[Bast-commits] r5034 - in DBIx-Class/0.08/trunk: . t t/cdbi-t
ribasushi at dev.catalyst.perl.org
ribasushi at dev.catalyst.perl.org
Fri Oct 31 20:34:27 GMT 2008
Author: ribasushi
Date: 2008-10-31 20:34:27 +0000 (Fri, 31 Oct 2008)
New Revision: 5034
68inflate_has_a.t tests the cdbi-compat shim and thus belongs in t/cdbi-t
bumped up the version of DBD::SQLite required for testing
Modified: DBIx-Class/0.08/trunk/Makefile.PL
--- DBIx-Class/0.08/trunk/Makefile.PL 2008-10-31 11:22:38 UTC (rev 5033)
+++ DBIx-Class/0.08/trunk/Makefile.PL 2008-10-31 20:34:27 UTC (rev 5034)
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
# Perl 5.8.0 doesn't have utf8::is_utf8()
requires 'Encode' => 0 if ($] <= 5.008000);
-test_requires 'DBD::SQLite' => 1.13;
+test_requires 'DBD::SQLite' => 1.14;
test_requires 'Test::Builder' => 0.33;
test_requires 'Test::Warn' => 0.11;
test_requires 'Test::Exception' => 0;
Deleted: DBIx-Class/0.08/trunk/t/68inflate_has_a.t
--- DBIx-Class/0.08/trunk/t/68inflate_has_a.t 2008-10-31 11:22:38 UTC (rev 5033)
+++ DBIx-Class/0.08/trunk/t/68inflate_has_a.t 2008-10-31 20:34:27 UTC (rev 5034)
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Test::More;
-use lib qw(t/lib);
-use DBICTest;
-my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema();
-eval { require DateTime };
-plan skip_all => "Need DateTime for inflation tests" if $@;
-eval { require Clone };
-plan skip_all => "Need Clone for CDBICompat inflation tests" if $@;
-plan tests => 6;
-DBICTest::Schema::CD->has_a( 'year', 'DateTime',
- inflate => sub { DateTime->new( year => shift ) },
- deflate => sub { shift->year }
-# inflation test
-my $cd = $schema->resultset("CD")->find(3);
-is( ref($cd->year), 'DateTime', 'year is a DateTime, ok' );
-is( $cd->year->month, 1, 'inflated month ok' );
-# deflate test
-my $now = DateTime->now;
-$cd->year( $now );
-($cd) = $schema->resultset("CD")->search( year => $now->year );
-is( $cd->year->year, $now->year, 'deflate ok' );
-# re-test using alternate deflate syntax
-$schema->class("CD")->has_a( 'year', 'DateTime',
- inflate => sub { DateTime->new( year => shift ) },
- deflate => 'year'
-# inflation test
-$cd = $schema->resultset("CD")->find(3);
-is( ref($cd->year), 'DateTime', 'year is a DateTime, ok' );
-is( $cd->year->month, 1, 'inflated month ok' );
-# deflate test
-$now = DateTime->now;
-$cd->year( $now );
-($cd) = $schema->resultset("CD")->search( year => $now->year );
-is( $cd->year->year, $now->year, 'deflate ok' );
Copied: DBIx-Class/0.08/trunk/t/cdbi-t/68-inflate_has_a.t (from rev 5033, DBIx-Class/0.08/trunk/t/68inflate_has_a.t)
--- DBIx-Class/0.08/trunk/t/cdbi-t/68-inflate_has_a.t (rev 0)
+++ DBIx-Class/0.08/trunk/t/cdbi-t/68-inflate_has_a.t 2008-10-31 20:34:27 UTC (rev 5034)
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+ eval "use DBIx::Class::CDBICompat;";
+ plan skip_all => "Class::Trigger and DBIx::ContextualFetch required"
+ if $@;
+ eval { require DateTime };
+ plan skip_all => "Need DateTime for inflation tests" if $@;
+ eval { require Clone };
+ plan skip_all => "Need Clone for CDBICompat inflation tests" if $@;
+plan tests => 6;
+use lib qw(t/lib);
+use DBICTest;
+my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema();
+DBICTest::Schema::CD->has_a( 'year', 'DateTime',
+ inflate => sub { DateTime->new( year => shift ) },
+ deflate => sub { shift->year }
+# inflation test
+my $cd = $schema->resultset("CD")->find(3);
+is( ref($cd->year), 'DateTime', 'year is a DateTime, ok' );
+is( $cd->year->month, 1, 'inflated month ok' );
+# deflate test
+my $now = DateTime->now;
+$cd->year( $now );
+($cd) = $schema->resultset("CD")->search( year => $now->year );
+is( $cd->year->year, $now->year, 'deflate ok' );
+# re-test using alternate deflate syntax
+$schema->class("CD")->has_a( 'year', 'DateTime',
+ inflate => sub { DateTime->new( year => shift ) },
+ deflate => 'year'
+# inflation test
+$cd = $schema->resultset("CD")->find(3);
+is( ref($cd->year), 'DateTime', 'year is a DateTime, ok' );
+is( $cd->year->month, 1, 'inflated month ok' );
+# deflate test
+$now = DateTime->now;
+$cd->year( $now );
+($cd) = $schema->resultset("CD")->search( year => $now->year );
+is( $cd->year->year, $now->year, 'deflate ok' );
Property changes on: DBIx-Class/0.08/trunk/t/cdbi-t/68-inflate_has_a.t
Name: svn:mergeinfo
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