[Catalyst-dev] Catalyst Marketing Plan Draft

Andy Wardley abw at wardley.org
Thu Oct 19 09:50:33 CEST 2006

Jonathan Rockway wrote:
 > I agree here.  Before we can let marketing have at this, though, we need
 > to get the code infrastructure in place.  I think TTSite is the right
 > direction, but there are some problems with it, and I think we need a
 > TTSite++ or something like that.

TTSite was a fairly quick hack to provide a basic example of some of the
things you can do with TT. I wanted to keep it fairly simple, for the first
version at least. I totally agree that it could do with an overhaul if it's
seeing regular use.

I've already got plans to put together a new collection of TT templates,
scripts, CSS files, graphics, etc., along the lines of TTSite. I've already
got most of the code and content from other projects. it's just a question of
figuring out what's needed and pulling it together.

Although I was planning for it to be more generic than just a Catalyst
component (i.e. so you can use it to generate static sites), it makes a lot of
sense to develop it with the specific aim of working with Catalyst.

So consider me volunteered  (although not for another month or so).


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