easily filtered
+Searching are for easily filtered
+Searching is for you don't understand. wallops are destroying buu's sanity.
+Searching are for you don't understand. wallops are destroying buu's sanity.
+||||PerlJam||||you were sane once?||||
+Searching is for you were sane once
+Searching are for you were sane once
+Searching is for you were sane once
+Searching are for you were sane once
+||||buu||||Um, well||||
+Searching is for well
+Searching are for well
+Searching is for well
+Searching are for well
+||||warewolf||||HAHA where do I start?||||
+Searching is for hahado warewolf start
+Searching are for hahado warewolf start
+Searching is for hahado warewolf start
+Searching are for hahado warewolf start
+||||warewolf||||Lets see. The global notices that I can't get rid of.||||
+Searching is for lets see. the global notices that warewolf can't get rid of.
+Searching are for lets see. the global notices that warewolf can't get rid of.
+Searching is for lets see. the global notices that warewolf can't get rid of
+Searching are for lets see. the global notices that warewolf can't get rid of
+||||warewolf||||His /ignore evasion by changing where he sends global notices "from"||||
+Searching is for his /ignore evasion by changinghe sends global notices "from"
+Searching are for his /ignore evasion by changinghe sends global notices "from"
+Searching is for his /ignore evasion by changinghe sends global notices "from"
+Searching are for his /ignore evasion by changinghe sends global notices "from"
+||||warewolf||||His coordinating an "attack" on the OFTC.net irc network as a prank for april fools -- two years in a row||||
+Searching is for his coordinating an "attack" on the oftc.net irc network as a prank for april fools -- two years in a row
+Searching are for his coordinating an "attack" on the oftc.net irc network as a prank for april fools -- two years in a row
+Searching is for his coordinating an "attack" on the oftc.net irc network as a prank for april fools -- two years in a row
+Searching are for his coordinating an "attack" on the oftc.net irc network as a prank for april fools -- two years in a row
+||||PerlJam||||you just need a better client (or how to use your effectively)||||
+Searching is for you just need a better client (or how to use your effectively)
+Searching are for you just need a better client (or how to use your effectively)
+Searching is for you just need a better client (or how to use your effectively)
+Searching are for you just need a better client (or how to use your effectively)
+||||warewolf||||His whoring for money||||
+Searching is for his whoring for money
+Searching are for his whoring for money
+Searching is for his whoring for money
+Searching are for his whoring for money
+||||warewolf||||His using said whored money to buy A FUCKING RECREATIONAL VEHICLE||||
+Searching is for his using said whored money to buy a fucking recreational vehicle
+Searching are for his using said whored money to buy a fucking recreational vehicle
+Searching is for his using said whored money to buy a fucking recreational vehicle
+Searching are for his using said whored money to buy a fucking recreational vehicle
+||||buu||||Damn that man for asking for donations.||||
+Searching is for damn that man for asking for donations.
+Searching are for damn that man for asking for donations.
+Searching is for damn that man for asking for donations
+Searching are for damn that man for asking for donations
+Searching is for you have uncovered the secret he took all the money donated to freenode.
+Searching are for you have uncovered the secret he took all the money donated to freenode.
+Searching is for you have uncovered the secret he took all the money donated to freenode
+Searching are for you have uncovered the secret he took all the money donated to freenode
+||||warewolf||||lilo-- # Because. He. Fucking. Deserves. It.||||
+Searching is for lilo-- # because. he. fucking. deserves. it.
+Searching are for lilo-- # because. he. fucking. deserves. it.
+Searching is for lilo-- # because. he. fucking. deserves. it
+Searching are for lilo-- # because. he. fucking. deserves. it
+||||buu||||lilo++ #He lives in a 4 store mansion, at least 25,000 square foot||||
+Searching is for lilo++ #he lives in a 4 store mansion, at least 25,000 square foot
+Searching are for lilo++ #he lives in a 4 store mansion, at least 25,000 square foot
+Searching is for lilo++ #he lives in a 4 store mansion, at least 25,000 square foot
+Searching are for lilo++ #he lives in a 4 store mansion, at least 25,000 square foot
+||||PerlJam||||I don't get those last two. you have a problem with someone asking for money and then subsequently spending it?||||
+Searching is for perljam don't get those last two. you have a problem with someone asking for money and then subsequently spending it
+Searching are for perljam don't get those last two. you have a problem with someone asking for money and then subsequently spending it
+Searching is for perljam don't get those last two. you have a problem with someone asking for money and then subsequently spending it
+Searching are for perljam don't get those last two. you have a problem with someone asking for money and then subsequently spending it
+||||warewolf||||when you ask for money to support the IRC network, and then use it for something else, that's a problem.||||
+Searching is for when you ask for money to support the irc network, and then use it for something else, that's a problem.
+Searching are for when you ask for money to support the irc network, and then use it for something else, that's a problem.
+Searching is for when you ask for money to support the irc network, and then use it for something else, that's a problem
+Searching are for when you ask for money to support the irc network, and then use it for something else, that's a problem
+||||buu||||Yeah, find proof.||||
+Searching is for yeah, find proof.
+Searching are for yeah, find proof.
+Searching is for yeah, find proof
+Searching are for yeah, find proof
+||||warewolf||||last I checked, purchasing a recreational vehicle for him to live out of is not supporting the irc network.||||
+Searching is for last warewolf checked, purchasing a recreational vehicle for him to live out of is not supporting the irc network.
+Searching are for last warewolf checked, purchasing a recreational vehicle for him to live out of is not supporting the irc network.
+||||PerlJam||||how do you know that he didn't spend money he already had?||||
+Searching is for how that he didn't spend money he already had
+Searching are for how that he didn't spend money he already had
+Searching is for how that he didn't spend money he already had
+Searching are for how that he didn't spend money he already had
+||||warewolf||||that's supporting _him_||||
+Searching is for that's supporting _him_
+Searching are for that's supporting _him_
+Searching is for that's supporting _him_
+Searching are for that's supporting _him_
+||||PerlJam||||or some other pile of money?||||
+Searching is for some other pile of money
+Searching are for some other pile of money
+Searching is for some other pile of money
+Searching are for some other pile of money
+||||warewolf||||because he doesn't have a job?||||
+Searching is for because he doesn't have a job
+Searching are for because he doesn't have a job
+Searching is for because he doesn't have a job
+Searching are for because he doesn't have a job
+||||buu||||Last I checked, he hasn't spent any freenode money on it.||||
+Searching is for last buu checked, he hasn't spent any freenode money on it.
+Searching are for last buu checked, he hasn't spent any freenode money on it.
+Searching is for last buu checked, he hasn't spent any freenode money on it
+Searching are for last buu checked, he hasn't spent any freenode money on it
+||||buu||||And I would be delighted to learn other wise.||||
+Searching is for buu would be delighted to learn other wise.
+Searching are for buu would be delighted to learn other wise.
+Searching is for buu would be delighted to learn other wise
+Searching are for buu would be delighted to learn other wise
+||||PerlJam||||what does his job status have to do with anythign?||||
+Searching is for does his job status have to do with anythign
+Searching are for does his job status have to do with anythign
+Searching is for does his job status have to do with anythign
+Searching are for does his job status have to do with anythign
+||||buu||||And technically he does have a job =]||||
+Searching is for technically he does have a job =]
+Searching are for technically he does have a job =]
+Searching is for technically he does have a job =]
+Searching are for technically he does have a job =]
+||||warewolf||||no, he attacked OFTC.||||
+Searching is for no, he attacked oftc.
+Searching are for no, he attacked oftc.
+Searching is for no, he attacked oftc
+Searching are for no, he attacked oftc
+Searching is for twice.
+Searching are for twice.
+Searching is for twice
+Searching are for twice
+||||buu||||THAT BASTARD||||
+Searching is for that bastard
+Searching are for that bastard
+Searching is for that bastard
+Searching are for that bastard
+||||buu||||You don't understand the magnitude, at least 200 extra users joined the oftc network||||
+Searching is for you don't understand the magnitude, at least 200 extra users joined the oftc network
+Searching are for you don't understand the magnitude, at least 200 extra users joined the oftc network
+Searching is for you don't understand the magnitude, at least 200 extra users joined the oftc network
+Searching are for you don't understand the magnitude, at least 200 extra users joined the oftc network
+||||buu||||They just weren't ready for that load.||||
+Searching is for they just weren't ready for that load.
+Searching are for they just weren't ready for that load.
+Searching is for they just weren't ready for that load
+Searching are for they just weren't ready for that load
+||||PerlJam||||that's the only thing you've said that I empathize with.||||
+Searching is for that's the only thing you've said that perljam empathize with.
+Searching are for that's the only thing you've said that perljam empathize with.
+Searching is for that's the only thing you've said that perljam empathize with
+Searching are for that's the only thing you've said that perljam empathize with
+||||warewolf||||do you know any freenode server admins?||||
+Searching is for any freenode server admins
+Searching are for any freenode server admins
+Searching is for any freenode server admins
+Searching are for any freenode server admins
+||||PerlJam||||not personally.||||
+Searching is for not personally.
+Searching are for not personally.
+Searching is for not personally
+Searching are for not personally
+||||warewolf||||ask them how much money they've gotten from freenode to support running the ircd on their server for freenode.||||
+Searching is for ask them how much money they've gotten from freenode to support running the ircd on their server for freenode.
+Searching are for ask them how much money they've gotten from freenode to support running the ircd on their server for freenode.
+Searching is for ask them how much money they've gotten from freenode to support running the ircd on their server for freenode
+Searching are for ask them how much money they've gotten from freenode to support running the ircd on their server for freenode
+||||buu||||HA HA YOU SAID FREELOAD||||
+Searching is for ha ha you said freeload
+Searching are for ha ha you said freeload
+Searching is for ha ha you said freeload
+Searching are for ha ha you said freeload
+||||buu||||that's almost as clever as m$||||
+Searching is for that's almost as clever as m$
+Searching are for that's almost as clever as m$
+Searching is for that's almost as clever as m$
+Searching are for that's almost as clever as m$
+||||PerlJam||||Isn't "freeload" one of metallica's albums?||||
+Searching is for isn't "freeload" one of metallica's albums
+Searching are for isn't "freeload" one of metallica's albums
+Searching is for isn't "freeload" one of metallica's albums
+Searching are for isn't "freeload" one of metallica's albums
+Searching is for ;)
+Searching are for ;)
+Searching is for ;)
+Searching are for ;)
+||||PerlJam||||I suppose he expects other admins to whore for their own money||||
+Searching is for perljam suppose he expects other admins to whore for their own money
+Searching are for perljam suppose he expects other admins to whore for their own money
+Searching is for perljam suppose he expects other admins to whore for their own money
+Searching are for perljam suppose he expects other admins to whore for their own money
+||||vh||||I only have one question.. why give a fuck?||||
+Searching is for vh only have one question.. why give a fuck
+Searching are for vh only have one question.. why give a fuck
+Searching is for vh only have one question.. why give a fuck
+Searching are for vh only have one question.. why give a fuck
+||||DrForr||||And with that, I say "Welcome to IRC."||||
+Searching is for with that, drforr say "welcome to irc."
+Searching are for with that, drforr say "welcome to irc."
+Searching is for with that, drforr say "welcome to irc."
+Searching are for with that, drforr say "welcome to irc."
+||||vh||||some dude had an irc network, and asked for money.. I mean.. ok. .that's relatively gay and all, but why all the hate?||||
+Searching is for some dude had an irc network, and asked for money.. vh mean.. ok. .that's relatively gay and all, but why all the hate
+Searching are for some dude had an irc network, and asked for money.. vh mean.. ok. .that's relatively gay and all, but why all the hate
+Searching is for some dude had an irc network, and asked for money.. vh mean.. ok. .that's relatively gay and all, but why all the hate
+Searching are for some dude had an irc network, and asked for money.. vh mean.. ok. .that's relatively gay and all, but why all the hate
+Searching is for hilarious.
+Searching are for hilarious.
+Searching is for hilarious
+Searching are for hilarious
+||||PerlJam||||yeah, and what's with all of the name changes before it became freenode?||||
+Searching is for yeah, andis with all of the name changes before it became freenode
+Searching are for yeah, andis with all of the name changes before it became freenode
+Searching is for yeah, andis with all of the name changes before it became freenode
+Searching are for yeah, andis with all of the name changes before it became freenode
+||||PerlJam||||rivile him for that too!||||
+Searching is for rivile him for that too!
+Searching are for rivile him for that too!
+Searching is for rivile him for that too
+Searching are for rivile him for that too
+||||PerlJam||||er, revile even||||
+Searching is for er, revile even
+Searching are for er, revile even
+Searching is for er, revile even
+Searching are for er, revile even
+||||buu||||He works full time on freenode. He gets paid for that. This is all very, very common knowledge.||||
+Searching is for he works full time on freenode. he gets paid for that. this is all very, very common knowledge.
+Searching are for he works full time on freenode. he gets paid for that. this is all very, very common knowledge.
+||||DrForr||||For that matter I'd love to be able to purchase an RV and maintain the IRC network while I wander around and park at random campgrounds.||||
+Searching is for for that matter drforr'd love to be able to purchase an rv and maintain the irc network while drforr wander around and park at random campgrounds.
+Searching are for for that matter drforr'd love to be able to purchase an rv and maintain the irc network while drforr wander around and park at random campgrounds.
+Searching is for for that matter drforr'd love to be able to purchase an rv and maintain the irc network while drforr wander around and park at random campgrounds
+Searching are for for that matter drforr'd love to be able to purchase an rv and maintain the irc network while drforr wander around and park at random campgrounds
+||||cfedde||||they see value in it. otherwise they would not argue||||
+Searching is for they see value in it. otherwise they would not argue
+Searching are for they see value in it. otherwise they would not argue
+Searching is for they see value in it. otherwise they would not argue
+Searching are for they see value in it. otherwise they would not argue
+||||vh||||I remember when lilo first left linuxnet to start linpeople or whatever it was first called....||||
+Searching is for vh remember when lilo first left linuxnet to start linpeople or whatever it was first called....
+Searching are for vh remember when lilo first left linuxnet to start linpeople or whatever it was first called....
+Searching is for vh remember when lilo first left linuxnet to start linpeople or whatever it was first called
+Searching are for vh remember when lilo first left linuxnet to start linpeople or whatever it was first called
+||||vh||||it was based off of some bickering with other ops or what not...||||
+Searching is for it was based off of some bickering with other ops ornot...
+Searching are for it was based off of some bickering with other ops ornot...
+Searching is for it was based off of some bickering with other ops ornot
+Searching are for it was based off of some bickering with other ops ornot
+||||buu||||My favorite part is that people apparently think he lives in a mansion and just bought an RV for kicks or something||||
+Searching is for buu's favorite part is that people apparently think he lives in a mansion and just bought an rv for kicks or something
+Searching are for buu's favorite part is that people apparently think he lives in a mansion and just bought an rv for kicks or something
+Searching is for buu's favorite part
+set;;is;;buu's favorite part;;that people apparently think he lives in a mansion and just bought an RV for kicks or something
+||||cfedde||||sure would be nice if we could all just get along.||||
+Searching is for sure would be nice if we could all just get along.
+Searching are for sure would be nice if we could all just get along.
+Searching is for sure would be nice if we could all just get along
+Searching are for sure would be nice if we could all just get along
+||||vh||||internet relay chat networks don't grow on trees ya know||||
+Searching is for internet relay chat networks don't grow on trees ya know
+Searching are for internet relay chat networks don't grow on trees ya know
+Searching is for internet relay chat networks don't grow on trees ya know
+Searching are for internet relay chat networks don't grow on trees ya know
+||||steven||||I'll give you one, if you like a shaved head||||
+Searching is for steven'll give you one, if you like a shaved head
+Searching are for steven'll give you one, if you like a shaved head
+Searching is for steven'll give you one, if you like a shaved head
+Searching are for steven'll give you one, if you like a shaved head
+||||steven||||(which is how mine is incidentally)||||
+Searching is for (which is how mine is incidentally)
+Searching are for (which is how mine is incidentally)
+Searching is for (which
+set;;is;;(which;;how mine is incidentally)
+||||warewolf||||buu- so in your opinion, why did lilo start a donation fund for an RV?||||
+Searching is for buu- so in your opinion, why did lilo start a donation fund for an rv
+Searching are for buu- so in your opinion, why did lilo start a donation fund for an rv
+Searching is for buu- so in your opinion, why did lilo start a donation fund for an rv
+Searching are for buu- so in your opinion, why did lilo start a donation fund for an rv
+||||warewolf||||buu- let me quote his RV project's website:||||
+Searching is for buu- let warewolf quote his rv project's website:
+Searching are for buu- let warewolf quote his rv project's website:
+Searching is for buu- let warewolf quote his rv project's website:
+Searching are for buu- let warewolf quote his rv project's website:
+||||warewolf||||"Project Spinhome is a personal project to raise funds to improve my situation and mobility."||||
+Searching is for "project spinhome is a personal project to raise funds to improve warewolf's situation and mobility."
+Searching are for "project spinhome is a personal project to raise funds to improve warewolf's situation and mobility."
+Searching is for "project spinhome
+set;;is;;"project spinhome;;a personal project to raise funds to improve warewolf's situation and mobility."
+||||vh||||because the irc servers are located in the wilderness, logically.||||
+Searching is for because the irc servers are located in the wilderness, logically.
+Searching are for because the irc servers are located in the wilderness, logically.
+Searching are for because the irc servers
+set;;are;;because the irc servers;;located in the wilderness, logically.
+||||vh||||so that they could better survive soviet nuclear retaliation||||
+Searching is for so that they could better survive soviet nuclear retaliation
+Searching are for so that they could better survive soviet nuclear retaliation
+Searching is for so that they could better survive soviet nuclear retaliation
+Searching are for so that they could better survive soviet nuclear retaliation
+||||warewolf||||how does having an RV permit him to administer an irc network better?||||
+Searching is for how does having an rv permit him to administer an irc network better
+Searching are for how does having an rv permit him to administer an irc network better
+Searching is for how does having an rv permit him to administer an irc network better
+Searching are for how does having an rv permit him to administer an irc network better
+||||vh||||just get a bigger and better RV, and that'll show 'em||||
+Searching is for just get a bigger and better rv, and that'll show 'em
+Searching are for just get a bigger and better rv, and that'll show 'em
+Searching is for just get a bigger and better rv, and that'll show 'em
+Searching are for just get a bigger and better rv, and that'll show 'em
+||||warewolf||||actually, my family does.||||
+Searching is for actually, warewolf's family does.
+Searching are for actually, warewolf's family does.
+Searching is for actually, warewolf's family does
+Searching are for actually, warewolf's family does
+||||vh||||oooh so you just don't want anybody -else- to have RVs.. man.. greedy||||
+Searching is for so you just don't want anybody -else- to have rvs.. man.. greedy
+Searching are for so you just don't want anybody -else- to have rvs.. man.. greedy
+Searching is for so you just don't want anybody -else- to have rvs.. man.. greedy
+Searching are for so you just don't want anybody -else- to have rvs.. man.. greedy
+||||warewolf||||and we rarely use it now, since I, and my sister are older than 6-14 years old now.||||
+Searching is for we rarely use it now, since warewolf, and warewolf's sister are older than 6-14 years old now.
+Searching are for we rarely use it now, since warewolf, and warewolf's sister are older than 6-14 years old now.
+||||warewolf||||no point in traveling to disneyland or whathave it||||
+Searching is for no point in traveling to disneyland or whathave it
+Searching are for no point in traveling to disneyland or whathave it
+Searching is for no point in traveling to disneyland or whathave it
+Searching are for no point in traveling to disneyland or whathave it
+||||vh||||well, if all you did for your life was administer irc servers, I'm sure you could make more use out of an RV||||
+Searching is for if all you did for your life was administer irc servers, vh is sure you could make more use out of an rv
+Searching are for if all you did for your life was administer irc servers, vh is sure you could make more use out of an rv
+||||warewolf||||right, since admining an irc network takes 32 hours a day.||||
+Searching is for right, since admining an irc network takes 32 hours a day.
+Searching are for right, since admining an irc network takes 32 hours a day.
+Searching is for right, since admining an irc network takes 32 hours a day
+Searching are for right, since admining an irc network takes 32 hours a day
+||||vh||||uhh no it takes like.. none.. so you'd have lots of time to use your RV||||
+Searching is for no it takes like.. none.. so you'd have lots of time to use your rv
+Searching are for no it takes like.. none.. so you'd have lots of time to use your rv
+Searching is for no it takes like.. none.. so you'd have lots of time to use your rv
+Searching are for no it takes like.. none.. so you'd have lots of time to use your rv
+||||warewolf||||not that there aren't other members of the network staff who can't take care of things||||
+Searching is for not that there aren't other members of the network staffcan't take care of things
+Searching are for not that there aren't other members of the network staffcan't take care of things
+Searching is for not that there aren't other members of the network staffcan't take care of things
+Searching are for not that there aren't other members of the network staffcan't take care of things
+||||warewolf||||lilo seems to have figured out a business model :)||||
+Searching is for lilo seems to have figured out a business model :)
+Searching are for lilo seems to have figured out a business model :)
+Searching is for lilo seems to have figured out a business model :)
+Searching are for lilo seems to have figured out a business model :)
+||||vh||||hey guys uhh it's getting kinda expensive for me to be here talking to you.. could you like.. throw me a few bucks||||
+Searching is for guys uhh it's getting kinda expensive for vh to be here talking to you.. could you like.. throw vh a few bucks
+Searching are for guys uhh it's getting kinda expensive for vh to be here talking to you.. could you like.. throw vh a few bucks
+Searching is for guys uhh it's getting kinda expensive for vh to be here talking to you.. could you like.. throw vh a few bucks
+Searching are for guys uhh it's getting kinda expensive for vh to be here talking to you.. could you like.. throw vh a few bucks
+||||warewolf||||don't forget that the server sponsors get $0||||
+Searching is for don't forget that the server sponsors get $0
+Searching are for don't forget that the server sponsors get $0
+Searching is for don't forget that the server sponsors get $0
+Searching are for don't forget that the server sponsors get $0
+||||vh||||they get advertising right ?||||
+Searching is for they get advertising right
+Searching are for they get advertising right
+Searching is for they get advertising right
+Searching are for they get advertising right
+||||kismet||||pop up adds||||
+Searching is for pop up adds
+Searching are for pop up adds
+Searching is for pop up adds
+Searching are for pop up adds
+||||dngor||||pop-up ads on irc?||||
+Searching is for pop-up ads on irc
+Searching are for pop-up ads on irc
+Searching is for pop-up ads on irc
+Searching are for pop-up ads on irc
+||||kismet||||I got it. key google adsence in to send server messages||||
+Searching is for kismet got it. key google adsence in to send server messages
+Searching are for kismet got it. key google adsence in to send server messages
+Searching is for kismet got it. key google adsence in to send server messages
+Searching are for kismet got it. key google adsence in to send server messages
+||||vh||||I thought that the motd or whatever would contain you know.. sponsor information||||
+Searching is for vh thought that the motd or whatever would contain you know.. sponsor information
+Searching are for vh thought that the motd or whatever would contain you know.. sponsor information
+Searching is for vh thought that the motd or whatever would contain you know.. sponsor information
+Searching are for vh thought that the motd or whatever would contain you know.. sponsor information
+||||vh||||I don't go to that network so I donno||||
+Searching is for vh don't go to that network so vh donno
+Searching are for vh don't go to that network so vh donno
+Searching is for vh don't go to that network so vh donno
+Searching are for vh don't go to that network so vh donno
+||||dngor||||You read the motd?||||
+Searching is for you read the motd
+Searching are for you read the motd
+Searching is for you read the motd
+Searching are for you read the motd
+||||vh||||Do I read it? my sammy 3000 converts into human recognizable speech noises||||
+Searching is for do vh read it? vh's sammy 3000 converts into human recognizable speech noises
+Searching are for do vh read it? vh's sammy 3000 converts into human recognizable speech noises
+Searching is for do vh read it? vh's sammy 3000 converts into human recognizable speech noises
+Searching are for do vh read it? vh's sammy 3000 converts into human recognizable speech noises
+||||dngor||||s/no lilo/so lilo/||||
+Searching is for s/no lilo/so lilo/
+Searching are for s/no lilo/so lilo/
+Searching is for s/no lilo/so lilo/
+Searching are for s/no lilo/so lilo/
+||||vh||||ascii pie charts ain't cheap||||
+Searching is for ascii pie charts ain't cheap
+Searching are for ascii pie charts ain't cheap
+Searching is for ascii pie charts ain't cheap
+Searching are for ascii pie charts ain't cheap
+||||dngor||||No, they certainly aren't. But we could write some open source to generate them.||||
+Searching is for no, they certainly aren't. but we could write some open source to generate them.
+Searching are for no, they certainly aren't. but we could write some open source to generate them.
+Searching is for no, they certainly aren't. but we could write some open source to generate them
+Searching are for no, they certainly aren't. but we could write some open source to generate them
+||||warewolf||||all those bits and electrons aren't recycled you know.||||
+Searching is for all those bits and electrons aren't recycled you know.
+Searching are for all those bits and electrons aren't recycled you know.
+Searching is for all those bits and electrons aren't recycled you know
+Searching are for all those bits and electrons aren't recycled you know
+||||warewolf||||they're expensive.||||
+Searching is for they're expensive.
+Searching are for they're expensive.
+Searching is for they're expensive
+Searching are for they're expensive
+||||dngor||||That's the problem with IRC. It's run on electrons, and they impart a baseline negativity to everything.||||
+Searching is for that's the problem with irc. it's run on electrons, and they impart a baseline negativity to everything.
+Searching are for that's the problem with irc. it's run on electrons, and they impart a baseline negativity to everything.
+Searching is for that's the problem with irc. it's run on electrons, and they impart a baseline negativity to everything
+Searching are for that's the problem with irc. it's run on electrons, and they impart a baseline negativity to everything
+||||kismet||||all the old bits just become porn. Why else would there be so much of it.||||
+Searching is for all the old bits just become porn. why else would there be so much of it.
+Searching are for all the old bits just become porn. why else would there be so much of it.
+Searching is for all the old bits just become porn. why else would there be so much of it
+Searching are for all the old bits just become porn. why else would there be so much of it
+||||buu||||You do realize THERE ARE TWO SEPERATE DONATIONS?||||
+Searching is for you do realize there are two seperate donations
+Searching are for you do realize there are two seperate donations
+Searching is for spinhome.org
+Searching are for spinhome.org
+Searching is for spinhome.org
+Searching are for spinhome.org
+||||warewolf||||buu- you do realise that anything you say that trys to put lilo in a positive light is going to go in one ear, and right out the other, right?||||
+Searching is for buu- you do realise that anything you say that trys to put lilo in a positive light is going to go in one ear, and right out the other, right
+Searching are for buu- you do realise that anything you say that trys to put lilo in a positive light is going to go in one ear, and right out the other, right
+||||warewolf||||holy batshit, batman!||||
+Searching is for holy batshit, batman!
+Searching are for holy batshit, batman!
+Searching is for holy batshit, batman
+Searching are for holy batshit, batman
+||||warewolf||||he's buzzword compliant!||||
+Searching is for he's buzzword compliant!
+Searching are for he's buzzword compliant!
+Searching is for he's buzzword compliant
+Searching are for he's buzzword compliant
+||||vh||||"As the head of staff of freenode, and as the most visible avatar of the freenode philosophy, I should be taking that connection with the outside world out to the outside world in a very direct way."||||
+Searching is for "as the head of staff of freenode, and as the most visible avatar of the freenode philosophy, vh should be taking that connection with the outside world out to the outside world in a very direct way."
+Searching are for "as the head of staff of freenode, and as the most visible avatar of the freenode philosophy, vh should be taking that connection with the outside world out to the outside world in a very direct way."
+Searching is for "as the head of staff of freenode, and as the most visible avatar of the freenode philosophy, vh should be taking that connection with the outside world out to the outside world in a very direct way."
+Searching are for "as the head of staff of freenode, and as the most visible avatar of the freenode philosophy, vh should be taking that connection with the outside world out to the outside world in a very direct way."
+||||dngor||||"take * to the next level" = marketspeak for monetizing the community stream||||
+Searching is for "take * to the next level" = marketspeak for monetizing the community stream
+Searching are for "take * to the next level" = marketspeak for monetizing the community stream
+Searching is for "take * to the next level" = marketspeak for monetizing the community stream
+Searching are for "take * to the next level" = marketspeak for monetizing the community stream
+||||vh||||yo yo yo word up to the most visible avatar BITCH||||
+Searching is for yo yo yo word up to the most visible avatar bitch
+Searching are for yo yo yo word up to the most visible avatar bitch
+Searching is for yo yo yo word up to the most visible avatar bitch
+Searching are for yo yo yo word up to the most visible avatar bitch
+||||warewolf||||buu- no, I simply know better.||||
+Searching is for buu- no, warewolf simply know better.
+Searching are for buu- no, warewolf simply know better.
+Searching is for buu- no, warewolf simply know better
+Searching are for buu- no, warewolf simply know better
+||||dngor||||spinhome = keeping it real?||||
+Searching is for spinhome = keeping it real
+Searching are for spinhome = keeping it real
+Searching is for spinhome = keeping it real
+Searching are for spinhome = keeping it real
+||||vh||||So he's going to drive his RV around and be all like "Hey.. login to irc!"||||
+Searching is for so he's going to drive his rv around and be all like "hey.. login to irc!"
+Searching are for so he's going to drive his rv around and be all like "hey.. login to irc!"
+Searching is for so he's going to drive his rv around and be all like "hey.. login to irc!"
+Searching are for so he's going to drive his rv around and be all like "hey.. login to irc!"
+||||dngor||||Driving around an RV isn't cheap. Who's paying for his gas?||||
+Searching is for driving around an rv isn't cheap.is paying for his gas
+Searching are for driving around an rv isn't cheap.is paying for his gas
+Searching is for driving around an rv isn't cheap.is paying for his gas
+Searching are for driving around an rv isn't cheap.is paying for his gas
+||||vh||||powered by pure and unadulterated love||||
+Searching is for powered by pure and unadulterated love
+Searching are for powered by pure and unadulterated love
+Searching is for powered by pure and unadulterated love
+Searching are for powered by pure and unadulterated love
+||||cj||||I was going to ask something interesting here, but I've forgotten what it was||||
+Searching is for cj was going to ask something interesting here, but cj has forgottenit was
+Searching are for cj was going to ask something interesting here, but cj has forgottenit was
+Searching is for cj was going to ask something interesting here, but cj has forgottenit was
+Searching are for cj was going to ask something interesting here, but cj has forgottenit was
+||||cj||||oh, yes...||||
+Searching is for yes...
+Searching are for yes...
+Searching is for yes
+Searching are for yes
+||||cfedde||||it's a simple matter of programming||||
+Searching is for it's a simple matter of programming
+Searching are for it's a simple matter of programming
+Searching is for it's a simple matter of programming
+Searching are for it's a simple matter of programming
+||||vh||||No matter where you stand on this guy megging for money, you gotta admit that his explanation for why he needs money for an RV is fantastically crapable||||
+Searching is for no matteris you stand on this guy megging for money, you gotta admit that his explanation for why he needs money for an rv fantastically crapable
+Searching are for no matteris you stand on this guy megging for money, you gotta admit that his explanation for why he needs money for an rv fantastically crapable
+Searching is for no matteris you stand on this guy megging for money, you gotta admit that his explanation for why he needs money for an rv fantastically crapable
+Searching are for no matteris you stand on this guy megging for money, you gotta admit that his explanation for why he needs money for an rv fantastically crapable
+Searching is for s/meg/beg/
+Searching are for s/meg/beg/
+Searching is for s/meg/beg/
+Searching are for s/meg/beg/
+||||cj||||sure, sure... but is it possbile with little programming? :)||||
+Searching is for sure, sure... but is it possbile with little programming? :)
+Searching are for sure, sure... but is it possbile with little programming? :)
+Searching is for sure, sure... but
+set;;is;;sure, sure... but;;it possbile with little programming? :)
+||||vh||||"A sort of "quasi-anonymity" contributes to the impermanence of relationships. But these communities can accomplish things which are striking and impressive. They connect people and ideas across the planet with a speed and scope that's unprecedented in human history."||||
+Searching is for "a sort of "quasi-anonymity" contributes to the impermanence of relationships. but these communities can accomplish things which are striking and impressive. they connect people and ideas across the planet with a speed and scope that's unprecedented in human history."
+Searching are for "a sort of "quasi-anonymity" contributes to the impermanence of relationships. but these communities can accomplish things which are striking and impressive. they connect people and ideas across the planet with a speed and scope that's unprecedented in human history."
+||||vh||||Thesaurus == RV||||
+Searching is for thesaurus == rv
+Searching are for thesaurus == rv
+Searching is for thesaurus == rv
+Searching are for thesaurus == rv
+||||vh||||I donno.||||
+Searching is for vh donno.
+Searching are for vh donno.
+Searching is for vh donno
+Searching are for vh donno
+Searching is for http://spinhome.org/archives/35-freenode-as-synthesis.html#extended
+Searching are for http://spinhome.org/archives/35-freenode-as-synthesis.html#extended
+Searching is for http://spinhome.org/archives/35-freenode-as-synthesis.html#extended
+Searching are for http://spinhome.org/archives/35-freenode-as-synthesis.html#extended
+||||cfedde||||if I have achieved so much it is because I stand on the shoulders of giants||||
+Searching is for if cfedde has achieved so much it is because cfedde stand on the shoulders of giants
+Searching are for if cfedde has achieved so much it is because cfedde stand on the shoulders of giants
+||||vh||||basically an RV gives freenode a physical extension into the world.. kinda like a tentacle, sticking out of the matrix, but instead of converting human life into robotic energy, it spreads goodwill and technological wonder||||
+Searching is for basically an rv gives freenode a physical extension into the world.. kinda like a tentacle, sticking out of the matrix, but instead of converting human life into robotic energy, it spreads goodwill and technological wonder
+Searching are for basically an rv gives freenode a physical extension into the world.. kinda like a tentacle, sticking out of the matrix, but instead of converting human life into robotic energy, it spreads goodwill and technological wonder
+Searching is for basically an rv gives freenode a physical extension into the world.. kinda like a tentacle, sticking out of the matrix, but instead of converting human life into robotic energy, it spreads goodwill and technological wonder
+Searching are for basically an rv gives freenode a physical extension into the world.. kinda like a tentacle, sticking out of the matrix, but instead of converting human life into robotic energy, it spreads goodwill and technological wonder
+||||cj||||ah, rob's writing, eh? :)||||
+Searching is for ah, rob's writing, eh? :)
+Searching are for ah, rob's writing, eh? :)
+Searching is for ah, rob's writing, eh? :)
+Searching are for ah, rob's writing, eh? :)
+Searching is for blaaaaugh
+Searching are for blaaaaugh
+Searching is for blaaaaugh
+Searching are for blaaaaugh
+||||cj||||well put||||
+Searching is for put
+Searching are for put
+Searching is for put
+Searching are for put
+||||rjbs||||I wonder if he will release his book as a serial||||
+Searching is for rjbs wonder if he will release his book as a serial
+Searching are for rjbs wonder if he will release his book as a serial
+Searching is for rjbs wonder if he will release his book as a serial
+Searching are for rjbs wonder if he will release his book as a serial
+||||vh||||'Participants in these communities have traditionally seen social skills as of relatively minor importance.'||||
+Searching is for 'participants in these communities have traditionally seen social skills as of relatively minor importance.'
+Searching are for 'participants in these communities have traditionally seen social skills as of relatively minor importance.'
+Searching is for 'participants in these communities have traditionally seen social skills as of relatively minor importance.'
+Searching are for 'participants in these communities have traditionally seen social skills as of relatively minor importance.'
+||||rjbs||||one paragraph per hour, available as a global notice||||
+Searching is for one paragraph per hour, available as a global notice
+Searching are for one paragraph per hour, available as a global notice
+Searching is for one paragraph per hour, available as a global notice
+Searching are for one paragraph per hour, available as a global notice
+||||kismet||||rjbs, or at least on a cereal box||||
+Searching is for rjbs, or at least on a cereal box
+Searching are for rjbs, or at least on a cereal box
+Searching is for rjbs, or at least on a cereal box
+Searching are for rjbs, or at least on a cereal box
+||||vh||||'Hurricane season is here. Our current lodgings are fragile and immobile. Please help out as soon as you can,'||||
+Searching is for 'hurricane season is here. our current lodgings are fragile and immobile. please help out as soon as you can,'
+Searching are for 'hurricane season is here. our current lodgings are fragile and immobile. please help out as soon as you can,'
+Searching is for 'hurricane season
+set;;is;;'hurricane season;;here. Our current lodgings are fragile and immobile. Please help out as soon as you can,'
+||||vh||||ARGH mine are immobile too! nnoooooooOOOOOoooo||||
+Searching is for argh mine are immobile too! nnoooooooooooooooo
+Searching are for argh mine are immobile too! nnoooooooooooooooo
+Searching are for argh mine
+set;;are;;argh mine;;immobile too! nnoooooooOOOOOoooo
+||||dngor||||On the plus side, he can't IRC and drive at the same time... can he?||||
+Searching is for on the plus side, he can't irc and drive at the same time... can he
+Searching are for on the plus side, he can't irc and drive at the same time... can he
+Searching is for on the plus side, he can't irc and drive at the same time... can he
+Searching are for on the plus side, he can't irc and drive at the same time... can he
+||||vh||||Spinhome includes knight rider style AI||||
+Searching is for spinhome includes knight rider style ai
+Searching are for spinhome includes knight rider style ai
+Searching is for spinhome includes knight rider style ai
+Searching are for spinhome includes knight rider style ai
+||||kismet||||twiddler and a display, why not||||
+Searching is for twiddler and a display, why not
+Searching are for twiddler and a display, why not
+Searching is for twiddler and a display, why not
+Searching are for twiddler and a display, why not
+||||vh||||it detects forlorn people who havn't yet experienced the earth shattering technological revolution that is IRC, and automatically drives to them, and he jumps out and helps them login||||
+Searching is for it detects forlorn peopleis havn't yet experienced the earth shattering technological revolution that irc, and automatically drives to them, and he jumps out and helps them login
+Searching are for it detects forlorn peopleis havn't yet experienced the earth shattering technological revolution that irc, and automatically drives to them, and he jumps out and helps them login
+Searching is for it detects forlorn peopleis havn't yet experienced the earth shattering technological revolution that irc, and automatically drives to them, and he jumps out and helps them login
+Searching are for it detects forlorn peopleis havn't yet experienced the earth shattering technological revolution that irc, and automatically drives to them, and he jumps out and helps them login
+||||vh||||anyways.. I hope he gets his RV||||
+Searching is for anyways.. vh hope he gets his rv
+Searching are for anyways.. vh hope he gets his rv
+Searching is for anyways.. vh hope he gets his rv
+Searching are for anyways.. vh hope he gets his rv
+||||vh||||but if he does.. he better.. physically.. extent.. into the world.. like he says he will||||
+Searching is for if he does.. he better.. physically.. extent.. into the world.. like he says he will
+Searching are for if he does.. he better.. physically.. extent.. into the world.. like he says he will
+Searching is for if he does.. he better.. physically.. extent.. into the world.. like he says he will
+Searching are for if he does.. he better.. physically.. extent.. into the world.. like he says he will
+||||vh||||and you know.. synthesize some communities||||
+Searching is for you know.. synthesize some communities
+Searching are for you know.. synthesize some communities
+Searching is for you know.. synthesize some communities
+Searching are for you know.. synthesize some communities
+||||vh||||I wonder who the first people to setup efnet were||||
+Searching is for vh wonderthe first people to setup efnet were
+Searching are for vh wonderthe first people to setup efnet were
+Searching is for vh wonderthe first people to setup efnet were
+Searching are for vh wonderthe first people to setup efnet were
+||||vh||||Greg Lindahl, and stands for 'Eris Free'.. gee||||
+Searching is for greg lindahl, and stands for 'eris free'.. gee
+Searching are for greg lindahl, and stands for 'eris free'.. gee
+Searching is for greg lindahl, and stands for 'eris free'.. gee
+Searching are for greg lindahl, and stands for 'eris free'.. gee
+||||gib||||does anyone knows where to find a list of all available functions in perl 588 (want to add the list to a custom editor for autocompletion)||||
+Searching is for does anyone knowsto find a list of all available functions in perl 588 (want to add the list to a custom editor for autocompletion)
+Searching are for does anyone knowsto find a list of all available functions in perl 588 (want to add the list to a custom editor for autocompletion)
+Searching is for does anyone knowsto find a list of all available functions in perl 588 (want to add the list to a custom editor for autocompletion)
+Searching are for does anyone knowsto find a list of all available functions in perl 588 (want to add the list to a custom editor for autocompletion)
+||||warewolf||||yeah, you didn't know that's what efnet stood for?||||
+Searching is for yeah, you didn't know that'sefnet stood for
+Searching are for yeah, you didn't know that'sefnet stood for
+Searching is for yeah, you didn't know that'sefnet stood for
+Searching are for yeah, you didn't know that'sefnet stood for
+Searching is for perlfunc
+Searching are for perlfunc
+Searching is for perlfunc
+Searching are for perlfunc
+||||vh||||nope, had no clue, and started using irc in 93||||
+Searching is for nope, had no clue, and started using irc in 93
+Searching are for nope, had no clue, and started using irc in 93
+Searching is for nope, had no clue, and started using irc in 93
+Searching are for nope, had no clue, and started using irc in 93
+Searching is for interesting.
+Searching are for interesting.
+Searching is for interesting
+Searching are for interesting
+||||vh||||although I don't think I've logged onto efnet for several years now||||
+Searching is for although vh don't think vh has logged onto efnet for several years now
+Searching are for although vh don't think vh has logged onto efnet for several years now
+Searching is for although vh don't think vh has logged onto efnet for several years now
+Searching are for although vh don't think vh has logged onto efnet for several years now
+||||warewolf||||I started somewhere around 95 or 96||||
+Searching is for warewolf started somewhere around 95 or 96
+Searching are for warewolf started somewhere around 95 or 96
+Searching is for warewolf started somewhere around 95 or 96
+Searching are for warewolf started somewhere around 95 or 96
+||||warewolf||||started on undernet, playing conquest.||||
+Searching is for started on undernet, playing conquest.
+Searching are for started on undernet, playing conquest.
+Searching is for started on undernet, playing conquest
+Searching are for started on undernet, playing conquest
+||||gib||||well I meant a standalone file :)||||
+Searching is for gib meant a standalone file :)
+Searching are for gib meant a standalone file :)
+Searching is for gib meant a standalone file :)
+Searching are for gib meant a standalone file :)
+||||warewolf||||on lunch break I'd go to the library, telnet to my shell on the local ISP, run ircii and conect to undernet.||||
+Searching is for on lunch break warewolf'd go to the library, telnet to warewolf's shell on the local isp, run ircii and conect to undernet.
+Searching are for on lunch break warewolf'd go to the library, telnet to warewolf's shell on the local isp, run ircii and conect to undernet.
+Searching is for on lunch break warewolf'd go to the library, telnet to warewolf's shell on the local isp, run ircii and conect to undernet
+Searching are for on lunch break warewolf'd go to the library, telnet to warewolf's shell on the local isp, run ircii and conect to undernet
+||||warewolf||||then again, I was quite the librarian's pet, because I kept all their computers working and virus free.||||
+Searching is for then again, warewolf was quite the librarian's pet, because warewolf kept all their computers working and virus free.
+Searching are for then again, warewolf was quite the librarian's pet, because warewolf kept all their computers working and virus free.
+Searching is for then again, warewolf was quite the librarian's pet, because warewolf kept all their computers working and virus free
+Searching are for then again, warewolf was quite the librarian's pet, because warewolf kept all their computers working and virus free
+||||buu||||Aside from that standalone file?||||
+Searching is for aside from that standalone file
+Searching are for aside from that standalone file
+Searching is for aside from that standalone file
+Searching are for aside from that standalone file
+||||buu||||There might be one in the source someplace.||||
+Searching is for there might be one in the source someplace.
+Searching are for there might be one in the source someplace.
+Searching is for there might be one in the source someplace
+Searching are for there might be one in the source someplace
+||||warewolf||||it was rather interesting once -- a boot sector virus overwrote the media descriptor byte of the hard drive and made the drive format as a 1.44mb floppy when reformatted :)||||
+Searching is for it was rather interesting once -- a boot sector virus overwrote the media descriptor byte of the hard drive and made the drive format as a 1.44mb floppy when reformatted :)
+Searching are for it was rather interesting once -- a boot sector virus overwrote the media descriptor byte of the hard drive and made the drive format as a 1.44mb floppy when reformatted :)
+Searching is for it was rather interesting once -- a boot sector virus overwrote the media descriptor byte of the hard drive and made the drive format as a 1.44mb floppy when reformatted :)
+Searching are for it was rather interesting once -- a boot sector virus overwrote the media descriptor byte of the hard drive and made the drive format as a 1.44mb floppy when reformatted :)
+Searching is for oh
+Searching are for oh
+Searching is for oh
+Searching are for oh
+||||vh||||well it looks like all the keywords are laid out in perlfunc in a rather consistent way near the beginning||||
+Searching is for it looks like all the keywords are laid out in perlfunc in a rather consistent way near the beginning
+Searching are for it looks like all the keywords are laid out in perlfunc in a rather consistent way near the beginning
+||||vh||||maybe you can use perl to extract from that ||||
+Searching is for maybe you can use perl to extract from that
+Searching are for maybe you can use perl to extract from that
+Searching is for maybe you can use perl to extract from that
+Searching are for maybe you can use perl to extract from that
+||||buu||||perldoc -f||||
+Searching is for perldoc -f
+Searching are for perldoc -f
+Searching is for perldoc -f
+Searching are for perldoc -f
+||||gib||||sure we could :) do you feel like doing that ?||||
+Searching is for sure we could :) do you feel like doing that
+Searching are for sure we could :) do you feel like doing that
+Searching is for sure we could :) do you feel like doing that
+Searching are for sure we could :) do you feel like doing that
+||||vh||||buu makes a good point||||
+Searching is for buu makes a good point
+Searching are for buu makes a good point
+Searching is for buu makes a good point
+Searching are for buu makes a good point
+||||vh||||perldoc already does it..||||
+Searching is for perldoc already does it..
+Searching are for perldoc already does it..
+Searching is for perldoc already does it
+Searching are for perldoc already does it
+||||vh||||check out search_perlfunc in Pod::Perldoc||||
+Searching is for check out search_perlfunc in pod::perldoc
+Searching are for check out search_perlfunc in pod::perldoc
+Searching is for check out search_perlfunc in pod::perldoc
+Searching are for check out search_perlfunc in pod::perldoc
+||||vh||||hmmm.. sorta||||
+Searching is for sorta
+Searching are for sorta
+Searching is for sorta
+Searching are for sorta
+||||geoffeg||||bah.. putty doesn't use the same public key format as openssh does!||||
+Searching is for bah.. putty doesn't use the same public key format as openssh does!
+Searching are for bah.. putty doesn't use the same public key format as openssh does!
+Searching is for bah.. putty doesn't use the same public key format as openssh does
+Searching are for bah.. putty doesn't use the same public key format as openssh does
+||||gib||||sub search_perlfunc {||||
+Searching is for sub search_perlfunc {
+Searching are for sub search_perlfunc {
+Searching is for sub search_perlfunc {
+Searching are for sub search_perlfunc {
+||||vh||||it's keygen though.. lets you convert openssh's right ?||||
+Searching is for it's keygen though.. lets you convert openssh's right
+Searching are for it's keygen though.. lets you convert openssh's right
+Searching is for it's keygen though.. lets you convert openssh's right
+Searching are for it's keygen though.. lets you convert openssh's right
+Searching is for yup
+Searching are for yup
+Searching is for yup
+Searching are for yup
+||||gib||||oneliner ?||||
+Searching is for oneliner
+Searching are for oneliner
+Searching is for oneliner
+Searching are for oneliner
+||||dngor||||shaz rob||||
+Searching is for shaz rob
+Searching are for shaz rob
+Searching is for shaz rob
+Searching are for shaz rob
+Searching is for roba
+Searching are for roba
+Searching is for roba
+Searching are for roba
+Searching is for shazbot
+Searching are for shazbot
+Searching is for shazbot
+Searching are for shazbot
+||||workbench||||FAG HEMORRHAGIC||||
+Searching is for fag hemorrhagic
+Searching are for fag hemorrhagic
+Searching is for fag hemorrhagic
+Searching are for fag hemorrhagic
+||||vh||||perldoc -m perlfunc | perl -ne'print "$1\n" if /^=item (\w+)/ && lc($1) eq $1' | sort -u | less||||
+Searching is for perldoc -m perlfunc | perl -ne'print "$1\n" if /^=item (\w+)/ && lc($1) eq $1' | sort -u | less
+Searching are for perldoc -m perlfunc | perl -ne'print "$1\n" if /^=item (\w+)/ && lc($1) eq $1' | sort -u | less
+Searching is for perldoc -m perlfunc | perl -ne'print "$1\n" if /^=item (\w+)/ && lc($1) eq $1' | sort -u | less
+Searching are for perldoc -m perlfunc | perl -ne'print "$1\n" if /^=item (\w+)/ && lc($1) eq $1' | sort -u | less
+||||vh||||lazy buz||||
+Searching is for lazy buz
+Searching are for lazy buz
+Searching is for lazy buz
+Searching are for lazy buz
+Searching is for bum
+Searching are for bum
+Searching is for bum
+Searching are for bum
+||||vh||||oh I missed all the - blah operators||||
+Searching is for vh missed all the - blah operators
+Searching are for vh missed all the - blah operators
+Searching is for vh missed all the - blah operators
+Searching are for vh missed all the - blah operators
+Searching is for whatever
+Searching are for whatever
+Searching is for whatever
+Searching are for whatever
+Searching is for hehe
+Searching are for hehe
+Searching is for hehe
+Searching are for hehe
+||||DrForr||||Oh, for unwind-protect in perl...||||
+Searching is for for unwind-protect in perl...
+Searching are for for unwind-protect in perl...
+Searching is for for unwind-protect in perl
+Searching are for for unwind-protect in perl
+||||mauke||||perldoc End||||
+Searching is for perldoc end
+Searching are for perldoc end
+Searching is for perldoc end
+Searching are for perldoc end
+||||mauke||||oh, it's not core||||
+Searching is for it's not core
+Searching are for it's not core
+Searching is for it's not core
+Searching are for it's not core
+||||q||||awww, that was frightening||||
+Searching is for awww, that was frightening
+Searching are for awww, that was frightening
+Searching is for awww, that was frightening
+Searching are for awww, that was frightening
+||||mauke||||what are you trying to do?||||
+Searching is for are you trying to do
+Searching are for are you trying to do
+Searching are for you trying to do
+||||q||||me? i just realized i was on freenode. I must have had a session attached there and never realized it. Scared the shit out of me. I saw buu talking, and then I realized I couldn't change to my nick||||
+Searching is for q? q just realized q was on freenode. q must have had a session attached there and never realized it. scared the shit out of q. q saw buu talking, and then q realized q couldn't change to q's nick
+Searching are for q? q just realized q was on freenode. q must have had a session attached there and never realized it. scared the shit out of q. q saw buu talking, and then q realized q couldn't change to q's nick
+Searching is for q? q just realized q was on freenode. q must have had a session attached there and never realized it. scared the shit out of q. q saw buu talking, and then q realized q couldn't change to q's nick
+Searching are for q? q just realized q was on freenode. q must have had a session attached there and never realized it. scared the shit out of q. q saw buu talking, and then q realized q couldn't change to q's nick
+||||mauke||||no, DrForr :-)||||
+Searching is for no, drforr :-)
+Searching are for no, drforr :-)
+Searching is for no, drforr :-)
+Searching are for no, drforr :-)
+||||q||||oh :)||||
+Searching is for :)
+Searching are for :)
+Searching is for :)
+Searching are for :)
+||||DrForr||||I've got two separate (slightly different) SQL queries with a lot of model'ifying code surrounding them to the point where I can't easily break out the looping bind stuff.||||
+Searching is for drforr has got two separate (slightly different) sql queries with a lot of model'ifying code surrounding them to the pointdrforr can't easily break out the looping bind stuff.
+Searching are for drforr has got two separate (slightly different) sql queries with a lot of model'ifying code surrounding them to the pointdrforr can't easily break out the looping bind stuff.
+Searching is for drforr has got two separate (slightly different) sql queries with a lot of model'ifying code surrounding them to the pointdrforr can't easily break out the looping bind stuff
+Searching are for drforr has got two separate (slightly different) sql queries with a lot of model'ifying code surrounding them to the pointdrforr can't easily break out the looping bind stuff
+||||DrForr||||Something like (defmacro do-sql-damnit *query* *bind-parameters* *objectify-this-stuff*) would be really handy.||||
+Searching is for something like (defmacro do-sql-damnit *query* *bind-parameters* *objectify-this-stuff*) would be really handy.
+Searching are for something like (defmacro do-sql-damnit *query* *bind-parameters* *objectify-this-stuff*) would be really handy.
+Searching is for something like (defmacro do-sql-damnit *query* *bind-parameters* *objectify-this-stuff*) would be really handy
+Searching are for something like (defmacro do-sql-damnit *query* *bind-parameters* *objectify-this-stuff*) would be really handy
+||||buu||||HALLO MR Q||||
+Searching is for hallo mr q
+Searching are for hallo mr q
+Searching is for hallo mr q
+Searching are for hallo mr q
+||||vh||||you can always abuse eval and generate some closures, but I'm not entirely sure what yer doing||||
+Searching is for you can always abuse eval and generate some closures, but vh is not entirely sureyer doing
+Searching are for you can always abuse eval and generate some closures, but vh is not entirely sureyer doing
+Searching is for not entirely sureyer doing
+||||DrForr||||vh - I know, but that's overkill for this particular project.||||
+Searching is for vh - drforr know, but that's overkill for this particular project.
+Searching are for vh - drforr know, but that's overkill for this particular project.
+Searching is for vh - drforr know, but that's overkill for this particular project
+Searching are for vh - drforr know, but that's overkill for this particular project
+||||DrForr||||Yeah, that was my first thought... "Reactivating project Orion... Don't international treaties abrogate nuclear detonations aboveground?..."||||
+Searching is for yeah, that was drforr's first thought... "reactivating project orion... don't international treaties abrogate nuclear detonations aboveground?..."
+Searching are for yeah, that was drforr's first thought... "reactivating project orion... don't international treaties abrogate nuclear detonations aboveground?..."
+Searching is for yeah, that was drforr's first thought... "reactivating project orion... don't international treaties abrogate nuclear detonations aboveground?..."
+Searching are for yeah, that was drforr's first thought... "reactivating project orion... don't international treaties abrogate nuclear detonations aboveground?..."
+||||vh||||' Various mission profiles were considered, including an ambitious interstellar version. This called for a 40-million-ton spacecraft to be powered by the sequential release of ten million bombs, each designed to explode roughly 60 m to the vehicle's rear.'||||
+Searching is for ' various mission profiles were considered, including an ambitious interstellar version. this called for a 40-million-ton spacecraft to be powered by the sequential release of ten million bombs, each designed to explode roughly 60 m to the vehicle's rear.'
+Searching are for ' various mission profiles were considered, including an ambitious interstellar version. this called for a 40-million-ton spacecraft to be powered by the sequential release of ten million bombs, each designed to explode roughly 60 m to the vehicle's rear.'
+Searching is for ' various mission profiles were considered, including an ambitious interstellar version. this called for a 40-million-ton spacecraft to be powered by the sequential release of ten million bombs, each designed to explode roughly 60 m to the vehicle's rear.'
+Searching are for ' various mission profiles were considered, including an ambitious interstellar version. this called for a 40-million-ton spacecraft to be powered by the sequential release of ten million bombs, each designed to explode roughly 60 m to the vehicle's rear.'
+||||vh||||I think that really puts the notion of interstellar travel into perspective||||
+Searching is for vh think that really puts the notion of interstellar travel into perspective
+Searching are for vh think that really puts the notion of interstellar travel into perspective
+Searching is for vh think that really puts the notion of interstellar travel into perspective
+Searching are for vh think that really puts the notion of interstellar travel into perspective
+Searching is for morning.
+Searching are for morning.
+Searching is for morning
+Searching are for morning
+||||Skud||||shut up||||
+Searching is for shut up
+Searching are for shut up
+Searching is for shut up
+Searching are for shut up
+||||Skud||||now *that's* the sort of response i like to see||||
+Searching is for now *that's* the sort of response skud like to see
+Searching are for now *that's* the sort of response skud like to see
+Searching is for now *that's* the sort of response skud like to see
+Searching are for now *that's* the sort of response skud like to see
+||||cat-xeger||||Hm. Does anybody know off the top of their head what the conditional for CGI::remote_host() returning an IP, not a name is?||||
+Searching is for off the top of their headis the conditional for cgi::remote_host() returning an ip, not a name
+Searching are for off the top of their headis the conditional for cgi::remote_host() returning an ip, not a name
+Searching is for off the top of their headis the conditional for cgi::remote_host() returning an ip, not a name
+Searching are for off the top of their headis the conditional for cgi::remote_host() returning an ip, not a name
+||||cj||||maybe #perl-help?||||
+Searching is for maybe #perl-help
+Searching are for maybe #perl-help
+Searching is for maybe #perl-help
+Searching are for maybe #perl-help
+||||cj||||or #perl on freenode? :)||||
+Searching is for #perl on freenode? :)
+Searching are for #perl on freenode? :)
+Searching is for #perl on freenode? :)
+Searching are for #perl on freenode? :)
+Searching is for net::dns
+Searching are for net::dns
+Searching is for net::dns
+Searching are for net::dns
+||||cat-xeger||||cj - perhaps you didn't understand the question ;P||||
+Searching is for cj - perhaps you didn't understand the question ;p
+Searching are for cj - perhaps you didn't understand the question ;p
+Searching is for cj - perhaps you didn't understand the question ;p
+Searching are for cj - perhaps you didn't understand the question ;p
+||||cj||||it's likely.||||
+Searching is for it's likely.
+Searching are for it's likely.
+Searching is for it's likely
+Searching are for it's likely
+||||cj||||what causes it to return an IP and not a name?||||
+Searching is for causes it to return an ip and not a name
+Searching are for causes it to return an ip and not a name
+Searching is for causes it to return an ip and not a name
+Searching are for causes it to return an ip and not a name
+||||vh||||perldoc -m CGI ||||
+Searching is for perldoc -m cgi
+Searching are for perldoc -m cgi
+Searching is for perldoc -m cgi
+Searching are for perldoc -m cgi
+||||cj||||perhaps DNS timeout or no reverse lookup?||||
+Searching is for perhaps dns timeout or no reverse lookup
+Searching are for perhaps dns timeout or no reverse lookup
+Searching is for perhaps dns timeout or no reverse lookup
+Searching are for perhaps dns timeout or no reverse lookup
+||||cat-xeger||||The docs for CGI claim that it can return either an IP or a dns name, but I haven't found a condition that causes it to return a dns name as of yet.||||
+Searching is for the docs for cgi claim that it can return either an ip or a dns name, but cat-xeger has not found a condition that causes it to return a dns name as of yet.
+Searching are for the docs for cgi claim that it can return either an ip or a dns name, but cat-xeger has not found a condition that causes it to return a dns name as of yet.
+Searching is for docs for cgi claim that it can return either an ip or a dns name, but cat-xeger has not found a condition that causes it to return a dns name as of yet
+Searching are for docs for cgi claim that it can return either an ip or a dns name, but cat-xeger has not found a condition that causes it to return a dns name as of yet
+||||cat-xeger||||... and that's including hosts that do have reverse dns and don't have reverse dns.||||
+Searching is for ... and that's including hosts that do have reverse dns and don't have reverse dns.
+Searching are for ... and that's including hosts that do have reverse dns and don't have reverse dns.
+Searching is for ... and that's including hosts that do have reverse dns and don't have reverse dns
+Searching are for ... and that's including hosts that do have reverse dns and don't have reverse dns
+||||Skud||||morning cat-xeger.||||
+Searching is for morning cat-xeger.
+Searching are for morning cat-xeger.
+Searching is for morning cat-xeger
+Searching are for morning cat-xeger
+||||vh||||looking at the code, it would appear it's entirely contigent on the environment your webserver creates for CGI||||
+Searching is for looking at the code, it would appear it's entirely contigent on the environment your webserver creates for cgi
+Searching are for looking at the code, it would appear it's entirely contigent on the environment your webserver creates for cgi
+Searching is for looking at the code, it would appear it's entirely contigent on the environment your webserver creates for cgi
+Searching are for looking at the code, it would appear it's entirely contigent on the environment your webserver creates for cgi
+||||cat-xeger||||heya skud ;>||||
+Searching is for skud ;>
+Searching are for skud ;>
+Searching is for skud ;>
+Searching are for skud ;>
+||||Skud||||yeah, i would've guessed it was the apache config||||
+Searching is for yeah, skud would've guessed it was the apache config
+Searching are for yeah, skud would've guessed it was the apache config
+Searching is for yeah, skud would've guessed it was the apache config
+Searching are for yeah, skud would've guessed it was the apache config
+||||Skud||||it probably just picks up $ENV{'REMOTE_HOST'}||||
+Searching is for it probably just picks up $env{'remote_host'}
+Searching are for it probably just picks up $env{'remote_host'}
+Searching is for it probably just picks up $env{'remote_host'}
+Searching are for it probably just picks up $env{'remote_host'}
+||||cat-xeger||||skud - fair 'nuf. Web (still) isn't really my thing.||||
+Searching is for skud - fair 'nuf. web (still) isn't really cat-xeger's thing.
+Searching are for skud - fair 'nuf. web (still) isn't really cat-xeger's thing.
+Searching is for skud - fair 'nuf. web (still) isn't really cat-xeger's thing
+Searching are for skud - fair 'nuf. web (still) isn't really cat-xeger's thing
+||||Skud||||did you make it to pennsic?||||
+Searching is for did you make it to pennsic
+Searching are for did you make it to pennsic
+Searching is for did you make it to pennsic
+Searching are for did you make it to pennsic
+||||cat-xeger||||Heh. Yes.||||
+Searching is for heh. yes.
+Searching are for heh. yes.
+Searching is for heh. yes
+Searching are for heh. yes
+||||Skud||||oh yes, you said you did, didn't you?||||
+Searching is for yes, you said you did, didn't you
+Searching are for yes, you said you did, didn't you
+Searching is for yes, you said you did, didn't you
+Searching are for yes, you said you did, didn't you
+||||cat-xeger||||Yup ;>||||
+Searching is for yup ;>
+Searching are for yup ;>
+Searching is for yup ;>
+Searching are for yup ;>
+||||Skud||||if it isn't your thing, at least your parents probably don't ask you for web help. i hope. for your sake.||||
+Searching is for if it isn't your thing, at least your parents probably don't ask you for web help. skud hope. for your sake.
+Searching are for if it isn't your thing, at least your parents probably don't ask you for web help. skud hope. for your sake.
+Searching is for if it isn't your thing, at least your parents probably don't ask you for web help. skud hope. for your sake
+Searching are for if it isn't your thing, at least your parents probably don't ask you for web help. skud hope. for your sake
+||||Skud||||morning, kismet.||||
+Searching is for morning, kismet.
+Searching are for morning, kismet.
+Searching is for morning, kismet
+Searching are for morning, kismet
+||||kismet||||morning ma'am||||
+Searching is for morning ma'am
+Searching are for morning ma'am
+Searching is for morning ma'am
+Searching are for morning ma'am
+||||cat-xeger||||No - and since I got them onto osx, it's problems with hanging tabs, not broken internet||||
+Searching is for no - and since cat-xeger got them onto osx, it's problems with hanging tabs, not broken internet
+Searching are for no - and since cat-xeger got them onto osx, it's problems with hanging tabs, not broken internet
+Searching is for no - and since cat-xeger got them onto osx, it's problems with hanging tabs, not broken internet
+Searching are for no - and since cat-xeger got them onto osx, it's problems with hanging tabs, not broken internet
+||||Skud||||who wants to look at my dad's website? http://silkstoneproperties.com.au ... you'll LOVE the FTP error messages, i'll bet.||||
+Searching is for wants to look at skud's dad's website? http://silkstoneproperties.com.au ... you'll love the ftp error messages, skud'll bet.
+Searching are for wants to look at skud's dad's website? http://silkstoneproperties.com.au ... you'll love the ftp error messages, skud'll bet.
+Searching is for wants to look at skud's dad's website? http://silkstoneproperties.com.au ... you'll love the ftp error messages, skud'll bet
+Searching are for wants to look at skud's dad's website? http://silkstoneproperties.com.au ... you'll love the ftp error messages, skud'll bet
+||||Skud||||hanging tabs?||||
+Searching is for hanging tabs
+Searching are for hanging tabs
+Searching is for hanging tabs
+Searching are for hanging tabs
+||||Skud||||what's up? how's life? all that. server move?||||
+Searching is for is up? how's life? all that. server move
+Searching are for is up? how's life? all that. server move
+Searching is for up? how's life? all that. server move
+||||cj||||holy crap, Skud||||
+Searching is for holy crap, skud
+Searching are for holy crap, skud
+Searching is for holy crap, skud
+Searching are for holy crap, skud
+||||cj||||you didn't do that, did you?||||
+Searching is for you didn't do that, did you
+Searching are for you didn't do that, did you
+Searching is for you didn't do that, did you
+Searching are for you didn't do that, did you
+Searching is for no
+Searching are for no
+Searching is for no
+Searching are for no
+||||Skud||||my dad did it in MS publisher||||
+Searching is for skud's dad did it in ms publisher
+Searching are for skud's dad did it in ms publisher
+Searching is for skud's dad did it in ms publisher
+Searching are for skud's dad did it in ms publisher
+||||cat-xeger||||skud - er... some wordprocessing thing?||||
+Searching is for skud - er... some wordprocessing thing
+Searching are for skud - er... some wordprocessing thing
+Searching is for skud - er... some wordprocessing thing
+Searching are for skud - er... some wordprocessing thing
+||||Skud||||and keeps asking me for "advice" and then ignoring it||||
+Searching is for keeps asking skud for "advice" and then ignoring it
+Searching are for keeps asking skud for "advice" and then ignoring it
+Searching is for keeps asking skud for "advice" and then ignoring it
+Searching are for keeps asking skud for "advice" and then ignoring it
+Searching is for wow.
+Searching are for wow.
+Searching is for wow
+Searching are for wow
+Searching is for http://colliertech.org/~cjcollier/images/screenshots/crappylayout.png
+Searching are for http://colliertech.org/~cjcollier/images/screenshots/crappylayout.png
+Searching is for http://colliertech.org/~cjcollier/images/screenshots/crappylayout.png
+Searching are for http://colliertech.org/~cjcollier/images/screenshots/crappylayout.png
+Searching is for wow
+Searching are for wow
+Searching is for wow
+Searching are for wow
+||||cj||||let your dad know that he's being publicly scoffed at now||||
+Searching is for let your dad know that he's being publicly scoffed at now
+Searching are for let your dad know that he's being publicly scoffed at now
+Searching is for let your dad know that he's being publicly scoffed at now
+Searching are for let your dad know that he's being publicly scoffed at now
+||||Skud||||i will!||||
+Searching is for skud will!
+Searching are for skud will!
+Searching is for skud will
+Searching are for skud will
+||||Skud||||and he won't care.||||
+Searching is for he won't care.
+Searching are for he won't care.
+Searching is for he won't care
+Searching are for he won't care
+||||Skud||||because he "assumes" that everyone he might want to deal with uses IE on a windows machine with the same screen resolution and window size as him. i heard him talking to a friend of his on the phone last night.||||
+Searching is for because he "assumes" that everyone he might want to deal with uses ie on a windows machine with the same screen resolution and window size as him. skud heard him talking to a friend of his on the phone last night.
+Searching are for because he "assumes" that everyone he might want to deal with uses ie on a windows machine with the same screen resolution and window size as him. skud heard him talking to a friend of his on the phone last night.
+Searching is for because he "assumes" that everyone he might want to deal with uses ie on a windows machine with the same screen resolution and window size as him. skud heard him talking to a friend of his on the phone last night
+Searching are for because he "assumes" that everyone he might want to deal with uses ie on a windows machine with the same screen resolution and window size as him. skud heard him talking to a friend of his on the phone last night
+||||Skud||||also, he is unaware that the site shows up as a delicate, feminine shade of pink for many people.||||
+Searching is for also, he is unaware that the site shows up as a delicate, feminine shade of pink for many people.
+Searching are for also, he is unaware that the site shows up as a delicate, feminine shade of pink for many people.
+Searching is for also, he
+set;;is;;also, he;;unaware that the site shows up as a delicate, feminine shade of pink for many people.
+||||buu||||It's a very nice shade of pink.||||
+Searching is for it's a very nice shade of pink.
+Searching are for it's a very nice shade of pink.
+Searching is for it's a very nice shade of pink
+Searching are for it's a very nice shade of pink
+Searching is for heh.
+Searching are for heh.
+Searching is for heh
+Searching are for heh
+||||Skud||||yes. but he was aiming for "conservative and professional"||||
+Searching is for yes. but he was aiming for "conservative and professional"
+Searching are for yes. but he was aiming for "conservative and professional"
+Searching is for yes. but he was aiming for "conservative and professional"
+Searching are for yes. but he was aiming for "conservative and professional"
+||||DrForr||||Is there a banner ad missing across the top...NM, I see.||||
+Searching is for is there a banner ad missing across the top...nm, drforr see.
+Searching are for is there a banner ad missing across the top...nm, drforr see.
+Searching is for yes.
+Searching are for yes.
+Searching is for yes
+Searching are for yes
+||||Skud||||it's an FTP url. you may get a 503 error when you click on sub-pages and it tries to load it.||||
+Searching is for it's an ftp url. you may get a 503 error when you click on sub-pages and it tries to load it.
+Searching are for it's an ftp url. you may get a 503 error when you click on sub-pages and it tries to load it.
+Searching is for it's an ftp url. you may get a 503 error when you click on sub-pages and it tries to load it
+Searching are for it's an ftp url. you may get a 503 error when you click on sub-pages and it tries to load it
+||||Skud||||or be asked for a login.||||
+Searching is for be asked for a login.
+Searching are for be asked for a login.
+Searching is for be asked for a login
+Searching are for be asked for a login
+||||Skud||||s/503/530/ sorry||||
+Searching is for s/503/530/ sorry
+Searching are for s/503/530/ sorry
+Searching is for s/503/530/ sorry
+Searching are for s/503/530/ sorry
+||||DrForr||||I don't even get a broken image link...||||
+Searching is for drforr don't even get a broken image link...
+Searching are for drforr don't even get a broken image link...
+Searching is for drforr don't even get a broken image link
+Searching are for drforr don't even get a broken image link
+||||Skud||||click on one of the side menu thingies||||
+Searching is for click on one of the side menu thingies
+Searching are for click on one of the side menu thingies
+Searching is for click on one of the side menu thingies
+Searching are for click on one of the side menu thingies
+||||cj||||oh, that's good. the images are fetched from ftp behind authentication...||||
+Searching is for that's good. the images are fetched from ftp behind authentication...
+Searching are for that's good. the images are fetched from ftp behind authentication...
+Searching is for yes.
+Searching are for yes.
+Searching is for yes
+Searching are for yes
+Searching is for aha.
+Searching are for aha.
+Searching is for aha
+Searching are for aha
+||||Skud||||it's SO SPECIAL.||||
+Searching is for it's so special.
+Searching are for it's so special.
+Searching is for it's so special
+Searching are for it's so special
+||||sungo||||sungo it!||||
+Searching is for sungo it!
+Searching are for sungo it!
+Searching is for sungo it
+Searching are for sungo it
+Searching is for http://a7.vox.com/6a00c22522f2b18fdb00c2252523af8e1d-pi
+Searching are for http://a7.vox.com/6a00c22522f2b18fdb00c2252523af8e1d-pi
+Searching is for http://a7.vox.com/6a00c22522f2b18fdb00c2252523af8e1d-pi
+Searching are for http://a7.vox.com/6a00c22522f2b18fdb00c2252523af8e1d-pi
+Searching is for http://colliertech.org/~cjcollier/images/screenshots/crappylayout.png
+Searching are for http://colliertech.org/~cjcollier/images/screenshots/crappylayout.png
+Searching is for http://colliertech.org/~cjcollier/images/screenshots/crappylayout.png
+Searching are for http://colliertech.org/~cjcollier/images/screenshots/crappylayout.png
+||||vh||||uhh yea||||
+Searching is for yea
+Searching are for yea
+Searching is for yea
+Searching are for yea
+||||vh||||paste accident||||
+Searching is for paste accident
+Searching are for paste accident
+Searching is for paste accident
+Searching are for paste accident
+Searching is for *snerk*
+Searching are for *snerk*
+Searching is for *snerk*
+Searching are for *snerk*
+||||DrForr||||http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20060831/ap_en_mu/germany_bach_discovery # P.D.Q hard at work.||||
+Searching is for http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20060831/ap_en_mu/germany_bach_discovery # p.d.q hard at work.
+Searching are for http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20060831/ap_en_mu/germany_bach_discovery # p.d.q hard at work.
+Searching is for http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20060831/ap_en_mu/germany_bach_discovery # p.d.q hard at work
+Searching are for http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20060831/ap_en_mu/germany_bach_discovery # p.d.q hard at work
+||||Andy||||Who's running Perl on Windows/ Anyone here?||||
+Searching is for is running perl on windows/ anyone here
+Searching are for is running perl on windows/ anyone here
+Searching is for running perl on windows/ anyone here
+Searching is for drforr
+Searching are for drforr
+Searching is for drforr
+Searching are for drforr
+||||rjbs||||I do sometimes.||||
+Searching is for rjbs do sometimes.
+Searching are for rjbs do sometimes.
+Searching is for rjbs do sometimes
+Searching are for rjbs do sometimes
+||||rjbs||||mostly to test my modules.||||
+Searching is for mostly to test rjbs's modules.
+Searching are for mostly to test rjbs's modules.
+Searching is for mostly to test rjbs's modules
+Searching are for mostly to test rjbs's modules
+||||Andy||||Can you test https://file-next.googlecode.com/svn/trunk for me?||||
+Searching is for can you test https://file-next.googlecode.com/svn/trunk for andy
+Searching are for can you test https://file-next.googlecode.com/svn/trunk for andy
+Searching is for can you test https://file-next.googlecode.com/svn/trunk for andy
+Searching are for can you test https://file-next.googlecode.com/svn/trunk for andy
+Searching is for
+Searching are for
+Searching is for
+Searching are for
+Searching is for ok.
+Searching are for ok.
+Searching is for ok
+Searching are for ok
+||||rjbs||||can you consider adding an easy way for File::Next to let things know the current depth?||||
+Searching is for can you consider adding an easy way for file::next to let things know the current depth
+Searching are for can you consider adding an easy way for file::next to let things know the current depth
+Searching is for can you consider adding an easy way for file::next to let things know the current depth
+Searching are for can you consider adding an easy way for file::next to let things know the current depth
+||||Andy||||I guess I could. What would it be good for?||||
+Searching is for andy guess andy could.would it be good for
+Searching are for andy guess andy could.would it be good for
+Searching is for andy guess andy could.would it be good for
+Searching are for andy guess andy could.would it be good for
+||||Andy||||why wouldn't it be||||
+Searching is for why wouldn't it be
+Searching are for why wouldn't it be
+Searching is for why wouldn't it be
+Searching are for why wouldn't it be
+||||Andy||||scalar (split /\//, $curr)||||
+Searching is for scalar (split /\//, $curr)
+Searching are for scalar (split /\//, $curr)
+Searching is for scalar (split /\//, $curr)
+Searching are for scalar (split /\//, $curr)
+||||rjbs||||because that isn't portable.||||
+Searching is for because that isn't portable.
+Searching are for because that isn't portable.
+Searching is for because that isn't portable
+Searching are for because that isn't portable
+||||Andy||||aside from the separator||||
+Searching is for aside from the separator
+Searching are for aside from the separator
+Searching is for aside from the separator
+Searching are for aside from the separator
+||||DrForr||||Not I.||||
+Searching is for not drforr.
+Searching are for not drforr.
+Searching is for not drforr
+Searching are for not drforr
+||||rjbs||||/lots/ of the find(1) usage I use has -maxdepth or -mindepth||||
+Searching is for /lots/ of the find(1) usage rjbs use has -maxdepth or -mindepth
+Searching are for /lots/ of the find(1) usage rjbs use has -maxdepth or -mindepth
+Searching is for /lots/ of the find(1) usage rjbs use has -maxdepth or -mindepth
+Searching are for /lots/ of the find(1) usage rjbs use has -maxdepth or -mindepth
+||||rjbs||||sigh, it'll be a minute. my restored winxp machine has no svn yet||||
+Searching is for sigh, it'll be a minute. rjbs's restored winxp machine has no svn yet
+Searching are for sigh, it'll be a minute. rjbs's restored winxp machine has no svn yet
+Searching is for sigh, it'll be a minute. rjbs's restored winxp machine has no svn yet
+Searching are for sigh, it'll be a minute. rjbs's restored winxp machine has no svn yet
+||||rjbs||||this sucks.... but I needed to get around to fixing it anwyay||||
+Searching is for this sucks.... but rjbs needed to get around to fixing it anwyay
+Searching are for this sucks.... but rjbs needed to get around to fixing it anwyay
+Searching is for this sucks.... but rjbs needed to get around to fixing it anwyay
+Searching are for this sucks.... but rjbs needed to get around to fixing it anwyay
+||||kismet||||rjbs, you wanna scoot your server now?||||
+Searching is for rjbs, you wanna scoot your server now
+Searching are for rjbs, you wanna scoot your server now
+Searching is for rjbs, you wanna scoot your server now
+Searching are for rjbs, you wanna scoot your server now
+Searching is for
+Searching are for
+Searching is for
+Searching are for
+||||kismet||||-> #opers||||
+Searching is for -> #opers
+Searching are for -> #opers
+Searching is for -> #opers
+Searching are for -> #opers
+||||Andy||||rjbs; So how would you get depth?||||
+Searching is for rjbs; so how would you get depth
+Searching are for rjbs; so how would you get depth
+Searching is for rjbs; so how would you get depth
+Searching are for rjbs; so how would you get depth
+||||Andy||||$iter->('depth') ?||||
+Searching is for $iter->('depth')
+Searching are for $iter->('depth')
+Searching is for $iter->('depth')
+Searching are for $iter->('depth')
+||||rjbs||||maybe... is there a way to have a callback called on descent and ascent?||||
+Searching is for maybe... is there a way to have a callback called on descent and ascent
+Searching are for maybe... is there a way to have a callback called on descent and ascent
+||||Andy||||That defeats my purporses||||
+Searching is for that defeats andy's purporses
+Searching are for that defeats andy's purporses
+Searching is for that defeats andy's purporses
+Searching are for that defeats andy's purporses
+||||Andy||||which is to make it butt simple||||
+Searching is for which is to make it butt simple
+Searching are for which is to make it butt simple
+Searching is for which
+set;;is;;which;;to make it butt simple
+||||rjbs||||or $iter->depth||||
+Searching is for $iter->depth
+Searching are for $iter->depth
+Searching is for $iter->depth
+Searching are for $iter->depth
+||||Andy||||no, because the iter is just a code re||||
+Searching is for no, because the iter is just a code re
+Searching are for no, because the iter is just a code re
+Searching is for because the iter
+set;;is;;because the iter;;just a code re
+Searching is for f
+Searching are for f
+Searching is for f
+Searching are for f
+||||Andy||||not a blessed one||||
+Searching is for not a blessed one
+Searching are for not a blessed one
+Searching is for not a blessed one
+Searching are for not a blessed one
+||||rjbs||||blessing is less surprising than magic arguments, in my experience||||
+Searching is for blessing is less surprising than magic arguments, in rjbs's experience
+Searching are for blessing is less surprising than magic arguments, in rjbs's experience
+Searching is for blessing
+set;;is;;blessing;;less surprising than magic arguments, in rjbs's experience
+||||Andy||||I don't want to bless it.||||
+Searching is for andy don't want to bless it.
+Searching are for andy don't want to bless it.
+Searching is for andy don't want to bless it
+Searching are for andy don't want to bless it
+Searching is for ok.
+Searching are for ok.
+Searching is for ok
+Searching are for ok
+||||rjbs||||I'll just do what I was going to do.||||
+Searching is for rjbs'll just dorjbs was going to do.
+Searching are for rjbs'll just dorjbs was going to do.
+Searching is for rjbs'll just dorjbs was going to do
+Searching are for rjbs'll just dorjbs was going to do
+||||Andy||||besides, the bless would just be a wrapper around a magic argument.||||
+Searching is for besides, the bless would just be a wrapper around a magic argument.
+Searching are for besides, the bless would just be a wrapper around a magic argument.
+Searching is for besides, the bless would just be a wrapper around a magic argument
+Searching are for besides, the bless would just be a wrapper around a magic argument
+Searching is for
+Searching are for
+Searching is for
+Searching are for
+||||Andy||||The iter is a closure||||
+Searching is for the iter is a closure
+Searching are for the iter is a closure
+Searching is for iter
+set;;is;;iter;;a closure
+||||Andy||||So how can something outside the iter know a depth inside it?||||
+Searching is for so how can something outside the iter know a depth inside it
+Searching are for so how can something outside the iter know a depth inside it
+Searching is for so how can something outside the iter know a depth inside it
+Searching are for so how can something outside the iter know a depth inside it
+||||rjbs||||It needn't be a blessed closure. It could be an object with codelike behavior.||||
+Searching is for it needn't be a blessed closure. it could be an object with codelike behavior.
+Searching are for it needn't be a blessed closure. it could be an object with codelike behavior.
+Searching is for it needn't be a blessed closure. it could be an object with codelike behavior
+Searching are for it needn't be a blessed closure. it could be an object with codelike behavior
+||||Andy||||If you can show me an implementation, I'm interested.||||
+Searching is for if you can show andy an implementation, andy is interested.
+Searching are for if you can show andy an implementation, andy is interested.
+Searching is for ok.
+Searching are for ok.
+Searching is for ok
+Searching are for ok
+||||Andy||||but first please make sure this version works.||||
+Searching is for first please make sure this version works.
+Searching are for first please make sure this version works.
+Searching is for first please make sure this version works
+Searching are for first please make sure this version works
+||||rjbs||||yeah, installing Strawberry :)||||
+Searching is for yeah, installing strawberry :)
+Searching are for yeah, installing strawberry :)
+Searching is for yeah, installing strawberry :)
+Searching are for yeah, installing strawberry :)
+||||Andy||||but now I have to make ice cream for cream||||
+Searching is for now andy has to make ice cream for cream
+Searching are for now andy has to make ice cream for cream
+Searching is for now andy has to make ice cream for cream
+Searching are for now andy has to make ice cream for cream
+Searching is for ooh
+Searching are for ooh
+Searching is for ooh
+Searching are for ooh
+Searching is for s/cream$/quinn
+Searching are for s/cream$/quinn
+Searching is for s/cream$/quinn
+Searching are for s/cream$/quinn
+||||DrForr||||LN2++ # Hee.||||
+Searching is for ln2++ # hee.
+Searching are for ln2++ # hee.
+Searching is for ln2++ # hee
+Searching are for ln2++ # hee
+Searching is for ln2
+Searching are for ln2
+Searching is for ln2
+Searching are for ln2
+||||rjbs||||(alec guinness)++||||
+Searching is for (alec guinness)++
+Searching are for (alec guinness)++
+Searching is for (alec guinness)++
+Searching are for (alec guinness)++
+++;;alec guinness
+||||DrForr||||Fast way to make ice cream. Liquid Nitrogen.||||
+Searching is for fast way to make ice cream. liquid nitrogen.
+Searching are for fast way to make ice cream. liquid nitrogen.
+Searching is for fast way to make ice cream. liquid nitrogen
+Searching are for fast way to make ice cream. liquid nitrogen
+||||rjbs||||We just called it LN.||||
+Searching is for we just called it ln.
+Searching are for we just called it ln.
+Searching is for we just called it ln
+Searching are for we just called it ln
+||||kd||||slow way to make icecream: place in a supernova||||
+Searching is for slow way to make icecream: place in a supernova
+Searching are for slow way to make icecream: place in a supernova
+Searching is for slow way to make icecream: place in a supernova
+Searching are for slow way to make icecream: place in a supernova
+||||CanyonMan||||fast way to make icecream: milk a cow in outer space!||||
+Searching is for fast way to make icecream: milk a cow in outer space!
+Searching are for fast way to make icecream: milk a cow in outer space!
+Searching is for fast way to make icecream: milk a cow in outer space
+Searching are for fast way to make icecream: milk a cow in outer space
+||||Skud||||morning Andy||||
+Searching is for morning andy
+Searching are for morning andy
+Searching is for morning andy
+Searching are for morning andy
+||||Skud||||morning rjbs too!||||
+Searching is for morning rjbs too!
+Searching are for morning rjbs too!
+Searching is for morning rjbs too
+Searching are for morning rjbs too
+Searching is for ello
+Searching are for ello
+Searching is for ello
+Searching are for ello
+Searching is for moo!
+Searching are for moo!
+Searching is for moo
+Searching are for moo
+||||Skud||||you know, i think i rather like this method of documenting design/implementation plans.||||
+Searching is for you know, skud think skud rather like this method of documenting design/implementation plans.
+Searching are for you know, skud think skud rather like this method of documenting design/implementation plans.
+Searching is for you know, skud think skud rather like this method of documenting design/implementation plans
+Searching are for you know, skud think skud rather like this method of documenting design/implementation plans
+||||rjbs||||what's that?||||
+Searching is for is that
+Searching are for is that
+Searching is for that
+||||rjbs||||It's telling me I need a login to check it out.||||
+Searching is for it's telling rjbs rjbs need a login to check it out.
+Searching are for it's telling rjbs rjbs need a login to check it out.
+Searching is for it's telling rjbs rjbs need a login to check it out
+Searching are for it's telling rjbs rjbs need a login to check it out
+Searching is for xkcd++
+Searching are for xkcd++
+Searching is for xkcd++
+Searching are for xkcd++
+||||rjbs||||aha, if I use non-s http, it's ok||||
+Searching is for aha, if rjbs use non-s http, it's ok
+Searching are for aha, if rjbs use non-s http, it's ok
+Searching is for aha, if rjbs use non-s http, it's ok
+Searching are for aha, if rjbs use non-s http, it's ok
+||||rjbs||||massive test failures||||
+Searching is for massive test failures
+Searching are for massive test failures
+Searching is for massive test failures
+Searching are for massive test failures
+||||rjbs||||a lot of it is related to / versus \||||
+Searching is for a lot of it is related to / versus \
+Searching are for a lot of it is related to / versus \
+Searching is for lot of it
+set;;is;;lot of it;;related to / versus \
+||||rjbs||||got 't\swamp\c...' expected 't/swamp/...'||||
+Searching is for got 't\swamp\c...' expected 't/swamp/...'
+Searching are for got 't\swamp\c...' expected 't/swamp/...'
+Searching is for got 't\swamp\c...' expected 't/swamp/...'
+Searching are for got 't\swamp\c...' expected 't/swamp/...'
+||||kd||||use Path::Class;||||
+Searching is for use path::class;
+Searching are for use path::class;
+Searching is for use path::class;
+Searching are for use path::class;
+||||Andy||||grrr that's what I was supposed to be fixing||||
+Searching is for grrr that'sandy was supposed to be fixing
+Searching are for grrr that'sandy was supposed to be fixing
+Searching is for grrr that'sandy was supposed to be fixing
+Searching are for grrr that'sandy was supposed to be fixing
+||||rjbs||||There are some "got undef expected 't/swamp'"||||
+Searching is for there are some "got undef expected 't/swamp'"
+Searching are for there are some "got undef expected 't/swamp'"
+Searching is for oh
+Searching are for oh
+Searching is for oh
+Searching are for oh
+Searching is for ok
+Searching are for ok
+Searching is for ok
+Searching are for ok
+||||rjbs||||going to reboot the virt, bt I'll be here for a while longer if ou want me to test more||||
+Searching is for going to reboot the virt, bt rjbs'll be here for a while longer if ou want rjbs to test more
+Searching are for going to reboot the virt, bt rjbs'll be here for a while longer if ou want rjbs to test more
+Searching is for going to reboot the virt, bt rjbs'll be here for a while longer if ou want rjbs to test more
+Searching are for going to reboot the virt, bt rjbs'll be here for a while longer if ou want rjbs to test more
+Searching is for k
+Searching are for k
+Searching is for k
+Searching are for k
+||||Andy||||can you please give me a run of: prove -vb t/basic.t||||
+Searching is for can you please give andy a run of: prove -vb t/basic.t
+Searching are for can you please give andy a run of: prove -vb t/basic.t
+Searching is for can you please give andy a run of: prove -vb t/basic.t
+Searching are for can you please give andy a run of: prove -vb t/basic.t
+||||Skud||||we keep "technical overviews" (TOs) in CVS. If you want to make a change that'll take more than a couple of hours, or that requires database changes, or that sort of thing, you write up (in plain text) an analysis of what needs to be done and the steps to be taken. then you make an RT ticket asking a couple of other developers to review it for sanity etc.||||
+Searching is for we keep "technical overviews" (tos) in cvs. if you want to make a change that'll take more than a couple of hours, or that requires database changes, or that sort of thing, you write up (in plain text) an analysis ofneeds to be done and the steps to be taken. then you make an rt ticket asking a couple of other developers to review it for sanity etc.
+Searching are for we keep "technical overviews" (tos) in cvs. if you want to make a change that'll take more than a couple of hours, or that requires database changes, or that sort of thing, you write up (in plain text) an analysis ofneeds to be done and the steps to be taken. then you make an rt ticket asking a couple of other developers to review it for sanity etc.
+Searching is for we keep "technical overviews" (tos) in cvs. if you want to make a change that'll take more than a couple of hours, or that requires database changes, or that sort of thing, you write up (in plain text) an analysis ofneeds to be done and the steps to be taken. then you make an rt ticket asking a couple of other developers to review it for sanity etc
+Searching are for we keep "technical overviews" (tos) in cvs. if you want to make a change that'll take more than a couple of hours, or that requires database changes, or that sort of thing, you write up (in plain text) an analysis ofneeds to be done and the steps to be taken. then you make an rt ticket asking a couple of other developers to review it for sanity etc
+Searching is for cool
+Searching are for cool
+Searching is for cool
+Searching are for cool
+Searching is for yes.
+Searching are for yes.
+Searching is for yes
+Searching are for yes
+||||rjbs||||I think. :)) gimme a sec||||
+Searching is for rjbs think. :)) gimme a sec
+Searching are for rjbs think. :)) gimme a sec
+Searching is for rjbs think. :)) gimme a sec
+Searching are for rjbs think. :)) gimme a sec
+||||rjbs||||(two streams of test output)--||||
+Searching is for (two streams of test output)--
+Searching are for (two streams of test output)--
+Searching is for (two streams of test output)--
+Searching are for (two streams of test output)--
+--;;two streams of test output
+||||Andy||||oh wait||||
+Searching is for wait
+Searching are for wait
+Searching is for wait
+Searching are for wait
+||||Andy||||line 147 of t/basic.t||||
+Searching is for line 147 of t/basic.t
+Searching are for line 147 of t/basic.t
+Searching is for line 147 of t/basic.t
+Searching are for line 147 of t/basic.t
+Searching is for s/my//
+Searching are for s/my//
+Searching is for s/my//
+Searching are for s/my//
+||||Andy||||try that and rerun||||
+Searching is for try that and rerun
+Searching are for try that and rerun
+Searching is for try that and rerun
+Searching are for try that and rerun
+||||rjbs||||ack. did edit.exe crash windows?||||
+Searching is for ack. did edit.exe crash windows
+Searching are for ack. did edit.exe crash windows
+Searching is for ack. did edit.exe crash windows
+Searching are for ack. did edit.exe crash windows
+||||rjbs||||still many failures||||
+Searching is for many failures
+Searching are for many failures
+Searching is for many failures
+Searching are for many failures
+Searching is for grr.
+Searching are for grr.
+Searching is for grr
+Searching are for grr
+||||Andy||||hold on ||||
+Searching is for hold on
+Searching are for hold on
+Searching is for hold on
+Searching are for hold on
+||||Andy||||before you do the run for me||||
+Searching is for before you do the run for andy
+Searching are for before you do the run for andy
+Searching is for before you do the run for andy
+Searching are for before you do the run for andy
+||||Andy||||ok do an update||||
+Searching is for do an update
+Searching are for do an update
+Searching is for do an update
+Searching are for do an update
+||||Andy||||then try again please.||||
+Searching is for then try again please.
+Searching are for then try again please.
+Searching is for then try again please
+Searching are for then try again please
+||||Andy||||after deleting your modification to t/basic.t||||
+Searching is for after deleting your modification to t/basic.t
+Searching are for after deleting your modification to t/basic.t
+Searching is for after deleting your modification to t/basic.t
+Searching are for after deleting your modification to t/basic.t
+||||rjbs||||ok. only t/basic.t got updated||||
+Searching is for only t/basic.t got updated
+Searching are for only t/basic.t got updated
+Searching is for only t/basic.t got updated
+Searching are for only t/basic.t got updated
+||||rjbs||||as many failures.||||
+Searching is for as many failures.
+Searching are for as many failures.
+Searching is for as many failures
+Searching are for as many failures
+||||Andy||||ok, prove -bv t/basic.t please||||
+Searching is for prove -bv t/basic.t
+Searching are for prove -bv t/basic.t
+Searching is for prove -bv t/basic.t
+Searching are for prove -bv t/basic.t
+||||Andy||||and paste the results||||
+Searching is for paste the results
+Searching are for paste the results
+Searching is for paste the results
+Searching are for paste the results
+||||Andy||||'cause I have NO slashes in my code||||
+Searching is for 'cause andy has no slashes in andy's code
+Searching are for 'cause andy has no slashes in andy's code
+Searching is for 'cause andy has no slashes in andy's code
+Searching are for 'cause andy has no slashes in andy's code
+||||nopaste||||"rjbs" at pasted "failures" (27 lines) at http://nopaste.snit.ch:8001/8077||||
+Searching is for "rjbs" at pasted "failures" (27 lines) at http://nopaste.snit.ch:8001/8077
+Searching are for "rjbs" at pasted "failures" (27 lines) at http://nopaste.snit.ch:8001/8077
+Searching is for "rjbs" at pasted "failures" (27 lines) at http://nopaste.snit.ch:8001/8077
+Searching are for "rjbs" at pasted "failures" (27 lines) at http://nopaste.snit.ch:8001/8077
+||||rjbs||||(well, basic.t only has the one)||||
+Searching is for (well, basic.t only has the one)
+Searching are for (well, basic.t only has the one)
+Searching is for (well, basic.t only has the one)
+Searching are for (well, basic.t only has the one)
+||||Andy||||there are other failures?||||
+Searching is for there are other failures
+Searching are for there are other failures
+||||Andy||||in what file?||||
+Searching is for infile
+Searching are for infile
+Searching is for infile
+Searching are for infile
+||||rjbs||||almost all in api||||
+Searching is for almost all in api
+Searching are for almost all in api
+Searching is for almost all in api
+Searching are for almost all in api
+Searching is for oh
+Searching are for oh
+Searching is for oh
+Searching are for oh
+Searching is for oooooh
+Searching are for oooooh
+Searching is for oooooh
+Searching are for oooooh
+Searching is for whooops
+Searching are for whooops
+Searching is for whooops
+Searching are for whooops
+||||Andy||||that makes no sense that just that one fails||||
+Searching is for that makes no sense that just that one fails
+Searching are for that makes no sense that just that one fails
+Searching is for that makes no sense that just that one fails
+Searching are for that makes no sense that just that one fails
+||||Andy||||ok, run prove on everything please||||
+Searching is for run prove on everything
+Searching are for run prove on everything
+Searching is for run prove on everything
+Searching are for run prove on everything
+||||Andy||||I assumed t/basic.t would be it||||
+Searching is for andy assumed t/basic.t would be it
+Searching are for andy assumed t/basic.t would be it
+Searching is for andy assumed t/basic.t would be it
+Searching are for andy assumed t/basic.t would be it
+||||rjbs||||ok... gotta figure out how to pipe it all into one place. it'll be a sec||||
+Searching is for gotta figure out how to pipe it all into one place. it'll be a sec
+Searching are for gotta figure out how to pipe it all into one place. it'll be a sec
+Searching is for gotta figure out how to pipe it all into one place. it'll be a sec
+Searching are for gotta figure out how to pipe it all into one place. it'll be a sec
+Searching is for
+Searching are for
+Searching is for
+Searching are for
+Searching is for oh
+Searching are for oh
+Searching is for oh
+Searching are for oh
+||||rjbs||||tests go to stdout and stderr||||
+Searching is for tests go to stdout and stderr
+Searching are for tests go to stdout and stderr
+Searching is for tests go to stdout and stderr
+Searching are for tests go to stdout and stderr
+Searching is for right
+Searching are for right
+Searching is for right
+Searching are for right
+||||rjbs||||dunno on win32 how to 2>&1||||
+Searching is for dunno on win32 how to 2>&1
+Searching are for dunno on win32 how to 2>&1
+Searching is for dunno on win32 how to 2>&1
+Searching are for dunno on win32 how to 2>&1
+||||Andy||||never mind for now||||
+Searching is for never mind for now
+Searching are for never mind for now
+Searching is for never mind for now
+Searching are for never mind for now
+||||Andy||||I can fix the obvious||||
+Searching is for andy can fix the obvious
+Searching are for andy can fix the obvious
+Searching is for andy can fix the obvious
+Searching are for andy can fix the obvious
+||||Andy||||anything other that basic and api?||||
+Searching is for anything other that basic and api
+Searching are for anything other that basic and api
+Searching is for anything other that basic and api
+Searching are for anything other that basic and api
+Searching is for nossir
+Searching are for nossir
+Searching is for nossir
+Searching are for nossir
+Searching is for ok
+Searching are for ok
+Searching is for ok
+Searching are for ok
+Searching is for thanks
+Searching are for thanks
+Searching is for thanks
+Searching are for thanks
+||||Andy||||I'll work on it||||
+Searching is for andy'll work on it
+Searching are for andy'll work on it
+Searching is for andy'll work on it
+Searching are for andy'll work on it
+||||buu||||What movie?||||
+Searching is for movie
+Searching are for movie
+Searching is for movie
+Searching are for movie
+||||rjbs||||man in the white suit||||
+Searching is for man in the white suit
+Searching are for man in the white suit
+Searching is for man in the white suit
+Searching are for man in the white suit
+||||CanyonMan||||wow, haven't heard that name in a long time.||||
+Searching is for haven't heard that name in a long time.
+Searching are for haven't heard that name in a long time.
+Searching is for haven't heard that name in a long time
+Searching are for haven't heard that name in a long time
+||||mendel||||Bugtraq is completely useless these days, isn't it||||
+Searching is for bugtraq is completely useless these days, isn't it
+Searching are for bugtraq is completely useless these days, isn't it
+Searching is for bugtraq
+set;;is;;bugtraq;;completely useless these days, isn't it
+Searching is for yes.
+Searching are for yes.
+Searching is for yes
+Searching are for yes
+||||Skud||||it took you this long?||||
+Searching is for it took you this long
+Searching are for it took you this long
+Searching is for it took you this long
+Searching are for it took you this long
+||||zetabug||||oh dear. I dound a mouse paste Don Rumsfeld would find useful in these trying times :P||||
+Searching is for dear. zetabug dound a mouse paste don rumsfeld would find useful in these trying times :p
+Searching are for dear. zetabug dound a mouse paste don rumsfeld would find useful in these trying times :p
+Searching is for dear. zetabug dound a mouse paste don rumsfeld would find useful in these trying times :p
+Searching are for dear. zetabug dound a mouse paste don rumsfeld would find useful in these trying times :p
+||||zetabug||||I'll just give the reference and leave it at that: PERIODICA POLYTECHNICA SER. CHEM. ENG. VOL. 45, NO. 2, PP. 131137 (2001)||||
+Searching is for zetabug'll just give the reference and leave it at that: periodica polytechnica ser. chem. eng. vol. 45, no. 2, pp. 131137 (2001)
+Searching are for zetabug'll just give the reference and leave it at that: periodica polytechnica ser. chem. eng. vol. 45, no. 2, pp. 131137 (2001)
+Searching is for zetabug'll just give the reference and leave it at that: periodica polytechnica ser. chem. eng. vol. 45, no. 2, pp. 131137 (2001)
+Searching are for zetabug'll just give the reference and leave it at that: periodica polytechnica ser. chem. eng. vol. 45, no. 2, pp. 131137 (2001)
+Searching is for s/dound/found/
+Searching are for s/dound/found/
+Searching is for s/dound/found/
+Searching are for s/dound/found/
+||||Skud||||morning zetabug||||
+Searching is for morning zetabug
+Searching are for morning zetabug
+Searching is for morning zetabug
+Searching are for morning zetabug
+||||Skud||||how's the weather up there?||||
+Searching is for how's the weather up there
+Searching are for how's the weather up there
+Searching is for how's the weather up there
+Searching are for how's the weather up there
+||||zetabug||||cloudy/ rainy/ hot and cold||||
+Searching is for cloudy/ rainy/ hot and cold
+Searching are for cloudy/ rainy/ hot and cold
+Searching is for cloudy/ rainy/ hot and cold
+Searching are for cloudy/ rainy/ hot and cold
+||||zetabug||||and sunny all at the same time||||
+Searching is for sunny all at the same time
+Searching are for sunny all at the same time
+Searching is for sunny all at the same time
+Searching are for sunny all at the same time
+||||zetabug||||but tending more and more towards the cold||||
+Searching is for tending more and more towards the cold
+Searching are for tending more and more towards the cold
+Searching is for tending more and more towards the cold
+Searching are for tending more and more towards the cold
+||||kd||||..except for a half sister, who was obsessed with Vanadium.||||
+Searching is for ..except for a half sister,was obsessed with vanadium.
+Searching are for ..except for a half sister,was obsessed with vanadium.
+Searching is for ..except for a half sister,was obsessed with vanadium
+Searching are for ..except for a half sister,was obsessed with vanadium
+Searching is for hafnium
+Searching are for hafnium
+Searching is for hafnium
+Searching are for hafnium
+||||kd||||I like traffic lights :)||||
+Searching is for kd like traffic lights :)
+Searching are for kd like traffic lights :)
+Searching is for kd like traffic lights :)
+Searching are for kd like traffic lights :)
+Searching is for wow
+Searching are for wow
+Searching is for wow
+Searching are for wow
+||||kd||||I...Oh God!||||
+Searching is for kd...oh god!
+Searching are for kd...oh god!
+Searching is for kd...oh god
+Searching are for kd...oh god
+||||zetabug||||#perl while driving?||||
+Searching is for #perl while driving
+Searching are for #perl while driving
+Searching is for #perl while driving
+Searching are for #perl while driving
+||||kd||||My son told me to stop singing that song the other day||||
+Searching is for kd's son told kd to stop singing that song the other day
+Searching are for kd's son told kd to stop singing that song the other day
+Searching is for kd's son told kd to stop singing that song the other day
+Searching are for kd's son told kd to stop singing that song the other day
+||||kd||||you can find the complete lyrics to that song just above the mention of vanadium here: http://www.ibras.dk/montypython/finalripoff.htm||||
+Searching is for you can find the complete lyrics to that song just above the mention of vanadium here: http://www.ibras.dk/montypython/finalripoff.htm
+Searching are for you can find the complete lyrics to that song just above the mention of vanadium here: http://www.ibras.dk/montypython/finalripoff.htm
+Searching is for you can find the complete lyrics to that song just above the mention of vanadium here: http://www.ibras.dk/montypython/finalripoff.htm
+Searching are for you can find the complete lyrics to that song just above the mention of vanadium here: http://www.ibras.dk/montypython/finalripoff.htm
+||||kd||||what has Donald Rumsfeld got to do with vanadium anyway?||||
+Searching is for has donald rumsfeld got to do with vanadium
+Searching are for has donald rumsfeld got to do with vanadium
+Searching is for has donald rumsfeld got to do with vanadium
+Searching are for has donald rumsfeld got to do with vanadium
+||||kd||||Another good fighting wine is "Melbourne Old-and-Yellow", which is particularly heavy, and should be used only for hand-to-hand combat.||||
+Searching is for another good fighting wine is "melbourne old-and-yellow", which is particularly heavy, and should be used only for hand-to-hand combat.
+Searching are for another good fighting wine is "melbourne old-and-yellow", which is particularly heavy, and should be used only for hand-to-hand combat.
+Searching is for another good fighting wine
+set;;is;;another good fighting wine;;"Melbourne Old-and-Yellow", which is particularly heavy, and should be used only for hand-to-hand combat.
+||||zetabug||||'Atomic Energy Commision... Syria'||||
+Searching is for 'atomic energy commision... syria'
+Searching are for 'atomic energy commision... syria'
+Searching is for 'atomic energy commision... syria'
+Searching are for 'atomic energy commision... syria'
+Searching is for aah
+Searching are for aah
+Searching is for aah
+Searching are for aah
+Searching is for argh
+Searching are for argh
+Searching is for argh
+Searching are for argh
+||||kd||||this is not a wine for drinking it is a wine for laying down and avoiding||||
+Searching is for this is not a wine for drinking it is a wine for laying down and avoiding
+Searching are for this is not a wine for drinking it is a wine for laying down and avoiding
+||||kd||||interestingly the Australian wine glut means that I now have to lay down and avoid all wine for the next while||||
+Searching is for interestingly the australian wine glut means that kd now have to lay down and avoid all wine for the next while
+Searching are for interestingly the australian wine glut means that kd now have to lay down and avoid all wine for the next while
+Searching is for interestingly the australian wine glut means that kd now have to lay down and avoid all wine for the next while
+Searching are for interestingly the australian wine glut means that kd now have to lay down and avoid all wine for the next while
+||||kd||||giving me stomach cramps||||
+Searching is for giving kd stomach cramps
+Searching are for giving kd stomach cramps
+Searching is for giving kd stomach cramps
+Searching are for giving kd stomach cramps
+||||kd||||fortunately this means that I have to drink beer instead||||
+Searching is for fortunately this means that kd has to drink beer instead
+Searching are for fortunately this means that kd has to drink beer instead
+Searching is for fortunately this means that kd has to drink beer instead
+Searching are for fortunately this means that kd has to drink beer instead
+||||kd||||which doesn't give me stomach cramps but does make me burp||||
+Searching is for which doesn't give kd stomach cramps but does make kd burp
+Searching are for which doesn't give kd stomach cramps but does make kd burp
+Searching is for which doesn't give kd stomach cramps but does make kd burp
+Searching are for which doesn't give kd stomach cramps but does make kd burp
+||||kd||||s/stomach cramps/opens the sluices at both ends/||||
+Searching is for s/stomach cramps/opens the sluices at both ends/
+Searching are for s/stomach cramps/opens the sluices at both ends/
+Searching is for s/stomach cramps/opens the sluices at both ends/
+Searching are for s/stomach cramps/opens the sluices at both ends/
+||||Skud||||it's funny coming to australia after years away and seeing just how many wine shops there are||||
+Searching is for it's funny coming to australia after years away and seeing just how many wine shops there are
+Searching are for it's funny coming to australia after years away and seeing just how many wine shops there are
+||||Skud||||especially after 4 years in the land of the LCBO||||
+Searching is for especially after 4 years in the land of the lcbo
+Searching are for especially after 4 years in the land of the lcbo
+Searching is for especially after 4 years in the land of the lcbo
+Searching are for especially after 4 years in the land of the lcbo
+||||kd||||thing is a bottle 750ml of reasonable wine now costs the same as a 650ml longneck of beer||||
+Searching is for thing is a bottle 750ml of reasonable wine now costs the same as a 650ml longneck of beer
+Searching are for thing is a bottle 750ml of reasonable wine now costs the same as a 650ml longneck of beer
+Searching is for thing
+set;;is;;thing;;a bottle 750ml of reasonable wine now costs the same as a 650ml longneck of beer
+||||rjbs||||Totally didn't hear from any fucking contractors.||||
+Searching is for totally didn't hear from any fucking contractors.
+Searching are for totally didn't hear from any fucking contractors.
+Searching is for totally didn't hear from any fucking contractors
+Searching are for totally didn't hear from any fucking contractors
+||||rjbs||||contractors-- #die die die||||
+Searching is for contractors-- #die die die
+Searching are for contractors-- #die die die
+Searching is for contractors-- #die die die
+Searching are for contractors-- #die die die
+Searching is for woah
+Searching are for woah
+Searching is for woah
+Searching are for woah
+||||kd||||(it support)--||||
+Searching is for (it support)--
+Searching are for (it support)--
+Searching is for (it support)--
+Searching are for (it support)--
+--;;it support
+||||kd||||(it support)--||||
+Searching is for (it support)--
+Searching are for (it support)--
+Searching is for (it support)--
+Searching are for (it support)--
+--;;it support
+||||kd||||Look, we'll eat your mum. Then, if you feel a bit guilty about it afterwards, we can dig a grave and you can throw up into it.||||
+Searching is for look, we'll eat your mum. then, if you feel a bit guilty about it afterwards, we can dig a grave and you can throw up into it.
+Searching are for look, we'll eat your mum. then, if you feel a bit guilty about it afterwards, we can dig a grave and you can throw up into it.
+Searching is for look, we'll eat your mum. then, if you feel a bit guilty about it afterwards, we can dig a grave and you can throw up into it
+Searching are for look, we'll eat your mum. then, if you feel a bit guilty about it afterwards, we can dig a grave and you can throw up into it
+||||kd||||be offensive||||
+Searching is for be offensive
+Searching are for be offensive
+Searching is for be offensive
+Searching are for be offensive
+||||jcap||||I was hoping that module would be updated soon||||
+Searching is for jcap was hoping that module would be updated soon
+Searching are for jcap was hoping that module would be updated soon
+Searching is for jcap was hoping that module would be updated soon
+Searching are for jcap was hoping that module would be updated soon
+||||cfedde||||you also win||||
+Searching is for you also win
+Searching are for you also win
+Searching is for you also win
+Searching are for you also win
+||||Andy||||ping rjbs?||||
+Searching is for ping rjbs
+Searching are for ping rjbs
+Searching is for ping rjbs
+Searching are for ping rjbs
+||||kismet||||sorry about the noise, it should be over shortly||||
+Searching is for sorry about the noise, it should be over shortly
+Searching are for sorry about the noise, it should be over shortly
+Searching is for sorry about the noise, it should be over shortly
+Searching are for sorry about the noise, it should be over shortly
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