[Catalyst-dev] Documentation

Matt S Trout dbix-class at trout.me.uk
Sat May 13 17:35:51 CEST 2006

Jesse Sheidlower wrote:
>>> I'm heading out now but I'll send some comments to the list (I
>>> know this is going to the list to) about what I'd like to see
>>> happen to the docs in the near future, and what work we're
>>> doing right now esp. on the Tutorial. However, I don't think
>>> that we need a separate branch for the docs; they can stay in
>>> trunk, and us plain-English types will just stay on top of
>>> whatever you guys do to make sure it's right :-)
>> I disagree. The reworking stuff should go in a branch that gets merged 
>> back to trunk regularly, so its easy to see specifically the doc-work 
>> changes by filtering commits etc.
>> We don't *need* one but there are potential advantages and exactly zero 
>> disadvantages I can think of, so unless somebody *can* think of one I 
>> say we do it.
> OK, I guess I don't have any substantial objection, so if you'd
> like to set this up, I'll agree to use it :-)

branches/Catalyst-docs setup

@catalyst-devel and @catalyst-docs have commit to it. If you need 
anybody adding to the latter, shout.

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