[Catalyst-commits] r7179 - in Catalyst-Model-SOAP/1.0/trunk: . lib
lib/Catalyst lib/Catalyst/Model t t/lib
ruoso at dev.catalyst.perl.org
ruoso at dev.catalyst.perl.org
Tue Nov 27 11:19:43 GMT 2007
Author: ruoso
Date: 2007-11-27 11:19:43 +0000 (Tue, 27 Nov 2007)
New Revision: 7179
[C-M-SOAP] getting the last version from git... As the history was too small, it is not being imported...
Added: Catalyst-Model-SOAP/1.0/trunk/Changes
--- Catalyst-Model-SOAP/1.0/trunk/Changes (rev 0)
+++ Catalyst-Model-SOAP/1.0/trunk/Changes 2007-11-27 11:19:43 UTC (rev 7179)
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+commit d01cd969edbddbd62d33a9aaf35bed53b85a2f8e
+Author: Daniel Ruoso <daniel at ruoso.com>
+Date: Mon Nov 26 14:13:57 2007 +0000
+ initial revision
Added: Catalyst-Model-SOAP/1.0/trunk/MANIFEST
--- Catalyst-Model-SOAP/1.0/trunk/MANIFEST (rev 0)
+++ Catalyst-Model-SOAP/1.0/trunk/MANIFEST 2007-11-27 11:19:43 UTC (rev 7179)
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
Added: Catalyst-Model-SOAP/1.0/trunk/Makefile.PL
--- Catalyst-Model-SOAP/1.0/trunk/Makefile.PL (rev 0)
+++ Catalyst-Model-SOAP/1.0/trunk/Makefile.PL 2007-11-27 11:19:43 UTC (rev 7179)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+use 5.008008;
+use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
+ (
+ NAME => 'Catalyst::Model::SOAP',
+ VERSION_FROM => 'lib/Catalyst/Model/SOAP.pm',
+ PREREQ_PM => { Catalyst::Runtime => 5.7011, XML::Compile::SOAP => 0 },
+ ABSTRACT_FROM => 'lib/Catalyst/Model/SOAP.pm', # retrieve abstract from module
+ AUTHOR => 'Daniel Ruoso <daniel.ruoso at verticalone.pt>',
+ );
Added: Catalyst-Model-SOAP/1.0/trunk/README
--- Catalyst-Model-SOAP/1.0/trunk/README (rev 0)
+++ Catalyst-Model-SOAP/1.0/trunk/README 2007-11-27 11:19:43 UTC (rev 7179)
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+ Catalyst::Model::SOAP - Map a WSDL to a catalyst model class.
+ {# In the model class...
+ package MyApp::Model::SOAP;
+ use base qw(Catalyst::Model::SOAP);
+ __PACKAGE__->register_wsdl('http://foo.bar/baz.wsdl', 'Bar::Baz');
+ __PACKAGE__->register_wsdl('http://baz.bar/foo.wsdl', 'Bar::Foo');
+ };
+ {# later in some other class..
+ $c->model('Bar::Baz')->getWeather(%arguments);
+ # is then dispatched to the operation getWeather described by the
+ # first wsdl...
+ $c->model('Bar::Foo')->foo(%arguments);
+ # is then dispatched to the operation foo described by the
+ # second wsdl...
+ };
+ Create a catalyst model class from a WSDL definition using
+ XML::Compile::SOAP.
+ This module implements a mapping from a wsdl definition, interpreted by
+ XML::Compile::SOAP::WSDL, as a Model class, where each operation in the
+ wsdl file is represented by a method with the same name.
+ For each operation, a secondary method called _$operation_data is
+ created. This method returns a list composed by the WSDL object, the
+ operation object and the compiled code ref.
+ The invocation schema for each operation is documented in
+ XML::Compile::SOAP. Each method is a closure that will call the coderef
+ with the parameters ($self excluded).
+XML::Compile::SOAP x SOAP::WSDL
+ For this module, there were two options on the SOAP client
+ implementation. XML::Compile::SOAP and SOAP::WSDL. While both implement
+ all the features expected by this module, the reason to choose
+ XML::Compile::SOAP over SOAP::WSDL resides in the hability to support
+ the specs more closely in the future. And also to provide a better
+ support to handle literal XML messages. As the SOAP::WSDL documentation
+ already states, XML::Compile::SOAP provides an approach much more
+ extensible and close to the specs than SOAP::WSDL.
+ Another version of this module may be implemented in the future
+ supporting the other module, but, as for the relationship between
+ Catalyst::Controller::SOAP and Catalyst::Model::SOAP, XML::Compile::SOAP
+ seems to make more sense.
+ Catalyst::Controller::SOAP, XML::LibXML, XML::Compile::SOAP
+ Daniel Ruoso "daniel.ruoso at verticalone.pt"
+ Please submit all bugs regarding "Catalyst::Model::SOAP" to
+ "bug-catalyst-model-soap at rt.cpan.org"
+ This library is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ under the same terms as Perl itself.
Added: Catalyst-Model-SOAP/1.0/trunk/catalyst-model-soap.txt
--- Catalyst-Model-SOAP/1.0/trunk/catalyst-model-soap.txt (rev 0)
+++ Catalyst-Model-SOAP/1.0/trunk/catalyst-model-soap.txt 2007-11-27 11:19:43 UTC (rev 7179)
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+{# In the model class...
+ package MyApp::Model::SOAP;
+ use base qw(Catalyst::Model::SOAP);
+ __PACKAGE__->register_wsdl('http://foo.bar/baz.wsdl', 'Bar::Baz');
+ __PACKAGE__->register_wsdl('http://baz.bar/foo.wsdl', 'Bar::Foo');
+{# later in some other class..
+ $c->model('Bar::Baz')->getWeather(%arguments);
+ # is then dispatched to the operation getWeather described by the
+ # first wsdl...
+ $c->model('Bar::Foo')->foo(%arguments);
+ # is then dispatched to the operation foo described by the
+ # second wsdl...
Added: Catalyst-Model-SOAP/1.0/trunk/lib/Catalyst/Model/SOAP.pm
--- Catalyst-Model-SOAP/1.0/trunk/lib/Catalyst/Model/SOAP.pm (rev 0)
+++ Catalyst-Model-SOAP/1.0/trunk/lib/Catalyst/Model/SOAP.pm 2007-11-27 11:19:43 UTC (rev 7179)
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+{ package Catalyst::Model::SOAP;
+ use strict;
+ use warnings;
+ use XML::Compile::SOAP;
+ our $VERSION = '0.0.1';
+ sub register_wsdl {
+ }
+=head1 NAME
+Catalyst::Model::SOAP - Map a WSDL to a catalyst model class.
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ {# In the model class...
+ package MyApp::Model::SOAP;
+ use base qw(Catalyst::Model::SOAP);
+ __PACKAGE__->register_wsdl('http://foo.bar/baz.wsdl', 'Bar::Baz');
+ __PACKAGE__->register_wsdl('http://baz.bar/foo.wsdl', 'Bar::Foo');
+ };
+ {# later in some other class..
+ $c->model('Bar::Baz')->getWeather(%arguments);
+ # is then dispatched to the operation getWeather described by the
+ # first wsdl...
+ $c->model('Bar::Foo')->foo(%arguments);
+ # is then dispatched to the operation foo described by the
+ # second wsdl...
+ };
+=head1 ABSTRACT
+Create a catalyst model class from a WSDL definition using
+This module implements a mapping from a wsdl definition, interpreted
+by XML::Compile::SOAP::WSDL, as a Model class, where each operation in
+the wsdl file is represented by a method with the same name.
+For each operation, a secondary method called _$operation_data is
+created. This method returns a list composed by the WSDL object, the
+operation object and the compiled code ref.
+The invocation schema for each operation is documented in
+XML::Compile::SOAP. Each method is a closure that will call the
+coderef with the parameters ($self excluded).
+=head1 XML::Compile::SOAP x SOAP::WSDL
+For this module, there were two options on the SOAP client
+implementation. XML::Compile::SOAP and SOAP::WSDL. While both
+implement all the features expected by this module, the reason to
+choose XML::Compile::SOAP over SOAP::WSDL resides in the hability to
+support the specs more closely in the future. And also to provide a
+better support to handle literal XML messages. As the SOAP::WSDL
+documentation already states, XML::Compile::SOAP provides an approach
+much more extensible and close to the specs than SOAP::WSDL.
+Another version of this module may be implemented in the future
+supporting the other module, but, as for the relationship between
+Catalyst::Controller::SOAP and Catalyst::Model::SOAP,
+XML::Compile::SOAP seems to make more sense.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+L<Catalyst::Controller::SOAP>, L<XML::LibXML>, L<XML::Compile::SOAP>
+=head1 AUTHORS
+Daniel Ruoso C<daniel.ruoso at verticalone.pt>
+Please submit all bugs regarding C<Catalyst::Model::SOAP> to
+C<bug-catalyst-model-soap at rt.cpan.org>
+=head1 LICENSE
+This library is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the same terms as Perl itself.
Added: Catalyst-Model-SOAP/1.0/trunk/t/01_basics.t
--- Catalyst-Model-SOAP/1.0/trunk/t/01_basics.t (rev 0)
+++ Catalyst-Model-SOAP/1.0/trunk/t/01_basics.t 2007-11-27 11:19:43 UTC (rev 7179)
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+use Test::More tests => 7;
+use Symbol;
+BEGIN { use_ok('Catalyst::Model::SOAP') };
+use lib 't/lib/';
+use MyXMLModule;
+ package MyFooModel;
+ use base qw(Catalyst::Model::SOAP);
+ __PACKAGE__->register_wsdl('http://foo.bar/baz.wsdl', 'Bar::Baz');
+ok(defined *::Bar::Baz, 'Loading the wsdl pre-registers a class.');
+ok(defined *::Bar::Baz::op1, 'Loading the wsdl pre-registers the method.');
+ok(defined *::Bar::Baz::_op1_data, 'Loading the wsdl pre-register the helper-method');
+is(::Bar::Baz->op1, 'op1', 'The method calls the coderef.');
+my @data = ::Bar::Baz->_op1_data();
+is(ref $data[0], 'MyXML::WSDL11', 'The first element in the data is the wsdl object');
+is(ref $data[1], 'MyXML::Operation', 'The second element in the data is the operation object');
+is(ref $data[2], 'CODE', 'The third element in the data is the code reference');
Added: Catalyst-Model-SOAP/1.0/trunk/t/lib/MyXMLModule.pm
--- Catalyst-Model-SOAP/1.0/trunk/t/lib/MyXMLModule.pm (rev 0)
+++ Catalyst-Model-SOAP/1.0/trunk/t/lib/MyXMLModule.pm 2007-11-27 11:19:43 UTC (rev 7179)
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# In order to simulate the behaviour, I'll re-write the methods of
+# XML::Compile::SOAP::WSDL11, returning a known structure so that we
+# can predict the answer and also avoid centering the test on
+# XML::Compile::SOAP and depending on network.
+ package XML::Compile::SOAP::WSDL11;
+ sub new {
+ return bless { symbol => gensym() }, MyXML::WSDL11;
+ }
+ package MyXML::WSDL11;
+ sub operations {
+ return
+ [
+ (bless { name => 'op1', service => 'sv1', port => 'pt1' }, MyXML::Operation),
+ (bless { name => 'op2', service => 'sv1', port => 'pt1' }, MyXML::Operation),
+ (bless { name => 'op3', service => 'sv1', port => 'pt2' }, MyXML::Operation),
+ (bless { name => 'op4', service => 'sv2', port => 'pt3' }, MyXML::Operation),
+ (bless { name => 'op5', service => 'sv2', port => 'pt4' }, MyXML::Operation),
+ ]
+ }
+ package MyXML::Operation;
+ sub compileClient {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return sub { return $self->{name} };
+ }
+ sub port {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->{port};
+ }
+ sub service {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->{service};
+ }
+ sub name {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->{name};
+ }
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