[Catalyst-dev] Advent Entries Day 1 & 2 Reminder

Kieren Diment diment at gmail.com
Sat Dec 1 21:49:03 GMT 2007


Apologies guys, I haven't been paying attention.

Some admin stuff:

entries now go in root/2007/pen/ where they're held until publication  
time.  Please pop stuff in there.

We try to publish things at 0:00 UTC on each day, although 05:00 is  
also acceptable.  I think last year one entry fell out this period -  
was published around 22:00.  We've already reached this quota this  
year with day 1 ;-)

If you've volunteered an article, please get onto #catalyst-dev on  
irc.perl.org if possible.  Sometimes we need to make last minute  
changes to running order (like day 1 day 2).

Entries are published by moving the relevant entry from the pen  
directory to the year directory and committing the changes.  The  
server has a cron job that updates every 5 minutes.  Amusingly the  
only reason that the whole 2007 tree wasn't published was due to a  
stalled svk lock on the server, but that seems to be fixed now.

OK, l8tr.

On 2 Dec 2007, at 06:19, J. Shirley wrote:

> Hey guys,
> Days 1 and 2 aren't committed into the repos yet, and it is  
> December 1st.
> Jon, please commit day 1 as soon as you can.   If necessary,  
> shuffle the
> completed articles around to get things going.  If peterdragon isn't
> committing something by end of day, can someone hop in and put  
> something in
> place for day 2?  Perhaps we can harass Matt into writing the  
> config article
> for day 4?
> kd - can you get 2007 "live" on the site as well?  I'm out of town,  
> but I'll
> be back Monday night.  My first article is day 3 and will have it  
> committed
> sometime this weekend.
> Thanks,
> -Jay
> -- 
> J. Shirley :: jshirley at gmail.com :: Killing two stones with one  
> bird...
> http://www.toeat.com
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