[Catalyst-commits] r7274 - in trunk/examples/ExtJS: . conf lib
lib/ExtJS/Controller lib/ExtJS/Model root/lib/site root/src script t
peterdragon at dev.catalyst.perl.org
peterdragon at dev.catalyst.perl.org
Wed Dec 12 00:24:53 GMT 2007
Author: peterdragon
Date: 2007-12-12 00:24:53 +0000 (Wed, 12 Dec 2007)
New Revision: 7274
Change to pick up booking data from SQLite database.
Split schema config to separate config file.
Incorporate use of Catalyst::Plugin::ConfigLoader::Multi
for Catalyst Advent calendar day 14 example.
Add script to demonstrate access to Catalyst model
from external script and test case.
Add dependencies.
Modified: trunk/examples/ExtJS/Makefile.PL
--- trunk/examples/ExtJS/Makefile.PL 2007-12-11 14:17:58 UTC (rev 7273)
+++ trunk/examples/ExtJS/Makefile.PL 2007-12-12 00:24:53 UTC (rev 7274)
@@ -8,8 +8,11 @@
requires 'Catalyst::Plugin::Static::Simple';
requires 'Catalyst::Action::RenderView';
requires 'Data::Dump';
-requires 'YAML'; # This should reflect the config file format you've chosen
- # See Catalyst::Plugin::ConfigLoader for supported formats
+requires 'Path::Class::File';
+requires 'Catalyst::Plugin::ConfigLoader::Multi';
+requires 'Config::Any::Perl';
+requires 'YAML';
+requires 'Test::More';
install_script glob('script/*.pl');
Modified: trunk/examples/ExtJS/README
--- trunk/examples/ExtJS/README 2007-12-11 14:17:58 UTC (rev 7273)
+++ trunk/examples/ExtJS/README 2007-12-12 00:24:53 UTC (rev 7274)
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Catalyst Advent Calendar 2007 day 1 supporting
-Catalyst ExtJS sample application.
-Please read that article in association with this code.
+Catalyst Advent Calendar 2007 day 1 and day 14.
+This is the supporting Catalyst ExtJS sample application.
+Please read those articles in association with this code.
Run script/extjs_server.pl to test the application.
@@ -8,12 +8,6 @@
of the ext-1.1.1 library so this app will work if the reader
forgets to install ExtJS. A lot of the examples and the manuals
have been removed so you'd be better off downloading it from
-the extjs.com site as described in the article.
+the extjs.com site as described in the day 1 article.
-TODO: add in code to ExtJS/lib/ExtJS/Controller/ExtJS.pm
-to read a booking record from the database and pass it to
-Template Toolkit via the stash, then change root/src/booking.tt2
-to pick up the booking field data from there. It's hard coded
-for now (ran out of time, but all the db hooks are in place).
Peter Edwards / peterdragon <peter at dragonstaff.co.uk>
Modified: trunk/examples/ExtJS/conf/extjs.pl
--- trunk/examples/ExtJS/conf/extjs.pl 2007-12-11 14:17:58 UTC (rev 7273)
+++ trunk/examples/ExtJS/conf/extjs.pl 2007-12-12 00:24:53 UTC (rev 7274)
@@ -5,8 +5,5 @@
static => {
include_path => [ '__path_to(root/static)__' ],
- 'Model::ExtJSModel' => {
- schema_class => 'ExtJS::Schema',
- connect_info => [ 'dbi:SQLite:extjs.db', '', '', { AutoCommit => 1 } ],
- },
+ overrideme => 'first value',
Added: trunk/examples/ExtJS/conf/extjs_local.pl
--- trunk/examples/ExtJS/conf/extjs_local.pl (rev 0)
+++ trunk/examples/ExtJS/conf/extjs_local.pl 2007-12-12 00:24:53 UTC (rev 7274)
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# extjs_local.pl
+ dummy => 'someval',
+ overrideme => 'second value',
Added: trunk/examples/ExtJS/conf/extjs_model.pl
--- trunk/examples/ExtJS/conf/extjs_model.pl (rev 0)
+++ trunk/examples/ExtJS/conf/extjs_model.pl 2007-12-12 00:24:53 UTC (rev 7274)
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# extjs_model.pl
+ # model DBI connection data
+ 'Model::ExtJSModel' => {
+ schema_class => 'ExtJS::Schema',
+ connect_info => [ 'dbi:SQLite:extjs.db', '', '', { AutoCommit => 1 } ],
+ #connect_info => [ 'DBI:mysql:database=extjs;host=localhost', 'username', 'password', {} ], # mysql connection string sample
+ },
Property changes on: trunk/examples/ExtJS/conf/extjs_model.pl
Name: svn:executable
+ *
Modified: trunk/examples/ExtJS/extjs.db
(Binary files differ)
Modified: trunk/examples/ExtJS/extjs.sql
--- trunk/examples/ExtJS/extjs.sql 2007-12-11 14:17:58 UTC (rev 7273)
+++ trunk/examples/ExtJS/extjs.sql 2007-12-12 00:24:53 UTC (rev 7274)
@@ -3,14 +3,42 @@
CREATE TABLE booking (
- client_name TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
- description TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
+ resource INTEGER NOT NULL,
+ resource_name TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
+ start_date TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
+ end_date TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
+ customer_code TEXT NOT NULL,
+ customer_name TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
+ assignment TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
+ order_no INTEGER NOT NULL,
+ department TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
+ comments TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
+ work_tel TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
+ report_to TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
+ report_address TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
+ report_postcode TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
+ cost_code TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
+ cost_centre TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
+ customer_tel TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
+ skill_codes TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
-INSERT INTO booking VALUES (1, 'ABC000001', 'A.B. Contractors', 'Fit worktops to kitchen', 150.0);
-INSERT INTO booking VALUES (2, 'ABC000002', 'A.B. Contractors', 'Install plumbing for sink and appliances', 500.50);
-INSERT INTO booking VALUES (3, 'CAR 12/95', 'Carillon Gmbh', 'General duties', 220.0);
-INSERT INTO booking VALUES (4, 'ABC000003', 'A.B. Contractors', 'Remove waste', 85.0);
-INSERT INTO booking VALUES (5, 'CAR A/B1', 'Carillon Gmbh', 'Callout cover', 240);
-INSERT INTO booking VALUES (6, 'BART PROD', 'Bart Spices', 'Production control', 70.0);
+INSERT INTO booking VALUES (1, 'ABC000001', 1040, 'Fred Bloggs', '2007/12/01',
+ '2008/01/25', 'ABC', 'A.B. Contractors', 'Fit worktops to kitchen',
+ 1052, '', '', '01234 567890', 'Site Manager', "Some address, Sometown",
+ 'SO1 ME23', 'Temporary', 'Live', 'AC 1001', 'ABC01', '', 'Catalyst',
+ 'PERL KITCHEN', 150.0);
+INSERT INTO booking VALUES (2, 'ABC000002', 1055, 'Simone de Beauvoir', '2007/08/20',
+ '2007/08/31', 'ABC', 'A.B. Contractors', 'Install plumbing for sink and appliances',
+ 549, 'Kitchens', 'ASAP please', '01234 567890', 'A. Manager', "Some address, Sometown",
+ 'SO1 ME23', 'Contract', 'Complete', 'AC 2051', 'ABC02', '01234 987654', 'Catalyst',
+INSERT INTO booking VALUES (4001, 'ABC/123', 13066, 'Joe Tester', '2007/06/01',
+ '2007/09/27', 'ABC000001', 'A.B. Contractors', 'PCB Assembly Test',
+ 4, 'Mech/Hemel', '', '0555923534', 'Alice Davies', "1 One Street, Twotown, Threesdale",
+ 'TH1 1AA', 'Temporary', 'Complete', 'AC 1001 / ABH', 'HEM01', '0131 5232 4121', 'Catalyst',
+ 'DWIM DRY', 150.0);
Modified: trunk/examples/ExtJS/lib/ExtJS/Controller/ExtJS.pm
--- trunk/examples/ExtJS/lib/ExtJS/Controller/ExtJS.pm 2007-12-11 14:17:58 UTC (rev 7273)
+++ trunk/examples/ExtJS/lib/ExtJS/Controller/ExtJS.pm 2007-12-12 00:24:53 UTC (rev 7274)
@@ -48,19 +48,22 @@
=head2 booking - a database record view
-The data is hard-coded in the template for now.
-TODO: read the booking record data through $c->model('ExtJS::Booking')
+Read the booking record data through $c->model('ExtJSModel::Booking')
and pass the data object in the stash so the template can display field data from it.
-The class ExtJS::Model::ExtJSModel::Booking is already set up by lib/ExtJS/Schema.pm
-using DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader ready for you.
+The class ExtJS::Model::ExtJSModel::Booking is automatically set up by lib/ExtJS/Schema.pm
+using DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader.
sub booking :Path('/booking') {
my ( $self, $c, $arg ) = @_;
+ my $booking_id = $arg; # a path like /booking/4001 gives $arg == 4001
$c->stash->{template} = 'booking.tt2';
- $c->stash->{page}->{title} = 'Booking View - 4001';
+ $c->stash->{page}->{title} = 'Booking View - ' . $booking_id;
+ my $rs = $c->model('ExtJSModel::Booking')->search({ id => $booking_id }, {})->single;
+ # normally you'd handle inconsistent data with an error screen rather than dying
+ defined $rs || die "cannot find booking '${booking_id}'";
+ $c->stash->{booking} = $rs; # pass into Template Toolkit where the object is accessible as 'booking', e.g. [% booking.id %]
=head1 AUTHOR
Modified: trunk/examples/ExtJS/lib/ExtJS/Model/ExtJSModel.pm
--- trunk/examples/ExtJS/lib/ExtJS/Model/ExtJSModel.pm 2007-12-11 14:17:58 UTC (rev 7273)
+++ trunk/examples/ExtJS/lib/ExtJS/Model/ExtJSModel.pm 2007-12-12 00:24:53 UTC (rev 7274)
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
package ExtJS::Model::ExtJSModel;
use strict;
+use warnings;
use base 'Catalyst::Model::DBIC::Schema';
@@ -11,18 +12,33 @@
# ],
-use Catalyst qw/ ConfigLoader /;
-use Config::Any::Perl;
+use Catalyst qw/ ConfigLoader /; # gives us __PACKAGE__->config->{'home'}
+use Config::Any::Perl; # to load .pl config files
+use Path::Class;
my $cfg;
eval { $cfg = ExtJS->config; }; # this succeeds if running inside Catalyst
-if ($@) # otherwise if called from outside Catalyst try manual load
+if ($@) # otherwise if called from outside Catalyst try manual load of model configuration
- my $cfgpath = __PACKAGE__->config->{'home'} . '/conf/extjs.pl';
- -r $cfgpath || die "cannot read config file $cfgpath";
+ # TODO use File::Path
+ my $cfgpath1 = Path::Class::File->new( __PACKAGE__->config->{'home'},
+ 'conf', 'extjs_model_local.pl' )->stringify;
+ my $cfgpath2 = Path::Class::File->new( __PACKAGE__->config->{'home'},
+ 'conf', 'extjs_model.pl' )->stringify;
+ my $cfgpath = -r $cfgpath1 ? $cfgpath1
+ : -r $cfgpath2 ? $cfgpath2
+ : die "cannot read $cfgpath1 or $cfgpath2";
+ delete $INC{$cfgpath}; # workaround so older Config::Any::Perl will work when reloading config file
$cfg = Config::Any::Perl->load( $cfgpath );
+# test we have got our model config in
+defined $cfg->{'Model::ExtJSModel'} || die "Catalyst config not found";
+# put model parameters into main configuration
+__PACKAGE__->config( $cfg->{'Model::ExtJSModel'} );
=head1 NAME
ExtJS::Model::ExtJSModel - Catalyst DBIC Schema Model
Modified: trunk/examples/ExtJS/lib/ExtJS.pm
--- trunk/examples/ExtJS/lib/ExtJS.pm 2007-12-11 14:17:58 UTC (rev 7273)
+++ trunk/examples/ExtJS/lib/ExtJS.pm 2007-12-12 00:24:53 UTC (rev 7274)
@@ -13,9 +13,10 @@
# Static::Simple: will serve static files from the application's root
# directory
-use Catalyst qw/-Debug ConfigLoader Static::Simple/;
+use Catalyst qw/-Debug ConfigLoader::Multi Static::Simple/;
use Data::Dump qw(dump);
+use Config::Any::Perl;
our $VERSION = '0.01';
@@ -30,16 +31,16 @@
__PACKAGE__->config( name => 'ExtJS' );
-# this app's configuration is in conf/extjs.pl
+# this app's configuration is in conf/extjs.pl, conf/extjs_local.pl, conf/extjs_model.pl
__PACKAGE__->config( file => __PACKAGE__->path_to('conf') );
# Start the application
# use
-# $ CATALYST_DEBUG=1 perl script/extjs_test.pl /
+# $ CATALYST_DEBUG_CONFIG=1 perl script/extjs_test.pl /
# to check what's in your configuration after loading
-$ENV{CATALYST_DEBUG} && print STDERR 'cat config looks like: '. dump(__PACKAGE__->config) . "\n";# . dump(%INC)."\n";
+$ENV{CATALYST_DEBUG_CONFIG} && print STDERR 'cat config looks like: '. dump(__PACKAGE__->config) . "\n";# . dump(%INC)."\n";
=head1 NAME
Modified: trunk/examples/ExtJS/root/lib/site/header
--- trunk/examples/ExtJS/root/lib/site/header 2007-12-11 14:17:58 UTC (rev 7273)
+++ trunk/examples/ExtJS/root/lib/site/header 2007-12-12 00:24:53 UTC (rev 7274)
@@ -13,7 +13,8 @@
<li><a href="[% Catalyst.uri_for('/home') %]">Home</a>
<li><a href="[% Catalyst.uri_for('/hello') %]">Hello</a>
- <li><a href="[% Catalyst.uri_for('/booking') %]">Booking</a>
+ <li><a href="[% Catalyst.uri_for('/booking/2') %]">Booking 2</a>
+ <li><a href="[% Catalyst.uri_for('/booking/4001') %]">Booking 4001</a>
<li><a href="http://www.google.com" target="_blank">Google</a>
Modified: trunk/examples/ExtJS/root/src/booking.tt2
--- trunk/examples/ExtJS/root/src/booking.tt2 2007-12-11 14:17:58 UTC (rev 7273)
+++ trunk/examples/ExtJS/root/src/booking.tt2 2007-12-12 00:24:53 UTC (rev 7274)
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
<p>A simple record view with two tabs. ExtJS has lots of options for tab layouts,
tabs that can be closed and so on.</p>
+<p>The booking data here has been passed in as a DBIx::Class resultset row object.</p>
<p>Well, that's it for today folks, I hope you enjoyed
the article and it encourages you to have a play with Catalyst and ExtJS.<br />--peterdragon</p>
@@ -32,44 +33,47 @@
+<!-- normally you would use a TT macro to lookup the field label and generate
+ the HTML it is wrapped in but we use straight HTML here for clarity -->
- 4001
+ [% booking.id %]
<strong>Start Date</strong>
- 01/06/2007
+ [% booking.start_date %]
<strong>End Date</strong>
- 27/09/2007
+ [% booking.end_date %]
<strong>Customer Code</strong>
- ABC000001
+ [% booking.customer_code %]
- 13066
+ [% booking.resource %]
<strong>Resource Name</strong>
- Joe Tester
+ [% booking.resource_name %]
<strong>PO Ref</strong>
- ABC/123
+ [% booking.po_ref %]
<strong>Customer Name</strong>
- A.B. Contractors
+ [% booking.customer_name %]
+<!-- define tab 1 -->
<div id="bkpg1">
<table border="2" class="boxdata" id="infobox_booking">
@@ -77,42 +81,42 @@
<tr><td class="boxdataheading" colspan=2>Booking</td></tr>
<td class="boxdatalabel"><span class="boxdatalabel">Assignment</span></td>
- <td class="boxdatavalue"><span class="boxdatavalue">PCB Assembly Test</span></td>
+ <td class="boxdatavalue"><span class="boxdatavalue">[% booking.assignment %]</span></td>
<td class="boxdatalabel"><span class="boxdatalabel">Order No.</span></td>
- <td class="boxdatavalue"><span class="boxdatavalue">4</span></td>
+ <td class="boxdatavalue"><span class="boxdatavalue">[% booking.order_no %]</span></td>
<td class="boxdatalabel"><span class="boxdatalabel">Department</span></td>
- <td class="boxdatavalue"><span class="boxdatavalue">Mech/Hemel</span></td>
+ <td class="boxdatavalue"><span class="boxdatavalue">[% booking.department %]</span></td>
<td class="boxdatalabel"><span class="boxdatalabel">Comments</span></td>
- <td class="boxdatavalue"><span class="boxdatavalue"></span></td>
+ <td class="boxdatavalue"><span class="boxdatavalue">[% booking.comments %]</span></td>
<td class="boxdatalabel"><span class="boxdatalabel">Work Telephone</span></td>
- <td class="boxdatavalue"><span class="boxdatavalue">0555923534</span></td>
+ <td class="boxdatavalue"><span class="boxdatavalue">[% booking.work_tel %]</span></td>
<td class="boxdatalabel"><span class="boxdatalabel">Report To</span></td>
- <td class="boxdatavalue"><span class="boxdatavalue">Alice Davies</span></td>
+ <td class="boxdatavalue"><span class="boxdatavalue">[% booking.report_to %]</span></td>
<td class="boxdatalabel"><span class="boxdatalabel">Address</span></td>
- <td class="boxdatavalue"><span class="boxdatavalue">1 One Street<br>Twotown<br>Threesdale<br><br></span></td>
+ <td class="boxdatavalue"><span class="boxdatavalue">[% booking.report_address %]</span></td>
<td class="boxdatalabel"><span class="boxdatalabel">Postcode</span></td>
- <td class="boxdatavalue"><span class="boxdatavalue">TH1 1AA</span></td>
+ <td class="boxdatavalue"><span class="boxdatavalue">[% booking.report_postcode %]</span></td>
@@ -124,12 +128,12 @@
<td class="boxdatalabel"><span class="boxdatalabel">Booking Type</span></td>
- <td class="boxdatavalue"><span class="boxdatavalue">Temporary</span></td>
+ <td class="boxdatavalue"><span class="boxdatavalue">[% booking.type %]</span></td>
<td class="boxdatalabel"><span class="boxdatalabel">Status</span></td>
- <td class="boxdatavalue"><span class="boxdatavalue">Complete</span></td>
+ <td class="boxdatavalue"><span class="boxdatavalue">[% booking.status %]</span></td>
@@ -138,6 +142,7 @@
+<!-- define tab 2 -->
<div id="bkpg2">
<table border="2" class="boxdata" id="infobox_customer">
@@ -146,27 +151,27 @@
<td class="boxdatalabel"><span class="boxdatalabel">Cost code</span></td>
- <td class="boxdatavalue"><span class="boxdatavalue">AC 1001 / ABH</span></td>
+ <td class="boxdatavalue"><span class="boxdatavalue">[% booking.cost_code %]</span></td>
<td class="boxdatalabel"><span class="boxdatalabel">Cost centre</span></td>
- <td class="boxdatavalue"><span class="boxdatavalue">HEM01 </span></td>
+ <td class="boxdatavalue"><span class="boxdatavalue">[% booking.cost_centre %]</span></td>
<td class="boxdatalabel"><span class="boxdatalabel">Telephone</span></td>
- <td class="boxdatavalue"><span class="boxdatavalue">0131 5232 4121</span></td>
+ <td class="boxdatavalue"><span class="boxdatavalue">[% booking.customer_tel %]</span></td>
<td class="boxdatalabel"><span class="boxdatalabel">Project</span></td>
- <td class="boxdatavalue"><span class="boxdatavalue">Catalyst</span></td>
+ <td class="boxdatavalue"><span class="boxdatavalue">[% booking.project %]</span></td>
<td class="boxdatalabel"><span class="boxdatalabel">Skill Codes</span></td>
- <td class="boxdatavalue"><span class="boxdatavalue">DWIM DRY</span></td>
+ <td class="boxdatavalue"><span class="boxdatavalue">[% booking.skill_codes %]</span></td>
@@ -175,6 +180,7 @@
+<!-- ExtJS will attach tab1 and tab2 to this div and render them as a tab set -->
<div id="tabs1" class="xp"></div>
Added: trunk/examples/ExtJS/script/dump_bookings.pl
--- trunk/examples/ExtJS/script/dump_bookings.pl (rev 0)
+++ trunk/examples/ExtJS/script/dump_bookings.pl 2007-12-12 00:24:53 UTC (rev 7274)
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+# script/dump_bookings.pl
+# a really simple example of accessing a Catalyst application's Model
+# from an external script
+# it lists all the booking records in the database
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use lib qw( lib ../lib ); # allow for running from root directory or from script directory
+use ExtJS::Model::ExtJSModel;
+use ExtJS::Schema;
+# demonstrate picking up database connection info
+my $connect_info = ExtJS::Model::ExtJSModel->config->{connect_info};
+print "connecting schema to ".$connect_info->[0]."\n";
+# connect to the Catalyst schema
+my $schema = ExtJS::Schema->connect( @$connect_info );
+# show the model classes available
+my @sources = $schema->sources();
+print 'found schema model sources :- ' . join(", ", at sources) . "\n";
+# list all bookings
+print "listing all bookings ordered by po_ref\n";
+my $rs = $schema->resultset('Booking')->search({}, { order_by => 'po_ref' });
+for my $row ( $rs->all )
+ print "\nBooking ". $row->id ." - PO Ref " . $row->po_ref . "\n";
+ for my $col ( sort $row->columns )
+ {
+ next if $col eq 'id' || $col eq 'po_ref';
+ printf " %-20s: %-50s\n", $col, $row->get_column($col);
+ }
Property changes on: trunk/examples/ExtJS/script/dump_bookings.pl
Name: svn:executable
+ *
Added: trunk/examples/ExtJS/t/10_schema.t
--- trunk/examples/ExtJS/t/10_schema.t (rev 0)
+++ trunk/examples/ExtJS/t/10_schema.t 2007-12-12 00:24:53 UTC (rev 7274)
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# t/10_schema.t
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More tests => 5;
+use Data::Dump qw(dump);
+BEGIN { use_ok 'ExtJS::Model::ExtJSModel' }
+BEGIN { use_ok 'ExtJS::Schema' }
+my $connect_info = ExtJS::Model::ExtJSModel->config->{connect_info};
+diag "connecting schema to ".$connect_info->[0]."\n";
+my $schema = ExtJS::Schema->connect( @$connect_info );
+my @sources = $schema->sources();
+ok( scalar @sources > 0, 'found schema sources :- '.join(", ", at sources) );
+my $b;
+ok( $b = $schema->resultset('Booking')->find(1),
+ 'find booking with id 1' );
+ok( $b->po_ref eq 'ABC000001',
+ 'booking 1 po_ref is ABC000001' );
Property changes on: trunk/examples/ExtJS/t/10_schema.t
Name: svn:executable
+ *
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