[Catalyst-commits] r9435 - in Catalyst-Manual/5.70/trunk: .
hkclark at dev.catalyst.perl.org
hkclark at dev.catalyst.perl.org
Thu Mar 5 17:57:54 GMT 2009
Author: hkclark
Date: 2009-03-05 17:57:54 +0000 (Thu, 05 Mar 2009)
New Revision: 9435
Add a new section to BasicCRUD covering more advanced features of DBIC ("EXPLORING THE POWER OF DBIC") plus a few other minor changes
Modified: Catalyst-Manual/5.70/trunk/Changes
--- Catalyst-Manual/5.70/trunk/Changes 2009-03-05 16:33:25 UTC (rev 9434)
+++ Catalyst-Manual/5.70/trunk/Changes 2009-03-05 17:57:54 UTC (rev 9435)
@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
Revision history for Catalyst-Manual
+ - Add a new section to BasicCRUD covering more advanced features of
5.7018 2 Mar 2009
- Suggestions and fixes with thanks to mintywalker at gmail.com
- DBIC-related updates in MoreCatalystBasics
Modified: Catalyst-Manual/5.70/trunk/lib/Catalyst/Manual/Tutorial/Appendices.pod
--- Catalyst-Manual/5.70/trunk/lib/Catalyst/Manual/Tutorial/Appendices.pod 2009-03-05 16:33:25 UTC (rev 9434)
+++ Catalyst-Manual/5.70/trunk/lib/Catalyst/Manual/Tutorial/Appendices.pod 2009-03-05 17:57:54 UTC (rev 9435)
@@ -321,7 +321,8 @@
Regenerate the model using the Catalyst "_create.pl" script:
- script/myapp_create.pl model MyAppDB DBIC::Schema MyApp::Schema dbi:mysql:myapp 'tutorial' '' '{ AutoCommit => 1 }'
+ script/myapp_create.pl model MyAppDB DBIC::Schema MyApp::Schema \
+ dbi:mysql:myapp '_username_here_' '_password_here_' '{ AutoCommit => 1 }'
Modified: Catalyst-Manual/5.70/trunk/lib/Catalyst/Manual/Tutorial/BasicCRUD.pod
--- Catalyst-Manual/5.70/trunk/lib/Catalyst/Manual/Tutorial/BasicCRUD.pod 2009-03-05 16:33:25 UTC (rev 9434)
+++ Catalyst-Manual/5.70/trunk/lib/Catalyst/Manual/Tutorial/BasicCRUD.pod 2009-03-05 17:57:54 UTC (rev 9435)
@@ -407,14 +407,14 @@
sub base :Chained('/') :PathPart('books') :CaptureArgs(0) {
my ($self, $c) = @_;
- # Store the resultset in stash so it's available for other methods
+ # Store the ResultSet in stash so it's available for other methods
$c->stash->{resultset} = $c->model('DB::Books');
# Print a message to the debug log
$c->log->debug('*** INSIDE BASE METHOD ***');
-Here we print a log message and store the DBIC resultset in
+Here we print a log message and store the DBIC ResultSet in
C<$c-E<gt>stash-E<gt>{resultset}> so that it's automatically available
for other actions that chain off C<base>. If your controller always
needs a book ID as it's first argument, you could have the base method
@@ -585,7 +585,7 @@
=head2 Include a Delete Link in the List
-Edit C<root/src/books/list.tt2> and update it to the following (two
+Edit C<root/src/books/list.tt2> and update it to match the following (two
sections have changed: 1) the additional '<th>Links</th>' table header,
and 2) the four lines for the Delete link near the bottom).
@@ -928,6 +928,461 @@
to use the "query param" technique shown here in your applications.
+In this section we will explore some additional capabilities offered
+by DBIx::Class. Although these features have relatively little to do
+with Catalyst per-se, you will almost certainly want to take advantage
+of them in your applications.
+=head2 Convert to DBIC "load_namespaces"
+If you look back at
+L<Catalyst::Manual::Tutorial::MoreCatalystBasics/Create Static DBIC
+Schema Files> you will recall that we load our DBIC Result Classes
+(Books.pm, Authors.pm and BookAuthors.pm) with in
+C<lib/MyApp/Schema.pm> with the C<load_classes> feature. Although
+this method is perfectly valid, the DBIC community has migrated to a
+newer C<load_namespaces> technique because it more easily supports a
+variety of advanced features. Since we want to explore some of these
+features below, let's first migrate our configuration over to use
+If you are following along in Ubuntu 8.10, you will need to
+upgrade your version of
+to 0.22 or higher. To do this, we can install directly from CPAN:
+ $ cpan Catalyst::Model::DBIC::Schema
+Then make sure you are running an appropriate version:
+ $ perl -MCatalyst::Model::DBIC::Schema -e \
+ 'print "$Catalyst::Model::DBIC::Schema::VERSION\n"'
+ 0.22
+Make sure you get version 0.22 or higher.
+B<Note:> Utuntu will automatically "do the right thing" and use the
+module we installed from CPAN and ignore the older version we picked
+up via the C<apt-get> command. If you are using a different
+environment, you will need to make sure you are using v0.22 or higher
+with the command above.
+While we are at it, let's install a few other modules from CPAN for
+some of the other work we will be doing below:
+ $ cpan Time::Warp DBICx::TestDatabase \
+ DBIx::Class::DynamicDefault DBIx::Class::TimeStamp
+Next, we need to delete the existing C<lib/MyApp/Schema.pm> so that
+the Catalyst DBIC helper will recreate it. Then we re-generate
+the model and schema information:
+ $ rm lib/MyApp/Schema.pm
+ $ script/myapp_create.pl model DB DBIC::Schema MyApp::Schema \
+ create=static components=TimeStamp dbi:SQLite:myapp.db
+ exists "/root/dev/MyApp/script/../lib/MyApp/Model"
+ exists "/root/dev/MyApp/script/../t"
+ Dumping manual schema for MyApp::Schema to directory /root/dev/MyApp/script/../lib ...
+ Schema dump completed.
+ exists "/root/dev/MyApp/script/../lib/MyApp/Model/DB.pm"
+ $
+ $ ls lib/MyApp/Schema
+ Authors.pm BookAuthors.pm Books.pm Result
+ $ ls lib/MyApp/Schema/Result
+ Authors.pm BookAuthors.pm Books.pm
+Notice that we now have a duplicate set of Result Class files. With
+the newer C<load_namespaces> feature, DBIC automatically looks for
+your Result Class files in a subdirectory of the Schema directory
+called C<Result> (the files in C<lib/MyApp/Schema> were already there
+from Part 3 of the tutorial; the files in C<lib/MyApp/Schema/Result>
+are new).
+If you are using SQLite, you will need to manually re-enter the
+relationship configuration as we did in Part 3 of the tutorial (if you
+are using different database, the relationships might have been auto-
+generated by Schema::Loader). One option is to use the following
+command-line perl script to migrate the information across
+ $ cd lib/MyApp/Schema
+ $ perl -MIO::All -e 'for (@ARGV) { my $s < io($_); $s =~ s/.*\n\# You can replace.*?\n//s;
+ $s =~ s/'MyApp::Schema::/'MyApp::Schema::Result::/g; my $d < io("Result/$_");
+ $d =~ s/1;\n?//; "$d$s" > io("Result/$_"); }' *.pm
+ $ cd ../../..
+If you prefer, you can do the migration by hand using "cut and paste"
+from the files in C<lib/MyApp/Schema> (or from
+L<Catalyst::Manual::Tutorial::MoreCatalystBasics/Updating the Generated DBIC Schema Files>)
+to the corresponding files in C<lib/MyApp/Schema/Result>. If you take
+this approach, be sure to add C<::Result> to the end of
+C<MyApp::Schema> in all three files (for example, in C<Books.pm>, the
+"peer class" in the C<has_many> relationship needs to be changed from
+C<MyApp::Schema::BookAuthors> to C<MyApp::Schema::BookAuthors::Result>).
+Now we can remove the original set of Result Class files that we no
+longer need:
+ $ rm lib/MyApp/Schema/*.pm
+ $ ls lib/MyApp/Schema
+ Result
+Finally, test the application to be sure everything is still
+working under our new configuration. Use the
+C<script/myapp_server.pl> command to start the development server and
+point your browser to L<http://localhost:3000/books/list>. Make sure
+you see the existing list of books.
+=head2 Add Datetime Columns to Our Existing Books Table
+Let's add two columns to our existing C<books> table to track when
+each book was added and when each book is updated:
+ $ sqlite3 myapp.db
+ sqlite> ALTER TABLE books ADD created INTEGER;
+ sqlite> ALTER TABLE books ADD updated INTEGER;
+ sqlite> UPDATE books SET created = DATETIME('NOW'), updated = DATETIME('NOW');
+ sqlite> SELECT * FROM books;
+ 1|CCSP SNRS Exam Certification Guide|5|2009-03-03 07:31:32|2009-03-03 07:31:32
+ 2|TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 1|5|2009-03-03 07:31:32|2009-03-03 07:31:32
+ ...
+ sqlite> .quit
+ $
+This will modify the C<books> table to include the two new fields
+and populate those fields with the current time.
+=head2 Update DBIC to Automatically Handle the Datetime Columns
+Next, we should re-run the DBIC helper to update the Result Classes
+with the new fields:
+ $ script/myapp_create.pl model DB DBIC::Schema MyApp::Schema \
+ create=static components=TimeStamp dbi:SQLite:myapp.db
+ exists "/root/dev/MyApp/script/../lib/MyApp/Model"
+ exists "/root/dev/MyApp/script/../t"
+ Dumping manual schema for MyApp::Schema to directory /root/dev/MyApp/script/../lib ...
+ Schema dump completed.
+ exists "/root/dev/MyApp/script/../lib/MyApp/Model/DB.pm"
+Notice that we modified our use of the helper slightly: we told
+it to include the L<DBIx::Class::Timestamp|DBIx::Class::Timestamp>
+in the C<load_components> line of the Result Classes.
+If you open C<lib/MyApp/Schema/Result/Books.pm> in your editor you
+should see that the C<created> and C<updated> fields are now included
+in the call to add_columns(), but our relationship information below
+the "C<# DO NOT MODIFY...>" line was automatically preserved.
+While we have this file open, let's update it with some additional
+information to have DBIC automatically handle the updating of these
+two fields for us. Insert the following code at the bottom of the
+file (it B<must> be B<below> the "C<# DO NOT MODIFY...>" line and
+B<above> the C<1;> on the last line):
+ #
+ # Enable automatic date handling
+ #
+ __PACKAGE__->add_columns(
+ "created",
+ { data_type => 'datetime', set_on_create => 1 },
+ "updated",
+ { data_type => 'datetime', set_on_create => 1, set_on_update => 1 },
+ );
+This will override the definition for these fields that Schema::Loader
+placed at the top of the file. The C<set_on_create> and
+C<set_on_update> options will cause DBIC to automatically update the
+timestamps in these columns whenever a row is created or modified.
+To test this out, restart the development server using the
+C<DBIC_TRACE=1> option:
+ DBIC_TRACE=1 script/myapp_server.pl
+Then enter the following URL into your web browser:
+ http://localhost:3000/books/url_create/TCPIP_Illustrated_Vol-2/5/4
+You should get the same "Book Created" screen we saw above. However,
+if you now use the sqlite3 command-line tool to dump the C<books> table,
+you will see that the new book we added has an appropriate date and
+time entered for it (see the last line in the listing below):
+ sqlite3 myapp.db "select * from books"
+ 1|CCSP SNRS Exam Certification Guide|5|2009-03-05 17:18:53|2009-03-05 17:18:53
+ 2|TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 1|5|2009-03-05 17:18:53|2009-03-05 17:18:53
+ 3|Internetworking with TCP/IP Vol.1|4|2009-03-05 17:18:53|2009-03-05 17:18:53
+ 4|Perl Cookbook|5|2009-03-05 17:18:53|2009-03-05 17:18:53
+ 5|Designing with Web Standards|5|2009-03-05 17:18:53|2009-03-05 17:18:53
+ 9|TCP/IP Illustrated, Vol 3|5|2009-03-05 17:18:53|2009-03-05 17:18:53
+ 10|TCPIP_Illustrated_Vol-2|5|2009-03-05 17:24:18|2009-03-05 17:24:18
+Notice in the debug log that the SQL DBIC generated has changed to
+incorporate the datetime logic:
+ INSERT INTO books (created, rating, title, updated) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?):
+ '2009-03-05 17:24:18', '5', 'TCPIP_Illustrated_Vol-2', '2009-03-05 17:24:18'
+ INSERT INTO book_authors (author_id, book_id) VALUES (?, ?): '4', '10'
+=head2 Create a ResultSet Class
+An often overlooked but extremly powerful features of DBIC is that it
+allows you to supply your own subclasses of C<DBIx::Class::ResultSet>.
+It allows you to pull complex and unsightly "query code" out of your
+controllers and encapsulate it in a method of your ResultSet Class.
+These "canned queries" in your ResultSet Class can then be invoked
+via a single call, resulting in much cleaner and easier to read
+controller code.
+To illustrate the concept with a fairly simple example, let's create a
+method that returns books added in the last 10 minutes. Start by
+making a directory where DBIC will look for our ResultSet Class:
+ mkdir lib/MyApp/Schema/ResultSet
+Then open C<lib/MyApp/Schema/ResultSet/Books.pm> and enter the following:
+ package MyApp::Schema::ResultSet::Books;
+ use strict;
+ use warnings;
+ use base 'DBIx::Class::ResultSet';
+ =head2 created_after
+ A predefined search for recently added books
+ =cut
+ sub created_after {
+ my ($self, $datetime) = @_;
+ my $date_str = $self->_source_handle->schema->storage
+ ->datetime_parser->format_datetime($datetime);
+ return $self->search({
+ created => { '>' => $date_str }
+ });
+ }
+ 1;
+Then we need to tell the Result Class to to treat this as a ResultSet
+Class. Open C<lib/MyApp/Schema/Result/Books.pm> and add the following
+above the "C<1;>" at the bottom of the file:
+ #
+ # Set ResultSet Class
+ #
+ __PACKAGE__->resultset_class('MyApp::Schema::ResultSet::Books');
+Then add the following method to the C<lib/MyApp/Controller/Books.pm>:
+ =head2 list_recent
+ List recently created books
+ =cut
+ sub list_recent :Chained('base') :PathPart('list_recent') :Args(1) {
+ my ($self, $c, $mins) = @_;
+ # Retrieve all of the book records as book model objects and store in the
+ # stash where they can be accessed by the TT template, but only
+ # retrieve books created within the last $min number of minutes
+ $c->stash->{books} = [$c->model('DB::Books')
+ ->created_after(DateTime->now->subtract(minutes => $mins))];
+ # Set the TT template to use. You will almost always want to do this
+ # in your action methods (action methods respond to user input in
+ # your controllers).
+ $c->stash->{template} = 'books/list.tt2';
+ }
+Now start the development server with C<DBIC_TRACE=1> and try
+different values for the minutes argument (the final number value) for
+the URL C<http://localhost:3000/books/list_recent/10>. For example,
+this would list all books added in the last fifteen minutes:
+ http://localhost:3000/books/list_recent/15
+Depending on how recently you added books, you might want to
+try a higher or lower value.
+=head2 Chaining ResultSets
+One of the most helpful and powerful features in DBIC is that it
+allows you to "chain together" a series of queries (note that this has
+nothing to do with the "Chained Dispatch" for Catalyst that we were
+discussing above). Because each ResultSet returns another ResultSet,
+you can take an initial query and immediately feed that into a second
+query (and so on for as many queries you need). And, because this
+technique carries over to the ResultSet Class feature we implemented
+in the previous section for our "canned search", we can combine the
+two capabilities. For example, let's add an action to our C<Books>
+controller that lists books that are both recent I<and> have "TCP" in
+the title. Open up C<lib/MyApp/Controller/Books.pm> and add the
+following method:
+ =head2 list_recent
+ List recently created books
+ =cut
+ sub list_recent_tcp :Chained('base') :PathPart('list_recent_tcp') :Args(1) {
+ my ($self, $c, $mins) = @_;
+ # Retrieve all of the book records as book model objects and store in the
+ # stash where they can be accessed by the TT template, but only
+ # retrieve books created within the last $min number of minutes
+ # AND that have 'TCP' in the title
+ $c->stash->{books} = [$c->model('DB::Books')
+ ->created_after(DateTime->now->subtract(minutes => $mins))
+ ->search({title => {'like', '%TCP%'}})
+ ];
+ # Set the TT template to use. You will almost always want to do this
+ # in your action methods (action methods respond to user input in
+ # your controllers).
+ $c->stash->{template} = 'books/list.tt2';
+ }
+To try this out, restart the development server with:
+ DBIC_TRACE=1 script/myapp_server.pl
+And enter the following URL into your browser:
+ http://localhost:3000/books/list_recent_tcp/100
+And you should get a list of books added in the last 100 minutes that
+contain the string "TCP" in the title. However, if you look at all
+books within the last 100 minutes, you should get a longer list
+(again, you might have to adjust the number of minutes depending on
+how recently you added books to your database):
+ http://localhost:3000/books/list_recent/100
+Take a look at the DBIC_TRACE output in the development server log for
+the first URL and you should see something similar to the following:
+ SELECT me.id, me.title, me.rating, me.created, me.updated FROM books me
+ WHERE ( ( ( title LIKE ? ) AND ( created > ? ) ) ): '%TCP%', '2009-03-05 15:52:57'
+However, let's not pollute our controller code with this raw "TCP"
+query -- it would be cleaner to encapsulate that code in a method on
+our ResultSet Class. To do this, open
+C<lib/MyApp/Schema/ResultSet/Books.pm> and add the following method:
+ =head2 title_like
+ A predefined search for books with a 'LIKE' search in the string
+ =cut
+ sub title_like {
+ my ($self, $title_str) = @_;
+ return $self->search({
+ title => { 'like' => "%$title_str%" }
+ });
+ }
+We defined the search string as C<$title_str> to make the method more
+flexible. Now update the C<list_recent_tcp> method in
+C<lib/MyApp/Controller/Books.pm> to match the following (we have
+replaced the C<-E<gt>search> line with the C<-E<gt>title_like> line
+shown here -- the rest of the method should be the same):
+ =head2 list_recent_tcp
+ List recently created books
+ =cut
+ sub list_recent_tcp :Chained('base') :PathPart('list_recent_tcp') :Args(1) {
+ my ($self, $c, $mins) = @_;
+ # Retrieve all of the book records as book model objects and store in the
+ # stash where they can be accessed by the TT template, but only
+ # retrieve books created within the last $min number of minutes
+ # AND that have 'TCP' in the title
+ $c->stash->{books} = [$c->model('DB::Books')
+ ->created_after(DateTime->now->subtract(minutes => $mins))
+ ->title_like('TCP')
+ ];
+ # Set the TT template to use. You will almost always want to do this
+ # in your action methods (action methods respond to user input in
+ # your controllers).
+ $c->stash->{template} = 'books/list.tt2';
+ }
+Then restart the development server and try out the C<list_recent_tcp>
+and C<list_recent> URL as we did above. It should work just the same,
+but our code is obviously cleaner and more modular, while also being
+more flexible at the same time.
+=head2 Adding Methods to Result Classes
+In the previous two sections we saw a good example of how we could use
+DBIC ResultSet Classes to clean up our code for an entire query (for
+example, our "canned searches" that filtered the entire query). We
+can do a similar improvement when working with individual rows as
+well. Whereas the ResultSet construct is used in DBIC to correspond
+to an entire query, the Result Class construct is used to represent a
+row. Therefore, we can add row-specific "helper methods" to our Result
+Classes stored in C<lib/MyApp/Schema/Result/>. For example, open
+C<lib/MyApp/Schema/Result/Authors.pm> and add the following method
+(as always, it must be above the closing "C<1;>"):
+ #
+ # Helper methods
+ #
+ sub full_name {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ return $self->first_name . ' ' . $self->last_name;
+ }
+This will allow us to conveniently retrieve both the first and last
+name for an author in one shot. Now open C<root/src/books/list.tt2>
+and change the definition of C<tt_authors> from this:
+ [% tt_authors = [ ];
+ tt_authors.push(author.last_name) FOREACH author = book.authors %]
+ [% tt_authors = [ ];
+ tt_authors.push(author.full_name) FOREACH author = book.authors %]
+(Only C<author.last_name> was changed to C<author.full_name> -- the
+rest of the file should remain the same.)
+Now restart the development server and go to the standard book list
+ http://localhost:3000/books/list
+The "Author(s)" column will now contain both the first and last name.
+And, because the concatenation logic was encapsulated inside our
+Result Class, it keeps the code inside our .tt template nice and clean
+(remember, we want the templates to be as close to pure HTML markup as
+possible). Obviously, this capability becomes even more useful as you
+use to to remove even more complicated row-specific logic from your
=head1 AUTHOR
Kennedy Clark, C<hkclark at gmail.com>
Modified: Catalyst-Manual/5.70/trunk/lib/Catalyst/Manual/Tutorial/MoreCatalystBasics.pod
--- Catalyst-Manual/5.70/trunk/lib/Catalyst/Manual/Tutorial/MoreCatalystBasics.pod 2009-03-05 16:33:25 UTC (rev 9434)
+++ Catalyst-Manual/5.70/trunk/lib/Catalyst/Manual/Tutorial/MoreCatalystBasics.pod 2009-03-05 17:57:54 UTC (rev 9435)
@@ -1111,32 +1111,10 @@
Ubuntu 8.10 uses the older DBIC C<load_classes> vs. the newer
C<load_namspaces> technique. For new applications, please try to use
C<load_namespaces> since it more easily supports a very useful DBIC
-technique called "ResultSet Classes." This tutorial expects to migrate to
-C<load_namespaces> when the next release of Ubuntu comes out.
+technique called "ResultSet Classes." We will migrate to
+C<load_namespaces> in Part 4 (BasicCRUD) of this tutorial.
-If you wish to try C<load_namespaces> now, you can manually do the
-equivalent of the C<create=static> operation outside of the Catalyst
- perl -MDBIx::Class::Schema::Loader=make_schema_at,dump_to_dir:./lib -e \
- 'make_schema_at("MyApp::Schema", { debug => 1, use_namespaces => 1, \
- components => ["InflateColumn::DateTime"] },["dbi:SQLite:myapp.db", "", "" ])'
-And then use the helper to only create the Catalyst model class:
- script/myapp_create.pl model DB DBIC::Schema MyApp::Schema dbi:SQLite:myapp.db
-B<However>, it is important to note that C<load_namespaces> will look
-for your C<Books.pm>, <Authors.pm>, etc. files in
-C<lib/MyApp/Schema/Result> (it adds the subdirection "Result" so that
-there can also be a "ResultSet" directory next to it in the
-hierarchy). Therefore, if you switch to C<load_namespaces>, you will
-need to modify the path to these "result class" files throughout the
-rest of the tutorial. Our recommendation for now would be to complete
-the tutorial using C<load_classes> and the try converting to
-C<load_namespaces> after you are done.
=head2 Updating the Generated DBIC Schema Files
Let's manually add some relationship information to the auto-generated
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