[Bast-commits] r7372 - in DBIx-Class/0.08/branches/prefetch:
lib/DBIx/Class t/prefetch
mo at dev.catalyst.perl.org
mo at dev.catalyst.perl.org
Mon Aug 24 13:11:57 GMT 2009
Author: mo
Date: 2009-08-24 13:11:52 +0000 (Mon, 24 Aug 2009)
New Revision: 7372
cleaned up test and added XOR comparison
Modified: DBIx-Class/0.08/branches/prefetch/lib/DBIx/Class/ResultSet.pm
--- DBIx-Class/0.08/branches/prefetch/lib/DBIx/Class/ResultSet.pm 2009-08-24 12:42:57 UTC (rev 7371)
+++ DBIx-Class/0.08/branches/prefetch/lib/DBIx/Class/ResultSet.pm 2009-08-24 13:11:52 UTC (rev 7372)
@@ -1020,23 +1020,24 @@
&& do { @row = $self->cursor->next; $self->{stashed_row} = \@row if @row; }
- #use Data::Dumper; $Data::Dumper::Indent = 1; warn Dumper $rows->[0];
return $rows->[0];
+#use List::Util qw(first);
sub _merge_result {
my ( $self, $rows, $row ) = @_;
my ( $columns, $rels ) = @$row;
my $found = undef;
foreach my $seen (@$rows) {
my $match = 1;
foreach my $column ( keys %$columns ) {
- if ( defined $columns->{$column} # TODO: XOR!
+ if ( defined $seen->[0]->{$column} ^ defined $columns->{$column}
+ or defined $columns->{$column}
&& $seen->[0]->{$column} ne $columns->{$column} )
$match = 0;
Modified: DBIx-Class/0.08/branches/prefetch/t/prefetch/multiple_hasmany.t
--- DBIx-Class/0.08/branches/prefetch/t/prefetch/multiple_hasmany.t 2009-08-24 12:42:57 UTC (rev 7371)
+++ DBIx-Class/0.08/branches/prefetch/t/prefetch/multiple_hasmany.t 2009-08-24 13:11:52 UTC (rev 7372)
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
use strict;
-use warnings;
+use warnings;
use Test::More;
use Test::Exception;
@@ -7,190 +7,84 @@
use DBICTest;
use IO::File;
-plan tests => 10;
my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema();
my $sdebug = $schema->storage->debug;
+local $TODO =
+'Prefetch of multiple has_many rels at the same level (currently warn to protect the clueless git)';
-# once the following TODO is complete, remove the 2 warning tests immediately
-# after the TODO block
-# (the TODO block itself contains tests ensuring that the warns are removed)
-TODO: {
- local $TODO = 'Prefetch of multiple has_many rels at the same level (currently warn to protect the clueless git)';
+#( 1 -> M + M )
+my $cd_rs =
+ $schema->resultset('CD')->search( { 'me.title' => 'Forkful of bees' } );
+my $pr_cd_rs = $cd_rs->search( {}, { prefetch => [qw/tracks tags/], } );
- #( 1 -> M + M )
- my $cd_rs = $schema->resultset('CD')->search ({ 'me.title' => 'Forkful of bees' });
- my $pr_cd_rs = $cd_rs->search ({}, {
- prefetch => [qw/tracks tags/],
- });
+my $tracks_rs = $cd_rs->first->tracks;
+my $tracks_count = $tracks_rs->count;
- my $tracks_rs = $cd_rs->first->tracks;
- my $tracks_count = $tracks_rs->count;
+my ( $pr_tracks_rs, $pr_tracks_count );
- my ($pr_tracks_rs, $pr_tracks_count);
+my $queries = 0;
+$schema->storage->debugcb( sub { $queries++ } );
- my $queries = 0;
- $schema->storage->debugcb(sub { $queries++ });
- $schema->storage->debug(1);
+my $o_mm_warn;
+ local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $o_mm_warn = shift };
+ $pr_tracks_rs = $pr_cd_rs->first->tracks;
+$pr_tracks_count = $pr_tracks_rs->count;
- my $o_mm_warn;
- {
- local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $o_mm_warn = shift };
- $pr_tracks_rs = $pr_cd_rs->first->tracks;
- };
- $pr_tracks_count = $pr_tracks_rs->count;
+ok( !$o_mm_warn,
+'no warning on attempt to prefetch several same level has_many\'s (1 -> M + M)'
- ok(! $o_mm_warn, 'no warning on attempt to prefetch several same level has_many\'s (1 -> M + M)');
+is( $queries, 1, 'prefetch one->(has_many,has_many) ran exactly 1 query' );
- is($queries, 1, 'prefetch one->(has_many,has_many) ran exactly 1 query');
- $schema->storage->debugcb (undef);
- $schema->storage->debug ($sdebug);
+is( $pr_tracks_count, $tracks_count,
+'equal count of prefetched relations over several same level has_many\'s (1 -> M + M)'
+is( $pr_tracks_rs->all, $tracks_rs->all,
+'equal amount of objects returned with and without prefetch over several same level has_many\'s (1 -> M + M)'
- is($pr_tracks_count, $tracks_count, 'equal count of prefetched relations over several same level has_many\'s (1 -> M + M)');
- is ($pr_tracks_rs->all, $tracks_rs->all, 'equal amount of objects returned with and without prefetch over several same level has_many\'s (1 -> M + M)');
+#( M -> 1 -> M + M )
+my $note_rs =
+ $schema->resultset('LinerNotes')->search( { notes => 'Buy Whiskey!' } );
+my $pr_note_rs =
+ $note_rs->search( {}, { prefetch => { cd => [qw/tracks tags/] }, } );
- #( M -> 1 -> M + M )
- my $note_rs = $schema->resultset('LinerNotes')->search ({ notes => 'Buy Whiskey!' });
- my $pr_note_rs = $note_rs->search ({}, {
- prefetch => {
- cd => [qw/tracks tags/]
- },
- });
+my $tags_rs = $note_rs->first->cd->tags;
+my $tags_count = $tags_rs->count;
- my $tags_rs = $note_rs->first->cd->tags;
- my $tags_count = $tags_rs->count;
+my ( $pr_tags_rs, $pr_tags_count );
- my ($pr_tags_rs, $pr_tags_count);
+$queries = 0;
+$schema->storage->debugcb( sub { $queries++ } );
- $queries = 0;
- $schema->storage->debugcb(sub { $queries++ });
- $schema->storage->debug(1);
- my $m_o_mm_warn;
- {
- local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $m_o_mm_warn = shift };
- $pr_tags_rs = $pr_note_rs->first->cd->tags;
- };
- $pr_tags_count = $pr_tags_rs->count;
- ok(! $m_o_mm_warn, 'no warning on attempt to prefetch several same level has_many\'s (M -> 1 -> M + M)');
- is($queries, 1, 'prefetch one->(has_many,has_many) ran exactly 1 query');
- $schema->storage->debugcb (undef);
- $schema->storage->debug ($sdebug);
- is($pr_tags_count, $tags_count, 'equal count of prefetched relations over several same level has_many\'s (M -> 1 -> M + M)');
- is($pr_tags_rs->all, $tags_rs->all, 'equal amount of objects with and without prefetch over several same level has_many\'s (M -> 1 -> M + M)');
-# remove this closure once the TODO above is working
+my $m_o_mm_warn;
- my $warn_re = qr/will explode the number of row objects retrievable via/;
+ local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $m_o_mm_warn = shift };
+ $pr_tags_rs = $pr_note_rs->first->cd->tags;
+$pr_tags_count = $pr_tags_rs->count;
- my (@w, @dummy);
- local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $_[0] =~ $warn_re ? push @w, @_ : warn @_ };
+ok( !$m_o_mm_warn,
+'no warning on attempt to prefetch several same level has_many\'s (M -> 1 -> M + M)'
- my $rs = $schema->resultset('CD')->search ({ 'me.title' => 'Forkful of bees' }, { prefetch => [qw/tracks tags/] });
- @w = ();
- @dummy = $rs->first;
- is (@w, 1, 'warning on attempt prefetching several same level has_manys (1 -> M + M)');
+is( $queries, 1, 'prefetch one->(has_many,has_many) ran exactly 1 query' );
- my $rs2 = $schema->resultset('LinerNotes')->search ({ notes => 'Buy Whiskey!' }, { prefetch => { cd => [qw/tags tracks/] } });
- @w = ();
- @dummy = $rs2->first;
- is (@w, 1, 'warning on attempt prefetching several same level has_manys (M -> 1 -> M + M)');
-# Illustration purposes only
- package Inf::Dump;
- sub inflate_result {
- return [ @_[2,3] ];
- }
-my $cd = $schema->resultset ('CD')->create ({
- artist => 1,
- title => 'bad cd',
- year => 1313,
- tags => [ map { { tag => "bad tag $_" } } (1 .. 3) ],
- tracks => [
- { title => 'bad track 1', cd_single => {
- artist => 1,
- title => 'bad_single',
- year => 1313,
- }},
- map { { title => "bad track $_" } } (2 .. 3),
- ],
-my $rs = $schema->resultset ('CD')->search (
- { 'me.cdid' => $cd->id },
- { prefetch => [ 'tags', { tracks => 'cd_single' } ], result_class => 'Inf::Dump' },
+is( $pr_tags_count, $tags_count,
+'equal count of prefetched relations over several same level has_many\'s (M -> 1 -> M + M)'
+is( $pr_tags_rs->all, $tags_rs->all,
+'equal amount of objects with and without prefetch over several same level has_many\'s (M -> 1 -> M + M)'
-use Text::Table;
-my $query = ${$rs->as_query}->[0];
-my ($cols) = ( $query =~ /SELECT (.+) FROM/);
-my $tb = Text::Table->new (map { $_ => \ ' | ' } (split /,\s*/, $cols) );
-my $c = $rs->cursor;
-while (my @stuff = $c->next) {
- $tb->add (map { defined $_ ? $_ : 'NULL' } (@stuff) );
-use Data::Dumper;
-diag Dumper [
- "\n$query",
- "\n$tb",
- $rs->next
-The solution is to rewrite ResultSet->_collapse_result() and
-ResultSource->resolve_prefetch() to focus on the final results from the collapse
-of the data. Right now, the code doesn't treat the columns from the various
-tables as grouped entities. While there is a concept of hierarchy (so that
-prefetching down relationships does work as expected), there is no idea of what
-the final product should look like and how the various columns in the row would
-play together. So, the actual prefetch datastructure from the search would be
-very useful in working through this problem. We already have access to the PKs
-and sundry for those. So, when collapsing the search result, we know we are
-looking for 1 cd object. We also know we're looking for tracks and tags records
--independently- of each other. So, we can grab the data for tracks and data for
-tags separately, uniqueing on the PK as appropriate. Then, when we're done with
-the given cd object's datastream, we know we're good. This should work for all
-the various scenarios.
-My reccommendation is the row's data is preprocessed first, breaking it up into
-the data for each of the component tables. (This could be done in the single
-table case, too, but probably isn't necessary.) So, starting with something
- my $row = {
- t1.col1 => 1,
- t1.col2 => 2,
- t2.col1 => 3,
- t2.col2 => 4,
- t3.col1 => 5,
- t3.col2 => 6,
- };
-it is massaged to look something like:
- my $row_massaged = {
- t1 => { col1 => 1, col2 => 2 },
- t2 => { col1 => 3, col2 => 4 },
- t3 => { col1 => 5, col2 => 6 },
- };
-At this point, find the stuff that's different is easy enough to do and slotting
-things into the right spot is, likewise, pretty straightforward. Instead of
-storing things in a AoH, store them in a HoH keyed on the PKs of the the table,
-then convert to an AoH after all collapsing is done.
-This implies that the collapse attribute can probably disappear or, at the
-least, be turned into a boolean (which is how it's used in every other place).
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