[Catalyst-dev] suggestion to augment the default view
Matt S Trout
dbix-class at trout.me.uk
Wed Sep 6 15:00:03 CEST 2006
John Napiorkowski wrote:
> Hi,
> Right now when you forward to a view without any
> parameters ($c->view) the default is to either use a
> config setting or to just forward to a single view if
> there is only one view in the list. That's how it's
> documented although I find the behavior is that if it
> finds several views it seems to return the first one
> returned based on some internal sorting order.
Current proposal is to add a check on $c->stash->{current_view} before it
looks for $c->config->{default_view}
If neither is present it should be an error, not "return first found"; this is
a bug that we'll be fixing soon.
> I propose we augment this behavior to add some rules
> to how it matches when there are more than one view
> component. This issue comes to me because I find that
> I tend to make a lot of custom views based on the
> controller action name. I do this because I prefer to
> move the creation of objects for rendering to the
> response body to the View directory so that I can keep
> my controllers clean and focused on dispatching tasks.
> The Template Toolkit view has a very sane approach to
> automatically look for a template based on the action
> name. I'm guessing this is a defacto standard for a
> lot of people. What I am thinking is that the
> $c->view should model it's default behavior in a
> similar way, that is if you $c->forward($c->view) it
> should forward to a view component that is patterned
> off the algorithm used by the TT view.
> For example:
> /C
> feeds->all :Local
> feeds->new :Local
> feeds->popular :Local
> /V
> /feeds
> all.pm
> new.pm
> popular.pm
> So if you called "/feeds/all" the default view would
> be /feeds/all.pm and so forth.
Interesting concept, but I wonder if it might not be better as part of
RenderView than as part of the core?
Matt S Trout Offering custom development, consultancy and support
Technical Director contracts for Catalyst, DBIx::Class and BAST. Contact
Shadowcat Systems Ltd. mst (at) shadowcatsystems.co.uk for more information
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