[Catalyst-commits] r9985 -
hkclark at dev.catalyst.perl.org
hkclark at dev.catalyst.perl.org
Sat May 2 01:12:46 GMT 2009
Author: hkclark
Date: 2009-05-02 01:12:46 +0000 (Sat, 02 May 2009)
New Revision: 9985
Remove DBIC "create=dynamic" section. Hopefully someone will proofread this for typos.
Modified: Catalyst-Manual/5.70/trunk/lib/Catalyst/Manual/Tutorial/MoreCatalystBasics.pod
--- Catalyst-Manual/5.70/trunk/lib/Catalyst/Manual/Tutorial/MoreCatalystBasics.pod 2009-05-01 22:58:53 UTC (rev 9984)
+++ Catalyst-Manual/5.70/trunk/lib/Catalyst/Manual/Tutorial/MoreCatalystBasics.pod 2009-05-02 01:12:46 UTC (rev 9985)
@@ -644,34 +644,161 @@
-Catalyst can be used with virtually any form of datastore available via
-Perl. For example, L<Catalyst::Model::DBI|Catalyst::Model::DBI> can be
-used to access databases through the traditional Perl C<DBI>
-interface. However, most Catalyst applications use some form of
-object-relational mapping (ORM) technology to create objects associated
-with tables in a relational database. Although L<Class::DBI|Class::DBI>
-has been a popular choice in the past, Matt Trout's
-L<DBIx::Class|DBIx::Class> (abbreviated as "DBIC") has rapidly emerged
-as the Perl-based ORM technology of choice. Most new Catalyst
+Catalyst can be used with virtually any form of datastore available
+via Perl. For example, L<Catalyst::Model::DBI|Catalyst::Model::DBI>
+can be used to access databases through the traditional Perl C<DBI>
+interface or you can use a model to access files of any type on the
+filesystem. However, most Catalyst applications use some form of
+object-relational mapping (ORM) technology to create objects
+associated with tables in a relational database. Matt Trout's
+L<DBIx::Class|DBIx::Class> (abbreviated as "DBIC") has rapidly emerged
+as the Perl-based ORM technology of choice. Most new Catalyst
applications rely on DBIC, as will this tutorial.
+Although DBIC has included support for a C<create=dynamic> mode to
+automatically read the database structure every time the application
+starts, it's use is no longer recommended. While it can make
+for "flashy" demos, the use of the C<create=static> mode we use below
+can be implemented just as quickly and provides many advantages (such
+as the ability to add your own methods to the overall DBIC framework,
+a technique that we see in Chapter 4).
-=head2 Create a Dynamic DBIC Model
-Use the C<create=dynamic> model helper option to build a model that
-dynamically reads your database structure every time the application
+=head2 Make Sure You Have a Recent Version of the DBIC Model
+First, let's be sure we have a recent version of the DBIC helper,
+L<Catalyst::Model::DBIC::Schema|Catalyst::Model::DBIC::Schema>, by
+running this command:
+ $ perl -MCatalyst::Model::DBIC::Schema -e \
+ 'print "$Catalyst::Model::DBIC::Schema::VERSION\n"'
+ 0.23
+If you don't have version 0.23 or higher, please run this command
+to install it directly from CPAN:
+ $ sudo cpan Catalyst::Model::DBIC::Schema
+And re-run the version print command to verify that you are now at
+0.23 or higher.
+=head2 Create Static DBIC Schema Files
+Use the model helper with the C<create=static> option to read the
+database with
+L<DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader|DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader> and
+automatically build the required files for us:
$ script/myapp_create.pl model DB DBIC::Schema MyApp::Schema \
- create=dynamic dbi:SQLite:myapp.db
+ create=static components=TimeStamp dbi:SQLite:myapp.db
exists "/home/me/MyApp/script/../lib/MyApp/Model"
exists "/home/me/MyApp/script/../t"
- exists "/home/me/MyApp/script/../lib/MyApp"
- created "/home/me/MyApp/script/../lib/MyApp/Schema.pm"
+ Dumping manual schema for MyApp::Schema to directory /home/me/MyApp/script/../lib ...
+ Schema dump completed.
created "/home/me/MyApp/script/../lib/MyApp/Model/DB.pm"
created "/home/me/MyApp/script/../t/model_DB.t"
+The C<script/myapp_create.pl> command breaks down like this:
+=over 4
+=item *
+C<DB> is the name of the model class to be created by the helper in
+=item *
+C<DBIC::Schema> is the type of the model to create.
+=item *
+C<MyApp::Schema> is the name of the DBIC schema file written to
+=item *
+C<create=static> causes
+L<DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader|DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader> to
+load the schema as it runs and then write that information out
+into files.
+=item *
+C<components=TimeStamp> causes the help to include the
+L<DBIx::Class::TimeStamp|DBIx::Class::TimeStamp> DBIC component.
+=item *
+And finally, C<dbi:SQLite:myapp.db> is the standard DBI connect string
+for use with SQLite.
+If you look in the C<lib/MyApp/Schema.pm> file, you will find that it
+only contains a call to the C<load_namespaces> method. You will also
+find that C<lib/MyApp> contains a C<Schema> subdirectory, which then
+has a subdirectory called "Result". This "Result" subdirectory then
+has files named according to each of the tables in our simple database
+(C<Authors.pm>, C<BookAuthors.pm>, and C<Books.pm>). These three
+files are called "Result Classes" in DBIC nomenclature. Although the
+Result Class files are named after tables in our database, the classes
+correspond to the I<row-level data> that is returned by DBIC (more on
+this later, especially in
+L<Catalyst::Manual::Tutorial::BasicCRUD/EXPLORING THE POWER OF DBIC>).
+The idea with the Result Source files created under
+C<lib/MyApp/Schema/Result> by the C<create=static> option is to only
+edit the files below the C<# DO NOT MODIFY THIS OR ANYTHING ABOVE!>
+warning. If you place all of your changes below that point in the
+file, you can regenerate the automatically created information at the
+top of each file should your database structure get updated.
+Also note the "flow" of the model information across the various files
+and directories. Catalyst will initially load the model from
+C<lib/MyApp/Model/DB.pm>. This file contains a reference to
+C<lib/MyApp/Schema.pm>, so that file is loaded next. Finally, the
+call to C<load_namespaces> in C<Schema.pm> will load each of the
+"Result Class" files from the C<lib/MyApp/Schema/Result> subdirectory.
+The final outcome is that Catalyst will dynamically create three
+table-specific Catalyst models every time the application starts (you
+can see these three model files listed in the debug output generated
+when you launch the application).
+B<NOTE:> Older versions of
+L<Catalyst::Model::DBIC::Schema|Catalyst::Model::DBIC::Schema> use the
+deprecated DBIC C<load_classes> technique instead of the newer
+C<load_namspaces>. For new applications, please try to use
+C<load_namespaces> since it more easily supports a very useful DBIC
+technique called "ResultSet Classes." If you need to convert an
+existing application from "load_classes" to "load_namespaces," you can
+use this process to automate the migration (but first make sure you
+have v0.23 C<Catalyst::Model::DBIC::Schema> as discussed above):
+ $ # First delete the existing schema file to disable "compatibility" mode
+ $ rm lib/MyApp/Schema.pm
+ $
+ $ # Then re-run the helper to build the files for "load_namespaces"
+ $ script/myapp_create.pl model DB DBIC::Schema MyApp::Schema \
+ create=static components=TimeStamp dbi:SQLite:myapp.db
+ $
+ $ # Now convert the existing files over
+ $ cd lib/MyApp/Schema
+ $ perl -MIO::All -e 'for (@ARGV) { my $s < io($_); $s =~ s/.*\n\# You can replace.*?\n//s;
+ $s =~ s/'MyApp::Schema::/'MyApp::Schema::Result::/g; my $d < io("Result/$_");
+ $d =~ s/1;\n?//; "$d$s" > io("Result/$_"); }' *.pm
+ $ cd ../../..
+ $
+ $ # And finally delete the old files
+ $ rm lib/MyApp/Schema/*.pm
+The "C<perl -MIO::ALL ...>" script will copy all the customized
+relationship (and other) information below "C<# DO NOT MODIFY>" line
+from the old files in C<lib/MyApp/Schema> to the new files in
+C<lib/MyApp/Schema/Result> (we will be starting to add some
+"customized relationship information in the section below).
The C<script/myapp_create.pl> command breaks down like this:
=over 4
@@ -704,12 +831,7 @@
-B<NOTE:> Although the C<create=dynamic> option to the DBIC helper
-makes for a nifty demonstration, is only really suitable for very
-small applications. After this demonstration, you should almost always
-use the C<create=static> option that we will switch to below.
Open C<lib/MyApp/Controller/Books.pm> and un-comment the model code we
@@ -1053,125 +1175,6 @@
template -- the wrapper will provide the overall feel of the page.
-First, let's be sure we have a recent version of the DBIC helper,
-L<Catalyst::Model::DBIC::Schema|Catalyst::Model::DBIC::Schema>, by
-running this command:
- $ perl -MCatalyst::Model::DBIC::Schema -e \
- 'print "$Catalyst::Model::DBIC::Schema::VERSION\n"'
- 0.23
-If you don't have version 0.23 or higher, please run this command
-to install it directly from CPAN:
- $ sudo cpan Catalyst::Model::DBIC::Schema
-And re-run the version print command to verify that you are now at
-0.23 or higher.
-=head2 Create Static DBIC Schema Files
-Unlike the previous DBIC section where we had C<create=dynamic>
-automatically discover the structure of the database every time the
-application started, here we will use static schema files for more
-control. This is typical of most "real world" applications.
-One option would be to manually create a separate schema file for each
-table in the database. However, let's use the same
-L<DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader|DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader> we used
-earlier with C<create=dynamic> to build the static files for us.
-First, let's remove the schema file created earlier:
- $ rm lib/MyApp/Schema.pm
-Now regenerate the schema using the C<create=static> option:
- $ script/myapp_create.pl model DB DBIC::Schema MyApp::Schema \
- create=static components=TimeStamp dbi:SQLite:myapp.db
- exists "/home/me/MyApp/script/../lib/MyApp/Model"
- exists "/home/me/MyApp/script/../t"
- Dumping manual schema for MyApp::Schema to directory /home/me/MyApp/script/../lib ...
- Schema dump completed.
- exists "/home/me/MyApp/script/../lib/MyApp/Model/DB.pm"
-We could have also deleted C<lib/MyApp/Model/DB.pm>, but it would
-have regenerated the same file (note the C<exists> in the output above).
-If you take a look at C<lib/MyApp/Model/DB.pm>, it simply contains
-a reference to the actual schema file in C<lib/MyApp/Schema.pm>
-along with the database connect string.
-If you look in the C<lib/MyApp/Schema.pm> file, you will find that it
-is no longer using
-L<DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader|DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader> as its base
-class (L<DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader|DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader> is
-only being used by the helper to load the schema once and then create
-the static files for us) and C<Schema.pm> only contains a call to the
-C<load_namespaces> method. You will also find that C<lib/MyApp>
-contains a C<Schema> subdirectory, which then has a subdirectory
-called "Result". This "Result" subdirectory then has files named
-according to each of the tables in our simple database (C<Authors.pm>,
-C<BookAuthors.pm>, and C<Books.pm>). These three files are called
-"Result Classes" in DBIC nomenclature. Although the Result Class files
-are named after tables in our database, the classes correspond to the
-I<row-level data> that is returned by DBIC (more on this later,
-especially in
-L<Catalyst::Manual::Tutorial::BasicCRUD/EXPLORING THE POWER OF DBIC>).
-The idea with the Result Source files created under
-C<lib/MyApp/Schema/Result> by the C<create=static> option is to only
-edit the files below the C<# DO NOT MODIFY THIS OR ANYTHING ABOVE!>
-warning. If you place all of your changes below that point in the
-file, you can regenerate the automatically created information at the
-top of each file should your database structure get updated.
-Also note the "flow" of the model information across the various files
-and directories. Catalyst will initially load the model from
-C<lib/MyApp/Model/DB.pm>. This file contains a reference to
-C<lib/MyApp/Schema.pm>, so that file is loaded next. Finally, the
-call to C<load_namespaces> in C<Schema.pm> will load each of the
-"Result Class" files from the C<lib/MyApp/Schema/Result> subdirectory.
-The final outcome is that Catalyst will dynamically create three
-table-specific Catalyst models every time the application starts (you
-can see these three model files listed in the debug output generated
-when you launch the application).
-B<NOTE:> Older versions of
-L<Catalyst::Model::DBIC::Schema|Catalyst::Model::DBIC::Schema> use the
-deprecated DBIC C<load_classes> technique instead of the newer
-C<load_namspaces>. For new applications, please try to use
-C<load_namespaces> since it more easily supports a very useful DBIC
-technique called "ResultSet Classes." If you need to convert an
-existing application from "load_classes" to "load_namespaces," you can
-use this process to automate the migration (but first make sure you
-have v0.23 C<Catalyst::Model::DBIC::Schema> as discussed above):
- $ # First delete the existing schema file to disable "compatibility" mode
- $ rm lib/MyApp/Schema.pm
- $
- $ # Then re-run the helper to build the files for "load_namespaces"
- $ script/myapp_create.pl model DB DBIC::Schema MyApp::Schema \
- create=static components=TimeStamp dbi:SQLite:myapp.db
- $
- $ # Now convert the existing files over
- $ cd lib/MyApp/Schema
- $ perl -MIO::All -e 'for (@ARGV) { my $s < io($_); $s =~ s/.*\n\# You can replace.*?\n//s;
- $s =~ s/'MyApp::Schema::/'MyApp::Schema::Result::/g; my $d < io("Result/$_");
- $d =~ s/1;\n?//; "$d$s" > io("Result/$_"); }' *.pm
- $ cd ../../..
- $
- $ # And finally delete the old files
- $ rm lib/MyApp/Schema/*.pm
-The "C<perl -MIO::ALL ...>" script will copy all the customized
-relationship (and other) information below "C<# DO NOT MODIFY>" line
-from the old files in C<lib/MyApp/Schema> to the new files in
-C<lib/MyApp/Schema/Result> (we will be starting to add some
-"customized relationship information in the section below).
=head2 Updating the Generated DBIC Result Class Files
Let's manually add some relationship information to the auto-generated
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