[Catalyst-dev] PATCH for Catalyst::Plugin::ConfigLoader
Jason Kohles
email at jasonkohles.com
Wed Aug 22 16:03:16 GMT 2007
On Aug 21, 2007, at 9:05 PM, Jonathan Rockway wrote:
> Sorry to hijack this thread... but it reminded me... something I've
> been
> wanting for a while is:
> $c->config->{substitutions} = {
> foo => sub { bar($_[0]) . baz($_[1]) }
> ...
> }
> Then in the config file:
> hello: __foo(Hello,World)__
> ...
> Basically, let me specify my own macros in addition to (or overriding)
> __HOME__ and __path_to()__. I'll write this, but if you want to do it
> instead, all the better :)
I actually did something similar to this a while back, I keep meaning
to clean it up and document and tests, but you know how it goes,
never enough TUITs :)
I took a slightly different approach though, abstracting out the
function that is applied to values, so you can subclass it...
sub finalize_config {
my $c = shift;
my $v = Data::Visitor::Callback->new(
plain_value => sub {
return unless defined $_;
$c->config_substitutions( $_ );
$v->visit( $c->config );
sub config_substitutions {
my $c = shift;
for ( @_ ) {
s{__HOME__}{ $c->path_to( '' ) }e;
s{__path_to\((.+)\)__}{ $c->path_to( split( '/', $1 ) ) }e;
This way you can add a config_substitutions method to your app class
for anything you want to add...
package MyApp;
sub config_substitutions {
my $c = shift;
$c->NEXT::config_substitutions( @_ );
for ( @_ ) {
Jason Kohles
email at jasonkohles.com
"A witty saying proves nothing." -- Voltaire
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