[Bast-commits] r7573 - in DBIx-Class/0.08/branches: . disregard_this_branch/lib/DBIx/Class/Storage disregard_this_branch/lib/DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI disregard_this_branch/t

ribasushi at dev.catalyst.perl.org ribasushi at dev.catalyst.perl.org
Sat Sep 5 08:56:23 GMT 2009

Author: ribasushi
Date: 2009-09-05 08:56:23 +0000 (Sat, 05 Sep 2009)
New Revision: 7573

WTF branch

Copied: DBIx-Class/0.08/branches/disregard_this_branch (from rev 7571, DBIx-Class/0.08/trunk)

Modified: DBIx-Class/0.08/branches/disregard_this_branch/lib/DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI/MSSQL.pm
--- DBIx-Class/0.08/trunk/lib/DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI/MSSQL.pm	2009-09-04 19:49:54 UTC (rev 7571)
+++ DBIx-Class/0.08/branches/disregard_this_branch/lib/DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI/MSSQL.pm	2009-09-05 08:56:23 UTC (rev 7573)
@@ -16,29 +16,9 @@
 sub insert_bulk {
   my $self = shift;
-  my ($source, $cols, $data) = @_;
-  my $identity_insert = 0;
-  foreach my $col (@{$cols}) {
-    if ($source->column_info($col)->{is_auto_increment}) {
-      $identity_insert = 1;
-      last COLUMNS;
-    }
-  }
-  if ($identity_insert) {
-    my $table = $source->from;
-    $self->_get_dbh->do("SET IDENTITY_INSERT $table ON");
-  }
-  if ($identity_insert) {
-    my $table = $source->from;
-    $self->_get_dbh->do("SET IDENTITY_INSERT $table OFF");
-  }
 # support MSSQL GUID column types

Modified: DBIx-Class/0.08/branches/disregard_this_branch/lib/DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI.pm
--- DBIx-Class/0.08/trunk/lib/DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI.pm	2009-09-04 19:49:54 UTC (rev 7571)
+++ DBIx-Class/0.08/branches/disregard_this_branch/lib/DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI.pm	2009-09-05 08:56:23 UTC (rev 7573)
@@ -1312,65 +1312,10 @@
     goto $self->can('insert_bulk');
-  my %colvalues;
-  my $table = $source->from;
-  @colvalues{@$cols} = (0..$#$cols);
-  my ($sql, @bind) = $self->sql_maker->insert($table, \%colvalues);
+  Carp::Clan::cluck ('This is where we are');
-  $self->_query_start( $sql, @bind );
-  my $sth = $self->sth($sql);
+  die 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx';
-#  @bind = map { ref $_ ? ''.$_ : $_ } @bind; # stringify args
-  ## This must be an arrayref, else nothing works!
-  my $tuple_status = [];
-  ## Get the bind_attributes, if any exist
-  my $bind_attributes = $self->source_bind_attributes($source);
-  ## Bind the values and execute
-  my $placeholder_index = 1;
-  foreach my $bound (@bind) {
-    my $attributes = {};
-    my ($column_name, $data_index) = @$bound;
-    if( $bind_attributes ) {
-      $attributes = $bind_attributes->{$column_name}
-      if defined $bind_attributes->{$column_name};
-    }
-    my @data = map { $_->[$data_index] } @$data;
-    $sth->bind_param_array( $placeholder_index, [@data], $attributes );
-    $placeholder_index++;
-  }
-  my $rv = eval { $sth->execute_array({ArrayTupleStatus => $tuple_status}) };
-  if (my $err = $@) {
-    my $i = 0;
-    ++$i while $i <= $#$tuple_status && !ref $tuple_status->[$i];
-    $self->throw_exception($sth->errstr || "Unexpected populate error: $err")
-      if ($i > $#$tuple_status);
-    require Data::Dumper;
-    local $Data::Dumper::Terse = 1;
-    local $Data::Dumper::Indent = 1;
-    local $Data::Dumper::Useqq = 1;
-    local $Data::Dumper::Quotekeys = 0;
-    $self->throw_exception(sprintf "%s for populate slice:\n%s",
-      $tuple_status->[$i][1],
-      Data::Dumper::Dumper(
-        { map { $cols->[$_] => $data->[$i][$_] } (0 .. $#$cols) }
-      ),
-    );
-  }
-  $self->throw_exception($sth->errstr) if !$rv;
-  $self->_query_end( $sql, @bind );
-  return (wantarray ? ($rv, $sth, @bind) : $rv);
 sub update {

Modified: DBIx-Class/0.08/branches/disregard_this_branch/t/746mssql.t
--- DBIx-Class/0.08/trunk/t/746mssql.t	2009-09-04 19:49:54 UTC (rev 7571)
+++ DBIx-Class/0.08/branches/disregard_this_branch/t/746mssql.t	2009-09-05 08:56:23 UTC (rev 7573)
@@ -12,172 +12,13 @@
 plan skip_all => 'Set $ENV{DBICTEST_MSSQL_ODBC_DSN}, _USER and _PASS to run this test'
   unless ($dsn && $user);
-plan tests => 39;
 my $schema = DBICTest::Schema->connect($dsn, $user, $pass);
-  no warnings 'redefine';
-  my $connect_count = 0;
-  my $orig_connect = \&DBI::connect;
-  local *DBI::connect = sub { $connect_count++; goto &$orig_connect };
-  $schema->storage->ensure_connected;
-  is( $connect_count, 1, 'only one connection made');
 isa_ok( $schema->storage, 'DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::ODBC::Microsoft_SQL_Server' );
 $schema->storage->dbh_do (sub {
     my ($storage, $dbh) = @_;
-    eval { $dbh->do("DROP TABLE artist") };
-    $dbh->do(<<'SQL');
-CREATE TABLE artist (
-   name VARCHAR(100),
-   rank INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '13',
-   charfield CHAR(10) NULL,
-   primary key(artistid)
-my %seen_id;
-my @opts = (
-  { on_connect_call => 'use_dynamic_cursors' },
-  {},
-my $new;
-# test Auto-PK with different options
-for my $opts (@opts) {
-  SKIP: {
-    $schema = DBICTest::Schema->connect($dsn, $user, $pass, $opts);
-    eval {
-      $schema->storage->ensure_connected
-    };
-    if ($@ =~ /dynamic cursors/) {
-      skip
-'Dynamic Cursors not functional, tds_version 8.0 or greater required if using'.
-' FreeTDS', 1;
-    }
-    $schema->resultset('Artist')->search({ name => 'foo' })->delete;
-    $new = $schema->resultset('Artist')->create({ name => 'foo' });
-    ok($new->artistid > 0, "Auto-PK worked");
-  }
-# test LIMIT support
-for (1..6) {
-    $new = $schema->resultset('Artist')->create({ name => 'Artist ' . $_ });
-    is ( $seen_id{$new->artistid}, undef, "id for Artist $_ is unique" );
-    $seen_id{$new->artistid}++;
-my $it = $schema->resultset('Artist')->search( {}, {
-    rows => 3,
-    order_by => 'artistid',
-is( $it->count, 3, "LIMIT count ok" );
-is( $it->next->name, "foo", "iterator->next ok" );
-is( $it->next->name, "Artist 2", "iterator->next ok" );
-is( $it->next, undef, "next past end of resultset ok" );
-# test GUID columns
-$schema->storage->dbh_do (sub {
-    my ($storage, $dbh) = @_;
-    eval { $dbh->do("DROP TABLE artist") };
-    $dbh->do(<<'SQL');
-CREATE TABLE artist (
-   name VARCHAR(100),
-   rank INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '13',
-   charfield CHAR(10) NULL,
-   primary key(artistid)
-# start disconnected to make sure insert works on an un-reblessed storage
-$schema = DBICTest::Schema->connect($dsn, $user, $pass);
-my $row;
-lives_ok {
-  $row = $schema->resultset('ArtistGUID')->create({ name => 'mtfnpy' })
-} 'created a row with a GUID';
-  eval { $row->artistid },
-  'row has GUID PK col populated',
-diag $@ if $@;
-  eval { $row->a_guid },
-  'row has a GUID col with auto_nextval populated',
-diag $@ if $@;
-my $row_from_db = $schema->resultset('ArtistGUID')
-  ->search({ name => 'mtfnpy' })->first;
-is $row_from_db->artistid, $row->artistid,
-  'PK GUID round trip';
-is $row_from_db->a_guid, $row->a_guid,
-  'NON-PK GUID round trip';
-# test MONEY type
-$schema->storage->dbh_do (sub {
-    my ($storage, $dbh) = @_;
-    eval { $dbh->do("DROP TABLE money_test") };
-    $dbh->do(<<'SQL');
-CREATE TABLE money_test (
-   amount MONEY NULL
-my $rs = $schema->resultset('Money');
-lives_ok {
-  $row = $rs->create({ amount => 100 });
-} 'inserted a money value';
-cmp_ok $rs->find($row->id)->amount, '==', 100, 'money value round-trip';
-lives_ok {
-  $row->update({ amount => 200 });
-} 'updated a money value';
-cmp_ok $rs->find($row->id)->amount, '==', 200,
-  'updated money value round-trip';
-lives_ok {
-  $row->update({ amount => undef });
-} 'updated a money value to NULL';
-is $rs->find($row->id)->amount, undef,'updated money value to NULL round-trip';
-$schema->storage->dbh_do (sub {
-    my ($storage, $dbh) = @_;
     eval { $dbh->do("DROP TABLE Owners") };
     eval { $dbh->do("DROP TABLE Books") };
@@ -241,102 +82,4 @@
 }, 'populate without PKs supplied ok' );
-# try a prefetch on tables with identically named columns
-# set quote char - make sure things work while quoted
-$schema->storage->_sql_maker->{quote_char} = [qw/[ ]/];
-$schema->storage->_sql_maker->{name_sep} = '.';
-  # try a ->has_many direction
-  my $owners = $schema->resultset ('Owners')->search ({
-      'books.id' => { '!=', undef }
-    }, {
-      prefetch => 'books',
-      order_by => 'name',
-      rows     => 3,  # 8 results total
-    });
-  is ($owners->page(1)->all, 3, 'has_many prefetch returns correct number of rows');
-  is ($owners->page(1)->count, 3, 'has-many prefetch returns correct count');
-  TODO: {
-    local $TODO = 'limit past end of resultset problem';
-    is ($owners->page(3)->all, 2, 'has_many prefetch returns correct number of rows');
-    is ($owners->page(3)->count, 2, 'has-many prefetch returns correct count');
-    is ($owners->page(3)->count_rs->next, 2, 'has-many prefetch returns correct count_rs');
-    # make sure count does not become overly complex
-    is_same_sql_bind (
-      $owners->page(3)->count_rs->as_query,
-      '(
-        SELECT COUNT( * )
-          FROM (
-            SELECT TOP 3 [me].[id]
-              FROM [owners] [me]
-              LEFT JOIN [books] [books] ON [books].[owner] = [me].[id]
-            WHERE ( [books].[id] IS NOT NULL )
-            GROUP BY [me].[id]
-            ORDER BY [me].[id] DESC
-          ) [count_subq]
-      )',
-      [],
-    );
-  }
-  # try a ->belongs_to direction (no select collapse, group_by should work)
-  my $books = $schema->resultset ('BooksInLibrary')->search ({
-      'owner.name' => [qw/wiggle woggle/],
-    }, {
-      distinct => 1,
-      prefetch => 'owner',
-      rows     => 2,  # 3 results total
-      order_by => { -desc => 'owner' },
-      # there is no sane way to order by the right side of a grouped prefetch currently :(
-      #order_by => { -desc => 'owner.name' },
-    });
-  is ($books->page(1)->all, 2, 'Prefetched grouped search returns correct number of rows');
-  is ($books->page(1)->count, 2, 'Prefetched grouped search returns correct count');
-  TODO: {
-    local $TODO = 'limit past end of resultset problem';
-    is ($books->page(2)->all, 1, 'Prefetched grouped search returns correct number of rows');
-    is ($books->page(2)->count, 1, 'Prefetched grouped search returns correct count');
-    is ($books->page(2)->count_rs->next, 1, 'Prefetched grouped search returns correct count_rs');
-    # make sure count does not become overly complex (FIXME - the distinct-induced group_by is incorrect)
-    is_same_sql_bind (
-      $books->page(2)->count_rs->as_query,
-      '(
-        SELECT COUNT( * )
-          FROM (
-            SELECT TOP 2 [me].[id]
-              FROM [books] [me]
-              JOIN [owners] [owner] ON [owner].[id] = [me].[owner]
-            WHERE ( ( ( [owner].[name] = ? OR [owner].[name] = ? ) AND [source] = ? ) )
-            GROUP BY [me].[id], [me].[source], [me].[owner], [me].[title], [me].[price]
-            ORDER BY [me].[id] DESC
-          ) [count_subq]
-      )',
-      [
-        [ 'owner.name' => 'wiggle' ],
-        [ 'owner.name' => 'woggle' ],
-        [ 'source' => 'Library' ],
-      ],
-    );
-  }
-# clean up our mess
-END {
-  if (my $dbh = eval { $schema->storage->_dbh }) {
-    eval { $dbh->do("DROP TABLE $_") }
-      for qw/artist money_test Books Owners/;
-  }
-# vim:sw=2 sts=2

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