[Bast-commits] r7772 - trunk/Devel-REPL/lib/Devel/REPL
naquad at dev.catalyst.perl.org
naquad at dev.catalyst.perl.org
Fri Oct 9 05:04:35 GMT 2009
Author: naquad
Date: 2009-10-09 05:04:35 +0000 (Fri, 09 Oct 2009)
New Revision: 7772
Added overview for beginners page (lib/Devel/REPL/Overview.pod).
Added: trunk/Devel-REPL/lib/Devel/REPL/Overview.pod
--- trunk/Devel-REPL/lib/Devel/REPL/Overview.pod (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Devel-REPL/lib/Devel/REPL/Overview.pod 2009-10-09 05:04:35 UTC (rev 7772)
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+=head1 NAME
+Devel::REPL::Overview - overview of Devel::REPL.
+=head2 What is a console? How it can assist you?
+ Most modern languages have consoles. Console is an interactive tool
+that evaluates your input while you type it.
+It gives you several advantages:
+=over 2
+=item *
+Quickly test some thought or tricky expression
+=item *
+Run some code bigger than one line without a temporary file
+=item *
+Play around with libraries and modules
+=item *
+You can even call a console in your script and play around in script's context
+For Ruby it would be irb, for Python is... python byitself and for perl...
+and there was nothing for perl (except that ugly perl -d -e "" and several
+failed projects) until Devel::REPL was written by Matt S Trout (a.k.a. mst)
+from ShadowCatSystems L<http://www.shadowcatsystems.co.uk>.
+=head2 Devel::REPL - the Perl console
+REPL stands for Read, Evaluate, Print, Loop.
+Lets install and try it.
+ $ cpan Devel::REPL
+After installation you have a lot of new modules,
+but the most interesting things are:
+=over 2
+=item *
+ A top level module.
+=item *
+ Wrapper script, running console.
+And a bunch of plugins (I'll describe them later).
+In command line type:
+ $ re.pl
+If everything is ok you'll see a prompt (underlined $).
+That's it. You can start typing expressions.
+An example session:
+ $ sub factorial {
+ > my $number = shift;
+ > return $number > 1 ? $number * factorial($number-1) : $number;
+ > }
+ $ factorial 1 # by the way, comments are allowed
+ 1 # our return value
+ $ factorial 5
+ 120
+ $ [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
+ $ARRAY1 = [
+ 1,
+ 2,
+ 3, # return values are printed with Data::Dumper::Streamer.
+ 4, # See Plugins section
+ 5,
+ 6,
+ 7
+ ];
+ $ {apple=>1,fruit=>'apple',cart=>['apple','banana']}
+ $HASH1 = {
+ apple => 1,
+ cart => [
+ 'apple',
+ 'banana'
+ ],
+ fruit => 'apple'
+ };
+ $ package MyPackage; # create a package
+ $ sub say_hi { # define a sub
+ > print "Hi!\n";
+ > } # statement is evaluated only after we've finished typing block.
+ # See Plugins section.
+ > __PACKAGE__
+ MyPackage
+ > package main;
+ > __PACKAGE_
+ main
+ > MyPackage->say_hi
+ Hi!
+ 1
+ $
+=head2 Control files a.k.a. I don't want to type it every time
+Devel::REPL has control files feature. Control files are
+evaluated on session start in the same way as you would
+type them manually in console.
+Default control file is located at `$HOME/.re.pl/repl.rc` .
+You can store there any statements you would normally type in.
+I.e. my `$HOME/.re.pl/repl.rc` has next lines:
+ use feature 'say'; # to don't write \n all the time
+ use Data::Dumper;
+ # pretty print data structures
+ sub pp { print Data::Dumper->Dump([@_]) }
+You can have multiple control files and they can be anywhere in the
+file system. To make re.pl use some rc-file other than repl.rc
+call it like this:
+ $ re.pl --rcfile /path/to/your/rc.file
+If your rc-file is in `$HOME/.re.pl` directory, you can omit path:
+ $ re.pl --rcfile rc.file
+If you have rc-file with the same name in current directory
+and you don't want to type path, you can:
+ $ re.pl --rcfile ./rc.file
+=head2 I want it to bark, fly, jump and swim! or Plugins
+Plugins extend functionality and change behavor of Devel::REPL.
+Bundled plugins are:
+=over 2
+=item *
+ No comments. Simply history.
+=item *
+ Provides a lexical environment for the Devel::REPL.
+=item *
+ Formats return values with Data::Dump::Streamer module.
+=item *
+ Keeps track of which package your're in.
+=item *
+ Generic command creation plugin using injected functions.
+=item *
+ Makes Devel::REPL read your input until your block
+ is finished. What does this means: you can type a part of a block
+ on one line and second part on another:
+ $ sub mysub {
+ > print "Hello, World!\n"; ## notice prompt change
+ > }
+ $ mysub
+ Hello, World!
+ 1
+ $
+ but this *doesn't* mean you can print sub name or identifier
+ on several lines. Don't do that! It won't work.
+There are lots of contributed plugins you can find at CPAN.
+=head1 Profiles
+If plugins change and extend functionality of Devel::REPL, profiles
+are changing your environment (loaded plugins, constants, subs and etc.).
+There's only one bundled profile called `Devel::REPL::Profile::Default`, lets
+take a look at it:
+ package Devel::REPL::Profile::Default;
+ use Moose; ### advanced OOP system for Perl
+ ### keep those exports/imports out of our namespace
+ use namespace::clean -except => [ 'meta' ];
+ with 'Devel::REPL::Profile'; ## seem perldoc Muse
+ sub plugins { ### plugins we want to be loaded
+ qw(History LexEnv DDS Packages Commands MultiLine::PPI);
+ }
+ ### the only required sub for profile,
+ ### it is called on profile activation
+ sub apply_profile {
+ my ($self, $repl) = @_;
+ ### $self - no comments, $repl - current instance of Devel::REPL
+ $repl->load_plugin($_) for $self->plugins; ### load our plugins
+ }
+ 1;
+At the moment there are no profiles on CPAN. Mostly you'll use control files.
+To enable some profile use --profile switch:
+ $ re.pl --profile SomeProfile
+=head1 See Also
+L<Devel::REPL>, L<Devel::REPL::Plugin>, L<Devel::REPL::Profile>
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