[Bast-commits] r7489 -
rbuels at dev.catalyst.perl.org
rbuels at dev.catalyst.perl.org
Wed Sep 2 18:08:31 GMT 2009
Author: rbuels
Date: 2009-09-02 18:08:31 +0000 (Wed, 02 Sep 2009)
New Revision: 7489
more cleanup of 72pg.t
Modified: DBIx-Class/0.08/branches/pg_unqualified_schema/t/72pg.t
--- DBIx-Class/0.08/branches/pg_unqualified_schema/t/72pg.t 2009-09-02 17:15:01 UTC (rev 7488)
+++ DBIx-Class/0.08/branches/pg_unqualified_schema/t/72pg.t 2009-09-02 18:08:31 UTC (rev 7489)
@@ -7,21 +7,6 @@
use DBICTest;
- package DBICTest::Schema::ArrayTest;
- use strict;
- use warnings;
- use base 'DBIx::Class';
- __PACKAGE__->load_components(qw/Core/);
- __PACKAGE__->table('testschema.array_test');
- __PACKAGE__->add_columns(qw/id arrayfield/);
- __PACKAGE__->column_info_from_storage(1);
- __PACKAGE__->set_primary_key('id');
my ($dsn, $user, $pass) = @ENV{map { "DBICTEST_PG_${_}" } qw/DSN USER PASS/};
plan skip_all => <<EOM unless $dsn && $user;
@@ -34,194 +19,133 @@
+### load any test classes that are defined further down in the file
-########## Case check
+our @test_classes; #< array that will be pushed into by test classes defined in this file
+DBICTest::Schema->load_classes( map {s/.+:://;$_} @test_classes ) if @test_classes;
- package DBICTest::Schema::Casecheck;
- use strict;
- use warnings;
- use base 'DBIx::Class';
+### pre-connect tests
+ my $s = DBICTest::Schema->connect($dsn, $user, $pass);
- __PACKAGE__->load_components(qw/Core/);
- __PACKAGE__->table('testschema.casecheck');
- __PACKAGE__->add_columns(qw/id name NAME uc_name storecolumn/);
- __PACKAGE__->column_info_from_storage(1);
- __PACKAGE__->set_primary_key('id');
+ ok (!$s->storage->_dbh, 'definitely not connected');
- sub store_column {
- my ($self, $name, $value) = @_;
- $value = '#'.$value if($name eq "storecolumn");
- $self->maybe::next::method($name, $value);
+ # Check that datetime_parser returns correctly before we explicitly connect.
+ SKIP: {
+ eval { require DateTime::Format::Pg };
+ skip "DateTime::Format::Pg required", 2 if $@;
+ my $store = ref $s->storage;
+ is($store, 'DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI', 'Started with generic storage');
+ my $parser = $s->storage->datetime_parser;
+ is( $parser, 'DateTime::Format::Pg', 'datetime_parser is as expected');
-DBICTest::Schema->load_classes( 'Casecheck', 'ArrayTest' );
-# make sure sqlt_type overrides work (::Storage::DBI::Pg does this)
- my $schema = DBICTest::Schema->connect($dsn, $user, $pass);
- ok (!$schema->storage->_dbh, 'definitely not connected');
- is ($schema->storage->sqlt_type, 'PostgreSQL', 'sqlt_type correct pre-connection');
+ # make sure sqlt_type overrides work (::Storage::DBI::Pg does this)
+ is ($s->storage->sqlt_type, 'PostgreSQL', 'sqlt_type correct pre-connection');
+### connect, create postgres-specific test schema
my $schema = DBICTest::Schema->connect($dsn, $user, $pass);
-# Check that datetime_parser returns correctly before we explicitly connect.
-SKIP: {
- eval { require DateTime::Format::Pg };
- skip "DateTime::Format::Pg required", 2 if $@;
+my $dbh = $schema->storage->dbh;
- my $store = ref $schema->storage;
- is($store, 'DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI', 'Started with generic storage');
+drop_test_schema($dbh, 'no warn');
- my $parser = $schema->storage->datetime_parser;
- is( $parser, 'DateTime::Format::Pg', 'datetime_parser is as expected');
+### begin main tests
-my $dbh = $schema->storage->dbh;
+### auto-pk / last_insert_id / sequence discovery
- local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {};
- _cleanup ($dbh);
- my $artist_table_def = <<EOS;
- artistid serial PRIMARY KEY
- , name VARCHAR(100)
- , charfield CHAR(10)
- , arrayfield INTEGER[]
- $dbh->do("CREATE SCHEMA testschema;");
- $dbh->do("CREATE TABLE testschema.artist $artist_table_def;");
- $dbh->do("CREATE TABLE testschema.sequence_test (pkid1 integer, pkid2 integer, nonpkid integer, name VARCHAR(100), CONSTRAINT pk PRIMARY KEY(pkid1, pkid2));");
- $dbh->do("CREATE SEQUENCE pkid1_seq START 1 MAXVALUE 999999 MINVALUE 0");
- $dbh->do("CREATE SEQUENCE pkid2_seq START 10 MAXVALUE 999999 MINVALUE 0");
- $dbh->do("CREATE SEQUENCE nonpkid_seq START 20 MAXVALUE 999999 MINVALUE 0");
- ok ( $dbh->do('CREATE TABLE testschema.casecheck (id serial PRIMARY KEY, "name" VARCHAR(1), "NAME" VARCHAR(2), "UC_NAME" VARCHAR(3), "storecolumn" VARCHAR(10));'), 'Creation of casecheck table');
- ok ( $dbh->do('CREATE TABLE testschema.array_test (id serial PRIMARY KEY, arrayfield INTEGER[]);'), 'Creation of array_test table');
- $dbh->do("CREATE SCHEMA anothertestschema;");
- $dbh->do("CREATE TABLE anothertestschema.artist $artist_table_def;");
- $dbh->do("CREATE SCHEMA yetanothertestschema;");
- $dbh->do("CREATE TABLE yetanothertestschema.artist $artist_table_def;");
- $dbh->do('set search_path=testschema,public');
- $dbh->do("CREATE SCHEMA unq_nextval_schema;");
- $dbh->do("CREATE SCHEMA unq_nextval_schema2;");
- $dbh->do(<<EOS);
- CREATE TABLE unq_nextval_schema.artist
- (
- artistid integer not null default nextval('artist_artistid_seq'::regclass) PRIMARY KEY
- , name VARCHAR(100)
- , charfield CHAR(10)
- , arrayfield INTEGER[]
- );
- $dbh->do('set search_path=public,testschema,yetanothertestschema');
- $dbh->do('create sequence public.artist_artistid_seq'); #< in the public schema
- $dbh->do(<<EOS);
- CREATE TABLE unq_nextval_schema2.artist
- (
- artistid integer not null default nextval('public.artist_artistid_seq'::regclass) PRIMARY KEY
- , name VARCHAR(100)
- , charfield CHAR(10)
- , arrayfield INTEGER[]
- );
- $dbh->do('set search_path=testschema,public');
+ $schema->source("Artist")->name("testschema.artist");
+ # This is in Core now, but it's here just to test that it doesn't break
+ $schema->class('Artist')->load_components('PK::Auto');
+ cmp_ok( $schema->resultset('Artist')->count, '==', 0, 'this should start with an empty artist table');
+ # test that auto-pk also works with the defined search path by
+ # un-schema-qualifying the table name
+ my $artist_name_save = $schema->source("Artist")->name;
+ $schema->source("Artist")->name("artist");
+ my $unq_new;
+ lives_ok {
+ $unq_new = $schema->resultset('Artist')->create({ name => 'baz' });
+ } 'insert into unqualified, shadowed table succeeds';
+ is($unq_new && $unq_new->artistid, 1, "and got correct artistid");
- # This is in Core now, but it's here just to test that it doesn't break
- $schema->class('Artist')->load_components('PK::Auto');
- cmp_ok( $schema->resultset('Artist')->count, '==', 0, 'this should start with an empty artist table');
+ my @test_schemas = ( [qw| anothertestschema 1 |],
+ [qw| yetanothertestschema 1 |],
+ );
+ foreach my $t ( @test_schemas ) {
+ my ($sch_name, $start_num) = @$t;
+ #test with anothertestschema
+ $schema->source('Artist')->name("$sch_name.artist");
+ $schema->source('Artist')->column_info('artistid')->{sequence} = undef; #< clear sequence name cache
+ my $another_new;
+ lives_ok {
+ $another_new = $schema->resultset('Artist')->create({ name => 'Tollbooth Willy'});
+ is( $another_new->artistid,$start_num, "got correct artistid for $sch_name")
+ or diag "USED SEQUENCE: ".($schema->source('Artist')->column_info('artistid')->{sequence} || '<none>');
+ } "$sch_name liid 1 did not die"
+ or diag "USED SEQUENCE: ".($schema->source('Artist')->column_info('artistid')->{sequence} || '<none>');
+ lives_ok {
+ $another_new = $schema->resultset('Artist')->create({ name => 'Adam Sandler'});
+ is( $another_new->artistid,$start_num+1, "got correct artistid for $sch_name")
+ or diag "USED SEQUENCE: ".($schema->source('Artist')->column_info('artistid')->{sequence} || '<none>');
+ } "$sch_name liid 2 did not die"
+ or diag "USED SEQUENCE: ".($schema->source('Artist')->column_info('artistid')->{sequence} || '<none>');
- # test that auto-pk also works with the defined search path by
- # un-schema-qualifying the table name
- my $artist_name_save = $schema->source("Artist")->name;
- $schema->source("Artist")->name("artist");
+ }
- my $unq_new;
- lives_ok {
- $unq_new = $schema->resultset('Artist')->create({ name => 'baz' });
- } 'insert into unqualified, shadowed table succeeds';
- is($unq_new && $unq_new->artistid, 1, "and got correct artistid");
+ my @todo_schemas = (
+ [qw| unq_nextval_schema 2 |],
+ [qw| unq_nextval_schema2 1 |],
+ );
- my @test_schemas = ( [qw| anothertestschema 1 |],
- [qw| yetanothertestschema 1 |],
- );
- foreach my $t ( @test_schemas ) {
- my ($sch_name, $start_num) = @$t;
- #test with anothertestschema
- $schema->source('Artist')->name("$sch_name.artist");
- $schema->source('Artist')->column_info('artistid')->{sequence} = undef; #< clear sequence name cache
- my $another_new;
- lives_ok {
- $another_new = $schema->resultset('Artist')->create({ name => 'Tollbooth Willy'});
- is( $another_new->artistid,$start_num, "got correct artistid for $sch_name")
- or diag "USED SEQUENCE: ".($schema->source('Artist')->column_info('artistid')->{sequence} || '<none>');
- } "$sch_name liid 1 did not die"
- or diag "USED SEQUENCE: ".($schema->source('Artist')->column_info('artistid')->{sequence} || '<none>');
- lives_ok {
- $another_new = $schema->resultset('Artist')->create({ name => 'Adam Sandler'});
- is( $another_new->artistid,$start_num+1, "got correct artistid for $sch_name")
- or diag "USED SEQUENCE: ".($schema->source('Artist')->column_info('artistid')->{sequence} || '<none>');
- } "$sch_name liid 2 did not die"
- or diag "USED SEQUENCE: ".($schema->source('Artist')->column_info('artistid')->{sequence} || '<none>');
+ foreach my $t ( @todo_schemas ) {
+ my ($sch_name, $start_num) = @$t;
- }
+ #test with anothertestschema
+ $schema->source('Artist')->name("$sch_name.artist");
+ $schema->source('Artist')->column_info('artistid')->{sequence} = undef; #< clear sequence name cache
+ my $another_new;
+ lives_ok {
+ $another_new = $schema->resultset('Artist')->create({ name => 'Tollbooth Willy'});
+ is( $another_new->artistid,$start_num, "got correct artistid for $sch_name")
+ or diag "USED SEQUENCE: ".($schema->source('Artist')->column_info('artistid')->{sequence} || '<none>');
+ } "$sch_name liid 1 did not die"
+ or diag "USED SEQUENCE: ".($schema->source('Artist')->column_info('artistid')->{sequence} || '<none>');
+ lives_ok {
+ $another_new = $schema->resultset('Artist')->create({ name => 'Adam Sandler'});
+ is( $another_new->artistid,$start_num+1, "got correct artistid for $sch_name")
+ or diag "USED SEQUENCE: ".($schema->source('Artist')->column_info('artistid')->{sequence} || '<none>');
+ } "$sch_name liid 2 did not die"
+ or diag "USED SEQUENCE: ".($schema->source('Artist')->column_info('artistid')->{sequence} || '<none>');
+ }
- my @todo_schemas = (
- [qw| unq_nextval_schema 2 |],
- [qw| unq_nextval_schema2 1 |],
- );
- foreach my $t ( @todo_schemas ) {
- my ($sch_name, $start_num) = @$t;
- #test with anothertestschema
- $schema->source('Artist')->name("$sch_name.artist");
$schema->source('Artist')->column_info('artistid')->{sequence} = undef; #< clear sequence name cache
- my $another_new;
- lives_ok {
- $another_new = $schema->resultset('Artist')->create({ name => 'Tollbooth Willy'});
- is( $another_new->artistid,$start_num, "got correct artistid for $sch_name")
- or diag "USED SEQUENCE: ".($schema->source('Artist')->column_info('artistid')->{sequence} || '<none>');
- } "$sch_name liid 1 did not die"
- or diag "USED SEQUENCE: ".($schema->source('Artist')->column_info('artistid')->{sequence} || '<none>');
- lives_ok {
- $another_new = $schema->resultset('Artist')->create({ name => 'Adam Sandler'});
- is( $another_new->artistid,$start_num+1, "got correct artistid for $sch_name")
- or diag "USED SEQUENCE: ".($schema->source('Artist')->column_info('artistid')->{sequence} || '<none>');
- } "$sch_name liid 2 did not die"
- or diag "USED SEQUENCE: ".($schema->source('Artist')->column_info('artistid')->{sequence} || '<none>');
- }
- $schema->source('Artist')->column_info('artistid')->{sequence} = undef; #< clear sequence name cache
- $schema->source("Artist")->name($artist_name_save);
+ $schema->source("Artist")->name($artist_name_save);
-my $new;
lives_ok {
- $new = $schema->resultset('Artist')->create({ name => 'foo' });
+ my $new = $schema->resultset('Artist')->create({ name => 'foo' });
is($new->artistid, 4, "Auto-PK worked");
$new = $schema->resultset('Artist')->create({ name => 'bar' });
is($new->artistid, 5, "Auto-PK worked");
} 'old auto-pk tests did not die either';
+### type_info tests
my $test_type_info = {
'artistid' => {
'data_type' => 'integer',
@@ -255,7 +179,6 @@
my $type_info = $schema->storage->columns_info_for('testschema.artist');
my $artistid_defval = delete $type_info->{artistid}->{default_value};
@@ -264,6 +187,26 @@
is_deeply($type_info, $test_type_info,
'columns_info_for - column data types');
+####### Array tests
+ package DBICTest::Schema::ArrayTest;
+ push @main::test_classes, __PACKAGE__;
+ use strict;
+ use warnings;
+ use base 'DBIx::Class';
+ __PACKAGE__->load_components(qw/Core/);
+ __PACKAGE__->table('testschema.array_test');
+ __PACKAGE__->add_columns(qw/id arrayfield/);
+ __PACKAGE__->column_info_from_storage(1);
+ __PACKAGE__->set_primary_key('id');
skip "Need DBD::Pg 2.9.2 or newer for array tests", 4 if $DBD::Pg::VERSION < 2.009002;
@@ -293,6 +236,30 @@
+########## Case check
+ package DBICTest::Schema::Casecheck;
+ push @main::test_classes, __PACKAGE__;
+ use strict;
+ use warnings;
+ use base 'DBIx::Class';
+ __PACKAGE__->load_components(qw/Core/);
+ __PACKAGE__->table('testschema.casecheck');
+ __PACKAGE__->add_columns(qw/id name NAME uc_name storecolumn/);
+ __PACKAGE__->column_info_from_storage(1);
+ __PACKAGE__->set_primary_key('id');
+ sub store_column {
+ my ($self, $name, $value) = @_;
+ $value = '#'.$value if($name eq "storecolumn");
+ $self->maybe::next::method($name, $value);
+ }
# store_column is called once for create() for non sequence columns
ok(my $storecolumn = $schema->resultset('Casecheck')->create({'storecolumn' => 'a'}));
is($storecolumn->storecolumn, '#a'); # was '##a'
@@ -306,12 +273,15 @@
my $uc_name_info = $schema->source('Casecheck')->column_info( 'uc_name' );
is( $uc_name_info->{size}, 3, "Case insensitive matching info for 'uc_name'" );
my $HaveSysSigAction = eval "require Sys::SigAction" && !$@;
-if ($HaveSysSigAction) {
+if( $HaveSysSigAction ) {
Sys::SigAction->import( 'set_sig_handler' );
skip "Sys::SigAction is not available", 3 unless $HaveSysSigAction;
# create a new schema
@@ -383,6 +353,10 @@
+######## other Auto-pk tests
for (1..5) {
my $st = $schema->resultset('SequenceTest')->create({ name => 'foo' });
is($st->pkid1, $_, "Oracle Auto-PK without trigger: First primary key");
@@ -392,15 +366,98 @@
my $st = $schema->resultset('SequenceTest')->create({ name => 'foo', pkid1 => 55 });
is($st->pkid1, 55, "Oracle Auto-PK without trigger: First primary key set manually");
-#_cleanup ($dbh);
+END { drop_test_schema($dbh) }
-sub _cleanup {
- my $dbh = shift or return;
- $dbh->ping or return;
+######### SUBROUTINES
+sub create_test_schema {
+ my $dbh = shift;
+ local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {};
+ my $std_artist_table = <<EOS;
+ artistid serial PRIMARY KEY
+ , name VARCHAR(100)
+ , charfield CHAR(10)
+ , arrayfield INTEGER[]
+ $dbh->do("CREATE SCHEMA testschema");
+ $dbh->do("CREATE TABLE testschema.artist $std_artist_table");
+ $dbh->do(<<EOS);
+CREATE TABLE testschema.sequence_test (
+ pkid1 integer
+ , pkid2 integer
+ , nonpkid integer
+ , name VARCHAR(100)
+ , CONSTRAINT pk PRIMARY KEY(pkid1, pkid2)
+ $dbh->do("CREATE SEQUENCE pkid1_seq START 1 MAXVALUE 999999 MINVALUE 0");
+ $dbh->do("CREATE SEQUENCE pkid2_seq START 10 MAXVALUE 999999 MINVALUE 0");
+ $dbh->do("CREATE SEQUENCE nonpkid_seq START 20 MAXVALUE 999999 MINVALUE 0");
+ $dbh->do(<<EOS);
+CREATE TABLE testschema.casecheck (
+ id serial PRIMARY KEY
+ , "name" VARCHAR(1)
+ , "storecolumn" VARCHAR(10)
+ $dbh->do(<<EOS);
+CREATE TABLE testschema.array_test (
+ id serial PRIMARY KEY
+ , arrayfield INTEGER[]
+ $dbh->do("CREATE SCHEMA anothertestschema");
+ $dbh->do("CREATE TABLE anothertestschema.artist $std_artist_table");
+ $dbh->do("CREATE SCHEMA yetanothertestschema");
+ $dbh->do("CREATE TABLE yetanothertestschema.artist $std_artist_table");
+ $dbh->do('set search_path=testschema,public');
+ $dbh->do("CREATE SCHEMA unq_nextval_schema");
+ $dbh->do("CREATE SCHEMA unq_nextval_schema2");
+ $dbh->do(<<EOS);
+ CREATE TABLE unq_nextval_schema.artist
+ (
+ artistid integer not null default nextval('artist_artistid_seq'::regclass) PRIMARY KEY
+ , name VARCHAR(100)
+ , charfield CHAR(10)
+ , arrayfield INTEGER[]
+ );
+ $dbh->do('set search_path=public,testschema,yetanothertestschema');
+ $dbh->do('create sequence public.artist_artistid_seq'); #< in the public schema
+ $dbh->do(<<EOS);
+ CREATE TABLE unq_nextval_schema2.artist
+ (
+ artistid integer not null default nextval('public.artist_artistid_seq'::regclass) PRIMARY KEY
+ , name VARCHAR(100)
+ , charfield CHAR(10)
+ , arrayfield INTEGER[]
+ );
+ $dbh->do('set search_path=testschema,public');
+sub drop_test_schema {
+ my ( $dbh, $no_warn ) = @_;
+ return unless $dbh->ping;
for my $stat (
'DROP TABLE unq_nextval_schema2.artist',
'DROP SCHEMA unq_nextval_schema2',
@@ -421,8 +478,7 @@
'DROP SCHEMA yetanothertestschema',
) {
eval { $dbh->do ($stat) };
- diag $@ if $@;
+ diag $@ if $@ && !$no_warn;
-END { _cleanup($dbh) }
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