[Catalyst-dev] Make Catalyst::Engine::HTTP run in background easily
[Patch + Test]
Emanuele Zeppieri
ema_zep at libero.it
Wed Sep 5 19:51:27 GMT 2007
This patch simply makes the Catalyst::Engine::HTTP->run() method return
the child pid instead of just exit()-ing, when invoked with
$options->{background} set.
This is IMO quite useful, since it permits to fire a non-blocking
external Cat HTTP server simply with something like:
my $pid =3D CatApp->run( $PORT, undef, {background =3D> 1} );
# Here go for example tests which connect to the external server...
# ... Then use $pid to kill the server.
which permits to write self-contained test scripts which use an external
Cat HTTP server (which is needed to correctly reproduce an HTTP
Please have a look at the attached test: it demonstrates exactly this
kind of use.
This for example permitted to uncover a bug in
Test::WWW::Mechanize::Catalyst which arose *only* when used with an
external server:
Emanuele Zeppieri.
-------------- next part --------------
--- HTTP.pm 2007-09-05 19:40:55.843134100 +0200
+++ HTTP.pm.new 2007-09-05 19:43:19.527134100 +0200
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@
if ($options->{background}) {
my $child =3D fork;
die "Can't fork: $!" unless defined($child);
- exit if $child;
+ return $child if $child;
my $restart =3D 0;
-------------- next part --------------
# Emanuele Zeppieri - Sep 2007
use strict;
use warnings;
use lib 'lib';
our $PORT;
$PORT =3D $ENV{CAT_TEST_PORT} || 7357;
$ENV{CATALYST_SERVER} =3D "http://localhost:$PORT"
package ExternalCatty;
use Catalyst qw/-Debug -Engine=3DHTTP/;
our $VERSION =3D '0.01';
__PACKAGE__->config( name =3D> 'ExternalCatty' );
sub default : Private {
my ($self, $c) =3D @_;
$c->response->content_type('text/html; charset=3Dutf-8');
$c->response->output( html('Root', 'Hello, test!') )
sub html {
my ($title, $body) =3D @_;
return qq[
# Back in main.
package main;
use Test::More tests =3D> 4;
"Starting an external Catalyst HTTP server on port $PORT\n",
"To change the port, please set the CAT_TEST_PORT env variable.\n",
"(The server will be automatically shut-down right after the tests)=
# Let's catch interrupts to force the END block execution.
$SIG{INT} =3D sub { warn "INT:$$"; exit };
# Fire an external Catalyst HTTP server without blocking!
my $pid =3D ExternalCatty->run( $PORT, undef, {background =3D> 1} );
# Test the Cat app through the external server.
use Test::WWW::Mechanize::Catalyst 'ExternalCatty';
my $m =3D Test::WWW::Mechanize::Catalyst->new;
$m->get_ok('/', 'Get a page from the external server');
is( $m->ct, 'text/html', 'Get the page Content-Type from the external serve=
$m->title_is('Root', 'Get page title from the external server');
'Hello, test!',
'get the page body from the external server'
END { kill(9, $pid) if defined $pid }
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