[Bast-commits] r3451 - in trunk/Anything: docs lib lib/Anything
lib/Anything/Controller/Test lib/Anything/InterfaceModel
lib/Anything/UI/ActionForm root/base
castaway at dev.catalyst.perl.org
castaway at dev.catalyst.perl.org
Thu May 31 23:18:07 GMT 2007
Author: castaway
Date: 2007-05-31 23:18:06 +0100 (Thu, 31 May 2007)
New Revision: 3451
Add Role to do the attribute twiddling, used in Create and Update actions
Split header into one for ttoolkit view, one for XHTML
Add NumberField to Types and ActionForm
Modified: trunk/Anything/docs/Installing
--- trunk/Anything/docs/Installing 2007-05-31 20:48:31 UTC (rev 3450)
+++ trunk/Anything/docs/Installing 2007-05-31 22:18:06 UTC (rev 3451)
@@ -23,9 +23,9 @@
- sqlite3 db/mydatabase.db < db/anything.sql
(currently the only SQL supplied is for SQLite3)
8) Apply the dataset update:
- - perl bin/import_dataset.pl --dataset data/<datasetname>.xml --dsn dbi:SQLite:db/mydatabase.db
+ - perl -Ilib bin/import_dataset.pl --dataset data/<datasetname>.xml --dsn dbi:SQLite:db/mydatabase.db
9) Create an inital Xapian database for your search indexing:
- - perl bin/anything_xapian.pl dbi:SQLite:db/mydatabase.db
+ - perl -Ilib bin/anything_xapian.pl dbi:SQLite:db/mydatabase.db
9) Start the application:
- script/anything_server.pl [--port NNNN]
Modified: trunk/Anything/lib/Anything/Controller/Test/Item.pm
--- trunk/Anything/lib/Anything/Controller/Test/Item.pm 2007-05-31 20:48:31 UTC (rev 3450)
+++ trunk/Anything/lib/Anything/Controller/Test/Item.pm 2007-05-31 22:18:06 UTC (rev 3451)
@@ -28,35 +28,39 @@
sub get_model_action {
my ($self, $c, $name, $target, $typeid) = @_;
+ my $type :Stashed;
$c->log->debug("Target: $target, " . ref($target));
+# $c->log->debug("Target: $target, " . $target->TypeID);
# $c->log->debug("DM: " . ref $target->_items_store);
## this attempts to inflate our type object into an items obj, oops
+ $type ||= $target->TypeID;
# my $target_type = $target->_items_store->related_resultset('TypeID')->find({ID => $typeid});
- my $target_type = $target->related_resultset('TypeID')->find({ID => $typeid});
- my $target_type = $c->model('Anything::Type')->find({ID => $typeid});
- my $rel_rs = $target->related_resultset('TypeID');
- $c->log->debug("Rel result_class " . $rel_rs->result_source->result_class);
- $c->log->debug("Rel: " . ref($rel_rs));
- use MRO::Compat;
- my $linear_isa = mro::get_linear_isa(ref $rel_rs);
- $c->log->debug("ISA $_") for @$linear_isa;
+# my $target_type = $target->related_resultset('TypeID')->find({ID => $typeid});
+# my $target_type = $c->model('Anything::Type')->find({ID => $typeid});
+# my $rel_rs = $target->related_resultset('TypeID');
+# $c->log->debug("Rel result_class " . $rel_rs->result_source->result_class);
+# $c->log->debug("Rel: " . ref($rel_rs));
+# use MRO::Compat;
+# my $linear_isa = mro::get_linear_isa(ref $rel_rs);
+# $c->log->debug("ISA $_") for @$linear_isa;
- my $target_type = $rel_rs->find({ID => $typeid});
- $c->log->debug("Target ID: $typeid");
- $c->log->debug("Target ID: $target_type");
+# my $target_type = $rel_rs->find({ID => $typeid});
+# $c->log->debug("Target ID: $typeid");
+# $c->log->debug("Target ID: $target_type");
if ($target->can('action_for')) {
return $target->action_for($name,
ctx => $c,
- target_type => $target_type,
- target_model => $target);
+# target_type => $target_type,
+# target_model => $target
+ );
my $model_name = "Action::${name}".$self->model_name;
my $model = $c->model($model_name);
confess "no such Model $model_name" unless $model;
return $model->new(target_model => $target,
- target_type => $target_type,
+# target_type => $target_type,
ctx => $c);
@@ -71,8 +75,21 @@
# );
# }
-sub create :Chained('base') :PathPart('create') :Args() {
+## Base list and create off type, which captures the typeid and stashes the type object ??
+sub type :Chained('base') :PathPart('type') :CaptureArgs(1)
my ($self, $c, $typeid) = @_;
+ my $type :Stashed = $self->get_collection($c)->related_resultset('TypeID')->find({ID => $typeid});
+ print STDERR "Type found: $type\n";
+sub create :Chained('type') :PathPart('create') :Args() {
+ my ($self, $c, $typeid) = @_;
+## Atempt to use an empty Item object for create instead of the collection, fails as Anything::InterfaceModel::Items cant be instantiated with no _items_store attribute.
+# my $coll = $self->get_collection($c);
+# my $new_object = $coll->new_result({_items_store => $coll->_items_store});
+# my $action = $self->get_model_action($c, 'Create', $new_object, $typeid);
my $action = $self->get_model_action($c, 'Create', $self->get_collection($c), $typeid);
# print STDERR $action->dump, "\n";
# print STDERR $_->blessed for $action->meta->compute_all_applicable_attributes;
Modified: trunk/Anything/lib/Anything/InterfaceModel/Items/Action/Create.pm
--- trunk/Anything/lib/Anything/InterfaceModel/Items/Action/Create.pm 2007-05-31 20:48:31 UTC (rev 3450)
+++ trunk/Anything/lib/Anything/InterfaceModel/Items/Action/Create.pm 2007-05-31 22:18:06 UTC (rev 3451)
@@ -2,62 +2,13 @@
use Reaction::Class;
use aliased 'Reaction::InterfaceModel::Action::DBIC::ResultSet::Create' => 'DBIC_Create';
+use Anything::InterfaceModel::Items::Role::Typefields;
use Anything::Types;
class Create is DBIC_Create, which {
- has delayed_fields =>
- (is => 'rw', isa => 'HashRef', required => 1,
- default => sub{{}}, metaclass => 'Reaction::Meta::Attribute');
+ does 'Anything::InterfaceModel::Items::Role::Typefields';
- around 'new' => sub {
- my $super = shift;
- my $self = shift;
- my $class = ref $self || $self;
- my %args = @_;
- return $super->($self, @_) if $self->meta->is_anon_class;
- print STDERR "Inherits from $class\n";
- my $action_meta = $self->meta->create_anon_class(superclasses => [$class]);
-# print STDERR "Self: $self\n";
- # this one errors
-# $self->delayed_fields({});
- my %delayed_fields;
- for my $val ($args{target_type}->typefields->all){
- my $attr_name = $val->FieldID->Name;
- $DB::single=1;
- print STDERR "Typefield: $attr_name " if($ENV{REACTION_DEBUG});
-# {
-# local $SIG{__DIE__} = sub {
-# print STDERR Carp::longmess;
-# print STDERR join " // ", @_;
-# exit;
- # this one doesnt
-# $self->delayed_fields->{$attr_name} = $val->FieldID->Name;
- $delayed_fields{$attr_name} = $val->FieldID->Name;
- $action_meta->add_attribute
- ($attr_name,
- reader => 'get_field_{$attr_name}',
- writer => 'set_field_{$attr_name}',
- is => 'rw',
- isa => $val->FieldID->TypeID->Name, #this will need fixing still
- predicate => "has_field_${attr_name}",
- required => 0
- );
-# };
-# }
- print STDERR "Done Typefield: $attr_name " if($ENV{REACTION_DEBUG});
- print STDERR "Field: $attr_name, Type: ", $val->FieldID->TypeID->Name, "\n" if $ENV{REACTION_DEBUG};
- }
- my $obj = $action_meta->new_object(@_, delayed_fields => \%delayed_fields);
- $obj->{__keep_metaclass_alive__} = $action_meta;
- return $obj;
- };
around do_apply => sub {
my $super = shift;
my $row = $super->(@_);
Added: trunk/Anything/lib/Anything/InterfaceModel/Items/Role/Typefields.pm
--- trunk/Anything/lib/Anything/InterfaceModel/Items/Role/Typefields.pm (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Anything/lib/Anything/InterfaceModel/Items/Role/Typefields.pm 2007-05-31 22:18:06 UTC (rev 3451)
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+package Anything::InterfaceModel::Items::Role::Typefields;
+use Reaction::Role;
+use Anything::Types;
+role Typefields which {
+ has delayed_fields =>
+ (is => 'rw', isa => 'HashRef', required => 1,
+ default => sub{{}}, metaclass => 'Reaction::Meta::Attribute');
+ around 'new' => sub {
+ my $super = shift;
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $class = ref $self || $self;
+ my %args = @_;
+ return $super->($self, @_) if $self->meta->is_anon_class;
+ my $action_meta = $self->meta->create_anon_class(superclasses => [$class]);
+ my %delayed_fields;
+ die "No ctx passed to " . ref $self if(!exists $args{ctx});
+ die "No type passed to " . ref $self if(!exists $args{ctx}->stash->{type});
+ for my $val ($args{ctx}->stash->{type}->typefields->all)
+ {
+ my $attr_name = $val->FieldID->Name;
+ $delayed_fields{$attr_name} = $val->FieldID->Name;
+ $action_meta->add_attribute
+ ($attr_name,
+ reader => 'get_field_{$attr_name}',
+ writer => 'set_field_{$attr_name}',
+ is => 'rw',
+ isa => $val->FieldID->TypeID->Name, #this will need fixing still
+ predicate => "has_field_${attr_name}",
+ required => 0
+ );
+ }
+ my $obj = $action_meta->new_object(@_, delayed_fields => \%delayed_fields);
+ $obj->{__keep_metaclass_alive__} = $action_meta;
+ return $obj;
+ };
Modified: trunk/Anything/lib/Anything/InterfaceModel/Items.pm
--- trunk/Anything/lib/Anything/InterfaceModel/Items.pm 2007-05-31 20:48:31 UTC (rev 3450)
+++ trunk/Anything/lib/Anything/InterfaceModel/Items.pm 2007-05-31 22:18:06 UTC (rev 3451)
@@ -17,6 +17,15 @@
Delete => {},
+ around 'action_for' => sub {
+ my $super = shift;
+ my ($self, $action, %args) = @_;
+ print STDERR "Running IM action_for\n";
+ $super->(@_);
+ }
# implements 'action_for' => as {
# my ($self, $action, %args) = @_;
# my $super = $self->_action_class_for($action);
Modified: trunk/Anything/lib/Anything/Types.pm
--- trunk/Anything/lib/Anything/Types.pm 2007-05-31 20:48:31 UTC (rev 3450)
+++ trunk/Anything/lib/Anything/Types.pm 2007-05-31 22:18:06 UTC (rev 3451)
@@ -6,10 +6,17 @@
subtype 'TextField'
=> as 'Str'
+ => where {1}
subtype 'DateField'
=> as 'DateTime'
+ => where {1}
+subtype 'NumberField'
+ => as 'Int'
+ => where {1}
+ ;
Modified: trunk/Anything/lib/Anything/UI/ActionForm/Item.pm
--- trunk/Anything/lib/Anything/UI/ActionForm/Item.pm 2007-05-31 20:48:31 UTC (rev 3450)
+++ trunk/Anything/lib/Anything/UI/ActionForm/Item.pm 2007-05-31 22:18:06 UTC (rev 3451)
@@ -7,6 +7,9 @@
class Item is 'Reaction::UI::ViewPort::ActionForm', which {
+ has +layout => (default => 'actionform');
+ ## default is the end of the class name, eg "item" here.. !
implements build_fields_for_type_TextField => as {
my ($self, $attr, $args) = @_;
return $self->build_simple_field(Text, $attr, $args);
Modified: trunk/Anything/lib/Anything.pm
--- trunk/Anything/lib/Anything.pm 2007-05-31 20:48:31 UTC (rev 3450)
+++ trunk/Anything/lib/Anything.pm 2007-05-31 22:18:06 UTC (rev 3451)
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
DSN => 'dbi:mysql:stuff',
DBUSER => 'root',
DBPASS => '',
- default_view => 'TToolkit',
+# default_view => 'TToolkit',
stacktrace => { verbose => 1 },
static => { dirs => [
Added: trunk/Anything/root/base/header
--- trunk/Anything/root/base/header (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Anything/root/base/header 2007-05-31 22:18:06 UTC (rev 3451)
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+[%# NOTE: This leaves an open div/body/html, which *MUST* be closed in footer.tt.
+ # FIXME: This should wrap, instead of having a top/bottom template
+[% PROCESS "header_macros.tt" %]
+ <div id="navcontainer" class="menu">
+ <ul class="navlist" style="margin: 0">
+ [% IF app_navigation;
+ app_navigation;
+ END; %]
+ <li class="typelist-top">[% create_menu(types) %]</li>
+ [% IF c.user_exists && c.check_user_roles('Admin') %]
+ <li style="border-top: 1px solid;">Admin</li>
+ <li>
+ <a href="[% c.uri_for('/import/add') %]">Import Data</a>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a href="[% c.uri_for('/type/list/') %]">Types</a>
+ </li>
+ [% END %]
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ <div class="content">
+ <div style="float:right">
+ <form action="/search" method="post">
+ <div>
+ <input type="text" name="search" />
+ <input type="submit" value="Search" />
+ </div>
+ </form>
+ </div>
+ [% IF message || c.flash.message %]
+ <div class="message">[% message || c.flash.message | html %]</div>
+ [% END %]
+ [% IF error %]
+ <div class="error">[% error | html %]</div>
+ [% END %]
Modified: trunk/Anything/root/base/header.tt
--- trunk/Anything/root/base/header.tt 2007-05-31 20:48:31 UTC (rev 3450)
+++ trunk/Anything/root/base/header.tt 2007-05-31 22:18:06 UTC (rev 3451)
@@ -3,17 +3,17 @@
[% PROCESS "header_macros.tt" %]
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN"
- "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml11.dtd">
-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
- <head>
- <meta http-equiv="Content-Script-Type" content="text/javascript" />
- <script src="/static/js/dojo.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
- <title>[% name %] - [% page_title %]</title>
- <link title="[% name %]" href="/static/css/[% name | lower %].css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />
- <base href="[%- c.req.base -%]" />
- </head>
- <body>
+ <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN"
+ "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml11.dtd">
+ <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
+ <head>
+ <meta http-equiv="Content-Script-Type" content="text/javascript" />
+ <script src="/static/js/dojo.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
+ <title>[% name %] - [% page_title %]</title>
+ <link title="[% name %]" href="/static/css/[% name | lower %].css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />
+ <base href="[%- c.req.base -%]" />
+ </head>
+ <body>
<div id="navcontainer" class="menu">
<ul class="navlist" style="margin: 0">
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