[Catalyst-dev] Deployment tutorial from newbie for newbies
Dan Dascalescu
ddascalescu+catalyst at gmail.com
Fri Dec 15 02:53:25 GMT 2006
> > You also need to regenerate the helper scripts. You can do this by launching
> >
> > catalyst.pl myapp2
> >
> > and replacing myapp2 with myapp in all .pl files that get generated.
> Wouldn't
> catalyst.pl -scripts myapp
> do exactly the same?
Yes, if you run catalyst.p from myapp/..
There was a typo in my tutorial: the port number 5678 must be replaced
with 55900.
Also, folks will probably not want to run myapp at the root, so the
Alias line should be changed to:
Alias /myapp/ /home/user/public_html/myapp/script/myapp_fastcgi.pl/
I'd also like to add:
To launch your myapp_fastcgi.pl as a persistent process, use `nohup`:
nohup script/myapp_fastcgi.pl -e -l -p
/tmp/myapp.pid 2> stderr.log &
To kill your app, run
kill `cat /tmp/myapp.pid`
That said, you can go ahead and make start, stop and restart scripts for
your application. Enjoy!
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