[Catalyst-commits] r7253 - trunk/examples/CatalystAdvent/root/2007
zarquon at dev.catalyst.perl.org
zarquon at dev.catalyst.perl.org
Sun Dec 9 20:18:01 GMT 2007
Author: zarquon
Date: 2007-12-09 20:18:01 +0000 (Sun, 09 Dec 2007)
New Revision: 7253
we admit that articles have to be pulled, not just brush the problem under the carpet
Modified: trunk/examples/CatalystAdvent/root/2007/9.pod
--- trunk/examples/CatalystAdvent/root/2007/9.pod 2007-12-09 20:00:41 UTC (rev 7252)
+++ trunk/examples/CatalystAdvent/root/2007/9.pod 2007-12-09 20:18:01 UTC (rev 7253)
@@ -1,175 +1,5 @@
+=head1 OOPS!
-=head1 local::lib and Catalyst
-Today we'll have a glance at how to run the Catalyst server under local::lib
-for development use and also how to use local::lib as a build environment for
-putting your application into production.
-=head2 About local::lib
-L<local::lib> provides an easy way to localize a perl module library to a
-particular user's environment. It can be advantageous on shared hosts for full
-control over non-root installations and a powerful tool for building and
-deploying Catalyst applications.
-=head2 Prerequisites
-The prerequisites for local::lib simply require a toolchain (make, C compiler,
-etc) and an outbound connection (to connect with CPAN). This tutorial was
-written from the perspective that the user is familiar with Catalyst and
-working on a Linux based system.
-=head2 Getting Started
-This article follows the bootstrap instructions for installing local::lib.
-=head3 Setup CPAN
-If your user does not have a ~/.cpan directory, then run this command, accept
-the defaults and quit when its done setup
- % perl -MCPAN -eshell
- % cpan> exit
-=head3 Download
-The first step is to download local::lib from CPAN. As of this writing, the
-current version is 1.001000 so we'll grab that
- % wget http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/authors/id/A/AP/APEIRON/local-lib-1.001000.tar.gz
-and unpack it
- % tar xvzf local-lib-1.001000.tar.gz
-=head2 Installation
-The typical installation process is very straightforward, barring any system
- % cd ~/local-lib-1.001000
- % perl Makefile.PL --bootstrap
- % make test
- % make install
-Note: If any of the above steps hang for any reason, you may need to go
-into the build directory (~/.cpan/build/CPAN-1.92) and run make install.
-You should now be setup with a ~/perl5 directory, which will be used for
-further module installations via CPAN. To complete installation, setup your
-environment by adding it to your .bashrc for subsequent logins and reload the
-file for this session
- % eval `perl -I$HOME/perl5/lib/perl5 -Mlocal::lib` >> ~/.bashrc
- % source .bashrc
-=head3 Verifying the Installation
-You can now check that MODULEBUILDRC, PERL5LIB, PERL_MM_OPT and PATH all
-mention your new setup under ~/perl5 using the 'set' command
-Now you are safe to install a few basic modules for faster downloading,
-checksum checking, and stopping persistant state warnings, respectively
- % perl -MCPAN -e 'install(LWP)'
- % perl -MCPAN -e 'install Digest::SHA'
- % perl -MCPAN -e 'install(YAML)'
-=head2 Getting Catalyst Running
-There is really nothing new to getting a basic Catalyst application working at
-this point, except to understand that you are now using the modules under
-~/perl5 so you can install anything you please. There is no need for root
-privileges as everything will install cleanly into your local directory. There
-are several suggestions L<here|Catalyst::Manual::Installation> for getting
-Catalyst installed. For development all you need is to install
-L<Catalyst::Devel> like so
- % perl -MCPAN -e 'install Catalyst::Devel'
-Then you can create an app and fire it up
- % catalyst.pl MyApp
- % cd MyApp
- % script/myapp_server.pl
-You are now running your Catalyst application under local::lib
-=head2 Using Makefile.PL to Install Your App Dependencies
-If you start with an empty site_perl (only core modules) and a fresh local::lib
-installation, you can actually build your application, test it works, and use
-the modules in the deployment of your app (Note: a fresh perl installation
-requires root). Your options here are to compile perl from scratch, or to use
-your package management system to install only core perl packages and possibly
-a perl database driver. For a clean local::lib install, just move your old
-directory out of the way and redo the tarball installation steps above.
-This also requires that you have been adding the application
-dependencies to your Makefile.PL. For example, you would probably have a
-dependency that looks like this, along with the other modules the app is using
- requires 'Catalyst' => '5.7010';
-For more info see L<Module::Install>. Once you've added all of your
-dependencies, build the Makefile
- % cd MyApp
- % perl Makefile.PL
-Assuming you have a fresh perl and local::lib installation, the following
-command will show each module as 'missing' which makes it build all of the
-dependencies into your ~/perl5/lib/perl5 directory
- % make installdeps
-For testing, just verify your application starts up. You can then take this set
-of modules, tar, and deploy them with your application on another box, knowing
-that this set of modules works with this version of the application that
-you've compiled your modules against.
-Installing deps with Makefile.PL is also useful in an environment with multiple
-developers. If a dependency is added, it has to go into Makefile.PL. Making
-sure modules are only installed with C<make installdeps> verifies that when
-the code is committed that uses a new module, other developers can easily
-install it into their local::lib (with C<perl Makefile.PL && make installdeps>)
-and thus becomes a new dependecy in the build process.
-=head2 Testing Module Code In Your Environment
-One more useful thing about local::lib is that you can use it to test patches
-to code that you are working on. For example, if you've made a patch or just
-want to test out a branch of code, you can install it to your local::lib in the
-typical way
- % cd My-Module-branch
- % perl Makefile.PL && make install
-Then later if you want to rollback to the current version of the module fire up
-cpan and drop into the shell of the current module
- % cpan
- cpan> look My::Module
-You should now be in a shell in which you can install the module in the usual
-way to overwrite your version
- Working directory is /home/user/.cpan/build/My-Module-0.00000-NvZbRI
- % perl Makefile.PL && make install
-=head2 Summary
-We have seen where you can use L<local::lib> as a development environment
-and touched on how you can use it to build modules for deploying on other
-hosts. It can be handy for control over your modules on shared hosts and in a
-multi-developer setting as well as an easy way to work on external code.
-=head1 AUTHOR
-John Goulah, E<lt>jgoulah at gmail.comE<gt>
+We did have an article for today, but it had to be removed for "rights
+reasons". Hopefully we'll be able to put it back soon. Apologies for
+the inconvenience.
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