[Catalyst-commits] r13821 -
dhoss at dev.catalyst.perl.org
dhoss at dev.catalyst.perl.org
Wed Dec 8 21:26:03 GMT 2010
Author: dhoss
Date: 2010-12-08 21:26:03 +0000 (Wed, 08 Dec 2010)
New Revision: 13821
updated todo, deleted publised files
Modified: trunk/examples/CatalystAdvent/root/2010/pen/TODO
--- trunk/examples/CatalystAdvent/root/2010/pen/TODO 2010-12-08 21:22:20 UTC (rev 13820)
+++ trunk/examples/CatalystAdvent/root/2010/pen/TODO 2010-12-08 21:26:03 UTC (rev 13821)
@@ -59,10 +59,10 @@
- 5: t0m
- 6: DONE ("Excel in Catalyst" - Caelum)
- 7: DONE("Catalyst and Gearman" - dhoss)
- - 8: ("OpsView" - Ton Voon)
- - 9: jqgrid + Catalyst:Controller::REST - dhoss
- - 10: Form::Sensible::Reflector::DBIC + Catalyst - dhoss
- - 11: ("Data::SearchEngine" - gphat)
+ - 8: DONE ("Data::SearchEngine" - gphat)
+ - 9: DONE ("OpsView" - Ton Voon)
+ - 10: DONE ("Data::Manager" - jshirley)
+ - 11: Form::Sensible::Reflector::DBIC + Catalyst - dhoss
- 12: ("jQueryUI +Catalyst" - Sir and friends)
- 13:
- 14:
Deleted: trunk/examples/CatalystAdvent/root/2010/pen/memcached-dbix-class.pod
--- trunk/examples/CatalystAdvent/root/2010/pen/memcached-dbix-class.pod 2010-12-08 21:22:20 UTC (rev 13820)
+++ trunk/examples/CatalystAdvent/root/2010/pen/memcached-dbix-class.pod 2010-12-08 21:26:03 UTC (rev 13821)
@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
-This tutorial will show you how to:
-=item * Easily add resultset level caching to your
-=item * Move your Catalyst::Plugin::Session
-(http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?Catalyst%3A%3APlugin%3A%3ASession) into
-=item * Have a convenient $ctx-E<gt>cache method available for anything
-else you might want to cache.
-=item * Cache::Memcached
-=item * Cache::Memcached::GetParserXS
-Catalyst Plugins:
-=item * Catalyst::Plugin::ConfigLoader
-=item * Catalyst::Plugin::Session
-=item * Catalyst::Plugin::Cache
-=item * Catalyst::Plugin::Session::Store::Cache
-=item * DBIx::Class::Cursor::Cached
-So dump all those in your Makefile.PL and you're halfway there.
-First we edit your Catalyst app's base package. Open up your version of
-MyApp.pm and add:
- use Cache::Memcached::GetParserXS;
- use Cache::Memcached;
-This will tell Cache::Memcached to use the XS Parser.
-Now, in the section where you load your plugins, add the new ones in:
- use Catalyst qw/
- ConfigLoader
- Session
- Cache
- Session::Store::Cache
- /;
-Now, configure Catalyst::Plugin::Cache. Here's an example for
- #!/usr/bin/env perl
- use strict;
- use warnings;
- return {
- 'Plugin::Cache' => {
- backend => {
- namespace => 'myapp:',
- class => 'Cache::Memcached',
- servers => [ 'dev:11211' ]
- }
- }
- };
-Note, I didn't use a .pl config just for kicks. Notice how the
-'servers' param takes an ArrayRef value. I tried and failed in
-expressing that in our Apache Conf style config, before realizing that
-ConfigLoader is just as happy to grab your .pl config alongside your
-regular config and merge them for you. Sometimes a cop-out is better
-than a hack.
-Now we configure our model. In our apache style conf it would look like
- <Model::MyAppDB>
- schema_class MyApp::Schema
- <connect_info>
- (your connect_info)
- cursor_class DBIx::Class::Cursor::Cached
- traits Caching
- </connect_info>
- </Model::MyAppDB>
-Pat yourself on the back, you should be done (unless something went
-horribly wrong).
- my @sweet_loot = $ctx->model("MyAppDB::Loot")->search({ sweet => 1 },{ cache_for => 300 })->all;
-That $rs is now cached for 300 seconds. Look at
-for further explanation.
- my $cache = $ctx->cache;
- $cache->set('turtles',{ ilike => 'turtles' },600);
- my $do_i_like_turtles = $cache->get('turtles');
-That's cached for 600 seconds. See Catalyst::Plugin::Cache
-(http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?Catalyst%3A%3APlugin%3A%3ACache) for
-the docs.
-#Pod::HTML2Pod conversion notes:
-#From file memcached-dbix-class.html
-# 3884 bytes of input
-#Mon Nov 22 16:40:36 2010 skaufman
-# No a_name switch not specified, so will not try to render <a name='...'>
-# Will try to render <a href='...'>
Deleted: trunk/examples/CatalystAdvent/root/2010/pen/original_article_01_pending_pod_render_fixes_do_not_kill.pod
--- trunk/examples/CatalystAdvent/root/2010/pen/original_article_01_pending_pod_render_fixes_do_not_kill.pod 2010-12-08 21:22:20 UTC (rev 13820)
+++ trunk/examples/CatalystAdvent/root/2010/pen/original_article_01_pending_pod_render_fixes_do_not_kill.pod 2010-12-08 21:26:03 UTC (rev 13821)
@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
-=head1 2010 Reflections - The Chainsaw Song
-Uh-oh, December 1st - time does indeed fly, and it's time to recap what
-has happened in our-favorite-language-land. It is my honor to start off
-this year's advent calendar with a walk through the changelog of one
-of the most popular C<M>'s of your C<MVC> - L<DBIx::Class>.
-=head2 The Past
-So what exciting has happened with your (hopefully) favorite SQL de-hater?
-The answer is - a lot!
-First the obligatory numbers: this year up until the latest official release
-L<0.08124|http://search.cpan.org/~frew/DBIx-Class-0.08124/> DBIC saw
-code and documentation contributions from 42 (no joke!) people in over 1,000
-commits, touching over 400 files with a total of over 14,000 non-whitespace
-lines of changes! But what do these scary numbers give us?
-The killer feature remains L<resultset chaining|DBIx::Class::ResultSet/Chaining_resultsets>,
-but what a facelift it got this year:
-L<relationship traversals|DBIx::Class::ResultSet/search_related>,
-L<set operations|DBIx::Class::Helper::ResultSet::SetOperations/DESCRIPTION>,
-L<column sices|DBIx::Class::ResultSet/get_column>
-(and by the end of this week
-L<custom joins|http://git.shadowcat.co.uk/gitweb/gitweb.cgi?p=dbsrgits/DBIx-Class.git;a=blob;f=lib/DBIx/Class/Relationship/Base.pm;h=8012dd8fcd9ab5f36f26d555f5303f0c826de328;hb=refs/heads/extended_rels#l128>
-) - all work together in perfect harmony, producing mind-numbing but fully
-functional SQL. Just slap your methods together and DBIC will almost always
-do the right thing (these days it even manages to surprise its authors).
-Did I mention the mind-numbing SQL? Do you also avoid looking at SQL directly
-with the remaining eye? Well no more! Thanks to
-L<frew|http://blog.afoolishmanifesto.com/>, L<SQL::Abstract> and by proxy
-DBIC now come with an awesome
-L<SQL formatter|http://cpansearch.perl.org/src/RIBASUSHI/SQL-Abstract-1.71/script>.
-Just add C<DBIC_TRACE_PROFILE=console> to your environment and watch a rainbow
-of properly indented SQL dance on your otherwise dull console any time you
-request SQL traces with L<DBIC_TRACE|DBIx::Class::Storage/DBIC_TRACE> or with
-L<< storage->debug|DBIx::Class::Storage/debug >>. Catalyst/Plack users are not
-left out in the cold either, thanks to
-L<jnap|http://jjnapiorkowski.typepad.com/modern-perl/> and his
-L<Plack::Middleware::Debug::DBIC::QueryLog>, which leverages the same
-awesome formatting capabilities.
-But we surely are taxing the RDBMS with these twisted queries, and the DBA
-knows where you live... Fear not! DBIC ships with a wicked join-pruning
-optimizer (akin to the one available in PostgreSQL since 9.0). Of course
-being internal to DBIC it works on any database, and is more efficient since
-it has more metadata about the result sources. Just stack these joins and
-nested searches with reckless abandon, and DBIC will do its best to remove
-unreferenced C<LEFT JOIN>'s before sending the coveted query to the RDBMS.
-So you have a DBA - you are most likely using some opinionated commercial
-RDBMS. Thanks to L<Caelum|http://search.cpan.org/~rkitover> DBIC now
-supports oddballs like
-L<Sybase ASE|DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Sybase::ASE> and
-L<Sybase SQL Anywhere|DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::SQLAnywhere>. Note that
-"supports" means real support - with proper limit dialects, datetime
-formatters, transaction handlers, savepoints, and other fixups and workarounds
-for minor but irritating RDBMS-specific quirks.
-Outside of the main workflow there are more news:
-Thanks to L<frew|http://blog.afoolishmanifesto.com/> DBIC now has a neat stack
-of handy helpers, organized in the L<DBIx::Class::Helpers> distribution.
-Great for mixing and matching various small utilities to make data retrieval
-easier. He also managed to write L<DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler> - a
-replacement for the nice but architecturally limited
-L<DBIx::Class::Schema::Versioned>. While it may seem daunting at first, it is
-well worth a look, as it makes a lot of advanced stuff possible (and even
-easy), like for example in-line data migration during schema upgrades.
-Finally in order to attract more followers of the sugar-club, he spilled some
-L<DBIx::Class::Candy> to make the life of DBIC newcomers sweeter^Weasier.
-L<Caelum|http://search.cpan.org/~rkitover> adopted
-L<DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader> and taught it neat tricks on all databases he
-could get his hands on. The new generation loaders are more precise, support
-more database metadata, and quite importantly choose saner names for
-Result Classes and Relationships.
-L<goraxe|http://search.cpan.org/~goraxe/> contributed a brand-new fully
-moosified control module L<DBIx::Class::Admin>, making it dead simple to write
-CLI apps and other control interfaces against your DBIC schema.
-Last but not least the
-was migrated from SVN to GIT by the awesome L<Haarg|http://haarg.org/>. He not
-only properly transferred our non-trivial history, he
-L<his way|http://blogs.perl.org/users/graham_knop/2010/10/converting-complex-svn-repositories-to-git---part-2.html>
-L<through it|http://blogs.perl.org/users/graham_knop/2010/10/converting-complex-svn-repositories-to-git---part-3.html>
-, documenting the bits and pieces necessary to pull off such a complex
-migration. As a direct result of this contributing to DBIC got even easier
-than before - simply fork our
-L<GitHub Mirror|http://github.com/dbsrgits/DBIx-Class>, edit and send pull
-requests directly from your browser without ever needing a checkout!
-And many other small and big changes by dedicated individuals - my personal
-gratitude goes to you all for making DBIC the kick-ass project it is today!
-=head2 The Present
-But the year is not over yet! As I am writing this two major features are
-getting groomed for immediate CPAN release: the already mentioned
-L<custom relationships|http://git.shadowcat.co.uk/gitweb/gitweb.cgi?p=dbsrgits/DBIx-Class.git;a=blob;f=lib/DBIx/Class/Relationship/Base.pm;h=8012dd8fcd9ab5f36f26d555f5303f0c826de328;hb=refs/heads/extended_rels#l128>
-and C<INSERT ... RETURNING> support for Oracle. Another exciting feature
-may land into master before New Year, but it will deserve its own
-announcement if it materializes. Suffice to say lots of hopes are set for the
-L<post-LPW hackathon|http://lpw2010hackathon.eventbrite.com/> :)
-=head2 The Future
-Well of course the future depends on B<YOU>! The DBIx::Class team is as active
-as ever and is always looking for eager minds striving to make SQL-interaction
-even less hateful :) If you have tuits, ideas, comments or plain old questions
-stop by our hivemind
-and become a part of a stellar community of perl hackers (and hopefully a part
-of the next 1,000 commits :)
-On this note I pass the reins to the next advent author. Once again thank you
-all for the awesome ride so far, and for the great things that are yet to come.
--- ribasushi, DBIx::Class chainsaw delegate in residence
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Peter Rabbitson <ribasushi at cpan.org>
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