[Catalyst-commits] r12283 - in
trunk/examples/CatalystAdvent/root/2009: . pen
zamolxes at dev.catalyst.perl.org
zamolxes at dev.catalyst.perl.org
Wed Dec 9 22:34:55 GMT 2009
Author: zamolxes
Date: 2009-12-09 22:34:54 +0000 (Wed, 09 Dec 2009)
New Revision: 12283
day 10
Copied: trunk/examples/CatalystAdvent/root/2009/10.pod (from rev 12282, trunk/examples/CatalystAdvent/root/2009/pen/component_traits.pod)
--- trunk/examples/CatalystAdvent/root/2009/10.pod (rev 0)
+++ trunk/examples/CatalystAdvent/root/2009/10.pod 2009-12-09 22:34:54 UTC (rev 12283)
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+=head1 Loadable Traits for Catalyst Components
+Over the past few months we've developed a loadable traits system for
+L<Catalyst> components. Components are Models, Views, and Controllers.
+Traits are L<Moose::Role>s, that are applied to classes dynamically.
+Roles for Controllers, with actual actions, are possible thanks to Tomas
+Doran's (t0m) and Florian Ragwitz's (rafl) work on L<MooseX::MethodAttributes>.
+Loadable traits support is provided by L<CatalystX::Component::Traits>, based
+on Jonathan Rockway's (jrockway) work on L<MooseX::Traits>.
+=head2 An Example
+Let's make a simple Model and some traits for it, so you can see how you might
+make use of this feature in your own projects.
+ package SampleApp::Model::Fortune;
+ use Moose;
+ use namespace::autoclean;
+ extends 'Catalyst::Model';
+ with 'CatalystX::Component::Traits';
+ has '+_trait_merge' => (default => 1);
+ __PACKAGE__->config->{traits} = [ 'OffensiveToo' ];
+ has fortune_command => (is => 'rw', lazy_build => 1);
+ has fortune_command_opts => (is => 'rw', lazy_build => 1);
+ sub get_fortune {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $command =
+ $self->fortune_command . ' ' . $self->fortune_command_opts;
+ my $output = qx{$command};
+ chomp $output;
+ return $output;
+ }
+ sub _build_fortune_command { 'fortune' }
+ sub _build_fortune_command_opts { '' }
+ __PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable;
+ package SampleApp::TraitFor::Model::Fortune::Russian;
+ use Moose::Role;
+ use namespace::autoclean;
+ has percent_russian => (is => 'rw', default => 100);
+ around fortune_command_opts => sub {
+ my ($next, $self) = (shift, shift);
+ my $dbs =
+ $self->percent_russian . '% ru'
+ . ' ' .
+ (100 - $self->percent_russian) . '% /usr/share/games/fortunes';
+ return $self->$next(@_) . ' ' . $dbs;
+ };
+ package SampleApp::TraitFor::Model::Fortune::Offensive;
+ use Moose::Role;
+ use namespace::autoclean;
+ around fortune_command_opts => sub {
+ my ($next, $self) = (shift, shift);
+ return '-o ' . $self->$next(@_);
+ };
+ package SampleApp::TraitFor::Model::Fortune::OffensiveToo;
+ use Moose::Role;
+ use namespace::autoclean;
+ around fortune_command_opts => sub {
+ my ($next, $self) = (shift, shift);
+ my $opts = $self->$next(@_);
+ $opts =~ s/-o //; # if Offensive trait is enabled, edit it out
+ return "-a $opts";
+ };
+ 1;
+Notice we turned on the L<CatalystX::Component::Traits/"TRAIT MERGING">
+feature, and we set a default list of traits to include (C<OffensiveToo>.)
+An action to make use of our new Model:
+ sub index :Path :Args(0) {
+ my ($self, $c) = @_;
+ $c->res->content_type('text/plain; charset=utf-8');
+ $c->res->body($c->model('Fortune')->get_fortune);
+ }
+Now, suppose in production you don't want your customers to see offensive
+fortunes, and you want 50% of the fortunes to be in Russian.
+Just put the following into the C<.conf>:
+ <Model::Fortune>
+ traits -OffensiveToo
+ traits Russian
+ percent_russian 50
+ </Model::Fortune>
+We turned off the C<OffensiveToo> trait, added the C<Russian> trait and set an
+attribute that was defined in a trait directly from the config file.
+Hopefully this demonstrates some of the power of using L<Moose::Role>s
+in your L<Catalyst> applications.
+See also the C<Catalyst::ActionRole::> namespace for other awesome applications
+of L<Moose::Role>s.
+=head2 Components that use Loadable Traits
+=head3 L<Catalyst::Model::DBIC::Schema>
+The model for using L<DBIx::Class> in L<Catalyst> has the following traits
+available on CPAN:
+=over 4
+=item L<Catalyst::TraitFor::Model::DBIC::Schema::Caching>
+For caching the results of queries.
+=item L<Catalyst::TraitFor::Model::DBIC::Schema::Replicated>
+For quering replicated MySQL databases.
+=item L<Catalyst::TraitFor::Model::DBIC::Schema::QueryLog>
+L<DBIx::Class::QueryLog> support, for analyzing query performance.
+=head3 L<CatalystX::SimpleLogin>
+A reusable login/logout component for L<Catalyst> that is injected through the
+Plugin list. It has the following traits available on CPAN:
+=over 4
+=item L<CatalystX::SimpleLogin::TraitFor::Controller::Login::Logout>
+Adds logout support.
+=item L<CatalystX::SimpleLogin::TraitFor::Controller::Login::WithRedirect>
+Combines with L<Catalyst::ActionRole::NeedsLogin> to mark actions as requiring
+a login and redirecting back to the originally requested page.
+=item L<CatalystX::SimpleLogin::TraitFor::Controller::Login::RenderAsTTTemplate>
+Provides a L<Template> template for rendering the login form, for use with
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Caelum: Rafael Kitover <rkitover at cpan.org>
Deleted: trunk/examples/CatalystAdvent/root/2009/pen/component_traits.pod
--- trunk/examples/CatalystAdvent/root/2009/pen/component_traits.pod 2009-12-09 21:38:54 UTC (rev 12282)
+++ trunk/examples/CatalystAdvent/root/2009/pen/component_traits.pod 2009-12-09 22:34:54 UTC (rev 12283)
@@ -1,176 +0,0 @@
-=head1 Loadable Traits for Catalyst Components
-Over the past few months we've developed a loadable traits system for
-L<Catalyst> components. Components are Models, Views, and Controllers.
-Traits are L<Moose::Role>s, that are applied to classes dynamically.
-Roles for Controllers, with actual actions, are possible thanks to Tomas
-Doran's (t0m) and Florian Ragwitz's (rafl) work on L<MooseX::MethodAttributes>.
-Loadable traits support is provided by L<CatalystX::Component::Traits>, based
-on Jonathan Rockway's (jrockway) work on L<MooseX::Traits>.
-=head2 An Example
-Let's make a simple Model and some traits for it, so you can see how you might
-make use of this feature in your own projects.
- package SampleApp::Model::Fortune;
- use Moose;
- use namespace::autoclean;
- extends 'Catalyst::Model';
- with 'CatalystX::Component::Traits';
- has '+_trait_merge' => (default => 1);
- __PACKAGE__->config->{traits} = [ 'OffensiveToo' ];
- has fortune_command => (is => 'rw', lazy_build => 1);
- has fortune_command_opts => (is => 'rw', lazy_build => 1);
- sub get_fortune {
- my $self = shift;
- my $command =
- $self->fortune_command . ' ' . $self->fortune_command_opts;
- my $output = qx{$command};
- chomp $output;
- return $output;
- }
- sub _build_fortune_command { 'fortune' }
- sub _build_fortune_command_opts { '' }
- __PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable;
- package SampleApp::TraitFor::Model::Fortune::Russian;
- use Moose::Role;
- use namespace::autoclean;
- has percent_russian => (is => 'rw', default => 100);
- around fortune_command_opts => sub {
- my ($next, $self) = (shift, shift);
- my $dbs =
- $self->percent_russian . '% ru'
- . ' ' .
- (100 - $self->percent_russian) . '% /usr/share/games/fortunes';
- return $self->$next(@_) . ' ' . $dbs;
- };
- package SampleApp::TraitFor::Model::Fortune::Offensive;
- use Moose::Role;
- use namespace::autoclean;
- around fortune_command_opts => sub {
- my ($next, $self) = (shift, shift);
- return '-o ' . $self->$next(@_);
- };
- package SampleApp::TraitFor::Model::Fortune::OffensiveToo;
- use Moose::Role;
- use namespace::autoclean;
- around fortune_command_opts => sub {
- my ($next, $self) = (shift, shift);
- my $opts = $self->$next(@_);
- $opts =~ s/-o //; # if Offensive trait is enabled, edit it out
- return "-a $opts";
- };
- 1;
-Notice we turned on the L<CatalystX::Component::Traits/"TRAIT MERGING">
-feature, and we set a default list of traits to include (C<OffensiveToo>.)
-An action to make use of our new Model:
- sub index :Path :Args(0) {
- my ($self, $c) = @_;
- $c->res->content_type('text/plain; charset=utf-8');
- $c->res->body($c->model('Fortune')->get_fortune);
- }
-Now, suppose in production you don't want your customers to see offensive
-fortunes, and you want 50% of the fortunes to be in Russian.
-Just put the following into the C<.conf>:
- <Model::Fortune>
- traits -OffensiveToo
- traits Russian
- percent_russian 50
- </Model::Fortune>
-We turned off the C<OffensiveToo> trait, added the C<Russian> trait and set an
-attribute that was defined in a trait directly from the config file.
-Hopefully this demonstrates some of the power of using L<Moose::Role>s
-in your L<Catalyst> applications.
-See also the C<Catalyst::ActionRole::> namespace for other awesome applications
-of L<Moose::Role>s.
-=head2 Components that use Loadable Traits
-=head3 L<Catalyst::Model::DBIC::Schema>
-The model for using L<DBIx::Class> in L<Catalyst> has the following traits
-available on CPAN:
-=over 4
-=item L<Catalyst::TraitFor::Model::DBIC::Schema::Caching>
-For caching the results of queries.
-=item L<Catalyst::TraitFor::Model::DBIC::Schema::Replicated>
-For quering replicated MySQL databases.
-=item L<Catalyst::TraitFor::Model::DBIC::Schema::QueryLog>
-L<DBIx::Class::QueryLog> support, for analyzing query performance.
-=head3 L<CatalystX::SimpleLogin>
-A reusable login/logout component for L<Catalyst> that is injected through the
-Plugin list. It has the following traits available on CPAN:
-=over 4
-=item L<CatalystX::SimpleLogin::TraitFor::Controller::Login::Logout>
-Adds logout support.
-=item L<CatalystX::SimpleLogin::TraitFor::Controller::Login::WithRedirect>
-Combines with L<Catalyst::ActionRole::NeedsLogin> to mark actions as requiring
-a login and redirecting back to the originally requested page.
-=item L<CatalystX::SimpleLogin::TraitFor::Controller::Login::RenderAsTTTemplate>
-Provides a L<Template> template for rendering the login form, for use with
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Caelum: Rafael Kitover <rkitover at cpan.org>
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