[Catalyst-commits] r13888 - in
trunk/examples/CatalystAdvent/root/2010: . pen
lukast at dev.catalyst.perl.org
lukast at dev.catalyst.perl.org
Thu Dec 23 14:59:06 GMT 2010
Author: lukast
Date: 2010-12-23 14:59:06 +0000 (Thu, 23 Dec 2010)
New Revision: 13888
published multiaction_revisited, minor bugfix in multiaction
Modified: trunk/examples/CatalystAdvent/root/2010/22.pod
--- trunk/examples/CatalystAdvent/root/2010/22.pod 2010-12-23 14:57:34 UTC (rev 13887)
+++ trunk/examples/CatalystAdvent/root/2010/22.pod 2010-12-23 14:59:06 UTC (rev 13888)
@@ -348,7 +348,7 @@
=item * add a checkbox for each displayed database-entry. Add, just before the </tr> tag inside the FOEARCH-loop:
- <td> <input type="checkbox" name="captures" value="[% book.id %]"/> </td>
+ <td> <input type="checkbox" name="selected" value="[% book.id %]"/> </td>
<input type="hidden" name="captures_[% book.id %]" value="[% book.id %]"/>
<input type="hidden" name="arguments_[% book.id %]" value="[% book.id %]"/>
@@ -377,7 +377,7 @@
[% # Add a link to delete a book %]
<a href="[% c.uri_for(c.controller.action_for('delete'), [book.id]) %]">Delete</a>
- <td> <input type="checkbox" name="captures" value="[% book.id %]"/> </td>
+ <td> <input type="checkbox" name="selected" value="[% book.id %]"/> </td>
<input type="hidden" name="captures_[% book.id %]" value="[% book.id %]"/>
<input type="hidden" name="arguments_[% book.id %]" value="[% book.id %]"/>
Copied: trunk/examples/CatalystAdvent/root/2010/23.pod (from rev 13887, trunk/examples/CatalystAdvent/root/2010/pen/multiaction_revisited.pod)
--- trunk/examples/CatalystAdvent/root/2010/23.pod (rev 0)
+++ trunk/examples/CatalystAdvent/root/2010/23.pod 2010-12-23 14:59:06 UTC (rev 13888)
@@ -0,0 +1,613 @@
+=head1 Moose::Role, Moose::Util and DBIx::Class based Models (multiaction revisited)
+=head2 Overview
+L<Yesterdays article|http://www.catalystframework.org/calendar/2010/22> gave
+a short introduction on how to create reusable actions with the help of
+Todays article will deepen this topic and demonstrate how to create reusable
+DBIx::Class based schemas.
+To illustrate the topic, the application created in yesterdays article
+will be extended. An example xml-export action will be added, where the actual
+xml creation is performed by the controller, whereas all data preparation is
+delegated to the model.
+All new functionality will be implemented in roles. Unlike yesterdays article,
+the methods will directly be implemented in roles and not be moved to roles
+after successfull implementation.
+=head2 Dependencies
+=item * L<XML::Simple>
+=item * L<MooseX::NonMoose>
+=item * L<Moose::Util>
+=head2 Preparation
+=item * read L<yesterdays article|http://www.catalystframework.org/calendar/2010/22>
+=item * A working copy of the example code can be found
+=item * Unpack it by running
+ lukast at Mynx:~/src$ tar -xf CatalystAdvent_2010_22.tar.bz2
+=item * Install the dependecies:
+ lukast at Mynx:~/src$ cpan XML::Simple MooseX::NonMoose Moose::Util
+=item * as in yesterdays example, the following credentials can be used to log in to the application:
+=item * username: test01
+=item * password: mypass
+=head2 Tasks
+The presence of a list action is assumed, as in the previous article.
+=head3 the View
+The books listing should provide:
+=item * checkboxes to select books from the list
+=item * a 'export selected' button
+=head3 the Controller
+The Books Controller has to
+=item * retrieve the data from the model
+=item * transform the data to xml
+=item * create a file and offer it to the user
+=head3 the Model
+The models tasks is to
+=item * retrieve the selected data from the database
+=item * pass the data to the controller in an adequate form
+=head2 Implementation
+=head3 Updating the View
+We will reuse our multiaction templates and just add a "export selected" button. Open "root/src/book/list.tt2" and add
+ <input type="submit" name="multi_export", value="export selected"/>
+anywhere inside the multiaction form, but ouside the FOREACH loop.
+(For example next to the delete-button, in the same table header field)
+We will have to adapt our multiactions behaviour to make this work.
+=head3 Implementing the Controller Role
+=item * required methods: list
+=item * attributes
+=item * rootname => (isa => 'Str', is => 'rw', required => 0)
+If available, this attribute will override the XML root element name provided
+by the resultset.
+=item * filename => (isa => 'Str', is => 'rw', required => 0)
+This attribute defines the name of the file that should be offered to the user.
+If this attribute is not set, the filename defaults to "out.xml".
+=item * methods
+=item * createxml :Private
+This method uses XML::Simple to transform the data provided by the resultset to
+=item * parameters
+=item * $rootname
+The XML root element name.
+=item * $data
+A HashRef or ArrayRef containting the data. In this example, the data is
+passed to XML::Simple without further modification, so we have to make sure that
+the parameter passed to "createxml" has an appopriate form.
+=item * returns the xml-presentation of the provided data
+=item * export :Action
+This method is the actual action, which can be called by the user.
+For greater reusability, this method focuses on its original task, which is
+XML-creation. It does not parse any request params and does not perform
+any database lookups. The controller has to provide the resultset in the stash,
+for example by chaining this method.
+=item * parameters: none
+=item * returns :nothing
+=item * conventions: The selected data can be found in the stash, the key name should be "export_rs".
+Create the file "MyApp/ControllerRole/XmlExport.pm" and add the following content:
+ package MyApp::ControllerRole::XmlExport;
+ use XML::Simple qw/XMLout/;
+ use MooseX::MethodAttributes::Role;
+ use namespace::autoclean;
+ use Moose::Util qw/apply_all_roles does_role ensure_all_roles/;
+ requires qw/list/;
+ # attributes
+ has rootname => (isa => 'Str', is => 'rw', required => 0);
+ has filename => (isa => 'Str', is => 'rw', required => 0);
+ sub export: Action{
+ my ($self, $c) =@_;
+ #set the filename
+ my $filename = $self->filename || "out.xml";
+ #retrieve the resultset
+ my $rs = $c->stash->{export_rs};
+ if( $rs ){
+ # apply the SchemaRole to the ResultSet if necessary
+ ensure_all_roles($rs, qw/MyApp::SchemaRole::ResultSet::XmlExport/);
+ # retrieve xml-data from model
+ my $data = $rs->xml_data;
+ # transform data to xml
+ my $xml = $c->forward($self->action_for("createxml"),[$rs->xml_collection_name, $data]);
+ # offer the file to the user, if xml-creation was successfull
+ if($xml){
+ $c->res->content_type('text/plain');
+ $c->res->header('Content-Disposition', qq[attachment; filename="$filename"]);
+ $c->res->body($xml);
+ return;
+ }else{
+ $c->flash(error_msg => "creating xml failed");
+ }
+ }else{
+ $c->flash(error_msg => "XmlExport: unable to find resultset");
+ }
+ #forward to list
+ $c->response->redirect($c->uri_for($self->action_for("list")));
+ }
+ sub createxml :Private{
+ my ($self, $c, $rootname, $data) = @_;
+ # set rootname
+ $rootname = $self->rootname if($self->rootname);
+ #create and return xml
+ return XMLout($data, RootName => $rootname);
+ }
+ 1;
+The line
+ ensure_all_roles($rs, qw/MyApp::SchemaRole::ResultSet::XmlExport/);
+applies the Role "MyApp::SchemaRole::ResultSet::XmlExport" to the resultset, if
+the resultset does not yet consume the role.
+By using this feature of Moose::Util,
+it is possible to add functionality to the resultset without the need to create
+or adapt a resultset. See "Updating the Schema" below for more information.
+=head3 Updating the Controller
+Edit "lib/MyApp/Controller/Books.pm:
+=item * Make the Controller consume the ControllerRole
+by adding 'MyApp::ControllerRole::XMLExport' to your "with" section at the top
+of the file. Afer that, your Books.pm's head should look similar to this:
+ package MyApp::Controller::Books;
+ use Moose;
+ use namespace::autoclean;
+ BEGIN {extends 'Catalyst::Controller'; }
+ with qw/MyApp::MultiAction MyApp::ControllerRole::XmlExport/;
+=item * provide an action that retrieves the selected entries and stores the resultset to the stash.
+Add the following code:
+ sub objectgroup :Chained("base") :PathPart("multi") :CaptureArgs(0) {
+ my ($self, $c) = @_;
+ my $selected = [$c->req->param("selected")];
+ my $rs = $c->model("DB::Book")->search_rs(id => [$selected]);
+ $c->stash(export_rs => $rs);
+ }
+=item * activate the export action:
+by adding
+ export => {Chained => 'objectgroup', PathPart => 'export', Args => 0},
+to your __PACKAGE__->config(...) section at the bottom of the file.
+=item * adapt the multiaction
+Since we are using our multiactions form to select database entries,
+"multiaction" will be called when the "export selected" button is pressed.
+Because "export" is not a multiaction, but an action that operates on a
+we have to tell "multiaction" that it should forward to "export" directly, instead of calling the method for every selected id.
+This can be achieved by adding the following code:
+ around multiaction => sub{
+ my ($orig, $self, @args) = @_;
+ my $c = $args[0];
+ if($c->forward($self->action_for("get_multiaction")) eq "export"){
+ $c->go($self->action_for("export"));
+ }
+ else{
+ $self->$orig(@args);
+ }
+ } ;
+Note: Our controller already consumes the role "MyApp::MultiAction",
+so we can use
+the roles helper "get_multiaction" to find out the current multiactions name.
+=head3 Implementing the Schema Roles
+=head4 The ResultSet Role
+=item * required methods: all (provided by DBIx::Class::ResultSet)
+=item * attributes: none
+=item * methods:
+=item * xml_data
+This method uses the SchemaRoles "xml_data" method to create xml-data
+for the current resultset. Moose::Util is used to apply the roles to the
+relevant results, just as in the controller.
+=item * parameters: none
+=item * returns: A ArrayRef OR HashRef
+=item * xml_collectionname
+This method can be called by the controller to figure out the correct
+xml root element name, if it is not provided by the controller itself.
+=item * parameters: none
+=item * returns: a String
+Create the file "lib/MyApp/SchemaRole/ResultSet/XmlExport.pm" with the following
+ package MyApp::SchemaRole::ResultSet::XmlExport;
+ use namespace::autoclean;
+ use Moose::Util qw/ensure_all_roles/;
+ use Moose::Role;
+ requires qw/all/;
+ sub xml_data {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ my $result = {};
+ ensure_all_roles($self->first, "MyApp::SchemaRole::Result::XmlExport") if $self->first;
+ foreach ($self->all){
+ ensure_all_roles($_, "MyApp::SchemaRole::Result::XmlExport") ;
+ push @{$result->{$_->xml_element_name}}, {$_->xml_data};
+ }
+ return $result;
+ }
+ sub xml_collection_name {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ return "dataset";
+ }
+ 1;
+=head4 The Result Role
+=item * required methods: get_columns (provided by DBIx::Class::Core)
+=item * attributes: none
+=item * methods:
+=item * xml_data
+This method returns the results column data in a form that can easily be parsed
+by XML::Simple
+=item * parameters: none
+=item * returns: a ArrayRef OR HashRef
+=item * xml_collectionname
+This method can be called by the controller to figure out the correct
+xml root element name, if it is not provided by the controller itself.
+=item * parameters: none
+=item * returns: a String
+Create the file "lib/MyApp/SchemaRole/Result/XmlExport.pm" with the following
+ package MyApp::SchemaRole::Result::XmlExport;
+ use namespace::autoclean;
+ use Moose::Role;
+ requires qw/get_columns/;
+ sub xml_data {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ my %cols = $self->get_columns;
+ my @data;
+ foreach (keys %cols ){
+ push @data , $_ => [ $cols{$_}];
+ }
+ return @data;
+ }
+ sub xml_element_name {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ return "element";
+ }
+ 1;
+=head3 Updating the Schema
+As already stated before, Moose::Util makes it possible to apply roles to
+classes or objects on demand. This makes it possible to consume our SchemaRoles
+without the need to change the model.
+If it is necessary to change the roles behaviour, it is possible to use
+Mooses methodmodifiers as described in yesterdays article.
+Keep in mind that DBIx::Class based schema files are no Moose classes.
+It is recommended to use MooseX::NonMoose to add Moose functionality to these
+non-Moose classes.
+=head2 Testing the application
+=item * start the application:
+ lukast at Mynx:~/src/MyApp_Chapter5/MyApp$ script/myapp_server.pl
+=item * point your browser to "localhost:3000/books/list"
+(use username: test01 and password: mypass to log in)
+You should be able to select several books and export them by clicking the
+"export selected" button. The resulting xml-file should be called "out.xml" and
+look similar to this:
+ <dataset>
+ <element>
+ <id>4</id>
+ <created>2010-02-17 16:10:48</created>
+ <rating>5</rating>
+ <title>Perl Cookbook</title>
+ <updated>2010-02-17 16:10:48</updated>
+ </element>
+ <element>
+ <id>9</id>
+ <created>2010-02-17 16:10:48</created>
+ <rating>5</rating>
+ <title>TCP/IP Illustrated, Vol 3</title>
+ <updated>2010-02-17 16:10:48</updated>
+ </element>
+ </dataset>
+=head2 Configuration / Modification
+=head3 Basic configuration
+Since we made sure that our controller has the attributes "filename" and
+"rootname", and a controllers attribute can be set in the applications
+configuration, it is possible to do some basic configuration on a per controller basis, within the applications configuration.
+In this example, it is a good idea to call the resulting xml-file "books.xml"
+and the root-element "book listing". Do do so, add the following code to
+"myapp.conf", just after the "name MyApp" line:
+ <Controller::Books>
+ filename books.xml
+ rootname "book listing"
+ </Controller::Books>
+=head3 Result modification
+To add additional data to our xml export, it is possible to modify the method
+"xml_data" in "lib/MyApp/Schema/Result/Book.pm"
+The following example will add some information about a books authors to
+the exported data.
+=item * To use the around-pragme provided by Moose, it is necessary to consume
+the role in the schema-file itself. Relying on "Moose::Util" will result in a
+compile-time error, because the role is added at runtime. A statement like
+"around xml_data => sub{...}" will fail, because the modified method (xml_data)
+is not present at compile time.
+Edit the head of lib/MyApp/Schema/Result/Book.pm and replace the line
+"use base DBIx::Class::Core" with
+ use Moose;
+ use MooseX::NonMoose;
+ use namespace::autoclean;
+ extends 'DBIx::Class::Core';
+ with 'MyApp::SchemaRole::Result::XmlExport';
+=item * modify the method my adding the following code anywhere before "1;", at
+the bottom of the file:
+ around xml_data => sub {
+ my ($orig, $self) = @_;
+ my @data = $self->$orig();
+ my @authors;
+ foreach my $author ($self->authors->all){
+ push @authors, {firstname => [$author->first_name],
+ lastname => [$author->last_name]
+ };
+ }
+ push @data, Author => \@authors;
+ return @data;
+ };
+Both SchemaRoles fetch their xml-tag-names with helper methods. This makes it
+possible to create dynamic xml-tags my overriding "xml_element_name" or "xml_collection_name".
+To achieve a more reusable result modification, it can be usefull to implement
+the xml-export feature for Authors, and use the authors "get_xml" method within
+the modified "xml_data" method in other classes.
+=head2 Conclusion
+Delegating tasks to the applications model is always a good idea. Moose::Role
+offers one possibility to do this in a reusable way.
+But: Moving code to the model has one disadvantage, especially if you try
+to make your actions reusabel: Anybody who wants to use your reusabel actions
+is FORCED to use your models aswell. This drawback can be bypassed with the
+help of Moose::Util, which lets you "plug" a roles methods and attributes to
+the applications model at runtime, if necessary.
+=head2 Notes
+This articles goal is to give an introduction to Moose Roles and
+DBIx::Class based Catalyst Models, and not to create a perfect xml-exporter.
+There are, most likely, better (and more MVC-conform) ways to dump your data
+to XML. The present code was choosen, because it is simple enough to be
+an example, and complex enough illustrate how to use Moose Roles in Result-
+(and ResultSet) Classes.
+=head2 Author
+Lukas Thiemeier <lukas at thiemeier.net>
Deleted: trunk/examples/CatalystAdvent/root/2010/pen/multiaction_revisited.pod
--- trunk/examples/CatalystAdvent/root/2010/pen/multiaction_revisited.pod 2010-12-23 14:57:34 UTC (rev 13887)
+++ trunk/examples/CatalystAdvent/root/2010/pen/multiaction_revisited.pod 2010-12-23 14:59:06 UTC (rev 13888)
@@ -1,613 +0,0 @@
-=head1 Moose::Role, Moose::Util and DBIx::Class based Models (multiaction revisited)
-=head2 Overview
-L<Yesterdays article|http://www.catalystframework.org/calendar/2010/22> gave
-a short introduction on how to create reusable actions with the help of
-Todays article will deepen this topic and demonstrate how to create reusable
-DBIx::Class based schemas.
-To illustrate the topic, the application created in yesterdays article
-will be extended. An example xml-export action will be added, where the actual
-xml creation is performed by the controller, whereas all data preparation is
-delegated to the model.
-All new functionality will be implemented in roles. Unlike yesterdays article,
-the methods will directly be implemented in roles and not be moved to roles
-after successfull implementation.
-=head2 Dependencies
-=item * L<XML::Simple>
-=item * L<MooseX::NonMoose>
-=item * L<Moose::Util>
-=head2 Preparation
-=item * read L<yesterdays article|http://www.catalystframework.org/calendar/2010/22>
-=item * A working copy of the example code can be found
-=item * Unpack it by running
- lukast at Mynx:~/src$ tar -xf CatalystAdvent_2010_22.tar.bz2
-=item * Install the dependecies:
- lukast at Mynx:~/src$ cpan XML::Simple MooseX::NonMoose Moose::Util
-=item * as in yesterdays example, the following credentials can be used to log in to the application:
-=item * username: test01
-=item * password: mypass
-=head2 Tasks
-The presence of a list action is assumed, as in the previous article.
-=head3 the View
-The books listing should provide:
-=item * checkboxes to select books from the list
-=item * a 'export selected' button
-=head3 the Controller
-The Books Controller has to
-=item * retrieve the data from the model
-=item * transform the data to xml
-=item * create a file and offer it to the user
-=head3 the Model
-The models tasks is to
-=item * retrieve the selected data from the database
-=item * pass the data to the controller in an adequate form
-=head2 Implementation
-=head3 Updating the View
-We will reuse our multiaction templates and just add a "export selected" button. Open "root/src/book/list.tt2" and add
- <input type="submit" name="multi_export", value="export selected"/>
-anywhere inside the multiaction form, but ouside the FOREACH loop.
-(For example next to the delete-button, in the same table header field)
-We will have to adapt our multiactions behaviour to make this work.
-=head3 Implementing the Controller Role
-=item * required methods: list
-=item * attributes
-=item * rootname => (isa => 'Str', is => 'rw', required => 0)
-If available, this attribute will override the XML root element name provided
-by the resultset.
-=item * filename => (isa => 'Str', is => 'rw', required => 0)
-This attribute defines the name of the file that should be offered to the user.
-If this attribute is not set, the filename defaults to "out.xml".
-=item * methods
-=item * createxml :Private
-This method uses XML::Simple to transform the data provided by the resultset to
-=item * parameters
-=item * $rootname
-The XML root element name.
-=item * $data
-A HashRef or ArrayRef containting the data. In this example, the data is
-passed to XML::Simple without further modification, so we have to make sure that
-the parameter passed to "createxml" has an appopriate form.
-=item * returns the xml-presentation of the provided data
-=item * export :Action
-This method is the actual action, which can be called by the user.
-For greater reusability, this method focuses on its original task, which is
-XML-creation. It does not parse any request params and does not perform
-any database lookups. The controller has to provide the resultset in the stash,
-for example by chaining this method.
-=item * parameters: none
-=item * returns :nothing
-=item * conventions: The selected data can be found in the stash, the key name should be "export_rs".
-Create the file "MyApp/ControllerRole/XmlExport.pm" and add the following content:
- package MyApp::ControllerRole::XmlExport;
- use XML::Simple qw/XMLout/;
- use MooseX::MethodAttributes::Role;
- use namespace::autoclean;
- use Moose::Util qw/apply_all_roles does_role ensure_all_roles/;
- requires qw/list/;
- # attributes
- has rootname => (isa => 'Str', is => 'rw', required => 0);
- has filename => (isa => 'Str', is => 'rw', required => 0);
- sub export: Action{
- my ($self, $c) =@_;
- #set the filename
- my $filename = $self->filename || "out.xml";
- #retrieve the resultset
- my $rs = $c->stash->{export_rs};
- if( $rs ){
- # apply the SchemaRole to the ResultSet if necessary
- ensure_all_roles($rs, qw/MyApp::SchemaRole::ResultSet::XmlExport/);
- # retrieve xml-data from model
- my $data = $rs->xml_data;
- # transform data to xml
- my $xml = $c->forward($self->action_for("createxml"),[$rs->xml_collection_name, $data]);
- # offer the file to the user, if xml-creation was successfull
- if($xml){
- $c->res->content_type('text/plain');
- $c->res->header('Content-Disposition', qq[attachment; filename="$filename"]);
- $c->res->body($xml);
- return;
- }else{
- $c->flash(error_msg => "creating xml failed");
- }
- }else{
- $c->flash(error_msg => "XmlExport: unable to find resultset");
- }
- #forward to list
- $c->response->redirect($c->uri_for($self->action_for("list")));
- }
- sub createxml :Private{
- my ($self, $c, $rootname, $data) = @_;
- # set rootname
- $rootname = $self->rootname if($self->rootname);
- #create and return xml
- return XMLout($data, RootName => $rootname);
- }
- 1;
-The line
- ensure_all_roles($rs, qw/MyApp::SchemaRole::ResultSet::XmlExport/);
-applies the Role "MyApp::SchemaRole::ResultSet::XmlExport" to the resultset, if
-the resultset does not yet consume the role.
-By using this feature of Moose::Util,
-it is possible to add functionality to the resultset without the need to create
-or adapt a resultset. See "Updating the Schema" below for more information.
-=head3 Updating the Controller
-Edit "lib/MyApp/Controller/Books.pm:
-=item * Make the Controller consume the ControllerRole
-by adding 'MyApp::ControllerRole::XMLExport' to your "with" section at the top
-of the file. Afer that, your Books.pm's head should look similar to this:
- package MyApp::Controller::Books;
- use Moose;
- use namespace::autoclean;
- BEGIN {extends 'Catalyst::Controller'; }
- with qw/MyApp::MultiAction MyApp::ControllerRole::XmlExport/;
-=item * provide an action that retrieves the selected entries and stores the resultset to the stash.
-Add the following code:
- sub objectgroup :Chained("base") :PathPart("multi") :CaptureArgs(0) {
- my ($self, $c) = @_;
- my $selected = [$c->req->param("selected")];
- my $rs = $c->model("DB::Book")->search_rs(id => [$selected]);
- $c->stash(export_rs => $rs);
- }
-=item * activate the export action:
-by adding
- export => {Chained => 'objectgroup', PathPart => 'export', Args => 0},
-to your __PACKAGE__->config(...) section at the bottom of the file.
-=item * adapt the multiaction
-Since we are using our multiactions form to select database entries,
-"multiaction" will be called when the "export selected" button is pressed.
-Because "export" is not a multiaction, but an action that operates on a
-we have to tell "multiaction" that it should forward to "export" directly, instead of calling the method for every selected id.
-This can be achieved by adding the following code:
- around multiaction => sub{
- my ($orig, $self, @args) = @_;
- my $c = $args[0];
- if($c->forward($self->action_for("get_multiaction")) eq "export"){
- $c->go($self->action_for("export"));
- }
- else{
- $self->$orig(@args);
- }
- } ;
-Note: Our controller already consumes the role "MyApp::MultiAction",
-so we can use
-the roles helper "get_multiaction" to find out the current multiactions name.
-=head3 Implementing the Schema Roles
-=head4 The ResultSet Role
-=item * required methods: all (provided by DBIx::Class::ResultSet)
-=item * attributes: none
-=item * methods:
-=item * xml_data
-This method uses the SchemaRoles "xml_data" method to create xml-data
-for the current resultset. Moose::Util is used to apply the roles to the
-relevant results, just as in the controller.
-=item * parameters: none
-=item * returns: A ArrayRef OR HashRef
-=item * xml_collectionname
-This method can be called by the controller to figure out the correct
-xml root element name, if it is not provided by the controller itself.
-=item * parameters: none
-=item * returns: a String
-Create the file "lib/MyApp/SchemaRole/ResultSet/XmlExport.pm" with the following
- package MyApp::SchemaRole::ResultSet::XmlExport;
- use namespace::autoclean;
- use Moose::Util qw/ensure_all_roles/;
- use Moose::Role;
- requires qw/all/;
- sub xml_data {
- my ($self) = @_;
- my $result = {};
- ensure_all_roles($self->first, "MyApp::SchemaRole::Result::XmlExport") if $self->first;
- foreach ($self->all){
- ensure_all_roles($_, "MyApp::SchemaRole::Result::XmlExport") ;
- push @{$result->{$_->xml_element_name}}, {$_->xml_data};
- }
- return $result;
- }
- sub xml_collection_name {
- my ($self) = @_;
- return "dataset";
- }
- 1;
-=head4 The Result Role
-=item * required methods: get_columns (provided by DBIx::Class::Core)
-=item * attributes: none
-=item * methods:
-=item * xml_data
-This method returns the results column data in a form that can easily be parsed
-by XML::Simple
-=item * parameters: none
-=item * returns: a ArrayRef OR HashRef
-=item * xml_collectionname
-This method can be called by the controller to figure out the correct
-xml root element name, if it is not provided by the controller itself.
-=item * parameters: none
-=item * returns: a String
-Create the file "lib/MyApp/SchemaRole/Result/XmlExport.pm" with the following
- package MyApp::SchemaRole::Result::XmlExport;
- use namespace::autoclean;
- use Moose::Role;
- requires qw/get_columns/;
- sub xml_data {
- my ($self) = @_;
- my %cols = $self->get_columns;
- my @data;
- foreach (keys %cols ){
- push @data , $_ => [ $cols{$_}];
- }
- return @data;
- }
- sub xml_element_name {
- my ($self) = @_;
- return "element";
- }
- 1;
-=head3 Updating the Schema
-As already stated before, Moose::Util makes it possible to apply roles to
-classes or objects on demand. This makes it possible to consume our SchemaRoles
-without the need to change the model.
-If it is necessary to change the roles behaviour, it is possible to use
-Mooses methodmodifiers as described in yesterdays article.
-Keep in mind that DBIx::Class based schema files are no Moose classes.
-It is recommended to use MooseX::NonMoose to add Moose functionality to these
-non-Moose classes.
-=head2 Testing the application
-=item * start the application:
- lukast at Mynx:~/src/MyApp_Chapter5/MyApp$ script/myapp_server.pl
-=item * point your browser to "localhost:3000/books/list"
-(use username: test01 and password: mypass to log in)
-You should be able to select several books and export them by clicking the
-"export selected" button. The resulting xml-file should be called "out.xml" and
-look similar to this:
- <dataset>
- <element>
- <id>4</id>
- <created>2010-02-17 16:10:48</created>
- <rating>5</rating>
- <title>Perl Cookbook</title>
- <updated>2010-02-17 16:10:48</updated>
- </element>
- <element>
- <id>9</id>
- <created>2010-02-17 16:10:48</created>
- <rating>5</rating>
- <title>TCP/IP Illustrated, Vol 3</title>
- <updated>2010-02-17 16:10:48</updated>
- </element>
- </dataset>
-=head2 Configuration / Modification
-=head3 Basic configuration
-Since we made sure that our controller has the attributes "filename" and
-"rootname", and a controllers attribute can be set in the applications
-configuration, it is possible to do some basic configuration on a per controller basis, within the applications configuration.
-In this example, it is a good idea to call the resulting xml-file "books.xml"
-and the root-element "book listing". Do do so, add the following code to
-"myapp.conf", just after the "name MyApp" line:
- <Controller::Books>
- filename books.xml
- rootname "book listing"
- </Controller::Books>
-=head3 Result modification
-To add additional data to our xml export, it is possible to modify the method
-"xml_data" in "lib/MyApp/Schema/Result/Book.pm"
-The following example will add some information about a books authors to
-the exported data.
-=item * To use the around-pragme provided by Moose, it is necessary to consume
-the role in the schema-file itself. Relying on "Moose::Util" will result in a
-compile-time error, because the role is added at runtime. A statement like
-"around xml_data => sub{...}" will fail, because the modified method (xml_data)
-is not present at compile time.
-Edit the head of lib/MyApp/Schema/Result/Book.pm and replace the line
-"use base DBIx::Class::Core" with
- use Moose;
- use MooseX::NonMoose;
- use namespace::autoclean;
- extends 'DBIx::Class::Core';
- with 'MyApp::SchemaRole::Result::XmlExport';
-=item * modify the method my adding the following code anywhere before "1;", at
-the bottom of the file:
- around xml_data => sub {
- my ($orig, $self) = @_;
- my @data = $self->$orig();
- my @authors;
- foreach my $author ($self->authors->all){
- push @authors, {firstname => [$author->first_name],
- lastname => [$author->last_name]
- };
- }
- push @data, Author => \@authors;
- return @data;
- };
-Both SchemaRoles fetch their xml-tag-names with helper methods. This makes it
-possible to create dynamic xml-tags my overriding "xml_element_name" or "xml_collection_name".
-To achieve a more reusable result modification, it can be usefull to implement
-the xml-export feature for Authors, and use the authors "get_xml" method within
-the modified "xml_data" method in other classes.
-=head2 Conclusion
-Delegating tasks to the applications model is always a good idea. Moose::Role
-offers one possibility to do this in a reusable way.
-But: Moving code to the model has one disadvantage, especially if you try
-to make your actions reusabel: Anybody who wants to use your reusabel actions
-is FORCED to use your models aswell. This drawback can be bypassed with the
-help of Moose::Util, which lets you "plug" a roles methods and attributes to
-the applications model at runtime, if necessary.
-=head2 Notes
-This articles goal is to give an introduction to Moose Roles and
-DBIx::Class based Catalyst Models, and not to create a perfect xml-exporter.
-There are, most likely, better (and more MVC-conform) ways to dump your data
-to XML. The present code was choosen, because it is simple enough to be
-an example, and complex enough illustrate how to use Moose Roles in Result-
-(and ResultSet) Classes.
-=head2 Author
-Lukas Thiemeier <lukas at thiemeier.net>
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