[Catalyst-commits] r11160 - in Catalyst-Authentication-Credential-OpenID/tags/0.14/t: . Consumer Consumer/lib Consumer/lib/TestApp Consumer/lib/TestApp/Controller Consumer/script Provider Provider/lib Provider/lib/TestApp Provider/lib/TestApp/Controller Provider/script

apv at dev.catalyst.perl.org apv at dev.catalyst.perl.org
Wed Aug 19 05:24:20 GMT 2009

Author: apv
Date: 2009-08-19 05:24:20 +0000 (Wed, 19 Aug 2009)
New Revision: 11160

Splitting up the live tests. A moo.

Added: Catalyst-Authentication-Credential-OpenID/tags/0.14/t/Consumer/lib/TestApp/Controller/Root.pm
--- Catalyst-Authentication-Credential-OpenID/tags/0.14/t/Consumer/lib/TestApp/Controller/Root.pm	                        (rev 0)
+++ Catalyst-Authentication-Credential-OpenID/tags/0.14/t/Consumer/lib/TestApp/Controller/Root.pm	2009-08-19 05:24:20 UTC (rev 11160)
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+package TestApp::Controller::Root;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+no warnings "uninitialized";
+use base 'Catalyst::Controller';
+use Net::OpenID::Server;
+__PACKAGE__->config->{namespace} = '';
+=head1 NAME
+TestApp::Controller::Root - Root Controller for TestApp.
+D'er... testing. Has an OpenID provider to test the OpenID credential against.
+sub provider : Local {
+    my ( $self, $c, $username ) = @_;
+    my $nos = Net::OpenID::Server
+        ->new(
+              get_args     => $c->req->query_params,
+              post_args    => $c->req->body_params,
+              get_user => sub { $c->user },
+              is_identity  => sub {
+                  my ( $user, $identity_url ) = @_;
+                  return unless $user;
+                  my ( $check ) = $identity_url =~ /(\w+)\z/;
+                  return $check eq $user->id; # simple auth here
+              },
+              is_trusted => sub {
+                  my ( $user, $trust_root, $is_identity ) = @_;
+                  return $is_identity; # enough that they passed is_identity
+              },
+              setup_url => $c->uri_for($c->req->path, {moo => "setup"}),
+              server_secret => $c->config->{startup_time},
+              );
+  # From your OpenID server endpoint:
+    my ( $type, $data ) = $nos->handle_page;
+    if ($type eq "redirect")
+    {
+        $c->res->redirect($data);
+    }
+    elsif ($type eq "setup")
+    {
+        my %setup_opts = %{$data};
+        $c->res->body(<<"");
+You're not signed in so you can't be verified.
+<a href="/login">Sign in</a> | <a href="/signin_openid">OpenId</a>.
+      # it's then your job to redirect them at the end to "return_to"
+      # (or whatever you've named it in setup_map)
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        $c->res->content_type($type);
+        if ( $username )
+        {
+            my $server_uri = $c->uri_for($c->req->path);
+            $data =~ s,(?=</head>),<link rel="openid.server" href="$server_uri" />,;
+        }
+        $c->res->body($data);
+    }
+sub logout : Local {
+    my($self, $c) = @_;
+    $c->logout if $c->user_exists;
+    $c->delete_session();
+    $c->res->redirect($c->uri_for("/"));
+sub login : Local {
+    my($self, $c) = @_;
+    if ( $c->req->method eq 'POST'
+         and
+         $c->authenticate({ username => $c->req->body_params->{username},
+                            password => $c->req->body_params->{password} }) )
+    {
+#        $c->res->body("You are signed in!");
+        $c->res->redirect($c->uri_for("/"));
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        my $action = $c->req->uri->path;
+        $c->res->body(<<"");
+<html><head/><body><form name="login" action="$action" method="POST">
+  <input type="text" name="username" />
+  <input type="password" name="password" />
+  <input type="submit" value="Sign in" />
+    }
+sub signin_openid : Local {
+    my($self, $c) = @_;
+    if ( $c->authenticate({}, "openid") )
+    {
+        $c->res->body("You did it with OpenID!");
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        my $action = $c->req->uri->path;
+        $c->res->body(<<"");
+ <form action="$action" method="GET" name="openid">
+  <input type="text" name="openid_identifier" class="openid" size="50" />
+  <input type="submit" value="Sign in with OpenID" />
+  </form>
+    }
+sub default : Private {
+    my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
+    $c->response->body(
+                       join(" ",
+                            "You are",
+                            $c->user ? "" : "not",
+                            "signed in. <br/>",
+                            $c->user ? ( $c->user->id || %{$c->user} ) : '<a href="/login">Sign in</a> | <a href="/signin_openid">OpenId</a>.'
+                            )
+                       );
+sub end : Private {
+    my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
+    $c->response->content_type("text/html");
+=head1 LICENSE
+This library is free software, you can redistribute it and modify
+it under the same terms as Perl itself.

Added: Catalyst-Authentication-Credential-OpenID/tags/0.14/t/Consumer/lib/TestApp.pm
--- Catalyst-Authentication-Credential-OpenID/tags/0.14/t/Consumer/lib/TestApp.pm	                        (rev 0)
+++ Catalyst-Authentication-Credential-OpenID/tags/0.14/t/Consumer/lib/TestApp.pm	2009-08-19 05:24:20 UTC (rev 11160)
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+package TestApp;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Catalyst::Runtime '5.70';
+use Catalyst qw(
+                -Debug
+                ConfigLoader
+                Authentication
+                Session
+                Session::Store::FastMmap
+                Session::State::Cookie
+                );
+our $VERSION = '0.00001';
+    ( name => "TestApp",
+      session => {
+          storage => "/tmp/" . __PACKAGE__ . "-" . $VERSION,
+      },
+      startup_time => time(),
+      "Plugin::Authentication" => {
+          default_realm => "members",
+          realms => {
+              members => {
+                  credential => {
+                      class => "Password",
+                      password_field => "password",
+                      password_type => "clear"
+                      },
+                          store => {
+                              class => "Minimal",
+                              users => {
+                                  paco => {
+                                      password => "l4s4v3n7ur45",
+                                  },
+                              }
+                          }
+              },
+              openid => {
+                  # ua_class => "LWPx::ParanoidAgent",
+                  ua_class => "LWP::UserAgent",
+                  ua_args => {
+                      whitelisted_hosts => [qw/ localhost /],
+                      timeout => 10,
+                  },
+                  extension_args => [
+                      'http://openid.net/extensions/sreg/1.1',
+                      {
+                       required => 'email',
+                       optional => 'fullname,nickname,timezone',
+                      },
+                  ],
+                  debug => 1,
+                  credential => {
+                      class => "OpenID",
+#DOES NOTHING                      use_session => 1,
+                      store => {
+                          class => "OpenID",
+                      },
+                  },
+              },
+          },
+      },
+      );

Added: Catalyst-Authentication-Credential-OpenID/tags/0.14/t/Consumer/script/testapp_server.pl
--- Catalyst-Authentication-Credential-OpenID/tags/0.14/t/Consumer/script/testapp_server.pl	                        (rev 0)
+++ Catalyst-Authentication-Credential-OpenID/tags/0.14/t/Consumer/script/testapp_server.pl	2009-08-19 05:24:20 UTC (rev 11160)
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+    require Catalyst::Engine::HTTP;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use Pod::Usage;
+use FindBin;
+use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../lib";
+my $debug             = 0;
+my $fork              = 0;
+my $help              = 0;
+my $host              = undef;
+my $port              = $ENV{TESTAPP_PORT} || $ENV{CATALYST_PORT} || 3000;
+my $keepalive         = 0;
+my $restart           = $ENV{TESTAPP_RELOAD} || $ENV{CATALYST_RELOAD} || 0;
+my $background        = 0;
+my $pidfile           = undef;
+my $check_interval;
+my $file_regex;
+my $watch_directory;
+my $follow_symlinks;
+my @argv = @ARGV;
+    'debug|d'             => \$debug,
+    'fork|f'              => \$fork,
+    'help|?'              => \$help,
+    'host=s'              => \$host,
+    'port|p=s'            => \$port,
+    'keepalive|k'         => \$keepalive,
+    'restart|r'           => \$restart,
+    'restartdelay|rd=s'   => \$check_interval,
+    'restartregex|rr=s'   => \$file_regex,
+    'restartdirectory=s@' => \$watch_directory,
+    'followsymlinks'      => \$follow_symlinks,
+    'background'          => \$background,
+    'pidfile=s'           => \$pidfile,
+pod2usage(1) if $help;
+if ( $debug ) {
+# If we load this here, then in the case of a restarter, it does not
+# need to be reloaded for each restart.
+require Catalyst;
+# If this isn't done, then the Catalyst::Devel tests for the restarter
+# fail.
+$| = 1 if $ENV{HARNESS_ACTIVE};
+my $runner = sub {
+    # This is require instead of use so that the above environment
+    # variables can be set at runtime.
+    require TestApp;
+    TestApp->run(
+        $port, $host,
+        {
+            argv       => \@argv,
+            'fork'     => $fork,
+            keepalive  => $keepalive,
+            background => $background,
+            pidfile    => $pidfile,
+        }
+    );
+if ( $restart ) {
+    die "Cannot run in the background and also watch for changed files.\n"
+        if $background;
+    require Catalyst::Restarter;
+    my $subclass = Catalyst::Restarter->pick_subclass;
+    my %args;
+    $args{follow_symlinks} = 1
+        if $follow_symlinks;
+    $args{directories} = $watch_directory
+        if defined $watch_directory;
+    $args{sleep_interval} = $check_interval
+        if defined $check_interval;
+    $args{filter} = qr/$file_regex/
+        if defined $file_regex;
+    my $restarter = $subclass->new(
+        %args,
+        start_sub => $runner,
+        argv      => \@argv,
+    );
+    $restarter->run_and_watch;
+else {
+    $runner->();
+=head1 NAME
+testapp_server.pl - Catalyst Testserver
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+testapp_server.pl [options]
+ Options:
+   -d -debug          force debug mode
+   -f -fork           handle each request in a new process
+                      (defaults to false)
+   -? -help           display this help and exits
+      -host           host (defaults to all)
+   -p -port           port (defaults to 3000)
+   -k -keepalive      enable keep-alive connections
+   -r -restart        restart when files get modified
+                      (defaults to false)
+   -rd -restartdelay  delay between file checks
+                      (ignored if you have Linux::Inotify2 installed)
+   -rr -restartregex  regex match files that trigger
+                      a restart when modified
+                      (defaults to '\.yml$|\.yaml$|\.conf|\.pm$')
+   -restartdirectory  the directory to search for
+                      modified files, can be set mulitple times
+                      (defaults to '[SCRIPT_DIR]/..')
+   -follow_symlinks   follow symlinks in search directories
+                      (defaults to false. this is a no-op on Win32)
+   -background        run the process in the background
+   -pidfile           specify filename for pid file
+ See also:
+   perldoc Catalyst::Manual
+   perldoc Catalyst::Manual::Intro
+Run a Catalyst Testserver for this application.
+=head1 AUTHORS
+Catalyst Contributors, see Catalyst.pm
+This library is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the same terms as Perl itself.

Property changes on: Catalyst-Authentication-Credential-OpenID/tags/0.14/t/Consumer/script/testapp_server.pl
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: Catalyst-Authentication-Credential-OpenID/tags/0.14/t/Provider/lib/TestApp/Controller/Root.pm
--- Catalyst-Authentication-Credential-OpenID/tags/0.14/t/Provider/lib/TestApp/Controller/Root.pm	                        (rev 0)
+++ Catalyst-Authentication-Credential-OpenID/tags/0.14/t/Provider/lib/TestApp/Controller/Root.pm	2009-08-19 05:24:20 UTC (rev 11160)
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+package TestApp::Controller::Root;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+no warnings "uninitialized";
+use base 'Catalyst::Controller';
+use Net::OpenID::Server;
+__PACKAGE__->config->{namespace} = '';
+=head1 NAME
+TestApp::Controller::Root - Root Controller for TestApp.
+D'er... testing. Has an OpenID provider to test the OpenID credential against.
+sub provider : Local {
+    my ( $self, $c, $username ) = @_;
+    my $nos = Net::OpenID::Server
+        ->new(
+              get_args     => $c->req->query_params,
+              post_args    => $c->req->body_params,
+              get_user => sub { $c->user },
+              is_identity  => sub {
+                  my ( $user, $identity_url ) = @_;
+                  return unless $user;
+                  my ( $check ) = $identity_url =~ /(\w+)\z/;
+                  return $check eq $user->id; # simple auth here
+              },
+              is_trusted => sub {
+                  my ( $user, $trust_root, $is_identity ) = @_;
+                  return $is_identity; # enough that they passed is_identity
+              },
+              setup_url => $c->uri_for($c->req->path, {moo => "setup"}),
+              server_secret => $c->config->{startup_time},
+              );
+  # From your OpenID server endpoint:
+    my ( $type, $data ) = $nos->handle_page;
+    if ($type eq "redirect")
+    {
+        $c->res->redirect($data);
+    }
+    elsif ($type eq "setup")
+    {
+        my %setup_opts = %{$data};
+        $c->res->body(<<"");
+You're not signed in so you can't be verified.
+<a href="/login">Sign in</a> | <a href="/signin_openid">OpenId</a>.
+      # it's then your job to redirect them at the end to "return_to"
+      # (or whatever you've named it in setup_map)
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        $c->res->content_type($type);
+        if ( $username )
+        {
+            my $server_uri = $c->uri_for($c->req->path);
+            $data =~ s,(?=</head>),<link rel="openid.server" href="$server_uri" />,;
+        }
+        $c->res->body($data);
+    }
+sub logout : Local {
+    my($self, $c) = @_;
+    $c->logout if $c->user_exists;
+    $c->delete_session();
+    $c->res->redirect($c->uri_for("/"));
+sub login : Local {
+    my($self, $c) = @_;
+    if ( $c->req->method eq 'POST'
+         and
+         $c->authenticate({ username => $c->req->body_params->{username},
+                            password => $c->req->body_params->{password} }) )
+    {
+#        $c->res->body("You are signed in!");
+        $c->res->redirect($c->uri_for("/"));
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        my $action = $c->req->uri->path;
+        $c->res->body(<<"");
+<html><head/><body><form name="login" action="$action" method="POST">
+  <input type="text" name="username" />
+  <input type="password" name="password" />
+  <input type="submit" value="Sign in" />
+    }
+sub signin_openid : Local {
+    my($self, $c) = @_;
+    if ( $c->authenticate({}, "openid") )
+    {
+        $c->res->body("You did it with OpenID!");
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        my $action = $c->req->uri->path;
+        $c->res->body(<<"");
+ <form action="$action" method="GET" name="openid">
+  <input type="text" name="openid_identifier" class="openid" size="50" />
+  <input type="submit" value="Sign in with OpenID" />
+  </form>
+    }
+sub default : Private {
+    my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
+    $c->response->body(
+                       join(" ",
+                            "You are",
+                            $c->user ? "" : "not",
+                            "signed in. <br/>",
+                            $c->user ? ( $c->user->id || %{$c->user} ) : '<a href="/login">Sign in</a> | <a href="/signin_openid">OpenId</a>.'
+                            )
+                       );
+sub end : Private {
+    my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
+    $c->response->content_type("text/html");
+=head1 LICENSE
+This library is free software, you can redistribute it and modify
+it under the same terms as Perl itself.

Added: Catalyst-Authentication-Credential-OpenID/tags/0.14/t/Provider/lib/TestApp.pm
--- Catalyst-Authentication-Credential-OpenID/tags/0.14/t/Provider/lib/TestApp.pm	                        (rev 0)
+++ Catalyst-Authentication-Credential-OpenID/tags/0.14/t/Provider/lib/TestApp.pm	2009-08-19 05:24:20 UTC (rev 11160)
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+package TestApp;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Catalyst::Runtime '5.70';
+use Catalyst qw(
+                -Debug
+                ConfigLoader
+                Authentication
+                Session
+                Session::Store::FastMmap
+                Session::State::Cookie
+                );
+our $VERSION = '0.00002';
+    ( name => "TestApp",
+      session => {
+          storage => "/tmp/" . __PACKAGE__ . "-" . $VERSION,
+      },
+      startup_time => time(),
+      "Plugin::Authentication" => {
+          default_realm => "members",
+          realms => {
+              members => {
+                  credential => {
+                      class => "Password",
+                      password_field => "password",
+                      password_type => "clear"
+                      },
+                          store => {
+                              class => "Minimal",
+                              users => {
+                                  paco => {
+                                      password => "l4s4v3n7ur45",
+                                  },
+                              }
+                          }
+              },
+              openid => {
+                  #ua_class => "LWPx::ParanoidAgent",
+                  ua_class => "LWP::UserAgent",
+                  ua_args => {
+                      whitelisted_hosts => [qw/ localhost /],
+                      timeout => 10,
+                  },
+                  extension_args => [
+                      'http://openid.net/extensions/sreg/1.1',
+                      {
+                       required => 'email',
+                       optional => 'fullname,nickname,timezone',
+                      },
+                  ],
+                  debug => 1,
+                  credential => {
+                      class => "OpenID",
+#DOES NOTHING                      use_session => 1,
+                      store => {
+                          class => "OpenID",
+                      },
+                  },
+              },
+          },
+      },
+      );

Added: Catalyst-Authentication-Credential-OpenID/tags/0.14/t/Provider/script/testapp_server.pl
--- Catalyst-Authentication-Credential-OpenID/tags/0.14/t/Provider/script/testapp_server.pl	                        (rev 0)
+++ Catalyst-Authentication-Credential-OpenID/tags/0.14/t/Provider/script/testapp_server.pl	2009-08-19 05:24:20 UTC (rev 11160)
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+    require Catalyst::Engine::HTTP;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use Pod::Usage;
+use FindBin;
+use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../lib";
+my $debug             = 0;
+my $fork              = 0;
+my $help              = 0;
+my $host              = undef;
+my $port              = $ENV{TESTAPP_PORT} || $ENV{CATALYST_PORT} || 3000;
+my $keepalive         = 0;
+my $restart           = $ENV{TESTAPP_RELOAD} || $ENV{CATALYST_RELOAD} || 0;
+my $background        = 0;
+my $pidfile           = undef;
+my $check_interval;
+my $file_regex;
+my $watch_directory;
+my $follow_symlinks;
+my @argv = @ARGV;
+    'debug|d'             => \$debug,
+    'fork|f'              => \$fork,
+    'help|?'              => \$help,
+    'host=s'              => \$host,
+    'port|p=s'            => \$port,
+    'keepalive|k'         => \$keepalive,
+    'restart|r'           => \$restart,
+    'restartdelay|rd=s'   => \$check_interval,
+    'restartregex|rr=s'   => \$file_regex,
+    'restartdirectory=s@' => \$watch_directory,
+    'followsymlinks'      => \$follow_symlinks,
+    'background'          => \$background,
+    'pidfile=s'           => \$pidfile,
+pod2usage(1) if $help;
+if ( $debug ) {
+# If we load this here, then in the case of a restarter, it does not
+# need to be reloaded for each restart.
+require Catalyst;
+# If this isn't done, then the Catalyst::Devel tests for the restarter
+# fail.
+$| = 1 if $ENV{HARNESS_ACTIVE};
+my $runner = sub {
+    # This is require instead of use so that the above environment
+    # variables can be set at runtime.
+    require TestApp;
+    TestApp->run(
+        $port, $host,
+        {
+            argv       => \@argv,
+            'fork'     => $fork,
+            keepalive  => $keepalive,
+            background => $background,
+            pidfile    => $pidfile,
+        }
+    );
+if ( $restart ) {
+    die "Cannot run in the background and also watch for changed files.\n"
+        if $background;
+    require Catalyst::Restarter;
+    my $subclass = Catalyst::Restarter->pick_subclass;
+    my %args;
+    $args{follow_symlinks} = 1
+        if $follow_symlinks;
+    $args{directories} = $watch_directory
+        if defined $watch_directory;
+    $args{sleep_interval} = $check_interval
+        if defined $check_interval;
+    $args{filter} = qr/$file_regex/
+        if defined $file_regex;
+    my $restarter = $subclass->new(
+        %args,
+        start_sub => $runner,
+        argv      => \@argv,
+    );
+    $restarter->run_and_watch;
+else {
+    $runner->();
+=head1 NAME
+testapp_server.pl - Catalyst Testserver
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+testapp_server.pl [options]
+ Options:
+   -d -debug          force debug mode
+   -f -fork           handle each request in a new process
+                      (defaults to false)
+   -? -help           display this help and exits
+      -host           host (defaults to all)
+   -p -port           port (defaults to 3000)
+   -k -keepalive      enable keep-alive connections
+   -r -restart        restart when files get modified
+                      (defaults to false)
+   -rd -restartdelay  delay between file checks
+                      (ignored if you have Linux::Inotify2 installed)
+   -rr -restartregex  regex match files that trigger
+                      a restart when modified
+                      (defaults to '\.yml$|\.yaml$|\.conf|\.pm$')
+   -restartdirectory  the directory to search for
+                      modified files, can be set mulitple times
+                      (defaults to '[SCRIPT_DIR]/..')
+   -follow_symlinks   follow symlinks in search directories
+                      (defaults to false. this is a no-op on Win32)
+   -background        run the process in the background
+   -pidfile           specify filename for pid file
+ See also:
+   perldoc Catalyst::Manual
+   perldoc Catalyst::Manual::Intro
+Run a Catalyst Testserver for this application.
+=head1 AUTHORS
+Catalyst Contributors, see Catalyst.pm
+This library is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the same terms as Perl itself.

Property changes on: Catalyst-Authentication-Credential-OpenID/tags/0.14/t/Provider/script/testapp_server.pl
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: Catalyst-Authentication-Credential-OpenID/tags/0.14/t/live-app.t
--- Catalyst-Authentication-Credential-OpenID/tags/0.14/t/live-app.t	                        (rev 0)
+++ Catalyst-Authentication-Credential-OpenID/tags/0.14/t/live-app.t	2009-08-19 05:24:20 UTC (rev 11160)
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use FindBin;
+use IO::Socket;
+use Test::More;
+use Test::WWW::Mechanize;
+plan skip_all => 'set TEST_HTTP to enable this test' unless $ENV{TEST_HTTP};
+eval "use Catalyst::Devel 1.0";
+plan skip_all => 'Catalyst::Devel required' if $@;
+plan "no_plan";
+# plan tests => 17;
+# One port for consumer app, one for provider.
+my $consumer_port = 10000 + int rand(1 + 10000);
+my $provider_port = $consumer_port;
+$provider_port = 10000 + int rand(1 + 10000) until $consumer_port != $provider_port;
+my $provider_pipe = "perl -I$FindBin::Bin/../lib -I$FindBin::Bin/Provider/lib $FindBin::Bin/Provider/script/testapp_server.pl -p $consumer_port |";
+my $consumer_pipe = "perl -I$FindBin::Bin/../lib -I$FindBin::Bin/Consumer/lib $FindBin::Bin/Consumer/script/testapp_server.pl -p $provider_port |";
+my $provider_pid = open my $provider, $provider_pipe
+    or die "Unable to spawn standalone HTTP server for Provider: $!";
+diag("Started Provider with pid $provider_pid");
+my $consumer_pid = open my $consumer, $consumer_pipe
+    or die "Unable to spawn standalone HTTP server for Consumer: $!";
+diag("Started Consumer with pid $consumer_pid");
+# How long to wait for test server to start and timeout for UA.
+my $seconds = 15;
+diag("Waiting (up to $seconds seconds) for application servers to start...");
+eval {
+    local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "Servers took too long to start\n" }; # NB: \n required
+    alarm($seconds);
+    sleep 1 while check_port( 'localhost', $provider_port ) != 1;
+    sleep 1 while check_port( 'localhost', $consumer_port ) != 1;
+    alarm(0)
+if ( $@ )
+    shut_down();
+    die "Could not run test: $@";
+my $root = $ENV{CATALYST_SERVER} = "http://localhost:$consumer_port";
+my $openid_server = "http://localhost:$provider_port";
+# Tests start --------------------------------------------
+diag("Started...") if $ENV{TEST_VERBOSE};
+my $mech = Test::WWW::Mechanize->new(timeout => $seconds);
+$mech->get_ok($root, "GET $root");
+$mech->content_contains("not signed in", "Content looks right");
+$mech->get_ok("$openid_server/login", "GET $root/login");
+# diag($mech->content);
+$mech->submit_form_ok({ form_name => "login",
+                        fields => { username => "paco",
+                                    password => "l4s4v3n7ur45",
+                                },
+                       },
+                      "Trying cleartext login, 'memebers' realm");
+$mech->content_contains("signed in", "Signed in successfully");
+$mech->get_ok("$root/signin_openid", "GET $root/signin_openid");
+$mech->content_contains("Sign in with OpenID", "Content looks right");
+my $claimed_uri = "$openid_server/provider/paco";
+$mech->submit_form_ok({ form_name => "openid",
+                        fields => { openid_identifier => $claimed_uri,
+                                },
+                    },
+                      "Trying OpenID login, 'openid' realm");
+$mech->content_contains("You did it with OpenID!",
+                        "Successfully signed in with OpenID");
+$mech->get_ok($root, "GET $root");
+$mech->content_contains("provider/paco", "OpenID info is in the user");
+# can't be verified
+$mech->get_ok("$root/logout", "GET $root/logout");
+$mech->get_ok("$root/signin_openid", "GET $root/signin_openid");
+$mech->content_contains("Sign in with OpenID", "Content looks right");
+$mech->submit_form_ok({ form_name => "openid",
+                        fields => { openid_identifier => $claimed_uri,
+                                },
+                    },
+                      "Trying OpenID login, 'openid' realm");
+$mech->content_contains("can't be verified",
+                        "Proper failure for unauthenticated memember.");
+exit 0;
+# Tests end ----------------------------------------------
+sub shut_down {
+    kill INT => $provider_pid, $consumer_pid;
+    close $provider;
+    close $consumer;
+sub check_port {
+    my ( $host, $port ) = @_;
+    my $remote = IO::Socket::INET->new(
+        Proto    => "tcp",
+        PeerAddr => $host,
+        PeerPort => $port
+    );
+    if ($remote) {
+        close $remote;
+        return 1;
+    }
+    else {
+        return 0;
+    }

Deleted: Catalyst-Authentication-Credential-OpenID/tags/0.14/t/live_app.t
--- Catalyst-Authentication-Credential-OpenID/tags/0.14/t/live_app.t	2009-08-19 05:19:11 UTC (rev 11159)
+++ Catalyst-Authentication-Credential-OpenID/tags/0.14/t/live_app.t	2009-08-19 05:24:20 UTC (rev 11160)
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use FindBin;
-use IO::Socket;
-use Test::More;
-use Test::WWW::Mechanize;
-# plan skip_all => 'set TEST_HTTP to enable this test' unless $ENV{TEST_HTTP};
-eval "use Catalyst::Devel 1.0";
-plan skip_all => 'Catalyst::Devel required' if $@;
-plan tests => 17;
-# How long to wait for test server to start and timeout for UA.
-my $seconds = 30;
-# Spawn the standalone HTTP server.
-my $port = 30000 + int rand(1 + 10000);
- my $pipe = "perl -I$FindBin::Bin/../lib -I$FindBin::Bin/TestApp/lib $FindBin::Bin/TestApp/script/testapp_server.pl -fork -port $port |";
-# my $pipe = "perl -I$FindBin::Bin/../lib -I$FindBin::Bin/TestApp/lib $FindBin::Bin/TestApp/script/testapp_server.pl -f -port $port 2>&1 |";
-my $pid = open my $server, $pipe
-    or die "Unable to spawn standalone HTTP server: $!";
-diag("Waiting (up to $seconds seconds) for server to start...");
-eval {
-    local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "Server took too long to start\n" }; # NB: \n required
-    alarm($seconds);
-    while ( check_port( 'localhost', $port ) != 1 ) {
-        sleep 1;
-    }
-    alarm(0)
-if ( $@ )
-    kill 'INT', $pid;
-    close $server;
-    die "Could not run test: $@\n$pipe";
-my $root = $ENV{CATALYST_SERVER} = "http://localhost:$port";
-# Tests start --------------------------------------------
-my $mech = Test::WWW::Mechanize->new(timeout => $seconds);
-$mech->get_ok($root, "GET $root");
-$mech->content_contains("not signed in", "Content looks right");
-$mech->get_ok("$root/login", "GET $root/login");
-# diag($mech->content);
-$mech->submit_form_ok({ form_name => "login",
-                        fields => { username => "paco",
-                                    password => "l4s4v3n7ur45",
-                                },
-                       },
-                      "Trying cleartext login, 'memebers' realm");
-$mech->content_contains("signed in", "Signed in successfully");
-$mech->get_ok("$root/signin_openid", "GET $root/signin_openid");
-$mech->content_contains("Sign in with OpenID", "Content looks right");
-my $claimed_uri = "$root/provider/paco";
-$mech->submit_form_ok({ form_name => "openid",
-                        fields => { openid_identifier => $claimed_uri,
-                                },
-                    },
-                      "Trying OpenID login, 'openid' realm");
-$mech->content_contains("You did it with OpenID!",
-                        "Successfully signed in with OpenID");
-$mech->get_ok($root, "GET $root");
-$mech->content_contains("provider/paco", "OpenID signed in");
-#$mech->content_contains("paco", "OpenID signed in as paco");
-# can't be verified
-$mech->get_ok("$root/logout", "GET $root/logout");
-$mech->get_ok("$root/signin_openid", "GET $root/signin_openid");
-$mech->content_contains("Sign in with OpenID", "Content looks right");
-$mech->submit_form_ok({ form_name => "openid",
-                        fields => { openid_identifier => $claimed_uri,
-                                },
-                    },
-                      "Trying OpenID login, 'openid' realm");
-$mech->content_contains("can't be verified",
-                        "Proper failure for unauthenticated memember.");
-# Tests end ----------------------------------------------
-# shut it down
-kill 'INT', $pid;
-close $server;
-exit 0;
-sub check_port {
-    my ( $host, $port ) = @_;
-    my $remote = IO::Socket::INET->new(
-        Proto    => "tcp",
-        PeerAddr => $host,
-        PeerPort => $port
-    );
-    if ($remote) {
-        close $remote;
-        return 1;
-    }
-    else {
-        return 0;
-    }

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