[Catalyst-commits] r7065 - in trunk/Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication-Store-DBIx-Class: . lib/Catalyst/Plugin/Authentication/Store/DBIx

bricas at dev.catalyst.perl.org bricas at dev.catalyst.perl.org
Fri Oct 26 02:32:56 GMT 2007

Author: bricas
Date: 2007-10-26 02:32:55 +0100 (Fri, 26 Oct 2007)
New Revision: 7065

pod stuff

Modified: trunk/Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication-Store-DBIx-Class/Makefile.PL
--- trunk/Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication-Store-DBIx-Class/Makefile.PL	2007-10-26 01:31:49 UTC (rev 7064)
+++ trunk/Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication-Store-DBIx-Class/Makefile.PL	2007-10-26 01:32:55 UTC (rev 7065)
@@ -1,12 +1,19 @@
 use inc::Module::Install 0.67;
+if( -e 'MANIFEST.SKIP' ) {
+    system( 'pod2text lib/Catalyst/Plugin/Authentication/Store/DBIx/Class.pm > README' );
 name 'Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication-Store-DBIx-Class';
 all_from 'lib/Catalyst/Plugin/Authentication/Store/DBIx/Class.pm';
+perl_version '5.8.1';
 requires 'Catalyst::Runtime';
 requires 'Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication';
-requires 'Test::More';
+test_requires 'Test::More';

Deleted: trunk/Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication-Store-DBIx-Class/README
--- trunk/Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication-Store-DBIx-Class/README	2007-10-26 01:31:49 UTC (rev 7064)
+++ trunk/Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication-Store-DBIx-Class/README	2007-10-26 01:32:55 UTC (rev 7065)
@@ -1,332 +0,0 @@
-    Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication::Store::DBIx::Class - A storage class
-    for Catalyst Authentication using DBIx::Class
-    This documentation refers to version 0.10.
-        use Catalyst qw/
-                        Authentication
-                        Authorization::Roles/;
-        __PACKAGE__->config->{authentication} = 
-                        {  
-                            default_realm => 'members',
-                            realms => {
-                                members => {
-                                    credential => {
-                                        class => 'Password',
-                                        password_field => 'password',
-                                        password_type => 'clear'
-                                    },
-                                    store => {
-                                        class => 'DBIx::Class',
-                                        user_class => 'MyApp::Users',
-                                        id_field => 'user_id',
-                                        role_relation => 'roles',
-                                        role_field => 'rolename',                   
-                                    }
-                                }
-                            }
-                        };
-        # Log a user in:
-        sub login : Global {
-            my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
-            $c->authenticate({  
-                              username => $c->req->params->username,
-                              password => $c->req->params->password,
-                              status => [ 'registered', 'loggedin', 'active']
-                              }))
-        }
-        # verify a role 
-        if ( $c->check_user_roles( 'editor' ) ) {
-            # do editor stuff
-        }
-    The Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication::Store::DBIx::Class class provides
-    access to authentication information stored in a database via
-    DBIx::Class.
-    The DBIx::Class authentication store is activated by setting the store
-    config's class element to DBIx::Class as shown above. See the
-    Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication documentation for more details on
-    configuring the store.
-    The DBIx::Class storage module has several configuration options
-        __PACKAGE__->config->{authentication} = 
-                        {  
-                            default_realm => 'members',
-                            realms => {
-                                members => {
-                                    credential => {
-                                        # ...
-                                    },
-                                    store => {
-                                        class => 'DBIx::Class',
-                                        user_class => 'MyApp::Users',
-                                        id_field => 'user_id',
-                                        role_relation => 'roles',
-                                        role_field => 'rolename',
-                                        ignore_fields_in_find => [ 'remote_name' ]          
-                                    }
-                                    }
-                            }
-                        };
-    class
-        Class is part of the core Catalyst::Authentication::Plugin module,
-        it contains the class name of the store to be used.
-    user_class
-        Contains the class name (as passed to $c->model()) of the
-        DBIx::Class schema to use as the source for user information. This
-        config item is REQUIRED.
-    id_field
-        Contains the field name containing the unique identifier for a user.
-        This is used when storing and retrieving a user from the session.
-        The value in this field should correspond to a single user in the
-        database. Defaults to 'id'.
-    role_column
-        If your role information is stored in the same table as the rest of
-        your user information, this item tells the module which field
-        contains your role information. The DBIx::Class authentication store
-        expects the data in this field to be a series of role names
-        separated by some combination of spaces, commas or pipe characters.
-    role_relation
-        If your role information is stored in a separate table, this is the
-        name of the relation that will lead to the roles the user is in. If
-        this is specified then a role_field is also required. Also when
-        using this method it is expected that your role table will return
-        one row for each role the user is in.
-    role_field
-        This is the name of the field in the role table that contains the
-        string identifying the role.
-    ignore_fields_in_find
-        This item is an array containing fields that may be passed to the
-        $c->authenticate() routine (and therefore find_user in the storage
-        class), but which should be ignored when creating the DBIx::Class
-        search to retrieve a user. This makes it possible to avoid problems
-        when a credential requires an authinfo element whose name overlaps
-        with a column name in your users table. If this doesn't make sense
-        to you, you probably don't need it.
-    store_user_class
-        This allows you to override the authentication user class that the
-        DBIx::Class store module uses to perform it's work. Most of the work
-        done in this module is actually done by the user class,
-        Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication::Store::DBIx::Class::User, so
-        overriding this doesn't make much sense unless you are using your
-        own class to extend the functionality of the existing class. Chances
-        are you do not want to set this.
-    The Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication::Store::DBIx::Class storage module
-    is not called directly from application code. You interface with it
-    through the $c->authenticate() call.
-    There are three methods you can use to retrieve information from the
-    DBIx::Class storage module. They are Simple retrieval, and the advanced
-    retrieval methods Searchargs and Resultset.
-  Simple Retrieval
-    The first, and most common, method is simple retrieval. As it's name
-    implies simple retrieval allows you to simply to provide the column =>
-    value pairs that should be used to locate the user in question. An
-    example of this usage is below:
-        if ($c->authenticate({  
-                              username => $c->req->params->{'username'},
-                              password => $c->req->params->{'password'},
-                              status => [ 'registered', 'active', 'loggedin']
-                             })) {
-            # ... authenticated user code here
-        }
-    The above example would attempt to retrieve a user whose username column
-    matched the username provided, and whose status column matched one of
-    the values provided. These name => value pairs are used more or less
-    directly in the DBIx::Class' search() routine, so in most cases, you can
-    use DBIx::Class syntax to retrieve the user according to whatever rules
-    you have.
-    NOTE: Because the password in most cases is encrypted - it is not used
-    directly but it's encryption and comparison with the value provided is
-    usually handled by the Password Credential. Part of the Password
-    Credential's behavior is to remove the password argument from the
-    authinfo that is passed to the storage module. See
-    Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication::Credential::Password.
-    One thing you need to know about this retrieval method is that the name
-    portion of the pair is checked against the user class' column list.
-    Pairs are only used if a matching column is found. Other pairs will be
-    ignored. This means that you can only provide simple name-value pairs,
-    and that some more advanced DBIx::Class constructs, such as '-or',
-    '-and', etc. are in most cases not possible using this method. For
-    queries that require this level of functionality, see the 'searchargs'
-    method below.
-  Advanced Retrieval
-    The Searchargs and Resultset retrieval methods are used when more
-    advanced features of the underlying DBIx::Class schema are required.
-    These methods provide a direct interface with the DBIx::Class schema and
-    therefore require a better understanding of the DBIx::Class module.
-   The dbix_class key
-    Since the format of these arguments are often complex, they are not keys
-    in the base authinfo hash. Instead, both of these arguments are placed
-    within a hash attached to the store-specific 'dbix_class' key in the
-    base $authinfo hash. When the DBIx::Class authentication store sees the
-    'dbix_class' key in the passed authinfo hash, all the other information
-    in the authinfo hash is ignored and only the values within the
-    'dbix_class' hash are used as though they were passed directly within
-    the authinfo hash. In other words, if 'dbix_class' is present, it
-    replaces the authinfo hash for processing purposes.
-    The 'dbix_class' hash can be used to directly pass arguments to the
-    DBIx::Class authentication store. Reasons to do this are to avoid
-    credential modification of the authinfo hash, or to avoid overlap
-    between credential and store key names. It's a good idea to avoid using
-    it in this way unless you are sure you have an overlap/modification
-    issue. However, the two advanced retrieval methods, searchargs and
-    resultset, require it's use, as they are only processed as part of the
-    'dbix_class' hash
-    Searchargs
-        The searchargs method of retrieval allows you to specify an arrayref
-        containing the two arguments to the search() method from
-        DBIx::Class::ResultSet. If provided, all other args are ignored, and
-        the search args provided are used directly to locate the user. An
-        example will probably make more sense:
-            if ($c->authenticate(
-                { 
-                    password => $password,
-                    'dbix_class' => 
-                        {
-                            searchargs = [ { -or => [ username => $username,
-                                                      email => $email,
-                                                      clientid => $clientid ] 
-                                           },
-                                           { prefetch => qw/ preferences / } 
-                                         ]
-                        }
-                } ) ) 
-            {
-                # do successful authentication actions here.
-            }
-        The above would allow authentication based on any of the three items
-        - username, email or clientid and would prefetch the data related to
-        that user from the preferences table. The searchargs array is passed
-        directly to the search() method associated with the user_class.
-    Resultset
-        The resultset method of retrieval allows you to directly specify a
-        resultset to be used for user retrieval. This allows you to create a
-        resultset within your login action and use it for retrieving the
-        user. A simple example:
-            my $rs = $c->model('MyApp::User')->search({ email => $c->request->params->{'email'} });
-               ... # further $rs adjustments
-            if ($c->authenticate({ 
-                                   password => $password,
-                                   'dbix_class' => {  resultset = $rs }
-                                 })) {
-               # do successful authentication actions here.
-            } 
-        Be aware that the resultset method will not verify that you are
-        passing a resultset that is attached to the same user_class as
-        specified in the config.
-        NOTE: All of these methods of user retrieval, including the
-        resultset method, consider the first row returned to be the matching
-        user. In most cases there will be only one matching row, but it is
-        easy to produce multiple rows, especially when using the advanced
-        retrieval methods. Remember, what you get when you use this module
-        is what you would get when calling search(...)->first;
-        NOTE ALSO: The user info used to save the user to the session and to
-        retrieve it is the same regardless of what method of retrieval was
-        used. In short, the value in the id field (see 'id_field' config
-        item) is used to retrieve the user from the database upon restoring
-        from the session. When the DBIx::Class storage module does this, it
-        does so by doing a simple search using the id field. In other words,
-        it will not use the same arguments you used to request the user
-        initially. This is especially important to those using the advanced
-        methods of user retrieval. If you need more complicated logic when
-        reviving the user from the session, you will most likely want to
-        subclass the
-        Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication::Store::DBIx::Class::User class and
-        provide your own for_session and from_session routines.
-    There are no publicly exported routines in the DBIx::Class
-    authentication store (or indeed in most authentication stores) However,
-    below is a description of the routines required by
-    Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication for all authentication stores. Please
-    see the documentation for Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication::Internals
-    for more information.
-    new ( $config, $app )
-        Constructs a new store object.
-    find_user ( $authinfo, $c )
-        Finds a user using the information provided in the $authinfo hashref
-        and returns the user, or undef on failure; This is usually called
-        from the Credential. This translates directly to a call to
-        Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication::Store::DBIx::Class::User's load()
-        method.
-    for_session ( $c, $user )
-        Prepares a user to be stored in the session. Currently returns the
-        value of the user's id field - (as indicated by the 'id_field'
-        config element)
-    from_session ( $c, $frozenuser)
-        Revives a user from the session based on the info provided in
-        $frozenuser. Currently treats $frozenuser as an id and retrieves a
-        user with a matching id.
-    user_supports
-        Provides information about what the user object supports.
-    As of the current release, session storage consists of simply storing
-    the user's id in the session, and then using that same id to re-retrieve
-    the users information from the database upon restoration from the
-    session. More dynamic storage of user information in the session is
-    intended for a future release.
-    None known currently, please email the author if you find any.
-    Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication,
-    Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication::Internals, and
-    Catalyst::Plugin::Authorization::Roles
-    Jason Kuri (jayk at cpan.org)
-    Copyright (c) 2007 the aforementioned authors. All rights reserved. This
-    program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
-    the same terms as Perl itself.

Modified: trunk/Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication-Store-DBIx-Class/lib/Catalyst/Plugin/Authentication/Store/DBIx/Class.pm
--- trunk/Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication-Store-DBIx-Class/lib/Catalyst/Plugin/Authentication/Store/DBIx/Class.pm	2007-10-26 01:31:49 UTC (rev 7064)
+++ trunk/Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication-Store-DBIx-Class/lib/Catalyst/Plugin/Authentication/Store/DBIx/Class.pm	2007-10-26 01:32:55 UTC (rev 7065)
@@ -375,7 +375,6 @@
 =head1 METHODS
 There are no publicly exported routines in the DBIx::Class authentication 
@@ -384,39 +383,41 @@
 for all authentication stores.  Please see the documentation for 
 L<Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication::Internals> for more information.
-=over 4
+=head2 new( $config, $app )
-=item new ( $config, $app )
 Constructs a new store object.
-=item find_user ( $authinfo, $c ) 
+=head2 find_user( $authinfo, $c ) 
 Finds a user using the information provided in the $authinfo hashref and
 returns the user, or undef on failure; This is usually called from the
 Credential. This translates directly to a call to
 L<Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication::Store::DBIx::Class::User>'s load() method.
-=item for_session ( $c, $user )
+=head2 for_session( $c, $user )
 Prepares a user to be stored in the session. Currently returns the value of
 the user's id field - (as indicated by the 'id_field' config element)
-=item from_session ( $c, $frozenuser)
+=head2 from_session( $c, $frozenuser)
 Revives a user from the session based on the info provided in $frozenuser.
 Currently treats $frozenuser as an id and retrieves a user with a matching id.
-=item user_supports
+=head2 user_supports( )
 Provides information about what the user object supports.  
-=item auto_update_user
+=head2 auto_update_user( $authinfo, $c, $res )
-=item auto_create_user
+This method is called if the realm's auto_update_user setting is true. It
+will delegate to the user object's C<auto_update> method.
+=head2 auto_create_user( $authinfo, $c )
+This method is called if the realm's auto_create_user setting is true. It
+will delegate to the user class' (resultset) C<auto_create> method.
 =head1 NOTES
 As of the current release, session storage consists of simply storing the user's

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