[Catalyst-commits] r7375 - in trunk/Catalyst-Plugin-Scheduler: lib/Catalyst/Plugin t

andyg at dev.catalyst.perl.org andyg at dev.catalyst.perl.org
Sat Jan 12 15:19:42 GMT 2008

Author: andyg
Date: 2008-01-12 15:19:42 +0000 (Sat, 12 Jan 2008)
New Revision: 7375

Revert Scheduler plugin back to 0.07 release state

Modified: trunk/Catalyst-Plugin-Scheduler/lib/Catalyst/Plugin/Scheduler.pm
--- trunk/Catalyst-Plugin-Scheduler/lib/Catalyst/Plugin/Scheduler.pm	2008-01-12 14:57:44 UTC (rev 7374)
+++ trunk/Catalyst-Plugin-Scheduler/lib/Catalyst/Plugin/Scheduler.pm	2008-01-12 15:19:42 UTC (rev 7375)
@@ -2,13 +2,441 @@
 use strict;
 use warnings;
+use base qw/Class::Accessor::Fast Class::Data::Inheritable/;
+use DateTime;
+use DateTime::Event::Cron;
+use DateTime::TimeZone;
+use File::stat;
 use NEXT;
-use base qw/Class::Accessor::Fast Class::Data::Inheritable Catalyst::Base/;
-use Catalyst::Plugin::Scheduler::Base;
+use Set::Scalar;
+use Storable qw/lock_store lock_retrieve/;
-our $VERSION = '0.07_01';
+our $VERSION = '0.07';
+__PACKAGE__->mk_classdata( '_events' => [] );
+sub schedule {
+    my ( $class, %args ) = @_;
+    unless ( $args{event} ) {
+        Catalyst::Exception->throw(
+            message => 'The schedule method requires an event parameter' );
+    }
+    my $conf = $class->config->{scheduler};
+    my $event = {
+        trigger  => $args{trigger},
+        event    => $args{event},
+        auto_run => ( defined $args{auto_run} ) ? $args{auto_run} : 1,
+    };
+    if ( $args{at} ) {
+        # replace keywords that Set::Crontab doesn't support
+        $args{at} = _prepare_cron( $args{at} );
+        # parse the cron entry into a DateTime::Set
+        my $set;
+        eval { $set = DateTime::Event::Cron->from_cron( $args{at} ) };
+        if ($@) {
+            Catalyst::Exception->throw(
+                      "Scheduler: Unable to parse 'at' value "
+                    . $args{at} . ': '
+                    . $@ );
+        }
+        else {
+            $event->{at}  = $args{at};
+            $event->{set} = $set;
+        }
+    }
+    push @{ $class->_events }, $event;
+sub dispatch {
+    my $c = shift;
+    $c->NEXT::dispatch(@_);
+    $c->_get_event_state();
+    $c->_check_yaml();
+    # check if a minute has passed since our last check
+    # This check is not run if the user is manually triggering an event
+    if ( time - $c->_event_state->{last_check} < 60 ) {
+        return unless $c->req->params->{schedule_trigger};
+    }
+    my $last_check = $c->_event_state->{last_check};
+    $c->_event_state->{last_check} = time;
+    $c->_save_event_state();
+    my $conf          = $c->config->{scheduler};
+    my $last_check_dt = DateTime->from_epoch(
+        epoch     => $last_check,
+        time_zone => $conf->{time_zone}
+    );
+    my $now = DateTime->now( time_zone => $conf->{time_zone} );
+    EVENT:
+    for my $event ( @{ $c->_events } ) {
+        my $next_run;
+        if (   $event->{trigger} && $c->req->params->{schedule_trigger}
+            && $event->{trigger} eq $c->req->params->{schedule_trigger} )
+        {
+            # manual trigger, run it now
+            next EVENT unless $c->_event_authorized;
+            $next_run = $now;
+        }
+        else {
+            next EVENT unless $event->{set};
+            $next_run = $event->{set}->next($last_check_dt);
+        }
+        if ( $next_run <= $now ) {
+            # do some security checking for non-auto-run events
+            if ( !$event->{auto_run} ) {
+                next EVENT unless $c->_event_authorized;
+            }
+            # make sure we're the only process running this event
+            next EVENT unless $c->_mark_running($event);
+            my $event_name = $event->{trigger} || $event->{event};
+            $c->log->debug("Scheduler: Executing $event_name")
+                if $c->config->{scheduler}->{logging};
+            # trap errors
+            local $c->{error} = [];
+            # return value/output from the event, if any
+            my $output;
+            # run event
+            eval {
+                # do not allow the event to modify the response
+                local $c->res->{body};
+                local $c->res->{cookies};
+                local $c->res->{headers};
+                local $c->res->{location};
+                local $c->res->{status};
+                if ( ref $event->{event} eq 'CODE' ) {
+                    $output = $event->{event}->($c);
+                }
+                else {
+                    $output = $c->forward( $event->{event} );
+                }
+            };
+            my @errors = @{ $c->{error} };
+            push @errors, $@ if $@;
+            if (@errors) {
+                $c->log->error(
+                    'Scheduler: Error executing ' . "$event_name: $_" )
+                    for @errors;
+                $output = join '; ', @errors;
+            }
+            $c->_mark_finished( $event, $output );
+        }
+    }
+sub setup {
+    my $c = shift;
+    # initial configuration
+    $c->config->{scheduler}->{logging}     ||= ( $c->debug ) ? 1 : 0;
+    $c->config->{scheduler}->{time_zone}   ||= $c->_detect_timezone();
+    $c->config->{scheduler}->{state_file}  ||= $c->path_to('scheduler.state');
+    $c->config->{scheduler}->{hosts_allow} ||= '';
+    $c->config->{scheduler}->{yaml_file}   ||= $c->path_to('scheduler.yml');
+    $c->NEXT::setup(@_);
+sub dump_these {
+    my $c = shift;
+    return ( $c->NEXT::dump_these(@_) ) unless @{ $c->_events };
+    # for debugging, we dump out a list of all events with their next
+    # scheduled run time
+    return ( 
+        $c->NEXT::dump_these(@_),
+        [ 'Scheduled Events', $c->scheduler_state ],
+    );
+sub scheduler_state {
+    my $c = shift;
+    $c->_get_event_state();
+    my $conf = $c->config->{scheduler};
+    my $now  = DateTime->now( time_zone => $conf->{time_zone} );
+    my $last_check = $c->_event_state->{last_check};
+    my $last_check_dt = DateTime->from_epoch(
+        epoch     => $last_check,
+        time_zone => $conf->{time_zone},
+    ); 
+    my $event_dump = [];
+    for my $event ( @{ $c->_events } ) {
+        my $dump = {};
+        for my $key ( qw/at trigger event auto_run/ ) {
+            $dump->{$key} = $event->{$key} if $event->{$key};
+        }
+        # display the next run time
+        if ( $event->{set} ) {
+            my $next_run = $event->{set}->next($last_check_dt);
+            $dump->{next_run} 
+                = $next_run->ymd 
+                . q{ } . $next_run->hms 
+                . q{ } . $next_run->time_zone_short_name;
+        }
+        # display the last run time
+        my $last_run
+            = $c->_event_state->{events}->{ $event->{event} }->{last_run};
+        if ( $last_run ) {
+            $last_run = DateTime->from_epoch(
+                epoch     => $last_run,
+                time_zone => $conf->{time_zone},
+            );
+            $dump->{last_run} 
+                = $last_run->ymd
+                . q{ } . $last_run->hms
+                . q{ } . $last_run->time_zone_short_name;
+        }
+        # display the result of the last run
+        my $output
+            = $c->_event_state->{events}->{ $event->{event} }->{last_output};
+        if ( $output ) {
+            $dump->{last_output} = $output;
+        }
+        push @{$event_dump}, $dump;
+    }
+    return $event_dump;
+# check and reload the YAML file with schedule data
+sub _check_yaml {
+    my ($c) = @_;
+    # each process needs to load the YAML file independently
+    if ( $c->_event_state->{yaml_mtime}->{$$} ||= 0 ) {
+        return if ( time - $c->_event_state->{last_check} < 60 );
+    }
+    return unless -e $c->config->{scheduler}->{yaml_file};
+    eval {
+        my $mtime = ( stat $c->config->{scheduler}->{yaml_file} )->mtime;
+        if ( $mtime > $c->_event_state->{yaml_mtime}->{$$} ) {
+            $c->_event_state->{yaml_mtime}->{$$} = $mtime;
+            # clean up old PIDs listed in yaml_mtime
+            foreach my $pid ( keys %{ $c->_event_state->{yaml_mtime} } ) {
+                if ( $c->_event_state->{yaml_mtime}->{$pid} < $mtime ) {
+                    delete $c->_event_state->{yaml_mtime}->{$pid};
+                }
+            }            
+            $c->_save_event_state();
+            # wipe out all current events and reload from YAML
+            $c->_events( [] );
+            my $file = $c->config->{scheduler}->{yaml_file};
+            my $yaml;
+            eval { require YAML::Syck; };
+            if( $@ ) {
+                require YAML;
+                $yaml = YAML::LoadFile( "$file" );
+            }
+            else {
+                open( my $fh, $file ) or die $!;
+                my $content = do { local $/; <$fh> };
+                close $fh;
+                $yaml = YAML::Syck::Load( $content );
+            }
+            foreach my $event ( @{$yaml} ) {
+                $c->schedule( %{$event} );
+            }
+            $c->log->info( "Scheduler: PID $$ loaded "
+                    . scalar @{$yaml}
+                    . ' events from YAML file' )
+                if $c->config->{scheduler}->{logging};
+        }
+    };
+    if ($@) {
+        $c->log->error("Scheduler: Error reading YAML file: $@");
+    }
+# Detect the current time zone
+sub _detect_timezone {
+    my $c = shift;
+    my $tz;
+    eval { $tz = DateTime::TimeZone->new( name => 'local' ) };
+    if ($@) {
+        $c->log->warn(
+            'Scheduler: Unable to autodetect local time zone, using UTC')
+            if $c->config->{scheduler}->{logging}; 
+        return 'UTC';
+    }
+    else {
+        $c->log->debug(
+            'Scheduler: Using autodetected time zone: ' . $tz->name )
+            if $c->config->{scheduler}->{logging};
+        return $tz->name;
+    }
+# Check for authorized users on non-auto events
+sub _event_authorized {
+    my $c = shift;
+    # this should never happen, but just in case...
+    return unless $c->req->address;
+    my $hosts_allow = $c->config->{scheduler}->{hosts_allow};
+    $hosts_allow = [$hosts_allow] unless ref($hosts_allow) eq 'ARRAY';
+    my $allowed = Set::Scalar->new( @{$hosts_allow} );
+    return $allowed->contains( $c->req->address );
+# get the state from the state file
+sub _get_event_state {
+    my $c = shift;
+    if ( -e $c->config->{scheduler}->{state_file} ) {
+        $c->_event_state(
+            lock_retrieve $c->config->{scheduler}->{state_file} );
+    }
+    else {
+        # initialize the state file
+        $c->_event_state(
+            {   last_check  => time,
+                events      => {},
+                yaml_mtime  => {},
+            }
+        );
+        $c->_save_event_state();
+    }
+# Check the state file to ensure we are the only process running an event
+sub _mark_running {
+    my ( $c, $event ) = @_;
+    $c->_get_event_state();
+    return if 
+        $c->_event_state->{events}->{ $event->{event} }->{running};
+    # this is a 2-step process to prevent race conditions
+    # 1. write the state file with our PID
+    $c->_event_state->{events}->{ $event->{event} }->{running} = $$;
+    $c->_save_event_state();
+    # 2. re-read the state file and make sure it's got the same PID
+    $c->_get_event_state();
+    if ( $c->_event_state->{events}->{ $event->{event} }->{running} == $$ ) {
+        return 1;
+    }
+    return;
+# Mark an event as finished
+sub _mark_finished {
+    my ( $c, $event, $output ) = @_;
+    $c->_event_state->{events}->{ $event->{event} }->{running}     = 0;
+    $c->_event_state->{events}->{ $event->{event} }->{last_run}    = time;
+    $c->_event_state->{events}->{ $event->{event} }->{last_output} = $output;
+    $c->_save_event_state();
+# update the state file on disk
+sub _save_event_state {
+    my $c = shift;
+    lock_store $c->_event_state, $c->config->{scheduler}->{state_file};
+# Set::Crontab does not support day names, or '@' shortcuts
+sub _prepare_cron {
+    my $cron = shift;
+    return $cron unless $cron =~ /\w/;
+    my %replace = (
+        jan   => 1,
+        feb   => 2,
+        mar   => 3,
+        apr   => 4,
+        may   => 5,
+        jun   => 6,
+        jul   => 7,
+        aug   => 8,
+        sep   => 9,
+        'oct' => 10,
+        nov   => 11,
+        dec   => 12,
+        sun => 0,
+        mon => 1,
+        tue => 2,
+        wed => 3,
+        thu => 4,
+        fri => 5,
+        sat => 6,
+    );
+    my %replace_at = (
+        'yearly'   => '0 0 1 1 *',
+        'annually' => '0 0 1 1 *',
+        'monthly'  => '0 0 1 * *',
+        'weekly'   => '0 0 * * 0',
+        'daily'    => '0 0 * * *',
+        'midnight' => '0 0 * * *',
+        'hourly'   => '0 * * * *',
+    );
+    if ( $cron =~ /^\@/ ) {
+        $cron =~ s/^\@//;
+        return $replace_at{ $cron };
+    }
+    for my $name ( keys %replace ) {
+        my $value = $replace{$name};
+        $cron =~ s/$name/$value/i;
+        last unless $cron =~ /\w/;
+    }
+    return $cron;
 =head1 NAME
@@ -37,10 +465,8 @@
         trigger => 'rebuild_search_index',
         event   => '/cron/rebuild_search_index',
     $ wget -q http://www.myapp.com/?schedule_trigger=rebuild_search_index
 This plugin allows you to schedule events to run at recurring intervals.
@@ -49,7 +475,6 @@
 not run at exactly the correct time, but it should be enough to satisfy many
 basic scheduling needs.
 Configuration is optional and is specified in MyApp->config->{scheduler}.
@@ -90,93 +515,10 @@
-=head2 check_every
-This option allows you to configure how often the scheduler should check
-for pending events. By default this is set to C<60> which means C<no more>
-than once per 60 seconds. 
-### set some defaults at start up time
-sub setup {
-    my $c = shift;
-    # store the app, for usage in the base class
-    $c->scheduler->_app( $c );
-    # initial configuration
-    $c->config->{scheduler}->{logging}     ||= ( $c->debug ) ? 1 : 0;
-    $c->config->{scheduler}->{time_zone}   ||= $c->scheduler->_detect_timezone;
-    $c->config->{scheduler}->{state_file}  ||= $c->path_to('scheduler.state');
-    $c->config->{scheduler}->{yaml_file}   ||= $c->path_to('scheduler.yml');
-    $c->config->{scheduler}->{hosts_allow} ||= '';
-    $c->config->{scheduler}->{check_every} ||= 60;
-    ### make sure we run our own setup FIRST, so other plugins /could/
-    ### schedule things in /their/ setup
-    $c->NEXT::setup(@_);
-### for debugging purposes
-sub dump_these {
-    my $c = shift;
-    return ( $c->NEXT::dump_these(@_) ) unless @{ $c->scheduler->_events };
-    # for debugging, we dump out a list of all events with their next
-    # scheduled run time
-    return ( 
-        $c->NEXT::dump_these(@_),
-        [ 'Scheduled Events', $c->scheduler_state ], 
-    );
-=head1 METHODS
-=head2 $scheduler = MyApp->scheduler;
-This the actual C<Scheduler> object that you can query for a lot of
-information. See C<Catalyst::Plugin::Scheduler::Base> for usage information.
-The below methods are shorthand methods on this object.
-=head2 $aref = MyApp->scheduler_state
-The current state of all scheduled events is available in an easy-to-use
-format by calling $c->scheduler_state.  You can use this data to build an
-admin view into the scheduling engine, for example.  This same data is also
-displayed on the Catalyst debug screen.
-This method returns an array reference containing a hash reference for each
-    [
-        {
-            'last_run'    => '2005-12-29 16:29:33 EST',
-            'auto_run'    => 1,
-            'last_output' => 1,
-            'at'          => '0 0 * * *',
-            'next_run'    => '2005-12-30 00:00:00 EST',
-            'event'       => '/cron/session_cleanup'
-        },
-        {
-            'auto_run'    => 1,
-            'at'          => '0 0 * * *',
-            'next_run'    => '2005-12-30 00:00:00 EST',
-            'event'       => '/cron/build_rss'
-        },
-    ]
-=head2 MyApp->schedule( event => CODE|/path, (at => CRONTIME, auto_run => BOOL) | (trigger => GET_PARAMETER) )
-Schedule is a class method for adding scheduled events.  You can schedule
-both automated and manual events, which are discussed below. For extended
-options to C<shedule>, consult the C<Catalyst::Plugin::Scheduler::Event>
-documentation on the C<new> method.
 Events are scheduled by calling the class method C<schedule>.
@@ -192,7 +534,7 @@
-=head4 at
+=head3 at
 The time to run an event is specified using L<crontab(5)>-style syntax.
@@ -211,8 +553,7 @@
     month          0-12 (or names, see below)
     day of week    0-7 (0 or 7 is Sun, or use names)
-Instead of the first five fields, one of the following special strings 
-may appear:
+Instead of the first five fields, one of seven special strings may appear:
     string         meaning
     ------         -------
@@ -223,9 +564,8 @@
     @daily         Run once a day, "0 0 * * *".
     @midnight      (same as @daily)
     @hourly        Run once an hour, "0 * * * *".
-    @always        Run every minute, "* * * * *".
-=head4 event
+=head3 event
 The event to run at the specified time can be either a Catalyst private
 action path or a coderef.  Both types of event methods will receive the $c
@@ -236,7 +576,7 @@
 Important: Methods used for events should be marked C<Private> so that
 they can not be executed via the browser.
-=head4 auto_run
+=head3 auto_run
 The auto_run parameter specifies when the event is allowed to be executed.
 By default this option is set to 1, so the event will be executed during the
@@ -266,7 +606,7 @@
     0 0 * * * wget -q http://www.myapp.com/
 To create an event that does not run on a set schedule and must be manually
 triggered, you can specify the C<trigger> option instead of C<at>.
@@ -286,70 +626,6 @@
 localhost (  To allow other addresses to run events, use the
 configuration option L</hosts_allow>.
-__PACKAGE__->mk_classdata( scheduler => do { bless {}, __PACKAGE__ .'::Base'} );
-{   ### convenience wrapper
-    sub schedule { 
-        my $c = shift;
-        return $c->scheduler->schedule( 
-                    scheduled_by => $c->scheduler->_caller_string, @_ );
-    }    
-    sub scheduler_state {
-        my $c = shift;
-        return $c->scheduler->state( @_ );
-    }
-The following methods are extended by this plugin.
-=over 4
-=item dispatch
-The main scheduling logic takes place during the dispatch phase.
-=item dump_these
-On the Catalyst debug screen, all scheduled events are displayed along with
-the next time they will be executed.
-=item setup
-Configuration is initialized during setup time.
-### run stuff at dispatch time
-sub dispatch {
-    my $c = shift;
-    $c->NEXT::dispatch(@_);
-    $c->scheduler->_run_events;
-### store the BLESSED $c for us to work with, at the begining of every
-### request... otherwise, we just have a class name, and no request info.
-sub prepare_action {
-    my $c = shift;
-    $c->scheduler->_app( $c );
-    $c->NEXT::prepare_action( @_ );
 As an alternative to using the schedule() method, you may define scheduled
@@ -358,9 +634,8 @@
 directory.  You can change the filename using the configuration option
-Modifications to this file will be re-read during the normal event checking
-process, which occurs once per minute (or whatever you set C<check_every>
-to in your configuration).
+Modifications to this file will be re-read once per minute during the normal
+event checking process.
 Here's an example YAML configuration file with 4 events.  Each event is
 denoted with a '-' character, followed by the same parameters used by the
@@ -401,9 +676,7 @@
 =head1 CAVEATS
 The time at which an event will run is determined completely by the requests
@@ -420,22 +693,74 @@
-The plugin only checks once per minute (or whatever you set C<check_every>
-to in your configuration) if any events need to be run, so the overhead on 
-each request is minimal.  On my test server, the difference between running 
-with Scheduler and without was only around 0.02% (0.004 seconds).
+The plugin only checks once per minute if any events need to be run, so the
+overhead on each request is minimal.  On my test server, the difference
+between running with Scheduler and without was only around 0.02% (0.004
 Of course, when a scheduled event runs, performance will depend on what's
 being run in the event.
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 schedule
+Schedule is a class method for adding scheduled events.  See the
+L<"/SCHEDULING"> section for more information.
+=head2 scheduler_state
+The current state of all scheduled events is available in an easy-to-use
+format by calling $c->scheduler_state.  You can use this data to build an
+admin view into the scheduling engine, for example.  This same data is also
+displayed on the Catalyst debug screen.
+This method returns an array reference containing a hash reference for each
+    [
+        {
+            'last_run'    => '2005-12-29 16:29:33 EST',
+            'auto_run'    => 1,
+            'last_output' => 1,
+            'at'          => '0 0 * * *',
+            'next_run'    => '2005-12-30 00:00:00 EST',
+            'event'       => '/cron/session_cleanup'
+        },
+        {
+            'auto_run'    => 1,
+            'at'          => '0 0 * * *',
+            'next_run'    => '2005-12-30 00:00:00 EST',
+            'event'       => '/cron/build_rss'
+        },
+    ]
+The following methods are extended by this plugin.
+=over 4
+=item dispatch
+The main scheduling logic takes place during the dispatch phase.
+=item dump_these
+On the Catalyst debug screen, all scheduled events are displayed along with
+the next time they will be executed.
+=item setup
 =head1 SEE ALSO
-L<Catalyst::Plugin::Scheduler::Base>, L<Catalyst::Plugin::Scheduler::Event>, L<crontab(5)>
-=head1 AUTHORS
+=head1 AUTHOR
 Andy Grundman, <andy at hybridized.org>
-Jos I. Boumans, <kane at cpan.org>
@@ -443,30 +768,3 @@
 under the same terms as Perl itself.
-* split out C::P::Scheduler to ::Base and ::Event
-* Implement all core functionality in ::Base
-    * C::P::Scheduler provides convenience functions to ::Base
-      and the hooks into catalyst to do the scheduling
-    * Pollute $c less
-* Introduce event objects
-    * No longer hash based
-    * ->next_run and ->last_run are now accessors
-    * running events goes via $event->run, called from the dispatch hook
-* Use $self->_config to retrieve config, rather than accessing $c directly
-* Add tests for schedule_state();
-* Add '@always' as a cron shorcut
-* made _event_state class data rather than instance data, so it is
-  accessible from the ::Event objects
-* made 'once every 60 seconds' check configurable using 'check_every'
-  XXX add to docs
-* made tests no longer need to hack the state file, but provide
-  $BASE->_last_check_time( 0 ) to reset the last checked time
-* Moved _event_state toe ::Event from ::Base, as it's the _event_ state
-* All tested & documented
-* fix t/09long.t to use time::warp or somesuch

Modified: trunk/Catalyst-Plugin-Scheduler/t/04schedule.t
--- trunk/Catalyst-Plugin-Scheduler/t/04schedule.t	2008-01-12 14:57:44 UTC (rev 7374)
+++ trunk/Catalyst-Plugin-Scheduler/t/04schedule.t	2008-01-12 15:19:42 UTC (rev 7375)
@@ -1,165 +1,89 @@
 use strict;
 use warnings;
 use FindBin;
-use lib             "$FindBin::Bin/lib";
-use Test::More      'no_plan';
+use lib "$FindBin::Bin/lib";
+use Test::More;
+use Storable qw/lock_store lock_retrieve/;
+plan tests => 10;
 use Catalyst::Test 'TestApp';
-our $HOME   = "$FindBin::Bin/lib/TestApp";
-our $STATE  = "$HOME/scheduler.state";
-our $URL    = 'http://localhost/';
-our $BASE   = 'Catalyst::Plugin::Scheduler::Base';
-our $Error  = 'oops';
-our $Filter = 0;
-our @Map    = (
-    # at               # event              # output
-    [ '* * * * *'   , '/cron/every_minute'  , qr/every_minute/  ],
-    [ '@hourly'     , \&every_hour          , qr/every_hour/    ],
-    [ '*/2 * * * *' , '/cron/test_errors'   , qr/$Error/        ],
-    [ '0 * * * *'   , \&broken_event        , qr/$Error/        ],
+our $STATE = "$FindBin::Bin/lib/TestApp/scheduler.state";
+    at    => '* * * * *',
+    event => '/cron/every_minute',
-### clean up
-END { 1 while unlink $STATE }
+    at    => '@hourly',
+    event => \&every_hour,
-### filter expected error messages, when needed...
-{   my $org = Catalyst::Log->can('_send_to_log');
+# events with errors to test the error handling
+    at    => '*/2 * * * *',
+    event => '/cron/test_errors',
-    no warnings 'redefine';
-    *Catalyst::Log::_send_to_log = sub {
-        return if $Filter and "@_" =~ /Scheduler: Error executing/;
-        $org->( @_ );
-    };
+    at    => '0 * * * *',
+    event => \&broken_event,
-### set up some schedules
-{   for my $aref ( @Map ) {
-        my($at,$event) = @$aref;
-        TestApp->schedule(
-            at    => $at,
-            event => $event,
-        );
-    }
-    sub every_hour {
-        my $c = shift;
-        # write out a file so the test knows we did something
-        my $fh = IO::File->new( $c->path_to( 'every_hour.log' ), 'w' )
-            or die "Unable to write log file: $!";
-        close $fh;
-        return 'every_hour';
-    }
-    sub broken_event { die $Error; }
 # hack the last event check to make all events execute immediately
-$BASE->_last_check_time( 0 );
+my $state = { last_check => 0 };
+lock_store $state, $STATE;
-### test that all events execute, and that the error test doesn't break the app
-{   ### there's an event that dies on purpose. dont have the error message
-    ### appear on the terminal
-    {   local $Filter = 1;
-        ok( my $res = request($URL), 'request ok' );
-        is( $res->content, 'default','   response ok' );
-    }
-    ok( -e "$HOME/every_minute.log",    '   every_minute executed ok' );
-    1 while unlink "$HOME/every_minute.log";
-    ok( -e "$HOME/every_hour.log",      '   every_hour executed ok' );
-    1 while unlink "$HOME/every_hour.log";
+# test that all events execute, and that the error test doesn't break the app
+    open STDERR, '>/dev/null';
+    ok( my $res = request('http://localhost/'), 'request ok' );
+    is( $res->content, 'default', 'response ok' );
+    is( -e "$FindBin::Bin/lib/TestApp/every_minute.log", 1, 'every_minute executed ok' );
+    unlink "$FindBin::Bin/lib/TestApp/every_minute.log";
+    is( -e "$FindBin::Bin/lib/TestApp/every_hour.log", 1, 'every_hour executed ok' );
+    unlink "$FindBin::Bin/lib/TestApp/every_hour.log";
-### run again, the events should not execute
-{   ok( request($URL),                  'request ok' );
-    ok( !-e "$HOME/every_minute.log",   '   every_minute did not execute, ok' );
-    1 while unlink "$HOME/every_minute.log";
-    ok( !-e "$HOME/every_hour.log",     '   every_hour did not execute, ok' );
-    1 while unlink "$HOME/every_hour.log";
+# run again, the events should not execute
+    ok( my $res = request('http://localhost/'), 'request ok' );
+    is( -e "$FindBin::Bin/lib/TestApp/every_minute.log", undef, 'every_minute did not execute, ok' );
+    unlink "$FindBin::Bin/lib/TestApp/every_minute.log";
+    is( -e "$FindBin::Bin/lib/TestApp/every_hour.log", undef, 'every_hour did not execute, ok' );
+    unlink "$FindBin::Bin/lib/TestApp/every_hour.log";
-### jump back in time by 2 hours, make sure both events run
-{   $BASE->_last_check_time( time - 60 * 120 );
-    ### there's an event that dies on purpose. dont have the error message
-    ### appear on the terminal
-    {   local $Filter = 1;
-        ok( request($URL),              'request ok' );
-    }
+# jump back in time by 2 hours, make sure both events run
+    my $state = lock_retrieve $STATE;
+    $state->{last_check} -= 60 * 120;
+    lock_store $state, $STATE;
-    ok( -e "$HOME/every_minute.log",    '   every_minute executed ok' );
-    1 while unlink "$HOME/every_minute.log";
-    ok( -e "$HOME/every_hour.log",      '   every_hour executed ok' );
-    1 while unlink "$HOME/every_hour.log";
+    ok( my $res = request('http://localhost/'), 'request ok' );
+    is( -e "$FindBin::Bin/lib/TestApp/every_minute.log", 1, 'every_minute executed ok' );
+    unlink "$FindBin::Bin/lib/TestApp/every_minute.log";
+    is( -e "$FindBin::Bin/lib/TestApp/every_hour.log", 1, 'every_hour executed ok' );
+    unlink "$FindBin::Bin/lib/TestApp/every_hour.log";
-### check the scheduler state
-{   my $ss = TestApp->scheduler_state;
-    ok( $ss,                            'Scheduler state retrieved' );
-    isa_ok( $ss,                        'ARRAY' );
-    is( scalar(@$ss), scalar(@Map),     "   All events found" );
-    ### key entries on 'event';
-    my %map = map { $_->{event} => $_ } @$ss;
-    for my $aref ( @Map ) {
-        my($at,$event,$expect) = @$aref;
-        my $entry = $map{$event};
-        ok( $entry,                     "   Event found for $event" );
-        ok( $entry->{'last_run'},       "       Event was run" );
-        like( $entry->{'last_output'}, $expect,
-                                        "       Output as expected" );
-    }
+sub every_hour {
+    my $c = shift;
+    # write out a file so the test knows we did something
+    my $fh = IO::File->new( $c->path_to( 'every_hour.log' ), 'w' )
+        or die "Unable to write log file: $!";
+    close $fh;
-### extended API tests
-### test event listing
-{   my @events = TestApp->scheduler->list_events;
-    is( scalar(@events), scalar(@Map),  "list_events() returns all events" );
-    isa_ok( $_,                         "Catalyst::Plugin::Scheduler::Event" )
-        for @events;
-### test pending events
-{   ### all events should have run now
-    {   my @pending = TestApp->scheduler->list_pending_events;
-        is( scalar(@pending), 0,        "No more pending events" );
-    }
-    # hack the last event check to make all events execute immediately
-    {   $BASE->_last_check_time( 0 );
+sub broken_event {
+    my $c = shift;
-        my @pending = TestApp->scheduler->list_pending_events;
-        is( scalar(@pending), scalar(@Map),
-                                        "   Events found after state reset" );
-    }
+    die 'oops';
-### clean up
-{   ok( -e $STATE,                      "State file exists" );
-    1 while unlink $STATE;
-    ok(!-e $STATE,                      "   State file removed" );

Modified: trunk/Catalyst-Plugin-Scheduler/t/05auto_run.t
--- trunk/Catalyst-Plugin-Scheduler/t/05auto_run.t	2008-01-12 14:57:44 UTC (rev 7374)
+++ trunk/Catalyst-Plugin-Scheduler/t/05auto_run.t	2008-01-12 15:19:42 UTC (rev 7375)
@@ -5,21 +5,23 @@
 use FindBin;
 use lib "$FindBin::Bin/lib";
-use Test::More tests => 6;
+use Test::More;
+use Storable qw/lock_store lock_retrieve/;
+plan tests => 6;
 use Catalyst::Test 'TestApp';
 our $STATE = "$FindBin::Bin/lib/TestApp/scheduler.state";
-our $BASE  = 'Catalyst::Plugin::Scheduler::Base';
-# hack the last event check to make all events execute immediately
-$BASE->_last_check_time( 0 );
     at       => '* * * * *',
     event    => '/cron/every_minute',
     auto_run => 0,
+# hack the last event check to make all events execute immediately
+my $state = { last_check => 0 };
+lock_store $state, $STATE;
 # disallow localhost
 TestApp->config->{scheduler}->{hosts_allow} = '';
@@ -33,7 +35,9 @@
 # hack the last event check to make all events execute immediately
-$BASE->_last_check_time( 0 );
+$state = lock_retrieve $STATE;
+$state->{last_check} = 0;
+lock_store $state, $STATE;
 # allow localhost
 TestApp->config->{scheduler}->{hosts_allow} = [ '', '' ];

Modified: trunk/Catalyst-Plugin-Scheduler/t/06trigger.t
--- trunk/Catalyst-Plugin-Scheduler/t/06trigger.t	2008-01-12 14:57:44 UTC (rev 7374)
+++ trunk/Catalyst-Plugin-Scheduler/t/06trigger.t	2008-01-12 15:19:42 UTC (rev 7375)
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
 use FindBin;
 use lib "$FindBin::Bin/lib";
 use Test::More;
+use Storable qw/lock_store lock_retrieve/;
 plan tests => 6;
 use Catalyst::Test 'TestApp';

Modified: trunk/Catalyst-Plugin-Scheduler/t/07plugin.t
--- trunk/Catalyst-Plugin-Scheduler/t/07plugin.t	2008-01-12 14:57:44 UTC (rev 7374)
+++ trunk/Catalyst-Plugin-Scheduler/t/07plugin.t	2008-01-12 15:19:42 UTC (rev 7375)
@@ -5,14 +5,17 @@
 use FindBin;
 use lib "$FindBin::Bin/lib";
-use Test::More tests => 3;
+use Test::More;
+use Storable qw/lock_store lock_retrieve/;
+plan tests => 3;
 use Catalyst::Test 'PluginTestApp';
 our $STATE = "$FindBin::Bin/lib/TestApp/scheduler.state";
-our $BASE  = 'Catalyst::Plugin::Scheduler::Base';
 # hack the last event check to make all events execute immediately
-$BASE->_last_check_time( 0 );
+my $state = { last_check => 0 };
+lock_store $state, $STATE;
 # test that the plugin event executes

Modified: trunk/Catalyst-Plugin-Scheduler/t/08yaml.t
--- trunk/Catalyst-Plugin-Scheduler/t/08yaml.t	2008-01-12 14:57:44 UTC (rev 7374)
+++ trunk/Catalyst-Plugin-Scheduler/t/08yaml.t	2008-01-12 15:19:42 UTC (rev 7375)
@@ -12,10 +12,10 @@
 use Catalyst::Test 'TestApp';
 our $STATE = "$FindBin::Bin/lib/TestApp/scheduler.state";
-our $BASE  = 'Catalyst::Plugin::Scheduler::Base';
 # hack the last event check to make all events execute immediately
-$BASE->_last_check_time( 0 );
+my $state = { last_check => 0 };
+lock_store $state, $STATE;
 # configure a yaml file

Deleted: trunk/Catalyst-Plugin-Scheduler/t/10events.t
--- trunk/Catalyst-Plugin-Scheduler/t/10events.t	2008-01-12 14:57:44 UTC (rev 7374)
+++ trunk/Catalyst-Plugin-Scheduler/t/10events.t	2008-01-12 15:19:42 UTC (rev 7375)
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use FindBin;
-use lib             "$FindBin::Bin/lib";
-use Test::More      'no_plan';
-use Storable        qw/lock_store lock_retrieve/;
-use Catalyst::Test 'TestApp';
-our $HOME   = "$FindBin::Bin/lib/TestApp";
-our $STATE  = "$HOME/scheduler.state";
-our $URL    = 'http://localhost/';
-our $BASE   = 'Catalyst::Plugin::Scheduler::Base';
-our $Error  = 'oops';
-our @Map    = (
-    # event                                             # prio  # label
-    [ '/cron/every_minute',                             -10,            ],
-    [ TestApp::Controller::Cron->can('every_minute'),   10,     "EM"    ],
-### clean up
-END { 1 while unlink $STATE }
-### set up some schedules
-{   for my $aref ( @Map ) {
-        my %args;
-        my $i = 0;
-        for my $key ( qw[event priority label] ) {
-            my $val = $aref->[ $i++ ] or next;
-            $args{ $key } = $val;
-        };                            
-        TestApp->schedule( at => '@always', %args );
-    }
-### get events, inspect them
-{   my @events = TestApp->scheduler->list_events;
-    ok( scalar(@events),        "Found events" );
-    is( scalar(@events), scalar(@Map),
-                                "   All events retrieved" );
-    isa_ok( $_, "Catalyst::Plugin::Scheduler::Event" ) for @events;
-    {   # hack the last event check to make all events execute immediately
-        $BASE->_last_check_time( 0 );
-        my @pending_events = TestApp->scheduler->list_pending_events;
-        is( scalar( @pending_events ), scalar( @events ),
-                                "   All pending events retrieved" );
-        ### key our template on event name.
-        my %map = map { $_->[0] => $_ } @Map;
-        my $prio;
-        for my $event ( @pending_events ) {
-            ### check our accessors 
-            {   my $meth    = 'ls_accessors';
-                can_ok( $event,     $meth );
-                can_ok( $event,     $event->$meth );
-            }        
-            ### check caller
-            {   my $re = __PACKAGE__        # package that sheduled
-                        . '.+?'
-                        . quotemeta($0)     # this file
-                        . ':\d+';           # the line number
-                my $by = $event->scheduled_by;                        
-                like( $by, qr/$re/,
-                                "       Caller registered: '$by'" );
-            }
-            ### check activity
-            ok( $event->active, "       Event is active" );
-            ### check prio
-            cmp_ok( $prio, '>=', $event->priority,
-                                "       Sorted in right order" 
-            ) unless defined $prio; # first in the chain.
-            $prio = $event->priority;
-            ### check some properties
-            my $aref = $map{ $event->event };
-            ok( $aref,          "   Event retrieved from template" );
-            is( $event->event, $aref->[0],
-                                "       Right event: ".$event->event );
-            is( $event->priority, $aref->[1],
-                                "       Right priority: ".$event->priority );
-            is( $event->label, ($aref->[2] || $aref->[0]),
-                                "       Right label: ".$event->label );
-            ### this should fail, our $c is not an object
-            eval { $event->run };
-            ok( $@,             "       Can not run event" );
-            like( $@, qr/not an object/,
-                                '           $c is not an object' );       
-        }
-        # hack the last event check to make all events execute immediately
-        $BASE->_last_check_time( 0 );
-        {   $_->active(0) for @events;
-            ok( !scalar(TestApp->scheduler->list_pending_events), 
-                                "   All events disabled" );
-            $_->active(1) for @events;        
-        }
-    }    

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