[Bast-commits] r8092 - in
DBIx-Class/0.08/branches/dbicadmin_refactor: script t
goraxe at dev.catalyst.perl.org
goraxe at dev.catalyst.perl.org
Sat Dec 12 21:09:39 GMT 2009
Author: goraxe
Date: 2009-12-12 21:09:39 +0000 (Sat, 12 Dec 2009)
New Revision: 8092
commit refactored dbicadmin script and very minor changes to its existing test suite
Modified: DBIx-Class/0.08/branches/dbicadmin_refactor/script/dbicadmin
--- DBIx-Class/0.08/branches/dbicadmin_refactor/script/dbicadmin 2009-12-12 21:08:55 UTC (rev 8091)
+++ DBIx-Class/0.08/branches/dbicadmin_refactor/script/dbicadmin 2009-12-12 21:09:39 UTC (rev 8092)
@@ -1,221 +1,109 @@
use strict;
use warnings;
-use Getopt::Long;
-use Pod::Usage;
-use JSON::Any;
+use Getopt::Long::Descriptive;
+use FindBin qw($Bin);
+use Path::Class;
+use lib dir($Bin,'..','lib')->stringify;
-my $json = JSON::Any->new(allow_barekey => 1, allow_singlequote => 1);
+use DBIx::Class::Admin;
- 'schema=s' => \my $schema_class,
- 'class=s' => \my $resultset_class,
- 'connect=s' => \my $connect,
- 'op=s' => \my $op,
- 'set=s' => \my $set,
- 'where=s' => \my $where,
- 'attrs=s' => \my $attrs,
- 'format=s' => \my $format,
- 'force' => \my $force,
- 'trace' => \my $trace,
- 'quiet' => \my $quiet,
- 'help' => \my $help,
- 'tlibs' => \my $t_libs,
-if ($t_libs) {
- unshift( @INC, 't/lib', 'lib' );
-pod2usage(1) if ($help);
-$ENV{DBIC_TRACE} = 1 if ($trace);
-die('No op specified') if(!$op);
-die('Invalid op') if ($op!~/^insert|update|delete|select$/s);
-my $csv_class;
-if ($op eq 'select') {
- $format ||= 'tsv';
- die('Invalid format') if ($format!~/^tsv|csv$/s);
- $csv_class = 'Text::CSV_XS';
- eval{ require Text::CSV_XS };
- if ($@) {
- $csv_class = 'Text::CSV_PP';
- eval{ require Text::CSV_PP };
- die('The select op requires either the Text::CSV_XS or the Text::CSV_PP module') if ($@);
- }
-die('No schema specified') if(!$schema_class);
-eval("require $schema_class");
-die('Unable to load schema') if ($@);
-$connect = $json->jsonToObj( $connect ) if ($connect);
-my $schema = $schema_class->connect(
- ( $connect ? @$connect : () )
+my ($opts, $usage) = describe_options(
+ "%c: %o",
+ (
+ ['Actions'],
+ ["action" => hidden => { one_of => [
+ ['create|c' => 'Create version diffs needs preversion',],
+ ['upgrade|u' => 'Upgrade the database to the current schema '],
+ ['install|i' => 'Install the schema to the database',],
+ ['deploy|d' => 'Deploy the schema to the database',],
+ ['select|s' => 'Select data from the schema', ],
+ ['insert|i' => 'Insert data into the schema', ],
+ ['update|u' => 'Update data in the schema', ],
+ ['delete|D' => 'Delete data from the schema',],
+ ['help|h' => 'display this help'],
+ ], required=> 1 }],
+ ['Options'],
+ ['schema-class|schema|C:s' => 'The class of the schema to load', { required => 1 } ],
+ ['resultset|resultset_class|class|r:s' => 'The resultset to operate on for data manipulation' ],
+ ['config-stanza|S:s' => 'Where in the config to find the connection_info, supply in form MyApp::Model::DB',],
+ ['config|f:s' => 'Supply the config file for parsing by Config::Any', { depends => 'config_stanza'} ],
+ ['connect-info|n:s%' => 'Supply the connect info as additonal options ie -I dsn=<dsn> user=<user> password=<pass> '],
+ ['connect:s' => 'Supply the connect info as a json string' ],
+ ['sql-dir|q:s' => 'The directory where sql diffs will be created'],
+ ['sql-type|t:s' => 'The RDBMs flavour you wish to use'],
+ ['version|v:i' => 'Supply a version install'],
+ ['preversion|p:s' => 'The previous version to diff against',],
+ ['set:s' => 'JSON data used to perform data operations' ],
+ ['lib|I:s' => 'Additonal library path to search in'],
+ ['attrs:s' => 'JSON string to be used for the second argument for search'],
+ ['where:s' => 'JSON string to be used for the where clause of search'],
+ ['force' => 'Be forceful with some operations'],
+ ['trace' => 'Turn on DBIx::Class trace output'],
+ ['tlibs' => 'Include test dirs in @INC'],
+ ['quiet' => 'Be less verbose'],
+ )
-die('No class specified') if(!$resultset_class);
-my $resultset = eval{ $schema->resultset($resultset_class) };
-die('Unable to load the class with the schema') if ($@);
-$set = $json->jsonToObj( $set ) if ($set);
-$where = $json->jsonToObj( $where ) if ($where);
-$attrs = $json->jsonToObj( $attrs ) if ($attrs);
-if ($op eq 'insert') {
- die('Do not use the where option with the insert op') if ($where);
- die('Do not use the attrs option with the insert op') if ($attrs);
- my $obj = $resultset->create( $set );
- print ''.ref($resultset).' ID: '.join(',',$obj->id())."\n" if (!$quiet);
+if ($opts->{help}) {
+ print $usage->text;
+ exit 0;
-elsif ($op eq 'update') {
- $resultset = $resultset->search( ($where||{}) );
- my $count = $resultset->count();
- print "This action will modify $count ".ref($resultset)." records.\n" if (!$quiet);
- if ( $force || confirm() ) {
- $resultset->update_all( $set );
- }
-elsif ($op eq 'delete') {
- die('Do not use the set option with the delete op') if ($set);
- $resultset = $resultset->search( ($where||{}), ($attrs||()) );
- my $count = $resultset->count();
- print "This action will delete $count ".ref($resultset)." records.\n" if (!$quiet);
- if ( $force || confirm() ) {
- $resultset->delete_all();
- }
-elsif ($op eq 'select') {
- die('Do not use the set option with the select op') if ($set);
- my $csv = $csv_class->new({
- sep_char => ( $format eq 'tsv' ? "\t" : ',' ),
- });
- $resultset = $resultset->search( ($where||{}), ($attrs||()) );
- my @columns = $resultset->result_source->columns();
- $csv->combine( @columns );
- print $csv->string()."\n";
- while (my $row = $resultset->next()) {
- my @fields;
- foreach my $column (@columns) {
- push( @fields, $row->get_column($column) );
- }
- $csv->combine( @fields );
- print $csv->string()."\n";
- }
-sub confirm {
- print "Are you sure you want to do this? (type YES to confirm) ";
- my $response = <STDIN>;
- return 1 if ($response=~/^YES/);
- return;
+if ($opts->{tlibs}) {
+ unshift( @INC, 't/lib', 'lib' );
+die "please only use one of --config or --connect-info" if ($opts->{config} and $opts->{connect_info});
-=head1 NAME
+# option compatability mangle
+if($opts->{connect}) {
+ $opts->{connect_info} = delete $opts->{connect};
-dbicadmin - Execute operations upon DBIx::Class objects.
+my $admin = DBIx::Class::Admin->new( %$opts );
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- dbicadmin --op=insert --schema=My::Schema --class=Class --set=JSON
- dbicadmin --op=update --schema=My::Schema --class=Class --set=JSON --where=JSON
- dbicadmin --op=delete --schema=My::Schema --class=Class --where=JSON
- dbicadmin --op=select --schema=My::Schema --class=Class --where=JSON --format=tsv
+my $action = $opts->{action};
+print "going to perform action $action\n";
+my $res = $admin->$action();
+if ($action eq 'select') {
-This utility provides the ability to run INSERTs, UPDATEs,
-DELETEs, and SELECTs on any DBIx::Class object.
+ my $csv_class;
+ my $format = $opts->{format} || 'tsv';
+ die('Invalid format') if ($format!~/^tsv|csv$/s);
+ $csv_class = 'Text::CSV_XS';
+ eval{ require Text::CSV_XS };
+ if ($@) {
+ $csv_class = 'Text::CSV_PP';
+ eval{ require Text::CSV_PP };
+ die('The select op requires either the Text::CSV_XS or the Text::CSV_PP module') if ($@);
+ }
-=head1 OPTIONS
+ my $csv = $csv_class->new({
+ sep_char => ( $format eq 'tsv' ? "\t" : ',' ),
+ });
+ foreach my $row (@$res) {
+ $csv->combine( @$row );
+ print $csv->string()."\n";
+ }
-=head2 op
-The type of operation. Valid values are insert, update, delete,
-and select.
-=head2 schema
-The name of your schema class.
-=head2 class
-The name of the class, within your schema, that you want to run
-the operation on.
-=head2 connect
-A JSON array to be passed to your schema class upon connecting.
-The array will need to be compatible with whatever the DBIC
-->connect() method requires.
-=head2 set
-This option must be valid JSON data string and is passed in to
-the DBIC update() method. Use this option with the update
-and insert ops.
-=head2 where
-This option must be valid JSON data string and is passed in as
-the first argument to the DBIC search() method. Use this
-option with the update, delete, and select ops.
-=head2 attrs
-This option must be valid JSON data string and is passed in as
-the second argument to the DBIC search() method. Use this
-option with the update, delete, and select ops.
-=head2 help
-Display this help page.
-=head2 force
-Suppresses the confirmation dialogues that are usually displayed
-when someone runs a DELETE or UPDATE action.
-=head2 quiet
-Do not display status messages.
-=head2 trace
-Turns on tracing on the DBI storage, thus printing SQL as it is
-=head2 tlibs
-This option is purely for testing during the DBIC installation. Do
-not use it.
-=head1 JSON
-JSON is a lightweight data-interchange format. It allows you
-to express complex data structures for use in the where and
-set options.
-This module turns on L<JSON>'s BareKey and QuotApos options so
-that your data can look a bit more readable.
- --where={"this":"that"} # generic JSON
- --where={this:'that'} # with BareKey and QuoteApos
-Consider wrapping your JSON in outer quotes so that you don't
-have to escape your inner quotes.
- --where={this:\"that\"} # no outer quote
- --where='{this:"that"}' # outer quoted
=head1 AUTHOR
Aran Deltac <bluefeet at cpan.org>
+refactored by
+Gordon Irving <goraxe at cpan.org>
=head1 LICENSE
You may distribute this code under the same terms as Perl itself.
Modified: DBIx-Class/0.08/branches/dbicadmin_refactor/t/89dbicadmin.t
--- DBIx-Class/0.08/branches/dbicadmin_refactor/t/89dbicadmin.t 2009-12-12 21:08:55 UTC (rev 8091)
+++ DBIx-Class/0.08/branches/dbicadmin_refactor/t/89dbicadmin.t 2009-12-12 21:09:39 UTC (rev 8092)
@@ -38,28 +38,30 @@
my $employees = $schema->resultset('Employee');
- system( _prepare_system_args( qw|--op=insert --set={"name":"Matt"}| ) );
+ system( _prepare_system_args( qw|--insert --set={"name":"Matt"}| ) );
ok( ($employees->count()==1), "$ENV{JSON_ANY_ORDER}: insert count" );
my $employee = $employees->find(1);
ok( ($employee->name() eq 'Matt'), "$ENV{JSON_ANY_ORDER}: insert valid" );
- system( _prepare_system_args( qw|--op=update --set={"name":"Trout"}| ) );
+ system( _prepare_system_args( qw|--update --set={"name":"Trout"}| ) );
$employee = $employees->find(1);
ok( ($employee->name() eq 'Trout'), "$ENV{JSON_ANY_ORDER}: update" );
- system( _prepare_system_args( qw|--op=insert --set={"name":"Aran"}| ) );
+ system( _prepare_system_args( qw|--insert --set={"name":"Aran"}| ) );
skip ("MSWin32 doesn't support -| either", 1) if $^O eq 'MSWin32';
- open(my $fh, "-|", _prepare_system_args( qw|--op=select --attrs={"order_by":"name"}| ) ) or die $!;
+ open(my $fh, "-|", _prepare_system_args( qw|--select --attrs={"order_by":"name"}| ) ) or die $!;
my $data = do { local $/; <$fh> };
- ok( ($data=~/Aran.*Trout/s), "$ENV{JSON_ANY_ORDER}: select with attrs" );
+ if (!ok( ($data=~/Aran.*Trout/s), "$ENV{JSON_ANY_ORDER}: select with attrs" )) {
+ diag ("data from select is $data")
+ };
- system( _prepare_system_args( qw|--op=delete --where={"name":"Trout"}| ) );
+ system( _prepare_system_args( qw|--delete --where={"name":"Trout"}| ) );
ok( ($employees->count()==1), "$ENV{JSON_ANY_ORDER}: delete" );
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