[Bast-commits] r9950 - in ironman/Perlanet-IronMan/tags: . Perlanet-IronMan-0_01_02/lib/Perlanet

idn at dev.catalyst.perl.org idn at dev.catalyst.perl.org
Sat Sep 22 11:13:43 GMT 2012

Author: idn
Date: 2012-09-22 11:13:43 +0000 (Sat, 22 Sep 2012)
New Revision: 9950

Copy before I nuke it.

Deleted: ironman/Perlanet-IronMan/tags/Perlanet-IronMan-0_01_02/lib/Perlanet/IronMan.pm
--- ironman/Perlanet-IronMan/branches/ironboy/lib/Perlanet/IronMan.pm	2012-07-22 22:48:02 UTC (rev 9942)
+++ ironman/Perlanet-IronMan/tags/Perlanet-IronMan-0_01_02/lib/Perlanet/IronMan.pm	2012-09-22 11:13:43 UTC (rev 9950)
@@ -1,412 +0,0 @@
-package Perlanet::IronMan;
-use 5.8.0;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Moose;
-use IronMan::Schema;
-use HTML::Truncate;
-use Perlanet::Feed;
-use Data::Dumper;
-use Try::Tiny;
-use Carp;
-extends 'Perlanet';
-use Perlanet::Entry;
-our $VERSION = '0.01_01';
-=head1 NAME
-This module extends Perlanet for the specific requirements of the Enlightened
-Perl Organisation IronMan project.
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-This module uses an IronMan::Schema database to define feeds, collect the feeds
-and then store them back into the IronMan::Schema database.
-# This is some kind of Moose magic that I don't understand....  I think this
-# means tha schema attribute of this object is built using the _build_schema
-# method when the schema attribute is first used
-has 'schema' => (
-    is => 'rw',
-    lazy_build => 1,
-has 'truncator' => (
-    is         => 'rw',
-    lazy_build => 1
-sub _build_scrubber {
-  my $self = shift;
-  my %scrub_rules = (
-      img => {
-          src => qr{^http://},    # only URL with http://
-          alt => 1,               # alt attributes allowed
-          '*' => 0,               # deny all others
-        },
-      style  => 0,
-      script => 0,
-  );
-  # Definitions for HTML::Scrub
-  my %scrub_def = (
-      '*'    => 1,                        # default rule, allow all attributes
-      'href' => qr{^(?!(?:java)?script)}i,
-      'src'  => qr{^(?!(?:java)?script)}i,
-      'cite'     => '(?i-xsm:^(?!(?:java)?script))',
-      'language' => 0,
-      'name'        => 1,                 # could be sneaky, but hey ;)
-      'onblur'      => 0,
-      'onchange'    => 0,
-        'onclick'     => 0,
-        'ondblclick'  => 0,
-        'onerror'     => 0,
-        'onfocus'     => 0,
-        'onkeydown'   => 0,
-        'onkeypress'  => 0,
-        'onkeyup'     => 0,
-        'onload'      => 0,
-        'onmousedown' => 0,
-        'onmousemove' => 0,
-        'onmouseout'  => 0,
-        'onmouseover' => 0,
-        'onmouseup'   => 0,
-        'onreset'     => 0,
-        'onselect'    => 0,
-        'onsubmit'    => 0,
-        'onunload'    => 0,
-        'src'         => 0,
-        'type'        => 0,
-        'style'       => 0,
-  );
-  my $scrub = HTML::Scrubber->new;
-  $scrub->rules(%scrub_rules);
-  $scrub->default(1, \%scrub_def);
-  return $scrub;
-=head2 select_entries
-The select entries function takes an array of Perlanet::Feed objects and
-filters it to remove duplicates.  The non-duplicated feed entries are then
-returned to the caller as an array of Perlanet::Entry objects.
-    my $perlanet_entries = select_entries( @{ $perlanet_feeds });
-override 'select_entries' => sub {
-    my ($self, @feeds) = @_;
-    # Perlanet::Feed objects to return
-    my @feed_entries;
-    # Iterate over the feeds working on them.
-    for my $feed (@feeds) {
-        # Fetch the XML::Feed:Entry objects from the Perlanet::Feed object
-        my @entries = $feed->_xml_feed->entries;
-        # Iterate over the XML::Feed::Entry objects
-        foreach my $xml_entry (@entries) {
-            # Problem with XML::Feed's conversion of RSS to Atom
-            if ($xml_entry->issued && ! $xml_entry->modified) {
-              $xml_entry->modified($xml_entry->issued);
-            }
-            # Always set category to something
-            unless(defined($xml_entry->category)) {
-                $xml_entry->category('');
-            }
-            #print(Dumper($xml_entry->tags));
-            #print(Dumper($xml_entry->category));
-            # Filter on keywords.  This fails for HTML encoded languages.
-            # See http://onperl.ru/onperl/atom.xml for examples
-            # specifically http://onperl.ru/onperl/2010/02/post.html
-            # FIXME
-            unless($self->_filter_entry_on_keywords($xml_entry)) {
-                #print("Skipping due to no keyword match for '" . $xml_entry->link . "'\n");
-                next;
-            }
-            # De-duplicate
-            unless($self->_filter_entry_for_duplicate($xml_entry)) {
-                #print("Skipping due to duplicate match for '" . $xml_entry->link . "'\n");
-                next;
-            }
-            # Create a Perlanet::Entry object from the XML data retrieved
-            my $entry = Perlanet::Entry->new(
-                            _entry => $xml_entry,
-                            feed   => $feed
-            );
-            push @feed_entries, $entry;
-        }
-   }
-    return @feed_entries;
-=head2 render
-Given a Perlanet::Entry object, store the entry as a post in the
-Schema::IronMan database
-override 'render' => sub {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my $post = shift;
-    my $posts = $post->entries;
-    #print(Dumper($posts));
-    #exit;
-    foreach my $post (@{$posts}) {
-        # Set the summary text to the summary or body if not supplied
-        # This should probably be in config rather than hard coded.
-        my $summary = $post->_entry->summary->body || $post->_entry->content->body;
-        my $truncated = eval { $self->truncator->truncate($summary) };
-        if ($@) {
-            warn "Truncate failed: $@";
-            $truncated = $summary;
-        }
-        $summary = $truncated;
-        #print(Dumper($post));
-        #exit;
-        # Can't store a post if we can't work out the URL to link to it.
-        unless(defined($post->_entry->link)) {
-            print("ERROR.  Can't deal with lack of URL returned from XML::Feed::Entry for feed '" . $post->feed->url . "'\n");
-            next;
-        }
-        # Get the entry tags
-        my @tags = $post->_entry->category;
-        try {
-            # Do that whole insert thing...
-            $self->schema->resultset('Post')->create( {
-                feed_id          => $post->feed->id,
-                author           => $post->_entry->author || $post->feed->title,
-                tags             => join(",", @tags),
-                url              => $post->_entry->link,
-                title            => $post->_entry->title,
-                posted_on        => $post->_entry->issued || DateTime->now,
-                summary          => $summary,
-                summary_filtered => $self->clean($summary),
-                body             => $post->_entry->content->body,
-                body_filtered    => $self->clean($post->_entry->content->body),
-            } );
-        }
-        catch {
-            Carp::cluck("ERROR: $_\n");
-            Carp::cluck("ERROR: Post is:\n" . Dumper($post) . "\n");
-            Carp::cluck("ERROR: Link URL is '" . $post->_entry->link . "'\n");
-        };
-    #print(Dumper($post));
-    }
-=head2 save
-Save is not required within the context of this module so we override it.
-override 'save' => sub { };
-=head2 _build_feeds
-Feeds are built from the Schema::IronMan database overriding the internal
-defaults of utilising feeds specified in either the configuration file or as
-configuration options when creating the Perlanet object.
-override '_build_feeds' => sub {
-    my $self = shift;
-    return [ map {
-        Perlanet::Feed->new(
-            id => $_->id,
-            url => $_->url || $_->link,
-            website => $_->link || $_->url,
-            title => $_->title,
-            author => $_->owner,
-        );
-    } $self->schema->resultset('Feed')->all ];
-=head2 _build_schema
-Build and return a schema object the first time that the schema attribute of
-this object is accessed.
-sub _build_schema {
-    my $self = shift;
-    return IronMan::Schema->connect(
-        $self->cfg->{db}{dsn},
-        $self->cfg->{db}{username},
-        $self->cfg->{db}{password},
-    );
-=head2 _build_truncator
-Construct a HTML::Truncator object for truncating posts
-sub _build_truncator {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my $html_truncate = HTML::Truncate->new(repair=>1);
-    $html_truncate->chars(250);
-    $html_truncate->ellipsis(" [...]");
-    return $html_truncate;
-=head2 _filter_entry_for_duplicate
-Test to see if the supplied XML::Feed::Entry passes the configured filters.
-Return 1 for a good entry and 0 for a bad entry.
-sub _filter_entry_for_duplicate {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my $xml_entry = shift;
-    my $count = $self->schema->resultset('Post')->search(
-        { url => $xml_entry->link }
-    )->count;
-    if($count > 0) {
-        #print("Duplicate post found for url '" . $xml_entry->link . "'\n");
-        return 0;
-    }
-    #print("Post at url '" . $xml_entry->link . "' is new\n");
-    return 1;
-=head2 _filter_entry_on_keywords
-Test to see if the supplied XML::Feed::Entry passes the configured filters.
-Return 1 for a good entry and 0 for a bad entry.
-sub _filter_entry_on_keywords {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my $xml_entry = shift;
-    # print("Called to keyword filter url '" . $xml_entry->link . "'\n");
-    # If no filter is defined, then we pass.
-    unless(defined($self->{cfg}->{filter}->{keywords})) {
-        print("No filter defined so skipping this check.\n");
-        return 1;
-    }
-    my $filters = $self->{cfg}->{filter}->{keywords};
-    # Iterate through the defined filters checking them
-    foreach my $filter (@ { $filters } ) {
-        #print("Checking for filter '$filter'\n");
-        # If tags have been defined, check them.
-        if(defined($xml_entry->tags)) {
-            if(grep(/$filter/i, $xml_entry->tags)) {
-                return 1;
-            }
-        }
-        # Check the title if defined
-        if(defined($xml_entry->title)) {
-            if(grep(/$filter/i, $xml_entry->title)) {
-                return 1;
-            }
-        }
-        # Check the body if defined
-        if(defined($xml_entry->content->body)) {
-            if($xml_entry->content->body =~ m/$filter/i) {
-                return 1;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    # We got to the end and we didn't get a match.  Fail.
-    return 0;
-# We don't want to remove the style attribute completely, but a clear: both will
-# screw our layout up...
-around 'clean' => sub {
-    my $orig = shift;
-    my ($self, $input) = @_;
-    my $output = $self->$orig($input);
-    $output =~ s/style="(.*?)clear:(.*?);/style="$1/;
-    return $output;
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Oliver Charles (aCiD2) <oliver.g.charles at googlemail.com>
-Matt Troutt (mst), <mst at shadowcat.co.uk>
-Ian Norton (idn), <i.d.norton at gmail.com>
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.10.0 or,
-at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.
-no Moose;

Copied: ironman/Perlanet-IronMan/tags/Perlanet-IronMan-0_01_02/lib/Perlanet/IronMan.pm (from rev 9949, ironman/Perlanet-IronMan/branches/ironboy/lib/Perlanet/IronMan.pm)
--- ironman/Perlanet-IronMan/tags/Perlanet-IronMan-0_01_02/lib/Perlanet/IronMan.pm	                        (rev 0)
+++ ironman/Perlanet-IronMan/tags/Perlanet-IronMan-0_01_02/lib/Perlanet/IronMan.pm	2012-09-22 11:13:43 UTC (rev 9950)
@@ -0,0 +1,403 @@
+package Perlanet::IronMan;
+use 5.8.0;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Moose;
+use IronMan::Schema;
+use HTML::Truncate;
+use Perlanet::Feed;
+use Data::Dumper;
+use Try::Tiny;
+use Carp;
+extends 'Perlanet';
+use Perlanet::Entry;
+our $VERSION = '0.01_02';
+=head1 NAME
+This module extends Perlanet for the specific requirements of the Enlightened
+Perl Organisation IronMan project.
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+This module uses an IronMan::Schema database to define feeds, collect the feeds
+and then store them back into the IronMan::Schema database.
+# This is some kind of Moose magic that I don't understand....  I think this
+# means tha schema attribute of this object is built using the _build_schema
+# method when the schema attribute is first used
+has 'schema' => (
+    is => 'rw',
+    lazy_build => 1,
+has 'truncator' => (
+    is         => 'rw',
+    lazy_build => 1
+sub _build_scrubber {
+  my $self = shift;
+  my %scrub_rules = (
+      img => {
+          src => qr{^http://},    # only URL with http://
+          alt => 1,               # alt attributes allowed
+          '*' => 0,               # deny all others
+        },
+      style  => 0,
+      script => 0,
+  );
+  # Definitions for HTML::Scrub
+  my %scrub_def = (
+      '*'           => 1,                        # default rule, allow all attributes
+      'href'        => qr{^(?!(?:java)?script)}i,
+      'src'         => qr{^(?!(?:java)?script)}i,
+      'cite'        => '(?i-xsm:^(?!(?:java)?script))',
+      'language'    => 0,
+      'name'        => 1,                 # could be sneaky, but hey ;)
+      'onblur'      => 0,
+      'onchange'    => 0,
+      'onclick'     => 0,
+      'ondblclick'  => 0,
+      'onerror'     => 0,
+      'onfocus'     => 0,
+      'onkeydown'   => 0,
+      'onkeypress'  => 0,
+      'onkeyup'     => 0,
+      'onload'      => 0,
+      'onmousedown' => 0,
+      'onmousemove' => 0,
+      'onmouseout'  => 0,
+      'onmouseover' => 0,
+      'onmouseup'   => 0,
+      'onreset'     => 0,
+      'onselect'    => 0,
+      'onsubmit'    => 0,
+      'onunload'    => 0,
+      'src'         => 0,
+      'type'        => 0,
+      'style'       => 0,
+  );
+  my $scrub = HTML::Scrubber->new;
+  $scrub->rules(%scrub_rules);
+  $scrub->default(1, \%scrub_def);
+  return $scrub;
+=head2 select_entries
+The select entries function takes an array of Perlanet::Feed objects and
+filters it to remove duplicates.  The non-duplicated feed entries are then
+returned to the caller as an array of Perlanet::Entry objects.
+    my $perlanet_entries = select_entries( @{ $perlanet_feeds });
+override 'select_entries' => sub {
+    my ($self, @feeds) = @_;
+    # Perlanet::Feed objects to return
+    my @feed_entries;
+    # Iterate over the feeds working on them.
+    for my $feed (@feeds) {
+        # Fetch the XML::Feed:Entry objects from the Perlanet::Feed object
+        my @entries = $feed->_xml_feed->entries;
+        # Iterate over the XML::Feed::Entry objects
+        foreach my $xml_entry (@entries) {
+            # Problem with XML::Feed's conversion of RSS to Atom
+            if ($xml_entry->issued && ! $xml_entry->modified) {
+              $xml_entry->modified($xml_entry->issued);
+            }
+            # Always set category to something
+            unless(defined($xml_entry->category)) {
+                $xml_entry->category('');
+            }
+            #print(Dumper($xml_entry->tags));
+            #print(Dumper($xml_entry->category));
+            # Filter on keywords.  This fails for HTML encoded languages.
+            # See http://onperl.ru/onperl/atom.xml for examples
+            # specifically http://onperl.ru/onperl/2010/02/post.html
+            # FIXME
+            unless($self->_filter_entry_on_keywords($xml_entry)) {
+                #print("Skipping due to no keyword match for '" . $xml_entry->link . "'\n");
+                next;
+            }
+            # De-duplicate
+            unless($self->_filter_entry_for_duplicate($xml_entry)) {
+                #print("Skipping due to duplicate match for '" . $xml_entry->link . "'\n");
+                next;
+            }
+            # Create a Perlanet::Entry object from the XML data retrieved
+            my $entry = Perlanet::Entry->new(
+                            _entry => $xml_entry,
+                            feed   => $feed
+            );
+            push @feed_entries, $entry;
+        }
+   }
+    return @feed_entries;
+=head2 render
+Given a Perlanet::Entry object, store the entry as a post in the
+Schema::IronMan database
+override 'render' => sub {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $post = shift;
+    my $posts = $post->entries;
+    foreach my $post (@{$posts}) {
+        # Set the summary text to the summary or body if not supplied
+        # This should probably be in config rather than hard coded.
+        my $summary = $post->_entry->summary->body || $post->_entry->content->body;
+        my $truncated = eval { $self->truncator->truncate($summary) };
+        if ($@) {
+            warn "Truncate failed: $@";
+            $truncated = $summary;
+        }
+        $summary = $truncated;
+        # Can't store a post if we can't work out the URL to link to it.
+        unless(defined($post->_entry->link)) {
+            print("ERROR.  Can't deal with lack of URL returned from XML::Feed::Entry for feed '" . $post->feed->url . "'\n");
+            next;
+        }
+        # Get the entry tags
+        my @tags = $post->_entry->category;
+        try {
+            # Do that whole insert thing...
+            $self->schema->resultset('Post')->create( {
+                feed_id          => $post->feed->id,
+                author           => $post->_entry->author || $post->feed->title,
+                tags             => join(",", @tags),
+                url              => $post->_entry->link,
+                title            => $post->_entry->title,
+                posted_on        => $post->_entry->issued || DateTime->now,
+                summary          => $summary,
+                summary_filtered => $self->clean($summary),
+                body             => $post->_entry->content->body,
+                body_filtered    => $self->clean($post->_entry->content->body),
+            } );
+        }
+        catch {
+            Carp::cluck("ERROR: $_\n");
+            Carp::cluck("ERROR: Post is:\n" . Dumper($post) . "\n");
+            Carp::cluck("ERROR: Link URL is '" . $post->_entry->link . "'\n");
+        };
+    }
+=head2 save
+Save is not required within the context of this module so we override it.
+override 'save' => sub { };
+=head2 _build_feeds
+Feeds are built from the Schema::IronMan database overriding the internal
+defaults of utilising feeds specified in either the configuration file or as
+configuration options when creating the Perlanet object.
+override '_build_feeds' => sub {
+    my $self = shift;
+    return [ map {
+        Perlanet::Feed->new(
+            id => $_->id,
+            url => $_->url || $_->link,
+            website => $_->link || $_->url,
+            title => $_->title,
+            author => $_->owner,
+        );
+    } $self->schema->resultset('Feed')->all ];
+=head2 _build_schema
+Build and return a schema object the first time that the schema attribute of
+this object is accessed.
+sub _build_schema {
+    my $self = shift;
+    return IronMan::Schema->connect(
+        $self->cfg->{db}{dsn},
+        $self->cfg->{db}{username},
+        $self->cfg->{db}{password},
+    );
+=head2 _build_truncator
+Construct a HTML::Truncator object for truncating posts
+sub _build_truncator {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $html_truncate = HTML::Truncate->new(repair=>1);
+    $html_truncate->chars(250);
+    $html_truncate->ellipsis(" [...]");
+    return $html_truncate;
+=head2 _filter_entry_for_duplicate
+Test to see if the supplied XML::Feed::Entry passes the configured filters.
+Return 1 for a good entry and 0 for a bad entry.
+sub _filter_entry_for_duplicate {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $xml_entry = shift;
+    my $count = $self->schema->resultset('Post')->search(
+        { url => $xml_entry->link }
+    )->count;
+    if($count > 0) {
+        #print("Duplicate post found for url '" . $xml_entry->link . "'\n");
+        return 0;
+    }
+    #print("Post at url '" . $xml_entry->link . "' is new\n");
+    return 1;
+=head2 _filter_entry_on_keywords
+Test to see if the supplied XML::Feed::Entry passes the configured filters.
+Return 1 for a good entry and 0 for a bad entry.
+sub _filter_entry_on_keywords {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $xml_entry = shift;
+    # print("Called to keyword filter url '" . $xml_entry->link . "'\n");
+    # If no filter is defined, then we pass.
+    unless(defined($self->{cfg}->{filter}->{keywords})) {
+        print("No filter defined so skipping this check.\n");
+        return 1;
+    }
+    my $filters = $self->{cfg}->{filter}->{keywords};
+    # Iterate through the defined filters checking them
+    foreach my $filter (@ { $filters } ) {
+        #print("Checking for filter '$filter'\n");
+        # If tags have been defined, check them.
+        if(defined($xml_entry->tags)) {
+            if(grep(/\b$filter\b/i, $xml_entry->tags)) {
+                return 1;
+            }
+        }
+        # Check the title if defined
+        if(defined($xml_entry->title)) {
+            if(grep(/\b$filter\b/i, $xml_entry->title)) {
+                return 1;
+            }
+        }
+        # Check the body if defined
+        if(defined($xml_entry->content->body)) {
+            if($xml_entry->content->body =~ m/\b$filter\b/i) {
+                return 1;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    # We got to the end and we didn't get a match.  Fail.
+    return 0;
+# We don't want to remove the style attribute completely, but a clear: both will
+# screw our layout up...
+around 'clean' => sub {
+    my $orig = shift;
+    my ($self, $input) = @_;
+    my $output = $self->$orig($input);
+    $output =~ s/style="(.*?)clear:(.*?);/style="$1/;
+    return $output;
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Oliver Charles (aCiD2) <oliver.g.charles at googlemail.com>
+Matt Troutt (mst), <mst at shadowcat.co.uk>
+Ian Norton (idn), <i.d.norton at gmail.com>
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.10.0 or,
+at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.
+no Moose;

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