[Catalyst-commits] r12155 - in
trunk/examples/CatalystAdvent/root/2009: . pen
zamolxes at dev.catalyst.perl.org
zamolxes at dev.catalyst.perl.org
Thu Dec 3 06:15:59 GMT 2009
Author: zamolxes
Date: 2009-12-03 06:15:58 +0000 (Thu, 03 Dec 2009)
New Revision: 12155
day 3
Copied: trunk/examples/CatalystAdvent/root/2009/3.pod (from rev 12154, trunk/examples/CatalystAdvent/root/2009/pen/formhandler.pod)
--- trunk/examples/CatalystAdvent/root/2009/3.pod (rev 0)
+++ trunk/examples/CatalystAdvent/root/2009/3.pod 2009-12-03 06:15:58 UTC (rev 12155)
@@ -0,0 +1,414 @@
+=head1 Creating a simple blog with Catalyst, HTML::FormHandler, and DBIx::Class
+=head2 Introduction
+L<HTML::FormHandler> is a module for handling forms and HTTP requests
+that includes not only validation rules but, in case of DBIC models, the
+logic to save the model in your database.
+I like HTML::FormHandler because of its simplicity, extendability,
+and Moose integration that it provides.
+I prefer it over FormFu partly for subjective reasons, but most
+importantly ...
+=item *
+In HTML::FormHandler, the validation logic is done with validators
+written in Perl, and you can use previously-defined Moose constraints.
+=item *
+The standard way to initialize a FormFu object is done with a Catalyst
+plugin. I prefer to initialize different forms in the same controller
+=item *
+HTML::FormHandler gives me the confidence that it's flexible enough
+for any challenge.
+This tutorial includes a fairly simple example that provides an
+interface for viewing and editing articles in a blog, using
+HTML::FormHandler for the editing functionality.
+=head2 Setting up the project
+To start a new project ...
+ # catalyst.pl Blog
+Let's generate the model:
+ perl script/blog_create.pl model DB DBIC::Schema Blog::Schema \
+ create=static components=TimeStamp \
+ 'dbi:Pg:dbname=blog' 'blog' 'blog' '{ AutoCommit => 1 }'
+Our articles will be tagged (to make the form processing more
+interesting), so add a model representing tags
+in C<lib/Blog/Schema/Result/Tag.pm>
+ package Blog::Schema::Result::Tag;
+ use strict;
+ use warnings;
+ use base qw/DBIx::Class/;
+ __PACKAGE__->load_components(qw/Core/);
+ __PACKAGE__->table('tags');
+ __PACKAGE__->add_columns(
+ tag_id => {
+ data_type => 'integer' ,
+ is_nullable => 0 ,
+ is_auto_increment => 1
+ },
+ name => {
+ data_type => 'varchar',
+ size => 100,
+ is_nullable => 0,
+ },
+ );
+ __PACKAGE__->set_primary_key('tag_id');
+ 1;
+ </pre>
+Let's also add an Article model
+in C<lib/Blog/Schema/Result/Article.pm>:
+ package Blog::Schema::Result::Article;
+ use strict;
+ use warnings;
+ use base qw/DBIx::Class/;
+ __PACKAGE__->load_components(qw/TimeStamp InflateColumn::DateTime Core/);
+ __PACKAGE__->table('articles');
+ __PACKAGE__->add_columns(
+ article_id => {
+ data_type => 'integer' ,
+ is_nullable => 0 ,
+ is_auto_increment => 1
+ },
+ ts => {
+ data_type => 'datetime' ,
+ is_nullable => 1,
+ set_on_create => 1,
+ },
+ title => {
+ data_type => 'varchar',
+ size => 250,
+ is_nullable => 0,
+ },
+ content => {
+ data_type => 'text',
+ is_nullable => 1,
+ },
+ summary => {
+ data_type => 'text',
+ is_nullable => 1,
+ },
+ rank => {
+ data_type => 'decimal',
+ size => [3, 2],
+ is_nullable => 1,
+ },
+ );
+ __PACKAGE__->set_primary_key('article_id');
+ __PACKAGE__->has_many(article_tags => 'Blog::Schema::Result::ArticleTag', 'article_fk');
+ __PACKAGE__->many_to_many(tags => 'article_tags', 'tag');
+... with a corresponding link table ...
+ package Blog::Schema::Result::ArticleTag;
+ use strict;
+ use warnings;
+ use base qw/DBIx::Class/;
+ __PACKAGE__->load_components(qw/Core/);
+ __PACKAGE__->table('article_tag');
+ __PACKAGE__->add_columns(
+ article_fk => {
+ data_type => 'integer',
+ is_nullable => 0,
+ },
+ tag_fk => {
+ data_type => 'integer',
+ is_nullable => 0,
+ },
+ );
+ __PACKAGE__->add_unique_constraint([ qw/article_fk tag_fk/ ]);
+ __PACKAGE__->belongs_to(tag => 'Blog::Schema::Result::Tag', 'tag_fk');
+ __PACKAGE__->belongs_to(article => 'Blog::Schema::Result::Article', 'article_fk');
+We're almost done setting up our project. Now just deploy your
+schema with a command like this ...
+ # perl -I./lib -MBlog::Model::DB \
+ -e " Blog::Model::DB->new->schema->deploy "
+Also add these utilities to lib/Blog.pm ...
+ sub redirect_to_action {
+ my ($c, $controller, $action, @params) =@_;
+ $c->response->redirect($c->uri_for($c->controller($controller)->action_for($action), @params));
+ $c->detach;
+ }
+ sub forward_to_action {
+ my ($c, $controller, $action, @params) = @_;
+ $c->forward($controller, $action, @params);
+ $c->detach;
+ }
+=head2 Creating the CRUD controller
+Edit a new file in C<lib/Blog/Controller/Article.pm>:
+ package Blog::Controller::Article;
+ use strict;
+ use warnings;
+ use parent 'Catalyst::Controller';
+ # this class is a HTML::FormHandler class that we'll define below
+ use Blog::Form::Article;
+ sub articles : Chained('/') PathPart('article') CaptureArgs(0) {
+ my ($self, $c) = @_;
+ $c->stash->{articles} = $c->model('DB::Article');
+ }
+ sub list : Chained('articles') Args(0) {}
+ sub item : Chained('articles') PathPart('') CaptureArgs(1) {
+ my ($self, $c, $id) = @_;
+ $c->error("ID isn't valid!") unless $id =~ /^\d+$/;
+ $c->stash->{item} = $c->stash->{articles}->find($id);
+ unless ($c->stash->{item}) {
+ # $c->flash->{error_msg} = "Request article is not available!";
+ $c->response->status(404);
+ $c->forward_to_action('Article', 'list');
+ }
+ }
+ sub edit : Chained('item') {
+ my ($self, $c) = @_;
+ $c->forward_to_action('Article', 'add');
+ }
+ sub add : Chained('articles') {
+ my ($self, $c) = @_;
+ $c->forward_to_action('Article', 'add');
+ }
+ # both adding and editing happens here
+ # no need to duplicate functionality
+ sub save : Private {
+ my ($self, $c) = @_;
+ # if the item doesn't exist, we'll just create a new result
+ my $item = $c->stash->{item} || $c->model('DB::Article')->new_result({});
+ my $form = Blog::Form::Article->new( item => $item );
+ $c->stash( form => $form, template => 'article/save.tt' );
+ # the "process" call has all the saving logic,
+ # if it returns False, then a validation error happened
+ return unless $form->process( params => $c->req->params );
+ # $c->flash->{info_msg} = "Article saved!";
+ $c->redirect_to_action('Article', 'edit', [$item->article_id]);
+ }
+This CRUD is pretty standard, and it would be possible to abstract
+it away in a role (see L<Catalyst::Manual::CatalystAndMoose/Controller_Roles>)
+=head2 The Editing Form
+Let's start with the HTML::FormHandler-derived class
+in C<lib/Blog/Form/Article.pm> looking like this ...
+ package Blog::Form::Article;
+ use strict;
+ use warnings;
+ use HTML::FormHandler::Moose;
+ extends 'HTML::FormHandler::Model::DBIC';
+ with 'HTML::FormHandler::Render::Simple';
+ has_field 'title' => ( type => 'Text', required => 1 );
+ has_field 'ts' => ( type => 'Date', label => 'Published Date' );
+ has_field 'content' => ( type => 'TextArea', required => 0 );
+ has_field 'tags_str' => ( type => 'TextArea', required => 0 );
+ has_field 'rank' => ( type => 'Text', default => '0.00' );
+ 1;
+... and to make this work, also add the view ...
+ # perl script/blog_create.pl view TT TT
+... configure the templates path, and add the following file in
+C<root/article/save.tt> ...
+ <h1>
+ [% IF item.article_id %]Editing "[% item.title %]"
+ [% ELSE %]Adding a new article[% END %]
+ </h1>
+ [% IF info_msg %]<div class="info_msg">[% info_msg %]</div>[% END %]
+ [% form.render %]
+OK, so we now have a form with automatic validation.
+=item *
+The "title" field is required
+=item *
+The "published date" field expects the format YYYY-MM-DD. You'd be
+wise to enhance this input with a Javascript widget.
+The first problem ... the "tags_str" field is a
+textarea. HTML::FormHandler can work directly with many-to-many
+relationships, but in this case we want the editing to be as
+"free-form" as possible. So we want to specify those tags in a simple
+textarea, separated by commas.
+To save the tags, we want Blog::Form::Article to automatically get the
+value, split it in words by ",", create the missing tags, and create
+the necessary links between the article and those tags. We'll just
+append the following to Blog::Form::Article:
+ before 'update_model' => sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $item = $self->item;
+ my @tags = split /\s*,\s*/, $self->field('tags_str')->value;
+ $item->article_tags->delete;
+ my $tags_rs = $item->result_source->schema->resultset('Tag');
+ foreach my $tag (@tags) {
+ my $tag_obj = $tags_rs->search({ name => $tag })->first
+ || $tags_rs->create({ name => $tag });
+ $item->article_tags->create({ tag => $tag_obj });
+ }
+ };
+We have this flexibility, since HTML::FormHandler is based on
+Moose. But we also want it to load the current tags in the textarea
+when the form renders. So we'll just append this:
+ after 'setup_form' => sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $item = $self->item;
+ my $value = join ', ', map { $_->name }
+ $item->tags->search({}, { order_by => 'name' })->all;
+ $self->field('tags_str')->value($value);
+ };
+=head3 A custom type
+Another problem is with the "rank". We want this to be a decimal
+number between 0 and 5. An easy way to do this is with the field
+'range_start' and 'range_end' settings, but we'll demonstrate this
+with a custom type and additional transformations:
+ package Blog::Form::Field::Rank;
+ use HTML::FormHandler::Moose;
+ extends 'HTML::FormHandler::Field::Text';
+ apply( [
+ { # remove a dollar sign
+ transform => sub {
+ my $value = shift;
+ $value =~ s/^\$//;
+ return $value;
+ }},
+ {
+ transform => sub { $_[0] =~ /^[\d+.]+$/ ? sprintf '%.2f', $_[0] : $_[0] },
+ message => 'Value cannot be converted to a decimal',
+ },
+ {
+ check => sub { $_[0] =~ /^-?\d+\.?\d*$/ && $_[0] >= 0 && $_[0] <= 5 },
+ message => 'Rank must be a decimal number between 0 and 5'
+ }
+ ]);
+ 1;
+And then the field declaration in the form class becomes ...
+ has_field 'rank' => ( type => '+Blog::Form::Field::Rank', default => '0.00' );
+=head3 Auto-generating values
+In our example, the Article model has a "summary" field. We want this
+to be autogenerated. I'm sure you can find on CPAN modules for
+doing this, and one stupid way of doing it would be to just delete the
+HTML tags and slice it to 200 chars or something.
+So to autogenerate the summary tag, add the following to
+C<Blog::Form::Article> ...
+ after 'update_model' => sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $item = $self->item;
+ my $summary = generate_symmary($item->content);
+ $item->update({ summary => $summary })
+ if $summary;
+ };
+=head2 Testing
+And we are done. Start your development server with:
+ perl script/blog_server.pl -r -d
+and go to the following URL ...
+ http://localhost:3000/article/add
+=head2 Download the project
+You can download this sample project with ...
+ svn co L<http://dev.catalystframework.org/repos/Catalyst/trunk/examples/Advent09FormHandlerBlog>
+=head2 Further Reading
+See L<HTML::FormHandler::Manual::Intro> for a more complex example
+with custom validators and notes about template rendering.
+Also, check out L<HTML::FormHandler::Manual::Cookbook>,
+L<HTML::FormHandler::Manual::Tutorial> and the other documents in
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Alexandru Nedelcu <alex at sinapticode.com>
+Copyright 2009 Sinapticode - L<http://www.sinapticode.com>
Deleted: trunk/examples/CatalystAdvent/root/2009/pen/formhandler.pod
--- trunk/examples/CatalystAdvent/root/2009/pen/formhandler.pod 2009-12-03 06:15:28 UTC (rev 12154)
+++ trunk/examples/CatalystAdvent/root/2009/pen/formhandler.pod 2009-12-03 06:15:58 UTC (rev 12155)
@@ -1,414 +0,0 @@
-=head1 Creating a simple blog with Catalyst, HTML::FormHandler, and DBIx::Class
-=head2 Introduction
-L<HTML::FormHandler> is a module for handling forms and HTTP requests
-that includes not only validation rules but, in case of DBIC models, the
-logic to save the model in your database.
-I like HTML::FormHandler because of its simplicity, extendability,
-and Moose integration that it provides.
-I prefer it over FormFu partly for subjective reasons, but most
-importantly ...
-=item *
-In HTML::FormHandler, the validation logic is done with validators
-written in Perl, and you can use previously-defined Moose constraints.
-=item *
-The standard way to initialize a FormFu object is done with a Catalyst
-plugin. I prefer to initialize different forms in the same controller
-=item *
-HTML::FormHandler gives me the confidence that it's flexible enough
-for any challenge.
-This tutorial includes a fairly simple example that provides an
-interface for viewing and editing articles in a blog, using
-HTML::FormHandler for the editing functionality.
-=head2 Setting up the project
-To start a new project ...
- # catalyst.pl Blog
-Let's generate the model:
- perl script/blog_create.pl model DB DBIC::Schema Blog::Schema \
- create=static components=TimeStamp \
- 'dbi:Pg:dbname=blog' 'blog' 'blog' '{ AutoCommit => 1 }'
-Our articles will be tagged (to make the form processing more
-interesting), so add a model representing tags
-in C<lib/Blog/Schema/Result/Tag.pm>
- package Blog::Schema::Result::Tag;
- use strict;
- use warnings;
- use base qw/DBIx::Class/;
- __PACKAGE__->load_components(qw/Core/);
- __PACKAGE__->table('tags');
- __PACKAGE__->add_columns(
- tag_id => {
- data_type => 'integer' ,
- is_nullable => 0 ,
- is_auto_increment => 1
- },
- name => {
- data_type => 'varchar',
- size => 100,
- is_nullable => 0,
- },
- );
- __PACKAGE__->set_primary_key('tag_id');
- 1;
- </pre>
-Let's also add an Article model
-in C<lib/Blog/Schema/Result/Article.pm>:
- package Blog::Schema::Result::Article;
- use strict;
- use warnings;
- use base qw/DBIx::Class/;
- __PACKAGE__->load_components(qw/TimeStamp InflateColumn::DateTime Core/);
- __PACKAGE__->table('articles');
- __PACKAGE__->add_columns(
- article_id => {
- data_type => 'integer' ,
- is_nullable => 0 ,
- is_auto_increment => 1
- },
- ts => {
- data_type => 'datetime' ,
- is_nullable => 1,
- set_on_create => 1,
- },
- title => {
- data_type => 'varchar',
- size => 250,
- is_nullable => 0,
- },
- content => {
- data_type => 'text',
- is_nullable => 1,
- },
- summary => {
- data_type => 'text',
- is_nullable => 1,
- },
- rank => {
- data_type => 'decimal',
- size => [3, 2],
- is_nullable => 1,
- },
- );
- __PACKAGE__->set_primary_key('article_id');
- __PACKAGE__->has_many(article_tags => 'Blog::Schema::Result::ArticleTag', 'article_fk');
- __PACKAGE__->many_to_many(tags => 'article_tags', 'tag');
-... with a corresponding link table ...
- package Blog::Schema::Result::ArticleTag;
- use strict;
- use warnings;
- use base qw/DBIx::Class/;
- __PACKAGE__->load_components(qw/Core/);
- __PACKAGE__->table('article_tag');
- __PACKAGE__->add_columns(
- article_fk => {
- data_type => 'integer',
- is_nullable => 0,
- },
- tag_fk => {
- data_type => 'integer',
- is_nullable => 0,
- },
- );
- __PACKAGE__->add_unique_constraint([ qw/article_fk tag_fk/ ]);
- __PACKAGE__->belongs_to(tag => 'Blog::Schema::Result::Tag', 'tag_fk');
- __PACKAGE__->belongs_to(article => 'Blog::Schema::Result::Article', 'article_fk');
-We're almost done setting up our project. Now just deploy your
-schema with a command like this ...
- # perl -I./lib -MBlog::Model::DB \
- -e " Blog::Model::DB->new->schema->deploy "
-Also add these utilities to lib/Blog.pm ...
- sub redirect_to_action {
- my ($c, $controller, $action, @params) =@_;
- $c->response->redirect($c->uri_for($c->controller($controller)->action_for($action), @params));
- $c->detach;
- }
- sub forward_to_action {
- my ($c, $controller, $action, @params) = @_;
- $c->forward($controller, $action, @params);
- $c->detach;
- }
-=head2 Creating the CRUD controller
-Edit a new file in C<lib/Blog/Controller/Article.pm>:
- package Blog::Controller::Article;
- use strict;
- use warnings;
- use parent 'Catalyst::Controller';
- # this class is a HTML::FormHandler class that we'll define below
- use Blog::Form::Article;
- sub articles : Chained('/') PathPart('article') CaptureArgs(0) {
- my ($self, $c) = @_;
- $c->stash->{articles} = $c->model('DB::Article');
- }
- sub list : Chained('articles') Args(0) {}
- sub item : Chained('articles') PathPart('') CaptureArgs(1) {
- my ($self, $c, $id) = @_;
- $c->error("ID isn't valid!") unless $id =~ /^\d+$/;
- $c->stash->{item} = $c->stash->{articles}->find($id);
- unless ($c->stash->{item}) {
- # $c->flash->{error_msg} = "Request article is not available!";
- $c->response->status(404);
- $c->forward_to_action('Article', 'list');
- }
- }
- sub edit : Chained('item') {
- my ($self, $c) = @_;
- $c->forward_to_action('Article', 'add');
- }
- sub add : Chained('articles') {
- my ($self, $c) = @_;
- $c->forward_to_action('Article', 'add');
- }
- # both adding and editing happens here
- # no need to duplicate functionality
- sub save : Private {
- my ($self, $c) = @_;
- # if the item doesn't exist, we'll just create a new result
- my $item = $c->stash->{item} || $c->model('DB::Article')->new_result({});
- my $form = Blog::Form::Article->new( item => $item );
- $c->stash( form => $form, template => 'article/save.tt' );
- # the "process" call has all the saving logic,
- # if it returns False, then a validation error happened
- return unless $form->process( params => $c->req->params );
- # $c->flash->{info_msg} = "Article saved!";
- $c->redirect_to_action('Article', 'edit', [$item->article_id]);
- }
-This CRUD is pretty standard, and it would be possible to abstract
-it away in a role (see L<Catalyst::Manual::CatalystAndMoose/Controller_Roles>)
-=head2 The Editing Form
-Let's start with the HTML::FormHandler-derived class
-in C<lib/Blog/Form/Article.pm> looking like this ...
- package Blog::Form::Article;
- use strict;
- use warnings;
- use HTML::FormHandler::Moose;
- extends 'HTML::FormHandler::Model::DBIC';
- with 'HTML::FormHandler::Render::Simple';
- has_field 'title' => ( type => 'Text', required => 1 );
- has_field 'ts' => ( type => 'Date', label => 'Published Date' );
- has_field 'content' => ( type => 'TextArea', required => 0 );
- has_field 'tags_str' => ( type => 'TextArea', required => 0 );
- has_field 'rank' => ( type => 'Text', default => '0.00' );
- 1;
-... and to make this work, also add the view ...
- # perl script/blog_create.pl view TT TT
-... configure the templates path, and add the following file in
-C<root/article/save.tt> ...
- <h1>
- [% IF item.article_id %]Editing "[% item.title %]"
- [% ELSE %]Adding a new article[% END %]
- </h1>
- [% IF info_msg %]<div class="info_msg">[% info_msg %]</div>[% END %]
- [% form.render %]
-OK, so we now have a form with automatic validation.
-=item *
-The "title" field is required
-=item *
-The "published date" field expects the format YYYY-MM-DD. You'd be
-wise to enhance this input with a Javascript widget.
-The first problem ... the "tags_str" field is a
-textarea. HTML::FormHandler can work directly with many-to-many
-relationships, but in this case we want the editing to be as
-"free-form" as possible. So we want to specify those tags in a simple
-textarea, separated by commas.
-To save the tags, we want Blog::Form::Article to automatically get the
-value, split it in words by ",", create the missing tags, and create
-the necessary links between the article and those tags. We'll just
-append the following to Blog::Form::Article:
- before 'update_model' => sub {
- my $self = shift;
- my $item = $self->item;
- my @tags = split /\s*,\s*/, $self->field('tags_str')->value;
- $item->article_tags->delete;
- my $tags_rs = $item->result_source->schema->resultset('Tag');
- foreach my $tag (@tags) {
- my $tag_obj = $tags_rs->search({ name => $tag })->first
- || $tags_rs->create({ name => $tag });
- $item->article_tags->create({ tag => $tag_obj });
- }
- };
-We have this flexibility, since HTML::FormHandler is based on
-Moose. But we also want it to load the current tags in the textarea
-when the form renders. So we'll just append this:
- after 'setup_form' => sub {
- my $self = shift;
- my $item = $self->item;
- my $value = join ', ', map { $_->name }
- $item->tags->search({}, { order_by => 'name' })->all;
- $self->field('tags_str')->value($value);
- };
-=head3 A custom type
-Another problem is with the "rank". We want this to be a decimal
-number between 0 and 5. An easy way to do this is with the field
-'range_start' and 'range_end' settings, but we'll demonstrate this
-with a custom type and additional transformations:
- package Blog::Form::Field::Rank;
- use HTML::FormHandler::Moose;
- extends 'HTML::FormHandler::Field::Text';
- apply( [
- { # remove a dollar sign
- transform => sub {
- my $value = shift;
- $value =~ s/^\$//;
- return $value;
- }},
- {
- transform => sub { $_[0] =~ /^[\d+.]+$/ ? sprintf '%.2f', $_[0] : $_[0] },
- message => 'Value cannot be converted to a decimal',
- },
- {
- check => sub { $_[0] =~ /^-?\d+\.?\d*$/ && $_[0] >= 0 && $_[0] <= 5 },
- message => 'Rank must be a decimal number between 0 and 5'
- }
- ]);
- 1;
-And then the field declaration in the form class becomes ...
- has_field 'rank' => ( type => '+Blog::Form::Field::Rank', default => '0.00' );
-=head3 Auto-generating values
-In our example, the Article model has a "summary" field. We want this
-to be autogenerated. I'm sure you can find on CPAN modules for
-doing this, and one stupid way of doing it would be to just delete the
-HTML tags and slice it to 200 chars or something.
-So to autogenerate the summary tag, add the following to
-C<Blog::Form::Article> ...
- after 'update_model' => sub {
- my $self = shift;
- my $item = $self->item;
- my $summary = generate_symmary($item->content);
- $item->update({ summary => $summary })
- if $summary;
- };
-=head2 Testing
-And we are done. Start your development server with:
- perl script/blog_server.pl -r -d
-and go to the following URL ...
- http://localhost:3000/article/add
-=head2 Download the project
-You can download this sample project with ...
- svn co L<http://dev.catalystframework.org/repos/Catalyst/trunk/examples/Advent09FormHandlerBlog>
-=head2 Further Reading
-See L<HTML::FormHandler::Manual::Intro> for a more complex example
-with custom validators and notes about template rendering.
-Also, check out L<HTML::FormHandler::Manual::Cookbook>,
-L<HTML::FormHandler::Manual::Tutorial> and the other documents in
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Alexandru Nedelcu <alex at sinapticode.com>
-Copyright 2009 Sinapticode - L<http://www.sinapticode.com>
More information about the Catalyst-commits
mailing list