[Catalyst-commits] r6398 - in trunk: . Catalyst-View-Email
Catalyst-View-Email/lib Catalyst-View-Email/lib/Catalyst
Catalyst-View-Email/lib/Catalyst/View/Email Catalyst-View-Email/t
jshirley at dev.catalyst.perl.org
jshirley at dev.catalyst.perl.org
Sat May 12 20:10:41 GMT 2007
Author: jshirley
Date: 2007-05-12 20:10:40 +0100 (Sat, 12 May 2007)
New Revision: 6398
Initial checkin of Catalyst::View::Email - suitable for developers to poke
Added: trunk/Catalyst-View-Email/MANIFEST
--- trunk/Catalyst-View-Email/MANIFEST (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Catalyst-View-Email/MANIFEST 2007-05-12 19:10:40 UTC (rev 6398)
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+MANIFEST This list of files
Added: trunk/Catalyst-View-Email/MANIFEST.SKIP
--- trunk/Catalyst-View-Email/MANIFEST.SKIP (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Catalyst-View-Email/MANIFEST.SKIP 2007-05-12 19:10:40 UTC (rev 6398)
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+# Avoid version control files.
+# Avoid Makemaker generated and utility files.
+# Avoid Module::Build generated and utility files.
+# Avoid temp and backup files.
+# Avoid Apache::Test files
+# No tarballs!
+# Skip the roadmap
Added: trunk/Catalyst-View-Email/Makefile.PL
--- trunk/Catalyst-View-Email/Makefile.PL (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Catalyst-View-Email/Makefile.PL 2007-05-12 19:10:40 UTC (rev 6398)
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+use inc::Module::Install;
+name 'Catalyst-View-Email';
+all_from 'lib/Catalyst/View/Email.pm';
+requires 'Catalyst' => '5.7';
+requires 'Class::C3';
+requires 'Email::Send' => '2.185';
+requires 'Email::MIME' => '1.859';
+requires 'Email::MIME::Creator' => '1.453';
Added: trunk/Catalyst-View-Email/lib/Catalyst/Helper/View/Email/Template.pm
--- trunk/Catalyst-View-Email/lib/Catalyst/Helper/View/Email/Template.pm (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Catalyst-View-Email/lib/Catalyst/Helper/View/Email/Template.pm 2007-05-12 19:10:40 UTC (rev 6398)
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+package Catalyst::Helper::View::Email::Template;
+use strict;
+=head1 NAME
+Catalyst::Helper::View::Email::Template - Helper for Templated Email Views
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ script/create.pl view Template::Email Template::Email
+Helper for Template-based Email Views.
+=head2 METHODS
+=head3 mk_compclass
+sub mk_compclass {
+ my ( $self, $helper ) = @_;
+ my $file = $helper->{file};
+ $helper->render_file( 'compclass', $file );
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+L<Catalyst::Manual>, L<Catalyst::Test>, L<Catalyst::Request>,
+L<Catalyst::Response>, L<Catalyst::Helper>
+=head1 AUTHOR
+J. Shirley C<jshirley at gmail.com>
+=head1 LICENSE
+This library is free software . You can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the same terms as perl itself.
+package [% class %];
+use strict;
+use base 'Catalyst::View::Email::Template';
+ stash_key => 'email',
+ template_prefix => ''
+=head1 NAME
+[% class %] - Templated Email View for [% app %]
+View for sending template-generated email from [% app %].
+=head1 AUTHOR
+[% author %]
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+L<[% app %]>
+=head1 LICENSE
+This library is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the same terms as Perl itself.
Added: trunk/Catalyst-View-Email/lib/Catalyst/Helper/View/Email.pm
--- trunk/Catalyst-View-Email/lib/Catalyst/Helper/View/Email.pm (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Catalyst-View-Email/lib/Catalyst/Helper/View/Email.pm 2007-05-12 19:10:40 UTC (rev 6398)
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+package Catalyst::Helper::View::Email;
+use strict;
+=head1 NAME
+Catalyst::Helper::View::Email - Helper for Email Views
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ script/create.pl view Email Email
+Helper for Email Views.
+=head2 METHODS
+=head3 mk_compclass
+sub mk_compclass {
+ my ( $self, $helper ) = @_;
+ my $file = $helper->{file};
+ $helper->render_file( 'compclass', $file );
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+L<Catalyst::Manual>, L<Catalyst::Test>, L<Catalyst::Request>,
+L<Catalyst::Response>, L<Catalyst::Helper>
+=head1 AUTHOR
+J. Shirley C<jshirley at gmail.com>
+=head1 LICENSE
+This library is free software . You can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the same terms as perl itself.
+package [% class %];
+use strict;
+use base 'Catalyst::View::Email';
+ stash_key => 'email'
+=head1 NAME
+[% class %] - Email View for [% app %]
+View for sending email from [% app %].
+=head1 AUTHOR
+[% author %]
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+L<[% app %]>
+=head1 LICENSE
+This library is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the same terms as Perl itself.
Added: trunk/Catalyst-View-Email/lib/Catalyst/View/Email/Template.pm
--- trunk/Catalyst-View-Email/lib/Catalyst/View/Email/Template.pm (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Catalyst-View-Email/lib/Catalyst/View/Email/Template.pm 2007-05-12 19:10:40 UTC (rev 6398)
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+package Catalyst::View::Email::Template;
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+use Class::C3;
+use Carp;
+use Email::MIME::Creator;
+use base qw|Catalyst::View::Email|;
+our $VERSION = '0.01';
+=head1 NAME
+Catalyst::View::Email::Template - Send Templated Email from Catalyst
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+Sends Templated mail, based upon your Default View. Will capture the output
+of the rendering path, slurps in based on mime-types and assembles a multi-part
+email and sends it out.
+ View::Email::Template:
+ # Set it up so if you have multiple parts, they're alternatives.
+ # This is on the top-level message, not the individual parts.
+ content_type: multipart/alternative
+ # Optional prefix to look somewhere under the existing configured
+ # template paths.
+ template_prefix: email
+ # Where to look in the stash for the email information
+ stash_key: email
+ # Setup how to send the email
+ sender:
+ method: SMTP
+ host: smtp.myhost.com
+ username: username
+ password: password
+Sending email is just setting up your stash key, and forwarding to the view.
+ $c->stash->{email} = {
+ to => 'jshirley at gmail.com',
+ from => 'no-reply at foobar.com',
+ subject => 'I am a Catalyst generated email',
+ # Specify which templates to include
+ templates => [
+ qw{text_plain/test.tt},
+ qw{text_html/test.tt}
+ ]
+ };
+ $c->forward('View::Email::Template');
+If it fails $c->error will have the error message.
+ template_prefix => '',
+# This view hitches into your default view and will call the render function
+# on the templates provided. This means that you have a layer of abstraction
+# and you aren't required to modify your templates based on your desired engine
+# (Template Toolkit or Mason, for example). As long as the view adequately
+# supports ->render, all things are good. Mason, and others, are not good.
+# The path here is to check configuration for the template root, and then
+# proceed to call render on the subsequent templates and stuff each one
+# into an Email::MIME container. The mime-type will be stupidly guessed with
+# the subdir on the template.
+# TODO: Make this unretarded.
+sub process {
+ my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
+ my $stash_key = $self->config->{stash_key} || 'email';
+ croak "No template specified for rendering"
+ unless $c->stash->{$stash_key}->{template} or
+ $c->stash->{$stash_key}->{templates};
+ # Where to look
+ my $template_prefix = $self->config->{template_prefix};
+ my @templates = ();
+ if ( $c->stash->{$stash_key}->{templates} ) {
+ push @templates, map {
+ join('/', $template_prefix, $_);
+ } @{$c->stash->{$stash_key}->{templates}};
+ } else {
+ push @templates, join('/', $template_prefix,
+ $c->stash->{$stash_key}->{template});
+ }
+ my $default_view = $c->view( $self->config->{default_view} );
+ unless ( $default_view->can('render') ) {
+ croak "Email::Template's configured view does not have a render method!";
+ }
+ #$c->log->_dump($default_view->config);
+ my @parts = ();
+ foreach my $template ( @templates ) {
+ $template =~ s#^/+##; # Make sure that we don't have an absolute path.
+ # This seems really stupid to me... argh. will give me nightmares!
+ my $template_path = $template;
+ $template_path =~ s#^$template_prefix/##;
+ my ( $content_type, $extra ) = split('/', $template_path);
+ if ( $extra ) {
+ $content_type ||= 'text/plain';
+ $content_type =~ s#_#/#;
+ } else {
+ $content_type = 'text/plain';
+ }
+ my $output = $default_view->render( $c, $template,
+ { content_type => $content_type });
+ # Got a ref, not a scalar. An error!
+ if ( ref $output ) {
+ croak $output->can("as_string") ? $output->as_string : $output;
+ }
+ push @parts, Email::MIME->create(
+ attributes => {
+ content_type => $content_type
+ },
+ body => $output
+ );
+ }
+ delete $c->stash->{email}->{body};
+ $c->stash->{email}->{parts} ||= [];
+ push @{$c->stash->{email}->{parts}}, @parts;
+ # Let C::V::Email do the actual sending. We just assemble the tasty bits.
+ return $self->next::method($c);
+=head1 TODO
+There needs to be a method to support attachments. What I am thinking is
+something along these lines:
+ attachments => [
+ # Set the body to a file handle object, specify content_type and
+ # the file name. (name is what it is sent at, not the file)
+ { body => $fh, name => "foo.pdf", content_type => "application/pdf" },
+ # Or, specify a filename that is added, and hey, encoding!
+ { filename => "foo.gif", name => "foo.gif", content_type => "application/pdf", encoding => "quoted-printable" },
+ # Or, just a path to a file, and do some guesswork for the content type
+ "/path/to/somefile.pdf",
+ ]
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+=head2 L<Catalyst::View::Email> - Send plain boring emails with Catalyst
+=head2 L<Catalyst::Manual> - The Catalyst Manual
+=head2 L<Catalyst::Manual::Cookbook> - The Catalyst Cookbook
+=head1 AUTHORS
+J. Shirley <jshirley at gmail.com>
+=head1 LICENSE
+This library is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+the same terms as Perl itself.
Added: trunk/Catalyst-View-Email/lib/Catalyst/View/Email.pm
--- trunk/Catalyst-View-Email/lib/Catalyst/View/Email.pm (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Catalyst-View-Email/lib/Catalyst/View/Email.pm 2007-05-12 19:10:40 UTC (rev 6398)
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+package Catalyst::View::Email;
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+use Carp;
+use Email::Send;
+use Email::MIME::Creator;
+use base qw|Catalyst::View|;
+our $VERSION = '0.01';
+=head1 NAME
+Catalyst::View::Email - Send Email from Catalyst
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+This module simply sends out email from a stash key specified in the
+configuration settings.
+In your app configuration (example in L<YAML>):
+ View::Email:
+ stash_key: email
+ content_type: text/plain
+ sender:
+ method: SMTP
+ host: smtp.myhost.com
+ username: username
+ password: password
+ stash_key => 'email',
+In your controller, simply forward to the view after populating the C<stash_key>
+ sub controller : Private {
+ my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
+ $c->stash->{email} = {
+ to => qq{catalyst at rocksyoursocks.com},
+ from => qq{no-reply at socksthatarerocked.com},
+ subject => qq{Your Subject Here},
+ body => qq{Body Body Body}
+ };
+ $c->forward('View::Email');
+ }
+Alternatively, you can use a more raw interface, and specify the headers as
+an array reference.
+ $c->stash->{email} = {
+ header => [
+ To => 'foo at bar.com',
+ Subject => 'Note the capitalization differences'
+ ],
+ body => qq{Ain't got no body, and nobody cares.},
+ # Or, send parts
+ parts => [
+ Email::MIME->create(
+ attributes => {
+ content_type => 'text/plain',
+ disposition => 'attachment',
+ charset => 'US-ASCII',
+ },
+ body => qq{Got a body, but didn't get ahead.}
+ )
+ ],
+ };
+If the email fails to send, the view will die (throw an exception). After
+your forward to the view, it is a good idea to check for errors:
+ $c->forward('View::Email');
+ if ( scalar( @{ $c->error } ) ) {
+ $c->error(0); # Reset the error condition if you need to
+ $c->res->body('Oh noes!');
+ } else {
+ $c->res->body('Email sent A-OK! (At least as far as we can tell)');
+ }
+Now, it's no fun to just send out email using plain strings. We also have
+L<Catalyst::View::Email::TT> for use. You can also toggle this as being used
+by setting up your configuration to look like this:
+ View::Email:
+ default: TT
+Then, Catalyst::View::Email will forward to View::Email::TT by default.
+sub new {
+ my ( $class ) = shift;
+ my $self = $class->next::method(@_);
+ my $mailer = Email::Send->new;
+ if ( my $method = $self->config->{sender}->{method} ) {
+ croak "$method is not supported, see Email::Send"
+ unless $mailer->mailer_available($method);
+ $mailer->mailer($method);
+ } else {
+ # Default case, run through the most likely options first.
+ for ( qw/SMTP Sendmail Qmail/ ) {
+ $mailer->mailer($_) and last if $mailer->mailer_available($_);
+ }
+ }
+ if ( $mailer->mailer eq 'SMTP' ) {
+ my $host = $self->config->{sender}->{host} || 'localhost';
+ $mailer->mailer_args([ Host => $host ]);
+ }
+ $self->mailer($mailer);
+ return $self;
+sub process {
+ my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
+ croak "Unable to send mail, bad mail configuration"
+ unless $self->mailer;
+ my $email = $c->stash->{$self->config->{stash_key}};
+ croak "Can't send email without a valid email structure"
+ unless $email;
+ if ( $self->config->{content_type} ) {
+ $email->{content_type} ||= $self->config->{content_type};
+ }
+ my $header = $email->{header} || [];
+ push @$header, ('To' => delete $email->{to})
+ if $email->{to};
+ push @$header, ('From' => delete $email->{from})
+ if $email->{from};
+ push @$header, ('Subject' => delete $email->{subject})
+ if $email->{subject};
+ push @$header, ('Content-type' => delete $email->{content_type})
+ if $email->{content_type};
+ my $parts = $email->{parts};
+ my $body = $email->{body};
+ unless ( $parts or $body ) {
+ croak "Can't send email without parts or body, check stash";
+ }
+ my %mime = ( header => $header );
+ if ( $parts and ref $parts eq 'ARRAY' ) {
+ $mime{parts} = $parts;
+ } else {
+ $mime{body} = $body;
+ }
+ my $message = Email::MIME->create(%mime);
+ if ( $message ) {
+ $self->mailer->send($message);
+ } else {
+ croak "Unable to create message";
+ }
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+=head2 L<Catalyst::View::Email::Template> - Send fancy template emails with Cat
+=head2 L<Catalyst::Manual> - The Catalyst Manual
+=head2 L<Catalyst::Manual::Cookbook> - The Catalyst Cookbook
+=head1 AUTHORS
+J. Shirley <jshirley at gmail.com>
+=head1 LICENSE
+This library is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+the same terms as Perl itself.
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