[Catalyst-commits] r9524 -
lukes at dev.catalyst.perl.org
lukes at dev.catalyst.perl.org
Wed Mar 18 19:05:30 GMT 2009
Author: lukes
Date: 2009-03-18 19:05:30 +0000 (Wed, 18 Mar 2009)
New Revision: 9524
fixed indentation of list
Modified: Catalyst-Controller-DBIC-API/1.001/trunk/t/rpc/list.t
--- Catalyst-Controller-DBIC-API/1.001/trunk/t/rpc/list.t 2009-03-18 19:01:40 UTC (rev 9523)
+++ Catalyst-Controller-DBIC-API/1.001/trunk/t/rpc/list.t 2009-03-18 19:05:30 UTC (rev 9524)
@@ -25,160 +25,160 @@
# test open request
- my $req = GET( $artist_list_url, {
+ my $req = GET( $artist_list_url, {
- }, 'Accept' => 'text/x-json' );
- $mech->request($req);
- cmp_ok( $mech->status, '==', 200, 'open attempt okay' );
+ }, 'Accept' => 'text/x-json' );
+ $mech->request($req);
+ cmp_ok( $mech->status, '==', 200, 'open attempt okay' );
- my @expected_response = map { { $_->get_columns } } $schema->resultset('Artist')->all;
- my $response = JSON::Syck::Load( $mech->content);
- is_deeply( { list => \@expected_response, success => 'true' }, $response, 'correct message returned' );
+ my @expected_response = map { { $_->get_columns } } $schema->resultset('Artist')->all;
+ my $response = JSON::Syck::Load( $mech->content);
+ is_deeply( { list => \@expected_response, success => 'true' }, $response, 'correct message returned' );
- my $uri = URI->new( $artist_list_url );
- $uri->query_form({ 'search.artistid' => 1 });
- my $req = GET( $uri, 'Accept' => 'text/x-json' );
- $mech->request($req);
- cmp_ok( $mech->status, '==', 200, 'attempt with basic search okay' );
+ my $uri = URI->new( $artist_list_url );
+ $uri->query_form({ 'search.artistid' => 1 });
+ my $req = GET( $uri, 'Accept' => 'text/x-json' );
+ $mech->request($req);
+ cmp_ok( $mech->status, '==', 200, 'attempt with basic search okay' );
- my @expected_response = map { { $_->get_columns } } $schema->resultset('Artist')->search({ artistid => 1 })->all;
- my $response = JSON::Syck::Load( $mech->content);
- is_deeply( { list => \@expected_response, success => 'true' }, $response, 'correct data returned' );
+ my @expected_response = map { { $_->get_columns } } $schema->resultset('Artist')->search({ artistid => 1 })->all;
+ my $response = JSON::Syck::Load( $mech->content);
+ is_deeply( { list => \@expected_response, success => 'true' }, $response, 'correct data returned' );
- my $uri = URI->new( $artist_list_url );
- $uri->query_form({ 'search.name.LIKE' => '%waul%' });
- my $req = GET( $uri, 'Accept' => 'text/x-json' );
- $mech->request($req);
- cmp_ok( $mech->status, '==', 200, 'attempt with basic search okay' );
+ my $uri = URI->new( $artist_list_url );
+ $uri->query_form({ 'search.name.LIKE' => '%waul%' });
+ my $req = GET( $uri, 'Accept' => 'text/x-json' );
+ $mech->request($req);
+ cmp_ok( $mech->status, '==', 200, 'attempt with basic search okay' );
- my @expected_response = map { { $_->get_columns } } $schema->resultset('Artist')->search({ name => { LIKE => '%waul%' }})->all;
- my $response = JSON::Syck::Load( $mech->content);
- is_deeply( { list => \@expected_response, success => 'true' }, $response, 'correct data returned for complex query' );
+ my @expected_response = map { { $_->get_columns } } $schema->resultset('Artist')->search({ name => { LIKE => '%waul%' }})->all;
+ my $response = JSON::Syck::Load( $mech->content);
+ is_deeply( { list => \@expected_response, success => 'true' }, $response, 'correct data returned for complex query' );
- my $uri = URI->new( $artist_list_url );
- $uri->query_form({ 'search' => '{"name":{"LIKE":"%waul%"}}' });
- my $req = GET( $uri, 'Accept' => 'text/x-json' );
- $mech->request($req);
- cmp_ok( $mech->status, '==', 200, 'attempt with basic search okay' );
+ my $uri = URI->new( $artist_list_url );
+ $uri->query_form({ 'search' => '{"name":{"LIKE":"%waul%"}}' });
+ my $req = GET( $uri, 'Accept' => 'text/x-json' );
+ $mech->request($req);
+ cmp_ok( $mech->status, '==', 200, 'attempt with basic search okay' );
- my @expected_response = map { { $_->get_columns } } $schema->resultset('Artist')->search({ name => { LIKE => '%waul%' }})->all;
- my $response = JSON::Syck::Load( $mech->content);
- is_deeply( { list => \@expected_response, success => 'true' }, $response, 'correct data returned for complex query' );
+ my @expected_response = map { { $_->get_columns } } $schema->resultset('Artist')->search({ name => { LIKE => '%waul%' }})->all;
+ my $response = JSON::Syck::Load( $mech->content);
+ is_deeply( { list => \@expected_response, success => 'true' }, $response, 'correct data returned for complex query' );
- my $uri = URI->new( $producer_list_url );
- my $req = GET( $uri, 'Accept' => 'text/x-json' );
- $mech->request($req);
- cmp_ok( $mech->status, '==', 200, 'open producer request okay' );
+ my $uri = URI->new( $producer_list_url );
+ my $req = GET( $uri, 'Accept' => 'text/x-json' );
+ $mech->request($req);
+ cmp_ok( $mech->status, '==', 200, 'open producer request okay' );
- my @expected_response = map { { $_->get_columns } } $schema->resultset('Producer')->search({}, { select => ['name'] })->all;
- my $response = JSON::Syck::Load( $mech->content);
-# use Data::Dumper; warn Dumper($response, \@expected_response);
- is_deeply( { list => \@expected_response, success => 'true' }, $response, 'correct data returned for class with list_returns specified' );
+ my @expected_response = map { { $_->get_columns } } $schema->resultset('Producer')->search({}, { select => ['name'] })->all;
+ my $response = JSON::Syck::Load( $mech->content);
+ # use Data::Dumper; warn Dumper($response, \@expected_response);
+ is_deeply( { list => \@expected_response, success => 'true' }, $response, 'correct data returned for class with list_returns specified' );
- my $uri = URI->new( $artist_list_url );
- $uri->query_form({ 'search.cds.title' => 'Forkful of bees' });
- my $req = GET( $uri, 'Accept' => 'text/x-json' );
- $mech->request($req);
- cmp_ok( $mech->status, '==', 200, 'search related request okay' );
+ my $uri = URI->new( $artist_list_url );
+ $uri->query_form({ 'search.cds.title' => 'Forkful of bees' });
+ my $req = GET( $uri, 'Accept' => 'text/x-json' );
+ $mech->request($req);
+ cmp_ok( $mech->status, '==', 200, 'search related request okay' );
- my @expected_response = map { { $_->get_columns } } $schema->resultset('Artist')->search({ 'cds.title' => 'Forkful of bees' }, { join => 'cds' })->all;
- my $response = JSON::Syck::Load( $mech->content);
-# use Data::Dumper; warn Dumper($response, \@expected_response);
- is_deeply( { list => \@expected_response, success => 'true' }, $response, 'correct data returned for class with list_returns specified' );
+ my @expected_response = map { { $_->get_columns } } $schema->resultset('Artist')->search({ 'cds.title' => 'Forkful of bees' }, { join => 'cds' })->all;
+ my $response = JSON::Syck::Load( $mech->content);
+ # use Data::Dumper; warn Dumper($response, \@expected_response);
+ is_deeply( { list => \@expected_response, success => 'true' }, $response, 'correct data returned for class with list_returns specified' );
- my $uri = URI->new( $track_list_url );
- $uri->query_form({ 'order_by' => 'position' });
- my $req = GET( $uri, 'Accept' => 'text/x-json' );
- $mech->request($req);
- cmp_ok( $mech->status, '==', 200, 'search related request okay' );
+ my $uri = URI->new( $track_list_url );
+ $uri->query_form({ 'order_by' => 'position' });
+ my $req = GET( $uri, 'Accept' => 'text/x-json' );
+ $mech->request($req);
+ cmp_ok( $mech->status, '==', 200, 'search related request okay' );
- my @expected_response = map { { $_->get_columns } } $schema->resultset('Track')->search({}, { group_by => 'position', order_by => 'position ASC', select => 'position' })->all;
- my $response = JSON::Syck::Load( $mech->content);
-# use Data::Dumper; warn Dumper($response, \@expected_response);
- is_deeply( { list => \@expected_response, success => 'true' }, $response, 'correct data returned for class with everything specified in class' );
+ my @expected_response = map { { $_->get_columns } } $schema->resultset('Track')->search({}, { group_by => 'position', order_by => 'position ASC', select => 'position' })->all;
+ my $response = JSON::Syck::Load( $mech->content);
+ # use Data::Dumper; warn Dumper($response, \@expected_response);
+ is_deeply( { list => \@expected_response, success => 'true' }, $response, 'correct data returned for class with everything specified in class' );
- my $uri = URI->new( $track_list_url );
- $uri->query_form({ 'list_ordered_by' => 'cd', 'list_returns' => 'cd', 'list_grouped_by' => 'cd' });
- my $req = GET( $uri, 'Accept' => 'text/x-json' );
- $mech->request($req);
- cmp_ok( $mech->status, '==', 200, 'search related request okay' );
+ my $uri = URI->new( $track_list_url );
+ $uri->query_form({ 'list_ordered_by' => 'cd', 'list_returns' => 'cd', 'list_grouped_by' => 'cd' });
+ my $req = GET( $uri, 'Accept' => 'text/x-json' );
+ $mech->request($req);
+ cmp_ok( $mech->status, '==', 200, 'search related request okay' );
- my @expected_response = map { { $_->get_columns } } $schema->resultset('Track')->search({}, { group_by => 'cd', order_by => 'cd ASC', select => 'cd' })->all;
- my $response = JSON::Syck::Load( $mech->content);
-# use Data::Dumper; warn Dumper($response, \@expected_response);
- is_deeply( { list => \@expected_response, success => 'true' }, $response, 'correct data returned when everything overridden in query' );
+ my @expected_response = map { { $_->get_columns } } $schema->resultset('Track')->search({}, { group_by => 'cd', order_by => 'cd ASC', select => 'cd' })->all;
+ my $response = JSON::Syck::Load( $mech->content);
+ # use Data::Dumper; warn Dumper($response, \@expected_response);
+ is_deeply( { list => \@expected_response, success => 'true' }, $response, 'correct data returned when everything overridden in query' );
- my $uri = URI->new( $track_list_url );
- $uri->query_form({ 'list_ordered_by' => 'cd', 'list_count' => 2 });
- my $req = GET( $uri, 'Accept' => 'text/x-json' );
- $mech->request($req);
- cmp_ok( $mech->status, '==', 200, 'list count request okay' );
+ my $uri = URI->new( $track_list_url );
+ $uri->query_form({ 'list_ordered_by' => 'cd', 'list_count' => 2 });
+ my $req = GET( $uri, 'Accept' => 'text/x-json' );
+ $mech->request($req);
+ cmp_ok( $mech->status, '==', 200, 'list count request okay' );
- my @expected_response = map { { $_->get_columns } } $schema->resultset('Track')->search({}, { group_by => 'position', order_by => 'position ASC', select => 'position', rows => 2 })->all;
- my $response = JSON::Syck::Load( $mech->content);
-# use Data::Dumper; warn Dumper($response, \@expected_response);
- is_deeply( { list => \@expected_response, success => 'true' }, $response, 'correct data returned' );
+ my @expected_response = map { { $_->get_columns } } $schema->resultset('Track')->search({}, { group_by => 'position', order_by => 'position ASC', select => 'position', rows => 2 })->all;
+ my $response = JSON::Syck::Load( $mech->content);
+ # use Data::Dumper; warn Dumper($response, \@expected_response);
+ is_deeply( { list => \@expected_response, success => 'true' }, $response, 'correct data returned' );
- my $uri = URI->new( $track_list_url );
- $uri->query_form({ 'list_ordered_by' => 'cd', 'list_count' => 2, 'list_page' => 'fgdg' });
- my $req = GET( $uri, 'Accept' => 'text/x-json' );
- $mech->request($req);
- cmp_ok( $mech->status, '==', 400, 'non numeric list_page request not okay' );
- my $response = JSON::Syck::Load( $mech->content);
- is_deeply({ success => 'false', messages => ["list_page must be numeric"]}, $response, 'correct data returned' );
+ my $uri = URI->new( $track_list_url );
+ $uri->query_form({ 'list_ordered_by' => 'cd', 'list_count' => 2, 'list_page' => 'fgdg' });
+ my $req = GET( $uri, 'Accept' => 'text/x-json' );
+ $mech->request($req);
+ cmp_ok( $mech->status, '==', 400, 'non numeric list_page request not okay' );
+ my $response = JSON::Syck::Load( $mech->content);
+ is_deeply({ success => 'false', messages => ["list_page must be numeric"]}, $response, 'correct data returned' );
- my $uri = URI->new( $track_list_url );
- $uri->query_form({ 'list_ordered_by' => 'cd', 'list_count' => 'sdsdf', 'list_page' => 2 });
- my $req = GET( $uri, 'Accept' => 'text/x-json' );
- $mech->request($req);
- cmp_ok( $mech->status, '==', 400, 'non numeric list_count request not okay' );
- my $response = JSON::Syck::Load( $mech->content);
- is_deeply({ success => 'false', messages => ["list_count must be numeric"]}, $response, 'correct data returned' );
+ my $uri = URI->new( $track_list_url );
+ $uri->query_form({ 'list_ordered_by' => 'cd', 'list_count' => 'sdsdf', 'list_page' => 2 });
+ my $req = GET( $uri, 'Accept' => 'text/x-json' );
+ $mech->request($req);
+ cmp_ok( $mech->status, '==', 400, 'non numeric list_count request not okay' );
+ my $response = JSON::Syck::Load( $mech->content);
+ is_deeply({ success => 'false', messages => ["list_count must be numeric"]}, $response, 'correct data returned' );
- my $uri = URI->new( $track_list_url );
- $uri->query_form({ 'list_ordered_by' => 'cd', 'list_count' => 2, 'list_page' => 2 });
- my $req = GET( $uri, 'Accept' => 'text/x-json' );
- $mech->request($req);
- cmp_ok( $mech->status, '==', 200, 'list count with page request okay' );
+ my $uri = URI->new( $track_list_url );
+ $uri->query_form({ 'list_ordered_by' => 'cd', 'list_count' => 2, 'list_page' => 2 });
+ my $req = GET( $uri, 'Accept' => 'text/x-json' );
+ $mech->request($req);
+ cmp_ok( $mech->status, '==', 200, 'list count with page request okay' );
- my @expected_response = map { { $_->get_columns } } $schema->resultset('Track')->search({}, { group_by => 'position', order_by => 'position ASC', select => 'position', rows => 2, page => 2 })->all;
- my $response = JSON::Syck::Load( $mech->content);
-# use Data::Dumper; warn Dumper($response, \@expected_response);
- is_deeply( { list => \@expected_response, success => 'true' }, $response, 'correct data returned' );
+ my @expected_response = map { { $_->get_columns } } $schema->resultset('Track')->search({}, { group_by => 'position', order_by => 'position ASC', select => 'position', rows => 2, page => 2 })->all;
+ my $response = JSON::Syck::Load( $mech->content);
+ # use Data::Dumper; warn Dumper($response, \@expected_response);
+ is_deeply( { list => \@expected_response, success => 'true' }, $response, 'correct data returned' );
- my $uri = URI->new( $track_list_url );
- $uri->query_form({ 'list_ordered_by' => 'cd', 'list_page' => 2 });
- my $req = GET( $uri, 'Accept' => 'text/x-json' );
- $mech->request($req);
- cmp_ok( $mech->status, '==', 400, 'list page without count returns error' );
- my $response = JSON::Syck::Load( $mech->content);
-# use Data::Dumper; warn Dumper($response);
- is_deeply( { messages => ['list_page can only be used with list_count'], success => 'false' }, $response, 'correct data returned' );
+ my $uri = URI->new( $track_list_url );
+ $uri->query_form({ 'list_ordered_by' => 'cd', 'list_page' => 2 });
+ my $req = GET( $uri, 'Accept' => 'text/x-json' );
+ $mech->request($req);
+ cmp_ok( $mech->status, '==', 400, 'list page without count returns error' );
+ my $response = JSON::Syck::Load( $mech->content);
+ # use Data::Dumper; warn Dumper($response);
+ is_deeply( { messages => ['list_page can only be used with list_count'], success => 'false' }, $response, 'correct data returned' );
@@ -195,27 +195,27 @@
- my $uri = URI->new( $cd_list_url );
- $uri->query_form({ 'search.artist' => 1 });
- my $req = GET( $uri, 'Accept' => 'text/x-json' );
- $mech->request($req);
- cmp_ok( $mech->status, '==', 200, 'search on column with same name rel request okay' );
+ my $uri = URI->new( $cd_list_url );
+ $uri->query_form({ 'search.artist' => 1 });
+ my $req = GET( $uri, 'Accept' => 'text/x-json' );
+ $mech->request($req);
+ cmp_ok( $mech->status, '==', 200, 'search on column with same name rel request okay' );
- my @expected_response = map { { $_->get_columns } } $schema->resultset('CD')->search({'me.artist' => 1})->all;
- my $response = JSON::Syck::Load( $mech->content);
- #use Data::Dumper; warn Dumper($response, \@expected_response);
- is_deeply( { list => \@expected_response, success => 'true' }, $response, 'correct data returned for search on column with same name rel' );
+ my @expected_response = map { { $_->get_columns } } $schema->resultset('CD')->search({'me.artist' => 1})->all;
+ my $response = JSON::Syck::Load( $mech->content);
+ #use Data::Dumper; warn Dumper($response, \@expected_response);
+ is_deeply( { list => \@expected_response, success => 'true' }, $response, 'correct data returned for search on column with same name rel' );
- my $uri = URI->new( $cd_list_url );
- $uri->query_form({ 'search.title' => 'Spoonful of bees', 'search.tracks.position' => 1 });
- my $req = GET( $uri, 'Accept' => 'text/x-json' );
- $mech->request($req);
- if (cmp_ok( $mech->status, '==', 200, 'search on col which exists for me and related table okay' )) {
- my @expected_response = map { { $_->get_columns } } $schema->resultset('CD')->search({'me.title' => 'Spoonful of bees', 'tracks.position' => 1}, { join => 'tracks' })->all;
- my $response = JSON::Syck::Load( $mech->content);
- #use Data::Dumper; warn Dumper($response, \@expected_response);
- is_deeply( { list => \@expected_response, success => 'true' }, $response, 'correct data returned for search on col which exists for me and related table' );
- }
+ my $uri = URI->new( $cd_list_url );
+ $uri->query_form({ 'search.title' => 'Spoonful of bees', 'search.tracks.position' => 1 });
+ my $req = GET( $uri, 'Accept' => 'text/x-json' );
+ $mech->request($req);
+ if (cmp_ok( $mech->status, '==', 200, 'search on col which exists for me and related table okay' )) {
+ my @expected_response = map { { $_->get_columns } } $schema->resultset('CD')->search({'me.title' => 'Spoonful of bees', 'tracks.position' => 1}, { join => 'tracks' })->all;
+ my $response = JSON::Syck::Load( $mech->content);
+ #use Data::Dumper; warn Dumper($response, \@expected_response);
+ is_deeply( { list => \@expected_response, success => 'true' }, $response, 'correct data returned for search on col which exists for me and related table' );
+ }
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