[Catalyst-commits] r11857 -
zby at dev.catalyst.perl.org
zby at dev.catalyst.perl.org
Mon Nov 16 22:28:59 GMT 2009
Author: zby
Date: 2009-11-16 22:28:58 +0000 (Mon, 16 Nov 2009)
New Revision: 11857
Catalyst::Context created
Modified: Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/basic-app-ctx-separation-cleaned/lib/Catalyst.pm
--- Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/basic-app-ctx-separation-cleaned/lib/Catalyst.pm 2009-11-16 20:43:30 UTC (rev 11856)
+++ Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/basic-app-ctx-separation-cleaned/lib/Catalyst.pm 2009-11-16 22:28:58 UTC (rev 11857)
@@ -4,66 +4,26 @@
use Moose::Meta::Class ();
extends 'Catalyst::Component';
use Moose::Util qw/find_meta/;
-use bytes;
use B::Hooks::EndOfScope ();
use Catalyst::Exception;
-use Catalyst::Exception::Detach;
-use Catalyst::Exception::Go;
use Catalyst::Log;
-use Catalyst::Request;
-use Catalyst::Request::Upload;
-use Catalyst::Response;
use Catalyst::Utils;
use Catalyst::Controller;
use Devel::InnerPackage ();
-use File::stat;
use Module::Pluggable::Object ();
use Text::SimpleTable ();
use Path::Class::Dir ();
use Path::Class::File ();
-use URI ();
-use URI::http;
-use URI::https;
-use Tree::Simple qw/use_weak_refs/;
use Tree::Simple::Visitor::FindByUID;
use Class::C3::Adopt::NEXT;
-use List::MoreUtils qw/uniq/;
use attributes;
use utf8;
use Carp qw/croak carp shortmess/;
BEGIN { require 5.008004; }
-has stack => (is => 'ro', default => sub { [] });
-has stash => (is => 'rw', default => sub { {} });
-has state => (is => 'rw', default => 0);
-has stats => (is => 'rw');
-has action => (is => 'rw');
-has counter => (is => 'rw', default => sub { {} });
-has request => (is => 'rw', default => sub { $_[0]->request_class->new({}) }, required => 1, lazy => 1);
-has response => (is => 'rw', default => sub { $_[0]->response_class->new({}) }, required => 1, lazy => 1);
-has namespace => (is => 'rw');
-sub depth { scalar @{ shift->stack || [] }; }
sub comp { shift->component(@_) }
-sub req {
- my $self = shift; return $self->request(@_);
-sub res {
- my $self = shift; return $self->response(@_);
-# For backwards compatibility
-sub finalize_output { shift->finalize_body(@_) };
-# For statistics
-our $COUNT = 1;
-our $START = time;
-our $RECURSION = 1000;
-our $DETACH = Catalyst::Exception::Detach->new;
-our $GO = Catalyst::Exception::Go->new;
#I imagine that very few of these really need to be class variables. if any.
#maybe we should just make them attributes with a default?
@@ -88,6 +48,9 @@
+our $COUNT = 1;
+our $START = time;
sub import {
my ( $class, @arguments ) = @_;
@@ -293,238 +256,8 @@
=head1 METHODS
-=head2 $c->action
-Returns a L<Catalyst::Action> object for the current action, which
-stringifies to the action name. See L<Catalyst::Action>.
-=head2 $c->namespace
-Returns the namespace of the current action, i.e., the URI prefix
-corresponding to the controller of the current action. For example:
- # in Controller::Foo::Bar
- $c->namespace; # returns 'foo/bar';
-=head2 $c->request
-=head2 $c->req
-Returns the current L<Catalyst::Request> object, giving access to
-information about the current client request (including parameters,
-cookies, HTTP headers, etc.). See L<Catalyst::Request>.
-=head2 $c->forward( $action [, \@arguments ] )
-=head2 $c->forward( $class, $method, [, \@arguments ] )
-Forwards processing to another action, by its private name. If you give a
-class name but no method, C<process()> is called. You may also optionally
-pass arguments in an arrayref. The action will receive the arguments in
-C<@_> and C<< $c->req->args >>. Upon returning from the function,
-C<< $c->req->args >> will be restored to the previous values.
-Any data C<return>ed from the action forwarded to, will be returned by the
-call to forward.
- my $foodata = $c->forward('/foo');
- $c->forward('index');
- $c->forward(qw/MyApp::Model::DBIC::Foo do_stuff/);
- $c->forward('MyApp::View::TT');
-Note that L<< forward|/"$c->forward( $action [, \@arguments ] )" >> implies
-an C<< eval { } >> around the call (actually
-L<< execute|/"$c->execute( $class, $coderef )" >> does), thus de-fatalizing
-all 'dies' within the called action. If you want C<die> to propagate you
-need to do something like:
- $c->forward('foo');
- die $c->error if $c->error;
-Or make sure to always return true values from your actions and write
-your code like this:
- $c->forward('foo') || return;
-Another note is that C<< $c->forward >> always returns a scalar because it
-actually returns $c->state which operates in a scalar context.
-Thus, something like:
- return @array;
-in an action that is forwarded to is going to return a scalar,
-i.e. how many items are in that array, which is probably not what you want.
-If you need to return an array then return a reference to it,
-or stash it like so:
- $c->stash->{array} = \@array;
-and access it from the stash.
-sub forward { my $c = shift; no warnings 'recursion'; $c->dispatcher->forward( $c, @_ ) }
-=head2 $c->detach( $action [, \@arguments ] )
-=head2 $c->detach( $class, $method, [, \@arguments ] )
-=head2 $c->detach()
-The same as L<< forward|/"$c->forward( $action [, \@arguments ] )" >>, but
-doesn't return to the previous action when processing is finished.
-When called with no arguments it escapes the processing chain entirely.
-sub detach { my $c = shift; $c->dispatcher->detach( $c, @_ ) }
-=head2 $c->visit( $action [, \@captures, \@arguments ] )
-=head2 $c->visit( $class, $method, [, \@captures, \@arguments ] )
-Almost the same as L<< forward|/"$c->forward( $action [, \@arguments ] )" >>,
-but does a full dispatch, instead of just calling the new C<$action> /
-C<< $class->$method >>. This means that C<begin>, C<auto> and the method
-you go to are called, just like a new request.
-In addition both C<< $c->action >> and C<< $c->namespace >> are localized.
-This means, for example, that C<< $c->action >> methods such as
-L<name|Catalyst::Action/name>, L<class|Catalyst::Action/class> and
-L<reverse|Catalyst::Action/reverse> return information for the visited action
-when they are invoked within the visited action. This is different from the
-behavior of L<< forward|/"$c->forward( $action [, \@arguments ] )" >>, which
-continues to use the $c->action object from the caller action even when
-invoked from the callee.
-C<< $c->stash >> is kept unchanged.
-In effect, L<< visit|/"$c->visit( $action [, \@captures, \@arguments ] )" >>
-allows you to "wrap" another action, just as it would have been called by
-dispatching from a URL, while the analogous
-L<< go|/"$c->go( $action [, \@captures, \@arguments ] )" >> allows you to
-transfer control to another action as if it had been reached directly from a URL.
-sub visit { my $c = shift; $c->dispatcher->visit( $c, @_ ) }
-=head2 $c->go( $action [, \@captures, \@arguments ] )
-=head2 $c->go( $class, $method, [, \@captures, \@arguments ] )
-The relationship between C<go> and
-L<< visit|/"$c->visit( $action [, \@captures, \@arguments ] )" >> is the same as
-the relationship between
-L<< forward|/"$c->forward( $class, $method, [, \@arguments ] )" >> and
-L<< detach|/"$c->detach( $action [, \@arguments ] )" >>. Like C<< $c->visit >>,
-C<< $c->go >> will perform a full dispatch on the specified action or method,
-with localized C<< $c->action >> and C<< $c->namespace >>. Like C<detach>,
-C<go> escapes the processing of the current request chain on completion, and
-does not return to its caller.
-sub go { my $c = shift; $c->dispatcher->go( $c, @_ ) }
-=head2 $c->response
-=head2 $c->res
-Returns the current L<Catalyst::Response> object, see there for details.
-=head2 $c->stash
-Returns a hashref to the stash, which may be used to store data and pass
-it between components during a request. You can also set hash keys by
-passing arguments. The stash is automatically sent to the view. The
-stash is cleared at the end of a request; it cannot be used for
-persistent storage (for this you must use a session; see
-L<Catalyst::Plugin::Session> for a complete system integrated with
- $c->stash->{foo} = $bar;
- $c->stash( { moose => 'majestic', qux => 0 } );
- $c->stash( bar => 1, gorch => 2 ); # equivalent to passing a hashref
- # stash is automatically passed to the view for use in a template
- $c->forward( 'MyApp::View::TT' );
-around stash => sub {
- my $orig = shift;
- my $c = shift;
- my $stash = $orig->($c);
- if (@_) {
- my $new_stash = @_ > 1 ? {@_} : $_[0];
- croak('stash takes a hash or hashref') unless ref $new_stash;
- foreach my $key ( keys %$new_stash ) {
- $stash->{$key} = $new_stash->{$key};
- }
- }
- return $stash;
-=head2 $c->error
-=head2 $c->error($error, ...)
-=head2 $c->error($arrayref)
-Returns an arrayref containing error messages. If Catalyst encounters an
-error while processing a request, it stores the error in $c->error. This
-method should only be used to store fatal error messages.
- my @error = @{ $c->error };
-Add a new error.
- $c->error('Something bad happened');
-sub error {
- my $c = shift;
- if ( $_[0] ) {
- my $error = ref $_[0] eq 'ARRAY' ? $_[0] : [@_];
- croak @$error unless ref $c;
- push @{ $c->{error} }, @$error;
- }
- elsif ( defined $_[0] ) { $c->{error} = undef }
- return $c->{error} || [];
-=head2 $c->state
-Contains the return value of the last executed action.
-Note that << $c->state >> operates in a scalar context which means that all
-values it returns are scalar.
-=head2 $c->clear_errors
-Clear errors. You probably don't want to clear the errors unless you are
-implementing a custom error screen.
-This is equivalent to running
- $c->error(0);
-sub clear_errors {
- my $c = shift;
- $c->error(0);
sub _comp_search_prefixes {
my $c = shift;
return map $c->components->{ $_ }, $c->_comp_names_search_prefixes(@_);
@@ -619,141 +352,6 @@
-=head2 $c->controller($name)
-Gets a L<Catalyst::Controller> instance by name.
- $c->controller('Foo')->do_stuff;
-If the name is omitted, will return the controller for the dispatched
-If you want to search for controllers, pass in a regexp as the argument.
- # find all controllers that start with Foo
- my @foo_controllers = $c->controller(qr{^Foo});
-sub controller {
- my ( $c, $name, @args ) = @_;
- if( $name ) {
- my @result = $c->_comp_search_prefixes( $name, qw/Controller C/ );
- return map { $c->_filter_component( $_, @args ) } @result if ref $name;
- return $c->_filter_component( $result[ 0 ], @args );
- }
- return $c->component( $c->action->class );
-=head2 $c->model($name)
-Gets a L<Catalyst::Model> instance by name.
- $c->model('Foo')->do_stuff;
-Any extra arguments are directly passed to ACCEPT_CONTEXT.
-If the name is omitted, it will look for
- - a model object in $c->stash->{current_model_instance}, then
- - a model name in $c->stash->{current_model}, then
- - a config setting 'default_model', or
- - check if there is only one model, and return it if that's the case.
-If you want to search for models, pass in a regexp as the argument.
- # find all models that start with Foo
- my @foo_models = $c->model(qr{^Foo});
-sub model {
- my ( $c, $name, @args ) = @_;
- my $appclass = ref($c) || $c;
- if( $name ) {
- my @result = $c->_comp_search_prefixes( $name, qw/Model M/ );
- return map { $c->_filter_component( $_, @args ) } @result if ref $name;
- return $c->_filter_component( $result[ 0 ], @args );
- }
- if (ref $c) {
- return $c->stash->{current_model_instance}
- if $c->stash->{current_model_instance};
- return $c->model( $c->stash->{current_model} )
- if $c->stash->{current_model};
- }
- return $c->model( $appclass->config->{default_model} )
- if $appclass->config->{default_model};
- my( $comp, $rest ) = $c->_comp_search_prefixes( undef, qw/Model M/);
- if( $rest ) {
- $c->log->warn( Carp::shortmess('Calling $c->model() will return a random model unless you specify one of:') );
- $c->log->warn( '* $c->config(default_model => "the name of the default model to use")' );
- $c->log->warn( '* $c->stash->{current_model} # the name of the model to use for this request' );
- $c->log->warn( '* $c->stash->{current_model_instance} # the instance of the model to use for this request' );
- $c->log->warn( 'NB: in version 5.81, the "random" behavior will not work at all.' );
- }
- return $c->_filter_component( $comp );
-=head2 $c->view($name)
-Gets a L<Catalyst::View> instance by name.
- $c->view('Foo')->do_stuff;
-Any extra arguments are directly passed to ACCEPT_CONTEXT.
-If the name is omitted, it will look for
- - a view object in $c->stash->{current_view_instance}, then
- - a view name in $c->stash->{current_view}, then
- - a config setting 'default_view', or
- - check if there is only one view, and return it if that's the case.
-If you want to search for views, pass in a regexp as the argument.
- # find all views that start with Foo
- my @foo_views = $c->view(qr{^Foo});
-sub view {
- my ( $c, $name, @args ) = @_;
- my $appclass = ref($c) || $c;
- if( $name ) {
- my @result = $c->_comp_search_prefixes( $name, qw/View V/ );
- return map { $c->_filter_component( $_, @args ) } @result if ref $name;
- return $c->_filter_component( $result[ 0 ], @args );
- }
- if (ref $c) {
- return $c->stash->{current_view_instance}
- if $c->stash->{current_view_instance};
- return $c->view( $c->stash->{current_view} )
- if $c->stash->{current_view};
- }
- return $c->view( $appclass->config->{default_view} )
- if $appclass->config->{default_view};
- my( $comp, $rest ) = $c->_comp_search_prefixes( undef, qw/View V/);
- if( $rest ) {
- $c->log->warn( 'Calling $c->view() will return a random view unless you specify one of:' );
- $c->log->warn( '* $c->config(default_view => "the name of the default view to use")' );
- $c->log->warn( '* $c->stash->{current_view} # the name of the view to use for this request' );
- $c->log->warn( '* $c->stash->{current_view_instance} # the instance of the view to use for this request' );
- $c->log->warn( 'NB: in version 5.81, the "random" behavior will not work at all.' );
- }
- return $c->_filter_component( $comp );
=head2 $c->controllers
Returns the available names which can be passed to $c->controller
@@ -1201,156 +799,6 @@
-=head2 $c->uri_for( $path?, @args?, \%query_values? )
-=head2 $c->uri_for( $action, \@captures?, @args?, \%query_values? )
-Constructs an absolute L<URI> object based on the application root, the
-provided path, and the additional arguments and query parameters provided.
-When used as a string, provides a textual URI.
-If no arguments are provided, the URI for the current action is returned.
-To return the current action and also provide @args, use
-C<< $c->uri_for( $c->action, @args ) >>.
-If the first argument is a string, it is taken as a public URI path relative
-to C<< $c->namespace >> (if it doesn't begin with a forward slash) or
-relative to the application root (if it does). It is then merged with
-C<< $c->request->base >>; any C<@args> are appended as additional path
-components; and any C<%query_values> are appended as C<?foo=bar> parameters.
-If the first argument is a L<Catalyst::Action> it represents an action which
-will have its path resolved using C<< $c->dispatcher->uri_for_action >>. The
-optional C<\@captures> argument (an arrayref) allows passing the captured
-variables that are needed to fill in the paths of Chained and Regex actions;
-once the path is resolved, C<uri_for> continues as though a path was
-provided, appending any arguments or parameters and creating an absolute
-The captures for the current request can be found in
-C<< $c->request->captures >>, and actions can be resolved using
-C<< Catalyst::Controller->action_for($name) >>. If you have a private action
-path, use C<< $c->uri_for_action >> instead.
- # Equivalent to $c->req->uri
- $c->uri_for($c->action, $c->req->captures,
- @{ $c->req->args }, $c->req->params);
- # For the Foo action in the Bar controller
- $c->uri_for($c->controller('Bar')->action_for('Foo'));
- # Path to a static resource
- $c->uri_for('/static/images/logo.png');
-sub uri_for {
- my ( $c, $path, @args ) = @_;
- if (blessed($path) && $path->isa('Catalyst::Controller')) {
- $path = $path->path_prefix;
- $path =~ s{/+\z}{};
- $path .= '/';
- }
- if ( blessed($path) ) { # action object
- my $captures = [ map { s|/|%2F|; $_; }
- ( scalar @args && ref $args[0] eq 'ARRAY'
- ? @{ shift(@args) }
- : ()) ];
- my $action = $path;
- $path = $c->dispatcher->uri_for_action($action, $captures);
- if (not defined $path) {
- $c->log->debug(qq/Can't find uri_for action '$action' @$captures/)
- if $c->debug;
- return undef;
- }
- $path = '/' if $path eq '';
- }
- undef($path) if (defined $path && $path eq '');
- my $params =
- ( scalar @args && ref $args[$#args] eq 'HASH' ? pop @args : {} );
- carp "uri_for called with undef argument" if grep { ! defined $_ } @args;
- s/([^$URI::uric])/$URI::Escape::escapes{$1}/go for @args;
- s|/|%2F| for @args;
- unshift(@args, $path);
- unless (defined $path && $path =~ s!^/!!) { # in-place strip
- my $namespace = $c->namespace;
- if (defined $path) { # cheesy hack to handle path '../foo'
- $namespace =~ s{(?:^|/)[^/]+$}{} while $args[0] =~ s{^\.\./}{};
- }
- unshift(@args, $namespace || '');
- }
- # join args with '/', or a blank string
- my $args = join('/', grep { defined($_) } @args);
- $args =~ s/\?/%3F/g; # STUPID STUPID SPECIAL CASE
- $args =~ s!^/+!!;
- my $base = $c->req->base;
- my $class = ref($base);
- $base =~ s{(?<!/)$}{/};
- my $query = '';
- if (my @keys = keys %$params) {
- # somewhat lifted from URI::_query's query_form
- $query = '?'.join('&', map {
- my $val = $params->{$_};
- s/([;\/?:@&=+,\$\[\]%])/$URI::Escape::escapes{$1}/go;
- s/ /+/g;
- my $key = $_;
- $val = '' unless defined $val;
- (map {
- my $param = "$_";
- utf8::encode( $param ) if utf8::is_utf8($param);
- # using the URI::Escape pattern here so utf8 chars survive
- $param =~ s/([^A-Za-z0-9\-_.!~*'() ])/$URI::Escape::escapes{$1}/go;
- $param =~ s/ /+/g;
- "${key}=$param"; } ( ref $val eq 'ARRAY' ? @$val : $val ));
- } @keys);
- }
- my $res = bless(\"${base}${args}${query}", $class);
- $res;
-=head2 $c->uri_for_action( $path, \@captures?, @args?, \%query_values? )
-=head2 $c->uri_for_action( $action, \@captures?, @args?, \%query_values? )
-=item $path
-A private path to the Catalyst action you want to create a URI for.
-This is a shortcut for calling C<< $c->dispatcher->get_action_by_path($path)
->> and passing the resulting C<$action> and the remaining arguments to C<<
-$c->uri_for >>.
-You can also pass in a Catalyst::Action object, in which case it is passed to
-C<< $c->uri_for >>.
-sub uri_for_action {
- my ( $c, $path, @args ) = @_;
- my $action = blessed($path)
- ? $path
- : $c->dispatcher->get_action_by_path($path);
- unless (defined $action) {
- croak "Can't find action for path '$path'";
- }
- return $c->uri_for( $action, @args );
=head2 $c->welcome_message
Returns the Catalyst welcome HTML page.
@@ -1511,338 +959,14 @@
Returns or sets the context class.
-=head2 $c->counter
-Returns a hashref containing coderefs and execution counts (needed for
-deep recursion detection).
-=head2 $c->depth
-Returns the number of actions on the current internal execution stack.
-=head2 $c->dispatch
-Dispatches a request to actions.
-sub dispatch { my $c = shift; $c->dispatcher->dispatch( $c, @_ ) }
=head2 $c->dispatcher_class
Returns or sets the dispatcher class.
-=head2 $c->dump_these
-Returns a list of 2-element array references (name, structure) pairs
-that will be dumped on the error page in debug mode.
-sub dump_these {
- my $c = shift;
- [ Request => $c->req ],
- [ Response => $c->res ],
- [ Stash => $c->stash ],
- [ Config => $c->config ];
=head2 $c->engine_class
Returns or sets the engine class.
-=head2 $c->execute( $class, $coderef )
-Execute a coderef in given class and catch exceptions. Errors are available
-via $c->error.
-sub execute {
- my ( $c, $class, $code ) = @_;
- $class = $c->component($class) || $class;
- $c->state(0);
- if ( $c->depth >= $RECURSION ) {
- my $action = $code->reverse();
- $action = "/$action" unless $action =~ /->/;
- my $error = qq/Deep recursion detected calling "${action}"/;
- $c->log->error($error);
- $c->error($error);
- $c->state(0);
- return $c->state;
- }
- my $stats_info = $c->_stats_start_execute( $code ) if $c->use_stats;
- push( @{ $c->stack }, $code );
- no warnings 'recursion';
- eval { $c->state( $code->execute( $class, $c, @{ $c->req->args } ) || 0 ) };
- $c->_stats_finish_execute( $stats_info ) if $c->use_stats and $stats_info;
- my $last = pop( @{ $c->stack } );
- if ( my $error = $@ ) {
- if ( blessed($error) and $error->isa('Catalyst::Exception::Detach') ) {
- $error->rethrow if $c->depth > 1;
- }
- elsif ( blessed($error) and $error->isa('Catalyst::Exception::Go') ) {
- $error->rethrow if $c->depth > 0;
- }
- else {
- unless ( ref $error ) {
- no warnings 'uninitialized';
- chomp $error;
- my $class = $last->class;
- my $name = $last->name;
- $error = qq/Caught exception in $class->$name "$error"/;
- }
- $c->error($error);
- $c->state(0);
- }
- }
- return $c->state;
-sub _stats_start_execute {
- my ( $c, $code ) = @_;
- my $appclass = ref($c) || $c;
- return if ( ( $code->name =~ /^_.*/ )
- && ( !$appclass->config->{show_internal_actions} ) );
- my $action_name = $code->reverse();
- $c->counter->{$action_name}++;
- my $action = $action_name;
- $action = "/$action" unless $action =~ /->/;
- # determine if the call was the result of a forward
- # this is done by walking up the call stack and looking for a calling
- # sub of Catalyst::forward before the eval
- my $callsub = q{};
- for my $index ( 2 .. 11 ) {
- last
- if ( ( caller($index) )[0] eq 'Catalyst'
- && ( caller($index) )[3] eq '(eval)' );
- if ( ( caller($index) )[3] =~ /forward$/ ) {
- $callsub = ( caller($index) )[3];
- $action = "-> $action";
- last;
- }
- }
- my $uid = $action_name . $c->counter->{$action_name};
- # is this a root-level call or a forwarded call?
- if ( $callsub =~ /forward$/ ) {
- my $parent = $c->stack->[-1];
- # forward, locate the caller
- if ( exists $c->counter->{"$parent"} ) {
- $c->stats->profile(
- begin => $action,
- parent => "$parent" . $c->counter->{"$parent"},
- uid => $uid,
- );
- }
- else {
- # forward with no caller may come from a plugin
- $c->stats->profile(
- begin => $action,
- uid => $uid,
- );
- }
- }
- else {
- # root-level call
- $c->stats->profile(
- begin => $action,
- uid => $uid,
- );
- }
- return $action;
-sub _stats_finish_execute {
- my ( $c, $info ) = @_;
- $c->stats->profile( end => $info );
-=head2 $c->finalize
-Finalizes the request.
-sub finalize {
- my $c = shift;
- for my $error ( @{ $c->error } ) {
- $c->log->error($error);
- }
- # Allow engine to handle finalize flow (for POE)
- my $engine = $c->engine;
- if ( my $code = $engine->can('finalize') ) {
- $engine->$code($c);
- }
- else {
- $c->finalize_uploads;
- # Error
- if ( $#{ $c->error } >= 0 ) {
- $c->finalize_error;
- }
- $c->finalize_headers;
- # HEAD request
- if ( $c->request->method eq 'HEAD' ) {
- $c->response->body('');
- }
- $c->finalize_body;
- }
- if ($c->use_stats) {
- my $elapsed = sprintf '%f', $c->stats->elapsed;
- my $av = $elapsed == 0 ? '??' : sprintf '%.3f', 1 / $elapsed;
- $c->log->info(
- "Request took ${elapsed}s ($av/s)\n" . $c->stats->report . "\n" );
- }
- return $c->response->status;
-=head2 $c->finalize_body
-Finalizes body.
-sub finalize_body { my $c = shift; $c->engine->finalize_body( $c, @_ ) }
-=head2 $c->finalize_cookies
-Finalizes cookies.
-sub finalize_cookies { my $c = shift; $c->engine->finalize_cookies( $c, @_ ) }
-=head2 $c->finalize_error
-Finalizes error.
-sub finalize_error { my $c = shift; $c->engine->finalize_error( $c, @_ ) }
-=head2 $c->finalize_headers
-Finalizes headers.
-sub finalize_headers {
- my $c = shift;
- my $response = $c->response; #accessor calls can add up?
- # Check if we already finalized headers
- return if $response->finalized_headers;
- # Handle redirects
- if ( my $location = $response->redirect ) {
- $c->log->debug(qq/Redirecting to "$location"/) if $c->debug;
- $response->header( Location => $location );
- if ( !$response->has_body ) {
- # Add a default body if none is already present
- $response->body(
- qq{<html><body><p>This item has moved <a href="$location">here</a>.</p></body></html>}
- );
- }
- }
- # Content-Length
- if ( $response->body && !$response->content_length ) {
- # get the length from a filehandle
- if ( blessed( $response->body ) && $response->body->can('read') )
- {
- my $stat = stat $response->body;
- if ( $stat && $stat->size > 0 ) {
- $response->content_length( $stat->size );
- }
- else {
- $c->log->warn('Serving filehandle without a content-length');
- }
- }
- else {
- # everything should be bytes at this point, but just in case
- $response->content_length( bytes::length( $response->body ) );
- }
- }
- # Errors
- if ( $response->status =~ /^(1\d\d|[23]04)$/ ) {
- $response->headers->remove_header("Content-Length");
- $response->body('');
- }
- $c->finalize_cookies;
- $c->engine->finalize_headers( $c, @_ );
- # Done
- $response->finalized_headers(1);
-=head2 $c->finalize_output
-An alias for finalize_body.
-=head2 $c->finalize_read
-Finalizes the input after reading is complete.
-sub finalize_read { my $c = shift; $c->engine->finalize_read( $c, @_ ) }
-=head2 $c->finalize_uploads
-Finalizes uploads. Cleans up any temporary files.
-sub finalize_uploads { my $c = shift; $c->engine->finalize_uploads( $c, @_ ) }
-=head2 $c->get_action( $action, $namespace )
-Gets an action in a given namespace.
-sub get_action { my $c = shift; $c->dispatcher->get_action(@_) }
-=head2 $c->get_actions( $action, $namespace )
-Gets all actions of a given name in a namespace and all parent
-sub get_actions { my $c = shift; $c->dispatcher->get_actions( $c, @_ ) }
=head2 $c->handle_request( $class, @arguments )
Called to handle each HTTP request.
@@ -1943,188 +1067,6 @@
return $c;
-=head2 $c->prepare_action
-Prepares action. See L<Catalyst::Dispatcher>.
-sub prepare_action { my $c = shift; $c->dispatcher->prepare_action( $c, @_ ) }
-=head2 $c->prepare_body
-Prepares message body.
-sub prepare_body {
- my $c = shift;
- return if $c->request->_has_body;
- # Initialize on-demand data
- $c->engine->prepare_body( $c, @_ );
- $c->prepare_parameters;
- $c->prepare_uploads;
- if ( $c->debug && keys %{ $c->req->body_parameters } ) {
- my $t = Text::SimpleTable->new( [ 35, 'Parameter' ], [ 36, 'Value' ] );
- for my $key ( sort keys %{ $c->req->body_parameters } ) {
- my $param = $c->req->body_parameters->{$key};
- my $value = defined($param) ? $param : '';
- $t->row( $key,
- ref $value eq 'ARRAY' ? ( join ', ', @$value ) : $value );
- }
- $c->log->debug( "Body Parameters are:\n" . $t->draw );
- }
-=head2 $c->prepare_body_chunk( $chunk )
-Prepares a chunk of data before sending it to L<HTTP::Body>.
-See L<Catalyst::Engine>.
-sub prepare_body_chunk {
- my $c = shift;
- $c->engine->prepare_body_chunk( $c, @_ );
-=head2 $c->prepare_body_parameters
-Prepares body parameters.
-sub prepare_body_parameters {
- my $c = shift;
- $c->engine->prepare_body_parameters( $c, @_ );
-=head2 $c->prepare_connection
-Prepares connection.
-sub prepare_connection {
- my $c = shift;
- $c->engine->prepare_connection( $c, @_ );
-=head2 $c->prepare_cookies
-Prepares cookies.
-sub prepare_cookies { my $c = shift; $c->engine->prepare_cookies( $c, @_ ) }
-=head2 $c->prepare_headers
-Prepares headers.
-sub prepare_headers { my $c = shift; $c->engine->prepare_headers( $c, @_ ) }
-=head2 $c->prepare_parameters
-Prepares parameters.
-sub prepare_parameters {
- my $c = shift;
- $c->prepare_body_parameters;
- $c->engine->prepare_parameters( $c, @_ );
-=head2 $c->prepare_path
-Prepares path and base.
-sub prepare_path { my $c = shift; $c->engine->prepare_path( $c, @_ ) }
-=head2 $c->prepare_query_parameters
-Prepares query parameters.
-sub prepare_query_parameters {
- my $c = shift;
- $c->engine->prepare_query_parameters( $c, @_ );
- if ( $c->debug && keys %{ $c->request->query_parameters } ) {
- my $t = Text::SimpleTable->new( [ 35, 'Parameter' ], [ 36, 'Value' ] );
- for my $key ( sort keys %{ $c->req->query_parameters } ) {
- my $param = $c->req->query_parameters->{$key};
- my $value = defined($param) ? $param : '';
- $t->row( $key,
- ref $value eq 'ARRAY' ? ( join ', ', @$value ) : $value );
- }
- $c->log->debug( "Query Parameters are:\n" . $t->draw );
- }
-=head2 $c->prepare_read
-Prepares the input for reading.
-sub prepare_read { my $c = shift; $c->engine->prepare_read( $c, @_ ) }
-=head2 $c->prepare_request
-Prepares the engine request.
-sub prepare_request { my $c = shift; $c->engine->prepare_request( $c, @_ ) }
-=head2 $c->prepare_uploads
-Prepares uploads.
-sub prepare_uploads {
- my $c = shift;
- $c->engine->prepare_uploads( $c, @_ );
- if ( $c->debug && keys %{ $c->request->uploads } ) {
- my $t = Text::SimpleTable->new(
- [ 12, 'Parameter' ],
- [ 26, 'Filename' ],
- [ 18, 'Type' ],
- [ 9, 'Size' ]
- );
- for my $key ( sort keys %{ $c->request->uploads } ) {
- my $upload = $c->request->uploads->{$key};
- for my $u ( ref $upload eq 'ARRAY' ? @{$upload} : ($upload) ) {
- $t->row( $key, $u->filename, $u->type, $u->size );
- }
- }
- $c->log->debug( "File Uploads are:\n" . $t->draw );
- }
-=head2 $c->prepare_write
-Prepares the output for writing.
-sub prepare_write { my $c = shift; $c->engine->prepare_write( $c, @_ ) }
=head2 $c->request_class
Returns or sets the request class.
@@ -2133,23 +1075,6 @@
Returns or sets the response class.
-=head2 $c->read( [$maxlength] )
-Reads a chunk of data from the request body. This method is designed to
-be used in a while loop, reading C<$maxlength> bytes on every call.
-C<$maxlength> defaults to the size of the request if not specified.
-You have to set C<< MyApp->config(parse_on_demand => 1) >> to use this
-Warning: If you use read(), Catalyst will not process the body,
-so you will not be able to access POST parameters or file uploads via
-$c->request. You must handle all body parsing yourself.
-sub read { my $c = shift; return $c->engine->read( $c, @_ ) }
=head2 $c->run
Starts the engine.
@@ -2624,11 +1549,6 @@
-=head2 $c->stack
-Returns an arrayref of the internal execution stack (actions that are
-currently executing).
=head2 $c->stats_class
Returns or sets the stats (timing statistics) class.
@@ -2646,24 +1566,6 @@
sub use_stats { 0 }
-=head2 $c->write( $data )
-Writes $data to the output stream. When using this method directly, you
-will need to manually set the C<Content-Length> header to the length of
-your output data, if known.
-sub write {
- my $c = shift;
- # Finalize headers if someone manually writes output
- $c->finalize_headers;
- return $c->engine->write( $c, @_ );
=head2 version
Returns the Catalyst version number. Mostly useful for "powered by"
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