[Catalyst-dev] Catalyst::Plugin::Server::XMLRPC
Alex Pavlovic
alex at taskforce-1.com
Fri Jul 14 20:14:22 CEST 2006
First of all great work on the new server framework. I hope other servers
spring into existence soon. I actually had a small suggestion for a Catalyst
XMLRPC Server Plugin. I noticed that it splits the xmlrpc method names to
find the full path to the controller.
Let's assume my entry point was http://somehost.com/xmlrpc and I had
method 'session.auth'. Now let's further assume I had multiple controllers
under my catalyst app such as:
The call to 'session.auth' for example through xmlrpc entry point would have
to be done via http://somehost.com/xmlrpc using method 'xmlrpc.session.auth',
unless I go with XMLRPCRegex.
But you can see that 'xmlrpc.' in 'xmlrpc.session.auth' is clearly reduandant
and not really needed. I however still wish to preserve a nice layout I have
under controller space.
The suggestion, which I think is more inline with catalyst and maps better is
to first split the xmlrpc method name as it is done right now, but tack this
onto the entry point.
So for example if entry point was http://somehost.com/xmlrpc and
method 'session.auth' the catalyst would form a path for dispatch such as
http://somehost.com/xmlrpc/session/auth. XMLRPCRegex could still be used if
user wishes to have entry point elsewhere and map onto controllers that do
not follow logical paths.
Please let me know what you think. I would be glad to hear more. Again thank
you for your time and keep up the good work.
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