[Bast-commits] r6442 - / DBIC-Web DBIC-Web/components
DBIC-Web/pages DBIC-Web/pages/resources
DBIC-Web/pages/resources/blueprint/src DBIC-Web/ttree
castaway at dev.catalyst.perl.org
castaway at dev.catalyst.perl.org
Wed May 27 21:35:49 GMT 2009
Author: castaway
Date: 2009-05-27 21:35:48 +0000 (Wed, 27 May 2009)
New Revision: 6442
Initial commit
Added: DBIC-Web/.ttreerc
--- DBIC-Web/.ttreerc (rev 0)
+++ DBIC-Web/.ttreerc 2009-05-27 21:35:48 UTC (rev 6442)
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+# sample .ttreerc file created automatically by ttree version 2.83
+# This file originally written to /home/jessr/.ttreerc
+# For more information on the contents of this configuration file, see
+# perldoc ttree
+# ttree -h
+# The most flexible way to use ttree is to create a separate directory
+# for configuration files and simply use the .ttreerc to tell ttree where
+# it is.
+cfg = /home/jessr/ttree
+# print summary of what's going on
+# recurse into any sub-directories and process files
+# regexen of things that aren't templates and should be ignored
+ignore = \b(CVS|RCS)\b
+ignore = ^#
+ignore = ^.#
+ignore = ~$
+# ditto for things that should be copied rather than processed.
+copy = \.png$
+copy = \.gif$
+copy = \.css$
+copy = \.js
+# by default, everything not ignored or copied is accepted; add 'accept'
+# lines if you want to filter further. e.g.
+# accept = \.html$
+# accept = \.tt2$
+# options to rewrite files suffixes (htm => html, tt2 => html)
+# suffix htm=html
+# suffix tt2=html
+# options to define dependencies between templates
+# depend *=header,footer,menu
+# depend index.html=mainpage,sidebar
+# depend menu=menuitem,menubar
+# The following options usually relate to a particular project so
+# you'll probably want to put them in a separate configuration file
+# in the directory specified by the 'cfg' option and then invoke tree
+# using '-f' to tell it which configuration you want to use.
+# However, there's nothing to stop you from adding default 'src',
+# 'dest' or 'lib' options in the .ttreerc. The 'src' and 'dest' options
+# can be re-defined in another configuration file, but be aware that 'lib'
+# options accumulate so any 'lib' options defined in the .ttreerc will
+# be applied every time you run ttree.
+# # directory containing source page templates
+# src = /path/to/your/source/page/templates
+# # directory where output files should be written
+# dest = /path/to/your/html/output/directory
+# # additional directories of library templates
+# lib = /first/path/to/your/library/templates
+# lib = /second/path/to/your/library/templates
Added: DBIC-Web/components/left-nav.tt
--- DBIC-Web/components/left-nav.tt (rev 0)
+++ DBIC-Web/components/left-nav.tt 2009-05-27 21:35:48 UTC (rev 6442)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ <div class="span-5">
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?DBIx::Class">About</a>
+ <li><a href="http://search.cpan.org/dist/DBIx-Class">Download</a>
+ <li><a href="http://desert-island.me.uk/perldoc/dbic-tutorial/lib/DBIx/Class/Tutorial/Intro.pod">Documentation</a>
+ <li><a href="/examples/">Examples</a>
+ <li><a href="http://www.shadowcat.co.uk/services/support/">Support</a>
+ <li><a href="/articles.html">Articles</a>
+ <li><a href="/users.html">Users</a>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
Added: DBIC-Web/components/left_nav.tt
--- DBIC-Web/components/left_nav.tt (rev 0)
+++ DBIC-Web/components/left_nav.tt 2009-05-27 21:35:48 UTC (rev 6442)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ <div class="span-5">
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?DBIx::Class">About</a>
+ <li><a href="http://search.cpan.org/dist/DBIx-Class">Download</a>
+ <li><a href="http://desert-island.me.uk/perldoc/dbic-tutorial/lib/DBIx/Class/Tutorial/Intro.pod">Documentation</a>
+ <li><a href="/examples/">Examples</a>
+ <li><a href="http://www.shadowcat.co.uk/services/support/">Support</a>
+ <li><a href="/articles.html">Articles</a>
+ <li><a href="/users.html">Users</a>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
Added: DBIC-Web/components/top-bar.tt
--- DBIC-Web/components/top-bar.tt (rev 0)
+++ DBIC-Web/components/top-bar.tt 2009-05-27 21:35:48 UTC (rev 6442)
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ <div class="span-24">
+ <h1>
+ DBIx:Class Web
+ </h1>
+ </div>
Added: DBIC-Web/components/top_bar.tt
--- DBIC-Web/components/top_bar.tt (rev 0)
+++ DBIC-Web/components/top_bar.tt 2009-05-27 21:35:48 UTC (rev 6442)
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ <div class="span-24">
+ <h1>
+ DBIx:Class Web
+ </h1>
+ </div>
Added: DBIC-Web/components/twitter,tt
--- DBIC-Web/components/twitter,tt (rev 0)
+++ DBIC-Web/components/twitter,tt 2009-05-27 21:35:48 UTC (rev 6442)
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ <p>
+ <div id="twitter_div">
+ <h3 class="sidebar-title">Latest information</h3>
+ <ul id="twitter_update_list"></ul>
+ <a href="http://twitter.com/dbix_class" id="twitter-link" style="display:block;text-align:right;">follow me</a>
+ </div>
+ </p>
Added: DBIC-Web/components/twitter.tt
--- DBIC-Web/components/twitter.tt (rev 0)
+++ DBIC-Web/components/twitter.tt 2009-05-27 21:35:48 UTC (rev 6442)
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ <p>
+ <div id="twitter_div">
+ <h3 class="sidebar-title">Latest information</h3>
+ <ul id="twitter_update_list"></ul>
+ <a href="http://twitter.com/dbix_class" id="twitter-link" style="display:block;text-align:right;">follow me</a>
+ </div>
+ </p>
Added: DBIC-Web/components/wrapper.tt
--- DBIC-Web/components/wrapper.tt (rev 0)
+++ DBIC-Web/components/wrapper.tt 2009-05-27 21:35:48 UTC (rev 6442)
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+ <head>
+ <title>DBIC Web</title>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen, projection"
+ href="/resources/blueprint/screen.css" />
+ <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="print"
+ href="/resources/blueprint/print.css" />
+ <!--[if IE]><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
+ href="/resources/blueprint/ie.css" /><![endif]-->
+ <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen, projection"
+ href="/resources/dbic-web.css" />
+[% content %]
+<script type="text/javascript" src="http://twitter.com/javascripts/blogger.js"></script>
+<script type="text/javascript" src="http://twitter.com/statuses/user_timeline/dbix_class.json?callback=twitterCallback2&count=10"></script>
Added: DBIC-Web/pages/articles.html
--- DBIC-Web/pages/articles.html (rev 0)
+++ DBIC-Web/pages/articles.html 2009-05-27 21:35:48 UTC (rev 6442)
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+[% WRAPPER wrapper.tt %]
+ <div id="topblock" class="container">
+ [% PROCESS top_bar.tt %]
+ [% PROCESS left_nav.tt %]
+ <div class="span-12">
+ <h3>Articles about DBIx::Class</h3>
+ <ul>
+<li><a href="http://rambles.bearcircle.net/2009/05/24/inflatecolumnfile-vs-inflatecolumnfs/">InflateColumn::File vs. InflateColumn::FS</a> May 24th, 2009</li>
+<li><a href="http://blog.netcubed.de/2009/05/reports-with-dbic-and-postgres/">Reports with DBIC and Postgres</a> May 23rd, 2009</li>
+<li><a href="http://blog.johngoulah.com/2009/05/versioning-with-dbic/">Using DBIx::Class to Version Your Schema</a> May 17th, 2009</li>
+<li><a href="http://perlalchemy.blogspot.com/2006/10/tags-and-search-and-dbixclass.html">Tags and search and DBIx::Class</a> October 26th, 2006</li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ <div class="span-7 last">
+ [% PROCESS twitter.tt %]
+ </div>
+ </div>
+[% END %]
Added: DBIC-Web/pages/index.html
--- DBIC-Web/pages/index.html (rev 0)
+++ DBIC-Web/pages/index.html 2009-05-27 21:35:48 UTC (rev 6442)
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+[% WRAPPER wrapper.tt %]
+ </head>
+ <div id="topblock" class="container">
+ [% PROCESS top_bar.tt %]
+ [% PROCESS left_nav.tt %]
+ <div class="span-12">
+ What the heck is this?
+ </div>
+ <div class="span-7 last">
+ [% PROCESS twitter.tt %]
+ </div>
+ </div>
+[% END %]
Added: DBIC-Web/pages/resources/blueprint/ie.css
--- DBIC-Web/pages/resources/blueprint/ie.css (rev 0)
+++ DBIC-Web/pages/resources/blueprint/ie.css 2009-05-27 21:35:48 UTC (rev 6442)
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Blueprint CSS Framework 0.7.1
+ http://blueprintcss.googlecode.com
+ * Copyright (c) 2007-2008. See LICENSE for more info.
+ * See README for instructions on how to use Blueprint.
+ * For credits and origins, see AUTHORS.
+ * This is a compressed file. See the sources in the 'src' directory.
+----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* ie.css */
+body {text-align:center;}
+.container {text-align:left;}
+* html .column {overflow-x:hidden;}
+* html legend {margin:-18px -8px 16px 0;padding:0;}
+ol {margin-left:2em;}
+sup {vertical-align:text-top;}
+sub {vertical-align:text-bottom;}
+html>body p code {*white-space:normal;}
+hr {margin:-8px auto 11px;}
\ No newline at end of file
Added: DBIC-Web/pages/resources/blueprint/plugins/fancy-type/readme.txt
--- DBIC-Web/pages/resources/blueprint/plugins/fancy-type/readme.txt (rev 0)
+++ DBIC-Web/pages/resources/blueprint/plugins/fancy-type/readme.txt 2009-05-27 21:35:48 UTC (rev 6442)
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Fancy Type
+* Gives you classes to use if you'd like some
+ extra fancy typography.
+Credits and instructions are specified above each class
+in the fancy-type.css file in this directory.
+1) Add this plugin to lib/settings.yml.
+ See compress.rb for instructions.
Added: DBIC-Web/pages/resources/blueprint/plugins/fancy-type/screen.css
--- DBIC-Web/pages/resources/blueprint/plugins/fancy-type/screen.css (rev 0)
+++ DBIC-Web/pages/resources/blueprint/plugins/fancy-type/screen.css 2009-05-27 21:35:48 UTC (rev 6442)
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------
+ fancy-type.css
+ * Lots of pretty advanced classes for manipulating text.
+ See the Readme file in this folder for additional instructions.
+-------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Indentation instead of line shifts for sibling paragraphs. */
+ p + p { text-indent:2em; margin-top:-1.5em; }
+ form p + p { text-indent: 0; } /* Don't want this in forms. */
+/* For great looking type, use this code instead of asdf:
+ <span class="alt">asdf</span>
+ Best used on prepositions and ampersands. */
+.alt {
+ color: #666;
+ font-family: "Warnock Pro", "Goudy Old Style","Palatino","Book Antiqua", Georgia, serif;
+ font-style: italic;
+ font-weight: normal;
+/* For great looking quote marks in titles, replace "asdf" with:
+ <span class="dquo">“</span>asdf”
+ (That is, when the title starts with a quote mark).
+ (You may have to change this value depending on your font size). */
+.dquo { margin-left: -.5em; }
+/* Reduced size type with incremental leading
+ (http://www.markboulton.co.uk/journal/comments/incremental_leading/)
+ This could be used for side notes. For smaller type, you don't necessarily want to
+ follow the 1.5x vertical rhythm -- the line-height is too much.
+ Using this class, it reduces your font size and line-height so that for
+ every four lines of normal sized type, there is five lines of the sidenote. eg:
+ New type size in em's:
+ 10px (wanted side note size) / 12px (existing base size) = 0.8333 (new type size in ems)
+ New line-height value:
+ 12px x 1.5 = 18px (old line-height)
+ 18px x 4 = 72px
+ 72px / 5 = 14.4px (new line height)
+ 14.4px / 10px = 1.44 (new line height in em's) */
+p.incr, .incr p {
+ font-size: 10px;
+ line-height: 1.44em;
+ margin-bottom: 1.5em;
+/* Surround uppercase words and abbreviations with this class.
+ Based on work by Jørgen Arnor Gårdsø Lom [http://twistedintellect.com/] */
+.caps {
+ font-variant: small-caps;
+ letter-spacing: 1px;
+ text-transform: lowercase;
+ font-size:1.2em;
+ line-height:1%;
+ font-weight:bold;
+ padding:0 2px;
Added: DBIC-Web/pages/resources/blueprint/print.css
--- DBIC-Web/pages/resources/blueprint/print.css (rev 0)
+++ DBIC-Web/pages/resources/blueprint/print.css 2009-05-27 21:35:48 UTC (rev 6442)
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Blueprint CSS Framework 0.7.1
+ http://blueprintcss.googlecode.com
+ * Copyright (c) 2007-2008. See LICENSE for more info.
+ * See README for instructions on how to use Blueprint.
+ * For credits and origins, see AUTHORS.
+ * This is a compressed file. See the sources in the 'src' directory.
+----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* print.css */
+body {line-height:1.5;font-family:"Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;color:#000;background:none;font-size:10pt;}
+.container {background:none;}
+hr {background:#ccc;color:#ccc;width:100%;height:2px;margin:2em 0;padding:0;border:none;}
+hr.space {background:#fff;color:#fff;}
+h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {font-family:"Helvetica Neue", Arial, "Lucida Grande", sans-serif;}
+code {font:.9em "Courier New", Monaco, Courier, monospace;}
+img {float:left;margin:1.5em 1.5em 1.5em 0;}
+a img {border:none;}
+p img.top {margin-top:0;}
+blockquote {margin:1.5em;padding:1em;font-style:italic;font-size:.9em;}
+.small {font-size:.9em;}
+.large {font-size:1.1em;}
+.quiet {color:#999;}
+.hide {display:none;}
+a:link, a:visited {background:transparent;font-weight:700;text-decoration:underline;}
+a:link:after, a:visited:after {content:" (" attr(href) ") ";font-size:90%;}
\ No newline at end of file
Added: DBIC-Web/pages/resources/blueprint/screen.css
--- DBIC-Web/pages/resources/blueprint/screen.css (rev 0)
+++ DBIC-Web/pages/resources/blueprint/screen.css 2009-05-27 21:35:48 UTC (rev 6442)
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Blueprint CSS Framework 0.7.1
+ http://blueprintcss.googlecode.com
+ * Copyright (c) 2007-2008. See LICENSE for more info.
+ * See README for instructions on how to use Blueprint.
+ * For credits and origins, see AUTHORS.
+ * This is a compressed file. See the sources in the 'src' directory.
+----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* reset.css */
+html, body, div, span, object, iframe, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, blockquote, pre, a, abbr, acronym, address, code, del, dfn, em, img, q, dl, dt, dd, ol, ul, li, fieldset, form, label, legend, table, caption, tbody, tfoot, thead, tr, th, td {margin:0;padding:0;border:0;font-weight:inherit;font-style:inherit;font-size:100%;font-family:inherit;vertical-align:baseline;}
+body {line-height:1.5;}
+table {border-collapse:separate;border-spacing:0;}
+caption, th, td {text-align:left;font-weight:normal;}
+table, td, th {vertical-align:middle;}
+blockquote:before, blockquote:after, q:before, q:after {content:"";}
+blockquote, q {quotes:"" "";}
+a img {border:none;}
+/* typography.css */
+body {color:#222;background:#fff;font-family:"Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;}
+h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {font-weight:normal;color:#111;}
+h1 {font-size:3em;line-height:1;margin-bottom:0.5em;}
+h2 {font-size:2em;margin-bottom:0.75em;}
+h3 {font-size:1.5em;line-height:1;margin-bottom:1em;}
+h4 {font-size:1.2em;line-height:1.25;margin-bottom:1.25em;height:1.25em;}
+h5 {font-size:1em;font-weight:bold;margin-bottom:1.5em;}
+h6 {font-size:1em;font-weight:bold;}
+h1 img, h2 img, h3 img, h4 img, h5 img, h6 img {margin:0;}
+p {margin:0 0 1.5em;}
+p img {float:left;margin:1.5em 1.5em 1.5em 0;padding:0;}
+p img.right {float:right;margin:1.5em 0 1.5em 1.5em;}
+a:focus, a:hover {color:#000;}
+a {color:#009;text-decoration:underline;}
+blockquote {margin:1.5em;color:#666;font-style:italic;}
+strong {font-weight:bold;}
+em, dfn {font-style:italic;}
+dfn {font-weight:bold;}
+sup, sub {line-height:0;}
+abbr, acronym {border-bottom:1px dotted #666;}
+address {margin:0 0 1.5em;font-style:italic;}
+del {color:#666;}
+pre, code {margin:1.5em 0;white-space:pre;}
+pre, code, tt {font:1em 'andale mono', 'lucida console', monospace;line-height:1.5;}
+li ul, li ol {margin:0 1.5em;}
+ul, ol {margin:0 1.5em 1.5em 1.5em;}
+ul {list-style-type:disc;}
+ol {list-style-type:decimal;}
+dl {margin:0 0 1.5em 0;}
+dl dt {font-weight:bold;}
+dd {margin-left:1.5em;}
+table {margin-bottom:1.4em;width:100%;}
+th {font-weight:bold;background:#C3D9FF;}
+th, td {padding:4px 10px 4px 5px;}
+tr.even td {background:#E5ECF9;}
+tfoot {font-style:italic;}
+caption {background:#eee;}
+.small {font-size:.8em;margin-bottom:1.875em;line-height:1.875em;}
+.large {font-size:1.2em;line-height:2.5em;margin-bottom:1.25em;}
+.hide {display:none;}
+.quiet {color:#666;}
+.loud {color:#000;}
+.highlight {background:#ff0;}
+.added {background:#060;color:#fff;}
+.removed {background:#900;color:#fff;}
+.first {margin-left:0;padding-left:0;}
+.last {margin-right:0;padding-right:0;}
+.top {margin-top:0;padding-top:0;}
+.bottom {margin-bottom:0;padding-bottom:0;}
+/* grid.css */
+.container {width:950px;margin:0 auto;}
+.showgrid {background:url(src/grid.png);}
+body {margin:1.5em 0;}
+div.span-1, div.span-2, div.span-3, div.span-4, div.span-5, div.span-6, div.span-7, div.span-8, div.span-9, div.span-10, div.span-11, div.span-12, div.span-13, div.span-14, div.span-15, div.span-16, div.span-17, div.span-18, div.span-19, div.span-20, div.span-21, div.span-22, div.span-23, div.span-24 {float:left;margin-right:10px;}
+div.last {margin-right:0;}
+.span-1 {width:30px;}
+.span-2 {width:70px;}
+.span-3 {width:110px;}
+.span-4 {width:150px;}
+.span-5 {width:190px;}
+.span-6 {width:230px;}
+.span-7 {width:270px;}
+.span-8 {width:310px;}
+.span-9 {width:350px;}
+.span-10 {width:390px;}
+.span-11 {width:430px;}
+.span-12 {width:470px;}
+.span-13 {width:510px;}
+.span-14 {width:550px;}
+.span-15 {width:590px;}
+.span-16 {width:630px;}
+.span-17 {width:670px;}
+.span-18 {width:710px;}
+.span-19 {width:750px;}
+.span-20 {width:790px;}
+.span-21 {width:830px;}
+.span-22 {width:870px;}
+.span-23 {width:910px;}
+.span-24, div.span-24 {width:950px;margin:0;}
+.append-1 {padding-right:40px;}
+.append-2 {padding-right:80px;}
+.append-3 {padding-right:120px;}
+.append-4 {padding-right:160px;}
+.append-5 {padding-right:200px;}
+.append-6 {padding-right:240px;}
+.append-7 {padding-right:280px;}
+.append-8 {padding-right:320px;}
+.append-9 {padding-right:360px;}
+.append-10 {padding-right:400px;}
+.append-11 {padding-right:440px;}
+.append-12 {padding-right:480px;}
+.append-13 {padding-right:520px;}
+.append-14 {padding-right:560px;}
+.append-15 {padding-right:600px;}
+.append-16 {padding-right:640px;}
+.append-17 {padding-right:680px;}
+.append-18 {padding-right:720px;}
+.append-19 {padding-right:760px;}
+.append-20 {padding-right:800px;}
+.append-21 {padding-right:840px;}
+.append-22 {padding-right:880px;}
+.append-23 {padding-right:920px;}
+.prepend-1 {padding-left:40px;}
+.prepend-2 {padding-left:80px;}
+.prepend-3 {padding-left:120px;}
+.prepend-4 {padding-left:160px;}
+.prepend-5 {padding-left:200px;}
+.prepend-6 {padding-left:240px;}
+.prepend-7 {padding-left:280px;}
+.prepend-8 {padding-left:320px;}
+.prepend-9 {padding-left:360px;}
+.prepend-10 {padding-left:400px;}
+.prepend-11 {padding-left:440px;}
+.prepend-12 {padding-left:480px;}
+.prepend-13 {padding-left:520px;}
+.prepend-14 {padding-left:560px;}
+.prepend-15 {padding-left:600px;}
+.prepend-16 {padding-left:640px;}
+.prepend-17 {padding-left:680px;}
+.prepend-18 {padding-left:720px;}
+.prepend-19 {padding-left:760px;}
+.prepend-20 {padding-left:800px;}
+.prepend-21 {padding-left:840px;}
+.prepend-22 {padding-left:880px;}
+.prepend-23 {padding-left:920px;}
+div.border {padding-right:4px;margin-right:5px;border-right:1px solid #eee;}
+div.colborder {padding-right:24px;margin-right:25px;border-right:1px solid #eee;}
+.pull-1 {margin-left:-40px;}
+.pull-2 {margin-left:-80px;}
+.pull-3 {margin-left:-120px;}
+.pull-4 {margin-left:-160px;}
+.pull-5 {margin-left:-200px;}
+.pull-6 {margin-left:-240px;}
+.pull-7 {margin-left:-280px;}
+.pull-8 {margin-left:-320px;}
+.pull-9 {margin-left:-360px;}
+.pull-10 {margin-left:-400px;}
+.pull-11 {margin-left:-440px;}
+.pull-12 {margin-left:-480px;}
+.pull-13 {margin-left:-520px;}
+.pull-14 {margin-left:-560px;}
+.pull-15 {margin-left:-600px;}
+.pull-16 {margin-left:-640px;}
+.pull-17 {margin-left:-680px;}
+.pull-18 {margin-left:-720px;}
+.pull-19 {margin-left:-760px;}
+.pull-20 {margin-left:-800px;}
+.pull-21 {margin-left:-840px;}
+.pull-22 {margin-left:-880px;}
+.pull-23 {margin-left:-920px;}
+.pull-24 {margin-left:-960px;}
+.pull-1, .pull-2, .pull-3, .pull-4, .pull-5, .pull-6, .pull-7, .pull-8, .pull-9, .pull-10, .pull-11, .pull-12, .pull-13, .pull-14, .pull-15, .pull-16, .pull-17, .pull-18, .pull-19, .pull-20, .pull-21, .pull-22, .pull-23, .pull-24 {float:left;position:relative;}
+.push-1 {margin:0 -40px 1.5em 40px;}
+.push-2 {margin:0 -80px 1.5em 80px;}
+.push-3 {margin:0 -120px 1.5em 120px;}
+.push-4 {margin:0 -160px 1.5em 160px;}
+.push-5 {margin:0 -200px 1.5em 200px;}
+.push-6 {margin:0 -240px 1.5em 240px;}
+.push-7 {margin:0 -280px 1.5em 280px;}
+.push-8 {margin:0 -320px 1.5em 320px;}
+.push-9 {margin:0 -360px 1.5em 360px;}
+.push-10 {margin:0 -400px 1.5em 400px;}
+.push-11 {margin:0 -440px 1.5em 440px;}
+.push-12 {margin:0 -480px 1.5em 480px;}
+.push-13 {margin:0 -520px 1.5em 520px;}
+.push-14 {margin:0 -560px 1.5em 560px;}
+.push-15 {margin:0 -600px 1.5em 600px;}
+.push-16 {margin:0 -640px 1.5em 640px;}
+.push-17 {margin:0 -680px 1.5em 680px;}
+.push-18 {margin:0 -720px 1.5em 720px;}
+.push-19 {margin:0 -760px 1.5em 760px;}
+.push-20 {margin:0 -800px 1.5em 800px;}
+.push-21 {margin:0 -840px 1.5em 840px;}
+.push-22 {margin:0 -880px 1.5em 880px;}
+.push-23 {margin:0 -920px 1.5em 920px;}
+.push-24 {margin:0 -960px 1.5em 960px;}
+.push-1, .push-2, .push-3, .push-4, .push-5, .push-6, .push-7, .push-8, .push-9, .push-10, .push-11, .push-12, .push-13, .push-14, .push-15, .push-16, .push-17, .push-18, .push-19, .push-20, .push-21, .push-22, .push-23, .push-24 {float:right;position:relative;}
+.box {padding:1.5em;margin-bottom:1.5em;background:#E5ECF9;}
+hr {background:#ddd;color:#ddd;clear:both;float:none;width:100%;height:.1em;margin:0 0 1.45em;border:none;}
+hr.space {background:#fff;color:#fff;}
+.clearfix:after, .container:after {content:".";display:block;height:0;clear:both;visibility:hidden;}
+.clearfix, .container {display:inline-block;}
+* html .clearfix, * html .container {height:1%;}
+.clearfix, .container {display:block;}
+.clear {clear:both;}
+/* forms.css */
+label {font-weight:bold;}
+fieldset {padding:1.4em;margin:0 0 1.5em 0;border:1px solid #ccc;}
+legend {font-weight:bold;font-size:1.2em;}
+input.text, input.title, textarea, select {margin:0.5em 0;border:1px solid #bbb;}
+input.text:focus, input.title:focus, textarea:focus, select:focus {border:1px solid #666;}
+input.text, input.title {width:300px;padding:5px;}
+input.title {font-size:1.5em;}
+textarea {width:390px;height:250px;padding:5px;}
+.error, .notice, .success {padding:.8em;margin-bottom:1em;border:2px solid #ddd;}
+.error {background:#FBE3E4;color:#8a1f11;border-color:#FBC2C4;}
+.notice {background:#FFF6BF;color:#514721;border-color:#FFD324;}
+.success {background:#E6EFC2;color:#264409;border-color:#C6D880;}
+.error a {color:#8a1f11;}
+.notice a {color:#514721;}
+.success a {color:#264409;}
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: DBIC-Web/pages/resources/blueprint/screen.css
Name: svn:executable
+ *
Added: DBIC-Web/pages/resources/blueprint/src/forms.css
--- DBIC-Web/pages/resources/blueprint/src/forms.css (rev 0)
+++ DBIC-Web/pages/resources/blueprint/src/forms.css 2009-05-27 21:35:48 UTC (rev 6442)
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------
+ forms.css
+ * Sets up some default styling for forms
+ * Gives you classes to enhance your forms
+ Usage:
+ * For text fields, use class .title or .text
+-------------------------------------------------------------- */
+label { font-weight: bold; }
+fieldset { padding:1.4em; margin: 0 0 1.5em 0; border: 1px solid #ccc; }
+legend { font-weight: bold; font-size:1.2em; }
+/* Form fields
+-------------------------------------------------------------- */
+input.text, input.title,
+textarea, select {
+ margin:0.5em 0;
+ border:1px solid #bbb;
+input.text:focus, input.title:focus,
+textarea:focus, select:focus {
+ border:1px solid #666;
+input.title { width: 300px; padding:5px; }
+input.title { font-size:1.5em; }
+textarea { width: 390px; height: 250px; padding:5px; }
+/* Success, notice and error boxes
+-------------------------------------------------------------- */
+.success { padding: .8em; margin-bottom: 1em; border: 2px solid #ddd; }
+.error { background: #FBE3E4; color: #8a1f11; border-color: #FBC2C4; }
+.notice { background: #FFF6BF; color: #514721; border-color: #FFD324; }
+.success { background: #E6EFC2; color: #264409; border-color: #C6D880; }
+.error a { color: #8a1f11; }
+.notice a { color: #514721; }
+.success a { color: #264409; }
Added: DBIC-Web/pages/resources/blueprint/src/grid.css
--- DBIC-Web/pages/resources/blueprint/src/grid.css (rev 0)
+++ DBIC-Web/pages/resources/blueprint/src/grid.css 2009-05-27 21:35:48 UTC (rev 6442)
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------
+ grid.css
+ * Sets up an easy-to-use grid of 24 columns.
+ By default, the grid is 950px wide, with 24 columns
+ spanning 30px, and a 10px margin between columns.
+ If you need fewer or more columns, namespaces or semantic
+ element names, use the compressor script (lib/compress.rb)
+ Note: Changes made in this file will not be applied when
+ using the compressor: make changes in lib/blueprint/grid.css.rb
+-------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* A container should group all your columns. */
+.container {
+ width: 950px;
+ margin: 0 auto;
+/* Use this class on any div.span / container to see the grid. */
+.showgrid {
+ background: url(src/grid.png);
+/* Body margin for a sensile default look. */
+body {
+ margin:1.5em 0;
+/* Columns
+-------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Sets up basic grid floating and margin. */
+div.span-1, div.span-2, div.span-3, div.span-4, div.span-5,
+div.span-6, div.span-7, div.span-8, div.span-9, div.span-10,
+div.span-11, div.span-12, div.span-13, div.span-14, div.span-15,
+div.span-16, div.span-17, div.span-18, div.span-19, div.span-20,
+div.span-21, div.span-22, div.span-23, div.span-24 {
+ float: left;
+ margin-right: 10px;
+/* The last column in a row needs this class. */
+div.last { margin-right: 0; }
+/* Use these classes to set the width of a column. */
+.span-1 { width: 30px; }
+.span-2 { width: 70px; }
+.span-3 { width: 110px; }
+.span-4 { width: 150px; }
+.span-5 { width: 190px; }
+.span-6 { width: 230px; }
+.span-7 { width: 270px; }
+.span-8 { width: 310px; }
+.span-9 { width: 350px; }
+.span-10 { width: 390px; }
+.span-11 { width: 430px; }
+.span-12 { width: 470px; }
+.span-13 { width: 510px; }
+.span-14 { width: 550px; }
+.span-15 { width: 590px; }
+.span-16 { width: 630px; }
+.span-17 { width: 670px; }
+.span-18 { width: 710px; }
+.span-19 { width: 750px; }
+.span-20 { width: 790px; }
+.span-21 { width: 830px; }
+.span-22 { width: 870px; }
+.span-23 { width: 910px; }
+.span-24, div.span-24 { width: 950px; margin: 0; }
+/* Add these to a column to append empty cols. */
+.append-1 { padding-right: 40px; }
+.append-2 { padding-right: 80px; }
+.append-3 { padding-right: 120px; }
+.append-4 { padding-right: 160px; }
+.append-5 { padding-right: 200px; }
+.append-6 { padding-right: 240px; }
+.append-7 { padding-right: 280px; }
+.append-8 { padding-right: 320px; }
+.append-9 { padding-right: 360px; }
+.append-10 { padding-right: 400px; }
+.append-11 { padding-right: 440px; }
+.append-12 { padding-right: 480px; }
+.append-13 { padding-right: 520px; }
+.append-14 { padding-right: 560px; }
+.append-15 { padding-right: 600px; }
+.append-16 { padding-right: 640px; }
+.append-17 { padding-right: 680px; }
+.append-18 { padding-right: 720px; }
+.append-19 { padding-right: 760px; }
+.append-20 { padding-right: 800px; }
+.append-21 { padding-right: 840px; }
+.append-22 { padding-right: 880px; }
+.append-23 { padding-right: 920px; }
+/* Add these to a column to prepend empty cols. */
+.prepend-1 { padding-left: 40px; }
+.prepend-2 { padding-left: 80px; }
+.prepend-3 { padding-left: 120px; }
+.prepend-4 { padding-left: 160px; }
+.prepend-5 { padding-left: 200px; }
+.prepend-6 { padding-left: 240px; }
+.prepend-7 { padding-left: 280px; }
+.prepend-8 { padding-left: 320px; }
+.prepend-9 { padding-left: 360px; }
+.prepend-10 { padding-left: 400px; }
+.prepend-11 { padding-left: 440px; }
+.prepend-12 { padding-left: 480px; }
+.prepend-13 { padding-left: 520px; }
+.prepend-14 { padding-left: 560px; }
+.prepend-15 { padding-left: 600px; }
+.prepend-16 { padding-left: 640px; }
+.prepend-17 { padding-left: 680px; }
+.prepend-18 { padding-left: 720px; }
+.prepend-19 { padding-left: 760px; }
+.prepend-20 { padding-left: 800px; }
+.prepend-21 { padding-left: 840px; }
+.prepend-22 { padding-left: 880px; }
+.prepend-23 { padding-left: 920px; }
+/* Border on right hand side of a column. */
+div.border {
+ padding-right: 4px;
+ margin-right: 5px;
+ border-right: 1px solid #eee;
+/* Border with more whitespace, spans one column. */
+div.colborder {
+ padding-right: 24px;
+ margin-right: 25px;
+ border-right: 1px solid #eee;
+/* Use these classes on an element to push it into the
+ next column, or to pull it into the previous column. */
+.pull-1 { margin-left: -40px; }
+.pull-2 { margin-left: -80px; }
+.pull-3 { margin-left: -120px; }
+.pull-4 { margin-left: -160px; }
+.pull-5 { margin-left: -200px; }
+.pull-1, .pull-2, .pull-3,
+.pull-4, .pull-5, .pull-5 {
+ float:left;
+ position:relative;
+.push-1 { margin: 0 -40px 1.5em 40px; }
+.push-2 { margin: 0 -80px 1.5em 80px; }
+.push-3 { margin: 0 -120px 1.5em 120px; }
+.push-4 { margin: 0 -160px 1.5em 160px; }
+.push-5 { margin: 0 -200px 1.5em 200px; }
+.push-0, .push-1, .push-2,
+.push-3, .push-4, .push-5 {
+ float: right;
+ position:relative;
+/* Misc classes and elements
+-------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Use a .box to create a padded box inside a column. */
+.box {
+ padding: 1.5em;
+ margin-bottom: 1.5em;
+ background: #E5ECF9;
+/* Use this to create a horizontal ruler across a column. */
+hr {
+ background: #ddd;
+ color: #ddd;
+ clear: both;
+ float: none;
+ width: 100%;
+ height: .1em;
+ margin: 0 0 1.45em;
+ border: none;
+hr.space {
+ background: #fff;
+ color: #fff;
+/* Clearing floats without extra markup
+ Based on How To Clear Floats Without Structural Markup by PiE
+ [http://www.positioniseverything.net/easyclearing.html] */
+.clearfix:after, .container:after {
+ content: ".";
+ display: block;
+ height: 0;
+ clear: both;
+ visibility: hidden;
+.clearfix, .container {display: inline-block;}
+* html .clearfix,
+* html .container {height: 1%;}
+.clearfix, .container {display: block;}
+/* Regular clearing
+ apply to column that should drop below previous ones. */
+.clear { clear:both; }
Property changes on: DBIC-Web/pages/resources/blueprint/src/grid.css
Name: svn:executable
+ *
Added: DBIC-Web/pages/resources/blueprint/src/grid.png
(Binary files differ)
Property changes on: DBIC-Web/pages/resources/blueprint/src/grid.png
Name: svn:mime-type
+ application/octet-stream
Added: DBIC-Web/pages/resources/blueprint/src/ie.css
--- DBIC-Web/pages/resources/blueprint/src/ie.css (rev 0)
+++ DBIC-Web/pages/resources/blueprint/src/ie.css 2009-05-27 21:35:48 UTC (rev 6442)
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------
+ ie.css
+ Contains every hack for Internet Explorer,
+ so that our core files stay sweet and nimble.
+-------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Make sure the layout is centered in IE5 */
+body { text-align: center; }
+.container { text-align: left; }
+/* Fixes IE margin bugs */
+* html .column { overflow-x: hidden; }
+/* Elements
+-------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Fixes incorrect styling of legend in IE6. */
+* html legend { margin:-18px -8px 16px 0; padding:0; }
+/* Fixes incorrect placement of ol numbers in IE6/7. */
+ol { margin-left:2em; }
+/* Fixes wrong line-height on sup/sub in IE. */
+sup { vertical-align: text-top; }
+sub { vertical-align: text-bottom; }
+/* Fixes IE7 missing wrapping of code elements. */
+html>body p code { *white-space: normal; }
+/* IE 6&7 has problems with setting proper <hr> margins. */
+hr { margin: -8px auto 11px; }
Added: DBIC-Web/pages/resources/blueprint/src/print.css
--- DBIC-Web/pages/resources/blueprint/src/print.css (rev 0)
+++ DBIC-Web/pages/resources/blueprint/src/print.css 2009-05-27 21:35:48 UTC (rev 6442)
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------
+ print.css
+ * Gives you some sensible styles for printing pages.
+ * See Readme file in this directory for further instructions.
+ Some additions you'll want to make, customized to your markup:
+ #header, #footer, #navigation { display:none; }
+-------------------------------------------------------------- */
+body {
+ line-height: 1.5;
+ font-family: "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
+ color:#000;
+ background: none;
+ font-size: 10pt;
+/* Layout
+-------------------------------------------------------------- */
+.container {
+ background: none;
+hr {
+ background:#ccc;
+ color:#ccc;
+ width:100%;
+ height:2px;
+ margin:2em 0;
+ padding:0;
+ border:none;
+hr.space {
+ background: #fff;
+ color: #fff;
+/* Text
+-------------------------------------------------------------- */
+h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6 { font-family: "Helvetica Neue", Arial, "Lucida Grande", sans-serif; }
+code { font:.9em "Courier New", Monaco, Courier, monospace; }
+img { float:left; margin:1.5em 1.5em 1.5em 0; }
+a img { border:none; }
+p img.top { margin-top: 0; }
+blockquote {
+ margin:1.5em;
+ padding:1em;
+ font-style:italic;
+ font-size:.9em;
+.small { font-size: .9em; }
+.large { font-size: 1.1em; }
+.quiet { color: #999; }
+.hide { display:none; }
+/* Links
+-------------------------------------------------------------- */
+a:link, a:visited {
+ background: transparent;
+ font-weight:700;
+ text-decoration: underline;
+a:link:after, a:visited:after {
+ content: " (" attr(href) ") ";
+ font-size: 90%;
+/* If you're having trouble printing relative links, uncomment and customize this:
+ (note: This is valid CSS3, but it still won't go through the W3C CSS Validator) */
+/* a[href^="/"]:after {
+ content: " (http://www.yourdomain.com" attr(href) ") ";
+} */
Property changes on: DBIC-Web/pages/resources/blueprint/src/print.css
Name: svn:executable
+ *
Added: DBIC-Web/pages/resources/blueprint/src/reset.css
--- DBIC-Web/pages/resources/blueprint/src/reset.css (rev 0)
+++ DBIC-Web/pages/resources/blueprint/src/reset.css 2009-05-27 21:35:48 UTC (rev 6442)
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------
+ reset.css
+ * Resets default browser CSS.
+-------------------------------------------------------------- */
+html, body, div, span, object, iframe,
+h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, blockquote, pre,
+a, abbr, acronym, address, code,
+del, dfn, em, img, q, dl, dt, dd, ol, ul, li,
+fieldset, form, label, legend,
+table, caption, tbody, tfoot, thead, tr, th, td {
+ margin: 0;
+ padding: 0;
+ border: 0;
+ font-weight: inherit;
+ font-style: inherit;
+ font-size: 100%;
+ font-family: inherit;
+ vertical-align: baseline;
+body {
+ line-height: 1.5;
+/* Tables still need 'cellspacing="0"' in the markup. */
+table { border-collapse: separate; border-spacing: 0; }
+caption, th, td { text-align: left; font-weight: normal; }
+table, td, th { vertical-align: middle; }
+/* Remove possible quote marks (") from <q>, <blockquote>. */
+blockquote:before, blockquote:after, q:before, q:after { content: ""; }
+blockquote, q { quotes: "" ""; }
+/* Remove annoying border on linked images. */
+a img { border: none; }
Property changes on: DBIC-Web/pages/resources/blueprint/src/reset.css
Name: svn:executable
+ *
Added: DBIC-Web/pages/resources/blueprint/src/typography.css
--- DBIC-Web/pages/resources/blueprint/src/typography.css (rev 0)
+++ DBIC-Web/pages/resources/blueprint/src/typography.css 2009-05-27 21:35:48 UTC (rev 6442)
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------
+ typography.css
+ * Sets up some sensible default typography.
+-------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Default font settings.
+ The font-size percentage is of 16px. (0.75 * 16px = 12px) */
+body {
+ font-size: 75%;
+ color: #222;
+ background: #fff;
+ font-family: "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
+/* Headings
+-------------------------------------------------------------- */
+h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6 { font-weight: normal; color: #111; }
+h1 { font-size: 3em; line-height: 1; margin-bottom: 0.5em; }
+h2 { font-size: 2em; margin-bottom: 0.75em; }
+h3 { font-size: 1.5em; line-height: 1; margin-bottom: 1em; }
+h4 { font-size: 1.2em; line-height: 1.25; margin-bottom: 1.25em; height: 1.25em; }
+h5 { font-size: 1em; font-weight: bold; margin-bottom: 1.5em; }
+h6 { font-size: 1em; font-weight: bold; }
+h1 img, h2 img, h3 img,
+h4 img, h5 img, h6 img {
+ margin: 0;
+/* Text elements
+-------------------------------------------------------------- */
+p { margin: 0 0 1.5em; }
+p img { float: left; margin: 1.5em 1.5em 1.5em 0; padding: 0; }
+p img.right { float: right; margin: 1.5em 0 1.5em 1.5em; }
+a:hover { color: #000; }
+a { color: #009; text-decoration: underline; }
+blockquote { margin: 1.5em; color: #666; font-style: italic; }
+strong { font-weight: bold; }
+em,dfn { font-style: italic; }
+dfn { font-weight: bold; }
+sup, sub { line-height: 0; }
+acronym { border-bottom: 1px dotted #666; }
+address { margin: 0 0 1.5em; font-style: italic; }
+del { color:#666; }
+pre,code { margin: 1.5em 0; white-space: pre; }
+pre,code,tt { font: 1em 'andale mono', 'lucida console', monospace; line-height: 1.5; }
+/* Lists
+-------------------------------------------------------------- */
+li ul,
+li ol { margin:0 1.5em; }
+ul, ol { margin: 0 1.5em 1.5em 1.5em; }
+ul { list-style-type: disc; }
+ol { list-style-type: decimal; }
+dl { margin: 0 0 1.5em 0; }
+dl dt { font-weight: bold; }
+dd { margin-left: 1.5em;}
+/* Tables
+-------------------------------------------------------------- */
+table { margin-bottom: 1.4em; width:100%; }
+th { font-weight: bold; background: #C3D9FF; }
+th,td { padding: 4px 10px 4px 5px; }
+tr.even td { background: #E5ECF9; }
+tfoot { font-style: italic; }
+caption { background: #eee; }
+/* Misc classes
+-------------------------------------------------------------- */
+.small { font-size: .8em; margin-bottom: 1.875em; line-height: 1.875em; }
+.large { font-size: 1.2em; line-height: 2.5em; margin-bottom: 1.25em; }
+.hide { display: none; }
+.quiet { color: #666; }
+.loud { color: #000; }
+.highlight { background:#ff0; }
+.added { background:#060; color: #fff; }
+.removed { background:#900; color: #fff; }
+.first { margin-left:0; padding-left:0; }
+.last { margin-right:0; padding-right:0; }
+.top { margin-top:0; padding-top:0; }
+.bottom { margin-bottom:0; padding-bottom:0; }
Added: DBIC-Web/ttree/dbic-web.cfg
--- DBIC-Web/ttree/dbic-web.cfg (rev 0)
+++ DBIC-Web/ttree/dbic-web.cfg 2009-05-27 21:35:48 UTC (rev 6442)
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# The following options usually relate to a particular project so
+# you'll probably want to put them in a separate configuration file
+# in the directory specified by the 'cfg' option and then invoke tree
+# using '-f' to tell it which configuration you want to use.
+# However, there's nothing to stop you from adding default 'src',
+# 'dest' or 'lib' options in the .ttreerc. The 'src' and 'dest' options
+# can be re-defined in another configuration file, but be aware that 'lib'
+# options accumulate so any 'lib' options defined in the .ttreerc will
+# be applied every time you run ttree.
+# # directory containing source page templates
+src = /home/jessr/dbic-web/pages
+# # directory where output files should be written
+dest = /var/www/dbix-class.desert-island.me.uk/docroot
+# # additional directories of library templates
+lib = /home/jessr/dbic-web/components
+# lib = /second/path/to/your/library/templates
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