[Catalyst-commits] r7218 - /
zarquon at dev.catalyst.perl.org
zarquon at dev.catalyst.perl.org
Tue Dec 4 00:24:10 GMT 2007
Author: zarquon
Date: 2007-12-04 00:24:10 +0000 (Tue, 04 Dec 2007)
New Revision: 7218
r12098 at zaphod: kd | 2007-12-04 11:18:46 +1100
day 4 up
Property changes on:
Name: svk:merge
- 1b129c88-ebf4-0310-add9-f09427935aba:/local/catalyst:4278
+ 1b129c88-ebf4-0310-add9-f09427935aba:/local/catalyst:4278
Deleted: trunk/examples/CatalystAdvent/root/2007/pen/8.pod
--- trunk/examples/CatalystAdvent/root/2007/pen/8.pod 2007-12-03 13:03:06 UTC (rev 7217)
+++ trunk/examples/CatalystAdvent/root/2007/pen/8.pod 2007-12-04 00:24:10 UTC (rev 7218)
@@ -1,235 +0,0 @@
-=head1 Catalyst + Open Flash Chart: Fancy graphs with minimal fuss
-=head2 About Open Flash Chart
-Open Flash Chart is a flash application that prudoces some very nice-looking,
-interactive (and in some cases animated) charts and graphs for your web
-application. It's also completely free and open source, released under the
-GNU General Public License.
-For examples of the kinds of graphs you can produce, visit the home page
-at L<http://teethgrinder.co.uk/open-flash-chart/>.
-=head2 Getting Started
-This tutorial assumes you already have some Catalyst experience, so we won't
-go into too much detail with the basics of creating an application...
- % catalyst.pl AdventOFC
- ...
- % cd AdventOFC
- ...
- % script/adventofc_create.pl view TT TTSite
- ...
-=head2 Installing Chart::OFC
-The Open Flash Chart application uses a difficult to work with format for it's
-data structure. Fortunately the perl community has guys like Dave Rolsky, who
-recently made a nice perl library called L<Chart::OFC> that makes it easier to
-work with. We're going to install L<Chart::OFC> first, because it includes the
-pieces you need from Open Flash Chart, so you only need to download once...
-Assuming you are using L<CPANPLUS>, you can install it like this...
- % cpanp
- ...
- CPAN Terminal> i Chart::OFC
- Installing Chart::OFC (0.02)
- ...
- Module 'Chart::OFC' installed successfully
- No errors installing all modules
- CPAN Terminal> q
-Once you have it installed, you need to get the .swf file and copy it into
-your application root directory. If you installed from L<CPANPLUS>, something
-like the following will work.
- % cd root/static
- % unzip ~/.cpanplus/*/build/Chart-OFC-*/ofc/*.zip open-flash-chart.swf
-If you don't have the L<Chart::OFC> source directory any more, you can
-download the .swf from the Open Flash Chart web site at
-Whether you use the copy from the L<Chart::OFC> source directory, or download
-it from the web site, you will get a .zip file that includes the source as
-well as adapter libraries for various langages. You only need the .swf file
-from the archive though, you won't need any of the other files.
-=head2 Adding Open Flash Chart support to your application
-Now that you have a basic application, we'll add some charting capabilities
-with OpenFlashChart. The HTML code required to embed a chart is long and
-repetitive, so I like to make a component template to do the boring work
-for me. Create a file in root/lib called 'ofc_swf_object' with the
-following contents:
- [%
- width = '500'
- height = '300'
- id = 'ofc_chart'
- bgcolor = '#FFFFFF'
- name = 'ofc_chart';
- SET swf_url = Catalyst.uri_for(
- '/static/open-flash-chart.swf',
- {
- width = width
- height = height
- data = data
- }
- );
- # This is just to keep the html below from being
- # too wide for the sake of the demo, you could always
- # just put this inline if you wanted
- SET cab_download = [
- 'http://fpdownload.macromedia.com'
- '/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab'
- '#version=8,0,0,0'
- ];
- %]
- [% FILTER collapse %]
- <object
- classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000"
- codebase="[% cab_download.join( '' ) %]"
- width="[% width %]" height="[% height %]"
- id="[% id %]" align="middle">
- <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" />
- <param name="movie" value="[% swf_url %]" />
- <param name="quality" value="high" />
- <param name="bgcolor" value="[% bgcolor %]" />
- <embed
- src="[% swf_url %]" quality="high"
- bgcolor="[% bgcolor %]" width="[% width %]"
- height="[% height %]" name="[% name %]"
- align="middle" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain"
- type="application/x-shockwave-flash"
- pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer"
- />
- </object>
- [% END %]
-You might notice that there are two copies of basically every configuration
-parameter in this block of code. Like many other things on the web, this is
-because Internet Explorer does it one way (the object part) and everything
-else does it differently (with embed.)
-=head2 Using your new Open Flash Chart tools
-Now that you have the support pieces you need, it's time to put them to use.
-For the purposes of the demo we're just going to add charts to the home page
-of the application, so we'll be editing the Root controller. To get started,
-add a method to the root controller for the index page...
- =head2 index
- The index page for our charts.
- =cut
- sub index : Private {
- my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
- $c->stash->{ 'template' } = 'index.tt2';
- }
-Next we need to create a template to go along with the index. Since we took
-the time to setup a helper template, this one will be rather small. Put this
-code into your root/src/index.tt2.
- [% INCLUDE ofc_swf_object data = Catalyst.uri_for( '/graph' ) %]
-If you run script/adventofc_server.pl at this point, you should get a nice
-graph display, although it won't contain any data. In order to get nice
-charts, we need to move onto the next step, the data!
-=head2 Generating appropriate data
-Next we need to create a controller to produce the appropriate graph
-information. Edit the root controller again, add a new method for the
-graph data (make sure you add C<use Chart::OFC> to the top of your
-controller as well.)
- =head2 graph
- Data provider for Open Flash Chart graphs.
- =cut
- sub graph : Local {
- my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
-Open Flash Chart can display pie charts, lines and/or bars on a grid, and
-area charts on a grid. You can determine which types of graphs to use by
-which L<Chart::OFC::Dataset> subclasses you provide your data to. For
-the purposes of this demo, we'll create a chart with lines, but first we
-need some sample data.
- my %data = (
- Date => [ map { "11/$_" } 1 .. 14 ],
- Ninja => [ map { int( rand( 10 ) ) } 1 .. 14 ],
- Pirate => [ map { int( rand( 10 ) ) } 1 .. 14 ],
- );
-For each data point you want to graph, you create an object that is an
-instance of one of the L<Chart::OFC::Dataset> subclasses.
- my $ninjas = Chart::OFC::Dataset::LineWithDots->new(
- color => 'black',
- label => 'Ninjas',
- solid_dots => 0,
- values => $data{ 'Ninja' },
- );
- my $pirates = Chart::OFC::Dataset::LineWithDots->new(
- color => 'red',
- label => 'Pirates',
- solid_dots => 1,
- values => $data{ 'Pirate' },
- );
-Once you have your datasets, you need to create X and Y axis objects that
-provide the information necessary to label the graph.
- my $x_axis = Chart::OFC::XAxis->new(
- axis_label => 'Date',
- labels => $data{ 'Date' },
- );
- my $y_axis = Chart::OFC::YAxis->new(
- axis_label => 'Sightings',
- max => 11,
- label_steps => 1,
- );
-Now that all the pieces are assembled, we can use them to build a graph.
- my $grid = Chart::OFC::Grid->new(
- title => 'Observer Reports',
- datasets => [ $ninjas, $pirates ],
- x_axis => $x_axis,
- y_axis => $y_axis,
- );
-Then all that is left is to send this data to the browser.
- $c->response->body( $grid->as_ofc_data );
- }
-=head2 Done!
-Now just run C<script/adventofc_server.pl>, point your browser at
-L<http://localhost:3000/>, and celebrate your fancy graphs!
-=head3 AUTHOR
-Jason Kohles, E<lt>email at jasonkohles.comE<gt>
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