[Catalyst-commits] r7888 - in
trunk/Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication-Credential-HTTP: .
lib/Catalyst lib/Catalyst/Authentication
lib/Catalyst/Plugin/Authentication/Credential t
t0m at dev.catalyst.perl.org
t0m at dev.catalyst.perl.org
Tue Jun 3 23:06:49 BST 2008
Author: t0m
Date: 2008-06-03 23:06:49 +0100 (Tue, 03 Jun 2008)
New Revision: 7888
Remove ::Plugin:: from module namespace, provide a legacy/compatibility ::Plugin:: shim. Remove use of the deprecated C:P:Cache::FileCache from the test suite (now uses C:P:Cache).
Property changes on: trunk/Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication-Credential-HTTP
Name: svn:ignore
+ META.yml
Name: svk:merge
+ 5790e164-973e-0410-be86-a0c6746e9881:/local/Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication-Credential-HTTP:4975
Modified: trunk/Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication-Credential-HTTP/Changes
--- trunk/Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication-Credential-HTTP/Changes 2008-06-03 21:09:33 UTC (rev 7887)
+++ trunk/Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication-Credential-HTTP/Changes 2008-06-03 22:06:49 UTC (rev 7888)
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+0.11 2008-06-03
+ - Rename to remove Plugin from namespace. The Plugin version is now a wrapper with a deprecation notice.
+ - Change the test suite to use C::P::Cache rather than C::P::Cache::FileCache
0.10 2007-04-26
- switch to Module::Install
Modified: trunk/Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication-Credential-HTTP/MANIFEST.SKIP
--- trunk/Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication-Credential-HTTP/MANIFEST.SKIP 2008-06-03 21:09:33 UTC (rev 7887)
+++ trunk/Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication-Credential-HTTP/MANIFEST.SKIP 2008-06-03 22:06:49 UTC (rev 7888)
@@ -21,3 +21,5 @@
+# Avoid ShipIt configuration
Modified: trunk/Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication-Credential-HTTP/Makefile.PL
--- trunk/Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication-Credential-HTTP/Makefile.PL 2008-06-03 21:09:33 UTC (rev 7887)
+++ trunk/Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication-Credential-HTTP/Makefile.PL 2008-06-03 22:06:49 UTC (rev 7888)
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
use inc::Module::Install 0.65;
-name 'Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication-Credential-HTTP';
-all_from 'lib/Catalyst/Plugin/Authentication/Credential/HTTP.pm';
+name 'Catalyst-Authentication-Credential-HTTP';
+all_from 'lib/Catalyst/Authentication/Credential/HTTP.pm';
requires 'Catalyst::Runtime';
-requires 'Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication';
+requires 'Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication' => '0.10000';
requires 'Data::UUID' => '0.11';
requires 'String::Escape';
requires 'Test::Exception';
Added: trunk/Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication-Credential-HTTP/lib/Catalyst/Authentication/Credential/HTTP.pm
--- trunk/Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication-Credential-HTTP/lib/Catalyst/Authentication/Credential/HTTP.pm (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication-Credential-HTTP/lib/Catalyst/Authentication/Credential/HTTP.pm 2008-06-03 22:06:49 UTC (rev 7888)
@@ -0,0 +1,543 @@
+package Catalyst::Authentication::Credential::HTTP;
+use base qw/Catalyst::Authentication::Credential::Password/;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use String::Escape ();
+use URI::Escape ();
+use Catalyst ();
+use Digest::MD5 ();
+our $VERSION = "0.11";
+sub authenticate_http {
+ my ( $c, @args ) = @_;
+ return 1 if $c->_is_http_auth_type('digest') && $c->authenticate_digest(@args);
+ return 1 if $c->_is_http_auth_type('basic') && $c->authenticate_basic(@args);
+ return;
+sub get_http_auth_store {
+ my ( $c, %opts ) = @_;
+ my $store = $opts{store} || $c->config->{authentication}{http}{store} || return;
+ return ref $store
+ ? $store
+ : $c->get_auth_store($store);
+sub authenticate_basic {
+ my ( $c, %opts ) = @_;
+ $c->log->debug('Checking http basic authentication.') if $c->debug;
+ my $headers = $c->req->headers;
+ if ( my ( $username, $password ) = $headers->authorization_basic ) {
+ my $user;
+ unless ( $user = $opts{user} ) {
+ if ( my $store = $c->get_http_auth_store(%opts) ) {
+ $user = $store->get_user($username);
+ } else {
+ $user = $username;
+ }
+ }
+ return $c->login( $user, $password );
+ }
+ return 0;
+sub authenticate_digest {
+ my ( $c, %opts ) = @_;
+ $c->log->debug('Checking http digest authentication.') if $c->debug;
+ my $headers = $c->req->headers;
+ my @authorization = $headers->header('Authorization');
+ foreach my $authorization (@authorization) {
+ next unless $authorization =~ m{^Digest};
+ my %res = map {
+ my @key_val = split /=/, $_, 2;
+ $key_val[0] = lc $key_val[0];
+ $key_val[1] =~ s{"}{}g; # remove the quotes
+ @key_val;
+ } split /,\s?/, substr( $authorization, 7 ); #7 == length "Digest "
+ my $opaque = $res{opaque};
+ my $nonce = $c->get_digest_authorization_nonce( __PACKAGE__ . '::opaque:' . $opaque );
+ next unless $nonce;
+ $c->log->debug('Checking authentication parameters.')
+ if $c->debug;
+ my $uri = '/' . $c->request->path;
+ my $algorithm = $res{algorithm} || 'MD5';
+ my $nonce_count = '0x' . $res{nc};
+ my $check = $uri eq $res{uri}
+ && ( exists $res{username} )
+ && ( exists $res{qop} )
+ && ( exists $res{cnonce} )
+ && ( exists $res{nc} )
+ && $algorithm eq $nonce->algorithm
+ && hex($nonce_count) > hex( $nonce->nonce_count )
+ && $res{nonce} eq $nonce->nonce; # TODO: set Stale instead
+ unless ($check) {
+ $c->log->debug('Digest authentication failed. Bad request.')
+ if $c->debug;
+ $c->res->status(400); # bad request
+ die $Catalyst::DETACH;
+ }
+ $c->log->debug('Checking authentication response.')
+ if $c->debug;
+ my $username = $res{username};
+ my $realm = $res{realm};
+ my $user;
+ unless ( $user = $opts{user} ) {
+ if ( my $store = $c->get_http_auth_store(%opts) || $c->default_auth_store ) {
+ $user = $store->get_user($username);
+ }
+ }
+ unless ($user) { # no user, no authentication
+ $c->log->debug('Unknown user: $user.') if $c->debug;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ # everything looks good, let's check the response
+ # calculate H(A2) as per spec
+ my $ctx = Digest::MD5->new;
+ $ctx->add( join( ':', $c->request->method, $res{uri} ) );
+ if ( $res{qop} eq 'auth-int' ) {
+ my $digest =
+ Digest::MD5::md5_hex( $c->request->body ); # not sure here
+ $ctx->add( ':', $digest );
+ }
+ my $A2_digest = $ctx->hexdigest;
+ # the idea of the for loop:
+ # if we do not want to store the plain password in our user store,
+ # we can store md5_hex("$username:$realm:$password") instead
+ for my $r ( 0 .. 1 ) {
+ # calculate H(A1) as per spec
+ my $A1_digest = $r ? $user->password : do {
+ $ctx = Digest::MD5->new;
+ $ctx->add( join( ':', $username, $realm, $user->password ) );
+ $ctx->hexdigest;
+ };
+ if ( $nonce->algorithm eq 'MD5-sess' ) {
+ $ctx = Digest::MD5->new;
+ $ctx->add( join( ':', $A1_digest, $res{nonce}, $res{cnonce} ) );
+ $A1_digest = $ctx->hexdigest;
+ }
+ my $rq_digest = Digest::MD5::md5_hex(
+ join( ':',
+ $A1_digest, $res{nonce},
+ $res{qop} ? ( $res{nc}, $res{cnonce}, $res{qop} ) : (),
+ $A2_digest )
+ );
+ $nonce->nonce_count($nonce_count);
+ $c->cache->set( __PACKAGE__ . '::opaque:' . $nonce->opaque,
+ $nonce );
+ return $c->login( $user, $user->password )
+ if $rq_digest eq $res{response};
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+sub _check_cache {
+ my $c = shift;
+ die "A cache is needed for http digest authentication."
+ unless $c->can('cache');
+ return;
+sub _is_http_auth_type {
+ my ( $c, $type ) = @_;
+ my $cfgtype = lc( $c->config->{authentication}{http}{type} || 'any' );
+ return 1 if $cfgtype eq 'any' || $cfgtype eq lc $type;
+ return 0;
+sub authorization_required {
+ my ( $c, @args ) = @_;
+ return 1 if $c->authenticate_http(@args);
+ $c->authorization_required_response(@args);
+ die $Catalyst::DETACH;
+sub authorization_required_response {
+ my ( $c, %opts ) = @_;
+ $c->res->status(401);
+ $c->res->content_type('text/plain');
+ $c->res->body($c->config->{authentication}{http}{authorization_required_message} ||
+ $opts{authorization_required_message} ||
+ 'Authorization required.');
+ # *DONT* short circuit
+ my $ok;
+ $ok++ if $c->_create_digest_auth_response(\%opts);
+ $ok++ if $c->_create_basic_auth_response(\%opts);
+ unless ( $ok ) {
+ die 'Could not build authorization required response. '
+ . 'Did you configure a valid authentication http type: '
+ . 'basic, digest, any';
+ }
+ return;
+sub _add_authentication_header {
+ my ( $c, $header ) = @_;
+ $c->res->headers->push_header( 'WWW-Authenticate' => $header );
+ return;
+sub _create_digest_auth_response {
+ my ( $c, $opts ) = @_;
+ return unless $c->_is_http_auth_type('digest');
+ if ( my $digest = $c->_build_digest_auth_header( $opts ) ) {
+ $c->_add_authentication_header( $digest );
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return;
+sub _create_basic_auth_response {
+ my ( $c, $opts ) = @_;
+ return unless $c->_is_http_auth_type('basic');
+ if ( my $basic = $c->_build_basic_auth_header( $opts ) ) {
+ $c->_add_authentication_header( $basic );
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return;
+sub _build_auth_header_realm {
+ my ( $c, $opts ) = @_;
+ if ( my $realm = $opts->{realm} ) {
+ return 'realm=' . String::Escape::qprintable($realm);
+ }
+ return;
+sub _build_auth_header_domain {
+ my ( $c, $opts ) = @_;
+ if ( my $domain = $opts->{domain} ) {
+ Catalyst::Exception->throw("domain must be an array reference")
+ unless ref($domain) && ref($domain) eq "ARRAY";
+ my @uris =
+ $c->config->{authentication}{http}{use_uri_for}
+ ? ( map { $c->uri_for($_) } @$domain )
+ : ( map { URI::Escape::uri_escape($_) } @$domain );
+ return qq{domain="@uris"};
+ }
+ return;
+sub _build_auth_header_common {
+ my ( $c, $opts ) = @_;
+ return (
+ $c->_build_auth_header_realm($opts),
+ $c->_build_auth_header_domain($opts),
+ );
+sub _build_basic_auth_header {
+ my ( $c, $opts ) = @_;
+ return $c->_join_auth_header_parts( Basic => $c->_build_auth_header_common( $opts ) );
+sub _build_digest_auth_header {
+ my ( $c, $opts ) = @_;
+ my $nonce = $c->_digest_auth_nonce($opts);
+ my $key = __PACKAGE__ . '::opaque:' . $nonce->opaque;
+ $c->store_digest_authorization_nonce( $key, $nonce );
+ return $c->_join_auth_header_parts( Digest =>
+ $c->_build_auth_header_common($opts),
+ map { sprintf '%s="%s"', $_, $nonce->$_ } qw(
+ qop
+ nonce
+ opaque
+ algorithm
+ ),
+ );
+sub _digest_auth_nonce {
+ my ( $c, $opts ) = @_;
+ my $package = __PACKAGE__ . '::Nonce';
+ my $nonce = $package->new;
+ if ( my $algorithm = $opts->{algorithm} || $c->config->{authentication}{http}{algorithm}) {
+ $nonce->algorithm( $algorithm );
+ }
+ return $nonce;
+sub _join_auth_header_parts {
+ my ( $c, $type, @parts ) = @_;
+ return "$type " . join(", ", @parts );
+sub get_digest_authorization_nonce {
+ my ( $c, $key ) = @_;
+ $c->_check_cache;
+ return $c->cache->get( $key );
+sub store_digest_authorization_nonce {
+ my ( $c, $key, $nonce ) = @_;
+ $c->_check_cache;
+ return $c->cache->set( $key, $nonce );
+package Catalyst::Authentication::Credential::HTTP::Nonce;
+use strict;
+use base qw[ Class::Accessor::Fast ];
+use Data::UUID ();
+our $VERSION = '0.02';
+__PACKAGE__->mk_accessors(qw[ nonce nonce_count qop opaque algorithm ]);
+sub new {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_);
+ $self->nonce( Data::UUID->new->create_b64 );
+ $self->opaque( Data::UUID->new->create_b64 );
+ $self->qop('auth,auth-int');
+ $self->nonce_count('0x0');
+ $self->algorithm('MD5');
+ return $self;
+=head1 NAME
+Catalyst::Authentication::Credential::HTTP - HTTP Basic and Digest authentication
+for Catalyst.
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use Catalyst qw/
+ Authentication
+ Authentication::Store::Minimal
+ Authentication::Credential::HTTP
+ /;
+ __PACKAGE__->config->{authentication}{http}{type} = 'any'; # or 'digest' or 'basic'
+ __PACKAGE__->config->{authentication}{users} = {
+ Mufasa => { password => "Circle Of Life", },
+ };
+ sub foo : Local {
+ my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
+ $c->authorization_required( realm => "foo" ); # named after the status code ;-)
+ # either user gets authenticated or 401 is sent
+ do_stuff();
+ }
+ # with ACL plugin
+ __PACKAGE__->deny_access_unless("/path", sub { $_[0]->authenticate_http });
+ sub end : Private {
+ my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
+ $c->authorization_required_response( realm => "foo" );
+ $c->error(0);
+ }
+This module lets you use HTTP authentication with
+L<Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication>. Both basic and digest authentication
+are currently supported.
+When authentication is required, this module sets a status of 401, and
+the body of the response to 'Authorization required.'. To override
+this and set your own content, check for the C<< $c->res->status ==
+401 >> in your C<end> action, and change the body accordingly.
+=head2 TERMS
+=over 4
+=item Nonce
+A nonce is a one-time value sent with each digest authentication
+request header. The value must always be unique, so per default the
+last value of the nonce is kept using L<Catalyst::Plugin::Cache>. To
+change this behaviour, override the
+C<store_digest_authorization_nonce> and
+C<get_digest_authorization_nonce> methods as shown below.
+=head1 METHODS
+=over 4
+=item authorization_required %opts
+Tries to C<authenticate_http>, and if that fails calls
+C<authorization_required_response> and detaches the current action call stack.
+This method just passes the options through untouched.
+=item authenticate_http %opts
+Looks inside C<< $c->request->headers >> and processes the digest and basic
+(badly named) authorization header.
+This will only try the methods set in the configuration. First digest, then basic.
+See the next two methods for what %opts can contain.
+=item authenticate_basic %opts
+=item authenticate_digest %opts
+Try to authenticate one of the methods without checking if the method is
+allowed in the configuration.
+%opts can contain C<store> (either an object or a name), C<user> (to disregard
+%the username from the header altogether, overriding it with a username or user
+=item authorization_required_response %opts
+Sets C<< $c->response >> to the correct status code, and adds the correct
+header to demand authentication data from the user agent.
+Typically used by C<authorization_required>, but may be invoked manually.
+%opts can contain C<realm>, C<domain> and C<algorithm>, which are used to build
+%the digest header.
+=item store_digest_authorization_nonce $key, $nonce
+=item get_digest_authorization_nonce $key
+Set or get the C<$nonce> object used by the digest auth mode.
+You may override these methods. By default they will call C<get> and C<set> on
+C<< $c->cache >>.
+=item get_http_auth_store %opts
+All configuration is stored in C<< YourApp->config->{authentication}{http} >>.
+This should be a hash, and it can contain the following entries:
+=over 4
+=item store
+Either a name or an object -- the default store to use for HTTP authentication.
+=item type
+Can be either C<any> (the default), C<basic> or C<digest>.
+This controls C<authorization_required_response> and C<authenticate_http>, but
+not the "manual" methods.
+=item authorization_required_message
+Set this to a string to override the default body content "Authorization required."
+When using digest authentication, this module will only work together
+with authentication stores whose User objects have a C<password>
+method that returns the plain-text password. It will not work together
+with L<Catalyst::Authentication::Store::Htpasswd>, or
+L<Catalyst::Authentication::Store::DBIC> stores whose
+C<password> methods return a hashed or salted version of the password.
+=head1 AUTHORS
+Yuval Kogman, C<nothingmuch at woobling.org>
+Jess Robinson
+Sascha Kiefer C<esskar at cpan.org>
+Tomas Doran C<bobtfish at bobtfish.net>
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+RFC 2617 (or its successors), L<Catalyst::Plugin::Cache>, L<Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication>
+ Copyright (c) 2005-2006 the aforementioned authors. All rights
+ reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute
+ it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
Property changes on: trunk/Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication-Credential-HTTP/lib/Catalyst/Authentication/Credential/HTTP.pm
Name: eol
+ native
Modified: trunk/Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication-Credential-HTTP/lib/Catalyst/Plugin/Authentication/Credential/HTTP.pm
--- trunk/Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication-Credential-HTTP/lib/Catalyst/Plugin/Authentication/Credential/HTTP.pm 2008-06-03 21:09:33 UTC (rev 7887)
+++ trunk/Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication-Credential-HTTP/lib/Catalyst/Plugin/Authentication/Credential/HTTP.pm 2008-06-03 22:06:49 UTC (rev 7888)
@@ -1,366 +1,11 @@
package Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication::Credential::HTTP;
-use base qw/Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication::Credential::Password/;
+use base qw/Catalyst::Authentication::Credential::HTTP/;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
+our $VERSION = '0.11';
-use String::Escape ();
-use URI::Escape ();
-use Catalyst ();
-use Digest::MD5 ();
+# FIXME - Add a warning here?
+# FIXME - Is this package even needed?
-our $VERSION = "0.10";
-sub authenticate_http {
- my ( $c, @args ) = @_;
- return 1 if $c->_is_http_auth_type('digest') && $c->authenticate_digest(@args);
- return 1 if $c->_is_http_auth_type('basic') && $c->authenticate_basic(@args);
-sub get_http_auth_store {
- my ( $c, %opts ) = @_;
- my $store = $opts{store} || $c->config->{authentication}{http}{store} || return;
- return ref $store
- ? $store
- : $c->get_auth_store($store);
-sub authenticate_basic {
- my ( $c, %opts ) = @_;
- $c->log->debug('Checking http basic authentication.') if $c->debug;
- my $headers = $c->req->headers;
- if ( my ( $username, $password ) = $headers->authorization_basic ) {
- my $user;
- unless ( $user = $opts{user} ) {
- if ( my $store = $c->get_http_auth_store(%opts) ) {
- $user = $store->get_user($username);
- } else {
- $user = $username;
- }
- }
- return $c->login( $user, $password );
- }
- return 0;
-sub authenticate_digest {
- my ( $c, %opts ) = @_;
- $c->log->debug('Checking http digest authentication.') if $c->debug;
- my $headers = $c->req->headers;
- my @authorization = $headers->header('Authorization');
- foreach my $authorization (@authorization) {
- next unless $authorization =~ m{^Digest};
- my %res = map {
- my @key_val = split /=/, $_, 2;
- $key_val[0] = lc $key_val[0];
- $key_val[1] =~ s{"}{}g; # remove the quotes
- @key_val;
- } split /,\s?/, substr( $authorization, 7 ); #7 == length "Digest "
- my $opaque = $res{opaque};
- my $nonce = $c->get_digest_authorization_nonce( __PACKAGE__ . '::opaque:' . $opaque );
- next unless $nonce;
- $c->log->debug('Checking authentication parameters.')
- if $c->debug;
- my $uri = '/' . $c->request->path;
- my $algorithm = $res{algorithm} || 'MD5';
- my $nonce_count = '0x' . $res{nc};
- my $check = $uri eq $res{uri}
- && ( exists $res{username} )
- && ( exists $res{qop} )
- && ( exists $res{cnonce} )
- && ( exists $res{nc} )
- && $algorithm eq $nonce->algorithm
- && hex($nonce_count) > hex( $nonce->nonce_count )
- && $res{nonce} eq $nonce->nonce; # TODO: set Stale instead
- unless ($check) {
- $c->log->debug('Digest authentication failed. Bad request.')
- if $c->debug;
- $c->res->status(400); # bad request
- die $Catalyst::DETACH;
- }
- $c->log->debug('Checking authentication response.')
- if $c->debug;
- my $username = $res{username};
- my $realm = $res{realm};
- my $user;
- unless ( $user = $opts{user} ) {
- if ( my $store = $c->get_http_auth_store(%opts) || $c->default_auth_store ) {
- $user = $store->get_user($username);
- }
- }
- unless ($user) { # no user, no authentication
- $c->log->debug('Unknown user: $user.') if $c->debug;
- return 0;
- }
- # everything looks good, let's check the response
- # calculate H(A2) as per spec
- my $ctx = Digest::MD5->new;
- $ctx->add( join( ':', $c->request->method, $res{uri} ) );
- if ( $res{qop} eq 'auth-int' ) {
- my $digest =
- Digest::MD5::md5_hex( $c->request->body ); # not sure here
- $ctx->add( ':', $digest );
- }
- my $A2_digest = $ctx->hexdigest;
- # the idea of the for loop:
- # if we do not want to store the plain password in our user store,
- # we can store md5_hex("$username:$realm:$password") instead
- for my $r ( 0 .. 1 ) {
- # calculate H(A1) as per spec
- my $A1_digest = $r ? $user->password : do {
- $ctx = Digest::MD5->new;
- $ctx->add( join( ':', $username, $realm, $user->password ) );
- $ctx->hexdigest;
- };
- if ( $nonce->algorithm eq 'MD5-sess' ) {
- $ctx = Digest::MD5->new;
- $ctx->add( join( ':', $A1_digest, $res{nonce}, $res{cnonce} ) );
- $A1_digest = $ctx->hexdigest;
- }
- my $rq_digest = Digest::MD5::md5_hex(
- join( ':',
- $A1_digest, $res{nonce},
- $res{qop} ? ( $res{nc}, $res{cnonce}, $res{qop} ) : (),
- $A2_digest )
- );
- $nonce->nonce_count($nonce_count);
- $c->cache->set( __PACKAGE__ . '::opaque:' . $nonce->opaque,
- $nonce );
- return $c->login( $user, $user->password )
- if $rq_digest eq $res{response};
- }
- }
- return 0;
-sub _check_cache {
- my $c = shift;
- die "A cache is needed for http digest authentication."
- unless $c->can('cache');
-sub _is_http_auth_type {
- my ( $c, $type ) = @_;
- my $cfgtype = lc( $c->config->{authentication}{http}{type} || 'any' );
- return 1 if $cfgtype eq 'any' || $cfgtype eq lc $type;
- return 0;
-sub authorization_required {
- my ( $c, @args ) = @_;
- return 1 if $c->authenticate_http(@args);
- $c->authorization_required_response(@args);
- die $Catalyst::DETACH;
-sub authorization_required_response {
- my ( $c, %opts ) = @_;
- $c->res->status(401);
- $c->res->content_type('text/plain');
- $c->res->body($c->config->{authentication}{http}{authorization_required_message} ||
- $opts{authorization_required_message} ||
- 'Authorization required.');
- # *DONT* short circuit
- my $ok;
- $ok++ if $c->_create_digest_auth_response(\%opts);
- $ok++ if $c->_create_basic_auth_response(\%opts);
- unless ( $ok ) {
- die 'Could not build authorization required response. '
- . 'Did you configure a valid authentication http type: '
- . 'basic, digest, any';
- }
-sub _add_authentication_header {
- my ( $c, $header ) = @_;
- $c->res->headers->push_header( 'WWW-Authenticate' => $header );
-sub _create_digest_auth_response {
- my ( $c, $opts ) = @_;
- return unless $c->_is_http_auth_type('digest');
- if ( my $digest = $c->_build_digest_auth_header( $opts ) ) {
- $c->_add_authentication_header( $digest );
- return 1;
- }
- return;
-sub _create_basic_auth_response {
- my ( $c, $opts ) = @_;
- return unless $c->_is_http_auth_type('basic');
- if ( my $basic = $c->_build_basic_auth_header( $opts ) ) {
- $c->_add_authentication_header( $basic );
- return 1;
- }
- return;
-sub _build_auth_header_realm {
- my ( $c, $opts ) = @_;
- if ( my $realm = $opts->{realm} ) {
- return 'realm=' . String::Escape::qprintable($realm);
- } else {
- return;
- }
-sub _build_auth_header_domain {
- my ( $c, $opts ) = @_;
- if ( my $domain = $opts->{domain} ) {
- Catalyst::Exception->throw("domain must be an array reference")
- unless ref($domain) && ref($domain) eq "ARRAY";
- my @uris =
- $c->config->{authentication}{http}{use_uri_for}
- ? ( map { $c->uri_for($_) } @$domain )
- : ( map { URI::Escape::uri_escape($_) } @$domain );
- return qq{domain="@uris"};
- } else {
- return;
- }
-sub _build_auth_header_common {
- my ( $c, $opts ) = @_;
- return (
- $c->_build_auth_header_realm($opts),
- $c->_build_auth_header_domain($opts),
- );
-sub _build_basic_auth_header {
- my ( $c, $opts ) = @_;
- return $c->_join_auth_header_parts( Basic => $c->_build_auth_header_common( $opts ) );
-sub _build_digest_auth_header {
- my ( $c, $opts ) = @_;
- my $nonce = $c->_digest_auth_nonce($opts);
- my $key = __PACKAGE__ . '::opaque:' . $nonce->opaque;
- $c->store_digest_authorization_nonce( $key, $nonce );
- return $c->_join_auth_header_parts( Digest =>
- $c->_build_auth_header_common($opts),
- map { sprintf '%s="%s"', $_, $nonce->$_ } qw(
- qop
- nonce
- opaque
- algorithm
- ),
- );
-sub _digest_auth_nonce {
- my ( $c, $opts ) = @_;
- my $package = __PACKAGE__ . '::Nonce';
- my $nonce = $package->new;
- if ( my $algorithm = $opts->{algorithm} || $c->config->{authentication}{http}{algorithm}) {
- $nonce->algorithm( $algorithm );
- }
- return $nonce;
-sub _join_auth_header_parts {
- my ( $c, $type, @parts ) = @_;
- return "$type " . join(", ", @parts );
-sub get_digest_authorization_nonce {
- my ( $c, $key ) = @_;
- $c->_check_cache;
- $c->cache->get( $key );
-sub store_digest_authorization_nonce {
- my ( $c, $key, $nonce ) = @_;
- $c->_check_cache;
- $c->cache->set( $key, $nonce );
-package Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication::Credential::HTTP::Nonce;
-use strict;
-use base qw[ Class::Accessor::Fast ];
-use Data::UUID ();
-our $VERSION = "0.01";
-__PACKAGE__->mk_accessors(qw[ nonce nonce_count qop opaque algorithm ]);
-sub new {
- my $class = shift;
- my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_);
- $self->nonce( Data::UUID->new->create_b64 );
- $self->opaque( Data::UUID->new->create_b64 );
- $self->qop('auth,auth-int');
- $self->nonce_count('0x0');
- $self->algorithm('MD5');
- return $self;
@@ -380,145 +25,10 @@
- __PACKAGE__->config->{authentication}{http}{type} = 'any'; # or 'digest' or 'basic'
- __PACKAGE__->config->{authentication}{users} = {
- Mufasa => { password => "Circle Of Life", },
- };
- sub foo : Local {
- my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
- $c->authorization_required( realm => "foo" ); # named after the status code ;-)
- # either user gets authenticated or 401 is sent
- do_stuff();
- }
- # with ACL plugin
- __PACKAGE__->deny_access_unless("/path", sub { $_[0]->authenticate_http });
- sub end : Private {
- my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
- $c->authorization_required_response( realm => "foo" );
- $c->error(0);
- }
-This moduule lets you use HTTP authentication with
-L<Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication>. Both basic and digest authentication
-are currently supported.
+This module is deprecated. Please see L<Catalyst::Authentication::Credential::HTTP>
-When authentication is required, this module sets a status of 401, and
-the body of the response to 'Authorization required.'. To override
-this and set your own content, check for the C<< $c->res->status ==
-401 >> in your C<end> action, and change the body accordingly.
-=head2 TERMS
-=over 4
-=item Nonce
-A nonce is a one-time value sent with each digest authentication
-request header. The value must always be unique, so per default the
-last value of the nonce is kept using L<Catalyst::Plugin::Cache>. To
-change this behaviour, override the
-C<store_digest_authorization_nonce> and
-C<get_digest_authorization_nonce> methods as shown below.
-=head1 METHODS
-=over 4
-=item authorization_required %opts
-Tries to C<authenticate_http>, and if that fails calls
-C<authorization_required_response> and detaches the current action call stack.
-This method just passes the options through untouched.
-=item authenticate_http %opts
-Looks inside C<< $c->request->headers >> and processes the digest and basic
-(badly named) authorization header.
-This will only try the methods set in the configuration. First digest, then basic.
-See the next two methods for what %opts can contain.
-=item authenticate_basic %opts
-=item authenticate_digest %opts
-Try to authenticate one of the methods without checking if the method is
-allowed in the configuration.
-%opts can contain C<store> (either an object or a name), C<user> (to disregard
-%the username from the header altogether, overriding it with a username or user
-=item authorization_required_response %opts
-Sets C<< $c->response >> to the correct status code, and adds the correct
-header to demand authentication data from the user agent.
-Typically used by C<authorization_required>, but may be invoked manually.
-%opts can contain C<realm>, C<domain> and C<algorithm>, which are used to build
-%the digest header.
-=item store_digest_authorization_nonce $key, $nonce
-=item get_digest_authorization_nonce $key
-Set or get the C<$nonce> object used by the digest auth mode.
-You may override these methods. By default they will call C<get> and C<set> on
-C<< $c->cache >>.
-=item get_http_auth_store %opts
-All configuration is stored in C<< YourApp->config->{authentication}{http} >>.
-This should be a hash, and it can contain the following entries:
-=over 4
-=item store
-Either a name or an object -- the default store to use for HTTP authentication.
-=item type
-Can be either C<any> (the default), C<basic> or C<digest>.
-This controls C<authorization_required_response> and C<authenticate_http>, but
-not the "manual" methods.
-=item authorization_required_message
-Set this to a string to override the default body content "Authorization required."
-When using digest authentication, this module will only work together
-with authentication stores whose User objects have a C<password>
-method that returns the plain-text password. It will not work together
-with L<Catalyst::Authentication::Store::Htpasswd>, or
-L<Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication::Store::DBIC> stores whose
-C<password> methods return a hashed or salted version of the password.
=head1 AUTHORS
Yuval Kogman, C<nothingmuch at woobling.org>
@@ -527,9 +37,11 @@
Sascha Kiefer C<esskar at cpan.org>
+Tomas Doran C<bobtfish at bobtfish.net>
=head1 SEE ALSO
-RFC 2617 (or its successors), L<Catalyst::Plugin::Cache>, L<Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication>
Property changes on: trunk/Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication-Credential-HTTP/lib/Catalyst/Plugin/Authentication/Credential/HTTP.pm
Name: eol
- native
Added: trunk/Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication-Credential-HTTP/t/04pod_spelling.t
--- trunk/Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication-Credential-HTTP/t/04pod_spelling.t (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication-Credential-HTTP/t/04pod_spelling.t 2008-06-03 22:06:49 UTC (rev 7888)
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+#!perl -w
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+eval 'use Test::Spelling 0.11';
+plan skip_all => 'Test::Spelling 0.11 not installed' if $@;
+plan skip_all => 'set TEST_SPELLING to enable this test' unless $ENV{TEST_SPELLING};
+set_spell_cmd('aspell list');
+add_stopwords( grep { defined $_ && length $_ } <DATA>);
Modified: trunk/Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication-Credential-HTTP/t/basic.t
--- trunk/Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication-Credential-HTTP/t/basic.t 2008-06-03 21:09:33 UTC (rev 7887)
+++ trunk/Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication-Credential-HTTP/t/basic.t 2008-06-03 22:06:49 UTC (rev 7888)
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
use Test::Exception;
use HTTP::Headers;
-my $m; BEGIN { use_ok($m = "Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication::Credential::HTTP") }
+my $m; BEGIN { use_ok($m = "Catalyst::Authentication::Credential::HTTP") }
can_ok( $m, "authenticate_http" );
can_ok( $m, "authorization_required" );
can_ok( $m, "authorization_required_response" );
Modified: trunk/Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication-Credential-HTTP/t/live_app_digest.t
--- trunk/Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication-Credential-HTTP/t/live_app_digest.t 2008-06-03 21:09:33 UTC (rev 7887)
+++ trunk/Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication-Credential-HTTP/t/live_app_digest.t 2008-06-03 22:06:49 UTC (rev 7888)
@@ -6,9 +6,12 @@
eval { require Test::WWW::Mechanize::Catalyst }
or plan skip_all =>
"Test::WWW::Mechanize::Catalyst is needed for this test";
- eval { require Catalyst::Plugin::Cache::FileCache }
+ eval { require Catalyst::Plugin::Cache }
or plan skip_all =>
- "Catalyst::Plugin::Cache::FileCache is needed for this test";
+ "Catalyst::Plugin::Cache is needed for this test";
+ eval { require Cache::FileCache }
+ or plan skip_all =>
+ "Cache::FileCache is needed for this test";
plan tests => 4;
use HTTP::Request;
@@ -18,7 +21,7 @@
- Cache::FileCache
+ Cache
use Test::More;
our $users;
@@ -27,6 +30,9 @@
$c->authorization_required( realm => 'testrealm at host.com' );
$c->res->body( $c->user->id );
+ __PACKAGE__->config->{cache}{backend} = {
+ class => 'Cache::FileCache',
+ };
__PACKAGE__->config->{authentication}{http}{type} = 'digest';
__PACKAGE__->config->{authentication}{users} = $users = {
Mufasa => { password => "Circle Of Life", },
@@ -76,3 +82,4 @@
is( $mech->status, 200, "status is 200" );
$mech->content_contains( "Mufasa", "Mufasa output" );
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