[Bast-commits] r6614 - in DBIx-Class/0.08/trunk/t: . inflate
ribasushi at dev.catalyst.perl.org
ribasushi at dev.catalyst.perl.org
Thu Jun 11 12:29:49 GMT 2009
Author: ribasushi
Date: 2009-06-11 12:29:48 +0000 (Thu, 11 Jun 2009)
New Revision: 6614
Move around inflation tests
Deleted: DBIx-Class/0.08/trunk/t/68inflate.t
--- DBIx-Class/0.08/trunk/t/68inflate.t 2009-06-11 07:23:54 UTC (rev 6613)
+++ DBIx-Class/0.08/trunk/t/68inflate.t 2009-06-11 12:29:48 UTC (rev 6614)
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Test::More;
-use lib qw(t/lib);
-use DBICTest;
-my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema();
-eval { require DateTime };
-plan skip_all => "Need DateTime for inflation tests" if $@;
-plan tests => 21;
-->inflate_column( 'year',
- { inflate => sub { DateTime->new( year => shift ) },
- deflate => sub { shift->year } }
-# inflation test
-my $cd = $schema->resultset("CD")->find(3);
-is( ref($cd->year), 'DateTime', 'year is a DateTime, ok' );
-is( $cd->year->year, 1997, 'inflated year ok' );
-is( $cd->year->month, 1, 'inflated month ok' );
-eval { $cd->year(\'year +1'); };
-ok(!$@, 'updated year using a scalarref');
-is( ref($cd->year), 'DateTime', 'year is still a DateTime, ok' );
-is( $cd->year->year, 1998, 'updated year, bypassing inflation' );
-is( $cd->year->month, 1, 'month is still 1' );
-# get_inflated_column test
-is( ref($cd->get_inflated_column('year')), 'DateTime', 'get_inflated_column produces a DateTime');
-# deflate test
-my $now = DateTime->now;
-$cd->year( $now );
-$cd = $schema->resultset("CD")->find(3);
-is( $cd->year->year, $now->year, 'deflate ok' );
-# set_inflated_column test
-eval { $cd->set_inflated_column('year', $now) };
-ok(!$@, 'set_inflated_column with DateTime object');
-$cd = $schema->resultset("CD")->find(3);
-is( $cd->year->year, $now->year, 'deflate ok' );
-$cd = $schema->resultset("CD")->find(3);
-my $before_year = $cd->year->year;
-eval { $cd->set_inflated_column('year', \'year + 1') };
-ok(!$@, 'set_inflated_column to "year + 1"');
-$cd = $schema->resultset("CD")->find(3);
-is( $cd->year->year, $before_year+1, 'deflate ok' );
-# store_inflated_column test
-$cd = $schema->resultset("CD")->find(3);
-eval { $cd->store_inflated_column('year', $now) };
-ok(!$@, 'store_inflated_column with DateTime object');
-is( $cd->year->year, $now->year, 'deflate ok' );
-# update tests
-$cd = $schema->resultset("CD")->find(3);
-eval { $cd->update({'year' => $now}) };
-ok(!$@, 'update using DateTime object ok');
-is($cd->year->year, $now->year, 'deflate ok');
-$cd = $schema->resultset("CD")->find(3);
-$before_year = $cd->year->year;
-eval { $cd->update({'year' => \'year + 1'}) };
-ok(!$@, 'update using scalarref ok');
-$cd = $schema->resultset("CD")->find(3);
-is($cd->year->year, $before_year + 1, 'deflate ok');
-# discard_changes test
-$cd = $schema->resultset("CD")->find(3);
-# inflate the year
-$before_year = $cd->year->year;
-$cd->update({ year => \'year + 1'});
-is($cd->year->year, $before_year + 1, 'discard_changes clears the inflated value');
-my $copy = $cd->copy({ year => $now, title => "zemoose" });
-isnt( $copy->year->year, $before_year, "copy" );
-# eval { $cd->store_inflated_column('year', \'year + 1') };
-# print STDERR "ERROR: $@" if($@);
-# ok(!$@, 'store_inflated_column to "year + 1"');
-# is_deeply( $cd->year, \'year + 1', 'deflate ok' );
Deleted: DBIx-Class/0.08/trunk/t/68inflate_resultclass_hashrefinflator.t
--- DBIx-Class/0.08/trunk/t/68inflate_resultclass_hashrefinflator.t 2009-06-11 07:23:54 UTC (rev 6613)
+++ DBIx-Class/0.08/trunk/t/68inflate_resultclass_hashrefinflator.t 2009-06-11 12:29:48 UTC (rev 6614)
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Test::More qw(no_plan);
-use lib qw(t/lib);
-use DBICTest;
-my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema();
-# Under some versions of SQLite if the $rs is left hanging around it will lock
-# So we create a scope here cos I'm lazy
- my $rs = $schema->resultset('CD');
- # get the defined columns
- my @dbic_cols = sort $rs->result_source->columns;
- # use the hashref inflator class as result class
- $rs->result_class('DBIx::Class::ResultClass::HashRefInflator');
- # fetch first record
- my $datahashref1 = $rs->first;
- my @hashref_cols = sort keys %$datahashref1;
- is_deeply( \@dbic_cols, \@hashref_cols, 'returned columns' );
-sub check_cols_of {
- my ($dbic_obj, $datahashref) = @_;
- foreach my $col (keys %$datahashref) {
- # plain column
- if (not ref ($datahashref->{$col}) ) {
- is ($datahashref->{$col}, $dbic_obj->get_column($col), 'same value');
- }
- # related table entry (belongs_to)
- elsif (ref ($datahashref->{$col}) eq 'HASH') {
- check_cols_of($dbic_obj->$col, $datahashref->{$col});
- }
- # multiple related entries (has_many)
- elsif (ref ($datahashref->{$col}) eq 'ARRAY') {
- my @dbic_reltable = $dbic_obj->$col;
- my @hashref_reltable = @{$datahashref->{$col}};
- is (scalar @hashref_reltable, scalar @dbic_reltable, 'number of related entries');
- # for my $index (0..scalar @hashref_reltable) {
- for my $index (0..scalar @dbic_reltable) {
- my $dbic_reltable_obj = $dbic_reltable[$index];
- my $hashref_reltable_entry = $hashref_reltable[$index];
- check_cols_of($dbic_reltable_obj, $hashref_reltable_entry);
- }
- }
- }
-# create a cd without tracks for testing empty has_many relationship
-$schema->resultset('CD')->create({ title => 'Silence is golden', artist => 3, year => 2006 });
-# order_by to ensure both resultsets have the rows in the same order
-# also check result_class-as-an-attribute syntax
-my $rs_dbic = $schema->resultset('CD')->search(undef,
- {
- prefetch => [ qw/ artist tracks / ],
- order_by => [ 'me.cdid', 'tracks.position' ],
- }
-my $rs_hashrefinf = $schema->resultset('CD')->search(undef,
- {
- prefetch => [ qw/ artist tracks / ],
- order_by => [ 'me.cdid', 'tracks.position' ],
- result_class => 'DBIx::Class::ResultClass::HashRefInflator',
- }
-my @dbic = $rs_dbic->all;
-my @hashrefinf = $rs_hashrefinf->all;
-for my $index (0 .. $#hashrefinf) {
- my $dbic_obj = $dbic[$index];
- my $datahashref = $hashrefinf[$index];
- check_cols_of($dbic_obj, $datahashref);
-# sometimes for ultra-mega-speed you want to fetch columns in esoteric ways
-# check the inflator over a non-fetching join
-$rs_dbic = $schema->resultset ('Artist')->search ({ 'me.artistid' => 1}, {
- prefetch => { cds => 'tracks' },
- order_by => [qw/cds.cdid tracks.trackid/],
-$rs_hashrefinf = $schema->resultset ('Artist')->search ({ 'me.artistid' => 1}, {
- join => { cds => 'tracks' },
- select => [qw/name tracks.title tracks.cd /],
- as => [qw/name cds.tracks.title cds.tracks.cd /],
- order_by => [qw/cds.cdid tracks.trackid/],
- result_class => 'DBIx::Class::ResultClass::HashRefInflator',
- at dbic = map { $_->tracks->all } ($rs_dbic->first->cds->all);
- at hashrefinf = $rs_hashrefinf->all;
-is (scalar @dbic, scalar @hashrefinf, 'Equal number of tracks fetched');
-for my $index (0 .. $#hashrefinf) {
- my $track = $dbic[$index];
- my $datahashref = $hashrefinf[$index];
- is ($track->cd->artist->name, $datahashref->{name}, 'Brought back correct artist');
- for my $col (keys %{$datahashref->{cds}{tracks}}) {
- is ($track->get_column ($col), $datahashref->{cds}{tracks}{$col}, "Correct track '$col'");
- }
-# check for same query as above but using extended columns syntax
-$rs_hashrefinf = $schema->resultset ('Artist')->search ({ 'me.artistid' => 1}, {
- join => { cds => 'tracks' },
- columns => {name => 'name', 'cds.tracks.title' => 'tracks.title', 'cds.tracks.cd' => 'tracks.cd'},
- order_by => [qw/cds.cdid tracks.trackid/],
-is_deeply [$rs_hashrefinf->all], \@hashrefinf, 'Check query using extended columns syntax';
Deleted: DBIx-Class/0.08/trunk/t/68inflate_serialize.t
--- DBIx-Class/0.08/trunk/t/68inflate_serialize.t 2009-06-11 07:23:54 UTC (rev 6613)
+++ DBIx-Class/0.08/trunk/t/68inflate_serialize.t 2009-06-11 12:29:48 UTC (rev 6614)
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Test::More;
-use lib qw(t/lib);
-use DBICTest;
-my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema();
-use Data::Dumper;
-my @serializers = (
- { module => 'YAML.pm',
- inflater => sub { YAML::Load (shift) },
- deflater => sub { die "Expecting a reference" unless (ref $_[0]); YAML::Dump (shift) },
- },
- { module => 'Storable.pm',
- inflater => sub { Storable::thaw (shift) },
- deflater => sub { die "Expecting a reference" unless (ref $_[0]); Storable::nfreeze (shift) },
- },
-my $selected;
-foreach my $serializer (@serializers) {
- eval { require $serializer->{module} };
- unless ($@) {
- $selected = $serializer;
- last;
- }
-plan (skip_all => "No suitable serializer found") unless $selected;
-plan (tests => 8);
-DBICTest::Schema::Serialized->inflate_column( 'serialized',
- { inflate => $selected->{inflater},
- deflate => $selected->{deflater},
- },
-my $struct_hash = {
- a => 1,
- b => [
- { c => 2 },
- ],
- d => 3,
-my $struct_array = [
- 'a',
- {
- b => 1,
- c => 2
- },
- 'd',
-my $rs = $schema->resultset('Serialized');
-my $inflated;
-#======= testing hashref serialization
-my $object = $rs->create( {
- id => 1,
- serialized => '',
-} );
-ok($object->update( { serialized => $struct_hash } ), 'hashref deflation');
-ok($inflated = $object->serialized, 'hashref inflation');
-is_deeply($inflated, $struct_hash, 'inflated hash matches original');
-$object = $rs->create( {
- id => 2,
- serialized => '',
-} );
-eval { $object->set_inflated_column('serialized', $struct_hash) };
-ok(!$@, 'set_inflated_column to a hashref');
-is_deeply($object->serialized, $struct_hash, 'inflated hash matches original');
-#====== testing arrayref serialization
-ok($object->update( { serialized => $struct_array } ), 'arrayref deflation');
-ok($inflated = $object->serialized, 'arrayref inflation');
-is_deeply($inflated, $struct_array, 'inflated array matches original');
Copied: DBIx-Class/0.08/trunk/t/inflate/core.t (from rev 6400, DBIx-Class/0.08/trunk/t/68inflate.t)
--- DBIx-Class/0.08/trunk/t/inflate/core.t (rev 0)
+++ DBIx-Class/0.08/trunk/t/inflate/core.t 2009-06-11 12:29:48 UTC (rev 6614)
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use lib qw(t/lib);
+use DBICTest;
+my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema();
+eval { require DateTime };
+plan skip_all => "Need DateTime for inflation tests" if $@;
+plan tests => 22;
+$schema->class('CD') ->inflate_column( 'year',
+ { inflate => sub { DateTime->new( year => shift ) },
+ deflate => sub { shift->year } }
+# inflation test
+my $cd = $schema->resultset("CD")->find(3);
+is( ref($cd->year), 'DateTime', 'year is a DateTime, ok' );
+is( $cd->year->year, 1997, 'inflated year ok' );
+is( $cd->year->month, 1, 'inflated month ok' );
+eval { $cd->year(\'year +1'); };
+ok(!$@, 'updated year using a scalarref');
+is( ref($cd->year), 'DateTime', 'year is still a DateTime, ok' );
+is( $cd->year->year, 1998, 'updated year, bypassing inflation' );
+is( $cd->year->month, 1, 'month is still 1' );
+# get_inflated_column test
+is( ref($cd->get_inflated_column('year')), 'DateTime', 'get_inflated_column produces a DateTime');
+# deflate test
+my $now = DateTime->now;
+$cd->year( $now );
+$cd = $schema->resultset("CD")->find(3);
+is( $cd->year->year, $now->year, 'deflate ok' );
+# set_inflated_column test
+eval { $cd->set_inflated_column('year', $now) };
+ok(!$@, 'set_inflated_column with DateTime object');
+$cd = $schema->resultset("CD")->find(3);
+is( $cd->year->year, $now->year, 'deflate ok' );
+$cd = $schema->resultset("CD")->find(3);
+my $before_year = $cd->year->year;
+eval { $cd->set_inflated_column('year', \'year + 1') };
+ok(!$@, 'set_inflated_column to "year + 1"');
+TODO: {
+ local $TODO = 'this was left in without a TODO - should it work?';
+ eval {
+ $cd->store_inflated_column('year', \'year + 1');
+ is_deeply( $cd->year, \'year + 1', 'deflate ok' );
+ };
+ ok(!$@, 'store_inflated_column to "year + 1"');
+$cd = $schema->resultset("CD")->find(3);
+is( $cd->year->year, $before_year+1, 'deflate ok' );
+# store_inflated_column test
+$cd = $schema->resultset("CD")->find(3);
+eval { $cd->store_inflated_column('year', $now) };
+ok(!$@, 'store_inflated_column with DateTime object');
+is( $cd->year->year, $now->year, 'deflate ok' );
+# update tests
+$cd = $schema->resultset("CD")->find(3);
+eval { $cd->update({'year' => $now}) };
+ok(!$@, 'update using DateTime object ok');
+is($cd->year->year, $now->year, 'deflate ok');
+$cd = $schema->resultset("CD")->find(3);
+$before_year = $cd->year->year;
+eval { $cd->update({'year' => \'year + 1'}) };
+ok(!$@, 'update using scalarref ok');
+$cd = $schema->resultset("CD")->find(3);
+is($cd->year->year, $before_year + 1, 'deflate ok');
+# discard_changes test
+$cd = $schema->resultset("CD")->find(3);
+# inflate the year
+$before_year = $cd->year->year;
+$cd->update({ year => \'year + 1'});
+is($cd->year->year, $before_year + 1, 'discard_changes clears the inflated value');
+my $copy = $cd->copy({ year => $now, title => "zemoose" });
+isnt( $copy->year->year, $before_year, "copy" );
Copied: DBIx-Class/0.08/trunk/t/inflate/hri.t (from rev 6400, DBIx-Class/0.08/trunk/t/68inflate_resultclass_hashrefinflator.t)
--- DBIx-Class/0.08/trunk/t/inflate/hri.t (rev 0)
+++ DBIx-Class/0.08/trunk/t/inflate/hri.t 2009-06-11 12:29:48 UTC (rev 6614)
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More qw(no_plan);
+use lib qw(t/lib);
+use DBICTest;
+my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema();
+# Under some versions of SQLite if the $rs is left hanging around it will lock
+# So we create a scope here cos I'm lazy
+ my $rs = $schema->resultset('CD');
+ # get the defined columns
+ my @dbic_cols = sort $rs->result_source->columns;
+ # use the hashref inflator class as result class
+ $rs->result_class('DBIx::Class::ResultClass::HashRefInflator');
+ # fetch first record
+ my $datahashref1 = $rs->first;
+ my @hashref_cols = sort keys %$datahashref1;
+ is_deeply( \@dbic_cols, \@hashref_cols, 'returned columns' );
+sub check_cols_of {
+ my ($dbic_obj, $datahashref) = @_;
+ foreach my $col (keys %$datahashref) {
+ # plain column
+ if (not ref ($datahashref->{$col}) ) {
+ is ($datahashref->{$col}, $dbic_obj->get_column($col), 'same value');
+ }
+ # related table entry (belongs_to)
+ elsif (ref ($datahashref->{$col}) eq 'HASH') {
+ check_cols_of($dbic_obj->$col, $datahashref->{$col});
+ }
+ # multiple related entries (has_many)
+ elsif (ref ($datahashref->{$col}) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ my @dbic_reltable = $dbic_obj->$col;
+ my @hashref_reltable = @{$datahashref->{$col}};
+ is (scalar @hashref_reltable, scalar @dbic_reltable, 'number of related entries');
+ # for my $index (0..scalar @hashref_reltable) {
+ for my $index (0..scalar @dbic_reltable) {
+ my $dbic_reltable_obj = $dbic_reltable[$index];
+ my $hashref_reltable_entry = $hashref_reltable[$index];
+ check_cols_of($dbic_reltable_obj, $hashref_reltable_entry);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# create a cd without tracks for testing empty has_many relationship
+$schema->resultset('CD')->create({ title => 'Silence is golden', artist => 3, year => 2006 });
+# order_by to ensure both resultsets have the rows in the same order
+# also check result_class-as-an-attribute syntax
+my $rs_dbic = $schema->resultset('CD')->search(undef,
+ {
+ prefetch => [ qw/ artist tracks / ],
+ order_by => [ 'me.cdid', 'tracks.position' ],
+ }
+my $rs_hashrefinf = $schema->resultset('CD')->search(undef,
+ {
+ prefetch => [ qw/ artist tracks / ],
+ order_by => [ 'me.cdid', 'tracks.position' ],
+ result_class => 'DBIx::Class::ResultClass::HashRefInflator',
+ }
+my @dbic = $rs_dbic->all;
+my @hashrefinf = $rs_hashrefinf->all;
+for my $index (0 .. $#hashrefinf) {
+ my $dbic_obj = $dbic[$index];
+ my $datahashref = $hashrefinf[$index];
+ check_cols_of($dbic_obj, $datahashref);
+# sometimes for ultra-mega-speed you want to fetch columns in esoteric ways
+# check the inflator over a non-fetching join
+$rs_dbic = $schema->resultset ('Artist')->search ({ 'me.artistid' => 1}, {
+ prefetch => { cds => 'tracks' },
+ order_by => [qw/cds.cdid tracks.trackid/],
+$rs_hashrefinf = $schema->resultset ('Artist')->search ({ 'me.artistid' => 1}, {
+ join => { cds => 'tracks' },
+ select => [qw/name tracks.title tracks.cd /],
+ as => [qw/name cds.tracks.title cds.tracks.cd /],
+ order_by => [qw/cds.cdid tracks.trackid/],
+ result_class => 'DBIx::Class::ResultClass::HashRefInflator',
+ at dbic = map { $_->tracks->all } ($rs_dbic->first->cds->all);
+ at hashrefinf = $rs_hashrefinf->all;
+is (scalar @dbic, scalar @hashrefinf, 'Equal number of tracks fetched');
+for my $index (0 .. $#hashrefinf) {
+ my $track = $dbic[$index];
+ my $datahashref = $hashrefinf[$index];
+ is ($track->cd->artist->name, $datahashref->{name}, 'Brought back correct artist');
+ for my $col (keys %{$datahashref->{cds}{tracks}}) {
+ is ($track->get_column ($col), $datahashref->{cds}{tracks}{$col}, "Correct track '$col'");
+ }
+# check for same query as above but using extended columns syntax
+$rs_hashrefinf = $schema->resultset ('Artist')->search ({ 'me.artistid' => 1}, {
+ join => { cds => 'tracks' },
+ columns => {name => 'name', 'cds.tracks.title' => 'tracks.title', 'cds.tracks.cd' => 'tracks.cd'},
+ order_by => [qw/cds.cdid tracks.trackid/],
+is_deeply [$rs_hashrefinf->all], \@hashrefinf, 'Check query using extended columns syntax';
Copied: DBIx-Class/0.08/trunk/t/inflate/serialize.t (from rev 6400, DBIx-Class/0.08/trunk/t/68inflate_serialize.t)
--- DBIx-Class/0.08/trunk/t/inflate/serialize.t (rev 0)
+++ DBIx-Class/0.08/trunk/t/inflate/serialize.t 2009-06-11 12:29:48 UTC (rev 6614)
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use lib qw(t/lib);
+use DBICTest;
+my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema();
+use Data::Dumper;
+my @serializers = (
+ { module => 'YAML.pm',
+ inflater => sub { YAML::Load (shift) },
+ deflater => sub { die "Expecting a reference" unless (ref $_[0]); YAML::Dump (shift) },
+ },
+ { module => 'Storable.pm',
+ inflater => sub { Storable::thaw (shift) },
+ deflater => sub { die "Expecting a reference" unless (ref $_[0]); Storable::nfreeze (shift) },
+ },
+my $selected;
+foreach my $serializer (@serializers) {
+ eval { require $serializer->{module} };
+ unless ($@) {
+ $selected = $serializer;
+ last;
+ }
+plan (skip_all => "No suitable serializer found") unless $selected;
+plan (tests => 8);
+DBICTest::Schema::Serialized->inflate_column( 'serialized',
+ { inflate => $selected->{inflater},
+ deflate => $selected->{deflater},
+ },
+my $struct_hash = {
+ a => 1,
+ b => [
+ { c => 2 },
+ ],
+ d => 3,
+my $struct_array = [
+ 'a',
+ {
+ b => 1,
+ c => 2
+ },
+ 'd',
+my $rs = $schema->resultset('Serialized');
+my $inflated;
+#======= testing hashref serialization
+my $object = $rs->create( {
+ id => 1,
+ serialized => '',
+} );
+ok($object->update( { serialized => $struct_hash } ), 'hashref deflation');
+ok($inflated = $object->serialized, 'hashref inflation');
+is_deeply($inflated, $struct_hash, 'inflated hash matches original');
+$object = $rs->create( {
+ id => 2,
+ serialized => '',
+} );
+eval { $object->set_inflated_column('serialized', $struct_hash) };
+ok(!$@, 'set_inflated_column to a hashref');
+is_deeply($object->serialized, $struct_hash, 'inflated hash matches original');
+#====== testing arrayref serialization
+ok($object->update( { serialized => $struct_array } ), 'arrayref deflation');
+ok($inflated = $object->serialized, 'arrayref inflation');
+is_deeply($inflated, $struct_array, 'inflated array matches original');
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