[Catalyst-dev] Advent 2007
J. Shirley
jshirley at gmail.com
Fri Nov 9 16:35:52 GMT 2007
On Nov 9, 2007 2:08 AM, Zbigniew Lukasiak <zzbbyy at gmail.com> wrote:
> I think I can write something on 'advanced search' - that is how to
> build a search query from form parameters. Including columns from
> related tables, tags, full text search and search by proximity. Full
> text and proximity based on PostgreSQL features, proximity only for
> planar spaces - I've found a patch for PostgreSQL implementing a
> spherical geometry, but it looked a bit scary - if someone has any
> experience with that please comment.
> The base of that would be a ResultSet base class with that simple sub
> (this is directly from our working environment):
> sub advanced_search {
> my ( $self, $params ) =3D @_;
> my $rs =3D $self; #->search( );
> if( $params->{tags} and my $subref =3D $self->can( 'search_for_' .
> 'tags' ) ){
> # tags need to be joined first
> # this is a hack around DBIC bug (fixed in the svn trunk)
> $rs =3D &$subref( $self, $rs, $params );
> }
> for my $column ( keys %$params ){
> next if $column eq 'tags';
> if( my $subref =3D $self->can( 'search_for_' . $column ) ){
> $rs =3D &$subref( $self, $rs, $params );
> next;
> }
> if ( $self->result_source->has_column( $column ) ){
> $rs =3D $rs->search( { $column =3D> $params->{$column} } );
> next;
> }
> if ( $column =3D~ /(.*)\.(.*)/ ){
> my $relation =3D $1;
> $rs =3D $rs->search(
> { $column =3D> $params->{$column} },
> { join =3D> [ $relation ] }
> );
> }
> }
> return $rs;
> }
> It assumes that $params contain validated and filtered parameters.
> I also attach the full class.
> What do you think? Would that be an interesting subject? Any
> suggestions for the code?
> --
> Zbigniew Lukasiak
> http://perlalchemy.blogspot.com/
That does sound like a very interesting subject, and if you can create a
little example app that folks can download and tinker with all the better.
I chuck my examples up at
http://dev.catalystframework.org/repos/Catalyst/trunk/examples/ - most of
the time it is ignored but it is very good to point people to.
Let me know if you want help setting up a sample app around it and I'll do
what I can.
Which day works best for you? I'll schedule you in.
-- =
J. Shirley :: jshirley at gmail.com :: Killing two stones with one bird...
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