[Bast-commits] r8307 -
ovid at dev.catalyst.perl.org
ovid at dev.catalyst.perl.org
Thu Jan 14 14:37:35 GMT 2010
Author: ovid
Date: 2010-01-14 14:37:35 +0000 (Thu, 14 Jan 2010)
New Revision: 8307
Attempt to factor our alias handling has mostly failed.
Modified: DBIx-Class/0.08/branches/prefetch_pager/lib/DBIx/Class/Storage/DBIHacks.pm
--- DBIx-Class/0.08/branches/prefetch_pager/lib/DBIx/Class/Storage/DBIHacks.pm 2010-01-14 07:35:31 UTC (rev 8306)
+++ DBIx-Class/0.08/branches/prefetch_pager/lib/DBIx/Class/Storage/DBIHacks.pm 2010-01-14 14:37:35 UTC (rev 8307)
@@ -68,11 +68,16 @@
$from = [ @$from ];
$from->[0] = [ $from->[0] ];
- my ( $restrict_aliases, $select_aliases, $prefetch_aliases ) =
- $self->_choose_aliases_to_include( $from, $where, $inner_select, $inner_attrs, $outer_select,
+ my ( $ra1, $sa1, $pa1 ) =
+ $self->_resolve_aliases_from_select_args( $from, $where, $inner_select,
+ $inner_attrs, );
+ my ( $ra2, $sa2, $pa2 ) =
+ $self->_resolve_aliases_from_select_args( $from, $where, $outer_select,
$outer_attrs, );
+ my $restrict_aliases = { %$ra1, %$ra2 };
+ my $select_aliases = { %$sa1, %$sa2 };
+ my $prefetch_aliases = { %$pa1, %$pa2 };
# construct the inner $from for the subquery
my %inner_joins = (map { %{$_ || {}} } ($restrict_aliases, $select_aliases) );
my @inner_from;
@@ -180,6 +185,85 @@
return (\@outer_from, $outer_select, $where, $outer_attrs);
+sub _resolve_aliases_from_select_args {
+ my ( $self, $from, $where, $select, $attrs ) = @_;
+ my %original_join_info = map { $_->[0]{-alias} => $_->[0] } (@$from);
+ # decide which parts of the join will remain in either part of
+ # the outer/inner query
+ # First we compose a list of which aliases are used in restrictions
+ # (i.e. conditions/order/grouping/etc). Since we do not have
+ # introspectable SQLA, we fall back to ugly scanning of raw SQL for
+ # WHERE, and for pieces of ORDER BY in order to determine which aliases
+ # need to appear in the resulting sql.
+ # It may not be very efficient, but it's a reasonable stop-gap
+ # Also unqualified column names will not be considered, but more often
+ # than not this is actually ok
+ #
+ # In the same loop we enumerate part of the selection aliases, as
+ # it requires the same sqla hack for the time being
+ my ( $restrict_aliases, $select_aliases, $prefetch_aliases ) = ( {}, {}, {} );
+ {
+ # produce stuff unquoted, so it can be scanned
+ my $sql_maker = $self->sql_maker;
+ local $sql_maker->{quote_char};
+ my $sep = $self->_sql_maker_opts->{name_sep} || '.';
+ $sep = "\Q$sep\E";
+ my $non_prefetch_select_sql = $sql_maker->_recurse_fields ($select) || '';
+ my $prefetch_select_sql = $sql_maker->_recurse_fields ($attrs->{_prefetch_select}) || '';
+ my $where_sql = $sql_maker->where ($where);
+ my $group_by_sql = $sql_maker->_order_by({
+ map { $_ => $attrs->{$_} } qw/group_by having/
+ }) || '';
+ my @non_prefetch_order_by_chunks = (map
+ { ref $_ ? $_->[0] : $_ }
+ $sql_maker->_order_by_chunks ($attrs->{order_by})
+ );
+ for my $alias (keys %original_join_info) {
+ my $seen_re = qr/\b $alias $sep/x;
+ for my $piece ($where_sql, $group_by_sql, @non_prefetch_order_by_chunks ) {
+ if ($piece =~ $seen_re) {
+ $restrict_aliases->{$alias} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($non_prefetch_select_sql =~ $seen_re) {
+ $select_aliases->{$alias} = 1;
+ }
+ if ($prefetch_select_sql =~ $seen_re) {
+ $prefetch_aliases->{$alias} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Add any non-left joins to the restriction list (such joins are indeed restrictions)
+ for my $j (values %original_join_info) {
+ my $alias = $j->{-alias} or next;
+ $restrict_aliases->{$alias} = 1 if (
+ (not $j->{-join_type})
+ or
+ ($j->{-join_type} !~ /^left (?: \s+ outer)? $/xi)
+ );
+ }
+ # mark all join parents as mentioned
+ # (e.g. join => { cds => 'tracks' } - tracks will need to bring cds too )
+ for my $collection ($restrict_aliases, $select_aliases) {
+ for my $alias (keys %$collection) {
+ $collection->{$_} = 1
+ for (@{ $original_join_info{$alias}{-join_path} || [] });
+ }
+ }
+ return ( $restrict_aliases, $select_aliases, $prefetch_aliases );
sub _choose_aliases_to_include {
my ( $self, $from, $where, $inner_select, $inner_attrs, $outer_select,
$outer_attrs ) = @_;
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