[Catalyst-commits] r9074 - in Catalyst-Runtime/5.70/trunk: . lib
lib/Catalyst lib/Catalyst/DispatchType t t/lib
t/lib/TestApp/Controller/Action t/lib/TestApp/View
marcus at dev.catalyst.perl.org
marcus at dev.catalyst.perl.org
Mon Jan 12 12:07:37 GMT 2009
Author: marcus
Date: 2009-01-12 12:07:37 +0000 (Mon, 12 Jan 2009)
New Revision: 9074
Backport go/visit from 5.8 (janh), prepare for dev release
Modified: Catalyst-Runtime/5.70/trunk/Changes
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.70/trunk/Changes 2009-01-12 05:08:43 UTC (rev 9073)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.70/trunk/Changes 2009-01-12 12:07:37 UTC (rev 9074)
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# This file documents the revision history for Perl extension Catalyst.
+5.7099_04 2009-01-12 13:06:00
- Add environment hack for FastCGI under IIS (Simon Bertrang)
- Test for this and preexisting Lighty hack (Simon Bertrang)
- Change streaming test to serve itself rather than 01use.t, making test
Modified: Catalyst-Runtime/5.70/trunk/lib/Catalyst/DispatchType/Chained.pm
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.70/trunk/lib/Catalyst/DispatchType/Chained.pm 2009-01-12 05:08:43 UTC (rev 9073)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.70/trunk/lib/Catalyst/DispatchType/Chained.pm 2009-01-12 12:07:37 UTC (rev 9074)
@@ -294,6 +294,31 @@
+=head2 $c->expand_action($action)
+Return a list of actions that represents a chained action. See
+L<Catalyst::Dispatcher> for more info. You probably want to
+use the expand_action it provides rather than this directly.
+sub expand_action {
+ my ($self, $action) = @_;
+ return unless $action->attributes && $action->attributes->{Chained};
+ my @chain;
+ my $curr = $action;
+ while ($curr) {
+ push @chain, $curr;
+ my $parent = $curr->attributes->{Chained}->[0];
+ $curr = $self->{'actions'}{$parent};
+ }
+ return Catalyst::ActionChain->from_chain([reverse @chain]);
=head1 USAGE
=head2 Introduction
Modified: Catalyst-Runtime/5.70/trunk/lib/Catalyst/DispatchType.pm
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.70/trunk/lib/Catalyst/DispatchType.pm 2009-01-12 05:08:43 UTC (rev 9073)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.70/trunk/lib/Catalyst/DispatchType.pm 2009-01-12 12:07:37 UTC (rev 9074)
@@ -46,6 +46,15 @@
sub register { }
+=head2 $self->expand_action
+Default fallback, returns nothing. See L<Catalyst::Dispatcher> for more info
+about expand_action.
+sub expand_action { }
=head2 $self->uri_for_action( $action, \@captures )
abstract method, to be implemented by dispatchtypes. Takes a
Modified: Catalyst-Runtime/5.70/trunk/lib/Catalyst/Dispatcher.pm
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.70/trunk/lib/Catalyst/Dispatcher.pm 2009-01-12 05:08:43 UTC (rev 9073)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.70/trunk/lib/Catalyst/Dispatcher.pm 2009-01-12 12:07:37 UTC (rev 9074)
@@ -151,9 +151,14 @@
my $action;
- # go to a string path ("/foo/bar/gorch")
- # or action object which stringifies to that
- $action = $self->_invoke_as_path( $c, "$command", \@args );
+ if (Scalar::Util::blessed($command) && $command->isa('Catalyst::Action')) {
+ $action = $command;
+ }
+ else {
+ # go to a string path ("/foo/bar/gorch")
+ # or action object which stringifies to that
+ $action = $self->_invoke_as_path( $c, "$command", \@args );
+ }
# go to a component ( "MyApp::*::Foo" or $c->component("...")
# - a path or an object)
@@ -165,6 +170,67 @@
return $action, \@args;
+=head2 $self->visit( $c, $command [, \@arguments ] )
+Documented in L<Catalyst>
+sub visit {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->_do_visit('visit', @_);
+sub _do_visit {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $opname = shift;
+ my ( $c, $command ) = @_;
+ my ( $action, $args ) = $self->_command2action(@_);
+ my $error = qq/Couldn't $opname("$command"): /;
+ if (!$action) {
+ $error .= qq/Couldn't $opname to command "$command": /
+ .qq/Invalid action or component./;
+ }
+ elsif (!defined $action->namespace) {
+ $error .= qq/Action has no namespace: cannot $opname() to a plain /
+ .qq/method or component, must be a :Action or some sort./
+ }
+ elsif (!$action->class->can('_DISPATCH')) {
+ $error .= qq/Action cannot _DISPATCH. /
+ .qq/Did you try to $opname() a non-controller action?/;
+ }
+ else {
+ $error = q();
+ }
+ if($error) {
+ $c->error($error);
+ $c->log->debug($error) if $c->debug;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ $action = $self->expand_action($action);
+ local $c->request->{arguments} = $args;
+ local $c->{namespace} = $action->{'namespace'};
+ local $c->{action} = $action;
+ $self->dispatch($c);
+=head2 $self->go( $c, $command [, \@arguments ] )
+Documented in L<Catalyst>
+sub go {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->_do_visit('go', @_);
+ die $Catalyst::GO;
=head2 $self->forward( $c, $command [, \@arguments ] )
Documented in L<Catalyst>
@@ -392,6 +458,25 @@
return undef;
+=head2 expand_action
+expand an action into a full representation of the dispatch.
+mostly useful for chained, other actions will just return a
+single action.
+sub expand_action {
+ my ($self, $action) = @_;
+ foreach my $dispatch_type (@{ $self->dispatch_types }) {
+ my $expanded = $dispatch_type->expand_action($action);
+ return $expanded if $expanded;
+ }
+ return $action;
=head2 $self->register( $c, $action )
Make sure all required dispatch types for this action are loaded, then
Modified: Catalyst-Runtime/5.70/trunk/lib/Catalyst/Runtime.pm
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.70/trunk/lib/Catalyst/Runtime.pm 2009-01-12 05:08:43 UTC (rev 9073)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.70/trunk/lib/Catalyst/Runtime.pm 2009-01-12 12:07:37 UTC (rev 9074)
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
# Remember to update this in Catalyst as well!
-our $VERSION='5.7099_03';
+our $VERSION='5.7099_04';
Modified: Catalyst-Runtime/5.70/trunk/lib/Catalyst.pm
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.70/trunk/lib/Catalyst.pm 2009-01-12 05:08:43 UTC (rev 9073)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.70/trunk/lib/Catalyst.pm 2009-01-12 12:07:37 UTC (rev 9074)
@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@
our $START = time;
our $RECURSION = 1000;
our $DETACH = "catalyst_detach\n";
+our $GO = "catalyst_go\n";
for qw/components arguments dispatcher engine log dispatcher_class
@@ -63,7 +64,7 @@
# Remember to update this in Catalyst::Runtime as well!
-our $VERSION = '5.7099_03';
+our $VERSION = '5.7099_04';
sub import {
my ( $class, @arguments ) = @_;
@@ -327,6 +328,40 @@
sub detach { my $c = shift; $c->dispatcher->detach( $c, @_ ) }
+=head2 $c->visit( $action [, \@arguments ] )
+=head2 $c->visit( $class, $method, [, \@arguments ] )
+Almost the same as C<forward>, but does a full dispatch, instead of just
+calling the new C<$action> / C<$class-E<gt>$method>. This means that C<begin>,
+C<auto> and the method you go to are called, just like a new request.
+C<$c-E<gt>stash> is kept unchanged.
+In effect, C<visit> allows you to "wrap" another action, just as it
+would have been called by dispatching from a URL, while the analogous
+C<go> allows you to transfer control to another action as if it had
+been reached directly from a URL.
+sub visit { my $c = shift; $c->dispatcher->visit( $c, @_ ) }
+=head2 $c->go( $action [, \@arguments ] )
+=head2 $c->go( $class, $method, [, \@arguments ] )
+Almost the same as C<detach>, but does a full dispatch like C<visit>,
+instead of just calling the new C<$action> /
+C<$class-E<gt>$method>. This means that C<begin>, C<auto> and the
+method you visit are called, just like a new request.
+C<$c-E<gt>stash> is kept unchanged.
+sub go { my $c = shift; $c->dispatcher->go( $c, @_ ) }
=head2 $c->response
=head2 $c->res
@@ -1339,6 +1374,9 @@
if ( !ref($error) and $error eq $DETACH ) {
die $DETACH if($c->depth > 1);
+ elsif ( !ref($error) and $error eq $GO ) {
+ die $GO if($c->depth > 0);
+ }
else {
unless ( ref $error ) {
no warnings 'uninitialized';
@@ -2554,6 +2592,8 @@
willert: Sebastian Willert <willert at cpan.org>
+batman: Jan Henning Thorsen <pm at flodhest.net>
=head1 LICENSE
This library is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
Modified: Catalyst-Runtime/5.70/trunk/t/lib/TestApp/Controller/Action/Go.pm
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.70/trunk/t/lib/TestApp/Controller/Action/Go.pm 2009-01-12 05:08:43 UTC (rev 9073)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.70/trunk/t/lib/TestApp/Controller/Action/Go.pm 2009-01-12 12:07:37 UTC (rev 9074)
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
sub five : Local {
my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
- $c->go('View::Dump::Request');
+ $c->forward('View::Dump::Request');
sub inheritance : Local {
@@ -66,6 +66,18 @@
+sub view : Local {
+ my ( $self, $c, $val ) = @_;
+ eval { $c->go('View::Dump') };
+ $c->res->body( $@ ? $@ : "go() did not die" );
+sub model : Local {
+ my ( $self, $c, $val ) = @_;
+ eval { $c->go('Model::Foo') };
+ $c->res->body( $@ ? $@ : "go() did not die" );
sub args_embed_relative : Local {
my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
Modified: Catalyst-Runtime/5.70/trunk/t/lib/TestApp/Controller/Action/TestRelative.pm
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.70/trunk/t/lib/TestApp/Controller/Action/TestRelative.pm 2009-01-12 05:08:43 UTC (rev 9073)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.70/trunk/t/lib/TestApp/Controller/Action/TestRelative.pm 2009-01-12 12:07:37 UTC (rev 9074)
@@ -26,4 +26,15 @@
my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
$c->go( 'TestApp::Controller::Action::Go', 'one' );
+sub relative_visit : Local {
+ my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
+ $c->visit('/action/visit/one');
+sub relative_visit_two : Local {
+ my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
+ $c->visit( 'TestApp::Controller::Action::Visit', 'one' );
Added: Catalyst-Runtime/5.70/trunk/t/lib/TestApp/Controller/Action/Visit.pm
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.70/trunk/t/lib/TestApp/Controller/Action/Visit.pm (rev 0)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.70/trunk/t/lib/TestApp/Controller/Action/Visit.pm 2009-01-12 12:07:37 UTC (rev 9074)
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+package TestApp::Controller::Action::Visit;
+use strict;
+use base 'TestApp::Controller::Action';
+sub one : Local {
+ my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
+ $c->visit('two');
+sub two : Private {
+ my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
+ $c->visit('three');
+sub three : Local {
+ my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
+ $c->visit( $self, 'four' );
+sub four : Private {
+ my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
+ $c->visit('/action/visit/five');
+sub five : Local {
+ my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
+ $c->forward('View::Dump::Request');
+sub inheritance : Local {
+ my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
+ $c->visit('/action/inheritance/a/b/default');
+sub global : Local {
+ my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
+ $c->visit('/global_action');
+sub with_args : Local {
+ my ( $self, $c, $arg ) = @_;
+ $c->visit( 'args', [$arg] );
+sub with_method_and_args : Local {
+ my ( $self, $c, $arg ) = @_;
+ $c->visit( qw/TestApp::Controller::Action::Visit args/, [$arg] );
+sub args : Local {
+ my ( $self, $c, $val ) = @_;
+ die "passed argument does not match args" unless $val eq $c->req->args->[0];
+ $c->res->body($val);
+sub visit_die : Local {
+ my ( $self, $c, $val ) = @_;
+ eval { $c->visit( 'args', [qq/new/] ) };
+ $c->res->body( $@ ? $@ : "visit() doesn't die" );
+sub visit_chained : Local {
+ my ( $self, $c, $val ) = @_;
+ $c->visit('/action/chained/foo/spoon',[1]);
+sub view : Local {
+ my ( $self, $c, $val ) = @_;
+ eval { $c->visit('View::Dump') };
+ $c->res->body( $@ ? $@ : "visit() did not die" );
+sub model : Local {
+ my ( $self, $c, $val ) = @_;
+ eval { $c->visit('Model::Foo') };
+ $c->res->body( $@ ? $@ : "visit() did not die" );
+sub args_embed_relative : Local {
+ my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
+ $c->visit('embed/ok');
+sub args_embed_absolute : Local {
+ my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
+ $c->visit('/action/visit/embed/ok');
+sub embed : Local {
+ my ( $self, $c, $ok ) = @_;
+ $ok ||= 'not ok';
+ $c->res->body($ok);
+sub class_visit_test_action : Local {
+ my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
+ $c->visit(qw/TestApp class_visit_test_method/);
Modified: Catalyst-Runtime/5.70/trunk/t/lib/TestApp/View/Dump.pm
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.70/trunk/t/lib/TestApp/View/Dump.pm 2009-01-12 05:08:43 UTC (rev 9073)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.70/trunk/t/lib/TestApp/View/Dump.pm 2009-01-12 12:07:37 UTC (rev 9074)
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
package TestApp::View::Dump;
use strict;
-use base 'Catalyst::Base';
+use base 'Catalyst::View';
use Data::Dumper ();
use Scalar::Util qw(weaken);
Modified: Catalyst-Runtime/5.70/trunk/t/lib/TestApp.pm
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.70/trunk/t/lib/TestApp.pm 2009-01-12 05:08:43 UTC (rev 9073)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.70/trunk/t/lib/TestApp.pm 2009-01-12 12:07:37 UTC (rev 9074)
@@ -77,6 +77,11 @@
$c->response->headers->header( 'X-Class-Go-Test-Method' => 1 );
+sub class_visit_test_method :Private {
+ my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
+ $c->response->headers->header( 'X-Class-Visit-Test-Method' => 1 );
sub loop_test : Local {
my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
Added: Catalyst-Runtime/5.70/trunk/t/live_component_controller_action_go.t
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.70/trunk/t/live_component_controller_action_go.t (rev 0)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.70/trunk/t/live_component_controller_action_go.t 2009-01-12 12:07:37 UTC (rev 9074)
@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use FindBin;
+use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../lib";
+our $iters;
+BEGIN { $iters = $ENV{CAT_BENCH_ITERS} || 1; }
+use Test::More tests => 54 * $iters;
+use Catalyst;
+use Catalyst::Test 'TestApp';
+ require Benchmark;
+ Benchmark::timethis( $iters, \&run_tests );
+else {
+ for ( 1 .. $iters ) {
+ run_tests();
+ }
+sub run_tests {
+ {
+ # Test go to global private action
+ ok( my $response = request('http://localhost/action/go/global'),
+ 'Request' );
+ ok( $response->is_success, 'Response Successful 2xx' );
+ is( $response->content_type, 'text/plain', 'Response Content-Type' );
+ is( $response->header('X-Catalyst-Action'),
+ 'action/go/global', 'Main Class Action' );
+ }
+ {
+ my @expected = qw[
+ TestApp::Controller::Action::Go->one
+ TestApp::Controller::Action::Go->two
+ TestApp::Controller::Action::Go->three
+ TestApp::Controller::Action::Go->four
+ TestApp::Controller::Action::Go->five
+ TestApp::View::Dump::Request->process
+ TestApp->end
+ ];
+ @expected = map { /Action/ ? (_begin($_), $_) : ($_) } @expected;
+ my $expected = join( ", ", @expected );
+ # Test go to chain of actions.
+ ok( my $response = request('http://localhost/action/go/one'),
+ 'Request' );
+ ok( $response->is_success, 'Response Successful 2xx' );
+ is( $response->content_type, 'text/plain', 'Response Content-Type' );
+ is( $response->header('X-Catalyst-Action'),
+ 'action/go/one', 'Test Action' );
+ is(
+ $response->header('X-Test-Class'),
+ 'TestApp::Controller::Action::Go',
+ 'Test Class'
+ );
+ is( $response->header('X-Catalyst-Executed'),
+ $expected, 'Executed actions' );
+ like(
+ $response->content,
+ qr/^bless\( .* 'Catalyst::Request' \)$/s,
+ 'Content is a serialized Catalyst::Request'
+ );
+ }
+ {
+ my @expected = qw[
+ TestApp::Controller::Action::Go->go_die
+ TestApp::Controller::Action::Go->args
+ TestApp->end
+ ];
+ @expected = map { /Action/ ? (_begin($_), $_) : ($_) } @expected;
+ my $expected = join( ", ", @expected );
+ ok( my $response = request('http://localhost/action/go/go_die'),
+ 'Request' );
+ ok( $response->is_success, 'Response Successful 2xx' );
+ is( $response->content_type, 'text/plain', 'Response Content-Type' );
+ is( $response->header('X-Catalyst-Action'),
+ 'action/go/go_die', 'Test Action'
+ );
+ is(
+ $response->header('X-Test-Class'),
+ 'TestApp::Controller::Action::Go',
+ 'Test Class'
+ );
+ is( $response->header('X-Catalyst-Executed'),
+ $expected, 'Executed actions' );
+ is( $response->content, $Catalyst::GO, "Go died as expected" );
+ }
+ {
+ ok(
+ my $response = request('http://localhost/action/go/model'),
+ 'Request with args'
+ );
+ is( $response->content,
+ q[FATAL ERROR: Couldn't go("Model::Foo"): Action cannot _DISPATCH. Did you try to go() a non-controller action?],
+ q[go('Model::...') test]
+ );
+ }
+ {
+ ok(
+ my $response = request('http://localhost/action/go/view'),
+ 'Request with args'
+ );
+ is( $response->content,
+ q[FATAL ERROR: Couldn't go("View::Dump"): Action cannot _DISPATCH. Did you try to go() a non-controller action?],
+ q[go('View::...') test]
+ );
+ }
+ {
+ ok(
+ my $response =
+ request('http://localhost/action/go/with_args/old'),
+ 'Request with args'
+ );
+ ok( $response->is_success, 'Response Successful 2xx' );
+ is( $response->content, 'old', 'go() with args (old)' );
+ }
+ {
+ ok(
+ my $response = request(
+ 'http://localhost/action/go/with_method_and_args/new'),
+ 'Request with args and method'
+ );
+ ok( $response->is_success, 'Response Successful 2xx' );
+ is( $response->content, 'new', 'go() with args (new)' );
+ }
+ # test go with embedded args
+ {
+ ok(
+ my $response =
+ request('http://localhost/action/go/args_embed_relative'),
+ 'Request'
+ );
+ ok( $response->is_success, 'Response Successful 2xx' );
+ is( $response->content, 'ok', 'go() with args_embed_relative' );
+ }
+ {
+ ok(
+ my $response =
+ request('http://localhost/action/go/args_embed_absolute'),
+ 'Request'
+ );
+ ok( $response->is_success, 'Response Successful 2xx' );
+ is( $response->content, 'ok', 'go() with args_embed_absolute' );
+ }
+ {
+ my @expected = qw[
+ TestApp::Controller::Action::TestRelative->relative_go
+ TestApp::Controller::Action::Go->one
+ TestApp::Controller::Action::Go->two
+ TestApp::Controller::Action::Go->three
+ TestApp::Controller::Action::Go->four
+ TestApp::Controller::Action::Go->five
+ TestApp::View::Dump::Request->process
+ TestApp->end
+ ];
+ @expected = map { /Action/ ? (_begin($_), $_) : ($_) } @expected;
+ my $expected = join( ", ", @expected );
+ # Test go to chain of actions.
+ ok( my $response = request('http://localhost/action/relative/relative_go'),
+ 'Request' );
+ ok( $response->is_success, 'Response Successful 2xx' );
+ is( $response->content_type, 'text/plain', 'Response Content-Type' );
+ is( $response->header('X-Catalyst-Action'),
+ 'action/relative/relative_go', 'Test Action' );
+ is(
+ $response->header('X-Test-Class'),
+ 'TestApp::Controller::Action::Go',
+ 'Test Class'
+ );
+ is( $response->header('X-Catalyst-Executed'),
+ $expected, 'Executed actions' );
+ like(
+ $response->content,
+ qr/^bless\( .* 'Catalyst::Request' \)$/s,
+ 'Content is a serialized Catalyst::Request'
+ );
+ }
+ {
+ my @expected = qw[
+ TestApp::Controller::Action::TestRelative->relative_go_two
+ TestApp::Controller::Action::Go->one
+ TestApp::Controller::Action::Go->two
+ TestApp::Controller::Action::Go->three
+ TestApp::Controller::Action::Go->four
+ TestApp::Controller::Action::Go->five
+ TestApp::View::Dump::Request->process
+ TestApp->end
+ ];
+ @expected = map { /Action/ ? (_begin($_), $_) : ($_) } @expected;
+ my $expected = join( ", ", @expected );
+ # Test go to chain of actions.
+ ok(
+ my $response =
+ request('http://localhost/action/relative/relative_go_two'),
+ 'Request'
+ );
+ ok( $response->is_success, 'Response Successful 2xx' );
+ is( $response->content_type, 'text/plain', 'Response Content-Type' );
+ is(
+ $response->header('X-Catalyst-Action'),
+ 'action/relative/relative_go_two',
+ 'Test Action'
+ );
+ is(
+ $response->header('X-Test-Class'),
+ 'TestApp::Controller::Action::Go',
+ 'Test Class'
+ );
+ is( $response->header('X-Catalyst-Executed'),
+ $expected, 'Executed actions' );
+ like(
+ $response->content,
+ qr/^bless\( .* 'Catalyst::Request' \)$/s,
+ 'Content is a serialized Catalyst::Request'
+ );
+ }
+ # test class go -- MUST FAIL!
+ {
+ ok(
+ my $response = request(
+ 'http://localhost/action/go/class_go_test_action'),
+ 'Request'
+ );
+ ok( !$response->is_success, 'Response Fails' );
+ is( $response->content,
+ q(FATAL ERROR: Couldn't go("TestApp"): Action has no namespace: cannot go() to a plain method or component, must be a :Action or some sort.),
+ 'Error message'
+ );
+ }
+ {
+ my @expected = qw[
+ TestApp::Controller::Action::Go->begin
+ TestApp::Controller::Action::Go->go_chained
+ TestApp::Controller::Action::Chained->begin
+ TestApp::Controller::Action::Chained->foo
+ TestApp::Controller::Action::Chained::Foo->spoon
+ TestApp::Controller::Action::Chained->end
+ ];
+ my $expected = join( ", ", @expected );
+ ok( my $response = request('http://localhost/action/go/go_chained'), 'go to chained + subcontroller endpoint' );
+ is( $response->header('X-Catalyst-Executed'),
+ $expected, 'Executed actions' );
+ is( $response->content, '; 1', 'Content OK' );
+ }
+sub _begin {
+ local $_ = shift;
+ s/->(.*)$/->begin/;
+ return $_;
Added: Catalyst-Runtime/5.70/trunk/t/live_component_controller_action_visit.t
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.70/trunk/t/live_component_controller_action_visit.t (rev 0)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.70/trunk/t/live_component_controller_action_visit.t 2009-01-12 12:07:37 UTC (rev 9074)
@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use FindBin;
+use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../lib";
+our $iters;
+BEGIN { $iters = $ENV{CAT_BENCH_ITERS} || 1; }
+use Test::More tests => 54 * $iters;
+use Catalyst::Test 'TestApp';
+ require Benchmark;
+ Benchmark::timethis( $iters, \&run_tests );
+else {
+ for ( 1 .. $iters ) {
+ run_tests();
+ }
+sub run_tests {
+ {
+ # Test visit to global private action
+ ok( my $response = request('http://localhost/action/visit/global'),
+ 'Request' );
+ ok( $response->is_success, 'Response Successful 2xx' );
+ is( $response->content_type, 'text/plain', 'Response Content-Type' );
+ is( $response->header('X-Catalyst-Action'),
+ 'action/visit/global', 'Main Class Action' );
+ }
+ {
+ my @expected = qw[
+ TestApp::Controller::Action::Visit->one
+ TestApp::Controller::Action::Visit->two
+ TestApp::Controller::Action::Visit->three
+ TestApp::Controller::Action::Visit->four
+ TestApp::Controller::Action::Visit->five
+ TestApp::View::Dump::Request->process
+ TestApp->end
+ TestApp->end
+ TestApp->end
+ TestApp->end
+ TestApp->end
+ ];
+ @expected = map { /Action/ ? (_begin($_), $_) : ($_) } @expected;
+ my $expected = join( ", ", @expected );
+ # Test visit to chain of actions.
+ ok( my $response = request('http://localhost/action/visit/one'),
+ 'Request' );
+ ok( $response->is_success, 'Response Successful 2xx' );
+ is( $response->content_type, 'text/plain', 'Response Content-Type' );
+ is( $response->header('X-Catalyst-Action'),
+ 'action/visit/one', 'Test Action' );
+ is(
+ $response->header('X-Test-Class'),
+ 'TestApp::Controller::Action::Visit',
+ 'Test Class'
+ );
+ is( $response->header('X-Catalyst-Executed'),
+ $expected, 'Executed actions' );
+ like(
+ $response->content,
+ qr/^bless\( .* 'Catalyst::Request' \)$/s,
+ 'Content is a serialized Catalyst::Request'
+ );
+ }
+ {
+ my @expected = qw[
+ TestApp::Controller::Action::Visit->visit_die
+ TestApp::Controller::Action::Visit->args
+ TestApp->end
+ TestApp->end
+ ];
+ @expected = map { /Action/ ? (_begin($_), $_) : ($_) } @expected;
+ my $expected = join( ", ", @expected );
+ ok( my $response = request('http://localhost/action/visit/visit_die'),
+ 'Request' );
+ ok( $response->is_success, 'Response Successful 2xx' );
+ is( $response->content_type, 'text/plain', 'Response Content-Type' );
+ is( $response->header('X-Catalyst-Action'),
+ 'action/visit/visit_die', 'Test Action'
+ );
+ is(
+ $response->header('X-Test-Class'),
+ 'TestApp::Controller::Action::Visit',
+ 'Test Class'
+ );
+ is( $response->header('X-Catalyst-Executed'),
+ $expected, 'Executed actions' );
+ is( $response->content, "visit() doesn't die", "Visit does not die" );
+ }
+ {
+ ok(
+ my $response = request('http://localhost/action/visit/model'),
+ 'Request with args'
+ );
+ is( $response->content,
+ q[FATAL ERROR: Couldn't visit("Model::Foo"): Action cannot _DISPATCH. Did you try to visit() a non-controller action?]
+ );
+ }
+ {
+ ok(
+ my $response = request('http://localhost/action/visit/view'),
+ 'Request with args'
+ );
+ is( $response->content,
+ q[FATAL ERROR: Couldn't visit("View::Dump"): Action cannot _DISPATCH. Did you try to visit() a non-controller action?]
+ );
+ }
+ {
+ ok(
+ my $response =
+ request('http://localhost/action/visit/with_args/old'),
+ 'Request with args'
+ );
+ ok( $response->is_success, 'Response Successful 2xx' );
+ is( $response->content, 'old', 'visit() with args (old)' );
+ }
+ {
+ ok(
+ my $response = request(
+ 'http://localhost/action/visit/with_method_and_args/new'),
+ 'Request with args and method'
+ );
+ ok( $response->is_success, 'Response Successful 2xx' );
+ is( $response->content, 'new', 'visit() with args (new)' );
+ }
+ # test visit with embedded args
+ {
+ ok(
+ my $response =
+ request('http://localhost/action/visit/args_embed_relative'),
+ 'Request'
+ );
+ ok( $response->is_success, 'Response Successful 2xx' );
+ is( $response->content, 'ok', 'visit() with args_embed_relative' );
+ }
+ {
+ ok(
+ my $response =
+ request('http://localhost/action/visit/args_embed_absolute'),
+ 'Request'
+ );
+ ok( $response->is_success, 'Response Successful 2xx' );
+ is( $response->content, 'ok', 'visit() with args_embed_absolute' );
+ }
+ {
+ my @expected = qw[
+ TestApp::Controller::Action::TestRelative->relative_visit
+ TestApp::Controller::Action::Visit->one
+ TestApp::Controller::Action::Visit->two
+ TestApp::Controller::Action::Visit->three
+ TestApp::Controller::Action::Visit->four
+ TestApp::Controller::Action::Visit->five
+ TestApp::View::Dump::Request->process
+ TestApp->end
+ TestApp->end
+ TestApp->end
+ TestApp->end
+ TestApp->end
+ TestApp->end
+ ];
+ @expected = map { /Action/ ? (_begin($_), $_) : ($_) } @expected;
+ my $expected = join( ", ", @expected );
+ # Test visit to chain of actions.
+ ok( my $response = request('http://localhost/action/relative/relative_visit'),
+ 'Request' );
+ ok( $response->is_success, 'Response Successful 2xx' );
+ is( $response->content_type, 'text/plain', 'Response Content-Type' );
+ is( $response->header('X-Catalyst-Action'),
+ 'action/relative/relative_visit', 'Test Action' );
+ is(
+ $response->header('X-Test-Class'),
+ 'TestApp::Controller::Action::Visit',
+ 'Test Class'
+ );
+ is( $response->header('X-Catalyst-Executed'),
+ $expected, 'Executed actions' );
+ like(
+ $response->content,
+ qr/^bless\( .* 'Catalyst::Request' \)$/s,
+ 'Content is a serialized Catalyst::Request'
+ );
+ }
+ {
+ my @expected = qw[
+ TestApp::Controller::Action::TestRelative->relative_visit_two
+ TestApp::Controller::Action::Visit->one
+ TestApp::Controller::Action::Visit->two
+ TestApp::Controller::Action::Visit->three
+ TestApp::Controller::Action::Visit->four
+ TestApp::Controller::Action::Visit->five
+ TestApp::View::Dump::Request->process
+ TestApp->end
+ TestApp->end
+ TestApp->end
+ TestApp->end
+ TestApp->end
+ TestApp->end
+ ];
+ @expected = map { /Action/ ? (_begin($_), $_) : ($_) } @expected;
+ my $expected = join( ", ", @expected );
+ # Test visit to chain of actions.
+ ok(
+ my $response =
+ request('http://localhost/action/relative/relative_visit_two'),
+ 'Request'
+ );
+ ok( $response->is_success, 'Response Successful 2xx' );
+ is( $response->content_type, 'text/plain', 'Response Content-Type' );
+ is(
+ $response->header('X-Catalyst-Action'),
+ 'action/relative/relative_visit_two',
+ 'Test Action'
+ );
+ is(
+ $response->header('X-Test-Class'),
+ 'TestApp::Controller::Action::Visit',
+ 'Test Class'
+ );
+ is( $response->header('X-Catalyst-Executed'),
+ $expected, 'Executed actions' );
+ like(
+ $response->content,
+ qr/^bless\( .* 'Catalyst::Request' \)$/s,
+ 'Content is a serialized Catalyst::Request'
+ );
+ }
+ # test class visit -- MUST FAIL!
+ {
+ ok(
+ my $response = request(
+ 'http://localhost/action/visit/class_visit_test_action'),
+ 'Request'
+ );
+ ok( !$response->is_success, 'Response Fails' );
+ is( $response->content,
+ q[FATAL ERROR: Couldn't visit("TestApp"): Action has no namespace: cannot visit() to a plain method or component, must be a :Action or some sort.],
+ "Cannot visit app namespace"
+ );
+ }
+ {
+ my @expected = qw[
+ TestApp::Controller::Action::Visit->begin
+ TestApp::Controller::Action::Visit->visit_chained
+ TestApp::Controller::Action::Chained->begin
+ TestApp::Controller::Action::Chained->foo
+ TestApp::Controller::Action::Chained::Foo->spoon
+ TestApp::Controller::Action::Chained->end
+ TestApp->end
+ ];
+ my $expected = join( ", ", @expected );
+ ok( my $response = request('http://localhost/action/visit/visit_chained'), 'visit to chained + subcontroller endpoint' );
+ is( $response->header('X-Catalyst-Executed'),
+ $expected, 'Executed actions' );
+ is( $response->content, '; 1', 'Content OK' );
+ }
+sub _begin {
+ local $_ = shift;
+ s/->(.*)$/->begin/;
+ return $_;
Modified: Catalyst-Runtime/5.70/trunk/t/unit_core_mvc.t
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.70/trunk/t/unit_core_mvc.t 2009-01-12 05:08:43 UTC (rev 9073)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.70/trunk/t/unit_core_mvc.t 2009-01-12 12:07:37 UTC (rev 9074)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-use Test::More tests => 44;
+use Test::More tests => 45;
use strict;
use warnings;
@@ -154,9 +154,14 @@
*MyApp::Model::M::ACCEPT_CONTEXT = sub { my ($self, $c, @args) = @_; $args= \@args};
*MyApp::View::V::ACCEPT_CONTEXT = sub { my ($self, $c, @args) = @_; $args= \@args};
+ # test accept-context with class rather than instance
MyApp->model('M', qw/foo bar/);
is_deeply($args, [qw/foo bar/], '$c->model args passed to ACCEPT_CONTEXT ok');
+ MyApp->model('M', qw/foo bar/);
+ is_deeply($args, [qw/foo bar/], '$c->model args passed to ACCEPT_CONTEXT ok');
my $x = MyApp->view('V', qw/foo2 bar2/);
is_deeply($args, [qw/foo2 bar2/], '$c->view args passed to ACCEPT_CONTEXT ok');
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