[Bast-commits] r9793 - ironman
idn at dev.catalyst.perl.org
idn at dev.catalyst.perl.org
Sun Nov 14 19:04:46 GMT 2010
Author: idn
Date: 2010-11-14 19:04:46 +0000 (Sun, 14 Nov 2010)
New Revision: 9793
Removing confusing docs - moved to wiki
Deleted: ironman/notes.pod
--- ironman/notes.pod 2010-11-14 19:04:19 UTC (rev 9792)
+++ ironman/notes.pod 2010-11-14 19:04:46 UTC (rev 9793)
@@ -1,317 +0,0 @@
-=head1 IronMan archives for The Enlightened Perl Organisation.
-=head2 Service outline.
-(Taken from http://www.enlightenedperl.org/ironman.html)
-In order to promote the Perl language, and encourage more people within the
-Perl community to promote the language to the world outside the Perl
-echo-chamber, Enlightened Perl is pleased to announce the Iron Man Perl
-Blogging Challenge.
-The rules are very simple: you blog, about Perl. Any aspect of Perl you like.
-Long, short, funny, serious, advanced, basic: it doesn't matter. It doesn't
-have to be in English, either, if that's not your native language. To stay in
-the Iron Man Challenge, you must maintain a rolling frequency of 4 posts every
-32 days, with no more than 10 days between posts.
-Your blogs will be aggregated on the Iron Man Planet at
-Everybody starts off as Paper Man (or Woman). Manage four posts, week on week,
-and you get to be Stone Man. Get further and you get to be Bronze Man. Six
-months of straight posting qualifies you as Iron Man. And don't worry if you
-fail - there's no losing this competition, you just go back to Paper Man (and
-there'll be a consolation prize while you work your way back up). For each
-level there will be a corresponding badge for your blog.
-There will be a post of the month competition: a committee of good Perl writers
-and bloggers, who will look over the posts and pick one out to be honoured each
-month. The winner will get a limited edition T-shirt, and possibly other prizes
-from sponsors.
-Better still, the post of the month committee members are all going to be
-available to critique your posts, if you want them to. These people all know
-how hard it is to write well and they're all willing to try and help you write
-better if you're interested.
-On top of that, there's an extra incentive: Enlightened Perl board member Matt
-Trout, whose idea this was, will be be blogging as well. Obviously as the
-organizer, he's not eligible for a prize, but...
-If he misses a post once anyone has got to Iron Man, the people who have got
-there get to choose a talk title and a colour. And Matt will submit a talk of
-that title to YAPC::EU and YAPC::NA the next time there's a CFP, and he will
-give that talk with his hair dyed the colour that's been chosen. (If he can't
-find hair dye of that colour that's semi-permanent, he gets the option to spend
-the entire conference wearing clothes of that colour instead.)
-So... get blogging!
-Register your blog at http://ironman.enlightenedperl.org/new_feed/
-Start posting now.
-=head2 Logistics
-The IronMan service is currently hosted on kitty.scsys.co.uk.
-=head3 User accounts and deployment process.
-Development and testing is performed under the 'ironboy' user and home dir
-which is then visible at http://ironboy.enlightenedperl.org/. Live service is
-then deployed under the 'ironman' user and home dir visible at
-Thus spake the mst:
- 12:18 < mst> it's the dev account for ironman.
- 12:18 < mst> first, you make it work with the dev server
- 12:18 < mst> second, we make it work under FastCGI
- 12:18 < mst> third, we run it for a bit
- 12:18 < mst> fourth, we roll it out to ironman.
-Here endeth the lesson....
-=head3 Shell access
-Once logged in to the system using ssh, the accounts are accessed via the sush
-command. This is a wrapper script around sudo.
-Become the ironboy user via sudo:
- sush ironboy
-=head3 CPAN
-The live and development deployments both make use of local::lib for their CPAN
-modules. Additional modules can be correctly installed within these paths
-simply by using CPAN as normal.
-More info on the deeper magic at http://search.cpan.org/~apeiron/local-lib/lib/local/lib.pm
-=head1 Deployment to the staging environment.
-=head2 Check it out!
-Log in to the host and become the 'ironboy' user (assuming dev):
- sush ironboy
-Create the ironman directory and checkout the relevant bits (if not present):
- mkdir ironman; cd ironman
- svn co http://dev.catalyst.perl.org/repos/bast/ironman/IronMan-Web/branches/ironboy/ IronMan-Web
- svn co http://dev.catalyst.perl.org/repos/bast/ironman/Perlanet-IronMan/branches/ironboy/ Perlanet-IronMan
-Update the repository (if it is there):
- cd ~/ironman/
- svn up IronMan-Web Perlanet-IronMan
-Run the web UI up as an independent service just to verify deps:
- perl ironman/IronMan-Web/script/ironman_web_server.pl
-Install missing deps as required.
-=head2 Web UI deployment
-Create the socket and set permissions:
- mkdir ~ironboy/treffpunkt; chgrp $_ www-data; chmod $_ 2710
-Socket is now:
- ~ironboy/treffpunkt/treffpunkt
-=head2 Perlanet
-The following prerequisites may be tricky when installing Perlanet.
-=head3 HTML::Tidy
-HTML::Tidy needs a patch to pass tests:
---- Tidy.xs.orig 2007-09-24 11:36:19.000000000 +0200
-+++ Tidy.xs 2007-09-24 11:37:42.000000000 +0200
-@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ _tidy_messages(input, configfile, tidy_o
- const char* newline;
- int rc = 0;
-+ tidyBufInit(&errbuf);
- rc = ( tidyOptSetValue( tdoc, TidyCharEncoding, "utf8" ) ? rc : -1 );
- if ( (rc >= 0 ) && configfile && *configfile ) {
-@@ -117,6 +118,8 @@ _tidy_clean(input, configfile, tidy_opti
- const char* newline;
- int rc = 0;
-+ tidyBufInit(&output);
-+ tidyBufInit(&errbuf);
- /* Set our default first. */
- /* Don't word-wrap */
- rc = ( tidyOptSetInt( tdoc, TidyWrapLen, 0 ) ? rc : -1 );
-HTML tidy has been updated to include this patch, however it now requires
-the authors own special libtidy.
-=head3 Feed::Find
-Needs a patch to pass tests behind a proxy:
---- lib/Feed/Find.pm.orig 2010-01-22 22:33:47.528422485 +0000
-+++ lib/Feed/Find.pm 2010-01-22 22:34:01.815401942 +0000
-@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
- my $class = shift;
- my($uri) = @_;
- my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
-+ $ua->env_proxy;
- $ua->agent(join '/', $class, $class->VERSION);
- $ua->parse_head(0); ## We're already basically doing this ourselves.
- my $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $uri);
---- t/01-find.t 2010-01-19 13:20:18.000000000 +0000
-+++ t/01-find.t 2010-01-19 13:20:13.000000000 +0000
-@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
- is($feeds[0], BASE . 'ok.xml');
- my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
- my $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => BASE . 'anchors-only.html');
- my $res = $ua->request($req);
- @feeds = Feed::Find->find_in_html(\$res->content, BASE . 'anchors-only.html');
-Patch submitted to rt.cpan.org:
- https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=53817
-=head3 URI::Fetch
- URI::Fetch needs a patch to pass tests behind a proxy:
---- lib/URI/Fetch.pm.orig 2010-01-22 22:37:04.883422183 +0000
-+++ lib/URI/Fetch.pm 2010-01-22 22:37:19.961400889 +0000
-@@ -68,6 +68,7 @@
- }
- $ua ||= LWP::UserAgent->new;
-+ $ua->env_proxy;
- $ua->agent(join '/', $class, $class->VERSION)
- if $ua->agent =~ /^libwww-perl/;
-Patch submitted to rt.cpan.org:
- https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=53819
-=head3 Additional deps
-You'll need the following additional deps for testing:
- Data::UUID
- SQL::Translator
- DateTime::Format::SQLite
- LWP::UserAgent
- XML::OPML::SimpleGen
-=head2 Perlanet::IronMan
-Test the collection process by running the script:
- cd ~/ironman/Perlanet-IronMan/
- perl -Ilib bin/ironman-collector.pl
-This should go off and collect the feed data. Once any obvious errors have
-been dealt with (such as missing modules) then create a crontab entry for the
-user in order to collect the feeds data:
- # m h dom mon dow command
- MAILTO="adminperson at example.com"
- 43 * * * * /var/www/ironboy.enlightenedperl.org/ironman/Perlanet-IronMan/bin/ironman-collector-cron-wrapper.sh
-=head1 Migration from legacy plagger installation to new codebase.
-Prior to commencing work on data migration, ensure that any test or production
-cron jobs are disabled to prevent data inconsistency on the target platform.
-=head2 Copying the existing data sources.
-Create copies of the data so that we're not working on live files:
- cd ~ironboy/ironman/
- cp -r ~ironman/plagger/csv .
- cp /var/www/ironman.enlightenedperl.org/plagger/subscriptions.db .
-=head2 Upgrade the database schema
-Given the copy of the subscriptions.db file we have, we need to upgrade it to
-the latest schema version prior to being able to make full use of it. This is
-another reason to do this on a copy and not the live data.
-Upgrade the copied subscriptions.db schema:
- cd ~ironboy/ironman/
- perl IronMan-Web/script/upgrade-db-schema.pl \
- --db_path=subscriptions.db
-This may generate a number of error messages.
-=head2 Importing the existing CSV data
-Once the database schema has been upgraded, the next step is to perform the one
-off CSV import again utilising the data copied from the live system.
- cd ~ironboy/ironman/
- perl IronMan-Web/script/import_csv.pl \
- --db_path=subscriptions.db \
- --csv_path=csv
-This will import the existing CSV data generated by plagger. This import can
-be run multiple times against the same dataset with no ill effect.
-=head2 Data updates.
-Once the data has been imported, we need to populate the missing urls for the
-feeds based on the <link> tag returned by the feed:
- perl IronMan-Web/script/pull_urls.pl --db_path=subscriptions.db
-=head2 Resuming live collection.
-Don't forget to resume live collection of the data once the migration has been
-completed or things will quickly go out of date.
-=head1 Spam
-=head2 Deletions
-delete from feed where id = '2E030DEE-32BA-11DF-9305-617C332309C5';
-delete from feed where id = '2E7A9B02-26EE-11DF-8C09-607C332309C5';
-delete from feed where id = '0483A1F4-0BF0-11DF-833B-C69BE6FC167B';
-delete from feed where id = 'A4A19A4A-26E6-11DF-ADD5-617C332309C5';
-delete from feed where id = '52E46D2C-F8B5-11DE-9773-C59BE6FC167B';
-delete from feed where id = '1F570F4C-F634-11DE-9773-C59BE6FC167B';
-delete from feed where id = 'BA34F7B2-F630-11DE-ABDA-C69BE6FC167B';
-delete from feed where id = 'B2E85210-F333-11DE-90B0-C59BE6FC167B';
-delete from feed where id = 'EFB50756-F32E-11DE-B397-C49BE6FC167B';
-delete from feed where id = '9D91C644-F1D5-11DE-987E-C59BE6FC167B';
-delete from feed where id = 'EF9EEC98-ED6E-11DE-B388-C69BE6FC167B';
-delete from feed where url like '%aslansin.com%';
-delete from feed where url like '%%mipagina.univision.com%%';
Deleted: ironman/overview.pod
--- ironman/overview.pod 2010-11-14 19:04:19 UTC (rev 9792)
+++ ironman/overview.pod 2010-11-14 19:04:46 UTC (rev 9793)
@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
-=head1 IronMan blog agregation and archives.
-For The Enlightened Perl Organisation and the Perl Community.
-The most recent version of this file can be found at:
- http://dev.catalyst.perl.org/repos/bast/ironman/overview.pod
-=head2 What is IronMan?
-An overview of the IronMan project can now be found at the North West England
-Perl Mongers Wiki at
-This file is aimed more at technical detail than the wiki.
-=head2 Architecture - how does it do this?
-The IronMan project as a whole breaks down into three seperate Perl Modules.
-=begin html
-<img src="architecture-diagram.png" alt="Architecture diagram">
-=end html
-=head3 The L<IronMan::Schema> module.
-The L<IronMan::Schema> module does nothing more than represent the database
-structure that we use to store:
-=item * A table of feeds, one row per feed
-=item * A table of posts, one row per post
-Additional ResultSets are defined within the schema to ease the production
-of the archive views for the web interface.
-=head3 The L<Perlanet::IronMan> module.
-Most of the work for the IronMan project happens within L<Perlanet> and
-L<Perlanet> by Dave Cross is a feed aggregation tool that collects posts from
-feeds and stores them.
-Perlanet::IronMan extends this module to add:
-=item * Storage of feeds and posts in a database via the L<IronMan::Schema>.
-=item * Post filtering to only retrieve posts with the right keywords or tags.
-=item * Duplication checking prior to insertion of retrieved posts.
-=item * Specific L<HTML::Tidy> rules for the IronMan project.
-Extensive work has been done to rewrite both L<Perlanet> and
-L<Perlanet::IronMan> but at this time these efforts are not complete.
-=head3 The L<IronMan::Web> module.
-Once the data has been collected and stored, the Catalyst based L<IronMan::Web>
-displays the stored posts data for the world to read.
-This web interface also permits browsing of the archives for posts retrieved
-for the IronMan project.
-=head2 Development lifecycle.
-The source code for all of the above can be found within the IronMan project
-subversion repository at http://dev.catalyst.perl.org/repos/bast/ironman/
-For each of the above listed modules, a directory exists containing the
-following tree structure.
-Each module may have specific considerations so please check the documentation
-for each when advancing from one to another.
-=head3 module/branches/dev
-The current development version of the module will be within this directory.
-When development is ready to be staged, it is merged into ironboy.
-When supplying patches, please work within these directories.
-=head3 module/branches/ironboy
-The current staged version of the module will be within this directory.
-This is a live, deployed, staged deployment directory.
-This area should never be committed to, changes must be applied from the bottom
-of the development cycle and come through to here.
-Once the staged deployment to ironboy is satisfactory, it is merged into trunk.
-=head3 module/trunk
-The current live deployed service will be within this directory.
-This area should never be committed to, changes must be applied from the bottom
-of the development cycle and come through to here.
-On deployment, this directory is copied to tags.
-=head3 module/tags
-The tags directory contains previous deployed versions of the code base.
-This area should never be committed to, changes must be applied from the bottom
-of the development cycle and come through to here.
-=head2 Deployment considerations
-Mostly deployment documentation and detail will be left out of this document
-and included within the documentation for the individual modules.
-This section deals with general considerations.
-=head3 local::lib
-Use local::lib in your development as it ensures that you don't cause any
-unforseen system wide problems when working with Perl modules you may require
-when developing.
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