[Bast-commits] r4890 - SQL-Abstract/2.000/trunk/t

dami at dev.catalyst.perl.org dami at dev.catalyst.perl.org
Mon Oct 6 11:18:46 BST 2008

Author: dami
Date: 2008-10-06 11:18:45 +0100 (Mon, 06 Oct 2008)
New Revision: 4890

missing test files

Added: SQL-Abstract/2.000/trunk/t/07subqueries.t
--- SQL-Abstract/2.000/trunk/t/07subqueries.t	                        (rev 0)
+++ SQL-Abstract/2.000/trunk/t/07subqueries.t	2008-10-06 10:18:45 UTC (rev 4890)
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use FindBin;
+use lib "$FindBin::Bin";
+use TestSqlAbstract;
+plan tests => 5;
+use SQL::Abstract;
+my $sql = SQL::Abstract->new;
+my (@tests, $sub_stmt, @sub_bind, $where);
+($sub_stmt, @sub_bind) = ("SELECT c1 FROM t1 WHERE c2 < ? AND c3 LIKE ?",
+                          100, "foo%");
+$where = {
+    foo => 1234,
+    bar => \["IN ($sub_stmt)" => @sub_bind],
+  };
+push @tests, {
+  where => $where,
+  stmt => " WHERE ( bar IN (SELECT c1 FROM t1 WHERE c2 < ? AND c3 LIKE ?) AND foo = ? )",
+  bind => [100, "foo%", 1234],
+($sub_stmt, @sub_bind)
+     = $sql->select("t1", "c1", {c2 => {"<" => 100}, 
+                                 c3 => {-like => "foo%"}});
+$where = {
+    foo => 1234,
+    bar => \["> ALL ($sub_stmt)" => @sub_bind],
+  };
+push @tests, {
+  where => $where,
+  stmt => " WHERE ( bar > ALL (SELECT c1 FROM t1 WHERE ( c2 < ? AND c3 LIKE ? )) AND foo = ? )",
+  bind => [100, "foo%", 1234],
+($sub_stmt, @sub_bind) 
+     = $sql->select("t1", "*", {c1 => 1, c2 => \"> t0.c0"});
+$where = {
+    foo                  => 1234,
+    -nest => \["EXISTS ($sub_stmt)" => @sub_bind],
+  };
+push @tests, {
+  where => $where,
+  stmt => " WHERE ( EXISTS (SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE ( c1 = ? AND c2 > t0.c0 )) AND foo = ? )",
+  bind => [1, 1234],
+$where = {
+    -nest => \["MATCH (col1, col2) AGAINST (?)" => "apples"],
+  };
+push @tests, {
+  where => $where,
+  stmt => " WHERE ( MATCH (col1, col2) AGAINST (?) )",
+  bind => ["apples"],
+($sub_stmt, @sub_bind) 
+  = $sql->where({age => [{"<" => 10}, {">" => 20}]});
+$sub_stmt =~ s/^ where //i; # don't want "WHERE" in the subclause
+$where = {
+    lname  => {-like => '%son%'},
+    -nest  => \["NOT ( $sub_stmt )" => @sub_bind],
+  };
+push @tests, {
+  where => $where,
+  stmt => " WHERE ( NOT ( ( ( ( age < ? ) OR ( age > ? ) ) ) ) AND lname LIKE ? )",
+  bind => [10, 20, '%son%'],
+for (@tests) {
+  my($stmt, @bind) = $sql->where($_->{where}, $_->{order});
+  is_same_sql_bind($stmt, \@bind, $_->{stmt}, $_->{bind});

Added: SQL-Abstract/2.000/trunk/t/08special_ops.t
--- SQL-Abstract/2.000/trunk/t/08special_ops.t	                        (rev 0)
+++ SQL-Abstract/2.000/trunk/t/08special_ops.t	2008-10-06 10:18:45 UTC (rev 4890)
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use FindBin;
+use lib "$FindBin::Bin";
+use TestSqlAbstract;
+plan tests => 2;
+use SQL::Abstract;
+my $sqlmaker = SQL::Abstract->new(special_ops => [
+  # special op for MySql MATCH (field) AGAINST(word1, word2, ...)
+  {regex => qr/^match$/i, 
+   handler => sub {
+     my ($self, $field, $op, $arg) = @_;
+     $arg = [$arg] if not ref $arg;
+     my $label         = $self->_quote($field);
+     my ($placeholder) = $self->_convert('?');
+     my $placeholders  = join ", ", (($placeholder) x @$arg);
+     my $sql           = $self->_sqlcase('match') . " ($label) "
+                       . $self->_sqlcase('against') . " ($placeholders) ";
+     my @bind = $self->_bindtype($field, @$arg);
+     return ($sql, @bind);
+     }
+   },
+  # special op for Basis+ NATIVE
+  {regex => qr/^native$/i, 
+   handler => sub {
+     my ($self, $field, $op, $arg) = @_;
+     $arg =~ s/'/''/g;
+     my $sql = "NATIVE (' $field $arg ')";
+     return ($sql);
+     }
+   },
+my @tests = (
+  #1 
+  { where => {foo => {-match => 'foo'},
+              bar => {-match => [qw/foo bar/]}},
+    stmt  => " WHERE ( MATCH (bar) AGAINST (?, ?) AND MATCH (foo) AGAINST (?) )",
+    bind  => [qw/foo bar foo/],
+  },
+  #2
+  { where => {foo => {-native => "PH IS 'bar'"}},
+    stmt  => " WHERE ( NATIVE (' foo PH IS ''bar'' ') )",
+    bind  => [],
+  },
+for (@tests) {
+  my($stmt, @bind) = $sqlmaker->where($_->{where}, $_->{order});
+  is_same_sql_bind($stmt, \@bind, $_->{stmt}, $_->{bind});

Added: SQL-Abstract/2.000/trunk/t/TestSqlAbstract.pm
--- SQL-Abstract/2.000/trunk/t/TestSqlAbstract.pm	                        (rev 0)
+++ SQL-Abstract/2.000/trunk/t/TestSqlAbstract.pm	2008-10-06 10:18:45 UTC (rev 4890)
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+package TestSqlAbstract;
+# compares two SQL expressions on their abstract syntax,
+# ignoring differences in levels of parentheses.
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use base 'Exporter';
+use Data::Dumper;
+our @EXPORT = qw/is_same_sql_bind/;
+my $last_differ;
+sub is_same_sql_bind {
+  my ($sql1, $bind_ref1, $sql2, $bind_ref2, $msg) = @_;
+  my $tree1     = parse($sql1);
+  my $tree2     = parse($sql2);
+  my $same_sql  = eq_tree($tree1, $tree2);
+  my $same_bind = stringify_bind($bind_ref1) eq stringify_bind($bind_ref2);
+  ok($same_sql && $same_bind, $msg);
+  if (!$same_sql) {
+    diag "SQL expressions differ\n"
+        ."     got: $sql1\n"
+        ."expected: $sql2\n"
+        ."differing in :\n$last_differ\n";
+        ;
+  }
+  if (!$same_bind) {
+    diag "BIND values differ\n"
+        ."     got: " . Dumper($bind_ref1)
+        ."expected: " . Dumper($bind_ref2)
+        ;
+  }
+sub stringify_bind {
+  my $bind_ref = shift || [];
+  return join "///", map {ref $_ ? join('=>', @$_) : ($_ || '')} 
+                         @$bind_ref;
+sub eq_tree {
+  my ($left, $right) = @_;
+  # ignore top-level parentheses 
+  while ($left->[0]  eq 'PAREN') {$left  = $left->[1] }
+  while ($right->[0] eq 'PAREN') {$right = $right->[1]}
+  if ($left->[0] ne $right->[0]) { # if operators are different
+    $last_differ = sprintf "OP [$left->[0]] != [$right->[0]] in\nleft: %s\nright: %s\n",
+      unparse($left),
+      unparse($right);
+    return 0;
+  }
+  else { # else compare operands
+    if ($left->[0] eq 'EXPR' ) {
+      if ($left->[1] ne $right->[1]) {
+        $last_differ = "[$left->[1]] != [$right->[1]]\n";
+        return 0;
+      }
+      else {
+        return 1;
+      }
+    }
+    else {
+      my $eq_left  = eq_tree($left->[1][0], $right->[1][0]);
+      my $eq_right = eq_tree($left->[1][1], $right->[1][1]);
+      return $eq_left && $eq_right;
+    }
+  }
+my @tokens;
+sub parse {
+  my $s = shift;
+  # tokenize string
+  @tokens = grep {!/^\s*$/} split /\s*(\(|\)|\bAND\b|\bOR\b)\s*/, $s;
+  my $tree = _recurse_parse();
+  return $tree;
+sub _recurse_parse {
+  my $left;
+  while (1) {
+    my $lookahead = $tokens[0];
+    return $left if !defined($lookahead) || $lookahead eq ')';
+    my $token = shift @tokens;
+    if ($token eq '(') {
+      my $right = _recurse_parse();
+      $token = shift @tokens 
+        or die "missing ')'";
+      $token eq ')' 
+        or die "unexpected token : $token";
+      $left = $left ? [CONCAT => [$left, [PAREN => $right]]]
+                    : [PAREN  => $right];
+    }
+    elsif ($token eq 'AND' || $token eq 'OR')  {
+      my $right = _recurse_parse();
+      $left = [$token => [$left, $right]];
+    }
+    else {
+      $left = $left ? [CONCAT => [$left, [EXPR => $token]]]
+                    : [EXPR   => $token];
+    }
+  }
+sub unparse {
+  my $tree = shift;
+  my $dispatch = {
+    EXPR   => sub {$tree->[1]                                   },
+    PAREN  => sub {"(" . unparse($tree->[1]) . ")"              },
+    CONCAT => sub {join " ",     map {unparse($_)} @{$tree->[1]}},
+    AND    => sub {join " AND ", map {unparse($_)} @{$tree->[1]}},
+    OR     => sub {join " OR ",  map {unparse($_)} @{$tree->[1]}},
+   };
+  $dispatch->{$tree->[0]}->();

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