[Bast-commits] r9650 - in DBIx-Class-Tree/trunk: .
lib/DBIx/Class/Tree t/lib
frew at dev.catalyst.perl.org
frew at dev.catalyst.perl.org
Fri Aug 20 20:35:00 GMT 2010
Author: frew
Date: 2010-08-20 21:35:00 +0100 (Fri, 20 Aug 2010)
New Revision: 9650
Add patch for nebulous
Modified: DBIx-Class-Tree/trunk/Changes
--- DBIx-Class-Tree/trunk/Changes 2010-08-11 04:29:43 UTC (rev 9649)
+++ DBIx-Class-Tree/trunk/Changes 2010-08-20 20:35:00 UTC (rev 9650)
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
Revision history for DBIx::Class::Tree
+ - Added ordered ancesors (nebulous)
0.03001 2010-04-25
- Fixed the parents (note the plural) relationship to
not have cascade_copy set by default
Modified: DBIx-Class-Tree/trunk/lib/DBIx/Class/Tree/AdjacencyList.pm
--- DBIx-Class-Tree/trunk/lib/DBIx/Class/Tree/AdjacencyList.pm 2010-08-11 04:29:43 UTC (rev 9649)
+++ DBIx-Class-Tree/trunk/lib/DBIx/Class/Tree/AdjacencyList.pm 2010-08-20 20:35:00 UTC (rev 9650)
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
-In your Schema or DB class add Tree::AdjacencyList to the top
+In your Schema or DB class add Tree::AdjacencyList to the top
of the component list.
__PACKAGE__->load_components(qw( Tree::AdjacencyList ... ));
@@ -39,24 +39,24 @@
use My::Employee;
my $employee = My::Employee->create({ name=>'Matt S. Trout' });
my $rs = $employee->children();
my @siblings = $employee->children();
my $parent = $employee->parent();
$employee->parent( 7 );
-This module provides methods for working with adjacency lists. The
-adjacency list model is a very common way of representing a tree structure.
-In this model each row in a table has a prent ID column that references the
-primary key of another row in the same table. Because of this the primary
-key must only be one column and is usually some sort of integer. The row
-with a parent ID of 0 is the root node and is usually the parent of all
-other rows. Although, there is no limitation in this module that would
+This module provides methods for working with adjacency lists. The
+adjacency list model is a very common way of representing a tree structure.
+In this model each row in a table has a prent ID column that references the
+primary key of another row in the same table. Because of this the primary
+key must only be one column and is usually some sort of integer. The row
+with a parent ID of 0 is the root node and is usually the parent of all
+other rows. Although, there is no limitation in this module that would
stop you from having multiple root nodes.
=head1 METHODS
@@ -65,13 +65,13 @@
-Declares the name of the column that contains the self-referential
-ID which defines the parent row. Defaults to "parent_id". This
-will create a has_many (children) and belongs_to (parent)
+Declares the name of the column that contains the self-referential
+ID which defines the parent row. Defaults to "parent_id". This
+will create a has_many (children) and belongs_to (parent)
-This method also setups an additional has_many relationship called
-parents which is useful when you want to treat an adjacency list
+This method also setups an additional has_many relationship called
+parents which is useful when you want to treat an adjacency list
as a DAG.
@@ -134,12 +134,12 @@
$employee->parent( $parent_obj );
$employee->parent( $parent_id );
-Retrieves the object's parent object, or changes the object's
-parent to the specified parent or parent ID. If you would like
+Retrieves the object's parent object, or changes the object's
+parent to the specified parent or parent ID. If you would like
to make the object the root node, just set the parent to 0.
-If you are setting the parent then 0 will be returned if the
-specified parent is already the object's parent and 1 on
+If you are setting the parent then 0 will be returned if the
+specified parent is already the object's parent and 1 on
@@ -171,7 +171,26 @@
return $self->_parent();
+=head2 ancestors
+ @list = $employee->ancestors();
+Returns a list of ancestors starting with a record's
+parent and moving toward the tree root.
+sub ancestors {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my @ancestors = ();
+ my $rec = $self;
+ while ($rec = $rec->parent) {
+ push(@ancestors, $rec);
+ }
+ return @ancestors;
=head2 has_descendant
if ($employee->has_descendant( $id )) { ... }
@@ -200,10 +219,10 @@
my $parents = $node->parents();
my @parents = $node->parents();
-This has_many relationship is not that useful as it will
-never return more than one parent due to the one-to-many
-structure of adjacency lists. The reason this relationship
-is defined is so that this tree type may be treated as if
+This has_many relationship is not that useful as it will
+never return more than one parent due to the one-to-many
+structure of adjacency lists. The reason this relationship
+is defined is so that this tree type may be treated as if
it was a DAG.
=head2 children
@@ -211,9 +230,9 @@
my $children_rs = $employee->children();
my @children = $employee->children();
-Returns a list or record set, depending on context, of all
-the objects one level below the current one. This method
-is created when parent_column() is called, which sets up a
+Returns a list or record set, depending on context, of all
+the objects one level below the current one. This method
+is created when parent_column() is called, which sets up a
has_many relationship called children.
=head2 attach_child
@@ -221,8 +240,8 @@
$parent->attach_child( $child );
$parent->attach_child( $child, $child, ... );
-Sets the child, or children, to the new parent. Returns 1
-on success and returns 0 if the parent object already has
+Sets the child, or children, to the new parent. Returns 1
+on success and returns 0 if the parent object already has
the child.
@@ -241,7 +260,7 @@
my $rs = $node->siblings();
my @siblings = $node->siblings();
-Returns either a result set or an array of all other objects
+Returns either a result set or an array of all other objects
with the same parent as the calling object.
@@ -265,8 +284,8 @@
$obj->attach_sibling( $sibling );
$obj->attach_sibling( $sibling, $sibling, ... );
-Sets the passed in object(s) to have the same parent
-as the calling object. Returns 1 on success and
+Sets the passed in object(s) to have the same parent
+as the calling object. Returns 1 on success and
0 if the sibling already has the same parent.
@@ -316,7 +335,7 @@
if ($obj->is_branch()) { ... }
-Returns 1 if the object has a parent and has children.
+Returns 1 if the object has a parent and has children.
Returns 0 otherwise.
@@ -328,10 +347,10 @@
=head2 set_primary_key
-This method is an override of DBIx::Class' method for setting the
-class' primary key column(s). This method passes control right on
-to the normal method after first validating that only one column is
-being selected as a primary key. If more than one column is then
+This method is an override of DBIx::Class' method for setting the
+class' primary key column(s). This method passes control right on
+to the normal method after first validating that only one column is
+being selected as a primary key. If more than one column is then
an error will be thrown.
Modified: DBIx-Class-Tree/trunk/t/lib/TreeTest.pm
--- DBIx-Class-Tree/trunk/t/lib/TreeTest.pm 2010-08-11 04:29:43 UTC (rev 9649)
+++ DBIx-Class-Tree/trunk/t/lib/TreeTest.pm 2010-08-20 20:35:00 UTC (rev 9650)
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
our $NODE_COUNT = 80;
sub count_tests {
- my $count = 14;
+ my $count = 17;
if( TreeTest::Schema::Node->can('position_column') ){
$count ++;
@@ -51,6 +51,11 @@
ok( ($nodes->find(22)->parents->count()==1), 'node 22 has correct number of parents' );
ok( (($nodes->find(22)->parents->all())[0]->id()==$nodes->find(22)->parent->id()), 'node 22 parent matches parents' );
+ my @ancestors = $nodes->find(44)->ancestors();
+ ok( scalar(@ancestors)==8, 'node 44 has correct number of ancestors' );
+ ok( $ancestors[0]->id == $nodes->find(44)->parent_id, 'node 44\'s first ancestor is its parent' );
+ ok( $ancestors[-1]->name eq 'root', 'node 44\'s last ancestor is root' );
if( TreeTest::Schema::Node->can('position_column') ){
ok( check_positions(scalar $root->children()), 'positions are correct' );
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