[Catalyst-dev] Re: [Catalyst] Race condition in
Catalyst::Plugin::Session and Catalyst::Engine::Apache
(possibly other engines too)
Sergio Salvi
sergio.lists at salvi.ca
Thu Oct 30 20:38:24 GMT 2008
On Fri, Oct 17, 2008 at 5:04 PM, Sergio Salvi <sergio.lists at salvi.ca> wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 16, 2008 at 10:04 PM, Andy Grundman <andy at hybridized.org> wro=
>> Sergio Salvi wrote:
>>> Continuing this thread from the catalyst list - original message at
>>> http://www.mail-archive.com/catalyst@lists.scsys.co.uk/msg04185.html
>>> On Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 12:05 PM, Matt S Trout <dbix-class at trout.me.uk>
>>> wrote:
>>>> On Wed, Sep 10, 2008 at 06:59:21PM -0400, Sergio Salvi wrote:
>>>>> There is a race condition in C::P::Session when using
>>>>> C::Engine::Apache (and probably other engines too):
>>>>> I have a simple controller action (let's call it /save) that gets data
>>>>> submitted from an HTML form via POST, process that request, stores
>>>>> some stuff in the session and flash and then redirects with HTTP 303
>>>>> to another action (/display).
>>>>> The /display action then displays the regular "submit successful"
>>>>> message that was set on the previous action by using $c->flash. The
>>>>> problem is that the browser is GETting /display before /save is
>>>>> finished storing the session and flash rows in the database. Then, of
>>>>> course, /display thinks nothing has happened and doesn't display the
>>>>> data from flash.
>>>>> After a bunch of debugging and stack traces :), I figured out the
>>>>> problem is that C::P::Session's finalize() calls $c->NEXT::finalize()
>>>>> before calling $c->finalize_session, so
>>>>> C::Engine::Apache->finalize_body() gets executed *before* the session
>>>>> is flushed in the database, making the browser access /display even
>>>>> though the session may not be stored yet:
>>>> This was changed by Bill Moseley in order to fix a bunch of other bugs.
>>>> Have a look at the ChangeLog - maybe we could provide an option to
>>>> reverse
>>>> the order or find another approach?
>>> I've checked the ChangeLog and I don't think providing an option to
>>> reverse the order is a safe thing to do. It would break other stuff
>>> and that's why that change was made in the first place.
>>> I couldn't figure out a way to make the Engine finalize() method be
>>> called last, so maybe we should have a specific finalize() method for
>>> Catalyst Engines? Then in Catalyst::handle_request() we do this:
>>> $c->dispatch;
>>> $c->finalize;
>>> $status =3D $c->finalize_engine;
>>> instead of
>>> $c->dispatch;
>>> $status =3D $c->finalize;
>>> ?
>>> This would also require changing finalize_body, finalize_uploads,
>>> finalize_headers and finalize_cookies so they don't call
>>> $c->engine->finalize_xxx, as the $c->engine->finalize_xxx methods
>>> would be called by $c->finalize_engine.
>>> The finalize_engine method would end up looking almost the same as the
>>> current finalize(), but all method calls would be
>>> $c->engine->finalize_xxx.
>>> How stupid is my idea? Thoughts?
>>> Regards,
>>> Sergio Salvi
>> I see what you mean. I think the best solution would be for C::P::Sessi=
>> to find another place to save its data, so it can make sure to do it bef=
>> headers and body are sent out. Maybe it should extend finalize_body ins=
>> of finalize? If there is absolutely no way to do that, maybe changing t=
>> engine flow like you propose is something we can think about.
> Yay! Moving finalize_session to finalize_body solved it! Well, I
> haven't run the whole test suite yet, but all my (manual) tests
> passed. Patch attached.
> I have tried moving it to finalize_headers and it worked fine too, but
> in order to mimic the original behaviour ("finalize session at the
> *very* end"), having it at finalize_body is the closest we can get.
Ok, so I've fixed t/03_flash.t make it pass (just renaming c->finalize
to c->finalize_body).
Test 06_finalize.t should to be deleted as it doesn't make sense anymore.
Can you please bless this patch and release a new version to CPAN?
Sergio Salvi
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