[Catalyst-dev] Moose + Catalyst port

Jonathan Rockway jon at jrock.us
Sat Mar 15 20:40:53 GMT 2008

* On Fri, Mar 14 2008, Dave Rolsky wrote:
> One thing you'll need to do is look for uses of this sort of stuff in
> plugins, which is what COMPONENT is used for, AFAICT. Same goes for

COMPONENT is for instantiating a Component at Catalyst startup time.
ACCEPT_CONTEXT is for instantiating a Component at request time.  This
model doesn't need to change.

> I think the biggest thing to think about is plugins, since that's a
> major piece of how Catalyst works. It'd be nice if plugins could be
> defined in a way that didn't involve jamming a bazillion roles into
> the Catalyst namespace ;)

Most of the things that are plugins shouldn't be.  Sessions and
Authentication will both be models.  That leaves plugins for things

  package MyApp;
  use Catalyst qw(DebugRequest);  # this is now one of those clever 
                                  # Moose->import_to things

  package Catalyst::Plugin::DebugRequest;

  before 'prepare_action' => sub {
     my ($c) = @_;
     $c->log->debug( 'About to handle '. $c->req->uri );

This doesn't really clutter the namespace because it's just modifying
things.  I suppose plugins can add methods, but let's not document that
and see what happens.

It should be possible to apply Plugins to the other classes:

  * config (let's make this a class; a plugin can then load config
    files, etc.)

  * request

  * response

  * logger (maybe standardize on MX::LogDispatch)

  * application (that's the above thing)
  * context

  * stash (?) # the idea here is to impose some structure on $c->stash
              # on a per-request basis

This is easy enough to implement:

  package Catalyst;
  has logger => (
    is      => 'ro',
    isa     => 'Catalyst::Log',
    default => sub {
            superclasses => ['Catalyst::Log'],
            roles        => [$self->_logger_roles],            

As for sessions, let's use Data::Session for Catalyst::Model::Session.
Code is currently at http://git.jrock.us/?p=Data-Session.git;a=summary

Jonathan Rockway

print just => another => perl => hacker => if $,=$"

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