[Bast-commits] r5903 - / Data-CapabilityBased
Data-CapabilityBased/1.000 Data-CapabilityBased/1.000/trunk
matthewt at dev.catalyst.perl.org
matthewt at dev.catalyst.perl.org
Sat Apr 18 18:45:35 GMT 2009
Author: matthewt
Date: 2009-04-18 19:45:35 +0100 (Sat, 18 Apr 2009)
New Revision: 5903
initial import of Data::CapabilityBased
Added: Data-CapabilityBased/1.000/trunk/lib/Data/CapabilityBased.pm
--- Data-CapabilityBased/1.000/trunk/lib/Data/CapabilityBased.pm (rev 0)
+++ Data-CapabilityBased/1.000/trunk/lib/Data/CapabilityBased.pm 2009-04-18 18:45:35 UTC (rev 5903)
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+package Data::CapabilityBased;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+our $VERSION = 0.001000;
+=head1 NAME
+Data::CapabilityBased - Ask your data not what it is, but what it can do for your program
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use Data::Store;
+ use Data::Collection;
+ use Data::Stream;
+ use Data::Query;
+The Data::CapabilityBased module itself is, and will always be, an empty
+placeholder providing an overview of the concepts of the project and links
+to the known distributions making use of this code. Sub namespaces of this
+module will likely contain helper modules to ease bla blah finish this bit
+when we find out if we need them.
+This distribution is uploaded in the absence of code in order to function
+as a central point to document the design of the capabilities as we flesh
+them out and start building the compliance suites; please see the
+L<Data::Store>, L<Data::Collection>, L<Data::Stream>, L<Data::Query> for
+the progress made so far towards this.
+The principle behind this system is: when you're being passed something that's
+being treated as simply data, you shouldn't be thinking about -what- you've
+been passed but merely whether you can use it in the manner you need to. So,
+to pick an example I deal with every day, you have code that needs to process
+a set of objects. Think -
+ method do_something ($to) {
+ foreach my $target (@$to) {
+ $to->frotz;
+ }
+ }
+Now, of course, this is great if $to is an arrayref. But otherwise you're in
+trouble. So, you think "hey, I'll add a type check:"
+ method do_something ($to) {
+ confess "Dammit, Jim, I'm a deckchair not an osculator"
+ unless ref($to) eq 'ARRAY';
+ ...
+But now what happens if it's an object that arrayifies? BOOM. (a good example
+of this from my world would be a DBIx::Class::ResultSet).
+Well. We could test it's something that arrayifies:
+ method do_something ($to) {
+ confess "Out of Cleese error. Call stack has Goon away."
+ unless (ref($to) eq 'ARRAY' || (blessed($to) && $to->can('(@{}')));
+ ...
+but for a start that's really ugly, and more importantly it only handles
+the case that we want to do @$to. Which is probably fine, except now we're
+going to slurp whatever contents of that resultset were into memory at once.
+If it contains a million records, we just made your computer cry (and probably
+your sysadmin developercidal).
+So, what's a better approach? Well, what if we could say to our data "hey,
+I know you're capable of returning me a series of objects, but I really just
+want to run something on all of them" - so, something like
+ method do_something ($to) {
+ $to->each(sub { $_->frotz });
+ }
+but then how do we know if this is something that can provide a suitable
+each method ... and what do we do about plain arrayrefs, which don't have
+methods at all? Well, given autoboxing can provide an ->each method on an
+arrayref, we can do something like:
+ use Data::Collection::Capabilities qw(Eachable);
+ use Data::Collection::Autobox;
+ method do_something (Eachable $to) {
+and then an arrayref will be automatically autoboxed with an ->each method
+that supports this interface, and report that it provides the capability, and
+a collection object that declares its capabilities will pass the type test
+as well.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+ Matt S. Trout (mst) <mst at shadowcat.co.uk> http://www.shadowcat.co.uk/
Added: Data-CapabilityBased/1.000/trunk/lib/Data/Collection.pm
--- Data-CapabilityBased/1.000/trunk/lib/Data/Collection.pm (rev 0)
+++ Data-CapabilityBased/1.000/trunk/lib/Data/Collection.pm 2009-04-18 18:45:35 UTC (rev 5903)
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+package Data::Collection;
+=head1 NAME
+Data::Collection - capability based collection model
+ AllMembers: (Mappable Greppable MemberCount Sortable Reversible Printable Junctions::Common Joinable ToArray)
+ $coll->members;
+ defaults: map grep member_count sort reverse print any all one none join
+ Mappable:
+ $coll->map(CodeRef $mapping);
+ Greppable: (Mappable)
+ $coll->grep(CodeRef $filter); # defaulted
+ MemberCount:
+ $coll->member_count
+ Sortable:
+ $coll->sort(CodeRef $sort);
+ Reversible:
+ $coll->reverse
+ Printable:
+ $coll->print(IO $fh?);
+ Joinable:
+ $coll->join(Str $with?);
+ Junctions::Common: (Junction::Any Junction::All Junction::None Junction::One)
+ Junction::Any:
+ $coll->any;
+ Junction::All:
+ $coll->all;
+ Junction::None:
+ $coll->none;
+ Junction::One:
+ $coll->one;
+ ToArray:
+ @{$coll}
+Basic collection types:
+ HashMap
+ Set
+ ArrayColl
+ Orderable
+ Collatable
+need to work out how this stuff interacts with types
+0; # not yet loadable
Added: Data-CapabilityBased/1.000/trunk/lib/Data/Query.pm
--- Data-CapabilityBased/1.000/trunk/lib/Data/Query.pm (rev 0)
+++ Data-CapabilityBased/1.000/trunk/lib/Data/Query.pm 2009-04-18 18:45:35 UTC (rev 5903)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+package Data::Query;
+=head1 NAME
+Data::Query - capability based semantic query system
+Needs fleshing out, sorry
+0; # not loadable yet
Added: Data-CapabilityBased/1.000/trunk/lib/Data/Store.pm
--- Data-CapabilityBased/1.000/trunk/lib/Data/Store.pm (rev 0)
+++ Data-CapabilityBased/1.000/trunk/lib/Data/Store.pm 2009-04-18 18:45:35 UTC (rev 5903)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+package Data::Store
+=head1 NAME
+Data::Store - capability based data storage
+Needs fleshing out, sorry
+0; # not loadable yet
Added: Data-CapabilityBased/1.000/trunk/lib/Data/Stream.pm
--- Data-CapabilityBased/1.000/trunk/lib/Data/Stream.pm (rev 0)
+++ Data-CapabilityBased/1.000/trunk/lib/Data/Stream.pm 2009-04-18 18:45:35 UTC (rev 5903)
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+package Data::Stream;
+=head1 NAME
+Data::Stream - capability based stream model
+ Common: (Next Reset Peek First Exhausted)
+ Next:
+ $stream->next
+ Reset:
+ $stream->reset
+ Peek: (Next)
+ $stream->peek # defaulted
+ First: (Reset, Next)
+ $stream->first # defaulted
+ Exhausted:
+ $stream->exhausted
+ Exhausted::Peek: (Exhausted)
+ $sream->exhausted # defaulted
+ Ready: (Next)
+ $stream->ready
+ $stream->next_if_ready # defaulted
+ MultiNext: (Next)
+ $stream->next(Int $how_many); # defaulted
+Can we consider certain things universal? Should peek always be permitted
+even though it can potentially retain a reference to a large/contended
+What are sensible capabilities for e.g. a socket stream?
+Seeking, skipping ...
+Composition of potentially inefficient defaults?
+MultiNext may interfere with simple wrappers for next - can we deal with
+that somehow? (multi+around?)
+0; # not yet loadable
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