[Catalyst-commits] r7767 - in
trunk/Catalyst-Manual/lib/Catalyst/Manual/Tutorial: . AdvancedCRUD
hkclark at dev.catalyst.perl.org
hkclark at dev.catalyst.perl.org
Wed May 21 01:00:00 BST 2008
Author: hkclark
Date: 2008-05-21 01:00:00 +0100 (Wed, 21 May 2008)
New Revision: 7767
Add AdvancedCRUD "cover page" and stub files for FormBuilder.pod and FormFu.pod
Added: trunk/Catalyst-Manual/lib/Catalyst/Manual/Tutorial/AdvancedCRUD/FormBuilder.pod
--- trunk/Catalyst-Manual/lib/Catalyst/Manual/Tutorial/AdvancedCRUD/FormBuilder.pod (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Catalyst-Manual/lib/Catalyst/Manual/Tutorial/AdvancedCRUD/FormBuilder.pod 2008-05-21 00:00:00 UTC (rev 7767)
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+=head1 NAME
+Catalyst::Manual::Tutorial::AdvancedCRUD::FormBuilder - Catalyst Tutorial - Part 9: Advanced CRUD - FormBuilder
+=head1 OVERVIEW
+This is B<Part 9 of 10> for the Catalyst tutorial.
+L<Tutorial Overview|Catalyst::Manual::Tutorial>
+=over 4
+=item 1
+=item 2
+L<Catalyst Basics|Catalyst::Manual::Tutorial::CatalystBasics>
+=item 3
+L<More Catalyst Basics|Catalyst::Manual::Tutorial::MoreCatalystBasics>
+=item 4
+L<Basic CRUD|Catalyst::Manual::Tutorial::BasicCRUD>
+=item 5
+=item 6
+=item 7
+=item 8
+=item 9
+B<Advanced CRUD>
+=item 10
Added: trunk/Catalyst-Manual/lib/Catalyst/Manual/Tutorial/AdvancedCRUD/FormFu.pod
--- trunk/Catalyst-Manual/lib/Catalyst/Manual/Tutorial/AdvancedCRUD/FormFu.pod (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Catalyst-Manual/lib/Catalyst/Manual/Tutorial/AdvancedCRUD/FormFu.pod 2008-05-21 00:00:00 UTC (rev 7767)
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+=head1 NAME
+Catalyst::Manual::Tutorial::AdvancedCRUD::FormFu - Catalyst Tutorial - Part 9: Advanced CRUD - FormFu
+=head1 OVERVIEW
+This is B<Part 9 of 10> for the Catalyst tutorial.
+L<Tutorial Overview|Catalyst::Manual::Tutorial>
+=over 4
+=item 1
+=item 2
+L<Catalyst Basics|Catalyst::Manual::Tutorial::CatalystBasics>
+=item 3
+L<More Catalyst Basics|Catalyst::Manual::Tutorial::MoreCatalystBasics>
+=item 4
+L<Basic CRUD|Catalyst::Manual::Tutorial::BasicCRUD>
+=item 5
+=item 6
+=item 7
+=item 8
+=item 9
+B<Advanced CRUD>
+=item 10
Modified: trunk/Catalyst-Manual/lib/Catalyst/Manual/Tutorial/AdvancedCRUD.pod
--- trunk/Catalyst-Manual/lib/Catalyst/Manual/Tutorial/AdvancedCRUD.pod 2008-05-20 20:10:51 UTC (rev 7766)
+++ trunk/Catalyst-Manual/lib/Catalyst/Manual/Tutorial/AdvancedCRUD.pod 2008-05-21 00:00:00 UTC (rev 7767)
@@ -63,710 +63,28 @@
validation of user-entered data, and automated transfer of data between
forms and model objects.
-In keeping with the Catalyst (and Perl) spirit of flexibility, there are
-many different ways to approach advanced CRUD operations in a Catalyst
-environment. One alternative is to use
-to instantly construct a set of Controller methods and templates for
-basic CRUD operations. Although a popular subject in Quicktime
-movies that serve as promotional material for various frameworks,
-real-world applications generally require more control. Other
-options include L<Data::FormValidator|Data::FormValidator> and
+In keeping with the Catalyst (and Perl) spirit of flexibility, there are
+many different ways to approach advanced CRUD operations in a Catalyst
+environment. Therefore, this section of the tutorial allows you to pick
+from one of several modules that that cover different form management
+tools. Select one or more options from the list below.
-Note that HTML::Widget is no longer maintained.
-L<HTML::FormFu|HTML::FormFu> was developed as a replacement. There is
-an example HTML::FormFu application at
-Another popular alternative for HTML FormFu is
-which is used in the L<Catalyst
-Here, we will make use of the
-L<HTML::Widget|HTML::Widget> to not only ease form creation, but to
-also provide validation of the submitted data. The approached used by
-this part of the tutorial is to slowly incorporate additional
-L<HTML::Widget|HTML::Widget> functionality in a step-wise fashion (we
-start with fairly simple form creation and then move on to more
-complex and "magical" features such as validation and
-B<Note:> Part 8 of the tutorial is optional. Users who do not wish to
-use L<HTML::Widget|HTML::Widget> may skip this part.
-You can checkout the source code for this example from the catalyst subversion repository as per the instructions in L<Catalyst::Manual::Tutorial::Intro>
-This section looks at how L<HTML::Widget|HTML::Widget> can be used to
-add additional functionality to the manually created form from Part 3.
-=head2 Add the C<HTML::Widget> Plugin
-Open C<lib/MyApp.pm> in your editor and add the following to the list of
-plugins (be sure to leave the existing plugins enabled):
- HTML::Widget
-=head2 Add a Form Creation Helper Method
-Open C<lib/MyApp/Controller/Books.pm> in your editor and add the
-following method:
- =head2 make_book_widget
- Build an HTML::Widget form for book creation and updates
- =cut
- sub make_book_widget {
- my ($self, $c) = @_;
- # Create an HTML::Widget to build the form
- my $w = $c->widget('book_form')->method('post');
- # Get authors
- my @authorObjs = $c->model("MyAppDB::Author")->all();
- my @authors = map {$_->id => $_->last_name }
- sort {$a->last_name cmp $b->last_name} @authorObjs;
- # Create the form feilds
- $w->element('Textfield', 'title' )->label('Title')->size(60);
- $w->element('Textfield', 'rating' )->label('Rating')->size(1);
- $w->element('Select', 'authors')->label('Authors')
- ->options(@authors);
- $w->element('Submit', 'submit' )->value('submit');
- # Return the widget
- return $w;
- }
-This method provides a central location that builds an
-HTML::Widget-based form with the appropriate fields. The "Get authors"
-code uses DBIC to retrieve a list of model objects and then uses C<map>
-to create a hash where the hash keys are the database primary keys from
-the authors table and the associated values are the last names of the
-=head2 Add Actions to Display and Save the Form
-Open C<lib/MyApp/Controller/Books.pm> in your editor and add the
-following methods:
- =head2 hw_create
- Build an HTML::Widget form for book creation and updates
- =cut
- sub hw_create : Local {
- my ($self, $c) = @_;
- # Create the widget and set the action for the form
- my $w = $self->make_book_widget($c);
- $w->action($c->uri_for('hw_create_do'));
- # Write form to stash variable for use in template
- $c->stash->{widget_result} = $w->result;
- # Set the template
- $c->stash->{template} = 'books/hw_form.tt2';
- }
- =head2 hw_create_do
- Build an HTML::Widget form for book creation and updates
- =cut
- sub hw_create_do : Local {
- my ($self, $c) = @_;
- # Retrieve the data from the form
- my $title = $c->request->params->{title};
- my $rating = $c->request->params->{rating};
- my $authors = $c->request->params->{authors};
- # Call create() on the book model object. Pass the table
- # columns/field values we want to set as hash values
- my $book = $c->model('MyAppDB::Book')->create({
- title => $title,
- rating => $rating
- });
- # Add a record to the join table for this book, mapping to
- # appropriate author
- $book->add_to_book_authors({author_id => $authors});
- # Set a status message for the user
- $c->stash->{status_msg} = 'Book created';
- # Use 'hw_create' to redisplay the form. As discussed in
- # Part 3, 'detach' is like 'forward', but it does not return
- $c->detach('hw_create');
- }
-Note how we use C<make_book_widget> to build the core parts of the form
-in one location, but we set the action (the URL the form is sent to when
-the user clicks the 'Submit' button) separately in C<hw_create>. Doing
-so allows us to have the same form submit the data to different actions
-(e.g., C<hw_create_do> for a create operation but C<hw_update_do> to
-update an existing book object).
-B<NOTE:> If you receive an error about Catalyst not being able to find
-the template C<hw_create_do.tt2>, please verify that you followed the
-instructions in the final section of
-L<Catalyst Basics|Catalyst::Manual::Tutorial::CatalystBasics> where
-you returned to a manually-specified template. You can either use
-C<forward>/C<detach> B<OR> default template names, but the two cannot
-be used together.
-=head2 Update the CSS
-Edit C<root/src/ttsite.css> and add the following lines to the bottom of
-the file:
- label {
- display: block;
- width: 10em;
- position: relative;
- margin: .5em 0em;
- }
- label input {
- position: absolute;
- left: 100%;
- }
- label select {
- position: absolute;
- left: 100%;
- }
- .submit {
- margin-top: 2em;;
- }
- .error_messages {
- color: [% site.col.error %];
- }
-These changes will display form elements vertically and also show error
-messages in red. Note that we are pulling the color scheme settings
-from the C<root/lib/config/col> file that was created by the TTSite
-helper. This allows us to change the color used by various error styles
-in the CSS from a single location.
-=head2 Create a Template Page To Display The Form
-Open C<root/src/books/hw_form.tt2> in your editor and enter the following:
- [% META title = 'Create/Update Book' %]
- [% widget_result.as_xml %]
- <p><a href="[% Catalyst.uri_for('list') %]">Return to book list</a></p>
-=head2 Add Links for Create and Update via C<HTML::Widget>
-Open C<root/src/books/list.tt2> in your editor and add the following to
-the bottom of the existing file:
- <p>
- HTML::Widget:
- <a href="[% Catalyst.uri_for('hw_create') %]">Create</a>
- </p>
-=head2 Test The <HTML::Widget> Create Form
-Press C<Ctrl-C> to kill the previous server instance (if it's still
-running) and restart it:
- $ script/myapp_server.pl
-Login as C<test01>. Once at the Book List page, click the HTML::Widget
-"Create" link to display for form produced by C<make_book_widget>. Fill
-out the form with the following values: Title = "Internetworking with
-TCP/IP Vol. II", Rating = "4", and Author = "Comer". Click Submit, and
-you will be returned to the Create/Update Book page with a "Book
-created" status message displayed. Click "Return to book list" to view
-the newly created book on the main list.
-Also note that this implementation allows you to can create books with
-bogus information. Although we have constrained the authors with the
-drop-down list, there are no restrictions on items such as the length of
-the title (for example, you can create a one-letter title) and value for
-the rating (you can use any number you want, and even non-numeric values
-with SQLite). The next section will address this concern.
-B<Note:> Depending on the database you are using and how you established
-the columns in your tables, the database could obviously provide various
-levels of "type enforcement" on your data. The key point being made in
-the previous paragraph is that the I<web application> itself is not
-performing any validation.
-Although the use of L<HTML::Widget|HTML::Widget> in the previous section
-did provide an automated mechanism to build the form, the real power of
-this module stems from functionality that can automatically validate and
-filter the user input. Validation uses constraints to be sure that
-users input appropriate data (for example, that the email field of a
-form contains a valid email address). Filtering can be used to remove
-extraneous whitespace from fields or to escape meta-characters in user
-=head2 Add Constraints and Filters to the Widget Creation Method
-Open C<lib/MyApp/Controller/Books.pm> in your editor and update the
-C<make_book_widget> method to match the following (new sections have
-been marked with a C<*** NEW:> comment):
- sub make_book_widget {
- my ($self, $c) = @_;
- # Create an HTML::Widget to build the form
- my $w = $c->widget('book_form')->method('post');
- # Get authors
- my @authorObjs = $c->model("MyAppDB::Author")->all();
- my @authors = map {$_->id => $_->last_name }
- sort {$a->last_name cmp $b->last_name} @authorObjs;
- # Create the form feilds
- $w->element('Textfield', 'title' )->label('Title')->size(60);
- $w->element('Textfield', 'rating' )->label('Rating')->size(1);
- # ***NEW: Convert to multi-select list
- $w->element('Select', 'authors')->label('Authors')
- ->options(@authors)->multiple(1)->size(3);
- $w->element('Submit', 'submit' )->value('submit');
- # ***NEW: Set constraints
- $w->constraint(All => qw/title rating authors/)
- ->message('Required. ');
- $w->constraint(Integer => qw/rating/)
- ->message('Must be an integer. ');
- $w->constraint(Range => qw/rating/)->min(1)->max(5)
- ->message('Must be a number between 1 and 5. ');
- $w->constraint(Length => qw/title/)->min(5)->max(50)
- ->message('Must be between 5 and 50 characters. ');
- # ***NEW: Set filters
- for my $column (qw/title rating authors/) {
- $w->filter( HTMLEscape => $column );
- $w->filter( TrimEdges => $column );
- }
- # Return the widget
- return $w;
- }
-The main changes are:
-=over 4
=item *
-The C<Select> element for C<authors> is changed from a single-select
-drop-down to a multi-select list by adding calls to C<multiple> (set to
-C<true>) and C<size> (set to the number of rows to display).
=item *
-Four sets of constraints are added to provide validation of the user input.
-=item *
-Two filters are run on every field to remove and escape unwanted input.
-=head2 Rebuild the Form Submission Method to Include Validation
+B<NOTE>: Please contact the author if you would like to assist with
+writing a new module.
-Edit C<lib/MyApp/Controller/Books.pm> and change C<hw_create_do> to
-match the following code (enough of the code is different that you
-probably want to cut and paste this over code the existing method):
- sub hw_create_do : Local {
- my ($self, $c) = @_;
- # Retrieve the data from the form
- my $title = $c->request->params->{title};
- my $rating = $c->request->params->{rating};
- my $authors = $c->request->params->{authors};
- # Create the widget and set the action for the form
- my $w = $self->make_book_widget($c);
- $w->action($c->uri_for('hw_create_do'));
- # Validate the form parameters
- my $result = $w->process($c->req);
- # Write form (including validation error messages) to
- # stash variable for use in template
- $c->stash->{widget_result} = $result;
- # Were their validation errors?
- if ($result->has_errors) {
- # Warn the user at the top of the form that there were errors.
- # Note that there will also be per-field feedback on
- # validation errors because of '$w->process($c->req)' above.
- $c->stash->{error_msg} = 'Validation errors!';
- } else {
- # Everything validated OK, so do the create
- # Call create() on the book model object. Pass the table
- # columns/field values we want to set as hash values
- my $book = $c->model('MyAppDB::Book')->create({
- title => $title,
- rating => $rating
- });
- # Add a record to the join table for this book, mapping to
- # appropriate author. Note that $authors will be 1 author as
- # a scalar or ref to list of authors depending on how many the
- # user selected; the 'ref $authors ?...' handles both cases
- foreach my $author (ref $authors ? @$authors : $authors) {
- $book->add_to_book_authors({author_id => $author});
- }
- # Set a status message for the user
- $c->stash->{status_msg} = 'Book created';
- }
- # Set the template
- $c->stash->{template} = 'books/hw_form.tt2';
- }
-The key changes to C<hw_create_do> are:
-=over 4
-=item *
-C<hw_create_do> no longer does a C<detach> to C<hw_create> to redisplay
-the form. Now that C<hw_create_do> has to process the form in order to
-perform the validation, we go ahead and build a complete set of form
-presentation logic into C<hw_create_do> (for example, C<hw_create_do>
-now has a C<$c-E<gt>stash-E<gt>{template}> line). Note that if we
-process the form in C<hw_create_do> I<and> forward/detach back to
-<hw_create>, we would end up with C<make_book_widget> being called
-twice, resulting in a duplicate set of elements being added to the form.
-(There are other ways to address the "duplicate form rendering" issue --
-just be aware that it exists.)
-=item *
-C<$w-E<gt>process($c-E<gt>req)> is called to run the validation logic.
-Not only does this set the C<has_errors> flag if validation errors are
-encountered, it returns a string containing any field-specific warning
-=item *
-An C<if> statement checks if any validation errors were encountered. If
-so, C<$c-E<gt>stash-E<gt>{error_msg}> is set and the input form is
-redisplayed. If no errors were found, the object is created in a manner
-similar to the prior version of the C<hw_create_do> method.
-=head2 Try Out the Form
-Press C<Ctrl-C> to kill the previous server instance (if it's still
-running) and restart it:
- $ script/myapp_server.pl
-Now try adding a book with various errors: title less than 5 characters,
-non-numeric rating, a rating of 0 or 6, etc. Also try selecting one,
-two, and zero authors. When you click Submit, the HTML::Widget
-C<constraint> items will validate the logic and insert feedback as
-=head1 Enable C<DBIx::Class::HTMLWidget> Support
-In this section we will take advantage of some of the "auto-population"
-features of C<DBIx::Class::HTMLWidget>. Enabling
-C<DBIx::Class::HTMLWidget> provides two additional methods to your DBIC
-model classes:
-=over 4
-=item *
-Takes data from the database and transfers it to your form widget.
-=item *
-Takes data from a form widget and uses it to update the corresponding
-records in the database.
-In other words, the two methods are a mirror image of each other: one
-reads from the database while the other writes to the database.
-=head2 Add C<DBIx::Class::HTMLWidget> to DBIC Model
-In order to use L<DBIx::Class::HTMLWidget|DBIx::Class::HTMLWidget>, we
-need to add C<HTMLWidget> to the C<load_components> line of DBIC result
-source files that need to use the C<fill_widget> and
-C<populate_from_widget> methods. In this case, open
-C<lib/MyAppDB/Book.pm> and update the C<load_components> line to match:
- __PACKAGE__->load_components(qw/PK::Auto Core HTMLWidget/);
-=head2 Use C<populate_from_widget> in C<hw_create_do>
-Edit C<lib/MyApp/Controller/Books.pm> and update C<hw_create_do> to
-match the following code:
- =head2 hw_create_do
- Build an HTML::Widget form for book creation and updates
- =cut
- sub hw_create_do : Local {
- my ($self, $c) = @_;
- # Create the widget and set the action for the form
- my $w = $self->make_book_widget($c);
- $w->action($c->uri_for('hw_create_do'));
- # Validate the form parameters
- my $result = $w->process($c->req);
- # Write form (including validation error messages) to
- # stash variable for use in template
- $c->stash->{widget_result} = $result;
- # Were their validation errors?
- if ($result->has_errors) {
- # Warn the user at the top of the form that there were errors.
- # Note that there will also be per-field feedback on
- # validation errors because of '$w->process($c->req)' above.
- $c->stash->{error_msg} = 'Validation errors!';
- } else {
- my $book = $c->model('MyAppDB::Book')->new({});
- $book->populate_from_widget($result);
- # Add a record to the join table for this book, mapping to
- # appropriate author. Note that $authors will be 1 author as
- # a scalar or ref to list of authors depending on how many the
- # user selected; the 'ref $authors ?...' handles both cases
- my $authors = $c->request->params->{authors};
- foreach my $author (ref $authors ? @$authors : $authors) {
- $book->add_to_book_authors({author_id => $author});
- }
- # Set a status message for the user
- $c->flash->{status_msg} = 'Book created';
- # Redisplay an empty form for another
- $c->stash->{widget_result} = $w->result;
- }
- # Set the template
- $c->stash->{template} = 'books/hw_form.tt2';
- }
-In this version of C<hw_create_do> we removed the logic that manually
-pulled the form variables and used them to call
-C<$c-E<gt>model('MyAppDB::Book')-E<gt>create> and replaced it with a
-single call to C<$book-E<gt>populate_from_widget>. Note that we still
-have to call C<$book-E<gt>add_to_book_authors> once per author because
-C<populate_from_widget> does not currently handle the relationships
-between tables. Also, we reset the form to an empty fields by adding
-another call to C<$w-E<gt>result> and storing the output in the stash
-(if we don't override the output from C<$w-E<gt>process($c-E<gt>req)>,
-the form values already entered will be retained on redisplay --
-although this could be desirable for some applications, we avoid it
-here to help avoid the creation of duplicate records).
-=head2 Try Out the Form
-Press C<Ctrl-C> to kill the previous server instance (if it's still
-running) and restart it:
- $ script/myapp_server.pl
-Try adding a book that validates. Return to the book list and the book
-you added should be visible.
-=head1 Rendering C<HTMLWidget> Forms in a Table
-Some developers my wish to use the "old-fashioned" table style of
-rendering a form in lieu of the default C<HTML::Widget> rendering that
-assumes you will use CSS for formatting. This section demonstrates
-some techniques that can override the default rendering with a
-custom class.
-=head2 Add a New "Element Container"
-Open C<lib/FormElementContainer.pm> in your editor and enter:
- package FormElementContainer;
- use base 'HTML::Widget::Container';
- sub _build_element {
- my ($self, $element) = @_;
- return () unless $element;
- if (ref $element eq 'ARRAY') {
- return map { $self->_build_element($_) } @{$element};
- }
- my $e = $element->clone;
- $e = new HTML::Element('span', class => 'fields_with_errors')->push_content($e)
- if $self->error && $e->tag eq 'input';
- return $e ? ($e) : ();
- }
- 1;
-This simply dumps the HTML code for a given form element, followed by a
-C<span> that can contain validation error message.
-=head2 Enable the New Element Container When Building the Form
-Open C<lib/MyApp/Controller/Books.pm> in your editor. First add a
-C<use> for your element container class:
- use FormElementContainer;
-B<Note:> If you forget to C<use> your container class in your
-controller, then your form will not be displayed and no error messages
-will be generated. Don't forget this important step!
-Then tell C<HTML::Widget> to use that class during rendering by updating
-C<make_book_widget> to match the following:
- sub make_book_widget {
- my ($self, $c) = @_;
- # Create an HTML::Widget to build the form
- my $w = $c->widget('book_form')->method('post');
- # ***New: Use custom class to render each element in the form
- $w->element_container_class('FormElementContainer');
- # Get authors
- my @authorObjs = $c->model("MyAppDB::Author")->all();
- my @authors = map {$_->id => $_->last_name }
- sort {$a->last_name cmp $b->last_name} @authorObjs;
- # Create the form feilds
- $w->element('Textfield', 'title' )->label('Title')->size(60);
- $w->element('Textfield', 'rating' )->label('Rating')->size(1);
- # Convert to multi-select list
- $w->element('Select', 'authors')->label('Authors')
- ->options(@authors)->multiple(1)->size(3);
- $w->element('Submit', 'submit' )->value('submit');
- # Set constraints
- $w->constraint(All => qw/title rating authors/)
- ->message('Required. ');
- $w->constraint(Integer => qw/rating/)
- ->message('Must be an integer. ');
- $w->constraint(Range => qw/rating/)->min(1)->max(5)
- ->message('Must be a number between 1 and 5. ');
- $w->constraint(Length => qw/title/)->min(5)->max(50)
- ->message('Must be between 5 and 50 characters. ');
- # Set filters
- for my $column (qw/title rating authors/) {
- $w->filter( HTMLEscape => $column );
- $w->filter( TrimEdges => $column );
- }
- # Return the widget
- return $w;
- }
-The two new lines are marked with C<***New:>.
-=head2 Update the TT Template
-Open C<root/src/books/hw_form.tt2> and edit it to match:
- [% META title = 'Create/Update Book' %]
- [%# Comment out the auto-rendered form %]
- [%# widget_result.as_xml %]
- [%# Iterate over the form elements and display each -%]
- <form name="book_form" action="[% widget_result.action %]" method="post">
- <table border="0">
- [% FOREACH element = widget_result.elements %]
- <tr>
- <td class="form-label">
- [% element.label.as_text %]
- </td>
- <td class="form-element">
- [% element.element_xml %]
- <span class="form-error">
- [% element.error_xml %]
- </span>
- </td>
- </tr>
- [% END %]
- </table>
- </form>
- <p><a href="[% Catalyst.uri_for('list') %]">Return to book list</a></p>
- [%# A little JavaScript to move the cursor to the first field %]
- <script LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
- document.book_form.book_form_title.focus();
- </script>
-This represents three changes:
-=over 4
-=item *
-The existing C<widget_result.as_xml> has been commented out.
-=item *
-It loops through each form element, displaying the field name in the
-first table cell along with the form element and validation errors in
-the second field.
-=item *
-JavaScript to position the user's cursor in the first field of the form.
-=head2 Try Out the Form
-Press C<Ctrl-C> to kill the previous server instance (if it's still
-running) and restart it:
- $ script/myapp_server.pl
-Try adding a book that validates. Return to the book list and the book
-you added should be visible.
=head1 AUTHOR
Kennedy Clark, C<hkclark at gmail.com>
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