[Catalyst-dev] Latest catalyst 5.80 smokes..
Tomas Doran
bobtfish at bobtfish.net
Wed Dec 3 09:30:14 GMT 2008
With additions to MX::Emulate::CAF, the release of
Class::C3::Adopt::NEXT, and marcus' fixing of the bug affecting
ACCEPT_CONTEXT, it was time for some more smoke results.
As always, the smokes are here: http://catalyst-smokes.bobtfish.net/
(Yes, I'm also sick of the lack of details you get - re-writing this
shitty smoke harness is probably my over-Xmas job).
I've also uploaded the full result log to http://catalyst-
smokes.bobtfish.net/catsmoke-2008-12-02.log.gz if anyone is
interesting in scrobbling through it manually (which will start doing
as soon as we have killed all the big/obvious known bugs)
Summary of the important fixes in the last 2 weeks:
. New MX::Emulate::CAF fixes a lot of back-compat issues
. Class::C3::Adopt::NEXT added, fixes most NEXT back compat issues
. Fix and tests for ACCEPT_CONTEXT being called as a class method
Quick summary of current issues, full list in the 'TODO' document in
the distro:
. Can't locate object method "mk_accessors" via package
"Catalyst::Request::REST" - tests in core and MX::Emulate::CAF (t0m)
. Catalyst::Plugin::Cache::Curried and Catalyst::Controller::WrapCGI
- both import 'meta' into controller package - the plan is to never
call $self->meta in catalyst, instead using the CMOP utility function.
. Work out why HTML::FormFU is failing its tests and add tests to
core (zamloxes?)
. Common engine test failures (as per first email in original smokes
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