[Catalyst-commits] r8331 - / Catalyst-Helper-AuthDBIC
Catalyst-Helper-AuthDBIC/trunk Catalyst-Helper-AuthDBIC/trunk/lib
zarquon at dev.catalyst.perl.org
zarquon at dev.catalyst.perl.org
Tue Sep 2 13:28:33 BST 2008
Author: zarquon
Date: 2008-09-02 13:28:33 +0100 (Tue, 02 Sep 2008)
New Revision: 8331
r13856 at zaphod: kd | 2008-09-02 13:28:19 +0100
new repo layout and minor doc change
Property changes on:
Name: svk:merge
- 1b129c88-ebf4-0310-add9-f09427935aba:/local/catalyst:4278
+ 1b129c88-ebf4-0310-add9-f09427935aba:/local/catalyst:4278
Deleted: Catalyst-Helper-AuthDBIC/Changes
--- Catalyst-Helper-AuthDBIC/Changes 2008-09-02 12:04:57 UTC (rev 8330)
+++ Catalyst-Helper-AuthDBIC/Changes 2008-09-02 12:28:33 UTC (rev 8331)
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-0.04 Mon Sep 1 2008
- - Another stupid bug removed in Schema creation for Multi::Level::AppNames
-0.03 Mon Sep 1 2008
- - Remove the UNIVERSAL::require dep
- - Fix app_name to do the right thing with Multi::Level::AppNames
-0.02 Sun Aug 31 2008
- - Changed Auth::Schema to $appname::Auth::Schema
- - Added user admin scripts to script/myapp_adduser.pl
-0.01 Wed Aug 20
- - Initial very rough release
Deleted: Catalyst-Helper-AuthDBIC/MANIFEST.SKIP
--- Catalyst-Helper-AuthDBIC/MANIFEST.SKIP 2008-09-02 12:04:57 UTC (rev 8330)
+++ Catalyst-Helper-AuthDBIC/MANIFEST.SKIP 2008-09-02 12:28:33 UTC (rev 8331)
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
Deleted: Catalyst-Helper-AuthDBIC/Makefile.PL
--- Catalyst-Helper-AuthDBIC/Makefile.PL 2008-09-02 12:04:57 UTC (rev 8330)
+++ Catalyst-Helper-AuthDBIC/Makefile.PL 2008-09-02 12:28:33 UTC (rev 8331)
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-use inc::Module::Install;
-my $module = 'Catalyst::Helper::AuthDBIC';
-my $dist = $module;
-$dist =~ s/::/-/g;
-my @path = split '::', $module;
-all_from('lib/'. (join '/', at path). '.pm');
-build_requires 'Catalyst::Runtime';
-build_requires 'Test::WWW::Mechanize::Catalyst';
-build_requires 'Test::More';
-build_requires 'ok';
-requires 'DBIx::Class::DigestColumns';
-requires 'Digest::SHA1';
-requires 'PPI';
-requires 'DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader';
-# not real deps but the generated bits of app need them.
-requires 'Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication';
-requires 'Catalyst::Plugin::Authorization::Roles';
-requires 'Catalyst::Plugin::Session';
-requires 'Catalyst::Plugin::Session::State::Cookie';
-requires 'Catalyst::Plugin::Session::Store::FastMmap';
-requires 'Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication::Store::DBIC';
-install_script glob('script/*.pl');
Deleted: Catalyst-Helper-AuthDBIC/README
--- Catalyst-Helper-AuthDBIC/README 2008-09-02 12:04:57 UTC (rev 8330)
+++ Catalyst-Helper-AuthDBIC/README 2008-09-02 12:28:33 UTC (rev 8331)
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-Helper to provide a simple authentication scaffold for a Catalyst
-application. Run the script authdbic.pl in your application's root
-directory to create a simple database based authentication system.
Added: Catalyst-Helper-AuthDBIC/trunk/.gitignore
--- Catalyst-Helper-AuthDBIC/trunk/.gitignore (rev 0)
+++ Catalyst-Helper-AuthDBIC/trunk/.gitignore 2008-09-02 12:28:33 UTC (rev 8331)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
Added: Catalyst-Helper-AuthDBIC/trunk/Changes
--- Catalyst-Helper-AuthDBIC/trunk/Changes (rev 0)
+++ Catalyst-Helper-AuthDBIC/trunk/Changes 2008-09-02 12:28:33 UTC (rev 8331)
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+0.05 Tue Sep 2 2008
+ - Changed from CatalystX starter to Module::Starter proper (make
+ installdeps now works)
+0.04 Mon Sep 1 2008
+ - Another stupid bug removed in Schema creation for Multi::Level::AppNames
+0.03 Mon Sep 1 2008
+ - Remove the UNIVERSAL::require dep
+ - Fix app_name to do the right thing with Multi::Level::AppNames
+0.02 Sun Aug 31 2008
+ - Changed Auth::Schema to $appname::Auth::Schema
+ - Added user admin scripts to script/myapp_adduser.pl
+0.01 Wed Aug 20
+ - Initial very rough release
Added: Catalyst-Helper-AuthDBIC/trunk/MANIFEST
--- Catalyst-Helper-AuthDBIC/trunk/MANIFEST (rev 0)
+++ Catalyst-Helper-AuthDBIC/trunk/MANIFEST 2008-09-02 12:28:33 UTC (rev 8331)
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
Added: Catalyst-Helper-AuthDBIC/trunk/MANIFEST.SKIP
--- Catalyst-Helper-AuthDBIC/trunk/MANIFEST.SKIP (rev 0)
+++ Catalyst-Helper-AuthDBIC/trunk/MANIFEST.SKIP 2008-09-02 12:28:33 UTC (rev 8331)
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
Added: Catalyst-Helper-AuthDBIC/trunk/Makefile.PL
--- Catalyst-Helper-AuthDBIC/trunk/Makefile.PL (rev 0)
+++ Catalyst-Helper-AuthDBIC/trunk/Makefile.PL 2008-09-02 12:28:33 UTC (rev 8331)
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+use inc::Module::Install;
+name 'Catalyst-Helper-AuthDBIC';
+all_from 'lib/Catalyst/Helper/AuthDBIC.pm';
+author 'Kieren Diment <zarquon at cpan.org>';
+build_requires 'Test::More';
+build_requires 'Catalyst::Runtime';
+build_requires 'ok';
+requires 'DBIx::Class::DigestColumns';
+requires 'Digest::SHA1';
+requires 'PPI';
+requires 'DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader';
+# not real deps but the generated bits of app need them.
+requires 'Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication';
+requires 'Catalyst::Plugin::Authorization::Roles';
+requires 'Catalyst::Plugin::Session';
+requires 'Catalyst::Plugin::Session::State::Cookie';
+requires 'Catalyst::Plugin::Session::Store::FastMmap';
+requires 'Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication::Store::DBIC';
+install_script glob('script/*.pl');
Added: Catalyst-Helper-AuthDBIC/trunk/README
--- Catalyst-Helper-AuthDBIC/trunk/README (rev 0)
+++ Catalyst-Helper-AuthDBIC/trunk/README 2008-09-02 12:28:33 UTC (rev 8331)
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+Helper to provide a simple authentication scaffold for a Catalyst
+application. Run the script authdbic.pl in your application's root
+directory to create a simple database based authentication system.
Added: Catalyst-Helper-AuthDBIC/trunk/lib/Catalyst/Helper/AuthDBIC.pm
--- Catalyst-Helper-AuthDBIC/trunk/lib/Catalyst/Helper/AuthDBIC.pm (rev 0)
+++ Catalyst-Helper-AuthDBIC/trunk/lib/Catalyst/Helper/AuthDBIC.pm 2008-09-02 12:28:33 UTC (rev 8331)
@@ -0,0 +1,519 @@
+package Catalyst::Helper::AuthDBIC;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Catalyst::Helper;
+our $VERSION = '0.05';
+use Carp;
+use DBI;
+use DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader qw/ make_schema_at /;
+use Memoize;
+use PPI;
+use PPI::Find;
+use Catalyst::Utils;
+use File::Spec;
+use Config;
+=head1 NAME
+Catalyst::Helper::AuthDBIC (EXPERIMENTAL)
+=head1 SUMMARY
+This is an experimental module to bootstrap the authentication portion
+of a Catalyst application. It creates a Catalyst model,
+DBIx::Class::Schema classes, basic templates adjusts the required
+plugins for you, and configures authentication. There are no options,
+and it doesn't do much inthe way of error checking for you, so you are
+recommended to back up your application before using this module.
+=head2 USAGE
+Run the auth_bootstrap.pl in your application's root dir.
+The helper also creates a scriptin the script dir. To add a user
+(with an optional role) do:
+ myapp_auth_admin.pl -user username -passwd password [-role role] [-email me at example.com]
+=head2 sub app_name()
+Get the name of the application from Makefile.PL
+sub app_name {
+ my $app_name;
+ my $file = "Makefile.PL";
+ open my ($FH), "<", $file or croak "Makefile.PL not found, run this script from your application root dir\n";
+ while (<$FH>) {
+ next unless /^name '(.*?)';/;
+ $app_name=$1;
+ $app_name =~ s/-/::/g; # only unsafe if you are already insane
+ # because everything else in
+ # Catalyst::Helper will also be broken
+ # for you.
+ croak "Makefile.PL appears to have no name for the application\n" unless $app_name;
+ last;
+ }
+ return $app_name
+=head2 sub make_model()
+Creates the sqlite auth db in ./db and makes the dbic schema and
+catalyst model with Catalyst::Helper::Model::DBIC::Schema
+sub make_model {
+ # put sqlitedb in __path_to('db')__;
+ my $helper = Catalyst::Helper->new();
+ $helper->mk_dir('db');
+ my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=db/auth.db","","");
+ my @sql = ("CREATE TABLE role (
+ role TEXT UNIQUE );",
+ "CREATE TABLE user (
+ username TEXT UNIQUE,
+ email TEXT,
+ password TEXT,
+ status TEXT,
+ role_text TEXT,
+ session_data TEXT );",
+ "CREATE TABLE user_role (
+ user INTEGER REFERENCES user(id),
+ roleid INTEGER REFERENCES role(id) );"
+ );
+ map { $dbh->do($_) } @sql;
+ my $app_prefix = Catalyst::Utils::appprefix(app_name());
+ make_schema_at(app_name() . "::Auth::Schema",
+ { components => ['DigestColumns'],
+ dump_directory => 'lib' ,
+ },
+ ["dbi:SQLite:dbname=db/auth.db", "",""]);
+ my @cmd = ( "./script/$app_prefix" . "_create.pl" ,
+ 'model',
+ 'Auth',
+ 'DBIC::Schema',
+ app_name() . "::Auth::Schema",
+ 'dbi:SQLite:db/auth.db,"",""');
+ system( @cmd );
+ my $user_schema = app_name() . '::Auth::Schema::User';
+ my @path = split /::/, $user_schema;
+ my $user_schema_path = join '/', @path;
+ my $module = "lib/$user_schema_path.pm";
+ my $doc = PPI::Document->new($module);
+ my $digest_code = $helper->get_file(__PACKAGE__, 'digest');
+ my $comments = $doc->find(
+ sub { $_[1]->isa('PPI::Token::Comment')}
+ );
+ my $last_comment = $comments->[$#{$comments}];
+ $last_comment->set_content($digest_code);
+ $doc->save($module);
+=head2 sub mk_auth_controller()
+uses Catalyst::Helper to make a ::Controller::Auth
+sub mk_auth_controller {
+ my $helper = Catalyst::Helper->new();
+ my $app_path = app_name();
+ $app_path =~ s/::/\//g;
+ my $controller_file = "lib/$app_path/Controller/Auth.pm";
+ $helper->render_file ('auth_controller',
+ $controller_file,
+ {app_name => app_name()});
+=head2 sub add_plugins()
+ uses ppi to add the auth plugins in the use Catalyst qw// statement
+sub add_plugins {
+ my ($module, $doc) = _get_ppi();
+ my $find = PPI::Find->new( \&_find_use_catalyst);
+ my ($found) = $find->in($doc);
+ my $find_plugins = PPI::Find->new(\&_find_plugins);
+ my ($plugins) = $find_plugins->in($found);
+ croak "Your app is not using any plugins, so we can't continue\n" if !$plugins;
+ my $plugin_str = scalar($plugins);
+ my $tail = chop $plugin_str;
+ $plugin_str .= "\n Authentication\n Authorization::Roles\n Session\n Session::State::Cookie\n Session::Store::FastMmap $tail";
+ $plugins->set_content($plugin_str);
+ $doc->save($module);
+sub _find_plugins {
+ my ($element, $search) = @_;
+ return 1 if $element->isa('PPI::Token::QuoteLike::Words');
+ return 0
+sub _find_use_catalyst {
+ my ($element, $search) = @_;
+ if ( $element->isa('PPI::Statement::Include') &&
+ $element->type eq 'use' &&
+ $element->module eq 'Catalyst'
+ ) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+=head2 sub add_config()
+Add the auth configuration in MyApp.pm
+sub add_config {
+ my ($module, $doc) = _get_ppi();
+ my $found = PPI::Find->new(\&_find_setup);
+ my ($setup) = $found->in($doc);
+ croak "unable to find __PACKAGE__->setup in $module\n" if !$setup;
+ my $auth_doc = PPI::Document->new(\(Catalyst::Helper->get_file(__PACKAGE__, 'auth_conf')));
+ my $auth_conf = $auth_doc->find_first('PPI::Statement');
+ # can't get this working, so we'll cope with cosmetic uglyness
+ # my $space = PPI::Document->new(\"\n")->find_first('PPI::Token::Whitespace');
+ # $setup->insert_before($space);
+ # my $sib = $setup->previous_sibling;
+ $setup->insert_before($auth_conf);
+ $doc->save($module);
+sub _find_setup {
+ my ($element, $search) = @_;
+ if ( $element->isa('PPI::Statement')
+ && $element =~ /setup.*?;/
+ ) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+sub _get_ppi {
+ my $app_name = app_name() || 'TestApp';
+ my @path = split /::/, $app_name;
+ my $app_path = join '/', @path;
+ my $module = "lib/$app_path.pm";
+ my $doc = PPI::Document->new($module);
+ return ($module, $doc);
+=head2 sub write_templates()
+make the login, logout and unauth templates
+sub write_templates {
+ my $helper = Catalyst::Helper->new();
+ my $login = $helper->get_file(__PACKAGE__, 'login.tt');
+ my $logout = $helper->get_file(__PACKAGE__, 'logout.tt');
+ my $unauth = $helper->get_file(__PACKAGE__, 'unauth.tt');
+ $helper->mk_dir("root/auth");
+ $helper->mk_file("root/auth/login.tt", $login);
+ $helper->mk_file("root/auth/logout.tt", $logout);
+ $helper->mk_file("root/auth/unauth.tt", $unauth);
+=head2 sub update_makefile()
+Adds the auth and session dependencies to Makefile.PL
+sub update_makefile {
+ my $deps = Catalyst::Helper->get_file(__PACKAGE__, 'requires');
+ my $doc = PPI::Document->new('Makefile.PL');
+ my $find = PPI::Find->new( \&_find_install_script );
+ my ($found) = $find->in($doc);
+ croak "There's something wrong with your Makefile.PL so we can't continue (can't find the install_script directive\n" if ! $found;
+ my $install_script = $found->find_first('PPI::Token::Word');
+ my $install_script_str = scalar($install_script);
+ $install_script->set_content($deps . "\n" . $install_script_str);
+ $doc->save('Makefile.PL')
+sub _find_install_script {
+ my ($element, $search) = @_;
+ if ($element->isa('PPI::Statement')
+ && $element =~ 'install_script') {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+=head2 sub add_user_helper()
+A little script to add a user to the database.
+sub add_user_helper {
+ my $helper = Catalyst::Helper->new;
+ my $app_prefix = Catalyst::Utils::appprefix(app_name());
+ my $script_dir = File::Spec->catdir( '.', 'script' );
+ my $script = "$script_dir\/$app_prefix\_auth_admin.pl";
+ my $startperl = "#!$Config{perlpath} -w";
+ $DB::single=1;
+ $helper->render_file('auth_admin',
+ $script,
+ { start_perl => $startperl,
+ appprefix => $app_prefix,
+ startperl => $startperl,
+ app_name => app_name(),
+ });
+ chmod 0700, $script;
+=head2 BUGS
+This is experimental, fairly rough code. It's a proof of concept for
+helper modules for Catalyst that need to alter the application
+configuration, Makefile.PL and other parts of the application. Bug
+reports, and patches are encouraged. Report bugs or provide patches
+to http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/Bugs.html?Dist=Catalyst-Helper-AuthDBIC.
+=head2 AUTHOR
+Kieren Diment <zarquon at cpan.org>
+Copyright (c) 2008 Kieren Diment
+This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+the same terms as Perl itself.
+See L<http://www.perl.com/perl/misc/Artistic.html>
+=begin pod_to_ignore
+package [% app_name %]::Controller::Auth;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use base 'Catalyst::Controller';
+sub index :Path :Args(0) {
+ my ($self, $c) = @_;
+ $c->detach('get_login');
+sub get_login : Local {
+ my ($self, $c) = @_;
+ $c->stash->{destination} = $c->req->path;
+ $c->stash->{template} = 'auth/login.tt';
+sub logout : Local {
+ my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
+ $c->logout;
+ $c->stash->{template} = 'auth/logout.tt';
+sub login : Local {
+ my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
+ my $user = $c->req->params->{user};
+ my $password = $c->req->params->{password};
+ $c->flash->{destination} = $c->req->params->{destination} || $c->req->path;
+ $c->stash->{remember} = $c->req->params->{remember};
+ if ( $user && $password ) {
+ if ( $c->authenticate( { username => $user,
+ password => $password } ) ) {
+ $c->{session}{expires} = 999999999999 if $c->req->params->{remember};
+ $c->res->redirect($c->uri_for($c->flash->{destination}));
+ }
+ else {
+ # login incorrect
+ $c->stash->{message} = 'Invalid user and/or password';
+ $c->stash->{template} = 'auth/login.tt';
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ # invalid form input
+ $c->stash->{message} = 'invalid form input';
+ $c->stash->{template} = 'auth/login.tt';
+ }
+sub unauthorized : Private {
+ my ($self, $c) = @_;
+ $c->stash->{template}= 'auth/unauth.tt';
+=head1 NAME
+[% app_name %]Controller::Auth
+=head2 SUMMARY
+This is a controller to provide simple authentication provided by
+Catalyst::Helper::AuthDBIC. The database schema provided by the Helper
+will also provide autheorization facilities. As an example, If you
+wanted to use this controller to provide application wide requirement
+for login you would put something like the following in
+ sub auto : Private {
+ my ( $self, $c) = @_;
+ if ( !$c->user && $c->req->path !~ /^auth.*?login/) {
+ $c->forward('[% app_name %]::Controller::Auth');
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 1;
+ }
+ __PACKAGE__->config( authentication => {
+ 'default_realm' => 'users',
+ 'realms' => {
+ 'users' => {
+ 'store' => {
+ 'role_column' => 'role_text',
+ 'user_class' => 'AuthSchema::User',
+ 'class' => 'DBIx::Class',
+ },
+ 'credential' => {
+ 'password_type' => 'hashed',
+ 'password_field' => 'password',
+ 'password_hash_type' => 'SHA-1',
+ 'class' => 'Password'
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ __PACKAGE__->digestcolumns(
+ columns => [qw/ password /],
+ algorithm => 'SHA-1',
+ encoding => 'base64',
+ auto => 1,
+requires 'Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication';
+requires 'Catalyst::Plugin::Authorization::Roles';
+requires 'Catalyst::Plugin::Session';
+requires 'Catalyst::Plugin::Session::State::Cookie';
+requires 'Catalyst::Plugin::Session::Store::FastMmap';
+requires 'Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication::Store::DBIC';
+requires 'Digest::SHA1';
+<h1> Please login</h1>
+[% IF c.stash.message != '' %] <h2 style='color:red'> [% c.stash.message %] </h2
+> [% END %]
+<form name="login" method='post' action='[% c.uri_for('/auth/login') %]'>
+User: <input name='user' type='text' /><br />
+Password: <input name='password' type='password' /><br />
+<input type='checkbox' name='remember' >Remember me</input> <br />
+<input type='hidden' value='[% c.flash.destination %]' />
+<input type='submit' name='Log In' /> <input type='reset' name='Reset' />
+<h1> Logout successful</h1>
+<a href='[% c.uri_for('/') %]'>Return to home page</a>
+<h1> [%c.user.id %]: You are not allowed to view this page.</h1>
+You can <a href="[% c.req.referrer %]">go back</a> where you came from, or <a h
+ref="[% c.uri_for('/auth/logout') %]">logout</a> and try logging in again as a d
+ifferent user. If you think this is an error, please contact <a href="mailto:[%
+c.config.admin %]">[% c.config.admin %]</a>
+[% startperl %]
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Pod::Usage;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use FindBin qw/$Bin/;
+use lib "$Bin/../lib";
+use [% app_name %]::Auth::Schema;
+my $user = undef;
+my $passwd = undef;
+my $help = undef;
+my $role = undef;
+my $email = undef;
+my $schema = [% app_name %]::Auth::Schema->connect("dbi:SQLite:$Bin/../db/auth.db");
+ 'user=s' => \$user,
+ 'pass|password|passwd=s' => \$passwd,
+ 'role:s' => \$role,
+ 'help' => \$help,
+ 'email:s' => \$email,
+pod2usage(1) if ( $help || !$user || !$passwd );
+add_user($schema, $user,$passwd,$role, $email);
+sub add_user {
+ my ($schema, $user, $passwd, $role, $email ) = @_;
+ my %user_insert = (
+ username => $user,
+ password => $passwd,
+ email => $email,
+ role_text => $role,
+ );
+ my $role_rs = undef;
+ if ($role) {
+ $role_rs = $schema->resultset('Role')->find_or_create({role => $role});
+ $user_insert{role_text} = $role;
+ }
+ my $user_rs = $schema->resultset('User')->create(\%user_insert);
+ if ($role_rs) {
+ my $user_role_rs = $schema->resultset('UserRole')
+ ->create({ user => $user_rs,
+ roleid => $role_rs});
+ }
+=head1 NAME
+[% appprefix %]_auth_admin.pl - Sets the username and password for the generated authentication database
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+[% appprefix %]_auth_admin.pl -user username -passwd password [-role role]
+ Options:
+ -user username
+ -passwd password
+ -role role (optional)
+ -email email address (optional)
+ -help display this help and exit
Added: Catalyst-Helper-AuthDBIC/trunk/script/auth_bootstrap.pl
--- Catalyst-Helper-AuthDBIC/trunk/script/auth_bootstrap.pl (rev 0)
+++ Catalyst-Helper-AuthDBIC/trunk/script/auth_bootstrap.pl 2008-09-02 12:28:33 UTC (rev 8331)
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+use Catalyst::Helper::AuthDBIC;
+=head1 NAME
+=head1 Summary
+Run with no arguments in the root directory of a catalyst application
+to bootstrap a catalyst application. This uses
+Catalyst::Helper::AuthDBIC to do so. This is an experiemntal module,
+and you are urged to back up your application before using this
+script. At present there are no options to pass on to the script.
Added: Catalyst-Helper-AuthDBIC/trunk/t/00-load.t
--- Catalyst-Helper-AuthDBIC/trunk/t/00-load.t (rev 0)
+++ Catalyst-Helper-AuthDBIC/trunk/t/00-load.t 2008-09-02 12:28:33 UTC (rev 8331)
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More tests => 1;
+use ok 'Catalyst::Helper::AuthDBIC';
Property changes on: Catalyst-Helper-AuthDBIC/trunk/t/00-load.t
Name: svn:mime-type
+ text/script
Added: Catalyst-Helper-AuthDBIC/trunk/t/01-functions.t
--- Catalyst-Helper-AuthDBIC/trunk/t/01-functions.t (rev 0)
+++ Catalyst-Helper-AuthDBIC/trunk/t/01-functions.t 2008-09-02 12:28:33 UTC (rev 8331)
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More qw/no_plan/;;
+use ok 'Catalyst::Helper::AuthDBIC';
+use FindBin qw/$Bin/;
+my $app_dir = "$Bin/lib/";
+my $cwd = $ENV{PWD};
+my $app_name = Catalyst::Helper::AuthDBIC->app_name();
+ok($app_name eq 'TestApp', 'got app name');
+# Catalyst::Helper stuff is a pain to test :(
+# ok(Catalyst::Helper::AuthDBIC->make_model(), "model made ok");
+# ok(-e ("$app_dir/db/auth.db"), "db file made ok");
+# clean up
+unlink "$app_dir/db/auth.db";
+rmdir "$app_dir/db";
Property changes on: Catalyst-Helper-AuthDBIC/trunk/t/01-functions.t
Name: svn:mime-type
+ text/script
Added: Catalyst-Helper-AuthDBIC/trunk/t/author/pod-coverage.t
--- Catalyst-Helper-AuthDBIC/trunk/t/author/pod-coverage.t (rev 0)
+++ Catalyst-Helper-AuthDBIC/trunk/t/author/pod-coverage.t 2008-09-02 12:28:33 UTC (rev 8331)
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+#!perl -T
+use Test::More;
+eval "use Test::Pod::Coverage 1.04";
+plan skip_all => "Test::Pod::Coverage 1.04 required for testing POD coverage" if $@;
Added: Catalyst-Helper-AuthDBIC/trunk/t/author/pod.t
--- Catalyst-Helper-AuthDBIC/trunk/t/author/pod.t (rev 0)
+++ Catalyst-Helper-AuthDBIC/trunk/t/author/pod.t 2008-09-02 12:28:33 UTC (rev 8331)
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+#!perl -T
+use Test::More;
+eval "use Test::Pod 1.14";
+plan skip_all => "Test::Pod 1.14 required for testing POD" if $@;
Added: Catalyst-Helper-AuthDBIC/trunk/t/lib/Makefile.PL
--- Catalyst-Helper-AuthDBIC/trunk/t/lib/Makefile.PL (rev 0)
+++ Catalyst-Helper-AuthDBIC/trunk/t/lib/Makefile.PL 2008-09-02 12:28:33 UTC (rev 8331)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+name 'TestApp';
Added: Catalyst-Helper-AuthDBIC/trunk/t/lib/TestApp/Controller/Root.pm
--- Catalyst-Helper-AuthDBIC/trunk/t/lib/TestApp/Controller/Root.pm (rev 0)
+++ Catalyst-Helper-AuthDBIC/trunk/t/lib/TestApp/Controller/Root.pm 2008-09-02 12:28:33 UTC (rev 8331)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+package TestApp::Controller::Root;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+__PACKAGE__->config(namespace => q{});
+use base 'Catalyst::Controller';
+# your actions replace this one
+sub main :Path { $_[1]->res->body('<h1>It works</h1>') }
Added: Catalyst-Helper-AuthDBIC/trunk/t/lib/TestApp/Model/.gitignore
Added: Catalyst-Helper-AuthDBIC/trunk/t/lib/TestApp.pm
--- Catalyst-Helper-AuthDBIC/trunk/t/lib/TestApp.pm (rev 0)
+++ Catalyst-Helper-AuthDBIC/trunk/t/lib/TestApp.pm 2008-09-02 12:28:33 UTC (rev 8331)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+package TestApp;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use parent qw/Catalyst/;
+use Catalyst qw/
+ ConfigLoader
+ Static::Simple/;
Added: Catalyst-Helper-AuthDBIC/trunk/t/lib/db/auth.db,"",""
Added: Catalyst-Helper-AuthDBIC/trunk/t/lib/db/auth.db,,
Added: Catalyst-Helper-AuthDBIC/trunk/t/lib/script/testapp_create.pl
--- Catalyst-Helper-AuthDBIC/trunk/t/lib/script/testapp_create.pl (rev 0)
+++ Catalyst-Helper-AuthDBIC/trunk/t/lib/script/testapp_create.pl 2008-09-02 12:28:33 UTC (rev 8331)
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use Pod::Usage;
+use Catalyst::Helper;
+my $force = 0;
+my $mech = 0;
+my $help = 0;
+ 'nonew|force' => \$force,
+ 'mech|mechanize' => \$mech,
+ 'help|?' => \$help
+ );
+pod2usage(1) if ( $help || !$ARGV[0] );
+my $helper = Catalyst::Helper->new( { '.newfiles' => !$force, mech => $mech } );
+pod2usage(1) unless $helper->mk_component( 'TestApp', @ARGV );
+=head1 NAME
+testapp_create.pl - Create a new Catalyst Component
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+testapp_create.pl [options] model|view|controller name [helper] [options]
+ Options:
+ -force don't create a .new file where a file to be created exists
+ -mechanize use Test::WWW::Mechanize::Catalyst for tests if available
+ -help display this help and exits
+ Examples:
+ testapp_create.pl controller My::Controller
+ testapp_create.pl -mechanize controller My::Controller
+ testapp_create.pl view My::View
+ testapp_create.pl view MyView TT
+ testapp_create.pl view TT TT
+ testapp_create.pl model My::Model
+ testapp_create.pl model SomeDB DBIC::Schema MyApp::Schema create=dynamic\
+ dbi:SQLite:/tmp/my.db
+ testapp_create.pl model AnotherDB DBIC::Schema MyApp::Schema create=static\
+ dbi:Pg:dbname=foo root 4321
+ See also:
+ perldoc Catalyst::Manual
+ perldoc Catalyst::Manual::Intro
+Create a new Catalyst Component.
+Existing component files are not overwritten. If any of the component files
+to be created already exist the file will be written with a '.new' suffix.
+This behavior can be suppressed with the C<-force> option.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Sebastian Riedel, C<sri at oook.de>
+Maintained by the Catalyst Core Team.
+This library is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the same terms as Perl itself.
Property changes on: Catalyst-Helper-AuthDBIC/trunk/t/lib/script/testapp_create.pl
Name: svn:executable
+ *
Added: Catalyst-Helper-AuthDBIC/trunk/t/lib/script/testapp_server.pl
--- Catalyst-Helper-AuthDBIC/trunk/t/lib/script/testapp_server.pl (rev 0)
+++ Catalyst-Helper-AuthDBIC/trunk/t/lib/script/testapp_server.pl 2008-09-02 12:28:33 UTC (rev 8331)
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+ require Catalyst::Engine::HTTP;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use Pod::Usage;
+use FindBin;
+use lib "$FindBin::Bin/..";
+my $debug = 0;
+my $fork = 0;
+my $help = 0;
+my $host = undef;
+my $port = 3000;
+my $keepalive = 0;
+my $restart = 0;
+my $restart_delay = 1;
+my $restart_regex = '\.yml$|\.yaml$|\.pm$';
+my $restart_directory = undef;
+my $background = 0;
+my $pidfile = "/tmp/testapp.pid";
+my @argv = @ARGV;
+ 'debug|d' => \$debug,
+ 'fork' => \$fork,
+ 'help|?' => \$help,
+ 'host=s' => \$host,
+ 'port=s' => \$port,
+ 'keepalive|k' => \$keepalive,
+ 'restart|r' => \$restart,
+ 'restartdelay|rd=s' => \$restart_delay,
+ 'restartregex|rr=s' => \$restart_regex,
+ 'restartdirectory=s' => \$restart_directory,
+ 'daemon' => \$background,
+ 'pidfile=s' => \$pidfile,
+pod2usage(1) if $help;
+if ( $restart ) {
+ $ENV{CATALYST_ENGINE} = 'HTTP::Restarter';
+if ( $debug ) {
+# This is require instead of use so that the above environment
+# variables can be set at runtime.
+require TestApp;
+TestApp->run( $port, $host, {
+ argv => \@argv,
+ 'fork' => $fork,
+ keepalive => $keepalive,
+ restart => $restart,
+ restart_delay => $restart_delay,
+ restart_regex => qr/$restart_regex/,
+ restart_directory => $restart_directory,
+ background => $background,
+ pidfile => $pidfile,
+} );
+=head1 NAME
+testapp_server.pl - Catalyst Testserver
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+testapp_server.pl [options]
+ Options:
+ -d -debug force debug mode
+ -f -fork handle each request in a new process
+ (defaults to false)
+ -? -help display this help and exits
+ -host host (defaults to all)
+ -p -port port (defaults to 3000)
+ -k -keepalive enable keep-alive connections
+ -r -restart restart when files get modified
+ (defaults to false)
+ -rd -restartdelay delay between file checks
+ -rr -restartregex regex match files that trigger
+ a restart when modified
+ (defaults to '\.yml$|\.yaml$|\.pm$')
+ -restartdirectory the directory to search for
+ modified files
+ (defaults to '../')
+ -daemon background the server
+ -pidfile=filename store the pid if the server in filename, if
+ daemonizing
+ See also:
+ perldoc Catalyst::Manual
+ perldoc Catalyst::Manual::Intro
+Run a Catalyst Testserver for this application.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Sebastian Riedel, C<sri at oook.de>
+Maintained by the Catalyst Core Team.
+This library is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the same terms as Perl itself.
Property changes on: Catalyst-Helper-AuthDBIC/trunk/t/lib/script/testapp_server.pl
Name: svn:mime-type
+ text/script
Added: Catalyst-Helper-AuthDBIC/trunk/t/lib/script/testapp_test.pl
--- Catalyst-Helper-AuthDBIC/trunk/t/lib/script/testapp_test.pl (rev 0)
+++ Catalyst-Helper-AuthDBIC/trunk/t/lib/script/testapp_test.pl 2008-09-02 12:28:33 UTC (rev 8331)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use FindBin;
+use lib "$FindBin::Bin/..";
+use Catalyst::Test 'TestApp';
+print request($ARGV[0])->content . "\n";
Property changes on: Catalyst-Helper-AuthDBIC/trunk/t/lib/script/testapp_test.pl
Name: svn:mime-type
+ text/script
Added: Catalyst-Helper-AuthDBIC/trunk/t/live-test.t
--- Catalyst-Helper-AuthDBIC/trunk/t/live-test.t (rev 0)
+++ Catalyst-Helper-AuthDBIC/trunk/t/live-test.t 2008-09-02 12:28:33 UTC (rev 8331)
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More tests => 3;
+# setup library path
+use FindBin qw($Bin);
+use lib "$Bin/lib";
+# make sure testapp works
+use ok 'TestApp';
+# a live test against TestApp, the test application
+use Test::WWW::Mechanize::Catalyst 'TestApp';
+my $mech = Test::WWW::Mechanize::Catalyst->new;
+$mech->get_ok('http://localhost/', 'get main page');
+$mech->content_like(qr/it works/i, 'see if it has our text');
Property changes on: Catalyst-Helper-AuthDBIC/trunk/t/live-test.t
Name: svn:mime-type
+ text/script
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