[Catalyst-commits] r11809 - in Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2: . lib lib/Catalyst t t/aggregate t/lib t/lib/TestApp/Controller t/lib/TestApp/Controller/Action

t0m at dev.catalyst.perl.org t0m at dev.catalyst.perl.org
Thu Nov 12 23:43:17 GMT 2009

Author: t0m
Date: 2009-11-12 23:43:17 +0000 (Thu, 12 Nov 2009)
New Revision: 11809

 r11670 at t0mlaptop (orig r11635):  t0m | 2009-10-19 18:02:59 +0100
 Remove warnings from duplicate action declerations
 r11675 at t0mlaptop (orig r11640):  poisonbit | 2009-10-20 21:12:46 +0100
 Example added to #Actions_in_your_application_class
 r11676 at t0mlaptop (orig r11641):  poisonbit | 2009-10-20 21:32:41 +0100
 Formating (a lost space and line break)
 r11677 at t0mlaptop (orig r11642):  poisonbit | 2009-10-20 21:34:45 +0100
 More regresion from 11640, correcting parentheses and endpoint.
 r11678 at t0mlaptop (orig r11643):  poisonbit | 2009-10-20 22:08:47 +0100
 Change in actions inside roles.
 r11679 at t0mlaptop (orig r11644):  poisonbit | 2009-10-20 23:16:03 +0100
 Fixes to pass podchecker OK
 r11714 at t0mlaptop (orig r11679):  rafl | 2009-10-28 23:54:56 +0000
 Enable Catalyst::Utils::home() to find home within Dist::Zilla built dists.
 Courtesy of nperez.
 r11716 at t0mlaptop (orig r11681):  t0m | 2009-10-29 00:43:07 +0000
 Make URI a link to make it super obvious
 r11796 at t0mlaptop (orig r11761):  t0m | 2009-11-05 00:11:15 +0000
 Need newer LWP for tests to pass as suggested on list by Jose Luis Martinez
 r11811 at t0mlaptop (orig r11776):  altreus | 2009-11-06 17:09:51 +0000
 Add doc for no-args call to ->uri_for
 r11813 at t0mlaptop (orig r11778):  dhoss | 2009-11-06 17:13:27 +0000
 fixed options passed to devel server so that author tests pass
 r11814 at t0mlaptop (orig r11779):  altreus | 2009-11-06 17:14:49 +0000
 Amend doc to not mention using undef in ->uri_for
 r11816 at t0mlaptop (orig r11781):  t0m | 2009-11-07 16:50:59 +0000
 Back out change from -port to -l - svn merge -r 11778:11777
 r11823 at t0mlaptop (orig r11788):  rafl | 2009-11-09 22:21:19 +0000
 Make request->body fail when used as a writer.
 r11824 at t0mlaptop (orig r11789):  t0m | 2009-11-10 19:51:33 +0000
 Fix changelog, me--
 r11825 at t0mlaptop (orig r11790):  t0m | 2009-11-10 19:56:09 +0000
 Warn on case_sensitive being set, remove documentation
 r11827 at t0mlaptop (orig r11792):  t0m | 2009-11-10 21:36:06 +0000
 Return 1, only currently works by chance
 r11828 at t0mlaptop (orig r11793):  t0m | 2009-11-10 21:37:26 +0000
 Also retarded
 r11829 at t0mlaptop (orig r11794):  t0m | 2009-11-10 21:41:27 +0000
 And lets not change behaviour with the log flush change..
 r11836 at t0mlaptop (orig r11801):  t0m | 2009-11-12 01:12:05 +0000
 Bring the changelog up to date.
 r11839 at t0mlaptop (orig r11804):  t0m | 2009-11-12 01:44:46 +0000
  r11462 at t0mlaptop (orig r11432):  rafl | 2009-09-27 16:06:26 +0100
  More aggregated tests.
  r11463 at t0mlaptop (orig r11433):  rafl | 2009-09-27 16:06:36 +0100
  Fix a couple of aggregation warnings.
  r11464 at t0mlaptop (orig r11434):  rafl | 2009-09-27 16:06:51 +0100
  More aggregation.
  r11465 at t0mlaptop (orig r11435):  rafl | 2009-09-27 16:28:04 +0100
  Make things run again with aggregation disabled.
  r11838 at t0mlaptop (orig r11803):  t0m | 2009-11-12 01:39:56 +0000
  Patch up changes to tests into new location. This merges parts of the following commits which were missed by svk:
  -r11456:11457 http://dev.catalyst.perl.org/repos/Catalyst/Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/trunk
  -r11467:11468 http://dev.catalyst.perl.org/repos/Catalyst/Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/trunk
 r11841 at t0mlaptop (orig r11806):  bricas | 2009-11-12 17:58:02 +0000
 remove duplicate changelog entry

Property changes on: Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2
Name: svk:merge
   - 1c72fc7c-9ce4-42af-bf25-3bfe470ff1e8:/local/Catalyst/trunk/Catalyst-Runtime:9763
   + 1c72fc7c-9ce4-42af-bf25-3bfe470ff1e8:/local/Catalyst/trunk/Catalyst-Runtime:9763

Modified: Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/Changes
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/Changes	2009-11-12 23:41:17 UTC (rev 11808)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/Changes	2009-11-12 23:43:17 UTC (rev 11809)
@@ -9,13 +9,44 @@
     - Improved the suggested fix warning when component resolution uses regex
       fallback for fully qualified component names.
     - Catalyst::Test::local_request sets ->request on the response.
+    - Require HTTP::Request 5.814 and HTTP::Response 5.813 from LWP 5.814
+      to avoid test fails.
+    - Log flush moved to the end of setup so that roles and plugins which
+      hook setup_finalize can log things and have them appear in application
+      startup, rather than with the first hit.
+    - Require a newer version of LWP to avoid failing tests.
+    - Stop warnings when actions are forwarded to during dispatch.
+    - Remove warnings for using Catalyst::Dispatcher->dispatch_types as this is a
+      valid method to publicly call on the dispatcher.
+  Documentation:
+    - Document no-args call to $c->uri_for.
+    - Document all top level application configuration parameters.
+    - Clarify how to fix actions in your application class (which is
+      deprecated and causes warnings).
+    - Pod fixes for ContextClosure.
+    - Fix documentation for go/visit to reference captures and arguments
+      in the correct order.
+    - Update $c->forward and $c->state documentation to address scalar
+      context.
   New features:
     - Added disable_component_resolution_regex_fallback config option to
       switch off (deprecated) regex fallback for component resolution.
     - Added an nginx-specific behavior to the FastCGI engine to allow
       proper PATH_INFO and SCRIPT_NAME processing for non-root applications
+    - Enable Catalyst::Utils::home() to find home within Dist::Zilla built
+      distributions
+  Refactoring / cleanups:
+    - Remove documentation for the case_sensitive setting
+    - Warning is now emitted at application startup if the case_sensitive
+      setting is turned on. This setting is not used by anyone, not
+      believed to be useful and adds unnecessary complexity to controllers
+      and the dispatcher. If you are using this setting and have good reasons
+      why it should stay then you need to be shouting, now.
+    - Writing to $c->req->body now fails as doing this never makes sense.
 5.80013 2009-09-17 11:07:04
    Bug fixes:

Modified: Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/Makefile.PL
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/Makefile.PL	2009-11-12 23:41:17 UTC (rev 11808)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/Makefile.PL	2009-11-12 23:43:17 UTC (rev 11809)
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@
 requires 'HTML::Entities';
 requires 'HTTP::Body'    => '1.04'; # makes uploadtmp work
 requires 'HTTP::Headers' => '1.64';
-requires 'HTTP::Request';
-requires 'HTTP::Response';
+requires 'HTTP::Request' => '5.814';
+requires 'HTTP::Response' => '5.813';
 requires 'HTTP::Request::AsCGI' => '0.8';
 requires 'LWP::UserAgent';
 requires 'Module::Pluggable' => '3.9';

Modified: Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/lib/Catalyst/Request.pm
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/lib/Catalyst/Request.pm	2009-11-12 23:41:17 UTC (rev 11808)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/lib/Catalyst/Request.pm	2009-11-12 23:43:17 UTC (rev 11809)
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@
 sub body {
   my $self = shift;
-  $self->_body(@_) if scalar @_;
+  croak 'body is a reader' if scalar @_;
   return blessed $self->_body ? $self->_body->body : $self->_body;
@@ -570,7 +570,7 @@
 =head2 $req->uri
-Returns a URI object for the current request. Stringifies to the URI text.
+Returns a L<URI> object for the current request. Stringifies to the URI text.
 =head2 $req->mangle_params( { key => 'value' }, $appendmode);
@@ -677,7 +677,7 @@
 Returns the currently logged in user. B<Highly deprecated>, do not call,
 this will be removed in version 5.81. To retrieve the currently authenticated
-user, see C<< $c->user >> and C<< $c->user_exists >> in 
+user, see C<< $c->user >> and C<< $c->user_exists >> in
 L<Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication>. For the C<REMOTE_USER> provided by the
 webserver, see C<< $req->remote_user >> below.

Modified: Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/lib/Catalyst/Upgrading.pod
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/lib/Catalyst/Upgrading.pod	2009-11-12 23:41:17 UTC (rev 11808)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/lib/Catalyst/Upgrading.pod	2009-11-12 23:43:17 UTC (rev 11809)
@@ -32,7 +32,8 @@
 =head2 Controller actions in Moose roles
-Declaring actions in Roles is currently unsupported.
+You can use L<MooseX::MethodAttributes::Role> if you want to declare actions
+inside Moose roles.
 =head2 Using Moose in Components
@@ -309,8 +310,27 @@
 Having actions in your application class will now emit a warning at application
 startup as this is deprecated. It is highly recommended that these actions are moved
 into a MyApp::Controller::Root (as demonstrated by the scaffold application
-generated by catalyst.pl)
+generated by catalyst.pl). 
+This warning, also affects tests. You should move actions in your test,
+creating a myTest::Controller::Root, like the following example:
+    package MyTest::Controller::Root;
+    use strict;
+    use warnings;
+    use parent 'Catalyst::Controller';
+    __PACKAGE__->config(namespace => '');
+    sub action : Local {
+        my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
+        $c->do_something; 
+    }
+    1;
 =head2 ::[MVC]:: naming scheme
 Having packages called MyApp::[MVC]::XX is deprecated and can no longer be generated
@@ -381,7 +401,7 @@
 Calling the plugin method is deprecated, and calling it at run time is B<highly
-Instead you are recommended to use L< Catalyst::Model::Adaptor > or similar to
+Instead you are recommended to use L<Catalyst::Model::Adaptor> or similar to
 compose the functionality you need outside of the main application name space.
 Calling the plugin method will not be supported past Catalyst 5.81.

Modified: Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/lib/Catalyst/Utils.pm
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/lib/Catalyst/Utils.pm	2009-11-12 23:41:17 UTC (rev 11808)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/lib/Catalyst/Utils.pm	2009-11-12 23:43:17 UTC (rev 11809)
@@ -172,8 +172,9 @@
             # pop off /lib and /blib if they're there
             $home = $home->parent while $home =~ /b?lib$/;
-            # only return the dir if it has a Makefile.PL or Build.PL
-            if (-f $home->file("Makefile.PL") or -f $home->file("Build.PL")) {
+            # only return the dir if it has a Makefile.PL or Build.PL or dist.ini
+            if (-f $home->file("Makefile.PL") or -f $home->file("Build.PL")
+                or -f $home->file("dist.ini")) {
                 # clean up relative path:
                 # MyApp/script/.. -> MyApp

Modified: Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/lib/Catalyst.pm
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/lib/Catalyst.pm	2009-11-12 23:41:17 UTC (rev 11808)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/lib/Catalyst.pm	2009-11-12 23:43:17 UTC (rev 11809)
@@ -1145,7 +1145,6 @@
         my $name = $class->config->{name} || 'Application';
         $class->log->info("$name powered by Catalyst $Catalyst::VERSION");
-    $class->log->_flush() if $class->log->can('_flush');
     # Make sure that the application class becomes immutable at this point,
     B::Hooks::EndOfScope::on_scope_end {
@@ -1170,7 +1169,16 @@
         ) unless $meta->is_immutable;
+    if ($class->config->{case_sensitive}) {
+        $class->log->warn($class . "->config->{case_sensitive} is set.");
+        $class->log->warn("This setting is deprecated and planned to be removed in Catalyst 5.81.");
+    }
+    # Should be the last thing we do so that user things hooking
+    # setup_finalize can log..
+    $class->log->_flush() if $class->log->can('_flush');
+    return 1; # Explicit return true as people have __PACKAGE__->setup as the last thing in their class. HATE.
@@ -1198,7 +1206,7 @@
-=head2 $c->uri_for( $path, @args?, \%query_values? )
+=head2 $c->uri_for( $path?, @args?, \%query_values? )
 =head2 $c->uri_for( $action, \@captures?, @args?, \%query_values? )
@@ -1206,6 +1214,10 @@
 provided path, and the additional arguments and query parameters provided.
 When used as a string, provides a textual URI.
+If no arguments are provided, the URI for the current action is returned.
+To return the current action and also provide @args, use
+C<< $c->uri_for( $c->action, @args ) >>. 
 If the first argument is a string, it is taken as a public URI path relative
 to C<< $c->namespace >> (if it doesn't begin with a forward slash) or
 relative to the application root (if it does). It is then merged with
@@ -2674,10 +2686,6 @@
 =item *
-C<case_sensitive> - Makes private paths case sensitive. See L</CASE SENSITIVITY>.
-=item *
 C<default_model> - The default model picked if you say C<< $c->model >>. See L</$c->model($name)>.
 =item *
@@ -2745,16 +2753,6 @@
     MyApp->config(show_internal_actions => 1);
-By default Catalyst is not case sensitive, so C<MyApp::C::FOO::Bar> is
-mapped to C</foo/bar>. You can activate case sensitivity with a config
-    MyApp->config(case_sensitive => 1);
-This causes C<MyApp::C::Foo::Bar> to map to C</Foo/Bar>.
 The request body is usually parsed at the beginning of a request,

Copied: Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/c3_appclass_bug.t (from rev 11633, Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/c3_appclass_bug.t)
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/c3_appclass_bug.t	                        (rev 0)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/c3_appclass_bug.t	2009-11-12 23:43:17 UTC (rev 11809)
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+use strict;
+use Test::More tests => 1;
+    package TestPlugin;
+    use strict;
+    sub setup {
+        shift->maybe::next::method(@_);
+    }
+    package TestAppC3ErrorUseMoose;
+    use Moose;
+    use Catalyst::Runtime 5.80;
+    use base qw/Catalyst/;
+    use Catalyst qw/
+        +TestPlugin
+    /;
+use Test::Exception;
+lives_ok {
+    TestAppC3ErrorUseMoose->setup();
+} 'No C3 error';

Copied: Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/c3_mro.t (from rev 11633, Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/c3_mro.t)
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/c3_mro.t	                        (rev 0)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/c3_mro.t	2009-11-12 23:43:17 UTC (rev 11809)
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+require Catalyst;
+require Module::Pluggable::Object;
+use MRO::Compat;
+# Get a list of all Catalyst:: packages in blib via M::P::O
+my @cat_mods;
+  # problem with @INC on win32, see:
+  # http://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=26452
+  if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') { require Win32; Win32::GetCwd(); }
+  local @INC = grep {/blib/} @INC;
+  @cat_mods = (
+    'Catalyst',
+    Module::Pluggable::Object->new(search_path => ['Catalyst'])->plugins,
+  );
+# plan one test per found package name
+plan tests => scalar @cat_mods;
+# Try to calculate the C3 MRO for each package
+# In the case that the initial require fails (as in
+# Catalyst::Engine::FastCGI when FCGI is not installed),
+# the calculateMRO eval will not error out, which is
+# effectively a test skip.
+foreach my $cat_mod (@cat_mods) {
+  eval " require $cat_mod ";
+  eval { mro::get_linear_isa($cat_mod, 'c3') };
+  ok(!$@, "calculateMRO for $cat_mod: $@");

Copied: Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/caf_backcompat.t (from rev 11633, Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/caf_backcompat.t)
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/caf_backcompat.t	                        (rev 0)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/caf_backcompat.t	2009-11-12 23:43:17 UTC (rev 11809)
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use Test::Exception;
+use Class::MOP ();
+use Moose::Util ();
+# List of everything which used Class::Accessor::Fast in 5.70.
+my @modules = qw/
+    Catalyst::Action
+    Catalyst::ActionContainer
+    Catalyst::Component
+    Catalyst::Dispatcher
+    Catalyst::DispatchType
+    Catalyst::Engine
+    Catalyst::Log
+    Catalyst::Request::Upload
+    Catalyst::Request
+    Catalyst::Response
+plan tests => scalar @modules;
+foreach my $module (@modules) {
+    Class::MOP::load_class($module);
+    ok Moose::Util::does_role($module => 'MooseX::Emulate::Class::Accessor::Fast'),
+        "$module has Class::Accessor::Fast back-compat";

Copied: Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/custom_live_component_controller_action_auto_doublebug.t (from rev 11633, Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/custom_live_component_controller_action_auto_doublebug.t)
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/custom_live_component_controller_action_auto_doublebug.t	                        (rev 0)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/custom_live_component_controller_action_auto_doublebug.t	2009-11-12 23:43:17 UTC (rev 11809)
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use FindBin;
+use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../lib";
+our $iters;
+BEGIN { $iters = $ENV{CAT_BENCH_ITERS} || 1; }
+use Test::More tests => 3*$iters;
+use Catalyst::Test 'TestAppDoubleAutoBug';
+    require Benchmark;
+    Benchmark::timethis( $iters, \&run_tests );
+else {
+    for ( 1 .. $iters ) {
+        run_tests();
+    }
+sub run_tests {
+    SKIP:
+    {
+        if ( $ENV{CATALYST_SERVER} ) {
+            skip 'Using remote server', 3;
+        }
+        {
+            my @expected = qw[
+                TestAppDoubleAutoBug::Controller::Root->auto
+                TestAppDoubleAutoBug::Controller::Root->default
+                TestAppDoubleAutoBug::Controller::Root->end
+            ];
+            my $expected = join( ", ", @expected );
+            ok( my $response = request('http://localhost/action/auto/one'), 'auto + local' );
+            is( $response->header('X-Catalyst-Executed'),
+                $expected, 'Executed actions' );
+            is( $response->content, 'default, auto=1', 'Content OK' );
+        }
+    }

Copied: Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/custom_live_path_bug.t (from rev 11633, Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/custom_live_path_bug.t)
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/custom_live_path_bug.t	                        (rev 0)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/custom_live_path_bug.t	2009-11-12 23:43:17 UTC (rev 11809)
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use FindBin;
+use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../lib";
+our $iters;
+BEGIN { $iters = $ENV{CAT_BENCH_ITERS} || 1; }
+use Test::More tests => 2*$iters;
+use Catalyst::Test 'TestAppPathBug';
+    require Benchmark;
+    Benchmark::timethis( $iters, \&run_tests );
+else {
+    for ( 1 .. $iters ) {
+        run_tests();
+    }
+sub run_tests {
+    SKIP:
+    {
+        if ( $ENV{CATALYST_SERVER} ) {
+            skip 'Using remote server', 2;
+        }
+        {
+            my $expected = 'This is the foo method.';
+            ok( my $response = request('http://localhost/'), 'response ok' );
+            is( $response->content, $expected, 'Content OK' );
+        }
+    }

Copied: Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/meta_method_unneeded.t (from rev 11633, Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/meta_method_unneeded.t)
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/meta_method_unneeded.t	                        (rev 0)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/meta_method_unneeded.t	2009-11-12 23:43:17 UTC (rev 11809)
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use FindBin qw/$Bin/;
+use lib "$Bin/../lib";
+use Test::More tests => 1;
+use Test::Exception;
+use Carp ();
+# Doing various silly things, like for example
+# use CGI qw/:standard/ in your conrtoller / app
+# will overwrite your meta method, therefore Catalyst
+# can't depend on it being there correctly.
+# This is/was demonstrated by Catalyst::Controller::WrapCGI
+# and Catalyst::Plugin::Cache::Curried
+use Catalyst::Test 'TestAppWithMeta';
+ok( request('/')->is_success );

Copied: Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/unit_controller_actions.t (from rev 11633, Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_controller_actions.t)
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/unit_controller_actions.t	                        (rev 0)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/unit_controller_actions.t	2009-11-12 23:43:17 UTC (rev 11809)
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More tests => 4;
+use Catalyst ();
+    package TestController;
+    use Moose;
+    BEGIN { extends 'Catalyst::Controller' }
+    sub action : Local {}
+    sub foo : Path {}
+    no Moose;
+my $mock_app = Class::MOP::Class->create_anon_class( superclasses => ['Catalyst'] );
+my $app = $mock_app->name->new;
+my $controller = TestController->new($app, {actions => { foo => { Path => '/some/path' }}});
+ok $controller->can('_controller_actions');
+is_deeply $controller->_controller_actions => { foo => { Path => '/some/path' }};
+is_deeply $controller->{actions} => { foo => { Path => '/some/path' }}; # Back compat.
+is_deeply [ sort grep { ! /^_/ } map { $_->name } $controller->get_action_methods ], [sort qw/action foo/];

Copied: Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/unit_controller_config.t (from rev 11633, Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_controller_config.t)
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/unit_controller_config.t	                        (rev 0)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/unit_controller_config.t	2009-11-12 23:43:17 UTC (rev 11809)
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+## ============================================================================
+## Test to make sure that subclassed controllers (catalyst controllers
+## that inherit from a custom base catalyst controller) don't experienc
+## any namespace collision in the values under config.
+## ============================================================================
+use Test::More tests => 9;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+## First We define a base controller that inherits from Catalyst::Controller
+## We add something to the config that we expect all children classes to
+## be able to find.
+## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    package base_controller;
+    use base 'Catalyst::Controller';
+    __PACKAGE__->config( base_key   => 'base_value' );
+## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+## Next we instantiate two classes that inherit from the base controller.  We
+## Add some local config information to these.
+## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    package controller_a;
+    use base 'base_controller';
+    __PACKAGE__->config( key_a => 'value_a' );
+    package controller_b;
+    use base 'base_controller';
+    __PACKAGE__->config->{key_b} = 'value_b';
+## Okay, we expect that the base controller has a config with one key
+## and that the two children controllers inherit that config key and then
+## add one more.  So the base controller has one config value and the two
+## children each have two.
+## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+## THE TESTS.  Basically we first check to make sure that all the children of
+## the base_controller properly inherit the {base_key => 'base_value'} info
+## and that each of the children also has its local config data and that none
+## of the classes have data that is unexpected.
+## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# First round, does everything have what we expect to find? If these tests fail there is something
+# wrong with the way config is storing its information.
+ok( base_controller->config->{base_key} eq 'base_value', 'base_controller has expected config value for "base_key"') or
+ diag('"base_key" defined as "'.base_controller->config->{base_key}.'" and not "base_value" in config');
+ok( controller_a->config->{base_key} eq 'base_value', 'controller_a has expected config value for "base_key"') or
+ diag('"base_key" defined as "'.controller_a->config->{base_key}.'" and not "base_value" in config');
+ok( controller_a->config->{key_a} eq 'value_a', 'controller_a has expected config value for "key_a"') or
+ diag('"key_a" defined as "'.controller_a->config->{key_a}.'" and not "value_a" in config');
+ok( controller_b->config->{base_key} eq 'base_value', 'controller_b has expected config value for "base_key"') or
+ diag('"base_key" defined as "'.controller_b->config->{base_key}.'" and not "base_value" in config');
+ok( controller_b->config->{key_b} eq 'value_b', 'controller_b has expected config value for "key_b"') or
+ diag('"key_b" defined as "'.controller_b->config->{key_b}.'" and not "value_b" in config');
+# second round, does each controller have the expected number of config values? If this test fails there is
+# probably some data collision between the controllers.
+ok( scalar(keys %{base_controller->config}) == 1, 'base_controller has the expected number of config values') or
+ diag("base_controller should have 1 config value, but it has ".scalar(keys %{base_controller->config}));
+ok( scalar(keys %{controller_a->config}) == 2, 'controller_a has the expected number of config values') or
+ diag("controller_a  should have 2 config value, but it has ".scalar(keys %{base_controller->config}));
+ok( scalar(keys %{controller_b->config}) == 2, 'controller_b has the expected number of config values') or
+ diag("controller_a should have 2 config value, but it has ".scalar(keys %{base_controller->config}));

Copied: Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/unit_controller_namespace.t (from rev 11633, Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_controller_namespace.t)
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/unit_controller_namespace.t	                        (rev 0)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/unit_controller_namespace.t	2009-11-12 23:43:17 UTC (rev 11809)
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More tests => 2;
+  package MyApp::Controller::Foo;
+  use base qw/Catalyst::Controller/;
+  package MyApp::Controller::Root;
+  use base qw/Catalyst::Controller/;
+  __PACKAGE__->config(namespace => '');
+  package Stub;
+  sub config { {} };
+is(MyApp::Controller::Foo->action_namespace('Stub'), 'foo');
+is(MyApp::Controller::Root->action_namespace('Stub'), '');

Copied: Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/unit_core_action.t (from rev 11633, Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_core_action.t)
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/unit_core_action.t	                        (rev 0)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/unit_core_action.t	2009-11-12 23:43:17 UTC (rev 11809)
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+use Test::More tests => 6;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Moose::Meta::Class;
+#use Moose::Meta::Attribute;
+use Catalyst::Request;
+my $action_1 = Catalyst::Action->new(
+  name => 'foo',
+  code => sub { "DUMMY" },
+  reverse => 'bar/foo',
+  namespace => 'bar',
+  attributes => {
+    Args => [ 1 ],
+    attr2 => [ 2 ],
+  },
+my $action_2 = Catalyst::Action->new(
+  name => 'foo',
+  code => sub { "DUMMY" },
+  reverse => 'bar/foo',
+  namespace => 'bar',
+  attributes => {
+    Args => [ 2 ],
+    attr2 => [ 2 ],
+  },
+is("${action_1}", $action_1->reverse, 'overload string');
+is($action_1->(), 'DUMMY', 'overload code');
+my $anon_meta = Moose::Meta::Class->create_anon_class(
+  attributes => [
+    Moose::Meta::Attribute->new(
+      request => (
+        reader => 'request',
+        required => 1,
+        default => sub { Catalyst::Request->new(arguments => [qw/one two/]) },
+      ),
+    ),
+  ],
+  methods => { req => sub { shift->request(@_) } }
+my $mock_c = $anon_meta->new_object();
+ok(!$action_1->match($mock_c), 'bad match fails');
+ok($action_2->match($mock_c), 'good match works');
+ok($action_2->compare( $action_1 ), 'compare works');

Copied: Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/unit_core_classdata.t (from rev 11633, Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_core_classdata.t)
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/unit_core_classdata.t	                        (rev 0)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/unit_core_classdata.t	2009-11-12 23:43:17 UTC (rev 11809)
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Scalar::Util qw/refaddr blessed/;
+use Test::More tests => 37;
+  package ClassDataTest;
+  use Moose;
+  with 'Catalyst::ClassData';
+  package ClassDataTest2;
+  use Moose;
+  extends 'ClassDataTest';
+  my $scalar = '100';
+  my $arrayref = [];
+  my $hashref = {};
+  my $scalarref = \$scalar;
+  my $coderef = sub { "beep" };
+  my $scalar2 = '200';
+  my $arrayref2 = [];
+  my $hashref2 = {};
+  my $scalarref2 = \$scalar2;
+  my $coderef2 = sub { "beep" };
+  my $scalar3 = '300';
+  my $arrayref3 = [];
+  my $hashref3 = {};
+  my $scalarref3 = \$scalar3;
+  my $coderef3 = sub { "beep" };
+my @accessors = qw/_arrayref _hashref _scalarref _coderef _scalar/;
+ClassDataTest->mk_classdata($_) for @accessors;
+can_ok('ClassDataTest', @accessors);
+ClassDataTest2->mk_classdata("beep", "meep");
+is(ClassDataTest2->beep, "meep");
+is(ref(ClassDataTest->_arrayref), 'ARRAY');
+is(ref(ClassDataTest->_hashref), 'HASH');
+is(ref(ClassDataTest->_scalarref), 'SCALAR');
+is(ref(ClassDataTest->_coderef), 'CODE');
+ok( !ref(ClassDataTest->_scalar) );
+is(refaddr(ClassDataTest->_arrayref), refaddr($arrayref));
+is(refaddr(ClassDataTest->_hashref), refaddr($hashref));
+is(refaddr(ClassDataTest->_scalarref), refaddr($scalarref));
+is(refaddr(ClassDataTest->_coderef), refaddr($coderef));
+is(ClassDataTest->_scalar, $scalar);
+is(ref(ClassDataTest2->_arrayref), 'ARRAY');
+is(ref(ClassDataTest2->_hashref), 'HASH');
+is(ref(ClassDataTest2->_scalarref), 'SCALAR');
+is(ref(ClassDataTest2->_coderef), 'CODE');
+ok( !ref(ClassDataTest2->_scalar) );
+is(refaddr(ClassDataTest2->_arrayref), refaddr($arrayref));
+is(refaddr(ClassDataTest2->_hashref), refaddr($hashref));
+is(refaddr(ClassDataTest2->_scalarref), refaddr($scalarref));
+is(refaddr(ClassDataTest2->_coderef), refaddr($coderef));
+is(ClassDataTest2->_scalar, $scalar);
+is(refaddr(ClassDataTest2->_arrayref), refaddr($arrayref2));
+is(refaddr(ClassDataTest2->_hashref), refaddr($hashref2));
+is(refaddr(ClassDataTest2->_scalarref), refaddr($scalarref2));
+is(refaddr(ClassDataTest2->_coderef), refaddr($coderef2));
+is(ClassDataTest2->_scalar, $scalar2);
+is(refaddr(ClassDataTest->_arrayref), refaddr($arrayref));
+is(refaddr(ClassDataTest->_hashref), refaddr($hashref));
+is(refaddr(ClassDataTest->_scalarref), refaddr($scalarref));
+is(refaddr(ClassDataTest->_coderef), refaddr($coderef));
+is(ClassDataTest->_scalar, $scalar);
+is(refaddr(ClassDataTest->_arrayref), refaddr($arrayref3));
+is(refaddr(ClassDataTest->_hashref), refaddr($hashref3));
+is(refaddr(ClassDataTest->_scalarref), refaddr($scalarref3));
+is(refaddr(ClassDataTest->_coderef), refaddr($coderef3));
+is(ClassDataTest->_scalar, $scalar3);
+my $i = bless {}, 'ClassDataTest';

Copied: Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/unit_core_component.t (from rev 11633, Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_core_component.t)
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/unit_core_component.t	                        (rev 0)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/unit_core_component.t	2009-11-12 23:43:17 UTC (rev 11809)
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+use Test::More tests => 22;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+my @complist = map { "MyApp::$_"; } qw/C::Controller M::Model V::View/;
+  package MyApp;
+  use base qw/Catalyst/;
+  __PACKAGE__->components({ map { ($_, $_) } @complist });
+  # this is so $c->log->warn will work
+  __PACKAGE__->setup_log;
+is(MyApp->comp('MyApp::V::View'), 'MyApp::V::View', 'Explicit return ok');
+is(MyApp->comp('C::Controller'), 'MyApp::C::Controller', 'Two-part return ok');
+is(MyApp->comp('Model'), 'MyApp::M::Model', 'Single part return ok');
+is_deeply([ MyApp->comp() ], \@complist, 'Empty return ok');
+# Is this desired behaviour?
+is_deeply([ MyApp->comp('Foo') ], \@complist, 'Fallthrough return ok');
+# regexp behavior
+    is_deeply( [ MyApp->comp( qr{Model} ) ], [ 'MyApp::M::Model'], 'regexp ok' );
+    is_deeply( [ MyApp->comp('MyApp::V::View$') ], [ 'MyApp::V::View' ], 'Explicit return ok');
+    is_deeply( [ MyApp->comp('MyApp::C::Controller$') ], [ 'MyApp::C::Controller' ], 'Explicit return ok');
+    is_deeply( [ MyApp->comp('MyApp::M::Model$') ], [ 'MyApp::M::Model' ], 'Explicit return ok');
+    # a couple other varieties for regexp fallback
+    is_deeply( [ MyApp->comp('M::Model') ], [ 'MyApp::M::Model' ], 'Explicit return ok');
+    {
+        my $warnings = 0;
+        no warnings 'redefine';
+        local *Catalyst::Log::warn = sub { $warnings++ };
+        is_deeply( [ MyApp->comp('::M::Model') ], [ 'MyApp::M::Model' ], 'Explicit return ok');
+        ok( $warnings, 'regexp fallback warnings' );
+        $warnings = 0;
+        is_deeply( [ MyApp->comp('Mode') ], [ 'MyApp::M::Model' ], 'Explicit return ok');
+        ok( $warnings, 'regexp fallback warnings' );
+        $warnings = 0;
+        is(MyApp->comp('::M::'), 'MyApp::M::Model', 'Regex return ok');
+        ok( $warnings, 'regexp fallback for comp() warns' );
+    }
+# multiple returns
+    my @expected = sort qw( MyApp::C::Controller MyApp::M::Model );
+    my @got = sort MyApp->comp( qr{::[MC]::} );
+    is_deeply( \@got, \@expected, 'multiple results from regexp ok' );
+# failed search
+    is_deeply( scalar MyApp->comp( qr{DNE} ), 0, 'no results for failed search' );
+#checking @args passed to ACCEPT_CONTEXT
+    my $args;
+    {
+        no warnings 'once';
+        *MyApp::M::Model::ACCEPT_CONTEXT = sub { my ($self, $c, @args) = @_; $args= \@args};
+    }
+    my $c = bless {}, 'MyApp';
+    $c->component('MyApp::M::Model', qw/foo bar/);
+    is_deeply($args, [qw/foo bar/], 'args passed to ACCEPT_CONTEXT ok');
+    $c->component('M::Model', qw/foo2 bar2/);
+    is_deeply($args, [qw/foo2 bar2/], 'args passed to ACCEPT_CONTEXT ok');
+    $c->component('Mode', qw/foo3 bar3/);
+    is_deeply($args, [qw/foo3 bar3/], 'args passed to ACCEPT_CONTEXT ok');

Copied: Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/unit_core_component_loading.t (from rev 11633, Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_core_component_loading.t)
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/unit_core_component_loading.t	                        (rev 0)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/unit_core_component_loading.t	2009-11-12 23:43:17 UTC (rev 11809)
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+# 2 initial tests, and 6 per component in the loop below
+# (do not forget to update the number of components in test 3 as well)
+# 5 extra tests for the loading options
+# One test for components in inner packages
+use Test::More tests => 2 + 6 * 24 + 8 + 1;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use File::Spec;
+use File::Path;
+my $libdir = 'test_trash';
+local @INC = @INC;
+unshift(@INC, $libdir);
+my $appclass = 'TestComponents';
+my @components = (
+    { type => 'Controller', prefix => 'C', name => 'Bar' },
+    { type => 'Controller', prefix => 'C', name => 'Foo::Bar' },
+    { type => 'Controller', prefix => 'C', name => 'Foo::Foo::Bar' },
+    { type => 'Controller', prefix => 'C', name => 'Foo::Foo::Foo::Bar' },
+    { type => 'Controller', prefix => 'Controller', name => 'Bar::Bar::Bar::Foo' },
+    { type => 'Controller', prefix => 'Controller', name => 'Bar::Bar::Foo' },
+    { type => 'Controller', prefix => 'Controller', name => 'Bar::Foo' },
+    { type => 'Controller', prefix => 'Controller', name => 'Foo' },
+    { type => 'Model', prefix => 'M', name => 'Bar' },
+    { type => 'Model', prefix => 'M', name => 'Foo::Bar' },
+    { type => 'Model', prefix => 'M', name => 'Foo::Foo::Bar' },
+    { type => 'Model', prefix => 'M', name => 'Foo::Foo::Foo::Bar' },
+    { type => 'Model', prefix => 'Model', name => 'Bar::Bar::Bar::Foo' },
+    { type => 'Model', prefix => 'Model', name => 'Bar::Bar::Foo' },
+    { type => 'Model', prefix => 'Model', name => 'Bar::Foo' },
+    { type => 'Model', prefix => 'Model', name => 'Foo' },
+    { type => 'View', prefix => 'V', name => 'Bar' },
+    { type => 'View', prefix => 'V', name => 'Foo::Bar' },
+    { type => 'View', prefix => 'V', name => 'Foo::Foo::Bar' },
+    { type => 'View', prefix => 'V', name => 'Foo::Foo::Foo::Bar' },
+    { type => 'View', prefix => 'View', name => 'Bar::Bar::Bar::Foo' },
+    { type => 'View', prefix => 'View', name => 'Bar::Bar::Foo' },
+    { type => 'View', prefix => 'View', name => 'Bar::Foo' },
+    { type => 'View', prefix => 'View', name => 'Foo' },
+sub write_component_file {
+  my ($dir_list, $module_name, $content) = @_;
+  my $dir  = File::Spec->catdir(@$dir_list);
+  my $file = File::Spec->catfile($dir, $module_name . '.pm');
+  mkpath(join(q{/}, @$dir_list) );
+  open(my $fh, '>', $file) or die "Could not open file $file for writing: $!";
+  print $fh $content;
+  close $fh;
+sub make_component_file {
+    my ($libdir, $appclass, $type, $prefix, $name) = @_;
+    my $compbase = "Catalyst::${type}";
+    my $fullname = "${appclass}::${prefix}::${name}";
+    my @namedirs = split(/::/, $name);
+    my $name_final = pop(@namedirs);
+    my @dir_list = ($libdir, $appclass, $prefix, @namedirs);
+    write_component_file(\@dir_list, $name_final, <<EOF);
+package $fullname;
+use MRO::Compat;
+use base '$compbase';
+    my \$self = shift->next::method(\@_);
+    no strict 'refs';
+    *{\__PACKAGE__ . "::whoami"} = sub { return \__PACKAGE__; };
+    \$self;
+foreach my $component (@components) {
+    make_component_file(
+        $libdir,
+        $appclass,
+        $component->{type},
+        $component->{prefix},
+        $component->{name},
+    );
+my $shut_up_deprecated_warnings = q{
+    __PACKAGE__->log(Catalyst::Log->new('fatal'));
+eval "package $appclass; use Catalyst; $shut_up_deprecated_warnings __PACKAGE__->setup";
+can_ok( $appclass, 'components');
+my $complist = $appclass->components;
+# the +1 below is for the app class itself
+is(scalar keys %$complist, 24+1, "Correct number of components loaded");
+foreach (keys %$complist) {
+    # Skip the component which happens to be the app itself
+    next if $_ eq $appclass;
+    my $instance = $appclass->component($_);
+    isa_ok($instance, $_);
+    can_ok($instance, 'whoami');
+    is($instance->whoami, $_);
+    if($_ =~ /^${appclass}::(?:V|View)::(.*)/) {
+        my $moniker = $1;
+        isa_ok($instance, 'Catalyst::View');
+        can_ok($appclass->view($moniker), 'whoami');
+        is($appclass->view($moniker)->whoami, $_);
+    }
+    elsif($_ =~ /^${appclass}::(?:M|Model)::(.*)/) {
+        my $moniker = $1;
+        isa_ok($instance, 'Catalyst::Model');
+        can_ok($appclass->model($moniker), 'whoami');
+        is($appclass->model($moniker)->whoami, $_);
+    }
+    elsif($_ =~ /^${appclass}::(?:C|Controller)::(.*)/) {
+        my $moniker = $1;
+        isa_ok($instance, 'Catalyst::Controller');
+        can_ok($appclass->controller($moniker), 'whoami');
+        is($appclass->controller($moniker)->whoami, $_);
+    }
+    else {
+        die "Something is wrong with this test, this should"
+            . " have been unreachable";
+    }
+# test extra component loading options
+$appclass = 'ExtraOptions';
+push @components, { type => 'View', prefix => 'Extra', name => 'Foo' };
+foreach my $component (@components) {
+    make_component_file(
+        $libdir,
+        $appclass,
+        $component->{type},
+        $component->{prefix},
+        $component->{name},
+    );
+eval qq(
+package $appclass;
+use Catalyst;
+__PACKAGE__->config->{ setup_components } = {
+    search_extra => [ '::Extra' ],
+    except       => [ "${appclass}::Controller::Foo" ]
+can_ok( $appclass, 'components');
+$complist = $appclass->components;
+is(scalar keys %$complist, 24+1, "Correct number of components loaded");
+ok( !exists $complist->{ "${appclass}::Controller::Foo" }, 'Controller::Foo was skipped' );
+ok( exists $complist->{ "${appclass}::Extra::Foo" }, 'Extra::Foo was loaded' );
+$appclass = "ComponentOnce";
+write_component_file([$libdir, $appclass, 'Model'], 'TopLevel', <<EOF);
+package ${appclass}::Model::TopLevel;
+use base 'Catalyst::Model';
+    my \$self = shift->next::method(\@_);
+    no strict 'refs';
+    *{\__PACKAGE__ . "::whoami"} = sub { return \__PACKAGE__; };
+    *${appclass}::Model::TopLevel::GENERATED::ACCEPT_CONTEXT = sub {
+        return bless {}, 'FooBarBazQuux';
+    };
+    \$self;
+package ${appclass}::Model::TopLevel::Nested;
+sub COMPONENT { die "COMPONENT called in the wrong order!"; }
+write_component_file([$libdir, $appclass, 'Model', 'TopLevel'], 'Nested', <<EOF);
+package ${appclass}::Model::TopLevel::Nested;
+use base 'Catalyst::Model';
+my \$called=0;
+no warnings 'redefine';
+sub COMPONENT { \$called++;return shift->next::method(\@_); }
+sub called { return \$called };
+eval "package $appclass; use Catalyst; __PACKAGE__->setup";
+is($@, '', "Didn't load component twice");
+is($appclass->model('TopLevel::Nested')->called,1, 'COMPONENT called once');
+ok($appclass->model('TopLevel::Generated'), 'Have generated model');
+is(ref($appclass->model('TopLevel::Generated')), 'FooBarBazQuux',
+    'ACCEPT_CONTEXT in generated inner package fired as expected');
+$appclass = "InnerComponent";
+  package InnerComponent::Controller::Test;
+  use base 'Catalyst::Controller';
+$INC{'InnerComponent/Controller/Test.pm'} = 1;
+eval "package $appclass; use Catalyst; __PACKAGE__->setup";
+isa_ok($appclass->controller('Test'), 'Catalyst::Controller');

Copied: Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/unit_core_component_mro.t (from rev 11633, Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_core_component_mro.t)
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/unit_core_component_mro.t	                        (rev 0)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/unit_core_component_mro.t	2009-11-12 23:43:17 UTC (rev 11809)
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+use Test::More tests => 1;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+  package MyApp::Component;
+  use Test::More;
+  sub COMPONENT {
+    fail 'This no longer gets dispatched to';
+  }
+  package MyApp::MyComponent;
+  use base 'Catalyst::Component', 'MyApp::Component';
+my $warn = '';
+  local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
+    $warn .= $_[0];
+  };
+  MyApp::MyComponent->COMPONENT('MyApp');
+like($warn, qr/after Catalyst::Component in MyApp::Component/,
+    'correct warning thrown');

Copied: Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/unit_core_engine_fixenv-iis6.t (from rev 11633, Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_core_engine_fixenv-iis6.t)
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/unit_core_engine_fixenv-iis6.t	                        (rev 0)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/unit_core_engine_fixenv-iis6.t	2009-11-12 23:43:17 UTC (rev 11809)
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+eval "use FCGI";
+plan skip_all => 'FCGI required' if $@;
+plan tests => 2;
+require Catalyst::Engine::FastCGI;
+my %env = (
+    'SCRIPT_NAME' => '/koo/blurb',
+    'PATH_INFO' => '/koo/blurb',
+    'HTTP_ACCEPT' => 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8',
+    'SCRIPT_FILENAME' => 'C:\\Foo\\script\\blurb',
+    'INSTANCE_META_PATH' => '/LM/W3SVC/793536',
+    'SERVER_SOFTWARE' => 'Microsoft-IIS/6.0',
+    'AUTH_PASSWORD' => '',
+    'AUTH_TYPE' => '',
+    'HTTP_USER_AGENT' => 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.2; de; rv: Gecko/2008102920 Firefox/3.0.4 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)',
+    'REMOTE_PORT' => '1281',
+    'QUERY_STRING' => '',
+    'URL' => '/koo/blurb',
+    'HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE' => 'de-de,de;q=0.8,en-us;q=0.5,en;q=0.3',
+    'HTTP_KEEP_ALIVE' => '300',
+    'CONTENT_TYPE' => '',
+    'LOCAL_ADDR' => '',
+    'GATEWAY_INTERFACE' => 'CGI/1.1',
+    'HTTPS' => 'off',
+    'DOCUMENT_ROOT' => 'C:\\Foo\\script',
+    'REMOTE_HOST' => '',
+    'PATH_TRANSLATED' => 'C:\\Foo\\script\\blurb',
+    'APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH' => 'C:\\Foo\\script\\',
+    'SERVER_NAME' => '',
+    'HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING' => 'gzip,deflate',
+    'HTTP_CONNECTION' => 'keep-alive',
+    'INSTANCE_ID' => '793536',
+    'CONTENT_LENGTH' => '0',
+    'AUTH_USER' => '',
+    'APPL_MD_PATH' => '/LM/W3SVC/793536/Root/koo',
+    'HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET' => 'ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7',
+    'REMOTE_USER' => '',
+    'SERVER_PORT_SECURE' => '0',
+    'SERVER_PORT' => 83,
+    'REMOTE_ADDR' => '',
+    'SERVER_PROTOCOL' => 'HTTP/1.1',
+    'REQUEST_URI' => '/koo/blurb',
+    'APP_POOL_ID' => 'DefaultAppPool',
+    'HTTP_HOST' => ''
+is($env{PATH_INFO}, '//blurb', 'check PATH_INFO');
+is($env{SCRIPT_NAME}, '/koo', 'check SCRIPT_NAME');

Copied: Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/unit_core_engine_fixenv-lighttpd.t (from rev 11633, Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_core_engine_fixenv-lighttpd.t)
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/unit_core_engine_fixenv-lighttpd.t	                        (rev 0)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/unit_core_engine_fixenv-lighttpd.t	2009-11-12 23:43:17 UTC (rev 11809)
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+eval "use FCGI";
+plan skip_all => 'FCGI required' if $@;
+plan tests => 2;
+require Catalyst::Engine::FastCGI;
+my %env = (
+    'SCRIPT_NAME'          => '/bar',
+    'SERVER_NAME'          => 'localhost:8000',
+    'HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING' => 'gzip,deflate',
+    'HTTP_CONNECTION'      => 'keep-alive',
+    'PATH_INFO'            => '',
+    'HTTP_ACCEPT'          => 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8',
+    'REQUEST_METHOD'       => 'GET',
+    'SCRIPT_FILENAME'      => '/tmp/Foo/root/bar',
+    'HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET'  => 'ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7',
+    'SERVER_SOFTWARE'      => 'lighttpd/1.4.15',
+    'QUERY_STRING'         => '',
+    'REMOTE_PORT'          => '22207',
+    'SERVER_PORT'          => 8000,
+    'REDIRECT_STATUS'      => '200',
+    'HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE' => 'en-us,en;q=0.5',
+    'REMOTE_ADDR'          => '',
+    'FCGI_ROLE'            => 'RESPONDER',
+    'HTTP_KEEP_ALIVE'      => '300',
+    'SERVER_PROTOCOL'      => 'HTTP/1.1',
+    'REQUEST_URI'          => '/bar',
+    'GATEWAY_INTERFACE'    => 'CGI/1.1',
+    'SERVER_ADDR'          => '',
+    'DOCUMENT_ROOT'        => '/tmp/Foo/root',
+    'HTTP_HOST'            => 'localhost:8000',
+is($env{PATH_INFO}, '/bar', 'check PATH_INFO');
+ok(!exists($env{SCRIPT_NAME}), 'check SCRIPT_NAME');

Copied: Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/unit_core_log.t (from rev 11633, Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_core_log.t)
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/unit_core_log.t	                        (rev 0)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/unit_core_log.t	2009-11-12 23:43:17 UTC (rev 11809)
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More tests => 22;
+use Catalyst::Log;
+local *Catalyst::Log::_send_to_log;
+local our @MESSAGES;
+    no warnings 'redefine';
+    *Catalyst::Log::_send_to_log = sub {
+        my $self = shift;
+        push @MESSAGES, @_;
+    };
+my $LOG = 'Catalyst::Log';
+can_ok $LOG, 'new';
+ok my $log = $LOG->new, '... and creating a new log object should succeed';
+isa_ok $log, $LOG, '... and the object it returns';
+can_ok $log, 'is_info';
+ok $log->is_info, '... and the default behavior is to allow info messages';
+can_ok $log, 'info';
+ok $log->info('hello there!'),
+    '... passing it an info message should succeed';
+can_ok $log, "_flush";
+ok @MESSAGES, '... and flushing the log should succeed';
+is scalar @MESSAGES, 1, '... with one log message';
+like $MESSAGES[0], qr/^\[info\] hello there!$/,
+    '... which should match the format we expect';
+    package Catalyst::Log::Subclass;
+    use base qw/Catalyst::Log/;
+    sub _send_to_log {
+        my $self = shift;
+        push @MESSAGES, '---';
+        push @MESSAGES, @_;
+    }
+my $SUBCLASS = 'Catalyst::Log::Subclass';
+can_ok $SUBCLASS, 'new';
+ok $log = Catalyst::Log::Subclass->new,
+    '... and the log subclass constructor shoudl return a new object';
+isa_ok $log, $SUBCLASS, '... and the object it returns';
+isa_ok $log, $LOG,      '... and it also';
+can_ok $log, 'info';
+ok $log->info('hi there!'),
+    '... passing it an info message should succeed';
+can_ok $log, "_flush";
+ at MESSAGES = (); # clear the message log
+ok @MESSAGES, '... and flushing the log should succeed';
+is scalar @MESSAGES, 2, '... with two log messages';
+is $MESSAGES[0], '---', '... with the first one being our new data';
+like $MESSAGES[1], qr/^\[info\] hi there!$/,
+    '... which should match the format we expect';

Copied: Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/unit_core_merge_config_hashes.t (from rev 11633, Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_core_merge_config_hashes.t)
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/unit_core_merge_config_hashes.t	                        (rev 0)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/unit_core_merge_config_hashes.t	2009-11-12 23:43:17 UTC (rev 11809)
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+my @tests = (
+    {
+        given   => [ { a => 1 }, { b => 1 } ],
+        expects => { a => 1, b => 1 }
+    },
+    {
+        given   => [ { a => 1 }, { a => { b => 1 } } ],
+        expects => { a => { b => 1 } }
+    },
+    {
+        given   => [ { a => { b => 1 } }, { a => 1 } ],
+        expects => { a => 1 }
+    },
+    {
+        given   => [ { a => 1 }, { a => [ 1 ] } ],
+        expects => { a => [ 1 ] }
+    },
+    {
+        given   => [ { a => [ 1 ] }, { a => 1 } ],
+        expects => { a => 1 }
+    },
+    {
+        given   => [ { a => { b => 1 } }, { a => { b => 2 } } ],
+        expects => { a => { b => 2 } }
+    },
+    {
+        given   => [ { a => { b => 1 } }, { a => { c => 1 } } ],
+        expects => { a => { b => 1, c => 1 } }
+    },
+plan tests => scalar @tests;
+use Catalyst::Component;
+for my $test ( @ tests ) {
+    is_deeply( Catalyst::Component->merge_config_hashes( @{ $test->{ given } } ), $test->{ expects } );

Added: Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/unit_core_mvc.t
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/unit_core_mvc.t	                        (rev 0)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/unit_core_mvc.t	2009-11-12 23:43:17 UTC (rev 11809)
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+use Test::More tests => 51;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+my @complist =
+  map { "MyMVCTestApp::$_"; }
+  qw/C::Controller M::Model V::View Controller::C Model::M View::V Controller::Model::Dummy::Model Model::Dummy::Model/;
+    package MyMVCTestApp;
+    use base qw/Catalyst/;
+    __PACKAGE__->components( { map { ( ref($_)||$_ , $_ ) } @complist } );
+    my $thingie={};
+    bless $thingie, 'Some::Test::Object';
+    __PACKAGE__->components->{'MyMVCTestApp::Model::Test::Object'} = $thingie;
+    # allow $c->log->warn to work
+    __PACKAGE__->setup_log;
+is( MyMVCTestApp->view('View'), 'MyMVCTestApp::V::View', 'V::View ok' );
+is( MyMVCTestApp->controller('Controller'),
+    'MyMVCTestApp::C::Controller', 'C::Controller ok' );
+is( MyMVCTestApp->model('Model'), 'MyMVCTestApp::M::Model', 'M::Model ok' );
+is( MyMVCTestApp->model('Dummy::Model'), 'MyMVCTestApp::Model::Dummy::Model', 'Model::Dummy::Model ok' );
+isa_ok( MyMVCTestApp->model('Test::Object'), 'Some::Test::Object', 'Test::Object ok' );
+is( MyMVCTestApp->controller('Model::Dummy::Model'), 'MyMVCTestApp::Controller::Model::Dummy::Model', 'Controller::Model::Dummy::Model ok' );
+is( MyMVCTestApp->view('V'), 'MyMVCTestApp::View::V', 'View::V ok' );
+is( MyMVCTestApp->controller('C'), 'MyMVCTestApp::Controller::C', 'Controller::C ok' );
+is( MyMVCTestApp->model('M'), 'MyMVCTestApp::Model::M', 'Model::M ok' );
+# failed search
+    is( MyMVCTestApp->model('DNE'), undef, 'undef for invalid search' );
+is_deeply( [ sort MyMVCTestApp->views ],
+           [ qw/V View/ ],
+           'views ok' );
+is_deeply( [ sort MyMVCTestApp->controllers ],
+           [ qw/C Controller Model::Dummy::Model/ ],
+           'controllers ok');
+is_deeply( [ sort MyMVCTestApp->models ],
+           [ qw/Dummy::Model M Model Test::Object/ ],
+           'models ok');
+    my $warnings = 0;
+    no warnings 'redefine';
+    local *Catalyst::Log::warn = sub { $warnings++ };
+    like (MyMVCTestApp->view , qr/^MyMVCTestApp\::(V|View)\::/ , 'view() with no defaults returns *something*');
+    ok( $warnings, 'view() w/o a default is random, warnings thrown' );
+is ( bless ({stash=>{current_view=>'V'}}, 'MyMVCTestApp')->view , 'MyMVCTestApp::View::V', 'current_view ok');
+my $view = bless {} , 'MyMVCTestApp::View::V';
+is ( bless ({stash=>{current_view_instance=> $view }}, 'MyMVCTestApp')->view , $view, 'current_view_instance ok');
+is ( bless ({stash=>{current_view_instance=> $view, current_view=>'MyMVCTestApp::V::View' }}, 'MyMVCTestApp')->view , $view,
+  'current_view_instance precedes current_view ok');
+    my $warnings = 0;
+    no warnings 'redefine';
+    local *Catalyst::Log::warn = sub { $warnings++ };
+    ok( my $model = MyMVCTestApp->model );
+    ok( (($model =~ /^MyMVCTestApp\::(M|Model)\::/) ||
+        $model->isa('Some::Test::Object')),
+        'model() with no defaults returns *something*' );
+    ok( $warnings, 'model() w/o a default is random, warnings thrown' );
+is ( bless ({stash=>{current_model=>'M'}}, 'MyMVCTestApp')->model , 'MyMVCTestApp::Model::M', 'current_model ok');
+my $model = bless {} , 'MyMVCTestApp::Model::M';
+is ( bless ({stash=>{current_model_instance=> $model }}, 'MyMVCTestApp')->model , $model, 'current_model_instance ok');
+is ( bless ({stash=>{current_model_instance=> $model, current_model=>'MyMVCTestApp::M::Model' }}, 'MyMVCTestApp')->model , $model,
+  'current_model_instance precedes current_model ok');
+MyMVCTestApp->config->{default_view} = 'V';
+is ( bless ({stash=>{}}, 'MyMVCTestApp')->view , 'MyMVCTestApp::View::V', 'default_view ok');
+is ( MyMVCTestApp->view , 'MyMVCTestApp::View::V', 'default_view in class method ok');
+MyMVCTestApp->config->{default_model} = 'M';
+is ( bless ({stash=>{}}, 'MyMVCTestApp')->model , 'MyMVCTestApp::Model::M', 'default_model ok');
+is ( MyMVCTestApp->model , 'MyMVCTestApp::Model::M', 'default_model in class method ok');
+# regexp behavior tests
+    # is_deeply is used because regexp behavior means list context
+    is_deeply( [ MyMVCTestApp->view( qr{^V[ie]+w$} ) ], [ 'MyMVCTestApp::V::View' ], 'regexp view ok' );
+    is_deeply( [ MyMVCTestApp->controller( qr{Dummy\::Model$} ) ], [ 'MyMVCTestApp::Controller::Model::Dummy::Model' ], 'regexp controller ok' );
+    is_deeply( [ MyMVCTestApp->model( qr{Dum{2}y} ) ], [ 'MyMVCTestApp::Model::Dummy::Model' ], 'regexp model ok' );
+    # object w/ qr{}
+    is_deeply( [ MyMVCTestApp->model( qr{Test} ) ], [ MyMVCTestApp->components->{'MyMVCTestApp::Model::Test::Object'} ], 'Object returned' );
+    {
+        my $warnings = 0;
+        no warnings 'redefine';
+        local *Catalyst::Log::warn = sub { $warnings++ };
+        # object w/ regexp fallback
+        is_deeply( [ MyMVCTestApp->model( 'Test' ) ], [ MyMVCTestApp->components->{'MyMVCTestApp::Model::Test::Object'} ], 'Object returned' );
+        ok( $warnings, 'regexp fallback warnings' );
+    }
+    is_deeply( [ MyMVCTestApp->view('MyMVCTestApp::V::View$') ], [ 'MyMVCTestApp::V::View' ], 'Explicit return ok');
+    is_deeply( [ MyMVCTestApp->controller('MyMVCTestApp::C::Controller$') ], [ 'MyMVCTestApp::C::Controller' ], 'Explicit return ok');
+    is_deeply( [ MyMVCTestApp->model('MyMVCTestApp::M::Model$') ], [ 'MyMVCTestApp::M::Model' ], 'Explicit return ok');
+    my @expected = qw( MyMVCTestApp::C::Controller MyMVCTestApp::Controller::C );
+    is_deeply( [ sort MyMVCTestApp->controller( qr{^C} ) ], \@expected, 'multiple controller returns from regexp search' );
+    my @expected = qw( MyMVCTestApp::V::View MyMVCTestApp::View::V );
+    is_deeply( [ sort MyMVCTestApp->view( qr{^V} ) ], \@expected, 'multiple view returns from regexp search' );
+    my @expected = qw( MyMVCTestApp::M::Model MyMVCTestApp::Model::M );
+    is_deeply( [ sort MyMVCTestApp->model( qr{^M} ) ], \@expected, 'multiple model returns from regexp search' );
+# failed search
+    is( scalar MyMVCTestApp->controller( qr{DNE} ), 0, '0 results for failed search' );
+#checking @args passed to ACCEPT_CONTEXT
+    my $args;
+    {
+        no warnings 'once';
+        *MyMVCTestApp::Model::M::ACCEPT_CONTEXT = sub { my ($self, $c, @args) = @_; $args= \@args};
+        *MyMVCTestApp::View::V::ACCEPT_CONTEXT = sub { my ($self, $c, @args) = @_; $args= \@args};
+    }
+    my $c = bless {}, 'MyMVCTestApp';
+    # test accept-context with class rather than instance
+    MyMVCTestApp->model('M', qw/foo bar/);
+    is_deeply($args, [qw/foo bar/], 'MyMVCTestApp->model args passed to ACCEPT_CONTEXT ok');
+    $c->model('M', qw/foo bar/);
+    is_deeply($args, [qw/foo bar/], '$c->model args passed to ACCEPT_CONTEXT ok');
+    my $x = $c->view('V', qw/foo2 bar2/);
+    is_deeply($args, [qw/foo2 bar2/], '$c->view args passed to ACCEPT_CONTEXT ok');
+    # regexp fallback
+    $c->view('::View::V', qw/foo3 bar3/);
+    is_deeply($args, [qw/foo3 bar3/], 'args passed to ACCEPT_CONTEXT ok');
+    my $warn = '';
+    no warnings 'redefine';
+    local *Catalyst::Log::warn = sub { $warn .= $_[1] };
+    is_deeply (MyMVCTestApp->controller('MyMVCTestApp::Controller::C'),
+        MyMVCTestApp->components->{'MyMVCTestApp::Controller::C'},
+        'controller by fully qualified name ok');
+    # You probably meant $c->controller('C') instead of $c->controller({'MyMVCTestApp::Controller::C'})
+    my ($suggested_comp_name, $orig_comp_name) = $warn =~ /You probably meant (.*) instead of (.*) /;
+    isnt($suggested_comp_name, $orig_comp_name, 'suggested fix in warning for fully qualified component names makes sense' );
+    package MyApp::WithoutRegexFallback;
+    use base qw/Catalyst/;
+    __PACKAGE__->config( { disable_component_resolution_regex_fallback => 1 } );
+    __PACKAGE__->components( { map { ( ref($_)||$_ , $_ ) }
+        qw/MyApp::WithoutRegexFallback::Controller::Another::Foo/ } );
+    # allow $c->log->warn to work
+    __PACKAGE__->setup_log;
+    # test if non-regex component retrieval still works
+    is( MyApp::WithoutRegexFallback->controller('Another::Foo'),
+        'MyApp::WithoutRegexFallback::Controller::Another::Foo', 'controller Another::Foo found');
+    my $warnings = 0;
+    no warnings 'redefine';
+    local *Catalyst::Log::warn = sub { $warnings++ };
+    # try to get nonexisting object w/o regexp fallback
+    is( MyApp::WithoutRegexFallback->controller('Foo'), undef, 'no controller Foo found');
+    ok( !$warnings, 'no regexp fallback warnings' );

Copied: Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/unit_core_path_to.t (from rev 11633, Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_core_path_to.t)
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/unit_core_path_to.t	                        (rev 0)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/unit_core_path_to.t	2009-11-12 23:43:17 UTC (rev 11809)
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+my %non_unix = (
+    MacOS   => 1,
+    MSWin32 => 1,
+    os2     => 1,
+    VMS     => 1,
+    epoc    => 1,
+    NetWare => 1,
+    dos     => 1,
+    cygwin  => 1
+my $os = $non_unix{$^O} ? $^O : 'Unix';
+if(  $os ne 'Unix' ) {
+    plan skip_all => 'tests require Unix';
+else {
+    plan tests => 3;
+my $context = 'Catalyst';
+my $config = Catalyst->config;
+$config->{home} = '/home/sri/my-app/';
+is( Catalyst::path_to( $context, 'foo' ), '/home/sri/my-app/foo', 'Unix path' );
+$config->{home} = '/Users/sri/myapp/';
+is( Catalyst::path_to( $context, 'foo', 'bar' ),
+    '/Users/sri/myapp/foo/bar', 'deep Unix path' );

Copied: Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/unit_core_plugin.t (from rev 11633, Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_core_plugin.t)
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/unit_core_plugin.t	                        (rev 0)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/unit_core_plugin.t	2009-11-12 23:43:17 UTC (rev 11809)
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More tests => 24;
+use lib 't/lib';
+    package Faux::Plugin;
+    sub new { bless { count => 1 }, shift }
+    sub count { shift->{count}++ }
+my $warnings = 0;
+use PluginTestApp;
+my $logger = Class::MOP::Class->create_anon_class(
+    methods => {
+        error => sub {0},
+        debug => sub {0},
+        info => sub {0},
+        warn => sub {
+            if ($_[1] =~ /plugin method is deprecated/) {
+               $warnings++;
+                return;
+            }
+            die "Caught unexpected warning: " . $_[1];
+        },
+    },
+use Catalyst::Test qw/PluginTestApp/;
+ok( get("/compile_time_plugins"), "get ok" );
+is( $warnings, 0, 'no warnings' );
+# FIXME - Run time plugin support is insane, and should be removed
+#         for Catalyst 5.9
+ok( get("/run_time_plugins"),     "get ok" );
+local $ENV{CATALYST_DEBUG} = 0;
+is( $warnings, 1, '1 warning' );
+use_ok 'TestApp';
+my @expected = qw(
+  Catalyst::Plugin::Test::Errors
+  Catalyst::Plugin::Test::Headers
+  Catalyst::Plugin::Test::Inline
+  Catalyst::Plugin::Test::MangleDollarUnderScore
+  Catalyst::Plugin::Test::Plugin
+  TestApp::Plugin::AddDispatchTypes
+  TestApp::Plugin::FullyQualified
+# Faux::Plugin is no longer reported
+is_deeply [ TestApp->registered_plugins ], \@expected,
+  'registered_plugins() should only report the plugins for the current class';

Copied: Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/unit_core_setup.t (from rev 11633, Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_core_setup.t)
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/unit_core_setup.t	                        (rev 0)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/unit_core_setup.t	2009-11-12 23:43:17 UTC (rev 11809)
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Class::MOP::Class;
+use Catalyst::Runtime;
+use Test::More tests => 29;
+    # Silence the log.
+    my $meta = Catalyst::Log->meta;
+    $meta->make_mutable;
+    $meta->remove_method('_send_to_log');
+    $meta->add_method('_send_to_log', sub {});
+sub build_test_app_with_setup {
+    my ($name, @flags) = @_;
+    my $flags = '(' . join(', ', map { "'".$_."'" } @flags) . ')';
+    $flags = '' if $flags eq '()';
+    eval qq{
+        package $name;
+        use Catalyst $flags;
+        $name->setup;
+    };
+    die $@ if $@;
+    return $name;
+local %ENV = %ENV;
+# Remove all relevant env variables to avoid accidental fail
+foreach my $name (grep { /^(CATALYST|TESTAPP)/ } keys %ENV) {
+    delete $ENV{$name};
+    my $app = build_test_app_with_setup('TestAppMyTestDebug', '-Debug');
+    ok my $c = $app->new, 'Get debug app object';
+    ok my $log = $c->log, 'Get log object';
+    isa_ok $log, 'Catalyst::Log', 'It should be a Catalyst::Log object';
+    ok $log->is_warn, 'Warnings should be enabled';
+    ok $log->is_error, 'Errors should be enabled';
+    ok $log->is_fatal, 'Fatal errors should be enabled';
+    ok $log->is_info, 'Info should be enabled';
+    ok $log->is_debug, 'Debugging should be enabled';
+    ok $app->debug, 'debug method should return true';
+    my $app = build_test_app_with_setup('TestAppMyTestLogParam', '-Log=warn,error,fatal');
+    ok my $c = $app->new, 'Get log app object';
+    ok my $log = $c->log, 'Get log object';
+    isa_ok $log, 'Catalyst::Log', 'It should be a Catalyst::Log object';
+    ok $log->is_warn, 'Warnings should be enabled';
+    ok $log->is_error, 'Errors should be enabled';
+    ok $log->is_fatal, 'Fatal errors should be enabled';
+    ok !$log->is_info, 'Info should be disabled';
+    ok !$log->is_debug, 'Debugging should be disabled';
+    ok !$c->debug, 'Catalyst debugging is off';
+    my $app = build_test_app_with_setup('TestAppMyTestNoParams');
+    ok my $c = $app->new, 'Get log app object';
+    ok my $log = $c->log, 'Get log object';
+    isa_ok $log, 'Catalyst::Log', 'It should be a Catalyst::Log object';
+    ok $log->is_warn, 'Warnings should be enabled';
+    ok $log->is_error, 'Errors should be enabled';
+    ok $log->is_fatal, 'Fatal errors should be enabled';
+    ok $log->is_info, 'Info should be enabled';
+    ok $log->is_debug, 'Debugging should be enabled';
+    ok !$c->debug, 'Catalyst debugging turned off';
+my $log_meta = Class::MOP::Class->create_anon_class(
+    methods => { map { $_ => sub { 0 } } qw/debug error fatal info warn/ },
+    package TestAppWithOwnLogger;
+    use base qw/Catalyst/;
+    __PACKAGE__->log($log_meta->new_object);
+    __PACKAGE__->setup('-Debug');
+ok my $c = TestAppWithOwnLogger->new, 'Get with own logger app object';
+ok $c->debug, '$c->debug is true';

Copied: Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/unit_core_setup_log.t (from rev 11633, Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_core_setup_log.t)
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/unit_core_setup_log.t	                        (rev 0)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/unit_core_setup_log.t	2009-11-12 23:43:17 UTC (rev 11809)
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More tests => 30;
+use Test::Exception;
+use Catalyst ();
+sub mock_app {
+    my $name = shift;
+    print "Setting up mock application: $name\n";
+    my $meta = Moose->init_meta( for_class => $name );
+    $meta->superclasses('Catalyst');
+    return $meta->name;
+sub test_log_object {
+    my ($log, %expected) = @_;
+    foreach my $level (keys %expected) {
+        my $method_name = "is_$level";
+        if ($expected{$level}) {
+            ok( $log->$method_name(), "Level $level on" );
+        }
+        else {
+            ok( !$log->$method_name(), "Level $level off" );
+        }
+    }
+local %ENV = %ENV;
+# Remove all relevant env variables to avoid accidental fail
+foreach my $name (grep { /^(CATALYST|TESTAPP)/ } keys %ENV) {
+    delete $ENV{$name};
+    my $app = mock_app('TestAppParseLogLevels');
+    $app->setup_log('error,warn');
+    ok !$app->debug, 'Not in debug mode';
+    test_log_object($app->log,
+        fatal => 1,
+        error => 1,
+        warn => 1,
+        info => 0,
+        debug => 0,
+    );
+    local %ENV = %ENV;
+    my $app = mock_app('TestAppLogDebugEnvSet');
+    $app->setup_log('');
+    ok $app->debug, 'In debug mode';
+    test_log_object($app->log,
+        fatal => 1,
+        error => 1,
+        warn => 1,
+        info => 1,
+        debug => 1,
+    );
+    local %ENV = %ENV;
+    my $app = mock_app('TestAppLogDebugEnvUnset');
+    $app->setup_log('warn');
+    ok !$app->debug, 'Not In debug mode';
+    test_log_object($app->log,
+        fatal => 1,
+        error => 1,
+        warn => 1,
+        info => 0,
+        debug => 0,
+    );
+    my $app = mock_app('TestAppLogEmptyString');
+    $app->setup_log('');
+    ok !$app->debug, 'Not In debug mode';
+    # Note that by default, you get _all_ the log levels turned on
+    test_log_object($app->log,
+        fatal => 1,
+        error => 1,
+        warn => 1,
+        info => 1,
+        debug => 1,
+    );
+    my $app = mock_app('TestAppLogDebugOnly');
+    $app->setup_log('debug');
+    ok $app->debug, 'In debug mode';
+    test_log_object($app->log,
+        fatal => 1,
+        error => 1,
+        warn => 1,
+        info => 1,
+        debug => 1,
+    );

Copied: Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/unit_core_setup_stats.t (from rev 11633, Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_core_setup_stats.t)
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/unit_core_setup_stats.t	                        (rev 0)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/unit_core_setup_stats.t	2009-11-12 23:43:17 UTC (rev 11809)
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More tests => 5;
+use Class::MOP::Class;
+use Catalyst ();
+local our %log_messages; # TODO - Test log messages as expected.
+my $mock_log = Class::MOP::Class->create_anon_class(
+    methods => {
+        map { my $level = $_;
+            $level => sub {
+                $log_messages{$level} ||= [];
+                push(@{ $log_messages{$level} }, $_[1]);
+            },
+        }
+        qw/debug info warn error fatal/,
+    },
+sub mock_app {
+    my $name = shift;
+    my $mock_log = shift;
+    %log_messages = (); # Flatten log messages.
+    my $meta = Moose->init_meta( for_class => $name );
+    $meta->superclasses('Catalyst');
+    $meta->add_method('log', sub { $mock_log });
+    return $meta->name;
+local %ENV = %ENV;
+# Remove all relevant env variables to avoid accidental fail
+foreach my $name (grep { /^(CATALYST|TESTAPP)/ } keys %ENV) {
+    delete $ENV{$name};
+    my $app = mock_app('TestAppNoStats', $mock_log);
+    $app->setup_stats();
+    ok !$app->use_stats, 'stats off by default';
+    my $app = mock_app('TestAppStats', $mock_log);
+    $app->setup_stats(1);
+    ok $app->use_stats, 'stats on if you say >setup_stats(1)';
+    my $app = mock_app('TestAppStatsDebugTurnsStatsOn', $mock_log);
+    $app->meta->add_method('debug' => sub { 1 });
+    $app->setup_stats();
+    ok $app->use_stats, 'debug on turns stats on';
+    local %ENV = %ENV;
+    my $app = mock_app('TestAppStatsEnvSet', $mock_log);
+    $app->setup_stats();
+    ok $app->use_stats, 'ENV turns stats on';
+    local %ENV = %ENV;
+    my $app = mock_app('TestAppStatsEnvUnset', $mock_log);
+    $app->meta->add_method('debug' => sub { 1 });
+    $app->setup_stats(1);
+    ok !$app->use_stats, 'ENV turns stats off, even when debug on and ->setup_stats(1)';

Copied: Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/unit_core_uri_for.t (from rev 11633, Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_core_uri_for.t)
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/unit_core_uri_for.t	                        (rev 0)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/unit_core_uri_for.t	2009-11-12 23:43:17 UTC (rev 11809)
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More tests => 20;
+use URI;
+my $request = Catalyst::Request->new( {
+                base => URI->new('')
+              } );
+my $context = Catalyst->new( {
+                request => $request,
+                namespace => 'yada',
+              } );
+    Catalyst::uri_for( $context, '/bar/baz' )->as_string,
+    '',
+    'URI for absolute path'
+    Catalyst::uri_for( $context, 'bar/baz' )->as_string,
+    '',
+    'URI for relative path'
+    Catalyst::uri_for( $context, '', 'arg1', 'arg2' )->as_string,
+    '',
+    'URI for undef action with args'
+is( Catalyst::uri_for( $context, '../quux' )->as_string,
+    '', 'URI for relative dot path' );
+    Catalyst::uri_for( $context, 'quux', { param1 => 'value1' } )->as_string,
+    '',
+    'URI for undef action with query params'
+is (Catalyst::uri_for( $context, '/bar/wibble?' )->as_string,
+   '', 'Question Mark gets encoded'
+is( Catalyst::uri_for( $context, qw/bar wibble?/, 'with space' )->as_string,
+    '', 'Space gets encoded'
+    Catalyst::uri_for( $context, '/bar', 'with+plus', { 'also' => 'with+plus' })->as_string,
+    '',
+    'Plus is not encoded'
+# test with utf-8
+    Catalyst::uri_for( $context, 'quux', { param1 => "\x{2620}" } )->as_string,
+    '',
+    'URI for undef action with query params in unicode'
+    Catalyst::uri_for( $context, 'quux', { 'param:1' => "foo" } )->as_string,
+    '',
+    'URI for undef action with query params in unicode'
+# test with object
+    Catalyst::uri_for( $context, 'quux', { param1 => $request->base } )->as_string,
+    '',
+    'URI for undef action with query param as object'
+$request->base( URI->new('http://localhost:3000/') );
+$request->match( 'orderentry/contract' );
+    Catalyst::uri_for( $context, '/Orderentry/saveContract' )->as_string,
+    'http://localhost:3000/Orderentry/saveContract',
+    'URI for absolute path'
+    $request->base( URI->new('') );
+    $context->namespace('');
+    is( Catalyst::uri_for( $context, '/bar/baz' )->as_string,
+        '', 'URI with no base or match' );
+    # test "0" as the path
+    is( Catalyst::uri_for( $context, qw/0 foo/ )->as_string,
+        '', '0 as path is ok'
+    );
+# test with undef -- no warnings should be thrown
+    my $warnings = 0;
+    local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $warnings++ };
+    Catalyst::uri_for( $context, '/bar/baz', { foo => undef } )->as_string,
+    is( $warnings, 0, "no warnings emitted" );
+# Test with parameters '/', 'foo', 'bar' - should not generate a //
+is( Catalyst::uri_for( $context, qw| / foo bar | )->as_string,
+    '', 'uri is /foo/bar, not //foo/bar'
+TODO: {
+    local $TODO = 'RFCs are for people who, erm - fix this test..';
+    # Test rfc3986 reserved characters.  These characters should all be escaped
+    # according to the RFC, but it is a very big feature change so I've removed it
+    no warnings; # Yes, everything in qw is sane
+    is(
+        Catalyst::uri_for( $context, qw|! * ' ( ) ; : @ & = $ / ? % # [ ] ,|, )->as_string,
+        '',
+        'rfc 3986 reserved characters'
+    );
+    # jshirley bug - why the hell does only one of these get encoded
+    #                has been like this forever however.
+    is(
+        Catalyst::uri_for( $context, qw|{1} {2}| )->as_string,
+        '{1}/{2}',
+        'not-escaping unreserved characters'
+    );
+# make sure caller's query parameter hash isn't messed up
+    my $query_params_base = {test => "one two",
+                             bar  => ["foo baz", "bar"]};
+    my $query_params_test = {test => "one two",
+                             bar  => ["foo baz", "bar"]};
+    Catalyst::uri_for($context, '/bar/baz', $query_params_test);
+    is_deeply($query_params_base, $query_params_test,
+              "uri_for() doesn't mess up query parameter hash in the caller");

Copied: Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/unit_core_uri_with.t (from rev 11633, Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_core_uri_with.t)
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/unit_core_uri_with.t	                        (rev 0)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/unit_core_uri_with.t	2009-11-12 23:43:17 UTC (rev 11809)
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More tests => 10;
+use URI;
+my $request = Catalyst::Request->new( {
+                uri => URI->new('')
+              } );
+    $request->uri_with({}),
+    '',
+    'URI for absolute path'
+    $request->uri_with({ foo => 'bar' }),
+    '',
+    'URI adds param'
+my $request2 = Catalyst::Request->new( {
+                uri => URI->new('')
+              } );
+    $request2->uri_with({}),
+    '',
+    'URI retains param'
+    $request2->uri_with({ me => 'awesome' }),
+    '',
+    'URI retains param and adds new'
+    $request2->uri_with({ bar => undef }),
+    '',
+    'URI loses param when explicitly undef'
+    $request2->uri_with({ bar => 'snort' }),
+    '',
+    'URI changes param'
+    $request2->uri_with({ bar => [ 'snort', 'ewok' ] }),
+    '',
+    'overwrite mode URI appends arrayref param'
+    $request2->uri_with({ bar => 'snort' }, { mode => 'append' }),
+    '',
+    'append mode URI appends param'
+    $request2->uri_with({ bar => [ 'snort', 'ewok' ] }, { mode => 'append' }),
+    '',
+    'append mode URI appends arrayref param'

Copied: Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/unit_dispatcher_requestargs_restore.t (from rev 11633, Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_dispatcher_requestargs_restore.t)
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/unit_dispatcher_requestargs_restore.t	                        (rev 0)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/unit_dispatcher_requestargs_restore.t	2009-11-12 23:43:17 UTC (rev 11809)
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# Insane test case for the behavior needed by Plugin::Auhorization::ACL
+# We have to localise $c->request->{arguments} in
+# Catalyst::Dispatcher::_do_forward, rather than using save and restore,
+# as otherwise, the calling $c->detach on an action which says
+# die $Catalyst:DETACH causes the request arguments to not get restored,
+# and therefore sub gorch gets the wrong string $frozjob parameter.
+# Please feel free to break this behavior once a sane hook for safely
+# executing another action from the dispatcher (i.e. wrapping actions)
+# is present, so that the Authorization::ACL plugin can be re-written
+# to not be full of such crazy shit.
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use FindBin qw/$Bin/;
+use lib "$Bin/../lib";
+use Catalyst::Test 'ACLTestApp';
+use Test::More tests => 1;

Copied: Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/unit_load_catalyst_test.t (from rev 11633, Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_load_catalyst_test.t)
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/unit_load_catalyst_test.t	                        (rev 0)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/unit_load_catalyst_test.t	2009-11-12 23:43:17 UTC (rev 11809)
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use FindBin;
+use lib         "$FindBin::Bin/../lib";
+use Test::More  tests => 61;
+use FindBin qw/$Bin/;
+use lib "$Bin/../lib";
+use Catalyst::Utils;
+use HTTP::Request::Common;
+use Test::Exception;
+my $Class   = 'Catalyst::Test';
+my $App     = 'TestApp';
+my $Pkg     = __PACKAGE__;
+my $Url     = 'http://localhost/';
+my $Content = "root index";
+my %Meth    = (
+    $Pkg    => [qw|get request ctx_request|],          # exported
+    $Class  => [qw|local_request remote_request|],  # not exported
+### make sure we're not trying to connect to a remote host -- these are local tests
+use_ok( $Class );
+### check available methods
+{   ### turn of redefine warnings, we'll get new subs exported
+    ### XXX 'no warnings' and 'local $^W' wont work as warnings are turned on in
+    ### test.pm, so trap them for now --kane
+    {   local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {};
+        ok( $Class->import,     "Argumentless import for methods only" );
+    }
+    while( my($class, $meths) = each %Meth ) {
+        for my $meth ( @$meths ) { SKIP: {
+            ### method available?
+            can_ok( $class,     $meth );
+            ### only for exported methods
+            skip "Error tests only for exported methods", 2 unless $class eq $Pkg;
+            ### check error conditions
+            eval { $class->can($meth)->( $Url ) };
+            ok( $@,             "   $meth without app gives error" );
+            like( $@, qr/$Class/,
+                                "       Error filled with expected content for '$meth'" );
+        } }
+    }
+### simple tests for exported methods
+{   ### turn of redefine warnings, we'll get new subs exported
+    ### XXX 'no warnings' and 'local $^W' wont work as warnings are turned on in
+    ### test.pm, so trap them for now --kane
+    {   local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {};
+        ok( $Class->import( $App ),
+                                "Loading $Class for App $App" );
+    }
+    ### test exported methods again
+    for my $meth ( @{ $Meth{$Pkg} } ) { SKIP: {
+        ### do a call, we should get a result and perhaps a $c if it's 'ctx_request';
+        my ($res, $c) = eval { $Pkg->can($meth)->( $Url ) };
+        ok( 1,                  "   Called $Pkg->$meth( $Url )" );
+        ok( !$@,                "       No critical error $@" );
+        ok( $res,               "       Result obtained" );
+        ### get the content as a string, to make sure we got what we expected
+        my $res_as_string = $meth eq 'get' ? $res : $res->content;
+        is( $res_as_string, $Content,
+                                "           Content as expected: $res_as_string" );
+        ### some tests for 'ctx_request'
+        skip "Context tests skipped for '$meth'", 6 unless $meth eq 'ctx_request';
+        ok( $c,                 "           Context object returned" );
+        isa_ok( $c, $App,       "               Object" );
+        is( $c->request->uri, $Url,
+                                "               Url recorded in request" );
+        is( $c->response->body, $Content,
+                                "               Content recorded in response" );
+        ok( $c->stash,          "               Stash accessible" );
+        ok( $c->action,         "               Action object accessible" );
+        ok( $res->request,      "               Response has request object" );
+        lives_and { is( $res->request->uri, $Url) }
+                                "               Request object has correct url";
+    } }
+### perl5.8.8 + cat 5.80's Cat::Test->ctx_request didn't return $c the 2nd
+### time it was invoked. Without tracking the bug down all the way, it was
+### clearly related to the Moose'ification of Cat::Test and a scoping issue
+### with a 'my'd variable. Since the same code works fine in 5.10, a bug in
+### either Moose or perl 5.8 is suspected.
+{   ok( 1,                      "Testing consistency of ctx_request()" );
+    for( 1..2 ) {
+        my($res, $c) = ctx_request( $Url );
+        ok( $c,                 "   Call $_: Context object returned" );
+    }
+# FIXME - These vhosts in tests tests should be somewhere else...
+sub customize { Catalyst::Test::_customize_request(@_) }
+    my $req = Catalyst::Utils::request('/dummy');
+    customize( $req );
+    is( $req->header('Host'), undef, 'normal request is unmodified' );
+    my $req = Catalyst::Utils::request('/dummy');
+    customize( $req, { host => 'customized.com' } );
+    like( $req->header('Host'), qr/customized.com/, 'request is customizable via opts hash' );
+    my $req = Catalyst::Utils::request('/dummy');
+    local $Catalyst::Test::default_host = 'localized.com';
+    customize( $req );
+    like( $req->header('Host'), qr/localized.com/, 'request is customizable via package var' );
+    my $req = Catalyst::Utils::request('/dummy');
+    local $Catalyst::Test::default_host = 'localized.com';
+    customize( $req, { host => 'customized.com' } );
+    like( $req->header('Host'), qr/customized.com/, 'opts hash takes precedence over package var' );
+    my $req = Catalyst::Utils::request('/dummy');
+    local $Catalyst::Test::default_host = 'localized.com';
+    customize( $req, { host => '' } );
+    is( $req->header('Host'), undef, 'default value can be temporarily cleared via opts hash' );
+# Back compat test, extra args used to be ignored, now a hashref of options.
+use_ok('Catalyst::Test', 'TestApp', 'foobar');
+# Back compat test, ensure that request ignores anything which isn't a hash.
+lives_ok {
+    request(GET('/dummy'), 'foo');
+} 'scalar additional param to request method ignored';
+lives_ok {
+    request(GET('/dummy'), []);
+} 'array additional param to request method ignored';

Copied: Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/unit_metaclass_compat_extend_non_moose_controller.t (from rev 11633, Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_metaclass_compat_extend_non_moose_controller.t)
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/unit_metaclass_compat_extend_non_moose_controller.t	                        (rev 0)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/unit_metaclass_compat_extend_non_moose_controller.t	2009-11-12 23:43:17 UTC (rev 11809)
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+use Catalyst ();
+    package TestApp;
+    use base qw/Catalyst/;
+    package TestApp::Controller::Base;
+    use base qw/Catalyst::Controller/;
+    package TestApp::Controller::Other;
+    use Moose;
+    use Test::More tests => 1;
+    use Test::Exception;
+    lives_ok {
+        extends 'TestApp::Controller::Base';
+    };

Copied: Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/unit_metaclass_compat_non_moose.t (from rev 11633, Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_metaclass_compat_non_moose.t)
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/unit_metaclass_compat_non_moose.t	                        (rev 0)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/unit_metaclass_compat_non_moose.t	2009-11-12 23:43:17 UTC (rev 11809)
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use lib 't/lib';
+use Test::More tests => 1;

Copied: Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/unit_metaclass_compat_non_moose_controller.t (from rev 11633, Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_metaclass_compat_non_moose_controller.t)
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/unit_metaclass_compat_non_moose_controller.t	                        (rev 0)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/unit_metaclass_compat_non_moose_controller.t	2009-11-12 23:43:17 UTC (rev 11809)
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use FindBin;
+use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../lib";
+use Test::More tests => 1;
+use Test::Exception;
+use TestAppNonMooseController;
+# Metaclass init order causes fail.
+# There are TODO tests in Moose for this, see
+# f2391d17574eff81d911b97be15ea51080500003
+# after which the evil kludge in core can die in a fire.
+lives_ok {
+    TestAppNonMooseController::ControllerBase->get_action_methods
+} 'Base class->get_action_methods ok when sub class initialized first';

Copied: Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/unit_response.t (from rev 11633, Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_response.t)
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/unit_response.t	                        (rev 0)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/unit_response.t	2009-11-12 23:43:17 UTC (rev 11809)
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More tests => 6;
+my $res = Catalyst::Response->new;
+# test aliasing of res->code for res->status
+is($res->code, 500, 'code sets itself');
+is($res->status, 500, 'code sets status');
+is($res->code, 501, 'status sets code');
+is($res->body, '', "default response body ''");
+is($res->body, '', "response body '' after assigned undef");

Copied: Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/unit_utils_env_value.t (from rev 11633, Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_utils_env_value.t)
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/unit_utils_env_value.t	                        (rev 0)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/unit_utils_env_value.t	2009-11-12 23:43:17 UTC (rev 11809)
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More tests => 4;
+use Catalyst::Utils;
+### No env vars defined
+    ok( !Catalyst::Utils::env_value( 'MyApp', 'Key' ),
+        'No env values defined returns false'
+    );
+### App env var defined
+    $ENV{'MYAPP2_KEY'} = 'Env value 2';
+    is( Catalyst::Utils::env_value( 'MyApp2', 'Key' ),
+        'Env value 2', 'Got the right value from the application var' );
+### Catalyst env var defined
+    $ENV{'CATALYST_KEY'} = 'Env value 3';
+    is( Catalyst::Utils::env_value( 'MyApp3', 'Key' ),
+        'Env value 3', 'Got the right value from the catalyst var' );
+### Catalyst and Application env vars defined
+    $ENV{'CATALYST_KEY'} = 'Env value bad';
+    $ENV{'MYAPP4_KEY'}   = 'Env value 4';
+    is( Catalyst::Utils::env_value( 'MyApp4', 'Key' ),
+        'Env value 4', 'Got the right value from the application var' );

Copied: Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/unit_utils_prefix.t (from rev 11633, Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_utils_prefix.t)
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/unit_utils_prefix.t	                        (rev 0)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/unit_utils_prefix.t	2009-11-12 23:43:17 UTC (rev 11809)
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More tests => 8;
+use lib "t/lib";
+use Catalyst::Utils;
+is( Catalyst::Utils::class2prefix('MyApp::V::Foo::Bar'), 'foo/bar', 'class2prefix works with M/V/C' );
+is( Catalyst::Utils::class2prefix('MyApp::Controller::Foo::Bar'), 'foo/bar', 'class2prefix works with Model/View/Controller' );
+is( Catalyst::Utils::class2prefix('MyApp::Controller::Foo::View::Bar'), 'foo/view/bar', 'class2prefix works with tricky components' );
+is( Catalyst::Utils::appprefix('MyApp::Foo'), 'myapp_foo', 'appprefix works' );
+is( Catalyst::Utils::class2appclass('MyApp::Foo::Controller::Bar::View::Baz'), 'MyApp::Foo', 'class2appclass works' );
+is( Catalyst::Utils::class2classprefix('MyApp::Foo::Controller::Bar::View::Baz'), 'MyApp::Foo::Controller', 'class2classprefix works' );
+is( Catalyst::Utils::class2classsuffix('MyApp::Foo::Controller::Bar::View::Baz'), 'Controller::Bar::View::Baz', 'class2classsuffix works' );
+is( Catalyst::Utils::class2env('MyApp::Foo'), 'MYAPP_FOO', 'class2env works' );

Copied: Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/unit_utils_request.t (from rev 11633, Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_utils_request.t)
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/unit_utils_request.t	                        (rev 0)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/aggregate/unit_utils_request.t	2009-11-12 23:43:17 UTC (rev 11809)
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More tests => 4;
+use Catalyst::Utils;
+    my $url = "/dump";
+    ok(
+        my $request = Catalyst::Utils::request($url),
+        "Request: simple get without protocol nor host"
+    );
+    like( $request->uri, qr|^http://localhost/|,
+        " has default protocol and host" );
+    my $url = "/dump?url=http://www.somewhere.com/";
+    ok(
+        my $request = Catalyst::Utils::request($url),
+        "Same with param containing a url"
+    );
+    like( $request->uri, qr|^http://localhost/|,
+        " has default protocol and host" );

Deleted: Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/c3_appclass_bug.t
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/c3_appclass_bug.t	2009-11-12 23:41:17 UTC (rev 11808)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/c3_appclass_bug.t	2009-11-12 23:43:17 UTC (rev 11809)
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use Test::More tests => 1;
-    package TestPlugin;
-    use strict;
-    sub setup {
-        shift->maybe::next::method(@_);
-    }
-    package TestAppC3ErrorUseMoose;
-    use Moose;
-    use Catalyst::Runtime 5.80;
-    use base qw/Catalyst/;
-    use Catalyst qw/
-        +TestPlugin
-    /;
-use Test::Exception;
-lives_ok {
-    TestAppC3ErrorUseMoose->setup();
-} 'No C3 error';

Deleted: Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/c3_mro.t
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/c3_mro.t	2009-11-12 23:41:17 UTC (rev 11808)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/c3_mro.t	2009-11-12 23:43:17 UTC (rev 11809)
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Test::More;
-require Catalyst;
-require Module::Pluggable::Object;
-use MRO::Compat;
-# Get a list of all Catalyst:: packages in blib via M::P::O
-my @cat_mods;
-  # problem with @INC on win32, see:
-  # http://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=26452
-  if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') { require Win32; Win32::GetCwd(); }
-  local @INC = grep {/blib/} @INC;
-  @cat_mods = (
-    'Catalyst', 
-    Module::Pluggable::Object->new(search_path => ['Catalyst'])->plugins,
-  );
-# plan one test per found package name
-plan tests => scalar @cat_mods;
-# Try to calculate the C3 MRO for each package
-# In the case that the initial require fails (as in
-# Catalyst::Engine::FastCGI when FCGI is not installed),
-# the calculateMRO eval will not error out, which is
-# effectively a test skip.
-foreach my $cat_mod (@cat_mods) {
-  eval " require $cat_mod ";
-  eval { mro::get_linear_isa($cat_mod, 'c3') };
-  ok(!$@, "calculateMRO for $cat_mod: $@");

Deleted: Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/caf_backcompat.t
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/caf_backcompat.t	2009-11-12 23:41:17 UTC (rev 11808)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/caf_backcompat.t	2009-11-12 23:43:17 UTC (rev 11809)
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Test::More;
-use Test::Exception;
-use Class::MOP ();
-use Moose::Util ();
-# List of everything which used Class::Accessor::Fast in 5.70.
-my @modules = qw/
-    Catalyst::Action
-    Catalyst::ActionContainer
-    Catalyst::Component
-    Catalyst::Dispatcher
-    Catalyst::DispatchType
-    Catalyst::Engine
-    Catalyst::Log
-    Catalyst::Request::Upload
-    Catalyst::Request
-    Catalyst::Response
-plan tests => scalar @modules;
-foreach my $module (@modules) {
-    Class::MOP::load_class($module);
-    ok Moose::Util::does_role($module => 'MooseX::Emulate::Class::Accessor::Fast'),
-        "$module has Class::Accessor::Fast back-compat";

Deleted: Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/custom_live_component_controller_action_auto_doublebug.t
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/custom_live_component_controller_action_auto_doublebug.t	2009-11-12 23:41:17 UTC (rev 11808)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/custom_live_component_controller_action_auto_doublebug.t	2009-11-12 23:43:17 UTC (rev 11809)
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use FindBin;
-use lib "$FindBin::Bin/lib";
-our $iters;
-BEGIN { $iters = $ENV{CAT_BENCH_ITERS} || 1; }
-use Test::More tests => 3*$iters;
-use Catalyst::Test 'TestAppDoubleAutoBug';
-    require Benchmark;
-    Benchmark::timethis( $iters, \&run_tests );
-else {
-    for ( 1 .. $iters ) {
-        run_tests();
-    }
-sub run_tests {
-    SKIP:
-    {
-        if ( $ENV{CATALYST_SERVER} ) {
-            skip 'Using remote server', 3;
-        }
-        {
-            my @expected = qw[
-                TestAppDoubleAutoBug::Controller::Root->auto
-                TestAppDoubleAutoBug::Controller::Root->default
-                TestAppDoubleAutoBug::Controller::Root->end
-            ];
-            my $expected = join( ", ", @expected );
-            ok( my $response = request('http://localhost/action/auto/one'), 'auto + local' );
-            is( $response->header('X-Catalyst-Executed'),
-                $expected, 'Executed actions' );
-            is( $response->content, 'default, auto=1', 'Content OK' );
-        }
-    }

Deleted: Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/custom_live_path_bug.t
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/custom_live_path_bug.t	2009-11-12 23:41:17 UTC (rev 11808)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/custom_live_path_bug.t	2009-11-12 23:43:17 UTC (rev 11809)
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use FindBin;
-use lib "$FindBin::Bin/lib";
-our $iters;
-BEGIN { $iters = $ENV{CAT_BENCH_ITERS} || 1; }
-use Test::More tests => 2*$iters;
-use Catalyst::Test 'TestAppPathBug';
-    require Benchmark;
-    Benchmark::timethis( $iters, \&run_tests );
-else {
-    for ( 1 .. $iters ) {
-        run_tests();
-    }
-sub run_tests {
-    SKIP:
-    {
-        if ( $ENV{CATALYST_SERVER} ) {
-            skip 'Using remote server', 2;
-        }
-        {
-            my $expected = 'This is the foo method.';
-            ok( my $response = request('http://localhost/'), 'response ok' );
-            is( $response->content, $expected, 'Content OK' );
-        }
-    }

Modified: Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/lib/TestApp/Controller/Action/Private.pm
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/lib/TestApp/Controller/Action/Private.pm	2009-11-12 23:41:17 UTC (rev 11808)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/lib/TestApp/Controller/Action/Private.pm	2009-11-12 23:43:17 UTC (rev 11809)
@@ -8,27 +8,27 @@
     $c->res->output('access denied');
-sub one : Private { 
+sub one : Private {
     my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
     $c->res->output('access allowed');
-sub two : Private Relative {
+sub two : Private {
     my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
     $c->res->output('access allowed');
-sub three : Private Absolute {
+sub three : Private {
     my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
     $c->res->output('access allowed');
-sub four : Private Path('/action/private/four') {
+sub four : Private {
     my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
     $c->res->output('access allowed');
-sub five : Private Path('five') {
+sub five : Private {
     my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
     $c->res->output('access allowed');

Modified: Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/lib/TestApp/Controller/Dump.pm
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/lib/TestApp/Controller/Dump.pm	2009-11-12 23:41:17 UTC (rev 11808)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/lib/TestApp/Controller/Dump.pm	2009-11-12 23:43:17 UTC (rev 11809)
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 use strict;
 use base 'Catalyst::Controller';
-sub default : Action Private {
+sub default : Action {
     my ( $self, $c ) = @_;

Modified: Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/lib/TestAppDoubleAutoBug.pm
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/lib/TestAppDoubleAutoBug.pm	2009-11-12 23:41:17 UTC (rev 11808)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/lib/TestAppDoubleAutoBug.pm	2009-11-12 23:43:17 UTC (rev 11809)
@@ -44,3 +44,6 @@
     return $c->SUPER::execute(@_);

Modified: Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/lib/TestAppStats.pm
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/lib/TestAppStats.pm	2009-11-12 23:41:17 UTC (rev 11808)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/lib/TestAppStats.pm	2009-11-12 23:43:17 UTC (rev 11809)
@@ -21,3 +21,6 @@
 sub info { push(@TestAppStats::log_messages, @_); }
 sub debug { push(@TestAppStats::log_messages, @_); }

Deleted: Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/meta_method_unneeded.t
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/meta_method_unneeded.t	2009-11-12 23:41:17 UTC (rev 11808)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/meta_method_unneeded.t	2009-11-12 23:43:17 UTC (rev 11809)
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use FindBin qw/$Bin/;
-use lib "$Bin/lib";
-use Test::More tests => 1;
-use Test::Exception;
-use Carp ();
-# Doing various silly things, like for example
-# use CGI qw/:standard/ in your conrtoller / app
-# will overwrite your meta method, therefore Catalyst
-# can't depend on it being there correctly.
-# This is/was demonstrated by Catalyst::Controller::WrapCGI
-# and Catalyst::Plugin::Cache::Curried
-use Catalyst::Test 'TestAppWithMeta';
-ok( request('/')->is_success );

Deleted: Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_controller_actions.t
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_controller_actions.t	2009-11-12 23:41:17 UTC (rev 11808)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_controller_actions.t	2009-11-12 23:43:17 UTC (rev 11809)
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Test::More tests => 4;
-use Catalyst ();
-    package TestController;
-    use Moose;
-    BEGIN { extends 'Catalyst::Controller' }
-    sub action : Local {}
-    sub foo : Path {}
-    no Moose;
-my $mock_app = Class::MOP::Class->create_anon_class( superclasses => ['Catalyst'] );
-my $app = $mock_app->name->new;
-my $controller = TestController->new($app, {actions => { foo => { Path => '/some/path' }}});
-ok $controller->can('_controller_actions');
-is_deeply $controller->_controller_actions => { foo => { Path => '/some/path' }};
-is_deeply $controller->{actions} => { foo => { Path => '/some/path' }}; # Back compat.
-is_deeply [ sort grep { ! /^_/ } map { $_->name } $controller->get_action_methods ], [sort qw/action foo/];

Deleted: Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_controller_config.t
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_controller_config.t	2009-11-12 23:41:17 UTC (rev 11808)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_controller_config.t	2009-11-12 23:43:17 UTC (rev 11809)
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-## ============================================================================
-## Test to make sure that subclassed controllers (catalyst controllers
-## that inherit from a custom base catalyst controller) don't experienc
-## any namespace collision in the values under config.
-## ============================================================================
-use Test::More tests => 9;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-## First We define a base controller that inherits from Catalyst::Controller
-## We add something to the config that we expect all children classes to
-## be able to find.
-## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    package base_controller;
-    use base 'Catalyst::Controller';
-    __PACKAGE__->config( base_key   => 'base_value' );
-## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-## Next we instantiate two classes that inherit from the base controller.  We
-## Add some local config information to these.
-## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    package controller_a;
-    use base 'base_controller';
-    __PACKAGE__->config( key_a => 'value_a' );
-    package controller_b;
-    use base 'base_controller';
-    __PACKAGE__->config->{key_b} = 'value_b';
-## Okay, we expect that the base controller has a config with one key
-## and that the two children controllers inherit that config key and then
-## add one more.  So the base controller has one config value and the two
-## children each have two.
-## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-## THE TESTS.  Basically we first check to make sure that all the children of
-## the base_controller properly inherit the {base_key => 'base_value'} info
-## and that each of the children also has its local config data and that none
-## of the classes have data that is unexpected.
-## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# First round, does everything have what we expect to find? If these tests fail there is something
-# wrong with the way config is storing its information.
-ok( base_controller->config->{base_key} eq 'base_value', 'base_controller has expected config value for "base_key"') or
- diag('"base_key" defined as "'.base_controller->config->{base_key}.'" and not "base_value" in config');
-ok( controller_a->config->{base_key} eq 'base_value', 'controller_a has expected config value for "base_key"') or
- diag('"base_key" defined as "'.controller_a->config->{base_key}.'" and not "base_value" in config');
-ok( controller_a->config->{key_a} eq 'value_a', 'controller_a has expected config value for "key_a"') or
- diag('"key_a" defined as "'.controller_a->config->{key_a}.'" and not "value_a" in config');
-ok( controller_b->config->{base_key} eq 'base_value', 'controller_b has expected config value for "base_key"') or
- diag('"base_key" defined as "'.controller_b->config->{base_key}.'" and not "base_value" in config');
-ok( controller_b->config->{key_b} eq 'value_b', 'controller_b has expected config value for "key_b"') or
- diag('"key_b" defined as "'.controller_b->config->{key_b}.'" and not "value_b" in config');
-# second round, does each controller have the expected number of config values? If this test fails there is
-# probably some data collision between the controllers.
-ok( scalar(keys %{base_controller->config}) == 1, 'base_controller has the expected number of config values') or
- diag("base_controller should have 1 config value, but it has ".scalar(keys %{base_controller->config}));
-ok( scalar(keys %{controller_a->config}) == 2, 'controller_a has the expected number of config values') or
- diag("controller_a  should have 2 config value, but it has ".scalar(keys %{base_controller->config}));
-ok( scalar(keys %{controller_b->config}) == 2, 'controller_b has the expected number of config values') or
- diag("controller_a should have 2 config value, but it has ".scalar(keys %{base_controller->config}));

Deleted: Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_controller_namespace.t
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_controller_namespace.t	2009-11-12 23:41:17 UTC (rev 11808)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_controller_namespace.t	2009-11-12 23:43:17 UTC (rev 11809)
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Test::More tests => 2;
-  package MyApp::Controller::Foo;
-  use base qw/Catalyst::Controller/;
-  package MyApp::Controller::Root;
-  use base qw/Catalyst::Controller/;
-  __PACKAGE__->config(namespace => '');
-  package Stub;
-  sub config { {} };
-is(MyApp::Controller::Foo->action_namespace('Stub'), 'foo');
-is(MyApp::Controller::Root->action_namespace('Stub'), '');

Deleted: Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_core_action.t
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_core_action.t	2009-11-12 23:41:17 UTC (rev 11808)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_core_action.t	2009-11-12 23:43:17 UTC (rev 11809)
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-use Test::More tests => 6;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Moose::Meta::Class;
-#use Moose::Meta::Attribute;
-use Catalyst::Request;
-my $action_1 = Catalyst::Action->new(
-  name => 'foo',
-  code => sub { "DUMMY" },
-  reverse => 'bar/foo',
-  namespace => 'bar',
-  attributes => {
-    Args => [ 1 ],
-    attr2 => [ 2 ],
-  },
-my $action_2 = Catalyst::Action->new(
-  name => 'foo',
-  code => sub { "DUMMY" },
-  reverse => 'bar/foo',
-  namespace => 'bar',
-  attributes => {
-    Args => [ 2 ],
-    attr2 => [ 2 ],
-  },
-is("${action_1}", $action_1->reverse, 'overload string');
-is($action_1->(), 'DUMMY', 'overload code');
-my $anon_meta = Moose::Meta::Class->create_anon_class(
-  attributes => [
-    Moose::Meta::Attribute->new(
-      request => (
-        reader => 'request',
-        required => 1,
-        default => sub { Catalyst::Request->new(arguments => [qw/one two/]) },
-      ),
-    ),
-  ],
-  methods => { req => sub { shift->request(@_) } }
-my $mock_c = $anon_meta->new_object();
-ok(!$action_1->match($mock_c), 'bad match fails');
-ok($action_2->match($mock_c), 'good match works');
-ok($action_2->compare( $action_1 ), 'compare works');

Deleted: Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_core_classdata.t
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_core_classdata.t	2009-11-12 23:41:17 UTC (rev 11808)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_core_classdata.t	2009-11-12 23:43:17 UTC (rev 11809)
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Scalar::Util qw/refaddr blessed/;
-use Test::More tests => 37;
-  package ClassDataTest;
-  use Moose;
-  with 'Catalyst::ClassData';
-  package ClassDataTest2;
-  use Moose;
-  extends 'ClassDataTest';
-  my $scalar = '100';
-  my $arrayref = [];
-  my $hashref = {};
-  my $scalarref = \$scalar;
-  my $coderef = sub { "beep" };
-  my $scalar2 = '200';
-  my $arrayref2 = [];
-  my $hashref2 = {};
-  my $scalarref2 = \$scalar2;
-  my $coderef2 = sub { "beep" };
-  my $scalar3 = '300';
-  my $arrayref3 = [];
-  my $hashref3 = {};
-  my $scalarref3 = \$scalar3;
-  my $coderef3 = sub { "beep" };
-my @accessors = qw/_arrayref _hashref _scalarref _coderef _scalar/;
-ClassDataTest->mk_classdata($_) for @accessors;
-can_ok('ClassDataTest', @accessors);
-ClassDataTest2->mk_classdata("beep", "meep");
-is(ClassDataTest2->beep, "meep");
-is(ref(ClassDataTest->_arrayref), 'ARRAY');
-is(ref(ClassDataTest->_hashref), 'HASH');
-is(ref(ClassDataTest->_scalarref), 'SCALAR');
-is(ref(ClassDataTest->_coderef), 'CODE');
-ok( !ref(ClassDataTest->_scalar) );
-is(refaddr(ClassDataTest->_arrayref), refaddr($arrayref));
-is(refaddr(ClassDataTest->_hashref), refaddr($hashref));
-is(refaddr(ClassDataTest->_scalarref), refaddr($scalarref));
-is(refaddr(ClassDataTest->_coderef), refaddr($coderef));
-is(ClassDataTest->_scalar, $scalar);
-is(ref(ClassDataTest2->_arrayref), 'ARRAY');
-is(ref(ClassDataTest2->_hashref), 'HASH');
-is(ref(ClassDataTest2->_scalarref), 'SCALAR');
-is(ref(ClassDataTest2->_coderef), 'CODE');
-ok( !ref(ClassDataTest2->_scalar) );
-is(refaddr(ClassDataTest2->_arrayref), refaddr($arrayref));
-is(refaddr(ClassDataTest2->_hashref), refaddr($hashref));
-is(refaddr(ClassDataTest2->_scalarref), refaddr($scalarref));
-is(refaddr(ClassDataTest2->_coderef), refaddr($coderef));
-is(ClassDataTest2->_scalar, $scalar);
-is(refaddr(ClassDataTest2->_arrayref), refaddr($arrayref2));
-is(refaddr(ClassDataTest2->_hashref), refaddr($hashref2));
-is(refaddr(ClassDataTest2->_scalarref), refaddr($scalarref2));
-is(refaddr(ClassDataTest2->_coderef), refaddr($coderef2));
-is(ClassDataTest2->_scalar, $scalar2);
-is(refaddr(ClassDataTest->_arrayref), refaddr($arrayref));
-is(refaddr(ClassDataTest->_hashref), refaddr($hashref));
-is(refaddr(ClassDataTest->_scalarref), refaddr($scalarref));
-is(refaddr(ClassDataTest->_coderef), refaddr($coderef));
-is(ClassDataTest->_scalar, $scalar);
-is(refaddr(ClassDataTest->_arrayref), refaddr($arrayref3));
-is(refaddr(ClassDataTest->_hashref), refaddr($hashref3));
-is(refaddr(ClassDataTest->_scalarref), refaddr($scalarref3));
-is(refaddr(ClassDataTest->_coderef), refaddr($coderef3));
-is(ClassDataTest->_scalar, $scalar3);
-my $i = bless {}, 'ClassDataTest';

Deleted: Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_core_component.t
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_core_component.t	2009-11-12 23:41:17 UTC (rev 11808)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_core_component.t	2009-11-12 23:43:17 UTC (rev 11809)
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-use Test::More tests => 22;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-my @complist = map { "MyApp::$_"; } qw/C::Controller M::Model V::View/;
-  package MyApp;
-  use base qw/Catalyst/;
-  __PACKAGE__->components({ map { ($_, $_) } @complist });
-  # this is so $c->log->warn will work
-  __PACKAGE__->setup_log;
-is(MyApp->comp('MyApp::V::View'), 'MyApp::V::View', 'Explicit return ok');
-is(MyApp->comp('C::Controller'), 'MyApp::C::Controller', 'Two-part return ok');
-is(MyApp->comp('Model'), 'MyApp::M::Model', 'Single part return ok');
-is_deeply([ MyApp->comp() ], \@complist, 'Empty return ok');
-# Is this desired behaviour?
-is_deeply([ MyApp->comp('Foo') ], \@complist, 'Fallthrough return ok');
-# regexp behavior
-    is_deeply( [ MyApp->comp( qr{Model} ) ], [ 'MyApp::M::Model'], 'regexp ok' );
-    is_deeply( [ MyApp->comp('MyApp::V::View$') ], [ 'MyApp::V::View' ], 'Explicit return ok');
-    is_deeply( [ MyApp->comp('MyApp::C::Controller$') ], [ 'MyApp::C::Controller' ], 'Explicit return ok');
-    is_deeply( [ MyApp->comp('MyApp::M::Model$') ], [ 'MyApp::M::Model' ], 'Explicit return ok');
-    # a couple other varieties for regexp fallback
-    is_deeply( [ MyApp->comp('M::Model') ], [ 'MyApp::M::Model' ], 'Explicit return ok');
-    {
-        my $warnings = 0;
-        no warnings 'redefine';
-        local *Catalyst::Log::warn = sub { $warnings++ };
-        is_deeply( [ MyApp->comp('::M::Model') ], [ 'MyApp::M::Model' ], 'Explicit return ok');
-        ok( $warnings, 'regexp fallback warnings' );
-        $warnings = 0;
-        is_deeply( [ MyApp->comp('Mode') ], [ 'MyApp::M::Model' ], 'Explicit return ok');
-        ok( $warnings, 'regexp fallback warnings' );
-        $warnings = 0;
-        is(MyApp->comp('::M::'), 'MyApp::M::Model', 'Regex return ok');
-        ok( $warnings, 'regexp fallback for comp() warns' );
-    }
-# multiple returns
-    my @expected = sort qw( MyApp::C::Controller MyApp::M::Model );
-    my @got = sort MyApp->comp( qr{::[MC]::} );
-    is_deeply( \@got, \@expected, 'multiple results from regexp ok' );
-# failed search
-    is_deeply( scalar MyApp->comp( qr{DNE} ), 0, 'no results for failed search' );
-#checking @args passed to ACCEPT_CONTEXT
-    my $args;
-    {
-        no warnings 'once';
-        *MyApp::M::Model::ACCEPT_CONTEXT = sub { my ($self, $c, @args) = @_; $args= \@args};
-    }
-    my $c = bless {}, 'MyApp';
-    $c->component('MyApp::M::Model', qw/foo bar/);
-    is_deeply($args, [qw/foo bar/], 'args passed to ACCEPT_CONTEXT ok');
-    $c->component('M::Model', qw/foo2 bar2/);
-    is_deeply($args, [qw/foo2 bar2/], 'args passed to ACCEPT_CONTEXT ok');
-    $c->component('Mode', qw/foo3 bar3/);
-    is_deeply($args, [qw/foo3 bar3/], 'args passed to ACCEPT_CONTEXT ok');

Deleted: Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_core_component_loading.t
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_core_component_loading.t	2009-11-12 23:41:17 UTC (rev 11808)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_core_component_loading.t	2009-11-12 23:43:17 UTC (rev 11809)
@@ -1,226 +0,0 @@
-# 2 initial tests, and 6 per component in the loop below
-# (do not forget to update the number of components in test 3 as well)
-# 5 extra tests for the loading options
-# One test for components in inner packages
-use Test::More tests => 2 + 6 * 24 + 8 + 1;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use File::Spec;
-use File::Path;
-my $libdir = 'test_trash';
-unshift(@INC, $libdir);
-my $appclass = 'TestComponents';
-my @components = (
-    { type => 'Controller', prefix => 'C', name => 'Bar' },
-    { type => 'Controller', prefix => 'C', name => 'Foo::Bar' },
-    { type => 'Controller', prefix => 'C', name => 'Foo::Foo::Bar' },
-    { type => 'Controller', prefix => 'C', name => 'Foo::Foo::Foo::Bar' },
-    { type => 'Controller', prefix => 'Controller', name => 'Bar::Bar::Bar::Foo' },
-    { type => 'Controller', prefix => 'Controller', name => 'Bar::Bar::Foo' },
-    { type => 'Controller', prefix => 'Controller', name => 'Bar::Foo' },
-    { type => 'Controller', prefix => 'Controller', name => 'Foo' },
-    { type => 'Model', prefix => 'M', name => 'Bar' },
-    { type => 'Model', prefix => 'M', name => 'Foo::Bar' },
-    { type => 'Model', prefix => 'M', name => 'Foo::Foo::Bar' },
-    { type => 'Model', prefix => 'M', name => 'Foo::Foo::Foo::Bar' },
-    { type => 'Model', prefix => 'Model', name => 'Bar::Bar::Bar::Foo' },
-    { type => 'Model', prefix => 'Model', name => 'Bar::Bar::Foo' },
-    { type => 'Model', prefix => 'Model', name => 'Bar::Foo' },
-    { type => 'Model', prefix => 'Model', name => 'Foo' },
-    { type => 'View', prefix => 'V', name => 'Bar' },
-    { type => 'View', prefix => 'V', name => 'Foo::Bar' },
-    { type => 'View', prefix => 'V', name => 'Foo::Foo::Bar' },
-    { type => 'View', prefix => 'V', name => 'Foo::Foo::Foo::Bar' },
-    { type => 'View', prefix => 'View', name => 'Bar::Bar::Bar::Foo' },
-    { type => 'View', prefix => 'View', name => 'Bar::Bar::Foo' },
-    { type => 'View', prefix => 'View', name => 'Bar::Foo' },
-    { type => 'View', prefix => 'View', name => 'Foo' },
-sub write_component_file { 
-  my ($dir_list, $module_name, $content) = @_;
-  my $dir  = File::Spec->catdir(@$dir_list);
-  my $file = File::Spec->catfile($dir, $module_name . '.pm');
-  mkpath(join(q{/}, @$dir_list) );
-  open(my $fh, '>', $file) or die "Could not open file $file for writing: $!";
-  print $fh $content;
-  close $fh;
-sub make_component_file {
-    my ($type, $prefix, $name) = @_;
-    my $compbase = "Catalyst::${type}";
-    my $fullname = "${appclass}::${prefix}::${name}";
-    my @namedirs = split(/::/, $name);
-    my $name_final = pop(@namedirs);
-    my @dir_list = ($libdir, $appclass, $prefix, @namedirs);
-    write_component_file(\@dir_list, $name_final, <<EOF);
-package $fullname;
-use MRO::Compat;
-use base '$compbase';
-    my \$self = shift->next::method(\@_);
-    no strict 'refs';
-    *{\__PACKAGE__ . "::whoami"} = sub { return \__PACKAGE__; };
-    \$self;
-foreach my $component (@components) {
-    make_component_file($component->{type},
-                        $component->{prefix},
-                        $component->{name});
-my $shut_up_deprecated_warnings = q{
-    __PACKAGE__->log(Catalyst::Log->new('fatal'));
-eval "package $appclass; use Catalyst; $shut_up_deprecated_warnings __PACKAGE__->setup";
-can_ok( $appclass, 'components');
-my $complist = $appclass->components;
-# the +1 below is for the app class itself
-is(scalar keys %$complist, 24+1, "Correct number of components loaded");
-foreach (keys %$complist) {
-    # Skip the component which happens to be the app itself
-    next if $_ eq $appclass;
-    my $instance = $appclass->component($_);
-    isa_ok($instance, $_);
-    can_ok($instance, 'whoami');
-    is($instance->whoami, $_);
-    if($_ =~ /^${appclass}::(?:V|View)::(.*)/) {
-        my $moniker = $1;
-        isa_ok($instance, 'Catalyst::View');
-        can_ok($appclass->view($moniker), 'whoami');
-        is($appclass->view($moniker)->whoami, $_);
-    }
-    elsif($_ =~ /^${appclass}::(?:M|Model)::(.*)/) {
-        my $moniker = $1;
-        isa_ok($instance, 'Catalyst::Model');
-        can_ok($appclass->model($moniker), 'whoami');
-        is($appclass->model($moniker)->whoami, $_);
-    }
-    elsif($_ =~ /^${appclass}::(?:C|Controller)::(.*)/) {
-        my $moniker = $1;
-        isa_ok($instance, 'Catalyst::Controller');
-        can_ok($appclass->controller($moniker), 'whoami');
-        is($appclass->controller($moniker)->whoami, $_);
-    }
-    else {
-        die "Something is wrong with this test, this should"
-            . " have been unreachable";
-    }
-# test extra component loading options
-$appclass = 'ExtraOptions';
-push @components, { type => 'View', prefix => 'Extra', name => 'Foo' };
-foreach my $component (@components) {
-    make_component_file($component->{type},
-                        $component->{prefix},
-                        $component->{name});
-eval qq(
-package $appclass;
-use Catalyst;
-__PACKAGE__->config->{ setup_components } = {
-    search_extra => [ '::Extra' ],
-    except       => [ "${appclass}::Controller::Foo" ]
-can_ok( $appclass, 'components');
-$complist = $appclass->components;
-is(scalar keys %$complist, 24+1, "Correct number of components loaded");
-ok( !exists $complist->{ "${appclass}::Controller::Foo" }, 'Controller::Foo was skipped' );
-ok( exists $complist->{ "${appclass}::Extra::Foo" }, 'Extra::Foo was loaded' );
-$appclass = "ComponentOnce";
-write_component_file([$libdir, $appclass, 'Model'], 'TopLevel', <<EOF);
-package ${appclass}::Model::TopLevel;
-use base 'Catalyst::Model';
-    my \$self = shift->next::method(\@_);
-    no strict 'refs';
-    *{\__PACKAGE__ . "::whoami"} = sub { return \__PACKAGE__; };
-    *${appclass}::Model::TopLevel::GENERATED::ACCEPT_CONTEXT = sub {
-        return bless {}, 'FooBarBazQuux';
-    };
-    \$self;
-package ${appclass}::Model::TopLevel::Nested;
-sub COMPONENT { die "COMPONENT called in the wrong order!"; }
-write_component_file([$libdir, $appclass, 'Model', 'TopLevel'], 'Nested', <<EOF);
-package ${appclass}::Model::TopLevel::Nested;
-use base 'Catalyst::Model';
-my \$called=0;
-no warnings 'redefine';
-sub COMPONENT { \$called++;return shift->next::method(\@_); }
-sub called { return \$called };
-eval "package $appclass; use Catalyst; __PACKAGE__->setup";
-is($@, '', "Didn't load component twice");
-is($appclass->model('TopLevel::Nested')->called,1, 'COMPONENT called once');
-ok($appclass->model('TopLevel::Generated'), 'Have generated model');
-is(ref($appclass->model('TopLevel::Generated')), 'FooBarBazQuux',
-    'ACCEPT_CONTEXT in generated inner package fired as expected');
-$appclass = "InnerComponent";
-  package InnerComponent::Controller::Test;
-  use base 'Catalyst::Controller';
-$INC{'InnerComponent/Controller/Test.pm'} = 1;
-eval "package $appclass; use Catalyst; __PACKAGE__->setup";
-isa_ok($appclass->controller('Test'), 'Catalyst::Controller');

Deleted: Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_core_component_mro.t
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_core_component_mro.t	2009-11-12 23:41:17 UTC (rev 11808)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_core_component_mro.t	2009-11-12 23:43:17 UTC (rev 11809)
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-use Test::More tests => 1;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-  package MyApp::Component;
-  use Test::More;
-  sub COMPONENT {
-    fail 'This no longer gets dispatched to';
-  }
-  package MyApp::MyComponent;
-  use base 'Catalyst::Component', 'MyApp::Component';
-my $warn = '';
-  local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
-    $warn .= $_[0];  
-  };
-  MyApp::MyComponent->COMPONENT('MyApp');
-like($warn, qr/after Catalyst::Component in MyApp::Component/, 
-    'correct warning thrown');

Deleted: Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_core_engine_fixenv-iis6.t
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_core_engine_fixenv-iis6.t	2009-11-12 23:41:17 UTC (rev 11808)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_core_engine_fixenv-iis6.t	2009-11-12 23:43:17 UTC (rev 11809)
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Test::More;
-eval "use FCGI";
-plan skip_all => 'FCGI required' if $@;
-plan tests => 2;
-require Catalyst::Engine::FastCGI;
-my %env = (
-    'SCRIPT_NAME' => '/koo/blurb',
-    'PATH_INFO' => '/koo/blurb',
-    'HTTP_ACCEPT' => 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8',
-    'SCRIPT_FILENAME' => 'C:\\Foo\\script\\blurb',
-    'INSTANCE_META_PATH' => '/LM/W3SVC/793536',
-    'SERVER_SOFTWARE' => 'Microsoft-IIS/6.0',
-    'AUTH_PASSWORD' => '',
-    'AUTH_TYPE' => '',
-    'HTTP_USER_AGENT' => 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.2; de; rv: Gecko/2008102920 Firefox/3.0.4 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)',
-    'REMOTE_PORT' => '1281',
-    'QUERY_STRING' => '',
-    'URL' => '/koo/blurb',
-    'HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE' => 'de-de,de;q=0.8,en-us;q=0.5,en;q=0.3',
-    'HTTP_KEEP_ALIVE' => '300',
-    'CONTENT_TYPE' => '',
-    'LOCAL_ADDR' => '',
-    'GATEWAY_INTERFACE' => 'CGI/1.1',
-    'HTTPS' => 'off',
-    'DOCUMENT_ROOT' => 'C:\\Foo\\script',
-    'REMOTE_HOST' => '',
-    'PATH_TRANSLATED' => 'C:\\Foo\\script\\blurb',
-    'APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH' => 'C:\\Foo\\script\\',
-    'SERVER_NAME' => '',
-    'HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING' => 'gzip,deflate',
-    'HTTP_CONNECTION' => 'keep-alive',
-    'INSTANCE_ID' => '793536',
-    'CONTENT_LENGTH' => '0',
-    'AUTH_USER' => '',
-    'APPL_MD_PATH' => '/LM/W3SVC/793536/Root/koo',
-    'HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET' => 'ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7',
-    'REMOTE_USER' => '',
-    'SERVER_PORT_SECURE' => '0',
-    'SERVER_PORT' => 83,
-    'REMOTE_ADDR' => '',
-    'SERVER_PROTOCOL' => 'HTTP/1.1',
-    'REQUEST_URI' => '/koo/blurb',
-    'APP_POOL_ID' => 'DefaultAppPool',
-    'HTTP_HOST' => ''
-is($env{PATH_INFO}, '//blurb', 'check PATH_INFO');
-is($env{SCRIPT_NAME}, '/koo', 'check SCRIPT_NAME');

Deleted: Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_core_engine_fixenv-lighttpd.t
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_core_engine_fixenv-lighttpd.t	2009-11-12 23:41:17 UTC (rev 11808)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_core_engine_fixenv-lighttpd.t	2009-11-12 23:43:17 UTC (rev 11809)
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Test::More;
-eval "use FCGI";
-plan skip_all => 'FCGI required' if $@;
-plan tests => 2;
-require Catalyst::Engine::FastCGI;
-my %env = (
-    'SCRIPT_NAME'          => '/bar',
-    'SERVER_NAME'          => 'localhost:8000',
-    'HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING' => 'gzip,deflate',
-    'HTTP_CONNECTION'      => 'keep-alive',
-    'PATH_INFO'            => '',
-    'HTTP_ACCEPT'          => 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8',
-    'REQUEST_METHOD'       => 'GET',
-    'SCRIPT_FILENAME'      => '/tmp/Foo/root/bar',
-    'HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET'  => 'ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7',
-    'SERVER_SOFTWARE'      => 'lighttpd/1.4.15',
-    'QUERY_STRING'         => '',
-    'REMOTE_PORT'          => '22207',
-    'SERVER_PORT'          => 8000,
-    'REDIRECT_STATUS'      => '200',
-    'HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE' => 'en-us,en;q=0.5',
-    'REMOTE_ADDR'          => '',
-    'FCGI_ROLE'            => 'RESPONDER',
-    'HTTP_KEEP_ALIVE'      => '300',
-    'SERVER_PROTOCOL'      => 'HTTP/1.1',
-    'REQUEST_URI'          => '/bar',
-    'GATEWAY_INTERFACE'    => 'CGI/1.1',
-    'SERVER_ADDR'          => '',
-    'DOCUMENT_ROOT'        => '/tmp/Foo/root',
-    'HTTP_HOST'            => 'localhost:8000',
-is($env{PATH_INFO}, '/bar', 'check PATH_INFO');
-ok(!exists($env{SCRIPT_NAME}), 'check SCRIPT_NAME');

Deleted: Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_core_log.t
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_core_log.t	2009-11-12 23:41:17 UTC (rev 11808)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_core_log.t	2009-11-12 23:43:17 UTC (rev 11809)
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Test::More tests => 23;
-my $LOG;
-    chdir 't' if -d 't';
-    use lib '../lib';
-    $LOG = 'Catalyst::Log';
-    use_ok $LOG or die;
-    no warnings 'redefine';
-    *Catalyst::Log::_send_to_log = sub {
-        my $self = shift;
-        push @MESSAGES, @_;
-    };
-can_ok $LOG, 'new';
-ok my $log = $LOG->new, '... and creating a new log object should succeed';
-isa_ok $log, $LOG, '... and the object it returns';
-can_ok $log, 'is_info';
-ok $log->is_info, '... and the default behavior is to allow info messages';
-can_ok $log, 'info';
-ok $log->info('hello there!'),
-    '... passing it an info message should succeed';
-can_ok $log, "_flush";
-ok @MESSAGES, '... and flushing the log should succeed';
-is scalar @MESSAGES, 1, '... with one log message';
-like $MESSAGES[0], qr/^\[info\] hello there!$/,
-    '... which should match the format we expect';
-    package Catalyst::Log::Subclass;
-    use base qw/Catalyst::Log/;
-    sub _send_to_log {
-        my $self = shift;
-        push @MESSAGES, '---';
-        push @MESSAGES, @_;
-    }
-my $SUBCLASS = 'Catalyst::Log::Subclass';
-can_ok $SUBCLASS, 'new';
-ok $log = Catalyst::Log::Subclass->new,
-    '... and the log subclass constructor shoudl return a new object';
-isa_ok $log, $SUBCLASS, '... and the object it returns';
-isa_ok $log, $LOG,      '... and it also';
-can_ok $log, 'info';
-ok $log->info('hi there!'),
-    '... passing it an info message should succeed';
-can_ok $log, "_flush";
- at MESSAGES = (); # clear the message log
-ok @MESSAGES, '... and flushing the log should succeed';
-is scalar @MESSAGES, 2, '... with two log messages';
-is $MESSAGES[0], '---', '... with the first one being our new data';
-like $MESSAGES[1], qr/^\[info\] hi there!$/,
-    '... which should match the format we expect';

Deleted: Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_core_merge_config_hashes.t
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_core_merge_config_hashes.t	2009-11-12 23:41:17 UTC (rev 11808)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_core_merge_config_hashes.t	2009-11-12 23:43:17 UTC (rev 11809)
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Test::More;
-my @tests = (
-    {
-        given   => [ { a => 1 }, { b => 1 } ],
-        expects => { a => 1, b => 1 }
-    },
-    {
-        given   => [ { a => 1 }, { a => { b => 1 } } ],
-        expects => { a => { b => 1 } }
-    },
-    {
-        given   => [ { a => { b => 1 } }, { a => 1 } ],
-        expects => { a => 1 }
-    },
-    {
-        given   => [ { a => 1 }, { a => [ 1 ] } ],
-        expects => { a => [ 1 ] }
-    },
-    {
-        given   => [ { a => [ 1 ] }, { a => 1 } ],
-        expects => { a => 1 }
-    },
-    {
-        given   => [ { a => { b => 1 } }, { a => { b => 2 } } ],
-        expects => { a => { b => 2 } }
-    },
-    {
-        given   => [ { a => { b => 1 } }, { a => { c => 1 } } ],
-        expects => { a => { b => 1, c => 1 } }
-    },
-plan tests => scalar @tests + 1;
-for my $test ( @ tests ) {
-    is_deeply( Catalyst->merge_config_hashes( @{ $test->{ given } } ), $test->{ expects } );

Deleted: Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_core_mvc.t
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_core_mvc.t	2009-11-12 23:41:17 UTC (rev 11808)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_core_mvc.t	2009-11-12 23:43:17 UTC (rev 11809)
@@ -1,227 +0,0 @@
-use Test::More tests => 51;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-my @complist =
-  map { "MyApp::$_"; }
-  qw/C::Controller M::Model V::View Controller::C Model::M View::V Controller::Model::Dummy::Model Model::Dummy::Model/;
-    package MyApp;
-    use base qw/Catalyst/;
-    __PACKAGE__->components( { map { ( ref($_)||$_ , $_ ) } @complist } );
-    my $thingie={};
-    bless $thingie, 'Some::Test::Object';
-    __PACKAGE__->components->{'MyApp::Model::Test::Object'} = $thingie;
-    # allow $c->log->warn to work
-    __PACKAGE__->setup_log;
-is( MyApp->view('View'), 'MyApp::V::View', 'V::View ok' );
-is( MyApp->controller('Controller'),
-    'MyApp::C::Controller', 'C::Controller ok' );
-is( MyApp->model('Model'), 'MyApp::M::Model', 'M::Model ok' );
-is( MyApp->model('Dummy::Model'), 'MyApp::Model::Dummy::Model', 'Model::Dummy::Model ok' );
-isa_ok( MyApp->model('Test::Object'), 'Some::Test::Object', 'Test::Object ok' );
-is( MyApp->controller('Model::Dummy::Model'), 'MyApp::Controller::Model::Dummy::Model', 'Controller::Model::Dummy::Model ok' );
-is( MyApp->view('V'), 'MyApp::View::V', 'View::V ok' );
-is( MyApp->controller('C'), 'MyApp::Controller::C', 'Controller::C ok' );
-is( MyApp->model('M'), 'MyApp::Model::M', 'Model::M ok' );
-# failed search
-    is( MyApp->model('DNE'), undef, 'undef for invalid search' );
-is_deeply( [ sort MyApp->views ],
-           [ qw/V View/ ],
-           'views ok' );
-is_deeply( [ sort MyApp->controllers ],
-           [ qw/C Controller Model::Dummy::Model/ ],
-           'controllers ok');
-is_deeply( [ sort MyApp->models ],
-           [ qw/Dummy::Model M Model Test::Object/ ],
-           'models ok');
-    my $warnings = 0;
-    no warnings 'redefine';
-    local *Catalyst::Log::warn = sub { $warnings++ };
-    like (MyApp->view , qr/^MyApp\::(V|View)\::/ , 'view() with no defaults returns *something*');
-    ok( $warnings, 'view() w/o a default is random, warnings thrown' );
-is ( bless ({stash=>{current_view=>'V'}}, 'MyApp')->view , 'MyApp::View::V', 'current_view ok');
-my $view = bless {} , 'MyApp::View::V'; 
-is ( bless ({stash=>{current_view_instance=> $view }}, 'MyApp')->view , $view, 'current_view_instance ok');
-is ( bless ({stash=>{current_view_instance=> $view, current_view=>'MyApp::V::View' }}, 'MyApp')->view , $view, 
-  'current_view_instance precedes current_view ok');
-    my $warnings = 0;
-    no warnings 'redefine';
-    local *Catalyst::Log::warn = sub { $warnings++ };
-    ok( my $model = MyApp->model );
-    ok( (($model =~ /^MyApp\::(M|Model)\::/) ||
-        $model->isa('Some::Test::Object')),
-        'model() with no defaults returns *something*' );
-    ok( $warnings, 'model() w/o a default is random, warnings thrown' );
-is ( bless ({stash=>{current_model=>'M'}}, 'MyApp')->model , 'MyApp::Model::M', 'current_model ok');
-my $model = bless {} , 'MyApp::Model::M'; 
-is ( bless ({stash=>{current_model_instance=> $model }}, 'MyApp')->model , $model, 'current_model_instance ok');
-is ( bless ({stash=>{current_model_instance=> $model, current_model=>'MyApp::M::Model' }}, 'MyApp')->model , $model, 
-  'current_model_instance precedes current_model ok');
-MyApp->config->{default_view} = 'V';
-is ( bless ({stash=>{}}, 'MyApp')->view , 'MyApp::View::V', 'default_view ok');
-is ( MyApp->view , 'MyApp::View::V', 'default_view in class method ok');
-MyApp->config->{default_model} = 'M';
-is ( bless ({stash=>{}}, 'MyApp')->model , 'MyApp::Model::M', 'default_model ok');
-is ( MyApp->model , 'MyApp::Model::M', 'default_model in class method ok');
-# regexp behavior tests
-    # is_deeply is used because regexp behavior means list context
-    is_deeply( [ MyApp->view( qr{^V[ie]+w$} ) ], [ 'MyApp::V::View' ], 'regexp view ok' );
-    is_deeply( [ MyApp->controller( qr{Dummy\::Model$} ) ], [ 'MyApp::Controller::Model::Dummy::Model' ], 'regexp controller ok' );
-    is_deeply( [ MyApp->model( qr{Dum{2}y} ) ], [ 'MyApp::Model::Dummy::Model' ], 'regexp model ok' );
-    # object w/ qr{}
-    is_deeply( [ MyApp->model( qr{Test} ) ], [ MyApp->components->{'MyApp::Model::Test::Object'} ], 'Object returned' );
-    {
-        my $warnings = 0;
-        no warnings 'redefine';
-        local *Catalyst::Log::warn = sub { $warnings++ };
-        # object w/ regexp fallback
-        is_deeply( [ MyApp->model( 'Test' ) ], [ MyApp->components->{'MyApp::Model::Test::Object'} ], 'Object returned' );
-        ok( $warnings, 'regexp fallback warnings' );
-    }
-    is_deeply( [ MyApp->view('MyApp::V::View$') ], [ 'MyApp::V::View' ], 'Explicit return ok');
-    is_deeply( [ MyApp->controller('MyApp::C::Controller$') ], [ 'MyApp::C::Controller' ], 'Explicit return ok');
-    is_deeply( [ MyApp->model('MyApp::M::Model$') ], [ 'MyApp::M::Model' ], 'Explicit return ok');
-    my @expected = qw( MyApp::C::Controller MyApp::Controller::C );
-    is_deeply( [ sort MyApp->controller( qr{^C} ) ], \@expected, 'multiple controller returns from regexp search' );
-    my @expected = qw( MyApp::V::View MyApp::View::V );
-    is_deeply( [ sort MyApp->view( qr{^V} ) ], \@expected, 'multiple view returns from regexp search' );
-    my @expected = qw( MyApp::M::Model MyApp::Model::M );
-    is_deeply( [ sort MyApp->model( qr{^M} ) ], \@expected, 'multiple model returns from regexp search' );
-# failed search
-    is( scalar MyApp->controller( qr{DNE} ), 0, '0 results for failed search' );
-#checking @args passed to ACCEPT_CONTEXT
-    my $args;
-    {
-        no warnings 'once';
-        *MyApp::Model::M::ACCEPT_CONTEXT = sub { my ($self, $c, @args) = @_; $args= \@args};
-        *MyApp::View::V::ACCEPT_CONTEXT = sub { my ($self, $c, @args) = @_; $args= \@args};
-    }
-    my $c = bless {}, 'MyApp';
-    # test accept-context with class rather than instance
-    MyApp->model('M', qw/foo bar/);
-    is_deeply($args, [qw/foo bar/], 'MyApp->model args passed to ACCEPT_CONTEXT ok');
-    $c->model('M', qw/foo bar/);
-    is_deeply($args, [qw/foo bar/], '$c->model args passed to ACCEPT_CONTEXT ok');
-    my $x = $c->view('V', qw/foo2 bar2/);
-    is_deeply($args, [qw/foo2 bar2/], '$c->view args passed to ACCEPT_CONTEXT ok');
-    # regexp fallback
-    $c->view('::View::V', qw/foo3 bar3/);
-    is_deeply($args, [qw/foo3 bar3/], 'args passed to ACCEPT_CONTEXT ok');
-    my $warn = '';
-    no warnings 'redefine';
-    local *Catalyst::Log::warn = sub { $warn .= $_[1] };
-    is_deeply (MyApp->controller('MyApp::Controller::C'),
-        MyApp->components->{'MyApp::Controller::C'},
-        'controller by fully qualified name ok');
-    # You probably meant $c->controller('C') instead of $c->controller({'MyApp::Controller::C'})
-    my ($suggested_comp_name, $orig_comp_name) = $warn =~ /You probably meant (.*) instead of (.*) /;
-    isnt($suggested_comp_name, $orig_comp_name, 'suggested fix in warning for fully qualified component names makes sense' );
-    package MyApp::WithoutRegexFallback;
-    use base qw/Catalyst/;
-    __PACKAGE__->config( { disable_component_resolution_regex_fallback => 1 } );
-    __PACKAGE__->components( { map { ( ref($_)||$_ , $_ ) }
-        qw/MyApp::WithoutRegexFallback::Controller::Another::Foo/ } );
-    # allow $c->log->warn to work
-    __PACKAGE__->setup_log;
-    # test if non-regex component retrieval still works
-    is( MyApp::WithoutRegexFallback->controller('Another::Foo'),
-        'MyApp::WithoutRegexFallback::Controller::Another::Foo', 'controller Another::Foo found');
-    my $warnings = 0;
-    no warnings 'redefine';
-    local *Catalyst::Log::warn = sub { $warnings++ };
-    # try to get nonexisting object w/o regexp fallback
-    is( MyApp::WithoutRegexFallback->controller('Foo'), undef, 'no controller Foo found');
-    ok( !$warnings, 'no regexp fallback warnings' );

Deleted: Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_core_path_to.t
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_core_path_to.t	2009-11-12 23:41:17 UTC (rev 11808)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_core_path_to.t	2009-11-12 23:43:17 UTC (rev 11809)
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Test::More;
-my %non_unix = (
-    MacOS   => 1,
-    MSWin32 => 1,
-    os2     => 1,
-    VMS     => 1,
-    epoc    => 1,
-    NetWare => 1,
-    dos     => 1,
-    cygwin  => 1
-my $os = $non_unix{$^O} ? $^O : 'Unix';
-if(  $os ne 'Unix' ) {
-    plan skip_all => 'tests require Unix';
-else {
-    plan tests => 3;
-my $context = 'Catalyst';
-my $config = Catalyst->config;
-$config->{home} = '/home/sri/my-app/';
-is( Catalyst::path_to( $context, 'foo' ), '/home/sri/my-app/foo', 'Unix path' );
-$config->{home} = '/Users/sri/myapp/';
-is( Catalyst::path_to( $context, 'foo', 'bar' ),
-    '/Users/sri/myapp/foo/bar', 'deep Unix path' );

Deleted: Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_core_plugin.t
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_core_plugin.t	2009-11-12 23:41:17 UTC (rev 11808)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_core_plugin.t	2009-11-12 23:43:17 UTC (rev 11809)
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Test::More tests => 24;
-use lib 't/lib';
-    package Faux::Plugin;
-    sub new { bless {}, shift }
-    my $count = 1;
-    sub count { $count++ }
-my $warnings = 0;
-use PluginTestApp;
-my $logger = Class::MOP::Class->create_anon_class(
-    methods => {
-        error => sub {0},
-        debug => sub {0},
-        info => sub {0},
-        warn => sub {
-            if ($_[1] =~ /plugin method is deprecated/) {
-               $warnings++;
-                return;
-            }
-            die "Caught unexpected warning: " . $_[1];
-        },
-    },
-use Catalyst::Test qw/PluginTestApp/;
-ok( get("/compile_time_plugins"), "get ok" );
-is( $warnings, 0, 'no warnings' );
-# FIXME - Run time plugin support is insane, and should be removed
-#         for Catalyst 5.9
-ok( get("/run_time_plugins"),     "get ok" );
-local $ENV{CATALYST_DEBUG} = 0;
-is( $warnings, 1, '1 warning' );
-use_ok 'TestApp';
-my @expected = qw(
-  Catalyst::Plugin::Test::Errors
-  Catalyst::Plugin::Test::Headers
-  Catalyst::Plugin::Test::Inline
-  Catalyst::Plugin::Test::MangleDollarUnderScore
-  Catalyst::Plugin::Test::Plugin
-  TestApp::Plugin::AddDispatchTypes
-  TestApp::Plugin::FullyQualified
-# Faux::Plugin is no longer reported
-is_deeply [ TestApp->registered_plugins ], \@expected,
-  'registered_plugins() should only report the plugins for the current class';

Deleted: Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_core_setup.t
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_core_setup.t	2009-11-12 23:41:17 UTC (rev 11808)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_core_setup.t	2009-11-12 23:43:17 UTC (rev 11809)
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Class::MOP::Class;
-use Catalyst::Runtime;
-use Test::More tests => 29;
-    # Silence the log.
-    my $meta = Catalyst::Log->meta;
-    $meta->make_mutable;
-    $meta->remove_method('_send_to_log');
-    $meta->add_method('_send_to_log', sub {});
-sub build_test_app_with_setup {
-    my ($name, @flags) = @_;
-    my $flags = '(' . join(', ', map { "'".$_."'" } @flags) . ')';
-    $flags = '' if $flags eq '()';
-    eval qq{
-        package $name;
-        use Catalyst $flags;
-        $name->setup;
-    };
-    die $@ if $@;
-    return $name;
-local %ENV = %ENV;
-# Remove all relevant env variables to avoid accidental fail
-foreach my $name (grep { /^(CATALYST|TESTAPP)/ } keys %ENV) {
-    delete $ENV{$name};
-    my $app = build_test_app_with_setup('TestAppMyTestDebug', '-Debug');
-    ok my $c = $app->new, 'Get debug app object';
-    ok my $log = $c->log, 'Get log object';
-    isa_ok $log, 'Catalyst::Log', 'It should be a Catalyst::Log object';
-    ok $log->is_warn, 'Warnings should be enabled';
-    ok $log->is_error, 'Errors should be enabled';
-    ok $log->is_fatal, 'Fatal errors should be enabled';
-    ok $log->is_info, 'Info should be enabled';
-    ok $log->is_debug, 'Debugging should be enabled';
-    ok $app->debug, 'debug method should return true';
-    my $app = build_test_app_with_setup('TestAppMyTestLogParam', '-Log=warn,error,fatal');
-    ok my $c = $app->new, 'Get log app object';
-    ok my $log = $c->log, 'Get log object';
-    isa_ok $log, 'Catalyst::Log', 'It should be a Catalyst::Log object';
-    ok $log->is_warn, 'Warnings should be enabled';
-    ok $log->is_error, 'Errors should be enabled';
-    ok $log->is_fatal, 'Fatal errors should be enabled';
-    ok !$log->is_info, 'Info should be disabled';
-    ok !$log->is_debug, 'Debugging should be disabled';
-    ok !$c->debug, 'Catalyst debugging is off';
-    my $app = build_test_app_with_setup('TestAppMyTestNoParams');
-    ok my $c = $app->new, 'Get log app object';
-    ok my $log = $c->log, 'Get log object';
-    isa_ok $log, 'Catalyst::Log', 'It should be a Catalyst::Log object';
-    ok $log->is_warn, 'Warnings should be enabled';
-    ok $log->is_error, 'Errors should be enabled';
-    ok $log->is_fatal, 'Fatal errors should be enabled';
-    ok $log->is_info, 'Info should be enabled';
-    ok $log->is_debug, 'Debugging should be enabled';
-    ok !$c->debug, 'Catalyst debugging turned off';
-my $log_meta = Class::MOP::Class->create_anon_class(
-    methods => { map { $_ => sub { 0 } } qw/debug error fatal info warn/ },
-    package TestAppWithOwnLogger;
-    use base qw/Catalyst/;
-    __PACKAGE__->log($log_meta->new_object);
-    __PACKAGE__->setup('-Debug');
-ok my $c = TestAppWithOwnLogger->new, 'Get with own logger app object';
-ok $c->debug, '$c->debug is true';

Deleted: Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_core_setup_log.t
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_core_setup_log.t	2009-11-12 23:41:17 UTC (rev 11808)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_core_setup_log.t	2009-11-12 23:43:17 UTC (rev 11809)
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Test::More tests => 30;
-use Test::Exception;
-use Catalyst ();
-sub mock_app {
-    my $name = shift;
-    print "Setting up mock application: $name\n";
-    my $meta = Moose->init_meta( for_class => $name );
-    $meta->superclasses('Catalyst');
-    return $meta->name;
-sub test_log_object {
-    my ($log, %expected) = @_;
-    foreach my $level (keys %expected) {
-        my $method_name = "is_$level";
-        if ($expected{$level}) {
-            ok( $log->$method_name(), "Level $level on" );
-        }
-        else {
-            ok( !$log->$method_name(), "Level $level off" );
-        }
-    }
-local %ENV = %ENV;
-# Remove all relevant env variables to avoid accidental fail
-foreach my $name (grep { /^(CATALYST|TESTAPP)/ } keys %ENV) {
-    delete $ENV{$name};
-    my $app = mock_app('TestAppParseLogLevels');
-    $app->setup_log('error,warn');
-    ok !$app->debug, 'Not in debug mode';
-    test_log_object($app->log,
-        fatal => 1,
-        error => 1,
-        warn => 1,
-        info => 0,
-        debug => 0,
-    );
-    local %ENV = %ENV;
-    my $app = mock_app('TestAppLogDebugEnvSet');
-    $app->setup_log('');
-    ok $app->debug, 'In debug mode';
-    test_log_object($app->log,
-        fatal => 1,
-        error => 1,
-        warn => 1,
-        info => 1,
-        debug => 1,
-    );
-    local %ENV = %ENV;
-    my $app = mock_app('TestAppLogDebugEnvUnset');
-    $app->setup_log('warn');
-    ok !$app->debug, 'Not In debug mode';
-    test_log_object($app->log,
-        fatal => 1,
-        error => 1,
-        warn => 1,
-        info => 0,
-        debug => 0,
-    );
-    my $app = mock_app('TestAppLogEmptyString');
-    $app->setup_log('');
-    ok !$app->debug, 'Not In debug mode';
-    # Note that by default, you get _all_ the log levels turned on
-    test_log_object($app->log,
-        fatal => 1,
-        error => 1,
-        warn => 1,
-        info => 1,
-        debug => 1,
-    );
-    my $app = mock_app('TestAppLogDebugOnly');
-    $app->setup_log('debug');
-    ok $app->debug, 'In debug mode';
-    test_log_object($app->log,
-        fatal => 1,
-        error => 1,
-        warn => 1,
-        info => 1,
-        debug => 1,
-    );

Deleted: Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_core_setup_stats.t
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_core_setup_stats.t	2009-11-12 23:41:17 UTC (rev 11808)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_core_setup_stats.t	2009-11-12 23:43:17 UTC (rev 11809)
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Test::More tests => 5;
-use Class::MOP::Class;
-use Catalyst ();
-my %log_messages; # TODO - Test log messages as expected.
-my $mock_log = Class::MOP::Class->create_anon_class(
-    methods => {
-        map { my $level = $_;
-            $level => sub {
-                $log_messages{$level} ||= [];
-                push(@{ $log_messages{$level} }, $_[1]);
-            },
-        }
-        qw/debug info warn error fatal/,
-    },
-sub mock_app {
-    my $name = shift;
-    %log_messages = (); # Flatten log messages.
-    my $meta = Moose->init_meta( for_class => $name );
-    $meta->superclasses('Catalyst');
-    $meta->add_method('log', sub { $mock_log }); 
-    return $meta->name;
-local %ENV = %ENV;
-# Remove all relevant env variables to avoid accidental fail
-foreach my $name (grep { /^(CATALYST|TESTAPP)/ } keys %ENV) {
-    delete $ENV{$name};
-    my $app = mock_app('TestAppNoStats');
-    $app->setup_stats();
-    ok !$app->use_stats, 'stats off by default';
-    my $app = mock_app('TestAppStats');
-    $app->setup_stats(1);
-    ok $app->use_stats, 'stats on if you say >setup_stats(1)';
-    my $app = mock_app('TestAppStatsDebugTurnsStatsOn');
-    $app->meta->add_method('debug' => sub { 1 });
-    $app->setup_stats();
-    ok $app->use_stats, 'debug on turns stats on';
-    local %ENV = %ENV;
-    my $app = mock_app('TestAppStatsEnvSet');
-    $app->setup_stats();
-    ok $app->use_stats, 'ENV turns stats on';
-    local %ENV = %ENV;
-    my $app = mock_app('TestAppStatsEnvUnset');
-    $app->meta->add_method('debug' => sub { 1 });
-    $app->setup_stats(1);
-    ok !$app->use_stats, 'ENV turns stats off, even when debug on and ->setup_stats(1)';

Deleted: Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_core_uri_for.t
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_core_uri_for.t	2009-11-12 23:41:17 UTC (rev 11808)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_core_uri_for.t	2009-11-12 23:43:17 UTC (rev 11809)
@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Test::More tests => 20;
-use URI;
-my $request = Catalyst::Request->new( {
-                base => URI->new('')
-              } );
-my $context = Catalyst->new( {
-                request => $request,
-                namespace => 'yada',
-              } );
-    Catalyst::uri_for( $context, '/bar/baz' )->as_string,
-    '',
-    'URI for absolute path'
-    Catalyst::uri_for( $context, 'bar/baz' )->as_string,
-    '',
-    'URI for relative path'
-    Catalyst::uri_for( $context, '', 'arg1', 'arg2' )->as_string,
-    '',
-    'URI for undef action with args'
-is( Catalyst::uri_for( $context, '../quux' )->as_string,
-    '', 'URI for relative dot path' );
-    Catalyst::uri_for( $context, 'quux', { param1 => 'value1' } )->as_string,
-    '',
-    'URI for undef action with query params'
-is (Catalyst::uri_for( $context, '/bar/wibble?' )->as_string,
-   '', 'Question Mark gets encoded'
-is( Catalyst::uri_for( $context, qw/bar wibble?/, 'with space' )->as_string,
-    '', 'Space gets encoded'
-    Catalyst::uri_for( $context, '/bar', 'with+plus', { 'also' => 'with+plus' })->as_string,
-    '',
-    'Plus is not encoded'
-# test with utf-8
-    Catalyst::uri_for( $context, 'quux', { param1 => "\x{2620}" } )->as_string,
-    '',
-    'URI for undef action with query params in unicode'
-    Catalyst::uri_for( $context, 'quux', { 'param:1' => "foo" } )->as_string,
-    '',
-    'URI for undef action with query params in unicode'
-# test with object
-    Catalyst::uri_for( $context, 'quux', { param1 => $request->base } )->as_string,
-    '',
-    'URI for undef action with query param as object'
-$request->base( URI->new('http://localhost:3000/') );
-$request->match( 'orderentry/contract' );
-    Catalyst::uri_for( $context, '/Orderentry/saveContract' )->as_string,
-    'http://localhost:3000/Orderentry/saveContract',
-    'URI for absolute path'
-    $request->base( URI->new('') );
-    $context->namespace('');
-    is( Catalyst::uri_for( $context, '/bar/baz' )->as_string,
-        '', 'URI with no base or match' );
-    # test "0" as the path
-    is( Catalyst::uri_for( $context, qw/0 foo/ )->as_string,
-        '', '0 as path is ok'
-    );
-# test with undef -- no warnings should be thrown
-    my $warnings = 0;
-    local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $warnings++ };
-    Catalyst::uri_for( $context, '/bar/baz', { foo => undef } )->as_string,
-    is( $warnings, 0, "no warnings emitted" );
-# Test with parameters '/', 'foo', 'bar' - should not generate a //
-is( Catalyst::uri_for( $context, qw| / foo bar | )->as_string,
-    '', 'uri is /foo/bar, not //foo/bar'
-TODO: {
-    local $TODO = 'RFCs are for people who, erm - fix this test..';
-    # Test rfc3986 reserved characters.  These characters should all be escaped
-    # according to the RFC, but it is a very big feature change so I've removed it
-    no warnings; # Yes, everything in qw is sane
-    is(
-        Catalyst::uri_for( $context, qw|! * ' ( ) ; : @ & = $ / ? % # [ ] ,|, )->as_string,
-        '',
-        'rfc 3986 reserved characters'
-    );
-    # jshirley bug - why the hell does only one of these get encoded
-    #                has been like this forever however.
-    is(
-        Catalyst::uri_for( $context, qw|{1} {2}| )->as_string,
-        '{1}/{2}',
-        'not-escaping unreserved characters'
-    );
-# make sure caller's query parameter hash isn't messed up
-    my $query_params_base = {test => "one two",
-                             bar  => ["foo baz", "bar"]};
-    my $query_params_test = {test => "one two",
-                             bar  => ["foo baz", "bar"]};
-    Catalyst::uri_for($context, '/bar/baz', $query_params_test);
-    is_deeply($query_params_base, $query_params_test,
-              "uri_for() doesn't mess up query parameter hash in the caller");

Deleted: Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_core_uri_with.t
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_core_uri_with.t	2009-11-12 23:41:17 UTC (rev 11808)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_core_uri_with.t	2009-11-12 23:43:17 UTC (rev 11809)
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Test::More tests => 10;
-use URI;
-my $request = Catalyst::Request->new( {
-                uri => URI->new('')
-              } );
-    $request->uri_with({}),
-    '',
-    'URI for absolute path'
-    $request->uri_with({ foo => 'bar' }),
-    '',
-    'URI adds param'
-my $request2 = Catalyst::Request->new( {
-                uri => URI->new('')
-              } );
-    $request2->uri_with({}),
-    '',
-    'URI retains param'
-    $request2->uri_with({ me => 'awesome' }),
-    '',
-    'URI retains param and adds new'
-    $request2->uri_with({ bar => undef }),
-    '',
-    'URI loses param when explicitly undef'
-    $request2->uri_with({ bar => 'snort' }),
-    '',
-    'URI changes param'
-    $request2->uri_with({ bar => [ 'snort', 'ewok' ] }),
-    '',
-    'overwrite mode URI appends arrayref param'
-    $request2->uri_with({ bar => 'snort' }, { mode => 'append' }),
-    '',
-    'append mode URI appends param'
-    $request2->uri_with({ bar => [ 'snort', 'ewok' ] }, { mode => 'append' }),
-    '',
-    'append mode URI appends arrayref param'

Deleted: Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_dispatcher_requestargs_restore.t
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_dispatcher_requestargs_restore.t	2009-11-12 23:41:17 UTC (rev 11808)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_dispatcher_requestargs_restore.t	2009-11-12 23:43:17 UTC (rev 11809)
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-# Insane test case for the behavior needed by Plugin::Auhorization::ACL
-# We have to localise $c->request->{arguments} in 
-# Catalyst::Dispatcher::_do_forward, rather than using save and restore,
-# as otherwise, the calling $c->detach on an action which says
-# die $Catalyst:DETACH causes the request arguments to not get restored,
-# and therefore sub gorch gets the wrong string $frozjob parameter.
-# Please feel free to break this behavior once a sane hook for safely
-# executing another action from the dispatcher (i.e. wrapping actions)
-# is present, so that the Authorization::ACL plugin can be re-written
-# to not be full of such crazy shit.
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use FindBin qw/$Bin/;
-use lib "$Bin/lib";
-use Catalyst::Test 'ACLTestApp';
-use Test::More tests => 1;

Deleted: Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_load_catalyst_test.t
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_load_catalyst_test.t	2009-11-12 23:41:17 UTC (rev 11808)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_load_catalyst_test.t	2009-11-12 23:43:17 UTC (rev 11809)
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use FindBin;
-use lib         "$FindBin::Bin/lib";
-use Test::More  tests => 61;
-use FindBin qw/$Bin/;
-use lib "$Bin/lib";
-use Catalyst::Utils;
-use HTTP::Request::Common;
-use Test::Exception;
-my $Class   = 'Catalyst::Test';
-my $App     = 'TestApp';
-my $Pkg     = __PACKAGE__;
-my $Url     = 'http://localhost/';
-my $Content = "root index";
-my %Meth    = (
-    $Pkg    => [qw|get request ctx_request|],          # exported
-    $Class  => [qw|local_request remote_request|],  # not exported
-### make sure we're not trying to connect to a remote host -- these are local tests
-use_ok( $Class );
-### check available methods
-{   ### turn of redefine warnings, we'll get new subs exported
-    ### XXX 'no warnings' and 'local $^W' wont work as warnings are turned on in
-    ### test.pm, so trap them for now --kane
-    {   local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {};
-        ok( $Class->import,     "Argumentless import for methods only" );
-    }
-    while( my($class, $meths) = each %Meth ) {
-        for my $meth ( @$meths ) { SKIP: {
-            ### method available?
-            can_ok( $class,     $meth );
-            ### only for exported methods
-            skip "Error tests only for exported methods", 2 unless $class eq $Pkg;
-            ### check error conditions
-            eval { $class->can($meth)->( $Url ) };
-            ok( $@,             "   $meth without app gives error" );
-            like( $@, qr/$Class/,
-                                "       Error filled with expected content for '$meth'" );
-        } }
-    }
-### simple tests for exported methods
-{   ### turn of redefine warnings, we'll get new subs exported
-    ### XXX 'no warnings' and 'local $^W' wont work as warnings are turned on in
-    ### test.pm, so trap them for now --kane
-    {   local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {};
-        ok( $Class->import( $App ),
-                                "Loading $Class for App $App" );
-    }
-    ### test exported methods again
-    for my $meth ( @{ $Meth{$Pkg} } ) { SKIP: {
-        ### do a call, we should get a result and perhaps a $c if it's 'ctx_request';
-        my ($res, $c) = eval { $Pkg->can($meth)->( $Url ) };
-        ok( 1,                  "   Called $Pkg->$meth( $Url )" );
-        ok( !$@,                "       No critical error $@" );
-        ok( $res,               "       Result obtained" );
-        ### get the content as a string, to make sure we got what we expected
-        my $res_as_string = $meth eq 'get' ? $res : $res->content;
-        is( $res_as_string, $Content,
-                                "           Content as expected: $res_as_string" );
-        ### some tests for 'ctx_request'
-        skip "Context tests skipped for '$meth'", 6 unless $meth eq 'ctx_request';
-        ok( $c,                 "           Context object returned" );
-        isa_ok( $c, $App,       "               Object" );
-        is( $c->request->uri, $Url,
-                                "               Url recorded in request" );
-        is( $c->response->body, $Content,
-                                "               Content recorded in response" );
-        ok( $c->stash,          "               Stash accessible" );
-        ok( $c->action,         "               Action object accessible" );
-        ok( $res->request,      "               Response has request object" );
-        lives_and { is( $res->request->uri, $Url) }
-                                "               Request object has correct url";
-    } }
-### perl5.8.8 + cat 5.80's Cat::Test->ctx_request didn't return $c the 2nd
-### time it was invoked. Without tracking the bug down all the way, it was
-### clearly related to the Moose'ification of Cat::Test and a scoping issue
-### with a 'my'd variable. Since the same code works fine in 5.10, a bug in
-### either Moose or perl 5.8 is suspected.
-{   ok( 1,                      "Testing consistency of ctx_request()" );
-    for( 1..2 ) {
-        my($res, $c) = ctx_request( $Url );
-        ok( $c,                 "   Call $_: Context object returned" );
-    }
-# FIXME - These vhosts in tests tests should be somewhere else...
-sub customize { Catalyst::Test::_customize_request(@_) }
-    my $req = Catalyst::Utils::request('/dummy');
-    customize( $req );
-    is( $req->header('Host'), undef, 'normal request is unmodified' );
-    my $req = Catalyst::Utils::request('/dummy');
-    customize( $req, { host => 'customized.com' } );
-    like( $req->header('Host'), qr/customized.com/, 'request is customizable via opts hash' );
-    my $req = Catalyst::Utils::request('/dummy');
-    local $Catalyst::Test::default_host = 'localized.com';
-    customize( $req );
-    like( $req->header('Host'), qr/localized.com/, 'request is customizable via package var' );
-    my $req = Catalyst::Utils::request('/dummy');
-    local $Catalyst::Test::default_host = 'localized.com';
-    customize( $req, { host => 'customized.com' } );
-    like( $req->header('Host'), qr/customized.com/, 'opts hash takes precedence over package var' );
-    my $req = Catalyst::Utils::request('/dummy');
-    local $Catalyst::Test::default_host = 'localized.com';
-    customize( $req, { host => '' } );
-    is( $req->header('Host'), undef, 'default value can be temporarily cleared via opts hash' );
-# Back compat test, extra args used to be ignored, now a hashref of options.
-use_ok('Catalyst::Test', 'TestApp', 'foobar');
-# Back compat test, ensure that request ignores anything which isn't a hash.
-lives_ok {
-    request(GET('/dummy'), 'foo');
-} 'scalar additional param to request method ignored';
-lives_ok {
-    request(GET('/dummy'), []);
-} 'array additional param to request method ignored';

Deleted: Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_metaclass_compat_extend_non_moose_controller.t
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_metaclass_compat_extend_non_moose_controller.t	2009-11-12 23:41:17 UTC (rev 11808)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_metaclass_compat_extend_non_moose_controller.t	2009-11-12 23:43:17 UTC (rev 11809)
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-use Catalyst ();
-    package TestApp;
-    use base qw/Catalyst/;
-    package TestApp::Controller::Base;
-    use base qw/Catalyst::Controller/;
-    package TestApp::Controller::Other;
-    use Moose;
-    use Test::More tests => 1;
-    use Test::Exception;
-    lives_ok {
-        extends 'TestApp::Controller::Base';
-    };

Deleted: Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_metaclass_compat_non_moose.t
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_metaclass_compat_non_moose.t	2009-11-12 23:41:17 UTC (rev 11808)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_metaclass_compat_non_moose.t	2009-11-12 23:43:17 UTC (rev 11809)
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env perl
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use lib 't/lib';
-use Test::More tests => 1;

Deleted: Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_metaclass_compat_non_moose_controller.t
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_metaclass_compat_non_moose_controller.t	2009-11-12 23:41:17 UTC (rev 11808)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_metaclass_compat_non_moose_controller.t	2009-11-12 23:43:17 UTC (rev 11809)
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use FindBin;
-use lib "$FindBin::Bin/lib";
-use Test::More tests => 1;
-use Test::Exception;
-use TestAppNonMooseController;
-# Metaclass init order causes fail.
-# There are TODO tests in Moose for this, see
-# f2391d17574eff81d911b97be15ea51080500003
-# after which the evil kludge in core can die in a fire.
-lives_ok {
-    TestAppNonMooseController::ControllerBase->get_action_methods
-} 'Base class->get_action_methods ok when sub class initialized first';

Deleted: Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_response.t
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_response.t	2009-11-12 23:41:17 UTC (rev 11808)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_response.t	2009-11-12 23:43:17 UTC (rev 11809)
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Test::More tests => 6;
-my $res = Catalyst::Response->new;
-# test aliasing of res->code for res->status
-is($res->code, 500, 'code sets itself');
-is($res->status, 500, 'code sets status');
-is($res->code, 501, 'status sets code');
-is($res->body, '', "default response body ''");
-is($res->body, '', "response body '' after assigned undef");

Deleted: Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_utils_env_value.t
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_utils_env_value.t	2009-11-12 23:41:17 UTC (rev 11808)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_utils_env_value.t	2009-11-12 23:43:17 UTC (rev 11809)
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Test::More tests => 5;
-BEGIN { use_ok("Catalyst::Utils") }
-### No env vars defined
-    ok( !Catalyst::Utils::env_value( 'MyApp', 'Key' ),
-        'No env values defined returns false'
-    );
-### App env var defined
-    $ENV{'MYAPP2_KEY'} = 'Env value 2';
-    is( Catalyst::Utils::env_value( 'MyApp2', 'Key' ),
-        'Env value 2', 'Got the right value from the application var' );
-### Catalyst env var defined
-    $ENV{'CATALYST_KEY'} = 'Env value 3';
-    is( Catalyst::Utils::env_value( 'MyApp3', 'Key' ),
-        'Env value 3', 'Got the right value from the catalyst var' );
-### Catalyst and Application env vars defined
-    $ENV{'CATALYST_KEY'} = 'Env value bad';
-    $ENV{'MYAPP4_KEY'}   = 'Env value 4';
-    is( Catalyst::Utils::env_value( 'MyApp4', 'Key' ),
-        'Env value 4', 'Got the right value from the application var' );

Deleted: Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_utils_prefix.t
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_utils_prefix.t	2009-11-12 23:41:17 UTC (rev 11808)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_utils_prefix.t	2009-11-12 23:43:17 UTC (rev 11809)
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Test::More tests => 9;
-use lib "t/lib";
-BEGIN { use_ok("Catalyst::Utils") };
-is( Catalyst::Utils::class2prefix('MyApp::V::Foo::Bar'), 'foo/bar', 'class2prefix works with M/V/C' );
-is( Catalyst::Utils::class2prefix('MyApp::Controller::Foo::Bar'), 'foo/bar', 'class2prefix works with Model/View/Controller' );
-is( Catalyst::Utils::class2prefix('MyApp::Controller::Foo::View::Bar'), 'foo/view/bar', 'class2prefix works with tricky components' );
-is( Catalyst::Utils::appprefix('MyApp::Foo'), 'myapp_foo', 'appprefix works' );
-is( Catalyst::Utils::class2appclass('MyApp::Foo::Controller::Bar::View::Baz'), 'MyApp::Foo', 'class2appclass works' );
-is( Catalyst::Utils::class2classprefix('MyApp::Foo::Controller::Bar::View::Baz'), 'MyApp::Foo::Controller', 'class2classprefix works' );
-is( Catalyst::Utils::class2classsuffix('MyApp::Foo::Controller::Bar::View::Baz'), 'Controller::Bar::View::Baz', 'class2classsuffix works' );
-is( Catalyst::Utils::class2env('MyApp::Foo'), 'MYAPP_FOO', 'class2env works' );

Deleted: Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_utils_request.t
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_utils_request.t	2009-11-12 23:41:17 UTC (rev 11808)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/uri_encode_captures_andor_args_take2/t/unit_utils_request.t	2009-11-12 23:43:17 UTC (rev 11809)
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Test::More tests => 5;
-    my $url = "/dump";
-    ok(
-        my $request = Catalyst::Utils::request($url),
-        "Request: simple get without protocol nor host"
-    );
-    like( $request->uri, qr|^http://localhost/|,
-        " has default protocol and host" );
-    my $url = "/dump?url=http://www.somewhere.com/";
-    ok(
-        my $request = Catalyst::Utils::request($url),
-        "Same with param containing a url"
-    );
-    like( $request->uri, qr|^http://localhost/|,
-        " has default protocol and host" );

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